#dining scarf
smittenskitten · 1 year
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natalinaofficial · 9 months
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spaciebabie · 2 years
i rlly was freaked out abt this school year n i got ta my first two classes n everything was fine lmao.
we started integrating in calc 2 taday n all of the sudden the numbers n math flew back into my brain omg i forgot how much i love doing this
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tacticalprincess · 3 months
i just know könig is a munch ughhhh i need him so bad… and not even in that way (because we all know he eats pussy likes he’s starving) but also just in general. given his height and activity level, he’d need a lot more food than the average person. like by far. just to maintain his physique. he scarfs down every meal like it’s his last, which is why restaurant dining with him is always hardly romantic. he’s moaning and groaning into the food and it’s so embarrassing but at least the waitress doesn’t have to ask how the food is, they can tell by looking at him :/ you watch him finish burgers the size of your head in 4 bites. he’s constantly finishing your food for you no matter how much is left. you’re convinced that 99% of the military fund is being used to feed him specifically.
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januaryembrs · 10 months
MAGIC BROWNIE | Eddie Munson x Sunshine!Reader
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Description: Sunshine girl accidentally eats one of Eddie’s “Magic Brownies” and he takes care of his baked girlfriend.
Word count: 3.3k
Trigger Warnings: weed obviously, accidental drug usage, quick mention of child neglect when talking about Eddie as a kid not eating enough. Reader gets undressed but no sex (eddie has a horny thought however)
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This was not how he had expected their day to go. She loved baking for him and Wayne, loved making sure her scrawny, lanky boyfriend was fed, and boy could he eat. Wayne swore he had the stomach(s) of a cow. Any food left on his plate? Give it to Eds. Food ready to go out of date? Nope, Eds is already scarfing it down. Weekly food shop was just brought in? Munson is dining like a king before the fridge door is even open.
Maybe it was from when he lived with his dad and he would forget to feed the little, jet black haired boy for days on end and he would have to be given half his teacher’s lunch when they saw how gaunt he was through his mop of curls. Maybe he had yet to adjust to the idea that he would still have food without storing it for winter like a damn bear, either way she never dared to think about her sweet Eds and his kind uncle going hungry on weeks when money was tight.
But when dessert became an option, Eddie’s sweet tooth was in heaven.
They had the house to themselves on Sundays; Wayne was always pulling doubles on a weekend to make up the extra cash, the garage was always busiest then. They already had leftovers from last night to sort them for the evening, so what else better than to cook than a thick tray of rich brownies she’d practised not even a week earlier.
Unbeknownst to her, Eddie had done his own kind of baking.
“Okay, be there for seven,” He said into the corded phone, biting at his nail as he thought. Nodding to himself, before remembering they couldn’t see him, he hummed a goodbye and hung up the phone.
“Who was that?” She asked, emerging from the loo with freshly wet hands, wiping them on her jeans as she tied the pretty little pink apron around her waist again. Watching her lean down to open the oven door, he smiled to himself, handing her the matching oven mitts.
“No one,” He muttered, shamelessly watching her ass as she bent down to pick out the hot tray, “Just got a package to drop off later,”
“What, like to the post office?” She asked, her eyes flicking to him innocently, shoving the pan out for him to smell.
Smiling toothily at her, as if he knew a secret she didn’t, he kissed her forehead sweetly. “Where else would I take a package, sweet girl?” He murmured, before shoving his finger in the centre of the chocolatey goodness with a childish raspberry blown through his cherry lips.
Hissing when his finger met the hot sugar in the centre, he shoved the digit into his mouth with a groan of delight and pain.
“It’s still hot, honey,” She scolded, putting the tray onto the side to assist the frowning boy.
“You’re still hot, baby,” He said, his words distorted by his finger being in the way of his tongue. Pulling it from his mouth, she inspected the spit covered skin carefully, seeing where it raised red slightly.
Giggling at his words, she kissed the tip gently, unaware of the way his eyes seemed to follow the way her mouth pressed to his burn so carefully, feeling his tummy shiver at his girlfriend's pure actions.
“Feel better Eds?” She asked, looking up at him with hopeful eyes, his tongue going dry immediately. His chin bobbed for a second, scrambling for words, before he nodded wordlessly, turning away from her before she could see the way his cheeks blazed a rosy heat of their own.
“Um, I just gotta-” He stammered, heading for his room as she pulled out a sharp knife to cut the slab into segments. His mouth was dry as he dug out the brownies he’d made himself two days prior, though these weren’t as chocolatey as his sweet girlfriend’s and more rammed to high (ha) heavens full of weed.
Did he prefer the taste of hers? Yes, any day of the week she was an amazing cook. Had he burnt the top and left a thick crust whilst somehow managing to undercook the middle? Yes, though he was still at odds with himself just how he’d done so. But were his little gooey creations going to see him and Wayne through two weeks of rent? Absolutely.
Dashing back to the kitchen with the blue tupperware under his arm, he stopped long enough to see her transferring them into some kitchen paper inside her own container, her fingers gentle enough to carve ice let alone handle confectionery.
“I’ll be right back, just gotta take care of some things. How about I swing by Family Video on the way back and rent us The Shining?” He asked, a large, scuffed hand coming up to her face to cup her cheek, brushing away the flour that dusted her eyebrow.
She scrunched up her nose, but kept his doe gaze nevertheless, big, Bambi browns staring down at her, entranced.
“I dunno, Eds. I like those films but they always make me wanna puke afterwards,” She said, lips twisting in disgust, “Plus I get kinda scared when Wayne’s not home anyway, I don’t wanna be thinking of crazy axe wielders. Hawkins is crazy enough as it is,”
Putting the tupperware on the side, next to her pretty pink one, he took her warm cheeks in his grasp and tugged her face closer.
“Which is where I come and hold your hair back and protect you from the intruders, silly girl,” He asked, a kiss going to the tip of her nose, “What does my lady want instead then? Gremlins?” Another to her forehead, “The Lost Boys?” There goes another to her chin of all places, “Labyrinth? Come on, I know you have the hots for Bowie as a Goblin King ya’ little freak,” He blew a raspberry on the apple of her cheek, a big wet kiss following it.
Giggling some more and shoving him away, rubbing her face on her shoulder, “How about E.T?” She asked, her hands coming to rest on his wrists.
He stilled, eyes wide with his own grimace. “E.T? Now that’s a scary movie,” He said, watching his girlfriend roll her eyes and smirk, “I’m serious. That wrinkly mother fucker gave me nightmares, with his extendable neck and his weird eyes and shit-”
“Alright, alright, Labyrinth it is.” She conceded, leaning on her toes to kiss him sweetly on the mouth, “I’ll still need you to hold my hand all night, alright Goblin King?” She asked, watching his cheeks flush as she leaned in closer to him, “Movie night rules, unfortunately,”
He couldn’t remember if he’d said anything, just that his mouth had moved in some kind of agreeing motion, his eyes trained on the way she licked her pretty lips as she leaned in for another kiss. Two years together and she still had his heart hammering away behind his ribcage whenever she kissed him.
He barely remembered getting in his van with the package, its hot pink lip staring at him from the passenger seat, the thought of her shampoo smell invading his nose whenever she got so close he could see each individual pigment in her eye. He barely remembered dropping it off, other than taking the money and wishing his customer a good evening, “I know I will be,” He said under his breath, flooring it to Family Video.
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“One Goblin King and empty hand at your request, fair maiden,” Eddie said, practically tumbling through the door, his van all but ditched in the driveway. Looking around for his sweet girlfriend, he furrowed his brow when he heard not even a peep in response. Usually she would be bouncing over to him with a kiss ready on her lips made just for him, maybe even a bowl of warm, buttery popcorn if he was really lucky.
But nothing.
Twitching the curtains, he made sure her car was in the drive, and just as he’d thought, she’d not left. So where in hell's gates was she?
“Baby?” He called through the small trailer, his panic starting to set in. Surely an intruder would have taken jewellery or money, not a whole woman for christ sakes. Maybe it was the past few years with the Lab being shut down for its dangerous radiation, or the talk of the Russian’s invading their little town, or even that Summer kids went missing from their friend’s pool party, he didn’t know. She was probably just waiting behind the door to jump out at him, or some dumb trick like that. She probably was just in his bedroom getting changed or something like that.
He had never moved through the little hallway so fast, hating how quiet it was.
His heart dropped when he saw his tiny room empty. His unmade bed that he had never seen looking smart sent him over the edge. Was there a struggle? Had his wardrobe door always open? Of course it was, he was a master of leaving things unfinished. He’d leave a sandwich without filling if he wasn’t always so damn hungry. No, he was being silly. There was nothing off about his room, nothing that screamed kidnap other than the god damn silence- why was it so damn quiet-
Then he heard a creak from the bathroom, and it was like his chest took a xanax. “You in there, honey?” He called, doubling back on himself to stand outside the white door, leaning in closer to hear inside. Hearing still no response, he practically melded with the wood, cheek squished against the cold wall, “Baby?”
Nothing, nothing but slight movement from the other side.
Huffing, he reached for the handle, “I’m gonna come in, alright? I’m just checking you’re okay, I’m not a peeping Tom or anything-“
Their bathroom was tiny, was only there for usage over luxury, but it was cosy. Yet, it couldn’t have prepared Eddie for the odd sight. His girlfriend, seemingly playing with something in her hands, fully clothed in a half filled bath, her denim jeans submerged, socks still on her feet, top floating riding up to her chest with the water pressure.
Staring at the back of her head for a moment, the confusion clear on his face, he looked around for anything that could help explain the odd situation, before his eyes fell back on her.
“You alright, honey?” He asked, approaching her carefully, though it took all of one step to make it to the small, PVC tub. Her head lolled to rest against the wall, and she seemed to have only just noticed him standing there.
“Edsy!” She said, smiling dopily up at him, “I was wondering where you got off to,”
Chuckling unsurely, he rested his hand on top of her head, giving her a gentle stroke. “You alright there, Little Mermaid?”
She snorted, reaching up to show him her hands, “I was just painting my nails, see?” Except all he saw was red marker pen drawn over her fingertips, the nails more akin to a toddler coming home from preschool. Thinking she was kidding, he smirked.
“Beautiful baby-” He stopped himself, the smile dropping in an instant when he finally met her eyes. She went to look away, her hand holding the red crayola pen tightly to continue her artwork, but his hand shot out to grab her chin. “Wait, wait, wait. Look at me,” He swore he had never sounded so serious.
She blinked up at him after a moment, again as if taking a second to compute his order, and looked up at him with droopy lids. Smiling at him sweetly, his gaze locked in on her red corneas, bloodshot and absolutely baked expression.
“Baby, are you high? Did you go under my bed?” He asked seriously, turning her head to the streetlight filtering through the window to get a better look.
“Why would I do that, Eds?” She asked, her words drawling, quieting as she ended her sentence as if she hadn’t the energy to finish. “I just had a couple of the brownies I made and started feeling warm and didn’t wanna be sweaty when you got home-”
Hand flying to stroke his temple, he gently caressed his girlfriend’s face, understanding her issue. He must have taken the wrong fucking box.
“Oh baby, oh my sweet girl. I am so sorry.” Taking her head into his chest, he pressed a kiss to her parting. “I’ve spiked my own girlfriend, new fucking low Munson,”
“-ddie,” Her voice was muffled from his Hellfire shirt, “We gonna watch Jared?”
“Jareth, honey,” He sighed, looking down at his stoned girlfriend with a concealed smile. He felt guiltier than a sinner in church but god was she cute high. “Come on, let’s get you dry,”
Hoisting her out of the tub with his hands under her arms, he got her to take off her jeans and top as he held up a large bath towel as a curtain between the two of them, wanting to give her some level of privacy. Hearing her clothes hit the floor with a heavy thud, he wrapped her body with the big towel, feeling her hands in his hair as he helped her into his room, her feet shuffling obediently.
“Now the movie?” She asked, plopping herself down on the bed, her eyes lazily scanning over his walls of posters as if she wasn’t here three times a week. Digging around in his bottom draw for spare clothes, he tried to hide his snort as she nudged at his butt with her foot. “Eddie, now the movie?”
“Nearly, baby,” He said, handing her a grey shirt and boxers big enough to fit comfily on her. “Gonna get you a bit comfier first, I’ll make you some mac and cheese,”
“But I’m not hungry,” She said, tugging the shirt over her head with a whine, before flopping back, feeling dizzy, “You do the legs for me,”
“Huh?” Eddie asked, blushing when she spread her legs and gestured to him with the boxers in her hand.
“You do the legs, my head feels funny,” She mumbled, spreading her arms out on the bed, fingers digging into the fluffy duvet. He knew it was probably soft under her dulled touch.
Eddie and her had been intimate many times before. Hell, they’d had sex before they’d even reached the one month mark, but having her ask him to take her underwear off, even so innocently, had his face red as a saint.
“Alright, honey. I’m gonna make you feel better, get you some water.” He said, hoping she couldn’t feel how his hands shook as he slipped her underwear down her legs, avoiding looking at her private parts for her dignity’s sake, “And trust me you’ll want something to eat in an hour or two,”
“If you say so, Eds,” She murmured as he gently held her ankle to put her foot through the leg hole, doing the same to the other and pulling them over the meat of her thighs that had his mouth watering. Giving her knee a little kiss (he tried to stop himself, he did) he asked her to sit up a little so he could bring the underwear all the way up.
He couldn’t help give the softness of her stomach a kiss too as he rose to see how she was doing, smiling softly when he saw her sleepy eyes regard him with a little smile of her own.
“Tired?” He near whispered, stroking her warm cheeky with his knuckle gently. She shook her head, blinking harshly when it made her vision blurry.
“No, just feel funny,” She said, grabbing onto his wrist to keep his cool hands on her face, “But good funny. I think. Just funny,”
“How many did you have, baby?” He asked, holding onto her hand as she sat up, watching her head tip slightly at the movement, as if he could tell how heavy every part of her felt. He knew the stages of edible high well; he and Keith had been hooked on them in tenth grade, but his sweet girlfriend knew nothing about any of his ‘Magic Brownies’ he sold, and he’d intended to keep it that way until now.
