#diluc discourse
villain-byteniwoha · 2 months
it's ironic that accounts saying they "block klk shippers" and "don't want to interact with proshippers" can always find something to say in my posts/reblogs. while I, a kaeluc shipper, personally have the "ragbros" tag blocked because I do not want to accidentally share something with a romantic context in mind, in case op is uncomfortable with that.
because I know how to put my own, as well as respect other's, boundaries in online spaces.
because I know that every single thing isn't meant for me and everyone has their own preferences.
because I know it's not only weird but also rude to go out of my way to put someone down for their interests or hard work.
but sure, call me the immoral one here for liking a fictional relationship between two fictional characters—who, keep in mind, I first started liking on the grounds that they were previously sworn brothers.
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anonuser1 · 5 months
I've been keeping this to myself since back in November when I initially noticed it, hoping that perhaps others would notice and think hm that's weird as fuck but what pushed me to make this post was seeing Karina reblog that callout for @/saintsugu regarding their pedophilia and contact with minors.
Karina reblogging that post was beyond hypocritical when she is openly mutuals with someone who admits freely on their blog that they are a minor. She also lets them reblog and comment on her fics despite having this on her blog
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Her rules are dated 2024, and it says in bold that she apparently blocks minors up on interaction. That's clearly not true based on the screenshots below that show that Karina has been mutuals with a minor for months and lets them freely interact with her smut content.
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I blacked out their username because I believe since they are a kid they do not need to be dragged into this, however below is a screenshot of that minors pinned post from their blog where they state openly that they're underage.
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You cannot miss that, it's not a case of mistakenly interacting with someone she didn't know was underage. Karina preaches that minors shouldn't follow her and yet found herself close mutuals with one? How do you fail at curating your online space that badly? Karina herself has also posted multi times about how adults writing for minor characters is weird
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Okay then why are you all up in a literal kids space then and why do you let them be all up in yours? Seems like a huge disconnect between what you say and what you do.
The ultimate irony for me was this post
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Again, Karina saying this about @/saintsugu is like the pot calling the kettle black. Be disgusted with yourself, and if you're telling other people to be careful of who their family members interact with that includes you because it's weird as hell for someone in their twenties who runs a smut blog to be besties with someone not old enough to be consuming that content and it's even weirder for you to be talking about someone else for the exact same shit you're doing
I asked her back in November why she was mutuals with a literal kid when she has so much to say about adults and minors on her blog, she never published that ask btw which to me is incredibly telling. She knows it's wrong and was somehow just getting away with weirdo behavior right in front of people's faces, but ignored it when someone called attention to it so instead I'm doing it this way because it's irresponsible to have kids on your blog if you're aware of the kind of content dark content encompasses
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
"You can't and shouldn't ship Kaeluc because they are brothers!" "They are not sworn brothers! They are real brothers!" I don't care about their status and In fact I'm disappointed that they are not twins, the ship gonna be more tasty 😂. As a Targaryen shipper (and someone who doesn't care about what people said about my ship) seeing the kaeluc discourse is so funny. Because this ship is tame
Boy you gonna have heart attack to see what Vader/Anakin x Obi-Wan shipper are doing. I came from an era where people see Itachi x Madara ship and just shrug then walk away even if it's not their cup of tea
I think people should just have fun with their favorite boats because shipping is not 1:1 reflection of moral
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whatwhywhowherewhen · 6 months
This isn't a Genshin Impact blog but I have no where else to express how hilarious I find the Diluc & Kaeya situation and y'all will understand how it went on and continues to go on. Forever.
So these guys were raised together starting at anywhwre from 8-12 by Diluc's father and the original Chinese version of the game describes them as sworn brothers...
But the official english version describes them as adopted brothers
They are frequently shipped. This frequently disgusts people who view them as familial. There will never be peace because, technically, both are correct. In different languages (and as much as any non-danmei ship can be)
Their canon situation? Could be pushed as childhood friends -> inseparable brother-in-arms -> inevitable yet unimaginable betrayal -> reconciliation or tolerating with juicy & spicy tension (with lots of shipability)
Their canon situation could also be pushed as found (and legally adopted) family -> little brother follows big brother's passion -> traumatic & tragic estrangement -> reconciliation or tolerating with dramatic & heartbreaking tension
Uh oh!!
And if it hasn't already it's near reaching poor little meow meow Shen Jiu and canon Jiang Cheng levels of infandom conflict (at least among the people who care about the characters at all)
Then you have the people who ship them as formerly adopted brothers because of course (some ship after seeing them talk without knowing the lore, because there is no way to know in game without reading long the backstories, and I always feel a bit bad about the minefield they stumbled into), and those who view these sworn brothers as purely platonic. Just to add some spice.
