#did we just....get cockblocked by our teacher....?
qiangweirosa · 1 month
Despite knowing him for a relatively short about of time, Makoto was certain that Kenji had no shame. From visibly drooling over their substitute (who the boy was certain was his one and only) to loudly discussing every pick-up guidebook he read over lunch, that boy was hardly ever embarrassed.
Even now, heading towards the school building, Makoto was going through all the TikTok’s his friend sent him in the morning (was he even getting ready? The list was so massive that it was hard to believe he had any time left to get anything done) all of which ranged from mildly inappropriate to outrageous. It wasn’t anything… outright gross. At least not in terms of hurting anyone (but the sender himself). Most of them where the kind of things one would find in the teacher crush tag on Tumblr. Gods help Makoto, if his friend ever discovered that community.
As soon as the school gates entered Makoto’s vision, he spotted a tall, brown haired boy waving at him vigorously. Then, as if remembering that it was unbecoming of his cool-guy persona, the boy instantly switched his stance, nodding at him in a terribly executed aloof manner. His friend nodded at him, approaching the building. With midterms coming up he wondered if he would be less uneasy entering Tartarus. The hypothesis seemed likely.
„Yo, my guy” Kenji greeted him, pushing his hands into his pockets. „How was that movie night, huh?”
Makoto regretted telling him about his evening plans with Yukari. Not that she was very subtle either. As much as she tried to avoid feeding the false rumours about them dating, she had the worst luck at doing so.
„Just like every other hangout with a friend” the dark haired boy deadpanned.
„Oh, come on!” His friend whined „she totally likes you. And I support it. I mean, who am I to cockblock you, right? She’s totally not my type either so I’m not jealous. That would be stupid, you know?”
His insistence did him no favours in terms of being convincing.
Makoto pushed the doors open and entered. There was no need to check over his shoulder. Somehow he knew Kenji would be trailing beside him faithfully, like he always did.
Just beside them, there was a commotion. Largely uninterested, the shorter teen merely glanced in the direction. A large group of girl swarmed his fellow SEES member, much to the older boy’s dismay.
„Come on!” Kenji nudged his friend frantically „say something to him, he’s like your frie- h-hi! Hi, Akihiko!”
He started waving and trying to speak over the chatter. However, the white haired student did not hear him over his small audience. Kenji, dejected, let out a sigh.
„Come on, man! You gotta take this more seriously! We need him for our plan to work”
„What plan?” Makoto raised an eyebrow.
„To get enough rizz to get women! I swear, you are so uninterested in girls, it almost makes you hotter” Kenji shook his head „to them, I mean! Like, playing hard to get, you know…”
„Don’t you get enough tips from your online courses? Do we really need to rope Akihiko into that?” Makoto pretended to let the earlier remark slide.
„Videos can only do so much. And Akihiko? I mean, look at him! Half the girls are in love with him. If he shares his secrets with us, we’ll be set for life” Kenji puffed out his chest, proud of his flawless plan.
„I thought you didn’t want high school girls” Makoto raised his eyebrows.
„No, but that’s not the point. If I get crazy popular, I will attract milfs as well! I’m not going for some corridor harem, more so the ‚The idea of you’ kinda thing, you know? The guy is this famous young artist and a hot middle aged mother practically falls into his lap! Like instantly!”
Entering the classroom they headed towards their usual seats. Which were next to each other of course.
„You’re not an artist” Makoto said with an emotionless expression.
„You wound me!” Kenji pretended to grab his heart. He put his hand over the right side of his chest „And what about the choker I made you! You gotta admit that was a work of art”
„Fair” the dark haired boy admitted „wouldn’t be wearing it otherwise”
„See? I’m really close to becoming the milf magnet I was meant to be” he chuckled a little too loudly, earning a disgusted look from Yukari „the MILF-man!”
„I’d say you’re more of a mid-man” she rolled her eyes, looking back at her phone.
Ouch, Makoto noted, if the girl’s wits didn’t dull none of his friends would soon be left unharmed.
Kenji looked at her exasperated, opening and closing his mouth a few times.
„You-You know what?” He finally huffed, trying to act nonchalant „your words don’t hurt me. You’re not my target audience anyways. Not yet at least”
„Gross” she retorted, refusing to give him more of her energy.
Before the two could bicker any more, their teacher walked in and started the lesson. A few hours passed like this. A long, boring speech sparsely interrupted by breaks, full of Kenji’s yapping.
Every time the dark haired boy looked at his friend, he was slowly scrolling through walls of text. Makoto wasn’t a nosy guy. If anything, he rarely cared about anything. But seeing Kenji so quiet was unusual enough to pique his interest. Not that he observed his friend, he just, well, knew him enough to be surprised to see him act like this. Yeah.
Without having to constantly reply to Kenji’s notes and being nudged by him any time he saw a fun TikTok, the teachers had no reason to constantly check if he was paying attention. So, finally invisible to his only threat in class (aka. easily irritable teachers), Makoto also took out his phone as well. With one click familiar dark blue greeted him, soon switching to a monochrome colour palette. Looking through his favourite tags and mutuals’ post it took him a while to notice a few new notifications. A blue dot displaying a rather big number hung over the icon of a little smiley face. After tapping in the icon he saw a a column of identical profile pictures. To be fair, he was pretty used to spam likes. He even enjoyed them a little. A new notification popped up, telling him that the new blog had followed him.
Out of boredom he decided to look into the blog. The user ‘ilmommymlkrs’ was fairly new. Still, they reblogged most of Makoto’s posts. The whole blog was pretty mismatched in colour. Clearly, graphic design was the owner’s hobby. The bright yellow and saturated greens didn’t help to make it easy on the eyes. It completely crashed with Pompompurrim’s (who was the account’s icon) golden fur.
There were a few original posts with no hearts.
“I wonder what she is like, after she leaves school” the first one started “I wonder how she likes her coffee. Does she have animals? A favourite flower? A place she’d like to visit? I want to make her that coffee in the morning. Every morning. I want to cuddle with her and our pet on the couch. Bring her flowers every chance I get. I want to see that subtle surprise in her eyes every time I do it. I want to see her slowly change her perception of me. I want to see how I transform from a boy to a man to her”
Makoto’s eyebrows nearly touched his hairline. It was a bit curious how a blog like this liked his content. That’s why he checked which posts they’ve interacted with and it all made sense.
The first post the blog reblogged was Lisa Minci x reader. In the tags they wrote “I’m such a damn simp for Lisa fr she makes me go on my knees and beg’. There were a few jokes about her birthday and a ton of heavy simping. Like proper ‘step on me and I will thank you’ type. To be fair it wasn’t much different from how people usually commented, but this user was… intense.
As an occasional ‚x reader’ writer Makoto had his fair share of run ins with thirsty fans so he paid no mind to this one. At least his work was being appreciated.
@ilmommymlkrs (★🐶)
this was. hilarious. i read it late at night and i couldnt stop laughing every 2 minutes because everything is so unserious thank you for this anon
makoto is his biggest hater i fear.
god i could definitely see kenji opening tiktok first thing in the morning and just sending his entire fyp to makoto. the tiktoks are playing while he's getting ready and he just clicks share each time
"Then, as if remembering that it was unbecoming of his cool-guy persona, the boy instantly switched his stance, nodding at him in a terribly executed aloof manner" what is wrong with him (affectionate).
"With midterms coming up he wondered if he would be less uneasy entering Tartarus. The hypothesis seemed likely." makoto yuki i love you and the way you dont care about anything <3
"„Just like every other hangout with a friend” the dark haired boy deadpanned." seems accurate, considering half of his friends are into him
"Somehow he knew Kenji would be trailing beside him faithfully, like he always did." koromaru's got competition huh. /j
kenji stuttering while trying to talk to akihiko. he is so cringe is this how straight men act
"„To get enough rizz to get women! I swear, you are so uninterested in girls, it almost makes you hotter”" one, seeing kenji say rizz actively took years off my lifespan, two, is this how straight men act (part 2)
"And Akihiko? I mean, look at him! Half the girls are in love with him." im one of them!
the talk about the choker reminded me of when cyyu (aki's reload va) finished his social link and started laughing about the fact that kenji made makoto a choker
"„See? I’m really close to becoming the milf magnet I was meant to be” he chuckled a little too loudly, earning a disgusted look from Yukari „the MILF-man!”" god me too yukari, me too
"Not that he observed his friend, he just, well, knew him enough to be surprised to see him act like this. Yeah." i feel like makoto just observes everyone. so he picks up on everyone's habits and everything
"To be fair, he was pretty used to spam likes. He even enjoyed them a little." twinning!!!!
"The whole blog was pretty mismatched in colour. Clearly, graphic design was the owner’s hobby. The bright yellow and saturated greens didn’t help to make it easy on the eyes. It completely crashed with Pompompurrim’s (who was the account’s icon) golden fur." this is probably how people feel when they see my account(s) i have no concept of an account-wide color scheme
"There were a few original posts with no hearts." giggled
"As an occasional ‚x reader’ writer Makoto had his fair share of run ins with thirsty fans so he paid no mind to this one. At least his work was being appreciated." me and makoto are never beating the twin allegations i fear (but i guess that comes with kinning femc)
overall i loved it, cant wait for the next part!
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A little bit of Fairy Dust 02
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Umemoto Hiromi is the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow, both Pro-Heroes. Despite her Quirk, Fairy, not being traditionally powerful, she is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a successful hero and surpass her parents. A little Self-Insert!
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Chapter 1: Umemoto Hiromi: Origins
"Come on Hiro, we are going to be late!"
"Tenya, we are an hour here earlier than we should be, we can never be late!"
"As the best students of the Somei Private Academy, we must be earlier here for the U.A. Entrance Exam. We would bring shame to our school if we didn't."
"Of course."
"Also we want to both enter U.A. This will show the principal and teachers what trustworthy and punctual heroes-to-be we are!"
"Whatever makes you sleep at night."
Seeming satisfied with her answer Iida Tenya marched on to U.A. High School, while Umemoto Hiromi just deadpanned behind his back.
Tenya was her best friend since kindergarten, but he was sometimes too much with his obedience to rules and his perfectionism.
She liked rules too and followed them, but sometimes you had to rebel a bit.
Not all rules were good, as too much freedom wasn't good either.
It needed a good balance.
Being the only daughter of two Pro-Heroes Hiromi or Hiro, for her friends and family, had often with them philosophic discussions over good, evil and the grey zone.
Her parents tried to raise her free and to be a good person, however, she still had a curfew and other rules to follow.
Like any teenager, she, besides Tenya apparently, fought some rules and rebelled.
Alright, it was a soft rebellion.
Mama and Papa were open with her about why this rule was important, so she didn't feel the need to break it.
Hiro only sometimes stayed out later than her curfew.
For example: maybe the movie she wanted to watch ended after curfew, so yeah then she broke the rule.
It is not like her parents caught her often, being busy with their big Hero Agency and their 50 sidekicks.
If she didn't have Tenya and his family, Hiro would be often alone.
She was thankful to have the Iida's in her life.
Still, did they need to be this earlier at the Entrance Exam?
As Hiro guessed the doors were still closed and they had to wait.
Tenya and her were the first teenagers to arrive.
Her best friend wasted no time and re-read a book about being a good Hero, while she saved some pins on Pinterest about her favourite fictional boys and girls.
She liked to read too, but she didn't think to bring a book along while they waited, so... thirsty over drawings was it.
It was also the only action she ever got, thanks to Tenya the cockblock.
Tenya saw her as his little sister and had this crazy idea to protect her virginity or some similar shit when Hiro just wanted to date someone.
Girl, boy, neither, all, she didn't care!
Yes, she wanted to be a Pro-Hero, but she wanted to experience love too.
Maybe she would find a nice partner here in the U.A.?
But for this, she needed to ace the entrance exam.
Yeah, only one of these two things could happen.
Hiro wasn't that lucky.
Her Quirk was Fairy, not Leprauche.
Not that she needed a pot of gold, however, some Irish luck would be nice.
After one hour they finally could enter the school.
Since they were from the same school, they sat beside each other.
The auditorium filled slowly and a teacher handed out printouts.
On the printout was the information what they would expect to face today.
A writing exam and a mock battle scenario.
Her butterfly wings flutter a bit in excitement.
She couldn't wait to show all how hardcore a fairy was.
Not some cutesy little things!
As the last examines arrived the Pro-Hero Present Mic came to the stage and greeted them.
"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today! Everybody says “Hey”!"
Present Mic waits for a response but gets none.
"What a refined response. Then I’ll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?! Yeah!"
Again silence.
Hiro even yawned.
That's when she heard a voice mumbling: "It’s the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow! I listen to him every week on the radio. I’m so moved! All the teachers at U.A. are pro-heroes!"
Curious about who was talking so loudly to himself Hiro turned around and saw the most adorable boy she had ever seen in her life!
He had spiky green hair, soft green eyes and adorable freckles on his face.
Hiro's heart beat faster.
He was so cute and how he was so excited made him even more adorable.
She wanted to kiss his freckles!
"Hiro!", whispered Tenya. "It's not nice to stare, turn around."
Oh, ups!
Thankful, beside Tenya, no one saw her drolling for Green Cutie.
The girl returned her attention to Present Mic, who explained the mock battle scenario.
It was simple, they would be brought to a fake city district and robots would hunt them down.
With the help of their Quirks, they needed to destroy them and earn points like this.
Any robot has a different value, so be careful when choosing your opponent.
More points meant the robot was also more dangerous.
That's when Tenya raised his arm.
"May I ask a question?"
"Okay!", said Present Mic.
Tenya holds up the printout of the robots and points at a fourth one they hadn't discussed.
"On the printout, there are four types of villains! If that is a misprint, then the U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake! We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be moulded into exemplary heroes!"
"Tenya, I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this.", she whisper-shouted to her best friend.
Dear Amaterasu, only him!
However, Tenya didn't hear her and even turned to Green Cutie.
"In addition, you over there with the curly hair!"
"You’ve been muttering this whole time. It’s distracting! If you’re here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"
"I’m sorry…"
Nearly everybody started to laugh.
Annoyed Hiro gave Tenya a little slap, he looked at her betrayed, before she turned to Green Cutie and whisper-shouted to him: "Please excuse my best friend. He is practically married to rules and regulations and that makes him a huge pain in the butt sometimes."
Green Cutie blushed so red that he looked like a strawberry now and stuttered something like that it was alright.
Hiro gave him a cute smile, which made him even redder before she turned back to Present Mic.
The Pro-Hero explained how the fourth robot was the biggest and most dangerous, but he gave zero points.
He was there to make their lives difficult.
Nothing more.
Tenya thanked him for the explanation and set back down.
Then with the words Plus-Ultra, and Go Beyond they were dismissed.
Hiro warmed herself well up with stretching as she waited for the mock battle exam to begin.
Sadly Tenya was in another battle zone, they probably didn't want friends and classmates to help each other, so she had to get alone ready.
She warmed up her wings by fluttering with them fast, but not flying.
The red-haired girl heard how some people talked about her and pointed.
"Hey, do you see the little fairy?"
"The red-haired one?"
"Is there another fairy? That's the daughter of Lady Butterfly and Lightshow!"
"What? A daughter of two Pro-Hero? That's unfair!"
"I don't know dude, she is so tiny and cute, can she even fight?"
"Well, one last rival to worry about."
Hiro stopped her stretching and sent this idiot's killer intent that they started to shake.
"What did you say about me?!", she said calmly, cold as ice.
"Nothing, nothing! We are sorry.", they cried like babies.
She stopped her killing intent and gave them a sweet smile.
"Good, I thought I heard something bad about me."
"No, no!"
"Okay, start!", sounded the voice of Present Mic over the speaker around the area.
All were just confused for a second before a guy with blond spiky hair ran into the mock city and an explosion where to be heard.
The Exam has started.
Hiro either didn't waste time and flew into the city.
A robot was waiting for her, however, she shot a light beam from her hands and melted it so.
"Okay, one point. I need more!", she mumbled to herself.
So she started to hunt for robots.
Sometimes she saved the other examinees if they were in trouble, she wasn't an asshole and her parents always said a hero has to help people.
Then when the 10 minutes were nearly up the giant robot turned up.
Hiro wanted to show off.
She wanted to bring him down, but sadly the spiky-haired blond guy with the explosive hands was faster than her and destroyed the thing.
Blinking Hiro flatter in the air.
"I wanted to do this!", she whined.
So much for showing off!
One week later, Hiro found the accepted letter from the U.A. in her mail.
Her parents were at work, so alone she watched on the Hologram how All Might congratulated her on passing the writing exam and how she made fifth place in the battle exam.
The U.A. didn't only count the villain's points, for destroying the robots, but also rescue points, for helping others.
The Hologram turned itself off and Hiro just stared at the TV.
Well, she had made it.
She would go in April to the U.A.
She even managed to make the fifth place.
This was good.
The middle was good.
Just...it would be nice to celebrate with someone...
Maybe her mama or papa were in their office.
Hopeful she called, yet only their secretary picked up.
Like the obedient daughter she was, she told the secretary she had just good news for her parents, but she would wait for them till they returned home.
Signing she rolled herself into a ball and could feel the tears in her eyes.
Was she sure about becoming a Pro-Hero?
Hiro wanted one day a family too.
A husband or wife or partner and at least three kids.
A cute little house with a garden and a cat.
Maybe even a dog.
But, when she was a Pro-Hero she would be like her parents, barely there for her children.
She didn't want them to feel like she felt right now.
Ha! If someone would want to start a family with you, you little freak!
Hiro shook her head to banish this evil voice in her, as her phone sounded with a message.
It was Tenya.
Tenya-Bro: I got in! I got in! And I saw you made fifth place congratulations Hiro!
A smile formed on Hiro's lips.
Count on Tenya to lift her spirits.
She wrote him back.
April came faster than she thought and Hiro was on the way to the U.A.
She wore her new school uniform with black tights and with pride.
