sciencesolutions · 10 months
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sukimas · 1 year
if you want to do synthetic chemistry and be my friend understand i love you but i may describe your work in casual conversation at a major scientific conference as "some shit with piña coladas or something". sorry
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literallymechanical · 1 month
While we're on the topic of nuclear fusion space propulsion, what are your thoughts on the Bussard ramjet idea?
Man, at this point I can’t even get excited unless there’s, like, relativistic exhaust speed or diborane or something. Don’t talk to me about interstellar generation ships, I want to slam Deimos with a fusion rocket so hard that Mars has an orga[EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]
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I’m not sure if you guys know exactly how extreme getting a 4 on ANY NFPA 704 category is.
For context, paper has a flammability of 1. And we both know that shit catches fire instantly.
A health rating of 4 means that even short exposure can maim or kill.
A stability rating of 4 means that it’ll detonate if you so much as sneeze near it.
So you should know that it is EXTREMELY rare for a substance to be completely maxed out.
And, to add to the fun, tBuOOH is also an oxidizer, which means that it releases oxygen when heated. So if it catches fire, it’ll make oxygen, which will make the fire bigger and hotter
Here are some more 4/4/4s
Sadly, NFPA 704 ratings can be somewhat subjective, so these may be listed as 4/4/4s in some places, but lower in others.
To my knowledge, these are all 4/4/4s according to at least one manufacturer.
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duckbang · 1 year
Two Dots
Two dots form a line. Two electrons form a bond. Two people form a friendship.
It gets a bit more complicated after that.
Three dots don't make two lines. They can make three, or they can make one. But three electrons don't form three bonds. They form a free radical - well, they can make two bonds in certain circumstances, look at diborane, but banana bonding is weird… it isn’t exactly a three electron bond either. Three people still form a friendship, but it can be tilted, and as they say, three is a crowd.
Where the laws of gravity devised a smooth dance between two planets, between three it is chaotic loops of who will be kicked out first. With three comes the chaos that two had successfully covered in its simplicity.
There were three of us. Me, my brother, and my sister. And well, there is our dad - single and adoptive- and our honorary aunt, who has no relation to our dad apart from friendship. But the three of us were together from the start, since before we met the adults we call family.
We're not three anymore. We could be, we still talk to each other, through telepathy if not face to face. But we aren't together anymore. My brother and sister live together, in a remote, almost inaccessible location. One could go there, but the trip is harsh and not at all forgiving. I live with my dad and aunt, helping them with work.
But right now I stand on a stage, to give an interview with the news stations, one that is not related to dad's research but to my own. I started out helping with his work, but over time my interest deviated to researching animal behaviour within and without their herds (or flocks, or whatever the groups of specific animals are called). There's a hierarchy in both pack animals and lone dwellers. It is challenged often, but the top boss is the top, and not easily defeated. No matter how hard the planets try, they can't make the sun revolve around them. (Well, in a way, the sun does revolve around them. Its the pack leader’s job to make sure their pack is safe. Its a position that comes with both power and responsibility.)
My aunt stands to the side of the stage, hidden by the curtains. I glance at her before turning back to the press. My latest paper created a buzz, for reasons I don't quite understand. It was obvious, wasn't it..? "I simply find it surprising that no one has written anything about it yet, so after detailed research I decided to do it myself," I say in response to a question.
It took years to get enough data. 
"You taught a gryphon how to write with a pencil."
The gryphon in question is, of course, the brilliant silver and earth coloured beast sleeping on the stage, unbothered by the lights and noise. I met it in the beginning stages of my research, when we were scouring out the dry canyons the species calls home. Gryphons aren't pack animals, they prefer to stay alone, but at the same time they're not territorial and let other members of the species prowl and hunt in their area. Mine was a youngling at the time, possibly separated from its mother, because gryphon parents do not look for lost children. I decided to take it in, a decision I have never come to regret.
"It has been known for a long time that gryphon intelligence is comparable to, if not exceeding, human intelligence. It should not come as that great of a surprise," I point out gently. 
Their body design is different from humans, but with specialised tools and lots of practice and explanation it was able to hold a pencil, and with a few more months of work it managed to write it's name on a large sheet, and it was readable.
