#did a somersault wrong because i'm out of practice
arkon-z · 1 year
Why do I always remember that I never do anything right the first time after I do the thing? I'm too impatient and too impulsive to follow directions if they're only given as suggestions. Instead of taking a foundations class, I jumped right into what turned out to be an advanced class and I ended up wrenching my shoulder. If I don't find a way to get this impulsiveness under control, I am going to ruin myself, I just know it.
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miseries-mistress · 2 years
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Synopsis: Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, and in order not to break under the pressure of your failure, you have resorted to the only thing you know can bring you temporary release, alcohol. 
Warnings: female reader, alcohol abuse, throwing up, lots of throw up, the reader is drunk, fluff, comfort, bad writing, like not my best writing at all but oh well, mild addiction?, slight angst, W/C: 1235
Notes: this week's updates will be shorter because that's all the ideas i had. I am working on part 2 of A Love That Can Never Be Tainted, but the last one took me an entire month to do, so don't expect it any time soon. i'll try to do longer work but for now, bear with me, please
star wars masterlist
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You were barely awake, the room spinning too much for you to form a coherent thought. Your hands clenched the seat as Obi-Wan held your hair while you leaned over the toilet bowl. His touch was gentle, his hands roaming over the small of your back. If you weren't as intoxicated as you were, you could sense his growing concern mixed with the melancholy he didn't try to quell. He was beyond worried for you, having just found you five minutes ago practically passed out with bottles littering the floor. He had tried to coax an answer from you as to what happened, and from your half-strewn-together sentences, he got the gist. But as he was about to escort you to bed, you stumbled into the bathroom, and it only took him a second to get the idea, following you in and sweeping your hair from your shoulders. 
You gagged, releasing the pure alcohol in your stomach. Obi-Wan focused on your back as more vomit fell into the toilet. 
"Shhh shh, it'd be okay, my dear. I'm right here, shh," he cooed as he felt your disgust and anxiety spike. He hated seeing you drink because you only did it when you couldn't navigate your tangled emotions. You would shut down and turn to the bottle instead of him. Over time he had gotten used to it, but he never grew accustomed to the heartache of you feeling like you were unable to talk to him. He knew it was the byproduct of years of swallowing your emotions, but it didn't put his concerned mind at ease. 
He pushed those thoughts aside. That was far from what he ought to be focusing on. Instead, his attention needed to be on you and your well-being as your ghastly eyes and sunken expression indicated that you weren't as fine as you claimed to be when he first found you.  
His words laced with empathy passed through your ears, and you barely registered them, more focused on the smell of alcohol and the fiery throb in your throat. The burn raced up your throat again, and more vomit spilled into the toilet. Then, finally, you closed your eyes, the pounding in your head becoming too much.  
"You're doing so well, my love, that's it, shhh," he gently coaxed you from your frazzled state of mind into something akin to peace. His hand danced over your spine, where he let it create patterns. With so much stimulant, you found it difficult to believe that you could even focus on the man beside you for a moment. Instead, you fell back from the toilet, your back smacking against the tub behind you, black spots somersaulting over the white overhead light. The pounding behind your eyes was relentless, keeping the room rotating in waves or circles, a pattern you couldn't predict. 
"Hey, let's get you to bed, my sweet, c'mon, atta girl. You're doing so well," Obi-Wan encouraged you as he held your arm. Your head lulled to the side. Funny feeling. 
Obi-Wan sighed, his golden-red hair disheveled as his arms snaked around your waist and the back of your head, and in one swift motion, you were airborne, or more accurately, lifted. You giggled loudly at your weightlessness, a lopsided grin falling from your stained lips. 
Your head jostled with every step, adding to your dizziness and increasing it by tenfold while your arms flapped uselessly by your side as Obi-Wan, a pillar of strength, gracefully carried you to your bed. 
He set you down on the mattress, and you rolled in circles, giddy with an emotion he couldn't quite place. Your carefree smile filled him with a slight sense of joy. He hadn't seen that look in a while, genuine happiness, and it touched his heart with such a force that his chest fluttered. Seeing you so happy brought a smile to his face, despite the circumstances. 
Obi-Wan pushed back the hair that fell into your eyes as you giggled, pressing a sloppy kiss to his hand. He grinned at the gesture as he sat down on the corner, stroking your hair. His right hand was next to the outside of your hip, keeping you from moving around while he attempted to get you to relax.  
"You need to get some sleep, my love." His hand traced the outline of your face, his touches so feather light it felt like a dream. 
"No," you defiantly pouted, descending into a fit of giggles. Usually, Obi-Wan would never think of using the force on you, no less to influence something, but he knew the longer you stayed up, the worse the hangover would be in the morning. So you watched him with half-lidded eyes, squirming on the bed as Obi-Wan's eyes fluttered shut.  
He waved his hand in one fluid motion over your head, focusing the force on easing you to an unconscious state of mine. You slumped on the bed a moment later, soft snores emitting from your carefully parted lips. Obi-Wan leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. He hated to see you so upset, especially when there was nothing he could do to change it. His first desire was to help you, but you shut him out, and hours later, he found you a sloppy mess on the floor, practically dumping yourself in contraband you got a hold of. All he wanted was for you to be okay, and now you obviously weren't, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to help. As much as it tortured him, he would talk to you in the morning, and hopefully, then, things will be set straight. 
His lips left your forehead, and he pushed back the tangles of hair; his. You were his, and although it was something he cherished more than anything, the word felt foreign on his tongue. Obi-Wan wasn't used to the responsibility that came with being yours, something that he would adapt to better accommodate your needs. He would learn how to better care for you as time went on, but now he was stuck learning how to assist you. The self-placed responsibility of caring for you proved to be a more intricate task than he initially imagined. 
He stripped from his attire, his eyes softening as they landed on your sleeping figure. Settling into bed, Obi-Wan made himself comfortable, his head furrowing into the crook of your neck, his arms enveloping your waist. His beard scratched the place where your neck met your shoulder as he caressed your skin with a final kiss for the night. 
"Goodnight, my dear."
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sanosandwich · 3 years
TR Thoughts - A Gift from Majiro Sano
A/N: This is just a little something that was waiting to be released into the wild.
Characters: Bonten!Mikey x Reader
Genre: Fluffy with a smidgen of smut, Angst.
TW: Pregnancy
• - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - •
On the eve of my 19th birthday just hours before the big day, I never expected to have this surprise gift. Staring at the two pink lines of the pee stick was sickening. Or maybe that was what most call morning sickness, why is it even called that? Ah, fuck. What am I supposed to do now? I toss the stick in the trash, wishing my problems could be done away with just as easily.
I never gave much thought to having kids. Much less with Sano Manjiro. We'd known each other for the past three years, our relationship, if you can even call it that, has been going on for a little over a year. What even are we? Fuck buddies? I hardly consider us buddies, that ship set sail a long time ago. Now every time we spend time together, it's all about getting that high.
He graduated high school and deserted all his friends. Yet somehow, he always found himself at my doorstep, wanting to sleep over and talk like we used to. Except it didn't last very long like that, innocent I mean. Soon after he managed to strip me of all I had to give and took it for himself. Of course, he would take it, I practically begged him to, I cared for him and wanted to show him that. Stupid me.
We started off with all the precautions being taken. Condoms, pulling out and emergency plan b if any of it failed. I never got on birth control because each time it happened; we always swore it would be the last. He would disappear for weeks at a time, and I'd finally start to forget about him, only to have him at my door again. I'd let him in, I always did, he needs love after all and I have plenty to give.
As the weeks stretched into months, less precautions were taken, first forgetting the condoms. Soon enough he'd fumble and not pull out fast enough, leaving me a mess both inside and out. Until finally he asked if he could finish inside, and I, the love-struck fool, obviously gave in. Plan B was the last thing off the table, taking it religiously the moment I woke up alone after a visit of his.
Last time was different though. He spent the entire weekend with me, inside me in every way he could. His words "I want to see how much cum I can pump into you. Pussy always so pretty when it leaks out my cum," they still bounce inside my head. Yes, I was a complete dumbass for listening to him, but my legs were jelly and my brain turned to mush with every thrust of his hips. How could I say no. When Monday rolled around, I had college classes, no plan b, and I just couldn't skip school. Forgetting all about the creamy mess he left inside me.
Now here I am with vile in my mouth at any smell in the air, and tears running down my eyes. It's been 3 weeks since he last came, quite literally, only 2 days since I started suspecting something may be wrong.
What should I do? What could I do? I haven't messaged him in months, he always shows up when I least expect it. A million questions running a mock in my head. When I hear soft knocking at my door, my gut tells me it's him, so I ignore it. He might have been knocking for a while, I don't really know. It's hard to concentrate between sobs and dry heaving.
I'm not sure why he did it, or how or even when, but he made his way into my apartment. As I lay my cheek on the bathroom stool next to the toilet I feel the gentle flutter of his finger along my cheek, my eyes droop with exhaustion. He doesn't say anything, just picks me up and lays me in bed before wiping my face with a moist towelette. Tucks me in as he lays behind me, tightly wrapping me in his embrace. His hand gently resting just above our tiny bean's current residence. I know it's an accident, but still, it makes my heart twist and flutter.
Walking up in the morning, I lunge myself straight to the bathroom, vile spilling into the sink as my stomach somersaults. Sooner than expected he is behind me, holding my hair back, those beautiful black orbs of his full of concern. He presses a sweet kiss behind my ear before I continue to dry heave as he rubs soft circles on my back.
For the first time in a long time, we did something other than roll around in bed, when he visited. He wished me a happy birthday, worried over me, helping me anyway he could think of. He even showered with me, just to make sure I wouldn't fall and injure myself. His actions remind me of the boy I fell in love with.
"So, do you know what's got you like this? Bad food or stomach flu?" I take a deep breath and shake my head. I don't know how to bring myself to tell him my little secret, I don't even know if I should tell him. "Should we go to the doctor?" I shake my head, deciding it's better to keep it to myself.
"I'll figure it out, don't worry about it." I dismiss him, hoping he will let it go.
He attempted to make breakfast, yet just at the sight of eggs and the smell of coffee my stomach turned. My face of disgust was quickly noted by Mikey who instead of pushing the subject decided to take me out for breakfast.
I take his offer and run with it. "Hmm, maybe we could go to the convenience store, grab something quick? Or we could do sushi. Wait, maybe I shouldn't eat sushi right now?"
He chuckles at me "we can eat whatever you want, my treat." I beamed at his response. We hurried to leave heading to the nearest plaza. Being cautious with what I wanted to eat, not knowing if it would harm the baby. If I decided to keep it.
Most of the day was amazing. Filled with idle chit chatter. He vaguely told me of the new gang he was in command of. I told him of my experiences as a new college student. We cruised the streets of Tokyo till sundown, stopping every now and then when my stomach raged to be emptied. He held my hand all day, my hair when I needed it, and even kissed me when he felt like it.
Making it back home was bittersweet, knowing that my day with him was coming to an end. We had dinner at home, take out boxes full of only the stuff that sounded good to me. When we were done, he insisted on spending the night "You might need help, if you feel bad again tonight." He explains.
I try not to show how much it means to me that he wants to spend the night at my side, even if it deviates from our usual arrangement. As we lay in bed our fingers entwine, as we reminisce of when we first met and how we ended up where we are right now. His soft touches and sweet words fill me with the courage to finally ask him "Do you know why I'm sick?"
He shakes his head in the dip of neck, whispering against my skin as his fingers gingerly walk up and down my arm. "I could guess, but I might get it wrong."
I hum in response appreciating his touch, I hold his hand in mine and slowly move it over my abdomen, resting it there. I turn to face him in the darkness of the room "I'm pregnant" I say just above a whisper. He pulls back his hand, propping himself on his elbow, looking at me, even if he can't see me clearly in the dark. He runs his thumb against my cheek before dipping down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
"I never would have guessed. Us, parents? Will you keep the baby?" He asks.
I shrug, "I don't know. It's not the best time. I'm a student and honestly, I have no idea what you do. I have no money, and I don't even know if you -”
''I’ll help, I'll give you everything and anything you and our baby will ever need." The sweetness of his words makes my heart flutter
I laugh "Are you sure you want a baby? with me? We don't even interact more than once every few weeks, and when we do it's to -"
"Yes, I know," he interrupts me. "I just never know what to do with my feelings for you. Staying away is so hard. I want to keep you safe, but I also need to see you, feel you, love you. You never push me away, even when I hurt you. You do nothing but love me." He explains as he peppers kisses all over my face.
I can't help but cry at his words "I love you Mikey. Always have and always will. But a baby? They aren't band aids for bullet wounds"
"Angel, I don't see it that way at all. It just feels like this is what I needed to finally tell you how I feel." He continues, "even if we don't go through with it right now, or even ever. I want this. I want a future with you" that last bit coming out as a whine as he presses his lips to mine.
I accept him, like I've always had. He swallows my sobs and I nod at his words.
Pulling away from him gasping for air "m'kay. Let's do this. If you want this, let's do it. I love you and I'll do whatever it takes to make this work."
I take his face between my hands and pull his forehead flushed against mine, noses touching. I can feel him smile as he presses another kiss to my lips.