“Two, I think. I think I had a bite of a third and I started feeling weird so I stopped. I thought I just had a lot of chocolate.” She said, head pressed against his shoulder as he led her to the kitchen, “Eddie, my feet are cold,”
“Oh, shit, your socks,” He cursed, heading towards the sofa. “I’ll fix you up, don’t worry honey,” He said, gently helping her sit down, her body all but dead weight.
She murmured something as he pulled away, and he could only give her hand a peck before he was rushing around, grabbing her things that would make her feel better. Fluffy socks to calm her, make her comfy, water for when her mouth got dry, plain tortilla chips for when she started getting hungry while he’d cook her some real food. He all but scowled at the weed confectionary as he passed it, hating the fact he had unknowingly gotten his girlfriend into such a state.
He took barely five minutes before he gently rolled the socks onto her cold feet, throwing himself back down next to her, her head lolling to look up at him through heavy lids.
“We watch Jared now?” She asked, burrowing her face into his shirt.
“We watch Jared now.” He confirmed, chuckling when he felt her try to press herself even further into him, her nose jabbing into his ribs, “What are you doing?”
“Wanna crawl inside your skin, I’m not close enough out here,” She murmured, and Eddie smiled widely down at her, pressing play on the remote.
“I’m gonna pretend that wasn’t mildly creepy, baby,” He said, his arm wrapping around her to keep her close, feeling her melt into his side, “I got you some water for when your mouth goes cottony,”
“Huh?” She said, though her eyes were zeroed in on the screen, his words a jumble in her ears. Nosing her hair line, he chuckled, kissing the tip of her ear and stroking her arm.
“Nothing, just watch your film, honey,” He said, his words a sugary glaze as he looked down at her zombie-like expression.
He had a lot of ass kissing to do in the morning.
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@greeneyedblondie44 @liadamerondjarin @pedrosgirlx @andy-rocks @musicartmayheminmyheart @howlerwolfmax @ciarra–mae @lou-la-lou
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wileys-russo · 11 days
forget me not II l.williamson x reader
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forget me not II l.williamson x reader
"only me lee!" you called out, slipping out of your coat and hanging it by the door, tugging your beanie off and running a hand through your hair. you sighed happily at the much warmer temperature in the house compared to the brutal winter wind bellowing outside.
but there was nothing that could wipe the grin off of your face, having just wrapped up your final day of your degree and handing in your final thesis, you were on top of the world.
and at that moment, leah had been determined to keep you there.
"leah?" you called out for your girlfriend, eyebrows furrowing in concern when there was nothing in return, though you could smell the orange blossom throughout the house where she'd had the diffuser on, and her car had been parked right next to yours when you pulled in.
"babe?" you yelled a little louder, unwinding your scarf and slipping off your sneakers leaving them by the door, frown deepening as you wandered further and further into your home with still no sign of the blonde to be seen.
but you melted as you rounded the corner and laid eyes upon a perfectly set dining room table, takeaway from your most treasured italian restaurant plated up beautifully with a glass of champagne poured to accompany it, an expensive looking bottle sat in a bucket of ice in the middle of the table.
you could see the food was still steaming which must have meant that-
"congratulations!" you jumped almost a foot in the air at the booming voice behind you, jolting around for a split second before leah engulfed you in a bear hug, lifting you off your feet and cheering.
"leah!" you laughed, clutching onto her shoulders as the defender spun you around and carefully placed you back down on the ground. "i am so so unbelievably proud of you." her hands fell either side of your face, palms rough and callous but her touch warm and comforting as you melted into it.
"hold that thought." leahs finger smooshed against your lips for a second as she let go and stepped away, disappearing for a moment but returning with a huge bouquet of flowers in her arms.
"oh leah, you didn't need to do all this! i'd have been happy with a takeaway and a cheap bottle of wine." you exhaled with a soft smile, leah rolling her eyes affectionately and placing your flowers down on the table.
"only the best for the best. we can get wine drunk and have a greasy chinese any day of the week my girl, but its not every day that you graduate university with top marks, honors and three job offers!" your girlfriend reminded, shaking you proudly as you threw your head back with another laugh.
"i love you." you sighed, shaking your head and wrapping your arms around her neck, her own hands settling on your hips and drawing your body closer into hers, the scent of her perfume intoxicating as you drowned in it.
"i love you, i love our life, i love our home. and i love that i don't need to fight a big dusty stack of text books for your attention anymore!" the blonde teased as you grinned, leaning in to press a few short but sweet kisses against her lips.
"i knew that was coming." you sighed with a shake of your head, leah pulling a face and nodding, stealing another kiss and moving to pull your chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit down.
"i hate when you pull my chair out for me." you reminded as leah shrugged, pushing it in and stealing another kiss. "at restaurants, you didn't say anything about at home." leah winked taking her own seat as you rolled your eyes fondly.
"to you my love!" leah raised her glass with a beaming smile across the table, a fond grin on your own as a gentle clink sounded around the kitchen.
in that moment you felt loved and supported, as leah showered you with praise and hung off your every word as she asked you question after question about your finally completed thesis and how you were feeling.
if only you'd known it wouldn't last.
leah and you met through your cousin alessia.
the pair of you both the only girls in your immediate family and only a few months apart in age you'd grown up thick as thieves, adopting one another as the sisters you weren't given, both instead having older brothers.
you only grew closer as the years flew by, you making your way across the world to visit her when she was in college in america and the two of you vacationing together time and time again in italy with your families.
when alessia moved to manchester for football and you stayed in central london you saw less of one another, but still you did your best to make it to as many of her matches as you could, never gifted with much of a sporting ability which all three of your cousins had teased you for growing up.
you'd seen leah around in passing at the international games but never really had much to do with many of your cousins teammates bar the ones you saw more often that she played with at united or on the youth teams.
you had first been properly introduced to leah on a night out, arsenal playing united meant several of the england girls were going for dinner and given you'd gone to the game and hadn't seen alessia in well over a month she'd invited you to join them.
you hadn't interacted with leah all that much that night, spending most of your time glued to your cousins side making the most of your time with her, your exams now done for the semester you were making plans with her to go to ibiza after the season wrapped up.
but unknown to you, you'd stuck with leah a little more than she had with you.
you hadn't had anything else to do with her until a couple of weeks later, you were in between lectures and desperate for a coffee which actually tasted like coffee and not something from a gas station pod machine.
so you'd ducked out to a little cafe just down the road from the university, it was a fan favourite amongst studnets and often quite busy so you weren't surprised to see all the tables occupied and people stood shoulder to shoulder awaiting their takeaways.
you'd ordered your usual and a ham and cheese croissant to snack on along the way back, moving away from the counter to wait for your order, smiling apologetically at a blonde you'd accidentally backed up into.
you assumed that would be it, off in your own world as you started to daydream, which is why you missed the girl speak to you, only zoning in once she tapped you on the shoulder and you turned toward her with a curious frown.
"sorry, what?" you blinked realizing she'd said something and you'd missed it. "i said you look really familiar, have we met before?" the stranger asked and you let out a small puff of air in amusement. "is that supposed to be a pick up line?" you questioned with a raised eyebrow as the blondes eyes widened.
"no! honestly. i would never try to pick you up-" she started but with a small scoff of offence from you her eyes widened further. "no! not that i wouldn't try to pick you up at all you're not ugly, but i wouldn't do it like that?" she cringed at herself as you hummed, turning back toward the counter and crossing your arms over your chest.
"hey no please, i'm so sorry this is all coming out wrong." the girl huffed with a shake of her head as again you only hummed and she seemed to give it up as there was a few beats of silence.
"oh! i know. you're...someones cousin." the girl seemed to light up, seemingly quite happy with herself as you threw her a side eye. "aren't we all technically someones cousin?" you questioned still facing the counter as the girl rolled her eyes.
"well yes but i swear i've seen you somewhere before." the blonde huffed in frustration and you sagged a little in relief as your name was called.
"let me guess. in your dreams?" you chuckled, stepping forward to grab your coffee and the small paper bag, good mood returning at the overwhelming scent of the croissant which was toasted, warm and calling your name.
"look. you're not unattractive but the whole 'oh i know you!' thing? it doesn't work. really, do yourself a favor and get a new tactic!" you shook your head with a slight smile, leaving the blonde gobsmacked as you moved past her and shuffled your way out of the cafe.
only if you'd just waited another thirty seconds, you'd have heard her own coffee's called out, all under the name leah.
again a couple of months passed and the coffee shop interaction disappeared from your mind, alessia laughing about it with you a week later teasing that even if you didn't date boys you couldn't avoid shitty pick up lines.
you didn't run into leah again until the very first friendly leading up to englands home euros run where they beat belgium 3-0. you'd been sat with everyone in the family and friends section, wedged between gio and your own older brother leo. the rhyming names in which you and alessia had teased them for for years.
naturally after the game and the crowd had cleared everyone was mingling with their families, and you'd been so busy laughing at alessia's brothers taking the piss out of her for having kept count of how many times she tripped over in the game you missed a familiar blonde spot you across the room.
however you were made aware of her presence around a half an hour later as your family had started to break off into groups, all headed to a local restaurant for a nice meal to celebrate alessia and everyone being together again.
"want a lift?" alessia offered twirling her keys around on her finger as she finished saying goodbye to a few of the girls. "yes but i'd also like to arrive to dinner alive." you sighed as the girl scoffed and hit you on the shoulder.
"well i'm your last option so you can walk if you'd prefer piccoli ravioli!" your cousin cooed teasingly, pinching your cheek as your eyes narrowed and you shoved her taller form away.
"alessia. you promised you'd stop calling me that." "i did, but i've changed my mind now. it brings nonna so much joy...i'd like to also feel that joy." "would you also like to feel my fist against your cheek?" "aw you're so cute, piccoli ravioli!"
"i hate you." you sighed in defeat unable to muster the energy for a proper comeback as your cousin only grinned and waved goodbye to mary over your shoulder.
exchanging goodbyes with ella and promising you'd come visit manchester soon you turned to follow after your cousin and her long legs which were already halfway across the room when there was a tap on your shoulder.
"you look really familiar. have we met before?"
"you." you realized quickly, eyes widening at the smug grin on the familiar blondes face who stood before you, clad in the same england tracksuit your cousin was wearing which could only mean one thing.
"you mean you're-" "yes i am, and you are someones cousin. alessia's!" the girl grinned victoriously as you winced a little at your previous interaction.
"told you it wasn't a pick up strategy." the blonde beamed even brighter, rocking back and forth on her heels and shoving her hands into her pockets.
"well you could have just asked!" you rolled your eyes at her smugness. "i did and you bit my head off!" the blonde huffed in defense. "i mean directly. like 'oh i think you might be related to someone i play football with'." you mocked in an attempt at her accent.
"i don't talk like that!" "thats what you took away from that?"
"well i didn't want to freak you out." the girl rolled her eyes as you snickered. "and how well did that go? i've been calling you coffee shop creeper when i tell that story, and let me tell you it gets some laughs!" your voice dripped with sarcasm but that just seemed to cause her lips to curl up into a more prominent smile.
"well then you're welcome for the ice breaker, maybe now you'll have some more success reading cues of when someone is trying to chat you up or just asking a curious question. not everyone wants to date you right off the bat, sorry for the let down." the blonde pouted though the sarcasm was obvious in her own tone.
"leah." your own response was cut short as the girl held out her hand, grin still plastered on her face and damp hair pushed to one side of your head as you sized her up for a second before sighing and exchanging your own name.
the interaction was paused as alessia yelled out for you, gesturing from the door and tapping her wrist making you scoff given she was one to talk forever the last to show up at any family event and notoriously known her lateness.
"well leah, i'm glad we cleared this up. good game!" you smiled sincerely for the first time and leah felt her stomach flip as you turned to head over to your cousin.
"wait! can i get your number?" you glanced back in surprise to the blonde who shrugged at your raised eyebrow. "only following your advice and asking directly!" leah teased with a smirk that you couldn't lie and say wasn't a little endearing.
