#differently aimed target
mrdreyferin · 4 months
Credits to my man Finn and his grandboy's pet (im not a pet 3:<) Pretzel for helping me work this out!
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[Image ID: A banner that says: ‘To break free from the JRWI RP industrial complex, feel free to block the ‘#just role(play) with it’ tag. End Image ID.]
Figured if my niece could be on here, it'd be fun to talk to her besides a one use a day conchshell! You may have heard of me from the Black Rose Pirates (or that one chapter of Finn's book, whoops), but it's your old man Drey! I normally use he/they/it, but at this point I'm not one to be picky.
I've been told also about some person called @lesbianchipbastard? They wanted me to check them out, are you trying to impersonate chip? wait is that me on that profi-
hey guys. this is my 5th fucking rp blog. @s0lar-ch3ri hello me STOP YOUR CRAZY SLASH POS
before we get into tags, this will absolutely have spoilers for riptide! im not gonna be the best at playing drey, but i can certainly try! i forgot to mention this, ooc i love he/she/it but will tolerate others (please give me neos id love to experiment lol)
#sureshots - asks
#differently aimed target - ooc
#a ferins fire - in character
#together we fly our flag - interactions
#milfs perchance - the weird midground of ooc and in character (did this to shame a friend)
#certainly a hotshot - made this to bully a friend, why not give them a fun tag :D
#beast time to type - pretzels helping out drey (retired and no longer used)
#finn-er winner - finns typing for drey (retired and no longer used)
if neither tag is used assume its text to speech
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katsigian · 8 months
Part of me wanted to leave the cp/77 fandom permanently for Obvious Reasons but then I realized something 🌚
If some of the most toxic, manipulative people can still be active in the fandom (i mean as a whole, not just tumblr) then so can I <3 and everyone else who feels like they've been left out or feel like they don't belong, you've been tricked. You do belong. Anyone who's here to create because they love their OCs and the game, belong here far more than anyone else who's hurt others or created division
So I'll still be here. I'm returning with all of my silly little pretty boys hope you missed them because I'm about to be so unhinged about them stay safe out there
Peace and love on planet earth <3
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Me, a physically disabled (high support needs) neurodivergent (mid to high support needs) person: Hey, my neurodivergence IS extremely disabling in a way that a lot of you say "isn't possible" and also my physical and neurological disabilities often combine in ways that can't be separated and produce symptoms that are new or of added severity for me.
Responses I've gotten from disabled exclusionists (some of whom are also both physically disabled and neurodivergent):
"What drugs are you on, you delusional freak?"
"I've never experienced this and therefore you're a dirty lying physically abled neurodivergent person who just wants to be more disabled and oppressed than you are. My experiences are universal and anyone who has different experiences is a lying liar. No one can ever prove otherwise because my axiom is that anyone who claims otherwise is lying."
"The ableds are at it again."
"Sit down and let the REAL disabled people talk."
"You're never allowed to find similarities between disabilities that are of different types, even ones you have, and if you do you're actually the reason why accessibility is such an issue because conflating them is why ableist doctors don't give us what we need and why society thinks medical gatekeeping is good, actually."
"If you're that suicidal do us all a favor and kill yourself."
This is without even getting into stuff about how disabled labels often apply differently to systems. The big discourse now is "nonverbal" labels for headmates who are permanently, always nonverbal, primarily by people and systems who refuse to view systems as anything but "parts" of a single person. Which is funny to me because ah yes, we have actual studies showing physical disabilities such as allergies can apply only to individual headmates, but gods forbid you apply a neurological label to someone whose brain activity is not only visibly different on scans from yours, but to the extent that it changes your entire shared physical body!
Like here's a novel idea: maybe we could just stop policing how other disabled people talk about their disabilities forever! Maybe we could blame any and all harm done even from the unicorn-rarity "actual fakers/liars" (also don't think I don't see you being ableist against people with actual diagnosed that cause compulsive lying) on the ableists DOING the harm because it's actually perfectly possible for them not to cherrypick our words and listen to the MAJORITY of us!
Maybe, just maybe, we could form a coalition, focus on the REAL enemy (ableist medical professionals and lawmakers) and push for actual change for ALL of us!
