#didn't kill narry
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Drew The Settings person/TK (Don't think they're different people but idk really) On MS pain(t). Yay.
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blackkatdraws · 4 months
Black and Narry lore! [Narry is owned by @insomniphic and some of the art here were drawn by her too]
[Small Note: None of these are canonical to their stories and were made just FOR FUN.]
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As a being of purity and light, Narry was appalled when he first came across Black who appeared to be the very embodiment of darkness and wrongness [at least in Narry's point of view]. Narry sees Black as a waste of potential because of how much power Black ["the bad guy"] has at his disposal.
Black feels indifferent to Narry's existence, as he's already used to similar beings like him. He sees Narry as a waste of power since he's clearly holding it back for the sake of the people he wants to protect.
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Because of how much impurity Black's power emits, Narry is incapable of seeing Black normally.
In Narry's perspective, Black is a huge writhing mass of something that's very unpleasant to look at. This appearance is inconsistent and can shift continuously. This effect extends all the way to even photos or depictions of Black.
He physically cannot [refuses to] be in the same room as Black because he can't stand the feeling, the smell, the sight, everything about his power. It sickens him.
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There's no context for this comic. This is a What If scenario where Black and Narry are going somewhere together when a group of bad guys come and attack them.
Narry is the type to hold back his true power in order not to hurt the people that are attacking him which annoys Black into stepping in [because he has somewhere else more important to be and Narry is delaying it].
Of course, Narry ends up getting injured and Narry makes Black promise he won't kill the aggressors before passing out.
[Admittedly, this scenario breaks a few canonical lore for both characters but we'll go with it for now.]
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As a response to that idea, Insomni drew this.
Narry wakes up after the fight was long over and he sees piles of bloody bodies laying on the floor. He gets upset that Black didn't follow through their promise.
Black does not care. Instead, he laughs at Narry for finally snapping [considering it took a while for Narry to finally loose his cool at Black].
Black did keep his promise. All the aggressors are still alive, but barely.
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We talked some more about their dynamic and we both drew these.
In this scenario, Black and Narry are fighting. [Started by Narry, who had the full intent to kill him for (what he perceives as) the greater good.]
He thinks this world would become cleaner without Black around.
Narry is convinced that Black is a monster incapable of feeling or doing anything remotely positive. Even as Black saves Stanley from the attack that Narry himself sent towards Black, he's still in that mentality where he sees everything that Black does as something for negative reasons.
Narry is a good person but his (justified) blind dislike for Black leads him into taking extreme actions at times. Plenty of people dislike Black for what he is, but Narry is the only one with the power to actually do something about it.
[The last drawing is another What If scenario where Black had to take Stanley and flee because he keeps getting in the way of their fight (and Narry is too focused on his task to take other people into account). Black doesn't want Stanley dying because of a stupid scuffle.]
[Note that Narry won't actually hurt anybody EXCEPT Black, he's a good guy who wants to do what's best for other people. Black is just EVILLLLL mwehehehe]
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[Then I proposed another What If scenario where Narry won the fight causing Insomni to draw this.]
As Narry was about to strike with a powerful attack to finally end him off, he felt something familiar coming from within Black.
In the ocean of filthy dark energy Black emitted, there was light.
It was small. It flickered weakly in the air as the darkness that kept it safe was falling apart, but it didn't go out. It lit up softly without any signs of extinguishing any time soon.
Narry was in disbelief.
Stanley had done the impossible. His relationship with Black had given birth to a different side of Black's power, tucked away deep inside where only they're allowed to see.
And it was now in full display to Narry.
As a being filled with goodness and empathy, his guilt starts to eat away at him as he finally snaps out of it and sees the extent of what his impulsive actions have done.
[Insomni and I both agree that their fights would probably be settled with a draw or mutual death, so this scenario is not as probable to happen. It's interesting to think about though.]
[Again, breaking a few canonical lores but we like gay people here so it's whatever. I was the one who proposed the idea anyway. (❁´◡`❁)]
[Here are fun extra doodles!!]
