#didn't i just post moriarty tho
diver5ion · 10 months
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evilwickedme · 7 months
Your elementary posts are inspiring me to rewatch elementary! Which is good bc i love elementary and bad bc i have so much programming homework to be doing.
Anyway, so on the topic of sherlock holmes:
Which screen (movie and tv) adaptation of sherlock holmes have you seen, and which ones do you think are best (true to original holmes) and best (most personally enjoyable to you)?
(I love your meta on fandom stuff in general - no pressure to answer tho! I just feel like you’d give an interesting reply on this)
Elementary is so good, I'm glad I inspired you to rewatch (but also, good luck with your homework lmao)
Now, to answer your question
It's worth noting that I... Did not read the original stories. Or well, I tried, but I didn't vibe with them originally (I tried to read them in high school after receiving a complete copy for my birthday from my sister), didn't get around to giving them a second chance, and eventually just exchanged my copy for some of my friend's books. So I can't really speak to how accurate any of these are to the originals, but I'll guess anyway lmao
So! Adaptations of Sherlock Holmes I've seen, in no particular order
Sherlock (BBC, 2010-2017) - first two seasons and an episode and a half of season 3
My experience of Sherlock BBC was heavily colored by superwholock and the reichenbach pause, which were the reason I watched the show in the first place, as I had not heard of the show previously. 2012-2013 Tumblr was truly another time. I believe around the same time I also binge watched the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, and I had very similar experiences with both of them: investment because they were pop culture phenomenon, and uncritical and quick consumption that left no room for my own feelings to develop. And in both cases when the third season premiered I discovered, much to my surprise, that I didn't actually like the show. I in fact had extremely pointed criticisms of the show, didn't enjoy the characters, and found the viewing experience to be tedious hard work. So... I do not like Sherlock (BBC), and never really did, although I continued to participate in superwholock as a fandom until its decline. The release of Sherlock is Garbage and Here's Why (dir. Hbomberguy, 2017) was an incredibly satisfactory experience, as it experienced my criticisms extremely well, and put to words my feelings that I hadn't even managed to turn into criticisms, plus pointing out flaws I hadn't even noticed. SiGaHW is one of my favorite films, a twice-yearly watch. Highly recommended. That said, Sherlock itself sucks and is both a bad show and has uncompelling "mysteries". Bad as an adaptation of the original stories and bad as in just bad. Bad.
Elementary (CBS, 2012-2019) - all seven seasons
I enjoy Elementary a great deal. I think it's sort of a model modern procedural, with the cases of the week nearly always being compelling to watch and the emphasis on the developing character dynamics being one of my favorite aspects. There are seasons I enjoy more or less but that's nearly always because of the ongoing subplots (Morland and Moriarty were significantly more compelling than Shinwell, for example) than the actual cases of the week, which again, are pretty much always extremely solid. I've rewatched this show several times, and I think it's extremely enjoyable. It's not perfect, but it gets points for, for example, having Mrs. Hudson be a trans woman all the way back in the early 2010s, and having an autistic woman as a love interest who felt like a genuine well rounded woman. It's also occasionally a little critical of the police in a way that stands out for a crime procedural, which is cool, but only a little. All in all, I like the show a lot, although it's not my favorite on this list. That said, the crime procedural is pretty much the most natural way to adapt the spirit of the original Holmes stories into modern day media, and it uses pretty much every notable character from the stories eventually including some of the mysteries (I really like the hounds storyline adaptation in particular!), so I think this wins best adaptation.
Sherlock Holmes (dir. Guy Ritchie, 2009) - just the first one
I'll be real with you I don't remember anything about this movie except that I watched it and had a fine time.
House (Fox, 2004-2012) - all eight seasons
Y'all know I'm currently in House brainrot, so obviously this ends up on the list. Excellent television, especially for people like me who live for a good procedural and were looking for something that wasn't a cop show. House is Holmes, Wilson is Watson, and the occasional Sherlock Holmes canon reference shows up, such as the guy who shot House being named Moriarty in the credits, or Wilson bullshitting the second gen ducklings about a woman named Irene Adler who was The Woman for House. It's a very good show - although not currently my favorite on the list - and any mystery of the week format is going to be at least a little inspired by the o.g., but it doesn't win over Elementary, which has actual murder and crime mysteries.
The Irregulars (Netflix, 2021) - like two episodes
Based on the concept of Sherlock's canon irregulars but it's a fantasy show! I heard great things but did not end up clicking with it. Obviously by virtue of it being a supernatural show it's not very based on the original, but at least there's mysteries that must be solved?
Sanctuary (Syfy, 2008-2011)
This show is the kind of thing I'd watch when it was on, back in the days where I would watch my parents' satellite television instead of downloading whole seasons of shows on my laptop (as I didn't have a laptop yet lmao). I remember it having dense plots, and vaguely remembered that one of the characters was Sherlock Holmes, and I googled it - it's actually Watson. But hey, that counts, so I included it. I remember enjoying the show but I could not tell you if it was actually good because my taste in 2010 was a bit of a mixed bag on account of me being 12. Anyway I would say it's probably a terrible adaptation and they most likely didn't even try considering the kind of show it was, and I wouldn't call it my favorite.
Psych (USA, 2006-2014; movies 2017, 2020, 2021) - eight seasons, 3 movies
Finally we reach my favorite of these shows. Is it the best one? Idk that's probably a competition between Elementary and House, really, because Psych gets quite silly in the later seasons. But I really do love this show and these characters so much. Like House, it is only a little inspired, but even more loosely so, with really only the idea of a guy who's really smart and eccentric and his best friend who seems normal but really is a bit of a freak (in Gus' case, actually way weirder than Shawn) sticking around. Shawn has eidetic memory and is wicked smart, and actually makes for some really good ADHD rep in my opinion. The comedy usually lands and the romance plot is one of my favorite slow burns and the serial killer episodes are high quality as shit and I love that there's a pineapple hidden in every single episode and I just. I love this show I love it so much
Anyway these are all the adaptations I've seen that I could think of. It's possible I missed something but only the kind of thing that doesn't say Holmes on it; I haven't seen Enola Homes, for example.
Thank you so much for asking I really appreciated this thought exercise of trying to remember every single bullshit TV show I've ever seen because, um, I've seen a lot of TV if I'm going to be honest.