#also. I have been called ableist for reclaiming the r slur in a 'so what if I AM unintelligent or otherwise socially/emotionally incapable#specifically BECAUSE it was used against me for YEARS to the point of severe trauma#specifically FOR being a socially inept 'gifted kid'#and yet I've been told telling the truth about my own experiences is 'speaking over people with intellectualdisabilities'#and that I didn't actually experience that and they were actually not insulting me becaude they were only insulting intelligence#and it's like 'a bullet with your name on it aimed at me that hits me isn't making YOU bleed'#the target of a bigoted attack is the person that gets hit by it regardless of if the bigot is wrong about their identity#because get this bigots don't actually stop and apologize if they find out they're 'wrong' about you#because the reason they're attacking you is to enforce normalcy on you and they've sensed you are abnormal#it's like hey maybe actually slur reclamation discourse is bullshit and the basis for reclamation should be 'have you been called this'#and 'listen to people with different disabilities' should never mean 'other people know your own experiences better than you'#because that's precisely the problem causing so much ableism towards neurodivergent people from physically disabled people!#'I'm more disabled and oppressed than you on the disabled hierarchy'#'and therefore I get to define your own experiences and the meaning behind them'#No! That's a fucking problem! And super ableist no matter WHAT your disabilities#'listen to other disabled people' goes both ways#you might actually have to examine your own biases and readjust your viewpoint#because newsflash the ableism you think is unique to YOUR disability? ISN'T.#boo fucking hoo you have to acknowledge other people have been hurt by the same things you have#hyper individualism is a plague. you are not special. we're all fucked under abled hegemony#and yes abled people listen to some of us more - lower support needs and intellectually nondisabled people most#but you cannot just assume based on ONE label or lack of that someone is in the 'listened to' category#ableds don't listen to me regardless of eloquence or w/e because I'm massively crippled and mad and have cognitive disabilities#like if you think I have privilege over you bc I'm 'smart' or w/e. abled people take one look at me being a crippled schizo#and write me off as completely crazy! NO ONE listens to mad people. we are in THE SAME BOAT#anyway this rant is not even at anyone or any particular group because I've noticed it coming from EVERYWHERE in the community#these are just some examples#discourse#tw suibaiting mention#tw delusional as insult mention
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bacchuschucklefuck · 14 days
just wanted to let you know that your art changed something in my brain chemistry. i love how you design the bad kids, especially riz. it makes me love him even more 😭😭
thank u! fantasy high as a series banks a lot on heightening and exaggerations, and trying to work with that general sensibility while translating the designs into something I have fun drawing has been nice to do :]
#not art#its kinda funny to approach fh with like. a bg of shounen/gag manga? wild how much genres can differ when targeting the same demographic#tho I havent read shounen in a While lmao. the last series I picked up was uhhh tetsugaku letra#its very Gender even though I dont think it? aimed to be? it talks a Lot abt performance and failing social expectations#and I think if you wanna talk about stuff like that you kinda eventually stumble into Gender Stuff#well. to be fair the main character literally picks up and chooses to dance with a pair of women's flamenco shoes#so maybe I was just being pessimistic abt the series not aiming to talk abt transgenderism lmao#anyways I did also pick that up and then realized as I read it that wow. I have Fully outgrown this genre#which is fair bc I'm almost a decade out from being a teen. I have the privilege to grow up and get a bird eyes view of childhood#but yeah. its kinda fun to see how teen movie archetypes and shounen archetypes differ so much#and finding the thread of connection between all that#but very specifically abt riz. listen. listen I was a meitantei conan acolyte for Years (am now a hater lmao)#I have an unfortunate affinity for detectives. riz gukgak is a bullet with my name on it. laser targeted#and also this season he gets a pair of glasses which is one of the only objects I can fully draw from memory. u can probably notice#from how I draw them lmao#I think I have a sketch of his previous looks somewhere in here... I gotta look for that
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cascadianights · 3 months
-Why do you need to differentiate between physical and mental disability? Why do you feel you NEED cripplepunk and madpunk to be totally separate spaces? What happens to the people who straddle both when they immediately run into gatekeeping? Especially when it's largely thinly veiled hate towards neurodivenges and those "obnoxious loud" autistics "taking up space?"
