#diabetes monitoring devices
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Accu-Chek Softclix Lancing Device 
Accu-Chek Lancing Device provides precise lancing with less risk of skin damage. It allows the pain-free collection of capillary blood from the fingertip. that provides no vibration, neither inside the finger nor outside, and can be gently stopped and retracted immediately.
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harmeet-saggi · 8 months
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cmibloggers · 1 year
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According to Coherent Market Insights, The China Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices Market is estimated to be valued at US$  176.4 million in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 22.8 % during the forecast period (2023-2030). Read More: https://cmibloggers.blogspot.com/2023/06/transforming-diabetes-management-role.html
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psykologist · 1 year
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Shocking Revelation: 1 in 5 "Healthy" Adults May Have Prediabetes Metabolism!
Innovative Analysis: Researchers Develop Game-Changing Tool to Detect Precursor to Prediabetes.
Exercise and Healthy Eating: Key to Preventing Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.
Early Detection Saves Lives: New Method Can Identify Prediabetes at an Earlier Stage.
Alarming Statistics: 37 Million Americans Have Diabetes, 8 Million Remain Undiagnosed.
Reversing Prediabetes: Catching It Early Makes It Easier to Reverse and Prevent Complications.
Beyond Blood Tests: Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) Revolutionize Diabetes Management.
CGMs Not for Everyone: Experts Weigh In on Widespread Use for Prediabetes Screening.
Holistic Approach: Lifestyle Factors like Diet, Physical Activity, and Mental Health Play a Vital Role in Managing Prediabetes.
Long-Term Benefits: Addressing Prediabetes Early Reduces Risks of Heart Disease, Stroke, and Other Complications.
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
FDA Clears New Insulin Pump & Algorithm-Based Software for Type 1 Diabetes
Exciting news for type 1 diabetes management! FDA clears Beta Bionics iLet ACE Pump & iLet Dosing Decision Software. #diabetes #healthtech #FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Beta Bionics iLet ACE Pump and the iLet Dosing Decision Software for people with type 1 diabetes. These two devices, along with an FDA-cleared integrated continuous glucose monitor (iCGM), will form the iLet Bionic Pancreas, an automated insulin dosing (AID) system that uses an algorithm to determine and command insulin delivery. The…
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
What's New in Diabetes Treatment?
Advances in Diabetes Treatment By Camille PeriWebMD Feature WebMD Feature Archive Diabetes treatment is getting better every day. Scientists may be just a few years away from making an artificial pancreas that can safely detect and adjust blood sugar (glucose) levels. In the meantime, new medications and insulin devices can make living with diabetes easier and safer now. “We’re getting more…
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databridgemarket456 · 2 years
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innonurse · 2 years
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poonamcmi · 2 years
Global Diabetes Monitoring Devices Market: Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecasts 2025
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Diabetes is a disorder that arises when blood glucose levels exceed normal levels due to a problem with the synthesis of insulin, which regulates glucose levels. The primary source of energy is blood glucose, which is derived from the food we eat. The pancreatic hormone insulin regulates blood sugar levels. Diabetes Monitoring Devices Market is brought on by a flaw in the body's ability to produce insulin, which prevents it from controlling blood glucose levels. Normal blood glucose levels vary from 70 to 100 mg/dL, however in diabetes patients, they can reach up to 80 to 130 mg/dL. The glucose levels of a diabetic patient are tracked with diabetes care devices. A medical device called a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) tracks and keeps track of blood sugar levels.
Read More @ https://cmiinfonest.blogspot.com/2022/08/trends-share-size-growth-opportunity_25.html
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The prevalence of diabetes has been increasing steadily in recent years, which has spurred the demand for glucose meters. Around 1.5 million deaths directly caused by diabetes were recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019. Due to its ease of use and flexibility, continuous glucose monitoring has surpassed the previous invasive method in terms of popularity.