"Thank you. I wouldn't want it any other way my love."
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(Written for Adrien August... I'm not sorry)
Bad Luck: Frozer
Summary: Adrien struggles to move on from his first crush so he confides in one of his friends. Or is she more than a friend?
Chat Noir smiled sadly down at the red rose in his hands. Passion, romance, true love, he recalled in his head.
Hiding the rose behind his back as he turned around, Chat Noir grinned at the question in Ladybug's eyes. "I have to say that rescuing civilians without a supervillain around is a nice change of pace. Don't you think, My Lady?"
"Not every day you see a hang glider delivery service," she agreed, smiling at the nickname.
Chest suddenly constricting Chat Noir's smile became a touch strained. "Love to stay and chat but this cat's gotta run!" Taking out his baton he extended it, launching himself away.
"Oh! See you la... ter..." Ladybug called to his retreating form.
Landing in the empty locker room Adrien detransformed in a flash of green light. Plagg stretching as he came out of the ring.
Eyeing Adrien's downcast features, Plagg pried at his holder. "It's not like you to leave Ladybug so abruptly."
"Yeah..." Adrien absently offered a wedge of Camembert to his floating friend who promptly swallowed it whole. "Guess I just need some time to myself."
"So she turned you down. There's plenty of other kinds of cheese!"
Despite himself Adrien smiled. "You need better metaphors."
Plagg shrugged. "You could always take it literally. You can never have enough cheese!"
Adrien rolled his eyes as he changed into his fencing gear. Plagg wasn't as articulate as he thought but... he wasn't wrong...
These thoughts swirled in Adrien's head as he joined Kagami at practice.
A mistake he paid for when Kagami knocked him off his feet. Standing, Adrien parried as Kagami lunged. She always gave her all in beating her opponent. Scoring a point he smiled and they retook their positions.
But his heart still wasn't into the sparing session and her next lunge drove him off balance. Her foil poking into his chest.
"Predictable," Kagami chastised.
Eyes narrowing, Adrien's more competitive nature surged forward at her words. Heart beating faster, grip tightening on his foil and-
It was gone as soon as it came.
Leaving Adrien vulnerable to Kagami's strike...
Adrien stared pensively at his fencing helmet. He knew Ladybug didn't like him the same way he liked her. That wasn't anything new. So why was he-
"What's wrong, Adrien? Usually I like beating you but it's no fun when you make it this easy." Kagami stood in front of him with an unreadable expression.
Adrien gave her a bittersweet smile. "You ever feel like you're stuck, Kagami? Like, no matter how much you try to move forward, nothing will ever, ever change?"
Kagami blinked in surprise as Adrien opened up to her. This wasn't what she was expecting... Sitting next to him Kagami took a moment to collect her thoughts. "Adrien. The biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target."
Oh. She liked metaphors too. Well, with his luck to was bound to-
Her hand gently cupped his cheek and turned his head to face her. "So, switch targets."
...Oh. A rose tint colored Adrien's cheeks. Kagami was always beautiful but for some reason... it was especially true just then.
Smiling in encouragement Kagami grabbed her things and walked out of the locker room. Leaving Adrien to his thoughts.
He stared after her for a moment... Launching to his feet Adrien raced after her in a moment of sheer panic and recklessness.
"Kagami!" Adrien practically shouted.
Not having gone far Kagami turned around, puzzled.
Taking a deep breath, heart pounding against his ribs, Adrien let out the thought that propelled him to his feet. "Would you like to go out some time!?"
Kagami's eyes went wide. "Out? As in a date?"
The color on Adrien's cheeks bloomed into scarlet. Suddenly even more self-conscious he rubbed the back of his neck- "Um," -and nodded. His mouth refusing to form words.
Half turning, Kagami gave him a small smile. "I'd like that."
Adrien felt his lips pull into a grin. Heart somersaulting in his chest for some reason.
"What should I do, Plagg?" Adrien bemoaned. Head thunking onto his computer desk. "I've never been on a date before!"
"Wasn't this your idea?" Plagg flipped through his favorite cheese magazine. He swore this romance nonsense was the silliest invention humans had ever come up with. "If you ask me it's about time you expanded your palate."
"You're no help," Adrien grumbled. Lifting his head up Adrien swiveled around to look at Plagg. "What if I asked Father or Nathalie for advice?"
"Sure." Plagg stretched lazily. "If ya want them to know about you and sword girl."
Sighing, Adrien discounted that idea. "Oh! We can ask the Gorilla!"
"I don't know," Plagg mused, "doesn't seem like a good idea."
"You just don't like it 'cause he found your Camembert stash that time," Adrien teased, poking Plagg lightly.
"It was perfectly edible! How could he!?"
Chuckling at his antics, Adrien thought about who he could go to for advice...
Adrien tried not to hurry ahead of Kagami into the ice rink proper. The chill making his arm hairs stand on end. His breath sharp in his throat. Heart beating with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Asking Marinette had been a great idea!
He turned back to see Alya and Nino slowly catch up. If only she could have made it. But that essay on periwinkle migration sounded important to her... Oh, Chloe's dad was here.
As they put on their skates Adrien glanced at Kagami out of the corner of his eye. Scooting closer to Nino he whispered: "Thanks for coming last minute, Nino."
"Hey, no problem dude! Anything for my bro." Nino's grin was a tad forced and his eyes drifted to something behind Adrien before snapping back.
"I don't know what to do with Kagami."Adrien admitted, leaning in. "Should I... offer to hold her hand?"
"Yes!" Nino snapped his fingers and held up finger guns at Adrien. His eyes flickered away again. "I mean, no! I mean- Why don't you take it slow?"
Adrien turned around to see what Nino was looking at but it was just Alya smiling politely, hands behind her back. Probably waiting patiently for him to finish with her boyfriend.
Straightening, Adrien smiled at her. "Thanks for coming, Alya."
"No big deal! Just a double date, right!" Alya smiled wide in an attempt to draw attention away from her accidental inflection.
"...Right." Adrien politely declined to comment on it.
"Anyway!" Alya grabbed Nino's hand and dragged him off. "We'll let you two get to it!"
Adrien turned back to Kagami, who was tying her skates. Hesitantly, he made his way over and stood beside her.
"Don't be scared," Kagami promised conspiratorially as she looked up, "I won't tell anyone."
"About what?" Adrien asked slowly.
"That you don't know how to tie your laces," she teased, kneeling down to do just that. Once done Kagami smiled at him, grabbed his hand and led him onto the ice.
"I can't believe you agreed to this!" Alya stage whispered. Arm locked tightly around Nino's elbow as they skated on the opposite side of the rink.
"Aw, c'mon Als. Y'know I couldn't leave my bro hanging like that!" Nino widened his eyes and tried to sparkle them like Adrien had. "He gave me the look. How could I say no to that?"
"I know..." Alya sighed. The crease between her eyes softening from accusation to guilt. "I just..." Adrien and Kagami caught her eye as they skated hand in hand. "Feel like I'm betraying my girl just by being here."
Nino patted her hand and gave her a soft smile. "I'm sure the dudette will understand." His gaze drifted towards Adrien and Kagami. "Besides... I don't think she'd want to see this."
"Hey, young man! Have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons!?"
Kagami turned her head as Alya and Nino skated past them on their lap. "Did you invite them because you were scared of being alone with me?"
"Of course not!" Adrien lied, waving his hand to ward off her words. "It's just... that I asked Nino to help... me."
Her brow creased. "Help you with what?"
"Uh, to perfect my figure skating skills!" Adrien decided.
"But you don't need him for that." Suddenly, Kagami let go of his hand and launched into a short routine of spins and twirls.
Adrien blinked at her presentation before an appreciative smile graced his lips. Kagami has so many talents, Adrien thought as she talked with that man who had been discussing something with Mayor Bourgeois.
Seamlessly, Kagami interlaced their fingers as she took his hand again and pulled him forward with her momentum. Glancing at his smile through the corner of her eye.
"Adrien Agreste, I can see it now!" The skating instructor (that's what he was) was suddenly beside Adrien. "Grace and style model! And professional ice skating champion! If you take lessons with me I'll have you shining like the candles on a birthday cake!"
Skating? Adrien had never thought about it before. "Uh, may-beeee!"
Kagami switched their positions so she was closest to the instructor. "He already does fencing with me," she informed him. And sped up with Adrien in tow.
Adrien stared at the back of Kagami's head. She was very assertive in her desires, bold even. Kagami knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go for it. He admired that about her, was drawn to it. Kagami would meet any challenge without backing down.
Just like Ladybug.
His fingers slipped from Kagami's grasp as he slowed to a stop. Staring at the floor as his cheeks burned not with embarrassment but shame.
"Adrien? What is it?" Kagami asked as she circled back.
Adrien smiled. "Nothing. I just have to use the restroom real quick." Turning, he let his smile fall as he left the rink.
Plagg poked his head out of his pocket once they were alone. "What's gotten into you, kid?"
Adrien stared at him. "I don't know."
Worry started to prick at Plagg's fur. "Adrien-"
"I don't know what I want, Plagg!" His heart hammered against his chest, pulse rising to his throat. "Kagami knows. Ladybug knows. Chat Noir thought he knew but... but I don't." Adrien wrapped his arms around himself, making himself smaller.
"... Listen, you're young right? Even by human standards? Like a freshly made wheel of Camembert."
Adrien frowned, turning away. "Plagg-"
"Hear me out!" Plagg zipped closer to Adrien's face, keeping in his line of sight. "But freshly made Camembert is terrible! It's got no flavor! No delicious scent! You need to let it age to bring out all the good stuff."
Adrien glanced at Plagg. Seeing his tail twitching in concern even if he wouldn't voice it. Strangely, Adrien understood what he was trying to say.
"All cheeses age differently. There's nothing wrong with taking your time." Plagg finished, not quite satisfied with how it came out.
Adrien smiled at him, reaching out to pet his head. "Thanks, Plagg."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Plagg let himself be petted. Not because he enjoyed it, of course. It just happened to make Adrien feel better.
Suddenly, ice started crawling up the walls. Magic coming from the ice rink. "Oh, no. Guess we have to go save the day," Plagg said, very disappointedly, yes.
Adrien grinned as he brought out the transformation cheese. "Uh-huh."
Chat Noir's good humor lasted until he spotted Ladybug on a rooftop. Oh. He didn't... want to see her right now. Reluctantly, he landed beside her. Doing his best to keep the conflicting emotions wrestling in his chest off his face.
"Chat Noir! We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink." Ladybug anchored her yo-yo onto a nearby building, ready to take off.
Say something. Say something! "My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack." Ha! Nailed it! Chat Noir scooted closer to the roof's edge as he scanned the frozen city.
Ladybug gave him a puzzled look. "What? Since when?"
Chat Noir pouted. "Rude."
Shaking her head as she fought back a fond smile Ladybug inched towards him. "We have to work together on this."
His hand rubbed the back of his neck, catching her eye. "I don't know. We don't have to do everything together. If we split up we'll have a better chance of finding him." Chat Noir jumped. "Race you!"
"Chat Noir, be careful!" Ladybug called out as he sped away. "... Okay, so he's acting weird. Not the first time he's acted weird. It'll be fine!" She cast her yo-yo and swung off. I hope.
Being by himself helped Adrien order his thoughts. His feelings were all over the place so he focused on doing what he told Ladybug he was gonna do. It was child's play to follow the only imperfection on otherwise smooth ice. Leading him to the Eiffel Tower where the akuma victim was hiding.
Okay. Now I just need to-
Frozer launched himself at Ladybug!
Acting quickly Chat Noir tackled Ladybug out of the way. Grabbing her hand and leading her onto the frozen Seine. Skating away at top speed to put some distance between them and Frozer.
"Thanks, kitty!" Ladybug smiled.
And Adrien smiled back. Confusing questions forgotten for the moment. Then Frozer launched shards of ice; Chat Noir letting go of Ladybug's hand so they could dodge it. Only then realizing that he'd been holding it at all.
"He's too fast!"
She was right. Frozer easily kept pace with them. Leaping into the air to launch more ice shards. Rounding a bend in the river they were out of sight for a second. Taking advantage of it to hide.
"I'm positive the akuma's in his skates," Ladybug stated once Frozer passed them.
"My Cataclysm could destroy them but he'd have to be up in the air... You were right My Lady. We're going to have to set a trap."
"You were right, too. We observed and now we know enough."
Chat Noir smiled. "Seems we're just missing a little push of luck to get the edge on him."
Ladybug nodded. "Lucky Charm!"
Adrien raced back to the ice rink. In the end the plan had been pretty straightforward. Ladybug baited Frozer into following her while Chat Noir laid in wait.
Business as usual. Except...
'Are you sure you're okay? You've been off since yesterday.'
'...I'm just figuring some things out. Might take me a while but that's okay... Thanks for worrying about me.'
Being around Ladybug didn't make him feel quite so sad anymore. Chat Noir meant it when he said her friendship was important to him, after all. And... Adrien was happy. That he could be normal around her.
He spotted Alya and Nino discussing something, waving at them as he looked for... There. Kagami was returning her skates. Adrien walked up to her, fidgeting with his ring. "Uh, hey, Kagami. Sorry I ran off like that."
