#didn't you say you were going to shift bathrooms when my friend arrives?
prythianpages · 3 months
Goodnight | Azriel
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summary: Azriel has a night time confession. The aftermath of me still having Billie Eilish's Birds of a Feather on repeat.
warnings: none, just fluff
word count: 943, short and sweet
a/n: I wrote this a couple of days ago and was hesitant to post bc I felt it was similar to my other Az fic but then decided, wth just post it. So here it is 💙
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Shadows rustled among the trees, dancing and swirling, bringing forth a gentle but cool breeze. The tendrils remaining with Azriel curl up around his ear, whispering of the subtle shiver you gave. Without a word, Azriel shrugs his jacket and secures it around your shoulders.
“Oh,” you whisper, slightly startled by his gesture. “But aren’t you cold?”
“I’m fine,” he assures you with a small smile. He’s all too familiar with the chill permeating the air. 
There’s another breeze rustling through the canopy of trees. This time, it’s stronger and colder and some leaves fall, fluttering around you both. Azriel looks up with a glare but the glare is quickly replaced with something softer when the shadows around his neck whisper to him. They tell him of the way you wrapped his jacket around you tighter, a subtle blush rising as the new closeness of the fabric brought his scent to you.
“You didn’t have to walk me home,” you say, glancing up at Azriel. “Things were just getting interesting back there. You could still go back, you know.”
Azriel lets out a snort. “You mean Amren and her bathroom discussions? No, thank you.”
You laugh and Azriel smiles with you. He’s definitely not missing anything back home. Not when you, the greatest subject of his interests, are walking beside him. He noticed when your eyes began to grow weary and participation in the conversations grew less and less. He also noticed the mischievous glint in Cassian’s eyes as his friend glanced between you and him.
“Welcome to our world, tiny ancient one. Everyone poops! Anyway, you want to hear something funny? How about the time Azriel–” 
But much to Azriel’s relief, you had stood up with a small apologetic smile and politely dismissed yourself since you had an early shift the following morning. So, of course, Azriel had offered to walk you home, saving himself from the embarrassment that was sure to follow from Cassian’s words. He made sure to kick Cassian’s boot as he followed after you with a smug look on his face. He also made sure to bring his jacket along with him, noticing you had arrived without one.
So now, the two of you walked side by side. Granted, he could’ve used his shadows to winnow you to your doorstep in an instant. But that would mean cutting his precious time with you short and he wasn’t ready to let go just yet. The quiet night envelops you in its serene embrace and the silence that falls between you is comfortable yet charged with an unspoken tension that neither of you dare to break.
As you reach your door, Azriel’s mind races with thoughts he fears to voice. You turn to face him and Azriel fights the urge to frown. Why did you have to live so close? He sends a silent prayer to the stars above that you might forget about the jacket wrapped snugly around your shoulders, just so he’d have an excuse to see you again.
"Goodnight," you say softly, your voice like a melody he wished to hear every night, eyes still sparkling with the remnants of laughter from earlier. 
"Goodnight," Azriel replies, his heart pounding. Before he can stop himself, the words slip out so smoothly one would think it was a common occurrence between you both. “I love you."
You freeze, eyes widening in surprise and face contorting into a taken aback expression, trying to process what he just said. It’s then that it hits him as well. His own eyes widen in horror.  
"Um, sorry... I didn't mean to say that."
Your head tilts slightly in question, a gesture he finds absolutely endearing. He feels heat rise to his cheeks, his shadows slithering up his neck as if trying to offer him some comfort. "I mean, I meant it... but I didn't mean it, mean it... You know what I mean?"
Gods, he sounds like a fool. Years of meticulously concealed emotions, years of perfecting an unreadable facade, and now, of all times, he slips?
A sly smile plays at the corners of your lips. "Go home, Az,” you say, teasing and knowing. “And let me know when you mean it, mean it…”
With that, you gently close the door, leaving him standing there, his mind racing and his heart aching. Because what just happened? And what did you mean by that?
No. Azriel couldn’t leave it like that.
He knocks on your door, fist trembling lightly, his shadows whispering encouragement. When you open it, your face is a mixture of curiosity and amusement. He meets your eyes, apprehension and hope swirling together in his hazel depths. 
"I mean it, mean it," he confesses, his voice barely above a whisper.
For a moment, there is silence. 
Then, your smile softens, your eyes filled with understanding. You step closer, standing on your tip-toes to place a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Then, I love you too,” you whisper against his skin, your breath warm and sweet, stirring his shadows into a gentle frenzy.
Before you can pull away, Azriel turns his head, capturing your lips in a kiss that sends butterflies fluttering wildly in his stomach. He savors the softness and taste of your lips, losing himself in the moment when you’re kissing him back with the same eagerness. He rests his forehead against yours as he pulls away, his shadows swirling between you much like the unspoken emotions between you do.
"Goodnight, Az," you whisper softly, your eyes holding sleep, yet shining with the promise of more conversations tomorrow.
“Goodnight, y/n.”
This time, as the door closes, Azriel feels a warmth in his chest, a genuine, unguarded smile spreading across his face.
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a/n: I seem to be in the mood for accidental/in the moment confessions. Sorry 😭
General tag list: @scooobies, @kennedy-brooke, @sillysillygoose444, @lilah-asteria @the-sweet-psycho
@daycourtofficial, @milswrites, @stormhearty, @pit-and-the-pen, @mybestfriendmademe
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adore-laur · 4 months
sorry if there are any mistakes english is not my first language!
dadrry idea - harry and y/n together with the children go to a get-together at a restaurant with friends and family and in the middle of the get-together the younger baby starts crying with hunger just as the food arrives and harry goes out of his way to help y/n /n to eat while y/n breastfeeds, and to help the older baby eat too! you can add something if you want
You were at a new restaurant Harry had picked out for lunch, and you didn't know if it was the humidity in the air, but you had two incredibly fussy children wanting to make your first outing as a family of four a tricky one. The outdoor seating area was packed with people taking advantage of the weekend's beautiful weather. You counted yourself lucky to have found any available seating at all. You suspected Harry might have pulled a few strings since he knew the business and employees well, but he kept his lips tightly zipped.
Going to a restaurant used to be an untroubled experience before you had kids together. It was a simple sequence—sit down, order drinks and a meal, and talk without any disruptions. When the first baby came, supervising a newborn in any public place hadn't been without its fair share of stressful moments. Many trips to the bathroom to breastfeed or change a diaper made you feel prickly with anxiety. There was also the crippling fear of your baby having a piercingly loud meltdown and potentially annoying the people around you. It was why you relied on Harry to make these trips with you, whether it was grocery shopping, a stroll through the park, or going out to eat. You needed him to be the calming force. You needed his gentle methods of diffusing the cries.
When the second baby came along while your first was at the peak toddler stage, the mere thought of going to a restaurant or the store by yourself was daunting. Horrible thoughts battered your brain. What if a temper tantrum happens? What if I lose one of them? What if they get kidnapped right in front of my eyes? Progressively, the thoughts became more unrealistic, but they successfully kept you from venturing out alone with the two vulnerable halves of your heart. You wouldn't risk their safety by selling yourself as overconfident in terms of your motherly capabilities.
Now, you had your toddler incessantly saying "mom" while your three-month-old newborn squirmed in your arms, quietly whimpering near your breast and awfully close to making her cries known to every single person in the restaurant. Harry sat across from you, your eldest by his side with an abandoned coloring sheet crumpled in front of her. Phase One of her tantrum involved throwing a fit over the restaurant not providing a magenta-colored crayon. She whined and sulked until Harry set her on his lap and distracted her by having her recite the colors of the rainbow in order. It worked, but only for a moment.
Phase Two was when you were dragged into it. You had been to blame for her coloring sheet disaster, and while you simply told her that magenta wasn't a common color, she knocked over her sippy cup in protest of your reasonable explanation. She expected you to have the answer to every question in the universe.
Phase Three was happening right now. Her desperate attempts to get your attention were needling under your skin and whittling away at your patience. The meals hadn't been served yet, and the hunger and heat you felt were like little volcanoes waiting to erupt. One more spike of overstimulation, and you'd lose the last shreds of your poise.
You shifted in your seat, and when your newborn let loose that first wail, you stared at the cloudless sky and swallowed roughly. When you looked back down, you saw Harry eyeing you with steady focus. He knew the exhaustion was catching up. Last night had been full of anxiety and insomnia, which never paired well. It was a rarity that you were able to muster the energy to step out of the house today.
"Do you want to go to the car?" Harry asked, knowing the telltale signs of a hungry baby all too well.
You shook your head. "I can feed her right here."
He grabbed the nursing cover from under the stroller and handed it to you. Your eldest was stretching her limbs impatiently, still on his lap, and you were counting down the seconds until she became overwhelmed too.
After putting the nursing cover on and letting your baby latch, the food arrived. It looked delectable, but your appetite had somehow vanished within the past ten minutes. With the mind-body connection, you assumed your stress and frazzled hormones were messing with your stomach.
While you held the baby, Harry stabbed his fork into your tossed salad and brought a serving of iceberg lettuce and cherry tomatoes up to your mouth. "Eat," he said softly.
You could handle small bites, so you accepted his offering and munched on the crispy vegetables. It was a meal just light enough to settle nicely.
Back and forth, Harry fed you, his eldest, and also himself. She was calmer now, more interested in her kid-size chicken tenders than whatever she was angry about. In her floral summer dress and pigtails, she was a cute little menace. The toddler stage was chaotic, but in the best way.
Your mind drifted to Harry as you watched him make your daughter laugh with his silly antics, her lips no longer pouting. He had the dad thing down pat when his girls got fussy, yet he always checked in with you first to make sure you were all right. He knew your emotions lingered longer than a child's brief outburst, so you appreciated his attentiveness now more than ever.
After lunch, which had thankfully been peaceful once everyone's bellies were full, you all walked along the nearby Santa Monica coast to soak up the sunshine and refreshing ocean breeze.
Harry had the baby cuddled against his chest in a sling, which was a miracle worker for nap time, while you pushed the stroller with a nearly asleep toddler in it. You guessed tantrums were exhausting sometimes—hopefully, that meant the car ride home would be serene.
"Harry," you said from beside him. He never liked walking in front of or behind you. "Thank you for earlier."
He glanced over, practically glowing under the sun's mild presence. "What did I do?"
With a smile reserved just for him, you answered, "You take care of us." Guilt got the best of you when you added, "And I'm sorry for not being able to step up to the plate."
It consumed you in your weakest moments, but you didn't have to deal with it alone. Harry was there to shoulder it and shelf it for later.
"Sweetheart, you're the one who gave me these babies," he said, reaching his hand out for yours. You took it, and you instantly felt grounded. "You're the one who keeps them fed and growing healthy. You will always be the most important person to them."
"It's hard to believe it sometimes."
Harry squeezed your hand three times. "Then I'll be here to remind you every day. We'd be lost without you."
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bluesest · 7 months
A Diarrhea Camp
In the "Orange Lake" camp there have always been adventures of all kinds, from wasp chases, to cases where for certain reasons, some campers used to have… stomach problems.
On this occasion a large group of campers arrived at the big green forest, where they will share great moments together. Jeremy was one of these campers, he was the rebel of the group, always looking for a way to get into trouble. On the third day, Jeremy insulted a fellow camper which was heard by the camp guides and as a punishment, he would have to serve the food dishes to the campers of the place.
That's how it all started, he hated having to work when he was supposed to be having fun with his buddies, in short, he was annoyed by the situation. On the first day, almost finishing his shift he overheard two of the campers complaining about the food:
"Wow…is this stuff even edible?"
"Is this supposed to be mashed potatoes?"
"The only thing pure here is how my stomach will end up after eating this."
"Rather, how your diarrhea will turn out after eating this attempt at food."
Hearing this, Jeremy couldn't help but get a feeling, one he had never felt before, it was a mixture of need and the obscene, like a great desire inside his heart that made him start sweating. He thought, "Just imagine how those unusable toilets would end up if any of these guys had an urge."
Night came and he was in his cabin with 5 of the other campers:
"Hey, I don't recommend you go to the bathrooms in this place, they're worse than last year, I'd choose a tree to mark my territory over that attempt at hygiene."
"And when it's your turn to do number two?"
"First of all, it's called shitting, second of all, I wouldn't have a choice to be honest."
Again that feeling came, piercing his chest and making certain parts of his body start to fill with blood. "Do I really like that kind of thing…? Naaahhh… but I should be able to do something to prove otherwise… I have an idea!"
