#dimension 20 teaser
core-cosmos · 2 years
We’ve all seen the new Dimension 20 teaser (if you haven’t, go watch it. its like 30 seconds) and while theories about the theme and shit are fun, I’ve got a guess on who one of the players is.
My guess is none other then Freddie Wong
If you don’t know who Freddie is, you may recognize him from the podcast Dungeons and Daddies or from Rocketjump. He’s also been on Dropout twice (I think) first a couple years back for Adventuring Academy and recently on the newest season of Um Actually.
Here’s why I think he’s gonna be in it.
About two months back, he mentioned on dndads that he had gone and recorded with another ttrpg show during their winter break. This project was presumably multiple days, or at least multiple recording sessions and was super secret.
Since then we haven’t heard anything about what this show is (to my knowledge). Because of the time between when the show was recorded (December) and now, we can assume it wasn’t for a podcast because most podcasts don’t back up recordings that long. So it feels like it’s a more heavily edited show, like d20.
Besides Freddie, I have no clue who any of the other players could be but I’m really excited to see what this new season is gonna be about!
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dimension20official · 2 years
A new season of Dimension 20 is coming May 2023...
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episode 2 final thoughts:
we remain fucking back. i love that they’re leaning into the true terror of junior year of high school. so happy we got to see all the parents again. milf art looking great. i am absolutely sad about these breakups that appear to have happened in varying degrees of confirmation. but it was still so very fun and i am so happy this is the season we’re getting
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greatpistachiopie · 6 months
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this is basically how i want this scene to happen
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I think that Barsimmeon is so old because he uses NSBU as functional immortality, avoiding dying in the film means being unable to die in real life, and that this is an unsubtle way of saying that if we keep using physical media "we" (this generation's culture and history) can never die.
It's funny to symbolize that with an extremely old white man though. That type of person (especially in a Brennan-run D20 season) would typically be seen as a villain, or at least someone with incredibly unsympathetic and outdated ideals, however in NSBU, he's a main supporter of the ideology that surrounds the season (physical media good, digital capitalism hell bad). Though of course he's going about showing his support for this idea in a very forceful, anti-heroic way.
I'm curious to see to what extent this season ends up agreeing with Higgs/what nuance will be added by the time he explains himself and the whole season resolves.
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wylanzahn · 1 month
New-ish post, kinda posting this on different platforms and getting a general vibe check for some ideas I have. But basically this Halloween I want to actually do something for the TTRPG and Actualplay world (oh yeah I’m into those kinds of things). I want to try and get both players, GMs, and casual viewers alike something fun to look forward to this especially spooky season. I’ll probably talk a little more when we get closer to the actual season of scare-giving but just know that if you’re interested I’m still looking for people to join in!!
As my team and I’d first debut we’re going to try and do a two to four session actual play, which will probably be released in the weeks leading up to Halloween. We’ve had a couple good friend way in on the matter of “setting” but now I come to you fine folk. Mind you this is a horror campaign/arc so if…
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Isn’t your thing, keep on a moving.
But without further ado here are a couple of the possible settings for our players, and myself, this coming espookee season…
1.) Somewhere off the coast of Florida, 1926 end of the first major housing boom in the state, a small island which calls back to the Spanish Empire, is Isla Boñyela, a small port made tourist location during the boom of disposable wealth in 1920s America. A small group of friends from the northeast tag along down for the perfect paradise vacation. Only to discover the island is much much older than anyone could have ever assumed. Whilst dealing with upstart gangsters, unnerving US soldiers, and the terrified locals they find something older than even undead conquistadors.
While I don’t have a working title, this is an old project in the running which I’ve had a few attempts at revamping over time. Its previous title was “perfect paradise vacation,” and runs on the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game. Anywho it’s a blast of fun with Caribbean lore, tone of anti-imperialism, and something dark lurking beneath the waves.
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2.) 1950’s America, the nonexistent state of Mid-Atlantia (DMV coded) in a small suburban neighborhood where nothing goes wrong… it’s almost “All-Hallows-Eve” and little Johnny and Susie want nothing more than to trick or treat this year with all the big kids, Dad’s finally getting the big promotion at work, and Mom just got a new waffle iron! Sure everything is neat here in America. Heck you just got new neighbors! Newlyweds in fact from somewhere big and fancy, they sure aren’t like any of us in our simple town. But… and you can’t say exactly why but things are different. Or perhaps they’re all too the same? Everyday a repeat of ever other bland day that followed you over and over and over and over… and you could swear, while no one may listen to you there’s someone out there. Stalking you from outside your own home- or- perhaps, he’s just your friendly new neighbor welcoming you… to the end.