Sorry for taking two weeks this was surprisingly hard and I have. A job
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello, sunshine! Can I request how mtp men (mainly Moriarty and Co, maybe Holmes brothers?) will react to finding out what their s/o, who they are rather smitten about, doesn't see that they find so appealing in them? Like, they really don't see anything outstanding in their own self, saying that they're boring and mediocre at best, despite them actually being a talented and reliable person. I hope I managed to explain my request coherently enough ^^" English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Omg idk why but I got scared when I saw 'sunshine' thank you tho that was really sweet of you :)
Dw your request is great and dw about your English it's great! Thank you for the request! But idk who Co is. Like I know that Co. Stands for county but I don't think there's a character who is a county
'•.¸♡how am I specifical?♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, Mycroft
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William James Moriarty:
Honestly he'll be like huh????
When when you asked him why he liked you so much since you would never match his intelligence and your ideas always seemed so bland next to his he was confused.
Like he wouldn't really show it tho, he'll just smile and say that you are very smart and talented and would give examples when you surpassed his intelligence or when he was inspired by you.
Or if you're really good at something then he'll mention it and say how he doesn't know anyone who can do that as well as you do.
He'll also say something like 'I feel in love with you for a reason.' Or something along those lines.
Louis James Moriarty:
Man could talk about about you for hours and I mean HOURS.
Like if you make things e.g. paint or drawing then he'll show you everything you painted/drawn and gave to him and he'll say it belongs in a gallery and constantly compliment you on how talented you are, not only in art but in many other things.
If there's something that he can't do but you can then he'll definitely mention it like you're talented and he can write a whole ass essay saying how talented you are.
Albert James Moriarty:
He's surprised, he asked you to do things for him or simply asked you questions because he knew you had extensive on certain topics, so why were you asking why he was in love with you and were you saying you're boring?
Like you helped him in many ways and you think you're boring??!?!?!
He will give you a whole fucking list on why aren't boring at all and how talented you are and reliable not 100% not boring.
Sherlock Holmes:
He thought it was a joke and started laughing.
When he realised you were being serious it amused him even more, you boring? Really? If you were so boring Sherlock wouldn't be all over you.
If he still didn't convince you, he will tell you how many skill you have in which other people lack.
Mycroft Holmes:
He is confused, how can you be boring?
Especially if you work with him in MI6 cuz tell me one boring person from there, see you can't .
He will explain how you aren't boring at all and will list all your skills and/or talents as a result.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Hoped you enjoyed this! Btw requests will be answered at a slower pace this time around and my activity via posting will be slowed down in general.
But have a wonder day/night! And sleep well if you're going to sleep:)
-with love, Az the wizard from :)
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hergan416 · 1 year
Ok. So something that just struck me. (Technically when I was out and about earlier but I didn't have time to make up a post.)
There are some very obvious attempts in regards to William's mission & Christianity. William himself is likened to Christ quite often.
But. I also recall Albert using the words "I am the Alpha and Omega" to describe himself in one of the more recent chapters, which is a very God-the-Father thing to say...and since Albert perceives himself as sending William down the path of the Moriarty Plan kinda fits for him.
Which. Christianity, espcially Catholicism bc that's what in familiar with has a holy trinity. There are three brothers. I recall thinking it weird that the throwaway line that had been quoted regarding Professor Moriarty's family only referencing one brother. I am not looking at things rn, sorry. I think this was literally in the manga tho.
Anyay, if Albert is God, and William is Jesus/Christ... that means Louis is the Holy Spirit.
Anyway, I haven't gone further with what that means or looks like because the holy spirit as a concept is the most goddamn nebulous shit, and I never particularly understood it when I was Catholic. But I think it's like...the thing that actually acts for God?
The fact that the Holy Spirit is the most stabby and least apologetic about their course of action, the most cooly rational, the one willing to put his brothers and their in-group above the rest of the world, who cares for William more than anything else. The embodiment of brotherly love/devotion. God. There is something in me that just likes that.
It's probably just me really liking Louis.
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againtodreaming · 1 year
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mila - she/her - 19 - infp 6w7 - esp/eng
fandoms: bsd, dc comics (batfamily, teen titans), loki (2011-2013), vanitas no carte, yuukoku no moriarty, jujutsu kaisen, death note, star wars, miraculous ladybug, fullmetal alchemist, link click, genshin
storygraph: nostalgianochecer
always open to tag games and asks :D
i don't really tag them, but a lot of posts are queued
i can be horrible with answering things on time, so sorry if i ever take too long in answering anything, it's on my mind tho (or it will return) and i'll definitely get around to it at some point! (and if i'm taking more than 2 weeks in answering a dm, feel free to remind me about it, i may be busy but it's also really probable that I just didn't realize how much time passed)
navigation (work in progress):
(usually forget to tag, but trying to get mostly everything organized bc there are a LOT of times that I either take forever or can't find whatever I'm looking for 🥲) (...apparently this is really needed bc i can't even keep my tags straight...)
