#diabetic neuropathy treatment in ayurveda
sanjeevannetralaya · 1 year
Sanjeevan Netralaya’s Advanced Ayurvedic Eye Care is one of the most effective treatment for uveitis and vitritis, and addresses key aspects of these eye conditions. By reducing inflammation, enhancing visual clarity, and alleviating associated symptoms, our approach strives to enhance overall well-being and visual comfort of those suffering from these conditions.
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Through targeted interventions and comprehensive care services, our goal is to minimize inflammation, improve function, provide relief from pain/visual disturbances as well as enhance quality of life - thus improving their quality of life overall. Our treatments for uveitis/vitrits provide numerous benefits; some of which include:
Reduce Inflammation: Our treatment approach strives to successfully decrease inflammation associated with uveitis and vitritis by targeting its root causes and providing appropriate interventions, in turn alleviating inflammation and improving both ocular health and visual function.
Improved Visual Clarity: Uveitis and vitritis often cause blurriness of vision due to involvement of ocular media. Our treatment seeks to minimize this blurriness by targeting inflammation at its source - this ultimately leads to improved visual clarity and clearer perception of surroundings.
Alleviating Pain and Floaters: Individuals diagnosed with Uveitis/Vitritis often suffer from discomfort in their visual field as well as floating particles, leading to discomfort from Ocular Irritation/Vitritis. Our treatment interventions aim to decrease these symptoms, providing relief from eye discomfort while improving visual comfort overall.
Through our comprehensive treatment approach, we aim to reduce inflammation, enhance visual clarity and alleviate associated symptoms for individuals suffering from uveitis and vitritis - ultimately increasing both visual well-being and quality of life.
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sarabherbs · 2 months
Diabetes Management: Neem Leaves and Seeds
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Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, requires careful management to mitigate its effects on health and quality of life. While modern medicine offers various treatments, exploring natural remedies like neem leaves and seeds has gained popularity for their potential in diabetes management. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the benefits, uses, and efficacy of neem in combating diabetes.
Neem: A Natural Ally Against Diabetes
What is Neem?
Neem, scientifically known as Azadirachta indica, is a versatile tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It has been revered for centuries in Ayurveda, India's traditional medicine system, for its medicinal properties. Neem's leaves, seeds, and oil are treasured for their therapeutic benefits, including their role in managing diabetes.
How Neem Aids in Diabetes Management
Regulating Blood Sugar Levels: Neem helps in lowering blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin receptor sensitivity, thus improving glucose uptake by cells.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Chronic inflammation exacerbates diabetes complications. Neem's anti-inflammatory compounds reduce inflammation, potentially protecting against diabetic complications like neuropathy and nephropathy.
Antioxidant Effects: Neem is rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress linked to diabetes progression.
Improving Lipid Profile: Neem helps in maintaining a healthy lipid profile by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, thus reducing cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients.
The Role of SarabHerbs in Your Wellness Journey
At SarabHerbs®, we are committed to promoting holistic wellness through nature-inspired products. Our range includes high-quality neem extracts, capsules, and oils, carefully formulated to support your diabetes management regimen. Incorporating SarabHerbs® products into your daily routine ensures you benefit from the best of nature's healing properties.
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numbness, and discomfort. Diabetes is the leading cause of neuropathy, accounting for up to 70% of all cases. While anti-inflammatory medicines and other treatments can be beneficial, did you know that the foods you eat can influence your neuropathy symptoms? Learn how dietary modifications can help reduce neuropathy pain and inflammation.
At DRC, we treat a wide range of diabetes-related neurological problems, led by our specialist Dr Soumya.  Dr. Soumya may recommend dietary adjustments as part of your treatment strategy to assist alleviate your neuropathy symptoms. Here’s what you need to know.
Carbohydrates, blood sugar levels, and nerve function
Controlling your blood sugar levels is essential if you have diabetes. Chronically high blood sugar destroys nerves, preventing them from transmitting correct impulses. The basic technique for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is to limit carbohydrate intake. This includes eating healthful carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and non starchy vegetables and staying within the carbohydrate range prescribed by your doctor. This will keep your neuropathy from worsening and will help you avoid diabetic neuropathy problems like foot ulcers.
The lowdown on dietary fat
The kind and amount of fat in your diet can have an impact on nerve function. Elevated fat levels in the blood can damage sensitive nerve fibres and cause or aggravate neuropathy. The saturated fat present in animal meals has the greatest influence on boosting LDL, a dangerous type of cholesterol. Reduced saturated fat consumption can assist support nerve function and prevent neuropathy from worsening. Here are several examples:
    Limit your intake of fast food.