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Easycare Blood Glucose Meter EC5940 Kit 
Easycare blood glucose meter is used for measuring blood sugar and gives accurate readings in 5 seconds. It comes with a memory capacity of up to 200. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 9 months
Stray Kids Reaction || You Have Diabetes
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2023
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Chan knew that there had to be something wrong, you'd been acting a little off since leaving the arcade together and now you were leaning against his car trying to steady yourself.
"You're scaring me, baby, what's going on?" He did his best not to sound freaked out as he asked you and you bit down on your lip. You'd never hid your diabetes before and you weren't sure why you'd hidden it from Chan but you just had. 
"C-Can you get my bag? I need to take my Insulin," You confessed as he rushed into your bag, grabbing everything you told him to and watching you the whole time as you took your shot.
"Can I help?" He questioned when he noticed you hesitating to take the shot yourself, you looked at him and smiled weakly,
"J-Just hold me when it's done?" You questioned as he nodded his head. You thought you'd get used to the pain after all these years but it never went away. The whole time Chan watched you and waited for you to come to him when you were ready.
Every time you had to change your dexcom Minho was right there with you, helping in any way that he could. Including today as he handed you all of the antibacterial wipes you were going to need and then the device to help you attach your monitor.
"I got you something!" He called out as he rushed off toward the living room, slowly coming back with an envelope in his hand. There was a giant smile on his face as he pulled out the different kinds of covers that he'd bought for your Dexcom.
"You got me stickers?" You smiled brightly, looking at all of the different types before selecting the doughnut one.
"I know how you hated the plain ones and I saw these and thought of you," He stated as he carefully began to apply the sticker, making your whole body heat up as you watched him take care of you.
"Do you have any sweets?!" Changbin asked as Felix walked into the studio, you were sitting on the sofa shaking a little as you realised your blood sugar levels were low and you had nothing to help you out.
"I think I have some jelly babies," He mumbles before rooting through the bag he was carrying and giving them to you. You smiled weakly and began to eat them as Changbin watched you closely. Ever since he'd found out about your diabetes he'd been so protective over it, usually, he'd have snacks everywhere with him but his mini-fridge broke last week which was why he was glad Felix came along.
"What happens now?" Felix asked as both of them watched you eat some of the jelly babies, you smiled a little.
"Yn will check their blood sugar levels again in about 15 minutes," Changbin explained proudly, he was very happy that he knew the ins and outs of everything since he wanted to be the one to help you.
Ever since you'd told Hyunjin about your diabetes he'd been nothing but sweet about it. Every morning you'd wake up to breakfast in bed and if he wasn't there to make it for you when you woke up, it was already premade and just needed heating up. Not to mention at lunch he would text you to make sure you'd eaten enough or make sure you took your blood sugar if you weren't feeling like yourself.
"You know you don't have to do this right?" You questioned as you boyfriend placed the tray down on your lap,
"It's your week off, I should be making you breakfast." You finished but he shook his head at you and sat beside you in bed, both of you tucking into the delicious meal he'd made for you.
"You're supposed to be having three meals a day and if I get to make one of those meals then I will," He smiled proudly before you kissed his cheek softly, thanking him for the breakfast.
Jisung had researched everything he could when it came to your diabetes, he'd wanted to be prepared if there was any time you should need him.
"Here," He told you as he handed you a glass of water and your pill tray making you groan. You'd only just opened your eyes and he was already giving you your medication.
"Can I open my eyes first?" You joked, sitting up and leaning your back against the headboard as you carefully took the tablets from his hands,
"This is me reminding you to take them," He grinned proudly and watched as you took them and then poked your tongue out at him to prove you'd taken them.
"You don't have to do this, you know? I can do it...I don't want to be a bother," You whispered knowing he knew you'd more than likely forget about taking them,
"You're not a bother, you're my partner and I like getting to care for you," He told you as you rested your head on his shoulder, smiling a little as he cuddled you close.