While no one was looking, Jeremy grabbed his backpack and searched through his clothes, "I usually usually put all the medications on my shelf when I leave… Here it is!" Among several capsules he found a hand-sized bottle of a powerful laxative, and if you're wondering why a person would have a big bottle of laxative, well, let's just say our friend has had trouble with unclogging the pipe when he usually eats a lot of junk food.
The next day it was time to execute the plan, he waited for the cooks to be distracted to pour at least a small spoonful of the laxative to each of the dishes, the taste was not going to be a problem because the food itself was disgusting, Jeremy's conscience kicked in and almost caused him to stop his plan, but his desire was stronger, and that's how around 40 campers were intoxicated with laxative.
Once he finished his work, he grabbed a plate of food and sat down with his companions:
"This tastes a little weird than usual, but it's still gross."
"There are lots of activities at camp today: canoe paddling, swimming, a foot race, arts and crafts and among other things, what will you guys be doing?"
This just added more excitement to the matter, many of them would have to cut their activities short because their stomachs wouldn't hold out for long.
Twenty minutes passed and Jeremy was sitting on a log when he spotted a camper in the distance trying to hide the fact that he was carrying a roll of toilet paper in his hand, he was Jeremy's first victim, or at least the first one he could observe.
Slowly he approached him taking care that he didn't see him, surprisingly he got to the bathroom earlier which was because the camper could barely take small steps. When he arrived he saw that the bathroom had only two compartments, it was a typical wooden latrine with a large hole in the floor as a toilet, there are about 10 of these bathrooms around the camp, but even so they were not enough for the large wave of diarrheic young people, Jeremy hid in the second toilet and with a knife he had in his pocket he made a hole that allowed him to see everything that happened in the first latrine and that made it difficult to observe what was happening in the second one from the first toilet.
Finally he hears the first door creaking and being abruptly closed, he hears a small voice: "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" followed by the sound of the boy's pants strap to then drop his pants, after that the boy was able to free himself:
The first blow was a devastating one, you could tell from afar how he'd been holding that in for a long time.
The second one violently hit the hole, liters of liquid was expelled from the small anus of the subject that was not enough to expel everything in one blow:
Sobs began to be heard which were confused by the drops of brown liquid coming out of the poor boy, Jeremy was able to fill his desire, but this is not where it ends. Suddenly a knock was heard at Jeremy's cubicle door:
"Hey buddy, excuse me, but have you cleared the bathroom yet? I just really need to go, and to be honest, the guy next door sounds like he's just getting started."
Jeremy took his eyes off the hole, opened the door and answered, "All yours", he was a tall young man with some muscle, his clothes were stuck to him due to sweat, and with a smile he thanked Jeremy obviously not knowing that he was the one who was to blame for his suffering.
The big guy closed the door, Jeremy almost left the place disappointed until he saw a small hole that would allow him to see what was also happening in the second cubicle: He saw how the tall guy started to undress, he was the type of person who undresses to go to the bathroom when it is something urgent, Jeremy managed to see part of the guy's penis before his ass fell into the toilet:
The first blow was weak compared to that of the previous person, who by the way was still expelling large amounts of poop in embarrassment as he knew a new person entered with the same problem:
The second hit was somewhat disappointing for Jeremy, apparently this guy was having a bad constipation, he was about to leave to find other campers until a big noise made him stay:
The smell hit him all at once, a mixture of bread and meat with a hint of pepper, the man managed to unclog his pipe and managed to release a third shocking wave as the first person had already finished and proceeded to clean himself up Tall: "Uffffffff I really did have to get rid of a couple of extra pounds…wait a minute…I FORGOT TO BRING PAPER…*KNOCK* *KNOCK* hey, I know you're in there, could you lend me some paper? I really need to clean up the mess I have on my butt."
Shy: "ummmm… Ok… but don't finish it all, I'm afraid this is a… diarrhea."
Tall: "Don't worry, I have more in my backpack, just let me know when you want to hit the porcelain again."
Shy: "That would be strange…"
Tall: "In another context yes, but come on, we both heard and smelled what was going on in each other's toilet, we're like bathroom bros!"
Shy: "Well… do you want to go paddling after this… with me?"
Tall: "Sure, why not, I don't have many friends around here either."
Those words reminded Jeremy of one of the other activities which would be interesting for his new hobby: canoe paddling, just the thought of a person having an emergency in a place surrounded by water and the only way out is using brute force which raises the risk of causing an anal leak, is something that fascinated Jeremy. As he left the area he saw that very few campers were around, that was a sign that most were already affected and that only those with strong stomachs were not affected, even so sooner or later they would all fall.
As he made his way to the lake he could see the start of the foot race that he heard in the cafeteria, there were 5 contestants, all of them were sweaty, but only one had a worried face, apparently 4 of them had already used the bathroom and the sweat remained as a souvenir. The camper was wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with tight black shorts that exposed his well polished legs.
The guide started the race, the one in the yellow shirt that we will call as "Runner" was in first place, apparently his urgency gave him the strength to explode his legs and want to finish the race as soon as possible, not even Jeremy taking shortcuts could catch him, so he followed him with his eyes, after 5 minutes the runner reached the finish line but he did not stop there and kept running, in the distance Jeremy could distinguish something between the runner's legs, a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase him again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea began to drip out of the shorts: a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase it again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea started to drip out of the shorts.
The runner arrived at his destination and after 1 minute Jeremy arrived too, while the runner was making a huge effort to take off his tight shorts without causing a mess, Jeremy took advantage of his urgency and opened a hole with the razor to observe what was going on inside: he saw how an agitated camper with big legs was undressing and with the speed that made him win the race he made his ass reach his own finish line:
The first wave was brutal, the smell was starting to permeate Jeremy's eyes, but also permeating the great view of what of the biggest asses Jeremy has ever seen in his life.
The second wave did not disappoint, so strong was the smell that Jeremy's eyes began to water and in his mind he said, "someone ate a lot of garlic today, didn't he?"
By the third, things had calmed down, Jeremy pulled his face out of the hole, wiped his eyes with a handkerchief and set out to continue with his original plan: go to the lake.
There was only one person already in the lake, a brunette person wearing a swimsuit, he looked ridiculous wearing that knowing he wouldn't touch the water, but Jeremy was not one to judge as he was doing worse.He approached the dock and in the distance he saw how the "swimmer" started hugging his stomach, Jeremy imagined that sporty body squeezed by that blue suit and when he saw him heading towards a secluded shore, Jeremy set out to run just to reach to hide and get a better view of the swimmer's butt. It wasn't easy but he finally got there before him, he positioned himself in a small bush as the canoe was parked:
Swimmer "Oh my god, the toilets are too far away and… I don't think I can hold on… shit."
A machine gun of farts was coming out of that tight ass, with force and desperation the swimmer started to quickly take off that suit exposing that under that suit was hiding a nice ass, he barely managed to free his ass and started to shit without even squatting down:
They were wet farts coming out forcefully as they were inundated by waves of violent diarrhea, it had a dark color and stank pretty bad.
Followed the liquid, there was no trace of any solid material, the frequency of the farts was going down, but they were much louder, at this part the camper could barely squat:
An even more powerful jet made the swimmer tremble causing him to nearly lose his balance and fall into his own fecal material. Finally, the poor camper finished and wiped his butt with the lake water hoping no one had seen him.
Jeremy seeing that the swimmer left was ready to return to his cabin and rest from the marathon he ran all day, but something strange, in the mud of the forest he saw footsteps, a trace of someone walking through the forest and so far did not return, Jeremy exhausted did not miss the opportunity and also went into the forest.
5 minutes was the time Jeremy was walking among the big trees, he was about to return when he heard some moans, when he looked out he saw another camper sweating, walking and hugging his stomach, so Jeremy decided to deviate from the dirt road and hid in the trees following the lost camper.
He looked exhausted and dizzy, he stopped for a second and changed his route next to a tree, defeated, he slowly dropped his pants leaving his somewhat flat butt in the air:
*PPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT*. It was just a dry fart, apparently yet another one who is constipated.
Slowly a monumental poop made its way out, it was so big that it couldn't easily pass through the poor boy's anus:
Finally, it fell leaving the way free for:
Shit was falling and exploding as it hit the ground, many flies around started to approach the boy which made the situation more uncomfortable:
Camper: "I think… I'll stay in camp…"
He slowly took several sheets and wiped his bottom, they were rough but worked well for the situation. After leaving, Jeremy walked over to the pile of shit and admired it by touching a certain part of his body.
Upon arriving back at camp, his friends told him the news that several campers had severe diarrhea.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is really shy and anxious but she’s a literal angel, and Gavi just thinks she’s the most adorable human being ever and is very protective over her? Maybe Gavi introduces her too his teammates?🫶🏼 You don’t have too of course, but if you do thank you!❤️
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Pablo's POV
The moment we arrived to the bar that guy was eyeing her down like a piece of meet which clearly made her uncomfortable and made me furious. Hijo de puta!
My girl isn't one for confrontations since she is very shy and often stays quiet when she feels uncomfortable. It's that fact that makes me want to protect her from everything, and that awakens my short fuse.
"Nice dress, nena!" he said as we walked to the bar to order our drinks and I noticed her shift uncomfortably and pull her summer dress down while reaching out for me like she was asking for protection..my precious girl!
I wrapped my arm around her waist protectively and she leaned into my touch ignoring the asshole and focusing on the menu in front of us instead. She was very short and tiny so with my arms around her people could barely see her.
I hoped that when he saw that she is not alone, he would just let go off inappropriate comments so I didn't react the first time.
"What would you like anjo?" I said while she was looking through the menu with her head laid on my shoulder so preciously.
"Um..can I have a lemonade please?" she asked and my heart melted at how freaking cute and precious she was all the time!
"You can have whatever you like mia preciosa" I said and she blushed looking up at me and I leaned down pecking her lips.
Everything was perfect until we heard his snarky "fucking hot!" in the background and she became anxious and uncomfortable right away. That's it!
I was ready to react but she stopped me, placing her small hands on my chest and looking up at me with big eyes. Fuck I couldn't resist those adorable eyes!
"Please don't Pablo..for me" she said an i nodded kissing the top of her head before ordering us the drinks we choose.
Luckily, he was quiet for awhile until she went to use the bathroom and I joined my friends at the bar stools where he also sat.
"You guys are seriously the cutest couple" Cristo said and I smiled showing him the picture we took last night with the sunset in the background. She looked so cute with my strong arms wrapped around her and her curls falling over them. She was wearing a cute pink bikini and a summer hat...so adorable.
"Joder! The things I'd do to her in that bikini!" he said and since she was nowhere to stop me, I've had enough putting the phone down and charging towards him.
Your POV
"What the fuck did you say!? Hijo de puta!" Pablo was in the man's face when I came back from the bathroom feeling anxious as to what had happened while I was gone.
"I said I would do so many things to her!" man replied and my stomach twisted in disgust and then Pablo's fist met his jaw as he fell down from the chair and Pablo's friends were pulling him backwards.
"Hermano, you gotta relax!" it was Cristo who tried calming him down together with Ale but Pablo was way too charged up to stop himself anymore.
I knew he had short fuse..and whenever someone dared disrespect or make me uncomfortable, there was no stopping Pablo's reactions...well, unless I ask him to stop.
The fight unravelled in front of my eyes and I screamed while people tried separating them as my anxiety reached it's peak..I hated violence and it always triggered me.
"Vamos, amiga! Let me take you home!" Cristo pushed through the crows helping me into the car even though I didn't want to leave without Pablo. He reassured me that Ale and Mario will stay behind and get him home in one piece.
Another hour passed before Pablo finally made it home knocking on our bedroom door before walking inside with a bloody lip and a few bruises on his chest. That sight was enough to make tears fall down my cheeks.
"Shh shh preciosa..I'm alright..come here" he sat down pulling me into his arms and holding me tightly against his warm chest. We stayed like that in silence for a few minutes before I finally spoke again.
"I don't like you getting into fights because of me.." I said and feeling his heart racing against my chest and I finally look up to meet his eyes.
"I was just sitting with my friends..and that asshole started to talk about things he would do to you" Pablo explained and I gulped knowing that he had a reason to react but also hating the fact that it turned into a fight that could throw shade on his career.
"So?" I said and he raised his eyebrows pulling me closer and making me straddle his lap while his hand moved my hair to the side and he left hot kisses on my neck and shoulder.
"So..I told him I've already done all those things" he smirked knowing how shy I become when he dirty talks to me. He kissed my lips wincing a little feeling a sting from his cut.
