#dimileth poll
naz-artz · 1 year
I have so many dimileth files just sitting in my folders, and I have such guilt over them, and I can't work on them this month because I want to clear out what I do have on my plate already(color wheel meme and...spicy posts). But that being said, having the immense pressure of an audience would help so
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Do you ship it?
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You can vote based on ur favourite gender for Byleth
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months
help me choose which ships to draw for my valentines challenge! dmcl comes first for the sake of transparency because it's my otp! honestly i could come up with 20+ options for dimitri. i can ship him with just about anybody.
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trinaenigma · 5 months
figured i should be more active on this blog so i will do an important poll
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Fódlan Flufflets #25: Popular (Felix/Bernadetta)
A parting gift before my two-week retreat -- the return of Fódlan Flufflets!
In honor of the #ChooseYourLegends results, have some #Felibern -- my very first, in fact! Please enjoy this latest slice of my patented Fódlan anachronism. ---
Felix had endured countless humiliations in the maelstrom of agony that was his life. Losing spars to classmates and veteran knights alike. Falling for Glenn’s mischievous pranks, guised as “coming of age” rituals. Enduring the second-hand embarrassment that was Sylvain’s skirt-chasing.
All soul-crushing in their own ways, but experience ingrained a budding humility that’d bloomed into his adulthood years, and he’d learned to brush off such embarrassments like the pitiful swings of a fresh Fraldarius troop.
This, however, was the final straw. Not even a day into their vacation at Derdriu, and they were greeted with the culture shock that was the city periodical’s headline:  
And that was how, after being chased by hordes of screeching fangirls, Felix and his wife found themselves holed up in Derdriu’s fanciest inn. The screams of adoring fans and invasive paparazzi buzzed incessantly outside their window like a sea of hungry gnats, swarming the Aquatic Capital and descending upon their refuge -- their cheers and demands invasive as they were utterly confounding.
Cornered, exhausted, and utterly defeated, Felix’s face rested firmly in his palms – not merely because of the egregious invasion of privacy, or the impossible likelihood of escape, but because of one unfathomable variable he’d never have predicted.
“Ehehehehe,” giggled his wife. “Oh my gosh, Felix! Look! They drew us as little kitties! And we’re snuggling!”
No, it was because after all the screaming and hiding ceased once all the facts were laid bare, Felix came to the horrifying realization that Bernadetta actually liked it.
“Bernie’s never won at anything,” marveled Bernie, “but Cutest Couple in Fódlan? Hehe! It’s funny because it’s true! Bernie prevails!”
“Please stop,” moaned Felix.
“But look at all the competition!” said Bernadetta as she thumped her chest. “We beat out Ashette, Mercedue, Cysithea, and, and-”
“Yes, I read the article.”
“Ehehehe, do you know what this means? We have fans!” said Bernadetta with a squeal. She unlocked the window and waved outside. “Yes, hello! Bernie sees you!”
Wincing at the deafening roar, Felix yanked her back inside and slammed the window shut. “Don’t encourage them. And since when were you such a social butterfly?”
“Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport, Felix!” said Bernadetta with a pout – shaking her arms in that familiar display of protest. “C’mon, didn’t you see the artwork? They’ve got some serious talent!”
Shoving the paper into his face, Felix was met once more with the paper’s meticulously detailed header image: the two Fraldariuses, engaged in a wistful liplock amidst glowing fireflies in a moonlit forest; a menagerie of doe-eyed woodland critters surrounding their tryst with palpable adoration.
Felix composed himself with a deep sigh. “Last I checked,” he said with an elaborate exhale, “our marriage wasn’t out for display. I don’t know how this whole nonsense started, but once we get back, I’ll appeal directly to Dimitri for an immediate ban on this so-called ‘shipping’.”
“Oh, come on – it’s all in good fun! Here, check these out,” said Bernadetta as she flashed a collection of paper-thin tomes, their covers decorated with amorous embraces and lovelorn looks courtesy of Fódlan’s top couple.