"Yn? You okay?" Felix asked as he noticed you holding your hand over your chest as you did your best to calm yourself down. You'd tested your blood sugar a few minutes ago and it was low but you had nothing on you. The boys and you were in the middle of a hike and you had no snacks or even fizzy drinks because you thought the big breakfast you'd had that morning would have been just fine.
"Yn?" Felix questioned as you leaned against a rock, your eyes shutting as you tried not to throw up.
"Here," Something cold was placed in your hand and you slowly peeled your eyes open to see a can of full-sugar Pepsi in your hand.
"I thought you said you didn't have anything!" Jisung screamed out annoyed but Felix glared at him,
"Yn needs them," Felix grumbled as you began to drink from the can and he reached through his bag for something you could eat.
Seungmin couldn't stand needles which was why it was confusing to you as to why he would watch you take your injection. Every. Time. 
"Why do you watch if it's something that freaks you out?" You laughed as you injected yourself, biting down on your lip as you tried to ignore the pain.
"I want to be supportive," He cringed as you disregarded the needle and his whole body shivered.
"I don't know how you do it, a needle every day...You're so brave," He looked at you as you smiled shyly at him, it was just something you knew you had to do. Something that you'd gotten used to over all of the years you'd been doing this.
"I love you," He whispered before kissing you softly,
"Love you too, scaredy cat." You winked playfully before he tickled your sides.
Jeongin had been worried when you first told him about your diabetes, he was scared about not knowing how to help you so he'd spent countless nights researching until the late hours and then was tired for work the next day.
"I understand everything now." He told you as you watched him filling up the small fridge that he had inside of his bedroom.
"Oh? What do you understand?" You laughed softly as he turned to look at you,
"I will have a constant supply of sweets or sugary drinks for you. Not to mention I can carry spare insulin if you need me to." Your heart raced a little, no one had ever put that much effort in for you before.
"I mean it. I'll do anything for you," He told you before kissing your cheek softly and smiling as he handed you a small packet of jelly babies.
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lenfilms @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
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needlepokes · 2 months
how to write a diabetic character: CGM edition
is your diabetic character wearing a CGM? do they have to? CGMs these are Continous Glucose Monitors that can detect how much sugar is in your bloodstream.
How are they different than tradtional fingerprick (blood) tests? they take blood sugar readings 24/7, and provide you with how your sugars are doing at all times, rather than just at that moment. This leads to tremendously better control over blood sugar.
The way they work is that they can "sample" your blood sugar by testing your subcutaneous tissue for sugar levels then adjusting that value.
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However, they're less accurate than a fingerprick (blood) reading and will often "lag" behind by about 15 minutes.
SO if you have a character who is expereincing low or high blood sugar - they'd get an alarm on their CGM, and then they might take a fingerprick reading to make sure. CGM false alarms DO exist and it can cause some very annoying situations.
A less careful/depressed/struggling/burnt out character might A. not care or "sleep through" alarms B. not double check with a finger prick C. not care that they're wearing a CGM - pump into stuff or just rip it off (although they are very expensive!).
can you mute them? yes, and a character might choose to do this while they're sleeping, having an exam, or if they know they're about to fuck up their blood sugar.
how long do they last? the libre ones last 14 days. the dexcom ones last up to 10 days.
can you shower with them? yes
can you swim with them? yes
can you have sex with them on? yes, and i've read very funny anecdotes from diabetics having to pause during sex because their cgm was beeping
are they expensive? yes! sometimes, they're covered by insurance, but not completely. If a character is in poverty, or do not have insurance, they likely would have to rely solely on fingerpricks.