Maybe that could be a strategy used to help children with learning disabilities, I muse, but don't say it out loud. It's not my area of expertise, but maybe I'll bring it up with a teacher later. Journalists are not good people to discuss things like this with. 
My sister's presence makes itself known via a slight pressure on the back of my head, silently asking if I'm free. Wait, I tell her. Not right now.
I feel her nod as she retreats further into the back, enough that I can focus, but she's clearly interested in what I'm doing. I don't blame her. I'll never get bored of my job either. 
"Look at it this way," I say in response to a question I didn't entirely hear, "Gryphons don't see other members of their species as threats. They challenge each other for territory, yes, but they share their resources. The hierarchy is more of a gradient than a stepcase, with the largest and oldest member of the species usually at the top of it." And its often hard to tell who that is, it took me close to a year to find the leaders of the respective areas I focused on.
Even mine, who had started off obeying commands without question, had become more assertive as it grew older and larger. And now it is bigger than me, our mutual understanding and the gryphon nature being the only things keeping it obedient. Still, it was smart, and would refuse to do a task if it sensed that the job would harm someone, friend or stranger. 
My brother's presence curls around in my subconscious as I keep speaking, curiosity and warning intermixing as he decides to not detract my attention and talks to our sister instead. "Gryphons have been seen to treat even those who hurt them with compassion and kindness, and it is only in extraordinary situations that they seriously injure anyone. We could certainly learn something from that."
A babble of indignation meets my statement. “Humans are perfect,” they say, furious. “We don't need to learn from dumb animals.”
Both of my siblings bristle on hearing them.
I do, too, but keep my composure as I narrow my eyes.
"Humans have often killed each other over minor misunderstandings. Is that what you call perfect?"
No species is perfect. Human capacity to understand and adapt our behaviour is unmatched, so it gives us more avenues to grow. It is a shame that even 'simpler' animals like dogs, then, outmatch us in understanding, cooperation, and compassion.
Once, before I started working as a researcher, before we started living separately, the three of us decided to follow a pack of wild dogs to see where they would go. We were old enough to be trusted alone by then, and with school being on vacation we didn't have anything to worry about. So we packed our bags with enough food and clothes to last us a week and set off behind the pack.
It was an interesting experience. But what stood out to me most then, and even now, was how they made sure no member of their pack was left behind, and if one was injured they would slow their pace considerably so it could keep up. Gryphons don't do that, but they're not exactly social species. That was the incident that kicked off my interest in behaviour research in the wild, instead of trained behaviours in the lab.
Sure, my gryphon knows how to write, but it is a lab animal. I taught it mainly just to see what would happen, as with the landshark we taught to buy groceries.
I should probably take up researching dogs behaviour again, but for the foreseeable future Gryphons have a chokehold on my research. The latter is also what I tell a reporter asking what's next for my work, and after answering a few more questions and dodging those about my family, the conference moves on to some other scientists I forget the name of. But I'm free to leave or stay now, as I wish. I decide to stay, finally getting time to talk to my siblings who've been waiting for about an hour now.
It must be serious, if they decided to wait. 
So, she projects, amusement laced in her voice, You know how two dots form a line?
I don't have the patience for this, I decide immediately.
Well, I was thinking, and you can't have a combination of points that makes exactly two lines, if you want to connect all of them. Two dots form one line, but three form three, or one, and four form four or three or one, and so on, but no assortment makes two. That's weird, isn't it?
I thought you hated maths? my brother replies.
Get to the point, I tell her as I take the complimentary lunch box the organisers had so thoughtfully put together. Is the number of lines really that important?
I do, I was just thinking. And well... There really isn't any point. I just thought it was weird.
And here I thought it was something serious, I think. Unfortunately they pick up on my thoughts.
Aw, you worry about me? my sister teases as I settle down to eat.
Not if you keep being annoying like that, I respond. My brother laughs at that.
With that sorted out by tracking down a mathematician or two who were free to talk to my sister and giving them her address - which, again, directed them to an almost inaccessible area, and with my gryphon finally awake enough to fly us back to our home, I decided to finally head out of the conference hall. The sky, already orange and pink from the setting sun on one side and fading to the deep blue of night on the other, cloudless and the air without much in the way of wind, stood perfect for flying. My gryphon's wings reflected the fading light of the sun as we rose into the air, turning to gold from silver and the deep browns gave it a brilliant shaded look. It was a work of art, through and through. 
