#dimitri my boy you're making it so hard to move on
cacchieressa · 6 months
Eight Days in April
1. I broke a glass, got bloodstains on the sheet: hereafter, must I only write you chaste connubial poems? Now that I have traced a way from there to here across the sweet- est morning, rose-blushed blonde, will measured feet advance processionally, where before they scuff-heeled flights of stairs, kicked at a door, or danced in wing-tips to a dirty beat? Or do I tell the world that I have got rich quick, got lucky (got laid), got just what the doctor ordered, more than I deserved? This is the second morning I woke curved around your dreaming. In one night, I've seen moonset and sunrise in your lion's mane.
2. Moons set and suns rise in your lion's mane through LP kisses or spread on my thighs. Winter subsided while I fantasized what April dawns frame in the windowpane. Sweetheart, I'm still not getting enough sleep, but I'm not tired, and outside it's spring in which we sprang the afternoon shopping after I'd been inside you, O so deep I thought we would be tangled at the roots. I think we are. (I've never made such noise. I've never come so hard, or come so far in such a short time.) You're an exemplar piss-elegance is not reserved for boys. Tonight we'll go out in our gangster suits.
3. Last night we went out in our gangster suits, but just across the street to Santerello's, waited past nine for wine. We shone; the fellows noticed. "You have a splendid linen coat," Dimitri told you as he sat us down. (This used to be my local; now it's chic.) A restaurant table's like a bed: we speak the way we do calmed after love, alone in the dark. There's a lot to get to know. We felt bad; we felt better. Soon I was laid back enough to drink around the bend. You got me home, to bed, like an old friend. I like you, Rachel, when you're scared, because you tough it out while you're feeling it through.
4. You tough it out while you're feeling it through: sometimes the bed's rocked over tidal waves that aren't our pleasures. Everyone behaves a little strangely when they're in a new neighborhood, language, continent, time zone. We got here fast; your jet lag's worse than mine. I only had Paris to leave behind. You left your whole young history. My own reminds me to remind you, waking shaken with tears, dream-racked, is standard for the course. We need accommodation that allows each one some storage space for her dead horse. If the title weren't already taken, I'd call this poem "Directions to My House."
5. I'd call this poem "Directions to My House," except today I'm writing it in yours, in your paisley PJ's. The skylight pours pale sunlight on white blankets. While I douse my brain with coffee, you sleep on. Dream well this time. We'll have three sets of keys apiece: uptown, downtown, Paris on a sublease. Teach me to drive. (Could I teach you to spell?) I think the world's our house. I think I built and furnished mine with space for you to move through it, with me, alone in rooms, in love with our work. I moved into one mansion the morning when I touched, I saw, I felt your face blazing above me like a sun.
6. Your face blazing above me like a sun- deity, framed in red-gold flames, gynandre in the travail of pleasure, urgent, tender terrible—my epithalamion circles that luminous intaglio —and you under me as I take you there, and you opening me in your mouth where the waves inevitably overflow restraint. No, no, that isn't the whole thing (also you drive like cop shows, and you sing gravel and gold, are street-smart, book-smart, laugh from your gut) but it is (a soothing poultice applied to my afflicted part) the central nervous system and the heart
7. The central nervous system and the heart, and whatever it is in me wakes me at 5 am regardless, and what takes me (when you do) ineluctably apart and puts me back together; the too-smart, too-clumsy kid glutted on chocolate cakes (me at ten); the left-brain righteousness that makes me make of our doubled dailiness an art are in your capable square hands. O sweet, possessives make me antsy: we are free to choose each other perpetually. Though I don't think my French short-back-and-sides means I'll be the most orthodox of brides, I broke a glass, got bloodstains on the sheet.
