#did not have the energy to draw this like the last hahah
redcallisto · 3 months
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After the epilogue
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cowcat-with-a-hat · 4 months
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Ok so last post i showed off this drawing of MilkCan (the in universe band from ujl) and i thought wow i like this i should make it digital so i did i didn't do any shading cuz i desided 2 emul8 the look of that image on the 3rd slide i actually used that image az inspo 4 colorz and backround cuz i thought it looked cool also i tried 2 go with colored outlinez instead of black 1z that waz fun this drawinv waz really fun 2 do cuz im gonna b real here i don't really like shading 2 much cuz i think that with my artstyle it just lookz odd i guess idk im definetly gonna try more colored outlinez in digital art from now on (don't expect digital art 4 awhile tho cuz i don't have the time or energy 4 that with examz and all hahah) anywayz 1st digital drawing of 2024 yippee
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kittiofdoom · 1 year
15 questions. 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton thank you!!
1. Are you named after anyone? So funny story. My mum likes to say I’m named after the motorbike, but my dad says I was named after the batman villain Harley Quinn.
2. When was the last time you cried? I just cry laughed making this gif because of the feral gremlin energy
3. Do you have kids? No
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I do, it’s my main form of humour, though sometimes apparently I’m so deadpan with my delivery people can’t work out if I’m being sarcastic hahah.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? How much eye contact they like to make. Because I don’t like eye contact and go out of my way to avoid it if I can without seeming rude.
6. What's your eye color? grey/blue
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary Movies absolutely I love horror movies, they’re the main sort of movies I actively consume.
8. Any special talents? Uhhh I draw, paint and like to think I’m good at writing.
9. Where were you born? England
10. What are your hobbies? Cosplay, Art, Writing, Gaming, Magic the Gathering
11. Have you had any pets? I currently have four cats, Grace, Maow, Shelby and Uhtred, but I’ve had loads of pets over the years.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I used to play football, rounders and did martial arts.
13. How tall are you? 5′8
14. Favorite subject in school? Art, Graphic Design or History
15. Dream job? I wanted to be a Forensic Pathologist or a Mortician, but health issues got in the way of that.
Tagging: You!​
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miramizar · 7 months
Hello! Your Secret Santa Again ❄️ Many apologies for the long silence I hope you're doing well!
Thank you for the Exo vid recommendations in your last answer! I haven't seen that many of the concert stages yet and both the ones you named were amazing!! that acoustic medley though!! But since you asked, right now my favorite stages are... maybe the 2019 Smtown in Japan Gravity and the KBS awards For Life?
You also picked the sweetest Suho moments, very fun to revisit. <3 Our leader really puts his heart into everything he does. I haven't started his drama yet either although it looked exciting! I have been watching Xiumin's ceo-dol mart, I just have the last couple episodes left. What have you been watching lately?
My favorite bbh moments... are many lol. I love the late night car ride lives he was doing for a while just singing and driving.
Favorite Kyunsoo songs... all of Empathy? I also really like Wonder off the new album.
I don't know that I have a SHINee bias, I feel like it changes every day but I adore them all. For WayV either Ten or Kun (speaking of lovable dorky leaders).
I like SuJu as well (so many good songs!!) I haven't heard any VIXX- what's your song rec? For Pentagon now is probably a rough time to get into them haha but I would recommend looking up Shine and Naughty Boy those are my favorites, or maybe Daisy or Dr. Bebe if you like a more intense concept.
I am not really a true horror fan but I really like the sort of offbeat gothic creepiness (think Addams Family or SHINee Married to the Music energy) and I like having a season to play that up. I don't have any halloween plans, but I decorated! What about you? Do you celebrate Halloween?
Re: your present, I wanted to ask if there was anything specific you might want? I mostly do digital art, but I can also do traditional drawing, moodboards, edits...I already have some ideas, but lmk if there's anything you had in mind!
Talk soon! <3
Hi!! ❣️ Oh it's definitely okay! And please accept my apologies as well - it's been rather hectic lately and I didn't have wi-fi for a bit and I caught a small cold etc. so I took way longer to answer you than I intended to... I hope that this doesn't make you feel too stressed about my gift? I'd love to receive anything really - I did pick fanart on the sign-up sheet, but I like all the options you mentioned so please feel free to do whatever you feel inspired to do! ✨
How have you been since our last talk? Hearing about you decorating during Halloween made me smile (>v<)🧡 I don't celebrate it myself, (I've been getting ready to celebrate Advent instead hahah) but I do like the aesthetic of it somewhat? And I get what you mean about the Shinee/Addams vibe! There's some humour to the creepiness, which is really nice! ✨ Still, I have to admit that I like watching/listening to darker horror movies/tales in every once in a while, especially if the stories are good (>v<;)
Oh, don't mention it! I'm just happy to hear that you liked those stages as well 💗 and you picked some great ones too! I tend to forget to look for SMTown videos and rewatch the music show stages for some reason, but now I have the perfect opportunity to do so 💫
Aahfbdf your kind words has me smiling really wide over here (>///<)💖 He really does, and I love and admire him so much for it 💕 I'd love to talk to you about Myeon's drama when we get to watch it! And I'd also love to hear what you thought about Xiu's drama - I've seen some gifsets from it and it looks fun! ✨ Sadly I haven't been able to watch anything lately, but I really want to get back into it! (>^<) I've been playing some Ni no Kuni though, maybe that counts ahah
That's a lovely answer! I also love his spontaneous lives where he's just being himself, it's so genuine somehow 💖 You also picked some great songs of Soo's, I can't help but agree with you on loving the entire "Empathy" album! 💚 I have to ask you a hard question now - what is your favourite Baek album? And favourite songs sung by him?
I understand that! They're a bunch of lovable dorks, who's not to adore? (the same goes for pretty much all the groups hahah)💕 I think it's the same with me regarding WayV though, I also gravitate towards Ten and Kun whenever I stop to think about my bias (>w<;)
ooh you're also an elf? I have to ask about the songs you think are good then ahdfbf 🎵Thank you for the Pentagon recommendations! I actually heard Shine and Dr Bebe before, I just forgot? I do like both though! And Naughty boy is so cute, while Daisy really is more intense - but definitely my style! 💗 For Vixx, I got into them thanks to Fantasy, and I still think of it as a favourite along with Shangri-La and Hyde - I like their dark concept, but at the same time some of their gentler songs are the sweetest I've ever heard, like Love letter and The rain! 💌
Thank you for answering all my questions so far, and I'm sorry again for taking so long to reply - I really enjoy reading your messages and I look forward to talking to you again soon ❣️ Take care!!
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onodima · 10 months
Going against giants (old)
Kerala was part of a race of tall and beautiful giants whose size and seemingly unlimited energy had allowed them to dominate the lower races of the world. Their bodies were designed for stamina and their sternum a soft cartilage structure that allowed their larger than normal hearts to beat freely while providing enough resistance to draw breath into their lungs easily. With low populations compared to the rest of the inhabitants, one of them would be put in charge of taking control of entire towns and lie about their force and numbers. They worked the lesser beings hard and few would stand up to them in fear of a war which could not be won.
As dawn broke, Gira laid down her sword and shield for the next shift to pick up. Her body was covered in sweat from wearing heavy armor all day. But that sun was her sign that she could finally rest after a night working as town guard for her people and Kerala, the self-described queen of the village and the liaison of her race who controlled the people there. For everyone else, it was work as usual.
She headed back from the castle walls into the inner chamber where few were allowed to enter save the queen and her guards. She continued heading for her quarters where she could get a few hours sleep. As she was walking by the queen’s chamber she noticed that the door leading to the queen’s room was partially open.
“Oh no! She’s in a meeting with her own people, I can’t let her see this open. Who knows what they all might do to us if she finds out!”
She quickly went over to close the door but as soon as her eyes peered inside she saw the queen lounging in her elegant gown, to her surprise.
“Ugh, I guess I should pretend to have come back. Some day I won’t have to pretend to have an army behind me and they’ll just be scared of me and only me. What will they do, fight me? They think I have no weakness! hahah!” the woman seemed oblivious of Gira’s presence, though Gira was shaking, barely able to contain herself.
“She… she had us fooled the whole time. that… that bitch…”
“You there!” Gira froze in place as those sky blue eyes turned to her.
“Did you just jeopardize your whole village, you nosy brat? I’ll make sure everyone knows it was you when I call my people to raze this weak village to the ground. you’re all worthless servants anyway.”
As the towering ten foot woman walked up to her, she could see her heart beating hard and fast from the vibration of the elegant sheer fabric covering but not quite concealing her breasts. Kerala being vain, she often wore beautiful and revealing gowns to show off her curvaceous figure.
“I-I’m sorry, Queen Kerala! I saw your door open and thought you were out. I simply wanted to close it!”
“Sorry? You were aware of the laws that your kind not touch my things and yet you broke them. A weak and worthless servant like you has tainted my door. You will find a replacement for yourself by dusk. This town needs a guard and you need to be made an example of.”
“Please, I’m begging! I will never again-”
Kerala interrupted her with a kick to her chest, shoving her back a few feet.
“Your family is now with you. Servants like you who just want to be exterminated really taint my pretty village.”
Gira’s family was gone unbeknownst to Kerala but the threat, the treatment and what it might mean to someone with a family was enough to cause her to boil over. She simply got to her feet, her heart was hammering, her body shaking in rage.
“You and what army?”
Kerala smiled
“Oh you heard? Too bad nobody will ever know. Go, run as fast as you can. I’ll catch up, you know. It’s not like a tiny peasant such as yourself can outrun me. I’m built to be faster and stronger than you. Your village will serve me to my heart’s desires.”
“If it’s the last thing I do I’ll crush your damn heart so it can’t desire anything”
Gira instead ran toward her drove her fist up under those tightly bound breasts to knock the wind out of Kerala’s body. Instead, she felt her fist sink much deeper than she anticipated even though she hit above her mark, causing the woman to heave and cough for a moment before shoving her elbow into Gira’s body and sending her to the ground a few feet back.
“You know, I think I’ll kill you slowly for that. You thought you could break something? My body doesn’t work like yours, filth.”
She could only watch as Kerala walked up to her and pinned her belly under her foot. From above her, she could see the larger woman taking heavy, labored breaths. Kerala grabbed her arm and began pulling as if to try and rip it from its socket but the incredible strength she expected to feel tugging on her arm as instead easy to fight against. She then realized that she must have somehow struck a really big weakness in Kerala’s body despite her gloating and not being stunned.
“STOP!” Gira yelled out in fear “To hell with that!” Kerala replied with what seemed like stress and frustration in her voice before her grip slipped and she suddenly stumbled back, clenching her chest. She was panting and sweating, her skin becoming pale. Fear set in her eyes as she could see Gira getting up and walking to her downed and helpless figure. She tried to jump back but her arms trembled as they cralwed her away in vain before Gira kicked her to her back and shoved her metal boot against Kerala’s sternum only to feel Kerala’s heart, now rippling uselessly beneath her foot
“Your heart… there’s nothing protecting it.” “Mine is bigger… better…” Kerala boasted weakly.
Gira shifted her weight to that foot and pressed firmly against Kerala’s gorgeously presented chest.
“Who’s the inferior race now?”
Kerala’s eyes went distant before she could reply, her breaths calmed as her consciousness faded from her. Relief washed over Gira as she stood there and watched the life leave her enemy’s body, though she didn’t feel good at all.
“No, you answer me, bitch!”
She couldn’t help but feel jilted. Her final moment to see the defeat in Kerala’s eyes felt… hollow. She wanted to make Kerala feel every bit of her own defeat but it was simply over… a peaceful eternal slumber. It was too good for such a terrible being. She had all the power in the world at last, and Kerala just died on her? She looked down at Kerala’s helpless body slumped over, then ran her hand over the heart she stopped through sheer force. At that moment she couldn’t help but see her opportunity before her.
Gira straddled her and lifted the sheer elegant cloth from the large woman’s chest and peered over her beautiful fair skinned feminine frame like predator to prey. Finally she brought her hands to center above the soft sternal cartilage where the organ beneath lied still and motionless. With rage and a desire for vengeance, her hands shoved in against the dying muscle, sinking in deeply. The vivid feeling of the blood rushing out of the heart and through the aorta was cathartic, satisfying.
“You think a weak being like you can die without my approval?”
Gira continued, forcefully unleashing her anger on the hapless organ, thrusting inward with abusive force. She pulled herself over the woman’s large breasts and began to breathe down her throat. The idea that she was reviving this woman against her will, to humiliate her was thrilling. The idea that she could take even death from them was a sadistic dream. Filling her lungs then pumping her heart, she had full control over every aspect of this supposedly superior’s life.
sitting back down on the woman’s lower belly, she began her next round of compression. The pushing was hard, tense, and aggressive which made the large body beneath her jerk with each thrust, the organ was her enemy and hope, and oh how she loved to abuse it. Again, she grabbed the woman’s shoulders and pulled herself up, taking as deep a breath as she could to empty it into those large lungs, just barely filling them. Gira found herself sweating and red. She wished only that she could show the woman beneath her whose pale skin and purple lips contrast her lively form. In exhaustion she lied down across the woman’s chest. As her breathing calmed she began to feel what she had been waiting for, suddenly her eyes lit up as The heart weakly began to pulse beneath her, the feeling was surreal. She sat back down on the defeated woman’s belly and Her hands rested over the delicate organ and felt it begin to start up between soft and weak breaths. She continued, pouring her own breath into this monster’s life before hammering against the weakly pulsing organ. It was soon she could get her final words in.
“Wake up!” Gira demanded, getting off of Kerala and standing by her head. Kerala could barely open her eyes to see Gira towering over her before Gira shoved her boot against Kerala’s neck.
“You’re such a weak and pathetic people, aren’t you? Tell me I’m superior so I can stomp out your worthless life with some of your dignity intact.” But Gira at this point hadn’t planned to let her go. She had many more years of frustration to work out in her mind as she focused on the life pumping before her eyes. She wanted to teach her former queen an unforgettable lesson in abuse of power.
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m-orbidlypink · 10 months
@makeitpoppy tagged me in this ages ago and I felt sad if I didn’t do it since she’s always so kind to include me ! Thank you as always I had fun ! ♥︎
1. Are you insecure?
There are definitely things I don’t like about myself but it doesn’t hinder my confidence hahaha I just think about how I can improve what I don’t like ! (And honestly with peace and love and could careless about what others think about me)
2. Would you forgive betrayal?
Uhm betrayal as in a significant other cheating on me ? If so that’s an absolute no because I can’t tolerate disrespect…
Betrayal in a sense a friend promised (insert here) and then didn’t fulfill it ? Personally I don’t care it’s too much energy to hold a grudge… and I don’t enjoy making arbitrary promises anyway
3. How do you classify yourself, fashion wise?
Hmm my sense of style I feel changed a lot … I’m really into preppy but also casual/comfy chic right now ?