"fine, but just so you know i will be saving your contact as coffee shop creeper."
years down the track and the coffee shop creeper charm had won you over, you were very happily in a long term relationship and a few months ago had taken the next step of moving in together.
with alessia now living in london too it meant the pair of you were near inseparable much to both leahs delight and frustration that your cousin loved to invite herself over, often interrupting date night.
you'd been by leahs side throughout her injury, sticking by her through the highs and lows, the lashing out, the icing out, the apologies and the crying and eventually, the peace and the healing.
you'd be lying if you said that despite how clearly proud of her you were, you missed having leah around as much now she was medically cleared and back fit and fighting for her beloved arsenal.
date nights were often forgotten, leah hanging back in the gym to do some extra work or to meet one on one with the physios ensuring her recovery was still right on track.
despite your own studies you made sure to be at every single game each weekend if leah was playing or not. but when she used to greet you afterwards with a bear hug and a sneaky kiss, whisking the pair of you away back home for a night of takeaway and horrendously cheesy rom coms, had disappeared as she instead spent time looking back on game footage with the head defensive coach or watching at home on her own ipad, normally requesting some space to do so.
but as always, you knew what this meant to her. football wasn't just leah's passion it was her life, and you wouldn't be the person to stand in the way of her achieving everything she wanted to and more, you were always her biggest cheerleader.
there was an international camp coming up and you knew that was her next goal, her focus narrowed down to have her name on that squad list her sole vision for the next few weeks, and of course as usual you'd been nothing but supportive of her.
but you had your own milestones incoming, your own goals to lock in on and finalizing your thesis was one of the last. leah had of course showered you with praise and attention and affection that night and you felt like things had started to slip back where they left off.
but then a few days later and again you were left sat at the dining room table alone on date night, reading a book and looking longingly over to the door awaiting the jingle of your lovers keys in its lock, but by the time it came you were long asleep in bed, leahs dinner left wrapped in cling film in the fridge, untouched and discarded by you that next morning.
as much as you put on a brave face, there was always someone who saw through any attempt at a wall you threw up for your own defense, and that was your cousin.
it had taken a little bit of clever reverse psychology and a mountain of carbs in the form of your favorite pasta dish but eventually alessia had you opening up about feelings you'd pushed down and down and down.
having known you longer and family meaning everything to alessia you knew the blonde would take your side, not that there was even an argument or 'sides' to be taken at all. but also always level headed and your go to for advice your entire life you took on board what she had to say.
she encouraged you to open up to leah and talk everything out, urging that the older girl was clearly head over heels for you and likely didn't even realise her actions were making you feel like this.
alessia cautioned that the longer you let these feelings sit the bigger chance they could begin to turn into resentment, to fester away and become much more negative, eating away at you piece by piece, the more likely that leah would continue on forward blindly, unaware of your feelings of neglect and you could both wind up hurt.
you wished you'd listened to her.
finally a week later your final hurdle arrived, your graduation.
given it was quite the extensive class you'd been apart of you only had a small handful of tickets to extend, but of course your cousin and your girlfriend had received their invitations weeks ago.
alessia had taken you out shopping a few days ago to find a dress, leah very kindly offering to come but you could see the slight grimace on her face at the thought and dismissed it with a smile, thanking her with a soft kiss for offering.
you needed to arrive earlier than your family, so alessia had texted leah the night before offering to pick her up and carpool. your girlfriend however assumed the blonde had meant a lift to training that next morning and declined, advising she would make her own way.
you'd also of course spoken about your nerves for tomorrow, leah only half listening as she studied the training footage she'd requested on her ipad, assuring everything would be fine and kissing your forehead as you hummed and settled down in bed beside her.
you were used to falling asleep first, back turned to your girlfriend as her fingers drummed away against her screen, wishing for nothing more than the nights where leah would be pressed up against you.
where she was present, involved, attentive. but again you chose not to mention it, afraid she'd take your feelings of neglect for neediness and the voices in your head warned it would mean your blonde lover would pull away even further out of reach.
it wasn't unusual for you to be up and gone when leah woke for trainings some mornings, the early bird out of the pair of you you often loved a morning run to clear your head, having long given up trying to convince your sleep loving bed hogging girlfriend to join you.
so she thought nothing of it when the time ticked by and still you hadn't returned, chalking it up to you maybe going for breakfast afterwards with a friend.
if she'd been paying attention when she raced out to her car, piece of toast hanging out of her mouth and her shoes in hand she might have noted your car was gone too.
leah was so wrapped up in training preparing for this weeks game, knowing sarina would be there to watch, she hadn't even tweaked your cousins absence, missing the flittering conversations that alessia had a family commitment.
never having her phone on her during training, leah was surprised to check it after showering to see an abundance of missed calls, messages and facetime attempts from a handful of different people.
"what the fuck?" the blonde mumbled, muttering her goodbyes to her teammates as she made her way quickly out of colney and sat down in her car, deciding to just start from the last missed call she had which was from her mum.
the girl couldn't even get a word in to ask what had happened before amanda was speaking, exhaling in relief at her daughters contact popping up on her phone.
“finally! I understand you might not have been allowed your phone for a face time during the ceremony but you better have some photos and videos to send me." amanda laughed, leahs frown only deepening but again she couldn't get a word in.
"god i bet she looked beautiful, she's such a gorgeous girl i've always said that! but now with a doctorate. oh leah did you cry? i bet your brother you'd cry!" amanda laughed as leah opened and closed her mouth in confusion.
"sorry, mum what are you on about?" leah finally managed to speak, a brief pause of silence on the other end. "fine so you didn't cry! you are a softie though bubba you can't deny me that. but i'm with your grandma so send me some photos at least to show her!" amanda encouraged as leahs eyebrows furrowed.
“sorry i'm a bit lost here. photos of what mum?” "the graduation of course, what else?" "whose graduation? you're not making any sense."
there was a few beats of silence, amanda having moved away for a moment to somewhere a bit more private.
"leah if this is a joke, it isn’t funny.” her mum warned seriously, tone shifting as leah scoffed. "of course its not a joke! i don't know what you're on about with this gradua-" but the words died in her mouth as finally things seemed to click.
"oh no no no fucking hell please no!” leah panicked, putting the phone down on her centre console as her chest tightened and her heart began to race.
"leah catherine williamson. please tell me you didn't forget your own girlfriends graduation ceremony." amanda spoke much more quietly, disbelief evident in her voice as leah fumbled around, knowing it was in here somewhere.
then she found it, the invitation.
you'd both been in the car when you'd shown it to her, leah having picked you up from a friends house where you'd had a few too many drinks for her to want you in an uber, smiling in amusement as you toddled your way down the driveway to her.
she hadn't seen you all day but the moment she'd gotten you safely in the car you'd presented her with the small slip of paper, leah's eyes widening in pride for a moment before her lips were showering every inch of your face in kisses as you'd laughed and shoved her off.
but the melodic sound of your laughter was a stark comparison to the stuffy horrendous silence which filled her car now as leah stared in both horror and disgust at the date on the paper clenched tightly in her fist.
"mum i need to go."
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flowersandbigteeth · 5 months
Your Naga Lord saves your Mother
A/N: I've had this oneshot sitting in my drafts in a while, combining some old asks
Naga Lord (Leander) x F Maid reader
Word Count: 6K
General Plot: You and your family are staff in the house of a Naga Lord. Things go sideways when your childhood friend's father falls for you mother.
W: Description of murder, yandere behavior, spitting, otherwise sfw soft yandere fluff
More SFW fics here
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“Hurry up now,” your mother said brightly as she ladled a bit of porridge into a bowl for you to eat. “Master Dervin will be cross if you're late with his breakfast.” 
Though the two of you were mere servants in the Naga Lord’s home, she always fed you first before you had to do your duties for the morning. 
She glanced up as you scarfed down your breakfast, her eyes warming as they met your father’s. 
“Good morning, my favorite ladies,” he said, kissing her and ruffling your hair. 
“Papa! I have to work!” You pouted, but he just snickered, stealing your spoon and taking a bite of your porridge. 
“Don't bother making yourself neat for that snake bastard,” he chuckled as his hands slid around your mother’s waist. 
“Charles, please. Someone might hear, and we'll be out on the street!” 
He shrugged. As you finished your meal, your mother arranged the morning dishes for the Naga family on a silver cart, taking a moment to smooth and repin your hair before you were to serve them. 
Your father was sure to spit in Dervin’s bowl when your mother looked away, making your eyebrows jump. He put a finger over his lips, winking at you. 
“I'm off to the stable,” he said, grabbing an apple as he went. “Have a nice day, my pretty girls!” 
You blinked at the contaminated bowl, wondering if you should throw it out. 
“What are you staring at?” Your mother chided, pushing the cart towards the door. “Get along; I can hear them coming down the stairs.” 
You hurriedly fixed a pleasant but distant look on your lips as you wheeled the cart into the dining room. 
“Good morning, Mr. Leander,” you said to Dervin's only son, as he was the first to enter the dining room.” 
“You’re radiant this morning as always (Y/N),” he beamed, taking his spot at the table. “but stop calling me ‘mister’ you never used to.” 
Your ears heated as you placed his breakfast in front of him. 
“It's not appropriate, sir. We were children then. You're to be the master of the house and will be married soon. I'm sure your fiancee wouldn’t appreciate-” 
He cut off your words with a sharp hand. 
“Don't speak of unpleasant things,” he grumbled. 
“Apologies, sir.” 
“Stop calling me-” 
The arrival of his mother cut off his own words. She was a lovely Naga, sharing Leander’s white hair and sapphire blue eyes. Like his, her tail was a shocking electric blue.
“Stop prattling with that servant, Leander,” she snapped. “She has work to do. You're bothering her.” 
Mrs. Elanore was not a pleasant woman, but she didn't like you servants to be harassed by the males of the house. Whether it was actual concern or jealousy, you didn't know, but your mother, especially, appreciated it. 
Dervin, her husband, took every opportunity to corner her, trying to ply her with gifts and sweet words. Your mother was having none of it, which is why you delivered their meals, not her, and why your father spit in his food. 
You nodded, thanking Elanore as you served her the tea she liked. 
“Where is that imbecile?” she muttered, referring to her husband. “There are so few things I ask of him, but he can't manage the simplest tasks. He is to arrive on time for every meal. There must be some decorum in this household! 
Her sharp blue eyes flicked to you. 
“Go get him (Y/N).” 
Leander slid in front of you like a vibrant  blue flash before you could even respond. 
“I'll go, mother. (Y/N) has her work, as you said.” 
She gave him a tight nod, and you took the opportunity to finish setting the table for their return. 
“I should fire your family,” Elanore mused. “your father would be happier, don't you think?” 
You glanced up for a moment to find her eyes traveling over your form. 
“You and your mother are too pretty to be maids,” she snorted. “You'll only cause trouble wherever you go.” 
“Our family has served yours for generations,” you muttered, scared she might put you all on the street. “My grandparents died here, and so did theirs.” 
 “Just like a human,” she hissed, baring her teeth. “Servile and obedient. You’d think you’d have found something else to do in all those years.” 
“Apologies, ma’am,” you said, looking at your shoes. 
She waved a dismissive hand at you, sipping her tea. 
“It’s in your nature. There’s nothing to be done. You and your mother are good at your jobs at least.” 
Your cheeks warmed at the backhanded compliment. It was different when Dervin or Leander complimented you. She acknowledged the skill that had been passed through generations, not how you looked. You and your mother knew how to run a house. Your masters needed structure to maintain their dignity. With little to do, they would become depressed slobs if you didn’t keep everything running efficiently.  At least, that’s what your grandmother told you. 
Slithering through the wide doorway, Dervin and Leander settled into their spots at the table, and you took your place in the corner, waiting in case one of them needed something. The two male Nagas looked very similar in their features, handsome with a strong jaw and wide shoulders, but Dervin’s hair was jet black, as were his eyes. They always appeared blank and cold, which frightened you. Elanore wasn’t warm, but her gaze reflected an expressive nature, not a monstrous stillness. 
Your eyes watched him take a bite of his breakfast, trying to hide the disgust that roiled in your stomach. 
“Where’s your mother?” he snapped after a few big bites. 
You didn’t speak at first, your eyes drifting to Elanore for permission. She answered for you. 
“She’s in the kitchen where she ought to be. The servants are my business as the Lady of the house. Don’t bother yourself with their whereabouts.” 
“I pay them,” he barked, but she ignored him, turning her attention to Leander. 
“You’re to visit Iris today, Leander. I’ve purchased a gift for you to bring your fiancee.” 
She snapped her fingers at you, and you hurried to her side to take the small package and walk it around the table to her son. 
“I don’t wish to bring her any gifts,” he snorted, not even taking the gift from your hand. “She’s not my fiancee.” 
Elanore rubbed her temples. 
“The two of you are infuriating, you know that? You have one job, Leander. You have to marry well and produce an heir.” 
She waved a finger at you. 
“You can keep your little maid as a comfort doll if you like, but you will do as I have arranged.” 
“I’m a grown man, mother. I don’t have to do anything.” 
Electricity crackled between their eyes as they engaged in a silent power struggle. You stood awkwardly to the side, still holding the gift. 
“I’m sick of this! I do my very best to advise you two idiots on the proper way to conduct yourselves, and you act like spoiled children!” 
Her tail snapped faster than you could see and struck Leander across the cheek with a crack. Blood dribbled down his pale skin, and his eyes hung on her, the warm blue turning to ice. 
“I should have never married a common husband like you,” she snarled, turning her ire toward Dervin. Vulgarity and Mediocrity are in your blood, and you’ve infected your son!” 
Dervin’s black eyes flashed. 
“My mediocre blood saved your foolish noble family from destitution. Thanks to my benevolence, you are able to live in the house your family has owned for generations. If not for me, you’d be begging on the streets, pleading with your relatives to take you in as a servant.” 
“Fools,” she snarled, picking up her tea and slithering out of the room. 
“Bring your mother to me,” Dervin demanded when she was out of earshot.
You let out a trembling breath as you thought up a lie. 
“She went into town this morning for groceries, sir,” you said, knowing he’d never lower himself to search for her in the kitchen. 
You screamed as the bowl he was eating from sailed across the room, shattering beside your head. 
“Father!” Leander shouted. 
Dervin gave him an amused but cool smirk before turning his attention to you.
“Send her to my room when she returns,” he barked and stormed out. 
You leaned against the wall, panting as you mentally checked yourself for harm. Leander’s warm hands cupped your cheeks, looking you over. 
“Did he hurt you?” he asked. 
Your gazes met, but words wouldn’t come, so you shook your head. 
“Don’t be afraid,” he said, his warm arms wrapping around you and pressing you to his chest. 
You inhaled the spicy scent of the soap he used mixed with his own natural fragrance. 
“I won’t let any harm come to you.” 
When he pulled away, you found yourself looking at your feet, trying to avoid his gaze. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I dropped the gift,” you muttered, picking up the broken box. 
You plucked the pretty hairpin from the shards of ceramic, seeing it was still whole. 
“I’ll find a new box,” you said, trying to slide around him. 
He stopped you with a hand on your shoulder, curling the other around your fingers. 
“Keep it,” he said. “I’m not marrying Iris. My mother has no say in the matter, despite how she likes to posture.” 
Your gaze shifted to the red slash bisecting his cheek. 
“Let’s get this cleaned for you, sir. It will be a problem if it gets infected.” 
He frowned but followed you to the kitchen. 
“Is everything alright?” your mother asked as you pulled the first aid kit off a shelf. 
“Good morning, zhingha,” Leander said, greeting your mother with a kiss on the cheek.
The word meant “mother” in the Naga’s old language. He had never considered his biological mother his; when he was a boy, he got quite attached to yours. He spent most of his time in the kitchen with you, playing and avoiding Elanore’s tantrums when you were children. The two of you had made the pantry your fort, and you’d put on little shadow plays while you lay on the floor together. 
