#dimitri mcd
eraldkarma · 9 days
While my brain on Minecraft dairies let’s talk about a character that got a shitty hand in season two. And It’s not garroth, or Laurence or aphmau- (how do you fuck up all three of your main characters that bad though?) it’s Nicole.
Nicole started out really cool, we meet her when she breaks into Aphs guest house in brightport, obviously nervous about being recognized and empathetic to aph’s situation when she learns she’s being forced to marry. then she’s nice enough to help aph and Keke escape and help nurse and look after keke while aph looks for her pet fox, then she stays to protect the wolf tribe (despite having earlier being nervous about even entering their camp) while aphmau leaves with Dante to find Logan.
After Dante and aphmau get back and she moves to Phoenix drop she still helps out, she’s motivated and determined and even helps out the guard’s, and when we learn that she’s the lord of scales-wind’s daughter and garroth apparent fiancé we can’t blame her because garroth did the same thing, when we think she ditched Phoenix drop to war we are angry but it’s also kinda understandable I mean who would want to go back to a parent who tried to marry her off to a complete stranger? But then we find out she didn’t ditch Phoenix drop that Brian locked her and her fox up an she couldn’t leave and then she stops thee whole war by smacking her dad in the face, her dad the lord of the second largest village in the region!
But then we get to season too, and we don’t see her, we hear about her from Dante mostly and he still speaks highly of her but we also know she stayed around with Dante until she had to home to rule scales-wind, and it doesn’t seem like she’s changed, it sounds like she’s mostly the same if not more mature no longer running from her responsibilities.
And then we get to see her again and at first she truly is the same as Nicole, still independent and strong willed and- oh she has a kid! Oh she hits her kid…
Yeah she beats her six year old to the floor for…? Being disrespectful I guess? Oh and then she makes him run laps. And then we find out Dimitri is Dante’s son and that she lied to her son about his father being dead and deprived Dante of a relationship with his son and made him miss out on his sons life, and Dimitri’s mistreatment is only made more clear when you see how Dante interacts with nekoette his daughter and you see him joking around and loving on her and being kind and supportive and when Dimitri sneaks away on aphmaus ship (a second time, seriously inspect you’re ship better aphmau i expect better from you and the rest of the crew) he says over and over again that he doesn’t want to go home that he doesn’t want to leave pheonix drop and it’s kinda heartbreaking when you think about the relationship he has with his mother.
Basically s2 fucked over a lot of characters but I adore Dimitri and my mommy and daddy issues are a sucker for a mistreated kid finding love and affection with a father figure and I am writing a fic about it.
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I have a love hate relationship in rewatching mcd, specifically KC. I know this show is like 6-7 years old, but I cringe every single time I hear her talk.
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(Don't care about being anon)
I don't understand the community opinion that Nicole is abusive in MCD and that she was entirely in the wrong in the Dimitri and Dante situation.
1. One of the moments where Nicole is brought up being abusive is when she knocks Dimitri to the floor, which in some cases would be considered abuse, but in this case, I don't think it was. It is already said that Nicole was training Dimitri and as someone who had a brother who did wrestling and a mother who taught him, rough housing is normal. The amount of times I have seen them square up is A LOT but it was never harmful. I have seen my mother put my brother in a hold because he didn't want to move, my brother laughed. Rough treatment is incredibly normal in that type of relationship.
2. Nicole not telling Dante that she had a son is completely reasonable because Dante never would have left Phoenix Drop, and Nicole had to stay in Scaleswind. Sure, share custody could have worked, but this is high fantasy and wouldn't have been safe until Dimitri was older. Also, Dimitri would have resented Dante because he wasn't with his mom because of his devotion to a (presumed) dead woman. Was it the most moral way of handling it? No, was it the best she could do? Yes.
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darlinglledawn · 1 month
It’s Over Isn’t It is so mcd dancole that their voice actors sang it themselves
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dantes-gf · 2 years
@ jessica why did you have him say this !
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emo-ratbastard · 15 days
I'm thinking about mcd characters losing what gives them purpose;
As Aphmau becomes a better known Lord, she mediates and makes alliances with villages not only across Ru'aun but other regions as well. She just doesn't have time anymore to do anything but paperwork and peace treaties so she can't spend time with her kids and friends anymore. She is lonely.