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
narrator >:)
ohohohohoh, the most present absent parent himself! (joke stolen from a discord friend lol)
ask game link
• First impression
"Oh, we have a Narrator? Cool! Love stories where the narrator is a character. Oooohhh– an unreliable narrator, is it? This guy's really sus, but I do like the atmosphere he brings to the whole thing–"
• Impression now
What a fuckin' bastard. He's such a great character and antagonist, I love to hate him and hate to love him. Him being the sole reason this game even happened, and arguably causing more irreversible change to the universe as a whole as opposed to if he were to just let things play out as they would is such great dramatic irony. I love him and I hate him and I want to put him in a jar and shake it till he's nothing but sludge.
• Favorite moment
Any time he shows genuine fear (endlessly fighting Adversary and Networked Wild ending) is just incredible, and feels particularly cathartic when you interpret him as a gaslighting parent lol. Also special shout out to the 'I think you know who I am' when you go to the last mirror. Just. so good.
But for my fave moment, I think it gotta be the Moment of Clarity sequence. I saw many interpretations of it, and I think there's truth to all of them, but my personal favorite is that, in that moment, Narrator was able to relate to the princess.
Her suffering, her fears, the worst of her and how it can break her down, he saw himself in her, and didn't know what to do with it. Which is part of the reason he couldn't continue. And the most tragic of it all– that was still just another Echo. And any development/realization he had dies with him the moment he fades away to make space for the next Echo.
• Idea for a story
I have many scattered ideas relating to him, but a main one that keeps coming back, is Echo meeting other versions of himself. Other Echos from different loops, and, mainly– the one that started it all, Echo pre-construct, right before he killed himself. I think that'd be a really interesting character study, to make Echo face with the whole of what his choices did to him.
• Unpopular opnion
Uuuuuuuhhhhhh, not sure if it's really unpopular, but Echo's choices and character is more interesting if we take his claim of 'the world being close to an ending' as an extreme exaggeration, or smth like his personal world ending (a relationship, his main support system, his community, etc). There's just something incredibly human about it, and also, I just don't think it's interesting to make him smth of a 'hero of humanity' or whatever. Neither is it to make him purely a villain. He's literally just a guy who decided to mess with gods cuz he saw no other out to his situation.
• Favorite relationship
Echo & Shifty. Just– the vitriol, the hatred, the fact any time he actually interacts one-on-one with her, Shifty barely acknowledges him or return any of his resentment. How similar they actually are, but how they can never see each other face to face cuz of how fundamentally different their beliefs are.
• Favorite headcanon
This one is very heavy, so– [TW: suicide ment and suicidal ideation]
Whoever Narry was pre-construct was a deeply broken person who saw no out for his situation, but wanted to make sure he wouldn't leave without a significant mark on the world. So– he made the world's most convoluted suicide plan, with 'saving the world' as its rationalization for why he needed to go through that.
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Hi Ailo. I don't know how online you had been this day but just in case here is the recap you didn't ask for 1d news' version:
-Oasis is having a reunion and will do a tour the next summer (funny meme about oasis and Louis, another meme of one direction and this one). I imagine Louis will be the most happy person in the planet right know.
This Oasis reunion has made the fandom had some thoughts: 1. If Oasis can do a reunion so does One Direction 2. Louis could be a tour opener for them 👀🕯🤞3. @thechavier share this theory about H&L and Oasis🤞🕯🙏👀 .
Oasis is also related to Openstage who is a company where Louis has invested so is a double win for him!!!
-Harry was seeing with André 3000, he lately had been seen with a few artists 👀, seems like it was from this other day that he was with Pauli and Yaffra.
-Now Narry news: Harry was at Niall's show in Manchester today!!!!Everyone was freaking out (myself inclueded), Harry was so happy dancing a lot, clapping, whistling, it was beautiful, not surprise duet thought 🤡 but we did clown for a few moments because he went from the vip box to the side of the stage at some point. He did leave before the last song end it lol, he didn't follow the 1d rules and harry's rules to not leave before the show ends.
I think my favorite part was him dancing during Stockholm Syndrome and filming that part. I don't know if you saw this but I did a post a long time ago about the color tribute of the 1d boys during that song at Niall's show so I think is so beautiful that Harry was able to see that too.
-We got the Louis Tomlinson: Live !!!! If you only want high in california and wdbhg here is the other link, thanks to @highwaytosomewhere , Meg saves us all!!!. Also the links for kill my mind and only the brave.
