#die mad about it johnny lmfao
stardust-sunset · 23 days
What are your favorite ponyboy hcs
there are a few!
i love thinking darry is called darry because pony couldn’t say darrel lmfao-also his first full word being soda is kinda cute because i headcanon soda did NOT fw ponyboy as a kid (he was more mad ponyboy wasn’t an actual pony than the fact he had a brother) and he’d just be so mean to baby pony like pushing him down n shit 😭 but pony’s first word was def soda and soda will remind him of this DAILY.
“pony you remember when you first said my name”
pony is a chronic eye roller, he does not have a poker face. if someone says something stupid he’s literally rolling his eyes SO hard-he rolled his eyes at the teacher once because she was spewing some bullshit and he got detention lmfao-he rolls his eyes at darry a lot and it drives him nuts. he’d get told a lot as a kid ‘if you keep doing that your eyes are gonna get stuck that way’
pony had a speech impediment as a kid and as a result he tended to act out because he was frustrated he couldn’t talk and communicate to his parents about what he wanted. darry was the only one who could understand him and would calmly try to calm pony down and darry actually helped pony get rid of said impediment.
pony’s eyes are bigger than his stomach like he’ll order a truckload of food and be full after two bites. either that or pony has one hell of an appetite and darry.soda CANNOT keep up with it no matter how hard he tries
he has an anxious tummy :( when he’s really stressed his stomach will start gurgling and if it’s really bad he’ll get hiccups-it always happens when he’s taking a test and he gets so embarrassed because he just feels like everyone is looking at him-one time a teacher yelled at him for ‘being a distraction’ and he never wanted to go back to school after that
post book pony goes through a humongous growth spurt. he ends up being one or two inches taller than darry and he’s so smug about it and makes comments like ‘awwww who’s the little brother now?” and it pisses the gang off sometimes lmao
pony knows guitar because his mom taught him. he plays when he’s stressed. darry knows piano and they teach each other how to play their respective instruments. it’s a great time for both of them.
pony gets super into songwriting too-i head anon his mom taught him to sing at a young age and he just never stopped? he had to join choir in middle school for whatever reason and while he hated it at first he grew to love it a lot and he just feels free there. and when he’s stressed he tends to vent his emotions via poetry or drawing, so when he’s writing a poem he’ll put a beat to it sometimes. he’s played for his brothers and has made darry cry with a song dedicated to him (he would rather die than tell dallas though because he’s scared dallas won’t find him tuff anymore)
he’s big into greaser talk. the only time he won’t use “greaser slang” is when he’s trying to impress someone
pony is a very skilled artist. he’s drawn for johnny a lot.
he LOVES strawberries. his favourite dessert is strawberry shortcake but he only gets that for his birthday
(bumping off that) paul’s family owned a strawberry farm that pony used to sneak into to nab their berries. darry could talk pony out of trouble but was never happy about it. after paul and darry had their falling out pony snuck into their farm and had eaten every last berry on that farm and darry was so proud (and concerned and a bit mad because god forbid they pressed charges but pony reminds darry he could tell the cops about paul’s prank and blackmail him so that’s what they do lmao)
his eyes are more green than he’d care to admit. they’re still green grey but with an emphasis on green
i like interfaith curtis bros headcanons…so i feel like they were brought up with both jewish and christian traditions that darry tries to carry on
he knocked both his front teeth out at once by swinging from a tire swing at two bits house and slamming his face into a tree. he didn’t cry or anything though he just laughed it off. he swallowed the teeth though and was terrified the tooth fairy was gonna go into his stomach to get them out (based on true events)
he quits smoking because he can’t stand to think about how he may have indirectly killed johnny but also seeing how worried darry and soda were he couldn’t do that to them. it wasn’t a cold turkey process but it was successful
started smoking around thirteen years old and just never stopped til post book
he hates his hair ungreased but it’s the most beautiful fluffy mop of auburn hair ever
he’s not scared of spiders. hell straight up pick it up and put it outside. but he is afraid of moths and butterflies.
he’s a true carnivore. bro hates vegetables (darry had to get him vitamins instead)
let him ramble about his books. he will ramble for hours
him and cherry have a brother/sister relationship post book and she’ll go to his track meets sometimes along with darry and soda-they all get pretty close tbh
cherry takes pony to expensive cafés sometimes to help him study or just so the two can gossip
pony is a gossip KING like do not cross him
he comes up with really creative insults. half of them are stolen from johnny
he’s bisexual with a teeny preference for girls
he loves greek myths and compares darry to Hephaestus a lot
great expectations is a comfort book for him. if he’s sad he’ll read it in one sitting and enjoys it just as much as he did the first time he read it
he gets bad allergies in the spring and fall :(
him and darry work out together and bond over that just like they bonded over being in sports
he talks to himself when he reads
this wa s’more curtis bros than pony i’m sorry 😭 but hope these are good!
