#diane lockhart x kurt mcveigh
liviz223 · 3 months
I made a thing! I literally haven't stopped thinking about making something like this since I saw the scene for the first time. It's a bit rough since I edited on my phone instead of laptop.
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orlaogden · 3 months
6 seasons of McHart in Valentine's cards
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Huge thanks to my awesome buddiahs @petylittlething and @dianelockhartoninstagram for helping me finish it ❤️🫡✨
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djkerr · 20 days
McHart first date
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This silently stoic thing -- that's all just a pose, right? When you get home, you start spouting Proust?
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Well, to cowboys. Who knew I loved cowboys? Maybe it's in our DNA. Part of being American.
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You don't need to talk like that.
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I do need to talk like that, because that's how I talk.
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You know, there's a selfishness to the silence of the cowboy --
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forcing everybody else to carry the weight of the conversation.
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All hail the Queen and her Cowboy. 💗✨
TGW 01x18 Doubt
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cherubinhell · 2 years
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“I know who you’re gonna choose — Kurt. We were in the elevator and a grenade was thrown in. We thought we had seconds to live, and you said one word. ‘Kurt.’ I thought it was a great thing to know — when you’re about to die, who you’re thinking about.”
Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 6x10 The End of Everything
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theoliviamargaret · 6 months
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McHart Week has me in my feels. Sometimes it's adoration, and other times it's longing for more smutty McHart.
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Doors Closing ~Diane Lockhart xFem Reader
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Summary— Reader starts at Stern Lockhart & Gardner and finds herself under Diane’s wing. What happens when Reader develops more than professional feelings for the woman…?
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: fluff and angst, unrequited feelings, lawyers, the good wife/the good fight universe, unhappy ending (is it? In some ways yeah…), etc.
Enjoy (;
2009 brought a fresh wind to Chicago. You had lived outside the city for your entire life. But you had recently moved into the city, having grown up in the suburbs and this was your big new change. What drove you to move was a job that you had been chasing before the crash. It was a Secretary position at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner. Secretary was just to get you in the door, from there, you aspired to eventually become an assistant and one day a lawyer.
Female lawyers existed but unfortunately the life of law still was very much a boys club. When your husband had still been alive, he had given you his law books to learn from. After he passed, you had resolved to pursue your dream. And after many grueling hours of studying, interviewing, and connection making, you ended up with the position. You moved into her tiny Chicago apartment the very next weekend and began working that Monday.
The job while it was a dream come true most definitely came with its own challenges. You found the environment of Stern, Lockhart & Gardner to be quite male dominant and even hostile at times. Your late husband had warned you of this however, and you had insisted that you would persevere. It had now been 4 years since your husband had passed. There would always be a part of you that would miss him, but he had made you promise not to get hung up on him in the event of his death, and you were determined to keep yourself to your word.
You quickly got into a rhythm at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner. You would arrive at work everyday at least 30 to 45 minutes earlier than was expected of you (this would be pushed even earlier as time past). And you would stay as late as it was asked of you. You had gotten more desensitized to the blatant sexism over time and tried to not take it to heart. All of your bosses were men. With the exception of a small portion of female secretaries and receptionists. You quickly discovered that those women were not your people. They had no ambition, at least your male colleagues had ambition. The one exception to the flock at the firm was the only female Name Partner, Diane Lockhart. Your favorite days were the ones where you got to interact with Ms. Lockhart.
Diane Lockhart held herself to a certain standard that no one else at Stern, Lockhart & Gardner seemed to uphold. She had worked hard to get where she was today, not many women were such renown lawyers, especially not at such a renown firm. On top of being excellent at her job, the woman always behaved with an etiquette and manner of kindness. She didn’t make the same racy jokes as her male counterparts, she didn’t gossip and giggle like your female colleagues. She was direct and to the point. She had ambition. She had guts.
When the time came around for promotions and bonuses, Diane requested you to be her personal assistant. You had been flattered, and you of course accepted. There was a mutual understanding of drive and work ethic between the two of you. You had held Diane up on a pedestal ever since you’d begun at the firm, but now for the first time, you got to know the woman behind the success.
You were now the buffer between Diane Lockhart and the rest of the firm. You ran the busy woman’s schedule, ran to grab her lunch and/or dinner, took and cataloged meetings. Both you and Diane began to relax into the routine of your working together. You got used to spending late nights together in the office, as you would insist that Diane eat. You got used to early morning coffee conversations, so early that most of the firm wasn’t even in yet.