P.S.: -I don't know if you saw that at the Victorious Festival Louis try during barricade to drink from a beverage of a fan? Lol only Louis.
-Another extra note, a few days ago Niall sing Little things with Ed Sheeran and today Ed have this funny answer to a fan about the 1d reunion. I do hope he at least try to be a wizard and helps us with the 1d reunion, we need all the help we can get.
And that is it for the recap, I hope you are having a wonderful day/afternoon/night. Let me know what you think about all of this and if this was helpful or a waste of time because you were in fact online and this recap wasn't necessary hahaha.
Te mando un abrazo.
CC!!! A recap I didn’t ask for!!! AMAZING!!!
And I apologise for the delay!!! I used up my data, and we had to abandon our vacation due to illness. I just got home.
This is such a great update!! And I’ll respond more later, but want to put this beauty in the world asap! This needs to be shared with everyone one who was offline or wants a recap!! 🫶🫶🫶
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lamuliz · 1 year
Hi!! I have two questions 👉🏻👈🏻
In your au, after the reset, did Stanley know right away that narry was not, in fact, coming back?
And if he didn't know and I suppose, found out, what did he do? I assume he's gone way crazier lmao 😭😭 (<not funny at all......)
In the original script i wrote, he runs to the Narrators body right after resetting to confirm he hasn't reset, then starts screaming.
In the comic though he didn't know if he could kill Narrator permanently. And he didn't really care either way as long as he was out of the parable. When he finally resets after killing Narrator, he's still unsure but he screams anyway (because one, he realizes theres no escape, two, he mightve killed narrator for no reason)
I'd assume right after the comic ends Stanley ran up to Narrators body and repeatedly apologized. I imagined him spending a few nights next to Narry before making him a grave so maybe sth like that
OR... well... youve given me another idea now.
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What did Blumiere actually DO to be redeemed? 
I know this sounds like a really silly question, to be frank, it really is, and this isn't me trying to say something of the ending should have been changed in any way, because, no, I think the ending of Super is incredible, with Blumiere and Timpani professing their love at the altar with the incredible music, phenomenal. I just pondered this at one point and thought it would be interesting to look at Blumiere through an objective lense as opposed to a thematic one. 
Count Bleck as a character is incredible, so are the rest of the cast, I could go on for multiple essays for each of these wacky characters. One thing I really enjoy is the juxtaposing types of villainy and roles that Blumiere and Dimentio have to each other, how one is intricatley complex and embedded in the narriative with his tragic tale, and the other is quite paper thin on the surface story (Who may have more underneath, though personally I like him being more shallow on the lore for proper contrast to Bleck, but this isn't relevant to the plot nor this discussion), with quite a strong characterisation to pull him through. They're like two extremes of the villain spectrum; between the sympathetic and complex to the more flat twist type of antagonist that balance each other out very well. 
Count Bleck is a very well written character, I love the execution of his narriative, and the question at hand of what he did to be redeemed really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of the narriative, but it's mostly just a personal ponder-
It makes sense to me that Blumiere found happiness because of his ability to "love", how his love stretched the boundaries of comprehension, his ability to truly love is telling of Blumiere's inner good nature despite all that has been comitted. His willingness and persistance to look for Timpani to even the lengths of the Aftergame itself cannot be unoted. I'm pretty sure this is a key takeaway of Blumiere's tale that is wanted: That true love is the foundation of happiness, and without it, one is empty and hollow. Overall, the game redeems Blumiere with the sacrifice at the altar, where that true love that he does have is professed, and he is eligible for his happy ending through his act of love and sacrifice, and can now live a happy aftergame with Timpani. 
But outside of the incredible symbolic perspective, a hypothetical view where Blumiere's actions are analysed from a critical lense rather than a narriative one; What does Blumiere actually do to be redeemed?
Blumiere was implied to have killed the tribe that took Timpani away and searched to the ends of existence to fnd her, to which when her existence was no more, he sought to destroy everything, as nothing else held meaning to him other than Timpani. (Again, symbolically, all works perfectly well) 
He takes in the helpless minions and promises them a perfect world if they aid him in his destruction, though this is a lie, simply so that he can recruit them and follow the passages of the Dark Prognosticus. (In the English version, some subtext implies he manipulated them to join him, though throughout the game, Blumiere still treats his minions with respect and the original implies that Blumiere had a genuine will to help these minions from the start) 
When Timpani is seen alive, he doesn't try to stop the plan, but simly persists forth with destruction all until the very end, where when he is taken down, he immedietly stops with his destructive behaviour and aims to profess his love for Timpani one last time in a sacrifice. Thematically, this is brilliant. 
