muquesko · 6 months
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*This particular series is deemed for kids, please don’t comment otherwise*
*Camera used: Nikon Backside Illumi-nationCMOS  (Photoshop was used: Text tool and shape tool)
The location where the photo was taken: Illinois
*Series: Mr. Jenkins’ Belly*       
Noteis reference!!!
*Characters in the picture:
1. Noteis_Dignation (Dog, Striped Halkur Dog)
*28th Dimension English Dictionary:
1. Striped Halkur Dog: A colorful gray Dog with stripes. They can navigate in the dark and are excellent diggers.
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uspop209 · 8 months
Artivee and Dignat.
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oddert · 5 months
I had a dream last night that I was unexpectantly in the pressense of Micheal Dorn and Garett Wang, they were sat at a convention table by the looks of it although there were few people there and it was a relaxed atmosphere.
I excused myself not wanting to pester them or take advantage of the sittuation but I just had to tell Dorn how much I appreciated his portrayal of Worf, particularly as the character aged, and joked about the scene where he gets on the Re constructed bridge of the Enterprise D and just falls asleep in the Dad Position (you know the one). I also wanted to note how complex it must have been to play a character that early on didn't get alot of lines, was constantly having his ass handed to him, but still had to maintain an air of dignatity and strength.
But then Garret Wang was also there and I was like shit I need to find something equally nice to say about his portrayal of Harry Kim and got super stressed out trying to also compliment him because he seems nice, while also trying to excuse myself and not bother them
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forislynx · 10 months
Jag känner mig inte så mycket pressad som tilltryckt (eller betryckt). Ytterligare bekymmer som jag inte behöver gå in på har tillstött, som jag knäckts (eller dignat) under. Jag har varit dålig efter att vi sågs – faktiskt på gränsen till sammanbrott, och ordinerades av läkaren att sätta stopp. På en vecka eller två har jag ingenting gjort – jag har i själva verket inte alls kunnat. Men jag börjar känna mig en hel del bättre.
J. R. R. Tolkien, Brev från J. R. R. Tolkien
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lover-praxis · 10 months
After the Chicago trip, Angus couldn't wait to tell us the outcome. Blithely disregarding all his previous declarations re- garding the nonsexual nature of their relationship, Angus an- nounced that he had finally "had" the young man. It wasn't a confession; it was an ebullient, proud recounting of a glorious one-night stand. They'd taken the "400" to Chicago, the first train ride the young Swede had ever been on. In Chicago, after dinner, drinks, and a movie, they had returned to their hotel room and were cleaning up before going to bed. When the Swede stepped out of the shower, Angus brought him another towel, offering to dry him off, and after rubbing his back,
Angus spun the Swede around, fell to his knees and took the kid's cock into his mouth, reverently, like Holy Communion.
Clem was outraged at this hypocrisy. He spluttered with in- dignation when he heard the story, but Angus was blase, even smug, about the whole episode. He was mildly amused at Haupers's reaction, pointing out that this one encounter was completely incidental to the kid's conversion. For weeks, after Angus had gone back to school and the Swede had actually entered a Catholic seminary, if anyone mentioned Angus or the young man, Haupers's eyes would bulge, his jowls tremble, and he'd bellow with outrage at this case of a person who, he said, was "literally sucked into the church."
Ricardo J. Brown, Evening Crowd at Kirmser's: A Gay Life in the 1940s
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drdigantpathak · 10 months
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Dr. Dignat Pathak stands at the forefront of medical excellence as a distinguished laparoscopic surgeon in Jabalpur. With a commitment to innovative and minimally invasive surgical techniques, Dr. Pathak has garnered acclaim for his precision and expertise in the field. His passion for advancing healthcare has led to a trailblazing career marked by successful surgeries and compassionate patient care. Known for his unwavering dedication to staying abreast of the latest medical advancements, Dr. Pathak continues to redefine surgical practices, making him a trusted and respected figure in the medical community of Jabalpur.
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circlecast · 1 year
What is Your Code of Conduct
Roman code or Mos Maiorum
Mos maiorum means the way of the elders
8 virtues
Fideas - Be trust worthy
The Latin word fides encompasses several English words, such as trust/trustworthiness, good faith/faithfulness, confidence, reliability, and credibility. It was an important concept in Roman law, as oral contracts were common. 
Pietas - Be respectful
Pietas was the Roman attitude of dutiful respect towards the gods, homeland, parents, and family, which required the maintenance of relationships in a moral and dutiful manner. 
Religio and Cultus - Be religious
Related to the Latin verb religare, "to bind", religio was the bond between gods and mortals, as carried out in traditional religious practices for preserving the pax deorum (“peace of the gods”). Cultus was the active observance and the correct performance of rituals. Religious practice, in this sense, is to be distinguished from pietas and its inherent morality. See religion in ancient Rome and imperial cult (ancient Rome).