-What harm comes from there being people in your "space" with slightly different experiences of disability than you, knowing that will always be the case even if someone had your exact diagnoses? If that harm is "people who have it better off talking over me," why don't you have boundaries or moderators to make sure voices will be heard? Who decides "they" have it better off? Than who? If that harm is a loss of resources, what resources? The ones that are constantly at risk of being cut because they don't serve enough people to justify costs, or the ones the government offers through intensive severe violating means-testing you're echoing in your "safe spaces?"
-Where's the line? How mentally ill, how homeless, how hospitalized do you have to be before it can be admitted to affect the physical aspects of your life? How physically disabled do you need to be to qualify? What is the point of pushing the imposter syndrome we all suffer from, and are gaslighted with as doctors tell us we're fine or it's in our heads, into our COMMUNITIES?
-Who benefits here?? By creating more and more insular communities, by using the words of someone who created a movement as immovable proof that that movement cannot change or evolve or encompass more? By gatekeeping people whose quality of life has already been deeply impacted by disability? By re-enacting the worst parts of TERF queer gatekeeping and claiming it's so totally different this time (despite having all of the cons and literally no pro) bc DISABILITY?
If your disability pride, spaces, or understanding is dependent on the idea that there are physically disabled people who have it Worse Off totally separate from the mentally ill who have it Better, you're either a psyop or so far up your own ass you needed to continue forcing false delineations of who is Better and Worse, Good and Bad, just to exist in a space. And no one needs that kind of activism
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i know this is a thing that Literally Everyone says, but some people really do need to stop viewing their personal headcanons as Facts.
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kate-m-art · 7 months
Keep seeing Zelda movie news reactions and like feel like my only contribution right now is I'd much prefer live action to an illumination style animated movie...
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i know the vibes of the shows are different but imagine if camilla met anne’s parents lmao
camilla: my kid went to a world of witches where she went to magic school and had fun adventures. then she and her friends took down the government and fought a goop monster before they got trapped in the human realm
boonchuys: oh our kid went to a frog world with bird and bug monsters who wanted to eat her and she did backbreaking work on a farm for five months. while the monsters tried to eat her. then she and her friends tried to take down the government but one of them got brutally impaled and she and some of her other friends got trapped in the human realm
camilla: oh shit. did you go with her when she tried to go back to the frog world?
boonchuys: nah we packed her an extra pair of shoes and called it a day
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badpanduhmemes · 2 months
So the fourth movie, re-invigorated my creative juices, and I am actively writing KFP fanfiction again. I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in it, but I'm doing it. I posted a few drabbles here in the past, but these are going to be much longer multi-chapter fics when all is said and done.
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mrdreyferin · 10 hours
I didn’t sign off the last one sorryb
-rock anon
understood o7
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acrobattack · 2 months
i think it’s fun that blossom and buttercup butt heads the most vs brick who targets boomer and more or less gets along swell with butch
#once again this is just me stating the obvious but i think about it a lot anyway#like with buttercup it’s a general refusal to follow the given instruction#vs boomer whose issue with brick tends to be incomprehension or lack of capability#and like. the difference between a leader who wants a Good Clean outcome vs one who just wants to have fun at all costs#butch has no reason to oppose brick because their goals basically align similar to how bubbles and blossom function#whereas buttercup Wants to be reckless under the instruction of someone who simply is Not#and boomers situation is a bit different because he really doesn’t oppose Brick much at all#he’s just a bit slow to catch on and will tend to speak out of turn out of excitement to contribute to a situation#vs butch who quite literally just parrots a lot of what brick says in a lot of his dialog#boomer is just ‘soft’ enough to be an easy target#it also Is just really fitting of brick to aim that kind of attitude at someone who’s less likely to do anything about it#whereas blossom generally has a real point she wants to drill into buttercups head so the resulting fight is. kind of the goal#idk where i’m going with this i just saw a post that made me want to organize these thoughts somewhere#bubble journal#editing to add more#like alright boomer is. undoubtedly a part of their group#i don’t think he’s a true odd one out he Isn’t#he scraps with them and likes the same things they do and generally likes to participate with them#he just so happens to be the ‘worst’ relative to the other two at being a Rowdy/ruff Boy#at least in the way they perceive one ought to be#so when he gets a bit too obviously naive he’ll get singled out#but it’s clear he can generally keep up with them anyway#if only for the fact that brick and butch can instantly tell when bubbles wasn’t able to#does this make sense i feel like i lost the plot
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Not to be like a crotchety old grandpa waving my cane at middle school hooligans but I do wish (especially) young, very online queer folks would take a sec to learn a little more about like political movements and social change
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
*Observer, Scrap, & Hollow eating dinner made by Hollow*
Hollow Julieta: do you little ones know that blueberries are one of the only foods named after a colour?