Garroth gets badly injured, maybe he was hit in a sensitive pressure point in his arm and is now partially paralyzed. He can't pick up a sword anymore let alone defend his Lord and village. His armor is too heavy on his joints and muscles so he's stuck in regular, flimsy clothing. He's also not technically a guard anymore but everyone has silently taken pity on him by letting him continue to live with the other guards but it really just makes him feel even more pathetic and useless.
Laurance becomes completely consumed by the calling and the shadow lord. He no longer feels like himself, merely a shell. He is numb, watching the world fly by like a never ending bad movie. He knows what he's doing, who he's hurting but physically cannot stop himself. He terrorizes and plunders towns and villages with no remorse. He just misses his sister.
Dante becomes so engrossed in his duties that it drives a rift between him and KC. She kicks him out and limits his time with Nekoette. Nicole and him have become civil for the sake of Dimitri but they are nowhere near friends. Dante is lonely, he can't care for either of his kids and is constantly reminded of his failed relationships so he increases his shifts and spends all his time on patrols. He can't talk to Aphmau about his issues because she's also busy, causing him to recluse further and further. His reflection is looking more and more like Gene by the day.
Cadenza is also occupied with Lord duties. She doesn't have time to design or make clothes anymore. She prided herself in her creativity and finding fashionable loopholes with her own armor but after a too close for comfort assassination attempt, she is forced to wear traditional, clunky armor.
KC who is now a fulltime mother with Nekoette getting older is unable to bake in large quantities like she used to. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of her daughter and that is how she spends her days. KC was upset to have to kick Dante out but couldn't deal with the absence. She regrets keeping boundaries between him and Nekoette but believes it's best for their daughter to not rely on an absent father. With the lack of her baking, her magicks are stunted leaving her with a constant lethargic feeling as the power drains from her body.
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theladyofrosewater · 2 months
Does anyone else think about the first diaries poster or is it just me.
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like first of all, did we ever know who drew it? as far as I remember nothing in this same art style was ever published. It kinda looks like Sean Dillon's art but I'm not sure
I'm not going to lie if we ever got an official graphic novel I'd rather they bring back a similar style instead of the anime one she made for all the mystreet and rebirth posters.
The characters chosen has always been a thing that bothered me. Like Shad, Aphmau, Garroth all make sense and look pretty good in the composition, Alina looks good too but Dante just brought his whole ass family like I could have done without Nana and maybe Dmitri since he just looks like a mini Dante
The giant-ass Diaries font is killing me, just slap that baby in the middle it'll look fine
SPEAKING OF FAMILY where the fuck is Vylad I know this is supposed to be a season 3 poster (if I remember correctly) but the boy is just too important to leave out. Also why is Leona here like I love her she's my favorite side character but WHY???? she's just the babysitter. she's placed beneath what I think is Zane on the poster just like how Dimitri and his sister are posed with their dad so was this a hint to Leona finally being confirmed as his daughter???? were we going to get an arc about Leona learning who her dad was but it part of what was abandoned??? ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES JESSICA WHY IS SHE HERE
Also Lilith Garnet could have been completely cut and why is her hair brown I thought she was blonde
Katelyn is here but no Travis or Lucinda to accompany her this is a personal attack, she is also such a light blue stuck with the reds that my eyes immediately go to her
why does Gene look like a knock-off jeff the killer I can't take him seriously
Laurance should have Zenix beside him, he didn't get him in the divorce for nothing
Zane is just sulking in the corner, he looks like he got put in time out I love it.
Why are we still keeping the cross imagery on Garroth's armor why is it not a star or Irene's symbol, also clean shaven Garroth gives me nightmares, I know it's not canon but he needs his stubble pls
Dimitri and his sister are just adorable in the corner, 10/10
Look I dislike MCD Aaron for his wasted potential but I REALLY like the effect of Shad literally holding his body together cracking Aaron's skin, give that effect to the other shadow knights PLEASE it looks so good
yall please add onto this I want to hear your thoughts.
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aarmaudiaries · 3 months
i was thinking abt the nymphs on that one island in mcd and like how one of them turned into aaron after he died to to fuck with aphmau and like. imagine if we ignore the logistics of it, one of them turned into lily to try and keep aaron from rescuing nekoette ane dimitri from the demon warlock that one time…. like oh my god the angst potential. .