Who usually uses CGMs? they are very widespread between T1Ds and are increasingly being used by T2Ds as well.
can you share the readings on multiple devices? yes! your character might share their info with their SO, parents, roommates, close friends...etc. It is genuienly one of the most telling signs of a close relationship between people - because those people will see your "mistakes" and decisions.
where do you stick them? the libre ones (circular ones) officially just go on the back of your arm. The dexcom ones can go on just about anywhere that's "soft" - stomach, thighs, back of arm, chest...etc.
does putting them on hurt? sometimes! the way they are installed involves a needle going into the skin then sitting in the subcutaneous tissue. This can sometimes cause some bleeding, and soreness for a few hours.
Often times the process is completely painless, but this is not the case for everyone. A thinner character might struggle to find a place "cushy" enough for a cgm.
can you put them on your own? yes the process is made for one person to stick it on, but i've seen some couples on instagram act all romantic and sappy about applying it together, so that should give you some ideas for your diabetic characters' budding romances ;)
Some CGMs are just naturally faulty, i'd say about 4 sensors is a busted one, and in that case you'll have to replace them - which most companies just do without any hassle.
do they work with insulin pumps? some insulin pumps can work in tangent with CGMs and provide feedback for the user to automatically generate the correct doses of insulin, depending on their current blood sugar.
do they come off easily? depends on who you're asking. some people swear up and down that they never last and have to put on patches, which are admittedly very cute. Weather, clothing, and how clumsy a character is all factor in this. For me personally i just put them on raw and keep them together by sheer willpower.
CGMs can cause anxiety in diabetics. The constant flow of information can easily burnout people, and this can possibly be the case for any diabetic character you might write. Seeing arrows going down or up can be very distressing, especially knowing how painful some of the consequences are. I personally take breaks for both myself and my wallet from using CGMs to avoid burn out.
nonetheless, CGMs are WONDERFUL pieces of technology that have personally made me much happier as a diabetic, freer and a lot more independent.
does your character want their CGM to show? lots of people, including myself don't like revealing their CGMs - but your character might like showing them off!
and lastly - my favorite thing about CGMs - taking them off and having a "naked" shower once a month where i dont have to worry about it coming off. - They look like this:
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creature-wizard · 5 months
The thing about the statement "X woo therapy is based in science, actually!" is that it's not usually wrong, but it also overlooks the part where the woo uses the scientifically demonstrated thing as a springboard to launch itself into sheer goofiness. Like using the fact that different colors have been scientifically demonstrated to have an effect on your mood (and therefore, can somewhat improve your mental health and subsequently your physical health) to go and claim that the right color of light can cure cancer and diabetes and literally every ailment.
Same goes for the double slit experiment; the experiment showed that putting a monitoring device on the photons interfered in such a way that it changed the behavior of the photons. The woo crowd used that as a springboard to launch into the total nonsense of "your perception literally physically alters the world around you!" Like no Jan the presence of a monitoring device making photons act different doesn't mean we can all just believe our way out of chronic pain.
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nevadancitizen · 11 months
“debts to pay: sight for sore eyes”
synopsis: Schaeffer is dead. you only want to celebrate, but multiple people come along to piss in your cereal – including one of the Vox Populi.
word count: 1.8k
characters: könig, sniper! reader
trigger warnings: n/a
notes: lol i was literally in mexico that’s why this chapter took so long soz 😭😭
chapters: one / two (you are here!)
The computer screen in front of you confirms your suspicions. A smile settles across your superior’s face as she claps your shoulder in a comforting way. 
The headline reads, The Vox Populi Falls Quiet Following Daisy Schaeffer’s Death. There’s also pictures of the revolutionary in black and white, her birth and death date below them. It would be a sad sight if you weren’t so relieved. 
Your superior pulls you into a tight side-hug. You bat at her shoulder, smiling. “Colonel Fitzroy!”
“Oh, does it not bring a smile to your face to see her dead?” Fitzroy asks, laughing. “The Vox Populi are scattered.”
You hum in agreement. “It’s a sight for sore eyes, ma’am.”