"Your lip is bleeding..and you have bruises" I said touching his chest while he was breathing heavily. I thought it was because of pain but later I started to realize it was more from excitement.
Pablo's POV
Every guy in this world dreams about his girl tending to his wounds especially if he got into a fight for her..I was certainly living my dream now as she was inspecting my bruises carefully.
"Do they hurt cariño??" she asked adorably and I nodded my head seeing her blush bright red while leaning down and leaving sweet kisses on my heated skin. Fuck! I loved her innocence so much but even more when she was naughty only with me.
"Thank you for protecting me cariño..te..amo" she said in between kisses moving all the way to my face and kissing my cut gently while looking at me with those innocent eyes.
"Sempre mi amor.." I said moaning a little when she started to suck on my neck..looks like my angel was enjoying being naughty right now.
"You want to be bad anjo?" I smirked and she looked at me with completely red face and big eyes while still kissing my neck.
"Mhmm" she said and I smirked twisting us around so that I was on top of her trapping her small body underneath mine and kissing her lips passionately.
There is nothing better than having an angel in the streets..and bad girl in the sheets...;))
Hope you like it :))
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joeys-babe · 9 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 15: Parents
October 2nd - with flashbacks from the previous night.
(y/n's pov)
Yesterday couldn't have been more perfect.
After years of admiring Joe from afar, I was finally his, and he was finally mine.
*Last night*
We arrived back at my house right after midnight. Joe and I stood at my front door not wanting to depart.
We stood hugging each other for a few minutes, kissing now and then. Trying to savor the other's presence before we part ways for the night.
"I don't want to go in there." - you
"I don't want you to either." - Joe
Silence fell over us as we stared at each other. We were thinking the same but neither of us wanted to come off too strong and ask. In the end, I was the one to speak up.
"Can I stay at your place tonight?" - you
Joe immediately smiled and nodded vigorously as his arm tightened around my waist and he pressed his soft lips to mine.
"Of course." - Joe
Once we were at Joe's across the street we showered (separately of course). Joe took one in the guest bathroom after showing me how to work the shower in the master bathroom.
He was sweet enough to let me borrow some of his clothes to sleep in, though it was hard for him to find pants that would fit me.
"I don't know baby, you might have to wear a belt with a pair of my sweatpants." - Joe
We had erupted into a laughing fit every few seconds, perks of dating your best friend.
In the end, Joe laid out one of his long-sleeve tees and a pair of shorts that he made sure had a drawstring.
Of course, I took significantly longer than him in the shower so when I walked out of the bathroom he was already lying down in bed.
Joe's gaze drifted from his phone to me and after giving me a slow once-over his perfect smile graced his lips.
"I kinda look like Adam Sandler." - you
I felt my cheeks get rosy as Joe's laughter filled the room.
"You look perfect." - Joe smiled
"You're just saying that because I'm in your clothes." - you rolled your eyes
"Well duh. They honestly look better on you than they do me." - Joe
"Joe babe now you're just lying. I'm being swallowed whole." - you giggled
"You look comfy!" - Joe
I moved forward and crawled into bed next to Joe, as I got closer to him my eyes were accustomed to the darkness and I could make out the details of his face and body better. My pulse quickened when I realized Joe didn't have a shirt on.
When my eyes averted from Joe's built chest back to his face, the smug grin showing on his lips told me he was aware of my staring.
"Sorry..." - you
"Don't be. You can look." - Joe grinned
Joe shifted around and the sheet moved farther down to expose more of his toned upper body.
"You're unreal Joe." - you
"Yeah?" - Joe smirked
"Yeah." - you repeated
Slowly I reached out and placed a hand on his stomach. My hand ran over his soft skin before moving up to his chest and rounding his pecs.
"This isn't fair." - you grumped
"What isn't?" - Joe
"You look hot as hell and I look homeless." - you
Joe busted out laughing before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into him.
"You don't look homeless baby. I think you look rather hot wearing my clothes." - Joe
"You're just saying that because you basically marked your territory." - you
He moved a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my temple.
"Exactly, sweetheart." - Joe
His deep voice, and the nickname that spilled out with it, left me feeling rather flustered. Feeling my cheeks heat up I pressed my face into his neck and tried to hide the redness showing on my face.
"Don't hide from me, baby. I wanna see your pretty face." - Joe
"Joey, stop. You're too much." - you
"How so?" - Joe chuckled
"You're praising me so much, if my face gets any hotter I might pass out." - you
"Okay okay, I'll stop." - Joe chuckled
A loud yawn left my lips and Joe tightened his hold on me as he pulled the blanket over us.
"You comfy?" - Joe
"Very." - you rubbed your face against his chest
"Goodnight, baby." - Joe
"Goodnight, Joey." - you
Joe kissed my forehead and leaned away a little bit to get comfortable. He was super tired so I wasn't at all surprised when he almost immediately fell asleep.
A few minutes later when I was about to go to sleep I realized that I left my phone charger downstairs and my phone was close to dying.
I tried to wiggle out of Joe's arms without waking him up but I failed miserably.
"Baby? What are you doing?" - Joe
"Uhm. I forgot my charger downstairs and my phone's almost dead." - you
"Stay here, I'll go get it." - Joe
He moved the covers off of him and rolled outta bed. I watched him the entire way on his trip out of the room. His gorgeous muscular body was only covered in a pair of black boxers, and God did he look downright hot.
After borderline drooling over my boyfriend and laying there in shock till he got back with my charger, I almost forgot how to form words.
"You okay, y/n? You look like you just saw a ghost." - Joe
"I- uh... yeah." - you
"Okay, well goodnight." - Joe
"Night." - you
A few seconds of silence went by before I spoke up.
"Hey Joe?" - you
"Hey y/n?" - Joe
"You're so hot." - you
Joe chuckled before kissing my cheek.
"I appreciate it, babe. You're pretty hot too." - Joe laughed
"Like I can't believe you're my boyfriend, how'd I manage to get you?" - you
Joe sighed and sat up in bed, realizing it was going to be longer till he went to sleep.
"Pretty easily honestly. You know I've been under your spell since high school. y/n you're everything I could ever want or need; you're the sweetest woman ever, incredibly funny, smart, loving, and humble. You just understand me more than anyone else ever could. If anything, I question how I got you to go out with me." - Joe
"Pretty easily honestly." - you grinned
A smile formed on Joe's lips as it registered that you copied his words. He leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss on my lips.
*Present Day*
Once again, waking up next to Joe started the day off amazingly.
Plans today consisted of telling the parents that we were now a couple. My parents already knew that last night was probably going to be the night Joe asked me out since he told them, and I'd find that out from Joe.
Now Robin & Jimmy had no idea that Joe and I were even on good terms. The last they heard was when I was at the game, so it'll be a pleasant surprise for them when we reveal our relationship to them later tonight.
As I got ready for the day, Joe fixed breakfast downstairs and I could honestly say I could get used to this way of life. I was so lucky to have Joe as a boyfriend and best friend.
After finishing getting ready, I walked downstairs to find Joe intricately plating our breakfast.
"Look at you, Mr. Chef." - you smiled
"Morning, gorgeous." - Joe smiled
I strode up to him and got on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Morning, handsome. You didn't have to do all of this, but I'm really glad you did because I'm starving." - you smiled
"Thought you would be. I made french toast, sausage links, and fried potatoes." - Joe
"You are the best, Joe." - you
Joe swung an arm around my waist and pulled me against him.
"Only the best for my girl." - Joe kissed you
Breakfast was all around perfect, Joe and I talked about anything we could think of and he even gave me a speech thanking me for how much I've already healed him from his past relationship.
After we cleaned up the kitchen together we walked over to my parent's house hand in hand.
Walking through the door, my mom was sitting on the island and didn't even turn around at the sound of the front door opening.
"Hey guys!" - you
"Hey, sweetie- oh, and Joe!" - your mom
My mom had turned around rather slowly mid-sentence and was surprised to see Joe with me.
"Hey." - Joe smiled
"So what have you two been up to?" - your mom
"Well... our first night and morning as a couple was pretty good!" - you smiled
"A couple!? Are you guys official?!" - your mom
Joe and I looked at each other with huge smiles, he squeezed my hand and nodded to me to tell me to say yes.
"Yup." - you smiled
My mom practically jumped out of her seat and ran over to us, pulling us both into a hug.
"Oh my gosh, I'm ecstatic for you guys. I just know you'll make each other so happy as boyfriend and girlfriend. I've been waiting for this moment since you two were born." - your mom
"We already have made each other pretty happy. Right, baby?" - Joe grinned
"Right." - you smiled back at your boyfriend
"You guys are so sweet. Your dad is on the back porch drinking his coffee, by the way." - your mom
I nodded and led Joe outside to the back deck, my dad immediately smiled when he saw me walking out.
"Hey pumpkin- oh and Joe's with you."  - your dad chuckled
He was sitting in one of the chairs so Joe and I opted for the loveseat across from him.
"You two seem awfully happy, what's happened since yesterday evening?" - your dad
"We went on a date." - you grinned
"Yeah? When will you guys finally get together? It's clear you guys want each other, and there are no doubt shared feelings between the two of you." - your dad
"That's actually what we're here for. We have something to tell you." - Joe
I looked over at Joe and felt a slight pain in my cheeks from how much I'd been smiling the past couple of days.
"Yeah, what's that?" - your dad
Joe laced his fingers with mine and gently squeezed my hand, my dad immediately noticed the action.
"We're dating." - you
Both Joe and I started getting worried when seconds had passed and my dad hadn't shown any reaction. He was just talking about how we should get together, and now he's silent?
"Really?" - your dad
"Yeah, Joe's my boyfriend." - you grinned
Joe felt himself blushing when you called him that, he'd never get tired of hearing it.
"Is this a prank?" - your dad
"What? No." - you
"Well then, congrats. You guys complement each other very well. Joe, have you told your parents yet? I'm sure your mom will be thrilled." - your dad
"We haven't yet no. We are tonight." - Joe
"Oh okay, sounds good. I'll try to keep your mother from saying anything, y/n." - your dad
"Good luck with that!" - you laughed
Joe and I stood up off the couch and started to walk back inside when my dad called my name.
"Hey, y/n. One more question." - your dad
"Yeah?" - you
"Does this mean you're going to be outta the house soon?" - your dad laughed
I looked at Joe when he busted out laughing at my dad's comment.
"Hopefully that's where it's heading. I'm in it for the long run Sir." - Joe grinned
"Good. Now you two get outta here. I love you both!" - your dad
Joe's hand on the small of my back led me back into the house where my mom was patiently waiting at the bar in the kitchen.
"So how'd that go?" - your mom
"Good! He asked if us being together meant I was going to be outta that house soon." - you laughed
My mom laughed and shook her head at her husband's comment.
"Don't feel pressured to move out just because you have a boyfriend now, you're welcome here as long as you need." - your mom
"I appreciate it." - you smiled
As much as I love my parents, as soon as Joe asks me to move in with him, I'm out of here.
Because who wouldn't want to live with their boyfriend who's also their best friend?
Authors note: Long time no see with SWBT, but a sweet anon encouraged me to post!
Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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Say that again —Mason Mount
Warning: mention of alcohol, angst.
Words: +1.3k
#sexynote: english is not my first language
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London, England.
The glass of champagne lay in front of your eyes when your hand held your sleepy face on the table. If you listened to your friends complaining about their boyfriends for one more minute, you were going to explode. Literally.
You drank the last of your glass, letting the burning sensation take over your throat, smiling as you watched several boys arrive at their table. Sophia, by your side, squeezed your leg, drawing your attention as she saw the young Englishman surround the place.
Brilliant. You thought as you saw the group of players.
"I didn't know they let girls over 40 in" you heard the mockery from one of them.
You were drunk enough to make a fuss, but you'd rather play his game.
"I didn't know your girlfriend let you out of the house." You smiled, serving yourself another drink. Your friend, Kai, rolled his eyes as he hugged his girlfriend.
"Don't laugh, you'll have a boyfriend soon and you won't say anything like that," Sophia sighed, giving Kai a kiss on the cheek. You made a mock gag, making the others at the table laugh.
Next to the German, the dark-haired man who had just arrived was sitting, covertly your gaze shifted towards him. You cleared your throat when his gaze met yours, grabbing the bottle of champagne to serve you another bit.
"How many of those?" Ben asked, hugging his girl around the waist. But his girlfriend scolded him, telling him not to bother you.
"Not enough." The words slipped from your mouth, with a giggle.
"It seems that you are trying to forget someone" you heard him speak for the first time with a hint of irony.