But from an active standpoint, I don't think Blumiere really didn't DO anything to get a redemption- His sacrifice, again NOT from a thematic standpoint, hardly counts because he still gets a happy ending with Timpani, alive somewhere else. Blumiere's actions across his life have been villanous, despite his intentions being through the persistence of love. 
Technically you could flip the question to say "Was Blumiere at fault for his actions in the first place?" to excuse the actions caused, and therefore be able to justify his redemption more clearly, and I find the take interesting, for perhaps Blumiere wasn't entirely at fault for his own actions.
Blumiere specifically sought for the 'history' of the prognosticus, seen in the Japanese translation, which implies that he perhaps didn't intend to cause harm to anyone and exclusivley wanted to find Timpani. There are also potential implications that he had been controlled by the Dark Prognosticus itself because of this, and the reason why he didn't stop the world's destruction immedietly when he heard Timpani was alive was because he was fighting for control of himself over the will of the Prognosticus over his mind....But I admit I'm not really too sure how probable this idea IS. The game is VERY clear when it wants to show something relevant to the plot foreshadowed, and I feel if this is the takeaway the developers wanted, that this would have been shown directly rather than in implication. Yes, technically it is said that those who read the book do not find happiness, and I think there are hints towards the book controlling him, but...I feel it's a bit vague?
Also, if he were controlled BY the prognosticus, I feel that the narriative weight of Blumiere's character would be detracted, as what makes a lot of his character so powerful is the lengths he went to show how much Timpani meant to him. Him CHOOSING to destroy all of existence because of Timpani's loss is much more powerful to me than the BOOK making him do it, because it shows Blumiere's agency in the decision. Him CHOOSING the destruction of existence proves how, without Timpani, this man did not find value in existence without the source of his true love. Rather than making Blumiere a victim of naivety for causing damages he didn't intend to.
Overall, this isn't really a serious question, I know very well the writers wanted the people playing the game to look at the big picture and perhaps look at the story from a thematic point of view as opposed to an objective one, as this is a fictional game with a story, rather than something to be looked at with an actual objective lense, but it was a fun ponder regardless. I'd be curious to hear any throughts on the matter. Have a nice day!
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smita97 · 27 days
may be my husband because he is available
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tomster1274 · 2 years
narrator of stanley parable but an alternate. discuss
Adam beat you to this in this post.
BUT, I didn't give my actual thoughts, so.
I think if he were an alternate, it fits a lot. Esp in the context of him putting Stanley into a story to see his decisions on what to do in a daily occurence of 'life' (not really, but Narry here doesn't know this isn't normal for him) in order to study them and be able to copy them for his own reasons. Perhaps, even, he needs to copy Stanley himself and this is how he figures he'll be able to replace him.
But, it seems this alt has imperfections of his own, specifically in needing his 'story of life' for Stanley to be perfect so he can perfectly replicate his choices if need be, and like Adam, does have SOME emotions like anger from Stanley making decisions that perhaps contrast past ones he's made (but, like Adam, he might not feel the emotions so deeply and etc), which leads to him taunting and teasing Stanley like an alternate would their own victim to get them to kill themself, or straight up kill Stanley himself like in the Nuke ending where he still taunted him however.
And, even if he imitates his behavior however, he has never shown his actual form, so he must be working on that too which is why it is never seen because that's ALSO not perfect.
The biggest question here though, is Stanley even actually human himself if he never seems to die? Or is dying and coming back just another part of this 'simulation', if you can even call it that?
Ty :).
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Can you give me a wattpad recommendation to read.
Here are a few of my favorites that I've read and finished:
♡ The year is 1994 and Harry is having a reawakening and discovery. ♡ By popular demand, the much-loved story from Harry Tales gets its very own book! Most Impressive Rankings //#1 in Discovery, #2 in Wattpride, #2 in Queer, #3 in Pride, #4 in Pansexual. Please read with discretion.
Kiwi // H.S. // A.U.
