#dimitri: ....? šŸ„° thank you felix
unxpctedlygreat Ā· 2 years
Picturing Rodrigue grimacing as he eats something sweet and bby Felix next to him making that same grimace but exaggerated as kids do, and Mama Fraldarius is just fondly thinking Like father, like son!
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silversdragonemporium Ā· 4 months
I love tactical games and started playing diofield chronicleā€¦ The whole premise feels insanely Faerghus codedā€¦ Iā€™d recommend it if you like tactical games and feel to answer the question: What would had happened if Dimitri died in Duscur as a child and Lambert survived.
They even have their own ā€œblue lionsā€ as a mercenary group / knight order.
Also what would Felix, Deudue and Sylvain do if they were tasked to pick the pieces after Dimitriā€™s death.
Also everyone is a selfish asshole and the story feels like a car crash you cannot stop watching. The art is gorgeous tho.
Oooh! I had heard of Unicorn Overlord, but I hadnā€™t heard of Diofield Chronicle! Iā€™ll definitely give it a look, maybe play a demo if thereā€™s anyā€¦ it seems to be made by Square, so if they handled it half as awesomely as Triangle Strategy, weā€™re cookinā€™ with gasā€¦. Thank you Anon! šŸ„°
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fe-fictions Ā· 2 years
Hi there!
You have the most beautiful writing style I ever read! If you havenā€™t write it may I request a jealous Felix, sylvain and Dimitri?
Thank you soooooo much šŸ„°
Dimitri: Jealous Dimitri is a monster. He tries to conduct himself as a proper king should, but itā€™s clear that when heā€™s feeling neglected, it sours his mood.
The more times he sees you sparring with Felix or working on some other project with another man besides himselfā€¦gods, it does twist his heart up with jealousy.
The time you share is so precious now, and the months drag on so long in between your visits to Faerghus, and he to the monastery.
Why on earth should he be sitting there, letting you frolic with other Lions when he hasnā€™t even had a chance to spend time with you all day?!
Heā€™s an absolute terror throughout the day, without a doubt. His glares are sharp and blood curdling, his words blunt and cruel depending on who speaks with him (men who have had a chance to take you away for a few minutes get the worst of it).
He accidentally rips apart both training dummies and weapons in the yard, and heā€™s unable to hold a quill for more than a second before theyā€™re snapped mercilessly into pieces.
The jealous rage is only placated when you come to bed early that night, suspecting that heā€™s been behaving poorly without your presence.
Seeing how he suddenly becomes bashful when you gently prod him about this change of his, you realize that he was indeed in a foul mood all day.
Nothing that quiet reassurances and a flurry of soft kisses canā€™t fix.
ā€¦Well, soft kisses that very quickly turn into something much more possessive and lovemark-y once the two of you have fallen into the bed.
His mood is notably improved the next day.
Felix: Heā€™s already the most sour and angsty Lion there is outside of Dimitri during the war. The only difference is that he maintains that negative attitude that no one can really handle except for his wife.
Although, thatā€™s only because he completely softens whenever you step into the room and give him that warm smile only meant for his eyes.
The biggest issue with that soothing touch is that you arenā€™t around to give it! Youā€™re off gallivanting with Sylvain and Ashe, doing some sort of important stuff with them that has something to do with the monastery and- honestly, when you said youā€™d need to spend time with those louts, he found himself unable to pay anymore attention.
So naturally, heā€™s pouting throughout the day. He mostly keeps to himself, but the loud sighs, annoyed cursing and the loud shifting/slamming of things around the dukeā€™s manor is impossible to ignore.
Whenever somebody tries to see if heā€™s okay, or if he needs something, theyā€™re met with a deadly, cold glare that send most people away instantly.
Itā€™s odd, considering most would think Felix to be more explosive in his jealous outbursts, but it turns out heā€™s a little more passive-aggressive now that he doesnā€™t have war raging in the background, exacerbating his stress.
Itā€™s pretty clear that when you return, though, he makes sure that youā€™re aware how much he missed you. Possibly because of all heā€™s been through, heā€™s surprisingly clingy when you come back to him.
If you come to his office, heā€™s pulling you onto his lap while heā€™s finishing his work, listening to you tell him about all the pointless stuff you did with the other Lions.
When youā€™re eating together, heā€™s holdingyour hand under the table, and when youā€™re off to take a bath before bed, you can bet your ass heā€™s going in there with you.