#mila habla / #personal / #tag game / #asks / #ask game / #uquiz /
#analysis / #meta analysis / #useful / #save / #reminder / #quotes / #web weaving / #to read again / #for later / #resources / #reading guide / #reference /
#bsd / #japanese literature / #nakahara chuuya / #soukoku / #bsd analysis /
#dc comics / #dick grayson analysis / #dick grayson meta / #dick grayson / #dick grayson centric / #bruce wayne / #teen titans / #donna troy / #wonder twins / #koriand'r / #dickkory / #comic panels / #dick grayson & titans / #batfamily / #clark kent / #dick and bruce / #bruce & dick / #dick and clark / #dick & jason / #dick & tim / #dick and damian
#loki / #loki meta / #brodinsons /
other fandoms: #merlin / #dracula daily /
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miwhotep · 7 months
Tbh I think milvey is a little silly and has some playful cat energy I mean look at his character art! He makes a heart shape with his finger( or maybe snap his finger? Nah probably making heart shape) and also the way he stands to show the back? Truly a silly kitten rather than a snake. Also what do you think his mbti? Maybe estj.. But he doesn't seem like typical unhealthy estj to Ruskin or employee
Oooh, absolutely! I'm happy I'm not the only one thinking Milvey is just like a kitty (a really evil, sneaky kitty). He reminds me much more of a cat than a snake, I even made a little cat Milvy doll what I didn't post yet. (I reeeeally love cats, I keep taking in strays from the street, currently, I have 5 - and one of them is white, with exactly same eyes as Milvey)
I think his mbti is definitely ENTJ. Milverton is a visionary, even if an evil visionary - he feels like the textbook evil ENTJ. But since he still has a little bit of soul left, he is able to care about Ruskin and yeah, I don't think that as an employer, he is cruel with the people working for him. He was quite respectful to the mercenaries he employed, his house staff didn't seem to be afraid of him and there were no gossip about Milverton mistreating his company workers, (otherwise, the Moriarty group would have mentioned it when they discussed Milvey during the Merchant arc) so I'm sure he pays them fairly. Milverton actually made lot of people's lives better as a company owner who provides lot of workplaces - this wasn't his purpose, tho, and I don't think he ever realized it. It would be a shock to him :)
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squish--squash · 9 months
Thanks for answering my ask......If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
lol hello again, ty for asking me this! I promise I'll give you more than 7 answers this time lol
Tian Guan Ci Fu/tgcf (book series, donghua) - I stumbled upon this randomly back in 2021 through its brand new donghua and I've loved it ever since. I adore the characters and the plot is both extremely complex and absolutely wild. it's roughly 750,000 words but I was able to read it in a week despite having school because I was so invested in it!
Moriarty the Patriot/mtp (manga, anime)- I think this is funny bc I tried watching bbc sherlock once and did NOT like it, so I just thought I wasn't into the sherlock holmes stuff. WRONG! I just had to discover this. I call this the "best sherlock holmes adaptation" for a reason (check my current pinned post, you'll find many reasons why I love mtp; I don't want to sound like a broken record so I don't plan to repeat them). I can't wait for when (or if) the manga comes out of its break/hiatus
Good Omens (book, show) - both the book and the miniseries/show are so near and dear to my heart. I always have a soft spot for watching supernatural entities fall in love (with each other and) the world around them. also, it's funny as hell
Promare (movie) - goooood I love Promare it's so neat; love the colors and the shapes and the plot is fun despite its simplicity. I could rewatch this movie every day for a month straight and not get tired of it
Arc of a Scythe trilogy (book series) - this is not something I've talked about a love, but this is one of my favorite book series! found it back around the same time I did tgcf; it's fucking insane I loooove the worldbuilding and the main cast, and by the second book every other page was like a plot twist gutting me in the best way possible; it's made me ponder about life and death on more than one occasion too
Matched trilogy (book series) - I started reading this in either 5th/6th grade but didn't really get it so I kinda forgot about it until around 2021-2022 (what? I actually had time to READ that year!) and managed to reread it and it was like a third eye opened. I really enjoyed the mystery unfolding in the trilogy! it's pretty cool imo, even tho I think (?) it was meant for teenagers to read
Not So Shoujo Love Story (webcomic) - this webcomic is so fucking funny AND it's wlw! I've been a fan for years it's so good
Bee and Puppycat/Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space (show) - a comfort show of mine (one of many); I'm in love with the atmosphere of the show and how awkwardly real the dialogue tends to be (plus I've been slowly rewatching it with my gf with is always a plus <3); I love both the og and its "reboot" equally, and would recommend people watch both
Snow White with the Red Hair (anime) - I haven't read the manga for this one, but I've seen the anime and it's another comfort show of mine. It's so sweet and cozy and the entire cast is lovable; even the "bad guy" in the first season is someone you grow to root for by the end of the second season. it's great!
Supernatural (show) - even tho I haven't finished the show and idk when/if I ever will, I still consider it a favorite media of mine. not bc I think it's great (it's good in most places, lacking in other), but bc I pretty much grew up with it. I have a core memory of watching the first handful of episodes when I was younger with my dad on the couch with the first time and being hooked on this strange show about supernatural creatures (I was that kid that enjoyed the supernatural! I read ghost story books, I binged every Goosebumps book I could get my hands on in fourth grade, I had a creepypasta phase, etc); even now in 2024 I've been sitting down with my dad to rewatch it with him before I go back to my college dorm and start back up classes. it's less so one of my favorite medias because I think it's good but because I associate it with my family <3
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trixeraptops · 2 years
My second ever commentary post how fun
This time it's Enola Holmes 2
This is a live reaction so there is no context, suffer.
Warnings for swearing and all capsAnyways let's hop in the carriage and travel back to Victorian(?) England.
Ooh letter burning for the logo fun
Ok I doubt any of this is true don't lie to me bitch
Why is she running away from the police?What did she do
I will say she looks good
Yeah you should explain and I do remember you
Oh yay she opened a detective agency
Awww she kept Dash how cute
But didn't she give it Sherlock in the end of the last movie?
She forgot how sexist and ageist her time period is lmao
Hah they all just want Sherlock221B!!!!!
Trying not to draw attention, blows up a mailbox
Tewksbury is champion for change and progress I love it
Girl you have time for a little distraction you fucking tsundere
Oh her agency is already shut down
2who is it
Aw a little girl she's so. Cute I love her scarf
Ooh the cinematic shot
Enola looks so out of place lol
I hope this is pro Bono I don't think this girl has much
Enola don't look so put off, not everyone is rich as you
Ew rat
We weren't sisters in the usual way, love that
It soesnt mean anything to the Lil one but to Mae it clearly does
Aw this is so sweet
The game is afoot Jesus your finding a missing person not hunting one
Changed her name to Hilda
They're looking for disease at the entrance omg
Bruv you're gonna get yourself and bessie in trouble bruv
That was smart tho
Ooh torn pages that's sus
She stole the pages?
Oh that woman has such a soft voice it's so pretty but I can't hear her
Mae definetely knows somethingMae was involves in the theft o.o
Haha 'young lady I'm afraid I'm married'
Damn she's in a bar and it's fucking rowdy in here
Mae is a showgirl isn't she?
She is
That was a fun jaunty number
The missing worked with Mae as a showgirl
Jesus Mae
Lol fake knife
False bottom! I knew she was a top lmao
It's a sappy romance poem
She ran away to marry someone didnt she?Ooh drama
Dun dunbdun mysterious blurred fellow in the background
Ew he's following her
He hid but he's very loud what is cane made of metal?