"It is fine. We were interrupted anyway."
Adrien couldn't tell how she meant that but he took a deep breath and forged ahead. "So, I know I'm the one who asked you out and all. But..."
Kagami frowned. "Are you saying you do not wish to date me?"
"No!" Adrien waved both hands emphatically in the negative. "No, no, no! I just... wanted to say that I think we should take it slow."
She raised an eyebrow. "We go any slower and our pace will be glacial."
Adrien was 90 percent sure that was a joke... 80 percent. "W-well if you think it's too much of a challenge..."
Kagami's eyes widened at Adrien's audacity. She poked him in the chest. "Don't flatter yourself, Agreste."
Without thinking, Adrien grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her palm. Kagami's answering blush nowhere near as radiant as Adrien's. Why did I do that!? Who froze for a moment before turning around. "W-wouldn't dream of it... Ryuko."
"Ryuko?" Kagami raised a brow at the nickname.
Adrien's hand went back to rubbing his neck. "I can call you something else if you don't like it."
"No," Kagami decided, a small smile on her lips as she passed Adrien on her way to the exit. "Ryuko will do just fine."
"... So, that's a yes?" Adrien sprinted to catch up.
"Mm, perhaps if you define what you think 'taking it slow' is."
Adrien leapt in front of her and held out his hand. "Let us drive you home?"
Kagami blinked at the offered hand. Slowly reaching out for it. His palm was warm in hers. "Going slow is not too bad. I suppose," she relented.
Adrien beamed. "Oh! Just one last thing!"
Kagami entered the Agreste car as Adrien held the door open, sliding in behind her. "You're still doing what other people want."
"No, I just want him to be happy," Adrien countered. Giving the skating instructor free advertising didn't cost him anything. "Besides, how're we supposed to come back if it's a Chloe catered gym?"
"Back?" That sounded promising.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and couldn't quite look at her but he smiled. "Since our first date was cut short I was hoping we could try again."
Kagami gazed at Adrien as he fidgeted. "Just the two of us?"
"Y-yup!" Adrien's face burned.
"Good. You're crush on Nino was distracting."
"Wh-what!?" Adrien spluttered.
"... You're crush on Nino? I thought everyone knew. Personally, I prefer Alya but-"
"I don't- That is- I..." Adrien's shoulders slumped. "His eyes are so beautiful, it's like he stares into your soul."
Kagami's hands hovered awkwardly. "I am sorry. I thought you knew."
Adrien buried his face in his hands to muffle his yelling. "I thought I only had the one thing! This is... I don't even know how many things this is!"
Reaching for his hand again, Kagami squeezed it reassuringly. Back straightening as his grip turned out stronger than she expected.
He peeked at her through the splayed fingers covering his red face. Breath speeding up. "I... I don't..."
"You don't have to say anything. I know it is not easy to come to terms with."
Nodding gratefully, Adrien slowly took his hand away from his face. Taking deep breaths.
Kagami relaxed as Adrien did the same. This wasn't what she was expecting. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Turns out, Kagami had been aiming at the wrong target too.
Adrien's grip eased as he looked up at Kagami. That was... certainly a lot. But Kagami hadn't turned away from him. Only a handful of people had ever seen him so vulnerable. And two of them preferred to pretend otherwise. But Kagami didn't pretend. And Adrien admired her for it. He smiled, wobbly and honest.
"Thanks... Ryuko."
In case it's unclear the two people Adrien's talking about are Gabriel and Nathalie.
*Rewatches Frozer (again) for this fic* ... If my friend fell and they said they didn't feel well I'd check up on them too. IDK why the the fandom- I mean, Plagg, is so hung up on that part.
I have taken liberties with the production of Camembert for this fic. Please, forgive my transgressions cheese enthusiasts.
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h0tch-r0cket · 3 years
Infatuation (18+) {a.h.} : chapter 7
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summary: you needed a job. aaron hotchner needed a babysitter. the rest was inevitable.
word count: 4.2K
warnings: explicit language, mentions of cigarettes 
table of contents 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
You would have been lying to yourself if you tried to deny the fact that for the rest of the night and into the early morning you had the biggest grin on your face, thinking about going to Aaron's lecture the next day.
Aaron Hotchner's lecture.
The professor Aaron Hotchner's lecture.
Your boss, Aaron Hotchner's lecture.
You weren't sure what you were expecting when he called out your name the night prior as you were about to pull away from his house. You figured maybe he was going to tell you something with Jack, maybe tell you that he was changing your pay day, or say something else that came into his head about the book. You most definitely  weren't expecting him to invite you to his lecture and for the thought of attending to keep you up in anticipation for the majority of the night.
As you got ready for Aaron to come pick you up, your stomach was doing somersaults in anticipation. You wished that Esmé was around to calm your nerves but since she was doing an overnight at the ER again, you probably wouldn't see her until the next day when she was all rested up.
After going through what felt like a million different outfits, you settled on wearing a tan blazer with a white undershirt and a pair of black slacks. You figured since you were going to the university with Aaron that you had to have some degree of a professional looking outfit on.
You sat on the edge of your bed, putting on a pair of heels when you heard your phone vibrate on your nightstand. You grabbed it quickly and felt your nerves going haywire when you realized that all of this was actually happening. That Aaron did actually invite you to watch his lecture and offer to drive you.
You glanced at the message that you received from him and the smile that refused to leave your face only grew a bit wider at his words.
                                    Aaron Hotchner
-Good morning, Y/N. Should be over to your place in about 10 minutes.
With nimble fingers, you responded back to him, letting him know that you would be all set to go when he got there.
You no sooner finished getting ready, doing your hair and putting on a little bit of makeup,  when you heard the familiar sound of his car alarm go off.
The adrenaline rushed through your veins as you started to gather your things. You took a quick glance around your apartment to make sure you weren't missing anything when firm knocks sounded on your door.
Here we go, you thought as you unlocked the door to reveal Aaron waiting patiently for you.
He was wearing a black button up and pants to match, your eyes quickly glancing to where he had the top button of the shirt undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his slightly toned arms. You were almost positive the man couldn't have gotten anymore attractive to you but yet here he was in the entrance of your apartment, proving you wrong.
A small smile fell across his lips as he, too, was taking a moment to look at you. He didn't know how each time he saw you, you looked effortlessly stunning.
"Morning," he said, breaking the bit of silence that was between the two of you.
"How are you?" you asked as you stepped outside your apartment, turning around to lock up.
"I'm doing alright." He stood behind you as you locked the door, his presence and close proximity sending a shiver down your body. When you turned back in his direction, his eyes were already searching for yours. "Ready to go?"
You nodded your head and followed behind him as he led you to his car. He opened the passenger door for you and gestured for you to get in. You said a quiet thank you, adjusting yourself in the seat as he shut the door and went around the front of the car to the drivers side.
His car had the faintest smell of the lingering cigarettes that was overpowered by his cologne when he got into it. He settled in his seat, turning the radio on low. He turned his head towards you and glanced at his watch. "I have some time to kill before I have to be in my first class. Do you want to go grab a cup of coffee?"
"That would be great. I could definitely use some," you said with a smile. He nodded his head and started the car.
He turned his head to back out of the parking spot, placing one of his hands on the back of your seat to get some leverage. You couldn't help but watch him, completely entranced with the way that his arm was a bit flexed from the grip of your seat, the veins in his arms becoming more prominent.
"I know a good place on the way to my job. I think you'll like it," he told you, pulling you out of your daze.
You could only muster a small sounds good as he began to drive to the coffee shop, still thinking about the way he gripped onto your seat.
It definitely should not have turned you on as much as it did but there you were at nearly 8 in morning, already mesmerized by Aaron Hotchner.
As Aaron drove, the gentle hum of the radio filled the air.
"So what's your lecture on today?" you asked, trying to see whether or not you knew what Aaron was going to be discussing for the day.
"I was going to talk about Pandora's Box, but I think I'm leaning towards talking about Zeus and some of the myths that involve him since there's so many," he explained as he pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop.
"Do you have a favorite myth to teach?" You saw a contemplating look on his face as he thought about as he exited the car. You got out too, waiting for his response, as the two of you walked side by side towards the entrance of the shop.
"I do like teaching about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth," he said as he held the door open for you. "But I don't know if that one is my favorite, you know?"
A woman behind the counter greeted the two of you as you stepped forward to offer. "What can I get for you folks today?" she asked.
"I'll take a black coffee, large," Aaron said.
The woman turned her attention towards you and waited for your order. You ordered your usual coffee blend and went to grab your wallet from your purse.
Aaron's hand stopped yours, pushing down the wallet back into your purse. "I got it." He handed the woman the money for the two coffees before you could even protest.
"Thank you but you didn't have to do that," you said as you stood in the area to wait for your drinks.
Aaron stood next to you, your arms brushing together. "I know. I wanted to," he said with a smirk as he looked down at you.
You could have melted from the way he looked at you. Like you were the only person in the room. The only person that he cared about at that moment.
The woman called out Aaron's name and he grabbed the drinks, passing you yours. He took a sip of his coffee as he walked back towards the entrance, opening the door for you yet again as you followed suit.
"So what do you think? Good coffee or what?" Aaron asked as you got back into his car.
It was a pretty damn good cup of coffee. You took a sip and nodded as he started to drive towards the university. "Mhm. Hopefully it'll wake me up a bit," you laughed.
"Alright everybody. I hope you all have been keeping up with the readings because as you know, you have your next exam this Friday," Aaron said as he walked in front of the room of students.
You were sitting in the middle of the auditorium, off center from where Aaron was teaching.
Seeing Aaron teach was such a sight to behold, you weren't sure how you would be able to keep your composure. Watching him, completely capturing the attention of the students, the way he talked and presented himself practically screamed dominance in the given situation and the way he was so thorough, lived up to your hopes as to what you thought Aaron was like as a professor.
"So today, I figured we could introduce one of the major players in Greek Mythology," Aaron continued. He grabbed the Expo marker, scribbling down the word Zeus on the whiteboard. He closed the marker and turned his attention back to his students.
You watched as he crossed his arms across his chest, pacing slowly in front of the room. "We've already discussed how Hades is Zeus' brother. But going further into who he is, does anyone have any prior knowledge about him?" Aaron's eyes scanned the crowd, landing on yours for a few seconds, a brief smile showing on his face as he looked at you.
As much as he was trying to keep his head straight and proceed with the lesson, he found that hard to do with you sitting in the crowd. He couldn't help but look over in your direction, watching your face light up with excitement as he spoke. He tried not to look too long because he knew that he would have gotten stuck in a daze and completely lost his train of thought during the lecture.
A small part of him felt nervous to have you there. It wasn't because of the clear knowledge you had of the subject matter, but because of the idea that he didn't want to mess anything up. He was silently praying that the lecture went off without a hitch and that when he finally spoke to you about it afterwards that you actually enjoyed your time there and he didn't bore you half to death.
"He's, like, the god of the sky or something like that," a student answered his question. Aaron nodded and turned to the whiteboard again, writing down what the student said.
"Very good, Mr. McMillan. Glad to see we're actually paying attention to the content today," he said with a small smile as he leaned against the podium next to the board. He clasped his hands together on top of the podium as he was waiting for someone else to chime in with their thoughts.
"Zeus is a man-whore," a student from the back of the auditorium called out confidently.
Aaron laughed lightly, his eyes wide at the response of his student. "I mean, I guess that is one way to put it," he agreed. "It is true. Zeus did in fact have many lovers and many children. Even though he was married to Hera, he had many affairs. That's actually what we're going to talk about today. Or at least one of his many known affairs."
You sat in your seat, almost in awe at the passion you saw radiating from Aaron as he spoke. The way he talked about the subject matter, clearly emphasizing what was important, and even taking the time to make sure his students were able to take thorough notes.
But the pesky little thing you had for Aaron was acting up, causing you to focus on different details rather than the lecture.
You focused in on the way the black button up was snug against his torso, making you wonder what he was hiding underneath it. As he continued to speak, your eyes became fixated on his arms as they flexed when he gestured with them through his speaking. Even as he was writing things down on the whiteboard, you focused on his grip of the marker, like he was holding onto it as a lifeline.
He, in fact, was gripping the marker with a firm grasp because of his nerves. He wasn't sure if he was just in his head because of the added pressure, but he was almost positive that almost every time he looked at you, you were focusing on some part of him as he taught. He was hoping that he wasn't imagining it. He was hoping that if you were looking at him like the way he thought, that you were going through the same conflict that he was.
That you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
"The first tale of Zeus we'll discuss is of Zeus and Io.  Io was a mortal woman, the princess of Argos. Zeus fell in love with her and covered the Earth with clouds as a way to try to hide his relationship from Hera," Aaron explained. He propped himself up on the edge of his desk, giving the students a moment to catch up on their notes.
"Of course, Hera was a smart woman. Not to mention a jealous woman. She knew what Zeus was up to. So she came down from Mount Olympus to try to catch Zeus cheating. However, Zeus was deceptive. Anyone have any ideas as to what he may have done?" He glanced around the room again, as did you, trying to see if anyone had some sort of guess.