4. Childhood celebrity crush?
I remember when I was younger I used to crush on multiple Swedish girls on the internet hahaha
5. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
Not at all hahah
6. Do you have a tattoo?
No, I’ve considered getting some moles that I usually draw on myself when I do my makeup tattooed but I haven’t committed to the idea yet hahaha it’s truly just for convenience
7. Do you have many Tumblr friends? Uhm my only Tumblr mutual that I’m quite fond of and interact with is @makeitpoppy hahaha
8. Do you consider yourself famous?
Not one bit hahahaha Is being Tumblr famous even a thing now ? Hahaha
9. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
White or Pink since it’s the crayon colours I use the most often !
10. How did you start your blog on Tumblr?
Uhm this blog wasn’t always specifically an only “pink” blog when I first started it haha It was a place for me to escape and stare at pretty things so originally I would post whatever I liked when I first started not sure when I shifted over to a “Pink” only blog but naturally it just happened and I find it really fun ! Ironically pink isn’t my favourite colour haha
11. Are you a party animal, or do you prefer to stay home? Why?
Stay at home because I’m just a homebody hahaha I like the comfort of my own space doing whatever I like whenever I like !
12. The last song you heard was from …?
I’m currently listening to a playlist of specifically HYBE artists hahaha (BTS, ENHYPEN, LE SERRAFIM, New Jeans, SEVENTEEN & TXT)
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devilart2199-aibi · 3 years
not sure if season 3 is confirmed or not but any thoughts 3L/LL? something you want to see or who should pair up??
Ohohoho >:3c a 3rd season??
I really think there will be a 3rd season, it will just take a little while! Probably around the same time as 3rd life to last life.
Pairs I'd like to see:
I do have my favorite teams from past seasons, but I think they will probably try and pair up with different people each time! So here are some I'd like to see :3
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2 teams here have new players! This is more for fun, but since they added more players for LL ya never know! Haha.
Etho and Scott would be a very funny and dangerous team. Etho goes with familiar people or solo, so being with someone a bit new would be cool! Scott giving Etho a hard time would be so funny. The mad strats tho!!
Impulse and Pearl would be GREAT. Pearl's chaotic energy with Impulses 'rise and grind' style would work well. She could push him to be a bit more daring and mischievous too.
Joel and Scott...I mean...I'd be hilarious and nothing would get done...
Tango and either Ren or Mumbo! I think Mumbo would be a very fun and silly team up for Tango, at the same time, Ren is a great ally and loves to roleplay. If he could get Tango into character that would be so fun!
Scar and Bdubs!! THIS HAS TO HAPPEN! They have such a good friendship, Bdubs listens to him and could give him advice on situations. Scar needs a friend man. Tho... I feel they would be super wild and either win the game or die ep 1 NSSJSJ XD
Etho and Beef (if Beef was added to the server) we love Team Canada and Beef has been playing a lot of UHC lately! He'd be a bit overpowered...especially with Etho... but, it would be very fun!
Iskall and Ren (if Iskall was added to the server) Iskall and Ren are great together and he could go bug Mumbo and Grian.
Etho and Bdubs I wanted to draw them sjsjs
More for Bdubs and Scar team:
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Scar is a con man that sells shoddy tonics. Claiming that they give you great powers or make you live longer, ect. (He'd rename potions so that all the names would be mixed up. You could want a health potion, but you turn invisible instead. He'd also sell normal ones that work as intended, tho the longer lasting ones would be a random guess)
Since he is a stream punky tycoon in hc s8 i totally thought he was going to do this in LL!
More for Etho and Beef team:
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If you watched hc s7 you'll remember Llama Dad. If Beef brought that role over to LL It'd be so funny XD I could see him with his right hand man Etho threatening people with their 'protection'. Then they could get goods and resources as payment! Haha.
Other thoughts:
I really liked the random life mechanic they added in LL as well as the Boogeyman. The Boogeyman role did add A LOT of drama and put strains on teams like crazy, but it was all for fun.
My brother and I were talking and he thought of a "bounty" type mechanic, where a certain person would have a hit put on them and whoever filled the bounty would receive a valuable resource. Or even points to receiving an additional life?
Premade structures could be cool too. Like abandoned places that have some important resources?
ANYWAY that's all! I probably had more ideas but forgot them! XD thank you for listening to my talking hahah who are teams you'd like to see???
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robodaydreamer · 4 years
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RadioHusk Week - #2 To Love A Dumbass
I meant to write a drabble and my hand slipped.
I’m sorry.
[ EDITED 4/5/20 ]
I want to do a drawing for every fic, it just takes my dumb butt forever to do anything. Forewarning, this was done at 2 am, so it might be a bit jumbled? I edited what I could to fix it. I hope you all enjoy!
To hell’s general population or the few who knew of him, Husk was a lot of things. Temperamental, apathetic, tired of everyone’s shit... the list could go on, but he liked to think he was a pretty simple guy.
Uncomplicated and easy to understand. You leave him alone, he’ll leave you alone. You get on his nerves, he’ll probably claw your eyes out. Maybe. If he actually had the energy for it. A fair trade if you asked him.
And he didn’t ask for much. To most, he didn’t like to be bothered, he enjoyed card games, he depended on alcohol to get him through the day, and he had a fondness for magic tricks.
That last one was a little-known fact to their small group of misfits. The hotel’s residents didn’t need to know about it. The only reason any of them had even found out was because of Angel Dust challenging him to a card game.
He was more than a little drunk at the time. Hah, he’d been fucking plastered.
Kicking that fluffy arachnoids ass was just a bonus. While he never doubted his own hand, being that uncoordinated never usually ended well for him. He tended to keep to himself when he was at his worst.
He was surprised he even agreed to do anything at all instead of telling that perverted walking stick to shove off! Even more surprising was as trashed as he’d been, he was still apparently unbeatable.
Husk wondered if he had an ace up his sleeve… and he didn’t even have sleeves… or wear clothes.
Yikes. Did bow ties and tophats count?
Hmmmm… wait. No. He wasn’t doing this to himself again. It was hard enough accepting he was an overgrown catbird. He’d leave this complicated crap alone. Besides, trying to wear clothes over fur was a pain in the ass. Not to mention extremely uncomfortable...
Lucky streak aside, Husk won whatever bet they’d made. He couldn’t quite remember what it was since he’d been blackout drunk, but he knew Vaggie had enough blackmail on Angel to get about a week’s worth of good behavior out of him.
That alone had made this whole thing an even bigger victory. The only problem was that with his drinking, while his gambling was on point, his mouth… wasn’t. 
Plenty of sinners gave away personal information when they were drunk. People did it while they were alive, so it wasn’t an uncommon thing down in hell. The only problem was where it ended up… or who it ended up with.
Long story short, he’d apparently let Angel Dust in on his appreciation for magic and had even shown him a trick or two with his cards while they were playing. He couldn’t remember jack shit, but it was possible.
How else would Angel have found out? The only other demons who’d know would be Alastor or Niffty and he doubted Alastor would randomly share something as insignificant as this. He may have a thing for pushing Husk’s buttons, but he didn’t think the other would just throw that out into the open without any context.
Actually, he probably would.
Either that or Niffty spilled the beans… she liked his coin behind the ear trick. She made for a great audience, even when she had to stop him to sweep up his stray feathers or dust the furniture in his room. He wasn’t a total slob, but he was rarely in his hotel room to begin with, so it wasn’t really his top priority.
Like right now. He could clean up the broken glass next to the bed, but he wasn’t going to. He drank often enough, so hangovers rarely bothered him, but sometimes even he overdid it.
His tolerance was absolutely phenomenal. A blessing and a curse. On the one hand, he could enjoy his booze and watch his drinking buddies fall over after a few shots of the hard stuff. On the other hand, it was tougher to get buzzed or even just flat out drunk if he wanted a quick way to escape his own mind.
Last night had been one of those times and he absolutely went overboard. The hangover he was nursing could definitely attest to that. If the pounding in his head grew any worse he’d probably die. Again.
With a sigh, Husk shifted into a more comfortable position, trying to keep his wings in mind. He didn’t need any other problems right now.
Speaking of problems, he hoped he didn’t do anything too stupid. How did he get back to his room, anyway? He tried to wrack his brain for answers, but all he got was a flash of white-hot pain radiating throughout his skull for his trouble.
This was the beauty of alcohol. It made you forget, even if it was only for a short time. He’d already made that mistake twice in one fucking day… One with Angel Dust, and the other with-
A knock at the door made him tense, the sound not at all helping his headache. Who was bothering him at this hour? Wait, what time was it? Shit… was he late for work? Most likely. He didn’t actually give too much of a shit, seeing as to how he worked seven days a week. 
The only one it would actually bother was-
The sound of the door slamming open and ramming into the wall made him jump so hard his teeth clacked together. 
A loud boisterous voice filled the quiet of his room moments later, “Ohhhhh Husker! Wakey wakey, my darling kitty cat! Your shift started hours ago, and our sour sinners are hankering for your testy temper. And quite possibly a beverage or two, but that is no concern of mine. Hahah!”
Husk groaned, curling into a ball. Maybe if he hid in his wings, the bastard would take the hint and leave. He was too exhausted to deal with this shit.
Of course, he wasn’t that lucky. Give him a deck of cards and you’d see him win the whole pot! But a radio demon that he just so happened to be in a relationship with? Not so much.
Hold on a damn minute… Was it a relationship? It was probably the closest thing to one. They never agreed on an actual title, but Alastor had been pretty pushy about them trying this… whatever it was out.
In fact, if he thought back to it, he hadn’t believed the guy at first, having been pining over said demon for years. Why would he come waltzing over to Husk, demanding him to be his significant other?
He’ll fucking tell you why. His own mouth betrayed him. With Angel Dust, he’d been very loose tongued thanks to his over drinking.
Alastor had come over to watch their game of cards, and by the end of it, had decided to poke fun at his old pal Husker. 
He’d given Husk a round of applause for his card tricks, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that he’d won the game and left Angel Dust flipping the table in despair. None of it mattered because it hadn’t been enough to fill Alastor’s endless need to be entertained.
He just so happened to believe that ‘drunk Husk’ was an absolute riot. He’d told him as much in the past. 
Although, instead of the usual banter or wobbly cat behavior he would have normally provided, Husk decided to share an even more personal secret than his fucking magic tricks.
He’d told the cannibalistic serial killer he was in love with him.
And it didn’t end there. To make it worse, since he’d been three sheets to the wind, he ended up forgetting everything that happened.
Angel Dust finding out about him being a magician was fine.
Alastor finding out about his undying love for him?
Husk would sooner have jumped in front of an Angel on extermination day than to have revealed his feelings to Alastor.
When he’d found out about what he’d done, because of course the insufferable jackass had to bring up his mistake as soon as he was sober, he may or may not have tried to jump out of the nearest window.
That was a tough feat to accomplish considering his bar was on the first floor. Had he done it anyway? Well, he tried to, but the other put a stop to his attempt so he hadn’t gotten very far.
In the end, Alastor had told him he should’ve confessed sooner because they could’ve been spending quality time together. He may have spaced out after that due to his brain short-circuiting.
It was almost too good to be true.
Husk agreed to Alastor’s demands, feeling like he would’ve been an idiot to refuse an opportunity to spend more time with the demon that held his heart in the palm of his hand.
Should he have paid more attention to what those demands were? Hell yes. His impulsive decision left him with more questions than answers.
After all, making deals with demons was a dangerous game.
The lowlifes he used to play poker with regularly would’ve told him to suck it up and take the offer for what it was worth. Taking chances was their shtick. 
Jerry, the cheating piece of shit, would have asked, “Why look a gift horse in the mouth?”
This was why. He had so many regrets. 
Husk heard the tapping of hooved shoes making their way toward him and scowled from beneath his feathery shelter. If Al did what he knew he was absolutely going to freakin’ do, he’d give him the silent treatment for the next three days.
He’d say a week, but Husk would cave long before Alastor… He may like his space, but he liked Alastor more. The guy had a way of making him crave for his attention, even if the radio demon himself didn’t always want it in return.
Hell, Alastor rarely showed any interest in him to begin with. And no, having an interest in causing him constant aggravation did not fucking count. He was busy with the hotel and all of the ragtag tenants he got a sick pleasure tormenting. 
It was hilarious. Honestly, it was, but he wanted more… It was selfish, especially since he fell in love with Alastor for who he was and not for some warped soap opera version of himself that he was sure plenty of demons daydreamed about.
Husk was guilty of daydreaming. He daydreamed plenty when it came to his ‘partner.’ Husk would be the first to admit he was a hopeless romantic… well. Maybe not out loud. 
He liked the thought of tender touches, passionate kisses, and appreciative glances. Did he need them? No. Did the thought of them make his heart race? Fucking Christ, yes they did.
He knew Alastor wasn’t interested in any of that. It wasn’t who he was and Husk could accept that, selfish desires be damned. He just wished someone would give him a hint as to what exactly Alastor was playing at. 
Was this something he actually wanted? What was he getting out of it? Why would he even bother with something he usually thought was so ‘tedious?’ He’d said so plenty of times to Angel and Charlie.
It’s already been a few weeks since they’d made this little agreement. Now that he was thinking back on it, it's almost been a month! You’d think he’d know the answers to all of these questions by now, but he was left in the dark when it came to Alastor’s intentions. 
He was torn from his thoughts when a hand gripped his furry ankle and dragged him to the end of the bed. 
Husk let out a warning growl to try and ward off the other from his oncoming attack, but it was useless.
Alastor only chortled in response and Husk felt the hand wrapped around his ankle tighten briefly before moving away. He knew better than to believe that was it. This was only the beginning.
He was proven right when his wings were forcefully pried apart, revealing him to his attacker who looked way too smug for his own good. “My Dearest Husker, why must you hide from me? You know, while I do love your volatile personality, I’m only here to help!”
Holy shit… 
Had he actually fallen in love with this dumbass?
Husk sneered, the stabbing pain in his head only growing worse as he locked eyes with Alastor. “Help? How is this helping?”
He watched Alastor’s brows furrow for a split second before his grin stretched impossibly wider. “Why, of course it is! You would have missed your shift, otherwise. After all, your job is crucial! You’re the first face our lovely residents see!”