— Marilyn Hacker from Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons
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breserker · 8 months
Top 10 pairings and/or fandoms :)
okay HONESTLY i'm a one ship wonder with a lot of fandoms, i have the flagship and then a few tributary ships so this should be pretty easy except for the fact that i think it shows my boring ass hand tbh a lot of my ships are the boring obvious ones probably because I don't consider myself a multishipper if that makes sense. Like it takes a lot for me to care, y'know.
also sorry for the delay i'm working on the giant buddha in terraria and oh god it's past midnight huh
Ulrich/Yumi (Code Lyoko) - Dude it's here because it's my first real ship first real fandom experience i understand they might be kinda milquetoast inasmuch as they were VERY popular but i really resonated with Ulrich's insecurities and totally not brewing emotional abuse victim angst so it'll always stay close to my heart Henry/Eileen (Silent Hill 4) - First...adult-ish ship? Dude i was 14-15 when i got into Silent Hill and I attached to these two immediately, idk why, but scarring and recovering is gonna be somewhat of a running theme I think Majima/Makoto (Yakuza 0) - PERFECT SEGWAY BITCH OH FUCKING DAMN not only were they my first foray into real smut writing in 2019 Makoto is one of my favorite characters of all time, i attribute at least some of my comfort with myself nowadays to this ship and I've met some LIFELONG friends through them Scully/Starling (crossover X-Files and Silence of the Lambs) - Not a big greater hannibalverse type person but these two in particular I'm still very very very sweet on. I wish I would've written more when i had the gumption but I like what I did with them at the time. Guts/Casca (Berserk) - I just. y'know. I love them, I love Guts, I love Casca, and i think my favorite gutsca moment, my favorite one, is when Skull Knight tells Guts that what he may want for her may not be what she wants in general. PEAK shipping moment for me, idk if that's weird but OH that's so good. FUCK yes independence from each other. OUGGH Anya/Dimitri (Anastasia 1997) - there was a tweet in early early 2020 that said "you don't have shipping preferences you heard Dimitri say "princesses don't marry kitchen boys" and it was decided for you" and i've never felt so fucking called out Carlos/Jill (Resident Evil 3) - i think we can blame silent hill ascension for making me so utterly pathetic and cold and betrayed that I went full force horny for valeveira out of ?????? nowhere. they're sweet, it's nice to write Carlos after so much of writing the guy in the next ship I'll list... Tseng/Aeris (Final Fantasy VII) - GOD DUDE IF I TOLD YOU I STARTED SHIPPING THEM AS A HORNY JOKE BUT NOW IT'S 350K WORDS OF FIC WITHIN ~3 YEARS LATER IT'S NOT A FUCKING JOKE ANYMORE IS IT Wolf O'Donnell/Isabelle (Crossover StarFox/Animal Crossing or just smash bros if you like) - I really really really had a fun fic for them that i WILL get back to but a lot of real life stuff got in the way and since it is a FUN fic, if you're not having fun irl it's hard to write fun irl. Also can you tell I'm grasping at straws bc I'm desperate to find other ships i care about. Yuffie/Elena (FF7) - Because I'm grasping at straws I'll end with another FF7 fic that I've been itching to make more stuff for (i've sketched a few things here or there but that's it) and it's these disaster lesbians.
Mayyybbeee there's another ship that I'm fond of elsewhere but tbh I mostly see shipping happen and I'm like "That's nice" and I move on, or even if i care about the ship caring about it versus actually WRITING or making fandom over it is a different thing. Like I loved Eadaz/Sabran in Priory of the Orange Tree, or Ammar ibn Khairan and Jehane bet Ishak in the Lions of Al Rassan, but i'm not exactly writing fic over it.
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elliejoys · 5 years
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Dimitri // New Game +
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [3]
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-> Pairing: Yuri Leclarc x Fem!Reader
-> Modern!Au | Gang!Au | Enemies to Friends to Lovers
-> Word Count: ~2.4k
-> Warnings: Violence, Blood, Intense Scenes, Alcohol Mention, Someone legit gets shot, Other things I probably forgot about
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn't mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you're running with the wolves.
-> A/N: hi i’m back hello this took me a little bit to do because after the action scene i simply lost motivation but it’s back i know what i want to do and i WILL do it. also, just an fyi, i, as a writer, do not condone anything that my character, Hiram Chapelle, says or does. Hiram is meant to be an ass and for gods sake he’s quite literally a psychopath. That’s how he’s written. I’m just saying for future reference because Hiram is a shitty person and I plan on keeping him that way LOL
send an ask if you’d like to be on the taglist!