Your mother’s eyes focused on his wound, and she clucked. 
“Poor thing, come bend down where I can reach you. You’ve grown into such a tall man,” she said, taking the kit from you and pulling out the correct supplies. 
You hopped on the counter, swinging your feet as you watched her disinfect and bandage the cut. 
“What mother in their right mind would do such a thing to their son,” she muttered as she worked. 
She already knew who’d done it because she treated Leander’s wounds often. When she was done, she patted him on the head like when he was a little boy. 
“That’s better.” 
“We should go into town today,” he said. “My father is looking for you.” 
She frowned, a flash of fear streaking across her face. 
“Don’t worry. I’m supposed to be visiting Iris. We can take the carriage, and you can visit with your friends instead. Go have Charles ready it.” 
She nodded, giving him a wan smile before she hurried to find your father. You hopped off the counter and headed to do your chores while your mother was safely out of the house. 
Before you could make it out the door, Leander’s thick, electric blue tail coiled around you. 
“Ah, ah, you’re coming too, saiya,” he cooed, dragging you into his arms. 
Your heart thumped at the silly nickname he’d given you as a child. The word meant “little bear. " When he was young, he was fascinated with your round ears compared to his, which pointed at the end. As they had so often back then, his finger traced the arch of one as he hummed his pleasure. 
“Sir, you shouldn’t,” you whispered, but Leander was too pleased with you in his arms. 
He dipped his head, nibbling at your ear. 
“I should eat you up, sweet little thing,” he whispered, making your body explode in butterflies. 
He carried you out the back door to the stable, where your father was busy arranging the horses to pull the carriage. When he saw you tucked behind Leander’s large biceps, he frowned. 
“Put my daughter down. She’s not your doll,” he said, his tone more curt than he probably should have been with a family member of the house he served.  
Out of only politeness, you were sure, he set you down. Your mother let out a light, silvery giggle, patting your father on the shoulder. 
“Oh, don’t be so strict, Charles,” she said. “He doesn’t mean any harm by it.” 
As Leander tugged you by the hand into the carriage, you heard your Dad lower his voice, so he thought the Naga couldn’t hear. 
“I don’t like those snakes touching her. They are far too familiar. Miss Elanore’s grandfather would never have allowed him to fondle her the way he does. Things were the way they should be when he was around.”
Beside you, Leander snorted, rolling his eyes. 
“He also drove the family to bankruptcy,” he muttered under his breath. 
“Listen,” your father went on as he helped your mother onto the seat next to him, and still unaware you could hear him quite clearly. “I’ve been talking with the Willards about (Y/N).” 
“The Willards?” she asked. “The tailors?” 
“Yes, they have a boy about (Y/N)’s age. Apparently, he has taken an interest in her, and his father approves. He thinks a girl raised as a maid will make a dutiful wife. I think we ought to consider it. We can visit while we’re in town today.” 
You remembered the Willard's son Joshua from when you were sent on errands to pick up clothes for Elanore. He was a handsome young man, though a little on the skinny side. He seemed nice enough. Still, your cheeks burned, and you folded your hands tightly, hearing your parents plot your marriage. 
“I don’t know, dear,” your mother hummed. “Do you really think it’s a good idea?” 
He let out a grunt. 
“I’d do just about anything to get our girl away from that snake. He’s only going to ruin her, string her along, and throw her away when he’s bored. They’re all the same. The Willard’s can give her a good life.” 
You felt Leander stiffen beside you. As the carriage took off, his tail wrapped around you so tight you whimpered. He glanced down, his face darkening to a cool blue. 
“I’m so sorry,” he muttered, loosening his muscles but not letting you go. 
He gently unwrapped the hairpin, clutched in your palm, and busied himself fastening it to your hair. 
“So pretty,” he murmured, greedy eyes eating you up. “I won’t let anyone else touch you (Y/N).” 
You weren’t sure if that was supposed to be comforting. You’d always liked Leander. He was very handsome, and as children, you’d been inseparable. However, you also realized the massive gap between your two worlds. You were just a maid, and he was the only son of a wealthy lord. It wasn’t meant to be. Your father had explained to you many times before that Leander only doted on you because he was immature and unwilling to grow up. He thought he could still play make-believe with your life, and he warned you to be wary of him. 
Feeling raw and confused, you tried to keep your eyes out the window, focused on the passing countryside as you made your way toward town. When your father stopped to park the carriage, he nodded to your mother as you climbed out. 
She held out a hand to you. 
“Darling, I need you to come with me. We’re going to stop at the tailor’s,” she said, carefully avoiding Leander’s gaze. 
He, however, would not be tricked. 
“How convenient. I need to stop there as well,” he said with a grin, tugging you back towards him with his tail. “(Y/N), keep me company as we walk so I don’t get bored.” 
Your father gave him a deep grimace but was silent as he finished tying up the horses and escorted your mother by the arm down the busy avenue, walking a few steps ahead of you. You watched the two of them whisper to one another as you made your way to the Willard’s shop. 
“Greetings!” Marshall Willard said with a grin when he saw you and your parents enter the shop. 
His eyes jumped to the large Naga next you, and he winced just slightly before calling his son.
“Joshua! Come greet our guests. I’ll help the customer.” 
Joshua appeared from the back, giving you a pleasant smile. 
“Mr. and Mrs. (Y/LN). It’s wonderful to see you,” he said politely. “Can I offer you some tea?” 
Meanwhile, his father greeted Leander. 
“Young Lord Szake! What can I help you with this morning?” 
You moved to follow your parents to the kitchen with Joshua, but Leander pulled you back by the shoulders. 
“I’m here to buy (Y/N) some dresses,” he said, pushing you gently in front of him. 
Everyone in the room looked at you, and your cheeks burned. 
“What? Why, my lord?” you stammered. 
He tipped his head at you.
“If you’re to be my personal attendant, you can’t follow me around in threadbare wool dresses. You ought to represent the Szake family well.” 
“Personal attendant?” you parroted, confused. “But I’m just a maid.” 
“Not anymore,” he declared. “Every Lord has a personal attendant to handle the paperwork and their calendar…those sorts of things.” 
“But isn’t that normally a man?” Mr. Willard asked. 
Leander beamed at him, a cold smile full of hate. 
“(Y/N) has known me since I was just a child. She knows everything about me. I wouldn’t dare trust anyone else with my personal affairs.” 
Your father frowned. 
“Nonsense,” he barked. “(Y/N) is going to be married and have a domestic life, as she should. You’re a wealthy Lord; I’m sure you can find a qualified candidate.” 
Joshua nodded beside him. You looked up at Leander, eyes large. 
“I can’t be your personal attendant, sir,” you added. “It’s not proper. What will people think?” 
He smirked at you, his long, strong fingers pinching your chin so you had to look at him. 
“Fine…If your father insists you have a domestic life, you shall.” 
Your shoulders wilted with relief, and you let out a breath. 
“Oh, thank goo-” 
“As my wife.” 
Everyone in the room’s eyes were as wide as saucers. 
“What?!” they all said at once. 
Leander gave Mr. Willard another bitterly cold grin. 
“Measure her for dresses fitting the station of a Lord’s fiancee.” 
“Absolutely not!” your father said.
“Lord Szake will never allow of this!” Mr. Willard pointed out. 
“She’s to be my fiancee!” Joshua hissed, taking an incensed step towards Leander. “My father has already approved it!” 
Leander’s gaze shot to him, danger reflected in his irises. 
“There are not words on this plane to describe how little I care about whatever arrangement your families have worked out. (Y/N) will marry me, and you will dress her properly.” 
He sank into his coils, pushing you in front of Mr. Willard, snapping his fingers. 
You saw the man’s jaw tick, but refusing Leander’s request would only be bad for his business, so he pulled out his measuring tape and approached you. Not sure what was happening, you gave him a pleading look, begging him to say something. Reading your confusion and fear, his stare shifted to one more gentle. 
“Lift your arms, please, miss,” he said quietly. 
The room was dead silent while he did as he was told. Joshua and your father glared at Leander, who seemed entirely unbothered, while your mother appeared uncertain. You watched her suck in a deep breath, straightening her shoulders before she approached the Naga, speaking in hushed tones. 
“Sir, are you sure this is wise? I’m not opposed to this match. I-I know…I can see you love her…I’m only worried for (Y/N)’s safety. Such arrangements between classes rarely work out well. Your fellow nobles will never accept her. Would you subject her to their cruelty?” 
For a moment, he seemed to be considering her words, eyes sliding to you. 
“My family has never been accepted into our peers good graces. You know my father was a common merchant. My mother married him out of desperation. She traded her noble title for his fortune. People’s opinions are only that. Opinions. (Y/N) and I will face the same prejudices together. Do you wish your daughter to continue her life as a maid or-?” 
He gave Joshua a dirty look. 
“Or become a servant to a husband who can never love her as I can?” 
Your mother sighed. She lifted her hand and smoothed a bit of hair that had come out of place as if he were her own son. 
“Please…for me, be serious about this if it is what you intend to do.” 
He tipped his cheek into her palm. 
“I will never betray your daughter zhingha.” 
Your father let out a strangled noise, marching out the front door, slamming it behind him. 
Joshua, who had been pacing in place, stomped over to you, grabbing you by the arm to face him. 
“Is this what you really want (Y/N)? A snake for a husband?” 
Before you could answer, Leander’s tail shot out, jerking him away from you and tossing him into the wall. 
“Don’t touch her!” 
The young man climbed to his feet, clutching his ribs. 
“You nobles can’t just take whatever you like! (Y/N) belongs with us!” 
Leander slid across the room like an elegant blue river, lifting Joshua up by his throat. 
“Do not address my fiancee by her first name again. If I see your eyes on her, I will gouge them out!” 
Joshua’s furious face told you he didn’t plan to back down. His father dropped the measuring tape, hurrying to rescue his son. 
“Of course, he wont’ My Lord,” he said. “You’ve made your intentions quite clear. Yes, Joshua?” 
He gave Leander another long look before he gave in. 
“As you say, My Lord.” 
Leander dropped him, returning to his seat near you, and jerked his head at the tailor. 
“Continue,” he snarled. 
“Go to the back and help your mother,” Mr. Willard said to his son.
Joshua gave you a last lingering glance before he disappeared. 
You arrived back at the mansion in a very different dress than when you'd left. Leander had insisted on buying you and your mother matching readymade dresses from the shop window while you waited for the fourteen others he ordered to be made. The soft peach satin fabric was the nicest thing you’d ever worn. 
The first thing you heard as you walked in the black door was the smashing of ceramic. 
“Stay here,” Leander said. 
Your eyes quickly flicked to your mother, who grabbed your hand and pulled you into the pantry, peeking out through a crack in the door. 
“Father?” Leander called, opening the door to the dining room. 
He ducked as a vase flew past, smashing to pieces on the stove.
“That bitch!” You heard him screaming. 
He shoved past his son, dark eyes jerking around the room. 
“Father! Calm down! What's happened?” 
“Where is the human woman?” he snarled. 
You and your mother slipped back into the shadows, trying to be as silent as mice. 
“Father! She’s not back from shopping yet. Please, tell me what’s happened.” 
His eyes narrowed, but seemed satisfied with his answer. 
“It’s your mother,” he snarled. “She’s gone.” 
He bared his fangs at his son. 
“Don’t parrot me like a dumb animal. The damn woman left! She stole the gold in the safe and disappeared! No one’s seen her!” 
He paced on his thick tail. 
“She must have paid off the townsfolk. No one will tell me where she’s gone!” 
“Has she made off with our fortune?” 
His father glanced up at him. 
“Of course not; I keep the majority of our money in the bank. Only you and I can access it. I planned for this possibility but never expected her to do it! She only got off with our emergency fund…but it was enough to live well for a long time. When will the human woman return?” 
“I don’t know, father,” he said. “But whatever you need, I can help you with it.” 
He waved a clawed hand. 
“I don’t need anything done! I’m going to marry the woman. I should never have agreed to marry Elanore. I won’t make that mistake again. An obedient human wife will suit me better.” 
Leander let out a cold chuff. 
“She’s already married, father!” 
“Easily fixed,” he hissed with murder in his eyes. 
“You can’t be serious!” 
He tried to push past his son toward the door leading out to the stable. Leander blocked his way, his icy irises determined. 
“I can’t let you do that, Father,” he said, his tone low and even. 
Your father came marching through the door a moment later, unaware of the drama playing out. He froze where he stood, eyes immediately focused on the two Naga, staring one another down. 
The opportunity in front of him was too tempting for Dervin to resist, and his tail shot out, a victorious smile on his lips. You couldn’t stay the scream that erupted from your throat, your mother rushing past you to protect her husband. 
Dervin’s focus shifted to her, and Leander lunged at the same second. Caught off guard, he threw his father to the floor, and they quickly became a writhing ball of tails and arms. 
“You’d betray me too, son?” he gasped as he tried to overpower Leander. 
You smelled the coppery stench of blood as sharp nails scraped each other's skin. More than willing to help, your father picked up a heavy cast iron skillet, making his way around the hissing Naga, quiet on his feet. 
There was a resounding crunch as the skillet descended on Dervin’s head. He flopped to the floor, limp. Blood leaked in a pool around him, but he still dragged in a wet breath. Before anyone else could move, Leander snatched a kitchen knife from the rack, jamming it through his chest. Dervin let out his gurgling last breath and then was still. 
You and your mother clutched one another, sinking to the floor. Neither of you knew what to say or do, but your father and Leander didn’t need any prompting. 
“Help me with him,” your father said, slipping his arms under the dead Naga’s. “We’ll bury him under the pig pens.” 
Leander grunted his assent, lifting the majority of the weight as they maneuvered the body outside. 
“Come,” your mother whispered, trembling. “The blood.” 
You nodded, filling the mop bucket with water before pulling every towel from the cabinet to mop up the mess. 
“What now?” you found yourself whispering, though there was no reason to. 