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
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Ooh, think someone actually wants to polish Mr. Policeman's badge.
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kaediisarchive · 3 years
Final thoughts on the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.
LOTS of spoilers under the cut! Do not look at this post if you don’t want to see spoilers!
And remember, this is all just my opinion. It’s not like an actual in-depth review because I’m not a film student; this is just my perspective on what I saw as a fan of this franchise.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion were great. Opening fight was great.
“Eddy Tobias” namedrop lmao
I love the snow preceding Sub-Zero’s attack. Very foreboding.
Score is AWESOME. My favorite soundtrack is probably the one that plays when Sub-Zero is attacking them in the city towards the beginning.
Sonya rigging her house with a secret bunker and trap doors is smart and fits her character.
I like that the dragon logo has an integral meaning to the story.
Loved Jax vs Sub-Zero. Not mad about the origin change of Jax’s arms. I like that he had to work through his feelings of inadequacy and failure; people don’t just immediately bounce back after something that traumatic. I also like that his arcana manifests to protect Sonya rather than in the heat of battle. It shows his emotional priorities and what separates him from people like Kano who manifest their arcana in a fit of rage.
Sonya “Throw Hands on Sight” Blade lmfao. They nailed her fighting style too and I am happy.
Kano is the best thing about this movie. No competition.
Kotal reference!
Nightwolf reference!
Shang Tsung’s soul magic being black and wispy and foreshadowing Noob Saibot.
I love Liu Kang in this. He is 1000000% a Wholesome Boi. I like that he’s younger and unhardened and not the fully realized champion version of his character yet. Let him grow into it so it feels earned later on. I like that he’s the underdog, and I like what they’ve set up for him in the future. Also, the casting for him was perfect and they nailed his fighting style, too.
That little “the FUCK” that the Kano actor improvised(?) in the middle of Liu Kang’s lines made me laugh more than it should have. I don’t know why that moment got to me so much but it did.
I love Kung Lao. And they nailed his fighting style, too! Great to see variation that represents the characters (though there were less shining examples, which I’ll touch on later).
Egg roll scene is best scene.
Kabal! I love his dry humor. And his voice reminds me of Duke Nukem, which I’m not mad about. It complemented his dialogue well.
Not mad about Kung Lao’s death because it was meaningful. His fatality on Nitara was sick, too.
Liu Kang taking the ribbon from Kung Lao’s hat and wearing it in his honor, giving an origin for his signature headband is FANTASTIC.
Sub-Zero was a GREAT final boss. They really built him up appropriately to make him feel like it.
Scorpion’s fatality! And his skull face!
Not sure how I feel about Sub-Zero being wholly evil and there being no involvement from Quan Chi. It’s more straight forward for sure. It makes him an interesting (and badass) character, and I’m really behind this portrayal in that he is one of the most believable characters in the movie, but I’m not sure if I like the implications for later films in how this has simplified the dynamic in the entire Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei plotline. Having Quan Chi be the Machiavelli was always one of my favorite MK twists. And how do we eventually end the feud now? If Bi-Han / the Lin Kuei were wholly responsible, why should Hanzo EVER make peace with Kuai Liang down the line? The complexity feels like it’s been stripped down a bit, but I do love this iteration of Sub-Zero. I truly do. That’s why this is in the neutral category and not the negative XD.
Why didn’t Jax tell Cole when he saw the mark? Why wait until his family gets attacked? Maybe he didn’t want to do it in front of his family to keep them out of it, but that ends up endangering them more. Not a gripe, just a curiosity.
Sound editing was a bit too intense at times for my taste. I have tinnitus, so...big boomy bass with very mild voices is a chore for my ears to switch between. My ears were ringing within the first twelve minutes.
Torn between “fuck you Reiko” and “Reiko deserved better”. He deserved just a little bit better, but Skarlet says “get fucked” anyway.
I don’t like the “shaky cam” used in the fight scenes. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to visually process at times.