Slowly over the years, the women began to become closer. One day, you learned that Diane had a significant other, one that she confided in you she was hoping would propose to her soon. You had immediately congratulated the other woman. But you had for some reason gotten a strange tightness in your stomache. Tight enough as to where you ended up rushing to the bathroom to throw up your lunch.
After that day, something was off with you. Your time with Diane became brighter and an even bigger highlight to your day. But your time without the other woman, it became dismal and distraught. You couldn’t sleep anymore, her mind racing with memories of Diane. You realized that the tight knot in your stomache was now a permanent thing. You had to fight to eat every day. On days where you didn’t see Ms. Lockhart, you would cry for hours on end. You drew back, if you weren’t in the office, you were in her apartment, curled up and frozen.
This went on for weeks. Until one final early morning, you drudged herself into work. Just at the sight of the other woman, you began to already perk up. You set her things down at your desk, before entering the lawyer’s office with her morning coffee. But as you extended the cup to Diane and greeted her, that was when you saw the ring on the woman’s left hand. You haphazardly dropped the coffee all over Diane’s desk, having completely forgotten about the hot drink.
Within moments, you regained her awareness and began to apologize for your clumsiness. You swiftly cleaned up the mess, before Diane began to tell you about her engagement. Your eyes softened in a mixture of happiness for her but despair for yourself. You intended to congratulate the other woman, watching her squeal about her fiancé and her future wedding. You felt like she’d been stabbed in the gut and someone had twisted the knife inside your intestines for good measure. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think. Your thoughts were too jumbled. The only thing you could make out, the only thing you could get out were three pesky little words: “I love you.”
How had this happened? How had your feelings slipped away from you so mistakenly? How had you messed it all up so bad? This wasn’t what your late husband had wanted for you. Was it? This wasn’t what Diane wanted, for herself or for you. But that was what you wanted, what you wanted was a fantasy however. You hadn’t wanted this. You had wanted so much more than what you had and you had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Somewhere along the way, your sights for your career changed to sights on a specific female lawyer. How could you have let herself get so far?
You tried to resign that day. But Diane wouldn’t hear of it, insisting she needed you and your good work and that she was willing to forget the transgression. The next week you took the bar. Two months later, Ms. Diane Lockhart happily became Mrs. Diane Lockhart-McVeigh, someone who you didn’t even seem to know anymore. Diane Lockhart now only existed in the figment of your imagination.
Diane Lockhart Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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Kurt is wearing basically the exact same outfit as he did the day he and Diane met for the first time!!
*sniff* I'm not crying..!! *sniff*
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: The Good Wife
Sample Size: 1,132 stories
Source: AO3
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365daysofmchart · 2 years
The early morning sun filters in through a window in the Labor and Delivery Unit of Harbor Hospital, casting a pale light over Diane as she lay asleep in bed. That, paired with the hum of birdsongs and a city rousing to begin its day, is enough to call her into consciousness. She instinctively begins to part her eyes, but when they feel unexpectedly heavy, she opts to let them rest just a little bit longer; she shifts in a stretch then and the pain that immediately radiates out through her body has her wincing; the more awake she becomes, the more aware she becomes of the deep exhaustion she feels to her core.
God, she feels more than thinks, still working her way through the haze and to a place with enough clarity where she can begin piecing together the how and the why… until suddenly it comes to her. Her eyes shoot open and she gasps—her lungs rapidly filling with air until her chest aches, her body painfully jostled—but the adrenaline that suddenly courses through her has her unfazed with anything relating to her own health. The babies. Frantically, she searches around her room for any sign of them, but she cannot find but one.
Slumped in a rigid chair by her side (as a sofa across the room remains undisturbed), Kurt is quick to awaken, himself, and to come to his senses, his own sleep having been much lighter than hers. When he sees her alert, for the first time really since she had slipped away in the operating room, the relief is great and comes with an exhale of, “Diane, thank God.” As close as he was to her already, he moves closer yet, begins to reach out to her, but her urgency for information has her holding her hands before her and rebuffing his touch.
“The babies. The babies, Kurt.”