Sitting up, Husk felt his wings fluff up. This was getting ridiculous. He was hungover and more than a little unstable in the feelings department. Alastor was only making things worse, seeing as to how he was the main cause of his emotional turmoil. 
He could start yelling and throwing a tantrum, but that would only amuse the bastard and leave him with an even bigger headache. 
No. He had to catch him off guard.
Maybe he’d try something new… he had nothing to lose except his dignity and he’d lost that years ago.. 
Fuck it.
“I want a divorce.”
He felt a swell of pride at Alastor’s blank stare. So that actually shut him up, eh? Sure, this didn’t at all make any sense, but if he had to deal with Alastor’s bullshit, then the idiot was going to get bullshit thrown right back into his stupidly handsome face.
“I want a divorce.”
Alastor’s smile waned as his brows went back into a furrow, his head tilting to the side. “Husker, my good man… we aren’t married.”
Husk felt himself relax. Al’s voice had quieted immensely from his earlier shouting. He always had to project his voice, no matter where he went. This was a hell of a lot better for his head. He could already feel the pain lessen.
With a distracted nod, Husk huffed out, “I know. I still want a divorce.” He watched as Alastor’s grin strained, eyes narrowing as he studied him. He felt a shiver travel up his spine at the others searching stare.
Unsatisfied with what he seemed to not be able to find, Alastor released the firm grip he had on his feathers only to move those deft clawed hands behind his back. Husk was sure he was clenching them tight with frustration. 
He couldn’t tell if this was funny or sad. He didn’t want to piss off his ‘steady,’ but he also wasn’t in the mood to be pissed off himself.
Looking at Alastor, he had to admit it was actually pretty damn comical.
Husk blinked, feathered brows raising high in confusion. “What?”
Alastor’s expression morphed into a sharp smile, his glowing red eye’s staring unwavering into Husk’s. He seemed to radiate extreme disapproval. “No. We aren’t getting a divorce, Dearest.” His smile gave an irritated twitch.
Holy shit. This was unexpected. He hadn’t actually thought something like this would upset the overlord so much. This should be funny. He should be laughing…
It wasn’t funny. He loved Alastor too much to keep this up, but he also didn’t understand. Why was Al taking this so seriously? The radio host would usually have laughed something like this off or made an even bigger joke out of it… so why wasn’t he doing that now?
He really needed to get answers. If they were going to be anything they needed to start by finding common ground.
Mind made up, Husk stretched. If he was going to do this, he might as well be comfortable. He let out a pleased hum at every pop or crack he worked out of his spine. That felt so much better…
He glanced back up at his uninvited guest, only to pause. Alastor’s previous expression was gone. Husk wasn’t sure if he could put a name to it… but it was softer. Not a word he was used to using when it came to this particular demon. He looked downright distracted as his eyes traveled along the length of Husk’s body…
There was absolutely no fucking way this was happening right now.
He felt hope well into his chest, but he buried it down deep, he had some questions that needed answering. “Okay. We won’t get a divorce… we can still be friend-married or whatever. I didn’t think you’d take what I said so seriously...”
Alastor seemed to tune back in at the sound of his voice, his smile taking on a more satisfied curl. “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind! A divorce, hah! How silly…-” He stilled, a record scratching sound following his abrupt pause as one of his brows raised in question. “Friend-married?” 
He grimaced, “I do believe we have taken the next step in our relationship to a status higher than mere friends. Though I suppose that wouldn’t take away our actual friendship, I was hoping for a more committed type of companionship.”
Husk felt his jaw drop in shock. Hold the fucking phone, what? 
Alastor didn’t seem to notice his surprise, carrying on with a look of distaste. “Honestly, Husker… friend-married? Is that a word young folk are using these days? Taking two separate terms and mashing them together?” 
He let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head at the thought. “I miss the days where words were used more appropriately.” Another twitch of his wide grin. “Besides, why crush words together when you can crush skulls?”
Husk gave a hard blink, his tail thumping on the sheets behind him. Holding up a clawed paw, he cut off the other’s rambling. “You… Do you seriously want to be in a relationship with me? You’re not just pulling my leg for a laugh?” If he was, he’d kill him. He’d probably be the one killed, but he would die trying.
Alastor’s confusion was palpable at this point as he tilted his head for a second time. “... I do believe I asked this of you before we began our partnership, yes. Besides, I may have just literally pulled your leg a short while ago, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I would spend so much time doing all of this just to cure my boredom..."
Husk felt like he was going to pass out. His heart was hammering so hard he thought it was going to beat right out of his chest. 
He was serious. Alastor wasn’t doing this for a laugh. He was actually interested in some form of relationship with him that wasn’t just friendly or work-based. 
Holy fucking shit what the fuck?
Husk’s ears were swiveling about, his fur was bristling, his tail was curling, and his wings were poofing out. He wasn’t sure what kind of fucking response his body was having to this unexpected situation. 
Was he confused? Was he flustered? Was he offended? He had no clue because he was feeling too much at once to comprehend a single thing.
He was able to stutter out a rushed, “Me? You want to be with me? Of all the demons in hell, you chose me?” 
Alastor gave a slow nod, regarding him with a curious gaze. “Why waste my time lavishing affection on just anyone when I can focus my attention on one demon in particular?” 
His hand rose from behind his back, cautiously reaching out towards Husk only to let it hover in the air between them as if he were worried about spooking him. He continued, “And who better than one whose company I enjoy… and one who I am so very fond of?”
Husk couldn’t fucking believe this. Alastor liked him. Alastor liked him to the point of wanting to be with him. Not just to terrorize him to get a reaction out of him. This whole time. This whole god damned time he could have been getting to know this crazy sonofabitch and here he was, wasting his only chance to do exactly what he’s wanted to for fucking years because he couldn’t just get over himself.
Husk shrunk in on himself with a horrified gasp, “Oh no. I’m the dumbass.” Before Alastor could question him, he ran his paw down his face, groaning out, “This whole time I thought you were just doing this because you were bored. You like pissing me off to the point of me ripping my own fur out!” 
His wings moved to cover him back up, he couldn’t bear to look at the demon in front of him anymore. This was too embarrassing. “I’m a fucking dumbass.” he muttered dejectedly.
The room was quiet for a few moments. Hell, Alastor could have vanished and he wouldn’t have been able to tell from beneath his feathery cocoon. This was amazing and awful all at once. He was an idiot, but he was a happy idiot.
He jumped at the feeling of gentle hands resting against his wings. He felt them hesitate before they began to caress him, palms moving in long even strokes. When Husk didn’t move to pull away or stop him, Alastor began to alternate between petting and running his claws soothingly through his feathers.
It felt nice… 
Husk felt himself begin to relax, not at all realizing how wound up he’d actually been. This was ridiculous. He needed to get a hold of himself… well. Maybe after a few more minutes of Alastor touching him like this... Alastor was comforting him. Would this ever happen again?
He really hoped so.
“Husk?” He felt his eyes snap open at the other’s hushed voice. He’s never heard Alastor so quiet before. They’d known each other for decades and not once has Alastor gotten even close to speaking in a volume this low that wasn’t a sinister threat. This was a soft plea for his attention.
Well, if he hadn’t had it before, he certainly had it now. He mentally prepared himself as best as he could before he shifted, immediately mourning the loss of the other’s hands as they retreated from his wings to give him space. 
Crossing his arms, he sat up and allowed his wings to part open, folding them down to rest over his legs and along the bedspread. Seeing as to how he’d let them drag across the floor plenty of times in the past, letting them hang off of the bed wouldn’t hurt them.
He glanced up toward Alastor, taking in his surprisingly patient smile and couldn’t help returning it with a smile of his own. Husk’s smile only widened as he grumbled, “You’re stuck with a dumbass for a partner. Hope you’re happy, ya wiseguy.”
Blinking owlishly, Alastor took on a more bemused grin. “Well… while there are several names I could call you, that one definitely wouldn’t have been my first choice. I prefer goofball!” He leaned down to get into Husk’s space, their faces only a few inches apart. “You’re a goofball, my Dear! But you’re my goofball.” 
Husk was glad he had fur because he felt his whole body heat up at just how close their faces were. It was harder to deal with his feelings when he was able to see Alastor up close. And this was really fucking close.
Alastor took notice of the change and seemed to study him, though he’d probably been doing that the whole damned time with how stupid Husk had been acting. Embarrassing. Absolutely humiliating. He was going to pretend this never happened. 
He was hungover. That was his excuse and... why was Alastor giving him that look?
Said overlord was giving him a large smirk, eyes lidded and teeth glinting from the minuscule light coming in from under his hotel’s door. His expression was one that told him he was about to get on Husk’s last nerve… he wanted to kiss that look right off his face.
Alastor closed the gap between them, purposely bumping their noses together. “My Dear sweet Husker. There’s no need to be shy! I had no idea you were so insecure. I’ll make sure to be more considerate of your feelings in the future.”
That little shit. He was teasing him! He had some fucking nerve.
Husk wasn’t about to let Alastor make fun of him. He was purposely trying to rile him up because he went all googly-eyed over him. It wasn’t his fault he fell in love with the guy! What right did he have to take advantage of that?
He made sure to give Alastor the stink eye and a very displeased noise that was definitely threatening and not at all pathetic. Okay, it was kind of pathetic. He was flustered, okay? It was tough to control his body when his instincts had a mind of their own!
Alastor beat him to the punch, making any thought of retaliation fly right out the window by gently nudging their noses together. “My Darling, don’t look so cross. I’m only teasing you!” 
Hah, Husk fucking knew it! The bastard.
The radio demon moved to press his face into Husk’s neck, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. 
Husk would have throttled him if he wasn’t currently trying not to combust. He was used to Alastor touching him, but this felt different. They were dating. It felt intimate when it really wasn’t. Was it? Oh shit… 
Normally he’d push him away, but it suddenly felt like the wrong thing to do. As if this was a moment he shouldn’t… couldn’t ruin. 
It was getting increasingly hard to not do anything, especially when the huffing breath against his neck was making him twitch. He was ticklish, and if Alastor ever found out he’d be screwed.
Okay, he had to move. He didn’t have to stop touching him, but he did have to stop chuckling into his neck. “Al, buddy. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you gotta stop.” He leaned back, arms moving behind him to support his weight. 
Alastor let him go, laughter dying out as soon as Husk had distanced himself. “Oh? Have I gone too far? Did I offend you?” 
Husk shook his head, “Nah, not that you’d give two shits about offending anybody. Too far is never far enough for you. I’m just gonna have to get used to all of this…” He quickly cut the other off when he saw his mouth open to question him. “I’m not used to all this touchy-feely crap!”
Alastor gave him a wide-eyed stare. “I’m quite certain I touch you very often, my fine feathered feline. I’ve always been very affectionate with you. What is making this so difficult for you?” 
Well, he had a point. “Okay, look. I know nothings actually changed. It just feels different now that we’re together. I don’t know how else to explain it… Like I said. I just have to get over it.”
“Hmmmmm… Righto! Then I suppose we’ll just have to get you used to it!” Alastor leaned forward, his knee coming up to rest on the mattress between Husk's legs. The mattress dipped at the added weight, bringing Husk up slightly.
Husk blanched, too startled to question what Alastor was doing as the overlord wrapped an arm around his waist. “Stay still, my Dear. We’ll solve this little dilemma of yours in no time at all!” As he spoke, his head came down to nuzzle his face into Husk’s chest fur. 
This resulted in Husk arching his back to better accommodate for the body suddenly clinging to him.
Why was this happening to him? Was he being blessed or punished? 
This felt an awful lot like a fucking punishment. 
Is this what he got for being a dumbass?
Alastor's free hand moved to rest on top of his own. “Husker, my Darling… your heart is beating very fast.”  He could practically hear the smug smirk in his sweetheart's tone.
He could live with it...
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balfecaitriona · 4 years
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CHAPTER UPDATE! Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is having a wonderful festive season! This is my Christmas gift to you all, hahah! Thank you for all the kind comments I received on the last chapter since I was so out of touch with writing for a long while, it was really lovely to receive those lovely messages! I hope you enjoy this next chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it!
Jamie takes Claire out for the night and gets an answer to one very important question.
PAIRING: Claire x Jamie. RATING: Mature. WORD COUNT: 4043.
Chapter 10
  Claire's eyes flashed open and within seconds she felt embarrassment flush through her. Last night had been a heavy one, in fact she couldn't remember half of it apart from blurs and distorted memories.
"Oh no..." She whined, curling up in the bed with shame as she thought of Jamie. She could vaguely remember him carrying her, and her giving him a mouthful over it. It had been so long since she had a proper drink that last night she seemed to take the celebrations too far.
Sitting up in the bed she realised she was still tangled in yesterday's dress, which made it all the worse. She stood up quickly to feel the thump of her head aching as nausea floated to the back of her throat. This, she realised, was a hangover.
Claire moved to grab her silk pink dressing gown from the dressing table stool, catching a glimpse of her bushy curls that seemed to be even more messy than usual. The sight only made her want to drop beneath the bed covers more and never resurface. But sitting wallowing up here wasn't going to repair anything. Instead, she made her way downstairs to find Jamie, that was if he was still there and she hadn't chased him off.
Jamie was sitting on the sofa flicking through another of her books, this time it was an old favourite of hers, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. At the sound of Claire, Jamie slammed the book shut immediately, though Claire couldn't deny she was delighted to see she hadn't scared him away.
Jamie glanced up at her. Her face wore the dumbfound expression of a tired toddler, mouth ajar and eyes heavy from drinking the night before. Her hair stood on end, her curls fuzzed out around her face, resembling a lion's mane. She clutched at her pink robe, trying to hide last night's clothes underneath. In truth, she looked a sight, but Jamie still thought her the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.
"I'm so sorry." Was all Claire could muster, feeling the shame and guilt rush through her, she didn't know whether tears would begin streaming from her eyes or if she'd begin wailing. Thankfully, she did neither.
"For what sassenach?" Jamie replied with a smirk, but Claire strode past him, her silk robe sweeping him as she walked to the kitchen.
"Was I horrible?" She said, though not looking at Jamie. Instead her hands were searching for the kettle, as she filled it with water. Jamie seen this as a distraction, to stop herself facing the embarrassment that was so obviously eating her up.
"Oh I was... wasn't I?" She seemed to groan with shame as she set the kettle on the stove to heat, after she'd lit the stove with a match.
"What're ye talking about, ye didna murder anybody sassenach!" Jamie said with a laugh, waving his hand as he dismissed her sudden embarrassment. Clearly her memory had returned and she was feeling all the worse for it.