Felix nearly hurled. “What are--wait, where’d you even get those-”
“Oh, some fans shoved them into my hands while you were swinging your sword at those journalists – I think they’re called ‘zines’? Let’s see: there’s “Arrows and Swords” – it’s full of little stories about us! – and this one’s called “Violet Dreams and Azure Courage” – chock-full of pictures; see, I’m a mermaid! -- and this is…um, I’m not sure what the “18+” stands for, but it’s called “Steamy Fraldarius Nights” and--oh my-”
Ripping that last one out of his wife’s hands, Felix threw the offending zine to the floor and smote it with a Thunder spell. “Look, we came here for a retreat,” said Felix, incredulous at reminding Bernadetta – Bernadetta! -- of the values of privacy. “How do you expect us to relax if we’re constantly entertaining the delusions of these obsessed goons?”
Bernadetta pouted as she crossed her arms. “Well, you can say what you like, but they’re not leaving!”
“Then I’ll make them,” said Felix as he marched to the window and swung it wide open. “People of Deirdru, may you promise to leave us alone once I give you what your pathetic hearts desire!”
“Felix?” said Bernadetta as her husband pulled her to the window, “what are you-”
Immediately swinging Bernadetta to his front, Felix elaborately dipped his wife out the window and gave the entirety of Derdriu front-row seats to a passionate kiss.
The city shook with a rumbling roar – the raw power of nerd fandom rippling the very air itself, enduring even as they pulled apart.
Bernadetta flushed crimson, reduced to lovestruck babble. “N-no fair.”
Felix grinned roguishly. “Just promise me you won’t wound Lorenz’s pride by rubbing our victory in his face, and I won’t embarrass you further.”
AO3 Link
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
I'm making a list of my current WIPs and figured I'd make a poll to see if any of them spark interest. Feel free to inquire about them for more details! Right now my brain has decided words are dumb so I figured I might as well get some second opinions.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
True, the lords in Engage can't really carry the plot and only Alfred and Diamant are popular. Heck, the most popular ship Alear has is with Alfred and saying it's popular is an overstatement. Compared to bombs like Chrobin, the Corrin x Royals and Dimileth, it's really small in terms of content.
I wouldn't say Ivy and Timerra are necessarily unpopular. The Nintendo Dream poll ran like two weeks after the game came out and the ladies are also later recruits that people might not have gotten yet.
I also believe that the four lords are all interesting and strong enough characters to carry the plot... they're just never given anything to do. Alfred is relevant until you get to Brodia and he's relegated to peanut gallery status in favor of Diamant, then Diamant is relevant until you get to Elusia, then Ivy is relevant until you get to Solm, and then Timerra is relevant until you're done with Solm, and then she's relegated to peanut gallery status along with the other three royals in favor of Veyle. And even when they are relevant, their presence in the scene is always secondary to Alear's presence.
Like I'm not gonna sit here and rewrite every scene of Engage but I think if the lords were allowed to have more conversations with each other in the main plot then I think they would have been a lot more compelling to explore in a transformative sense. Like imagine getting to Solm and Diamant and Ivy are constantly bickering, or Ivy is throwing jabs at Diamant that he's trying to be polite about, or something like that and their relationship eventually evolves into them putting their differences aside or apologizing to one another and resolving to work together. Or if upon arriving to Brodia, Alfred criticizes Brodia for being at war with Elusia all the time and Diamant gets to respond to that, and they have their differences on the matter despite getting along personally. Or if Timerra joined up and was initially distrustful of the other three (I mean Solm does seem to be kind of wary of everyone else based on some of the info we get) but over the course of the next chapters she starts opening up to everyone more and more.
But yeah, just checking through Engage's AO3 listings the ships seem to be relatively scattered this time around.
And again I think this plays into the fact that Engage doesn't really have a lot of big, centralizing side characters. Like Leo and Takumi were both great, compelling characters individually and they played off each other well in a pair, so it's not really surprising that they wound up being the biggest Fates ship in the long run. Same deal with Felix and Sylvain.
Self-insert ships tend to get a lot of attention, but self-insert ships also don't appeal to a lot of people for various reasons (personally I never really like reading self-insert fics because we all self-insert in different ways, and I find it jarring when people's characterization varies wildly from mine... which is most of the time). If the self-insert ship scene is all you have, then you're going to lose out on a major part of your potential fandom audience.