He nods and gives her just enough of a hint of a smile below his mustache to have her hands and tensed shoulders drop. Reaching out again, this time with her allowing him to follow through, he pushes her hair back from her forehead then lets his palm settle over her cheek. His lips curl further now, eternally grateful to have her here before him and her warm skin beneath his touch, and to be able to report this news: “They’re alright—both of them,” he tells her, stroking his thumb over her cheek bone. “They’re gonna wanna keep them a week or so for observation and a little support—like we anticipated—but they’re gonna be just fine.”
“Their-their hearts are alright?” she follows up right away, needing to know just a little more to confirm that they are, in fact, alright.
“They ran all of the tests, they both look great—strong and healthy.”
“And their lungs?”
“They’re… getting there,” he responds carefully. “Both need a little more time for development, but they’re on track and getting the help they need in the meantime.”
Diane nods, but distractedly so, and he can see the wheels continuing to turn in her mind. At that, he assures her again, more emphatically so this time, “They’re okay, Diane.”
He begins to reach to his pocket then to pull out his phone to show her a photo of their two beautiful faces—to provide her with the evidence she’s always longing for to support his claims—but hesitates, considering and then deciding that he’d so rather her see them for the first time in person. He retracts his hand then.
All the while she eyes him—she wants to know more, wants to ask all of the questions, wants proof… but for right now, she accepts his assurance and she relents as the adrenaline wanes and the grog and pain are more prevalent again. Her head falls back against her pillow and her eyes fall shut as she takes her first full breath since that initial, sharp intake. They’re okay. As her eyes remain closed, she nods briefly as she processes… and as she tries to recall.
She looks back up at her husband then and asks, “The-the first baby; it was a boy, right?”
“Yep,” he confirms with a grin.
“…And the second?” Though she tries, she cannot remember the birth of their second child…
At this, Kurt’s grin grows inexplicably wider as he informs his wife, “A girl. She’s beautiful, Diane.”
Her smile matches her husband’s—a girl; one of each—but his words have also confirmed that it is not only that she cannot recall the birth of their daughter, but that she has, in fact, not yet seen her, not yet met her. Her curled lips begin to fall as she tries to think further. She does vaguely recall welcoming their son, but then… there was some kind of commotion, she thinks. It’s all so hazy, but maybe, she considers, the memory is hazy because the moment was so. At some point in her reverie, her sights had moved distantly out the window; when she looks back to her husband now, her brow is deeply creased.
“What happened, Kurt?” she asks, barely above a whisper.
Any smile of his own that had remained falls now, too. “Well,” he clears his throat. “You umm…”
Her prompt pulls him back to that moment when all began to spiral downward—to the alarm of monitors, the blood, the way his chest ached… as it does now at the vivid memory of it all. He relives the moment he could see her physically drift off and was forced to wonder if she would ever return—to him, to their children she had carried and just brought into this world—and a lump returns to his throat as tears begin to well below his eyes. But he doesn't need to burden her with all of that now, not when they’re all here and healthy, not on what is to be such a joyous day—the day they begin their life as a family of four.
So instead he thinks beyond that moment to when a steady beat returned to the monitor—her heartbeat, most beautiful song; to the words of an unidentifiable but perfect voice, “we’ve got it, we’ve stopped the bleeding;” to the first time her eyes peered open again and caught his, even if it was short lived before her body gave into exhaustion; to when he finally had the chance to meet their children in their little incubators and touch their tiny but so reactive little fingers; to when he finally got to hold them, tubes and all, both pressed to his bare chest beneath a blanket while he watched his wife by their side and the steady rise and fall of her own chest, the peace he felt in that moment, at last.
He takes a steeling breath before gently informing her, “they had a little trouble getting the second baby-” He pauses, a hint of a smile making its way to his lips again before correcting, “our daughter out.” Then, with a bit more sobriety again, “The umbilical was wrapped around her and she wasn’t getting the oxygen she needed. While they were working on her though, you-“ A breath. “-You were losing a lot of blood. Your heart rate dropped.” ‘We almost lost you,’ he begins to say, but instead tells her “Things, ah, weren’t looking good for a minute or two there. But,” he continues on intently swiftly, “they got her out, safe and sound, and they got you stabilized. All went well with the afterbirth and closing you up, they did give you a transfusion to help with all the blood you lost-”
Her eyes go a little wide at that.
“-but they’ve taken good care of you, Diane, and you’re well. I promise you,” he tells her, as the doctors and nurses have promised him so many times over the past hours, “you and the babies are good—you’re alright.”
She nods slowly as she remains silent. It’s a lot to take in, to process—too much to do so in this moment, really, particularly with so many other more pressing things on her mind.