Her parents had celebrated big with her for entering the school and making even fifth place.
Papa was also a student from the U.A. once and only had made tenth place.
They were so proud of her!
It had been an amazing day.
A whole day with her parents and doing whatever she liked.
But now she was back in reality.
Her parents are at work and she of to school.
U.A. was beautiful as it was huge.
Hiro know her classroom was 1A, the same as Tenya.
Seemed that both would go forever in the same class.
As she entered the room she saw her best friend squabbling with the spiky-haired blond who took the big robot from her.
"Hey Tenya, what's wrong?", she asked and walked up to them.
The blond gave her a once over and seemed to dismiss her.
Okay, she already hated him, while Tenya explained how he tried to tell their classmate it was not right to put his feet on the table.
Before Hiro could answer the door opened.
"It’s him…", said Tenya.
Like the rest of the students, Hiro turned to the newly arrived.
It was Green Cutie!
He made it too!
Hiro was happy for him.
Also, he looked adorable in the school uniform.
Meanwhile, her best friend stepped towards Green Cutie and declared: "Good morning! My name is Iida Tenya from the --"
"Yeah, I-I know!", interrupted Green Cutie stuttering.
Gosh, he was really so adorable.
"Uhh… I’m Midoriya Izuku. It’s super nice to meet you…"
And he had even a cute name.
Hiro stepped to them, as Tenya said something about Midoriya finding out the true reason for the entrance exam.
Midoriya seemed just lost for words.
"Hi, I'm happy to see you again.", greeted Hiro with the best smile on her red lips.
Izuku blushed up a storm and hid behind his arms as he met again the pretty fairy princess who was nice to him during the entrance exam.
She looks so good in her school uniform...
Not knowing Midoriya's thoughts Hiro gave him her name: "I'm Umemoto Hiromi, but call me Hiro. All do it."
Now everyone was whispering after hearing her name.
"Umemoto? Like Umemoto Hikaru or Lightshow the Prohero?"
"And his wife Umemoto Chou alias Lady Butterfly! I love her!"
"Wow, two Pro-Hero parents, how cool!"
Hiro just deapannend.
Always the same.
Tenya patted her head.
He knows her.
Izuku wondered why pretty Hiro with the beautiful wings, shining red hair and blue eyes like the sky seemed so annoyed now.
That's when a girl's voice shouted: "Hey, I recognize that messed up hair! Falling boy!"
It was the other pretty girl he had met on the entrance exam.
Both girls he found attractive in one class wouldn't be good for his nerves.
"Not that I’m surprised -- that punch was amazing! Take that!", exclaimed Ochaco, not knowing either what Midoriya thought.
Hiro got curious.
"What punch, if you don't mind me asking?"
The brunette girl faced her...and Hiro's brain short-circuited.
Oh no!
She was beautiful!
That's the second attractive person for her in one class!
Was this heaven or hell?!
"Oh the boy is super strong, he demolished one of the big robots with just a punch!", explained Ochaco and had to hide a blush.
The red-haired girl reminded her a bit of Bloom from Winx Club, her first fictional crush.
And now a real-life fairy was before her.
This was so amazing!
But she needed to be cool, so Ochaco blurted happily: "What do you think we’re doing today besides orientation? I wonder what our teachers are like! I can’t wait to meet everybody!"
Hiro couldn't answer the brunette beauty since a hobo in a sleeping bag called them out.
The hobo turned out to be their teacher Aizawa Shota, who told them to change into their gym clothes and meet him at one of the sports fields.
Confused the teenagers did as they were told.
In the locker room, Hiro meets the other girls in her class.
One was invisible and really energetic.
One had short black hair and seemed to be a rocker.
One looked like a cute alien and was super social.
Then there was a beautiful girl, her black hair in a ponytail and her boobs.
Hiro's head slammed formally into the gutter.
Just a tiny squeeze...
No bad hormones!
She gave her libido with an imaginary frying pan a hit.
Then there was Cutie Brunette and a girl who was frog-like, but still super cute!
There were only seven girls?
Talk about gender discrimination.
Anyway, the girls made their way over to the sports field and met up with the boys.
One boy in particular caught Hiro's eyes.
But not in a good way.
He was tiny, had lilac balls as hair and formally drooled over all the girls.
That was a perv, Hiro was sure.
She felt it in her gut.
Aizawa-Sensei stepped to them and told them they would do a Quirk assessment test.
The class repeated it confused and Cutie Brunette even added they would miss orientantion.
Their sensei didn't care and told them life was unfair and he could decide how he taught his class.
He called for a Bakugo, who was the angry blond spikes dude who stole Hiro's robot kill and told him to throw a softball with his quirk.
Bakugo got ready, he even screamed die and the ball flew 705.2 meters.
Now nearly everyone got excited to test out their Quirk, but Aizawa-Sensei stifled this joy by telling them who would be last in the class would be expelled from school.
Oh no!
I have to give my all! You can do it, Hiro!
The first test of eight was a 50-meter dash.
Okay, Hiro could handle it!
She batted her wings as fast as she could and made 4,55 seconds of time.
Not bad.
The second test was Grip Strength. Hiro only managed 50 kilos.
Uurgh, she needed more muscles!
Standing long Jump, the third test, was no problem for her since she gave herself a boost with her wings.
In Repeated Side Steps, she can only help a bit with her wings to be faster, but it is also okay.
The fifth test was a ball throw.
Brunette Cutie managed to hit infinity and Hiro wanted to marry her.
This was such a turn-on!
When it was Hiro's turn she used her light beams to make the ball fly faster.
She got a good 703.3 meter.
When it was Midoriya’s turn all turned into a drama.
Apparently, Midoriya’s Quirk demolished always his bones and Aizawa-Sensei wasn't having it. 
With his own Quirk, he erased Midoriya’s Quirk, outing himself as the eraser hero Eraser-Head.
Aizawa-Sensei gave him one last chance and somehow Midoriya managed to only break his finger.
He was still standing and now Hiro wanted to marry him.
He was so cool
But it could be a problem since Bakugo wanted to kill him and called him Deku.
Anway Aizawa-Sensei prevented Midoriya from homicide and they continued on with the tests.
After they did the rest of the fitness tests it was time for the moment of true.
Who would get expelled?
Hiro hoped for the little perv since Bakugo was way too good with his Quirk to get expelled.
Since Aizawa-Sensei had no interest in explaining to them how the point system worked, so he would show them the classification.
He pressed a button on his smartphone and a hologram appeared.
The classification was like this:
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Hiromi Umemoto
Tenya Ida
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Ochaco Uraraka
Koji Koda
Tsuyu Asui 
Yuga Aoyama
Hanta Sero
Denki Kaminari
Kyoka Jiro
Toru Hagakure
Minoru Mineta
Izuku Midoriya
Oh, she was fourth, this made Hiro happy, but no, poor Midoriya.
He didn’t deserve to be expelled.
“By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.”, told them Aizawa-Sensei dry.
All the teenagers just stared in disbelief at him.
What the hell?!
Why did he trick them?!
“It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.”
“WHAT?!”, shouted Tenya together with Midoriya and Brunette Cutie.
Hiro just made a facepalm in disbelief.
How could she fall for such a trick?!
“Of course, that was a lie.”, agreed Momo with their teacher. “It should have been obvious if you just thought it through.”
Besides Momo no one had thought of it, they all had feared for their future.
Aizawa-Sensei declared the hour for over. 
He advised them to go to their classroom to pick up handouts with the curriculum.
Then he handed Midoriya a note, so he could visit Recory Girl to get healed.
With this class, 1A left the sports field.
"I'm proud of you Tenya.", told him Hiro as they made their way out of the school. "That you want to be friends with Midori after you were so mean to him."
"It's Midoriya, Hiro."
"Midoriya, right! Look he is there."
They both called for Midoriya.
He stopped curious.
“Is your finger healed?”, asked the taller boy.
“Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.”, answered Izuku.
The three started walking together.
“I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought, "This is the best of the best" and such.”, told them Tenya. “I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie.”
"I was disappointed in myself that I didn't catch the lie.", lamented Hiro.
Again they heard someone calling for them.
This time it was Brunette Cutie.
“Hey! Guys! Going to the station? Wait for me!”
So they stopped.
Smiling the girl came to a stop before them.
“You're the infinity girl.”, said Tenya.
“I'm Uraraka Ochako. Um, you're Iida Tenya, she is Umemoto Hiromi and you're Midoriya Deku, right?”
Surprised Midoriya shouted Deku? How did she think it was his name?
Her explanation was how Bakugo had called him Deku.
Shy Midorya explained how Kacchan aka. Bakugo used this name to mock him.
“An insult?”, repeated Tenya and Hiro together, while Midoriya nodded.
“Oh, is that right? Sorry!  But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!" so I kinda like it.”, told them Uraraka.
Midoriya turned so red that he formally steamed and declared: "I'm Deku!"
This surprised anyone.
Wasn’t Deku an insult?!
Why the sudden change?!
Midoriya mumbled something about a Copernican Revolution.
Uraraka was confused, while Hiro only remembered the Copernican Revolution from school, which meant the paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model of the heavens, which described the cosmos as having Earth stationary at the center of the universe, to the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the Solar System.
So Midoriya turned Deku into another meaning?
Hiro was confused too.
Whatever, in the end, the four teens walked together to the tram and learned about each other.
In her heart, Hiro felt that she had made two super cute new friends and had still her best friend on her side.
She couldn't be happier.
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vina-chan · 5 years
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stopitmeg · 2 years
ranking the romance options in persona 5 royal because i want to
(still upset that i can’t date ryuji)
10. sadayo kawakami
i’m sorry, but i don’t care for this woman lmao. i’ll say it’s cool to slack off in her class but… to date her??? she’s your TEACHER that also comes over to your house in a maid outfit and calls you “master.” it’s just weird. also i think she’s rude.
9. ichiko ohya
okay she’s cool, she’s funny, but again… to date her??? we are a high school student😭 and i think we can do better than a journalist that’s always drunk lmao.
8. tae takemi
notice the pattern yet? we play the game as a minor. okay fine she’s ridiculously hot but she’s also sketchy and experiments drugs on us lmao something doesn’t sit right me yall.
7. futaba sakura
well, it’s certainly more appropriate, but i can’t help but think of her as our little sister just by the interactions alone. i see a sibling bond so i’d feel weird dating her.
6. chihaya mifune
she’s really cute actually, but it’s annoying that i have to spend all this hard earned yen if i eventually want to date her, when in my opinion, there are better candidates… for a cheaper price!
5. haru okumura
god she’s so sweet, i actually went to the festival with her and declined ryuji’s offer because mishima would’ve also been with us just to cockblock, uh anyways, it did make me ship her with joker because of how cute they were being.
4. ann takamaki
i love her, she’s cool. i think she’s a pretty good match for joker but i actually also ship her with ryuji based on how they literally already act like a married couple (sorry morgana but the beach scene proves me right) but yeah she’s great.
3. makoto nijima
really just kinda makes sense, right? and i’m pretty sure her and joker are the largest shipped couple based on what i’ve seen since i became a fan of the game. both just really smart, pretty good chemistry, and we love a woman that can kick your ass.
2. hifumi togo
she’s PERFECT and i love her so much. underrated as hell, and is unbelievably pretty. they both literally already have a crush on each other as soon as they meet idc, and it just gets even better. the way she gets embarrassed when we compliment her and treat her with overwhelming kindness is so cute, and if i ever replay the game, i’m going for her without a doubt.
1. kasumi yoshizawa
MY BELOVED <3!!! my dream girl, my fav redhead, overall the best. since the beginning, i wanted to smash so hard. she’s the absolute cutest and she’s so polite, and obviously i stan the chemistry between her and joker. she is completely worth waiting for. just everything we do together with this girl, it is ADORABLE and exactly what makes my ship sail. just the way their relationship grows throughout the game, i simply cannot get enough of it. also wtf have you not seen the way they look at each other???
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lovelucybradford · 3 years
I Pretend You’re Mine-2
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Chapter Two: We Learn to Live with the Pain (Mosaic Broken Hearts)
A/N: Thanks so much for all of your support on Chapter One. I’m so excited that you love it as much as I do! Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this story. Also, not sure how I feel about this one. Be warned: I hate Jennifer Blake.
Derek and Rose’s ‘engagement’ was supposed to stay a secret between the four of them. So, naturally, all of her friends knew about it. Even if she tried (and she really, really wanted to) Rosalie couldn’t push the thought of the upcoming ruse to the back of her mind. Her friends wouldn’t let her.
It started out innocently enough. A ‘Hey Rosie, Derek looks hot, don’t you think’ here or a ‘Friends to lovers is the best, right Rosalie’ there. Rosalie was used to it. Ever since she returned to Beacon Hills and became close with all of Lydia’s friends, who had somehow become Derek’s in the span of years, they’d been relentless with their teasing of Derek and her.
The joking she could handle.
It was when they used Rosalie’s feelings for Derek for their own amusement that it really started to bug her.
Wednesday had been the day from hell. It all started in Rosalie’s first period class. One of her more bold students, captain of the lacrosse team, had greeted her not with his normal, ‘What up, Miss H?’. No, the boy strutted right in, stopped at her desk, and said, ‘How’s it going, Mrs. Hale?’ with a shit-eating grin. Alex Layhue was normally the last to arrive to class, right before the late bell rang, so, of course, all of Rose’s other students had heard him. And began to refer to her as Mrs. Hale. Which had spread like wildfire, and then all of the kids called Rosalie by Derek’s surname.
 It only stopped once she’d threatened detention. By the time eighth period was over, Rosalie was fuming and ready to stomp right out onto the lacrosse field to give her good friend, Assistant Lacrosse Coach Scott McCall, a piece of her mind. Instead, Rosalie raced out the door as soon as she was allowed to leave, forgoing her normal after-school visit to Derek’s classroom.
Rosalie’d reached her apartment, eternally thankful that the shitshow was over, when she had spotted it: a poorly taped rose on the front door, with a sign next to it. A rather crude sign.
Congrats on the D(erek). Love, Isaac. The words were bad enough. Isaac had to go and include a rather accurate drawing of Derek as a, um, d.
She had ripped the sign off the front door, threw it into the wastebasket under the kitchen sink, then punched the damned thing a few more times for good measure.
Then, Rose had called and screamed at Isaac. She couldn’t remember what was said in her anger, but Rosalie knew that a few choice words were thrown in, along with ‘obscene’, ‘tasteless’ and ‘terrible friend’.
Isaac showed up at the woman’s front door an hour after the ‘conversation’ holding a bottle of wine in one hand and takeout in another, a guilty smile on his face. Rosalie forgave him. Eventually.
That night, she’d had a very vivid dream about Derek’s dick. Rosalie woke up the next morning, covered in sweat, and knew that if she saw Derek she would spontaneously combust, and, well, other things that she didn’t want to even ponder.
So, Rosalie spent the rest of the week eating lunch in her car, leaving right after the final bell, and basically avoiding her best friend at all costs.
Until today. Rosalie had been waiting all week to watch this movie, and she would be damned if the deafening bang of construction across the street from her apartment building would keep her from Peter Kavinsky.
The door to the loft slid open, and Derek sauntered in, hands full with grocery bags. He paused at the sight of Rosalie, his face contorted in disgust.
“Get that shit off my TV!” he grumbled.
Rosalie paused the movie, looking up at him with a sharp glare. “It is not shit, Derek Sebastian Hale. It is romance. You wouldn’t know romance if it bit you in the ass.”
Derek scoffed. “Oh yeah? Remember, my senior year, when I showed up in front of my ex’s house all John Hughes-like and quoted Shakespeare at her like a total douche?”
“Mmm, yeah. And that went over swimmingly, didn’t it, Romeo? I specifically remember having to clean the cut on your forehead from the rock that she threw at you.” Rosalie snorted.
 Derek ignored her, hauling the bags into the kitchen and shoving items into cabinets. Rose joined him, grabbing a bag of refrigerated foods. As she pulled out the milk, a slip of paper flittered to the ground. She reached down to grab it, stopping short when she found that a phone number was written on the back of the receipt.
“Elena Soto gave you her phone number?” Rosalie asked Derek.
Damn. Rosalie suspected that Elena was after Derek since the day that the new Spanish teacher started at BHHS. Two weeks ago. Girl had game, Rosalie gave her that.
Derek put down the box of noodles in his hand and scratched the back of his neck, looking everywhere but at his friend. Rosalie could see a hint of pink on his cheekbones and wondered if the man had actually gotten a sunburn after years of making fun of her for her lobster-tone skin in the summertime.
“Yeah. She, uh, asked me out to dinner next Saturday night.”
Rosalie straightened herself back up and busied with putting food in the fridge. She feigned nonchalance, asking, “And what did you say?”
“I told her thank you, but I’ll be in Hawaii… with you.”
The woman hid her smug smile in the inside of the refrigerator. Serves Elena right. “I thought you’d forgotten. Since you haven’t, you know, even brought it up since Disneyland.”
“I didn’t forget. And it’s not like you brought it up, either.”
True. Rosalie was avoiding that discussion like the plague. She knew that she’d be able to pull of fake fiancée. She’d had feelings for Derek that were successfully repressed since she was sixteen. But Derek… he’d made it very clear that he felt nothing more than familial love towards Rosalie. How could he convincingly play madly in love with her?
“I’m sorry I cockblocked your hot date with Senorita Soto,” Rose confessed, tone sounding more harsh than intended.
She pulled her head out of the fridge and shut the door. The BB-8 magnet her  niece bought him at Disney was displayed proudly towards the top. Rosalie studied it as an excuse to not look at Derek, lest he catch onto her jealousy.
She was losing her touch. Rosalie had built an excellent poker face over the years, and she let her friends’ suggestions and one bold woman break it. Rose had to up her game.
“Rosalie, you know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s why I didn’t bring Elena up. You’re my best friend. You know I’d do anything for you.”