Fitzroy sighs, but it’s not in a relieved or happy way. She lets you go and steps behind her desk, pulling out a thick manila folder from a drawer. She meticulously pulls out papers from the folder and puts them on the desk. 
“Okay, the time for celebration will come, but for now, we need to work.” Fitzroy turns the papers on the desk so that they’re facing you. They’re all scans of handwritten notes – some even have the outlines of post-its. One of the papers on top details Fitzroy herself. 
Your eyebrows furrow. “What is this?”
“This is what we know the Vox Populi knows.” Fitzroy points to the papers. “They know most of our operators. I slipped up and now they know me.” 
She picks up a few papers and puts them on the top, pointing to the names. “They even know most of our spies. And they have suspicions on what connections they have – they’re trying to pick out the other spies.”
You look up and meet Fitzroy’s dark, brown eyes. They’re swirling with well-hidden, barely-there panic. She looks down at the papers before you can see more. 
“How do we have this information?” You ask. 
“We have a plant,” Fitzroy says. “Not everyone that’s in the Vox Populi wants to be there. There’s a man named Carlos – his wife joined and he was forced to go with her. But, lucky for us…” She holds up a small, black, blocky device with a small screen on it. 
You stare at it for a second. “Is… is that a glucose monitor?”
Fitzroy levels you with a blank stare. “Yes. I’ve recently been diagnosed with diabetes.”
“Are you –”
“No, I’m not serious!” Fitzroy presses a few buttons and presents the small device to you. “It’s a tracker, idiot. Carlos has a tracker sewed into the sole of his shoe. He lets us see where they’re gathering, where they’re hiding – everything that’s location-based, Carlos gives us with this tracker.” She puts the tracker down on the table. 
“Then what’s with the papers?” you ask. 
“That’s… also Carlos,” Fitzroy says. “A lot is riding on Carlos staying alive, you understand? He’s climbed the ranks so we can tear them down.”
You look up at Fitzroy. “Why are you telling me this?”
Fitzroy’s eyebrows furrow. She almost looks sad. “You… are an accomplished operator. And I know you joined us to make a difference. And that’s what you’ve done by killing Schaeffer – you have made a difference –”
“Colonel, answer me! Why are you telling me this?”
Fitzroy looks at you for a second. Her eyes crinkle as she grimaces slightly. A long moment passes before she speaks again. 
“I’m sending you to infiltrate the Vox Populi.”
“You what –”
“You are one of the only operatives they don’t know about. You are efficient, polite –”
You stand from your chair. “Colonel Fitzroy, with all due respect, I don’t think I’m fit for this position. I am a sniper, not a spy. And I didn’t even want to be a sniper.”
Fitzroy stands in response. “Don’t say that. I am the one who molded you into who you are today. You are an excellent operative. You will carry this mission out as I say, when I say, where I say. You will kill the Vox Populi.” 
You stare at her. You no longer see a Colonel – no longer see your Colonel. This is a woman of desperation. She will do everything in her power to suffocate this spark that’s becoming a wildfire, because she knows the fire will be hot and vengeful, and filled with blood and brimstone. 
“How?” you say softly. 
Fitzroy looks down at the papers and reorganizes them. “Do you see someone not on my desk? A person they don’t have notes on? That they don’t know of?”
You look down at the papers, skimming over the descriptions of operators and glancing over the pictures only a few of them have. You look back up at Fitzroy after a minute. “No.”
“König,” she says simply. “It’s König that’s missing.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. “What does he have to do with this?”
“They don’t have info on you. They don’t have info on König.” Fitzroy sighs. “They leave us no choice but to have you two work together.”
“Not happening.”
“It will happen,” Fitzroy says sternly. “It would be suicide if you went on your own.”
“It’ll be suicide if you send me with him!” You do your best not to roll your eyes. “I’m serious. We’ll probably do that thing where we pull the trigger at the same time and kill each other. How do you see this as a nonissue?”