This has become a proshipper and antishipper hill to die on in English fandom, which I think is a poor choice considering the canon situation. Like virtue signaling through harassing fans with accusations of moral depravity is bad for fan spaces, I agree. Trying to push fanon over canon as loud as possible to punish people who don't like it is bad for fan spaces, I agree. This pair is a completely different issue of fandom misunderstandings and discomfort and denials which you are adopting to fit a certain narrative, so I also disagree with it as an example
We don't know if the translation team purposefully mistranslated for cross-cultural ease, accidentally mistranslated, or if the Chinese version considered them all-but-legally brothers and the translation is accurate
I prefer them as brothers because I think the relationship builds and better fits their interactions that way. Also the angst is thicker and more guilt ridden, just the way I like it
I ignore the romance fan works. The general fandom absolutely refuses to ignore what, to English lore reading eyes, is 100% adopted incest. The shippers defend it as they were never meant to be adopted brothers, they are not biological brothers (and they think it's cute/hot), or the familial feelings bond was destroyed and they have no blood familial bond. It depends on their native language and their shipping habits
There are 4,313 AO3 works with the tag "Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact)".
There are 6,107 AO3 works with the tag "Diluc/Kaeya", 112 including the "Diluc and Kaeya are Siblings (Genshin Impact)" tag and 336 including "Diluc and Kaeya are Not Siblings (Genshin Impact)"
Considering this is a "roll for husbandos and waifus so you make them be hot/cute" game and the focus should be rule of attention grabbing, that's a close split in quantity of fanworks
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shimenawas · 2 years
okay im v upset rn and don't feel like dealing with shit so im going to make this quick
cw: discourse, impersonations, and plagiarism.
currently tagging mutuals to rb this (its okay if not!!!) but i just really want to get some reach since tumblr isnt letting me appear in tags (also sorry for incorrectly tagging) but i really wanted to get this out there as it should be common sense to NOT do this.
@howlantic @happycupcakesss @wolfhookk @lovelieajax @luvbaal /@twistedlotus @coco-goat-milk @dawndelion-winery @astrxealis @noxtivagus @ballarinas @4ganyus @sinhasfluffyheadfur @cxlrosii @nxwxie @telemi @shuangxo @heizoussidebadonkers @ay4kshalatus @kazucafe @xienn @tiredsleep @lilikags @jiang-is-my-lastname @sweetxochaco @rqkuya
it has come to my attention that someone has been stealing my works and impersonating me. their @ is @kazuhalvrz,
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i am and was the owner of the @inactivegenshinblog, i have moved to @kokomity for a fresh start and had since then been using this kujuo blog.
proof? i made this post months ago in my kokomity blog before i shortly moved onto here also i would never use that horrible font because ��🤢 (atleast get my personality right 🤣🤣🙏🙏)
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this user @kazuhalvrz stole my works and my identity, this is just straight up not even right??? YOU are not ME so stop pretending to be me and getting all the credit for MY hardwork
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@kazuhalvrz if ur going to steal someones identity make sure u do ur shit right and not be exposed by the original <33 yk what they say you cant outdo the doer 😍😍😍😍
anyway im upset with the whole thing but DO NOT HARRASS THIS PERSON , this does not make the situation any better. simply block if you dont want to interact with them. NO THREATS ARE NEEDED.
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freckledbastard · 10 months
kaeya hangout was literally everything i could have wanted and more
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twilightstarr-zinnia · 10 months
Gonna start using "Ragpros" as a familial relationship tag for Diluc and Kaeya that signals that I see them as brothers but I'm not a cop about it.
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cannolicorgi · 1 year
//twitter ship discourse and Genshin leaks (?)
What’s with this “Tighnari and Cyno are siblings” bs? Because they said they are like siblings? And why are some people treating this as if only Asian countries use brother/sister as terms of endearment? Once again Twitter ruins other people’s perceptions of what American culture is actually like. Brother/sister and bro/sis are endearing here too, calling someone your bro doesn’t actually mean you’re related. Plus in many religions here we call everyone brother/sister. It’s not American culture, it’s just EN Twitter culture. No one calls Ayato and Itto brothers despite Itto calling him “my bro Ayato”, because they’re so obviously not brothers. Even if you ignore the fact that Tighnari and Cyno look nothing alike, don’t you think it’s a little weird that one of them is... idunno... HALF DOG?? And if Tighnari and Cyno were actually siblings, don’t you think it’d be important enough to mention in a voiceline?? Mika isn’t even out yet and we already know he’s Huffman’s little brother! I can at least understand thinking Diluc and Kaeya are brothers because most people only see the dogshit localization, so the only hint they’d get to the real relationship is the fact that Kaeya is still Kaeya Alberich and not Ragnvindr, but thinking Tighnari and Cyno are seriously brothers because they said they are “like siblings” is quite the leap for an average player.