Disciplin - Be diciplined
The military character of Roman society suggests the importance of disciplina, as related to education, training, discipline, and self-control.
Gravitas and constantia - Self Control or Temperance
Gravitas was dignified self-control. Constantia was steadiness or perseverance. In the face of adversity, a good Roman was to display an unperturbed façade. Roman myth and history reinforced this value by recounting tales of figures such as Gaius Mucius Scaevola, who in a founding legend of the Republic demonstrated his seriousness and determination to the Etruscan king Lars Porsenna by holding his right hand in a fire.
Virtus - Core values
Derived from the Latin word vir ("man"), virtus constituted the ideal of the true Roman male. Gaius Lucilius discusses virtus in some of his work and says that it is virtus for a man to know what is good, evil, useless, shameful, or dishonorable.
Dignitas and auctoritas - serve others with dignatity
Dignitas and auctoritas were the end result of displaying the values of the ideal Roman and the service of the state, in the forms of priesthoods, military positions, and magistracies. Dignitas was a reputation for worth, honor and esteem. Thus, a Roman who displayed their gravitas, constantia, fides, pietas and other values of a Roman would possess dignitas among their peers. Similarly, by that path, a Roman could earn auctoritas ("prestige and respect").
Us military Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct provides guidance for the behavior and actions of members of the Armed Forces of the United States. This guidance applies not only on the battlefield but also in the event that the service member is captured and becomes a prisoner of war (POW). The Code is delineated in six articles.
Article I:
I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
Article II:
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
Article III:
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
Article IV:
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
Article V:
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give my name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.
Article VI:
I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
Spartan code of Honor
The Spartan hoplite followed a strict laconic code of honor. No soldier was considered superior to another.
Suicidal recklessness, misbehavior, and rage were prohibited in the Spartan army, as those behaviors endangered the phalanx. Recklessness could also lead to dishonor, as in the case of Aristodemus.
Spartans regarded those who fight, while still wishing to live, as more valorous than those who don't care if they die.
They believed that a warrior must not fight with raging anger but with calm determination.
Spartans must walk without any noise and speak only with a few words in the laconic way of life.
 Other ways for Spartans to be dishonored include dropping the shield (rhipsaspia), failing to complete the training, and deserting in battles. Dishonored Spartans were labeled as outcasts and would be forced to wear different clothing for public humiliation.
 In battles, the Spartans told stories of valor to inspire the troops and, before a major confrontation, they sang soft songs to calm the nerves.
Bushido code
Righteousness (義 gi). Justice is the most important virtue for the samurai. A true samurai does not attack the enemy without an important reason.
Loyalty (忠義 chūgi). Loyalty is the 2nd most important thing in life. The samurai should always be loyal to his master. The samurai should also believe his duty to protect his master is the meaning of life.
Honor (名誉 meiyo). A life without honor is not a life. If a samurai makes a mistake, he should honor his name by committing suicide. (Example: The story of 47 samurai (the Ako Incident).
Respect (礼 rei). A samurai should always respect his enemy. A samurai respects his opponent before and after the fight. Even if a samurai kills his opponent, he is very respectful to the corpse.
Honesty ( 誠 sei). A samurai never lies. “Deception” does not exist in the Book of a Samurai.
Courage (勇 yū). A samurai fights until the end. A samurai is never afraid of anything. He is not afraid of death. A samurai is always brave because he fights for something he believes in.
Consistency (誠 makoto ). A samurai never change their path. He is like a dragonfly, he always moves forward, he never moves back.
What is your code?
Why do you need a code?
What is in a code?
00:00:00 Exploring Different Societal Codes of Conduct 00:00:37 Introduction to Relaxed Male and its purpose 00:10:52 The impact of parental expectations and disappointment 00:14:30 The erosion of respect and the need for a code of conduct 00:16:44 The importance of discipline in education and self-control 00:19:13 Virtus: knowing what is good, evil, and honorable 00:19:59 Roman Values: Dignitas, Auctoritas, and Core Virtues 00:24:53 Spartan Code of Honor: Equality and Prohibited Behaviors 00:26:18 Valor and Calm Determination: The Spartan Code of Conduct 00:28:17 Inspiring Troops and Calming Nerves: Singing in Battle 00:30:16 The Bushido Code: Values of the Japanese Samurai 00:33:19 Building Your Own Code: Why You Need a Code of Conduct 00:36:27 Importance of Writing and Displaying Core Values
Newest podcast episode to change your Mindset
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haarute · 2 years
despues de estar viendo la liga todo el finde acabo de leer las reglas del sorteo y latinoamerica no valia 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
me da tanta bronca cuando pasa esto, siempre nos dejan de lado con estas cosas. al menos danos la opción de jugar con alto ping viste.