“Okay,” she says finally in breath, giving his hand a squeeze as she sets all that he has told her just now aside in her mind to revisit later. And then, more definitively, “Okay.”
Kurt understands—enough anyway—and leans forward to place a comforting kiss to her forehead. Then, when she tilts her head up as he begins to pull away, he places another soft kiss to her lips and she brings her hand that is not restricted by wires and tubes to his jaw and grazes the stubble there. The kiss in itself is but a peck, but it is so filled with love.
“Now,” she says once they have parted, “do you think they’ll allow me to meet our son and daughter?” The thought alone has her eyes crinkling in happiness.
“Well, they run a pretty tight ship around here,” he says, half kidding with a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, but also half quite serious (and gratefully so), “but yeah, I think that can be arranged.”
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Diane Lockhart and Kurt McVeigh are the hottest couple on tv, and that’s just the truth.
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can you believe that the Kings are de.li.ve.ring this hard
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liviz223 · 7 months
Day 2 Prompt 2 of McHart Week 2023 has been posted. Now go read it!
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orlaogden · 7 months
Mchart week: The Road Trip
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They are both unusually quiet in the morning. As if they are afraid to break the peaceful silence and ruin everything, so they let their bodies speak for their tongues. Kurt fries bacon and eggs, Diane warms up bagels and makes coffee.
A light brush of hands, short timid smiles. She adverts her eyes, and he feels a sudden pang in the chest. His arms snake around her waist, he just can't help it, his lips kiss the side of her head above the right ear. Despite the short glimpse of sadness he felt radiating from her just a moment ago, she leans in his embrace readily, caresses his back, kisses his shoulder. They're bathing in morning sunlight, in the warmth of their embrace and in the smell of the coffee.
"Kurt. Let's get away from the city for a while?" Diane blurts out.
"You mean, go to the country?"
"No... Go on a trip. Spend some time in nature." She knows he would love it. She knows that she will enjoy it too and they need it.
Kurt's eyebrows go up. Diane and nature: a beautiful combination but a rare one.
"To make a room," she pauses and finds his left hand with hers. "To clear more space for... love. Just be simply Diane and Kurt for a while."
Kurt is almost ready to laugh. He thinks that he is always himself and that being in love with her is his default state of being. But he gets it, so he just squeezes her hand and kisses her cheek instead.
"Do you have something particular in mind?"
"Nope. We can make arrangements today and go tomorrow."
"It's a deal then." He smiles into her hair.
The silence between them sparks with anticipation of something exciting as they eat.
Eventually they decide to go to Starved Rock. It's not too far from Chicago and it's beautiful.
Kurt's driving the car. Lyle Lovett doesn't provoke a sudden wave of longing anymore. The car doesn't reek of incense. Everything falls right into place. They're not going to meditate, they're going to walk and see the waterfalls, although Diane doesn't even mind watching him fishing for the whole day, breathing in the fresh air and the closeness of the most important person in her life she missed so much and desperately tried to forget in the fear of no future.
"You know what. We should try an axe throwing next."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll show you my moves." She adds with a cheeky smile. 
"I always thought it's a pity that you had got over it before we could try it together." 
"Maybe you'll find that the axes are actually hotter than guns."
"I know for sure that you'd  look hot as hell with an axe. As for the technical side… Maybe I am a simple guy, but I like complicated things, you know."
"Oh, I know. You wouldn't marry me if you haven't." Diane sighs. "There are actually so many things we haven't tried doing together…"
The majority of the trip they discuss their plans for future activities they want to try, building a bridge to their life together in DC. Diane thinks that maybe her cowboy is not an artsy person but he sure knows how to have fun and make her feel warm inside. 
The playful talk only dies out when they stop at a parking lot near a gas station to buy some coffee. Somehow coffee gets forgotten pretty quick as they indulge in a not exactly silent make out session.
“There is something humbling about the ancient rocks. We try to be important, be heroes, make a difference, while they’re just standing here and will outlive us all…”
“You’ll be able to make a difference again when you’re back in a courtroom. Real difference for real people.” 
And you will feel better, his tender green eyes tell her. She already feels better. The earth, the rustle of leaves, water and his steady presence ground her. Baby steps are not so frustrating anymore. Finally she knows what she needs to do: go back to what she does best. Leading a law firm, fighting for clients she actually cares about. Finally she doesn’t feel so painfully alone.