Whatever cosmic force is picking the champions for Earthrealm is doing a shitty job at it.
Why did they change the location of the Sky Temple to a desert? Again, not a gripe, a curiosity.
“We will not see another full moon before the tournament begins” THEN WHERE IS THE TOURNAMENT BUDDY???
Not sure how I feel about the “arcana” concept. It’s an okay plot device but kinda hammy.
Kitana’s fan! But why? Why is it there? I could understand the Kotal and Nightwolf references because Sonya has been researching, but why is Kitana’s fan randomly in an Earthrealm temple? Purely cheap fanservice.
Nitara was really cool. Shame she had to die, but her death was cool and there have to be some characters that get killed off. Wish she had more screentime though; feels like another instance of fanservice just having her show up basically as a namedrop and a quick kill.
The phrase “Are you okay?” was said WAY too much in this film. So much that I actually notices how often it was said, and I usually don’t pick up on these things.
Pretty sure a camera operator fell at one point in a Sonya scene because the camera jerked around violently all of the sudden then stabilized. Whoops.
How did Sub-Zero know to take Cole’s family to the gym? WHY did he take them there?
Opening scene was awesome, but it’s emotional impact felt stunted. I feel like the order of events should have been twisted a bit. Hanzo find his wife and son should have been the big emotional climax of the scene, but it felt like a passing moment and gave him no time to mourn and no time for the impact to truly set in with me. It was an “oh no they died” moment instead of an “ OH MY GOD THEY DIED THIS IS SO FUCKED FUCK YOU SUB-ZERO” moment. I dare say that the Legacy web series did it better in spite of their lower budget and overall quality; the series of events had better pacing and gave more emotional impact because of it. I said what I fucking said don’t @ me.
Wish we got more Scorpion. I love Sanada, I love him as Scorpion, but they didn’t give us the time we needed with his character to truly get a grasp of him.
Cole Young is like white bread in a parade of decorative cakes.
Raiden, a normally passionate and protective character whose fatal flaw is that he involves himself too much in events because he cares about the people in his realm and ends up fucking things up because of it, now seems to not care in the slightest. He feels completely uninvolved save for an occasional pop in to give a nod of disapproval. I don’t like this unemotional take on one of the most emotional characters in Mortal Kombat.
Small complaint from my perspective as a martial artist but uh...”Throw your uppercut!” was a bullshit line in a bullshit scene. If you’re locked up with someone like that and the guy has his arms around your neck, you physically cannot uppercut. You cannot fit your arms between his arms because they are cinched tightly around your shoulders/neck. YOUR HEAD is between your fist + bicep and HIS HEAD. In that situation, the guy has also left his body completely unguarded, so the most logical thing to do since you CANNOT reach his head is to go for BODY BLOWS. Beat him until he lets go to protect himself, catch his floating rib with double strikes, or punch the dude in his fucking liver as hard as you can to DROP HIM. Cole is supposed to be an experienced fighter, yet he makes one of the most rookie mistakes a fighter could ever make. Normally I wouldn’t care to point out mistakes in fight choreography or whatever because it’s MK and I expect ridiculousness, but this is the WRONG kind of ridiculous. It’s just NONSENSE.
I have SO MANY issues with Mileena. I’ll make this as short as I can. I don’t like the design of her mouth. I don’t like her weird stacked voice. She shows NO personality, not in her acting or even her fighting style, just an evil minion that got angry because she almost got her ass kicked. The turned one of the principle characters of the entire franchise and a fan favorite into a GRUNT. There is NO mention of Kitana outside of literal “fan”-service. Not even a reference to one of the most important plotlines in all of Mortal Kombat. And then they KILL HER OFF!!! When they do inevitably bring in Kitana WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO SINCE THEY KILLED OFF MILEENA???? I’m heated and biased and they did my girl dirty.
Speaking of doing characters dirty, poor Reptile. They turned him into an actual animal. What a waste.
Why are they so mean to Sonya if she doesn’t have a mark? She wouldn’t be as much of a “liability” if they would take the time to prepare her and teach her how to defend against fighters that have unlocked their arcana. Mind-numbingly stupid logic.
This movie relies A LOT on prerequisite knowledge to work. It’s like they want fans to fill in the blanks for them. But not everyone watching is already a fan; this isn’t an obscure release, this is a blockbuster movie released worldwide. These gaps in lore and prior knowledge don’t make sense for such a broad audience.