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If someone had told you, months ago, that when you moved to Fodlan, you’d be accidentally caught up in gang activity, you’d laugh in their faces.
What a silly notion, You’d nearly cry out of laughter, Fodlan is safe. Nothing happens there.
What a fool you were. Everything was too easy. Life was too simple for there not to be a catch. That’s the funny thing about the universe and her strange ways. There’s always a catch.
Your mother had said that God always tests you. That you’d know in hard times, He was just challenging you. The only thing you knew at this moment was that if God really was real, you’d like to have a few choice words with him.
Your test was only getting more difficult with each step you took. Each limp, actually. The frigid night air numbed nearly every part of your body, except for your ankle. Instead, it burned with a fiery intensity. Your shoe was tight enough to prevent a bit of the swelling, but you needed medical attention soon.
You laughed bitterly- you’d been saying that you needed help for a while now. Your arm, your ankle, and now probably a therapist. Physical and mental help were on your to-do list.
Biting back another shiver, you fumbled with your phone. The screen was black, only showing a little red battery in the middle of it. Dead.
The window you’d jumped through was in the back of the house, facing a patch of woods. In your rush, you didn’t think to run another way to get out, only pushing forward until you had no clue where you’d come from and where to go. Everything was forest. Everything was dark.
Until it wasn’t.
A flash of light shined from behind you and you gasped, running to your left and trying to hide behind a larger tree. The flashlights came closer and you held your breath.
“What doesn’t she fucking understand about you can’t leave?”
“Well, boss, you were a little rude about it-“
“She’s in danger! And she doesn’t even realize it- the seriousness of this situation. I don’t care if I’m rude or not, she’s risking her own life being this stupid.”
You resisted the urge to scoff. Yuri was definitely a rude individual from what you’ve interacted with, but of course he didn’t care.
The lights were getting even closer now. You stepped back and started to run again, ignoring the pain. You’d get help when you were safe. You tried to stay light on your feet, but couldn’t help but crush the fallen leaves under your feet as you ran.
“I hear something that way!” Constance shouted and every light flashed in your direction before the group began chasing after you.
Your heart caught in your throat as you willed your legs to work faster and faster. You’d be okay- you’ll get help when you’re safe. Lungs burning, you surged forwards still and tried to take different turns to make them lose your trail. It didn’t work.
“Y/N, stop!” Hapi yelled out.
You didn’t answer, still running. Suddenly, you were airborne. Your feet flew off the ground and you landed two feet in front of a tree root, sticking up from the ground. You were hyperventilating- they had caught up with you.
Before they could reach you, Yuri also stumbled over the root. His flashlight and handgun both flew out of his hands, skidding to a stop in a puddle of mud in front of you. You lurched forward, grabbing the gun and pointing it at the group. It was just Balthus, Hapi, Constance, and Yuri, but you still felt helpless. They could easily overpower you, but you weren’t giving up without a fight.
“Stay back!” You cried, your finger sitting shakily on the trigger, “Don’t come any closer!”
Hapi put her hands up. “We don’t want to hurt you- we want to keep you safe!”
“Keep me safe? By making me some bad guy in a gang that I never even asked to be a part of?”
Yuri scoffed and tried to step closer, but you quickly aimed the gun at him. “You think we did?”
“No more. Don’t come close, I’m warning you.” You could only utter a few words.
The leader of the Wolves ignored this, putting his hands out in front of him, “Drop the gun and this will be okay-“
“STAY AWAY!” You were screaming at this point. Everyone tried to shush you, but you couldn’t stop. Hysteria did such cruel things.
You closed your eyes and pulled the trigger, your arm injury hurting slightly from the recoil. Constance yelled out, grabbing onto Yuri, who seemed to fall in slow motion. Your head was spinning. Stars seemed to twinkle in the trees and bushes in front of you instead of staying in the sky like they should.
You swayed for a moment, watching the three try to help their leader. Blood seeped out of the right side of his abdomen. You tried to stay awake, but soon the gun fell out of your hand and you went limp beside it.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Your mind was awake before your body. You could feel the velvet sheets beneath your fingertips and smell the comforting french vanilla aroma that wafted through the Wolves’s house. It was warm- almost too warm for your comfort. Or maybe it was the fever you were running from stress.