She shrugged. 
“That’s for Leander to decide. He’s the Lord of this house.” 
By the time they returned, you’d scrubbed everything to a sparkle, the only blood left staining your new dresses and the towels.
“Take those off,” your father said. “We’ll burn the linens.” 
The two of you nodded, slipping the heavy dresses over your shoulders until you only wore the thick shifts underneath. Leander helped you out of your shoes and slipped the red-splattered stockings off your feet. 
Your father gave you and Leander a long look before he spoke. 
“Take your fiancee to bed,” he said. “She shouldn’t have seen all this. I trust it won’t happen again.”  
Leander returned a tight nod, and something passed between their gazes. They’d forged a silent agreement. 
It wasn’t until your mother and father left out the back door to burn the rest of the evidence that the tears came. It was a relief Dervin was gone. He would have killed your father and hurt your mother, but it was still horrific. 
“Shhh,” Leander hummed, scooping you up in his arms. 
He carried you upstairs to his bedroom, curling into a tight ring to settle you in the center. His arms wrapped around you, and he pressed your head into his chest. 
“Everything is going to be okay now,” he said softly, carding the strands of your hair with his long fingers. 
“Lei, are we all going to jail?” you sniffled, his childhood nickname falling past your lips all on its own. 
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling when they met yours. 
“No. My mother did us a favor. If anyone asks, they’re touring the countryside until they're entirely forgotten.” 
“What happens now?” you asked. 
He tipped your chin with his thumb, dipping his head to slip his lips against yours. They were so warm that you felt your jaw's tension melt away. His eyes searched yours when they parted, carrying a lightness you hadn’t seen in many years. 
“I’m going to marry you, and your parents will move out of the servant’s quarters. Your father and mother have earned their place in the Szake family. We’ll find some new staff.” 
You nodded, his hair forming a smooth curtain blocking the world. 
“Sleep now,” he hummed. “All is as it should be.” 
Despite how you wanted to keep your eyes open, they slid shut against your will. 
“Would you like lavender or rose tea, Miss (Y/N)?” your new maid asked as she opened the tea box in front of you. 
“Rose,” you said, turning your attention back to the catalog in front of you. 
You sat comfortably in the rose garden, enjoying the sunshine as you planned your wedding. It had been a month since the terrible night that Dervin died. When Leander had informed the merchants of the town that he was getting married, they’d sent piles of samples and booklets for you to look through. You’d never realized there were so many options! It was a little overwhelming. Since you’d come from humble beginnings, it felt strange spending so much money on decorations and lace, but Leander informed you it should be a grand occasion and not to spare a cent. 
“Um…Miss (Y/N)?” one of your maids said, looking slightly frightened. 
“What’s wrong, Lily?” you asked, concerned. 
“Well…there’s a Miss Iris at the door looking for you. Should I bring her?” 
Leander was out for the day, meeting with one of his importers, so you weren’t sure what she could want. 
“Of course, bring her here.” 
A minute later, an elegant Naga came slithering into the garden. Her curly violet hair was pinned in a pretty updo and she wore an elaborate pink dress, covered in ribbons. 
“Hello, Miss Iris,” you said, waving for her to take a place at the table. “Can I offer you some tea?” 
Her brow was drawn, and she looked you up and down. 
“So…you’re who he picked,” she pouted. “Over me.” 
Your ears burned, realizing you were speaking to Leander’s former fiancee. 
“There’s no competition,” you said. 
She snorted. 
“Obviously not.” 
She narrowed her eyes at you, and you expected a verbal lashing. You were a mere maid, after all. It was absurd Leander would take you as his fiancee. She sucked in a deep breath, and her expression suddenly softened. 
“How…How did you do it?” 
Your eyebrows jumped, confused. 
“Do what?” 
She looked around, uncomfortable. 
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You took a breath as your maid politely poured her a cup of tea. 
“I suppose so…If you’d like.” 
“I’m relieved.” 
She sipped her tea, thinking before she spoke. 
“Because I don’t particularly care for Leander. In fact, I don’t like him at all. He’s…very…intense. He kind of creeps me out. He only spoke of you when we were out on dates; it was incredibly boring and awkward. Not to mention…the way he talked about you…He was fixated on all of your little ticks. Did you know he carries a lock of your hair around with him? And sometimes your stockings! He showed up one day elated because you’d accidentally sneezed on him and used his handkerchief to wipe your nose! He was cuddling it like a treasure!” 
Your ears heated. Where had he gotten a lock of your hair? You’d never given it to him. 
“He what?” 
Iris waved her previous statement away. 
“Anyway, I wouldn’t have liked him even if he hadn’t. He’s just…too much like a Naga male. Once they have something in their mind, they get…obsessed. 
Our parents arranged our marriage. I hate that tradition. I’d never force my child into a marriage without love. That’s how you get murdered by some enterprising mistress!” 
You blinked, unsure if you should be offended or not, but she went on.  
“Honestly, there’s…someone else who has my interest. Only…he’s not a noble Naga.” 
“Oh! That is a puzzle, isn’t it?” 
She nodded, stretching her hand across the table to touch yours. 
“That’s why I need to know how you did it! How did you win over Leander’s parents? Maybe if I can tell Joshua how to do it, I can…I don’t know…” 
You giggled. 
Her violet irises flared. 
“You know him?” 
“Ah…yes…but not well. He seems like a very nice man.” 
Her eyes glazed over, wistful thoughts playing in her mind. 
“He’s so kind and considerate. I’ve never met anyone like him, so gentle. A few weeks ago, I went to pick up a dress, and he helped me. His hands were so soft, and his voice was so sweet. Every night since then, we’ve been meeting in secret! I know he’s the right one and he thinks so too! 
I don’t want to brute of a husband. I want a kind person who I can talk to. That’s why I have to know how to convince my parents not to marry me off to some…stranger!” 
You weren’t sure how to answer. 
“I think…You should do whatever you must to protect your beloved,” you said. “I can’t tell you exactly what to do because it will be different for you. We’re all different in different circumstances.
She looked a little disappointed. 
“What I do know, though, Iris, is that if you love one another, you will find a way You two are adults, not children. No one can make you marry someone you don’t want to. It’s only a matter of how far you are willing to go, what sacrifices you will make to have the life you want.” 
She nodded, thinking. 
“But…” you started, pausing to sip your tea, “What if your parents went on a little vacation?” 
“A vacation?” 
You shrugged. 
“Once you’re married, you’re married,” you said. “Maybe by the time they return…if they return… you’ve sorted your affairs.” 
The two of you shared a knowing look, and she brightened. 
“I like you (Y/N), you’re very clever! You’ve given me hope! Is there anything I can help you with in return? I want us to be friends!” 
You smiled, picking up one of the catalogs. 
“Yes, actually. I have no idea what is proper for a lady. Can you help me? We can plan our weddings together.” 
She beamed at you, taking the catalog. 
“Of course!” 
A few hours later, Leander came slithering through the garden. 
“Iris? What are you doing here?” he asked, his shoulders stiffening. “I thought I made it clear…” 
Iris snorted and waved him away. 
“I’m not here for you,” she said, raising her nose at him. “(Y/N) and I are planning our weddings.” 
“Your wedding?” he asked, and she grinned. 
“Yes! And now that you’re here,” she wrinkled her nose at him. “I think I’ll be off.” 
She leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
“Thank you for your advice (Y/N). I’m going to talk to Joshua,” she said before sliding past Leander without saying goodbye. 
“What was that all about?” Leander asked when she was gone. 
You shrugged. 
“True love, I guess.” 
He pulled you into his coils, peeking over your shoulder at the catalogs on the table. He ran a finger over the things you’d circled. 
“Lei, can I ask you something?” you asked. 
“Anything, love.” 
You twisted around to look at him, narrowing your eyes. 
“Did you tell Iris that you were excited I sneezed on you?” 
“Ah…noooo,” he lied, his whole face darkening to a deep blue. “Wh-Why would she say something silly like that?” 
You giggled. 
“Of course not,” you said, patting his chest. “I must have misheard her. Can I borrow your handkerchief? It's a little warm out here.” 
He passed it to you and you daintily patted your forehead, handing it back. His eyes widened at the little scrap of fabric in his hand and he hastily stuck it in his jacket pocket. 
Leander might be a weirdo, but he was your weirdo and you wouldn't have it any other way. 
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steddieasitgoes · 11 months
Their dining room table has been taken over by thousands of tiny little beads and elastic in different colors. 
Steve sits opposite their sixteen-year-old daughter, a thin elastic band clutched in one hand and an assortment of approved beads laid out in front of him. He picks up a small purple crystal-like bead and tries to feed the elastic through the minuscule hole. 
“Christ, why isn’t this hole bigger,” he groans, squinting as he tries for the third time to thread the bead onto the elastic. 
“Aw, but I thought you liked tight holes, sweetheart,” Eddie teases, sauntering into the room. 
Their daughter pretends to retch before turning up the Taylor Swift song playing from her phone, hoping to drown them out. It doesn’t matter that they have a state-of-the-art stereo system in the other room that sounds a thousand times better than the shit speakers in her phone. She likes the convenience. 
Steve, on the other hand, glares playfully at Eddie. “Seriously, not in front of our daughter.” 
“Oh, please, don’t pretend she doesn’t know things.” 
“I mean, yeah, but she doesn’t need to know things about us.” 
“I really don’t,” their daughter agrees. 
Eddie laughs before collapsing onto the seat beside Steve. Assessing the beads in front of him, Eddie collects a few and gets to work. 
“Hey,” Steve whines, swatting Eddie’s hand away when he tries to steal one of his beads. “These are mine. You didn’t even get her approval.” 
Eddie scoffs. “I don’t need her approval. She trusts me, right bug?” 
Their daughter rolls her eyes, but nods. Eddie hoots victoriously before going back to his own bracelet. Steve shares a look of amusement with their daughter. One that says it’s better to let Eddie think he won than try to give him a set of rules to play by. 
Many things have changed about Eddie over the years, but one thing that has remained the same is his disdain for other people’s rules — even if the rules are coming from his daughter. 
When Steve tries to take a peek at what Eddie is working on a moment later, he gets a swift elbow to the ribs. “No peaking!” 
Shaking his head, Steve gets back to his own bracelets. It’s a lot easier threading the beads when he grabs his glasses from the bedroom and he manages to finish two daughter-approved bracelets in the time it takes Eddie to finish whatever he’s been working on. 
“Are you ready to see the best bracelet ever?” he asks, standing up with all the dramatics he had when he was thirty years younger. 
Steve and their daughter nod, setting aside their own bracelets to look at Eddie’s creation. 
A rainbow of beads, all different shapes and sizes surround a group of block letter beads that reads: Fuck Ticketmaster. 
Steve laughs while their daughter smirks, shaking her head. 
“It’s not a Taylor lyric, but I appreciate the sentiment.” 
“Our bank account definitely agrees.” 
“So will the Swifties, you’ll see!” Eddie says, reaching for another random set of beads to start another bracelet.  
The three of them spend the rest of the afternoon making friendship bracelets. Well, Steve and their daughter do. Eddie continues making “Fuck Ticketmaster” and various other obscure and random bracelets. The highlights of which include a red beaded monstrosity with the word “scarf” on it and one that just says "Olive Garden."
Unfortunately for Steve and their daughter, Eddie’s unhinged bracelets are the biggest hit at the concert. He ends up trading all his bracelets before they even get into the stadium. 
He doesn’t let them live it down, proclaiming himself the King of Friendship bracelets. 
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 months
lake house — l.dh
situationship to almost lovers. short, sticky, and hopefully sweet. suggestive, 18+ wc: 1.2k
he’s the only one awake when you head downstairs for a glass of water.
moonlight paints the walls, brushes the end of the couch, and fails to give away any part of his tall frame sitting at the dining table.
he watches you walk past him wearing a t-shirt and nothing else. your braids fall down your back with a scarf wrapped around your head to prevent frizz. the sweet, familiar notes of your perfume linger in your wake.
he watches you stand on your tippy toes as the t-shirt clings to your curves while you reach for the highest shelf. when you’re about to climb onto the countertop, he speaks up.
“i don’t think you should do that if you aren’t wearing any underwear.”
the volume of donghyuck’s voice is quiet, just loud enough for you to hear, and he’s right. you aren’t wearing any underwear. you don’t bother commenting on the silence he existed in until this moment as it sets in he was likely watching you.
you fall back on your heels, motioning to him and then nodding to the displayed dishware out of reach. he runs his fingers through his hair before rising from the seat to help you. donghyuck extends a glass in one hand and a mug in the other—take your pick.
in the next moment, you’re filling the glass before he places the mug beneath the flowing faucet, standing so close that his warmth softens the coolness on your skin. someone left the window open, but it’s above a sleeping friend. there’s no use trying to close it.
you’re side by side, and it’s natural to rest your head against his frame in between sips and the necessary gulps. you want to know what he thinks about you. if the reason he was excited about this weekend has anything to do with seeing each other again.
the two of you are good at waiting and hoping the other will finally bend, wondering how long it’ll take before a give in. secretly, he never plans on waiting longer than four days. perhaps the fifth day once midnight strikes. you haven’t figured that out yet, giving in by day two or experiencing the relief when he calls on the third day. perhaps he’s lying about his little rule.
he sets the mug in the sink and brushes his thumb across the side of your neck, just above a constellation of moles. he’s kissed the spot more times than you can count, and the craving for his euphoria slithers beneath your skin, starting in your chest before coiling down your body.
you lift your glass again to fill your cheeks. he smiles at the sight. you’re adorable yet so incredibly sexy in this moment. donghyuck doubts you have any idea how easily you exist in the middle of his favorite venn diagram.
your glass joins his mug, and you look up at him. your height difference is exciting and comforting and leaves you feeling safe as can be in his presence. you daydream about the feeling of his chin on the top of your head, wondering how much time would pass before he’s kissing your hairline.
