#digital signature token
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dscsky · 7 months
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idsign-partner-login · 7 months
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xtratrustdscfranchise · 7 months
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pavitrapavi · 11 months
Idsign's Digital Signature Tokens: Your Shield in the Digital Realm
In today's interconnected world, safeguarding digital transactions and communications is of paramount importance. As we navigate the vast landscape of online interactions, the need for airtight security measures becomes increasingly pressing. To meet these challenges, the "Idsign" has emerged as a dedicated endeavor to create a secure and dependable environment for digital transactions. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into an array of digital signature tokens, including the mToken, Token Proxkey with Digital Signature, Watchdata token, Trustkey token, SAFENET Token, epass token, E-Pass Token with Certificate,  Watchdata Proxkey, SAFENET eToken, epass digital signature, epass DSC, Watchdata Proxkey digital signature, WD Proxkey digital signature, Proxkey DSC driver, and SAFENET eToken Pass.
mToken: Ensuring Digital Security
The mToken is a portable hardware token designed for digital signatures and encryption. It offers a secure and robust environment for generating and storing digital certificates, thus ensuring the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents and transactions. mToken is a testament to the commitment to data security in the digital age, providing a solution that's both powerful and convenient for individuals and organizations alike.
Token Proxkey with Digital Signature: A Fusion of Utility and Security
Token Proxkey stands out as a digital signature token that combines the ease of a USB token with the formidable cryptographic capabilities required for secure transactions. Whether you're an individual or an organization seeking to fortify your digital communications and transactions, Token Proxkey with Digital Signature offers a reliable solution. It bridges the gap between usability and robust security.
Watchdata Token: A Shield for Your Data
Watchdata tokens are renowned for their unwavering security features. These tokens are primarily used for digital signatures, secure access, and encryption. They have been crafted to meet the most stringent security standards, making them a dependable choice for those who take data protection seriously. Watchdata tokens offer peace of mind by safeguarding sensitive information in a hostile digital landscape.
Trustkey Token: Fortifying Digital Signatures
 Trustkey tokens are prized for their top-tier security, making them the go-to choice for those in search of dependable hardware devices for digital signatures. They play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of electronic documents and transactions. In an era marked by data breaches and cyber threats, Trustkey tokens stand as a guardian of your digital assets.
E-Pass Token with Certificate: Adding an Extra Layer of Trust
E-Pass tokens equipped with digital certificates take your security to the next level. These tokens are ideal for businesses and individuals who seek to enhance the trustworthiness of their digital transactions. Digital certificates offer an added layer of validation, assuring all parties involved of the authenticity and integrity of the digital documents.
SAFENET eToken: The Epitome of Security
SAFENET eTokens are celebrated for their top-notch security features. They are widely embraced for ensuring secure access, data protection, and trustworthy digital signatures. SAFENET eToken is more than a piece of hardware; it's a symbol of security and trust in the digital realm.
epass DSC: The Backbone of Digital Signatures
epass dsc, which stands for Digital Signature Certificate, forms the backbone of digital signatures. These certificates are essential for verifying the authenticity of the signatory in electronic transactions. They are a critical component in ensuring the trustworthiness of digital interactions.
Conclusion: A Secure Digital Future with Idsign
In a world where digital interactions are the norm, the importance of secure digital signatures and data protection cannot be overstated. The "Idsign" aims to provide a comprehensive range of E-Pass Token with Certificate, each offering unique features and capabilities. These mToken are not just technology; they are trust and reliability in the digital realm. With these Trustkey token at your disposal, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the digital world, secure in the knowledge that your transactions and communications are safeguarded by the latest advancements in digital security. The Idsign is your partner in ensuring a secure digital future.
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tacticaltaxonomist · 7 months
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The Commission page is easier to read HERE thanks to additional formatting.
Fanart and all original human/furry/creature characters welcome!
Price: 15-50€ (ca. 16-54$) OR Donate any amount (+1€/$) to a charity supporting Palestine.
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Slots: Unlimited (Queue is public HERE)
Queue: 0
Price: 15-50€ (ca. 16-54$) depending on style and complexity (consider 15€ as 1h drawing)
Payment Method: Paypal or Kofi (no accounts needed)
Charity for art!