Rosalie smiled deviously up at him, all thoughts of Elena Soto gone and replaced again with Peter Kavinsky. “Does that include watching my romcom?”
Derek rolled his eyes with a playful smile. He eventually gave in after Rose told him she would buy them a pizza.
 Rosalie tried to enjoy the movie, but one thought plagued her mind like some annoyingly catchy song.
 Fake dating contract. It was so cringey she didn’t want to bring it up. But she did anyways.
 “Hey Derek? This sounds so stupid, but since you and I are two adults playing pretend, don’t you think you and I should, you know, come up with rules for our charade?” Rosalie shoved pizza in her face to distract herself from any comment that would come next.
Derek laughed. “Yeah, ok, Lara Jean Comey.”
“It’s Covey, not Comey… and I’m serious, Der. You and I have both been shit on by our significant others. Don’t you think it would be good for us to come up with some kind of guidelines, so this doesn’t get out of hand and neither of us get hurt?”
Derek sighed, putting his plate down on the coffee table and giving Rosalie his full attention. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Rosalie bit her lip, thinking. When she came up with nothing, she asked, “Do you have any dealbreakers?”
“I’m not making Drew jealous,” he swiftly announced.
Rosalie’s eyes shot up to his. “I’m not in love with Drew anymore, so there’s no need to make him jealous.”
“Thank God. What about you?”
She ignored the former comment. Rose did have a dealbreaker. She knew it would sound totally prudish on her end, but Rosalie knew her limits.
“No… No kissing.”
“What do you mean no kissing? Like, I can’t kiss you at all, or no tongue? Because I sure as hell know that we won’t be believable if I can’t kiss you.”
“And how would you know that?”
Derek pursed his lips. “I remember having an in-depth conversation with your brother about how gross you and Drew were together.”
Rosalie gaped at him. “And you didn’t stick your tongue down Jennifer’s throat at your engagement party?! It was like witnessing some messed-up porno. And, in my defense, Drew initiated every public—”
“I did not have my tongue down Jen’s throat!”
“Then why did Laura tell you two to get a room?”
Derek scowled. “Moving on…”
“Ok, rule 1: yes, to kissing. No tongue.” Rose ticked on her finger. “Two, no checking out other women. Like, at all.”
“You think I would do that when I’m engaged? I’m not a total dick.”
“I know that Derek. I’m just saying, when you were younger—”
“When I was younger. I’ve matured a lot since I was eighteen.”
She smacked his shoulder playfully. “You sure about that, Mr. I-throw-a-tantrum-every-time-I-lose-to-Scott-at-pool?”
“Shut up.”
“You can’t deny it, Hale. I know you too well… anything else to add?”
“No sex,” Derek said so suddenly that Rosalie about fell out of her spot on the couch.
“I��” She started, but couldn’t formulate a sentence, so she just nodded her agreement.
They sat in silence for a while, Rosalie processing what the hell happened.
“Let me warn you now. I don’t know how to be a good fiancé,” Derek added so softly that Rosalie might have missed it if she wasn’t so in tune with him.
“Derek…” She looked up to meet his green eyes, full of turmoil, of ghosts of past hurts. A haunted look that Rosalie knew too well. Only because she wore it too, late at night when she was alone with her demons.
Rosalie’s heart broke for him, and she pulled him into a hug. Derek was rarely vulnerable, preferring to keep those emotions locked tight. Rosalie was thankful that he opened himself up enough to let her see that side of him.
“You were a good fiancé, Der. It wasn’t your fault, that it ended. Jennifer was a bitch… I knew she wasn’t good for you,” Rosalie whispered into his shoulder, squeezing him tight so he knew that she meant every word.
Derek’s hot breath fanned over Rose’s neck as he spoke. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
She pulled away from him, leaving her hands on his shoulders. Rosalie set him with an unimpressed look. “Would you have listened?”
Derek shook his head, a small smile overtaking the once hard line of his lips. “Nah, probably not.”
Tags: @wolfarrowepz​
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep18
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Was gonna post this days ago but I decided to do twewy-related stuff first lol.
Anyways, lots of pictures below again. At least 20, I think. Talks of ships below as well.
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The last time we saw them, Iruma had jumped in front of the beast preparing to shoot a blast of magic in front of Ronove. Everyone else is worried but don’t know what to do cause if they tried to help, they’d get blasted, too. It seems though that Iruma himself has a plan.
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Iruma plans to use Ali-san’s ability to swallow the huge amount of magic to eat the blast of it the beast is going to release saying he thought it was possible since Ali-san is the Ring of Gluttony. Arikured is surprised by this and complains at first but agrees he could do such a thing but Iruma's strength will be needed to succeed.
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Remember that spell Iruma learned before about changing the appearance of something? Iruma uses that magic spell to turn Ali-san into this... cat thing. Giant cat thing idk so it could swallow the magic. Ali-san swallows the entire beast and let it explode inside him. Once it was over, the sky clears up, too. The plan totally worked and Ali-san is full!
Does this mean Iruma could use the power that got eaten from the beasts?
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Trouble is over and Iruma gets together with his friends again. His friends were all worried about him though and Kalego-sensei came up to tell him he'd been reckless again. Iruma says he hasn't forgotten about what Kalego-sensei had said before at the home visit and that he had now finally understood what sensei meant. He was so used to danger due to almost always being in one himself that he never realized how bad such situations were until everyone else he cared about got affected. He adds that he gave it everything he's got even though he wasn't sure he'd even win because he wants to protect everyone and holding onto that ideal is part of his "desire".
I’m happy this arc helped some of them grow and show the growth of those who already have. Pretty cool.
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Random screenshot but I just wanna direct your attention to fluffy Kalego-sensei who is being adorable right now. I cannot take him seriously when he’s like this and even when he’s angry, this form makes it look adorable.
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Back to the story.
While all the mess is happening on the surface, Kiriwo-senpai has finally been found by the Six Fingers who are there to help him escape under the orders of Baal. The other escaping inmates are also in the area but still behind bars and Kiriwo-senpai tells them that he never planned to help them escape alongside him and never said he'd do such thing in the first place.
I kinda feel bad for them but they are also bad people so, eh.
Upon donning the same coat the Six Fingers' wear, one of the prisoners had the realization that unlike all of them there who are merely "bad", Kiriwo is actually "evil".
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One of the Six Fingers asked why they couldn't just let the prisoners escape, too as it'll help in causing chaos and Kiriwo-senpai answers that seeing the despair the prisoners are gonna be in when they realize they'd never be let out despite going this far will be fun to see. Plus, they're not strong enough and will be caught again anyways.
I missed seeing Kiriwo-senpai’s evil hairstyle. It’s been a while. I guess this answers the question I had back in season 1: Kiriwo-senpai chose to be evil. Sad but I should’ve seen it coming.
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Back on the surface, a parade starts and on the float are the heroes who saved Walter Park. While Iruma is properly mentioned, the owner, Rossevelt also shows off his son (Ronove does call him Legend-daddy as in the English word lol). The owner thanks Iruma for saving the park and calls him a hero.
They look alike except for the mustache and hair length. Anime genetics never fail. Does Legend-daddy also sing his own bgm?
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Unbeknownst to our heroes, Kiriwo-senpai is around the corner watching the parade. He's surprised to find out that not only was Iruma also at Walter Park at this time but Iruma is also the one to defeat the beast. Instead of being angry at another evil plan foiled, Kiriwo-senpai says that this must be destiny and was happy to see Iruma. He was gonna walk out into the crowd but snaps out of this happy state by a call from Baal.
Senpai really blurs the line between love and hate cause he acts similarly when it comes to Iruma. Congrats to the fans of this ship for getting this scene and also, I still don’t know the ship name for them. How do I tag this?
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Back to the phone call, Baal isn't happy that the park still stands. Walter Park is created to vent out demons' evil cycle after all and he has no need for that in his goals as he prefers that the demons go way beyond the evil cycle and just become ultimately evil. Unfortunately for him, the authorities are coming and they can't really do much else so he tells Kiriwo-senpai and the rest to escape already.
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After being told to escape, Kiriwo-senpai says that this isn’t the end and declares that he and Iruma will meet again as they are destined enemies.
I guess in Iruma’s harem, he’s the “enemies to lovers” love interest lol.
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Iruma looks at the direction where Kiriwo-senpai was but of course, he doesn’t see anything and he’s none the wiser.
Opera gives Iruma back his backpack at the float. As Iruma looks inside for his stuff, he finds the note his grandfather gave him of things he must do on his trip with the final one on the list being "Have fun with everyone!". Iruma looks at his smiling friends and thinks that even though a lot of scary things happened today, he still did have fun with them. Aww so cute!
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Iruma gets reunited with his worried grandpa who goes to the hotel to check on him. Iruma says he couldn't go home early as Ronove's dad let them stay at the hotel as thanks for saving the park. Ronove’s dad adds that they are also Sullivan's students so he's happy to give them such things. Iruma tells his grandpa that he's happy and okay and that the teachers and Opera protected them. Grandpa Sullivan decided that the three adults would be given the job of protecting Iruma from now on (and Kalego-sensei felt a chill down his spine elsewhere in the hotel lol).
These two adults are the same. They probably won’t stop talking about their kids if you’re around them. Reminds me of FMA’s Maes Hughes (thought still makes me sad).
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While the teachers are discussing information about the attacks, Kalego-sensei goes to his room to find his team on the bed making fun of the stuff he said earlier much to his annoyance. The boys said wanted to stay in the teachers' room as it's better than the room they got but Kalego-sensei quickly kicks them out.
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The girls also get rewards and are allowed to get any clothes they wanted which made them happy. Ronove’s dad is pretty generous, huh? Like, I know these guys deserve it for all their hard work but the guy looks so happy that he’d probably still be nice to them even without all the trouble happening.
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They are all also given an all-you-can-eat buffet. Iruma eats a ton of food obviously. Clara is having fun at the chocolate fountain thing and Ronove is trying to make Agares eat. Those two got close, huh? lol I wonder if Ronove’s doing this to try and make Agares unattractive or something. It’ll be cool if they became friends though with their very contrasting personalities and all.
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While everyone is having fun inside, Iruma leaves without anyone else realizing except for Ameri who decides to follow. They end up at the rooftop by themselves with Ameri trying to calm herself down as she's thinking of romantic stuff as it’s just the two of them. Iruma then reminds Ameri of the question she asked him before about his goal and tells her he finally found one: he wants have fun with everyone. He's willing to change in order to be able to protect that ideal of his. Ameri is happy to see Iruma has grown.
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Ameri decided that she also wants to give it her all for her own desires and ambitions. She then tries to tell Iruma something but sadly she gets cockblocked by Clara and Azz both appearing. Ameri gives up for now and tells Iruma to just go with his friends.
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Before leaving, Iruma asks Ameri a question - the same thing she was going to ask him earlier! He asks if they could hang out sometimes but just the two of them and she passes out from this lol.
Congratulations to Iruma x Ameri fans for getting a scene like this, too. I also don’t know the ship name for them. Anyways, why is it just the senpais getting a moment with Iruma? Ameri has been getting a lot of moments, too and it’s making me wonder if she’s endgame.
lol also, Ameri is worried about the other female rivals not realizing there’s another threat somewhere else.
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While all that teen drama is happening, both Romiere's dad and Iruma's grandpa are being interviewed on tv. The two men then tell everyone how their kids and those kids' friends are the heroes of Walter Park. Since Iruma's name had been specifically mentioned (with everyone knowing the heroes are "Iruma and friends"), there ends up being reporters outside the hotel wanting to see Iruma the next day. Iruma, of course, doesn't like this popularity. With the thought that there may also be reporters waiting at his home, Clara offers to let Iruma stay at her house.
Oooh... will we finally get Iruma x Clara and Iruma x Azz moments as well? Hehehe
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There's something new in the ED video by the way! This used to be for Kuromu but now it’s for these boys! Cute!
I’m guessing this is the end of this arc? I wonder what the last one will be since we only have like, what, 6 episodes more? What kind of arc will it be, I wonder cause this one had battles.
Okay, the end where the heroes are mentioned to be “Iruma and friends”, I’m happy and surprised that none of the others were bothered by this at all. No one complained about why Iruma is the only one specifically named. It didn’t cause a fight between the entire group unlike what would’ve happened if this was any other story. I get why Iruma got proper credit as he is the one to end the incident and saved everyone around from being fried but his friends did a lot of work, too and it’d have been better if they were all credited properly in the news. None of them were mad though and are happy that they won because they did their best.
Ronove calling his dad “Legend-daddy” will never not be cute and funny to me. His dad, despite being rich enough to own this entire park, isn’t an annoying, arrogant asshole and I like that. I’m happy that most characters in this show subvert my expectations and they make me like them more.
I’m sorry if I don’t tag ships in my mairuma posts but I don’t know any of the series’ ship names lol. Speaking of ships, as I mentioned before, Ameri’s been getting a lot of moments with Iruma or focus on her growing feelings for Iruma. Kiriwo-senpai only showed up a bit in this arc and got a bit for himself, too. Kuromu and Clara only had a bit when Iruma went evil cycle and I wonder if they’d get more, too. I personally ship him with Azz so I wish they’d gets some moments as well. Eiko gets hers mostly on the “Interval” segments.
So... is it possible to have a mairuma dating sim or not? Look at how many routes are available! XD
Anyways, focus next time is on Clara’s family probably with Iruma spending time there. I expect another Valac Family musical! XD
Thanks for reading!
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
Remus’ Dream
Sequel to Roman’s Nightmare
Find it in AO3 too
"Really, Logan? You are a saviour, A hero. Call me if you need anything," Roman says, and is out of the door a second later.
It doesn't really surprise Remus. His twin brother would rather do anything than spend time with him. Which he could understand, he would rather die than spend more time with his twin. They already spent all their childhood together, and that had been more than enough.
Remus didn't need his plastic basic bitch of a brother to have a good time. However, he didn't want to spend it with nerdy wolverine over here. The guy, Logan was it, looked like a strict square and teacher. And no matter how hot he found that, it usually meant he was no fun at all.
"Here, one of our other roommates made these as welcome present," he says and shoves a plate of cookies on his hands.
He follows the nerd to the living room, and the two sit down on the couch in front of the Tv. He munches on the cookies like he always does, gulping them down by the handful while the other stares. Logan waits until he is done with the snack to talk again. "I believe that to be a good host; I should entertain you. What do you find entertaining?" he asks.
"I like to open up bodies with a sharp object and take out the insides," he smiles.
"I see," he hums. "Do you do a downward, horizontal cut from the pectoral area, or is it more efficient to do so below the external oblique at the side of the body?"
"I know, it's disgust- WAIT, did you ask something about it!?" he exclaims surprised. Nobody wanted to hear anything about what he said. Just because he didn't hide about the real world like his brother, Roman. He always preached about unicorns and dragons and happily ever afters. But not him. Remus knew the reality. People were made of meat tissues and squishy organs filled with blood, and they would die eventually.
But people were stupid, and they all prefered the curtain that his brother presented. Well, almost all of them.
"Yes, I wish to know more about you and your interest. I promised Roman I would keep you company. So, do you use a scalpel or some other type of sharp object to open up corpses? Of which I believe you are doing legally," Logan says.
"I-I do... I'm a forensic scientist," he answers, still shocked by Logan's reaction. "And the cutting depends on how the person died. The last time I had to open somebody top to bottom, it turned out the man had been suffocated to death by being made to swallow arcade machine coins," he explains.
"Fascinating! How do you know he was forced to ingest them, and he didn't do it by his own volition?" he asks, interested.
"There were signs of force on his skin," Remus tells him, dazed and with stars in his eyes. He is starting to love the fact that his brother left him with Logan.
The two keep on talking. They went from Remus' job, and somehow ended in a discussion over what chemical would be better for blood removal. As the time went on, Remus started shifting closer and closer to the tie-wearing man. He would get lost in the movement of his lips, and those framed blue eyes. And when he moved close enough that he could touch the other man, his hands gained a mind of their own, and wandered around the nerd, like spiders wander around the rotting corpse of a fly trapped in their web.
He had been flirting and filling the conversation with sexual innuendoes. But it seemed as they had no effect on Logan. The man was either completely clueless over Remuses advances, or uninterested and trying to be polite. Remus was now draped over the other. He had his legs over Logan's lap, his head leaned over his shoulder, and his hand playing with his tie. His voice was low and sensual, and being so close to his neck was so tempting. He just wanted to lean in closer and take a bite.
"Excuse my forwardness, but are you romantically interested in me?" Logan asks, looking down at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Maybe~," he coos, and giggles in a flirty way. "What are you going to do about it?~," he challenges, and sees something flash in his eyes.
"I'll say that I feel flattered, and that your advances are well received. I too find myself very attracted to you," Logan tells him, fixing his tie. "However, I believe we must put a temporarily stop at the moment, before things progress further," Remus opens his mouth to complain, but he is interrupted by Logan before he can get a word out. "Your brother is my roommate, and while he can be infuriating, I don't think it would do any good if he was to find us in this situation. Our house-hold harmony could be broken, and that could lead to problems. I believe our best course of action will be to wait for him and tell him that our relationship will proceed romantically one, rather than platonically," he explains.
"You don't need Roman's permission to date me!" Remus complains. "I am the only one who has the final say on who I fuck! And I think it's time we move further into the bedroom, and you further inside me~," he proposes, and changes his position to be sitting on Logan's lap. He grinds down to drive his point across.
Logan clears his throat before speaking again. "As delectable as that sounds, I must decline your proposition. The house-hold harmony must be maintained," he is about to take Remus off his lap, when the man with facial hair stops him.
"But, what if this is his plan?" he points out, making Logan stop in his tracks.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, my brother is hopeless stupid romantic, and a wardrobe malfunction is not going to take him all day. He ditched us here for a reason," Logan hums, taking in what he is saying. "Maybe, he wanted to play match-maker. I'm new in town, and you are single, right?" Logan nods. "It's the perfect plan, don't you think?" he doesn't, for a second, think that Roman would do anything like that for him. But if he can convince Logan, that he might, then they might get down to  business .