You tried to smack your lips together, cringing when the inside of your mouth resembled that of a desert. You needed water.
Peeling your eyes open, you groaned. The lamp beside the bed was too bright, contrasting greatly against the still-dark sky. How long were you out?
You sat up on the bed, feeling sore, but brushed it off and trudged towards the door. You opened it and headed towards the stairs when you heard voices in a room across from you, two doors down.
“She’s already caused too much harm. I say we let her go and let natural selection take its course.”
You scoffed. Typical Hiram- rude ass.
“No- no. We brought her into this, the universe has basically ordered us to keep her safe. If any Eagles see her on the street, she’s done for.” Hapi reasoned.
“That might be a good thing-“
“She shot Yuri! He’s not waking up because of her!”
The silence that followed his outburst made your heart clench. You didn’t mean to actually hit him- you just meant it as a warning shot. Hell, you didn’t even know your aim was that good.
“He’s going to be fine. In the meantime, we need to contact Claude or Dimitri and see what’s happening.”
Claude? Claude, the boy at the pizza shop? You rolled your eyes. Of course he’d be a part of this- whatever this is.
“What if they’re siding with her?” Constance asked worriedly.
“Trust me, if it’s anything that Claude’s against, it’s an imbalance of power. As for Dimitri, I’m not sure.”
Your hands began to shake again and you blinked rapidly, trying to push away the looming realization that no, this wasn’t a joke, and yes, these college kids are in a fucking gang. You supposed a part of you didn’t want to believe it until now, but it crashed onto you like a bag of bricks.
These people have hurt others. Killed them. You hurt someone too- you shot a man. A man who apparently is trying to keep you safe.
Continuing to blink, this time biting back tears, you walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass from the counter, you filled it up in the sink and began chugging.
One glass.
Maybe if it was alcohol, you’d feel a little better. But it wasn’t. And you didn’t.
More footsteps resounded from the stairs, making their way through the living room and into the kitchen. Hapi entered first, followed by the other four. She gave you a tight smile, choosing to mess with some papers that still rested on the kitchen table.
The papers were frenzied and unorganized- they must have really rushed out once they realized that you’d left.
Hiram walked past and bumped your shoulder rather harshly, making you spill your third glass of water down the front of your shirt. You hissed, wanting nothing more than to yank out those snowy locks of his, but he was definitely armed and no doubt dangerous. You valued your life a little too much to mess with the little man.
Eventually, the group sat down at the table and Hapi patted her hand on the wood, pointing to the empty chair across from her. “Please, Y/N, sit.”
You did so, awkwardly, clasping your hands and putting them in your lap. You didn’t want to look up, already feeling the five intense stares burn into your form.
“It seems our first little talk wasn’t as… effective as it needed to be.” The redheaded girl began. “You were seen with us in the cafe when Edelgard attacked. You let your mouth run, disrespecting her. And I can assure you right now, that the Eagles have all the details on you. Especially since one of their own seemed to recognize you. Like it or not, you’re in this now.”
Hiram snorted, leaning back on his chair and nonchalantly checking his nails. “You’re stuck with this, toots. If you didn’t want to be, you should’ve stuck behind everyone like a good little coward and let the big dogs fight over the bone. You could’ve easily been seen as a citizen and an innocent bystander, but no. Something in you said ‘hey, let’s be a bitch to these people who suddenly barged in here with guns’. If I didn’t know any better, it would seem to me like you were practically,” He leaned forward, his icy eyes boring into your own, “asking for it.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, but still kept shut. He wasn’t necessarily wrong, you could’ve easily decided to let the obviously-more-experienced people deal with it, but in your defense, you didn’t know at the time! You didn’t even think your 5 second long conversation with this Edelgard chick was as negative as they made it out to be.
Crossing your arms, you willed your face to remain stoic. “I just don’t see why she’d have it out for me. I didn’t even do anything that bad.”