Donate any amount (+1€/$) to a charity supporting Palestine and get art. - send me a screenshot of your receipt (date, amount, charity) - art complexity depends on amount you donated, but i'll draw you at least something small! List of charities you can donate to: UNRWA https://www.unrwa.org/ Doctors without Borders https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/where-we-work/palestine Defense for Children Palestine https://www.dci-palestine.org/ Palestinian Red Crescent Society https://www.palestinercs.org/en United Palestinian Appeal https://href.li/?https://upaconnect.org/ Heal Palestine https://healpalestine.app.neoncrm.com/ eSims for Gaza https://t.co/VtvHlIRdWs Care for Gaza https://twitter.com/CareForGaza Medical Aid for Palestinians https://www.map.org.uk/ ANERA https://www.anera.org/ Help Gaza Children https://helpgazachildren.notion.site/ Sulala Animal Rescue https://sulalaanimalrescue.com/ Palestinian Youth Movement https://palestinianyouthmovement.com/ BDS Movement https://bdsmovement.net/
Timeframe: 1 week once it's your turn in the queue, first come first serve. Need it by a specific date? Let me know! Specs: Digital art in format of a PNG image, average size is around 1500-3000px square. Need a specific size/ratio/format/dpi? Let me know! TOS: - Art will have a readable signature, but no watermark. - The signature may not be removed. - You may post the art wherever you'd like, with credit to my TH, Tumblr, or KoFi. - I can post the art wherever I like. - Digital art file only. - No refunds, unless I can't deliver. - Limited revisions at my discretion. - Won't draw sexually explicit art. Nudity ok! - May decline drawing gore designs. Inquiries welcome!
Contact: You can alternatively reach me via Email: tacticaltaxonomist at outlook dot com Discord: tactax Tumblr: tacticalTaxonomist / tactax-art Toyhouse: tactax
How to Commission:
1) Contact me by replying here, sending a DM, or via the alternatives in "Contact"
- What character do you want? - What do you want to pay? - What kind of art do you want (see examples below). - Tell me a pose / emotion / outfit / vibe / meme you'd like! - Tell me what coverage you want, like full body / half body / bust / headshot! - If you have no pose/emotion etc. in mind, please tell me about your characters vibes. If you don't give any information regarding pose, vibes, coverage etc when you contact me I will assume 'whatever' is ok, I will not dig for details.
2) Wait for me to confirm that I accept your commission! 3) Make payment. Easiest on Ko-Fi: Below 'Support tactax' enter 12, list your username and/or the characters name in the 'Your Message' box so I can identify you. (Charity option: Donate and send me a screenshot of your receipt, via email or Discord would be easiest. Do not post this publicly. On screenshot I'd like to see: date, amount, charity) 4) Wait your turn in the queue, and for art to be posted!
I don't do a strictly-set price range, because different characters and coverage take different amounts of time! Just tell me what you want, and I can tell you if your budget works / I'll do it for less / I'll do it for more / where we can cut corners to make it fit what youre willing to pay :)
This is also easier to view / get full sizes HERE, or right-click and 'open in new tab' to view bigger. And yk, this is my art blog :)
↓Memes (also say a style)
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↓Icons/Tokens (also say a style)
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↓Style: Doodle (very simplified, soft colors, chibi-ish)
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↓Style: Sketch (no color, might have a few grey shades/highlights for distinction)
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↓Style: Colored Sketch ( like sketch but with soft colors, slight shading/lighting for depth)
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↓Style: Cellshaded Sketch (proper full color, usually a bit cleaner than just sketch / colored sketch, solid colors and cellshading, highlights, gradients, the whole thing)
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sevenstorey · 2 months
Tentu, berikut adalah sejarah singkat mengenai cryptocurrency:
1. Awal Mula (1980-an - 1990-an)
1982: Konsep uang digital pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh David Chaum, seorang kriptografer, dengan penerbitan "Blind Signatures for Untraceable Payments" yang menjadi dasar untuk e-cash.