"You're being too nice! If I was a horrible, nasty, wicked old nuisance, I wish you'd just say!"
Jamie placed a hand on her lips as she turned to him to quieten her. 
"Enough Claire." He said gently, knowing she was giving herself too hard a time over being drunk.
"If I or my clan gave ourselves this scolding every time we roused from the spirits, we'd never get anything done!" He remarked. He and many others he knew, had done far worse when drunk, there was no need for her to be torturing herself like this.
"You know anything I said- I didn't mean it. I was stupid with drink, and I'm not used to whisky-"
"Enough." Jamie said finally, though there was no sternness in his tone. "We'll say no more about it, and I think no less of ye for it." He concluded, allowing her to go and continue making them both coffee, if anything she definitely needed it right now.
"Good... I'd like that." Claire breathed, brushing herself over as she fiddled in the drawer for a spoon. If he was willing to let it go, she was more than happy to.
"Unless of course you'd rather talk about how you danced on top of a table... And sang your heart out with some old gentleman." Jamie remarked, with a smirk dancing on his lips, intent to play with her a little.
Claire's eyes held both shame and regret that he would even think to discuss this. Inside she was punching herself for making such a fool of herself.
"Or the fact ye intended on hand wrestling the barman if he didna serve ye another drink, not to mention what you'd intended to do to me if I wouldna let you drink it-"
"Shut. Up." Claire concluded, making to stand on Jamie's foot long and hard, so he winced before she let go and he laughed, but Claire didn't share it.
"All right, all right sassenach, I've had my fun!" Jamie laughed again, returning to the living room. Claire followed, setting down his coffee before sitting in the sofa, cradling her own in her hands before taking a generous sip.
"Jesus H. Rossevelt Christ that's good." She muttered to herself. Jamie stood by the fireplace, resting a hand on the mantle as he stared at her, making her uncomfortable.
"I was thinking..." Jamie said with thoughtfulness. "I was thinking I should treat ye to something nice. But I'm no gonna tell you what it is." He looked at her then, with a mysterious twinkle in his eye and a daring smirk on his lips.
"What? The only thing I need treating is this headache." Claire said, reminding herself to place a wet cloth on her head to ease her pain as soon as she'd finished her coffee.
"Just you make sure you wear something nice... I'll be back later." Jamie said at once before he strode from the living room and left through the front door.
Claire was dreary eyed and sleepy still, she glanced up to stop him but he was already gone.
"Wait- where are you going?" She stood up to see him leave out her front gate through the window. "You're coffee..." Her eyes found the cup on the side table where she'd left it. Not so much as a sip stolen from it's contents.
Claire sat back down again, with no energy to annoy herself over what Jamie was up to, she was too busy suffering from the night before.
  Claire's eyes flashed open and she felt her jaw ache from the position she was laying in. Peeling herself off the cushion her head was balancing on, stretching her arms in the air with a moan.
Evidently, she had fallen asleep. Her eyes flashed to the clock on the mantle to discover it was past five and Jamie was still nowhere in sight. Claire only hoped he hadn't ventured too far and got lost. Nevertheless, she decided to shake it from her mind for now, her mind was now set on taking a bath.
Claire filled the kettles and some pots, allowing for them to boil as she went to fetch the tin bath from the small walled yard out in the rear of the house.
Struggling with taking it inside, she eventually got it placed in the living room, in front of the fire which was usually lit. But for early May this was unnecessary. The coolness of Spring was vanishing, replaced by the sweltering heat of early Summer.
Drawing the curtains, Claire filled her bath with hot steaming water and added some of her soap flakes to make the water turn a cloudy white. It would be great not to have to be rationed on her soap and shampoo and everything else for that matter, now that the war was over.
Stepping in, the heat flushed her skin a bright red but she welcomed it. Laying back she felt the hot water melt away all her aches and pains. Her body gave into the delightful comfort of the bath, and within moments the heat made her lethargic and sleepy, but it was a warm feeling of contentment, one she hadn't felt in so long.
Claire washed away the mangled dread of last night, shampooing her mane of curls so now she resembled a wet shepherd dog who'd escaped out into the rain. She felt clean and warm and happy, the sleep had helped her head and the sickness that threatened to escape through her mouth. She finally felt all right again.
Laying her head back and closing her eyes, Claire didn't hear the front door opening, nor the living room door for that matter. She was abruptly brought back to reality by the deep notes of a panicked Scotsman.
Her eyes flashed open and she jumped to find Jamie staring at her, hand on the door knob. His face flushed a deep red as his eyes darted everywhere, but thoroughly unable to ignore the obvious.
Claire's face too went a deep scarlet and she flailed about in the water, trying to find something - anything- to shield her modesty. "Get out!" She shouted with loud, staggered embarrassment, and Jamie thankfully caught himself and vanished through a slamming door.
Claire jumped from the bath, soaking and wrapped a waiting towel about her body. Shock fading from her fast. Her wet form sat down on the sofa and she brought a hand to her mouth to muffle the contagious laughing that escaped, unable to believe what had just happened.
Drying herself, very quickly and without care, she slipped on her silk night gown, before she sheepishly opened the living room door to find Jamie stood there. The two said little as they awkwardly passed each other, Claire glad to escape upstairs and settle on her bed, to laugh some more. But this time she didn't bother muffling it, she laughed loud and merrily.
An embarrassed Jamie heard her from downstairs, and her laughing made him feel less uneasy about seeing her that way, and he smiled, shaking his head at the foolishness of it all.
  Claire's curls seemed to dry fast in the warm May heat. Her hair stuck out with a little frizz, but otherwise loose, easy curls. She fixed the front of it away from her face with clips. Jamie had said to wear something nice, but during the war almost all of her lovely outfits where distributed to the war effort. There was one, fitted pencil dress she had kept back though, for some rare occasion. Mostly when Frank had returned and they would resume their life together and indulge in life's luxuries as they once had. She felt a cold pang in her heart when she thought of him, a man she had all these hopes and dreams with, and how easily she had cast them all aside for a stranger.
Roused from thought, Claire stored those guilt ridden concerns to the back of her mind and put on the deep red dress. It fit her form perfectly and ended just below her knee. Her neck was bare, but around it she wore a delicate gold chain, while her face had a light dusting of make up and a deep red lipstick to match her outfit.
Leaving the bedroom, Claire almost felt nervous. It had been a very long time since she had been out of blood stained work clothes, and when she did get the opportunity, she was hidden away in bulky jumpers and frumpy skirts. But tonight she was herself again, and in truth she felt embarrassed and bare. Deep down she recognised these feelings as being in love again, those first pangs in your heart that made you feel nauseous and on edge, but it was a welcomed feeling of daring excitement for what was to come.
She had found Jamie where she had left him. He was standing in the living room, waiting for her. Her wore a pair of cream trousers, dressed with a white shirt that had two buttons undone at the top so just the flickers of his red chest hair could be seen. He also wore a deep blue jacket that seemed to make his eyes shimmer and seem even more blue than they had before. His red curls were slicked back only slightly, so that one broke free and waved on his forehead. The sun shone through the window and danced on his jaw where the inklings of a red stubble was returning. He was a vision and Claire could feel her breath stop when she could appreciate just how beautiful he really was.
But Jamie seemed to feel the same way about her. His eyes traveled from her black heels, up her bare legs and over the curves of her hips and bosom, up her long delicate neck to rest on her sweet, soft face, where two golden eyes stared at him with a shy exuberance.
"You look... beautiful." Jamie said with a staggered pause, the words that had filled his head a moment ago, vanishing, leaving him speechless.
"You don't look too back yourself." Claire replied with a delicate smile dancing on the corners of her lips. She entered the living room, eager to know their destination.
"Where are you taking me?" Claire asked.
"You'll see." And Jamie took her by the hand and led her from the house, and the two walked in the warming dusk of a Summer's evening.
Claire recognised the place he was going immediately. They had entered the Royal Mile, a place famous in Edinburgh for it's rich history and old winding streets with gruesome tales. It was flocked with tourists usually, but things had been progressively slow since the war.
Jamie took her inside a little restaurant called The Royal Mile Inn. The minute they entered Claire was hit with an old musty smell of beer and age. It was a charming little place with booths, backed with green leather seats. The walls where covered in mirrors and old advertisements for whiskies and ales. Claire could see why Jamie found charm in the place. It wasn't unlike something found in the eighteenth century, apart from the modern amenities.
"I canna understand this." Jamie said as he glared down at the menu, after they had been seated.
"What?" Claire asked, eyes glancing up to see his confusion.
"Where I'm from, an Inn would just serve ye broth or a stew. How on earth do they have all these things to choose from?" Jamie was like a dumbfounded child.
Claire laughed, understanding that while they did have establishments such as these in the eighteenth century, an inn was seen as more of a board house, where one stayed over night and the menu was very slim in comparison to this.
"Just order something." She said, deciding that some things where better left unsaid. She didn't have the energy to begin explaining menus to him right now.
Jamie had a large slab of steak served with chips, while Claire had opted for some grilled chicken and potatoes.
"I don't believe it, sassenach- and fried ye say?" Jamie was twisting a chip around on the end of his fork, unable to believe that it was just a cut and fried potato.
"Yes, you can do quite a lot with a potato." Claire replied, humoured that something so simple could get him so excited.
"It's crunchy... I quite like it..." He said as he shoved three more into his mouth, eyes alight with how delicious they tasted. Claire laughed again, wondering what other customers would think of Jamie, bemused by the twentieth century.
Dinner had come and gone. Jamie had demanded a large slice of chocolate cake for dessert while Claire settled on some apple pie. When they had finished, the bill had come to be paid for. Claire asked graciously for it to be brought down, before digging in her purse to retrieve some money.
"What're ye doing, sassenach?" Jamie asked with alarm.
"Paying." Claire said, seeing Jamie's concern. "Look, I know you don't..." She felt the need to lean in and whisper. "I know you don't have any... legitimate money. I don't mind."
"But I took you out, to treat you." Jamie said, digging his hand into the inside breast pocket of his jacket to pull out a large wad of money, to Claire's amazement.
"Where did you get that?" Claire seemed to hiss, her stomach churning fearful of what he'd had to do to get such a large sum
"I ken what a pawn shop is Sassenach..." Jamie said, counting through the dozens of notes. "I went in and sold my dirk."
"You did what?" Claire said with astonishment.
"Aye, the man said it was a verra rare artifact..." Jamie's eyes flickered up to Claire with a smirk on his face and she smiled back, but it was more sincere.
"Thank you." Claire said, placing a hand on his, moved by his kind gesture.
  "I've always wanted to see Edinburgh." Jamie said as he walked hand in hand up the Royal Mile with Claire. "Who'd have thought I wouldna have seen it in the eighteenth century, but the twentieth." His eyes gleamed at her.
"Well I doubt much as changed." Claire commented. "Edinburgh is one of the oldest cities in Britain. I think if you had of seen the Royal Mile in the eighteenth century, you'd find it near enough the same." The cobbles underneath their feet only certified that fact.
"I suppose it's like... stepping back in time." Jamie said, with a toothy grin at Claire before he glanced up the length of the mile. It was filled with shops that sold scarves and tartans as well as a variety of places dedicated to selling authentic Irish whisky. There where people gathered in small groups, walking along with maps in their hands and pointing as they were being escorted on the many different tours. Jamie found many people where dressed in grey wigs and beautifully tailored eighteenth century suits, but Claire had to explain to him what a reenactment was and how they were merely tour guides, dressed up for authenticity. And through it all came the thrilling, bright notes of a bagpipe being played in the center of the mile by a man in full Scottish regalia.
"Sassenach!" Claire heard Jamie call as she was glancing at some tartan skirts on a window display. She turned to find Jamie already scrambling into a souvenir shop, eyes wide with wonder as his tall, large form knocked and rattled the stands in the small, cramped shop. Claire followed him, unable to understand what had got him so excited, and then he lifted it.
In his hand was a postcard, with a beautiful image of one of the many Scottish castles.
"That's it." Jamie said with certainty. "Lallybroch."
Claire heard the amazement in his tone as he recognised the home he had spoke so fondly of. Claire knew the castle, she had never visited herself, but there were countless tours to it and pictures over Scottish brochures. Now though, it went by the name of Midhope Castle.
"It's called Midhope Castle now." Claire said, posting to the small name etched on the bottom of the card.
"That's odd..." Jamie said, but it didn't dampen his smile any, or the wonder on his face.
"I wonder if it's still owned by Frasers, surely Jenny would've taken it on...But then she would've married..." Jamie said to himself, his mind already lost in thought.
"We can visit it, if  you'd like?" Claire asked, and Jamie almost dropped the card.
"What?" He said, his eyes suddenly filling with shock.
"Yes, I don't think it's far outside Edinburgh, an hour's drive maybe." Claire said, trying to think of the many road signs directing her to Midhope Castle in the time she'd been in Edinburgh.
"Ye mean it, sassench?" Jamie asked, like a child afraid of getting their hopes let down.
"Of course." Claire said, turning to him now with full attention, a gentle smile on her lips. She was more than happy to take him to see his home, even if it was only for a short visit, it was the least she could do.
  The two had returned home just as the sun had finally sunk in the sky and the sky was a deep shade of blue. The summer's heat hung in the air, making it muggy and warm.
"I had an amazing time tonight..." Claire said finally, walking into her living room and standing by the mantle. Her face bore a wondrous happy smile that she doubted would fade any time soon.
"As did I, sassenach." Jamie replied, walking up to her and placing his hands about her waist and drawing her close.
For a moment he pressed his lips against hers, breathing in her sweet smell. She smelt of honey and vanilla, fresh and clean from the soap she'd used to wash earlier.
Claire drew back to look at him. His eyes were such a deep shade of blue, like the ocean and like the ocean, they were mysterious. Claire wondered what was lurking beneath the beautiful blue depths.
"There was something more... I wanted to ask ye, Claire." Jamie said, and suddenly he seemed bashful, unable to meet her gaze as he struggled with words.
"What is it?" Claire asked, her face now full of worry.
"I meant to ask ye earlier... Well, I've wanted to ask ye the moment I laid eyes on ye..." Jamie said, fighting with himself now, as though the words were teetering on the edge of his lips but he couldn't bring himself to say them.
"I dinna ken what'd ye would say... If ye would think me a fool... But I can't fight it anymore."
Claire was growing more concerned now, panic was apparent on her face as she wondered what on earth could be troubling him so. She felt her heart beat faster, urging him to say the words he longed to say.
"What?" Claire urged.
"Will ye be my wife Claire?" Jamie said, the words bursting from his lips as he glanced up to meet her gaze.