Mostly to make sure he scrubs off any unnecessary touches from Sylvain (of which there are many, of course).
The final touch is bedtime; heā€™s got you snug in his arms and flush to his chest. He hasnā€™t had his hands on you all day, after all! What else was he supposed to do? Not cuddle up with you?
Naturally you give him plenty of teasing for his possessiveness and his jealousy.Ā 
Itā€™s deserved, but he does still glare at you for it.
Sylvain: The man is much more reserved about his jealousy, though itā€™s pretty clear heā€™s not happy that he has to let you spend all your time with Dimitri for a week. The king needs to borrow his wife, the Archbishop, and thereā€™s no telling what kind of hijinks the two of you were going to get up to without him.
He tries his best to keep himself busy, but when he hears about all the fun youā€™re having without him, routing bandits and clearing out territory that the Adrestians still had a weak hold on.
All that means though, is that heā€™s stuck listening to reports and reading little letters youā€™re able to send his way, but he doesnā€™t really care about it.
His questions revolve more around what Dimitriā€™s up to while youā€™re with him. It was pretty clear that he had a crush on you a long time ago, though it was clear Sylvain had much stronger feelings that just had to be acted on.
He was not a paranoid or self-conscious person, butā€¦he couldnā€™t help but be a little worried if Dimitri wanted to try anything.
After all, the two of you were all alone. What was he supposed to think? What if he tried to do something he shouldnā€™t do, or told you something that would make you reconsider your husband of two years?
He would eventually pull himself back together, since he knew full well he was just being melodramatic.
Sylvain trusted you more than anyone he knew, and he did love you so very dearly. It was no big deal, and that nothing terrible would come of you spending time with the king.
Maybe it was because he loved you so much that he just wanted to lie down and sulk without you around; whenever you were gone, it did feel like ther ewas nothing to get done.
Youā€™d been talking about children in the near future, so maybe that would help keep him rfom falling into a jealous blob of sadness whenever you left; but for now, he would simply sulk, push his food around, and stare wistfully out the windows and hope some other Farghus casanova didnā€™t steal you away.
Of course, that never happens; you return home after a week, breathless and brightly smiling from the thrill of returning to a proper battlefield.Ā 
Nothing makes you happier than falling into the arms of your husband, who simply canā€™t go a second without peppering you with kisses from head to toe. He squeezes you tightly and laughs, telling you how happy he is that youā€™re home and how much he missed you.
He does try to joke about Dimitri trying to win you over, but you quirk an eyebrow and tease him about possibly being jealous. He brushes it off with a huff and a blush (which is an admission of guilt if youā€™d ever seen one).
So you plan to take a few days off to recover, spending them all with your sweet Sylvainiiiiiiiii to reassure his jealous little goblin in his heart that heā€™s all you need.
At least, until you reveal the pregnancy to him about a month later. Though Sylvain seems to make an exception to your ā€œsharing attention with anyone elseā€ rule for the little pink-faced bundle that would soon enter your lives.Ā 
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talesfromaurea Ā· 2 years
Hey! How're you?<3 Megalosaurus and Deinonychus if you want!!
Hi, friend!! I'm doing well, I hope you can say the same šŸ„°
Megalosaurus -share an scene that begins a chapter/story arc/etc
This is the beginning of Session 7, which is the proper start of Arc 2 (Saara <3 <3)
Kaja stepped back, bracing herself as Saara rushed towards her with open arms. Within moments, both girls were in a heap on the ground, smiling and giggling. It had been over two months since they had last seen Saara and, while the pure, childhood joy she had displayed in the memory crystals was gone, she had still come a long way from the traumatized girl they had pulled from the burning ruins of her home. She had put on weight and her voluminous curls were newly styled into two puffs behind her slightly pointed ears, and it was the first time the companions had seen her smile in person.
Jo watched with a soft gaze as Kaja and Saara shared excited whispers with one another. Ever since they had left Aurea, Dimitri kept them moving ever northward at a brisk pace. So it had surprised Jo when he easily agreed to a stop in Barsicum for Kaja to visit Saara. She had expected him to refuse, citing time constraints, or at the very least hesitate and have to think it over. But Dimitri had immediately acquiesced, without any resistance or follow up questions.