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also in discussing all these [quants dynamic] hypotheticals it was like, well winston probably still has a crush on rian but also it was last Obviously invoked in 5x10, when his spontaneous offers of Trying To Be Helpful surely also drew on “i have personal interest in how your butt looks, also. b/c of having a crush.” but this 6x04 material imo makes it clear he definitely does still have a crush, which always seemed most likely, but you know, also would’ve been possible it was meant to change between seasons where he wants to win her over still but not where he’s particularly hoping to kiss about it or anything
like, he’s obviously not like oh camping? i love camping, let me get in on that, he’s just reaching for Some Way to connect himself to Whatever she’s doing here, when clearly it would not be at all feasible to bring him along simply to provide the ideal packing setup anyways, and he’s Only really thinking about you know, finding an opportunity to Personally Connect / appeal to rian.
also he must like, have created spatial algorithms for fun before a) if he’s offering / figures he can make & customize one here, and b) surely it’s more Specialized & isn’t the sort of algorithm you necessarily learn if you’re planning to be a quant, not sure how it would really directly apply with work here & it’d be too much of a stretch to Offer Himself here if this was stuff any quant could do in the first place. maybe similar to how he dicked around in malbolge but just for fun, like that is to coding language proficiency as this is to making algorithms. 
this also felt like a 5x06 / 5x07 sort of combo out here lol. in 6x03 we get a little glimpse of an Argumentative back and forth ft. winston efforts at dignation / being very allegedly unbothered, like in 5x06, and here in 6x04 it feels very similar to 5x07, despite them both being sober this time around. winston’s really raring to be helpful, rian’s doing her own thing about her own personal interests but willing to interact with him earnestly enough about it (besides Not being earnest in inviting him along over spatial algos), winston’s a bit breathlessly into this potential connection (when he thinks she Is being earnest in inviting him along, f....) like how he’s so totally into Listening to rian talk about her linguistic enthusiasm there in 5x07. slight silver lining in that she is saying she does not want Company Nor Help in this solo extensive travel expedition dream rather than it being like oh that Would be very helpful if only it wasn’t you who was offering
naturally this could still be a sort of Indefinite Quant Duo Dynamic we’re getting here as it is, but it seems like if winston’s still definitely actively crushing on rian, it’s not like [this person Indefinitely likes that person] usually happens around here, though an exception could be made for winston as ever, like oh yeah there’s no need for this thread to really go anywhere for him, but we can also keep using it for [winston billions pwned / dismayed moments]....but you know, in theory, you’d hope if this is meant to develop in any particular way, that either rian returns the interest after all at some point, or winston’s crush simmers down so that we could figure he could be dating someone outside work, or, you know, just not eternally experiencing unrequited love to add flair to him eternally being dunked on
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lalakelacleta · 4 years
M'he dignat a rellegirme la descripció, i realment llegirme els reviews de la gent que hi ha anat.
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muquesko · 1 year
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*This particular series is deemed for kid’s, please don’t comment otherwise*
*Camera used: Nikon Backside Illumi-nationCMOS
The location that photo was taken: Illinois    
*Series: Mr. Jenkins’ Belly*                                
A Crow!!!
Where I got sim: I made Debra by sewing sim.
1. Debra_Dignation (Crow, Americana Crow)
*28th Dimension Dictionary
1. Se/sim/sis (Pronoun): Pronouns for girls.
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chininja · 5 years
Brienne/Margaery, biology lab partners (who have great chemistry *rimshot*)
Brienne was never as surprised than when the most popular girl in school sidled up next to her station, and promptly sat on the stool beside hers.
"Hi!" warm hazel eyes meeting blue.
"H-hi...?" confused blue staring back.
Brienne doesn't say much after that, preferring to let her face and general puzzlement do the talking. For her part, and which seems to bemuse the taller girl more is that Margaery Tyrell seems content to not say anything to explain her voluntary presence in Brienne's space. (She tries to be cool about this, Brienne. Well, as much cool as she can muster anyway before her curiosity wins out.)
"Can I help you?" she croaks out like a boy hitting puberty. And look, can you blame her? Lady Margaery (as the rest of the school have taken to calling her - half of the population in reverence, the other half in mockery) looks as though she just stepped out of a freaking photoshoot. If Brienne weren't so caught off guard, she'd take the time to be offended in behalf of her very new, still unfamiliar tread, into bisexuality. It just simply isn't fair that a person as beautiful as Margaery can simply plop herself into Brienne's life without so much as a warning. How dare she come at a time when the blonde is only starting to figure things out?
There is a blur of a hand waving in front her that pulls her out of her faux indignation. Her fauxdignation.
"I'm sorry, I'm still processing," she trails off in a whisper. "Could you repeat that for me?" Brienne tries for a smile, but is quite certain she's only just twitched her lip.