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Do you think Dimitri (in Mcd) would grow up with some mental issues after realising his parents are separated/not in love and are not like his friends parents?
Speaking as a child of divorce (my parents split when I was really little so I’ve never really known them together) he probably would but I don’t think they’d be PTSD level.
In my personal experience, I grew up with just a mom. My dad was never there and when he was I was ignored and treated like shit. He never cared or made an effort, Ive always known that.
Dmitri however, has a good father who loves him and wants to be a part of his life. Though Dante was absent for the first 6 years, it wasn’t his fault and I believe Dmitri will grow up understanding that and not blaming him. If he were to blame anyone I think it’d be Nicole.
Nicole knew, and did nothing to bring them together for 6 years. She actively avoided it. Though Dmitri loves his mother so much, I think he’ll always kind of resent her for that. Not to mention the fact that she’s lowkey physically abusive…
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confessmau · 1 month
(I don't care about being anon)
I feel like MCD Nicole is very hated and mischaracterized for reasonable and normal actions. This is partially because I have a mother like Nicole and have seen the logic and reasoning behind the actions in real time.
1. Lying about Dimitri's Father - I am going to say this, from a logical standpoint, this was completely valid and necessary to some extent. There was no way Dante would have been willing to leave Phoenix Drop, and Nicole had to go to Scaleswind. Sure, shared custody could have worked, but it would have been when Dimitri was older, and even then, there would have been a large amount of resentment between Dimitri and Dante. Nicole had to rule a village, and Dante was just sworn to a woman believed to be gone forever. That is the perfect equation for resentment regardless of how you put it.
2. I have seen a lot of people call Nicole an abusive mom because she lays Dimitri flat, and I have to say that this can be up for interpretation, but I don't view it as abusive. It is said that Nicole and Dimitri train together and rough house, and if you have ever trained with a parent, they will lay you flat if you do something stupid. That is completely normal. Hell, one of my brothers does wrestling, and I have seen my mother get him in a hold because he kept blocking the way. It was not violent, just play between a parent and a kid who is training. Rough treatment doesn't always mean abuse.
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tanya-b1tch · 4 months
Official ages in MCD rewrite!!
(for all characters I've rewritten currently, will update later) (every "/" is for in-between:3)
(not cannon ‼️‼️)
Aphmau- 24
Laurence- 25/26
Garroth- 26/27
Dante- 22/23
Nicole- 24/25
Zane- 24
Nana- 25
Travis- 23/24
Gene- 28
Sasha- 28/29
Zenix- 27/28
Vylad- 21/22
Liochant- 22/23
Cadenza- 29/30
Zack (Cadenzas bf)- 28
Malachi- 17/18
Levin- 15/16
Lilith- 6/7
Alina- 3/4
Nekoette- 9/10
Dimitri- 8/9
Zoey- 900+| looks 26/27
Leona- 18
Alexis- 14/15
Yip- 19/20
Zianna- 49
Aaron- NON-EXISTENT HE DOES NOT EXIST IN MY UNIVERSE🤭🤭(Alina just poofed outta nowhere, he did not fr1¢k Aphmau)
That's it for now!!:3
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mcdgarroth · 5 months
Do you think Dimitri (in Mcd) would have some kind of mental health issues after learning that His parents are separated/not in love like all his friends parents are?
Hmm my parents are still together, so I don’t think I have the most accurate approach to this, but because his parents are both very involved in his life, he has a great relationship with his sister, and he gets along with his stepmother who even welcomed him to also call her mom, I think he won’t be all that torn up about it. Obviously, he probably would like to have his parents still together so he wasn’t so divided between them. But Nicole and Dante get along now, and I imagine that helps a lot. Plus, his mom is also on good terms with his step-mom, which is like an added bonus.
He probably also recognizes that if his mom and dad never broke up, then his sister never would have existed, so I think when it really comes down to it he’s pretty thankful for it because of that.
So overall, his family dynamic won’t be like most others, but everyone gets along with each other and he loves them all, so I think he would be fine. I think the only thing he’d change is having his dad in his life from the beginning, so he may carry some resentment for Nicole over that one, but he’d still love her obviously.
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spritebug · 1 year
Okay, I might be a little rusty cause my memory around Levins story isn’t 100%, so correct me if any of this information is wrong.
Can we talk about how Levin looks nothing like Matilda?