Sherlock! He's drunk
Lol roasted
His bullshit tips are everything
Now sh I'm thinking you should write that down
You shouldn't get so drunk ehen you have no way home write that down
Wait is she gonna live with her brother or is this is a John reveal?
Jesus christ he's really fucking observant even when drunk and hungover
I don't need tour help! But I'm still taking the food you offered
Don't speak with a mouthful
Ooh she sits where he walks to work so they can run jnto each other.
She looks so upset after making a joke
That was so awkward lmao
Feel a need?
It's a coded poem! Open mouth
She's so excited
You didn't have to say you don't sew bruv we get it your not like other girls
I doubt this case will get media coverage
The doors open o.o
Suspecious...But not as sus as her for breaking into someone's house
Oh this shows a struggle and abandonment
MAE she's dead!
This case just got alot more interesting
It'd mr.clangy
Sarah is wanted oof
Oh he tried to be respectful but superintendent is a bitch
I hate this guy I'm calling him mr.clangy forever now
Lestrade is so fucking calm, your boss just got punched in the gut
Hah he doesn't remember you bruv
Just a friendly visit cause your sis is running away from the cops
I cant I can't, maybe I can
He's such a fangirl omg
Damn she roof hopping
Shit she almost fell, she gone die
Wait what the fuck
Enola Holmes is turning all the men in England trans lol
I wonder if the cases are related
Wait Moriarty maybe?
I'm a slut for BBC Sherlock so forgive all the speculation that's purely based on BBC Sherlock, I know they aren't related
He has this walk
Immediate recognition lmao
Enola looks weirded out
You tell Sherlock! She made it bout herself, she wants media attention not to help
Haha callback
He just walks past them lmao
I think Poppy might be a chick but I could be wrong
A hat! Dun dun dunnn
It's not a date it's a place!
Williams for reds not a Poppy at all
I'm going to a ball yay! Ew
Smh Enola
I love her cloak
Her dress is so pretty
Why is the music so sus when they light the cake
Lol the chaperone
She keeps forgetting what her society is like
Bitch you live here how do you forget this shit
He's actually leading Sherlock in a dance lmao
Oh she gone get caught
Tabitha Timothy lol
Fan language!!! Oh thats so clever and cute!
But she doesn't know fan language hahaha she immediately messed up
Omg Tewkesbury
Of course he's doing something with plants
This is so weird and cute i love their little relationship
Haha I love her
You're a man when I say soShe's such a bitch
She's a natural at dancing or maybe just with Tewksbury
What does that mean lmao
Don't touch the ginger cake!
Wait dance cards are an actual thing lmao
ID the writing ON SIGHT
jealous bitch
Cicely seems nice, she complimented Enola even if she had an outdated dress
Dislocated and I'll scream, ICON
He knows Bessie!
Ooh a secret meeting how funBunch of random letters returns
I hope their as gay as the BBC
Not the police barging in
She gave him her evidence! How sweet
Cecily is the only one who looks concerned for her everyone else is making fun of her
Keep silent Enola!
Shut up mr.clangy no one likes you
Oh no he's gonna kill Bessie isn't he :(
His job is to kill match girls who are needling out the corruption?
Oooh mr.clangy stopped Sherlock from getting her
Those fingerprints are blurry at best
Ohmygod I was typing the last line then Sherlock kicked a fucking sign and scared a cat
It's the jujitsu woman!
It's ok you can say it
Ew I don't like how that guard looked at Enola
Wtf whyd they push her into the center?They're gonna hang her? Or beat her? What?
No its jujitsu lady
Prison break bitches
Her mom really likes bombs huh
Carriage chase carriage chase
Theure giving people typhus or something
He's gonna jump on isn't heNot anymore lol
Mr.clangy you bitch stop shooting st them
You go girl
Holy shit he just broke their wheel
I hope the horses are all right
Probably are they disappeared with the crash
Fuck off you bitch
Aw they changed her into new clothes how nice
Her mother is initiating boy talk
He ain't my Boi
I love that's she's acknowledging her part in Enola self isolating
She's encouraging her to get allies ♡
I love these women
She just winked? Why?
Get a haircut as your parting word lmao
I knew it
They're killing the match girls by giving them typhus through the MATCHES
And Sarah figured it out
She and Mae were expirementing eith it
They tested flies, mice, plants
Extraordinary I love them
She went to Tewkesbury!!!
His flat is filled with flowers and plants ♡♡♡♡
I love him
Yay their allies
Jealous bitch
Shut up you awkward bruv
To be fair they spelled it out
She sent Ily to William too
We live we laugh we love
Just tell em your a lord, I am, then they'll believe you omg
The contempt in their voices I love this sibling dynamic
I knew they were connected I KNEW
Is that guy dead
He is
Moriarty is dead :(
Haha Tewkesbury
It's a set up!
Is Moriarty actually alive
He is
Ooh William thankyou for golding onto that
It's a letter isn't it
Nope map
Dora Dora Dora the explora
He can't fight lol
She's just beating him up until he pussies up and fights her
After she punched him multiple times lol
They're so cute
Secret treasure
She was wearing a wig this whole time damn
Uh oh they have to tell her he's dead
Aww poor Sarah ♡
Ew mr.clangy
Tewksbury is getting fucked up
Ooh but he's got a sword now
Fuck off clangy
Did Sherlock just kill someone?
How many bullets has he got? It's a small gun can't be too many
Retractable knife for the win!
Ah shit she got knicked in the head real bad
Yes Tewkesbury fuck him up and get your girl
Shit clangy is dead Enola full ass killed him
Now that murder charge is valid
Sherlock you dramatic bitch
Go off queen! Tell him, dick him down verbally
Society creates yet another villain
For now at least, love thatOh no is the bad guy gonna win?
He paper burning is beautiful though
But the movie isn't over yet
Shut up boss man
Sometimes an inspiring speech doesn't work
At least not right away
Yiu go Bessie I love you girl
This is amazing I love this
I think this music was at the end of the other movie too
She runs her agency out of the fighting place now :)
Holmes and Holmes ♡♡♡♡
But I glad she refused
The running write that down gag ♡
They're gonna meet with jne another ♡
Ah they're so cute
I love them so much
Ohhhh the true part was Match Girl Strike that makes more sense
I thought I heard of match girls before
♡♡♡♡/5 I loved this movie
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iciousill · 2 years
30-Day Anime Challenge: 8-Year Review
I'm re-looking at the 30-Day Anime Challenge that I did in Nov 2014 to see how my choices have progressed or stayed the same since then.