"I said," Margaery starts once more, patient and somehow finding humor in the, truly, very odd situation. "Would you mind helping me out with the dissection exercise? I would do it myself but I'm rather squeamish around dead or semi-dead animals." Brienne tries to see any falsehood in the other girl's demeanor, having been at the receiving end of mean girls' cattiness before, but finds none.
Before she can truly comprehend what was asked of her, Brienne nods her head and is nearly blinded by the intensity of Margaery's beaming smile but nearly bugs her eyes out when the younger girl grasps her hand in gratitude.
"I'm so happy! You won't regret it, Brienne." Margaery is jovial and energetic and has too much popularity than Brienne knows what to do with, she is a lot. But she finds herself drawn to the other's hazel eyes as if they were the new cleats she's been eyeing for a month.
"Maybe if things go well in this session, we'd end up being partners for the rest of the year?" Margaery's so hopeful and Brienne is still so damn baffled she doesn't know what to say.
"May I ask," she starts and at the other girl's prompting, continues with her question. "Why are you suddenly talking to me?" Brienne isn't usually as straightforward as this, but she feels this necessary to know about this girl who claims to want to work with her.
"Sansa is my only girl friend," Margaery begins. "And I find that I want real friends rather than sycophants," she continues. "Besides," she says and Brienne tilts her head in response. "I know what you've done for my brother and his boyfriend so that makes you a good cookie in my book."
She punctuates her responses with a small chuckle, as though she herself is unbelieving of what just happened.
Beauty and depth? Brienne thinks it incredelous, but ultimately -
My bisexual ass is so fucking screwed.
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englishlistwords · 4 years
n. The act of rendering worthy, or of ascribing worthiness to; the act of conferring dignity or honor.
n. The act of thinking worthy; honor.
n. The act of thinking worthy; honour.
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rare-rap · 2 years
Watch "Rock Community Hope You Love this Video I'm A Rock Dad" on YouTube
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watchmirrorgun · 6 years
W I D E   L A N E
she had composed
symphonic little rat-tat-tats
under-foot they called
down the thin hollow
neverful skyscrapers
would keep scraping
scrapping she had
half-a-hand to car-jack
them space for between hips
(and luscious navy heels)
in her way she stood
in dignation and pepper
against the clean-rubble
(skyscrapers couldn’t
move for her) and
broke them carrot-top
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miquisteps · 4 years
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🗣 Aquesta setmana té lloc a Barcelona la Biennal de Pensament, un esdeveniment celebrat a diversos indrets de la ciutat que aplega intel·lectuals d’arreu d’occident en taules rodones, converses i tallers per debatre al voltant de quatre eixos: ciutat, democràcia, tecnologia i futurs. A ningú se li escapa que la biennal és un esdeveniment per promocionar l’estratègia programàtica del govern de Barcelona en Comú. Això planteja el dubte de si una cultura promoguda per una institució és una cultura que veu limitat el seu potencial transformador. En l’itinerari d’activitats sobre democràcia, no n’hi ha cap que esmenti el moviment independentista català, que ha aconseguit mobilitzar un terç de la població catalana en les manifestacions més massives que ha viscut Catalunya en la darrera dècada. Unes mobilitzacions tan o més multitudinàries que el 15M, les Primaveres Àrabs o Occupy Wall Street, formes de protesta que sí que apareixen a la programació. Tampoc hi té un lloc destacat l’embat repressiu de l’estat espanyol, que ha causat la intervenció del Parlament i la Generalitat, ha destituït dos presidents catalans i ha propiciat l’existència de presos polítics, exiliats i milers d’encausats. De què serveix parlar de democràcia, si no es tracten els fets que, en els darrers tres anys, han contribuït a la seva pràctica desaparició a Catalunya? Podrem fer front a l’autoritarisme, com planteja una conferència, si no tenim en compte que prop de la meitat de la població catalana no ha pogut escollir els seus representants al Parlament català, a l’europeu i al congrés espanyol? Quin missatge de fraternitat –tema d’una altra xerrada– es pot defensar si els organitzadors de la Biennal ni s’han dignat a donar un espai per reflexionar sobre què implica que a qui pensa diferent se li hagi negat el dret a vot i se l’hagi empresonat? De què serveix celebrar una taula rodona sobre antirracisme, si a l’hora de la veritat el vot d’un deportador de gitanos s’accepta per assolir l’alcaldia?... La Biennal i l’analfabetisme il·lustrat (Marta Roqueta) 🔗ja.cat/XP1pK #Barcelona #Catalunya #provincianisme #AdaColau #Comuns #analfabetismeillustrat #esquerrateletubbie #esquerracaviar (at Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcNEQVB-lY/?igshid=1ke4lwxkw9g29
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