18+ / Very Mature
"Please, this is like cliche-central. With a kinky twist." †††
I step under the hot stream of water, soaking my hair, and take a deep breathe. I try and clear my mind, focusing on the way the water feels hitting my body. I turn around, opening my eyes, only to shout out a curse and stumble back.
Emma is directly in front of me, taking off her tank top, eyes glued to my body. I hadn't shut the curtains, thinking no one would be in here, and I didn't know if I was happy or mad I did that. I stood there speechless as her small hands grasped the bottom of her sports bra. I inhaled sharply when she pulled it up and over her head, exposing her breasts. They jiggled slightly as she tossed her clothes to the side, and I found my heart rate quickening at an alarming rate.
"W-what are you doing?" I breathe out as she pulls her leggings down her body, leaving her in just a thong. "Showering." Emma tells me as if it's obvious.
Twice as Nice
Having one boyfriend is great. But having two bisexual boyfriends is better. (Narry)
This is my current read and I'm absolutely hooked but haven't finished yet:
(its also a book not completed yet and that will be a first for me because i usually always read books that have been finished)
Forced Reconciliation
After a tragic accident that killed their best friends, two former lovers are forced to come together to raise the godchildren that they share. They can either find reconciliation and possibly rekindle what they once lost, or battle the next eighteen years only being known as the other parental figure to their godchildren. This story contains mature and explicit content // 18+
{i have started so many books on wattpad that i never finished. i have commitment issues so if a story isn't 100% good then i lose motivation to finish it.
i almost stopped reading Kiwi because it takes a few chapters to really get into it but it was defiantly worth the patients. probably my favorite on wattpad if i'm honest is Kiwi. and i've tried to read Stall and just couldn't get into it. i got to like chapter 4 and stopped.}
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"…This isn't working."
"Obviously… You've been knocking at the same door for hours." Paint complained.
"I'm really trying my best for you, here, Paint."
Silver sighed, finally relenting xyr repeated knocking. "I don't know what else we can do, though. Maybe we should just leave it, you know? Narry's enough, right?"
She flinched slightly, and xe didn't miss it, although Paint didn't seem to realize xe was looking at her.
Well… now it was just awkward. Xe looked away.
After a moment or two, though, Paint gasped, standing up.
"Dark! Hi!"
Silver turned to see the cat-like anon sheepishly poking their head out, waving to the two of them.
"What are you two doing in our office? All your knocking woke me up."
"We have a problem… Our version of the Narrator seems to be in her office, and—“
Immediately, Dark's ears pinned back, and even their half-severed tail fluffed outwards.
“I’m stopping you there,” they said after gesturing for Silver to hush. “You’re not getting him back alive if she’s got him-- Or... I don't know how Narrator death works. Not right now, at least. Especially considering her girlfriend is in there— Which, by the way, you gave me a heart attack by knocking on that door. She would kill me without a second thought.”
“I’m sorry… we didn’t know.”
“It's whatever," Dark shrugged, "I'm used to it. Besides, I think Ms. Story must have rerouted that door by now. I… realized that a while ago, but it felt awkward to just interrupt.”
“Well, it would have been helpful…” Silver shook xyr head. “You can’t do anything?”
“I’m not a miracle worker… besides, I might be working for her, but I’m on really thin ice. Like, microscopically thin. The only thing I’ve done for her is retrieve Jamie— that’s the first time I’ve talked to her since—“ Dark hesitated with their wording, knowing they’d be flayed if they said anything. “Since I started working for her.”
“…I guess we’ll have to find another way.” Silver put a hand on Paint’s shoulder with a reassuring look. "Things'll be okay."
Paint nodded, a bit hesitant, before turning to the anon. “Thanks, Dark,” She said, a small smile forming on her face as she rubbed their head.
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narrie · 3 years
“The day the band ended I was thanking the lord for that.. and I know a lot of people are gonna be mad at me for saying this but I needed it to stop because it would have killed me” - Liam Payne
I feel for him but at the same time this sounds ??? Louis literally said Harry was the one who wanted the hiatus and kinda made it sound like him and Liam especially would have kept going. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud he spoke out, and I’m glad when people in privileged position talk openly about their struggles and help fighting the stigma that surrounds any mention of mental illness, and sincerely I hope he’s getting the help he needs.