It takes two people to form a friendship, two souls for a connection. I know it's silly, but I've never felt more connected to anyone more than my silver and earth gryphon. Even my siblings, and we can talk to each other through telepathy, never made me feel the same way as simply being with my gryphon does. I ruffle the soft feathers on its back, feathers that almost look like fur from a distance, so soft and small. I have never regretted bringing it home with me, even if it does challenge me for my bedroom sometimes. 
I space out during the flight, almost falling asleep to the beating of its heart and the occasional flap of its wings. There's no danger of falling, my gryphon is a graceful and careful flyer. As such, with the last rays of the sun dipping below the horizon and the only thing lighting up the sky being a pale twilight, I doze off, trusting my friend to keep both of us safe. 
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ohhgingersnaps · 2 years
Mina for the ask game! And also I guess it's not a person?? But maybe do the ask for a chemistry person or scientific process that you like or dislike. Something science for kicks. :P
Mina Harker -- Genuinely one of my favorites. She is wonderful and incredibly complicated and beloved to me in so many ways! For so many reasons! (Including her flaws, many of which I strongly relate to. I love her so much.)
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Three-Center Two-Electron Bonds -- Going with a scientific process for this one! You know how in your undergrad chemistry class, they told you that all chemical bonds consist of two atoms and two electrons? This is only mostly true. There are some cases where a two-electron bond is delocalized across three centers. This is why there was decades-long debate about the structure of boranes throughout the first half of the 20th century, and many folks (including Linus Pauling!) actually thought diborane had an ethane-like structure, until X-ray crystallography got advanced enough to clarify things in the 1950s.
Bonus: I once read a book on borane chemistry written by Alfred Stock, one of the leading experts on borane chemistry back in the day. The book was published in the late 1930s, if I'm remembering correctly. It strongly advocated for the wrong structure (ethane instead of bridged). It had two separate bibliographies in the back: One was the list of cited papers that Stock was an author on, and the other was a list of the papers that weren't his. (The two lists were actually of comparable size, which was pretty impressive.)
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shelar123 · 30 days
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oberorka · 2 months
elementcattos hasn't an ask button so i giving you this here
misc element facts:
Germanium is transparent to IR (ww.ioffe.ru/SVA/NSM/Semicond/Ge/optic.html) and has a refractive index of 4 which is, to understate it, kinda high. (diamond is only 2.4, water is about 1.33) also it was used as the semiconductor for the first transistor and was the old silicon until silicon became the new silicon in late 1950
Ga can glomp Al and make it brittle (similarly, Hg dissolves Au)
Beryllium is really clear to x-rays, also if you make a knife out of it and cut someone, the beryllium salts formed will prevent the wound from healing and cause it to fester.
Flerovium (eka-Lead) is close to the predicted center of the island of stability, and the longest lived synthesized isotope (²⁹⁰Fl) has a half life of maybe 19 sec and that's still 8 neutrons short of the predicted doubly magic nucleus. i dont really know what this cat should look like but it's lorge and likely going to be practically stable once we figure out how to give it enough neutrons.
boron fact: borane (BH₃) can dimerize into diborane which contains 2 "banana bonds" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diborane)
sulfur has a fucked up phase diagram (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allotropes_of_sulfur) and it can polymerize all on it's own and can also form a plastic substance without other elements
i should stop before this gets too long but neodymium is not just used in magnets but also lasers (Nd-YAG) and so is erbium (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_amplifier#Erbium-doped_optical_fiber_amplifiers)
if you give helium a muon it becomes chemically similar to hydrogen but also you can get He₂ without that (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium_dimer) it's just very wide and weak also superfluids are cool and do wack things (crawling out of containers (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollin_film), transferring heat as sound (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_sound), etc.) "tin pest" is a thing, it's like what's growing on Cal in temporalxanthosis except it's a phase change of tin itself (similar thing can also happen to chocolate) also tin (and other metals, but tin is notorious for it) can grow whiskers (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whisker_(metallurgy) )
ok stoppign for now for real this time sorry but there's just so many cool things in reality
to maybe continued…
yea I gotta add an ask button to elementcattos fkdbsjv
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thecrazyalchemist · 5 months
*Warning: weird chemistry* (I half (?) understand it(?))