"That quite the unusual plan Roman would come up with, but I can see how you might have arrived to such conclusion," he says, rubbing his chin thinking. "How do you suppose we should test this hypothesis you have created?" Remus grins get bigger.
"Well...~" he leans in closer, wrapping his arms around Logan's shoulders. "I might have an idea~," he whispers right above the other's lips, before closing the distance.
Logan both relaxes and tenses when their lips connect. His shoulders goes lax, but he holds onto Remus tighter. They don't synchronize well at first. But once they get a rhythm going, they just fit together. It's like finding the missing puzzle piece you been searching for years. Remus, who has been with his fair share of different partners, had never felt so much from just a kiss. He feels like pins and needles are stabbing him softly on his stomach. Logan's lips are hard but smooth, and he can feel how breathless he is due to the soft kiss.
When they separate to breathe, he can see pink dusting his nerd's cheeks and the dazed stare with which he looks at him. It is in that moment that Remus decides he is going to marry this man. No matter what his brother says, he is going to marry this nerd. Unluckily, his unrested body decided to cockblock him, and he let out a tired yawn.
"Are you tired?" Logan asks.
"Just a little, I been travelling since yesterday," Remus explains. "But it's nothing. We should keep going," he leans back in, but Logan stops him.
"We can continue this when you are better rested," he tells him with a soft smile, that makes Remus feel gushy inside. "Come, I will lend you my room for you to sleep," Logan takes him to the left side of the apartment, and to a blue door that had the name 'LOGAN' written neatly on the front.
"Have a good rest, Remus. I will wake you for dinner if needed," he tells him as he opens the door for him.
"Thanks, but before you go..." he wraps his arms around him, and gives him another kiss. The two get lost in each other's lips, and before he can stop him, he takes a bite out of Logan's neck, and then sucks on the skin. His nerdy wolverine is the most exquisite blood-red colour. He grins at his reaction before going inside the room.
When he wakes up, is to the sweet sounds of his twin brother in pain. He steps away from Logan's room, that smells like ink and crofters, and goes to the living room. All the roommates are there. The guy with the bakery is cooking, and the painter is looking down at his brother on the floor. Logan is putting his book back in the library and the hickey he gave him still red and proudly presented on his neck.
"So, now that he knows, can we have that D appointment?" he asks as he wraps his arms around Logan's waist. His brother lets out a pathetic wheeze, and the emo pats his head in comforts.
He's got to admit, moving here was one of the best ideas he ever had.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
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"We're going."
"We're not going."
You were on this for at least half an hour and wouldn't back down until Kai agreed on going. It was the first time Kaito had accepted on participating on something related to the school and you wouldn't miss it even if it meant your life on the line!
Although... your husband had other thoughts about the issue.
"Those things are usually on a crowded area, a place that surely will be closes and avoided of much lights and let me remind you of the worst, sick people brushing over or touching us and our son. They might even infect us with some unknown illnes that we aren't aware of."
You groaned before burring your face on your hands as he still stared at you nonchantly.
"Kai.." you sighed before looking at him with a frow "Is Kaito's first school play. Our son's first school play... you didn't saw the look that he gave to me when he asked if we both were coming. He wants both os us there Kai, please..." you pleaded as his eyebrows twitched a hit before he sighed, dropping his head on his hand as he layed the weight on the table which both of you were talking.
"You know how I despise crowded areas."
"I'm sorry..." you sighed, lifting yourself up from the chair and starting making your way out "I'm going to explain it to h-" he prevented you of getting away with grabbing your wrist and pushing you to his lap.
"I didn't say it I wasn't coming." He said nonchantly, scoffing at how your eyes lit up much like a child would before you hugged him and pressed I numerous kisses on his face "Stop that, you're acting like a brat, and did you even washed your hands and brush your teeth?" He said in false annoyance, never on his life he would admit that this kind of a attention was very much welcomed after so many years.
"You're married with me! Deal with it!" You pressed one last kiss on his cheek before lowering his mask down to cover his lips with yours "And yes, I did all of those my myshophobic."
He groaned in relief, the vibrations sending shivers through your body before licking your plumpy lips.
You suddenly left his lap and he glared at you before you patted yourself and coughed, showing with your finger at the entrance which just had entered your son.
Cockblock eversince the uterus this little sh-
"Done your homework sweetie?" You asked while the boy nodded and went towards you to ask silenty with his serious to place him on your lap, which you quickly obliged.
He sighed before picking the paper that him and his wife were discussing just mere seconds ago and catching Kaito's attention with a bit of snap of fingers.
"This is something you want to do?" He asked with an eyebrow and Kaito nodded nonchantly.
"Is about Robin hood, and I like the story."
He sighed again. If it was THAT important for his wife and son he had no other options...
"Me and your mother are going, reserve good seats at least." He said in sarcasm the last sentence as he smirked a bit at the way Kaito's eyes lighten up in joy, looking at both him and you with a small smile.
"Whoose character you're going to be honey? I'm curious!" Kaito smirked and shrugged at the question.
"Is a secret."
"... I am not fond of secrets." He arched an annoyed eyebrow at how his wife and son giggled at his nonchalant and serious words.
Why were they laughing? It was true. And they knew it.
"Trafic is awfull. We just give him that excuse." He said while adjusting his tie and walking in a hurry as you followed a bit after him.
"Sure, a seven years old boy can't know the motive of why we truly got late was because that his father couldn't keep it on his pants." You whispered and smirked at how the pale man's skin had turned a bit pink after that statement.
"In my defense you look well on that outfit." He muttered and you couldn't help but giggle at his excuse.
"Why thank you~" you cooed while he rolled his eyes at you with a scoff before guiding you through the halls.
Just the moment you two entered a elder woman startled scream reached you guys ears.
"CHISAKI WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" You and your husband interlocked gazes before simply sighing and walking towards the voice of the teacher.
"Apologies but you can't take either of these seats." Kaito said nonchantly before making the spikes of the chair dissapear as the woman still tried to catch her breath after being lost with that scare.
"Chisaki! You can't do that with other people! Especially elders, didn't your parents reached you manners?!"
"Probably not since he is from the yakusa." A boy mumbled and Kaito sended him a dirty and murderous look.
"Say that again. Say it."
"Chisaki." The teacher grabbed his attention again "Why did you do that? We taught you all to not use your quirks, especially with that."
"Look." He pointed at the chair that had two papers writen 'occupied' while never breaking eye contact with the teacher "I reserved for my parents and I saw that lady was going to take the paper away and sit on there."
The woman looked ashame for a second before getting out, passing by you two and muttering an apology.
Your son spotted you two, green clothes and a cute hat on his head as he did a small wave and returned it back.
"... aw! He got the character Robin hood to interpret!" You gaped at your son cuteness and already took out the camera from your purse that Pops told you to use it, since he sadly wasn't able to go in the school play.
Your husband looked at you with a arched eyebrow look before sighing out loud and taking his seat alongsides you and waving his hand at the teacher to start that thing before he lost interest.
He was forced to have a certain type of talk with his son... but he couldn't deny it that he was proud. The kid had developed a lot on his quirk and could control a bit better than he did before...
But he still scolded Kaito. He was obligated to wash his hands at least tree times for touching that filthy ground, not even speaking about the showers the poor kid had to have.
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apotatomashedbybts · 3 years
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Part 36.2
[Yoongi, the I-don't-give-a-damn member of the Seoul drug mafia, has been manipulating himself for the past fifteen years that he has erased all memories related to Jimin. And that Jimin is better off without him. But a fateful turn of events brings them face to face and Jimin finds himself along with his friends on a journey for uncovering the truth that was hidden all along. And also to let Yoongi know that he is better with him.
Yoonmin au (side Taekook and side Namjin)
GENRE: fluff, angst
BTS university au; BTS mafia au ]
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Even a few minutes ago Jimin was in his room moping that he couldn't spend more time with Yoongi today. He never thought that he would be here, huffing in front of the ground floor front gate in his suit and texting Yoongi before he vanishes like a long wished dream.
His breathlessness doesn't go to vain as he sees Yoongi rushing over to him with worry painted over his face. He waits until Jimin straightens himself after catching his breath.
Yoongi asks him, "Jiminie are you alright?"
Jimin tries to smile while replying, "Yeah hyung! I am fine! Just catching my breath!"
Yoongi frowns, "That doesn't seem fine to me at all!"
After Jimin's breathing becomes normal he laughs seeing Yoongi's face and says, "Come on hyung! You know it's nothing! I still have years in my hands till I get to your age!" 
Yoongi scoffs, "Ah! Now I feel like I should have gone home and slept instead!" 
"Nooooo!! I will never tease you again like that! Sorry hyungie!!" Jimin looks at Yoongi with his puppy eyes and pouty lips.
Yoongi chuckles and turns his head other way. He is way too cute for his own good.
"Hyung?" Jimin goes to the way Yoongi has turned his face.
"Hm?" Yoongi looks in Jimin's eyes.
Those eyes..
Those extremely deep adorable eyes that holds so much love inside them.
Those eyes are locked with his own and Yoongi realises that it is the first time that he has locked eyes with Jimin like this, so intently, without hesitating, without shame, without fear.
And he also realises that Jimin is also looking into his eyes as if trying to read his heart.
Yoongi's eyes shifts from Jimin's eyes to his lips and then again to his eyes. He feels extremely drawn towards those perfectly plush pink lips. And now that they are so close he doesn't think he can control his body before it starts to move itself.
Dazed - that's how Jimin would like to describe himself right now. He can't move. More like he can't bring himself to move. It's not like he wants to because he doesn't.
He notices the shift of Yoongi's eyes and his heart starts to race with more speed as if it's not running fast enough already. He could feel Yoongi's breath on his face that's scented like lavender chocolates. And he feels like he is being pulled towards those perfectly drawn lips.
Yoongi touches Jimin's chin, his thumb grazing at the boundary of Jimin's lips. Jimin closes his eyes in anticipation.
"Is this how I get to confess my feelings for Yoongi hyung? Does he like me too?" A million thoughts starts racing through Jimin's mind.
"Seonsaengnim!!!" A loud yell from a distance makes Jimin snap his eyes open and they both jolt away from each other.
"Yeonhee?" Yoongi tilts his head in question.
"Tch! What a cockblocker! Jimin mumbles and folds his arms around his chest.
"Ah! Seonsaengnim! You haven't gone home yet?" The girl asks smiling after reaching.
"No.. why? Is there anything you wanted to ask about?"
"No. Nothing in particular." Yeonhee scratches the back of her neck then she notices Jimin who was standing there with puffy cheeks.
"Oh Jimin? You know our music teacher?" She asks.
"Oh? Ah! Y-yes!" Jimin replies.
"Oh.." Yeonhee trails off for a moment and then turns her attention towards Yoongi.
"Actually seonsaengnim", she shifts a little in hesitation but continues, "it's pretty late and I missed the last bus to my neighborhood.. if you are going that way can you drop me off?"
Hearing what she said Jimin looks at Yoongi with a frown unknown to him.
"Well.. I am afraid I can't because I'll be staying the night here.. but I will get you a cab." Yoongi says.
"Seonsaengnim~~", Yeonhee stretches her words in a whine and looks at him, as people will call, an attempt to pull off puppy eyes.
"I will call a taxi. He is trustworthy so don't worry. And if you know that it's dangerous at such hours then you should stay at your friends in the dorms for the night!" Yoongi replies with a serious tone and straight face while bringing out the phone from his pocket.
After the cab went away taking Yeonhee Yoongi huffs and looks at Jimin whose frown hasn't left him yet.
Yoongi chuckles and boops Jimin's cheeks, "You should see yourself in mirror now! So scary!"
Jimin lets out an angry huff and says, "How dare she tries to ruin my night with you? It's supposed to be us only!"
"There there! She is gone now! Now I am all yours!" Yoongi smirks, "now where were we?"
The memory from a while ago flashes before Jimin's eyes and he a loud gasp leaves his mouth. He quickly stutters, "A-at the front gate! Haha."
Yoongi laughs at Jimin's blushing face and taking his hand in his he says, "Let's take a walk at the park, hm? The breeze will feel nice."
Jimin nods and holds Yoongi's hands more comfortably.
The gentle breeze and the sound of the moving leaves helps Jimin calm down and his face colour returns to normal.
His subtly looks at Yoongi's hand holding his and he can't help but think that it fits too perfectly.
He shifts his gaze to look at Yoongi and finds Yoongi already looking at him.
"What are you looking at?" Jimin asks.
"You." Yoongi replies.
"Um.. it's hard to say. Because you are too cute?"
"You really think I am cute?"
"I think you are cute too."
"What?" Yoongi laughs as if he couldn't believe what Jimin has just said.
"Why are you laughing?" Jimin feels his chest tighten with the feeling that Yoongi isn't believing him.
"Just because I can!" Yoongi shrugs.
Jimin moves in front of Yoongi and faces him. Yoongi stops in his tracks and looks at Jimin with question in his eyes.
"Hyung.. I don't know what stupid things you have told yourself about you but trust me when I say that you are cute I mean it. For me you are the most amazing person in the world!"
For a moment for Yoongi the world stops. As if Jimin's words has put a break on the ever walking universe. Yoongi knows he doesn't deserve this, not when he knows what he had done and Jimin doesn't.
It's a terrible mistake letting Jimin get so deep into his heart again and there hasn't been a night that he hasn't regretted it. But the moments spent with Jimin are too precious to him to give away like that. It would take for a person to rip Yoongi's heart out to erase Jimin from it.
Yoongi knows that. But still he chose the pain without calculating the number of scars it would leave on Jimin if he ever comes to know. Jimin would never forgive him. Heck! He hasn't forgiven himself yet. He doesn't know if he would ever be able to.
Yoongi takes Jimin's hand in his again and asks, "Tell me Jiminie… if you ever come to know that I did something terrible then would you be able to forgive me?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?"
"Just asking, hypothetically!"
"Well.. it would depend upon what you did, won't it? Also I know that you are too soft to even hurt a bug! So stop asking these weird questions!"
"You wouldn't say that if you know Jiminie.." Yoongi mumbles.
"Then tell me!"
Yoongi looks at Jimin. But this time those eyes aren't holding adoration, they are holding pain.
"I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell you.."
"Then that settles it! The bad thing you are talking about is already in the past. There's no way we can take that back and nothing will come out of mulling over it. The Yoongi hyung I know is the Yoongi hyung I adore. So don't put yourself down, okay? You will always be my amazing Min genius!" Jimin smiles.
"Yeah..", Yoongi sighs, "I guess I can settle with that for now." He smiles back and secretly wipes away the small droplets from his eyes.
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Mattie & Lulu
Mattie: [So my vibe for it, she just shows up without knowing because by this point it’s been like 2 years since attempted contact so you wouldn’t think to check like, where do they go to school, especially if Chloe swore the grandparents to secrecy vis-a-vis the teacher situation because she would, so you probably think they’re still in Switzerland, and then I think we should say that one of them is in her form and one of them has her as a teacher for either Physics or Computers and whoever we pick as the form one could see her first and if that was Dolly she could tell Lulu to try and get in with her]
Lulu: [That honestly feels the most legit to me too, I was gonna say maybe put Lulu in her form so they have to spend more time together lol but your idea makes the most sense in terms of like starting this convo, also love you not being the 1st to know since you spoke for them both in the last convo so]
Mattie: [And if you had her for both subjects, you’d still see her a lot so it’s fine, also lessons are longer than form time but you’re meant to like, talk to your form teacher if you need something so we can say that Dolly is without having to do it obvs, so then my vibe for today is she obviously took Dolly to one side and was like I don’t know how this happened but I’ll follow your lead like if you want to swap forms you can but also you can stay and we don’t have to make a big deal of it. Mattie would have to let the School know like they’re my half-sisters btw, didn’t know they were here, but we had kids who were taught by their literal mums so it’s not like she has to leave or they have to move classes, just as long as you aren’t hiding it ‘cos that’d be weird on her part, so maybe we can say Lulu didn’t have either lesson today so we can do this like Dolly has just told her but Mattie hasn’t had enough time or reason to come find her in person?]
Lulu: [That’s so clever boo, such an excellent way to get around having to RP with yourself and yeah she could totally be taught by her for both lessons so that is probably more time actually like you said]
Mattie: [Okay so our vibe for form is it’s about 30 mins at the start of the day, after breakfast for boarders and before lessons, and there are 4 girls from each year in the form (year 7-13) so the energy is very look after the little ones and go to the older kids for advice and help, as well as your form teacher being your go-to teacher for things you need that aren’t related to your subjects, you probably also have a matron-esque person for things related to boarding; Definitely doing houses also and you get points for good behaviour, academic achievement and clubs and sporting, can also be taken away for poor behaviour and performance, Dolly and Lulu are in the same house just not form. HOUSE TEA, after research it seems like forms and houses are separated by boarding and day students as well as sex, so only boarding girls in your form/house, you literally live with your house if you board, it’s about 60 girls, and there is the housemistress (and her whole fam and dog lmao) a matron, the tutors of the forms in said house and then head girl as well as 6th form girls being prefects, absolutely can think of what the housemistress, matron, head girl and other tutors who live in are like; MORE TEA, school starts 8:25, chapel, assembly or form time, four lessons before lunch, after lunch from about 4:00, 2 clubs a day, sports, drama, art etc until 6:00, final reg ‘til 6:15, then there’s the ‘cultural hour’ til 7:15, prep aka homework for AT LEAST an hour after dinner assumedly, Saturday is chapel, three lessons, lunch, then sports all afternoon depending how much sports you do, there are like 150 clubs so get at it]
Lulu: [NGL love this, I’d be fuming if my mum worked there and I had to live there too but like such a fun vibe for us and it makes sense that you’re gonna end up getting close to Mattie like it or not]
Lulu: [okay so Lulu studies Physics and Computer Science with Mattie and then Mathematics makes sense to go with that]
Mattie: [Dolly Drama & Theatre Studies, German & Religious Studies]
Lulu: [Okay so Lulu’s clubs cos you have to do a sport I’m gonna pick Tennis as a throwback to your old school, Drama as I’ve mentioned in this convo, Model UN likewise as a throwback, Chess cos we love it and that Curie Society thing where they just chat about scientific discoveries and D of E]
Mattie: [Dolly’s clubs are Drama, Archery, Running Club, Chapel Choir, Cross Country & Swimming, will do Creative & Literary Society when we are in a better place but not like right away]
Mattie: [I think we can start this convo now we have an idea]
Lulu: Dolly told me you’re her form tutor… that’s unexpected
Lulu: how long is your placement here?