Claire felt her heart thud in her chest for an entirely different reason now. She hadn't known Jamie long, he was practically a stranger to her. At least, on normal terms. But nothing about this had been normal. From the moment she had laid eyes on his rugged form in that hospital bed, there had been a draw to them both, like two magnets ready to snap together, unable to be parted. Her husband was lost to war, and the time in between she had filled with Jamie. Was it right? Did she truly love this man before her? There was no question.
"Yes." Claire found herself saying, and it had left her lips easier than she thought it might. True, she may annoy herself and hate herself for being so eager, for letting Frank go, for moving on before she had even mourned him. But to let Jamie go was a fate she couldn't bare.
Jamie embraced her, lifting her up in his strong arms to kiss her, consume her. His lips danced against hers with a fierce want that he had fought for so long before. She was to be his, and that had made him happier than he had ever hoped to be in this lifetime. Claire found herself unable to pull herself away from his embrace, not long enough so their lips should be parted for a single second, she wanted to breathe him in, taste him, consume him.
No more words were spoken that night, except the stolen whispers of desire, uttered into the night as they explored each other and finally gave in to the wanton passions that had swarmed them from the moment they had met. To hell with what everyone else thought. Claire gave herself to Jamie freely and he had taken her, and she was the first woman he had ever been with and he knew for the certain, she would be the last.
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obeymematches · 4 years
AAA, hi I'm that first anon ( /w\)
I'm glad you're doing well ❤️ Thank you so much for the content you're making. I've been kinda losing interest in Obey Me but I'd like to request a match-up, maybe it'll help me rekindle my love for the game.
So, hmm. I'm 18 and a bit of a short gal, 4' 11 since I last checked (aaaa, Asian genes. But hey, cute size difference).
I'm an INFP-T, so I kinda suck at socialising hahah. But I make up for it by showing a cheery exterior. It always feels good to leave a good impression.
I usually like to try keeping a soft image, but will also be a loud memelord if I ever get comfortable enough.
I'm about to study HUMSS next school year, dreaming of becoming an arts teacher or prof, if I can manage. But I struggle with anxiety, which kinda clashes with my dream career, since a teacher requires confidence ,w,)
I tend to put others' needs before myself, I always want to make sure my friends are happy. The world is... horrible, so I really try my best to ensure they're smiling. It just gives me good serotonin if I know I made them feel happier.
My brain is horrible at keeping stuff, meaning I'm really forgetful. And oof, not really the smartest tool in the shed. No thoughts, head empty. Only love and escapism✌️😔 My dumbass brain is another thing that clashes with my dream job.
I like drawing, listening to music (distracts me from bad thoughts), video games (my most favs are rpgs and open world), horror stuffs, and crying whenever I see frogs and dogs. I also like plants. Ohh, and shiny rocks, heck yea.
Tho, I'm not really taking care of any at the moment, but I dream of having my own garden. I love the cottagecore aesthetic.
A thing I should add I guess is that I used to be a total weeb, so my behaviour and speech is heavily influenced. I'd sometimes casually drop a 'hai?', 'nani', 'nande kore' and etc. in convos. Kinda makes me cringe, but dang I can't stop.
Even if I don't enjoy watching anime as much as before, I do like anime movies. All ghibli films, Kimi no Nawa, Weathering with You and A Silent Voice are my favs.
I just love the soundtracks so much qoq
My worse flaws are I'm hella sensitive, a huge procrastinator, childish, and easily jealous.
But despite me being a lazy dumbass, if I put my mind into something, I will not stop until I finish the thing. Which means I also tend to overwork myself.
I know it's unhealthy but it really keeps me motivated, aaa-
I also seem to like acting as if I know a lot? I mean, I come across as that but my real intention is I just thought to share my knowledge of the subject.
I just say a lot of stuff because I tend to blabber and jumble my words.
I guess my love language is words of affirmation. Compliments, I love you's, heart memes, cheesy pick up lines that my sleep-deprived self thought of at 4am- all of em!
These are the weapons I torture my friends with o(○`ω´○)9
But ahh, the thing is I've never dated anyone before. I find it so difficult to fall for someone irl, or even gain crushes. Mostly fictional. So I have absolutely no experience in the dating business.
Something to do with my self esteem and trust issues, ekk-
Oof, that's long. I hope that's not too much. Again, thank you so much if you happen to get to write this. Take your time, hun ^w^ ❤️💕 AAAA, and congratulations on reaching 100 followers!
Noooooo i’m so sorry it took me so much time to write this ;; I hope you like the result though! thank you for your patience!!  💕 💕 💕 
I decided to match you with Mammon! 
Here is why: 
Okay so obviously there is a bit of a height difference, I mean he is not even near to being the tallest but thats exactly why he thinks you are the best height - it makes him feel taller and that is good for his confidence. 
Mammon is known for going out and socializing a lot - even if more often than not he ends up in some kind of unusual situation. He is good at taking the initiative in case you have trouble. Just don’t always follow through his ideas he suggests to bond, because most of the time it will end up getting both of you in trouble. I mean it’s not like Lucifer would punish you too badly because of something stupid Mammon got you to do (besides you having to listen to a lecture about why the thing you two did was dumb), but poor friend of yours is not so lucky.  :(
  I like to think of him as a positive, rather optimistic, maybe naive person but I think your cheerful attitude goes well with that. I mean think about the aura you two would spread! 
He would definitely be surprised to learn about your loud memelord side, but that would fascinate him so much because you can open up to him sooner than to his brothers and that also makes him more proud to be with you! I think that would also help him grow some real deep feelings for you
 I think you’d be a great influence on him to help motivating him to put some more energy into his education. Although the only reason he would care more about that is the study times he can have with you, and it is up to you to decide if those sessions are actually studying together (read: you tutoring him and him staring at you in awe when you don’t look but can’t grasp the material) or if there’s an attempt but a couple minutes later he is talking about how to earn money fast and both of you try said method.
Helping him study sometimes would definitely help your self-esteem! I think he can come off as rather confident, so hanging around with people like him would definitely boost your confidence!
I think he would literally melt if someone put his well-being before themselves. Theres no going back now he is lovesick. I mean just think about all the times his brothers make fun of him. 
 I’m prettysure he is the best at making people laugh! He has no care in the world even if he has to do something dangerously dumb to make you smile!! 
He can be rather forgetful too so thats something the both of you have to work on if possible, but relationshipwise that should not cause conflicts. Sure he might forget about some stuff but it’s never your bday or a date with you because both of you are in love. 
I think he can try your hobbies to impress you or just to have another topic to talk about, but he will probably never be the best at drawing. I think the amount of music you listen to would drastically decrease as he is very good at occupying your mind - with positive thoughts! 
It is confirmed that he alsp enjoys videogames and he is good at them, so thats something you two can do together when you don’t really feel like going out. 
If you show him horror movies he will scream and will not be able to sleep well for 2 weeks but he is going to deny that with his life so good luck! 
 I think he would find it cute that you like frogs and rocks and stuff, he might tease you a bit about it at first but if he sees a frog on sale he will spend his money to give you a surprise frog! it will probably be some live magical frog (either poisonous or some weird demon magic frog that will have everyone in the house of lamentation end up in a comedic situation). So that was the last time he got you something he has no idea about without asking you first.  
Oh he would definitely tease you a lot about your vocabulary, but Levi would catch on you because you might not actually be a normie... And thats how Mammon gets too jealous to ever tease you again about something like that - how can he allow Levi to hang out with you :( 
And that brings us to both of you being easily jealous. In some cases that might end in conflicts because one person gets annoyed but in this particular case you just need to have a conversation about it. Set some boundaries both of you are okay with, and no issue! 
I think to make sure your time alone with Levi is more limited he would totally watch anime movies with you! 
He definitely adores your determination! If you ever ask him what he likes about you, he will probably mention this as one trait.
 Hmmm as I elaborated before, you knowing more stuff about things will probably prevent situations that would be caused by Mammon not being informed about some stuff.
Okay so he is definitely one who sends you memes at ungodly hours and you can’t stop him. He is awake, lying in bed, too in love to do anything besides think about you and smile and face the issues of being the local tsundere. And then you send him a meme full of love and he can not fall asleep for the rest of the night, feeling butterflies and imagining soft things with you like he did with nobody else before. 
Okay so I’m not sure about his dating experience, but as far as a know he doesn’t really have much either? in that case both of you could explore this new feeling together! 
So in conclusion this boy is very much in love and he can only hope that you feel the same. Both of you are a good influence o the other and that helps the two of you to grow together. He might have slightly more experience but that’s okay. I see no conflicts here, maybe the only exception being the fact that he can be rude towards you and you are sensitive, but he is quick to stop being rude once he sees why he is so wrong. And that will be the best decision of his life so far because not long after that he is very much in love for the first time in forever. Both of you are loyal to the other and jealousy means no issue. Well, after some conversation, that is. Both of you experience life together and theres always something to do, to see! 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“spin me around like you did when we first met”
What do you have to shave more often: legs or armpits? I rarely have to shave my legs because hair doesn’t really grow there.
If someone gave you a broken car, would you be able to fix it by yourself? I could take it somewhere or ask family members who work on cars, but no I have no idea about car repair. I know nothing. I’d like to not be given a broken car in the first place, though...
Have you ever seen a tornado? Nooo.
Do you have any pet chickens? No.
Does the color red look good on you? I don’t think I look good in anything in general.
Do you have any of your Easter candy left over still? Ew, it’s November.
Do you have blue eyes? No, I wish.
Do you have big or small ears? Small.
Do/did you enjoy it when your school would have pep rallies? I did enjoy the pep rallies.
Do you leave everything to the last minute? I’m a PROcrastinator.
Can you hula hoop? Nope.
What color is your keyboard? Black with white lettering.
Do you know someone who has two different colored eyes? No.
Do you like meatloaf? Meh, it’s alright. I like it paired with mashed potatoes and gravy.
Do you pray before every meal? No. I tend to forget. :/
“I’ve been waiting all day, for you to call me baby”
Do you have any goats? No. I don’t live on a farm, so I don’t have chickens or goats or any farm animals.
Can you stand on your tippy toes? No.
Do you live across from a corn field? No, I live across from other houses.
Is your driveway stone? Nope, it’s cement.
Do you like the lemonade Vitamin Water? Yeah. I haven’t had that in a long time, though.
Which is worse: losing your memory or have to be in the hospital for 3 days. Uh, I’d say losing my memory... that’s kinda a huge deal.
Would you ever go to a Lady Gaga concert? Sure. I bet it would be fun.
How many black tank tops do you own? I have a couple black undershirts. 
How many pages do you have bookmarked? I have 8 on the bookmarks bar at the top, but that’s it.
Is your age an odd or even number? Odd.
How often do you use the toilet? Uhhh I don’t know, however many times I need to.
Is your best friend older or younger than you? My mom is 23 years older than me.
What color is the back arrow at the top of the page for you? Black.
How many shirts of yours are red? A few.
Have you heard the song Brokenhearted by Karmin? Yeah.
“Tell me how to get back, back to summer paradise with you”
What's something in you room that starts with the letter P? Pillows.
Are you good at pulling pranks? I’m not a prankster.
Do you play Xbox? No.
Can you do a black flip? Nope.
Were you ever on student council in school? No.
Do you have any pets? I have a doggo.
Do you hate when a teacher calls on you and you don't know the answer? That always used to bother me and make me super self-conscious, yes. <<<
When you're sad, do you only listen to sad music? If I listen to music at all, yes. 
Have you ever touched a fish? No.
Is your mom's birthday in February? Nope.
Are you hungry right now? No, I had ramen not too long ago.
When's the last time you laughed? Yesterday.
What does your dream prom dress look like? My prom dress was white with gold specks.
Do you still have a Facebook? Yeah.
Do you like Twix candy? Yes. I don’t recall the last time I had one, though.
“We are, the same”.
Do you play the game Draw Something on your iPhone etc..? I used to be obsessed with that game. It was pretty popular a few years ago.
Does your house have two kitchens? No.
Are you a slow or fast runner? Slow.
True or false: You have brown eyes. True.
If you had dark hair, would you get blonde highlights? I had blonde highlights for several years.
Do you have a nickname that you don't enjoy? No.
Do you enjoy chicken noodle soup? Nah.
Do you hate missing school? Catching up on what I missed could be annoying, especially if I had to miss more than a day. 
Do you own animal print pants? No.
One of the best feelings in the world is turning in a test, agree? One of the best feelings in the world is not having to even take a test in the first place. <<< Hahah, for real.
Do you use tanning lotion? No.
Have you ever been hurt and then had someone tell you to suck it up? Yes.
Can people read your feelings like an open book? My mom is pretty good at that.
Do you know someone who has lost their entire memory? No.
Do you like turnips? No.
“Sometimes the only person that understands me is my friend that I tell nothing to”
Do you think your life would change if you were on the cover of a magazine? Yikes, I would definitely not want to be on a cover of a magazine. 
Do you really think Monday's are that bad? They’re just another day for me now since I’m not in school or have a job.
Is there a movie coming out that you will be seeing for sure? There’s several I want to see whenever they do come out; dates keep getting pushed back.
Are you tired of the question "Are you single" on surveys? No, the ones about relationships annoy me cause I am single.
Are you sad that this month is almost over? It’s only the 5th.
Do you think you could give up eating desserts for a month? Probably. I’d just miss cheesecake.
Do you think your life would change if you switched places with a nerd? I am a nerd.
Do you think you could jump for an hour straight? No. Or at all.
Do you have a pillow pet? No, but I have a small keychain version. It’s a giraffe, of course.
Have you ever told someone something secret and then they told people? Yes.
Do you like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal? Yesss. It’s one of my favorites. 
Do you like ice coffee or it hot? Hotttt.
1-10 : how tired are you? 10.
Have you ever thought about being a rock star? No.
“Let’s be the same crazy people we used to be”
Have you ever woken up to a good morning letter beside you? No.
What color is the roof on your house? Brown.
Will you be seeing the movie the Hunger Games? I saw all of them.
Was your first job being a babysitter? That’s the only “job” I’ve had. I only babysat my brother and cousins, but I did get paid, so.
Is your nose stuffy right now? No, not at the moment, thankfully.
Would you ever get your nails done? I only got them done once. It was for my 8th grade promotion, so it’s been quite a long time. I don’t care to get them done and I don’t have any nails to get done anyway, ha.
Don't you hate when you type and get letters mixed around? It’s annoying.
Have you ever not accepted someone's apology? I’m pretty forgiving.