Cole Young literally could have just been Johnny Cage.
Where was Raiden when his temple was being assaulted?
No but for real that’s the most boring decision they just ripped off Jax’s MK11 heater effect and Baraka’s blades (I know they’re tonfa and they aren’t attached and I DON’T CARE). Also, now he’s suddenly good at fighting again? After being dog shit this entire movie??? And tanks Goro?????
If Raiden is an Elder God in this continuity, why is he allowed to help Earthrealm AT ALL? It seems like favoritism and bends the rules that the Elder Gods are supposedly bound by way too much. They really just shouldn’t have made him an Elder God; I honestly think they just said it to introduce the concept without a fuck given towards the actual lore of the Elder Gods.
Cole REALLY should not have been involved in that last fight. Especially not after Scorpion shows up. It should have been Scorpion vs Sub-Zero ONLY for the final fight. Cole tag-teaming Sub-Zero with Scorpion cheapens Scorpion’s revenge.
Camera work in the final fight was not good, especially in the first portion. At one point Cole gets thrown into a fence, but it cuts to an awkward inverse angle that makes him look like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline. This continues to happen and ruins several shots for me.
Honestly Scorpion should have just possessed Cole. Permanently. No switching back and forth. No more Cole, only Scorpion.
Lots of dead characters come back as revenants and / or with upgrades.
Kano comes back with cyber eye.
Mileena comes back with full teeth.
Liu Kang becomes MK champion, wins tournament, and kills Shang Tsung. As it should be.
Cole Young helps Liu Kang become champion somehow idk maybe he sacrifices himself or something just please don’t make Cole the champion I will start a riot.
Next movie will start IMMEDIATELY at the tournament since there was supposedly less than a month until the tournament starts in this movie.
New characters coming in will be Kitana, Shao Kahn, Jade, Quan Chi, Kuai Liang, Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Johnny Cage.
This movie was good, bloody fun! It’s not an A++ Oscar-winner, but if you expected that going into it, you played yourself. It was Mortal Kombat; it was stupid, it was gory, and I had a blast watching it. Kano and Liu Kang were the best parts of the movie for me, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero tied for third. Also I popped a lot for the cheap nostalgia hits. I’m overall satisfied with what we got in spite of my complaints, and I only complain so in-depth about the things I love lmao so trust me when I say I’m not actually mad, just nitpicky. I’ve watched it twice now, and I would watch it again. It’s like a 6.8/10 for me.
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
Ep 5 of BoB tiiiime <3
Episode 5: Crossroads, but I’m renaming it “Holy crap is this a whooper of an ep, guys. So much haaaappeeeeens. Also, I freaked out cos I thought it was Bastogne but now I’m like oh phew. That’s for Future!Laura to freak out about”.
Ready? Let’s go!
01:15 Johnny ‘unimpressed’ Martin pulling one of his patented bitch-faces in the credits, we stan.
02:31 OHHHHH IT’S IRL DICK! We love you!!!
03:45 God I love the technique they use with the shaking, ground-level camera whenever Dick is running. It’s so realistic. And how he’s gasping for breath. Not like in movies when people just seem to run forever so easily. This whole scene, the pacing and the setting, you don’t know what’s happened or what’s happening currently, all you know is he’s running and alone and breathless and it’s all so frantic and my heart just cannot take it with this fucking show you guys!
04:04 Oh God. The kid. He sorta smiles? He doesn’t get it at first. I can’t.
04:34 Wake up from your post-coital nap, Nix!
04:42 Genuinely thought Dick was slapping his butt LMAO
04:55 I love how Dick is horrified for exactly a split second and then he’s just like LOL. Real talk, when does he laugh around anyone but Nix? He smiles around others but not the same as when he’s with Nix, and he sure as heck doesn’t laugh. Except for maybe with Harry. But Harry’s Harry, it’s a given.
05:15 Nix has forgiven him quickly, it seems. Probably because Dick let him sit in the front seat.
05:22 They’re so married.
06:13 Don’t flirt with Dick’s husband, Hot Brit.
06:23 He just did it again, after I specifically told him not to! You’re on thin ice now, Hot Brit.
06:47 Dick hasn’t been doing his homework.
06:54 No Dick, Nix is busy with his new hot friend, go do your homework.
07:07 What happens if you make a mistake on a typewriter? Can’t backspace lol. Imagine all that typing, getting to like the last character and fucking it up.
07:26 DOGGIE!