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meansary · 5 years
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Japanese anon. The recent Dream interview infuriated a lot of people and say it invalidated Crimson Flower, and the atrocious phrasing of Petra’s situation. They liked the info about Rodrigue though! And Matthias! But Gilbert didn’t get much, and the Church, nothing.
For Heroes, people are excited mostly for Julia and Haar getting improvements, but they didn’t want that for Edelgard because they’re getting sick of her, especially after Hopes. They also did not like the voting tournament putting Byleth vs Gatekeeper because the latter was before anti bot measures were put in place. They were very happy for this year’s winners compared to last and most picked either Byleth or Chrom, or at least from what I saw with friends. Speculation is running over new units meaning that maybe a Genealogy remake is coming soon.
More Heroes news: Kozaki wrote that he was speaking out against harassment of the artists, and said even people sent him edits of art saying “this is how it should’ve been done!” Though it’s confirmed that Japanese fans have also been doing this, there is more suspicion and anger towards western fans because of their previous behavior towards Himukai Yuji for his art of resplendent Lucina.
And more anger too because fans of certain characters keep getting harassed in English spaces. An artist I follow wrote “Sometimes I search dimileth in English, but why the fandom that starts with "E" is so interested in here? They are always talking about what they hate and pretend to be they're only victims. but in fact, they are just rude people.” And someone else said that a popular English artist encouraged a poll for “ugliest characters” and pointed that they and their friends mostly use it to be hateful towards Faerghus characters, Byleth, and the church. They wrote that it was awful that an artist with many followers is being so irresponsible and using their influence to be hateful.
Well, most people now are just going back to playing Houses.
Hi Japanese anon. First of all, I saw your ask about me feeling better soon. Thank you. I am on the mend, but not 100%. I'm still kinda in pain, but I'm taking the chance while I have a clear head to answer asks and reblog things. :)
I also saw your other asks. Thank you for sharing those. I'll keep them private! But that poor artist. :( Well, I understand. They have beautiful art, though.
The recent Dream interview infuriated a lot of people and say it invalidated Crimson Flower, and the atrocious phrasing of Petra’s situation. They liked the info about Rodrigue though! And Matthias! But Gilbert didn’t get much, and the Church, nothing.
I saw that interview. Absolutely baffling. I understand their intentions but.... they are just not well done into the game at all.
And you know what? I agree that it does invalidate CF. Not that I particularly liked CF, mind you.... But SB is basically the same route but better for Edelgard. She's taller and healthier (something the devs themselves pointed out!). Her conquest didn't take as long. She took out two of her greatest enemies! Claude is on her side in one of them! It's absolutely baffling.
And what they said about Petra made me roll my eyes. They want it to be grey so badly but lack the writing ability to do so....
Also, my dilfs Rodrigue and Matthias finally getting the respect they deserve. <3 Poor Gilbert though, and of course the Church was COMPLETELY ignored. They literally just cut 1/4 of the content from the game and just was like "here, merge it with the BL cast". :/
For Heroes, people are excited mostly for Julia and Haar getting improvements, but they didn’t want that for Edelgard because they’re getting sick of her, especially after Hopes. They also did not like the voting tournament putting Byleth vs Gatekeeper because the latter was before anti bot measures were put in place. They were very happy for this year’s winners compared to last and most picked either Byleth or Chrom, or at least from what I saw with friends. Speculation is running over new units meaning that maybe a Genealogy remake is coming soon.
Oh, I would LOVE a remake of Genealogy soon. Truly, that came could use it imo. Not a major overhaul. QoL changes, updated sprites, that sort of thing.
At least Edelgard's refine isn't too crazy. It's Dimitri's that is the "holy crap!" refine. I've been enjoying is greatly.
More Heroes news: Kozaki wrote that he was speaking out against harassment of the artists, and said even people sent him edits of art saying “this is how it should’ve been done!” Though it’s confirmed that Japanese fans have also been doing this, there is more suspicion and anger towards western fans because of their previous behavior towards Himukai Yuji for his art of resplendent Lucina.
I've heard about that. Really a shame.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes the art does suck or isn't up to par. But that's no excuse to harass the artists!