    Select low-fat dairy products.
    Avoid eating processed meats.
    Choose lean cuts of beef.
    Instead of frying, bake and broil.
    Reduce your use of animal products.
    Choose unsaturated oils such as olive, sesame, and walnut.
Mercury, fish, and neuropathy
Fish provides vital fats that your body requires to function properly, and while it is advised that you eat at least two meals each week to get health advantages, if you have neuropathy, you must exercise caution. Certain fish contain high quantities of mercury, a toxin that, at excessive levels, can damage nerves and cause or aggravate neuropathy.
Larger fish collect more mercury than smaller fish because they live longer. Mercury levels are high in king mackerel, orange roughy, swordfish, tuna, and grouper. Choose low-mercury fish if you have neuropathy, such as:
    Cod, salmon, catfish, pollock, haddock, and tilapia are all examples of fish.
Eliminating alcohol from the equation
Alcohol is poisonous to your nerves, and drinking too much of it can induce or worsen neuropathy. Aside from being physically hazardous to nerve tissue, alcohol lowers absorption of B vitamins and vitamin E, both of which are essential for neuron function. To best control your neuropathy, avoid alcohol completely.
Nutrition and nerve support
Adopting a nerve-supportive dietary pattern is one of the most important actions you can take to manage neuropathy. Vitamins B6, B12, folate, thiamin, and E are all required for normal nerve function. A varied diet rich in lean protein, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains is the best way to receive enough of these elements. If you have a deficiency, your provider may prescribe supplementing one or more of these vitamins in addition to your diet.
Managing neuropathy entails taking the necessary steps to halt its progression, reduce the risk of consequences, and relieve related symptoms. Having the appropriate care team might mean the difference between life and death. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Soumya for effective diabetic neuropathy care, call us or book your request online. 
Know more about Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.
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skkayurveda · 1 year
Diabetic Neuropathy Treatment Near Geeta Mandir- Gurudwara, New delhi
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At SKK Ayurveda & Panchakarma Clinic, our team of experienced professionals provides a diabetic neuropathy treatment near geeta mandir- gurudwara, new delhi. Our treatment is based on ancient principles of Ayurveda and Panchakarma. We focus on treating both the root cause of the disease as well as the symptoms.
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Introduction to Diabetes and Types  
Studies have shown that India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic, with 77 million people with diabetes. Of these, 12.1 million are aged >65 years, which is estimated to increase to 27.5 million in the year 2045. There are two most common types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes
With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin as the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed. In this condition, a person must take insulin injections daily to regulate blood glucose levels.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease where your body may not respond to insulin, or the body makes insulin but not enough or does not use it well, and thus the sugar levels could go haywire. Thus, sugar steadily builds up in the blood, eventually leading to the blood vessels hardening, causing heart attacks, kidney failure, and stroke.
What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Risk factors that can increase diabetes include
obesity and a sedentary lifestyle,
uncontrolled blood glucose synthesis in the liver,
hereditary causes
Dysfunctional beta-cell in the pancreas
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?
You may have diabetes if you have
Blooded vision
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Slowed healing of wounds, red, swollen, tender gums, and
Tingling hands and feet. If you experience such symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
What are the complications of Type 2 Diabetes?
Long-term untreated diabetes affects the nerve, kidneys, heart, and eyes.
Nerve damage: Diabetes damages the nerves in the legs and arms. These cause numbness, pain, and tingling that start with the fingers and toes and spread along the legs. If this is left untreated, a person can lose all sense of feeling. Diabetic neuropathy is a family of progressive nerve disorders.
Kidney damage: Long-term uncontrolled blood sugar leads to kidney failure that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Heart and blood vessels: For people with diabetes, who have high blood glucose cause blood vessels in the body to become damaged; when this happens, plaque can form in the blood vessels, making it difficult for the blood to flow.
Eye damage: Diabetes, if left untreated, can damage the retina of the eyes, which may lead to blindness.
Nutrients and vitamins:
Diabetic patients tend to have less nutrient absorption for vitamins like Vit C, D3, calcium, and Vit, herbs. Defective insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity cause metabolic disorders.