08:00 OK I’m sorry which guy was it that just burst in screaming “PENETRATION!” I need to marry them even though I’m already married, and I don’t think it was Rich. Whoever it was, I want to shake their hand, at least.
08:17 No. Do not blame Lieb for anything, ever.
08:29 Roe in action <3
08:39 “Hey Alley.” “Heyyy.” I love them. My babies <3
08:53 The boys want revenge.
09:33 Lol @ Tab, “They’re not as smart as me and you?”
10:23 ISTG I need a translation or subtitles for the hand-signals. I would hard out be chillin at the back yelling “WTF MAN. DICK! HEY DICK! I. DO. NOT. UNDERSTAND. YOU.” And then we’d all die cos they’d hear.
11:22 RICH <3
12:14 LMAO Lieb is so excited.
12:33 Dick is so fucking smart, making sure everyone has a target to eliminate so they’re not outnumbered for long and the most immediate threats are taken care of <3
12:38 RICH <3 It’s so cool to see him doing his mortar thing, not just comic relief or providing me with dopamine by simply existing.
14:29 The gunshots and then crossing to the typewriter keys ugh this shooooooow
15:40 Enter?? LMFAO Who says that!! Oh look, Nix has come to apologize for encouraging the flirtatious Hot Brit. He missed you <3
15:52 Dick is in love with Nix. And Nix is in love with Dick. Husbands <3
16:15 This entire exchange is the most A+ flirting. I love how Dick just plants the thought and leaves it to Nix. He doesn’t push. He accepts Nix as he is and <3’s him
16:59 LOL @ Nix “That’s not literature… say ‘we’ a lot,” so supportive and helpful.
17:35 Nervous boys
17:41 Johnny ‘unimpressed’ Martin is starting to bitch-face, watch out…
17:52 Oh no.
18:12 Lol @ Lieb, you can see he’s yelling
18:35 Dick looks so BAMF
19:11 Hoob, it’s not a competition!
20:00 Web <3
20:08 Johnny, chill!
20:48 Oh Web. “Jesus Christ, they got me!” Rivalling Buck for being dramatic af, baby
21:24 Aw Dick
21:36 Lieb find some chill for once in your life. Are you upset Web got hurt?
21:42 Do not speak to your father that way!
21:59 You’re in time-out, young man!
22:17 Ross McCall is freaking hot omg. LMAO @ Lieb though, his Dad is not happy and now he’s grounded.
22:30 No, Web, no one believes much of what you say tbh, sweetie. Still <3 you though.
24:01 You can tell it’s Nix by the way he walks and his shoulders <3333
24:16 Nix doesn’t know who that is aw
24:34 Aw Nix trying to be comforting and supportive the way Dick was to him earlier. But his husband is too moody.
25:53 I love that Sink asks it that way, “How would you feel?” Rather than surprise bitch you’re doing it. I mean you don’t say no to that kinda thing but still. Sink = <3 He’s such a babe
26:16 RICH! EVERYONE STOP, NOTHING ELSE WILL EVER MATTER IT’S RICH. I was starting to miss him in case you couldn’t tell. Lol wtf is he doing to Penk’s ear, and why with a spoon??!!
26:26 Aw Dick. He wants to know his sons will be well looked after by their new stepdad.
26:35 ROE <3
26:47 Nix couldn’t stay away long
27:05 NIX! No!
27:14 LMAO bacon sandwich. Loves how Dick gives the report to Nix, not his orderly.
27:26 He missed you obvs
28:13 Moose, you look after his sons!
28:29 Aw Dick can’t let go <3
28:38 Nix’s resigned little sigh and shoulder slump aha
28:54 Bull! Missed you! As identifiable as ever by the cigar… but is now the best time to be smoking it??
29:31 Their code is Leicester Square! So cute!
29:46 Lieb is so eager for blood-shed
30:40 Aw they gave Moose a beret!
30:39 Dick is jealous he doesn’t get a beret! But he’s so happy his sons are safe.
31:17 I always scream.
31:50 Roe <3 “Mo’phine.”
32:11 “You oughtta. You are officers, you are grown-ups! You oughtta know!” ICONIC. My heart. His faaaaace. Shane Taylor <3333
32:19 The bloody handprint omg
32:46 The boss jacket returns <3
33:11 Nix is so proud.
33:41 We missed you Bill <3
33:48 Dad’s a busy man now Bill.