Your gaze returned to the boy, dressed perfectly in a white shirt under a khaki jacket paired with jeans of the same color.
On his face, that self-centered and delusional smile appeared while his eyes shone in the darkness of the bar.
The tension could be cut with a knife and everyone present could tell, but no one said anything. Kai and Sophia smiled knowingly, while Ben and Cartia ignored you, Reece and Christian joked among themselves trying to dissimulate.
You did not say anything. You just smiled broadly outlining the edge of the empty glass with your finger.
It was no secret that you had never been able to get along with Mason Mount, Chelsea and England number 19, the best friend of your best friend's boyfriend.
The boy you hated since you met him but had you fantasizing for almost two years. Although neither admitted it and they made life impossible for each other, pretending that nothing was happening between you but it was the opposite.
"I heard that you are moving to Norway next week for your scholarship. You deserve it so much, congratulations, girl” Cartia said happily, holding your hand.
You nodded, smiling gratefully.
"Norway?" Pulisic questioned. "That's great, y/n. Congratulations sweetheart"
"Thank you, Chris" you thanked biting your lip, a little shy.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mason's jaw tighten when the American returned the gesture, smiling seductively at you.
“So…let's party!” Ben yelled, letting go of his girlfriend to run to the bar, ordering bottles of the first thing he saw and turning towards you.
You toasted, danced and vice versa throughout the night, enjoying the joy of the place. You even came to think that coming tonight hadn't been a mistake. Despite knowing that Mason would be here, you were enjoying one of your last nights in the city with your friends.
With your feet sore and your body vibrating, you walked away from the girls and across in front of the players who were taking a break after two hours of intense partying. You needed to get some air and wash your face shortly, or you could literally pass out right here. With wandering steps you arrived at the dark corridor surrounded by silence and calm, reading the sign that indicated where the bathrooms were.
But cold fingers encircled your forearm when you tried to reach your destination, preventing you from moving forward. The strong masculine smell of the expensive perfume so characteristic that he used to wear reached your nostrils when you mentally cursed.
You couldn't face it now. You were not in all your senses and feared for your mental integrity.
"Are you going to Norway?" he asked simply, turning to him. "Why did not you tell me?"
The tone of his voice made you heartbroken. Was he so cynical to act like he cared?
"We are not friends, I have nothing to tell you"
The words were strong and direct. So much that they seemed to affect him, he opened his mouth to say something and couldn't say it.
"What, Mason?" you snatched. "You don't care about me at all, you made that clear a few times."
And you weren't lying. Although he had never explicitly said so, you knew he wasn't interested in you, just that you were Sophie's friend, his friend's girlfriend, nothing more. The four of you had tried many times to go out, you even had dinner together after the games, but you always clashed and ended up arguing.
You were like black and white, cat and dog, oil and water. Mutual teasing, ironic and sarcastic responses, pure tension.
You weren't exactly friends, just acquaintances who hated each other.
"I do care," he grumbled, getting closer and closer. "You will fulfill your dream, of course it matters," he said a little more relaxed.
“You don't have to pretend, Mason"
“Shit, Y/n"
You released yourself from his grasp with tears stinging his eyes. You hated that he will try to worry now. Like he wants to stop you or just make you feel bad.
What did he want?
Again, his fingers gripped your body. But this time, his hands encircled your lower waist, turning you back towards his body, guiding you as you felt his lips impact yours roughly.
The butterflies in your belly began to flutter when his hands ran over your back, bringing you closer until his bodies were stuck together and his tongue lashed out against your mouth. You felt a tremor in your legs when the ideas in your head dispersed and you did nothing but enjoy the kiss of the person you hated the most.
When your lungs gasped for air, you pressed down on his chest, pulling him away a bit.
Pulse racing, lips swollen, and heart pounding, you held his face in your hands.
Why didn't you push him away? Why didn't you yell at him and run away from him? Why did you want to keep kissing him? Why was your heart beating so hard in your chest?
"I can't let you go," he whispered as his eyes met. "Not now"
You denied without being able to understand it.
"I need you"
“No, Mason. You don't need me, you're just playing me."
"No, I don't," he denied, squeezing your waist. "I'm in love with you, Y/n."
You closed your eyes without being able to believe it. He didn't mean it, he was fucking with you like he always had. He just wanted to ruin your night...and your life, pretty much.
"Look at me," he whispered so close to your face that you could feel his warm breath against your nose.
"I love you" he said taking your breath away.
You denied again, you couldn't fall for that. Not now, not when you had decided to leave the country and leave whatever it was you felt for him behind.
"I've always liked you, ever since we met, but I couldn't say it. I didn't know what i wanted, not until a few hours ago"
Tears spilled down your face. How could he do this to you? Confession at this moment, while the alcohol flowed in their blood, the heat invaded their spaces, the feelings floated from their bodies.
"I liked arguing with you, making you angry, seeing you tense when I'd get close and then walk away, I didn't want it to happen but it did" he continued saying with those eyes.
Those eyes.
"I hate you, Mason" you spat through gritted teeth.
"Say that again" he asked, holding you tightly.
"I hate you, Mason Mount" you repeated at his request and it was enough for him to stamp his lips against yours for the second time that night.
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pbforeva · 3 months
ok so like boom i’m going quick
**TW: DV**
part 2
Evelyn's pov:
As I walk back to my apartment, fear courses through my body as I think about my boyfriend waiting for me. The girl behind me leaves my thoughts as I think about how angry he will be because I'll be late getting home. My boyfriend is sweet and caring, but sometimes he can get a bit angry, it's understandable because I do things that I know make him mad. 
I take a deep breath, walk in the door, and see my boyfriend waiting for me. I stand by the door waiting for Blake, watching his large figure get up and walk towards me. As he gets closer, I can see the rage in his eyes, and my heart falls, knowing it's my fault he's like this.
"Why the fuck are you late, Evelyn," I hear his striking voice question me. I begin to say, "I'm sorry, I was just-" but he interrupts me by saying, "Just what? Cheating on me?" I feel his hands roughly grab my wrist as I try to continue talking, "No, I was just talking to a new friend I made on the way home, and I guess we lost track of time," I try to reason as I feel tears fall from my eyes. His grip tightens, and he yells out, "Friends? Oh, now you'd rather talk to your little friends than spend time with me? AM I REALLY THAT HORRIBLE?" 
"No, no, I love you I'm sorry I didn't mean to talk to her," I scramble to say, but it's too late. I know I deserve the beating that's to come because I know he doesn't like me having friends, and being late made it worse. 
He pulls me close, all while tightening his grip on my wrists, and I can feel bruises forming, soon his mouth is by my ear, and he whispers, "I'm not gonna explain what you did wrong because you deserve this, and I know you know that." I nod against his chest because he's right, I do deserve this because I angered him, I shouldn't have been late. 
Suddenly, I am thrown to the floor, and I can feel his rigid boots begin to kick against my ribs. "You know I don't like doing this to you, why do you always force me to be the villain?" I hear him shout at me as I attempt to choke out an apology, "I'm sorry, I know this is my fault," I say with a trembling voice as he shoves his heel into the pit of my stomach.
Paige's pov:
After returning to the dorm I share with my teammates, I head to the bathroom, undress, and get in the shower. I begin to wash my hair when my thoughts shift from how good the warm shower feels to Azzi's words about Evelyn. "Did something about her seem off to you guys?" her words repeat in my head while I replay the memory. I focus on her face as I rinse out my shampoo, and her eyes stare back at me with fear hidden behind them. The fear was probably because she almost fell, right? I shake my head and finish washing my body before getting out of the shower. 
After drying off, I put on a pair of shorts and a Uconn wbb t-shirt. I brush my hair and head out to the living room we share, where I see Azzi on the couch watching a movie. I sit down next to her and wonder if I'll run into Evelyn again tomorrow. My thoughts are interrupted by KK running in and asking if we want to get lunch with the team. Azzi and I look at each other and shrug before Azzi responds, "Yeah, sure, where?" "Umm, probably just pizza," KK unsurly responds.
Azzi and I get into Caroline's car along with KK and Aubrey, and soon we arrive at the restaurant, where we sit down with the rest of the team, who are waiting there for us. I sit next to Ashlynn, who is having a conversation with Jana. I sit there wondering what Evelyn was doing, and oh my gosh, I think I like her. HOW? This can't happen, we're not even friends, I DON'T EVEN HAVE HER NUMBER. Oh my gosh, I'm going insane, I have to stop- 
"HELLO, earth to Paige," I hear Aubrey say while waving her hand in front of my face. I look up and realize the team is staring at me, making my cheeks tinge pink. "Oh, sorry, what were you saying," I reply, hoping my blush isn't noticeable. "She was probably day-dreaming about the girl we ran into on the way to basketball," I hear Azzi proclaim from the end of the table, "Hey, no-" I attempt to deny it, but I'm cut off by a chorus of "OOOO," from most people at the table. I groan and set my head on the table to hide my embarrassment. 
When the conversation has moved on, I go to the bathroom to collect my thoughts because Azzi wasn't wrong. What was so enticing about Evelyn that she wouldn't leave my mind? Was it the color of her soft brown eyes? Or was it the luscious curls that flowed around her face so perfectly? No, I think it was her soft voice that I recall penetrating my ears for the first time. I attempt to erase the memory of her soft features from my mind as I take a deep breath and head back to the table. 
I sit down and realize the pizza arrived, so I grab a slice and start to talk to Ashlynn about practice today when she asks, "Who was Azzi talking about?" "Oh, well on the way to practice, I saw the girl in front of me trip on the curb, so I ran up and caught her, and after we talked for a few minutes. Her name was Evelyn," I reply. "Wait do you know her last name? My friend Aurora has a best friend named Evelyn," she questions. I finish the conversation by saying, "No, but I'll ask if I run into her again."
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thelittleangel · 5 months
slow dance
tags: Negan x male reader, no apocalypse au, soft romance, nothing happens until the very end.
warnings: swearing, reader gets overwhelmed by crowds.
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I arrive at the country club in my janky Saturn.  
I’ve always hated the idea of parties.  I was not a popular kid in school.  I didn’t go to parties and socialize.  I’d always sit in my room, reading.  
I had one friend.  He’d always force me to go out and talk to people.  It was always annoying, but I did it so he would shut up about it.  
About 20 years later, and I’m still stuck with Negan.  
He knocks on the window of my car, wearing that shit eating grin.  It’s stupid, but I can't help smiling up at him.  I get out of my car and he looks up and down.  The grin is gone.
“What the hell are you wearing?”
I look at his outfit.  He’s wearing a nice black suit with a tie.
My outfit consists of a sweater vest, a button down, jeans, and my converse.
“Please tell me you’re not wearing that.”
“What’s the problem?”
“You’re wearing a sweater vest to a formal event.”
“I’m surprised you’re concerned about this.”
He gives me a look™.  He grabs my arm and leads me inside.  I wave to the kids on the student council, before Negan all but shoves me into the bathroom.
“Dude! What the hell is your problem?!”
He uses his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“My problem, dude, is that you’re hot and you don’t even try to dress for it.”
“Who says I'm hot?”
He looks up at me. “ People.” 
“Who’s people?”
He narrows his eyes.  “It doesn’t matter.  You’re a handsome guy and a lot of people think you’re good looking and here you are dressed like a cliché.”
I let out a sigh and he fixed me with another look.
“At least lose the sweater vest.”
15 minutes later, I'm back out on the floor, helping the student council set up decorations.
I needed the distraction, because I'm trying not to think about the way his fingers brushed up against my neck to unbutton the top button of my shirt.  Or how close he stood when he was messing with my hair.  
I shake my head, going back to blowing up balloons.  I look up at him, but he’s talking to the DJ.
He looks over at me, with a grin like he’s planning something.
The dance was in full swing.  Kids were taking to the floor, dancing and waving their arms to some song I didn't know the name of.  
I get overwhelmed very easily, so every 30 minutes, me and Negan would trade shifts.  And for 30 minutes I would sit in the almost vacant dining room and cool down.  I’m taking that time for myself when I hear Negan call my name on a mic.
I groan loudly.
He does this thing every year where he calls me out onto the dance floor to sing with him.  
And every year, I say no.
You see, I'm not a big fan of public humiliation.
I see him walk over to me, microphone raised to his lips.  
“You’re not getting out of this one, buddy.”
I can hear his voice echoing through the ball room.
He extends his hand to me, holding out a microphone.
….Fuck it.
I take the mic, standing up.  The onlooking crowd of students exploded into cheers.
Negan laughs, putting an arm around my shoulders.