“Because it won’t be, if you behave yourselves,” Fitzroy says. “Listen. This is the next-to-last choice we have.”
“What’s the last choice?” You ask. “Because I think I’d rather take that.”
Fitzroy stays silent for a moment. “We give up. Let the Vox Populi kill us. And that won’t happen. Do you understand your assignment?”
“Yes ma’am.”
You suppress the urge to slam the door off its hinges when you exit Fitzroy’s office. Instead, you shut the door softly, making sure it clicks back into place. You clench your hands into fists, then let go when the pressure becomes too much. 
As you walk, your eyes are glued to the floor and your thoughts in a loop. Why don’t you just kill König and have it over with? Or expose yourself to the Vox Populi, but in a way that looks like an accident so KorTac doesn’t fire you? Or maybe just shut yourself in your room and rot and let the Vox Populi take what they want?
Slowly, the tile floor turns into concrete and the cold air conditioning disappears. Your thoughts have brought you outside, away from base. 
You look around. The streets are only sort-of crowded, but they’ll surely start bustling in an hour or so as the nightlife of the city begins. The heat from the bodies around you only exaggerate the already warm air. You slip into the nearest bar to cool down (both figuratively and literally), if only for a minute. 
The bar is off to the side. Music and talking and the sound of shakers being shaken fills the air. It’s nice. Comfortable. 
You slide into a seat and manage to flag down a bartender. You order something simple, a quick drink that goes down easy. Your eyes flicker to the television in the corner. It’s showing a college football match that no one seems too excited about.
Someone sits next to you. You don’t turn to face them, but you can tell that they’re big, imposing, and warm. It’s not even that you’re sitting that close – they just exude heat like a furnace. 
They say your name. 
You turn just the slightest bit. Of course it’s him. 
He’s wearing a black surgical mask and a hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. A few strands of dull orange, wavy hair peek out. Even in a bar (somewhere that most people will forget they even visited) he’s still doing his whole ‘I don’t want anyone to look at my stupid fucking face because I probably look like an elephant’s cunt’ routine. 
“Did you hear?” König asks. “About our assignment.”
“Yes,” you respond. “Why did you follow me?”
König scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I didn’t follow you. Fitzroy said you’d probably be at High Velocity.”
“Yeah, and I like it here because no one really talks to other people at sports bars unless they’re rooting for the same team,” you say and look over at the television. 
“Right, whatever,” he says. 
The bartender drops off your drink with a smile. You give a quick ‘thank you’ and payment before you take a sip. The drink is sweet and goes down smooth. 
“Did you get any more details other than who we’re working with?” You ask. “Did they tell you about Carlos?”
“Yes,” Konig says. “And his… role in this play.” 
He’s careful with his words, you can tell. Probably because you’re in public.
There’s silence for a while, except it’s not really silence. Around you, people are talking, laughing, having a good time. It feels like you’re in a bubble with König, with nothing but your drink as good company. You don’t even risk shattering the quiet. 
You glance around. There’s a sorority welcoming a new sister with a round of pink pussy shots. A couple of men drinking beers dressed too nice for the bar they’re in – they probably came straight from work. A guy trying to chat up two really bored-looking girls. 
Ah. There it is. You knew you could feel something. 
A pair of eyes are staring straight at you. They belong to a man hanging out with a group of people. They would be ordinary people, except for their shirts. Across the back, in bold branding, is an abstract design of a tsunami being fended off by people with large shields in a Roman turtle formation. On the bottom, it reads, ‘WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED BY THE WAVE’. It’s a quiet symbol and mantra that you recognize belongs to the Vox Populi. 
You turn back to your drink and knock it back like a shot. You breathe out slowly and lean closer to König. The heat he exudes and the hate your heart exudes make it near impossible. 
“There’s foxes about,” you whisper to him. 
You roll your eyes. “Fox… Vox…”
“Oh.” König glances around. “Why… is that an issue?”