Now before I start I’m gonna clarify, I know in real life genetics can skip generations, meaning someone could look like they’re grandparents and not they’re parents. Or some times people just don’t look similar to there biological parents, but I’m talking in terms of how MCD has seemed to work.
Okay so, levins bio mom is Matilda right? And she has red hair, elf(?) Ears and lilac/amber eyes (depending on the image of her). And levin has blond hair, blue eyes, and no obvious non-human ears.
This only stood out to me due to the other parents and kids in the series. For example:
Nekoette: meifwa(her mom) blue hair(her dad) || Dimitri: blue hair(his dad) dark eyes(his mam) || Zane and Garroth: has their parents eyes and hair || Alana: black hair (her mom) brown eyes (her dad) || Abby: pale green eyes (her dad)
All the kids look in some way like their bio parent, and it’s a pattern that’s repeated. I just thought it was really odd that levin got zero features of his mother’s.
This could mean that malik had blond hair and blue eyes, or it could just be an error in the story or just a design choice idk. Im probably thinking to deeply into the little things
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silversdragonemporium · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Girl help I got like 5 asks and a tag I'm so Tumblr Famous. Thank you so much for the tag! Since I did get this ask 3 times, I figured I might as well reply with different fics on each ask and round up a total of 15 fics that I'm proud of~!
In absolutely no particular order:
The Heat House (mdimileth, a/b/o)
From Your Secret Admirer (fdimileth, a/b/o, yandere dimitri)
Forget Me Not (fdimileth, MCD, hanahaki, hurt no comfort)
The Forest (fdimileth, fairytale themes)
The Dragon Lord's Husband (mdimileth, god/mortal)
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
one thing i feel like should be a common “theme” in mcd rewrite is love
and i mean all minds of love? not simply just romantic, but familial, platonic, hatred and such. i kinda wna use this rewrite to sorta explore the concept of it? maybe for my own purposes but also bc i think it’s a fascinating concepts. you can also find the themes of love in canon, if you.. look past the plotholes, horrible characrizations, plagiarism, tropes and all the other fault it has.
romantic: we all know it. garmau, larmau, aarmau, lucinda and victor (??? fucking forgot his name), aaron and lily-
then there’s platonic love: aphmau’s relationships with her friend katelyn, KC, cadenza, travis yaddah yaddah
familial love: aphmau adopting three children and giving birth to one, gene and dante, the ro’meave brothers, lucinda and her parents, dante and dimitri
loss of love is such a common theme too (SK prime example)
ITS LIKE- when you see it after squinting you can see so much love? and it goes with the whole irene losing her ability to love thing going on. idk i really love the concept and i want to go with it- i want to add more depth to these too? some of these relationships aren’t as two dimensional as others (dimitri dante father som thing going on and lucinda w/ her parents are such good conepts i cry in the club over them) but i want to like take a step further than what we’re given.
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Okay I know I asked for dmcl author recommendations from you before lmaooo but!! Do you have any specific dmcl fics you would recommend? 👀
LORD, the trials and tribulations of trying to make this post. First I couldn't save it, then I couldn't open it, then I had to fuck with the beta--anyway. Onto our scheduled programming:
Hi okay I'm so sorry this took me so long but I wanted this to be Comprehensive(TM). I made this by searching my favourite tropes/tags and putting them through the dimiclaude relationship tag on ao3, so we're now left with a list of fics I well and truly give my stamp of approval (whatever that's worth) to. I've consumed so much Dimiclaude angst and fluff and stupidity in one go that I think i need to lay down, but all these fics are so fucking good.
AM-canon dimiclaude:
I'm realizing, making this list, that a lot of these are just--pain. But this has a happy ending! Timeloop Dimiclaude wherein Dimitri tries and fails to save Claude at Derdriu, until he succeeds.
Okay so, obvious answer
I'm always honoured when @dmicld asks me to beta a fic, because their writing is fucking fantastic and I have a great time giving it a read-through, but this one had me gnawing through my couch cushions, banging my head against a wall, and then it made me want to do it all over again with another read. Peak writing, peak dimiclaude, perfection. Ouchie. Cannot recommend enough. 