Mattie: Yes, very
Mattie: I had zero idea you two weren’t still in Switzerland
Mattie: Believe me when I say if I planned to initiate contact between us again, I would have gone for a more direct, far less convoluted route to do so
Mattie: The placement is 8 weeks, I’ve had to let the head know and I was going to come find you to see how you wanted to proceed
Mattie: Dolly was happy enough to stay in my form and not make a big deal about it, her words, obviously this is a shock for us all and I’m not going to minimize that for my own gain
Mattie: But I am taking you for Physics and Computer Studies, so you would actually be seeing more of me than Dolly, so that’s… a thing
Mattie: There is another Computer Science class in your year but Physics is already a small class with just me… I could see if there’s a possibility for a Physics teacher from one of the other years to swap with me, if that’s what you would like
Lulu: Of course you wouldn’t be aware of our move, and of course Dolly doesn’t want to make a big deal of you being here now that we are, similarly I’m not going to make a fuss about you teaching me, that’s all you’re supposed to do, professionalism is also a… thing and 8 weeks is bound to absolutely fly by
Mattie: If you’re sure, Lulu, then that’s absolutely how I am happy to proceed too
Mattie: It really isn’t long, in the grand scheme of things
Mattie: You aren’t obligated to share any more than you would with any other teacher, but I have to ask why the move?
Mattie: You seemed to really love that place
Mattie: Even though it seems very impressive here too
Mattie: I just hope you’re okay, is really all I’m trying to say with that question
Lulu: There’s no big secret, it was just time for a change, which is how you jolly well may feel after you’ve spent 2 months here 😅
Mattie: Oh no, you aren’t enjoying it here? Or just a bit of a culture shock
Mattie: It was for me too, my last placement was an inner-city comp
Mattie: but it’s different being this side of the student-teacher divide regardless, that’s for sure
Lulu: I’m not a student you have to try to find common ground with, you aren’t my form tutor
Mattie: How are you getting on with yours? She’s the Drama teacher, right, funny how that worked out
Lulu: Marvellously, it’s been one of my extracurriculars since year 7
Mattie: That’s great, and you get to spend time with your sister, now you don’t have your lessons together
Lulu: Yeah, Religious Studies isn’t my thing
Mattie: I can’t say it’s mine either 😅
Mattie: Also the man who teaches that scares me a bit but 🤫 I’m sure he looks more off-putting than he actually is
Lulu: It’s his 🐛 brows but your first impression and instincts are spot on too, he’s v intense
Mattie: I’ll break the ice by asking him to come get them threaded, that’s a great idea
Lulu: I’m extremely clever and that was a elaborate ploy to prove every idea I have is A* to you as my new teacher and earn house points as I’m so devoted
Mattie: I sadly think I know how the head would feel about merit points for beauty reccs but admire the dedication, that’s definitely a core value they want to promote here so
Mattie: Not not worth some ++
Lulu: It’d be beastly not to pass the vibe check after all this time, the most relief ever that I’ve worked out this place’s core values
Mattie: I think I still have the introductory pamphlet, should you ever need a refresher
Mattie: Core values, Latin Motto, the lot…
Lulu: [Whatever the school Latin motto is cos I tried to make a sassy one up but was cockblocked] I’m fine, but thanks
Mattie: Impressive
Mattie: Okay, I will see you in class tomorrow
Mattie: Potentially around the house before then but I’ll do my best to give you both space
Lulu: It’s called making an effort, which you’ll see me do in class too
Lulu: okay but don’t give us a lot of space or everyone’ll think we’re in some huge bind over you and like Dolly and I have both said, it’s not that big of a deal
Mattie: Pleased to hear it
Mattie: Understood
Mattie: I more meant it as a warning that I too room there so you might see me around, but I won’t make a point of showing up in your dorm
Lulu: I don’t honestly know what makes you think I would need a warning but thanks again anyway
Mattie: I’m not trying to make your transition here any harder than it needs to be
Lulu: You’d have to be a horrific teacher to make that sizeable of an impact, we’re both settled, the newbie here is you
Mattie: Well that remains to be seen
Mattie: QTS will either be achieved by the end of this or not
Mattie: It’s a lot bigger than your last, your house has as many pupils as the entirety of Surval did, that’s a big change
Lulu: So was co-ed and day students, note my past tense though
Mattie: Right, and your subjects at A-Level are, sadly, pretty boy heavy
Mattie: You’ve got it all worked out though, I’ll be sure to ask for help if I get stuck
Lulu: Not something I expected to have to deal with, pre-fresh start, but I don’t have to teach them, only get on with my own work
Lulu: yeah, I could give an A* tour
Mattie: I’d call you lucky if I didn’t know personally that the workload is going to be intense
Mattie: but I’ve seen your grades so I’m not worried for you, you’ve got this
Mattie: I might take you up on that offer, though if you can secure one of the cute dogs I see running about, that turns might into a definite
Lulu: 😊
Lulu: Oh, this is the moment to let you know Skipper loves me
Mattie: I think Skipper nearly ran me down this morning
Mattie: assuming he’s the GIANT one that rarely listens to his owner 🤭
Lulu: He is 🥰💖 but he doesn’t realise 😆
Mattie: The best kind of dog 😌 It’s so cute
Lulu: My biggest soft spot is for little dogs who think they’re VIP as in v important humans, but we have one of those at home, for the best of both worlds
Mattie: Okay, yes, that’s a mood too
Mattie: What’s his name?
Mattie: Being currently without any pet I need all the surrogates, obviously
Lulu: Monty
Lulu: [show her a picture of him obvs]
Mattie: Oh, he’s a doll 😍
Mattie: a definite plus for being in England is you can go visit him more often
Lulu: Not really, I’m still boarding
Mattie: The 6-day schedule is intense
Mattie: I can see the benefits though, as long as the child is here because they want to learn, and not because their parent paid for an extra intensive education just because it’s the ‘best’
Lulu: Both can be true and mostly seem like they are here
Mattie: By your age, if it wasn’t suiting, you wouldn’t have made it, I don’t think
Mattie: At least you have Sundays
Lulu: You’ve seen my grades, who could fake making it that hard?
Mattie: I wasn’t accusing you of not being capable, not at all, sorry that wasn’t clear, just musing aloud that the people who aren’t suited to this model won’t make it past IGCSEs to A-levels
Mattie: but that kind of thing would fall under unprofessional, I imagine so let’s pretend I didn’t say anything
Lulu: It’d only be unprofessional if you shared who you think shouldn’t be here, which I’ll totally pretend you didn’t say after 🤭
Mattie: 😅😶 I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and slip the list under your door when I’ve made it
Lulu: 🤫 to not turn you against an absolutely ridiculously high percentage of both your classes before you’ve taught them
Mattie: Definitely not the aim of my placement 😰
Mattie: Although someone has to be the teacher nobody likes, right?
Lulu: You could try that approach, but unless this tête-à-tête happening is what’s faked, I can’t see you making it work for 8 weeks
Mattie: Thanks, that’s almost encouraging 😌😜
Mattie: Over the initial shock, it’s good to see you both doing well here
Mattie: And if you do happen to need anything, you can let me know
Lulu: You’re almost my teacher, calling you a bitch wouldn’t get us off on the right foot
Mattie: I don’t think I can downgrade you for that, but no, I see that
Mattie: Professionalism works both ways, as it were
Lulu: And I could need an extension at any time, my lab partner is a perfect dunce who should be on your reject list 😓 I’d be pretty gassed if you would actually re-assign us, do you have that much power? 🤔
Mattie: It’s a possibility
Mattie: I like to switch it up anyway, you’re such a small group, it stops it getting clique-y, so you can all work together and swap around whilst I’m your teacher
Mattie: When you get a permanent teacher after I leave, they might see it differently but they’ve all been enthusiastic about my ideas thus far, though I just got here
Lulu: After you leave is after you leave, I feel seedy now and look like 💀 if you want to do anything about it
Mattie: What’s the problem with him, beside the dunce thing we’ve already covered?
Lulu: Isn’t that enough bad luck? I’m doing everything by myself while he’s high fiving his friends for getting partnered with me, like some incel
Mattie: Right
Mattie: Let me see it for myself and then perhaps I can do something about it, if it is that blatant
Mattie: You don’t need the teacher’s pet rep any more than I need accusations of baseless favouritism just because we’re related
Mattie: I believe you, but I’ll deal with it in class and in my capacity as your teacher and his, not like this, yeah
Lulu: I’m letting you know what I need, which is what you just told me to do
Mattie: Okay, I’ve heard you, I just want to make sure you understand that if you come to me with things related to class, then they’ll be dealt with in the proper channels
Lulu: 😬 sorry if you got the impression I’d come to you with anything unrelated to class, we’re not there
Mattie: You didn’t, I simply offered
Lulu: Grandma will be buzzing
Mattie: I’m not doing it to score points, or make a statement
Mattie: and undoubtedly you won’t come to me but I’m going to offer in case you need to, and because that’s what feels right to me to do, that’s it
Mattie: No hidden agenda
Lulu: Offer it to Dolly, that’s your job
Mattie: I have, Lulu
Mattie: Don’t worry
Lulu: Meaning?
Lulu: my sister is fine, I don’t have to worry about her
Mattie: Meaning just that
Mattie: I have a pastoral role as well as an educational
Mattie: If any pupil in my form needs help, they’ll receive it
Lulu: She doesn’t
Mattie: Glad to hear it
Lulu: You’ll have an easy time of it from both of us
Mattie: As long as you’re having a good time of it too, that works perfectly for me
Lulu: Il n’y a pas le feu au lac, as my previous mistresses were devoted to saying
Mattie: My French is limited to being able to order dinner with minimal side-eye from the waiters
Mattie: but I’ll take your very pretty words for it
Lulu: Whoops, I shouldn't have assumed, what language did you do?
Mattie: Mandarin, which was a huge plus on my application, with the college in Malaysia and the Mandarin course they do here
Lulu: Wow, how difficult is it? I’d love to have learned
Mattie: It is challenging, but a fun one I’d say
Mattie: It’s a shame they only have the one teacher, so they can’t make it a club too, they’d be run ragged
Mattie: I could teach you the 101 basics, I’m confident enough to do that much
Lulu: You didn’t want to be accused of favouritism and I don’t want to make an ass of myself
Lulu: I’ll have to move there and hope it’s not yonks before the immersion and fluency, I’ve only ever learnt a language that way, I don’t know if even the basics are doable otherwise 😟
Mattie: Well that’s certainly the best way to learn but not the only
Mattie: I wish I was here longer so I could commit to starting a club for the pupils like you who are interested but it wasn’t viable to pick as an A-Level
Lulu: I’ll download an app or something, delete it if it’s too embarrassing
Mattie: I’ll check in to see how you’re finding it
Mattie: You do have a wealth of extra-curriculars, you have zero reason to be embarrassed
Lulu: Only one of those is new and I get to talk in English on subjects I’m never out of my depth with, so yeah, that’s a reason
Lulu: I don’t have time to pick up Chinese Chess either 😭 maybe I can if I do move there
Mattie: The world is seriously going to be your oyster, you can do whatever you want to do, wherever you want to be
Lulu: Is that, like, your teacher catchphrase? 😅 totes inspirational
Mattie: I’ll get a poster made ASAP then 😏
Lulu: Do you need me to draw you a map to art first?
Mattie: Oh, absolutely
Lulu: [do draw her a little map of the key places in the school even though it’d obvs be really simple which might make it more confusing than the actual map cos we’re missing stuff out]
Mattie: [when you didn’t think she would and you’re lowkey touched lmao]
Mattie: That’s perfect, I should actually show up on time for our lesson tomorrow now, thanks for that
Lulu: I draw the line at teaching myself [a thing from both subjects she’s struggling with or doesn’t like lol] as well as Mandarin
Mattie: Now that we can 100% get down before my placement is up, that I can guarantee 😊
Lulu: so you’ve guaranteed yourself a thrilled student quote for the poster
Mattie: Everything’s coming up me 🙌🙌
Lulu: 🤞🏻 you keep that energy going tomorrow
Mattie: I’m not going to oversell it to you, but I do know what I’m doing, in terms of having me as your teacher, I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed
Lulu: They wouldn’t have you here as a teacher if that was your vibe, overselling is honestly closer to what they’re about, you must be worthy of 🙌🏻
Mattie: Bragging is never my vibe but I got the placement here for a reason, and I’m glad I did, so I won’t be wasting the opportunity
Mattie: I went to a good school, but the boarding lifestyle is something I’ve never experienced
Lulu: And I’ve never not, how odd, but you won’t have to experience it that hard as a teacher, they don’t even make you share or suffer through the indignity of inspections
Mattie: My room is a mess of notes and first-day outfits currently so that is definitely a good thing 😬😅
Lulu: The second-day outfit is much less pressure, especially in a class that’s v boy heavy
Mattie: Is that a promise you won’t judge me? 😏
Lulu: I’d come off worse, this uniform is not a mood, they never are
Mattie: At least there’s no boater, the full fantasy
Lulu: It’d add some interest, at least, to how plain everything has to be
Mattie: Thank Goodness for Sundays, you can express yourself then
Lulu: Are you promising not to judge me back? Awww! We’ve got a pact happening
Mattie: As long as there are no sacrifices or blood oaths I’d say that’s above board
Lulu: Sunday’s the chapel’s busiest day and without an altar what are we doing? 😬 Bad luck
Mattie: I do keep forgetting we’re CoE, I’ll have to carve that into the nearest tree or whatever so I don’t arouse suspicion with any 🔮ness
Lulu: Or 🤔 you could use the ⛪️🙏🏻 time to mentally outfit plan for the week if you’re for real awfully nervous, null and voiding the demand for the pact and witch vibes at all
Mattie: You’re very sensible
Mattie: though lesson planning is ultimately the best use of my time, if the big man upstairs is cool with that
Lulu: I use mine for [idk whatever maths or physics shit she could do in her head] and I’m blessed to have not been struck down yet
Mattie: 😅 Well I approve even if the jury is out with the 😇😇s
Lulu: Thanks
Lulu: did Grandpa teach you to play chess too? I need to practice
Mattie: He did, clearly very serious about passing on his chess knowledge 😌
Lulu: Relatable honestly if he just got sick of telling Grandma how the horse and castle move over and over for years 🙄 I tried to teach this boy once and never again
Mattie: Poor Grandma 🤭🤦‍♀️ Is that a boy from home?
Lulu: Golly, if that was how I spent my hols 🙈 No, his mother was a music mistress at our old school
Lulu: he tried but didn’t manage to teach me guitar either
Mattie: Oh, that makes a lot more sense
Mattie: I know the sort
Mattie: Everyone here seems to have little kids or grown-up kids right now, some of the little ones are super cute
Lulu: What sort?
Mattie: The walking-talking Netflix teen heartthrob type
Lulu: Yeah, no, you don’t know him, or me
Mattie: I didn’t mean anything by it
Lulu: And I meant what I said, I’m being welcoming and chill as it’s your first day, but you don’t know me like that
Mattie: Okay, I apologize
Lulu: It’s fine, I’ll see you tonight, not to ruin the surprise but there are other welcoming first day dorm traditions I have to be there for
Mattie: Oh, okay, cool
Mattie: When you want to practice Chess, let me know, we can do it after prep time
Lulu: Okay 👋🏻 for now
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bobawriteslove · 4 years
Cherry Babe Kuroo X f!Reader pt.1
Warning: hinted smut so if you dont like that kind of thing please don’t read! Thank you.  I own nothing except the story idea! 
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The word ‘cherry’ has many different definitions; innocence, a cute decoration, or a tasty treat. But in your case you were using the word to describe yourself. You were definitely a 10 on the scale when it came to your physical appearance. And your personality matched you well, you were definitely the type to go after your goal by any means. And as recently you wanted to get involved in your school activities but the clubs that were created this semester did not catch your attention at all. You needed something that pops on your resume for when you applied for college. 
Your homeroom teacher noticed your lack of interest in the existing clubs and decided to make a suggestion. You met up with the teacher in the lounge during break. An older man wearing a red jumpsuit stood in the middle of the room. When he noticed your presence he made his way over to greet you at the door. 
“Ah (f/n) (l/n) it’s very nice to meet you. My name is Nekomata Yasufumi but you can just call me coach. No need for the formalities.” You took his hand in yours shaking it with a firm grip. His eyes widened when he felt how strong your grip was. “That’s quite a handshake you’ve got there.” 
You two shared a laugh about it while your homeroom teacher joined you at your side. The three of you spoke about your academic career so far and you briefly expressed your interest in a few prestigious universities. Nekomatta seemed genuinely impressed by you and your choices. 
“You know, some of those colleges that you  mentioned require a specific amount of hours in electives to even be considered a candidate for their school.” Nekomata said. 
“I know that's why I’ve been looking into club activities but nothing pops out to me.” Nekomata nodded and thought for a while before speaking again. Your homeroom teacher tried their best to convince you to give some of the available clubs a chance even if they don't exactly peak your interest. 