“Look, look at my face.” Hiram pointed to the bridge of his nose, where a deep, pale pink scar contrasted against his skin. “Rhys and I used to be… involved with them. Her little lap dog- Ferdinand- did this. Because I made some ill-timed joke.”
You couldn’t help but glance over at Rhys, whose eyes had darkened at the mention of his past. The mention of Ferdinand’s name and his affiliation with the Eagles made you wonder about everyone’s past- how exactly did all of these people get involved with such a deadly life? You didn’t have much time to dwell on it before Balthus spoke up.
“Listen, little one, just stay here and chill out until we can a hundred percent confirm that the Eagles aren’t associating you with us. If they’re not, you’re free to go.”
“And if I am?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
Everyone at the table gasped and turned around to the kitchen entrance, where the strained voice had come from. Yuri was leaned up against the door frame, holding onto his side still. His torso was bare, but the skin was covered by bandages and gauze.
The Wolves shot up out of their seats, rushing over to their leader.
“Why are you up?”
“You need rest.”
Yuri just chuckled at them, hiding a wince as his stomach contracted with the laugh. “I’m fine, I’m fine, everything’s cool. Not the first time.”
You still sat at the table, watching as they helped him sit in his place at the head before going back to their own seats. The Wolves really seemed to care about each other, you noticed, and felt a small pang of guilt for causing them so many problems already.
“So, Yuri-Bird, I was explaining to everyone earlier that our best choice of action is to contact Dimitri and Claude and see what’s happening in their little sectors of the world.” Hapi folded her hands on the table, “I know with about a 90% certainty that Claude will be against whatever Edelgard’s doing. Dimitri, I’m not so sure.”
Yuri nodded, taking in the information. “We need stronger people going to Dimitri, then, just in case he sided with her.”
“Which is why I decided that it would be best for all of us to go together. Dimitri has that one assassin with him- the Black Cat or whatever his alias is.”
“It’s Felix. I wouldn't forget the name of such a hunk of a man.” Hiram practically swooned.
Hapi rolled her eyes. “...Right. So, we start with Claude and then move on to Dimitri.”
Rhys raised his hand for a moment, making Hiram shush everyone. He said nothing, only jutting a thumb at you as if asking ‘what do we do about this chick?’ The room was quiet for a moment, then Constance clapped her hands together.
“She can stay and take care of Yuri!”
“What?” You and the previously mentioned man cried out.
He turned and glared at you. “You lot are going to entrust my healing to the same bitch that shot me? No. I’m coming with you all.”
Balthus shook his head. “She’s right, Boss. You could barely walk down here. You need to rest before you get back in the game.”
“Yeah,” Hiram began to laugh, “I’m sure Miss Girl will fix you right up. Maybe she’s better at caretaking than she is running away.”
You returned Yuri’s glare, but quickly switched it to Hiram. He lost his smile and quirked up an eyebrow, as if challenging you to say something. You didn’t.
“We leave tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock. Yuri, you sleep in. Y/N, be up early to change his bandages.”
Hapi stood and stretched, letting out a large yawn before walking out of the kitchen.
The rest of the group followed, Yuri lagging behind as Balthus helped him walk. His lavender eyes pierced into you, obviously extremely angry at you. You shuddered. You absolutely did not want to be alone with him tomorrow.
Dreading morning, you went to your room and tucked yourself back under the velvet sheets, watching the hall light turn off and listening to Hiram’s annoying voice echo throughout the walls.
“Goodnight y’all! Sweet dreams- except for the Princess, of course.”
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz 
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mxmearcstapa · 5 years
Maddening Lions Update #3!
So for a time, my roommate kidnapped me to play Minecraft (foxes!!) but the Madlions continue! And I have moved quite a bit further. So much further that I'm splitting this update into TWO updates because I have too dang much to say.
And DLC wave 3 is out! Regrettably, I am so late in this run that I am not making as much use of the sauna as I could, and I am missing like alllll the new quests and whatnot, but I am loving the new outfits! I got all my boys in summer wear, and most of the girls are wearing evening wear (unless they're mounted--summer wear overrides for combat, but evening doesn't because the skirt is too long).
I have class outfits overridden and I swear we're Valkyria Chronicles now but everyone looks dapper af and I don't care for the Mortal Savant outfit so really this is better
Here's what we've been up to!