The only versions of how things unfolded that haven’t changed since 2015 are still Niall’s and Harry’s though 🤷🏾‍♀️
anonymous said: Those podcast quotes from Liam are all over the place. He said he wants a 1D reunion sooner rather than later. He doesn’t know why they don’t talk about it.
another episode of "what is the truth" lmao liam changed his pov on the band going on break like 80 times i feel like. if i rmr correctly tho louis said it was him and niall that were against the hiatus? and liam was kinda in between? anyway i think at the beginning/when they were discussing it, he could've been on the "let's keep going" side and then when they actually did go on break and he had some time to unwind, slow down, think shit thru, let himself look back etc he realized that it might've been a good decision - and i think a similar thing happened with niall too (to a certain degree tho, as he said himself he didn't "suffer" from the experience as much as others had etc). it's mad tho how liam keeps talking about his mental health being shit (which we can all attest to), that he's been a mess and half, how he still seems to not know what do with his solo career etc and then in the same breath he keeps teasing a 1d reunion lmao
narry's versions haven't changed bc they're either not saying shit or just repeating the same 3 sentences for the past 5 years<3
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forzafinally · 4 years
1. "hey! i saw another post of yours about the bandaid interview , and i've heard that morning harry asked for a hiatus and the boys were fighting over it, since the other boys didn't want one :)" Harry has admitted asking for a hiatus sometime in November 2014 but it's just fandom rumour that it was on this particular day. UO but Harry just seems like his on something lol & this feels like a rare interview where Zayn seems for this period relatively engaged. Niall seems annoyed in parts but
2. maybe also tired and Lilo just seem like Lilo to me. There was a story that Lilo turned up late but it's funny to read the comments under video then to now where depending on whether you are Harry, Zarry, OT4 or OT5, either Harry was being bullied by OT4/over OT4 and trying to avoid them at all costs/ or plotting his escape, plotting to escape with Zayn who clearly betrayed him and their love when he left on his own, sad because he couldn't stare lovingly at Louis because management kept 3. wagging their fingers or frowning every time they looked at one another or Niall wanted to kill Harry for some unspecified reason or Harry wanted to kill them all. The theories are endless. lol. I do laugh at Harry saying his favourite Christmas song is "Band Aid" though.
Okay my favourite is "Niall wanted to kill Harry for some unspecified reason or Harry wanted to kill them all". I've seen the comments on the YouTube video too ofc and yeah you can really twist it however you want which is really funny to me too. As for the Zayn part I did think that the other three were trying to overcompensate for the obvious tension that was there between Narry in the interview but maybe that's just me. Harry at least was definitely upset that day.
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darkandlightsides · 2 years
You didn't kill him narry... Someone else did that, it's not your fault
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thunderoad · 7 years
Oh yeah I mean as a Niall stan it was always glaringly obvious to me that Niall was quiet. The other boys talked abOUT him rather than him talking a lot. And as much as harries love to say "finally harry not getting talked over!!!" narry interviews were 80% harry ramblings and 20% niall answering questions seriously lmao. We've never heard Niall talk so much and that's why I think so many non Niall stans are only now realizing how great he is, he didn't have much of an impression before.
oh my gosh, I knOW; interviews could be so frustrating not only because the boys would be having a laugh the whole time, but because how could you blame ‘em - they got SO FEW questions of substance. it kills me just to think about it. did u see that mtv is reviving their unplugged series?? how fucking RAD would it be for niall to get to make an appearance and talk about his music (or if vh1 storytellers and he got to play there ala bruce)?? in fairness I’d certainly pass away but what a great way to go 
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lamuliz · 2 years
you understand i am never going to recover from the last words the narrator heard being stanley’s rejection of his forgiveness??? am i reading that right? brilliant . heartbreaking. 10/10, i hate it
To calm your heart a little bit, that is meant to be a thinking box. Stanley didn't have the heart to tell him that out loud. However, the thought is very intense and loud so its not very clear in the comic.
Despite the mess he has going on in his broken head he's still a kind soul, I promise. The sane part of his mind would come out every time Narry talked to him. I think this makes it somehow more heartbreaking but its true. Stanley didn't want to kill anyone.
"I've killed me countless of times before i could even think of this."
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