I'm not going to post one per day like before. Gonna lump everything in one post.
Day 1 - Very First Anime
Answer is obviously still the same.
Day 2 - Favourite Anime Couple
Still the same answer… I don't really ship characters so no favourite anime couple. I would still pick Chacha and Riiya as it's nostalgic.
Day 3 - Favourite Anime OP
Still don't have a single favourite pick, but if I were to pick a few more recent ones:
Hatanaka Tasuku - Dying Wish (Yuukoku no Moriarty/ Moriarty the Patriot) Official HIGE DANdism - Crybaby (Tokyo Revengers)
I still like the ones I picked back then but I haven't got to listen to Trigger bc iTunes was an arse years back.
(Rant ahead) Idk how but I had Apple Music activated. I never used it. At the end of the trial period that I didn't realise was active, iTunes deleted the music I had in my iTunes folder that weren't bought from the iTunes store, which means many of the songs from my physical CD collection were GONE. I haven't had the time or energy to dig the CDs out and rip them again. It would be very time-consuming to do it. A big chunk of my music collection is still missing. I don't use Spotify either so I haven't got to properly enjoy the music from the CDs I have. (Rant end)
Day 4 - Anime Characters You Would Like as Best Friend
I considered Free! characters back then, but tbh I don't really have much in common with them. I can't swim at all which is a major point of difference.
I would consider Amane Hikaru (David) from Prince of Tennis as he's funny and I would laugh even at the lamest puns he'd come up with. He's not a character I was into when I was in my early 10s, but if I were to have picked up the series later, I think Amane Hikaru would have become one of my favourites.
Day 5 - Anime You're Ashamed You Enjoy
Still the same answer-- why would I be ashamed? If I still had to pick, it would be an ero comedy series that I have only a vague memory of. Not ashamed per se, just that I wouldn't spontaneously bring ero anime up in regular conversation.
Day 6 - Anime Character You Would Like to Cosplay As
At the time of writing back then, I had stopped cosplaying for a couple of years. For the same reason that I wrote then (money), it has stayed that way.
If I were to cosplay again, one of my picks would be Juniper Woods (Ace Attorney) because I could wear her outfit as casual wear so it wouldn't be 'wasted' as a rarely worn outfit. But it's not from an anime tho.
So I guess my pick would be Popuko (Pop Team Epic) because my close friend recently asked me to be Popuko to her Pipimi.
Day 7 - What Anime Character Would be Your Workout Buddy?
Still similar answers. Can I just cheat and go with Doraemon?
Day 8 - What Crossover Would You Like to See?
Still the same answer which I'm copy-pasting here:
"Hoozuki no Reitetsu x Jigoku Sensei Nube
I believe it’ll be hilarious (◉ ౪ ◉)"
(new addition: Chainsaw Man x Fire Punch if we wanna get violent)
Day 9 - Your First Anime Crush
Still the same answer. Riiya, Nueno Meisuke, Hiwatari Kai.
Day 10 - Anime that Changed You
Still the same answer as back then for the same reason. Otherwise, nothing really life-changing.
Day 11 - Do You Like Yaoi/Yuri
Still the same answer. I'm ok with it. I wouldn't seek out yaoi/yuri-themed series the same way I wouldn't seek out any straight couple romance series unless the plot's interesting. I've just never been into the romance genre.
Day 12 - Favourite Music in an Anime
Still the same. Hard to pick. Still love my OST collection, but I haven't been able to enjoy them because (refer to the Day 3 rant).
Day 13 - Favourite VA/Seiyuu
Mostly the same answers (yes Saiga, yes Hosoya), but goodbye childhood memory of Sakurai Takahiro LOL.
There are many more I enjoy. One of my recent top favourites is Hayashi Yuu, whom I enjoy watching eat spicy food on his YT channel.
Day 14 - Anime Character You Hate
Still none really. There might be some off-putting characters but none as off-putting as real life ones.
Day 15 - Most Epic/Shocking Scene
There might be newer content that I can't immediately think of, but the most memorable is still the same answer as before: the moment when Shishio stabs through whatshernameiforgot in Rurouni Kenshin, which I watched when I was 8 years old.
Day 16 - Favorite Canon Couple
Still the same answer. I don't ship characters together, so I guess I'd still pick Sakura and Syaoran. Maybe add Loid and Yor to the list now too.
Day 17 - Who do you ship?
Same answer. I don't ship.
Day 18 - Favourite Anime ED
No top pick, but recent ones I enjoyed
Ohara Yuiko - Kaze to Iku Michi (Mushoku Tensei) Stereo Dive Foundation - Omega (Yuukoku no Moriarty / Moriarty the Patriot) TRD - Strangers (Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu/ The Vampire Dies in No Time)
I still like the ones I picked back then tho.
Day 19 - Girls, what(’s) your favorite shonen anime?
Still the same answers as before. I don't know orz. I would pick Jigoku Sensei Nube too on top of my previous answers, but I mainly enjoyed the manga rather than the anime when I was a kid. I didn't actually watch the anime til much later.
Day 20 - Favourite Tsundere
Still the same answer. I don't like tsundere :c
Day 21 - Favourite Harem/Reverse Harem
Same answer: idk.
Day 22 - Subs or Dubs?
Still subs, but sometimes on Netflix I'd switch between both for certain scenes to listen to how the same lines are portrayed in Japanese vs English.
Day 23 - Favourite Studio Ghibli work
Still no favourite pick at the moment.
Day 24 - Share any experiences where you’ve been bullied for liking anime
None. Anime is actually quite popular around me, that I remember at the start of the year long ago when we changed classes (new classmates assigned), the ones sitting to my left, front, and back all watched Prince of Tennis. The one to my right didn't but she liked Winnie the Pooh c: That year on my birthday I found an anonymous little gift box on (or under?) my desk and it was filled with handmade origami stars + laminated Prince of Tennis cards inside. I never figured out whom it was from. The complete opposite of what the question asked for, which I know I'm very fortunate for.