My heart starts pounding from anxiety as he leads me toward the dance floor.
As we sang together, the kids began to form a circle around us.  Phones were pulled out, flashlights turned on.
Every time I looked at him, he was smiling back at me.
Kids were jumping up and down, shouting the lyrics along with us.
Towards the end of the song, he reaches his arm out to me.  I take his hand and he lifts his arm, spinning me toward him.  He leads me into a dip, and the crowd erupts into cheers and laughter.  
He pulls me back up and the song ends.
I’m all peopled out at this point, and I think he can see it in my face.  He takes the microphones up to the DJ, and leads me out to the parking lot.
“Are you ok?”
I look over at him, confused.  “Yeah, I'm fine.”  
He looks at me with thinly veiled concern.  “Are you sure?  I know you get anxious by crowds and we were literally surrounded by screaming childr-”
“Negan, I'm fine.”
We stand in the parking lot in silence.
“Do you remember our prom?”
“What was it like?”
“Exactly the same.  Except without cell phones.  Or a dance circle around the teachers.  You should have gone.”
“Maybe.  I don't think I would have had too much fun.”
His expression is jovial, but not unthoughtful.  “And why is that?”
“We would have had a good time in the first half, but in the second half, you probably would have gone off with some girl and I would have been alone the rest of the night.”
He looks bothered by this statement.  “I wouldn’t have done that.”
I scoff.  “Please.  You were the hottest guy in school.  I’m not surprised if a girl came up to you in the first 15 minutes.”
His brow furrows.  “I wouldn't have fucking left you.”
I open my mouth to come up with a sarcastic retort, but it dies on my tongue when I see his expression.
His jaw is set, and there’s a look of frustration and protectiveness in his eye.  
His expression softens.
“I would have never done that to you.”
I look down, avoiding his gaze.  He places his hand under my chin, lifting my face, forcing me to look at him.  His breath warms my face, and I can smell his cologne.  
His voice lowers to a gentle whisper.  “I will never fucking leave you.”
He leans forward and places a gentle kiss on my lips.  I don’t move.
He leans back, looking at me awkwardly.  “I’m sorry, i should have asked-”
I grab his collar, yanking him back into a deep kiss.  His hands are up in my hair and my fists are balled up in his shirt.  
He breaks the kiss first, pressing his lips to my forehead.  “I love you so fucking much.”
He kisses me again. “I have since high school.”
He holds me close to him, my face is in his hands.
“Now I wish I'd gone to prom.”  
He laughs, and says to me, “You owe me a slow dance.”
I wrap my arms around his neck.  “I do?”
He nods, a soft smile decorating his face.
I pull out my phone, pulling up a nice song to dance to.
He places his hands on my shoulders, leading us in a gentle sway.  
It’s awkward, just like it would have been in high school.
But seeing him now, smiling down at me the way he always has, it was all worth it.
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Can I request a drabble 31. “Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.” with Santi? ❤
Don't Tease Me
dbf!Santiago "Pope" Garcia X Reader
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I know you didn't specifically say dbf!Santi, but I had this in mind for him so I went with it. Hope you like it!!! <3
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, fingering, age gap (both adults), dbf!Santi, it's Santi with his best friend's daughter so it's a little immoral but we stan.
Word Count: 788
Santiago Garcia, your father’s best friend and former squadmate, sat next to you on the couch in the living room on football Sunday, and he kept looking at you. You knew why he was looking. Of course you knew. You’d worn that short skirt on purpose, the one that hardly covered anything. You knew that your ass was on display for him and that he could probably see the red lacy thong in between your cheeks.
The look he gave you was made of danger. He was telling you that if he got you alone for even a second, he was going to have something to say to you. This wasn’t, after all, the first time you teased him like that.
There was the time at dinner when your dad and Santi had gone to the living room after you all finished eating and you were doing dishes. Santi came in to get another beer and saw you with your shorts pulled up between your cheeks for his pleasure. Then there was the time that you excused yourself from a barbecue in the backyard and you changed into a bikini before going back down to bathe in the hot tub, conveniently placing yourself right next to him.
Most recently, though, Santi’d had enough, and pinned you against the wall. Your father had dozed off during a football game last Sunday and you went to the bathroom. When you walked out, Santi was in the hall.
“I know what you’re trying to do, cut it out. This is ridiculous, you’re my best friend’s kid.”
Now one week later, your dad was in his recliner, fighting off sleep while you leaned on the arm of the couch, proudly displaying your rear to his best friend. When half-time came around, your dad went to grab more beer in the kitchen.
“Shit outta beer,” he said, “I’m running to the store, you two need anything?”
Santi looked at you with a borderline evil glare, “nope, I’ll be right here. I’ll keep an eye on…for you.”
When your dad left and closed the door behind him, there was an awkward silence in the air. You were sitting up straight now.
“You think you’re funny or something? Huh? Dressing like that? Acting like…what are you doing.” He asked as you scooted forward.
“Santi, he doesn’t have to know.” You stood up and shimmied off your thong, tossing it on the floor.
Santiago gulped, looking you up and down.
You chuckled, “Santi, your eyes are already saying yes…” you walked forward, straddling him. He placed a hand on both of your hips, “now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
You were taken by surprise when he grabbed your shirt and pulled you in for a bruising kiss. He was quick, bringing his thick fingers under your skirt and rubbing them along your clit. You moaned into his mouth.
“Is this what you wanted? Huh?” Sant asked through clenched teeth before sliding a finger into your dripping channel.
“Y-yes, Santi!” You cried, tossing your head back.
“Good…fuckin’ brat.” He said before pushing his other finger in.
His fingers were surely coated, you’d been soaking wet since he’d arrived, just waiting for this opportunity. You wanted his cock so badly, but knew that would have to wait for another day. You felt lucky you even got him to finger fuck you on your dad’s couch. You knew he’d wanted this too, you could see it every time he looked at you, he just wouldn’t fucking act on it, until now. Finally. 
“Who knew you’d turn out to be such a little tease, huh? Walking around, wearing your little skirts and thin shirts.”
He shifted, pushing you down to laying on your back on the couch. He climbed over you, keeping his fingers inside and looking down at them as he kept fucking them in and out of you. You arched your back, angling his digits deeper, feeling your body becoming numb under his touch.
“S-Santi I…”
“You what, fucking say it…” He kept pumping into you
He was grunting, clearly enjoying this too.
“Santi I’m going to come…f-fuck…ah.” Your cunt crushed his fingers while he continued gliding them over your walls.
“There you go, cover your dad’s couch sweetheart. Good luck explaining the mess to him.” He kept going, even when you were too sensitive and screaming for him to stop, until you both heard a car door close.
The look you exchanged with Santi was one of terror, but by the time your father walked inside, you had retrieved your panties from the floor and you were waving at him on your way to the bathroom, hoping he didn’t suspect a thing…
Melody's Birthday Celebration
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
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blooming day . . . day five
note . . . yes i'm a day late but i'm hot so i can do whatever i want
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw
previous day | masterlist | next day
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
everything was just too good to be true. the way park hanbin eyes were looking for you when he got out of the dance room, the way his face lit up when he saw you, how you two walked out of the campus a hundred percent focused on each other and your conversation, the fact his hand kept on brushing against yours when you walked side to side...
then you got back to reality when the waiter came to take your order.
"sung hanbin, we're seeing you again today?" said park hanbin with obvious amusement in his voice. the presence of the brunette didn't disturb him at all.
"i'd say you're following me considering the fact it's my mom's coffee... but i'm happy to see you there! what would you two like to get?"
"can we get your dismissal?" you demanded.
"i don't think that's on the menu, but i'll make sure to make your order extra nice."
park hanbin squinted, looking at you, then at hanbin, than back at you. he could see the atmosphere between you two was weird. didn't the boy said he was your seat bestie or whatever? but it didn't seem like you appreciated the waiter that much. on the other part, the seatmate had obviously totally different feelings for you. the dancer was confused.
"when do you shift ends, hanbin?" asked your crush.
"well, i'm not really working so..."
"stay with us then! let's stay together as the photography class trio. there's enough waiters for the amount of customers here at the moment, so you could take this as a break."
you gasped. okay, you knew it wasn't a date, no one said it was a date. you two where here just as friends. but you know, a situation can lead to another and maybe this could have help you get closer to park hanbin. you looked at sung hanbin, your eyes inquiring him to get the fuck out. he only smiled to you.
"okay, let me just put my apron in the changing rooms, i'll be right back."
your jaw was on the floor at this point. the audacity of this man... you coughed to clear your throat, and got up, the two boys looking at you with confusion.
"i'm going to powder my nose in the bathroom, i'll be back."
"powder your nose?" park hanbin asked in confusion.
"it means she has to pee, idiot" sung hanbin whispered to him.
"oh, okay..."
you hurriedly left so you could prevent yourself to slap him in the face. your fast walk made park hanbin think the urge to pee was just too big for you and he had no idea about the real reason you left.
the minute you arrived in the bathroom, you let out a silent scream, and the other women in the bathroom gave you weird looks, hurrying up to leave. you took your phone out of your pocket to text your friends after a moment for you to calm down.
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park hanbin watched you as you left, waiting for your figure to disappear before focusing on sung hanbin. he crossed his arms, analyzing his classmate.
"is there something between you and y/n?"
the coffee-haired boy almost choked. he didn't expect this question.
"why are you asking?"
"'cause you guys seem weird. i just feel like you're flirting with her right in front of my face and i don't really like it."
"what's wrong about us flirting?"
"you like her?"
a silent fell on the two hanbins (wtf is that sentence). sung hanbin frowned, crossing his arms just like the man in front of him.
"do YOU like her?" he asked back. park hanbin scoffed, and it scared sung hanbin. not like he was actually scared of the blueberry-haired boy but if he actually likes you back, this meant the chances of him dating you were getting even smaller.
"i might like her" was the only answer park hanbin gave, seeing you coming back from the bathroom. sung hanbin bit his inner cheek. he's gonna have to text mashiro about this tonight.
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short-honey-badger · 6 months
Shore Leave 3
Part 3 of this ever-growing series. Just can't help myself.
Warnings: Kissing. Some sad thoughts.
Part 1 -> HERE part 2 -> HERE
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“Order whatever you want. My treat,” you tell John when the two of you arrive at the food stall. The smell of greasy burgers hits John's nose and his stomach roars. You snort at the sound as you examine the menu quickly before stepping forward to order. You live around the area and have been to this stall more than a couple of times. 
While you wait, John takes his time before ordering for himself and then stopping beside you to wait as well. You take a chance and lean against the solid wall that John creates, lips quirked up when he shifts to better accommodate your added weight. 
You hadn't expected your evening to turn out like this when you spotted the obviously overwhelmed man sitting by himself outside of the café, but you don't regret any of it. He was quiet, but you could tell that he was always listening to you, those sorrowful blue eyes following your every move. You aren't sure what pulls you to this man, but you don't want to stop it. 
It's in a comfortable silence that the two of you eat greasy food, parked at the furthest picnic table. John had ordered a massive amount of food, and you watched in disgusted awe as he consumed all of it in no time. You glance down at your half-eaten burger and large fry before pushing the tray of fried potato sticks at the big man. 
“Here. You can have the rest of mine.” 
John looks up at you, those pretty blues making your cheeks light up. He licks his lips, giving you an uncertain look, “Are you sure?” 
You nod and scoot the try closer to him, “Positive. You can order more if you want?” 
John doesn't know how to react to the kindness of you sharing and buying him food. It's been a long time since he's tasted anything that wasn't a MRE or nutritional paste in a tube. However, he is sure that it is supposed to be the man who buys things for the person he likes. Gods he wished Cortana were here. She could tell him what the right thing to do would be. 
“John? You okay?” 
Your new friend had gone silent after your offer, his face shuddering into nothing, and you had quickly grown concerned for him. He meets your eyes again and nods once. 
“My apologies. This is fine,” John assures you and even reaches out to take a fry and pop it in his mouth. You crack a smile and sip from your soda, content for now. 
The super soldier takes your tray when you finish up, dumping the trash into the nearest bin, and then offering you his hand. You slide your fingers through his own and John gently squeezes them like you had his earlier. Even in the dim light, his enhanced vision can see the way your cheeks pink at the initiating touch. 
The two of you walk back around the park, speaking quietly about easy subjects like the weather and what you like to do in your spare time. John was rather tight-lipped about everything, and you assumed it was because of whatever position he held in the UNSC. However, you did learn that he likes the color green and despises the color purple. 