The Great Bridge of Myrrdin:
This absolute sunofabitch comes at me ready to throw down as a level 40 Paladin and comes back home to us as a LEVEL 14 SOLDIER. I understand that I did nothing to improve him over time and I shouldn't be surprised, but honestly I expected at least his current class to stay unlocked. Was I gonna use him? No. But it was simultaneously hilarious and jarring. I even made a meme:
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I keep forgetting that Dedue returns at the beginning of this chapter instead of the end. It's so inspiring~ I had him classed as a Warrior before he left, and he was about 5 levels behind (yikes) but he survived well enough. With the power of Byleth's healing and exp gain, he caught up quickly enough.
For this battle, our main force went up the middle, and Byleth and Dimitri went on a magical bridge adventure on the side. Even though I re-learned the hard way that I AM NOT A FRONTLINER at the start of the timeskip, I believed erroneously that Byleth would be okay over there. I am not ashamed to admit that I had to pull out the Sword of the Creator to end that shit sooner than otherwise.
Paralogue: Dummy Thicc Thickets:
Sometimes I forget that not every battle requires you to kill every last one of them rout the enemy. Sometimes the battle objective is to defeat the commanders.
This is not a battle I forgot that in.
So, uh, Marianne was about level 9 when we started this one. The rest of the roster was mostly mid-high 30s? With Dancer Flayn creeping up the highest around 39. With the power of torches, some trial and error (and Divine Pulse Intervention--thanks Sothis), thicc thickets (40% cover is #blessed), and aggressive Striding, we gunned it for Maurice and beat the absolute shit out of him before he could so much as protest.
Thicket is love. Thicket is life.
And Marianne gained a single level casting Physic. *tiny sad low exp gain flags*
Worst Class Reunion in History:
I learned from the last times I did this map. Hahaha. With all students recruited, Gronder was monumentally easier. And I can't speak for Golden Deer players, but for Blue Lions, I'm telling you: avoid the center hill. The not-Bernie archer could not do enough meaningful damage to anyone I put in their range, and most importantly, it gave us much-needed distance from Claude's disgusting wyvern range.
I like to see the special dialogue, so I went out of my way to send Dimitri to fight Edelgard. This is probably one of the most chilling interactions between the two of them. Holy cats does Chris Hackney deliver this shit.
Gronder is such an intense and important battle, and I wish so hard it was executed just a little better. The pieces are all there, but some don't fit together correctly, or create discord between story and gameplay. I have never quite understood why the Alliance chooses to so aggressively attack when my Kingdom intentionally stays out of their way. If the battlefield were covered in actual fog, it might make more sense (though SOTHIS it would be a NIGHTMARE). Instead, Claude comes off as capricious, not as a "Master Tactician."
But with some suspension of disbelief, Gronder still packs an emotional punch. And hot fucking damn, Chris Hackney's voice acting. The cutscene after Gronder is some of the most intense and moving shit in the game. The way his fucking voice cracks at, "But you seem to have all the answers, Professor," is utterly destroying. I love the Blue Lions for many reasons, but I'd recommend it just to get to this scene alone. It is beautiful and humbling.
Paralogue: One Big Turtle:
Hey did you know that Lethality procs off Gambits, too? Because that was an absolute delight to learn.
I almost didn't do this paralogue because of the FOG and Leonie and Linhardt being so low-leveled like anyone not on the A-team, but this was really the only chance I was going to get to fight a 3x3 beast on Blue Lions, so my curiosity won out. Plus, the dialogue in the cutscene leading up to this is some of my favorite. It is really a shame that Linhardt and Leonie don't have more dialogue/supports.
With enough torches, this level is reasonable, and fighting The Immovable was fun! Probably as much fun for me as it was for him. And I finally took Flayn to fight a Saint, which is a riot.
"Oh, hey, Cethleann!"
Next Update: Bernie/Petra Paralogue, Retaking Fhirdiad, Ferdie/Lysithea Paralogue, and Saving Claude!