“come to bed with me?” his eyes widen for a moment, and you feel a wave of his vulnerability mist you in the darkness. the glowing light from the stove is all you have to work with. he’s nervous.
you nod, interlacing fingers with his and walking backwards for a moment before you turn to lead the way.
at the stairs, he walks beside you, hyper aware of your chosen pajamas and not wanting to see something you haven’t given him consent to view. it’s been two weeks since he’s seen you naked.
donghyuck’s bedroom is three doors past yours. he got lucky with the window seat and angled ceiling. he feels so far removed from the rest of the house with a beautiful view of the water.
his bedding is plaid, and the room feels rustic in comparison to the delicate details within your own, accompanied by pastel blues and yellows.
you can see him much clearer in the soft glow from the nightstand’s lamp. he’s wearing black joggers you recognize and a white t-shirt. his hair is still damp and stubble peppers his chin. in an impulsive moment, you’re touching his face, tracing the shape of his nose, the contour of his cheek, and the arch of his brow before brushing your thumb across his lips. they part beneath your touch. you smile, existing in this feeling donghyuck always creates for you and remembering how unnatural it used to feel—surprised by the comfort despite your still short time in each other’s lives.
now, months have passed of getting to know—unraveling without judgment. his secrets are kept securely in your mind. vulnerable memories are cherished in your heart. the way he makes you feel is savored by your soul and replayed in your dreams. intimate explorations you’ve experienced together are reminisced in quiet moments when you’re alone, admiring the new, golden hues in your reflection.
he’s indulging in these wee hours of the morning with you. he hasn’t said anything since his hopeful question, and you’re ok with that. you feel like all the words are out in the open anyway. you believe they are when he leans forward to kiss you.
donghyuck pulls you against him. your chest meets the base of his sternum. you moan at the feeling of your mouths moving together, missing these soft collisions, but the kiss remains gentle and slow without urgency. his tongue is a ghost, barely meeting your own. his hands stay on either side of your face while your own grip his shirt.
donghyuck pulls away to explore your neck and jaw before his lips touch your eyelids. he smiles then. your heart is about to burst, and you wait for the final kiss that’s bound to find your lips.
and it does.
“i’ve missed you,” his words pass through an exhale.
he’s sitting on the bed while you stand between his legs with your fingers in his hair. your lips continuously meet his forehead, filling the void that grew during your time apart. donghyuck asks about your journey up and how the trip went. he tells you you can drive home with him—he insists you do.
when he rests his face against your stomach, you wonder if he’s ok. “hyuck?”
“is something wrong?”
“just missed you. didn’t know if you’d be here. wish i would’ve asked.” he’s been in his head about you.
“you can always ask.”
“i know that.” if he picked up the phone, he would’ve told you he’s in love with you.
“we have the whole weekend together.”
“how long will it be before everyone is sick of us?” he had to kiss you. of course he wanted to, but the words were bubbling up again. every time he thought to pull away, they danced on his tongue.
“i’m in the clear—making banana bread in the morning. join me?”
“as long as you’re wearing pants.”
he feels your stomach tighten as you laugh, and it’s heaven. he squeezes your hip and leans back, rearranging the pillows so you can join him.
“i didn’t expect to run into anyone downstairs tonight, and i’m so used to living alone… but i’ll wear pants. don’t worry about that.” you lean in and kiss him as a promise, tucking your legs beneath the covers.
you fall asleep talking about the sky—you’re so excited to see the sunrise in the morning over the lake. donghyuck sets an alarm so you don’t miss it, traces i love you against your forearm to see what it feels like and falls asleep too.
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lunememes · 6 months
🌙 * ― 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒: 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( a collection of various settings for drabbles or prompts, or both! )
001. under the mistletoe, placed sneakily above a doorframe. 002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink. 003. in a mountain lodge, snowed in from a heavy snow storm. 004. on an ice rink, careful to dodge the bustling crowd that stumble and rush past. 005. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the centre and family chaos ensuing around the house. 006. at a quiet dinner for two, an intimate meal and magical moment for a special couple. 007. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel. 008. lifting up a smaller frame to put on the finishing touch on the christmas tree: the tree topper ( a star, an angel, or something else! ) 009. setting out the snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers! 010. in the kitchen making the deserts for the big day, and perhaps even making a mess too! 011. in the dining room building a home: a gingerbread home! decorate the home and make it one fit for a little gingerbread man. 012. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice? 013. sitting down with some company to wrap all the christmas gifts, preparing for the big day. 014. sitting down to exchange and open gifts, anticipating what gift you may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks? 015. out on the streets doing christmas carolling, blessing the streets with the sweet voices of heavenly haromies. 016. in the snow rolling a big ball to build a snowman, bringing it to life with makeshift features and wrapping it up with a warm scarf. 017. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win? 018. falling into soft snow to create snow angels, flailing wildly on the ground. 019. traversing the treacherous conditions of icy pavements. will you laugh as they fall or lend them a hand and go down in solidarity? 020. jamming out to a christmas song, and inflicting the pain of holiday songs on someone else.
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i-luvsang · 10 months
random soft relationship things — ateez
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pairing : ateez x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : fluff, established relationship ➖⟢ cw : food mentions ➖⟢ wc : 0.2K
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[ 🔖 ] hongjoong — late nights at the studio, trips to his favorite art store, songs that remind him of you, making you blush but him blushing as he thinks about you when you’re not around, kisses to your temple.
[ 🔖 ] seonghwa — him memorizing your comfort foods, trips to the grocery store, him wrapping a scarf around your neck when it’s cold, flowers in a pretty vase on your dining room table when you get home, cafe dates.
[ 🔖 ] yunho — laughing until you’re crying, night time car rides and kisses, piggy back rides, him picking eyelashes off of your cheek and telling you to make a wish, stargazing from your apartment rooftop.
[ 🔖 ] yeosang — shared bashful smiles, clumsy hand holding, ordering fried chicken for late night movies, the feeling of coming home after a long day, him casually playing with any jewelry that you’re wearing.
[ 🔖 ] san — an abundance of stuffed animals, overly competitive gaming sessions, watching movies and crying about them together, his voice growing soft when he talks to you, simple matching sweatshirts.
[ 🔖 ] mingi — constant hand holding whenever wherever, him unconsciously playing with your hair, soft sighs, his head in your lap and letting him fall asleep like that, bear hugs after you haven’t seen each other in a while.
[ 🔖 ] wooyoung — messes in the kitchen, nonsensical nicknames, the strangest inside jokes, his hands in your hair, gentle whispers in your ear, couple tattoos when he knows for sure that you’re the one.
[ 🔖 ] jongho — buying teddy bears for each other, soft gazes from across the room, him casually singing for you throughout the day, silence being enough, long discussions about random things only the two of you understand.
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devildomwriter · 8 months
Satan Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Satan was born from a combination of Lucifer’s intense wrath and him tearing off his wings, this gave Satan flesh for a body
2. Physically, Satan is the youngest but he is ranked fourth as he is fourth strongest of the seven brothers
3. Satan often fears he is nothing but a lesser copy of Lucifer
4. Satan’s wrath was so out of control after his birth his brothers did anything they could to stop his rages, including tying him in chains and stuffing him in a locker, knocking him out, or holding him underwater until he passed out
5. When Satan discovered cats he burst into Levi’s room demanding to know more about this
6. Satan believes Leviathan is mature in the way he focuses on other people’s opinions
7. Satan has always been a demon and accepting wrath as part of who he was so he did not struggle with his sin like his brothers did
8. Satan treasures the first things his brothers ever gave him
9. Satan’s tail is spiky and you can be injured touching it if you aren’t careful
10. Satan gets angriest over petty inconveniences
11. Simeon believes that Satan always only wearing one sleeve of his jackets is his way of rebelling
12. Satan has a tendency to overthink things
13. Satan does his best to avoid arguing with his brothers even when they annoy him
14. Satan is compared to a cat by his brothers due to his tendency to show up in completely random places when you least expect
15. Satan has connections in almost every industry as he’s easily able to socialize and make friends
16. Satan claims his books are organized in a way he understands
17. Once Satan’s books collapsed on him and he stayed there for several days relaxing
18. Satan enjoys the fine arts and likes going to art museums
19. Satan enjoys theatre and the opera
20. Satan easily gets his hands on rare and cursed objects to the point it impresses Lucifer
21. Satan has successfully cursed Lucifer several times. The worst of them being when he transferred his pain from Solomon’s cooking to Lucifer.
22. Satan originally looks down on manga but changes his mind after reading a bunch of manga Levi switched out in his room as a prank
23. Satan loves watching dramas and mysteries, especially Mid-Fall Murders
24. Due to watching crime shows regularly Satan believed that when dining in the human world you tell the waitress you’d like “the usual” and they’ll know what you mean
25. Although originally Satan complains he’s never beat Diavolo in chess, it’s implied he finally beats him in season 3
26. Satan has a major inferiority complex when it comes to Lucifer which causes him to often doubt himself
27. Satan is subscribed to Monthly Devil Architect’s Digest
28. Satan was once cursed to see everything as cats, he wasn’t the least bit bothered
29. Satan gifted Lucifer a scarf that was cursed to grow eternally
30. Satan doesn’t seem to realize how terrifying his anger is when he is visibly confused as to why his brothers are hiding
31. Satan has hoarded cats in the past and is no longer allowed to have any
32. Satan feeds a local cat he has named Sir Cat
33. Satan gives MC instructions on feeding many of the cats who come by serenity manor
34. When attempting to turn Simeon’s cafe into a cat cafe he “borrowed” a bunch of cats from witches. He was distressed when they were all returned to their owners.
35. Satan once fell asleep with a cat in public and ended up covered in Hell Zakura petals. Solomon thought it was cute.
36. Satan cursed a pizza deliverer for putting pineapple on their pizza
37. Satan desires to be on the receiving end of a loving headbutt by a cat in full force
38. Satan checks cat blogs before he goes to bed as they give him energy for the next day
39. Satan has to be told to stop using cat stickies as he puts them everywhere
40. Satan covered his and Belphegor’s laptops in cat stickers
41. Satan enjoys classical music, symphonies, and Ska music
42. Satan prefers food chunkier than smooth because it has more bite to it
43. Satan enjoys the bitterness of Dark chocolate
44. Satan has said his type is someone he can have a mutual understanding with when it comes to anger
45. Satan has had things thrown at his head multiple times in the game, some of these items include a pillow, a piece of trash, and a pile of pancakes
46. Satan hates baby talk, more specifically when Asmodeus uses it
47. Satan has inherited some of Lucifer’s memories and emotions
48. When Satan was cursed to stay close to Lucifer he would just stare and growl at Lucifer from the corner of the room
49. Satan’s antagonistic behavior towards Lucifer is somewhat compulsive as even he wishes he didn’t dedicate so much time to Lucifer but cannot stop himself
50. Satan let’s Belphegor sleep on his lap even though it annoys him
51. Satan learned how to read ancient human text from Solomon
52. Satan considers Mephistopheles an ally since they both dislike Lucifer
53. In a love survey on B’s Log Satan says he wants to “bind and monopolize” his lover and is the active one pursuing love
54. Satan cherishes relationship anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
55. In a relationship with obstacles, Satan chooses to face the difficulties with passion
56. When it comes to a lover, Satan said he would get jealous easily
57. Satan originally did not understand humans and assumed they’d all be fine receiving expensive items and gems as gifts and was angry when MC did not
58. Satan has ranked his favorite cat positions as stalk-straight tail, slow blink, making biscuits, head butting, and bellyflops
59. Satan secretly dislikes Green Peas
60. Satan is annoyed by the RAD Newpsaper Club account and has the notifications for it turned off
61. Satan says he tends to sleep on his stomach to avoid being hit in the face when his books randomly come avalanching down on him
62. Satan starts all his baths by washing his left arm
63. Satan’s daily activity is petting a cat
64. Satan’s dream is to have a cat
65. On sleepless nights, Satan calls MC because he finds their voice soothing
66. Satan’s motto is “Wisdom is the treasure of all generations.”
67. Satan’s rage emits so much energy it’s too much for humans to handle and can shake buildings and break things without getting near them
68. Satan sends cursed chain mail to Lucifer daily
69. When Mammon could only speak cat, Satan was called to help and he spent the day happily playing with cat toys with Mammon
70. Satan became enraged with Raphael when he was compared to Lucifer
71. Satan is very knowledgeable when it comes to the constellations and the specific stars among them
72. Satan believes Easter is the perfect excuse to throw eggs at Lucifer
73. Satan looks forward to fall as he believes it’s the best season for reading
74. Satan has trouble eating something if it looks like a cat
75. Satan always has a bag of cat treats with him wherever he goes
76. Satan seems to remember exactly where he left off in a book when he falls asleep reading. In an interview with B’s Log he says “Yesterday I was in the mood for The Complete Book of Cat's Paws, but I fell asleep on the Havana Brown page, around line no. 27.”