34:25 “I don’t wanna see another piece of paper!” Dick is always such a mood. Never change, Dick <3
34:20 Whatcha doing, Nix? About to propose? God I wish. You know Dick would say yes.
34:35 Don’t interrupt the proposal, Harry!
34:42 Dick and I are just both going to pretend we didn’t hear that, Nix. Canon not accepted.
34:59 Dick would rather be with you tbh
35:30 So they all just sit around in parade dress? Wait is that parade dress? It is, isn’t it? Someone @ me?
35:34 Rude
36:05 Dick. Don’t stare at the child, Dick.
36:52 Dick. Stop. Seriously.
38:05 Can’t tell if that’s cute or weird tbh
38:31 He’s moping cos he misses Nix
39:03 Unf
39:30 Joe/Charlie <3 Missed you
39:38 I don’t know what I love more, Luz being such a troll or Rich. Hang on, what am I saying. Rich.
39:48 Iconic. ILY Rich
40:00 Easy Mum and Joe/Charlie are so mad lmao. The just wanna watch the movie, shut up kids.
40:17 Dad’s back, Buck, it’s OK now.
40:42 Oh Buck </3
40:57 Joe/Charlie is about to shank you, Luz, stop.
41:02 Iconic.
41:19 Who dis bitch?
41:23 All I see is Rich.
41:34 Rich! Dramatic af
42:02 Oh Buck </3
42:42 Dad’s not happy
43:09 Dad’s. Not. Happy.
43:54 Babe looking cute <3
44:09 Rich <33333333
44:40 Stop hazing the new kid, guys!
45:14 Rich LMAO “We can’t be in Hell, it’s too damn cold!” We <3 you
46:11 Strayer’s a bit useless, let’s be honest
46:31 Babe <3
48:00 Joe/Charlie just wants all the ammo
48:22 RICH
48:38 “We’re paratroopers, lieutenant, we’re supposed to be surrounded.” Dick you are an icon.
49:31 ITS RICH
49:54 Love that, Dick walking in the space between the rows of his men <3
50:19 So ominous 0.o
In conclusion, I love this show.
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simpsonsnight · 5 years
Episode #230
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Treehouse of Horror X Season 11 - Episode 4 | October 31, 1999
Ah yes, Treehouse of Horror X. Treehouse of Horror episodes are usually pretty good. How does this one stack up Okay well first there’s a scary one where they run over Flanders and it’s like I Know What You Did Last Summer and also he’s a Werewolf. Pretty fun. It starts off with the great joke about spending the night in a haunted castle for cereal, and Homer sings the jingle while copping to not installing fog lights on their car. I think I have a Burger King toy of Flanders in his I Know What You Did Last Summer getup. I used to love collecting those Halloween Simpsons toys from Burger King. Do they still do that Then there’s a superhero one. It echos the Radioactive Man episode that I just watched very nicely, with Milhouse in a crappy Radioactive Man costume, and an homage to the 60s Batman stuff. I distinctly remember writing a glowing review of this episode on a South Park message board way back in 1999. I liked the final joke where Lucy Lawless flies. I still do! I guess! Then there’s a Y2K one cuz every animated show had to do a Y2K episode. As of this writing I’m still not sure which episode I’m gonna use for the B-SODE for this segment. I really have my pick of the litter. This is a fairly good one too. Civilization collapses because Homer doesn’t debug his computer and Bart and Homer wind up on a rocket headed towards the sun. Rosie O’Donnell is on there singing showtunes and flinging kooshballs at Homer. It honestly filled me with a profound dread. The idea of being in an apocalypse with people who suck is an extremely real thing in 2019. Damn. I hope I die getting my dick sucked by a hot babe. And I jizz just as the atmosphere turns into poison. That’d be nice.
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Johnny Bravo: "A Wolf in Chick's Clothing" Season 1 - Episode 9B | September 1, 1997 Believe it or not, there wasn’t many cartoons spoofing “I Know What You Did Last Summer”. So I had to go with the werewolf bit. This episode a foxy redhead turns out to be a WOLFY redhead (lmfao, great one) but he dates her anyway at the prospect of her turning back to normal come sunrise.
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Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law: "Very Personal Injury" Season 1 - Episode 2 | September 23, 2001 I guess cuz Superheroes. I probably coulda done the Futurama episode where they are superheroes but I’ve had enough Futurama. So there’s this. I drank some comedy snob kool-aid that harvey birdman sucked, but now I watch it and I’m like what was I so mad about. It’s just harmless silliness. I used to have a hang up about sex jokes being too easy, which is what this episode is largely based on (Apache Chief spills coffee in his lap and loses his ability to “enlarge”).