John glances up at the digital clock that has been installed above the bathroom stalls, and he frowns when he realizes that it is nearing midnight. He slows to a crawl, his gate hesitant. The Master Chief doesn't want to leave your side, not when he didn't have a way to find you after this. And John needed to see you again. 
You look up at him and catch the slight scrunch of his brow. John doesn't look very happy, and his expression deepens when you speak up. 
“How long are you here for?” 
His hand tightens around your own, “Only two weeks.” 
It's your turn to frown this time, and you sigh quietly in disappointment. Damn. 
“Here I was hoping you'd have longer than that,” you say and stand before him, chewing on your lip as you debate on what to say. 
John has never had a good enough reason not to want to go back on duty, but he has one now, and John wasn't one to easily give up on what he wanted. Lasky had given him two weeks, and he would be sure to make the most of it with you. He likes to think that the captain and Cortana would be proud of him for finding someone who could bring out his humanity. 
“I understand if this is too forward,” John begins and stops to give you his full attention. He is a bit nervous to ask this, but the worst thing you could tell him would be no. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, licking your lips, and prompt, “...But?” 
“But it is getting late, and my friend once told me that a gentleman should always walk his date home,” John remarks and silently thanks Avery Johnson, the grizzled sergeant would have been overjoyed to see the stoic man use his advice. 
“I can make sure you get home safe.” 
The grin you reward him with is brighter than any Covenant plasma, and the spartan feels his heart speed up when you reach out, curling your hand along his shoulder to guide him down until you can press your lips to his cheek. You hear him suck in a sharp breath at the touch, his flesh pale and sensitive from being hidden behind a helmet for so long. 
You drop back down and catch his eyes, “I’ll lead the way, Soldier.” 
John isn’t expecting the way his body reacts to the nickname. He leans down and captures your lips in a kiss more demanding than the last. You squeak but quickly kiss him back, lips fighting to get on the same pace as his. His free arm wraps around your waist, and the Master Chief takes note of the way your soft body melds against the harsh plains of his own. 
He kisses you until you begin to push against his chest, and John is quickly reminded that you are a normal human. As he ends the kiss, pulling away just enough to rest his brow against yours, and realizes that the thought had left a bad taste in his mouth. He had so much blood on his hands, alien and human, why would you want to be with a machine like him? 
It takes you a second to catch your breath, but it takes even less time for you to notice that something is wrong. The furrow in his brow was deep, making the scars that littered his face stretch and catch in the street lights. You thought he still looked incredibly handsome even with such a dangerous look on his face. You take a chance, squeezing the hand you still hold, and then slide the other one up to cradle his face.
“Think you can do something for me, John?” you murmur and smile softly when those blue eyes glance down and lock with yours. He dips his head minutely so you continue. 
“Forget who you are for these next two weeks. Forget that you’re part of the UNSC. You’re just a man. You are just John.” 
The request gives him pause, and the Master Chief almost denies you the second it leaves your mouth, but he stops himself. Could he do that? Would the world crumble around them if he took time for himself to just be John? He didn’t know, but he wanted to find out. 
His voice is rough when he speaks, and you shiver when his eyes darken, pupils dilating when they catch your gaze, “Okay. I can do that.”  
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crimsonizedangel · 2 months
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Pairing: Sam Carver x OC
Rating: nsfw
I was already having a bad start to my day. I woke up late, when I went to take a shower the pipe burst so I ended up having to shut the water off to the entire house, and this meant I no longer had time for coffee or breakfast. When I arrived at the firehouse to start my shift I saw the concerned looks on all the firefighters faces as I ran through to the locker to quickly change and put my purse away.
"Don't ask." I put my hand up to shut down all the questions that were about to come as I came back out to the kitchen in my firefighter uniform. "Just know I haven't had a good morning. Also does anyone know how to fix a pipe that burst in a shower?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee.
"Reese your shower broke? Sam Carver asked.
"Yes and I currently have the water off to my entire house." I replied still a little grumpy.
"I can come by after shift if you want and have a look." He offered.
"Oh yeah you work construction too." I remembered. "Yeah that would be great thanks."
"No problem. Having no water isn't fun and I know you'll want to get it working again as soon as possible." He replied right before the bells rang. "Duty calls."
We both quickly ran to engine 51 and Stella drove us to the house fire. Unfortunately the call didn't go as planned. Carver and I did a sweep of the house looking for any victims but at some point we lost sight of each other and as I was trying to get a kid outside I heard Boden say we all had to leave. I handed the kid off to some paramedics and looked around not seeing Carver anywhere and ran back inside. I heard people yelling to come back but we had a firefighter in there and I couldn't just leave them.
"Carver call out!" I yelled. I sweeper the entire house and when I couldn't find him I came back out to see him standing by the engine. Tension was high between us the rest of shift and I was so happy to go home after shift until I remembered that Carver was coming with to fix the shower.
He got to work right away and there wasn't a whole lot said until after it was fixed.
"Reese what's going on? Why are you mad at me?" He asked.
"Back on that call we got separated and I thought I lost you in there when I couldn't find you anywhere." I felt my chest get tight as I started to explain why I was upset. "The next call I heard you call mayday and Severide helped get you out. Twice today I thought I lost you. I thought I lost my best friend." Now I was yelling.
"I'm sorry Reese I didn't realize that would upset you." He calmly replied.
"Of course not. Sam if you can't figure it out by now I don't know what else to tell you." My voice was still raised.
"Figure what out?" He asked now confused.
"I love you. I've been in love with you." I interrupted him and he just stared back shocked.
"You love me. Reese I love you too but I didn't think you felt the same way." His voice was a lot calmer than mine and now I was the one that was shocked.
"Kiss me. Please just kiss me you piece of shit." I surprised even myself that those words came out of my mouth.
"Reese the problem is that if I kissed you I don't think I'd be able to stop." He told me and we had moved so close to each other now that there was barely any space between us. The tension was still high but this time it was more of a lust filled tension. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him down to me as our lips crashed together in a heated kiss. He put his hands down on my ass and broke the kiss briefly.
"Jump." His voice now low and husky and I did as he said and he helped me onto the bathroom counter. "Good girl." Those words went straight to my cunt making me wrap my legs around his waist and pull him in close to me. We were both still clothed but we were both getting so turned on that wasn't going to last long.
My hands started undoing the buttons on his flannel as he brought his lips back to mine. I pushed his shirt off his shoulders and he pulled my tshirt over my head both being discarded somewhere on the floor. I ran my hands over his chest admiring how good his muscles looked.
"Like what you see?" He inquired " I thought I've seen you checking me out before in the locker room."
"Yes in fact I do like what I see and like you haven't checked me out before too." I replied before helping him out by removing my bra. I heard him let out a soft moan before attacking my lips. One of his hands raked through my hair holding my face to his as his other hand roamed over my body. When he got to my breasts he started playing with my nipple making me moan into the kiss.
I started moving my hips against his looking for more. I was able to feel his growing erection through both of our jeans. He removed his hand from my nipple and down my body to unbutton my jeans with his one hand never breaking the kiss in the process.
Once he had them undone he slid his hand down and into my jeans where he was able to feel just how soaked my panties have become.
"Reese you are soaking wet. Is this all for me?" He whispered into my ear.
"Yes, all for you." I moaned out from Sam now nipping at my ear and neck and rubbing me through my panties. My hands moved down his abs undoing his belt and jeans before I could reach inside to feel his erection he stopped me and picked me up. He carried me out of the bathroom and threw me onto the bed.
"Take your pants off." His voice was husky and filled with lust. I did as he said and watched as he took his own off both of us taking our underwear off as well and I watched as his cock sprung up hitting his abdomen. I got up and tried to push him onto the bed but he grabbed my thighs and pulled me with him. He spun me so I was sitting on his face and I placed my hands on his thighs to keep my balance as he licked my cunt and moved his mouth over my folds to focus on my clit as he inserted a finger into me.
"Oh my god Sam." I moaned out as he continued his assault on my cunt. I let him focus on his own actions before I grabbed his cock and gave it a few pumps before I licked from his base to his tip before taking him all in my mouth. I felt him moan against me as I moved up and down on his cock and used one of my hands to play with his balls.
"Oh god Reese that feels so good." He moaned out and inserted another finger into me and started fingering me faster. I moaned around his cock and started grinding my cunt down onto his face and fingers. I let go of his balls and raked my fingers over his thighs leaving marks as I felt my lower abdomen tighten as I moved my mouth faster on his dick. Sam sucked harder on my clit drawing me over the edge and squirting on his face as I moaned loudly around him and dug my fingers deeper into his thighs.
As soon as I felt my orgasm subside I moved myself off his face and hovered over his cock. I glanced over my shoulder as I gripped his base and lowered myself onto him both of us moaning as he got all the way in me. It didn't take long before his hands were on my ass and before I could even start riding him he was moving me up and down on him. As soon as I started riding him without his assistance I felt him sit up, wrap his arms around me to hold me close, and in one swift motion I was on hands and knees facing the headboard as he pounded into me.
"I take it you like being the one in charge." I commented and he leaned over me so he could whisper in my ear.
"I don't take orders well but you are being such a good girl. You're taking me so well." His breath in my ear and his words went straight to my cunt making me wetter as I I let out a soft moan. "You like when I talk dirty to you and tell you how good you are?" He asked "or is it being told you're a good girl." The last remark making me wetter and moan was the only answer he needed. "Oh it's being told you're a good girl."
He knelt back up straighter as he slapped my ass and moved his cock faster in me. His speed and force making my arms give out as I screamed into the mattress. My abdomen tightened again and I started seeing stars right before he pulled me up so my back was against his chest.
"Let me hear you. I want to hear how good I make you feel." Sam moaned into my ear. His words pushed me over the edge and I let out a loud moan as I tightened around him and squirted all over his cock and thighs. "That's it you're such a good girl. God you're so tight." I reached back and pulled him into a kiss as I rode out my high and felt his movements stutter right before he filled me up with his come.
We kissed through both of our orgasms before he pulled out and grabbed a towel to clean us both up. I slipped a tshirt back on as he put his boxers on and I grabbed his hand pulling him to me and into the bed.
"Stay the night." I told him with a smile. He got under the blankets with me and held me close to him as I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.
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iknowyuu · 2 years
hiii! can you make a scenario with sieun where reader (she/her) sees his wounds and helps him treat them and she scolds him for getting into fights. thank you in advance and btw i love your work!!
the flower and his bee
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kdrama!sieun x reader
// read req!
tags: childhood friends to lovers, she/her reader (only referred to once, feel free to change it in the place of another), hugs, confessions, reader snaps at sieun, crying, angst -> comfort
note: i really like this one !! hope u do too :)
the first time your best friend of almost ten years got into a fight was an extreme shock for you. you never knew him to be someone who engaged with talking, let alone an argument— in fact, the only reason the two of you were friends was because you’ve known each other since you were little kids. you don't think he would've talked to you otherwise.
you were in a different classroom than him, so you didn’t see it go down, but you did know he ended up with a bloody lip. when you heard from another student that there wa a fight, you didn’t care. like, at all. but when word got out that it was sieun, best believe you were the first out of the classroom.
after he was sent to the office and on his way back to class, the hallways were now clear— save for you waiting at his classroom door. when you heard footsteps coming your way, your head whipped to his direction, finding him there. you ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug, “oh my god, are you okay?” your eyes wandered to his lip, finding it still red. “you’re bleeding..” you frowned at him.
somehow, sieun’s fights become more and more common. he would text you everytime and you would dash to wherever he was and clean him (and his other friends) up. tending to wounds was something you were used to, since one of your guardians was a nurse, but as fight number two, three, four and five went by you became less worried and more frustrated. everytime you asked him what provoked the fight, he would just say “nothing.” or just be plain vague. you never push for details in fear of making him uncomfortable, but your patience was wearing thin.