"Ms. Y/L/N. You're pretty well-versed in mythology aren't you? Care to tell the class what happened?" Aaron said, a smirk growing across his face as he looked at you. He peered over the heads of his students from where he was sitting atop of his desk to maintain his gaze.
You thought you were hearing things when he called out your last name. But when you saw he was looking at you, you realized quickly that he actually was testing you.
Almost like how you did with him when the two of you discussed the book only the night prior.
You sat up straighter in your seat, feeling everyone's eyes landing on you as they awaited your answer.
"Well, Professor Hotchner," you started, hoping that the way you said his name would have an effect on him, the way it rolled off your tongue so effortlessly with charm. You saw Aaron's mouth drop open a quick second as if he were stunned at the way you addressed him, but he cleared his throat, staring at you with furrowed brows as you began to answer. "Zeus turned Io into a white heifer. It was his way of disguising Io so that Hera wouldn't see her. And when Hera wanted the cow as a gift, Zeus had to give it to her so she wouldn't be suspicious."
Aaron nodded his head in approval, yet again impressed by you. He was becoming more and more enamored with you each and every moment that you spent together, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep his feelings to himself. How much longer he could go without your touch, without being able to tell you how he loved your smile, without holding you in his arms at night to be the first thing that he wakes up to.
He was growing tired of listening to the words of the angel on his shoulder.
He was going to tell you all of these things and word them better. But for now, the words that he was able to compose in his head would have to do as he continued on with the lecture.
"Very good. Excellent, Ms. Y/L/N. Zeus knew that he couldn't resist Io. He had to have her. He would do anything in his power to be able to be with her." Aaron hopped off his desk and started to pace around the room again. He stopped in front of the section that you were sitting in, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked up at you. He sent you a small smile and you saw the way that his face softened for a second as he continued to look at you.
"He was completely and utterly infatuated with her," he said, his voice quiet as he continued to look at you. "And he knew it was wrong but he didn't care. For Chrissakes," he said as he threw his hands up in the air as he turned away from you, "The worst part of it all, in my opinion, was that he didn't care what others thought." He chuckled lightly as he walked, shaking his head in disbelief.
You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you watched him.
He stood behind his desk and leaned on it, looking down at the scattered papers in front of him. "He didn't care what happened as long as he got to be with Io." He lifted his head and without hesitation, he looked at you again.
You couldn't help but feel the words he was saying ripple through your entire body.
And then all too quickly, the emotions that you tried to push deep down whenever you were with Aaron began to make an appearance.
The excitement and attraction that you felt from Aaron's general presence, now swarming through your entire body as you realized that maybe he felt the same way. You took his words as a silent plea of him admitting his feelings.
But of course, you didn't want to take anything for granted. As you shifted in your seat, you were determined to figure out what the hell just happened and why it felt as though the stars were finally aligned and you could get what you wanted.
And you wanted Aaron Hotchner more than you wanted any man before.
Aaron was never one to completely ignore common sense and succumb to his desires. But in that moment, he dove head first into the situation, hoping that you picked up on his intentions through the subliminal message of the lecture.
He cleared his throat, regaining whatever capacity of a clear head that he had left to wrap up his lecture. "Hera arranged for Argus, the giant, to watch over Io to prevent Zeus from seeing her. Of course, that wouldn't sit well with the god of the sky so he instructed Hermes to go retrieve his beloved from the giant. Hermes was successful in setting Io free but the story goes that Hera sent the mother of all gadflies after her to continuously sting her." Aaron clapped his hands together loudly, grabbing the attention of the few students that seemed to be a bit distracted.
"That's all I have for you guys today. Remember, my office hours are canceled for the day. I'll see you all next class."
The room quickly emptied itself of its students, leaving you and Aaron in the auditorium. You gathered your things, still trying to process and decode whatever it was that just happened in the lecture.
Aaron gathered his papers together in his satchel and glanced up at you as you walked down to his desk. "So, what did you think?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face.
You so desperately wished to ask him if what he said about the myth was about him. If he really felt that way about you. But for the time being, you held your tongue and decided to ask him when you got in the car when you had some proper time to think about what it was that you wanted to say exactly.
"It was really great. I enjoyed it. Well, except the part where you called me out of the crowd," you teased, nudging him in the arm softly as the two of you started to walk back out of the building to his car.
"I think it was only fair. You gave me a test so I figured one question in return makes us about even," he said cockily.
You scoffed as you walked, kicking a pebble at your feet. You watched the pebble bounce on the sidewalk, landing a few feet in front of Aaron's stride. "I gave you time to study," you retorted.
"Mine was a pop quiz then," he laughed. He looked down at the sidewalk, kicking the pebble back in your direction. You felt yourself smile at the gesture, especially since it was a bit of a habit that you picked up from the time that you spent with Jack.
The two of you settled into the car, the buildup of the obvious tension from the day lingering in the air.
You turned to look at Aaron to find him already looking at you.
"Look, Y/N-"
"Look, Aaron-"
The two of you said the words at the same time, a small laugh coming from both of you. Aaron waved his hands towards you as his way of telling you to go first.
"You can go first," you told him with a light laugh. You figured it would give you more time to think of what you wanted to say to him anyway.
"Alright." He exhaled deeply and shifted in the driver's seat to fully look at you. "Y/N, I just wanted to say thank you for coming today. It meant a lot to me that you did." You nodded, a small smile curling up at the edge of your lips. Aaron's eyes darted down to your lips before they returned to yours as he continued to talk. "I also just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate everything that you have done for Jack and I."
He reached his hand forward, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You felt like you were in a haze. His touch was driving you insane. But when he rested his hand on your cheek, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb as his eyes were full of admiration for you, only then did your skin feel like it was being ignited by his touch.
You thought you were imagining things. You thought you were going crazy as the gap between you and Aaron closed, as he brought his head closer to yours while moving your head forward at the same time.
"Y/N, you're something else," he whispered, his face only inches away from yours. "And you deserve the world."
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you felt the inches growing less and less between the two of you. You placed your hand on top of his, wrapping your fingers around his.
"Y/N," he muttered, as his nose brushed against yours while he tilted his head to get to your lips.
You heard your heart pounding in your ears. You couldn't believe that it was happening. This only showed you that he did indeed feel the same way. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
Everything was moving in slow motion. You felt as though your lips would never find his.
Only mere inches apart.
An inch.
Aaron's phone blared in his pocket, taking over the moment. He let out an aggravated sigh as he pressed his forehead against yours for a moment, his eyes shut in disappointment. "Fuck," he muttered, almost so quietly you weren't positive if that was what he said. He removed his hand from your cheek, sitting back up in his seat as his hands dug in his pocket for his phone. He read the caller ID and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's Jack's school," he said as he held the phone up to his ear. "Aaron Hotchner."
Your brain felt like mush. You almost kissed Aaron and he was the one to initiate it all. You could still feel his hand on your cheek and the adrenaline running through your body as the gap slowly closed between the two of you. You sat back in your seat, pressing your head against the headrest as you only heard incoherent mumbles from Aaron as he spoke on the phone.
You stared blankly out the window, trying to wrap your mind around what the fuck just happened.
Aaron's hand resting on your shoulder pulled you out of your trance as he looked at you with concern. "Y/N? Did you hear what I said? I have to go get Jack from school early. He got sick."
You couldn't speak. Couldn't think. You only managed to nod your head at him. He took his hand off your shoulder, putting the car in drive. "I'll drop you off at home. Don't worry about coming over today. I'll just cancel the rest of my lectures for the day to be with him."
You nodded again as you watched the buildings of the campus speed by your vision as he drove.
You had to talk to him about everything from that day.
From his words at the lecture to the way that he almost fucking kissed you, you weren't even sure where to begin.
All you knew for certain was that you would be thinking about where that kiss would have led you if you weren't interrupted.
author's note:
hello hello! another chapter for you all! and i'm not even sorry for how i ended it lol
i hope you're all prepared for the next few...the next one will make things a little...twisted??
see you soon!
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santalsaburablog · 3 years
The adventures of Santal. Chapter 12: Support
Courage forms the hero, and trust is the basis of friendship.
Black line! Lately, Youngling Santal Sabura has been plagued by constant setbacks! In the end, the girl hides from shame in the ventilation, shuddering in sobs. However, there she does not manage to grieve alone. She is found by one Padawan, who wants to understand what the matter is, and help as much as possible ...
“I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan Trainee. And who are you?
- I am Youngling Santal Sabura.
- So what happened?
- Do not want to talk. - answered the girl, sobbing.
- But still? - Kenobi looked inquisitively at the girl's face. - Maybe I can help you?
- You can't. That is, you cannot.
“We’ll never know if you don’t tell me.”
Santal was confused. On the one hand, the guy inspired her confidence. The desire to speak out grew with each passing second. But, on the other hand, she saw this Padawan for the first time. She doesn't know him at all. And he, too, and, nevertheless, offers help just like that. But again, he is a Jedi, just like her. And the Jedi are exceptionally kind, light beings. There are no Jedi villains! They are exceptionally good.
So in the end, the girl began to tell slowly.
- I can't do anything!
- What exactly?
- Physical exercise. Like somersaults and stuff in the air. Because I'm afraid to fall, break something, and it hurts. Others are already doing a lot, I don't know why. But we have already begun to practice the movements with the sword. Form 1. I am lagging behind! I'm scared! And today she completely fell in front of other children. It was such a shame! They laughed at me - Santal gradually began to calm down, before shedding tears again very loudly. Either the presence of another Jedi influenced, or she herself tried.
The girl was very exhausted during all this time, she was tired.
- That is, I'm just afraid.
Santal paused, not knowing what else to say.
“That’s your problem,” Kenobi said. “From everything I've heard, it can be inferred that you are letting fear take over. But fear leads to the dark side. Don't you know that?
- In the classroom, we were told about all this. But this makes it even worse.
- Listen, maybe it's better to talk in a more comfortable place than in cold ventilation? Obi-Wan suggested.
Santal agreed and in a few minutes both were already in the girl's favorite place. In library. We sat at the table.
- So where did we stop?
- On fear.
- Yes. I can feel it even without the Force. Is there something else that you haven't told me? Are there any other problems?
Santal, in other words, did not like the word "feel". It was as if something had shrunk in my ears, narrowed.
She was frankly annoyed that a guy she didn’t know was rushing into his personal space, as if they had been friends for ten years.
But at the same time, he somehow found her, passing by, did not ignore, listened and brought her to a place comfortable for her.
It would be a little wrong, Santal decided, not to say anything at all. The girl began to speak without stopping, all that came to mind:
- I could have had a completely different fate! And because of him! It's all his fault! I’m NOT GUILTY! And why did I just stay here? Maybe not worth it? Maybe your aunt was right? She said that I would be sorry. Maybe the Jedi way is not what I want? - and many questions like them flew from the tongue. - That uncle. It's all because of him, ”she cried.
- I already understood. And I don't understand. Can you tell us in more detail, with names? The Padawan suggested.
Santal told the same to the Council. How she enjoyed a quiet life on Ryloth, about the lights, how she fell into the hands of a hunter who kidnapped her, who wanted to sell her (the girl first said "give", Obi-Wan corrected), but she somehow miraculously escaped, got lost, fell on another planet, met Yoda, visited two more planets, found out that she was sensitive to the Force and agreed to the offer to go to the Temple.
Obi-Wan wondered and at times smiled, at times looked at the girl sympathetically as he listened to this incredible story.
- I have no words. I have never heard such a thing. I am absolutely sure that no one has ever entered the Temple like you. So many adventures! Tell me, what would have happened if everything had gone differently?
- Nothing would have happened. If the hunter had landed in another place, or I would not have paid attention to the "lights". Solid accidents. How stupid I was!
- Do not say that. After all, you are little. Quite small. To you. How many?
- Recently turned four.
- That's it. So you're not stupid. You have just begun to live, one might say, the first page of a thick book, on which two or three lines are written. And this is no coincidence. My teacher says nothing happens by accident.
- What does it mean?
- This means that we met at the behest of the Force.
- And the fact that I met with that hunter? Was our meeting predetermined by the Force? And that I became a Jedi? Is that also Power? And your aunt? Did we end up together a long time ago at the behest of the Force?
- Yes.
- And how do I feel about this? Any acquaintance by the will of the Force?
- And how do I feel about this? Any acquaintance by the will of the Force?
- No way. Just take it for granted and rejoice. And in general, you perceive everything that happened to you too negatively. Yes, I do not argue, there is little pleasant in your story. But look at the situation from the other, positive side. Because of the actions of that hunter, you became a Jedi, saw the sea, found friends ...
Santal wanted to say that she did not consider all her new acquaintances as friends, but said nothing.
- Your life is better. You got into better conditions. Obi-Wan played Yoda as a joke.
Looks like he wanted to cheer the girl up, or just wanted to spontaneously joke. If the first statement is true, then he succeeded. The girl smiled and laughed.
“Okay,” Kenobi said. - I hope you feel better. Just don't get hung up on failure. Move on.
Santal wandered through some dark place. It seemed to be abandoned long ago. The floor creaked. Cobweb in places. Sneaking, the girl stumbled onto the stairs and hesitated. Does she need to get up? Then I made up my mind. The staircase was small and creaky. Four steps. Rising cautiously, Santal stared at the wall.