Ayurvedic Approach for Type 2 Diabetes
In Ayurveda, diabetes is described as ‘Madhumeha’. Diabetes mellitus is described as Vaat Pramehaand Diabetes insipidus is described as Kaph Prameha
According to Ayurveda, imbalances of kaph dosh, pitt dosh together with vaat dosh are the main cause of Madumeha. Vaat, kaph, and Pitt block the pathways connected to the mamsa (muscle) and meda (fat) tissues.
Eating too much, not exercising, being overweight—all these factors aggravate the vaat dosh of the body, where the body does not make enough insulin or does not use it well, and that leads to diabetes.
Ayurveda suggests Jamun and its seeds are highly effective herbs against diabetes. Known as jamboline and jambosine, the fruit seeds slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream and increase insulin levels. Diabetes symptoms such as frequent urination and thrusting can be reduced with it since it converts starch into energy. In addition to reducing serum glucose levels and insulin resistance, the herb also reduces dyslipidemia and enhances the function of B cells. As a result, the herb rejuvenates the pancreatic cells at the cellular level.
What is the Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?
Treatment of type 2 diabetes focus on the combination of diet and lifestyle changes along with medicines.
Lifestyle changes: Yoga has shown to be a great option in the treatment of diabetes. Regularly practising yoga can help to control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity in the cells. In addition to helping reduce blood sugar, yoga benefits by reducing stress levels and reducing the risk of heart problems by protecting cardiac health. Regular yoga helps to improve nerve function and boost metabolism, thereby improving nerve health.
Diet changes: It is recommended to consume low-fat foods, avoid any dairy-based products, and incorporate certain foods, such as bitter ground, Bengal gram, and fenugreek seeds, to control blood sugar.
Blood sugar monitoring:  Regular blood sugar monitoring is beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Although it is now one of the most common yet challenging health issues that people face, a rooted approach plus modern technology provide Meta medicine in the form of DiabGavyam, which is effective and consists of some of the best herbs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
DiabGavyam activates the pancreas, stimulates the secretion of a balanced amount of insulin, and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates. The formulation is blended with the herbs Jamun Beej, and Madhunashak that protect the nerve cells in the retina, thus fortifying the blood vessel, and promoting blood circulation, thus lowering the chance of diabetic retinopathy.
While medicine helps in the control of blood sugar; it does not have any side effects after taking a tablet. You can take 1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by your physician.
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panchgavyam · 1 year
Ayurvedic Approach To Type 2 Diabetes
Introduction to Diabetes and Types  
Studies have shown that India ranks second after China in the global diabetes epidemic, with 77 million people with diabetes. Of these, 12.1 million are aged >65 years, which is estimated to increase to 27.5 million in the year 2045. There are two most common types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes
With Type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin as the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed. In this condition, a person must take insulin injections daily to regulate blood glucose levels.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease where your body may not respond to insulin, or the body makes insulin but not enough or does not use it well, and thus the sugar levels could go haywire. Thus, sugar steadily builds up in the blood, eventually leading to the blood vessels hardening, causing heart attacks, kidney failure, and stroke.
What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
Risk factors that can increase diabetes include
obesity and a sedentary lifestyle,
uncontrolled blood glucose synthesis in the liver,
hereditary causes
Dysfunctional beta-cell in the pancreas
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?
You may have diabetes if you have
Blooded vision
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Slowed healing of wounds, red, swollen, tender gums, and
Tingling hands and feet. If you experience such symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
What are the complications of Type 2 Diabetes?
Long-term untreated diabetes affects the nerve, kidneys, heart, and eyes.
Nerve damage: Diabetes damages the nerves in the legs and arms. These cause numbness, pain, and tingling that start with the fingers and toes and spread along the legs. If this is left untreated, a person can lose all sense of feeling. Diabetic neuropathy is a family of progressive nerve disorders.
Kidney damage: Long-term uncontrolled blood sugar leads to kidney failure that requires dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Heart and blood vessels: For people with diabetes, who have high blood glucose cause blood vessels in the body to become damaged; when this happens, plaque can form in the blood vessels, making it difficult for the blood to flow.
Eye damage: Diabetes, if left untreated, can damage the retina of the eyes, which may lead to blindness.
Nutrients and vitamins:
Diabetic patients tend to have less nutrient absorption for vitamins like Vit C, D3, calcium, and Vit, herbs. Defective insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity cause metabolic disorders.