Nekomata came over to the two of you tapping your shoulder.  “You seem like a dedicated person, mature, and well rounded. So I may have a proposition you’d be interested in. Are you familiar with our volleyball team, there's an opening for a manager's position. You won’t have to play in any matches, you're only responsible for cleanup, making sure practices are done in its entirety meaning no shortcuts, making sure we’re scheduled for practice games with other schools, booking transportation hotels, uniform repair and physicals.” 
Majority of the responsibilities seemed really easy. You didn’t have to do much except babysit a couple of boys playing with a ball afterschool. ‘Easy enough right?’ 
“Seems like an easy job to do. It's not like i’ll have to do it all at once.” You responded nonchalantly. Nekomata chuckled, pulling out a red jacket from behind his back. “Great you’ll start tonight I’m sure the boys will be thrilled to meet such a lovely lady as yourself.” 
His last sentence seemed to hold a double meaning but you shrugged it off and continued to speak on your newly found duties. 
School finally ended and it was finally time for you to meet the team. You strolled over to the gym earlier as requested by the coach. Pushing open the double doors, the blinding lights shining in your (e/c)  eyes. You shielded your eyes from the brightness being greeted by a much larger man.  The coach was a much smaller individual due to his age but this person was a wall of pure muscle. 
Your eyes trailed up their body slowly behind finally landing on their face. The man's eyes held amusement as he stared down at your tiny frame taking in your appearance. 
“Oh my, is this chibi-chan lost or something? Do you even go to this school?” He finished leaning down to your level. Intense irritation made its way to your face as you crossed your arms over your chest. “For your information I was invited by Coach Nekomata...he asked me to come here and make an introduction as this team's new manager.” 
He whistled circling around your body, the smirk growing on his face. 
“Manager huh….This Chibi-chan? Imagine you telling me what to do….I admit, the thought is arousing. “ He enclosed you between himself and double doors essentially trapping you to where there was no escape. The coach stood behind him clearing his throat making you jump in embarrassment.  The man before you pulled away with an annoyed expression. 
“Coach did you have to show up right now. It was just getting good..” 
The Coach walked over and pulled the boy by his shirt to meet his eyes. “If I were you, I’d focus more on blocking than girls.” 
“Oh blocking huh, well you’re definitely cockblocking me right now.” Looking over to you he gave you a subtle wink making you cringe and cling to your clothes. Nekomata let him go, clearing his throat once more. “Well (f/n) meet Kuroo Tetsurou, He’s the captain of our volleyball team.  Please excuse his behavior, he’s normally well behaved. I’ll be sure to scold him for next time. But you two have to get along if we want this team to prosper, so no teasing Tetsurou, is that understood?” 
“Yeah yeah...I’ll take good care of Miss Chibi manager. Show her the ropes, really break her in.” he finished biting his lip. 
A shiver ran up your spine as he spoke about your relationship. You felt so dirty but you couldn't fight the blush from spreading across your cheeks. Nekomata sighed in disapproval dragging the boy off to set up the practice equipment. 
‘It’s gonna be a long practice, I can feel it.’ you thought to yourself following behind the two men. 
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rugrat-club · 5 years
Masterlist: Diego Hargreeves
smut is marked with 🔥
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Fanfics/imagines ⇣
Bodyguard, part one - upcoming famous popstar, y/n is on the rising. Between tour buses, sell out shows, writing and producing music, her life is chaos. But her love life turns to a flip when she finds out her bodyguard diego hargreeves has feeling for her.
Bodyguard, part two 🔥- upcoming famous popstar, y/n is on the rising. Between tour buses, sell out shows, writing and producing music, her life is chaos. But her love life turns to a flip when she finds out her bodyguard diego hargreeves has feeling for her.
I’ll always remember us this way 🔥- diego and y/n relationship is forbidden, but the two scheme up a plan for adventure.
Drabbles ⇣
Night shift 🔥 - vigilante!Diego is always comes home late and blood, which leads to silence treatment.
Winners luck 🔥- Boxer!diego and y/n are expecting again after a night of activity’s.
Little girl 🔥 - in which diego and y/n have a dd/lg relationship.
Material things - diego and y/n go back to the academy due to sir reginald hargreeves’s death, which leans to a couple fight.
Candy shop🔥- diego and y/n engage in roleplay, diego decides to surprise y/n with a police officer uniform and a lapdance.
Easter picture - it’s that time of the season again. Diego and y/n take their very chaotic family to take pictures with the easter bunny, but the children ain’t cooperating properly.
Everyone wants to be loved - diego and y/n have news they’re excited to share with their kids, but the children are unhappy about the news, which makes the pair feel horrible.
Series ⇣
(Single dad! Diego deals with his roller coaster of a daughter, grace hargreeves. She’s shy, and never asked for much. But sometimes she can get out of hand.)
Late nights at the emergency room - single dad! Diego has a tough time when his two year old daughter comes down with a fever.
Bratty - grace decides to act up as a brat when diego takes her grocery shopping.
Don’t grow up too fast - little grace is all ready for preschool, diego takes it much harder because his baby girl is growing up right before his eyes.
Single dad! Diego prompts ⇣
“Can I sleep with you.” & “Do you know the muffin man?”
“Do you have a crush on my teacher.” & “I just want a mommy!”
“About the baby...it’s yours.”
“Tomorrow isn’t promised to us, so let’s make today count.”
“Fuck, i love your tits.”🔥
“There’s a duck in our bed.”
“It’s not sexy when you say “daddy” like that.”
“These kids are cockblockers.”🔥
“Be a man and change the diaper.”
“I have loved you since we was 18.” & “You lost your wedding ring didn’t you?”
“We’re going to vegas! Final decision.”
“If i hear baby shark one more time!” & “We’re at a children’s birthday party!”
“I promise it won’t hurt.”
“Okay, but if I die it’s your fault.”
“Your 4’11 You can’t beat my ass.” & “You just broke my arm!”
“What’s the tea?”
“I’m on my period.”
“Make me.” & “Get on your knees.”
“Be my cowgirl for the night.”🔥
“Where do you feel me?” & “your a kinky bastard.”**
“There’s cum in my eyelashes.🔥
“I’m half a virgin.”
“Why are your smoking?”
“It’s so big.” & “That shit burns.”🔥
“I told you we was gonna wake up the kids.”🔥
“I didn’t shave.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you quiet.”*
“Your prefume smells sexy.”
“I love when you call me that.” & “that made me wet.”
“I have a boner.”
“Let me put my tongue on it.”
“Did you just put my underwear in your pocket?”🔥
“Damm, papi. You fine.”
“I can’t fit it in.”
“Why are you watching peppa pig?”
“Ride my thigh.”
“It smells like sex in here.” & “Why is there a hole in your guys wall?”
“Your taking up the whole bed.”
“Holy shit, there’s blood.”
“Paint my toes, please.”
“I want a baby.”
“Can you stop jerking off.”🔥
“There’s kids in our bed.”
“Eat me.”
“Untie me.”🔥
“Diego! I’m in the shower!”
“Our baby is missing.”
“Five is gonna catch us.”
“Is your dick on my back?”
“I’m pregnant, surprise.”
“I threw up.”
“Did I just touch your cervix?”🔥
“Break a leg.”
“I’m not wearing any underwear.” & “that’s hot.”
“You orgasm like a star.”🔥
“Why are you crying?”
“I’m trying to get head while smoking a blunt.”
“stop jumping on the bed, everyone’s gonna think we’re having sex.”
“Are you masturbating?” & “keep going, I wanna watch.”🔥
“I dare you to kiss me.”
“Can I paint your nails?”
“Your so tiny.” & “I’m not a child!”
“Are you masturbating?” & “fuck me daddy.”🔥
“Did you just squirt?”🔥
“You bought a pig!”
“Choke me.”
“Get off of me!”
“Open your legs more” & “Woah calm down, hercules”🔥
“Wait, I did you raw?”
“Your a bitch.”
“Let’s pierce your nipples.”
“Klaus, get out!”
“Get your hands out of my pants.”
“Did the comdom break?”🔥
“Did you just cum in me while our kid is in the room”🔥
“Would you suck me for $5”
“Don’t be a dick.”
“She’s so tiny.”
“I think you broke my vagina.”
“Did you just cum in me?”🔥
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palukoo · 4 years
so a couple months ago i relistened to w359 and made a 18000 word document while doing so containing iconic quotes, my reactions, feelings, et cetera. heres some highlights with varying amounts of context. (theres lowkey spoilers for the whole series btw)
""""i empathize too much""""
crazy how i still vividly remember walking outside [my old job] and to starbucks while listening to the spider ep... trauma
i mean i dont love it but it makes me feel things
"let me have my badass space chick victory cocktail"
god like i AM team what wrong with handcuffs but I WOULD NOT HESITATE to kill hilbert for hera
the girlssss are fightinggg
like memoria who maxwell who jk jk
i love you renee minkowski marry me
local idiot's heart is in the right place
lovelace lovelace lovelace loveLACE LOVELACE
"maybe she's some kind of clone thing" EIFFEL... this is day 1!!!
i hate these self sacrificial idiots
no no no not this music again ill cry
yall are so emotionally stunted it fucking hurts but damn if you dont care
literally how are they still alive
i want to hug her so much omg
alan rody shut the FUCK up im crying
rip zach valenti's throat
face the death reality via math
jacobi being a piece of shit
maxwell said lets kill hilbert rights
this is a kepler hate blog
minkowski thinking her emotions dont matter to the mission oh ho ho
"youre gonna straighten up" cutter they cant theyre not straight
maxwell and jacobi show up and blow up lads
"and you should really be more careful with your queen" KEPLER WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
wolf 359 stop making me stan these literally terrible people
i am caring about men tonight lads
theyre both awful sure go ahead have history
hilbert you interrupted their emotional moment they wouldve had a MOMENT
hera said im gay
ohhhh nooo interpersonal conflict makes me sad
hug minkowski rn
FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC jacobi and maxwell are iconic
minkowski how did you not kill him
how much do yall use the words "good enough" and "cant"
"are you an alien" GOD the Hints
"one of our... sexier jobs" vs "this is gonna said less sexy after that"
eiffel stop cockblocking them
y'all's choice of pronouns IS illuminating
aw eiffel... minkowski... communication is KEY
oh yeah THATS what the psi wave regulator is for.... SURE
hilbert read the room
JACOBI you can't just describe minkowski like that without giving me a heart attack
how many times have all these bitches almost died
oh minkowski finally flipped (VALID)
oh wait that fact isnt fun at all and im literally crying
LIKE sometimes you save someone's life at great personal risk only to kill her a little while later
minkowski cries to “back to before” from ragtime
i feel to many things about the gals here idk what to tell you i love them thats the problem
its gay and it hurts!
lovelace laughing at people who can and will kill her... hot
they let lovelace say FUCK
ouchie anyways gay or no but also gay
hilarious and sad at the same time?
MAXWELL dont be a bitch... i expect this from jacobi and honestly i actually expect this from maxwell too but i dont like it
i cant say anything else im too busy crying
im mad but thank you... all of you... explain... 
stop stop stop im literally so tense gone straight from sobbing to freeze instinct
OH theyre all about uncertainty... the what ifs... okay... ouch ouch ouch
give everyone awards for bolero
eris are you gay
she said gay rights and AI rights
like i know i know we been knew but goddard really is so awful
Hera stop narrating Lovelace’s ongoing existential crisis
HOW IS THIS NOT GAY (I know how it’s not gay but. Let me have this)
KEPLER stop giving Lovelace insecurities and existential crises
Team back off lovelace for the win
like not to be dramatic but her arc is beautiful
oh boy thats my girlsssss
god i love that concern for your gf keep it up minkowski
GOD angrey hera is great
you know hera is having the time of her life witnessing it
eiffel you just ruined their romantic moment
minkowski is gonna kill them
a much better gayer more altruistic light
god hera has needed to snap at eiffel for so long
i can already feel myself about to get hit with the tears... the emotions
that shit hits different renee
The implications that Goddard like destroyed global warming omfg
it’s the moral grayness babeyyy
when it hits you with minkowski's shaky sigh first thing you know its gonna hit different
MINKOWSKI i need you to. love yourself as much as i love you
GOD the mutual concern they always have for each other is touching whether or not you think its gay. i think its gay
oh of COURSE they cut coms first
lovelace is man, butterfly is quote, it says "is this flirting"
jacobi i need you to chill
but jacobiiiii thats lovelaces schtick
oh eiffel... you fucking idiot who gets really lucky sometimes
this game of chicken where theyre both chickens and kepler doesnt know any of that and each of them only know half
minkowski said im an ethics teacher now
who taught minkowski empathy in high stress situations?
yeah so i stay hitting the nail on the head
“kepler SHUT UP” is what brings everyone together
this is, como se dice.... kinda gay
this statement does not bode well for that
“Maybe less talking to yourself” he says to himself
ugh, to be Pop Culture Man™️
RACHEL i love you even tho I also hate you
Rachel if you make one more hand joke I’ll lose my mind
HER NAME!!!! IS HERA!!!! And I love her!!
i have a vivid mental image of post-series eiffel doing stand up like chris fleming style 
"my crew has made it very clear through a series of looks and gestures that one more slip up and i am out, thats it, so im taking this job very seriously"
"minkowski is very overprotective in a weird, erratic way, like when your seat belt randomly locks and its like i appreciate what youre trying to do but im going 4mph in a drive way."
"so when something like this happens you have to at least consider going away for a long time and living on a cursed space station"
"you know how when maxwell and hera are talking ive never felt less needed, you know, like ‘cause you guys would be totally happy alone on a rock in the middle of a lake"
"this is the kind of body you look at and go he'd probably be ok in space without a space suit"
the whole "theater kids" video is actually him going off about minkowski
minkowski is too swole for her own good
jacobi im gonna need you to take the redemption arc more seriously
i love my crazy crazy bitches
this FUCKING music
she just like mutilated that man he is doa absolutely destroyed one hit ko
can you tone down the gay, sweetie
you did it you broke rachel and Goddard down to their bare essentials
so damn jacobi was just IMMEDIATELY ride or die for maxwell
this is too much for my poor baby heart
pryce & carter literally are just like lets do eugenics, lets do genocide
when hera says ill pull a yall and sacrifice myself for minkowski and lovelace 
god like cant believe KEPLER got a redemption arc (well not arc but you know)
ah yes the most tragic scenes all take place at once :)
i love space moms!
like the document also does have a lot of like deep thoughts and meta and parallels and discussion of motivations but this is just fun random things i said
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roadtophantom · 5 years
Phantom Manila Review (Down Once More - with feelings)
Hi! I think I'm back so without further ado here's a review or at least a thought depository of my first show back in Phantom, 5 years after I saw it in AsiaWorld Arena in Hong Kong. 
March 9, 2019 8:00 PM
I want to start with a note that it had been a very distracting week so I honestly don't think I was able to focus on the moment and a lot of things flew over my head. There were a lot of things happening irl and plans kept changing, so I came to the theatre all winded and in a daze.
Not to mention we were 45 minutes in before the show, there wasn't much pre-theatre prep I could do. The most I've done was have a look around the merch store, fit the hoodie (the smallest was too big for me), buy the brochure and then fall in line for at least one photo with one of the many backdrops (the one with an illusion boat where my sister and I reenacted an Obi-Wan and Anakin higher ground scene. Why are we like this I don't know.)
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Anyway, the lines at the other backdrops were hella long.
We sat at the orch left restricted seats (because cheaper orch seats ftw) and the view is not bad at all, though be prepared not to catch whatever happens in stage right (this is why on our next show we'll get the orch right restricted seats). It's amazing how close we are to the stage, Solaire is a very snug theatre is why. The orchestra pit seems narrow in my pov.
The stage fills up pretty quickly, because it is tiny. The proscenium does not seem so empty in turn because of how compact the overall look is, though I definitely miss the angel, it's simply iconic. But not so much to mar my experience of the show.
The sounds of Solaire are reputed to be bad so imagine my surprise to be blown away by drums during the Overture. It was quite a bombastic experience. But yes, you can hear the whirrings of the sets, but not very bothersome. 
The chandelier falls pretty fast but slows down just before the crash. 
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@operafantomet was telling me that the advantage of a smaller stage is the closeness and intimacy, she is absolutely right. And if I add something the crowdedness actually led to a lot of movement, activity and energy. There is no such thing as a background character here, each member of the ensemble is attention-grabbing, I especially love the interaction between the ballerinas. I remember noting how vibrant the slave girl costumes are but I need another look to see where they were sourced from. The ensemble especially shone in Masquerade (which got applause at curtains up, even before they started singing). The little marching band did play, triangle and drums quite audible, and you see how the different players influenced Christine and let us peek into her tormented psyche. Il Muto was another highlight where the dancers were clearly troubled at what's happening around them and the Shepherd was complaining.
Oh by the way there were lyric changes in Masquerade and it is now using the Broadway choreo.
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Clara Verdier was a vulnerable, emotive Christine that has the potential to be versatile. I love how at the start of the show that she seems to watch Carlotta longingly. I see her as a young good-hearted Christine, capable of different emotional palettes, her face is her great asset and she doesn't sound bad either. Though I surmise that there had to be some adjustments vocally, her Think of Me cadenza is short and she easily drowns especially at Final Lair. But she already shows the foundation and can no doubt grow into her own distinct character. She definitely shows feisty moments, like I could swear she nearly would have gone and rip Carlotta's wig at Notes II. She perfects the trance look whenever the Phantom sings but although fearful she is of the Phantom she feels sympathetic for him and shows reverence for him as her teacher and 'guardian', especially at PONR when it looked like she is conflicted to unmask, but unmask him she does. There is no doubt she chooses Raoul and adores him and feels safe with him.