“I got into another fight,” he texted you. you fumed at the phone screen. furiously texting back, you responded with “you come to me this time.”
the two of you have always been like a flower and a bumblebee, feeding off each other, not being able to live without the other, so when you first noticed he was pulling away from you, you felt devastated. these past few weeks he's been spending less and less time with you, and more time with his new friends. you couldn't help but feel a little jealous. . . he was allowed to have other friends of course, but knowing that didn't stop you from feeling the way you did.
minutes of you wallowing in your own anger allowed you to calm down a bit and instead decide what you would say when he arrives. you sighed as you heard the knock at the apartment door— he’s lucky you’re the only one home today or you would’ve just left him as is. (that isn’t true, you would travel to the end of the world for him, but you weren’t willing to admit it at the moment.)
opening the door you didn't bother even making eye contact before walking away. he closed the door behind him and locked it, slipping off his shoes, wondering about your aloof behavior.
you went to your room and into your bathroom, not having to shift around anything to find the supplies you needed, knowing exactly where they are since you used them so often.
you walked back into your room to find sieun standing there, not knowing what to do. "come here and sit down." you commanded with just as much coldness as you intended, turning around and waiting for him in the bathroom.
he sat on the hood of the toilet and watched you with those big eyes of his, watching as you opened the first aid kit and brought out the materials. he winced as you cleaned up his face with the rubbing alcohol, dabbing the cotton above his eyebrow.
it was completely silent, but sieun could tell you weren't happy with him. it's not like you were ever happy with him nowadays, but this time felt much different. "are you.." his words trailed before you cut him off, "no, i'm not okay." you frowned as you patted his wound, suddenly stopping. seconds went by and he looked up at you, then back down at his lap. catching a glimpse of his innocent eyes was what pushed you over the edge.
"why do you keep doing this to yourself?" you asked, voice wavering. you scolded yourself when you saw in your peripheral the way sieun whipped his head towards you at the sound of your shaky voice. "i know it's probably not your fault. i know you probably can't help it. i just wish.." tears welled up in your eyes and you didn't bother trying to stop them, knowing it'd be no use. they ran freely down your cheeks, non-stopping.
you had pent up so much of your worry and sadness over his injuries and it all came spewing out like clouds that had been saving evaporated water, waiting for the perfect day to let loose and rain down on the earth. your face scrunched up in anguish and your wrists shielded your face- your hands being occupied with the gauze and bandages. "i just," you hiccuped, your shoulders shaking, "i'm worried about y-you, and you don't-t tell me anything a-anymore. we used t-to talk a-about everything when we were li-little, but now you're completely shut o-off. what's going o-on, sieun?"
sieun watched you, his heart breaking a little more with each tear that spilled from your pretty eyes. someone like you didn't deserve to cry, let alone the cause being her best friend. he stood up and didn't hesitate to hug you, knowing that physical touches were a great sense of comfort for you. you also didn't hesitate to hug him back, your shoulders shaking with your sobs, burying your face into his shoulder. like a domino effect, your tears triggered his. how could it not?
the two of you stood like that for a minute or two, and as your cries gradually stopped, neither of you made any move to release each other. you stayed in each other's arms, emotions through the roof. your heart beat slowly, and with how close you were to him, you were sure you could feel his beating with yours.
"i've missed you," you whispered, breaking the prolonged silence. "so much. more than you know." you held him tighter as if he was going to escape from your side after you said that. he didn't speak, opting to nod softly, signaling he did too. you pulled away first and held him close to you, his face just inches from yours. just looking at his face could make you cry. being so lost in him, his presence, you couldn't stop the first thing that popped into your mind from spilling from your mouth, "i love you."
before you could even regret it, he responded, "i love you too," almost as if it was second nature. you pulled him back into your arms, words failing you. it's not like any of you had anything left to say, anyway. all that mattered was that you were together, standing together, feeling together, loving together.
taglist(send an ask to be added!): @brxght-world @karyuliee @kkaesslovr @qtaisuu
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legendofmorons · 9 months
Hiii! I was just wondering if you write for Ravio..? If you do, can I request a Ravio x reader..? And if not, maybe something w four x reader? I have brainrot for the both of them currently lol
I'm sorry this took so long, but I am excited to do it!
Parkside picnics (Ravio)
Pairing: Ravio x reader
Rating: G
Summary: After you arrive in your hyrule, you go to reunit with your beloved boyfriend, Ravio.
Warnings: None
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
You've been traveling the hyrules for a while, and while you're glad you're with your friend Legend, you miss Ravio.
Legend is probably the only person who knows that you have a boyfriend. And mostly because you've been close with Legend for years.
But thanks to the grace of whatever deity takes care of you, you're home. You have arrived in your hyrule.
"I'm heading out, I'll be back after dinner." You say as you drop most of your things by Legend's pack.
Legend gives you a knowing look, confident in his knowledge that you're off to go see Ravio.
"Don't get lost." Twilight calls.
"I won't!" You call happily.
It's easy, walking through the familiar woods and into the tow you live in.
Your house is only across the path from Legend's.
You go inside, hoping to see your boyfriend.
To your delight, Ravio is on the couch scribbling about something or other. You don't know, you can't see that far.
You shut the door behind you.
"I'm back!" You call out.
"Hey, sweetie." You smile softly.
Ravio looks up and gasps, "(Y/n)!"
He's pushing to his feet before you can respond, letting his paper and writing utensil clatter to the floor.
"I didn't know you were back! Is Mr. Hero back, too?"
"Yeah, he's with the others."
"Aw, thanks Ravio." You smile as you cross the room to hug him.
"I'm glad he's okay. I'm... you know, more glad you're back though." Ravio is shifting, trying to work up the nerve to hug you.
He isn't scared of you. He's more scared this is a dream he'll wake up from.
Ravio is often hesitant with things - but not when it comes to responding to your affection.
He wraps his ars around you happily, smiling sweetly at you.
"I missed you, treasure."
"I missed you too. I was actually wondering if you'd like to have a picnic today?"
"Really?! I'd love to!"
"Does the park sound okay?"
"Yeah! I'll pack you go bathe. I'll make your favorites!"
"Thank you." You say as you press a kiss to his cheek.
"Yeah, of course." Ravio smiles.
You head towards the bathroom to take a shower or bath. It depends on how you feel.
After walking to the park, you and Ravio settle onto a blanket with the picnic basket between the two of you.
Inside the basket is your favorite food, water, and some fried apples.
The meal passes with pleasant conversations. The laughter is warm and the breeze is just right.
The best part of this outing, though, is after you've eaten.
You pack away the dishes before you and Ravio both lay down.
You cloud gaze as the afternoon creeps closer to evening. Hand in hand as you point out different clouds.
Side by side, you smile as Ravio points out a cloud that looks like a rabbit.
And one that looks like a heart.
You find one that looks like a shield.
There's a cloud that you say is a cat, but Ravio is pretty sure it's a dog.
You should have known you'd fall asleep though, the safe atmosphere and relaxed activity lending itself to a nap.
Ravio smiles softly when he realizes. Though he thinks you have the right idea.
He follows you into a nap of his own, thankful for the peaceful time you've both been given.
You wake up probably an hour later as Ravio stretching his arms outward.
"Sorry I fell asleep. You could have woken me up." You manage before you yawn.
"You looked so peaceful. Besides, I napped too."
"Okay, if you're sure. Thank you."
"Of course. It's good to have you around again."
"I'm glad to be home. I know I'll have to leave again soon... but I'm more than happy to enjoy my time here."
"I should be able to. Legend will get me if something happens."
"Me too. Hey, uh- no problem if the answer is no.... but can you stay the night?" Ravio asks, looking at you through his lashes.
"I'm glad. I was worried you'd have to leave quickly."
"I don't think I will. I'm hoping we can cuddle tonight."
Ravio gives you a soft and delighted smile. "Me too... Maybe we can have hot chocolate?"
"I'd like that."
He turns, so he's on his side. He reaches over and gives you a hug, setting his chin on your shoulder.
You slip your arm under him, and you can feel it. You can feel what it is to be home again.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
25 | Talk about it
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.7k
It kinda seem like time flew by when everyone was out of the house on their trips except for Aaron and Penelope. Her arm was doing better but at times she wore a brace around the house to be safe. She been hanging out with Justin lately too, but for her she saw him as another friend and nothing else but he didn't get that hint.
"You what?" Penelope shouts on the phone with Janelle. "You know I said no dating and you make a double date?" She huffs while Janelle says it wasn't her idea. "I can't believe this and it's tonight?" She goes towards her closet, "I'm not gonna act like I'm happy to be there so it's whatever. And I'm driving myself." She ends the call to get ready for the stupid date.
Since she really didn't want to go, she doesn't try her best to look like she was going in a double dated. She wore light jeans with a white tank top and knit sweater.
As she leaves her room, Colby was confused about where she was going, "I'm heading out." She smiles.
"Obviously but where are you going? If you don't mind me asking."
"A double date." She says and they just look at each other.
"Oh, umm, have fun." He starts to move around.
"Thanks." She leaves making him curse at himself.
When she arrives at the resrant she see the three outside waiting for her. The whole dinner Janelle and Luke had their own conversations leaving Penelope to chat with Justin. Once dinner was over Justin pulls Penelope into a hug so to be nice she hugs him back but he gives her a kiss in the cheek.
"Justin, you do remember I'm not looking for a relationship right now right?" She brings it up as they walk to their cars.
"Well, ya." He laughs.
"So what are you trying to do?" She asks him.
"To be honest, I believe I can change your mind."
"Justin, I just want a friend right now." She gets in her car heading home.
Walking through the door she stops in her tracks seeing Colby with a hot pink wig on, "Penny! They glued this on me!" Colby shouts at her.
"Well, I told you he would mess with your hair in someway..." She says as he runs upstairs so all the guys follow him so Penelope just goes to her room to change.
She leaves her room to use the bathroom but Colby and Elton were in the bathroom so she stands waiting for them to leave.
After using the bathroom she goes to Colby's room, "Well, it makes your eyes pop more." She gives him a smile taking a seat on his bed so he just looks at her, "If it wasn't so bright... I'd dig it."
"Not helping me. This is super glued on Penelope." He gets ready to lay in bed.
"I know, you told me as soon as I walked through the door."
"How was your double date?" He asks with his back towards her so he can roll his eyes.
"Ehh, I told Justin I'm not looking for a relationship right now but he's convinced himself he can change my mind." She explains to him.
"That's bold of him." He laughs before getting in his bed while Penelope sat at the end. "Are we ever gonna talk about what happened at the hospital or just forget about it?" Colby changes the topic.
Penelope looks at him before letting out a breath, "I feel like should ask you that question since...you kissed me."
The entire energy in the room shifted as they stay silent looking at each other waiting for one of them to speak again. Yeah, it was obvious that there was secret feeling being revealed now but there wasn't any  vocal confirmation.
"I just wanna ask why?" Penelope speaks first braking the silence, "Since that night things have changed between us and how we act with each other and..." She closes her eyes putting her head down.
"I've wanted to kiss again you since the kiss to make Darwin go away. I always had a little crush on you deep down growing up but I thought it was ridiculous. That day though I knew it wasn't just a silly crush. Over the years it just developed into something more and I finally realized how much I had feelings for you. I've been driving myself crazy since then trying to make it go away because I didn't want to mess us up. But also after a scare of losing you, I couldn't help myself. The thought of losing you... I knew I loved you." He says letting it all out to her.
If he could know what was going through her head right now and how fast her heart was beating he would've thought she would have a heart attack on the spot.
"Love me... Colby, you have no idea how hard it was to force myself to forget about my feelings for you. No matter how much I shoved them so far down they were always there to remind me. I never wanted to admit because I didn't want to lose you. The amount of times I've had to tell people that. Plus I never thought I was your type. But I understand how you felt wanting to kiss again after the first one." She tells him everything too.
"Now what?" He chuckles.
"Tell me what you want." She smiles a bit.
"I want to kiss you again and only you. I want something with you. I don't care about what the future holds for us if it's good or bad. It's right now and I want us to be best friends who are in love with each other and want more." He says so she moves over to kiss him.
"I want the same thing." She smiles making him kiss her again, "But do you know how hard it is to take you serious with this wig." She giggles making him moves away from her.
"You ruined the mood."
"I know, I'm sorry." She gets up to go to her room to get some rest.
"Hey, a kiss goodnight?" He watches her walk to the door.
"You said I ruined the mood." She laughs as he gets up pulling her into a kiss.
"Another question, do we tell the house or do we keep it a secret? I think it would be fun." He rests his forehead on hers.
"Let's see how long we can. I do know we aren't making it public for a long time. I'm not ready for what's gonna come from the news." She tells him.
"I completely agree. Night, love you." He kisses her once again.
"Love you too, Colby." She smiles going to her room super happy.
The next morning Penelope wakes up getting dressed for the day lazy since she had no plans and didn't plan on making any either. Leaving her room she hears the guys laughing about Colby as she heads downstairs.
"What's so funny?" She asks Elton.
"Look at what your best friend is wearing. Come on out Colby. Let Penny see you." He laughs harder.
"This is embarrassing." Colby whines coming out making her let out a giggle.
"Not bad." She laughs going to the kitchen to get a drink and find something to eat while they head outside.