Ayurvedic Approach for Type 2 Diabetes
In Ayurveda, diabetes is described as ‘Madhumeha’. Diabetes mellitus is described as Vaat Pramehaand Diabetes insipidus is described as Kaph Prameha
According to Ayurveda, imbalances of kaph dosh, pitt dosh together with vaat dosh are the main cause of Madumeha. Vaat, kaph, and Pitt block the pathways connected to the mamsa (muscle) and meda (fat) tissues.
Eating too much, not exercising, being overweight—all these factors aggravate the vaat dosh of the body, where the body does not make enough insulin or does not use it well, and that leads to diabetes.
Ayurveda suggests Jamun and its seeds are highly effective herbs against diabetes. Known as jamboline and jambosine, the fruit seeds slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream and increase insulin levels. Diabetes symptoms such as frequent urination and thrusting can be reduced with it since it converts starch into energy. In addition to reducing serum glucose levels and insulin resistance, the herb also reduces dyslipidemia and enhances the function of B cells. As a result, the herb rejuvenates the pancreatic cells at the cellular level.
What is the Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes?
Treatment of type 2 diabetes focus on the combination of diet and lifestyle changes along with medicines.
Lifestyle changes: Yoga has shown to be a great option in the treatment of diabetes. Regularly practising yoga can help to control blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity in the cells. In addition to helping reduce blood sugar, yoga benefits by reducing stress levels and reducing the risk of heart problems by protecting cardiac health. Regular yoga helps to improve nerve function and boost metabolism, thereby improving nerve health.
Diet changes: It is recommended to consume low-fat foods, avoid any dairy-based products, and incorporate certain foods, such as bitter ground, Bengal gram, and fenugreek seeds, to control blood sugar.
Blood sugar monitoring:  Regular blood sugar monitoring is beneficial in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Although it is now one of the most common yet challenging health issues that people face, a rooted approach plus modern technology provide Meta medicine in the form of DiabGavyam, which is effective and consists of some of the best herbs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
DiabGavyam activates the pancreas, stimulates the secretion of a balanced amount of insulin, and regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates. The formulation is blended with the herbs Jamun Beej, and Madhunashak that protect the nerve cells in the retina, thus fortifying the blood vessel, and promoting blood circulation, thus lowering the chance of diabetic retinopathy.
While medicine helps in the control of blood sugar; it does not have any side effects after taking a tablet. You can take 1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by your physician.
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Best Naturopathy Centre for Cancer in India
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Naturopathy is a treatment that is a combination of modern and traditional treatment. The base of naturopathy is based on the value of a healthy diet, clean fresh water, sunlight, exercise and stress management. Specialized naturopaths perform the treatment. There are three significant naturopaths:
Naturopathic Physicians: These are also known as naturopathic doctors. They usually study for four-year in medical school to get a recognized certification.
Traditional Naturopath: Traditional naturopath has no licenced certificate, so many people do not accept them.
Healthcare Providers: Some medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, and nurses have training in naturopathic medicine.
Neuropathy covers various conditions, such as allergies, digestion problems, obesity, hormonal imbalance, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and diabetes. Those suffering from any of these conditions can consult with Hiims. It is known as the best naturopathy centre for cancer in India that accomplishes treatment based on Ayurveda. For further information, visit us now!
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riversalonday13 · 2 years
Ayurvedic Massage in Trichy - River Salon Day Spa
India has used ayurvedic treatments for countless years. We are all aware of the advantages of this science.
It is a science that outlines the means of leading a healthy life and is a part of our scriptures. The text outlines the advantages of fresh fruits and vegetables in daily life as well as the therapeutic effects of locally grown herbs and plants. The Vedas describe using therapeutic oil to improve people's natural wellbeing.
A natural, well-balanced diet supports a person's inherent wellbeing, which is the foundation of the entire Ayurvedic philosophy. The second is using massages to help the body detox and unwind. These massages are typically Abhyangas, or full-body massages. This massage is recommended to be given daily in the morning before having a bath. Ayurvedic Massage in Trichy
•   Ayurvedic massage
The Abhyanga massage is among the most well-known in Ayurveda. In this massage, warm oil is applied to the person through a particular conduit while the therapist gently strokes the person while letting them rest. People's emotional equilibrium significantly improves as a result of the gentle, steady strokes that help them reconcile their strengths. It helps the person's lymphatic drainage and the skin condition improves.