Roster (post Saint-smacking):
To see the class progression, please check my earlier updates! It's a lot of text to repost 😭
Unit: Class (Most Used Weapons)
Byleth: Enlightened One (Brawl and Faith)
Dimitri: Great Lord (Lances)
Dedue: Wyvern Lord (Axes)
Ashe: Bow Knight (Bows) duh
Ingrid: Holy Knight (Lances, Faith)
Annette: Mortal Savant (Levin Sword+, Reason)
Sylvain: Mortal Savant (Burn until we meet again Reason)
Flayn: Dancer (Levin Sword+)
Felix: Warmaster (PUNCH!)
Gilbert: Great Knight (Axes, Lances)
Caspar: Wyvern Lord (Axes)
Hilda: Falcon Knight (Lance's, Axes)
You Two Should Kiss! (Intended Pairings):
• Sylvain and Felix
• Ashe and Ingrid
• Mercedes and Annette
• Flayn and Dedue
• Caspar and Hilda
• Dorothea and Petra
• Ferdinand and Manuela
• Catherine and Shamir
• Hanneman and Lysithea (thankfully not romantic)
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voidfirenate · 8 years
Sleep When You're dead... Again
I feel my eye drift close as I lean against the Shroud tree. The weather was warm, with sunshine touching the ground in patches as it poked through the forest canopy. How many times... have I just slept here when I was younger? Thanaliel would curl up to my right while Kelandra took my left. My small family, even if it was for a short while but the longer I lay here the more I remember. Now Kelan's off adventuring, haven't heard from her in moons, and Than... My heart squeezes so hard in pain, I have to my chest with my hand. Was it anger? Fear? Sorrow? What emotion could describe this awful feeling... I know them all and one I hate the most powers through.... Longing. My tired mind may be playing tricks on me but right now the urge to run to my brother is strong. A habit I've had since we were little. When I feel... off, I'd go to him. We'd laugh or fight and sometimes, admittedly, cry together till all felt right again. He had a way for making you relax by just listening. I sigh as a stream of water escapes my eye, "Damn it...." I wipe the tears away cursing my weakness. "Are you crying Missir Castor?" A soft, concerned voice says and I recognized it quickly. "No, L' nautica. Just yawned an my eyes did this weird watering thing. It. Was. Craaazy." Over dramatizing things, makes the little miqote girl laugh and forget what she saw. Bonding over, she flops down beside me grinning from ear to ear. "Good. Cause if Missir is sad, we all sad right guys?" She says as several more children wander up to them. Shirts out stretched to carry the bundle of berries they've picked. "Yea!" A few shout while the others wander up to me, offering me some of their treasure. "For me? You shouldn't have- mmmm mm these are the best I've ever eaten! So goood!" Make a few faces as I eat a handful of gods know what, sending many into fits of giggles. Finally we get down to what they really want from me. "Play us another song! Pleeeeease!" They squeal making the only option is to oblige. I sigh pulling out my beat up fiddle and strum an up beat yet simple tune I heard when I lived in Gridania They cheer, grabbing hands an dance around. Some make up their own moves looking like flopping fish others are surprisingly well a tuned to the beat. I laugh as the youngest one, a elezen boy, walks up an tugs on my lieutenants coat. I grin down at him before pausing the song a beat to poke him with the wand. He giggles an suddenly periodic a pauses become a part of the tune, and the pokes target different children filling the air with laughter and music. I relax immensely, only tensing when a hand touched my arm a little our of the kids reach. Turning my head, I release an easy breathe as a familiar woman smiles to me. She grayed an a bit hunched but still has the echo of beauty with the gentle eyes and warm smile. "Thanks again Dimitri. The orphans need this little bit of joy, I just sorry you have to stop you work for the Adders to endulge them..." Her face falls and I don't like it, cause it make her look sickly an weak when this woman is anything but. I poke her this time with the wand, grinning as she looked to me in surprise. "I get the work done, so that's all that matters. Now let's see those ole bones move!" I strike up another tune even though my hands ache from playing so much. The kids cheer, running over to be her dance partner. Soon there's a circle of many moving in the forest, dancing and singing. The paperwork I'll have to do later tonight... probably won't get to sleep again but to be fair... this is worth every bit of it.
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