1990-an: Chaum menciptakan DigiCash, salah satu bentuk uang elektronik pertama yang menggunakan kriptografi untuk menjaga privasi transaksi.
2. Bitcoin dan Era Baru (2008 - 2010)
2008: Satoshi Nakamoto, dengan nama samaran, menerbitkan whitepaper berjudul "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" yang memperkenalkan konsep Bitcoin, sebuah mata uang digital terdesentralisasi.
2009: Bitcoin secara resmi diluncurkan dan blok pertama (genesis block) ditambang. Bitcoin adalah cryptocurrency pertama yang menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk mencatat transaksi secara aman dan transparan.
3. Pertumbuhan dan Inovasi (2011 - 2013)
2011: Cryptocurrency lain mulai muncul, seperti Litecoin, yang dibangun di atas kode Bitcoin dengan beberapa perubahan teknis untuk memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada.
2013: Ethereum diluncurkan oleh Vitalik Buterin, memperkenalkan kontrak pintar (smart contracts) yang memungkinkan pengembangan aplikasi terdesentralisasi (dApps) di blockchain.
4. Masa Depan dan Adopsi (2014 - 2017)
2014: Bitcoin mulai mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari investor institusi dan mainstream. Banyak proyek baru diluncurkan, termasuk sistem pembayaran dan platform blockchain baru.
2017: Bitcoin mencapai titik tertinggi baru dan mendapat perhatian global. Fenomena ICO (Initial Coin Offering) menjadi populer, memfasilitasi pendanaan proyek blockchain dengan cara menerbitkan token baru.
5. Regulasi dan Kemajuan Teknologi (2018 - 2020)
2018: Pasar cryptocurrency mengalami penurunan harga yang signifikan, dikenal sebagai "crypto winter". Namun, banyak proyek terus berkembang dan memperkuat teknologi mereka.
2020: DeFi (Decentralized Finance) menjadi tren besar, memungkinkan layanan keuangan seperti pinjaman dan trading dilakukan secara terdesentralisasi menggunakan smart contracts di blockchain.
6. Evolusi dan Masa Kini (2021 - Sekarang)
2021: Bitcoin dan Ethereum mencapai harga tertinggi baru, dan minat terhadap NFT (Non-Fungible Token) meroket. Banyak perusahaan dan lembaga keuangan besar mulai berinvestasi di cryptocurrency.
2023: Adopsi cryptocurrency semakin meluas dengan peluncuran berbagai solusi layer-2 untuk meningkatkan skalabilitas, serta peningkatan regulasi di berbagai negara untuk mengatur penggunaan dan perdagangan cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency terus berkembang dengan inovasi baru dan tantangan, dan dampaknya terhadap ekonomi global serta sistem keuangan masih terus terbentuk.
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teakayart · 1 year
Taking Portrait/Token commissions!
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i'm taking character portrait commissions like these, the price is a game-time code for FFXIV ($30, can be found at this link https://tinyurl.com/ff14gtc ). DM here or email teakayart (at) gmail (dot) com with subject "portrait comission." TOS: You acknowledge that this is a digital item trade: art for a game code. Personal use only, not for use on commercial products. My artist signature is not to be removed; i do my best to make it unobtrusive. I must be credited when posting to websites and @'d directly where possible (twitter, instagram, tumblr, facebook, deviantart: teakayart). I retain copyright as well as the right to post on my social medias as well as use your piece as an example of work. I retain the right to say no. I will give you a sketch, at which point payment will be due, and then you will be allowed up to 2 revision stages, after which I will proceed to colors.
Please include: at least 1 reference photo, the expression/attitude you would like your character to have, the outfit your character should have (will be depicted from chest-up).
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nftraja · 7 months
What Is NFT's ?
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. It is a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and interchangeable with each other, NFTs are unique and cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.
NFTs can represent various digital assets such as art, music, videos, virtual real estate, collectibles, and more. Each NFT has a unique digital signature that distinguishes it from other tokens, making it one-of-a-kind and verifiable on the blockchain.
The ownership and transfer of NFTs are recorded on a blockchain, typically using smart contracts to ensure transparency and security. NFTs have gained popularity in the art world as a way for artists to sell digital art and for collectors to own and trade unique digital assets.