If I remember right, I had a schoolmate who declared his disdain for anime otaku, but some time later I lent him manga from my collection and he became just as much an avid ACG consumer as I am, and I kinda believed he became way more proficient than I was in Japanese back in high school?
Day 25 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were like)
Still kind of like the previous answer, but I would like to add a not-really-anime character. I saw the profiles of Tokimeki Memorial characters one day, and found a character whose profile details matched me a lot. Shirayuki Miho.
Really close for almost everything, completely matched in many aspects too. One of the traits that didn't match was club activity, which I actually did put in as one of my club activity choices irl, but I was in a very competitive school so I was rejected for the club activity, which I think was because I was a super quiet kid back then. I ended up in the same club as what's listed for Ijuin.
On a tangential note, one year when my form teacher was leaving the school she gave each of us a personalised teddy bear with her nickname for each student, and I was Snow White (shirayuki hime) because my skin was really fair compared to the other girls. I envied the girl she gave the 'anime princess' teddy bear to, but again I did try to keep my anime interests a bit low-key then.
Day 26 - An anime scene that made you cry
One question where I have a clear change in answer, though not 100% different in vibe from the previous answer. My picks were probably heavily influenced by my personal issues then.
I watched Orange during a tumultuously emotional period. I rewatched certain scenes over and over, never failing to cry each time because I related myself to the atmosphere of the scenes a lot.
During this period, I also watched a bit of Granblue Fantasy the Animation. It's not a plot scene, but the ending theme that played that would make me cry. Haruhi's Sora no Parade. It led me to her other melancholic songs.
Day 27 - Recommend one anime that most people may not have seen
If it gets picked up internationally it would have been something that's anticipated to be well-received so I wouldn't say 'most people may not have seen' it, but my recommendation that's not one of the most talked-about ones (from personal circles + amount of fan content) would be
Fumetsu no Anata e / To Your Eternity
It's still a very popular series tho.
Day 28 - Do you share your anime interests with anyone?
Same answer as before. A lot of people I'm still in contact with have similar interests. The most notable difference from my answer back then would be that some have changed in their expressions, especially those that have since become parents themselves. Some might not be as fervently into series that they might've enjoyed when they were younger, and my friend agreed it's sometimes hard to keep up with newer things. We becoming ol' fuddy-duddies.
Day 29 - Your favourite character
Still Shiraishi Kuranosuke, plus many other oshi.
Day 30 - What anime has your heart?
I'm still asking the same question in return-- what's the difference between this and favourite OTL
Prince of Tennis is still one of my most nostalgic choices, but it feels like it's continually being milked, the musical reboot for example, which isn't a bad thing since newer fans get to enjoy the feels + ensures that the fandom is still active, but the sentimentality of it personally feels diminished.
I still like Prince of Tennis, but the series that's the dearest (nostalgia + themes of the story) would I guess be Jigoku Sensei Nube.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
God no I'm sorry 😭😭😭 the way Tumblr eats all my drafts, and now your replies. (Someday I'm gonna eat Tumblr grrrr) that must've been so frustrating tho, I'm sorry love.
someday we could go to a country with Highlands together. It'll be super cold and nice. And the views would be really really pretty too!! WE COULD EVEN BE AMONGST THE CLOUDS >//< aww yes I hope you'll be able to try them soon in the future!! I died and had to stay in bed for an hour, (because my spice tolerance is nonexistent <3) but yeah I'm better now! Name is: "대박 ghost pepper noodles" the Korean word 대박 literally translates to "awesome" but— 😭😭
oh I see!! I hope school goes well, it's good that you're excused for a part of the day :D and aww I understand. Replying can be lengthy sometimes, so please please only do it when you're free and comfortable >:(( we're in no rush, after all :D
I was studying earlier too. and I texted my principal about the exams ( because apparently none of my teachers know anything about it, and I was so frustrated with everyone being so clueless ) she just replied with a : "hi Ariana, will let you know on Friday" like excuse me, ma'am. GRRRRR >:( STOP BEING CLUELESS.
awww that's okay!! I'm sure those prep slides were really pretty too :D aww that's sweet of you. some of my online friends sometimes sit in on my Leo events (if it's open to everyone) and it's pretty fun when they do (once, one of them had to talk for like, an activity and my club mates were like "SHE HAS AN ACCENT??". It was hilarious hehe) zoom is great for that reason, and only that. they're just ready-made slides tbh, I use canva :D
Shiro, love, you won't disappoint anyone, I promise you that. I'm sure your mom is more proud than you know, and from the way you talk about her, I can tell that she truly adores you. tho I also understand your worries. If you want to rant or anything, you know I'm here. And I'll just continuously reassure you of how amazing you are :)
that's my boy 🥺🥺 grr, you're so feisty, please imagine me holding a "you go, Shiro" sign everytime you tell someone to fuck themselves :D Laurent is indeed amazing. He's my favourite character for that exact reason >//< there's another character, from a book I read, just like that. His name was uhh, Kieran. And he knew so many different languages, and was just in general; super smart. I remember being so in love with him when I first read it (The title of the book is "genius")
HAHA. ikr. They're all hot, and most importantly; smart. nevermind, when I meet you someday we can cry over them together 😭🤚 pffft no offense, but being evil is hot sometimes 😾 (I mean, Kieran was evil. So's Moriarty :] and I am: a simp for them all)
aww bae that's okay 🥺🥺 your feelings are valid, and it's not wrong to express them whenever you feel like it. Grrr if I ever see your dad, he might be missing a limb >:( sorry, that was violent, but I get especially mad if anyone upsets someone i love )
exactly?? It's been a year?? Where's that blink meme where someone blinks and it's suddenly 2021. Oooh that sounds really nice!! Adding it on my list of things to try in March >.< Honey is really delicious. especially all those desserts which have a lot of them.
glad I made you laugh >////< grr my sense of humour is just so weird tho, so I'm glad you aren't freaked out by it.