Matt Leisy is a Raoul who gives it all out. His remarkable characteristic is his confidence and in-charge attitude. He is not just born into wealth, he manages it. I love how he is a devoted protector, with a 'chill I got this' vibe. His shining moment is showing how pissed off he is of the Phantom at the THE DISASTER WILL BE YOURS. This is a Raoul who is pretty, handsome, well-kempt, smooth BUT WILL FISTICUFF WHO HURTS CHRISTINE. I also like how I can hear him during Notes and is not a passive roving lost vicomte. It looks like he gives the most comfy hugs and does a lot of little touches. I LOVE his interaction with Giry during Masquerade where Giry cockblocks him a few times and he is like OH COME ON NOW.
Principal: Thabiso's comedy FINALLY comes through. Beverley has the best facial expressions and has no business playing nice. But oh how heartbreaking when she sees Piangi in the end... Kiruna-Lind hands down my favorite Meg, she doesn't overdo the HE'S THERE and her other lines. She looks appalled at the managers during Prima Donna, I love her darker sounding voice. She is cute, with a nice musculary built and shd is a true friend. The managers do the work, James Borthwick is calculating, Curt Olds isn't say as exaggerated as Jason Ralph was but still has great timing. Melina I feel lacks in authoritativeness, and her soft cane thumps does nothing to help (this is technical issue I think) but she IS a PITA at Raoul and she is so beautiful.
As for Jonathan, how to even begin. I saw him last in October 2012 where he is already a force to reckon, and has that grasp of character that is undeniably solid. He knows what he is doing, he is at the top of his game and he knows how to break hearts with how forlorn his Phantom is and dat thunderous voice. He makes the show, so where to go from here? Well, further. So the Phantom is kind of two parts right? The angel of music slash opera ghost and then the disfigured lonesome man. Jonathan has the man part downpat, he knows how to carry that injustice dealt to the character and hone on that abandonment. Lead me save me from my solitude is the Phantom that describes his best. Come 2019 he not only retains this humanity but he expounds on the angel persona by well, singing way even better that he grew octaves. I invite you to compare his title songs and hear how his voice is so much larger, much controlled. He sounds damn good and what a perfectionist composer and musical genius would. He owns all his scenes.
Which! Makes it fun now with Matt's Raoul because the vicomte is not sitting down. I was so delighted to see their take of the Wandering Child Trio (I KNOW I WAS SCREAMING INSIDE) Jonathan's Phantom looked so threatened that there was a moment of panic where he had to try extra hard to keep Christine in control. And he was so desperate to undermine this man who clearly has Christine's heart, makes it more effective how he begged Christine to choose him in the end. And I swear each time Christine fights back and when she throws away the veil, he gets 9999 hit point damage (sorry, Final Fantasy reference). He holds the show so well together.
Also HIS HANDS. They fiddle with the Red Death's tassel, they smooth his hair a lot (even outside the title song) they bring down the gates to trap Raoul and Christine, they have innate mind wave power. 
My little cousin (who fell asleep halfway the show back in 2012) fell so much in love and it's so cute to see how inspired she was (know your feels kid) . My sister who I expected to grow tired, couldn't stop talking about it. I think they did an amazing solid job and and I can't wait to see it again.
Oh the travelator was also broken when I saw it, I thought they got rid of that. So something to comment about next time.
More costume observations to follow hopefully. Oh Carlotta had like white roses on her head at Notes II I've never seen that kind of hat before.
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jeonsolar · 6 years
Miraculous Ladybug Catalyst Commentary
I keep telling myself I’m not gonna do this, but HERE I AM! The whole Lila thing had me talking, and I had to start writing.
So… yeah, I’m three minutes in. Usually, by now I would have written an essay about how thirsty and devilish Nathalie is. And Gaybriel. Sorry.
Where am I starting at? Marinette banging the table cuz Lila basically back-handed slapped Ladybug, and Adrien looks embarrassed for everyone.
Chloe looks like she fell in love. (3:51)
Now I start:
Ladybug wants to choke her, not thank her.
… The sun is setting…?
Bitch! That looks like a backdrop!
I feel ya Marinette. Lila ain't good if Hawkmoth thinks she’s good.
Why are girls so stupid and desperate? I’m a girl. Stop tarnishing our reputation!
A girl that lies this much about the things she’s lying about isn’t good. And for now, I will fight any Lila-Apologist.
*laughing* The balloon…. *snickers* the balloon!
If she’s in such a high position to talk to the embassy, how is she so stupid to not know anything that’s going on?
Teachers should never start their sentences with “It’ll be hard to be as good as blank, but who’s next?”
The only one that looks legit is Chloe. And maybe Lady and Chat (they’ve been doing this long enough that I can %100 believe there was once a photoshoot). But Rena and Pace? No.
Do people in Paris call her Chloe Bee or Queen Bee? They know she’s Chloe.
This entire story has only been one year? … Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
I want the next shot to be Mari and Adrien’s faces as they smile like parents proud of their baby, but it’s about Paris and how they’ve changed (ALMOST) everyone for the better.
Nino has done his job. Next.
Adrien has done his job. Too much. Next.
Alya has done her job. Next.
Girl, don’t be insecure about your cookies. You save Paris. Just flip them a finger and tell them they’d be screwed without you.
Chloe has barely risen to the occasion. Chloe needs to shut up and try harder next year. Next
(Now I’m seeing what Chloe is bringing to the table) Chloe has gone back to ground zero. But I guess is ok, because Lila is back. And now it kinda feels like they’re competing on who can be a bigger pain in our asses.
I don’t know if it’s my subs but what the fuck is degustation?
Mari. Shut up. Please. I’m begging you. You are sinking quickly!
Guys, I’m only six minutes in and I’m panicking. What has this show done to me?
Oh, Mari.
Bitch. This takes time. Like…. A week. Not a day.
They have done no progress in what I can assume is 4 to 8 hours. (4 if its lunch, 8 if it’s after school) Maybe … they’re not as good as they appear.
They have a poster of their daughter. I’m happy again.
There’s no one in the store. And zero progress on that cake.
What a diet. There’s no residue on that plate. And I’m daring there was near-to-nothing to begin with.
Are they just staring off into the distance?
Is this fanart? This is fanart.
“And what you see right here is an awkward Ladybug. Don’t get too close, you might scare it and it flies away.”
Gaybriel smiling? Stop! Burn it with fire!
Damn Gaybriel. Damn.
LILA NEEDS TO CHILL HER CUNT! (Yes I said it. Lila is the definition of petty. Go. Look in the dictionary. You’ll find her face there.)
The music is different.
I … I just can’t.. understand why now… she gets to be there with the butterflies? I just imagine there are some butterflies going all like “Yo, bitch! You in my spot!”
Where does his cane go when he’s making the akumas? Nathalie’s not there all the time to hold it…
God… Lila is easier than the multiplication table for zero.
… Couldn’t reprise the outfit? Same lame one? Ok.
There’s no one on the streets…
So many people must be happy. So many fanfics…. Well, not that many. I’ve checked. But all of those who were asking. Now we know. The anti-bug outfit looks dumb on Ladybug. Now stop using that one.
Let's play the game, “What is real?” Is this Chat Noir real? If so where’s the real Ladybug?
Is this chat? If so why is he there when Lady is not? I believe this is all fake.
I don’t… think … this is how .. it would work on humans? Also, what is Lila gonna do when Chat Noir comes out later with Ladybug all like “… You killed me? But I’m still here? Guess you didn’t think this plan through.”
Yo…. Murder just happened in front of all of Paris. This is a kids show. . . Ok.
Did he just abandon her on top of the Eiffel tower?
The subs are great! (Ms. Ladybug I don’t feel so good.)
I just… I can’t.
Nathalie. … No.
We all rooted for you. We all did.
If he could do that… why … wait? Why.
So MANY fanfics are coming true. SO MANY!
It is lunch.
… tikki has a tiny chef’s hat… I repeat TIKKI HAS A TINY CHEF’S HAT!
Except Ladybug who just shat all over the party.
News: Chat Noir is dead!
Adrien: I am?!
News: And Ladybug works for Papillion now.
Marinette: I do?!
Everyone else: ???????
Now they’re all red?
Adrien and Marinette: Fuck. No vacation. Not even on my special. NOTHING.
If anything, they all just look like Ladybug followers.
Damn Adrien. Damn.
Just.. *replay* This is the shit I came for. This. *replays* Yes. Always protect the girl who flings you across Paris and just technically killed you.
Damn, Chloe must be feeling good.
Miraculous Ladybug: REMIX!
Nino… I love you so much! XD
Nino: With the power of love I defeat you!
Ah. Alya’s sisters have redeemed themselves.
Adrien: NOT AGAIN!
Damn, Gaybriel. Damn.
This episode is good.
The subs: This episode is the episode where HawkMoth gets smart.
I hear ya. I don’t like it, but I hear ya.
Yeah! You are a good kitten, Plagg! Good kitty!
Thank god!
Now do that… 100 more times.
Really? That’s hard to believe? The two kids who have foiled your plans a gazillion times?
*whispers* please tell me Adrien shows up looking for help too, please tell me Adrien shows up looking for help too, please tell me Adrien shows up looking for help too, please tell me Adrien shows up looking for help too, please tell me Adrien sho~
… Nah. Should’ve stopped at power rangers.
Mari: One? Bitch, did you see what’s going on out there? Undress!
Tikki knows what’s up!
What kind of leader are you? Rise up!
Oh, that’s what she meant by not all.
I’m gonna have to wait for the fight aren’t I?... Sigh.
*gasps, whispers* Are Alya and Nino gonna find out?
I mean we all know about Chloe, so that was an easy one for Adrien.
Damn Alya. Damn.
She just cockblocked them. I LOVE THIS EPISODE!
We all knew she knew. We all knew he didn’t know.
All I gotta say is:
Dreams do come true.
I have no new commentary because I’ve been replaying this scene over and over again.
Trixx: Your identity is supposed to be a secret.
Alya: Shut up and transform me, Trixxie.
Do we have to see all transfomations?
Nino: You’re not surprised about me?
Alya: Who was? You were just as obvious as Chloe.
Nino: Huh. . .
Ladybug being a third wheel over here.
Honestly, this is all we want for Ladybug and Chat Noir. This. And if we’re getting it from RenaPace that means we’re not getting it from LadyNoir… So… ready the tissues.
There’s so much new music.
Oh, Chloe… Nah, take me back to Ladybug being the third wheel.
*gasp* Damn, Adrien’s taking no shit from anyone.  
Sometimes I wonder how can they not figure it out, and then Adrien does shit like this. Is almost like they’re two different people.
He just threw it at her!
♫If you wish upon a star, your dreams will come true♫
Ok, so let me get this right:
Chloe: Knows who she is. (Yup. That’s all she knows.)
Adrien: Knows who Queen Bee is. (But everyone knows. Poor boy)
Nino: Knows who Rena and Queen Bee is. (One of them before this episode, and not his gf)
Alya: Knows who Queen Bee and Carapace is. (Knew all before this episode)
Marinette: Knows everyone but Chat Noir. (So close to having the full set.)
So… Chloe knows nothing, Adrien knows little, Nilya knows half, and Marinette is short of Chat Noir.
HE’S… OUT????!!!!
Nah. I just remembered. Volpina.
…. Wait….
Oh, it’s only ten per person. I mean, it’s not like some of these weren’t so hard that they needed outside help…
Also, shouldn’t Papillion be exclusive to LadyNoir? Is them who Papillion keeps trying to fuck up.
I stopped at 22:48 and all I can think is
Chat Noir: One day that’ll be me and Ladybug.
But also.. is no one gonna ask why they are acting like they know each other even though they ‘just met’?
Ok. I was told to thank @tetra-paec for the English subs, so here are my thanks.
And here’s the link to the video with they’re subs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep4qPlU8waI&feature=youtu.be
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jflashandclash · 6 years
Traitors of Olympus IV: Fall of the Sun
Fourteen: Ajax
I Set Up a Play Date in Exchange for a Canadian
             As soon as Thanatos vanished with Reyna and Calex in his comforting, Slenderman, trust-me-this-isn’t-the-first-time-I’ve-abducted-children-way, Pax searched around their makeshift racetrack and the Roman’s body-collection tent. Pax had to wonder if Slenderman could shadow travel—what he assumed Thanatos had done. You know that situations are desperate when taking a creepy stranger’s hand and getting into his metaphoric car is the best options.
           It was a good thing Pax’s apples worked. Having the damnation of Calex’s soul and his not-death on Pax’s consciousness would have probably been added to Pax’s Daily List of Traumatizing Experiences. He wondered if the death counter on the Silver-Tongued Helm would have gone up if the plan had failed, or if Eris and Phobetor would have popped up with a fireworks display to celebrate the failure.
           “An errand, Ajax?” Alabaster asked as soon as Thanatos, Reyna, and Calex melted away. “What are you planning?”
           “Planning? I never plan. I just get ideas.” Pax stepped in a sweeping circle, glancing around. His brain chattered in broken sentences, the way he imagined Ares would if Axel ever got his hands on him again. Had to be here. Too good a show not to watch. “Ideas that involve me being in a place of potential ruin, where I’m about to make a likely dumb decision that could result in a lot of mischief.”  
           “This sounds like a shitty idea,” Alabaster grumbled.
           A hand touched his shoulder.
           Pax yipped before he realized it was Kally. She gave him a worried smile. “Ajax, what is going on?” she asked, holding one hand out like Pax was the wild, cute baby panda he was.
           Why did he always tell his lovers his weakness? That he had a hard time speaking indirectly when they called him by his first name and looked at him like he wasn’t just comic relief? That and bullets, but he figured his weakness to celestial bullets was pretty general knowledge.
           “With Jason, Thalia, Leo, Axel, and now Reyna off doing hero things, we’re missing five heavy hitters—Calex doesn’t count. What happens if they don’t make it back in time for the party?” As Pax spoke, he ruffled his hair. He hoped the sweat and grossness of a hero’s shower schedule and constant pain would act as Hair Gel de Natural. “We need as many fighters as we can get, since Percy is—ha ha—benched and Annabeth is spreading the kissing disease to the table with how much she’s napping. Plus… I want leverage if the Romans decide to take vengeance on the Triple A Chimera. It’s always good to have a little blackmail.”
           Important father-to-son life lessons.
           “Leverage?” Alabaster asked, his glare softening.
           Kally took a careful step towards Pax. Amazing to think that the one time she wanted to hold his hand again, he would have to shriek and run from her if she did. “A lot is going on. I—Axel wouldn’t want me to let you do something…”
           “Stupid?” Alabaster supplied.
           As if that was the magical summoning word, Pax saw Atë.
           He puffed up his cheeks and popped them.
           A chill went down his spine as the smoke twisted up off her clothing. She lay, stomach down, on the ground, kicking her legs behind her. A black tarp—an empty body bag?—acted as her picnic blanket. Points for unnerving creativity. Pax just hoped there wasn’t an annoyed ghost in the tent, wondering where its deadtime blankets went.
           Her white T-shirt’s sleeves hung off her shoulders. That and the cloth’s looseness let her shirt collar hang away from her skin and rest on the ground. Several chain necklaces encircled her neck and dangled against the ground atop the material, except one cord that clung tightly to her skin, running taunt down her chest, like a divider for her black and red, very noticeable, bra. That chain must have been attached to her belt. Her shorts were black and white checkered. Fishnets ran down to her muddy, bare feet.
           As per Atë mode, her skin was smudged with dirt. Her jagged, black hair had streaks of red, magenta, and white. In one hand, she held Frank’s stick, pressing it against her lower, crimson lip, so the lip jutted to one side.
           Pax swallowed. Amazing how he could forget that his super hot sister wanted to seduce him.
           Like the best cockblocking knights from a heroic tale (or, from what Pax had heard, like teachers at a school dance), Alabaster and Kally stepped between where Pax was standing and Atë lay.
           “Ajax…” Atë cooed, leaning to see around where Kally had withdrawn her Argonaut statue.
           “Don’t call him that,” Alabaster snarled as he withdrew the deck of cards from his back pocket.
        ��  “You’re fraying around every edge,” Atë said.
           “You’re not wanted here, Atë,” Kally snapped.
           “I don’t want you to unravel,” Atë continued, those lifeless, red eyes giving their most expressive I told you not to come back to camp look that lifeless eyes could manage. Under Lapis’ command, she had warned Pax, not to come back, but there was no way for Pax to know it was to prevent some good ol’ fratricide.
           Pax swallowed again. He forgot a pivotal point in his plan: his ability to talk with words and sentences. That, and his ability to speak to her without his cockblocking knights preventing him from a potentially terrible decision.
           Hoping Atë could do some cool god thing to fix this, Pax summoned the best devilish smirk that he could, sidestepped more into Atë‘s view, winked, and nodded towards the death tent. Perfect romantic location.
           Pax cleared his throat. “I found Calex’s potentially suicidal ultimatum with his godly stalker inspirational.”
           Pax liked to think Kally and Alabaster both made sounds of disapproval: Alabaster’s hopefully sounding like a stuffy, old British gentleman. That’s how Pax would write Alabaster if he could write fanfiction.
           The sounds came out muffled.
           During one breath, smoke twisted in front of him, icy fingers touched his hand, then he was sitting down in a dimmer place. The sun warmed the tent walls like God decided to catch some humans with a Styrofoam cup the way a child might catch an ant or a tiny leprechaun. Pax stayed firm: if centaurs existed, then so did tiny men with golden pots that shot marshmallows. Kouta could never lie to him otherwise: that the marshmallow thing was an ad campaign for a cereal company. That was just what the leprechauns wanted you to think.
           The tent flap was shut, cutting off the view of the outside. The sunlight that glowed through the fabric felt smothered. A few real rays shined through the poles of the tent.
           Pax couldn’t decide what was worse: that Atë chose an occupied bodybag as a picnic bench or that she’d smoked into existence, sitting close enough for their knees to be touching.
           If Atë could just teleport, Pax wondered why she bothered with any of this fighting stuff since she could relocate all of her enemies into far away cruise ships or convenient wood chippers. Pax shouldn’t ask that though, since that might give her idea—
           “Why don’t you magic all your enemies into romantic hovels?” he asked.