ā€œSaara wants to show me the market,ā€ Kaja said. ā€œCan we go?ā€
Jo shook her head. ā€œI donā€™t know, Kaja, I donā€™t think weā€™ll have time for that.ā€ The girlsā€™ faces fell in unison.
ā€œDonā€™t hurry off on my account,ā€ Dimitri said. ā€œI was just about to leave to attend to some urgent business.ā€
ā€œUrgent business?ā€
ā€œYes, what do you say we meet back here tonight?ā€
Jo eyed him suspiciously. This ā€œurgent businessā€ must have been the reason he agreed to stopping in Barsicum so readily. ā€œIf you insist.ā€
ā€œI do.ā€ Dimitri flashed a rakish smile, then headed back down the road towards the inner city.
ā€œSo we can go to the market?ā€ Kaja asked hopefully.
DeinonychusĀ - share a scene with banter
Not sure if banter, per se, but here we go!
ā€œThe nameā€™s Felix,ā€ the man said nonchalantly, the knives disappearing into their hidden sheathes. ā€œAnd it was the only way to motivate you to fight them. It worked, didnā€™t itā€”ugh!ā€ He let out a gasp as Jo grabbed him by the lapel and lifted him clean into the air, slamming him against the brick siding of the divination building.
ā€œYou better start talking faster,ā€ she said. ā€œIā€™m not a very patient person. Were you following us?ā€
ā€œNo, not really,ā€ Felix replied, wincing. ā€œWell maybe,ā€ he amended when Jo pressed on his chest harder. ā€œI overheard your conversation about the professor and realized that our goals are aligned. I came to offer you a deal.ā€
ā€œA deal?ā€ Sakrattars asked with suspicion.
ā€œYou werenā€™t lying when you told the guards you had been away, right?ā€ Felix said. ā€œI can tell. Let me give you a bit of friendly advice: these days ā€˜questioningā€™ never leads to anything good, especially for someone in your position. Youā€™re welcome, by the way,ā€ he added indignantly. When the only thanks he received was a tightening of Joā€™s grip, he quickly continued. ā€œHey, why donā€™t we take this someplace more private? We donā€™t know when theyā€™ll wake up and ruin our night together.ā€ He jerked his head towards the knocked out guards. ā€œI know a place. Do you trust me?ā€
ā€œNo,ā€ Jo said flatly. The others stared up at him with hard eyes.
Felix sighed. ā€œYou folks arenā€™t very nice, are you? Iā€™ve done nothing but help you and this is how you treat me.ā€
ā€œHelp us? The Imperial guards are going to be hunting us down now because of you.ā€ Sakrattars scoffed.
Felix shrugged, completely unbothered. ā€œSeems like everyone is on their list these days, youā€™re not special. Besides,ā€ he cast Sakrattars a sly glance, ā€œyou did break into the divination building illegally. Thatā€™s on you, babe.ā€
Thanks for the ask!
Dino Ask Game (will be reciprocating asks for folks who want to participate)
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kimium Ā· 3 years
Hey friend! Just a reminder that your writing is amazing and I love you very much!
Please take this opportunity to ramble about whichever OTP/OT3/etc. is currently on your mind and what you like most about them; you know I love hearing itšŸ„°šŸ’œ
Thank you so much friend!! You're so wonderful and kind! I love you a ton too!
Oh! That's quite the open order. You're giving me a lot of freedom... too much freedom...
If you asked me this a week ago I probably would have talked about Lawlight. I still sort of want to, perhaps later if directly prompted. However, in honour of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer I'm going to talk about my favourite 3H ship, Sylvix.
Here we go.
- First, they're childhood friends. If anyone knows me they'll know that childhood best friends to lovers is my Favourite Trope of All Time.
-Also, I imagine Sylvain as bi/pansexual. What Felix's orientation is, I'm not sure. I don't have a solid HC.
-In my mind they first meet on a warm sunny day. Sylvain is sitting outside, staring at the field, watching the guards and servants amble around in Frantic Mode. Duke Fraldarius, majority of House Galatea, and The King(TM) are coming to visit.
Sylvain doesn't care. His face is smarting from his brother's punch. His ears are ringing from his brother's verbal abuse. All he wants is to be left alone and have his brother love him back. (Why doesn't he love him? What can Sylvain do to make his brother be a brother and not his tormentor?)