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Family Guy: "Da Boom" Season 2 - Episode 3 | December 26, 1999 There were so many episodes I coulda chosen, and this is maybe the most obvious. Dilbert did Y2K. The PJs, which isn’t properly streaming anywhere, did Y2K. King of the Hill did Y2K. But I chose this so I can pose this question: why is this the only episode that looks bad? Like it’s clearly the only episode sourced from a videotape master in the pre-HD Family Guy library. I could have sword I saw it air on Adult Swim looking all nice and remastered once, but on DVD and Hulu it still looks like shit. How come
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angermango · 6 years
For the alphabet meme: F, K, P, S with Dragon!Raiden, T, and Z
hhh anon you spoil me~ :) I’m gonna go for a mixed variety if you don’t mind (cut for length)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
gollygosh golighty, it is probably the Kirby fandom. if my math is correct, I’ve been a fan since 11 years and counting!
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat. man went from obnoxious fuckboi jackass comic relief and butt monkey of the entire franchise to an honestly funny, caring and loyal guy who’s also a shockingly good parent and can even be pretty mature and reasonable if he needs to. Midway/NRS clearly didn’t like him all that much in the OT and made him pretty cringey, but now he’s actually bearable without losing the original ego and bad sense of humour that makes him who he is. got to say, I really love him now.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Pokemon SU/MO AU where instead of protag being recruited to hunt UBs Guzma ended up being drafted into it as a half ‘community service’ to make up for what he did with Team Skull and Lusamine, and the fact he also qualifies as a Faller. It’s not totally willing or a happily made decision (sort of imagining Looker or someone strong-armed him into it), but maybe he was desperate due to having nowhere to stay let alone a livelihood after disbanding Team Skull and wanting an escape and something to do. And there’s gonna be complications, such as others like Plumeria or perhaps even Nanu disapproving of his new ‘job’ (though it’s more like they’re angrier at the guys like Looker who dragged a guy who is clearly in a bad place into their dangerous ops) and the fact Guzma has a justified phobia and probably PTSD because of Ultra Beasts and Lusamine. It’s a redemption story yes, just an alternate path instead of going back to training with Hala like he did in the games.
I’m a little surprised how few people actually try to explore how Guzma’s experience in the portal affected him, and how it may have contributed to his heel-face turn in both timelines of the games.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
(hhhhh I can’t believe you remembered this one esp when i haven’t officially done anything on it but in the tags of that one post!)
The dragon form is actually closer to Raiden’s ‘true’ form than the humanlike mortal body we know best. In his truest form Raiden is a shapeless mass of sentient lightning which would blind/vaporise any mortals who saw it, so a dragon made of lightning is his next best ‘safe’ form before actually taking a mortal vessel. In this form he’s possibly the most powerful and free in his element without being in his ‘raw’ form.
This is true for all gods, who if they can’t be bothered to take a more humanoid form or an actual mortal body they will turn into an elemental dragon - the next step between dragon and mortal form is an elemental humanoid form like the unnamed gods in SZM.
Basically think of it like a weirdass Pokemon evolution line roughly like: Shapeless elemental mass > elemental dragon > elemental humanoid > human vessel
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Marvel: Tony Stark finds it easier to talk to and connect with robots and AI/VI than humans. His robots are like his kids and he’d totally have pictures of them in his wallet.
Kirby: (Game) Kirby’s impulsive, naive and childish but not a complete idiot. He often understands what’s going on and what’s at stake in serious and even pretty complex and highly dangerous situations, but he’s just the type who can put all that aside and single-mindedly focus on what needs to be done to save the day. True, he does have too-big a heart and often approaches things too simply in black and white terms, but it’s more of a merit of his that he has seen so much shit and yet can still trust and be kind even to total strangers in the direst of circumstances.