Suddenly there was a strange sound. It was as if the wind had blown over my back. It was as if someone had rushed past her briskly.
The girl got scared. She wanted to run headlong from this place. Wait a minute, how did she even get here? Stole again? Or is it a dream? Really? The second option was more believable. After all, if she was stolen, then why did she not feel anything being grabbed? Even that uncle, when he grabbed her, she felt. I wonder what he is doing now?
If this is a dream, how did she fall asleep? After talking in bed? Or has she still not got out of the ventilation? Exactly? So meeting Obi-Wan and talking to him is a dream, then? Or not?
In general, again a bunch of questions. As a result, curiosity again intervened and insolently took the reins of control over the mind, influenced once again the girl's decision. Santal stealthily walked to the left towards the door. There were simply no other options. The staircase began to darken, which further convinced the girl that she was dreaming about it. This fact added courage.
- Who are you? Where are you? Give an answer! Who are you to me? I saw you, ”Santal muttered softly, reaching a black rectangular door and opening it (it was unlocked). The girl entered the dark room, taking a couple of steps. - Who are you? Enemy or friend?
- Friend, - no longer expecting an answer, Santal jumped up, half-turned.
Behind him was a strange old man with a hood on his head. That made the face difficult to see.
“They are hiding it from you,” the stranger said in a mysterious, but, as it seemed, also ominous, and maybe kind, incomprehensible voice.
- Who are they? You didn’t answer my questions, which I asked first, ”Santal asked, puzzled. - Who you are? And what are we doing here? Am I sleeping or not?
- Now you know everything, - the old man smiled, continuing as if nothing had happened. “Either they or you.
And he began to move away. He turned around and, as if floating, flew to the right.
- Wait, don't go! I do not understand! Give the answers! - the girl ran, crashing on the way, most likely, into a wall. She stumbled, rolled head over heels down, jumped out into the street, but the old man was gone.
Santal surveyed the area from the porch. A bad place, definitely. Swamp, strange dark green plants, whose names are not known to the girl. Till. The sky is light green.
Suddenly, in front of Santal's face was a white creature with empty eye sockets with long thin teeth, which shouted shrilly: “Kra-ah-ah! Ara-a-a-a-a! "
The girl screamed no more quietly, screamed, waved her arms, kicked her legs. AND…
And she woke up, sitting abruptly on the bed, moving her limbs.
Santal was breathing heavily. And she was angry. As if she had few problems, incomprehensible things, strange dreams that dream almost every day and are all different. So many secrets, so many mysteries have accumulated over the course of my life! And no answers!
The Jedi daughter exhausted herself and fell on her back in the shape of a star. There were a lot of thoughts, ideas, plans in my head, but all of them had to be put off, because I had to run to class.
As always, the problems started in physical education.
- Girl, come on! You will succeed. You can! - Tera Sainube tried to cheer up.
- I can not. The girl repeated to herself like a mantra.
For five minutes Santal could not do a double somersault in combination with hand movements.
The rest did this exercise, as it was said, almost simultaneously. Of course, not everyone succeeded, but the children at least tried. Why Santal and gnawed offense. In addition, someone fell, but did not break anything. It would seem that this should have given the girl courage, but no. Santal only became more convinced that she was right.
Suddenly Santal was afraid that they would start to scoff, they would say that she could not, a loser, and so on. Moreover, it seemed to her that one of the boys, it seems, Adrian, began to move their lips, risking turning into a grin. Although, perhaps Santal seemed.
The girl remembered that Green, almost perfectly did the exercise at the right moment, beautifully arching her back. Not only in her opinion and the opinion of other children, but also in the opinion of the teacher. The Jedi daughter wanted to rejoice, but instead felt something different, new and unpleasant. At that moment, the Mikkian looked at her with condemnation. The girl responded in kind. So what, what do you do? Our excellent student! But this does not mean that one should look at others like that. This is the teacher's job. And the Jedi Council.
Unwittingly, for some unknown reason, Santal drew attention to Svante. Lately, she has begun to look at him more often. Previously, she was not particularly interested in his actions. But now everything has changed. Today the girl noticed fright on his face. And I remembered that he fell during a somersault.
“Doesn't smile. Otherwise I would have to say: "but you would have kept silent, it did not work out for yourself, but also ..."
As a result, Santal could not stand it, tried and fell on her shoulders without doing a single somersault. One of the children laughed, but quickly fell silent under the teacher's gaze. Santal rose and said softly:
- I told you. I can not.
Initially, she wanted to run out of the hall, but was afraid that the whole clan would laugh out loud. And the school day is not over yet. In the end, I just huddled in a corner, because the following exercises were also acrobatic. The rest of the lessons went smoothly. However, when was it different?
In the evening Santal, after sitting in the library, went back to stand by the window, wrapping her arms around herself. She felt bad. Santal understood that it could not continue this way. Surely the teacher will report where necessary and she will be sent to the clan for the laggards, or even completely kicked out of the Order. They will decide that she is not worthy of being a Jedi. What a disgrace! But her parents were Jedi. Great Jedi. Warriors. The kindest souls of the creatures who fought to the end, protecting their daughter, who now dishonors them.
Santal was angry with herself because she was so unlucky. On others, that no one helps, does not work. Or, like this Obi-Wan, they will give advice and that's it. Advice is of no use. It is a fact.
- It seems that this is already becoming a tradition. A man's voice rang out.
Santal shuddered. Out of frustration, she did not notice how Master Dooku approached her!
In the same patterned brown dress, the man gazed majestically at the girl. The beard gleamed in the moonlight.
- This is the second time we meet like this.
- Yes. - the girl scolded herself strongly, forced herself not to even think about crying. There was still not enough to be disgraced in front of such a respected person.
- Have you got any problems?
Santal opened her mouth, but Dooku gestured not to say anything.
- Don't bother. And so obviously yes.
Then Santal decided that she would be ashamed if she lied.
- Yes. I have problems with practice, as opposed to theory.
- Why? Is she so scary? - the master smiled.
- I'm afraid to do acrobatics like somersaults. This is the main problem - fear.
- Is everything all right with the theory? - asked Dooku.
- Everything is great. Santal replied, not without pride.
“So it’s not so bad.” - a modest smile adorned the old man's face.
- Maybe. But because of the acrobatics, I lag behind. I am afraid that I will be sent to the clan for the laggards. Or even kicked out of the Order. A shame.
- Do not say this nonsense. Usually, in such cases, they are sent to one of the service buildings. Medical, agricultural and others. Expulsion from the Order is the most extreme measure. This is done most often if the character of the child is not Jedi. And you seem to be calm, well-mannered. Even at the first meeting I noticed. True, a very exciting stutterer. Dooku chuckled.
Santal could not help laughing, remembering how nervous she was then.
“I’m always like that when we first meet. Sorry.
- Nothing. Better think about how to solve your problem.
“The problem is that… Bastian and Adira Shan…
“Do you know Bastian and Adira Shan? - surprised Dooku.
- These are my ... idols.
- A good choice. The most worthy of worthy people. I was close to them. Especially with Bastian. We were friends. - the master plunged into the depths of memories.
Santal extended a smile from ear to ear. She was ready to jump for joy. She met someone who knew and loved her parents. Was a friend of the family. This is an incredible coincidence!
The mood has improved greatly. If it was assessed on a 100-point scale, then now it would be at the highest point.
- How did you meet?
- We were once sent on a joint mission. To the planet Corellia, sort of. There they became close. We were similar in many ways. In views, opinions about Power and about politics.
Santal eagerly caught every word. Today she learned a lot of information about her parents.
"And ma ... Adira Shan?"
- I will tell about it later. It's late now. Time to sleep.
- Tomorrow is a day off. I can go to bed later.
“You're too young for that. Better an extra hour to sleep, then you will understand how important it is.
Santal did not want to argue with the master and went to her room. Maybe next time she'll find out more.
Waiting for the youngling to leave, Dooku also went to his room, having seen enough out the window.
The next day, the master was walking towards the south tower, when he was called out:
- Master Dooku!
- Master Tera Sainube! Didn't expect to meet a former teacher. You were once the leader of the Hawk Mouse clan that I studied with.
- Yes, I remember very well. How much water has flowed under the bridge after that. But I didn’t then come to reminisce.
- And for what?
“I’m worried about one female student from my clan. Name is Santal Sabura.
"Wow, a coincidence," thought Dooku and asked:
- What's wrong with her?
- An interesting situation. She knows theory better than anyone, while she is very bad with physical education. She's just afraid to do basic things like somersaults. Although most are already able to do a lot. We started practicing sword techniques. The first form. I'm afraid the girl is far behind, and I will be forced to part with her. Perhaps she will be transferred to a clan for weak students. Or perhaps to the service building or any other place where acrobatic skills are not needed. Although, if you think about it, they are needed everywhere. One way or another, I don't want to lose such a talented student.
“Everything is clear, Master Sainube. But I don’t understand, what have I to do with it? Why did you tell all this to me?
- Given that you once studied with me, you know my program. Plus, you two are somewhat alike. Calm, smart, well-read. And perhaps there are some other similarities. For this reason, I thought that maybe you will be able to better influence her, make her believe in yourself? When one does not succeed, it does not mean that the other will not succeed. Think about it. If you can, do me a favor.
The clan supervisor left, and Dooku wondered what to do, stroking his beard with his hand.
After dinner Santal wanted to meditate in the garden. Listen to the noise of foliage, as rare fish swim in the pond.
The girl noticed long ago that during meditation, her senses sharpen. And now she felt that someone was coming to her.
- I apologize for interrupting my meditation.
- What do you mean, Master Dooku. Everything is fine. How can I help you?
- I kept thinking about your problem. How to solve it. Here's what we'll do. I'll meet you in the training room in half an hour. Until then, finish your meditation.
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cherryhanji · 4 years
rain and you
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bulleted scenario. skz x reader
genre: pure fluff (coz i'm feelin soft af), high school au
words: 2.5k
warning(s): none
description: a not so nice weather is approaching and sadly, you didn't bring an umbrella with you.
➤bang chan
• "i'll walk you home, the weather's not good"
• you lift your gaze to the sky, and he isn't wrong, but the fact that chan, your high school senior and also your /crush/ offers to walk you home, shyness enveloped in your whole being making you refuse to his offer.
• "no, oppa. it's okay. our house is just nearby. I can run though."
• "are you sure? you brought an umbrella with you?"
• smiling sheepishly, you shook your head
• "it's okay, oppa. I promise. But, I need to go home now."
• you bid your goodbyes to chan and he did the same before you head to the direction of your home.
• but being the unluckiest human being you are, the strong rain pour making you slightly damped.
• you ran to the nearest convenience store and decided to stay there until the rain stop pouring.
• while waiting for the rain to stop, you turn your gaze to the store's entrance and saw chan, who immediately found you sitting, hair sticking to your forehead and damped uniform thanks to the rain.
• shaking his head, he went near you putting his umbrella at the side.
• "what did I tell you? The weather's not good."
• he grabbed something inside his bag, a big jacket and hand it to you.
• "wh-what will I do with this oppa?"
• "maybe put it inside your bag? Haha! Just kidding! Wear that first and let me take you home. No more buts."
• you just nodded and try to stay calm while your heart is now drumming inside your chest. Your crush, /your crush/ will walk you home. Maybe not bringing an umbrella isn't that bad.
➤minho/lee know
• this day maybe the worst day you ever had in your life
• flopping the math exams because you didn't copy the notes you supposed to be reviewing, not able to pass the activity on time. Procrastination sucks, but you still do it. (like mate, stop procrastinating)
• and not bringing an umbrella in this bad weather. seriously?
• stomping your feet because of your stubbornness, you wait for the rain to stop at the school's waiting area.
• you keep on checking the time on your phone when a voice called you.
• you lift your gaze to find the direction of the voice to see Minho, your classmate aka mortal enemy(aka again, your crush) waving at you. Your heart skip a beat but tried to composed an annoyed face. You just furrowed your eyebrows as he went to you.
• "what now minho?"
• "looks like your lonely at the middle of this sad weather. Don't have an umbrella?"
• you grunted at his annoying manner
• "shut up, i'm not in the mood."
• "i think that means no. want me to walk you home?" He said and winked at you and you swear, your cheeks are like tomatoes because of its redness.
• "n-no need! I can go home by myself, i just need to wait for this to stop."
• minho just furrowed his eyebrows and tutted at you.
• "looks like this rain will keep on pouring for hours. Are you sure you'll wait for it to stop?"
• you look at the sky, dark clouds welcomed you and you contemplated to retort because he isn't lying.
• minho chuckled and raised his eyebrows at you.
• you just puffed your cheeks and let out the air in it to calm your insides. Minho is just looking at you.
• "fine!" You just gave up making Minho chuckle and put his arms on your shoulder making you jump at the sudden contact.
• "you can't resist my charms, don't you?"
• you just huffed and rolled your eyes at him
• "shut up! it's, it's just that I didn't have an umbrella with me!"
• he just shrugged and opened his umbrella, "okay! If you say so!"