Coming back inside Penelope just listens to them from the other room while she eats. "Penny, your buddy has a date tonight with a worker next door." Corey tells her making her laugh more.
"Look at you, boy." She finishes up eating while they head outside to get his wig off. At the same time Sam and Kat show up and Sam was confused how the whole outfit came into play.
"You're checking out Colby." Katrina whispers in to Penelope.
"Because I'm looking at him?" She laughs.
"You like what you see though."
Penelope just rolls her eyes going upstairs to go back to sleep wanting to take a nap, but as soon as she starts to fall asleep Colby walks into her room.
"Leave me alone. I want a nap." She whines pulling her blanket over her head.
"You just woke up." Colby pulls the blanket off of her.
"So what? I'm still tired and I don't plan on doing anything today so let me go back to sleep." She takes her blanket back.
"But I want to spend time with you until I leave for my shoot."
"Oh, well." She gets comfortable again.
Colby smiles to him before crawling onto her bed lying next to her pulling her back into his chest, "Her lips, her lips. I could kiss them all day if she let me." Colby whisper sings next to her ear causing her to shake her head at him.
"We haven't even been a couple for a whole day yet, Colby."
"We've basically known each other for 19/18 years, Penelope. I don't think it matters." He continues to talk in a low quiet voice next to her ear before placing his lips on her neck making squirm, "Are you sensitive there?" He chuckles.
"Yes, that's why I've never had a hickey there in my life." She scoots away from him only for him to pull her back to him to lightly kiss her neck, "Colby stop it." She whines.
"No, it's cute." He continues while she tries her best not to whine or squirm, "Good girl." He whispers and she can't help but giggle at that.
"Good girl?" She moves to look at him, "You really are that type of guy?" She giggles more.
"So what if I am?" He props himself up over her smiling, "Does that's make you nervous or feel a certain way?" Penelope doesn't say anything so she just smiles pulling him down into a kiss.
"I'm scared, Colby." She pulls out of the kiss.
"Scared about what?" He tilts his head.
"For whenever we do make us public... When you're with girls fans automatically ship you with them or hate on them. I've never been once shipped with you so when the truth comes out, I'm gonna get so much more hate." Penelope lets out a sigh, "It's gonna be hard for me and how insecure I get easily."
"Hey, hey, I know but you don't need to let it bother you because you know the truth how I feel about you. Fuck what others think because I love you."
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Making It Work (Chapter 3)
Two hours, it turned out, was really not enough time to talk to his best friends and to pack all of the things he needed to be able to live somewhere that wasn’t Grimmauld Place. After an hour and thirty-five minutes of Ron railing about the injustice of Harry having to be partners with Malfoy and Hermione telling him that there had to be a way out of it in the Aurors handbook, Harry finally managed to get out of their flat and back to his home. 
He shrunk his dresser and packed it into an overnight bag, then shrunk his wardrobe, hoping it would have enough work clothes in it to get him through the rest of the week. He picked up the Theory of Occlumency book he’d been struggling through off his nightstand along with the murder mystery he’d actually been enjoying. 
The bathroom was next, Harry tossed in his toothpaste and toothbrush followed by shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a couple of towels. He cast a tempus charm and saw that he only had 2 minutes until he was supposed to be at the ministry house. “Godric,” he muttered. He sprinted down the stairs toward the living room so he could go through the floo. “Kreacher!” he called.
With a sharp crack of apparation, Kreacher appeared in front of him and Harry had to draw up short so he didn’t bowl the elf over.
“Master Harry?” he asked.
“Sorry, I know this is short notice, but I will only be in and out for the next month. I don’t have time to explain, but I have to live with Malfoy for the next month as part of my duties as an Auror.”
“Should Kreacher come to serve Master Harry and Mister Lucius in their new house?”
“Err,” Harry started when a faint buzzing in his ears started up, “It’s not Lucius, it’s Draco, actually. And no, I think we’ll be okay, but I’ll let you know.” 
Kreacher nodded, "A fortunate day indeed,” he muttered. “Kreacher would be most pleased to serve you and the young master Black.”
He didn't really have time to respond to that, so he just shrugged, “Thanks,” Harry sighed as he shifted his bag higher on his shoulder, the buzzing in his ears intensifying. “Sorry, but I’ve got to go.”
Kreacher shooed him and he glanced at the slip of paper with the address he was traveling to before he stepped into the floo to travel there. He all but tripped out of the floo when he arrived, he’d never really managed to get the hang of traveling that way.
“You’re late,” a voice called.
Harry rolled his eyes and followed the sound of that voice into the kitchen, “Sorry, honey,” he replied to Malfoy whose back was facing him, hair tied back in a half bun, as he worked at something on the stovetop. 
Malfoy turned to glower at him and Harry couldn’t help but take in the long, lean lines of the other man’s body. Who wore trousers and a dress shirt while they were cooking in the kitchen? The effect was ruined when Malfoy opened his mouth, “Look, Potter, when you are late I have to hear that infernal buzzing noise as well. Do try to follow the instructions we’ve been given.”
Malfoy turned back and flicked his hand at the spoon that was stirring something on the stove and it stopped. 
“Sorry,” Harry said, too distracted by Malfoy’s display of wandless magic to think about what he was saying.
Malfoy twisted to look wryly over his shoulder, one elegant eyebrow arched at him.
“Shut up,” Harry said. 
Malfoy smirked and turned back to the stovetop. “You can pick your room and put your bag down, if you’d like. Dinner will be ready in about five minutes so don’t dawdle.”
Malfoy waved a hand carelessly toward the island between them and a knife started to cut through a loaf of fresh bread. Harry’s stomach growled. “Yes, Potter. Judging by the way you scarfed down food in the great hall at school, you’re familiar with the concept.”
“But,” Harry started, not even sure where to start, “Why?”
Malfoy turned and made his way to a wine rack, “White or red, Potter?”
“What are we having?” Harry asked before he could think better of it and the fact that Malfoy hadn’t answered his original question.
“Why, Potter,” Malfoy said, turning to look at him, “I’m surprised. Have you learned about pairing wines with food?”
Harry sniffed, there was no way he was telling Malfoy about Alex. No. way. Instead, he said, “Yes, well, like you said earlier, I’ve changed since school.” 
Malfoy nodded slowly and his eyes raked down Harry’s body, then back up before he said, “Roast chicken with herb jus, mashed potatoes, a simple french bread, and salad with an apple vinaigrette.”
“You made all of that?”
A delicate blush spread along Malfoy’s cheeks, Harry found it strangely charming. “I-” Malfoy started. “Much of the preparation-” he cleared his throat. “I’d done much of the preparation last night. It seemed foolish for it to go to waste.”
“No, sorry-” Harry started, waving his hands like an idiot. “That wasn’t a complaint. I was just surprised.” 
Before Malfoy could reply a charm he’d set began to ding and he turned around to the oven. “Pick a wine, Potter,” he said, but not unkindly so, as he opened the door and levitated the chicken out of the oven.
Harry dropped his bag on the floor, mouth watering at the smell, and went over to the wine rack and pulled out a Sauvignon Blanc. 
Malfoy had a knife carving the chicken as he flicked a hand at the potatoes on the stove so they began emptying themselves into a bowl.
“You’re pretty good at wandless magic,” Harry commented, it wasn’t something that he’d really mastered until he’d been in training for the Aurors, and he was in the extreme minority. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised based on what he’d learned about their magical cores today.
Malfoy raised an eyebrow, “Well, I have you to thank for that, really,” he said as he levitated the dishes he’d prepared for dinner and sent them into the dining room ahead of them. 
“Me?” Harry asked incredulously. They weren’t even in the same training year, Malfoy had spent 4 months in Azkaban when Harry had started training, then done mandatory community service for 6 months and started training the year after Harry.
Malfoy nodded and gestured at the chair across from his at the modest four-person dining room table. “Please help yourself,” he said as he started to put food on his own plate. Then he actually continued to answer Harry’s question, “You stole my wand once.”
Harry winced but his mouth immediately opened to argue.
Malfoy, the annoying git, talked over him, “I know it was for a good reason and I’m not saying you shouldn’t have done it.” Harry’s jaw snapped shut at his words. Malfoy smirked at him and Harry rolled his eyes even as he scooped out a large portion of mashed potatoes. 
“I learned,” Malfoy continued, “because I didn’t ever want to feel powerless again. Obviously, my wand is better for precision work and for dueling but if the knife doesn’t cut the bread in perfectly straight even pieces, or if I need to throw up a hasty shield in dueling, it serves just fine.”
While he was talking, Harry nodded along and poured the wine. He was tempted to do it wandlessly because he wanted to show off, but he knew Malfoy wouldn’t be impressed and would probably just mock him. “So, are you planning to cook every night for us?” he asked as he took a bite of mashed potatoes. He couldn’t help but groan as the creamy, buttery taste burst over his tongue.
“Definitely not, Potter. Why should I cook for you every night?”
Harry swallowed and said, “Because this is probably the best meal I’ve had since I lived at Hogwarts.”
Malfoy blushed again and something in the pit of Harry’s stomach shifted disconcertingly. Malfoy sighed, “Perhaps you could learn.”
Harry shrugged and took another bite of chicken, “Are you offering to teach me?”
“Would you accept if I were?” he parried.
Harry leaned back in his chair and stared across at Malfoy as he thought for a minute. “You aren’t like I remember you.” 
Malfoy rolled his eyes, “Someone alert the press, the Chosen One is learning that people change as they age,” he drawled.
“You’re a twat,” Harry huffed irritably. “I didn’t mean it like that. I know people change. It’s just-” Harry stopped and looked down at his plate.
“Just what, Potter?” Malfoy asked, his voice has gone low and dangerous; this is more the Malfoy that Harry remembered.
“Just that you’re...” he trailed off again and Malfoy cleared his throat. Harry could feel a light crackling of Malfoy’s magic around him and somehow that warning of his temper pushed Harry over the edge. “You weren’t into saving people. You weren’t invested in the wellbeing of others. And you certainly wouldn’t have been offering to teach someone to cook.”
“You have no idea who I was in school,” Malfoy snapped. 
“I know you were a bully!” Harry returned, fire crackling in his veins. “You ratted people out to make yourself feel powerful; joined the inquisitorial squad,” Malfoy spluttered at that but Harry continued. “Tried to kill Dumbledore. Got a fucking dark mark and joined Voldemort at sixteen. You spent your entire school career going on and on about your father. ‘Wait until my father hears about this,’” Harry parroted. “You idolized a man who bullied people and believed in a megalomaniac. You wanted to be just like him and it seems like you did a pretty good job becoming him during the war.”
 “So it’s that you couldn’t have imagined that a death eater could change and become an Auror? That you didn’t imagine that a Malfoy could work day in and day out on the same side as you do? That someone who had been in Azkaban could want to make something good out of their life?” 
“No,” Harry said, even though Malfoy wasn’t far off the mark. “That’s not-”
“Fuck you, Potter,” Malfoy snapped. “Because I have worked damn hard to be where I am and I have fought bigger monsters than you to get there.” Malfoy slid his chair back from the table and threw down his napkin on his plate as he stood up. “You had no choice,” he growled. “No choice but to be good. No choice but to be the hero. Other people did not have it as easy as you.” He turned from the table, his shoulder-length blond hair flipping as he spun, “And I am taking the blue room. You can have the sodding cream one.” 
He stood up, too, not ready to be done arguing. The heat of self righteous anger raced through his veins, making his heart hammer and blood sing. “It wasn’t easy-” Harry started but Malfoy made it to his room and slammed the door. Harry could hear a shouted “Circumvestio” and knew that there was no way Malfoy would be able to hear him now. 
“It wasn’t bloody easy,” he muttered to himself as he plopped back down and shoved another spoonful of potatoes into his mouth. “Was really fucking hard.” 
He stewed while he finished his dinner, the food somehow didn’t taste as good as it had before they’d started bickering but it was still better than what Harry would have made. 
When he’d finished his meal, he cleared the plates (wandlessly; take that Malfoy) and sent them to wash themselves, then he packaged up the leftover food and put it under a stasis charm so Malfoy could eat it tomorrow. He drained a second glass of wine before re-corking the remainder. Bloody Malfoy.
It wasn’t until he’d gotten into his room that Harry started to think about what Malfoy had said. Harry hated the excruciating process of becoming self-aware. While Malfoy hadn’t been right about everything, he hadn’t been entirely wrong either. Of course people changed, Malfoy had probably proven he had over and over to people; he probably had to do it all of the time, Harry reflected. 
He flopped back onto his bed and crossed his arms over his stomach. He was going to have to apologize.
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
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