Does your car have a sun roof? I don’t have a car; I don’t drive.
When's the last time you went fishing? I’ve only done it once back in like 2005.
Have you ever thought about being a movie director? No.
When you get older, do you think you'll have short hair or long hair? I like my long hair, but a part of me does want to cut it short because I just don’t have the energy or motivation to manage or do anything with it.
Would you ever spend over $100 at one store? It happens.
Have you ever snuck out of your house late at night? Nope. I never snuck out of my house. I never wanted or felt the need to do so. 
Have you ever danced on the road when it was wet? No...
“Hey, I just met you and this crazy, but here’s my number - so call me maybe���
Do you prefer the sunset or sunrise? Both are pretty.
Have you ever seen a tadpole? I feel like I probably have when I was a kid.
Do you ever miss Myspace? Nah.
Are you currently wearing a sweatshirt? No.
Do you like fudge sundaes? Sure.
Are you one of those people who wear sunglasses inside? I don’t wear sunglasses, ever.
Least favorite month? May-August.
Do you own a yellow umbrella? I don’t have an umbrella.
True or false: There is a 4 in the current time. True, it’s 4:01AM.
Has anyone ever said "Hello?" and then it all fell into place? Huh?
How much money do you usually receive for your birthday if any? My nana sends $20-$25 every birthday and Christmas. I sometimes get money from other family members as well.
How many famous people have you met? Two.
How long is your favorite song? I couldn’t choose just one favorite song.
Was it sunny out today? It’s only 4 in the morning, so it’s currently cold and dark outside. It’s going to be 81F today, though, so it will be sunny later.
Do you like classical music? I enjoy some of it, especially piano pieces. 
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holy-lancer · 4 years
Out of context Len headcanons :)) very little... but it’ll be nice!!
Handsome, gets what he wants, not used to being told no for anything.
Very upset all the time. Piss poor at English class. Middle sibling of Cheerful candy and colourful gumdrop. Parents hate him!
Star gazer, owns a telescope? I think I made a joke once about him being a distant Relative of Radical
School Outfit
Bookworm, no social skills, a bit envious about how well Jersey gets along with people.
Blue moon
Mixologist! He loves his job! Has a soft spot for Disney movies and grew up really close to Black Star.
None. Who need him.
Shape shifter who just wants to be all people. Doesn’t get social ques or how to /really/ talk to people. Has paws on his feet.
Strange Dark
I like to think of him as a clone, but nobody knows of who. He carries around a feeder fish in a tiny bowl and “loves” it.
Nameless number 7
Requiem’s favourite :) super quiet. Strong man, good with his hands.
Here’s a fun fact: he’s my second fave and I love him. Ok. For real. Loves the kitchen, if you don’t know where he is, he’s cooking for everyone.
First model robot made to gives answers to questions people had. Ended up getting a /little/ too emotional. Was friends with Jersey and Lancer in grade school.
Phoenix Moon
I STAN. The first Len rp he was one of the mains rped by my then Gf. He gives me lots of smiles :). Positive Len module for me. But..... let me think... oh! He collects expensive soaps and his parents own a bank.
None. I hate him as a Len module. F tier.
Bad boy
Starmine’s future husband. Easyly peer pressured and a spiky exterior. He’s like a sea Urchin!! My favourite animal...
Yukata style
Stylish Energy
His parents wanted the best for him, so he just got pushed around to do things he had no passion for. All sports, and art, and he had no personality and interests. Jersey helped. 
Student council
Green with envy :). He wishes Jersey liked him as much and he liked Stylish.
Polar bear in love
Groupie. That’s what they’re called right? You know how sweaty neck beards act around cosplayers? Yeaaaah.. that.
Thorned rose
None. I love him. Gorgeous Len. I think a relative of Phoenix.
Cultist. Wants to get his sun back.
White edge
Cheerful Len
He’s the one that found Dark! He’s tryino to help him open up to people and really loves him
Ice fog
It’s a long story. I have an au where he ran away with Punkish. But that’s not normal world. Hmmmm. His great great great grandfather got cursed to be made a ice. But it had been slowly bred out of his family, he’s got some limited Icy powers.
Bashful parka yellow
Related to Polar Bear. He’s the youngest of their family. He loves problematic media, has trouble making friends because of his brothers
Evil dumbass and chaotic. “I did it because I could” kind of person.
Ni no sakura fan dance
Shut in, writes in a little diary about how all the people he loves love someone else and how he’ll be alone forever.
None? He used to be a friend of Ice Fog. But I think it’s scrapped now.
Bebop knave
None in the regular. But... that’s a whole can of worms.
Adolescent knight
“””hell fucker””” longest and most detailed headcanon.
Trickster son. Rude and snooty.
Conductor vermillion
“That ones going in the vault :)” kinda person. Oops! No memory.
Pyjama party
Sleepy. I have none.
Holy Lancer
Haha. Aaa haha. You’d think I’d have more compared to some others but I don’t. He does drawing streams with Ultimate and they shitpost online together. His sona is a big tiddie anime girl.
Patisserie Hansel
He has none. But I always liked to think of him as a Starmine rival when he got introduced:). Everyone loves friendly competition
Underhanded Yellow
Ultimate Len
Haha haha. Twitter furry
Radical Star
Hahah. Also a main character. But with my roommate instead of GF at the time. He’s a model and popular in the east :). Fans... kinda suck.
Lightning stone
Brave Butterfly
He’s a mythical creature hunter. He doesn’t like that things can be above him.
Ivy Tomcat
Aaaaand. Hmm... you’d think I’d have something to say for the LAST Len on the list. Dating Ultimate??
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched all 20 episodes of spy kids: mission critical in about a week and here are my thoughts (3/5)
i havent watched this in like 2 days i dont even remember what happened last time
why is everything in the desert the desert sucks
alsjhiajgdf i love tom kenny
listen i know hes like a superandroid or whatever but i really hope he and therese fall in love
wait hold up. i thought they already had midterms???? like the did that before scorpion went to her fashion shoot. AND they were kupkakkes midterms. whats up with this school
no drinking in class???? rude. let them hydrate
that seems imbalanced
thats only like 10
also that book is dummy thicc
its ok ace my nose whistles too
shut up carmen youre just jealous because shes pretty
there are no seasons its a desert
ok dude stop breathing so hard
he JUST said that
anywhere between an hour and umm... 11 months
you put it on one page why are all the pages back
me but with physics
thats literally the best line in the whole series
juni how do you not know that you were at a safe H O U S E
theyve been gone for like 2 hours are they not allowed to study?????
what even is AWOL???
absent without leave. neat
talon gives off some big draco energy
tick tock???? how dare you
slkdhfa she called sir awesome honey shes such a mom
dont make it obvious
oh look they made it obvious
roll credits
i was in cleveland when i watched this episode - well actually i left that day - and i was s h o o k e t h
also hes right. no spy would be in cleveland. theres 3 buildings
oh me too
right bc shes the only “I.A.”
this isnt HARRY POTTER. or maybe it is. talon is a hardcore draco
oh right bc swearing is for Men™
update tumblr decided to break AGAIN (im boutta cry btw) so we lost about 5 minutes from the end of 1.9 and 7 from the beginning of 1.10
its a DOORBELL do they not have those in the outback steakhouse
lots of people. doofenshmirtz, other people who i cant think of right now, etc
???? no it wont????
did your troop leader not give you The Talk??? you NEVER go in the customers house
ace no. youre allowed to not buy treats
theres a triforce on her vest, too
shes just gonna go to another house yall. shell be f i n e
oh my God shes holding hands with mauly im gonna c r y
yeah its called saliva
nope only scorpion lives in a castle
stop bringing up spy sense and tell him you saw her glare at you
how do you know that he doesnt have his phone if YOU dont know where it is and HE cant tell you
i love how she says "floor. ceiling. more thumb"
haha i found the birth of venus
oh and the creation of adam
hes like squidward, which would make sense bc goldies voiced by tom kenny who voices spongebob
"sebastian oliver" "shadow operative" S.O. nice
why do you have a trailblazers badge. youre 4. i didnt get one til i was a cadette
also sebastian???? isnt that the toymakers first name????? you cant have 2 sebastians
also why do you have braces. youre still 4
so really, spy sense DID help
oooooh, sentry duty, thats gotta hurt
she looks like frickin plushtrap
oh trust me they hurt me more than you know
dude theyre so thin youre f i n e
eh, still worked
clicking her teeth together so hard must H U R T
i think she can get out of there. also shes concussed now
why was that so quiet. why did it get louder
thats not a y shape
no, they spy kids
oh shiitake mushrooms thats what THEY said
whenever they say pinnoquinoxx i always think of pinnochio
ahdhhsjak i miss pizza parties 😔
well now we ALL expect it
also, no one????? pick a cooler code name. your regular name was cool and now youve ruined it
oh theres finally a skip intro option. im not taking it
stop saying that its weird
haha shes shopping w the goon. love that
oh yeah i didnt get to tell yall yet but i absolutely h a t e gablet
a lot of people, juni
listen i know a jt (but he doesnt go by jt) and uhhhhhhh were not gonna go there
why are you happy. what about second semester makes you so happy
boi thats a tardis
the design on his hoverboard looks like the aperture science logo
i paused to read the Floops label and it says "fried corn and sugar loop shaped breakfast substitute, net wt. 13 oz" ITS NOT EVEN A CEREAL ITS A BREAKFAST SUBSTITUTE IM C R Y I N G
listen i know hes technically scorpions dad but i dont think he can legally be in the dorm rooms
aww, thats sweet
i dont think gablet has an attached printer
gablet always sounds like shes mocking people
oh dear God its dolores umbridge
haha nerd
awesome no im gonna die
whenever carmen yells she sounds like link
ok so i didnt find a reason why she sounds like link but i DID find that theyre making a wherea waldo tv series so uhhhh thats fun
why does the cat have a bandaid
oh no fart jokes
its even the basic fart sound effect
oh no i hate him
uh yeah???? you heard them yelling about it
how??? does that work??? you cant just like catch electricity in a cup.... can you???? i havent studied it since 4th grade
oh worm??
goldies such a boomer
psi shouldnt be at the drawing board right now. he also shouldnt be confused
what happened to the lasers
wait nvm we havent gotten to that episode yet
ace is valid, dark is Scary
im gonna punch gablet in the face
that doesnt sound realistic
do you not have stairs??????
dont you mean inside AND out??
that flashlight did NOTHING
how did it die so fast?????
who else would you be talking to??
isnt that bowser from the mario movie we dont speak of??
i havent gotten a chance to tell yall but i absolutely love clemp. hes such a mood
hes the greatest spy
does it use a mini transmooker???? ig it doesnt bc gablet works but thatd be lit
me when i see something interesting
i dont think you can legally say that
you killed her
wow nice promo
also just???? bring a charger????? like youre the tech girl why do you not have one at all times
how?????? did you go so fast
machete electric bubbles??? nice
just task manager him
mother of all boards sounds like it could be a cuss...mother of all fuckers
also throwback to 1.7 when she says "his ai firewalled his motherboard" i keep expecting her to say "his ai firewalled this motherfucker"
yes i said keep ive watched that episode too many times to count
why did you giggle and make a flirty pose. are yall supposed to get together???
did you????? kill him????????? holy shit
thats what my dad does. he loves hospital corners
idc what it is you have a bazooka
ok if it was a spider id get it, australia has some deadly ones, but does it have deadly ants too???? like is that a Thing????
also ants in your room are gross
was that just a cameo??? i dont remember what happens in this one
haha because he said grapevines and wine has dregs and wine is made of grapes
for the boys??? thats so cute
listen idc how evil you are EVERYONE should cry over otters
so one of the parents has a sister or sister in law named roxanna..... hmmm.......
if you dont use your turn signal h*ck u
hes gonna D I E
i just looked at my shoe and i think theres blood on it???? what the h*ck
suspicious??? about.... what???? having fears???? not being perfect?????
juni that was awful wording
like i know what he DID but the way it plays out makes it seem like something significant
i thought his name was heavy meddle not.... deth metal???? thats how the subtitles spell it
hahah me
he sounds like bling bling boy
yeah ik im a fool thanks for reminding me
what are you gonna do??? kill juni????
oh he gives exactly 0 h*cks
a shoe doesnt make that sound
crack bugs?????
see thats why you dont mess with things
im a god among boys??????? what????
did you... kill them????????????
thats any australian person
theyre so stupid i love them
good i hate her
i thought the gunk just like... disappeared from the guitar but actually it shot off
he died... 😔
uhh.... yeah????? was it not obvious?????
me when i have 5 dollars
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idolish7rabbitchats · 5 years
Nikaido Yamato: Wonderful Octave Rabbit Chat Part 5
3: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yamato-san! 
5: Happy Birthday, Yamato-san. Somehow we made it to the 14th.
6: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Let’s celebrate the success of the Valentine’s Live and Yamato’s special day together.
4: Yama-san, HBD!
7: Yamato-san, congratulations! Happy Valentine’s Day!
1: Happy Birthday. From now on too, please take care of me.
2: Thx for going this far for me. Even though you guys are probably tired from the live, you made a cake and preparations huh.
3: Even though it’s a chocolate pound cake since this lasts long. It’s quite good with whipped cream, so forgive me!
2: I’m normally happy. It was in the fridge since yesterday, so I thought it would be the birthday cake (lol)
Tsumugi: Yamato-san, Happy Birthday! I made food too, so please eat with everyone.
2: Manager, thanks to you too.
2: Anyways, even though we’ve been together since the live earlier, isn’t it fine to stop group chatting already? You were doing a surprise in the live too...
6: The live and the party, we want to celebrate both properly.
7: It would be sad to not do a group chat even though it’s a birthday!
1: Because the live and your birthday are separate things.
2: Hahah. You guys are lively huh.
3: Even though you said that, you are smirking now, old man!
4: Uwah! He dropped his fork!
4: Manager, Yama-san and Mikki are fighting
T: Eh?! What do you mean?!
6: Seems like Yamato tried to hide his embarrassment by fighting.
1: Nikaido-san flicked Nii-san’s forehead. I’ll barely forgive him since today is his birthday, but he should regret that on a later day.
T: F-Flicked his forehead…?
7: Mitsuki is pinching Yamato-san’s cheek!
5: They’ll hit the cake plates; it would be better if they stopped soon...
7: Ah. Both were separated!
6: Seems like it’s a draw ;-)
4:  Don’t fight so close to the cake. So childish 
4: [Sitting Pudding Stamp]
2: Stop stop. It’s after the live so I don’t have any more energy… Anyways, we were told off by Tama...