VW-Canon dimiclaude:
Oh, this one :( This line fucking got me: "[Claude's] mother had told [the story] to him a long, long time ago, when he still believed that families would take on monsters for each other." Interwoven with the lyrics of one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs, Wonderland, and you have a soft, agonizing MCD dimiclaude fic that spans form Remire to post-skip with a non-linear narrative. I actually listened to the song as I read it and OW. OW. Respect to the author because I think Wonderland is the Dimiclaude song of all time. I won't be able to listen to it without think of Them(TM) and bawling my eyes out.
Can't type through my tears so have this one line from Claude's point of view about Dimitri:
“You couldn’t just have me bury you once, could you,” he says softly. “You had to come back so I could do it again.”
[i have decided to fill in this gap in dimiclaude fics with my own goddamn hamds, WITHOUT the Unideal Dimiclaude Trope. I couldn't find anything :/]
CF-canon dimiclaude:
Jesus fucking--ow ow ow. I just. OOF. Claude being tenderhearted, allowing himself to love Dimitri completely, and living in the aftermath of his death on CF. The repetition the author uses is so fucking effective. A choice for straight pain.
These are all fics that are like: "Claude and Dimitri have lost it all. How fucked up can things become, and how fucked up can THEY get? Tune in to find out."
NSFW - I'm trying not to recommend fics from the authors I've already mentioned in my previous response to you, but I liked this one a lot because of how everything's just gone to shit; my Unideal Dimiclaude Trope is framed in such a way that I know the characters are making the most of an absolutely shit ending for themselves. Everyone is either dead or suffering heavy emotional/psychological damage--Claude is fresh of murdering everyone responsible for the war and Dimitri was tortured for who knows how long. Even then, it's not a story of complete moral bankruptcy so much as it is a story of tragedy and humanity.
NSFW - Implications of pre-skip dimiclaude is always a favourite of mine. This fic makes the most of what little the game mentions about the other countries and brings sexuality into their cultures, which I know is hit and miss for some. Again, the Unideal Trope, but it's framed as precisely that: unideal. The tension between Dimitri and Claude is a more-than-welcome addition because of how tense it should be when Dimitri is kept from Faerghus. Very good as far as the picking-apart of the dimiclaude dynamic in different settings goes, and amazing pacing.
Implications of the Unideal Trope at the end but at this point I think it's home is in the CF canon. Everything is bad, they're miserable, happiness is fleeting. They used revenge as fuel, but now they're stranded in the cold. I love to see them suffer knowing how good things could have been.
Other Canon dimiclaude
This was so :( Heroes!Dimiclaude wherein Claude just. Wants Dimitri back. They seem to have different relationships with each other pre-skip according to their own timelines, but it adds to the dynamic in my opinion.
You are NEVER gonna guess who's the sun and who's the moon here. Seriously. And honestly? Banger interpretation, the author has a ginormous brain. It's definitely the most poetic on the board here, and it's really short, but it hits all so many of the good spots for me that I think about it a lot. This Dimiclaude <3<3 They're dark, they're unhinged, they're morally reprehensible and murderous; you love to see it. At least I do.
(okay, booo, it's telling me there's a ten-link limit.) Forward, Relentlessly by straylize, wherein the routes are joined; Claude saves Dimitri from Gronder, and is the one to talk him down from marching on Enbarr with nothing but his lance and ghosts.
Fódlan-AU dimiclaude
Your blessings and your curses by ShiDreamin. Oh. My god. This fic. The prose is stunning, and if I weren't already infatuated with Claude this fic would have done me in. Set in Fódlan but with other gods, and, ah, cute misunderstandings ensue between dimiclaude. very silly, very cute, 10/10 would recommend.
Fold me in your arms, let me see the sky by ShiDreamin. I think this author might be becoming a fav of mine because this one was Good. Almyran worldbuilding, and how the Dimiclaude dynamic plays into that a little.
Non-Fódlan-AU dimiclaude
Cute earth god!Claude and wind god!Dimitri piece, called Burya by Livruka
At this point by bias for god!AUs is showing but oh well. aubade by s0ckies is so <//3 god of the moon!Dimitri and god of the sun!Claude. That's it that's all but it's short, hits home, and has all the highlights of a cute dimiclaude interaction. plus it was based off a STUNNING art piece, which really sells the vibe of the whole thing.
Sadly, I don't read a lot of longfics/WIPs often, so I have no recs that are Of Substance in terms of intricate plots and such things. I'll definitely be back with more eventually, but these are the ones I can happily shove at other people ^^"
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