Overall, NFTs have opened up new possibilities for creators, collectors, and investors in the digital space, although the market is relatively new and subject to volatility and speculation.
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dscsky · 9 months
Buy Digital Signature Token Online at best prices.
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Brazil passes law to legalize crypto as a payment method
The law was approved by the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil but still requires the approval of the executive branch to be enacted.
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While Brazil has not made Bitcoin $16,820 legal tender as El Salvador did last year, the South-American nation has passed a law that legalizes crypto payments throughout the country. 
The Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, a federal legislative body, has passed a regulatory framework that legalizes the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method within the country. While this makes significant progress for crypto within Brazil, the law still requires the signature of the president of Brazil for it to be enacted.
The passing of the bill does not make any cryptocurrencies legal tender within the country. However, the bill will include digital currencies and air mileage programs in the definition of payment methods that are under the supervision of the country’s central bank.
After being passed into law, the government’s executive branch must decide which office will be will be in charge of supervision. Still, tokens that will be considered securities will remain under the jurisdiction of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
Continue reading.
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kicksaddictny · 1 year
adidas Originals and Renowned Artist FEWOCiOUS Announce Collaborative Partnership
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Continuing the brand's exploration of art, culture, creativity, and Web3 innovation, adidas Originals has come together with the trailblazing 20-year-old artist, FEWOCiOUS, to announce a new partnership. A harmonious collision of perspectives, the collaborative endeavor blends the Trefoil’s commitment to innovation with the artist’s creative flair, as adidas Originals and FEWOCiOUS present a bold range of physical and digital product drops.
Widely regarded as one of the leading members of a growing community of Web3 artists, Victor Langlois, known as FEWOCiOUS, has built a reputation for his playful style, bold aesthetic, and deeply personal approach; telling his life story and experience as a transgender youth through his work. First appearing in an official capacity with adidas /// Studio (Three Stripes Studio) for an installation during Art Basel Miami in December 2022, FEWOCiOUS has long had an affinity for the brand, using adidas silhouettes as an artistic canvas from as far back as when he was 16 years old.
Marking the arrival of the collaborative partnership, adidas Originals and FEWOCiOUS have come together to launch a limited edition, product-linked Trefoil Flower Mint Pass. Launching on June 22nd, it will also unlock the opportunity for NFT holders to redeem the complimentary artist-designed Campus 00’s sneaker. Embodying FEWOCiOUS’ signature style, the timeless adidas Originals silhouette has been given a black and white ‘linework' makeover, contrasted by a thick, blue and white cloud pattern lace.
Commenting on the milestone partnership, FEWOCiOUS said, “Working with adidas is a real dream come true. I can’t believe I was paintin’ adidas shoes in my bedroom by myself four years ago and now I get to officially collaborate with them! This is one of the longest projects I’ve ever worked on and keeping things a secret is so hard I just want to scream it from the rooftops! I really believe in the future of fashion and footwear and the intersection of digital and physical, and I’m so excited for these to see the world and for everyone to be part of that journey with me.”
This drop also represents a new step for adidas. The launch will be the first time that the brand has produced a token-gated, NFC-tagged sneaker that is also tied to a limited edition NFT. Holders of the FEWOCiOUS x FewoWorld: Paint NFTs, along with holders of the ALTS by adidas ‘Decos’ and ‘Soles’ [ALT]er Ego NFTs, will be offered a range of exclusive benefits, including discounted pricing and early access via OpenSea on June 22nd. However, the brand and artist have also ensured that a range of NFT holders from their wider ecosystems will also be given the chance for early access before the wider public sale later that day. The Trefoil Flower Mint Pass will be exclusively available for mint and purchase through the OpenSea platform, the world’s leading NFT marketplace.
Seeking to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation for the Web3 community, as well as inspiring the wider integration of technology and artistry into the fashion landscape, those purchasing the adidas Originals x FEWOCiOUS Trefoil Flower Mint Pass will be given the exclusive opportunity to redeem the physical Campus 00’s sneaker later in the summer.
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