3: Both of us should calm down...
7: It’s yet another story about our dorm lives huh!
2: Dorm lives?
2: Aaah… Cuz I said that during the letter corner huh...
6: Hosting the radio only once is a waste. It was a really good show.
1: Nikaido-san’s voice is calm, it’s relaxing to hear. I thought talking as if you were telling a story was also suited to the radio.
7: Talking about the dorms was fun too! About the bath cleaning!
4: So-chan was frozen while listening to the radio. 
5: I didn’t think it would be that story so I was surprised...
2: Ahhh, sorry sorry.
2: I didn’t plan to say names but it accidentally came out.
5: No… I’m glad you could provide the episode...
7: Eh?! It wasn’t on purpose to say the name?
3: Hey, don’t bring that back up!
6: After the on-air, Sougo’s smile was frozen. It was a sad smile...
4: It was super scary...
1: But thanks to that, seems like it was favorable, so I think it was a necessary sacrifice.
5: Sacrifice...
T: Th-The mail corner was also fun; it became a radio show that you can’t miss…!
*T: How did Yuki-san react to having his request chosen?
2: He was suuuuuuuper happy. He sent me a picture of glasses again.
2: The on-air is done; that takes a load off my mind. I wonder what request I will think of from now on(lol)
6: I can’t wait to show my request for Mitsuki  :-)
3: I’m next huh~!
3: I’m nervous like if I’m opening a jack in the box, but I’m looking forward to what everyone will think of.
2: A radio show is made by lots of people huh. I realized that when I saw the studio.
2: It was made from reading the messages of the fans who listen to it. Huh. That feels like it’s hand-made, I thought it’s good.
2: Well, it's the same in any job huh. IDOLiSH7 is also like this. We create the group.
2: That sounds cheesy (lol)
6: Yamato, I feel the same way.
6: It’s not just Yamato. Iori, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Sougo, and Riku -- everyone treasures this group.
4: Right! Me too!
7: I also love IDOLiSH7!
5: Let’s make the fans enjoy it altogether.
1: From now on, let’s create IDOLiSH7 with us.
3: Yamato-san, you’re our leader! Please lead us!
2: You guys are so energetic (lol)
2: Well, I’m not the type to lead people, but I’m here with you guys no matter what happens. From now on too, let’s do it together.
T: Th-The mail corner was also fun; it became a radio show that you can’t miss…!
T: How were the fan’s reaction?
2: Seems like there was a big reaction for the parody song after all. I have mixed feelings about that...
2: The on-air is done; that takes a load off my mind. I wonder what request I will think of from now on(lol)
T: Th-The mail corner was also fun; it became a radio show that you can’t miss…!
T: What does Yamato-san think now that the broadcast is over?
2: Definitely the request corner was the hardest… Well, including that, it was a good experience. 
2: The on-air is done; that takes a load off my mind. I wonder what request I will think of from now on(lol)
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nagatsukinura119 · 5 years
Day 3 at Japan Expo Malaysia (28th July 2019)
Today was the last day. The day that I would last see the KiREI members. Cue gonna be a cry baby and go through Post Concert Depression (look it up hahah). Since I wanted to make the most of it, I wore the KiREI T-shirt I bought the first day I met them, which is gorgeous by the way (albeit it was a stock from their concert in Bangkok), especially the back side and I really love it!
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As I said in the part one in Day 2’s report, I promised Hanapii that I was gonna draw an illustration for them. But here’s the thing, I initially thought to just post it on Twitter, but then my father said, “You should show them tomorrow” and that was exactly what I did! Now, the previous night’s adrenaline rush and fatigue was no joke, I was so exhausted, and my mind was so jumbled since I was still processing what happened at AKB48’s concert and at the airport (toldya it was VERY overwhelming). Thankfully I brought my drawing tablet in this trip (I don’t know why I did, but thank God I did). I barely finished sketching until I succumbed to exhaustion and went to sleep. The next morning I literally finished breakfast within 10 minutes and went back to our room and stayed there to finish the illustration. Since their last concert started at 2, and I had like 3 hours left to finish it (I wanted to be there by 1). Thankfully I finished on time and I quickly made my way to Pavilion.
When I arrived, once again I was surprised with the lack of people waiting at the stage (outdoor by the way), and this time I didn’t care what people thought and I just stood at the front row under the blazing sun, all in black clothes, and texting to my Discord fellas (lol). So first Austin and another host went up the stage and gave a quick introduction about KiREI and apparently KiREI was made up of 3 disbanded idol groups named “Tokyo Clear’s Smile” (this is the group where Hanapii originally came from, which I found out a couple nights ago lol), “Spring Chubit” and “Astarisk”. The girls were called in and dear gosh! Today they wore yukata again, but different designs than the first day! I just really like it when J-idols wear yukatas or any form of traditional clothing. It’s even more amazing that these girls were not just dancing, but also jumping in them! You have to admire their abilities, if not, impressed, cuz here’s the thing some of their dances were pretty vigorous, and after seeing their performances 3 times now, I could tell that Chori-chan is the ‘genki’ girl as she tended to jump the highest, dance with the most energy and also the one to rile up the audience. Miayan has the best and brightest smile that would capture anyone’s hearts (which explained why she has a fan account). Meanwhile Hanapii has the best balance in terms of her dance, her movements weren’t too extreme, and the fluidity and precision made her dance moves better, hence for me she’s the best dancer among the trio.
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For this performance, Mianyan noticed me the most and as I said, her smiles were SO BLINDING! I could feel myself getting overcome by it that I had to look through my camera lens instead of my own eyes lmaoooo. Since I’m heavily biased for Hanapii I tended to look at her the most, and I couldn’t help but realized that she seemed a bit down today. I guess it wasn’t surprising since 3 days straight of performing and doing meet-and-greets could tire anyone. However, when she made eye contacts, she made sure to smile as much as she could (God I love her). Meanwhile, Chori-chan climbed in my Oshimen radar because of her bright and energetic interactions with the audience, including myself, especially whenever she invited the audience to chant with her. She’s really like the Takamina in this trio (that’s what I call ‘charisma’!)
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Before they started the fifth song, Chori-chan told us that it would be their last song (cue the “Eeeeehhh~” by the audience), and I started to sob and felt my heart twinge a bit. Emotions from the previous night in the airport kind of resurfaced and once again I told myself to not cry or that would make them feel bad if they noticed. Their last song was ‘Dame Otoko’ and I’d say this was my most favorite after ‘Say Yeah! Away!’ (which I kept humming and singing to when I was at the airport the night before) and ending it with this song just made it twice the impact. The performance went splendidly but there was one point again the tears just started to leak, and I had to use my camera to hide my face. Again, I was like “NO. Don’t ruin this for them!”
After they were done, they girls professed their love for being in Malaysia, wanting to come back again (OH HECK YAS, please come back again! And I will too!) Then everyone was called for the obligatory group picture, and now me being in the first row finally paid off!
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After the photo session the girls needed some time to freshen up for the last greet-and-meet session. And being the excited fan I was, I waited nearby at their booth, trying not to stand out as much as I could lol. When the booth opened, I immediately lined up behind some prepared fans. This time the man who was selling the merch definitely remembered me as he was like “Welcome back!” This time I was gonna be greedy and bought two Cheki tickets for each member and a towel. He was counting the total cost and I told him “Sanbyaku ringgit (300 ringgit)” which impressed him, and he was like “Oh! Your Japanese is good!” While I was telling him that wasn’t true, he noticed the KiREI T-shirt I was wearing and smiled even more. Honestly I really wanted to shake his hand right then and there, to thank him for his great work, but we just ended up chatting a bit more hahahah.
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Before I was about to join the line, Hanapii saw me and she thought I was gonna immediately take pictures with her (oh you sweet darling). But I told her that today I was going to take pictures with everyone, and that I would start from Mianyan, then Chori-chan and finally her. When I went to the line Chori-chan spotted me and immediately assumed that I was gonna take pics with Hanapii as she asked “With Hanapii, right?” I told her I was gonna take pictures with everyone this time, and she was VERY happy, as in she started hopping (ADORABLE).
So I took a picture with Mianyan first. She kept saying I was cute and ‘comel’ (Malay for ‘cute’) and she wrote that on the polaroid frame. I told her where I was from, and since she had a confused look (cuuuuuteee) so I explained the location. I also thanked her for following me on Twitter (she was the first one who followed me). For the first round she and I took a pic with the freshly bought towel hahaha (she was really impressed that I wore their T-shirt too). I was gonna take another picture with her since I bought 2 tickets for each of them but she needed to assist to take pictures for other people, so being the social awkward I was, I stood back awkwardly and ended up going back in line since I wasn’t sure if I should’ve stayed and wait for Hanapii and Chori-chan to be free so I could take pictures with them.
While I was lining up in the very long line I realized Hanapii ran past me to the end of the line to give the last guy a sign that says ‘the end of line’ ah so adorable, at the same time I guiltily thought “Ah crap, I bought 6 tickets which meant I basically took 4 to 5 people’s chance to interact with the girls…!” When I reached them, I made sure to use two of my Cheki tickets in one go so that I didn’t have to go back in line as I specifically said, “Two tickets”. Chori-chan was so happy when I said I was using two tickets (can she get more adorable??). The first round she and I did a heart pose and when she was signing it poor girl thought my main name was “Nagatsuki” she actually remembered me on Twitter (gasp!) and she double confirmed my name with Hanapii like “‘Nura-chan’ dakke? (Was it ‘Nura-chan’?” And Hanapii was like, “Un! Nura-chan!” LOOOL! Before taking a picture for the second round, I told her on my Twitter I post my art and showed her an illustration of them that I made. She went “Amazing!” so many times I thought she was going fangirling as she started hopping on the spot (SO KYOOT). For the second round she held me close with one hand while her other hand was patting my head (I find this a bit endearing since she and I are about the same height while the other two are taller). While waiting for the polaroid to print and while she was signing them she kept saying I was cute and all, then asked if I was travelling so I told her that I came here in order to visit the event, that I was willing to fly over. She then asked me to come and see them again in Japan and before I could even respond she pulled my pinky with hers and made a pinky promise looooooooool. I remember I was so shocked that I stuttered, “Ahhh yeah yeah I’ll definitely try”.
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Since Mianyan was busy I had to take pictures with Hanapii first in order to let the line go smoothly. I don’t care how many times she has greeted me with the cutesy “Nura-chan~~~” my heart still fluttered so much! Before we could take a picture, I mentioned about the previous day’s promise that I’d draw something for them and showed my illustration to her. She was like “Eh?!?! No way!” as I told her that I finished it earlier that day. She was so shocked that she was speechless and Chori came over to us and was like “Amazing right! She even drew my red ribbon!” while pointing at my phone. They traded a couple of words together and I just stood there smiling like an idiot. So we ended up taking a picture with that illustration lol.
For the second round, Hanapii was so happy with my visits, my support and the illustration that she was thanking me so many times and she literally hugged me so closely for the picture (I’m not joking, even I was like “Is hugging okay???” and she was like “Yes its completely okay!”). I thought that I still needed to put some distance between our faces, just as precaution, but nope, Hanapii pulled me so close that our cheeks were touching each other! IM SO GLAD IM A GIRL cuz so far I’d seen when they hugged guys (I was the only girl who lined up for the meet-and-greet), they still put some distance. So yeah, I was SO HAPPY with how Hanapii treated me. I then told her that I teared up a bit during their last song since it was their last day and she was like “Eehh don’t cry~” and started patting my head. She then said, “Let’s meet again in Japan, I’ll wait for you.” I thought I’ve died enough. But this comment, THIS COMMENT. I remember I blanked out for a second or two and just nodded (I couldn’t make that promise since I needed to consider my circumstances but MAN I WANTED TO PROMISE HER SO BAD). I was very reluctant to leave and this may sound pretentious but it seemed like she didn’t want me to go either cuz when she held my hands it was firmer than the last 3 times she shook my hands. Before leaving she asked me if I was gonna attend the closing ceremony later that night. Sweetheart you know I won’t miss it for the world so I promised her that I would.
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For the last handshake I told Mianyan that I cried during their last performance and she was like “Ehhh~ don’t cry~ were they happy tears?” I took a second or two to rethink my words and spewed “It was both happy and grieving tears since this is the last day” hence we both ended up laughing. I was gonna show her the illustration on my phone, she ended up commenting my Murayama Yuiri lockscreen “Ooh~ cute!” and I almost had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying “Ah that’s another idol (who happens to be my waifu)” so I just giggled a thanks. Thankfully she was also very happy with the illustration that she took the phone from me (she also added I must post it on Twitter). She then asked me if I just started liking idols (girl if only you knew hahah) so I told her I’ve always loved idols. After taking the picture, Chori-chan told us I was good at winking (I didn’t realize I winked to be honest) so Mianyan went “Ehh seriously??” and quickly checked the polaroid frame and was like “Oh yeah!” while I was fluttering, going “oh nononono, I didn’t mean to do that”. Then she asked something I did not see coming, “Can you do it to me?” and I was like “Eh?” then she said SO CUTELY “A wink”. I laughed embarrassingly at first, but I did it anyway and she was soooo happy. I knew Mianyan is the boldest among this trio but guuurrrrllll you’re climbing on my Oshimen radar too strong! And that’s how I ended my last meet-and-greet session with KiREI members in Malaysia.
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Day 2 reports are here (KiREI) and here (AKB48)! To be continued in Closing Ceremony!
Bonus pictures:
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thelifeoftuan · 5 years
Journalism Hell
There’s a little known fact about me. Or a fact that is usually forgotten. Either way. In college, apart from my Biochemistry major and pursuit of a career in medicine, I was also a Journalism major.