77. Satan sometimes hums the theme song to mid fall murders
78. Satan’s compliments often sound more like insults
79. Satan originally took Levi to be a nobody with no powers.
80. Satan once used Diavolo as a hostage
81. When Satan wanted to get MC a gift he offered to kill someone for them
82. Satan enjoys a railroad building mobile app
83. In the baseball game in the anime, Satan’s team lost 0 to 666 but Satan still claims it’s the game where he trumped Lucifer
84. Satan owns a book that can enter the memories of whoever first opens it
85. Satan built a life like snow sculpture of Lucifer out of spite, knowing Lucifer would feel uncomfortable
86. Satan once decorated the backyard with cat towers hoping it’d become a cat colony
87. Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
88. Satan is the one who introduced the idea of second-hand/used bookstores to the Devildom.
89. Satan has a collection of priceless jewels that are rare in both the human world and Devildom. It’s not stated how he got his hands on them but he is alluded to being very wealthy by Leviathan
90. Believing they were lost deep in the forest, Satan initiated sex with MC but they were immediately after found by Beelzebub
91. Satan said if he was in a horror movie he’d be the silent killer “helping” the detectives and frame Lucifer for all the murders
92. Satan once got into a fight with Beelzebub over who liked Devilcat most
93. Satan once went to a riddle event with Solomon and MC
94. Satan bribed Barbatos with rare tea to let him go to the human world alone
95. In an interview with B’s Log he said his everyday small happiness is gaining new knowledge
96. Something Satan believes is absolutely not allowed in front of him is disrespecting cats and is quoted saying “Dare to make disrespectful remarks about cats in front of me. I’ll **** and **** your ****.” — B’s log
97. Satan’s three rules for his daily life are — Read books, play with cats, and make time for yourself
98. When asked if he prefers mature or child-like people, he states he prefers mature people and then immediately references Simeon
99. Satan is skilled with cooking stews and enjoys working with the variety of spices and herbs Barbatos gives him
100. Satan believes his composure makes him “cool” and that he only “very, very occasionally” loses his temper
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ddejavvu · 8 months
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pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
summary: you and anakin have a mug that you set out if you want to tell the other that you're in the mood. You're discovered at a rather unfortunate time.
a/n: basically just that new girl scene where nick and jess admit that they've got a sex mug except i wanted to do it with anakin and quin is my favorite character so this manifested itself. if you're unfamiliar with quinlan vos, all you need to know to understand this blurb is that he has psychometric powers, meaning he gets a sort of 'force echo' of what he touches. When he touches something, he sees its ‘memories’ of those who touched it before - what they were doing when they touched it. sorry if this isn't what you wanted to see but i'm so goddamn obsessed with quinlan that i need to write about him so bad or i'll short circuit and this is my blog so i do what i want 🫡
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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Typically, you've got no problem with Obi-Wan walking into the Knights' quarters you share with Anakin. After being knighted, the Master-Padawan pair had been understandably uncomfortable with seeing each other less and less, and you'd always enjoyed the man's company when he came by to visit.
Now, however, it's proved itself to be a problem.
Obi-Wan sits at your small dining table, his only company being a misplaced mug at the place beside him, having helped himself to a cup of tea that he'd brought the leaves for. He'd been less-than-impressed at your dismal selection of teas, and had stashed a box of his own atop your cabinet for when he came to visit. Now he's nearly downed his cup, and neither of you are back yet from your classes that should have ended an hour ago.
He shouldn't worry. There's plenty of reasons why you'd be late; maybe you've stopped by the creche to help out with the younglings, or Anakin had dragged you to one of the refectories to scarf down an early dinner.
Except Anakin has never, never volunteered for creche duty, and the refectories are serving his least favorite meal today.
Obi-Wan has generous faith in you. But you've been roommates with his former padawan for long enough that he's sure Anakin's unbridled mischief has rubbed off on you by now, and he's worried that the two of you might be getting into something you shouldn't.
To his credit, he's right.
Anakin is in something he shouldn't be in. He's in a supply cupboard, he's in you, pressing you flat against the wall and hiking your thigh up over his raised forearm.
"Higher," He grunts, his nose bumping yours as he breaks away from kissing you to mumble into your mouth. Then he bites softly at your lower lip, licking over the momentary sting as you try lifting your trembling thigh higher over his arm.
"Come on," He goads, his grin bright as his eyes glimmer with a touch of sadism you wish you weren't attracted to, "Where did all that Jedi strength go?"
You want to spit something sharp at him, perhaps tell him it fell to the floor when his pants did. But all you manage is a weak groan, and Anakin hikes your leg up for you. His cock is thick, heavy, and hard, and it pistons in and out of you at a steady pace as slick dribbles down your thighs.
Both of you are blissfully unaware that Obi-Wan is waiting for you in your quarters, and that another wayward master has picked up on his trail.
"Knock knock," Quinlan says after the door to your quarters is already open, which doesn't surprise Obi-Wan in the slightest. Quinlan had the same habit when they were younger, barging into rooms first and apologizing later.
"Obi," Quin greets with a grin, in that sing-song-y tone of voice that he uses only for the nickname, because Obi-Wan has corrected him just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship that it's Obi-Wan, thank you very much, "Where'd the brats go?"
"I don't know," Obi-Wan admits, offering the seat across from him to his friend, "I do hope they haven't gotten themselves into any trouble. There's tea in the kitchen, if you want some."
Quinlan, who has expressed his rather harsh opinion on tea just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship, glares at Obi-Wan. Payback, he supposes.
"No, thanks." Quinlan flops down in the empty chair with a huff, and Obi-Wan marvels at how he manages to act thirteen while being over thirty, "I'd rather drink my own piss out of this mug." He reaches forwards to grab the dishware that had been sitting out on the table when Obi-Wan had arrived, then in a split second his face changes - dropping into a horrified grimace - and he flings the glass across the room.
It shatters as expected, and Obi-Wan jerks in his seat.
"Quinlan," He chides in disbelief, but waits for an explanation.
Quinlan, poor Quinlan, with stronger psychometry than he knows what to do with most times, who doesn't bother to shield himself from any potential memories in the presence of close friends, has had a rather unsavory vision of your past uses of the mug.
"Oh, kriff," He grunts, chest heaving slightly as he stares at his bare hand like it's betrayed him, "Kriff, Obi-Wan, they're having sex."
Obi-Wan feels like he may have just been struck full-force by Coruscant's train.
"What?" He sits impossibly straighter in his chair, "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I touched that thing," Quinlan explains, "And- and I was assaulted with unsavory visions, and- Obi-Wan, they put it out to let each other know they wanna fuck."
As soon as Obi-Wan processes the information that he'd really rather not have, he's on his feet.
"We need to find them," He declares, and Quinlan's jaw drops open in a display of the dramatics that the man is so fond of.
"You want to find them?" He asks, "Like- you're gonna march around the temple, and try to find them while they're banging?"
Obi-Wan considers this, and his face wrinkles into a grimace, "No. No, I don't want to find them."
Obi-Wan sinks back into his seat, speechless for the first time in a very long time. The two friends stew in an awkward silence until Quin swallows, clearing his throat.
"I'm almost.. a little proud. I think."
"Quin," Obi-Wan groans, but his friend is already talking over him.
"-I'm just saying! Good for them."
"I'm going to have to give him the talk," Obi-Wan groans, burying his face in his hands and wishing to pitch himself off of the temple's rooftop gardens instead, "I never did. I thought- well, I don't know, he had a lesson on it in class. I thought that would be enough."
Quinlan, who has very vivid memories of defacing the desks in the temple with drawings of the same reproductive organs that he and Obi-Wan learned about during their own youth sex ed course, nods in remembrance. Silence descends upon the pair once more as neither one can muster up enough energy to properly address the situation. Not enough time has passed for the mortified blush to be off of Obi-Wan's cheeks when the door opens once more, and he bets that Quinlan's face is similarly warm, and perhaps twisted into the faintest smirk.
"Oh, hey." Anakin nods once at his former master, missing the aghast expression on his face, "How long have you guys been waiting for us?"
"I just got here," Quinlan informs him, "And I should leave."
"Don't-" Obi-Wan starts, but reconsiders, because he thinks Quinlan might not be the best influence during a serious sex talk. He sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose, "Just- go."
"See 'ya, kids." Quinlan's grin as he claps the both of you on the shoulders is equal parts resigned and amused, "Enjoy what's to come."
Anakin's brow furrows alongside yours, and in explanation, Quin offers only four haunting words: "I touched your mug."
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vampzity · 4 months
𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙮 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚’𝙨
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Pairing: seonghwa x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, valentine’s day, snowed in au, pet names (my love), one shot, valentine’s day series
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day, the first you’ve had in a while and Seonghwa had a reservation at one of the finest restaurants in town planned for you. That is, until you both become snowed in from the unexpected arrival of a snowstorm that should’ve been nothing but “small flurries.” How will you spend your Valentine’s now? Is it ruined?
Now Playing: My Love is All Mine - Mitski
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I hope you guys like part 2 of the series! This one is one of my personal favs so far! Check out the rest below :D
Hongjoong’s Pt. Masterlist Yunho’s Pt.
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“Oh my god, that was ridiculous..”
You parked your car behind Seonghwa’s in the driveway, sighing at the fact that a typical 10-minute drive from work to home managed to be 40 minutes due to the heavy loads of snow and traffic. You turned the car off and stepped out, feeling the hard cold breeze hit your face. It was cold for some snow but, because of the heavy winds, it felt a lot colder than it was. Practically feeling as if your face would fall off if you didn’t walk into the house any faster.
You grabbed Seonghwa’s gift from the passenger seat, along with the box of cookies you picked up from his favorite bakery which managed to stay open just long enough for you to get your order. You closed the door, locked the car, and quickly ran to the door while struggling to grab your house key. You shuttered as the cold breeze continued to hit you as you fumbled with your keys and, when you finally got the key a small light appeared before you.
“Happy Valentine’s, my love.”
He pulled you in for a hug and closed the door behind you, the warm air in the house bringing your body back to its natural temperature. He kissed you on the forehead and pulled away fully to smile at the gifts you held in your hands.
“Here, let me hold this for you so you can get comfortable.” He grabbed his gifts and walked towards the dining room, placing them on the table. You removed your jacket and placed it on the coat hanger, soon switching your boots out for the house slippers that sat near the cubby. You rubbed your hands together and blew into them softly, desperate to regain the heat that once rested in them. No matter how long you lived in South Korea, you knew you’d never be able to get used to the harshness of the cold, especially with how long it took you to find the house key earlier.
You walked towards the dining room, hearing the TV rave about the unexpected snowstorm making its way through Incheon and Seoul. Seonghwa stood by the stove, not realizing you had come in. You leaned against the chair that sat by his gifts as you continued to watch him be your personal chef on the stove. It was rare that Seonghwa ever did decide to cook, which was ironic for someone who loved to eat so much and could scarf down a Christmas meal in one sitting.
He turned around to be met with your eyes, only to give you a shy smile and wave you down to sit. “I don’t think it’s wise to go out tonight. Seeing it took you almost an hour to get home, I think it’s safer that we dine in today.” He turned back around and continued to poke at the pan, adding spices here and there as he went. “So you decided to bring the restaurant to me, hm?” You raised an eyebrow, laughing slightly at the comment you made when he scoffed at the remark.
He walked over to the cabinet to grab a glass and placed it down beside you. He grabbed red wine from a box on the counter and began to pour it into the cup, watching your eyes widen at the realization of what type it was.
“Seonghwa.. this is the most expensive wine in all of South Korea! How did you even manage to get this with all the snow today?!” You watched him place the wine down beside your cup, smiling as he began to walk back over to the stove. “I got it a few days before. I know it’s one of your favorites whenever we travel to Busan so, on my trip with the gang, I picked some up for you.” You felt your cheeks flush with red hearing how he paid attention to your interests. How even when he was with his friends, he still thought about you. You and he had only been together for a year, but it was refreshing to be in a relationship where your feelings and interests mattered.
After a few minutes, Seonghwa placed a plate of spaghetti in front of you where small amounts of beef sticking out from under the noodles. It was topped with a small garnish. He knew how much you loved this dish, as every time you travel to Italy with the boys on tour, it’d be the first thing you ordered whenever you guys went out to eat. He placed his plate of food on the table, took a seat beside you, and poured himself a glass of wine.
“Well, dig in my love.” He began to eat his spaghetti as you sat there in awe, completely baffled by everything he quickly planned despite the unexpected snow. You took a bite of your meal, humming in favor of how well it tasted, how he somehow managed to get that same taste from Italy.
“Seonghwa, how did you do all of this? Get the recipe? All the ingredients?? Why.. how do you treat me so well..?”
He paused and took a couple of sips of wine, glancing over at you with soft-hearted eyes. He placed his warm hand on top of yours, caressing it with his thumb. “You deserve it.. you’ve been through enough y/n.” He smiled, placing a small kiss on your hand. “Please, don’t ever feel like you’re unworthy of my love and care... you deserve the world. Heck, if I could give it to you, I would.” You returned a smile, feeling your cheeks flush up once again from the attention and sweet words he gave you.
However, he was right, you haven’t done anything wrong for you to not deserve him. All Seonghwa wanted to do, was that simple. Love you and show you how much he cared after all those years of trauma you went through.
“Thank you..” you mumbled, continuing to eat the rest of your meal.
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You sighed one of relief after changing into something more comfortable, pj’s. Just a simple tank top and a pair of fuzzy pajama pants that Seonghwa had gotten you this past Christmas. You sat by the window, admiring the fresh coats of snow that lined the neighborhood as more fell on top. As much as you didn’t prefer the cold, snow was one thing you enjoyed about it. It gave you a sense of peace, kind of the same way rain did.
A knock on the door interrupted your thoughts. “Pretty isn’t it?” Seonghwa made his way inside with gifts, both yours and his own. He placed them on the bed, waving for you to come over and sit with him.
“Ah, I forgot I had gotten you gifts... I was just so taken aback by what you’ve done for me today.” You fiddled with your fingers, blushing once again at how sweetly Seonghwa was being towards you today. “No worries my love, I want you to open yours first.” He handed you a small red bag, the tag on the string reading “To my only love: y/n.” You glanced at him shortly before your eyes returned to his hands, wondering what could be inside such a small bag. You rook the gift into your hands, pausing for a second.
“Go ahead, open it.” He beamed his teeth at you encouragingly.
You nodded and opened the bag, pulling the pieces of tissue paper out and placing them in between you two. You pulled a small white box out of the bag, tightly wrapped with a silver ribbon. Seonghwa, still beaming with excitement, watched your eyes light up as you carefully removed the ribbon and opened the box.
A small silver bracelet sat nicely inside, charms of all sorts placed on it. From the sun and moon to a heart with your favorite color, all the way to a charm with Seonghwa’s initial. You held it in your hands as you looked up at him, tears starting to swell in your eyes. Seonghwa’s smile dropped as he saw the tears spill out of you, mistaking you for being in distress. He panicked, cupping your face with his warm hands.
“What’s wrong?? Do you not like it?? I can take it back.” He wiped your tears and placed his hands on your shoulders as you giggled slightly at his actions. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, cocking his head to the side.