Madness Combat: Deimos is younger than Sanford (and a lot of the other characters) and isn’t as happy or ditzy as he acts a lot of the time - he’s got a fair bit of baggage for being a defector and the bloody and thankless ‘job’ he and Sanford have now. Sanford knows this, which is why he lets him off the hook [lmfao half-intended pun] for goofing around so much.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
free pass to ramble? OK!!
sooo I just really like the Kirby series? It’s such a dependable series that is so enjoyable for all ages and fans, it has excellent art and music and always hits the right amount of throwback and new innovations and rarely disappoints or fails to deliver. Everything’s cute and colourful and accessible for the kidduns, there’s some juicy lore and deeper storylines for older fans to sink their teeth into and all round there is hardly anything to complain about in the canon media and the fandom. plus the Anime is like its own bomb ass ‘canon AU’ verse and can be taken separate, and that too is a barrel of fun with a cute and cheerful world that can be studied and mined endlessly for all sorts of story potential and themes without being exhausted. honestly, just everything about the Kirby series is superb and i would say it’s one of the best franchises ever, period.
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festivitynightmare · 7 years
The boys are all hiking with their s/o and they all end up getting lost? What will happen and how will they react? 😂😂
Getting Lost On A Hiking Trip With Their S/O - Headcanons
He’s pragmatic as always, but is silently freaking the fuck out. Darry reassures his s/o that they are in no trouble and that they just have to figure out where they are on the map. At the beginning of the hike he and his partner picked a landmark to indicate where they started so they both work together to figure out how to retrace their steps. He also marks the spot where they got lost by tagging a tree or something in case they go in a circle. Their plan works though and they get out safely.
He gets so stressed omg. His s/o has to calm him down. Pony flips between being like “It’s okay, babe, this area is small enough. I’ll get you out safe before sun down” to “Holy fucking shit we’re gonna die here. I ate the last granola bar an hour ago. I don’t know how to forage for enough berries to keep us alive!”. His partner tells him they should both sit down for a few minutes to chill out and after calming down he’s like “Oh, I saw that big rock on the way in. We have to go this way”. The boy is smart but gets stressed easily and sometimes doubts his abilities to solve problems. His s/o is a lil pissed he ate that granola bar though..
He’s very composed in front of his s/o, he internalizes his fears about being lost. Johnny comforts his partner and they both sort of wander around in the way they think they came from for a while. His s/o is aware he is afraid but admires his strength in difficult situations such as this. He makes sure his s/o is hydrated and they do the same for him. After a couple of hours they see the path they started their hike on and follow it to safety.
So he doesn’t really pay attention to where they’re going at all. His s/o is leading the way and he is just sort of throwing berries at them because he thinks it’s hilarious. They in turn chase him down a hill and off trail. It takes them a while to figure out they have no idea where they are. Soda is pretty unfazed by the situation at first and they try to retrace their steps back to the trail. They both figure out that they are way off the original trail and he’s just sort of like “haha, yikes” and his s/o just glares at him but is honestly not even mad at him it’s just for comedic effect lol. They both wander around before Sodapop spots a group of hikers and doesn’t hesitate to approach them and ask for help. The hikers help them both get back to their original trail and continue on. His s/o leads them back to their car all the while Soda ever so maturely throws berries at them.
He gets so angry lmfao. 
- “This dumbass map is the problem! It’s not making any sense”
- “Steve, I think it’s upside down”
- “Shit!”
His s/o has to take over reading the map while he rages out by like, throwing a rock at a tree or something lol. He calms down enough to reassure his s/o he knows what he’s doing and figures out that by following a nearby stream they will get them to the bottom of the hillside and from there it’s a short walk to where they left their car. When his plan works and they’re back in his car driving home he’s so proud of himself, his chest is all puffed and he has such a smug grin on his face and he’s just like “see I told you I know what I’m doing” his s/o looks away like they’re in the office lol. This boy is tew much!Two-bit:
Let me stress this: He is forced to go. He is completely happy to sit and chill and crack open a cold one with the s/o but he is not up for “being eaten alive by bugs and dying with twigs stuck in (his) pants”
- “But don’t you already have a twig in your pants?”
- “Wow”
Nevertheless, after that roast, Two-bit is ready to show his s/o he can face the elements and “maybe fight a bear”. When his s/o tells him that they are lost though he gets very serious and comforts his partner, letting them know it’s alright and they’ll be fine. He is street smart and applies that to this situation. He remains calm and climbs a tree to see if he can see anything that might help them. He sees the sun reflecting something yellow about a five minute walk from where they are and they both decide to go and investigate it.  It turns out to be a small group of hikers who point them in the right direction. When they get out safely he insists on picking what to do for their next date.Dallas: 
Lol he wouldn’t go hiking.Thanks for the hilarious request, hope you enjoyed this!
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