Scrappy Mirabel: What about star fruit?
Hollow Julieta: That's— that is a shape little one. How—
Hollow Julieta, remembers the time a math answer was obviously 2 but Scrap said 11:
Observer Mirabel:
Hollow Julieta, finally cracking: *holds her by the neck and begins to crush her* Listen thy lump of idiocy—
Hollow!Agustin, who was invited just to hang out with his evil wife: JULI NO—
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 9 months
If Edelgard starts a war on cats it would be a CATastrophe. Bad pun aside, it really speaks volumes when people are so enamored and defensive about their fave that they're willing to say "racism, genocide and terrorism is good actually". Fiction may not affect reality most of the time, but it exposes views that some people share that makes you go "yikes.".
I can't believe I didn't even think of that when I wrote it LOL.
For people missing the context, this ask is in response to a reply I wrote on another post.
When it comes to media, it's one thing if there's nuance to the situation and it's not as direct (is she being brainwashed? Controlled? Forced? Somehow unaware? Shown to be conflicted about her actions/what she says? etc). In her case though that's not present and she means what she says. Even still, liking her as a character is fine.
It's different when people start using real life situations or making outright harmful rhetoric, which is something they do both to lift their favorite up and to vilify her enemies (which is why they have to reach so hard, and farther than their arms actually can reach to make up reasons to hate Dimitri. It's not him, it's the fact that they hate anyone who opposes Edelgard, and if Edegard wants them dead they also want them dead. Unfortunately that also turned into demonizing those with mental illness).
Fiction in and of itself doesn't affect reality or indicate what a person is like irl, but their behavior toward others is no longer fiction. Story wise you could argue it makes an interesting character to have these flaws and villainous traits, but it's another story entirely when people double down to insist their characters' actions are just and they go into detail to force it down people's throats - 99.99% of the time unprompted, when that character actively associates with people who have willingly and intentionally committed genocide and aims to do the same herself by finishing the job.
Which you'd think she wouldn't because... those same people wiped out all her siblings, but okay. Somehow the CoS is worse than them. I guess bc Agarthans are human at the end of the day, so no matter how inhumane and atrocious their actions are, they get a pass as long as there's a non-human in the vicinity. Racism typically goes hand in hand with genocide, so. Yeah.
It's not even just that though - it's how the arguments go that indicates if a person is just trying to defend their favorite. If they start brainlessly spewing harmful rhetoric at real people, and if what they say would actively defend real life issues, it's concerning. It's the manner in which they defend their favorite. If the way they argue is exactly how American-hard-rights defend themselves, it starts becoming uncomfortable for people and no longer applies to just fiction.
If what you argue sounds exactly what irl politics sounds like, that's a pretty powerful indicator of who you're dealing with. It doesn't matter if they are or claim to be American-left (specifying because Random said it's different in Europe!). If their arguing points shit on all the values American-lefts stand for, they are not, whether they like it or not, arguing for the left (which all stans claim to do, and then they start regurgitating American-right political stances, extremely often at the expense and discomfort of actual American-lefts. Might I remind you that one of them, a straight man, used abortion and gay marriage both being legally in jeoprady as a gotcha to argue for Edelgard).
It doesn't matter what you claim you're doing. If your arguments actually start reflecting things that can be real, you need to be careful about how you word it. Houses deals with a political atmosphere very heavily, which shouldn't have really been a problem... but it got too close to real life politics within the fandom and people's true colors started to show.
It should have been "I love Edelgard but damn some of what she does is fucked up" and not trying to vehemently defend every singular word she's ever said. As I've mentioned in my very lengthy "why the writing failed Edelgard", the writing is partly to blame for people being divided on her, but it's the fans' own faults if they can't draw a line between liking her character and supporting things in a way that makes it sound like you'd support them irl.
It's even worse that all that nonsense picked up really badly right around the time Ukraine got invaded and Putin was out there spewing nonsense. It became a sensitive issue to have people defending Edelgard invading other countries proudly with false claims/propaganda, because the arguments fell perfectly to a T in line with what Putin was doing.