            Atë kicked her feet against the dirt. She stared at the two corpses in front of them. Leave it to a child of Eris to pick the center of the room, so they could be surrounded, from both sides and below, by corpses. Now Pax was waiting for Thanatos to deposit one from the ceiling for good symmetry.
           Outside, he could hear the muffled voices of Alabaster and Kally as they panicked.
           “I can’t. It’s easier with you, because you wanted to come in here and you’re more god than mortal,” Atë explained.
           “Yep, that totally checks out in my book of not-lazy godly physics.”
           Atë leaned back, so she could put one hand behind Pax. With the other, she tapped Frank’s stick against her off-sleeve shirt.  “You’re asking me to trade Frank’s stick… for a date with you,” she said, those glassy eyes boring into him.
           “I’m touched by how easily you read me,” Pax said. He tried to think of how he would treat this if Atë were Kally or Alabaster, but the scenery was a little distracting. “A playdate. Yes.”
           “What kind of date?” she asked. Pax couldn’t tell if she was playing coy. He supposed it fit the “mischief” part of her moniker.
           Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them. He had decided this was it: his moment for inspirational character development, where he took control of his life, where he stopped being protected and became a protector. He didn’t have Axel’s strength or courage, but he was skilled. He’d earned the name Silver-Tongued Snake for a reason, and it wasn’t just because of that paint-eating incident in Alabaster’s laboratory.[1]
           He just wished it happened somewhere sunnier with… cuter surroundings.
           Only one thing had to happen before he acted on his epiphany.
           “Off the corpse,” Pax said. He slipped one arm under Atë’s and slipped the other under her knees. Repressing a shudder at the chill of her legs and back, Pax carried her a few feet away from the bodies, sat down on the ground, and kept his arms around her. He whined at the pain in his right hand.
           Atë blushed and stared at him with those unblinking eyes. Either that or she’d smudged some blood on her cheeks. Probably the latter, from puppy corgis? As Pax watched, her typically blank face cracked into a small smile. He remembered how much fun he had with her when they searched Rome’s files to discover the identity of Mount Othrys’ spy. She said that he was always nice to her. In her thousands of years, had Atë never been romantically carried by someone before?
           “Your dad and our mom used to flirt a lot while seated on corpses,” she giggled.
           “Atë, you know that little voice inside your head that tells you stories like that don’t need to be said out loud?” Pax said.
           “I don’t have one and you don’t either,” she said, then repeated, “What kind of date?”
           Ideas for how he’d treat Kally or Alabaster raced through his mind. “We can start by playing some video games. We’d go get ice cream, of course.”
           Atë cocked her head to the side. Chains rattled against her neck.
           Right. Child of Strife. Goddess of Mischief and Ruin. He didn’t need to pretend.
           “We can dress up as monsters and scare kids walking home from school,” he said.
           Atë rocked in his arms with a laugh. “We can recruit the weasels to help us wreak havoc.”
           Pax sat up in excitement. “We could ride Hunnie into battle and Baller could—wait—no—I mean, yes to weasel recruitment. But, let’s leave specific weasel anarchy idealization until later.”
           “What happens after destroying children on their way home from school?” she asked.
           Pax chose to ignore her choice of verb. “Afterwards, we could find some local church picnics and pass out pamphlets on the good word of Discordia.”
“In wizarding robes,” she said.
“Pointed hats and brooms included. And lastly…” Pax wasn’t great at doing that whole think before you speak thing, but this next part needed to be worded carefully. “I’ll take you back to my place and we can watch Deadpool, use the hot tub… get to know each other a little better.”
Atë stopped laughing. Her expression went blank again. “The Paxmobile doesn’t have a hot tub and Axel would never leave us alone.”
           The sound of Alabaster and Kally’s voices were getting closer.
           “Holy Kronos—we should install a hot tub in the—right, sorry!” Pax struggled to keep focus. The idea of a mobile hot tub complete with trick telekhines was distracting. Percy could do water tap-dancing for Alabaster’s entertainment. “I meant my place my place. Not the Paxmobile.”
           Atë didn’t respond. He had hoped she’d dramatically repeat his line in confusion, but Pax guessed he’d have to continue explaining without theatrical prompting.
“The temple/club/house/building that the Pax boys are about to inherit from our Dad’s will. You know… once we get Axel’s name cleared up with the police for that whole ‘kidnapping me’ thing. You and I would have to follow house rules for the date, since that’s what we’d be using, like don’t run by the hot tubs.”
           Pax remembered how hard Lapis worked to be able to go out with… would it have been Sapphire? It happened right before he and Axel ran away the second time. Pax felt nauseous about moving back there, to his room with a blank, bare corner, designed so Dad wouldn’t get blood everywhere when he beat and whipped Pax for acting out.
           At least his father had been considerate to the cleaning staff.
           “But yea, it has a fancy hot tub, lots of private rooms, and a labyrinth of back passages that would leave Axel’s head spinning for hours. We could make it into a game. How many places we can…” Pax tightened his grip on Atë’s legs and dug his nails into her back as best he could with the ruined tendons. He leaned his forehead against hers. The musk of dried blood was—surprise—not a cure for his nausea. “Do stuff without Axel being able to catch us.”
One of Atë’s hands clutched his neck, where she’d bit him. Despite the rapid healing from his extra godly blood, and Kally’s attempts with her Apollo magic, the discoloration remained. Perks or curses of fooling around with a goddess: eternal hickies. Pax wondered what Ares’ neck looked like after a good Aphrodite fondle and vice versa.
           It was like a mark of ownership, like how the tattoo on Pax’s hip made him feel like—even in death—his Dad still owned the part of Pax that could have been happy.
           Pax felt his eyes watering. Focus, he snarled at himself. He had to make sure Atë felt the sunshine and rainbows, or, in her case, bunnies with chainsaws. He tried to think of how giddy he would be to hold Kally like this—albeit gentler—or be held by Alabaster.[2] The hand on his neck and the cold, red eyes made it hard to imagine Kally’s caring, shy smile and touch or the glint of knowing humor behind Alabaster’s expression and caress. Either one perfecting the balanced look of adoration with simultaneous annoyance in their green eyes.
           With Atë’s other hand, she pressed Frank’s stick into his chest. Pax felt compelled to remind her that he wasn’t a vampire and there were, in fact, easier ways to kill him. Maybe his vulnerability to celestial bullets was less well known than he thought.
           “Do you swear on the River Styx to all the terms listed above?” Pax asked.
           Thinking about the others brought on an icy flash of Flynn. How he held her like this when she was sobbing over Jack’s chopped up corpse, about how she wished she could have seen Jack one more time to say goodbye.
           Pax swallowed the memory. His mouth moved without his mind, saying what he knew he should be saying, since his brain was preoccupied with the whole trauma thing. “I’ll even give you a private tour of my room. Only Kally’s gotten that.”
           He winked, giving Atë a devilish smile. Tiny Baby-Panda Pax marveled at how his body didn’t feel like his own, the smooth confidence of his exterior belonging to some other, darker, older Ajax.
           Atë rubbed her fingers along his neck. “We could always make a tent in there and turn it into an exclusive slumber party.”
           “Shake on it, and we’ll make it binding. All that and all you need to do is give me Frank’s stick as a forward payment,” he said, releasing her legs to offer his hand.
           Atë pouted, an expression uncomfortably similar to something he’d practiced in the mirror to adorable perfection. “Kiss on it,” she said, biting her lower lip.
           Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them.
           He felt cold and numb, watching a movie reel that some other person had already acted. Internally, he wondered exactly what consent Atë thought kissing gave, since she seemed to think a hug consented to making out. Externally, Pax tilted his chin down, pressing his mouth against hers.
           Atë went still. For a horrifying moment, he feared she’d poofed away and put one of the corpses in her place as a practical joke. Ha-ha! Made you kiss a dead person! Then she sat up with a soft noise, so she could lean more into him. Atë dropped Frank’s stick.
           This was opposite how he expected her to react after how aggressive she’d been the night she tricked him into a romantic prelude to decapitation the night before. Her words fluttered through his head, You’re always nice to me and you’re fun. Most people are really mean when I’m around.      
           No one had been nice to her. No one had made her feel special. Maybe, she only knew to mimic the way their mom flirted with his dad, like making out near corpses and sending cards that pre-apologized for future abuse.
           Sympathizing with a tiny psychopath like Atë was dangerous. But, for a few dizzying seconds, Pax softened his touch to make the kisser proper to what he thought a kiss should be, instead of what he assumed Atë wanted.
           When the panic mounted to the point where he wanted to ask Atë if she’d eaten nuts before their kiss, he firmly removed Atë’s mouth from his own.  
           “Atë,” he said and slipped Frank’s stick into his pocket, “Big Sis. You know how children of Strife always hurt those we love the most, especially the more we’re around them? And you know the definition of ‘cruel irony?’”
           Atë’s small smile flattened. “What?”
           Pax stood up and gently set his half-sister down. Relief made him add a dance to his step as he backed towards the exit. “I should have warned you, my dad had a lot of rules. Like, no messing around in the house. No one was allowed to touch a Pax kid without Santiago’s direct permission, and he’s dead now, so that’s a little difficult, huh? You’d have to ask the next head of the house, Kouta—oh no.” Pax tilted his head pensively to the side, crossed his arms, and tapped his chin. “He won’t do—oh! I guess that would be Axel. According to the terms of our agreement, we’d have to get direct permission from Axel to do anything physical or too romantic. Shucks.”
           Pax snapped his fingers, like he was disappointed.
           Atë opened and closed her mouth. “You tricked me.”
           “Yes and no.” Pax shrugged. “I’m still really excited to have a play date with my half-sister where I get to wreak havoc and get to know her better and spend time with her as a friend.”
           He gave her a gentle smile. Pax knew what it was like to feel like the whole world was a cruel place. If Axel and his other siblings hadn’t been there to show him protection and kindness, Pax would have probably turned out a lot less fluffy. “Just because I’m the first person to be nice to you, doesn’t mean I’ll be the last. And you don’t need to express appreciation of that through possession or forceful cuddles. We’re siblings. And yea, we’re children of Strife so, we’re pretty fucked up, but I think we can work together to have a healthy, fun friendship.”[3]
           Atë didn’t seem to know how to react.
           Pax nodded at the sentient. “But seriously, you touch me sexually once and the date is over.”
           Pax pivoted to push open the tent flap, only to slam into Alabaster. Alabaster’s Stygian staff was drawn, and he was prepping spells under his breath. He grabbed Pax’s arm, like he feared Pax would dematerialize again.
           “Pax!” Kally shouted in relief behind him. She fingered her Argonaut statue. “We thought Atë kidnapped you.”
           “Aw, it would have been much more dramatic and movie-like had you showed up when Atë and I were making out,” Pax said. All that water that he’d stored in his eyes glistened to the surface. Seeing these two made him want to collapse in a puddle on the ground, Phobetor conscilepsy style. But, Pax reminded himself, he was Strong Pax. In-Control Pax. Pax that Waits Ten Minutes to Start Crying Pax.
           Pax snuffled back a few tears.
           When Atë stepped out of the tent after him, he almost screamed. Instead, he held Frank’s stick aloft. “We need to go shove this in the face of the others, so we can tell them that we have blackmail on Frank.”
           “You mean that the concussed Canadian can fight in the battle tonight?” Kally asked warily. She pulled both boys further from the death collection tent, towards Percy’s fancy light up sign and throne.
           “That’s what I said,” Pax said, like Atë had just vanished as she should have in his internal plans.
           “Mom was going to use that stick to light the Big House on fire. Something about using the fires of life to start the wave of death?” Atë said, stepping with them towards the ping-pong table.
           After Pax had his whole family-time-happy-speech, he didn’t feel right telling Atë to get lost, but she was kind of on the wrong side of their fight. “Very poetic,” he admitted.
           “We thought so too. Frank would have probably been the first casualty.”
           “Pax,” Kally whispered, taking the hand not holding Frank’s stick. Her touch made Pax feel all gooey inside, encouraging those tears that he kept trying to repress to come to the surface. “What did you do?”
           “And why is she still here?” Alabaster growled.
           As they got closer to the ping-pong table, Pax could see it was mostly empty. The other campers must have been tending to defenses. Annabeth napped on a pillow beside Percy. He held her hand on the table, glaring at the sand timer. Piper sat a few feet away from him.
           “Uh—guys?” Pax could just hear Percy say with some panic in his voice. He held up the sand timer.
           “Atë, you can go back to Mom,” Pax said, knowing it would be much simpler if he only had to manage two-sort-of-not-ex-lovers.
           Atë put her hands in her black and white checkered pockets, tilting her head back to look at the sky. “Mom never left. Why do you think everyone has been so unproductive and argumentative?”
           Alabaster rolled his eyes. He focused on whatever was happening at the ping-pong table. “I thought Eris was best for inspiring people to productivity,” he said sarcastically.
           The sarcasm seemed to miss Atë. She removed her fingers and flexed them. A tire iron appeared in one hand and a baseball bat with nails appeared in the other. “Jealousy, spite and strife are excellent motivators. But the productivity doesn’t matter anymore. You’re out of time.”
           Pax blinked. His stomach twisted as he felt some sort of shockwave ripple through the air. “Uh, no,” Pax said, “Mom told Percy she’d be back when the sun comes down.”
           “And it’s noon now,” Kally said.
           Children of Apollo: better than any clock.
           A buzzer sounded.
           Party poppers popped.
           The neon sign above Percy’s head flashed wildly like the ball drop on New Year’s Eve. A digital timer went to zero in the colorful mix.
           Hiro’s mirror still floated beside Percy. From what Pax could see, Hiro ran to the edge of the mirror, pressed his face against it, and looked up in excitement.
           Clouds darkened the sunlight.
           Kally screamed and, in the distance, Pax could hear a chorus of children of Apollo joining in the cacophony.
           When Pax glanced up to stare directly at the sun—something Axel had tried to stop him from doing dozens of times—he didn’t find himself blinded. Apollo’s sun chariot was too close, easily observed by the fact that everyone could see his Sun Chariot. The image blurred between a Lamborghini Diablo and a cart drawn by four horses. From what Pax gathered from science books and mythology, Apollo was supposed to have a fairly set path.
           He had altered it.
           Pax choked.
           A wave of darkness descended from the east. The rapid approach gave Pax vertigo as it engulfed the landscape like an apocalyptic cloud.
           Despite Apollo’s attempts to either step on the accelerator or spur his horses on, the blackness was gaining.
           When Pax squinted, he could see what it was: a woman. A terrifying woman with her own chariot and horses. She was so void of color and substance, Pax would have thought her a churning swirl of ash and smoke. Her chariot seemed to suck the light from around it. Her indigo wings and whirls of black locks trailed madly behind her, twisting into coils of blackness that cast the net of her cloak. That blackness asphyxiating the landscape was her cloak.
           Terror shook Pax. A deep sense of wrongness made him want to hide in the Paxmobile and refuse to come out.
           Nothing would have changed though. None of their heroes would return in time: Jason, Leo, and Sadie wouldn’t have had time to fight Lapis yet, Calex and Reyna would have just met up with Axel and Thalia in Tartarus, and Merry had likely just gotten to Hiro and Percy’s little sister. That meant Percy also wouldn’t be able to fight. Annabeth could barely lift her head off the table.
           It was just them, a concussed Canadian, a recently plague-ridden daughter of Aphrodite, and a daughter of Pluto that was probably frantically trying to keep her unconscious brother out of the shadow realm.  
           The primordial goddess of night’s chariot intercepted Apollo’s.
           The sun fell out of the sky.
           They were enveloped in darkness.    
           As Pax’s eyes adjusted to the sudden blackness in the middle of the day, he panted with panic. He almost laugh-cried when Alabaster set a hand on his shoulder, until he realized it wasn’t Alabaster.
           “Oh, my little Terror Muffin,” Eris whispered sweetly into his ear. “It’s beautiful isn’t it? How much a mother will do for one of her favorites when that favorite is threatened with annihilation by execration or Kronos’ staff?”
           That joker-like hysterical laughter filled the air.
           “Now that Nyx has taken care of the sun…” A light flickered beside Pax. He could see his mother toss a lit Molotov Cocktail up and down, “Let the festivities begin!”  
  Sorry for the delay, guys! I hope you enjoyed the Pax family madness :D They could probably benefit from some family counseling. May your Fall festivities be as mischievous as Pax’s, but, you know, without the trauma.
Tune in next week to Axel: If you’re tired of being electrocuted, clap your hands! (or: On the Shore of Two Underworlds).
[1] Alabaster said we had to put a warning label out here: do not eat paint. You are not Pax (unless you are Pax) and you will not survive an acrylic slurpee (and even if you are Pax, stop trying to eat paint. Alabaster is tired of cleaning your throw up).
[2] Though not frequently the other way around. Pax has done everything in his power to pretend he’s physically weaker than Alabaster, including frequently fainting into his arms when they were younger. One problem with this: Alabaster opted out of catching him.
[3]Public service announcement where Pax and I differ: if you have a family member that is acting sexually aggressive to you, tell someone and take action to prevent anything further from happening to you or to others. If the person you tell doesn’t believe you, keep telling people until you find someone who will listen. Whether or not you know the aggressor, even if they’re a family member, you owe them nothing. You definitely don’t owe them silence. But, you DO owe yourself and you DO deserve a safe, healthy environment. And, you owe open communication to others in to the aggressor’s path to assure that the aggressor won’t hurt anyone else.  
And, regardless of what anyone else might tell you, including other family members, you don’t need to keep talking to the aggressor, as Pax decides to do. Blood-related doesn’t mean indebted. It doesn’t mean an annulment of wrongs. It means you’re supposed to keep each other safe and healthy, and taking advantage of someone’s trust isn’t safe or healthy.
Now, if you’ll excuse me for this bout of seriousness, I have a baby panda to catch to tell him to talk more openly with his friends. *chases after Pax*
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