That all changes when the carriages pull up. Duke Fraldarius and what seems like the Entirety of the Kingdom's Soldiers (at least to Sylvain) arrive. There is fanfare and his mother all but drags him to the front of the estate, hastily attempting to clean him up. ("You're the next Margrave, Sylvain," she tuts. "You need to start acting and looking the part!" Sylvain is only a child??)
Still Sylvain is at the age where he wants to please his parents so he follows along. His father says a bunch of words that just sound like a jumbled mess of Trying Too Hard to be Nice to a stern man with dark hair and a blond man with warm eyes. (Later, Sylvain will also remember his smile. How full and compassionate it was.)
However, in the moment all Sylvain can see are the three boys standing awkwardly on the side in a small huddle. One of them is his brother's age and that immediately makes Sylvain distrust him. (Once again later, when Sylvain meets Glenn properly he is ashamed he even considered distrust an option.) The other two are around his age or younger than him? (Sylvain isn't good at judging ages unless it's obvious.) The smallest one has dark hair and is clearly Glenn's brother. But the blond kid is easiest the place. That's Prince Dimitri.
(He'll meet Ingrid a couple hours later and that's an entire story in itself.)
-The four of them have a lot of fun playing, Glenn usually preferring to referee or laze about watching them. Felix is quiet around Sylvain, clings more to Glenn, and is still a crybaby. When Felix cries to Sylvain for the first time Sylvain's heart warms. The feeling of helping someone through their suffering carries in Sylvain's heart for years, warming him on cold nights. It's the first time Sylvain wants to protect someone not his family. It's also the beginning of his crush.
-The first time Sylvain realizes he's in love with Felix is when he's out flirting trying to numb himself. (His parents' view of him, how he's just a prized cow, the Crest system, how his brother has been disowned and left hating everyone including him, how Ingrid is still grieving and angry over Glenn's death, Felix's bitterness, and Dimitri a shadow of himself. Sylvain tells himself none of this matters. It matters a lot.) He's getting drunk and allowing girls to get close to him (there is a lot of touching) when a dark haired person comes up to him. Really, the only thing that links her to Felix is her dark hair but suddenly Sylvain's heart stutters in his chest.
But Sylvain ignores it because he's supposed to be Margrave Gautier. He has to marry a girl (preferably a "good" girl who will bear him children with Crests). It's a bitter truth that Sylvain forces himself to swallow every day. Soon his reputation as a "playboy" starts both as a way to punish himself but to also cruelly test the girls. They just want him for his body so why can't he do the same to them?
-I like to believe things slowly start to change when he enrolls in the academy. Of course that's not true. Sylvain remains his flirty self, putting on a cheerful, playboy act. But it's different because now he has to face Felix every day. Felix, who grew leaner, sharper, and beautiful. (The first time Sylvain sees Felix with his hair up he has to Excuse Himself and have a Bisexual Panic.) Felix who is also meaner and crueler to Dimitri.
-The first time he hears Felix truly insult Dimitri with all his anger and poison Sylvain's heart breaks inside. Where did the soft, crybaby Felix he once knew go? (Perhaps he died and was buried along side Glenn.)
-But beyond that, Sylvain tries to ignore the ache in his heart. He acts friendly with Felix, tries sparring with him. It sometimes ends with harsh words in his face. Sometimes it ends with both of them yelling at one another. (How can Sylvain get across to Felix that he cares for him?) Their arguments vary but the most explosive ones are about 1) Dimitri and 2) Sylvain's flirty habits. Sylvain thinks Felix has no leg to stand on. He's the one being mean to Dimitri. Sylvain has the right to call him out. Also, why does Felix care about who he sleeps with? (Answer: Felix cares so much about Sylvain. Sylvain has invaded his life since moment one and it's all that Felix has thought about for years. Everything about Sylvain haunts him. Especially in his dreams.)
-They share their first kiss after an argument turned spar. Sylvain is on the ground and Felix is on top of him. They're panting and angry. Sylvain tries to buck Felix off. Felix steadies himself but falls closer to Sylvain. It's a clichƩ move found in the stories about knights Ingrid and Ashe love. Sylvain doesn't think. He kisses Felix. It's a messy, wet, harsh kiss. Too much teeth at first. Then, not enough tongue. It's too long. It's too short.
-And so begins what Ingrid dubs later "both were idiots for not sharing their true feelings earlier" period. Sylvain and Felix become intimate in the way of "we both like one another but we're too stubborn to talk our feelings out". It's a lot of pining, back and forth, and thinking "this is as good as I'm going to get" / "he'll leave me for someone else when it's convenient".