Still, the suspicion of Western fans is a bit much. Yes, we don't always have the best behavior, but that can only go so far on this particular subject.
And more anger too because fans of certain characters keep getting harassed in English spaces. An artist I follow wrote “Sometimes I search dimileth in English, but why the fandom that starts with "E" is so interested in here? They are always talking about what they hate and pretend to be they're only victims. but in fact, they are just rude people.” And someone else said that a popular English artist encouraged a poll for “ugliest characters” and pointed that they and their friends mostly use it to be hateful towards Faerghus characters, Byleth, and the church. They wrote that it was awful that an artist with many followers is being so irresponsible and using their influence to be hateful.
It is a shame that people use whatever small influence they have to promote hateful and negative attitudes towards characters. Especially since it breeds resentment towards other fans as a result. It's all so very tiring....
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silvermoonartworks · 2 years
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RT is really appreciated!
Hi everyone!
First of all i want to say thank you for joining the Interest check poll i make :D By the result, I decided to sell Lovers Pin with size 44mm and Dimileth puzzle with 60pcs! The PO will start from today to 25 August!
You can click here : https://silvermoonartwork.bigcartel.com
Second of all, yes.
Regarding my country situation right now with PP. Yeah its kinda... worried some. But its ok! I found some way to handle if something happen in future regarding it. I'm pretty confidence I can pass thru it. Long story shot, yeah i will find my way.
Third of all.
I also put the old merch there ready to purchase! You can purchase it along side other new stuff. I will delivery it together with this Pre Order batch. For the Eternal Love Set, i only have two pieces. Bcos i only have two Dimitri Grade A keychain. I dont think i will reprint my pvc keychain except there popular demand about it. So I hope you understand :')
It was crazy time, but i hope you understand! I will take responsibility if something happen.
Thank you very much for reading this long thread. I hope you understand.
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heartandsoulfe · 4 years
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Poll results are in! #dimileth will be featured on a very special charm created by @neri-nea !!! 
Make sure you're following so that you can see the final design (as well as some upcoming surprises)!!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Hi! When you are talking about a "popularity" of any FE16 character or ship, what do you base your "numbers" on, for example when talking which ship is more popular than the other? I am curious, because I, myself, find the popularity of any character/ship a subjective thing. Whoever you ask, whatever social platform you go - they may give you different answer. So I am just curious about your experiences.
I don’t bring up character popularity too much other than in very broad strokes because the polling for that is very different based on where you go, but for ships AO3 fic numbers are a decent enough metric as a common ground for most of the transformative side of fandom. Looking at the top 10 pairings on the site right now you can see that all three Byleth/leader ships are very popular with Sylvix and Ferdibert as the two most popular non-Byleth pairings (and Sylvix has now deposed Dimileth as the #1...huh, didn’t know that). Dimilix and Dimiclaude also make the list whereas Dimidue does not, although it’s only ~50 fics below the #10 slot so it’s not truly a rarepair.
For popularity outside of AO3′s main demographic - places like Reddit, GameFAQs, Serenes Forest - it’s harder to judge although there are obvious standouts like Edeleth being popular among exactly the types of players on those platforms you’d expect.
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mybelovedzine · 5 years
Hello! After an amazing 244 responses, we have closed the interest check! Please vote among our favorite and most popular themes and topics! Open until September 20th or until we reach 250 responses 💙💚💙💚
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dvrtrblhr · 8 months
help me chose which ships to draw for my valentine challenge! starting with f! and m! byleth, but i'm gonna post a few other polls for more characters over the month of february.
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trinaenigma · 2 years
Lol there was a Japanese fan poll for best ship and Dimileth took the top two. As in, Dimitri/F!Byleth for first place, and Dimitri/M!Byleth for second place
though tbh they should’ve been counted as the same category bc aren’t they’re literally still the same?
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lady-byleth · 5 years
Dimitri won recent famitsu poll, and he came 8th in nintendo dreams your favorite nintendo characters poll. (he is only fe character in dream poll.) he came from a long way...
He's very popular, it's true. Before the game came out everyone was for Claudeth but as soon as people got to know him Dimileth exploded
Take a look at the Ao3 pages for both couples, people love the dark, troubled characters with soft hearts and I can't blame them
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