We’ll backtrack a little bit. Spring 2010 of my sophomore year of college, following a meeting with my advisor within the College of Arts and Sciences for my Biochemistry degree towards the end of that semester, I sort of spun out of control into this existential crisis. Hahaha! Why, you might ask? Well, it was at that meeting that my advisor was reviewing all of my credits and told me that I was on track to graduate the following Spring. And I was like, “What?” He looked over all of my requirements and said that with some good planning, I am set to graduate the following year. And in my head, I, for some reason, started to panic. Hahaha! I was like, “Um, excuse me dude, I’m only a sophomore. I haven’t even taken the MCAT yet, let alone apply for medical school. I’m not ready to graduate.” I remember asking him what my options were, and he was like, either book it and take the MCAT two months ago and apply to medical school yesterday then saunter on over to the commencement department and get ready to apply for graduation... or, do something else. I went home and stewed. ...like stewed to the point where the stew burned. And I was like, “what the shit! I didn’t plan for this!” Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, why am I complaining, right? The prospect of graduating a year early from college isn’t something to be butt-hurt about. But at that time, I was definitely not ready, mentally or emotionally. Not to mention I was nowhere near ready to really plunge into the horrid process of applying for medical school. That would have required me to get together letters of recommendation, transcripts, take the MCAT (and do somewhat well), apply for our pre-medicine committee interview (a stupid and unnecessary process, honestly, in retrospect), decide where I wanted to try to go to medical school and get those applications together... within a matter of weeks, because if memory serves me right, the application cycles started in the summer. So after I (rather unnecessarily, I will admit) agonized about this, I was like, “nah bro, we’re staying the full four years.” And it was at that time that I then embarked on my existential crisis. What the crap was I gonna do that will effectively prolong my stay in college to the appropriate four years? And it took a couple of days. I didn’t want to squander my time (or money, to be honest) doing something that wasn’t worthwhile. But I also didn’t want to over-tax myself. At first, I was like, well? I’ve always seen myself as a writer, maybe I should delve down that route. I initially thought about picking up an English major or minor. I spent hours and hours pouring over the coursework and projecting my class schedules and how that would pan out or if it would even work. And I discovered that it would if I picked up an English minor. And this department was within the College of Arts and Sciences, and so I wouldn’t have to really branch out too far from “home base.” But then I delved further into the required classes and read up on the syllabi (syllabuses? ...silly buses?) and looked up the instructors on the university online database, and review after review for course after course... they were all mostly bad with, at best, a B- average for grades, and I was like, “...I actually don’t think this is for me.” Being a literature buff was not my thing, and I think the English minor/major at my university trains students for that... which, in my opinion, was not worth my time or energy. I barely knew how to read, let alone critically analyze literature. I definitely was not going to risk something that would take shots at my already teetering GPA if I could help it, especially if it was something additional I was taking on. At that point, I would’ve rather graduated a year early and figure it out from there. So I scrapped that idea. And then it was back to the drawing board. Another several days of searching and seeking counsel... and then one day, a random thought came into my head. There was this nice building at the southern corner of the campus that was one of the newer colleges of our university, the College of Journalism. I would always walk by this building but never ventured in. One nice summer day that Spring semester of 2010, I did. And immediately, I felt sort of the same “at home” vibe I had felt all those years ago when I decided I wanted to become a pediatrician. Another little known fact. I actually started writing (for lack of a better term, honestly) before I even decided medicine was my calling. I remember in kindergarten, I had started writing and I remember my teacher reading some of my stories to my classmates. It wasn’t talent. It was a whim. Some sort of strange whim that has carried me forward throughout the years, just like how my aspiration for a career in medicine did. Within the College of Journalism was a major known as Professional Writing. I went home immediately after that day and did all the research I could on this. There was, unfortunately, no minor offered for any of the journalism majors. But the more I read about the Professional Writing track, the more and more I was sold. This major would train me and give me the skills I needed to become a more proficient writer and actually give me an avenue and motivation to continue writing as a potential career. None of that literary crap that made me despise high school English class, but stories that I would actually enjoy writing. I meticulously planned out my current coursework remaining for my Biochemistry major and overlay the required coursework for a Journalism-Professional Writing major... and it was like over-packing for a trip (another one of my wondrous qualities), borderline impractical and insane, but doable if done correctly. I asked myself, “how invested are you in this, Tuan?” I remember taking an afternoon to think about this, seeking opinions from some of my friends. And then, by the end of the day, I decided to go for it. I scheduled a meeting with an advisor at the college who, honestly and I think appropriately, questioned my sanity. I concretely remember him, one, looking at me with his eyebrows raised when I told him my background and experience (or lack thereof), and two, asking me repeatedly, “Are you sure about this?” But when I expressed my extreme interest and drive, he complied and laid out the requirements for me. I would have to take an entrance competency exam (basically a reading and writing exam). Thank goodness the foreign language requirements were the same among colleges, because I was not about to go down that route again (Spanish 3 is a story for another time...). That summer of 2010 would end up being my busiest summer. Because I picked this new major, I would have to get the required prerequisites out of the way before I could even think about starting any Journalism classes. So this required me to take two journalism classes over the summer. And I had also enrolled in a Biochemistry course that summer. So, three classes during that fateful summer of 2010. Hahaha! Not my smartest decision. But it felt like this new endeavor into the world of Journalism breathed new meaning in my life, and I felt rejuvenated and excited. Well, that feeling did not last too long. Hahaha! Mind you, yes, the entire way until I graduated college, I loved my Journalism major and classes, and it was definitely a reprieve away from my science classes and the stress of applying for medical school. But the very first class I had to take, and I will always remember the course ID to this day, was JMC 2033: Writing for Mass Media (JMC stood for Journalism and Mass Communication and was the ID used for all Journalism classes at my university). This was the introductory “weed-out” class for Journalism majors... which shocked me when my teacher, an impassioned writer and, in my opinion, rather poorly directed masters student who took pride in making this class the hardest it could ever possibly be, said to us on our first day, “If you are taking this class in the summer thinking that it was going to be easier, think again.” In my head, I was like, “oh shit.” No biochemistry professor of mine ever said that in any of my classes on the first day, and here I am, at a place I thought was the greener side of things, and there’s this crazy 20-something-year-old lady with an ego the size of the screen projected at the front of the classroom ready to skewer each and every one of us for the next 8 weeks. ...and skewer us she did. She definitely found some sick joy torturing us students in that class that summer. And I was so out of my element. I knew that I had a disadvantage and that this wasn’t something I had a true strength in. Other people in my class seemed to have read all the time and knew how to pick apart articles, had an eye for ads and design, understood the basic workings of PR and broadcasting. Me? I was the lowly writer who really only had the skills of an unpolished kindergartener. ...but I will be damned if I let my first step into the Journalism world be a misstep. So that summer, even more than my Biochemistry class, I worked my ass off more than ever before. Because it was a summer class, we crammed 16 weeks of work into 8... which was not the healthiest thing, honestly, because that required working and studying every single night, because this lady would present us with quizzes almost every single day of class. And this class was Monday through Thursday. Not to mention you had to make a C average or above in this class to be accepted into the College of Journalism (which, yes, is a given for anything, really), but as you will see from the quiz averages of this particular class, that was kinda touch and go, and I feared for my life and the life of my classmates at several points. And thus arrives the main topic of this post. Hahaha! (That took a while, right?) These quizzes we were subjected to tested absolutely everything (but truthfully, essentially nothing) about the supposed skills a journalist should have. Looking back... honestly, it was mostly hogwash, as you’ll come to see. Hahaha! This class was so bad and so hard that I ended up making daily Facebook status posts about it and then compiling them all together in a singular post titled “Lessons in Journalism Hell” posted on my Blogspot exactly 9 years ago today. I think the funniest (and frankly most appalling) thing this teacher did for this class was each morning, she would post the quiz averages of the day before on the large projector in front of the class, which I always wrote down so that I could relay how horrid this class was, and she also put the highest score and the lowest score on the projector and always, without fail, revealed to the class who made the highest score. ...if she had revealed who made the lowest score, she probably would’ve been murdered, honestly, because no one in the class liked her. And if someone made a perfect score, she would put the student’s name up there for all to see. ...it was kinda insane what this lady did. I look back on this course with such comical contempt, because I was like, “if all of my Journalism classes are going to be like this, I have made a grave mistake.” Thankfully, this was not the case. JMC 2033 is, notoriously, and especially when taught by this one particular crazy lady, is the hardest class in the college. I think what made it hard was it was an introductory course that attempted to teach all Journalism majors the basic concepts of journalism and mass communication, which included advertising, broadcasting, PR, and professional writing, and incorporated the necessities of media literacy and competence. I will say that I learned a few things from this class. But was any of it particularly useful? I mean, a good majority of our assignments and preparation for quizzes was to read or watch or listen to something that was published within a specific time window the day/night before and remember every single goddamn detail we possibly could and hope that we even read, watched, or listened to the right thing so that we could answer quiz questions the following morning. ...perhaps that only useful thing I did pick up from this class was a stronger resilience and work ethic than what I had previously. Haha! And so, without further ado, I would like to repost my Lessons in Journalism Hell on my tumblr today, to commemorate a rather miserable yet pretty laughable time in my life 9 years ago when I decided to pursue a Journalism major the summer before my Junior year of college. Each lesson is numbered and dated with a short sentence or two I devised to describe what the quiz was about, followed by the class average (and often my own personal commentary on such average). I don’t remember my own grades from these quizzes, as I didn’t write them down. It felt like it was poor form. Also, the teacher took back our quizzes after we had five seconds to review them (for some dumbass reason I will never understand), so I don’t have them in any archives of mine. But anyway, I present to you, Lessons in Journalism Hell, June 9 - July 29, 2010. June 9 | Journalism Hell Lesson #1: Copy-editing marks. A journalist MUST learn how to copy-edit using the CORRECT symbols and marks. Class avg: 57.7/100 ...HOLY CRAP! June 10 | Journalism Hell Lesson #2: Making distinctions. A journalist MUST learn how and when to use who vs. whom. Class avg: 79.6/100 June 14 | Journalism Hell Lesson #3: AP Style. A journalist MUST learn how to use AP (Associated Press) style of writing. Class avg: 63/100... and teacher said she expected great things from this quiz -.- June 15 | Journalism Hell Lesson #4: Newspapers. A journalist MUST learn how to read a newspaper--and figure out what content the teacher will quiz over. Class avg: horrendously low... T_T June 16 | Journalism Hell Lesson #5: Language Lapses. A journalist MUST learn that you feel bad NOT badly, that mobs are always angry and beatings are usually brutal, and finally, that you are usually nauseated, NOT nauseous...unless you make OTHER people want to vomit. Class avg: 97.3/100 :] June 17 | Journalism Hell Lesson #6: Newspapers Round 2. A journalist MUST learn how to read the newspaper (again), analyze it, memorize important facts, and rely on sheer gut about what the heck the teacher will ask on the quiz. Class avg: 68.2/100 ...my Buddha. -.- June 21 | Journalism Hell Lesson #7: Diversity. A journalist MUST know the difference between an oreo and a twinkie. Enough said. Class avg: 75.7/100 June 22 | Journalism Hell Lesson #8: Diversity Part 2. A journalist MUST learn how to read online news sources about blacks, Native Americans, and gays. Class avg: 43.7/100 ...OH MY SNAPS! We're getting killed by these quizzes! June 23 | Journalism Hell Lesson #9: It's anyone's guess. A journalist MUST know that if he/she WERE smarter, he/she would have made a better grade on this quiz. Class avg: 77/100 June 24 | Journalism Hell Lesson #10: Huffingtonpost.com. A journalist MUST... oh, what the hell. This quiz was completely insane and taught me nothing besides how terribly vague and untimely the quiz content was. All I learned was that huffingtonpost.com updates multiple times and the time frame we journalism students were given was within a 10-hour time span. Class avg: 58.8/100 -- I'm starting to get worried... June 29 | Journalism Hell Lesson #11: AP style round 2. A journalist MUST continue to learn how to use AP (Associated Press) style of writing. Class avg: 70/100 June 30 | Journalism Hell Lesson #12: The Week (online magazine). A journalist MUST not give up. As we are all getting tired of this, refer back to lessons 4, 6, and 10. Class avg: 71.9/100 July 1 | Journalism Hell Lesson #JUST KIDDING: There was no quiz today. WHOOPEE! July 6 | Journalism Hell Lesson #13: Us Weekly. A journalist MUST not let his/her brain melt while reading this tabloid-esque trash. Class avg: 78.1/100 July 7 | Journalism Hell Lesson #14: AP style round 3. A journalist MUST continue to learn how to use AP style of writing. Class avg: 93.2/100 ...WOOHOO! July 8 | Journalism Hell Lesson #15: Pluralizing. It's bitches and hoes! Class avg: 85.9/100 July 12 | Journalism Hell Lesson #16: AP style round 4. Class avg: 85.9/100 July 13 | Journalism Hell Lesson #17: AP style round 5. Class avg. 82.1/100 July 15 | Journalism Hell Lesson #18: NPR. A journalist MUST listen to 20 stories of Morning Edition on NPR (National Public Radio) and remember all the details. Class avg. 76.4/100 July 19 | Journalism Hell Lesson #19: NBC Nightly News @ 5:30 p.m. A journalist MUST watch the 5:30 p.m. programming of NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Class avg. 89.3/100 July 20 | Journalism Hell Lesson #20: AP style round 6. Class avg. 85.7/100 July 21 | Journalism Hell Lesson #21: Advertising Age (AdAge.com). A journalist MUST be familiar with AdAge.com. Class avg. 70.9/100 ...and we were doing so well. -.- July 22 | Journalism Hell Lesson #22: PR Newswire (prnewswire.com). A journalist MUST be familiar with a PR tool website. Class avg. 72.9/100 July 26 | Journalism Hell Lesson #23: ESPN.com. A journalist MUST ...seriously?! This is by far the stupidest thing I've studied. Class avg. 75.4/100 July 27 | Journalism Hell Lesson #24: The First Amendment. A journalist MUST memorize the First Amendment... word for word. Class avg. 81.5/100. Awesomeness! July 28 | Journalism Hell Lesson #25: TMZ.com. A journalist MUST read more trash. Ugh. Class avg. 68.6/100. ...GEEZ! July 29 | Journalism Hell Lesson #26: Gawker.com. And so, the last lesson in Journalism Hell before the shit hits the fan. A journalist MUST read even MORE trash. -.- Class avg. 71.2/100 Hahaha! There you have it. Needless to say, I got through this class with an A (thank Buddha. I honestly would have been a little upset if the decision to pick up a second major in college brought down my GPA and further hurt my chances of getting into medical school). My teacher called out my name a number of times because I had made the highest grade on a quiz, and I think my name showed up on the board twice because I had made a perfect score on two quizzes. Each time, I just sunk into my seat and avoided eye contact. I definitely did not take these instances as accolades, because it made me feel really bad because the class averages were so low, and my classmates honestly were not having it with this lady, so I definitely did not appreciate her putting me on the spot. But regardless, I persevered and left JMC 2033 in the rear-view mirror as I started my actual Professional Writing classes the following fall semester. It gave me a giggle to go through this post again. Some comical memories of a pretty grueling summer, for sure, but productive and successful nonetheless. In the end, I definitely enjoyed my classes at the Journalism college, and it was definitely a decision that I did not regret. Anyway, just thought I’d trek through memory lane for a bit on this late night. Till next time. :]
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