-That changes when Edelgard declares war and Dimitri is framed. Soon after Dimitri's "execution" there isn't time for Sylvain or Felix to talk things out. They're busy with a million other things. Not that this stops them from meeting up in the dead of night to kiss and strip one another in frantic, desperate motions.
-If we assume this is the AM route then once Byleth returns and gathers everyone together Sylvain and Felix are forced (instigated by Ingrid, followed through by Byleth) to talk about their feelings. It's messy but like their first kiss they make out after an intense spar and officially become a couple.
-Sylvain's parents are... less than happy but what can they say? He's publicly courting Duke Fraldarius. Meanwhile Rodrigue is just happy his son is with someone who softens him.
-There are some hard moments, particularly when Rodrigue dies. Felix may have a complicated relationship with his father but he did love him.
-If this is VW route then I like to believe that Sylvain and Felix were recruited and join up with Claude. Again, since I believe in the power of Ingrid and Byleth joining forces they get together the same way as in AM. Though this time Rodrigue doesn't die so he can enjoy watching his son marry and be happy. (Also I like to believe Dimitri did not die in VW route ahaha. Denial.)
-We Don't Talk About CF route. Not here. (Because I don't believe Felix or Sylvain would abandon Dimitri for Edelgard and so perhaps they fulfil their promise a bit too early T_T)
-Felix and Sylvain marry after the war. They want it a secret affair but... Dimitri has to be present only because if they married without him to officiate it he'd Cry. Ingrid is there because if they married without her she'd murder them. Ashe is there because no one wants to disappoint Ashe. Dedue is there because Dimitri is there. Mercedes is there because she knows all and figured them out. Annette is there because Mercedes is there and Felix cannot live with himself if he makes Annette cry. So basically all of the BL are there.
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claudemblems Ā· 3 years
My turn friend! I would put you in blue lions, I think you would be like, part of the Faerghus childhood friends group! Taking this into account, Dimitri would probably have a very important place in his heart for you! You have been with him through so much, so he really appreciates you and how comprehensive you are. I like the idea of you being a falcon knight, idk why! You probably trained with Ingrid many years ago! And your weapon could be a lance/sword maybe? Although I kinda agree with the other anon that you would probably be more of a gremory but falcon knight also seems good! Finally, i'm sure your most important supports would be with Sylvain, Felix, Ingrid and Dimitri, since you have known them for so long, but Yuri also seems like a good fit! He once saw you giving food to some kids from abyss and you piqued his interest ever since! I also think mercedes and marianne would have cute supports with you! And for your ending... you would marry either Dimitri or Felix, i'm sure. I'm more bias to Felix since he has probably had a crush on you since childhood, so he proposes and you two either settle in a small house after he renounces his title, or you become duchess fraldarius!
ā€“Jean's wife anon
I AM CRYING AT THIS AAAA IT'S SO CUTE šŸ„ŗ I rlly think I'd fit well with the Blue Lions because I value all those knightly qualities like being noble or loyal, and also Ingrid just needs another girl to chill with. She deals with too much being around those boys šŸ˜‚ AND YURI??? YES??? I would be so honored if he wanted to be friends with me omg šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ And I'd LOVE to be friends with Mercedes and Marianne. I'm not as sweet and wholesome as they are, but I feel like I share a lot of the same qualities as them <3
Honestly I feel like somehow I could mesh well with Felix or Dimitri so I'm very pleased with this answer šŸ„° But if Felix had a crush on me since forever I think my heart would give out. Would marry him without hesitation. We can live in a small house and I can write books and we can train together šŸ˜ Okay this is turning into too much of a self insert LOL but THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS <333 IT MAKES ME TOO HAPPY
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faerghusfour Ā· 4 years
hi just wanted to say that i really liked ur bikini hcs for felix and dimitri! you did a good job with characterization and also made me feel šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° i also wanted to ask if your requests are still open and perhaps if you have any rules for requesting? (iā€™m new to your blog so i apologize if youā€™ve posted it before and iā€™m making you repeat yourself ahsjsj)
hewwo!!! no worries at all and im glad you liked the headcanons!!! my requests are always open and the rules are here!
im busy with uni so depending on the request it might be a bit of a slow turnaround but with break coming up i should be able to get through requests!!
kiss kiss smooch smooch thanks for the love
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