•  Massage in Ayurveda for Regular Blood Pressure
The blood pressure of those undergoing an ayurvedic massage is lowered. The blood can flow at a controlled rate because to the gentle and constant pressure on the veins. The heart rate is lowered as a result of this. People can take advantage of this natural medical benefit without raising their body's toxin level. Ayurvedic Massage in Trichy
• Ayurveda Massage for Patients with Neuropathy
A burning feeling is experienced by many diabetic individuals in their feet. They frequently receive referrals from ayurvedic doctors for foot massages. It has a calming and cooling impact on the nerves. Patients with diabetes have benefited from this treatment.
•   cracked heels treated with ayurvedic massage
Several folks experience the excruciating ache of broken heels. It's not a pretty sight when the skin on the foot begins to crack due to dryness. The broken heels of many women are seen being attempted to be hidden from friends and relatives. Consequently, getting regular foot massages is a fantastic technique to resolve this issue because they enhance the moisture content of the feet and eliminate the uncomfortable cracks.
•  Massage Therapy in Ayurveda for Back Pain
Back discomfort is a frequent issue that has been reported in people of all ages. Many have reported great relief from massages because they help clear congested nerves, relax, and release stress that has built up over time. With about six months of regular massages from therapists, many persons with chronic back pain are believed to experience a great deal of alleviation.
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riversalondayspa2 · 2 years
Ayurvedic Massage Chennai - River Salon Day Spa
Ayurvedic massage for normal blood pressure Those receiving an ayurvedic massage experience a reduction in blood pressure. Because of the steady, moderate pressure on the veins, the blood may flow at a controlled rate. As a result, the heart rate is decreased. People can profit from this all-natural medical benefit without putting more toxins in their bodies. ayurvedic massage chennai
Ayurvedic Massage for Neuropathy Patients Many diabetics report feeling a burning sensation in their feet. Ayurvedic physicians commonly recommend them to patients who want foot massages. On the nerves, it provides a cooling and relaxing effect. This treatment has been helpful for diabetic patients.
Therapy of cracked heels with ayurvedic massage Many people deal with the severe pain of broken heels. When the skin on the foot starts to crack from dryness, it's not a cute thing. Many women are observed trying to hide their damaged heels from friends and family. Therefore, regular foot massages are a great way to deal with this problem because they increase the moisture content of the feet and get rid of the itchy cracks.
Ayurvedic Massage Therapy for Back Pain People of all ages frequently report experiencing back discomfort. Because massages help people relax and release stress that has accumulated over time, people often say that they get a lot of relief from them. Many people with chronic back pain are thought to notice significant relief after roughly six months of receiving frequent massages from professionals.
Massage in Ayurveda to Soften Skin Therapeutic oils are very beneficial to the skin. They help to expel toxins and soften the skin, enhancing its flexibility and conformability. In the past, ayurvedic massages were utilised to enhance a person's attractiveness in addition to its therapeutic benefits. ayurvedic massage chennai
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sanjeevannetralaya · 2 years
What is the best treatment for central serous retinopathy?
Sanjeevan Netralaya advanced ayurvedic eye treatment has the most effective treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
Even patients suffering from severe Diabetic Retinopathy and have lost hope with regular medicine have found improvement in their condition without having to go through any pain.
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Sanjeevan Netralaya treats patients with unique tailor made treatments after understanding their entire history making sure that every patient gets the most customized and effective treatment for their problems.
Sanjeevan Netralaya is located in 6 locations across India:
Mumbai Pune New Delhi Ammedabad Hyderabad Bengaluru
More information on the Sanjeevan Netralaya’s treatments and locations can be found on the website: www.sanjeevannetralaya.com
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haveshuddhi · 4 years
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Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common health complications of diabetes mellitus, in which neurons and blood vessels of the retina get damaged, and a person loses his vision. In the prevention of this health complication, you can choose diabetic retinopathy treatment in Ayurveda.