Ahhhhhh! I’ve also been working on this one for a sec and god writing it out does excite me. This is also a Call of Cthulhu game but modified/homebrewed to have a uniquely 1950s horror feel. This is definitely one of the more unique games I’ve written and am truly interested in seeing where it goes (even if we don’t choose it). This is for those who feel like isolation, fear of the unknown, fear from within, and liminal space horror comes best into play! So whadya say neighbor?
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3.) The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, or How I Learned to Love Strahd, okay so this one is a lot less horror-y and falls much more under the comedic spooky category, just so yall know. Deep in the middle of Barovia, the ancient kingdom of Vampires, meets a council of Count Strahd von Zarovich's greatest commanders and lieutenants to hunt down Strahd's greatest enemy Rudolph van Richten and his party of heroes known as "The Grape-Smashers." Strahd's lieutenants have been gifted powers greater than any mere mortals, but are these gifts enough to stop Van Richten, or even enough to stop the personal ambitions of each other? Come find out in "How I Learned to Love Strahd."
Okay, as much as this may seem like a joke suggestion it cracks me up and I feel like it would be ill-advised of me to not at least mention it. In an era where "The Curse of Strahd," is well-overdone at this point, it's worth a take from an all evil "revenge story." Obviously this will be in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, which, in my opinion, is really hard to use for horror, but this is a nice go-around. Come for the evil PCs, maybe a PvP battle or two, and a game of intrigue in the shadows of Barovia! All that and a buff Van Richten.
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4.) Before Annapolis was ever called such it was known as Providence, a settlement of exiled Puritans in the Province of Maryland, but these early days were no easy set-up for the far-flung protestants... in the mid 1600s the English Civil War spilled out into their holdings across the waves as brother turned on brother, clan erasing clan, and something from the shores of the Old World would arrive in the New. When around every corner could be someone you've known your whole life, what's stopping them from hunting you in the depths of winter. All matters made worse when rumors of a witch begins circulating your small home.
Think "The VVitch" (2015) meets "A Field in England" (2013) meets Atun Shei's recent film "The Sudsbury Devil" (2023). It is the unexplored wilderness of early colonial Maryland, but the hateful warmongering that slowly builds that makes the horror and tension so clear. Unsure of what system we'll be using, but maybe the new Regency Cthulhu system.
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5.) The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 destroyed some 140 Acres of Baltimore proper... and in it's rubble awakened something far worse. But you and your fellow survivors are just trying to get by in the aftermath of the fire... only for something to call out, whether some strange magicks or perhaps just a sickness... but sickness doesn't even linger like this... it doesn't call to you...
Some more local history, aspiring from the actual Fire of 1904 things quickly devolve from there as rumors of a cult begin to spread along the streets of Rosland Park... a mysterious illness leaving even more dead... and the death of an eclectic professor. Definitely using the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition for this one.
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Aaaaaaaand that's it! Let me know what y'all think!
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 11
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kael-writ · 2 months
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yea ok. Let's "keep it" normal. "Normal". On Never Stop Blowing Up. ok.
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Well somebody is multiclassing 🙌
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18catsreading · 10 months
Jaysohn: yea, but I mean we're not going to stop eating rabbits, though, right?
Tula: no, we have to eat something. But if a rabbit came up and said -- if a rabbit walked up and dropped to it's knees and went "what have you done?" I think I would pause and maybe reassess. I mean I would take a --
Jaysohn: how far is the rabbit?
Tula: Jaysohn!!! If a rabbit ever looks at you and says "please stop eating me," you stop eating that rabbit.
Jaysohn: okay, if it says please I will stop! Tula: good
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ljsarts · 9 months
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im a little late buttttt- D20 Christmas exchange teaser of some toxic besties :3
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bebagerie · 1 year
sorry, WARLORD?
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what do you mean matt mercer is the dm for the next season of dimension 20???
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this truly is a certified
blimey moment ™️
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longfurbybitchboi · 1 year
Trying to function till I can watch D20 burrows end on Thursday
I need it NOWW
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