Here’s a list of known relationships (to my knowledge)
Siblings: Mika, Huffman Jean, Barbara Ayato, Ayaka Ajax, Anthon, Tonia, Teucer Aether, Lumine Ei/Beelzebul, Makoto/Baal Dori, unnamed older sister Gorou, at least 4 unnamed older siblings (this might just be a pun on his name in Japanese) Xingqiu, unnamed older brother Shenhe, at least one sibling Cyrus, Iris
“Siblings”: Diluc, Kaeya Ayato, Itto Tighnari, Cyno Albedo, Klee (Alice is a stand-in mother figure by extension)
Other relatives: Shenhe, Chongyun (aunt, nephew) Xiangling, Chef Mao (daughter, father) Diona, Draff, Olaf (daughter, father, ???) Yoimiya, Ryuunosuke (daughter, father) Diluc, Crepus (son, father) Klee, Alice (daughter, mother) Jean, Barbara, Frederica, Seamus (daughter, daughter, mother, father)(parents are divorced) Eula, Schubert (niece, uncle) Niwa, Kazuha (distant relatives) Herman, Ellin (father, daughter) Cyrus, Iris, Majorie (father, aunt, daughter/niece) Guy, Tunner (son, father)
???: Kunikuzushi, Raiden Shogun, Ei, Makoto (creation/son/brother, clone/sister, creator/mother, creator’s sister/aunt) Albedo, Durin, Rhinedottir (creation/brother, creation/brother, creator)
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ruined-eclipse · 2 years
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They sippy juice
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dkniade · 2 years
Y’know, I’m really glad my followers here are nice and enjoy my content. Thank you for your kindness
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welcometoteyvat · 2 years
witch hat atelier AU in which Kaeya fits almost TOO well as Qifrey and idk who Olruggio would be (mr. K does not interact with enough normal humans)
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lovesick-level-up · 2 years
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*deep sigh* so, we already blocked the anon who sent this in, but i want to reiterate something.
this is our blog, we are allowed to ask anyone who makes us uncomfortable to not interact. 
i won’t go into why we don’t support *ndo systems, because this isn’t the place to do so. we have our reasons and we stick to them no matter the insults people might throw our way.
please do not bring up discourse here. we just want to create fun edits for our community, and if we don’t want certain people interacting, we are allowed to request that.
~ mod diluc
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abyssruler · 2 years
pls im of south asian descent and the sumeru character designs have been a huge let down so far 😭 i don't think i can look at any of their outfits and connect them to any south asian or middle eastern culture at all 😭 especially kusanali. she just looks white and it isn't even just her skin color, it's her clothes as well.
tldr im tired
- susbedo apologist
in terms of character design, they look good. but if you put into account the amount of connections they have to the culture they’re based on, they are very much a disappointment. kusanali’s design is like mhy just adding green accents to represent dendro and that was it. a bit underwhelming. though i’ve heard she’s an elf and she lives in the forest part of sumeru, hence her clothes and why she’s so pale? not sure tho. another thing is alhaitham. he’s hot but i’m not blind, he looks like he got pulled straight from honkai. there’s barely even a hint of south asian/middle eastern elements in his design (though i can’t really say much since i’m not someone of that descent).
still hoping we get better designs in the future. still, they’re leaks so mhy could still make a few adjustments before they’re released, though i doubt it would be very big. the worst part is that cyno isn’t even rumored to be released within the first few patches in 3.0, and his design is one that i really like 😕
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Hello! This is my first time asking but um what how you think the genshin yans would react if they kidnapped someone only to find out their darling actually liked them back up until they were kidnapped?
that's definitely a moment where darling might start to reflect on their taste ...
“Oh... is that so? Well, if I could do it once, then I can do it again.” 
Half glass full approach. Childe somewhat tunes out that whole killjoy part about ‘not liking them anymore’ and really laser focuses in on the fact you used to. That’s the main takeaway here. It’s natural for relationships to have their ups and downs, this is no different. Some seasons are spent in valleys and others up on the mountain tops. If you were hoping for this admission to deter him, you’ll be sorely disappointed. He’s more fired up than ever to rekindle the affection you used to feel. 
“I see. You really...? Ah... I won’t ask for your forgiveness. I only ask that you’ll allow me to take care of you.” 