KAJDKSJSKS SIR WAIT. There was an explanation for that u but I guess it got cut off in my notes 😾😾 IT WAS MEANT TO BE A Ü (smiley) but I was using my computer and I couldn't add the two dots above, so I typed "imagine the eyes" (but apparently that part got cut off and now it just looks like a random alphabet SKJSKSK IM SORRY 😭😭😭
I understand, the lack of opportunities can really get on one's nerves. But oh yes, Japan and Norway are beautiful countries. Apart from Japan, I've been really into Korea and Switzerland. The Alps 😻
grrr y'all have tough exteriors. But it's so rewarding when you finally get them down, tho I think, you guys have tons of other layers to yourselves. I guess that's just the charm, I find it endearing, because it just means there's a lot more than meets the eye :)
MY FRIEND MAKES FUN OF ME FOR LIKING PINK. HE TEASES ME MERCILESSLY SKSJSKSK (so I published a poem line in the school magazine to get back at him for it, because I'm petty like that)
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that's so funny >.< There are two girls, and a girl and a guy, who share the exact same names in my class, and it's so funny because they're opposites of each other xD
he really is precious. The best leader, I would literally die for him, he's wonderful. yeah the book actually started out different, with them just being best friends. Best plot twist 😭😭 AWW
NOOO I'm sure it's cute, in it own way? :P tho that meme tho. LDJCJSBSKS. Don't worry, hehe, the character may be .... Unpleasant to look at?? , but you're not the least bit at all :)
how was your day btw? My day sucked ass and was literally the worst day in the history of uh, days. Yeah. sad. tomorrow will be better.
God, you're so adorable wtf. Marry me rn. AKDJSKSJS I didn't find it lame at all, (tho were you flustered? Because that was cute as hell xD) I love you too 🥺🥺
It's okay, it's not your fault. We could storm the Tumblr building together or something..:3
Oh I really hope we can!!! I love cold weather. You can wear sweaters and hoodies and all that💞 and you have an excuse to cancel everything and cuddle up with a blanket or someone else😝
Im so glad you're better now!! Spice sickness or whatever is the worst😔 WBHDJWKX that's hilarious I hope I come across those soon! Let's see who wins😼
Yeah, about that, they started making us do after-class activities, which now leaves less time for the stuff I have to do .... which sucks . But I'm managing, I think, so it's cool xD yeah, I've always been kind of cautious about the timing, it's nice to have a little freedom now, thank you so much <3
Wow😭😭 our teachers usually have the dates set two weeks before the exams, we always recieve a message. Though I've been there, where the teacher have no clue, it's so annoying😭😭
Ohh, that's so cool! I hope I will be able to visit one someday. Though I dont think itll be too soon, but I'm looking forward to when I can😝 also that's funny, whenever I speak people go "he doesnt have an accent???" Even though I so obviously do. They just have no idea 😭
Okay..... that's the best words of encouragement I've ever received, I'm so touched- thank you🥺💘
Bwahah, that's gonna make my day every time 😭 Yeah, hes my favorite too!! He seems like a simple himbo at first, but the more we see of him the better he gets. (That sounds cool!!! I'm gonna check it out when I can!)
Thank you🥺 also, dont worry, I wouldn't mind that. I'd love that, actually, wanna go rip off guys arms together?
JSNFNMWMDMS IM GONNA MAKE FUN OF HIM FOR MAKING FUN OF YOU how could he . I will eat his eyeballs. Also I 100% agree with the poem and I'm glad you posted it. I hope some people thought about it.
Wow😭😭 its honestly so funny, because they're all so different and yet their names fit them so well either way.
Also, wow I feel so bad it's been almost a week since I responded😐 I'm really sorry. I've been writing snips of this message any time I could and yet it still took me days xD I'm getting free, though, so I'll try to respond faster now. I missed talking to you so much😭 thank you for your patience🤍🤍🤍
How've you been? I'm pretty good, tired but feeling good because I can finally respond😩 I hope your day went well. Love you!♡
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noona96n · 2 years
Oh what a coincidence! I just finished moriarty the patriot like a week ago :O and immediately binged the manga lol (jujutsu kaisen too but I didnt read the manga and I didn't realise there was a movie until after I got into smth else, sad)
Also rewatching the guest is not something I can judge you for its my favourite drama :P
But yea mdzs and tgcf are totally different stories! You'd be forgiven for getting confused tho lol, boththe same author, both historical China, both (on the surface) a white clothed virtuous man and a red&black clothed demonic man falling in love, both long and full of angst and war and gore. I've read tgcf (all 244 chapters lol it took me a while) and I did like it a lot! But for some reason it didn't consume me, I'm so disappointed 😞 maybe when the live action comes out (the donghua for tgcf is gorgeous also)
And haha I know tumblr is for shameless posting but knowing people can see it makes me so nervous hahah, especially since not all the stuff I get into have overlap in terms of appeal. I'm thinking of making some mdzs fanart tho I've already outed myself as a fan anyway and I'm so emo about jiang yanli
Let us know if the cherry maho movie is good ^^
I'll take a sign off after all, since I send so many asks but I'm not the only enthusiastic multi paragraph rambler it may be easier on you :P
the guest supremacy, yas
i love how u want to be consumed by tgcf HAHAHAH will u regret being consumed by tgcf tho? like, ure into so many things u get restless? idk lol
hopefully the live action live up to ur expectations!!!
i love ur sign~ v cute frog-san <3
edit: if u do read JJK, pls read the prequel (JJK 0) first~ so u can save urself some heartbreak T^T
edit 2: who's ur fav char in Yuukoku no Moriarty & Jujutsu Kaisen btw, u don't have to answer if u don't feel like it~
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detective4blog · 3 years
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I posted 27,942 times in 2021
799 posts created (3%)
27143 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 34.0 posts.
I added 816 tags in 2021
#friendo sends asko - 164 posts
#my edits - 143 posts
#sebastian moran - 123 posts
#friendo sends a taggo - 90 posts
#anyway - 69 posts
#mormor - 58 posts
#jim moriarty - 48 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 46 posts
#idk - 40 posts
#agent 47 - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#so uh self insert me got mcshot™ and arthur morgan was holding me and applying pressure on my wound and yelling for help bc i was near camp
My Top Posts in 2021
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Made a Molliarty edit because why the hell not?
40 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 03:32:49 GMT
Nobody asked but have some ship playlists I made that I am stupid proud of
Jars (idr the ship name for Ethan/Norman)
Specifically Victorian Mormor
Sebncer (yes I made a playlist for the crackship)
Dianseven (there's two of these but I'm too lazy)
Anyway uh don't judge my ships PAJDKKSJFOS you can judge my music taste tho bc it's... something. But I add new songs like every other day because I'm very bored.