• you and your classmate changbin went to the convenience store after your classes to buy some food when the rain suddenly poured making you frown
• "screw me for being forgetful dude, i forgot my umbrella."
• changbin turned to you and chuckled as he knew that you were a forgetful human being
• "i'm not surprised y/n. you even forgot our assignment in biology a while ago."
• "yeah, okay. poor me. i guess i'll stay here until the rain stops"
• changbin smiled and tapped your shoulder making you look at him.
• "don't be sulky. I can walk you home you know." he winked and showed you his umbrella.
• "hey, is it okay? I mean we don't have the same way going home."
• "it's okay. I can't just leave you here alone waiting for the rain to stop."
• "you can wait for the rain to stop too.." you said matter-of-factly
• changbin stayed silent for a while, realizing you were not wrong.
• "w-why? you don't like me to walk you home?"
• "I didn't say anything."
• "good, now let's go."
• changbin grabbed his bag and yours making you gasp slightly.
• "hey you don't ha--"
• "it's okay. let's go"
• "Uh... The umbrella is not that big, so..."
• changbin wrapped his arms on your shoulders making you moved closer to him.
• "stay closer so you won't get wet."
• you just nodded while your heart is already thudding in your chest.
• after watching Hyunjin's basketbball practice, you decided to go home now.
• You have a huge crush on the school's varsity player so you won't let the opportunity of watching him play go to waste.
• even if the weather is not that nice since noon and you didn't bring an umbrella with you..
• You just sighed and decided to run to the bus stop even if the rain is already pouring hard.
• you were preparing to run when a guy's voice called you making you stop at what you're planning to do.
• you turn your head and saw hyunjin smiling at you.
• because of how flustered you are, you turned your back at him to hide your blushing face.
• "hey. you're y/n, right? are you going home now?" you eyes widen when you heard his voice near you.
• you slowly turn your head to him and smile sheepishly.
• "ah yes. I'll just run to the bus stop, tho."
• "I'm also going to the bus stop. As I can see, you don't have an umbrella with you. do you mind if I walk with you there?"
• hyunjin offered you as he showed his umbrella with him.
• you just stayed silent as the fact that you're crush is offering you to walk with him at the bus stop.
• "uh, y/n. still there?"
• you shook your head going back to reality and looked at him.
• "uh, sorry. What is it again?"
• "I asked you if it's okay if I walk with you at the bus stop. Since you don't have an umbrella and it's getting darker now."
• you look at the time on your phone showing that it's already 6:30 pm.
• you just accepted his offer even of your heart almost jump out of your chest because of the fact that you're near, and walking with your crush.
• the cold weather is contrasting with the warm feeling that is now lingering on your cheeks.
• "let's go?"
• you nodded and just shed yourself under hyunjin's umbrella.
• you bid your goodbyes to your friend as you separate ways going home
• but it seems like the weather is not on your side today.
• rain is already falling but you forgot to bring your umbrella with you.
• frowning, you just wait for the rain to stop.
• "y/n!"
• you lift your gaze to the guy who called you who turns out to be jisung, your classmate.
• "h-hey, jisung... why are you still here? dance practice?"
• he nodded and sit beside you. you just hummed and turn your attention to your phone. awkwardness start to envelop between you.
• all your classmates knew that jisung likes you, a lot. Little did they know, you also feel the same, making this situation awkward for you.
• "aren't you going home yet?"
• "not yet, the rain is still pouring, i guess i need to wait for it to stop."
• "uh... i have an umbrella here. i can walk you home if you like."
• your eyes widen out of shock. you felt your heart skip a beat. is this even happening???
• "oh, i... is it okay? i mean are we having the same way home?"
• he just nodded at you and smile sheepishly as the thought of walking his crush home, which is you, makes his heart do somersaults
• "oh, okay... if you say so. thank you..."
• "no prob. i guess you're friend already went home."
• "yeah, because i thought i can go home with no problem. but the weather is quite mean to me."
• "let's go? Before it gets any stronger."
• jisung scooted you closer to him so you can't make yourself wet.
• you slightly jumped at how his hands are warm and soft making your heart again jump.
• jisung is quite shocked because of his newfound confidence but he just brushed it off so it won't make the situation more awkward.
• "thank you, jisung."
• "you're welcome."
• you are calmly waiting for the rain to stop inside the library.
• you were stucked there for almost 2 hours, because your groupmate already went home. Luckily you have some books there to avoid the seeping boredom in you.
• "y/n?"
• you stopped reading ang lift your gaze, seeing Felix. You smiled at him as he went near you.
• "hey, still studying?"
• "nah, just to kill boredom. I'm waiting for the rain to stop. I can't go home under the rain."
• felix just shook his head as his arms are propped on the table while resting his chin on his palms.
• he straighten his seat as an idea popped into his head.
• hey y/n! i can walk you home. I have an umbrella with me."
• a smile appeared on your face after he said that.
• "really? you're a lifesaver, lix! but, is that okay?"
• "of course! Why not?"
• "i mean, your house is far from ours. You might come home late."
• "it's okay. I'll just tell mom that I helped out a friend."
• "thank you lixie!"
• "come on, while it's still early."
• "that's all. don't forget to bring the stuffs tomorrow okay? so we can prepare earlier for the fair."
• seungmin, your student council president finally dismissed the meetinng for the preparation for the school fair next week.
• "y/n, don't forget to bring the curtains for the stage design, okay? gotta go, my mom is already outside"
• you just bid your goodbyes to yeji and fixed your things, it's already 5 pm and the thought of hearing your mom scold you for coming home late makes you frown.
• but as you take a look at the window outside the room, strong rain greeted you.
• you opened your bag to check if you bring your umbrella with you but you saw nothing.
• "urgh! why does it have to be today??"
• "hey, y/n? is there any problem?"
• seungmin approached you as he heard you groaned
• you thought you're the only one left inside so you were quite shocked to hear seungmin's voice.
• "uh... uhm yeah. I forgot my umbrella. And it's raining outside. but i cannot wait for it to stop, my mom will scold me if i go home late again."
• you blurted out while seungmin is intently listening to you.
• you just sighed and sit down on the chair near you.
• "hey, want me to walk you home? i have a quite big umbrella with me. I think we can fit in here."
• seungmin offered to you showing his umbrella.
• you looked at seungmin for a while, registering what he said to you.
• seungmin is the type of student who is quiet, and has the looks of a smart, intimidating student, that's why you really admire him. and he's also the reason why you joined the student council. In that way, you can have at least some interactions with him.
• seungmin is not the type to talk to people casually especially if he's not really close with them. So him, offering to walk you home, makes you shock and makes your heart flutter.
• "a-are you sure? I mean i can just wait here. I'll just tell my mom I had to wait for the rain to stop."
• he just sighed and grab your bag.
• "come on, i just can't leave you here. And besides, we're on the same way home."
• seungmin said making your eyes wide.
• "really?? how did you know?"
• "it's because I saw you one time. I just didn't call your name because... because I'm shy..."
• he said and you can't be wrong. you just saw his cheeks slightly turned red making you chuckle. he's so /cute/.
• "you know what? Let's go."
• you just nodded and head out of the room.
• you just finished doing your project and you're getting ready to go home.
• when you heard the loud pouring of rain outside your classroom window.
• you grunted as you realized that you forgot to bring your umbrella with you..
• jeongin stopped at what his doing as he saw your mini tantrums.
• "hey, y/n. you look like you lost from a game. What happened?"
• "i forgot to bring my umbrella with me! And it's raining outside."
• you just slumped yourself at your seat and closed your bag.
• "i'll just need to wait for it to stop."
• "uh, y/n. i think the condition of the sky says no. Look, it's quite dark outside."
• you turn your eyes to the window to check the sky, and jeongin isn't lying.
• "i think i need to run to the bus stop while raining."
• you huffed out of frustration and leaned on the chair.
• "i'll walk you there, perhaps i want to go home too now."
• you straighten up your seat and looked at jeongin.
• "really?"
• he nodded at you and stand up.
• "come on, i badly want to go home now."
• you just nodded at him and grabbed your bag and head out of the room.
• "thank you, innie."
• "no prob, princess."
it's been a lifetime since i posted a bulleted type of scenarios and all i can say is-- none. Yeah, anyways this fic was made a long time ago. but i just got the courage to post it today after lots of edits ajd rereadings. I hope u like it and thank u!
Special thanks to my forever vivi @peaches-writes for helping me with my struggles. u the best girl💖
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yetanotherreader · 4 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 6,367
Warnings (For the chapter): Fluff, Mentions of Depression, suicide attempts, murder, angst, panic attack, fluff, more fluff?
A/N: Well, hello there. First of all, THANK YOU. I mean it, thank you so much. You guys are so supportive, it makes me feel I don't deserve y'all. And since I made you wait extra long for this chapter, I wrote an extra long chapter. Does it make up for the delay?
Just got to know I can't make a post this long so I'm going to post this chapter in two parts. If you're patient enough, please do read. Thank you.
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 6(1)
Chapter 5
"Really now? That's where you bring me?" Dean said, as you rolled your eyes at his, pretty much, failed attempt at hiding the excited little girl he was being.
"Stop, huh. Stop acting like you don't enjoy this." A mischievous smile formed on his lips when you said it at god knew what he thought.
"But theme park rides? What are we? Babies?"
"Babies go on theme park rides?" You looked at him, amused by the stupidity that practically dropped off every word of that sentence, "Alright, grandpa, you can sit at a side while I go enjoy those rides alone. Come on, Dean!"
"Only because you insist." He said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you through the gates. You didn't even remember visiting a theme park, it's been that long you came to one. It was beautiful and you already were ready to jump into every ride you find. It was mesmerizing.
Painfully mesmerizing. Just a reminder of how you fucked up your childhood. But you were going to enjoy today. You had come here with your best friend, and nothing—no haunting past memories—was going to make you less happy about today.
"Here, sunshine," amidst your thoughts, you didn't even realize when Dean's hand slipped out of yours and he went. You shook your head to break the chain of thoughts. 
Dean stood there, with a kid grin on his face, holding two candy floss in either of his hands. The sight was to behold, as something inside you did a somersault, and just like that all the dark memories faded away as you took the blue one from him.
"You're gonna leave me with the pink one?" He pouted, giving you one of his puppy dog eyes, which he claimed he learned from his little brother.
"Not working on me, Dean. Go tell Sam he wasn't a good teacher." You said, chuckling. And you couldn't have misheard it for the death of you, Dean giggled. Actually, giggled. Like a baby. It made your heart flutter inside your ribs and just like that, you let your eyes linger on his freckled face for longer than it was appropriate for a friend.
"Do you think we should go to that place first?" You followed Dean's gaze and shook your head seeing a small 'pie stall'.
"So typical of you, jade boy." You arched your eyebrows at him, "what d'ya say we go on some rides and tire ourselves a little before that?
He pouted, again, the cutest pout you've ever seen, as you laughed at the ridiculousness of his face, "that face does not suit you, Dean. Get back at being that tough guy."
He followed behind, as you made your way to the stall. He beamed,"As if you don't die to kiss it off my lips all the time."
"Watching too many chick flicks these days, huh, Winchester?" You responded, too quickly, without turning to look at him and let him see your flushed cheeks. Comments like these made you want to think if Dean sees you like someone more than just his best friend too, if he ever had thoughts of both of you together in more than the way you were. It wasn't something that happened all the time, but sometimes you liked to wonder. Dean was everything that a good guy could be, and much more than you deserved. You could never make that place in his heart. And definitely not with how you looked. 
Sitting down on one of the small tables, you sighed. Licking the candy straw one last time, you tossed it in the dustbin that wasn't too far away from where you seated. Dean let out an amused laugh, "My kinda girl!"
You looked at him taking a seat in front of you on one the plastic chairs, with a scrunched up nose and a sheepish smile, "What even?" You laughed a little, "Your kinda girls lick it off the stick, now?"
Dean almost choked on his floss before smirking at you, "yeah, yeah they do."
It took you a moment before you realized what you just said and you hid your face in your hands, "Oh my god, Dean! Shit shit shit, I didn't mean it like that!"
By this time, Dean was doubling over laughter. He kept his forehead on his fists in order to hide his face as he kept laughing.
"Alright stop okay, it wasn't even that big a deal." You scoffed, embarrassed, trying to stifle your own laugh. Dean's smile was contagious, especially when he was like this—laughing his heart out with an almost red face while his eyes crinkled in those gorgeous crow feet which were starting to become your weakness, "Oh god, Dean, stop."
And just like that you both were laughing, unbothered by the people around giving you crazy looks. For the first time in a very very long time, you didn't care about how you looked while laughing. It just came naturally with him, easier,"Your face...you should have seen your face." He took a deep breath, regaining his ability to speak, "I'll go bring us the pie."