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ayurveda4all · 2 years
Nisoseeradi Thailam -Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers
Nisoseeradi Thailam -Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Preparation, Side effects, Equivalent Medicines, Research Papers
Nisoseeradi thailam is an Ayurvedic medicine used in the treatment of diabetic carbuncles and wounds. This medicine is in the form of herbal oil for external application. BENEFITS OF NISOSEERADI THAILAM This medicine is particularly used in the management of chronic wounds associated with diabetes. INDICATIONS OF NISOSEERADI THAILAM Prameha pidaka – diabetic carbunclesVrana – chronic…
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Diabetic Neuropathy Ayurvedic Treatment Perspective
Diabetic neuropathy is a serious diabetes disorder that affects the nerves. Continuous high blood sugar levels induced by diabetes over an extended length of time destroy the nerves in this condition. Diabetes neuropathy can develop over time, but the longer a person has diabetes (more than 20 to 25 years), the greater the risk. In patients with poor control, who are overweight, have higher levels of blood cholesterol and blood pressure, and are above the age of 40, incidences are more common. Though diabetes neuropathy can affect every nerve in the body, the most frequent type is peripheral neuropathy, which affects the arms and legs.
Ayurvedic Factors Contributing to Diabetic Neuropathy
When the sensitive nerve fibres are exposed to high blood sugar levels for an extended period of time, they are destroyed, resulting in diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic Neuropathy can also triggered by the following factors:
• Genetic factors may also play a role in the incidence of this ailment.
• Smoking and alcohol intake both cause nerve injury.
Diabetic Neuropathy Symptoms According to Ayurveda
Diabetic neuropathy symptoms are entirely dependent on the type of neuropathy present and which nerves are damaged.
1. Nervousness
2. The sensation of burning or tingling
3. Cramps and pain
4. Muscle weakness
5. Increased sensitivity to touch 6. Muscle weakness
7. Limb sluggishness
8. Inadequate coordination and balance of bodily components
Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy
Diabetic neuropathy, according to Ayurveda, is caused by Vata and Kapha dosha imbalances. The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetic neuropathy focuses on restoring dosha balance, regulating symptoms, and preventing them from worsening by controlling blood sugar levels. Treatment for diabetic neuropathy is mainly determined by the type of symptoms and neuropathy.
Treatment often focuses on minimising present symptoms and preventing the condition from worsening by maintaining blood sugar levels within a tight target range. External therapies such as Abhyangam, Karaskara Ksheeradhara, Dhanyamladhara, Pizhichil, Njavarakizhi, and Thakradhara are indicated in addition to internal drugs for Diabetic Neuropathy.
Know more about Ayurveda Diabetes Reversal.
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skkayurveda · 1 year
Ayurvedic Thyroid and Gynaecological Treatment in Delhi
It's crucial to locate expert Ayurveda medical care when it comes to your health. We are a light of excellence at SKK Ayurveda in Delhi, providing specialist care for hypothyroidism and a variety of gynaecological issues. Our committed team of professionals is here to provide individualized care that puts your wellbeing first, whether it be for thyroid conditions, uterine fibroids, or ovarian cysts.
Hypothyroidism Treatment Centre and Thyroid Hospital in Delhi
As one of Delhi's top Ayurveda thyroid hospitals, SKK Ayurveda has assembled a group of knowledgeable endocrinologists who are committed to treating thyroid issues. Our goal is to treat thyroid-related disorders, such as hypothyroidism, to the highest possible standard.
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Why Choose Our Ayurvedic Thyroid Hospital in Delhi?
1. Specialized Expertise
Our endocrinologists have a great deal of experience identifying and managing thyroid conditions. Their expertise guarantees accurate diagnoses and successful treatment regimens.
2. Comprehensive Care
In order to provide a comprehensive strategy that meets your unique needs, we provide a variety of treatments adapted to diverse thyroid disorders.
3. Advanced Diagnostics
Our clinic uses state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to guarantee accurate assessments and individualized treatment plans.
Ayurvedic Uterine Fibroids and Ovarian Cyst Treatment in Delhi
SKK Ayurveda provides specialized treatment options for gynaecological issues like uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts in Delhi. Our group of knowledgeable gynaecologists is dedicated to offering you with practical solutions that enhance your quality of life.
Why opt for Our Ayurvedic Gynaecological Treatments?
Expert Gynaecologists
When it comes to identifying and managing problems like uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts, our gynaecological team has a plethora of experience. They provide individualized care that is responsive to your needs.
Conclusion: Your Health, Our Priority
In conclusion, SKK Ayurveda is your go-to place in Delhi for the best Ayurveda gynaecological care and thyroid treatments. Our devoted professionals are here to offer thorough and kind care, whether you need help with hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, or uterine fibroids. For additional information about our services and to make an appointment, get in touch with Dr Tarun and Rani Gupta at [Your Contact Information] or go to [Your Website URL]. With us, your path to greater health begins.