“Silly. I do like it.” You wiped the continuous tears that remained to fall as you looked down at the bracelet. “It’s just super overwhelming.. no one has ever done this for me before.” Seonghwa smiled, grabbing the bracelet from your hands and opening the clasp. He wrapped it around your wrist and closed it, allowing you to admire the beauty of it now on you.
“Thank you, Seonghwa... it’s beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed your forehead slightly, his hand coming up to caress your cheek.
“I’m glad my love. Remember you deserve this, you deserve everything and more. Everything no one has done for you, I will.” He got up from the bed and ran out of the room for a quick second, leaving you confused. A few seconds later he returned, holding a blanket in his hands. You raised an eyebrow at him as he slowly made his way towards you and placed the blanket in your lap. It moved slightly, scaring you a bit until a small head popped out from the side.
A cat??!!
You uncovered the blankets to see a dark grey kitten lying peacefully in your lap. It purred as you pet it softly. You felt tears beginning to swell up again in your eyes as you didn’t think his gift could get any better than it already was. Seonghwa’s hand rested on yours.
“Well? What’s his name?”
You looked up at him as you wiped your tears with your other hand. You looked at the top of his head, seeing the small scrunchie Hongjoong got him, which held his ponytail back. You smiled slightly, looking back into Seonghwa’s eyes.
The young gentleman returned a smile to you, squeezing your hand slightly as he nodded in agreement. “Mito it is, my love.” He let go of you and pet the kitten softly, his purring becoming evident. “Welcome to the family Mito.”
You grabbed Seonghwa’s gift that was placed beside you and handed it to him. “Okay, your turn. Open it.”
It was a large rectangular box, wrapping paper and a bow covering what was underneath. He raised an eyebrow at you, smirking slightly as he began to tear at the paper. Revealed was a Star Wars Lego set. One that he’s been searching for since it came out, but quickly sold out online and in stores. His eyes shot out of his head as he held it in front of him, soon turning it to face you as his jaw dropped.
“How.. how did you get this??? It’s impossible to get!” You watched as his brown eyes lit up with excitement admiring the box in front of him. “Remember that business trip I went on a few weeks ago?” Seonghwa nodded as confusion painted his face. “Well, it was actually a trip outside the country. There were rumors of them being available in China, so I went with Hongjoong. I happened to find 5 left at a small Lego store in Hong Kong.”
Love pooled into his eyes as he felt so cared for by you. Feeling heard by the fact that you knew how important getting this rare set was to him, as there were only a few in the world. He placed the box down beside him and pulled you in for a soft kiss, his hand coming up to cup your cheek as your lips intertwined. He pulled back and pet you softly on your head as he admired your facial features.. oh how much he adored them. You felt your body heat up as he stared at you, it always made you flustered and nervous when he admired you so closely.
“Thank you so much y/n. You have no idea how much this means to me.” He smiled softly, placing another soft kiss on your cheek.
He got up from the bed with the Legos and made his way towards the window, grabbing the blanket from the window side and placing it on the floor. He threw some pillows down on opposite sides and gestured for you to come over.
“Well since we’re snowed in, why don’t we build it together?”
You grabbed his box of cookies and walked towards him to sit down, placing Mito on the pillow next to you. Seonghwa sat opposite you, opening the box and placing its contents between you too. Seeing his face light up like a kid brought you more than enough joy. You felt your heart sink as you felt his love towards you. Seonghwa was so genuine... so sweet and kind towards you. How could you be so lucky to have met him?
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divider creds: @cafekitsune
A/N: Yunho is next! I will try to have him uploaded the next 2 days! Don't forget to check out Hongjoong's!
Taglist: @skzline @evidive @kittykat-25 @amuromio @xoxkii @losrpark @classyrbf @sundaybossanova @owmoiralover @vrtualsins @sanslovesblog
*comment to be added to future tag lists!*
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Pain and Pleasure
Buggy x FemReader
Spicy Toe curling nasty $mut + Fluff
Enjoy my Darlings~ ;3
⚠��� Warnings: ⚠️ BD$M Play, Impact play, Unprotected sex, hard sex, mild orgasm denial, sensory dep.
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You felt heat simmering from your skin like you were in the sun of the Sandora Desert. Feeling the cool gentle sliding of leather riding up your thighs like someone was placing a ice cube over your steaming form. It was the blue riding crop that you always saw in your Captian's room when he brought you here.
Captian Buggy, the man who had taken you from the dining hall suddently and brought you to his quarters. Tearing your clothes away and tying you with his stripped bandana. When you tried to resist him a cloth had been shoved into your lips, and a scarf tied over your head to cover your eyes plunging you into darkness.
So now here you were, restrained on the carpeted floor of the cabin. Feeling the smooth leather run over your nude body, a sharp pain brining you from your thoughts as the harsh leather of the crop made impact to your thighs drawing a cry from your muffled lips, Buggy laughing darkly at hearing this as he struck you again on the other thigh.
"Let's see~ I warned you about talking to pther men, And I'm sure I saw you talk to 10 just in the dining hall~! Disobeying your Captian is a serious crime (Y/N)~" He cackled out, goosebumps picking up on your skin at his tone.
"Let's count together shall we?~"
He chimed, before the hit of the riding crop struck you again. Buggy counting out loud of each smack, 3, 4, 5... the leather welting your skin and digging in painfully into your tender flesh. 6, 7, 8.
He laughed as you whined in pain, using his foot to spread your legs from your kneeling position rubbing the crop inbetween your legs drawing a shiver from you. You felt the crop move from your skin before the final strikes hit you. 9, 10.
You felt your mind hazy from the impacts that had hit your thighs, warmth flooding your lower regions at the anticipation amd fear.
"Look how reactive you are~" Buggy chimed, tapping the crop over your hardened nipples with a dark chuckle. A shiver running through your body, the world still dark for you from the scarf wrapped around your eyes.
Suddently you felt yourself scooped up, with ease laid across what you assume was Buggys lap and stroking your nude ass.
You felt Buggy's fingers invade your pussy, roughly fucking you with his thick fingers. Your cries of pleasure shaking through your form as you heard him laughing at your reaction. Unsure how you were laid or if Buggy was using his Chop Chop abilities you feel the riding crop again this time sharply hitting you ass drawing another cry from you. This continued, everytime you felt so close to an orgasm another smack of the riding crop hit your body.
Buggy laughing at your cries of frustration mixes with pleasure as he kept your climax hostage with this crop. After 8 hits you hear the sound of the object being tossed away as Buggy pulled his fingers from you, patting your bruised pussy.
Pulling you up to be seated on his lap properly, his hands running up your shaking form for only a second. Before you felt something warm and hard press against your battered thighs, Buggy's hands then finding your hips and forcing you down on his waiting member. A broken moan came out muffled through your gag at the feeling, his starting to slowly thrust into you- The feeling practically painful with how pleasurable it was. After only a few minutes of slow teasing thrust had you close to tears and ready to cum, his mouth finding your chest as he bit down on the soft flesh of your breast and ran his tongue over your nipples. Your thighs shaking in bliss at the treatment, but his lips left your chest too quickly.
"Ah ah ah Doll~" You heard his low voice teasing you, stopping his hips just enough to keep you from your orgasm earning another loud cry in desire from you.
He began to roll his hips inside of you, slow and evil to work you back up into a frenzy without release. Suddently as if his impacients won out he started to roughly fuck up into you, the slow teasing now gone as he used you like a rough sex toy. Fucking you harder then you've even been before, tears soaking the scarf over your eyes as overestimating shot through your body.
As you felt his hips stutter against yours as he came inside of you, Hearing him groan loudly above you as warmth flooded your body. His fingers squeezing the welts with the riding crop It was just enough to force a hard orgasm from you, it shocking your body and you swore you saw white through the darkness of the scarf. Your hips shaking as you felt Buggy lift you off his weepy cock, you heard a clink before something cool touched your bruised pussy and in a quick motion it entered you. You cried against the cloth gag as you felt a mental plug invade your insides to keep that warmth inside your belly.
"So pretty~" Buggy purred out and set you on the ground to your knees. A mild shuffle taking place around you. You laid there on your knees, panting hard as you felt the stinging pain from the harsh hits and orgasm rush through your system.
"Such a good girl for me Doll~" You heard Buggy purr out, he sounded out of breath as well. There was momentary shuffling around you before you heard him again.
"Let's get you out of this Love" His voice softer, first starting with the cloth gag which made you take a sharp breath of fresh air, Gently the scarf that acted as your eyecover was removed from your face and the dim light hit you making you winced a little. Buggy was knealing infront of you, his shirt was off and he was in pink heart boxers which he had clearly just put on. His gaze gentle with a soft smile.
"You okay (Y/N)? Can you nod for me?"
You nod softly and smile, warmth blooming in your chest as he kissed your forehead.
"Good" He hummed in approval as he undid the bandana that tied your hands behind your back. His hands extra careful to remove the plug from you, earning a overestimated whimper from you.
"Sorry Baby, That should be it."
He said softly and you smiled at him, how gentle he was in times after you guys play. Buggy grabbed a blanket and wrapped into around you with care.
"Thank you honey" You whisper out, earning another kiss from Buggy who carefully picked you up still wrapped in the fluffy blanket. Laying you on your guys shared bed as he got a warm rag and began to clean you up, adding ointment to the welts to your ass and thighs.
"I want to get a different riding crop.. this one digs too much into your skin.." Buggy grumbled as he continued to get you cleaned up. You giggle at his meticulous ways, he cared as much for your Aftercare as he did during your guys BDSM play.
"Eh it's not too bad" You hummed earning a faux scowl from Buggy which made you laugh, he kissed your knee in another act of affection and apology for the deep welts from the crop. He handed you some water and climbed next to you, Tossing the rag elsewhere in the room as he cuddles you close giving a content sigh.
"You're too danger prone.. I mean you asked me last night to do this today for our play" Gesturing to the marks on your skin, waving him off you just smile. He kissed your shoulder making sure you got hydrated and handed you some snacks which the two of you shared. "Oh you like it~" You teased with a wink and munched on some of the strawberries on the snack tray.
"I love you Doll~" Buggy chimed with some apple slices in his mouth, you kiss his cheeks in response and smile at your Goofy lover.
"I love you too Buggy~"
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pholla-jm · 9 months
Innocent Love
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Luffy loved his nakama, his friends and food. He especially loved you. He thought he loved you the same way he loved his nakama. But this was a different type of love. The best way to describe it was puppy love. It was like this when he first laid eyes on you. You were so pretty to him, and then when he saw you fight- it was love at first sight.
You really had no choice but to join his crew. He was very adamant about you joining the straw hat pirates. To be honest, he only had to ask you twice.
He had the urge to follow you around. His eyes would always drift over to you, wondering what you were doing. He also made it his mis mission to always make you smile. He loved the smile that graced your face and the way your eyes sparkled whenever you laughed. It was honestly never a dull moment with him.
Luffy didn’t really understand these types of feelings though. It wasn’t until dinner time and some teasing for his true feelings to be shed to light.
“Mmm!” Luffy moans while eating Sanji’s food, “(y/n)! Have you tried this? It’s so good.” He says handing you some of his food. Everyone’s eyes widen when they saw him hold his food out to you. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Maybe he was just showing you his food?
“No, I haven’t yet. But I have some on my plate. So I’ll try it soon.” You tell him. “Shiishishi. Here! Have some.” He says not giving you any time to reject his food offer. He had shoved the food in your mouth causing everyone’s jaw to drop. So he was giving you his food. They had never seen this before.
“Mm! You’re right. It tastes really good. Here, have some of mine.” You say giving a spoonful to Luffy as well. You were about to drop it on his plate, but his mouth found your spoon first. You didn’t really mind though; it was a normal thing between you two.
“Thanks (y/n)!”
No one could really believe their eyes right now.
The silence in the dining room was broken by Usopp’s snickers. “Ooh, it looks like our Captain is in love.” He sing songs causing some of the members to chuckle as well.
A blush was starting to creep on your face from Usopp’s words. You could also hear Sanji start to wail at his words. You didn’t really pay any attention to it though.
“Hm?” Luffy tilts his head to the side, “of course I love (y/n). They’re my nakama!” You groan, putting your head in your hands. You were starting to feel a little embarrassed by the situation.
Nami starts laughing, “no Luffy. You love (y/n) as more than a nakama.” Luffy only grew more confused, “what do you mean? What could be more than a nakama?” “Oh, you are so hopeless Luffy.”
You really hated that they were talking about this while you were still in the same room. It was embarrassing for you. You could feel your face turn completely red.
“Hey (y/n)! Why is your face so red?” You hear Luffy ask causing your eyes to widen. “Nothing!” You shout, abruptly standing up from the table. “But you’re not done eating.” He says. “I’m full! Here.” You pass his plate to Luffy. Which he wastes no time scarfing his food down.
You really needed to get out there. You knew if you stayed a second longer, you would spontaneously combust from embarrassment. Once you were out on the deck, you could feel the cool sea breeze blow against your warm cheeks. You sigh in content, happy that the hot feeling was going away.
However, that was short lived it. Five minutes passed by until you heard the shout of your name and someone crashed into you. You fell to the ground with a thump with Luffy on top of you. Luffy laughter riveted around you as he got off of you. You couldn’t even be mad at him.
You didn’t even have to look back to know it was Luffy and that warm feeling was rushing back to your face.n
“Nami explained everything to me.” Luffy says causing you to groan as you stood up. You really didn’t want to talk about this now. “Luffy- “
You suddenly felt his arms wrap around you, and you were pulled into his chest.
“Will you stay with me?”
You blinked a couple times, trying to make sense of his question.
“What? Well of course. I am part of the crew after all.” “I want you to stay by my side forever.”
As the words started to compute in your head, you realized that this was as close as you were going to get to a confession. You smiled at him and finally wrap your arms back around him. “I’ll always stay with you.”
You were definitely going to have to talk to Nami about what she said to Luffy after you left.
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