“One of their men is looking at me,” you seethe. “We need to get out.”
König stands up, acting nonchalant. “Then let’s go.”
You stand and turn towards him, but make sure the man can still see your lips move. “Yeah, I’d much rather watch the game at home. It’ll be too crowded in here in, like, an hour.”
You fall in step with König as you both walk out of the bar and into the night. For a second, it’s like you do more than tolerate him. The feeling is disgusting and goes away almost immediately.
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knickynoo · 6 months
heyyyy so. i love your blog. and i was wondering, what you think about the headcanon that marty could be diabetic? with what little evidence we have in the movies? ( for example, him turning away peanut brittle which is ALL SUGAR, always drinking sugar free pepsi, asking for something without sugar in 55 at the diner, shoving food in his mouth after the phone call with doc in the morning before he goes to the twin pines lot, etc) i have a headcanon that doc keeps a stash of candy or snacks for marty if his blood sugar crashes or goes low. ( and i know the sleepiness and implied laziness of marty was probably due to mjf being sleep deprived but i read that thats a side effect of low blood sugar?? ) and not to mention the layers he always wears, probably bc hes cold ??? idk , ive had that hc for a while and i just wanted to know your opinions and thoughts on it ??
Ahhh, the return of one of my favorite fringe BTTF headcanons. I saw this ask initially when it popped into my inbox a handful of days ago, but I wanted to have the time to sit and answer it in depth because it really is such an intriguing headcanon. I've only ever encountered it two or so times in the fandom (and one of those times was another ask I'd gotten last year), and I do enjoy exploring the less talked about theories.
I will put this under a read more, on account of I have lots of thoughts, as well as personal experience that allows me some particular insight into how this headcanon might play out for Marty. I'm not diabetic, but I do have a condition that causes a variety of fun issues, one being hypoglycemia. Basically, I have frequent episodes of low blood sugar and need to monitor my glucose level and keep it up by eating often. That being said! Some thoughts on the "Marty is diabetic" headcanon.
• My very first thought is: this kid better be prepared and have lots of supplies stuffed into the pockets of his many clothing layers because otherwise, he's in trouble. Honestly, this is the biggest barrier for me in terms of the headcanon. Marty is on a non-stop, adrenaline fueled ride for most of the trilogy. Between the constant running and chaos and sneaking around and life and death situations, he'd need to find the time during his day for finger pricks to check his blood sugar levels, staying on top of eating regularly, and injecting insulin. That means carrying a glucometer, a lancing device, lancets, alcohol wipes, test strips, syringes, and vials of insulin. He'd likely carry a bag or something that has all this in it.
• BUT! If he left his house that evening and ventured to the mall without any supplies (thinking it'd be a quick outing), one of his first priorities upon becoming stuck in 1955 would be acquiring whatever he needed. His first opportunity for that would be once he arrives at Doc's house and convinces him he's a time traveler. After getting Doc to believe him, Marty would have to be all, "Oh, and, uh, Doc? I really hope you have some medical doctor friends or something because we need to get our hands on some supplies. Like, now."
Then, on top of all the shock that came with being hurtled through time, Marty would have the additional challenge of adjusting to 1950s era diabetes management. No at home glucometer (those weren't available until 1981), and the syringes were large and made of metal. It'd be difficult, but not impossible, for Marty to manage the disease during his travels.
��� For the purposes of this hc, let's assume he somehow brought along all his supplies stuffed into secret pockets in his puffy vest. Or, perhaps he uses a portable insulin pump, which became more widely available in the 1980s. It'd look something like this.
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The end of the tube would have a needle that'd be inserted under the skin on his lower abdomen, and he'd be able to dose insulin that way. The device would have to be clipped to his pants somewhere. Not sure if Twin Pines McFlys would be able to access this new (and probably super expensive) device for their son. Maybe Doc makes one for him! I could totally see him doing that.