Evidently that didn't matter to the people who never touch grass and waste their time and energy only thinking of defending Edelgard instead of just enjoying her character, but then, they don't really even enjoy her character; they just enjoy their made up version of her who fights for what they want her to fight for instead of realizing what she's actually doing. These people would be damn easy bait for irl politics and it shows. Dangerously.
So for anyone arguing about your fictional favorites, remember that context is important and how you treat the topic(s) at hand are just as important. I absolutely adore a villain just like Edelgard because of good writing, and there are points I can actually defend him (if you've been on this blog for more than like a week you prooOOOObably know who I'm referring to AT THIS POINT lmao). That doesn't mean I'm going to call invasion, racism, etc good and just for his better talking points to be achieved.
In my opinion Edelgard ended up poorly written because the writers wanted to be bias in the context of the story but couldn't properly justify the atrocities. I'll be honest, if this is how they handle (main) female villains, I'd rather just not have them. I'd rather go back to the days of Petrine and Hilda who were side villains and allowed to be as disgusting and horrendous as they wanted.
If writing a lead villain who is female won't work because they can't stop pushing their bias into the writing (don't even look at poor Petra, she got SKEWERED in CF and especially in SB) and it reflects poorly, I just don't want it. I know men at the writing table for some wild reason throughout the years have been unable to properly write females (which like, why. Just write human beings. But no, they seem to act like females are a different entity entirely), but if that's going to remain the case, I don't want them to write them in situations like these because they clearly can't handle it. They treat Edelgard as a trophy wife who has to be perfect for them and not as a complex, legitimate person.
Mind you, I also made a post before about how Edelgard is separated from other female villains by being drawn as "attractive". Ishtar gets treated much better than other female villains as well, with Heroes going as far as to outright shit on canon and give her an alt where she "joins the Liberation Army", which... the whole point of her character and her fighting in that war was that she was on the opposite side but wasn't a bad person. I could argue similar things for Burian, but that's more headcanon/literally based on just his death quote lmfao.
Point being, Ishtar is drawn to be attractive. Petrine and Hilda are not, and are outright villainous, terrible, not complex people at all (Hilda is a hypocrite, but she's not complex). Edelgard was drawn to be attractive, and was thus not treated like a villain proper. Unfortunately this got warped into the fandom we know now, but... like we both said, the way they argue for her is pretty telling and honestly pretty scary. Let's not forget that they've spewed death threats at people simply for not liking Edelgard.
No, that last sentence was not a joke nor an exaggeration. In a way it makes sense though, considering they defend genocide, racism, etc.
#DCB Ask#this is why I like to just discuss things with JUST people I know. we have differing opinions in our own circle!#in this fandom tho I have to already know I can debate this game safely and not have to deal with bullshit#I do like talking abt this game (Hopes too) and I do like being able to vent safely when I'm unhappy with certain story beats#talking about/venting about things isn't always looking for discussion but the stans do NOT understand that#and will come after you unwarranted simply for liking Dimtiri. I noticed some of them have been#recently basically going down the line of who follows who. they find other fans through who follows who#so even people like me who just stay in their corner and talk with their mutuals end up with#a stan coming at me bc they couldn't resist going onto my blog and looking at my posts#when my blog content is CLEARLY not aimed at them and they are NOT the target audience for it#and it also sucks that like... I don't rly engage in discourse but it finds some of my mutuals bc of who they follow#so I'm not totally away from seeing it but I'm on the sidelines/not rly involved#if a stan comes at me for no goddamn reason I reply and block and continue on with my day#but sadly having a discussion with mutuals or posting on your blog without tags still gets stans a-knockin'#anyway I have midnight Taco Bell and it's really fucking great#I am a night owl and tonight I am a happy night owl. I have consumed and am continuing to consume Taco Bell I am invincible right now
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
People going on about sims 4 custom content like "Oh they've all got red noses and eye bags they look sick" like bitch that was intentional thank you very much. Get with the times, exhaustion and illness are sexy now
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crowshoots · 1 year
jesper was born left-handed, but he has taught himself ambidexterity and as a result knows how to shoot with both hands. that's why he carries two revolvers at once on either side of their hips. it also means they can shoot on the spot even if one hand is incapacitated and it won't influence their aim in any form <3!
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