Don’t be fooled by his aloof response, he’s definitely disheartened over it. This would genuinely catch him off guard because out of all the forms of resistance he was expecting from you, this hits closest to home. Doubts are a poison he absolutely cannot allow to take root. Still, he is still human, and in vulnerable moments he can’t help but wonder if he could’ve gone about this better. The worst questions always start with what if. He does his best to purge this knowledge from his memory, for the worst ghosts that haunt his subconscious are those he can recognize. 
“I promise I won’t bite if you still want to get close to me.” 
Kaeya most definitely noticed, he just weighed out the pros and cons. He decided this was the path he wanted to take regardless. He can be confident in knowing where you are at all times and always has access to you. Your belligerence doesn’t come as a surprise, he didn’t imagine you’d be too thrilled about losing your autonomy. He tries to ‘ease you into it’ using the same charms that made you fall for him in the first place. And well... he did warn you what might happen if you kept pursuing him, not that you ever could’ve imagined what he meant by that. 
“Dearest, there’s no need to jump to conclusions. You’re free to go wherever you please. I’m merely suggesting that I accompany you during these turbulent times. That is all.” 
Zhongli’s ability to deescalate cannot be overstated. Semantics can be a fickle thing, he likes to consider your current situation as a change in housing rather than outright imprisonment. There are no chains on your ankles or locks fastened tight to the door. He feels an intimate relationship can still be maintained in this environment. Arguing with Zhongli is impossible, he’s engaged in so much verbal discourse throughout his thousands of years of life. You won’t make any progress toward convincing him he’s done something wrong. 
“Formed attachments can’t be dismissed so easily.” 
Albedo figures that this is a temporary roadblock that he’ll work through with you soon enough. It makes perfect sense that you’re not used to this new, frightening situation; all the more reason for you to cling to what’s familiar (aka him). He thinks that the bond you’ll form due to the extremity of the situation will be stronger than if he courted you the ‘normal’ way. There’s also the added benefit that he needn’t concern himself over outside variables any longer, such as losing you to a romantic rival or the like. He’s unshaken in his decision and will make that obvious to you. 
“... I know what you’re trying to do.” 
He doesn’t really, but it seems like the thing to say given the circumstances. He won’t speak any more on the subject yet it frequently occupies his thoughts. Introspection isn’t his forte, so though learning this bothers him, he doesn’t know why it does. Shouldn’t he just be content with how things are? While you do successfully rile him up for a bit, he’s learned not to dwell whenever possible. To do so would welcome unnecessary stress, hindering him in his work of dispatching restless spirits throughout Liyue. Xiao ends up distracting himself to take his mind off things. 
“Did you think your measly attempts at manipulation would get you anywhere?” 
(It’s getting you somewhere). Internally, he’s panicking, not wanting his face to betray just how upset this revelation makes him. He’s a walking bag of contradictions. On one hand, he thinks he’s entitled to both your love and admiration. On the other, if his own creator saw fit to cast him aside, how much value can he actually possess? The fact you saw value in him despite his many glaring flaws (mostly owing to his cruel personality), and overlooked them... he’s not sure what to make of it. He doesn’t feel guilty so much as he feels disappointment, knowing that he’s missing out on something that could’ve been better. 
“Kidnapping... is a bit of a strong word, wouldn’t you say?” 
Kazuha doesn’t like the “k” word because he’s convinced himself that isn’t what he’s doing. You’re outside! Enjoying the great outdoors! There’s nature, there’s freedom, and he’s sharing the joy of traveling with you. He knows it’s a bit of an adjustment compared to your previous stationary life, but if it’s true you held romantic feelings for him, he thinks that should aid in your adjustment. He’s still the same Kazuha that stirred up passion inside your heart, he’ll reassure. You just get to spend even more time together. He’s actively choosing to look at it this way so that he doesn’t get too dejected about it. 
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akko-kagori · 9 months
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Kaveh probably wouldn't do this however I love the idea of Kaveh spending Alhaitham's money on gacha games (he plays gacha games for fun) out of spite and so that he can get his favorite character (probably a character like bennett, a char that works super hard to achieve their goals but that everyone overlooks)
Also I originally put Scara in "watches mc youtubers out of spite" but decided he would start twitter discourse to cope.
Childe also watches Minecraft youtubers for fun
I did put Kuki in bc I couldn't find anyone who really fit
Also, I know people will say Diluc wouldn't start Twitter discourse for fun, I put him there bc his voice actor is a menace on Twitter and I picture him doing the stuff Sean does.
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silkjade · 1 year
in regards to all the nepo baby discourse on twitter recently…
klee is a nepo baby
diluc and kaeya are nepo babies
jean and barbara? nepo babies
albedo is nepo baby adjacent
ayato is even worse. political nepo baby
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