Continuing the rabbithole from the diborane and and 3 center 2 electron bond (3c-2e), apparently there are also 3 center four electron bonds (3c-4e)
which some very weird molecules have. Such as,
And some more normal molecules, such as
And also, another weird type of molecules I found are the
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guardgrandma · 9 months
Diborane is a pyrophoric gas that may spontaneously burn or explode when released into the air
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xelidonia · 2 years
a scientific analysis of End Crystals
The contents of the inner cube are purplish-magenta... like a regeneration potion:
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This fits well with its recipe-- which uses a ghast tear, like regen potions do-- and with its purpose-- healing the ender dragon.
Further, the color of the symbols on the side of the crystal is hot pink, like the color of the regeneration particle, but more intense:
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So, what does this mean? My guess is that the "End Crystal" isn't a solid crystal at all. What looks like a solid cube is actually another glass shell, filled with pink vapor under high pressure. The letters are formed like particles or swirls in the fluid. Normal potions are made by bubbling the vaporized essence of an ingredient through water, which makes it dilute enough to drink. But in the end crystal, all the healing vapor is kept compressed inside a glass shell, which makes it much more powerful but also very dangerous.
(Also, normal potions can't affect the Ender Dragon. They're water-based, and the Ender Dragon is resistant to water. Biologically, it should damage her like it damages an enderman, but her skin is so thick that the water doesn't get through.)
Why are there multiple layers of glass? Well, the crystal has to be made of glass so that the healing light beam can escape. But glass is a fragile material, and one layer probably wouldn't be enough to contain the vapor. In between each layer of glass, the pressure gets higher and higher, in order to spread out the stress to the limit of what each layer can bear. Breaking the outer layer of glass sets off a chain reaction that shatters all the layers near-instantly.
(This also explains why an End Crystal is so fragile that it explodes even from attacks that don't normally do damage. The glass is already highly strained like a Prince Rupert's drop, designed to deal with constant pressure pushing out from the inside. But when you even slightly poke the outside, that's enough to imbalance the stresses and shatter the whole shell at once.)
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If just touching the crystal is enough to make it explode, then we can't have it resting on the ground. It needs to hover. The ghast tear probably helps with that, but the weight of all that glass still has to be supported by something. That's why end crystals can only be placed on obsidian or bedrock-- those blocks are not pushable by pistons, so they're sturdy enough to not shake or move which risks disrupting the crystal on top of them.
Why doesn't the Regeneration vapor stick around after the explosion? It's probably very flammable/reactive, coming from ghasts and all that. I'm guessing that it reacts immediately with air in the blast. Regen potions themselves need to be stabilized with nether wart, or they lose their potency.
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swiggy · 2 years
bye now i have a victory lap to enjoy~`
hope u complete p block :)
I'm still at Diborane.. 😭. Mai bhi kar lunga lekin .. I'll update.
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speculative-world · 2 years
whats up with the 3 slits and feathers on these things, also whats that opening thing you talked about?
the 3 slits are the way the ostomesa respire, i call them pleural lungs they are a form of lungs that the terrestrial ostomesa derived from aquatic ostomesa gills, they inhale hydrogen and exhale diborane
the feather things are their kalriech, which are how they smell and hear, they smell with small olfactory nerve that extends to the end of every thin filament, the structure as a whole is used to hear, with the filaments being hypersensitive, klariech is closer to the fleshy extensions of telluric frog fish than the fur like filaments that cover the rest of their body called archeina
and the glosspharyncal opening is the closable end of their tongue like proboscis
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quarterdollar · 6 years
im entering the starbound modding shitpit specifically because i want to add one (1) custom brand option to an otherwise vanilla game
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bsquare007 · 4 years
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Diborane . . . . Written by @bhavikbhandva @wonder_of_chemistry #chemistry #science #study #chemistryboys #studygram #student #topper #classroom #chemistrylovers #chemistryteachers #chemistrynotes #chemistryeducation #scienceclass #scienceiscool #scienceworld #chemistryisfun #chemistry2 #chemistrylove #scientist #school #chemistrymajor #chemistryday #chemists https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXvj2wjVWs/?igshid=1obrfz0ylxox8
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