gaslightgirlsummer · 1 year
the fact that charles had to post a story asking people to please stop coming to his house and respect his privacy. the fact that he said it’s been going on for months and yet he still stops for the fans every single time everywhere. he’s way too kind and patient and we don’t deserve him. he doesn’t have to do any of it, he’s entitled to his privacy, and he still does everything for the fans even when he’s accosted in his everyday life - taking pictures doing grocery shopping, people crowding around his car, always making time. and still people can’t be fucking decent to this man who gives his whole heart and soul to his fans
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theeemetersdown · 2 years
not netflix cancelling the fate but still filming riverdale. embarrassing.
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nicollekidman · 8 months
hbo originals streaming on netflix, a service i can only watch on my phone now because they geolocked my parents account..,. we used to be a PROPER COUNTRY
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kitzuneplayz · 1 year
How would the ROs react if MC were to ask ''can you hold somethin for me?'' and then placing their hand into the RO's hands?
Awwww 🥰 I’m gonna assume this is in relationship stage. Let me know if you want crushing stage as well. :)
Tsubaki: Gets choked up instantly. He’s such a sap and that’s just too cute. Would brokenly mumble “I’ll protect this with my life.” while trying desperately not to cry.
Hinotori: She lets out a rather unladylike snort and kisses you on your nose. She doesn’t let go of your hand though. She actively refuses to let go for at least a good hour.
Kai: Does his best imitation of a tomato. Uses his unoccupied hand to hide his face while muttering something about you being so shameless and him being embarrassed to know you. He squeezes your hand though so you don’t buy it for a second.
Niwa: She chuckles fondly and rubs her thumb against your hand. She does have to let go so she can finish what she was doing when you interrupted, but her smile is wide, her cheeks are flushed, and her heart is full of love.
Fūrin: They burst into bell like giggles. “What a precious gift you have bestowed upon me. I swear to cherish it my sweet”, they say in a rather ridiculous accent. Then they swing your hand back and forth in their own, still tittering like a school girl.
???: They melt a little bit, amusement and fondness creating a gooey concoction in their chest. They bring your hand up to kiss each of your knuckles before softly whispering into your skin. “You my darling, are a treasure.”
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muupso-o · 7 months
I said I hate douma and now all my fyp is douma tf?!
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karrova · 2 years
im sorry but if a job requires any amount of previous experience that job should pay more than the minimum wage 
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hope-bagels-for-life · 9 months
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i miss my boyfriend... i miss him a lot..........
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sp00kysk3lly · 1 year
Why can I not have an accepting, loving family?
I made a fake account on Facebook, just as an experiment, see if that gets banned as well. I sent the link to my mum for her to add me, and does she do it? Nope!
Why doesn't she you may be asking. Because the name I have used on there is Dylan. And because she knows I am trans, she doesn't accept it. She doesnt want to add me or be associated with me.
Well fine, don't bother adding me then. See if I really give a shit about you. Least if you don't add me then I can have my own life. I can be myself without worrying about you seeing anything.
I've had it with this family. I have had it with the lot of them. After I just bought your mothers day presents as well!
You aren't a mother. A mother accepts their child, no matter what. No matter if they're Gay, Bi or Lesbian. No matter if they identify as male or female, No matter if they're the biggest mistake of your life.
You should still love them NO MATTER WHAT!!! Look up what the definition of A Mother is! I'll even tell you myself.
bring up (a child) with love and affection. (Something, you have never done. Remember that time you forced me to tell social services that I made up the sexual abuse?)
THAT... is definitely NOT YOU!
From where I am standing, I don't have a family. I don't have a transphobic and homophobic family. I don't have a rapist for a brother. I just have me. That's all I have ever had in this world.
its always been me against the world. It's always been ME!
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
You! I only send you 1 aks for the last meme, so don't complain 😛 And they're fun characters & ships I send... contrary to someone...
Anyway, you started this: sfw ship meme: Jesus Burgess/Catarina Devon
um? excuse me??
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19, count them, NINETEEN of these are yours...
ANYWAY, on with the show~
Who is the grumpiest in the morning DEVON (I mean look at her, Burgess obviously is a happy sunshine boy and he loves mornings)
Who worries more when the other is sick/hurt BURGESS (but only because he doesn't want to be Devon's personal assistant, plus he doesn't want to catch whatever nasty disease she's carrying)
Who plays pranks on the other DEVON (it was her idea that Burgess wears that paper bag on his head during the Dressrosa arc)
Who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa BURGESS (so she can sit down and stfu)
Who insists on creating nicknames for the other DEVON (just the usual terms of endearment like 'bitchbaby' and 'thundercunt')
Who says ‘I love you’ first BURGESS (it started with "I hate to say this because I really don't mean it, but...")
Who’s the messiest one BURGESS (he rips all of his clothes off every time he comes home and leaves a trail of laundry behind him)
Who feels the most uncomfortable about PDA DEVON (because it's gross)
Who’s the funniest drunk DEVON (her prank ideas are at their finest when she's wasted)
Who texts the most BURGESS (because it's easier that screaming at her from across the ship. plus it's faster [T9 master])
Who has the most embarrassing taste in music BURGESS (he listens to bubblegum and city pop)
Who reads the most DEVON (she loves historical archives, specifically those filled with medieval tools of torture)
Who’s better with kids NEITHER (really? maybe Burgess?)
Who’s the one that fixes things around the house DEVON (she's a master of all kinds of tools; tools of maintenance, tools of destruction, tools of pleasure 😉😉😉)
Who cooks and who cleans up BURGESS (he's a slob so Devon forces his to clean because 80% of any mess is his)
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loranatitan · 6 months
To the people that say in relationships communication is key your right but also so fucking wrong cause communicating that your constipated as fuck and then stinking up the bathroom in your girlfriends crappy dorm room is not needed.
Might send this to my boyfriend idk yet tho depends if he gives me a apology for the smell and gets me a candle
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Gif credits : @chryblossomjjk
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crehelf · 9 months
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bathofmercury · 11 months
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100000 posts!
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shizunism · 2 years
i have an intense urge to write childe fics someone make it stop 
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flowermist7432 · 4 months
Vivziepop when people- both fans and critics alike- explain to her that her story, characters, writing, and how she handles extremely sensitive subjects is insensitive and even problematic.
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osamusbigtits · 2 years
when anime guys say "hey little girl" literally die
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