For more details:
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mattratvaclinic · 2 years
Mattratva Acupressure Therapy | Magnet Therapy Treatment In Gomati Nagar Lucknow
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Navita Srivastava is a practicing Acupressure therapist, specialized in treating ailments from holistic root cause.She is specialist in pain management. Helping my patients to recover from pain at all levels both at physical and emotional. I have established Mattratva Acupressure and Therapy Clinic with the aim to treat chronic and acute conditions in a holistic manner by Magnet, Colour, Seeds & Sujok Therapy without using any medicines and surgery. The therapy is based on Ayurveda & Chines meridian
MATTRATVA ACUPRESSURE & THERAPY CLINIC. Address-2/129,Vishal Khand-2,Gomti Nagar,Lucknow - 226010 Visit Us:www.maatc.co.in Phone no:-9044793733
Natural treatment for pain diabetic neuropathy treatment Diabetes treatment
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ksachospitals74 · 3 years
Best ayurvedic center for diabetes in Bangalore | India's Best Ayurvedic Hospital |
Dr. Ansy D’Souza is a Senior Physician at the Dr. Saji D’Souza’s KSAC Hospital. She received an M.B.B.S degree before getting a Diploma in Family Medicine (London).
She has deep interest in Allopathy and Ayurveda and the scope of her specialties include various health ailments. She developed profound interest in Ayurveda, for treating various diseases which could only be treated through surgery or could not be treated altogether in Allopathy and devised various Ayurvedic treatments for such diseases.
 Our Treatment Include:
Anorectal     problems.
Ayurvedic hospital
Back Problem
Cervical     Spondylitis
Joint pains
knee pain
Neck Problem
Best Ayurvedic Hospital for Diabetes in Hyderabad
Diabetes – An Introduction
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas is unable to make or produce insulin or when the body is not in a position to make use of insulin that the pancreas produces.
The insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas which plays a key role in transporting glucose as energy to the cells. When the insulin is not produced or is produced very little it leads to raised glucose levels in the blood resulting in diabetes.
The best ayurvedic hospital for diabetes in Hyderabad such as KSAC is well known for holistic healing practice though Ayurveda. The ayurvedic doctorsat the best ayurvedic hospital for diabetes in Hyderabad are providing treatment for diabetes. The best ayurvedic hospital for diabetes in Hyderabad through its doctorsis helping in managing diabetes.
How does diabetic treatment works – Analysis
According to recent health reports, almost 30 million people in India suffer from Type-2 diabetes. As per the Ayurveda, diabetes can be traced to an imbalance of doshas. Ayurvedic doctors opine that the cause of diabetes is a decrease in the digestive fire or Agni resulting in diminished ability of the body in metabolizing the energy and in eliminating the toxins.
Diabetes is a manageable disease with scientists across the globe working round the clock for complete cure of diabetes with medicines without any side effects. Until then, diabetes can only be managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet as per ayurvedic texts and also taking allopathic medicines in case of chronic diabetes.                                        
Types of treatment, remedies for diabetes – KSAC specialization
The best ayurvedic hospital for diabetes in Hyderabad such as KSAC where doctors lay more emphasis on diet management such as advising diabetic patients to avoid consuming excessive sweets, red meat, seafood and other dairy products that aggravates the Kapha energy and recommending to consume fresh green vegetables, amla, barley, brown rice, cabbage and herbs like cardamom, garlic, fenugreek etc. According to the Ayurveda, diabetes is considered as madumeha . If untreated it can lead to complications like neuropathy, problem with kidney, non healing wounds etc.The types of ayurvedic treatment for diabetes as a specialization at KSAC includes-
·         Kaya Chikista
·         Diet and lifestyle advice
·         Yoga and meditation to manage stress levels
·         Getting proper sleep
The doctors at KSAC may also suggest special herbs and Rasayanas rejuvenate the body to ensure that no further complications arise due to chronic diabetes. Treatment for the chronic or advanced stage of diabetes especially with complications works on improving the overall quality of lifestyle of the concerned patient through customized Rasayanic treatment, diet and simple lifestyle modifications.  
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment at KSAC – Summary
The best ayurvedic hospital for diabetes in Hyderabad such as KSAC is successful in managing diabetes by recommending potent ayurvedic remedies depending on patients condition and body constitution. For those suffering from chronic diabete
 sinusitis Link: https://ksachospitals.com/blog/ayurvedic-hospital-for-diabetes/
Web site link: https://ksachospitals.com/blog/
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