"I'm paying!" You yelled after him, as the smile faded away from your lips. You knew he didn't mean it like that, he never would but the voice in the back of your head was hell bent on convincing you otherwise. He just meant it in a funny way, like you would if you said something like this to someone, but for some reason you couldn't help but think there was something about your face that forced a laughter out of him. If he thought your face was funny or weird, or if he thought you were ugly but was just too nice to say it directly. Your heart felt heavy, and suddenly you wanted some air. Your self doubts were the worst thing. They never let you enjoy, worse they always ended up ruining your days. You subconsciously pulled out your phone and looked at your dark reflection, observing just how flawed your face was. Every little scar looked back at you, the little milia under your eyebrows or your not-so-cute nose. You hated looking at yourself, face or elsewhere, it felt like you were made of flaws. And if you couldn't love them yourself, why would someone else? You shook your head, it wasn't the time for this. Today, you came here to spend some time with your best friend. Hating yourself could wait for later.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean's soft voice shook you out of your trance.
"Uh-actually.. nothing. Where's the pie?" 
"It's coming. What's up with you, really? One moment you're being all adorable and the next you're serious like this. Are you okay?"
Adorable. That's what he meant. He doesn't think you're ugly.
Or maybe he does? 
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to silence your thoughts, but in vain. They kept getting louder, telling you to just stand up and walk away from him. 
You don't deserve a good friend like him, you'll ruin his life too.
You knew where this was heading, and if you didn't stop it now you're going to make a clown out of yourself in the middle of a fxckin' fair. You tried to take a deep breath, your shaky hands came up to your ears trying to stop the voice, but it felt like you didn't even know how to breathe.
"Hey, hey, hey," You heard a familiar voice at a distance, "Y/N!" You felt two warm, big hands on yours, and you opened your eyes to see concerned green orbs looking back, "You're okay, I'm here."
It took you a second or two to register what was happening, and it felt like a bucket of cold water thrown on you. You were here, in front of Dean who knelt in front of you, looking like a weakling. This wasn't supposed to happen, this was supposed to be his day. You pulled your hands away from underneath his to make a hold of his wrists and slowly remove his palms from your face, "I'm..I'm okay. Just fine."
Dean's brows furrowed in confusion at the hint of cold in your tone, followed by a subtle clench in his jaw. He stood up, took a step back and looked away, with a stoic expression, "Yeah. You're okay."
You breathed out his name, still a little shaky and out of breath. You knew you needed him, but something held you back. You were so used to dealing with everything by yourself, that having someone now just felt weird.
"It's fine, Y/N. But I'm here, okay? And I'm not going anywhere," his few words of reassurance meant a lot more to you than you cared to admit. He walked up to you and held your hands pulling you on your feet, "Need a hug?"
You bit your lip, not sure how to tell him that you did. Fiddling with your fingers, you looked up at him through your lashes to see him smile and mumble an 'idiot' as he engulfed you in his embrace. It was a full bear hug, and it was funny someone like Dean gave it to you. He was a huge softie for a tough guy he acted like.
"See it wasn't that hard," he said nuzzling your neck, and if you didn't know any better you would think this intimate gesture had a meaning.
"Shut up, dork," you giggled, feeling his stubbles tickle at your nape, "You're so touchy."
"Don't tell anyone though," He pulled away, looking at your grinning face with a soft smile, arms still around you, "So now, listen here. We are going to eat that delicious pie, I'm taking the bigger piece, till we gain a couple extra pounds and we are going to go have fun and we won't give your pretty little brain enough time to go south."
"Sounds about right!" You beamed.
The next hour was spent having the time of your life. The rides you'd never been on before, you did now, and if you were being honest to yourself, you had never had so much fun before. You wondered why you never had it when you were a kid. Dean was so good with the bumper cars, you just realized how interested he is in cars again. It was funny to see him trying to fit, though. It took awhile for him  to adjust his large frame in that tiny car, whilst you laughed your ass off. He made sure to take revenge, though, and bumped his car in yours again and again. And then there was the mechanical bull. Your favourite. It was the first time you sat on one, and boi did you underestimate it. You, even, challenged Dean calling it 'easy peasy' and all he did was smirk at you. You should have understood it wasn't as easy as you thought it was. You barely lasted a few seconds before being thrown off, and this time it was Dean's turn to laugh. Dean lasted on it for almost a minute, yelling 'Yee Haw' making everyone laugh.
Two old ladies came up to you while you goofed around with your drinks, and you found out they were together. They almost fangirled over you both, telling you stories of how they sneaked out of their houses to go to carnivals and how much you kids reminded them of their youth. You almost choked on your coke while Dean seemed to enjoy it, "Right? Y/N and I have been together since high school. Her parents didn't allow her to date back then, and we sneaked away to meet. You won't believe it, our first kiss was scandalous. Right, sweetheart?"
You stared at him with a mouth agape, what the hell was he high on? You narrowed your eyes at him and he looked at you mischievously, as if challenging you to continue. Oh, this could be a game of two. You smiled at him, as you turned your head towards the couple looking at you both with starstruck eyes, "It was my first kiss. It's kind of funny. I made this one wait three months before I actually let him kiss me, and that was the kiss of a lifetime. Not because it was perfect, but because it wasn't. He was staying at his uncle's with his little brother, Sam that day. His Uncle just happened to be my neighbour. He sneaked out in the middle of the night, climbed up to my room. We were watching a movie, cuddling and it just kind of happened. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Like I said, it was my first so I didn't know how to kiss him back. He thought I didn't want it, so he apologized. Kept saying sorry with that adorable face until I had to stop him." You looked up at him, again, with a smirk as he looked back intrigued, "with a kiss."
He arch his brow, clearly enjoying this as the shorter woman cooed. You wiggled your brows at him, and he took it as his cue to continue, "and that took my breath away. We made out on her bed, while her parents were just a room away. That was the hottest thing I had ever experienced, well until something else happened of course," He smirked again, looking at you as you bit your lip in anticipation of what's coming next. His eyes traveled down to your lips at your little action, "She's the hottest thing you'll ever see, not that you will, when she takes control. She looks innocent and all, but she's a wild kitten in bed. And then there are times when she completely surrenders, letting me have my way with her-"
"Too much information, babe!" You squeaked. Your eyes wide and cheeks flushed as you stared at his face, his expressions mischievous. He smirked, snaking his arms around your waist pulling you possessively to him. This was the closest you'd ever been to him, physically, and you were afraid he could feel your heart thumping in your ribs as your chests pressed with his.
He looked at you with a winning expression and whispered in your ears, "Lost so soon, wild kitten?" You could feel your ears heating up and you knew very well he saw it too. This wasn't how it was going to be, he wasn't going to know that he had that power on you, even though he did and let him tease you about it for the rest of your life. You were going to take the winning shot. You stood on your tiptoes, slowly pressing your lips to the side or his mouth, letting them linger for a second or two as you whispered a 'no' against his skin. You pulled away, looking back at his flushed face. You made Dean Winchester blush, you deserved a goddamn medal. After a moment the reality of the situation hit you. You just almost kissed your best friend. It was a game, and you hoped it didn't ruin things between you two. Your best friend mattered to you more than a silly crush you had on him.
"Oh my god, you two are so cute!" The shorter woman squealed, effectively pulling you out of your thoughts, pulling both of you out of them. You saw her looking at you with an awed face, while her taller wife scolded her a bit, "Sorry, I just get a little excited around young couples."
"It's okay, we didn't mind." Dean spoke politely, his hands still around your waist, "but I think we should get going. It's going to get dark in a couple more hours."
Walking out of the small hut, you didn't know how to form words. You couldn't believe you did that, you just hoped Dean let it past. It was so awkward, and you knew he could feel the tension too. Great, you just ended your most beautiful friendshi-
"So, uh-" Dean started, trying to cut through the tension, "First kiss, huh?"
"High school girlfriend, huh?" 
"Well," he chuckled, "You won't deny it was fun. I mean, now that I think of it, we can make a pretty good couple."
You laughed, all the tension leaving your body at his fun tone, "You bet. A pretty good, scandalous couple, who make out in the room next to my parents."
He laughed, throwing his head back this time, "Wild kitten? How ridiculous."
"That part got me. What was going through your mind when you said that?"
"A lot of things. Fantasizing my best friend? Scandalous, enough?"
"Oh my god, Dean" you laughed, trying to hide your blush as Dean threw his arms around your shoulders, "Let's go there, I still want a ride."
"On me?"
"Shut up."
You stood in front of the giant ride, eyes beaming with excitement. You wanted to go on it as soon as you entered the park. Loop-o-plane. "Let's do it!"
"I-I am not going anywhere near that thing," You frowned and looked at your best friend only to have him look ahead with saucer-like eyes. 
"Why?" You whined.
"What if that thing comes out?"
"What thing?"
"That thing that's keeping this thing in place."
You looked at him like he's grown horns, "No it won't."
"But what if it does?"
"Do you trust me?"
"With my life," his voice went soft, you turning to look at him, as his voice grew high again, "but I don't trust that thing. It's a machine, Y/N. You should never trust a machine. What if that belt breaks and we fall down and die? I hate hospitals!"
You grinned amused by his childishness, "We won't fall down, Dean, and you won't have to go to the hospital."
You sighed, "Alright, you can stay here and I'll go. Is that okay, now?"
His eyes grew wider, "Y/N Y/L/N, no. I know you ain't all that fond of your life but I'm not letting you get yourself killed."
"What-what even? I'm not going to get myself killed. Please, De? Please, please, please, please, pretty please?"
"Don't give me that look," you flashed him your most innocent pleading face as he glared at you, "Argh, if we die, we die together. I hate you so much."
"All the love back." You grinned, pulling him by his arms.
The next two minutes were the longest two minutes of your life. Dean screamed like a little girl, clinging to you until you couldn't feel your eyes and hand anymore. It was fun and it was torture. When you got off the ride, both of you were a little shaken, rather Dean was a lot.
"See! I told you it'll be fun." You said, cautiously, as Dean glared at you. He walked faster until he was ahead of you, "Aye grumpy soldier, come on!"
"I am never hanging out with you ever again. You little, you little-"
"Little what?" You ran up to him, and grinned, "Wild kitten?"
You could have sworn you saw his lips curl up a bit. He looked at you, narrowing his eyes, "You aren't my best friend. You're an enemy in disguise. Who sent you?"
"Lucifer!" You giggled.
"Or are you satan?"
"Hey!" You whined as he laughed circling his arms around your shoulders. You let out a little yawn, "I'm tired."
He smiled down at you, his face looking shades of pink from the setting sun. His freckles stood out darker than usual. He was a sight, so beautiful, "Let's take you home, sleepyhead."
By the time you were on the road, it was pretty dark. You sang loudly to the radio with Dean, all the tiredness leaving your body. It turned out to be the best day of your life. You, your best friend shutting the world out and living your best life.
"Dean, stop!"
"What? Why?"
"Pull over, pull over." Dean pulled over at the side of the road as you stepped out, Dean following suit, "Look at that."
Dean followed your gaze, his breath hitching at the beautiful scene in front of him. There were a couple of swans in the middle of the lake, bowing their heads in front of each other under the moonlit sky, "Wow.."
"They are mating," You whispered.
"Mating as in banging?" You couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Dean's genuine curiosity, "What?"
"No, not yet at least," You said, keeping your voice low, "They are surrendering themselves to each other. For a lifetime. The heart they're making, it's their courtship ritual. They flutter their wings, sing and dance and bow down to each other offering each other their lifetimes. They are said to be epitome of true love. Some of them even die of heartbreak if their mate dies before them."
Dean looked at the sight, awestruck. He never saw something like this before. He could all but whisper, "That is beautiful. You think such love exists between humans?"
"Like soulmates? I don't know. I never saw any. Most of the people I saw are either together because they have to, or just break each other's hearts. You?"
"Don't know. About what you said, my parents loved each other a lot. I don't know if I can love like that though."
"Maybe when the right girl comes?"
"When the right girl comes." He looked at you with a small smile and soft eyes. You, once again, read his features. He was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen, and it reminded you everyday why you would never be deserving of him. The moonlight danced on his face gracefully, and it almost took your breath away. He was gorgeous.
"You think we can go anywhere near them? Will they run away?
You shook your head lightly, pulling yourself out of your long shot of a dream, "No they won't run away, they will attack."
"But we can sit a little far away from them, see that bench?" You nodded to a bench near the lake, away from the swans, "Wanna sit for a while?"
He nodded, excitedly as you made your way to the bench with your hands held together, "Y/N," Dean whispered looking at you as you sat on the worn out wooden bench, "Thanks for today. It's the most fun I had in years."
"Me too." You smiled back at him.
There was a shift in the atmosphere, which you couldn't quite comprehend. It was different with Dean tonight, almost intimate. His hand never left yours as you sat by the side of the river and you didn't try to pull away either. It felt perfect. You took a leap of faith shifting closer to him, and dare you say if it were a fragment of your imagination, you saw a little smile on his face. His thumb caressed the back of your hand, and you knew whatever it was tonight would be an unspoken story by the morning. None of you will speak a word about it, but you wanted to cherish it right now. You put your head on his shoulder and he let out a sigh, returning the gesture and bringing your joined hands to his lap. You sat together in silence, seeing the mute swans at a distance singing out their love for each other.
"I'm sorry," you whispered after a while.
"For?" He whispered back, none of you wanted to break the trance you were in.
"For yesterday. I was a bitch, you didn't deserve that."
He sighed, "Sweetheart, don't beat yourself up for that."