42 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 08:41:58 GMT
An absolute clusterfuck of Sebastian headcanons:
Bisexual himbo??? Doesn't conform to gender but also doesn't care enough to actually say what gender identity is????
Absolutely hates the cold, makes his scars all achy and just overall he hates the cold, absolutely a miserable bastard in it.
Speaking of scars moving onto location and origin BECAUSE I FINALLY FIGURED THAT SHIT OUT
Scar across his nose from a fight, faded but still visible
Scar that runs over his lip, another fight. His nickname is Basher for a reason folks!
Tiger scars, starts just below his collar bone and ends at his hips, lost a nipple because of this. This isn't really a headcanon it's canon in Hounds of the D'Ubervilles, I just make 'em long
Scar across his back, starts at shoulder blade, ends like in the middle of his back. Got it from an accident while hiking.
Stab wound scar on his lower back, also not a headcanon, another one from HOTD. He didn't go into why he was stabbed in the lower back with a dagger so yeehaw folks. And thus concludes the section of his scars.
Only really drinks whiskey, kinda hates all other kinds of alcohol.
Certain fabrics irritate his scars so he's very picky when it comes to clothes.
Hates wearing suits, only wears one when Jim convinces him (or orders him enough)
Doesn't know how the fuck he became right hand man, half the time he just was brutally honest when Jim asked for feedback on whatever the fuck he was doing
Listening to Jim ramble is one of the many things Sebastian loves doing. Unless the ramble is about Sherlock. Then he's grumpy as shit.
Younger brother! By five years. Don't ask why it's so specific.
Speaking of age he's also younger than Jim. Only by like a couple years? Idk.
Dog person!! He fuckin loves dogs. Not too fond of cats but give him a while and he'll tolerate a cat's existance.
Copes with humor.
Horrible sleep schedule no matter what, he kinda hates that
Kinda sorta adopts like any kids on the street who like would accept his help. Also gets kids out of abusive households.
Cannot cook for the fucking life of him.
An absolute flirt, will flirt at any time, a legend at it despite my shit writing
Dramatic asshole. Possibly more dramatic than Jim
Kinda has a high pain tolerance whoops.
Tries to take care of his mental health but also doesn't know what the fuck he's doing so...
Was a gun for hire before being hired by Jim, absolutely hated being a gun for hire, bitches about it all the time.
He only knows how to waltz and he's rusty as shit at that.
Finds it funny that jealous coworkers assume that he got to the position he's in because of sleeping with the boss. At first it bothered him but he mentioned it to Jim who finds it fucking hilarious.
However he hates the phrase "glorified attack dog" being used to describe him.
Loves to show off. Absolutely fucking adores it. Cocky son of a bitch.
Sunny weather is best weather
Secretly a romantic cheeseball
Falls in love really fast and hard whoops
Cannot resist making jokes whenever someone asks about his body count. Because both are high.
Not ashamed for being a slutty sniper! Nobody can shame this bastard he had FUN damnit
Has a lip ring piercing, kinda forgot to mention it, first time Jim saw it he was absolutely shocked and then flustered because metal kink I mean what.
Sucks at shooter games and that pisses him off
Anyway that's it for now I'm sorry half of these are crack.
46 notes • Posted 2021-04-01 16:40:05 GMT
Why aren't there more posts about Diana like excuse me we have a witty British lady who praises us every time we manage to pull off a hit no matter how messy and she's fucking gorgeous???? Did she do something bad that I haven't found out yet and if so do not tell me or I will cry-
52 notes • Posted 2021-02-23 12:42:26 GMT
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53 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 07:00:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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not-a-bit-good · 7 years
Hi. I know it's been a while but it's driving me crazy; why were there no assassins on Molly or Mycroft? I can't find anything of Moffat or Gatiss talking about it. Sure, with Molly you could argue Jim didn't think she mattered, but he would shoot Angelo just to be thorough. Could you direct me to an interview where they address it or just tell me what you know? Also, I can't find many Tumblr blogs dedicated to Sherlock that are active. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
That’s okay Nonny, I’ve been busy too ;)
I haven’t seen any interview explaining why neither Molly nor Mycroft weren’t targeted either tbh :/
As you said, it may be that Molly just wasn’t significant enough in Moriarty’ eyes, and that Mycroft was too well protected (he’s the British government, he must have bodyguards). I find it hard to believe though, because Jim, alleged head of Moriarty’s organisation, literally dated Molly to get close to Sherlock, and THOB showed us that Mycroft was powerless in front of Jim.
My pet theory is that both Mycroft and Molly are high ranking members of the Moriarty organisation and that they weren’t targeted because they were behind Sherlock’s downfall, and so couldn’t be counted among Sherlock’s friends. The fact that they were spared is not the only thing that leads me to think this:
Mycroft has been equated to Moriarty numerous times on the show
Sherlock called him a criminal mastermind
Molly Hooper has the same initials as Mycroft, “wasn’t initially supposed to be in more than 1 episode” but is actually in more episodes than Jim himself, and in his MP Sherlock seems to think she hates him – and when the most observant man in the world thinks you hate him, you probably do
the media are consistently portrayed as villains
Moriarty’s organisation makes money by manipulating people into committing sensational crimes and then selling their stories to the press
as seen in ASIP, when Hope revealed that he was being paid to kill
and in TGG, when Sherlock was manipulated into revealing 4 people’s crimes
Or it was all a bluff and none of them (John, Lestrade, Mrs Hudson) were in any real danger (like when Eurus lied that she’d trapped Molly’s flat with explosives) – who knows? TPTB still have to address what happened in TRF and haven’t left us with a lot of clues :/
As for active Sherlock blogs: If you don’t follow them already, I suggest you go follow @love-in-mind-palace, @the-7-percent-solution, @kateis-cakeis, @gosherlocked, @ebaeschnbliah, @221bloodnun, @shag-me-senseless-watson, @sarahthecoat and lots of others (sorry to anyone I forgot ^^’). They’re not all solely dedicated to Sherlock but they regularly post about it :) The fandom is smaller than it used to be, tho
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