She looks down at the calm water surface and muses. 
This is crazy how you start to think that a person you have mutual interests with understands you on a truly deep level, seeking his advice because you feel like drowning, only to realize later that he doesn't know you at all. And it makes sense, because he really doesn't.
And this is crazy how a person, you have so little in common with on a surface level, gets you better than anyone else in the world. It doesn't make sense at all, but it feels so right when you don't overthink it.
"Ouch!" Diane stumbles and almost falls but Kurt's strong hand supports her in time.  
"Are you alright, hon?" he asks gently caressing her side. Diane takes a deep breath trying to not lean too much onto him.
"I think I've twisted my ankle. I'll be alright in a minute."
"You need to sit down and rest for a bit…" Kurt looks around trying to find something suitable. Sadly, they are out in the wild and there are no benches. "What do you think about this nice looking rock?" 
Kurt helps Diane to reach the big flat rock he spotted and sit down. Then he takes three steps back, checks her out affectionately and pulls the smartphone out of his pocket. 
"You look like a princess who got lost in the woods."
"Yeah, seventy years old princess in leather pants", Diane answers sarcastically. 
"Princess SexyPantsass", Kurt says lightheartedly and gets a perfect shot of her laughing. This will be a nice addition to his growing collections of Diane's photos. 
When Kurt helps Diane to stand up again, his stomach grumbles loudly. 
"I think we should head to the picnic area. Maybe this place has a dark history, but I don't want my galant knight to starve!"
Kurt gives Diane a plate with a hot aromatic grilled cheese sandwich and two sausages on the side while she spoonfeeds him a pasta salad she made this morning. He feeds her grapes. She wipes her hands with a napkin and pats his knee. They clunk two beers and toast their trip. The silence they've immersed into now is comforting in all its cozyness. 
A gust of wind ruffles Kurt's hair, and Diane's fingertips tingle. He is relaxed, almost serene. He looks at her with such tenderness that her lips start tingling too. She brushes breadcrumbs from his mustache, lightly touching the upper lip with her pinkie. He smiles and kisses her fingers. She can't restrain herself anymore. One hand goes up his cheek and disappears in the thick silver hair. The other hand goes up his chest, then his neck. And they are kissing, and kissing, and kissing. Bottles fall clinking against each other. Diane silently prays for the bottles to be empty, but when they end the kiss she looks only at him. 
"Now I'm starved for something else", Kurt breathlessly murmurs in her ear, sending a tingling sensation down her spine. Diane is half turned on, half hyper-aware that they're in a public space. 
"I'm afraid we have to starve for this much longer, my love", she whispers, moving away from him. The look on his face when she says the last two words almost makes her cry. 
“Thank you for coming back to me.” She literally breathes the sentence out. Her guilty look adds: Despite me hurting your feelings again and again.
It is both an apology for how she had left things and gratitude for him finally being here for her, not on the phone with a despicable organization, not somewhere else.
“Thank you for choosing us again.” Kurt answers simply, his voice is breaking in the middle. 
Her brows form two slanting lines, her lips tremble. As though they both could go a different way. They almost did, but no, she couldn't, they couldn’t.
She just hugs him then. If she could melt into his soft flannel shirt, she would. His hands clutch so tightly on her back as if he is afraid she would disappear. 
The next moment an angry kid passes them muttering something about "gross adults". They break their embrace and laugh, probably making the kid even angrier. The unexpressed thought makes them laugh even louder. 
On the way back to the car they see a double rainbow. 
"Everything is gonna be alright", Diane thinks. Kurt opens a car door for her. Going back home doesn't seem so depressing anymore. 
The song in the edit: Love Will Keep Us Alive by Scorpions. 
Thank you @rexlockhart for organizing such a wonderful fandom event! 💗💗💗
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djkerr · 22 days
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We can all agree that Diane looks Ahh-mazing in anything. One of my all-time favorite Diane outfits is this peacock blue jacket ensemble adorned with a double strand of pearls and her signature brooch. Fabulous look! 💙✨ Coincidentally, it's the outfit she's wearing when Kurt asks her out for the very first time. Swoon. 💗✨
TGW 01x18 Doubt
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cherubinhell · 3 years
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Diane x Kurt » The Good Fight 5x05 And the Firm Had Two Partners...
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baranskini · 5 years
Just curious, what's your favorite McHart scene ever?
Well, there are three...
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then there’s this...
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and piece de resistance...
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