"I don't understand why you put up with me. All I do is hurt you."
"You know what you do? You cheer me up when I'm down. You hug me outside a party house when you see that I'm struggling. You join me for movies on Friday nights and I absolutely love that. And you know what more? When you think you messed up, you come and make up for it. You don't just let it pass, or get away with it. You don't go back to being friends again acting like nothing happened, you own up to your mistakes and apologize. You make things right. Maybe we don't talk about ourselves a lot with each other, but the nights that are hard for me, I always think that I'm not alone. That there's a girl out there rooting for me, that I matter to someone and she will miss me if I am gone. You keep me going, Y/N and that is why I put up with you."
A/N: So yeah, the second chapter is coming right up. I hope it's not too much for one day. Also, feedback is greatly appreciated.
Tags for useful:
 @bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @soullessbabee @ima-be-a-mongoose @infinityspacesuniverse @vicmc624 @roonyxx @fandoms-fiend @slythermyg @perpetualabsurdity @whydontwejustgohunting @supraveng @coffeebooksandfandom @justafuckeduphuman @busy-bee-angel-misska @ria123love @woodworthti666 @katiekitty261 @supernatural-fan-123 @yxseminx @janicho88
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borathae · 5 years
Hey... about the drabbles? Could you do one where you're supposed to have a first date with one of them but either you or he gets in a minor accident but has to stay at the hospital overnight and the other person is extremely hurt and therefore angry bc their (hard to get) trust was "used to hurt them" but then they find out and it's fluffy? And could you maybe do it with yoongi bc atm I'm so soft for him like 🥺 Thank you, love your work❤ ~procrastinating anon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Warnings: low self-esteem, self-hatred, heartbreak, descriptions of minor injuries nothing major I promise, so much pain and sadness; but I promise the ending is fluffy and healing
Wordcount: 2k (I’m so bAD AT KEEPING THINGS SHORT jsjsjs)
a/n: I apologize for the total angst fest in the beginning jsjsjsj. This was not how I actually planned it, but I let my feelings flow free soooo I’m sorry? 🤧😂 also lisTEN I relate so muCH I’m so goddamn soft for Yoongi lately, this man owns my heart 🥺😭 I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble and I love youuu!  💜
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Today you were supposed to have your first date with a cute guy, who you had been chatting with for quite some time now. Two months and six days to be exact. Min Yoongi was his name. Min Yoongi was currently working as a music producer, he was the proud father of a brown toy poodle named Holly and had a soft spot for holding hands. His hair was dark, almost black with the ends twisted in soft locks. His eyes, the prettiest eyes you had ever seen, made you giddy just thinking about them. Oh how many hours you have spend getting lost in them when you looked through the many selcas he had sent you.
At first you didn’t even want to accept his chat-request, too scared made you the thought of talking to someone again feel. Quite honestly you had terribly bad luck in your relationships – lovers and friends alike – you got cheated on, got used and abandoned when you were no longer of use, got called ‘not lovable’ and worse things you don’t even want to think about anymore. So downloading “the best dating app on earth” – so your best friend called it – was the scariest thing you had done in forever, followed by pressing “accept” on Yoongi’s request to chat and actually answering his dorky but loveable first message.
Yoongi turned out to be the sweetest and most understanding guy – person actually – you had ever talked to. He listened to your worries and told you without a hint of hesitation that he would love it if things would developat a speed you were comfortable with and that you can take as much as time as you needed.
He agreed on your terms to not rush meeting in person, because god that would make you practically have a full-on panic attack. That was the first time you had honestly smiled in a long time, rereading his message over and over again, you weren’t able to believe your luck.
Time passed and with it your trust grew. You were chatting on a daily basis with him by now, wishing him a good morning and waiting excitedly for his good night phone calls at exactly ten twenty every night. You felt totally comfortable with him. You felt safe to be yourself around him, even if it was just through the phone. You felt sexy when you noticed the way his eyes travelled over your features when phones calls weren’t enough anymore and they turned into video calls. You felt loved and you were pretty sure the warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest every time you thought of him was love too.
So when Yoongi asked you if you wanted to meet up in person soon, your heart practically did somersaults in your chest. You had never typed “Yes!” faster in your life and judging by his quick answer neither had he.
The date was settled, two days from now you will meet each other in a little corner café. You couldn’t sleep in excitement, your mind was practically racing with scenarios of your date.
When the time finally came, you spend the entire day getting ready for your date, washing your hair, moisturizing every inch of your skin, picking out the perfect outfit. You showed up an hour earlier than arranged, just so you could mentally prepare yourself for finally seeing him in person. You were so excited.
One hour passed. Half an hour passed. You sent him a quick text asking if he was running late. He went online, typed and went offline before his message was able to reach you.
Two hours had passed since you came here. You quickly send Yoongi another message, asking him if he forgot about today.
Half an hour passed. No answer, no calls, no nothing.
Another thirty minutes pass and here you are still sitting at the corner café and waiting for him.  
Today should have been epic, exciting, remarkable, unforgettable. You were so sure it would bring a smile to your face every time you think about it. How could you be so wrong about that? You trusted him, you believed him when he told you he wouldn’t use you, you ate up his promises of support and comfort without as much as patting your stupid eyelashes.
You call him. It rings once then his voice mail tells you he isn’t available right now. He really rejected your call just like that.
So he just used you. You should blame him and be angry at him, but truth be told you weren’t. You were just hurt, so deeply hurt you have to look down your chest for a moment to see if you were actually bleeding. You honestly feel like you do.
Without any hesitation you block his number, block his social media profiles and delete all of his pictures. And just like that he is out of your life, your ability to trust is ruined for another year and your heart is broken.
Three days pass where your life consists of nothing more than crying yourself awake, forcing yourself to go to work and then continuing where you had left of in the morning when you go to sleep. You would have probably continued your daily routine if an unknown number hadn’t called you on the morning of your fourth day. The caller turns out to be Kim Seokjin, best friend of Yoongi who had stolen your number out of Yoongi’s notebook and who had made it his plan to explain everything.
Yoongi had gotten into an accident on the day of your date. The “idiot” – so Seokjin called him – walked into the busy street and got hit by a car because he was in the midst of typing out a message. He was lucky, nothing major happened. His right shoulder got dislocated and whilst getting thrown across the street he hit his head, resulting in a slight concussion. The entirety of guardian angels must have been with him on that day, so Seokjin said, the doctors told him such an accident results in death or life-changing injuries most of the times.  
As quickly as possible you are the hospital Yoongi is currently recovering at and find yourself standing in front of his room with shaking hands. Would it be awkward between the two of you after everything that had happened? What if you look at him and won’t feel the same warm love you had felt for him before?
A nurse opens the door before you can even knock, eyeing from head to toe before greeting you with a bright smile. It’s now or never. With held breath you enter the small hospital room.
“Yoongi?”you almost whisper, tiptoeing to his bed.
You have to take a deep breath when you finally take a look at him. All the feelings you wanted to push down and forget come rushing back into your heart, overwhelming you. You stumble back, holding onto the footboard of his bed.
He looks just as beautiful as he did through the phone screen, maybe even prettier if you were being honest. Even in his current asleep state he is able to take your breath away.  His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted as steady breaths make his chest heave up and down. He looks so peaceful and calm, despite the white bandages covering the entire top part of his head and his right arm resting in a black sling.
Waking him up feels so cruel, but god, leaving him without having said hello feels so much worse. So you call his name loudly and gently tap his foot. He stirs, licking over his lips and swallows. His eyes flutter open. He mumbles your name, totally confused and still half-asleep.
“Hey”, yousay shyly.
“Hey, wow what a nice dream, these pain meds are awesome”, he murmurs, closing his eyes again.
“This isn’t a dream. I’m really here”, you chuckle.
“Seriously?” he gasps, surprisingly high-pitched for his normally deep voice. He sits up abruptly, hissing when hot pain rushes through his shoulder.
“Careful”, you rush to his side and help him sit up with a hand on his upper back, “you are still hurt.”
You sit down at the corner of his bed, careful not to hurt him.
“Yeah, for a second I nearly forgot about that”, he chuckles in pain, “how do you even know I am here? I thought you blocked me.”
You cringe at his words. So he noticed.
“Uhm, yeah I have. I, I mean had. I kind of had a slight mental breakdown when you ditched me at the café and I blocked you everywhere and deleted all of your pictures and basically locked your memory behind a big steel door in my mind and I swore to myself to never trust again.”
“Understandable”, Yoongi says. He takes your hand, squeezing it gently. You don’t even realise his gesture, too lost in rambling your thoughts out loud. It makes Yoongi tighten his hand around yours just all the more as a fond smile hushes over his face. You are so adorable when you rant like this and forget everything around you.
“But then your friend Seokjin called me”, you continue as if nothing happened, “and explained everything and now I feel like a total idiot for ever believing that you used me and at first I didn’t even want to come because I was too embarrassed, but then I started to miss you and-“, you pause to take a look at Yoongi.
A fond smile sits on his face, his eyes sparkle in adoration. Heat washes over your face as you start to blush vividly. You can’t even look into his eyes right now.
“I was rambling again. I’m so sorry. You probably think that I’m crazy right now”, you cringe, “sorry.”
“Actually I was thinking how cute you are right now”, Yoongi says softly, giving your hand another squeeze.
One you finally feel and one that sends in your body into complete overdrive. Your heart starts racing, your whole face becomes as red as a tomato, you stutter an answer but give up when you can’t even get out one basic word.
“I’m glad that you came”, he breathes.
You smile as an answer, squeezing his hand.
“It’s not an outfit I would normally wear nor is the location nice for a first date, but I hope that, I don’t know, it is still enough to give me a second chance?” he asks, almost scared.
“Of course it’s enough, it wasn’t your fault that you missed our date. I know that now”, you reassure him, making him smile, “besides I think you look cute in that hospital gown. I like the little pandas on the fabric”, you giggle, touching one of the dozens of animals on his shirt.
Right above his heart, you can feel it speed up underneath your fingertip at your gesture.
“Just wait until you see the back, because there is basically none.”
“Oh my god Yoongi”, you gasp at the mental picture of Yoongi sitting here with his butt all bared and naked.
“I’m wearing underwear don’t worry”, he laughs.
“What a relief”, you giggle, lowering your head in giddiness.
He pulls you closer to his body, making you scoot up the bed until he can wrap his arm around your middle comfortably and your back is rested against his side. You are careful not to put too much pressure on his body in order not to hurt him, despite your body wanting to basically sink into his arms. God finally being able to feel his touch, his warmth, his heartbeat is even better than you had imagined.
“Please stop me if this is too fast for you. And also I know you don’t really start a first date by kissing the other person, but-“, he inhales shakily, staring at your lips longingly, “-can I kiss you?”
“Yes please”, you whisper, leaning closer to his body.
His hand comes to rest on the back of your neck, your own cups his cheek. You are staring at each other for as long as possible, mesmerized by the other. Only when your lips brush over his and a gentle sigh leaves his throat do your eyes flutter closed and the feeling of his soft lips on yours drowns you in warmth.
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cleverclovers · 5 years
I turn 33 in as many days. I feel every year in my bones. I feel every failed cartwheel and somersault. I feel every fall from playground equipment and miss thrown ball. Every trip down the stairs and poorly thought out adventure on admittedly delightful trampolines. Every fall in the creek near my home when I knew I ought not to be near it but summer makes you foolish. I feel every silly roll down a grassy hill that left me dizzy on the plain of the park or smooshed up against a fence. All the dropped pavers and hard falls in tag and baseball and soccer. Every time I hit the water wrong. Every swing of the practice sword and smack against an improvised shield. Every tumble from a fence or tree.
I feel all the unpleasant, less fun things, as well. The events I'd rather forget. Abuses I'd rather let fall under the bright shining joys of childhood. Failures of my brain to commune with my nerves and tissues and keep me alert and safe, upright and unharmed. A combination of parental struggles, neurological dysfunction, and connective tissue that was missing something as yet undefined.
I'm still small. I stopped growing sometime in elementary school, even though a towering height was mine by rights and stolen from me by medication I had no business taking--which isn't to say it won't work for others, it's not to say it will stunt their growth the way it did mine, won't leave them head and shoulders lingering behind siblings and nephews and nieces, just that it did that to me, and I resent it. But perhaps a taller me would mean more hurt. More bone grinding on bone, more torn ligaments and loose joints that slip apart too easily and go back together with that very same ease that snaps and pops and smacks.
I'm 33 this year. My niece is eleven, and as tall as my towering mother. I was this height at nine. I was laying in bed sobbing quietly as I waited for my spine to stretch out so I could sleep. I was aching in my joints and convinced of it's normalcy.
What helps, now, is the knowledge that while this isn't, in fact, normal, there are people suffering and managing, and there are words for what might be wrong with me, that sound correct for what I'm feeling and there's a doctor who's willing to help confirm them, because now there's a recorded family history.
It's a scary one. A disorder that leads to loose joints and skin and veins that balloon. But it's an answer that may lead to relief
I'm 33 this year. I feel it. But I can face it, and that's important.
I'm still disgruntled about being the shortest member of my family, though.
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