• Anyway, in terms of Marty turning down the peanut brittle, drinking sugar free Pepsi, and asking for something without sugar, it might or might not have anything to do with diabetes in this headcanon scenario. Contrary to what many think, diabetics (type 1 at least, which is what Marty would likely have) don't need to avoid sugar. They need to be mindful of sugar just as any other person should, but they generally don't have dietary restrictions. Sugar would for sure impact his glucose levels, and he'd have to be mindful of that, but as long as he balanced it with the appropriate amount of insulin, he'd be good to go.
It could be that Marty just wants to avoid having to account for extra insulin and avoid a potential spike, so he turns down some sugary foods every so often. Diabetics have to keep careful track of how many carbs they consume, as that determines how much insulin to inject, so if Marty already took his dose for dinner, for example, it'd make sense he'd say no to the peanut brittle even if he wanted it. Otherwise, he'd have to do another injection to cover the carbs from it, and who has the time for that when you're busy sulking over the wrecked car??
• Something Marty would really need to be careful about during all his adventures is making sure his blood sugar doesn't dip too low. High blood sugar isn't good, but low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is actually more dangerous and considered an immediate emergency. Your blood sugar can be high and rise a good deal before you start to get negative health effects, but once your blood sugar dips below 70 mg/dL, you need to treat it right away. He'd need to be eating regularly, making sure his insulin is matching the amount he's eating, and ALSO factor in that physical activity makes blood sugar levels drop. And all that running he does? Yeah, he's gonna need snacks on hand.
You mentioned sleepiness being a symptom of low blood sugar, and you're right. But if Marty is at that point, it'd likely mean he'd be having a serious hypoglycemic episode. A "normal" blood sugar range is about 80-120, though meals will bring it higher for a bit before you level back out. Once you get below 70, your brain is literally being starved of glucose, which it needs to function. Very quickly, you get hit with a lot of symptoms. Blurry vision, trouble concentrating and speaking, tremors, profuse sweating, tiredness, rapid heart rate and breathing to name a few.
If you manage to catch it soon enough, you can treat the low on your own—by eating or drinking something high carb or taking some glucose tablets—but it's also very difficult to get a meal or some snacks when you're shaking like a leaf and can't even think straight. My blood sugar dipped to 49 the other week, and I went from feeling a little off to experiencing all those symptoms in a matter of a minute or two. For Marty to reach that level in the midst of trying to repair timelines would be difficult, to say the least. An untreated low will lead to unconsciousness, seizures, and even death.
Of course, if Marty is prepared, he'd know to snack during the day to keep himself stable. And I do imagine that '85 Doc's garage is stocked with snacks good for bringing up blood sugar (especially juice, which is one of the BEST ways to bring blood sugar up quickly. My fridge is filled with it.)
• I'm a little concerned about how Marty would fare in Part III, but I assume he'd be well prepared at that point. Let's assume that when Doc came to pick Marty up at the end of Part I, he already had a supply kit ready in the car (Doc absolutely would have a kit for "just in case" that he kept in his garage and brought along if they were going somewhere, and I think he'd have the foresight to bring it to the future). Marty could then have it still for his stay in 1955 while he and Doc prepared the DeLorean for the Old West, and he'd be able to have it for his time spent there in Part III. Very large kit, okay? Doc is super prepared. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, a kit like that would probably still be in the car when Doc gets zapped to the Old West, so....not sure about this one, friends. Let's hope Marty has some stuff in his pockets and that '55 Doc can then help him out in gathering more things together for his trek to 1885.
Well. I'd say I've gone on long enough. In conclusion: Diabetic Marty is a fascinating concept and, while it'd be difficult for him, he could conceivably manage it all during the trilogy if he's careful and has Doc looking out for him as well. There are lots of "missing scenes" and things we don't see in the movies, so Marty could be using that downtime for testing and injecting and guzzling down juice.
Thanks for the ask! This was a fun one.
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