#dino language
isawthe-sign · 1 month
My school had a back to school bash with arts and crafts so I painted the ASL sign for Dinosaur
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[Image ID: Dinosaur in American Sign Language in acrylic. A hand in flat O handshape is painted with a yellow eye, a nostril, green scales, and teeth lining the thumb and index finger. End ID]
Sources: SigningSavvy, Lifeprint, ASLDeafined
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thelingodingo · 5 months
Seventeen's Dialects
For a very tiny country, South Korea has many distinct dialects (6 major ones to be exact). And so I wanted to share with yall the different dialects used by Seventeen members! (especially seungkwan cuz its so cool)
Gyeongsang Dialect: this dialect is by far the most popularized and well-known Korean dialect. it's mainly characterized by its aggressive, fast-paced, and strongly emphasized sounds. it's also pitch-accented, meaning you can hear the different intonations and stresses on syllables. there are also subtle differences between different gyeongsang-do cities that native speakers of the dialect can easily hear and tell apart.
Woozi - Woozi is from Busan, where the accent falls on the back syllable and the "g" (ㄱ) is used more. his accent doesn't really jump out often but every now and then you can hear a slightttt tinge of the dialect. in BTS Suga's Suchwita episode 10 with Woozi theres a part where Suga (as a fellow gyeongsang-do born) is able to immediately tell that Woozi is from gyeongsang by his intonation.
S.Coups - on the other hand, S.coups is from Daegu, where the accent falls on the front syllable and the "k" (ㅋ) sound is used more. as you can see, even though s.coups and woozi are both from gyeongsang, their different cities means their accents are a bit different. in fact, the busan dialect evolved in order for people to be able to hear what is being said over water better whereas the daegu dialect evolved to be able to travel through the air better. s.coups' accent jumps out quite often in varying degrees. sometimes its very obvious and other times it's more subtle, but overall you can definitely notice it if you listen close enough.
Wonwoo - unlike the other two, wonwoo is from Changwon, so neither Busan or Daegu (the 2 most prominent gyeongsang-do cities). i don't have enough experience to know anything in particular about the changwon dialect but i assume that it's basically the same as the busan dialect since it's pretty close to there. from what I personally hear, I think wonwoo's dialect is definitely the most recognizable and frequent out of the 3 gyeongsang members. i feel like every other sentence he says has a bit of the accent thrown in naturally.
Jeolla Dialect: the jeolla dialect also has many different pitches and intonations used and is mainly characterized by its warm and kind sounding tone. vowels are the emphasis and are dragged out/lengthened, giving speakers of this dialect a very affectionate, smooth, and melodic voice.
Dino - dino likes to whip out his dialect here and there, especially when joking around and having fun with the other members. dino's accent comes out the most by far whenever he turns into his boomer character, Pi Cheolin! so basically any Pi Cheolin clip is just dino speaking in jeolla dialect.
Jeju Dialect (language): this dialect of Korean is so vastly different from the rest of the dialects that it's basically completely unintelligible to other Koreans. because of this, many people even say that the Jeju dialect is actually a language of its own. really, the jeju dialect seems to be officially classified as a "language dialect". to add on, this dialect is also classified as a critically endangered language by UNESCO which is definitely very worrying.
Seungkwan - even though he is from Jeju Island, there has never really been a time where he ever spoke in the Jeju dialect in front of the camera. so unfortunately there's no examples I can give regarding Seungkwan....atleast thats what I thought. after some more digging on the korean side of the internet it turns out there are a few clips of him speaking in the jeju language! heres one of them:
The rest of the members speak in just the Standard Korean dialect (Gyeonggi) btw
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wonwoodrivethru · 5 months
not to be mega loser 3000 over here but the gose comeback special is so good for korean practice! i'm guessing bc it's in the style of a drama they're using simpler language but like when dino and seungkwan said "봤잖아 나 어때?" "정말로 진심을 원해?" "조용히 해" like that's a fairly easy interaction to follow w/o subs!! Yippeee
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ravensilversea · 4 months
-> Writes fic
-> Wonders how many friends it has on Ao3
-> Checks ship tag
-> There are 34 fics
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
today i discovered there's a pokemon called Klinklang and that is such a funny word it brought me immense joy so thought id share
it’s even better than that!! Klinklang is the final evolution of two other pokemon
the first one is called Klink (can you tell where this is going already? 😉)
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then this guy(s??) evolves into… guess what 🥰 Klang!!
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so their final evolution is just those two names mushed together, which is both incredibly stupid and a stroke of pure genius that will never be repeated
(also the japanese name is Gigigiaru, which is just a nice word to pronounce 🥰🥰)
also i love the bulbapedia entry
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it “may be a combination of klink and klang” be so for real right now
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highking-margo · 1 year
Open starter
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“Alright dickheads listen up. I will grant one non-sexual favor to anyone that can tell me how the fuck I ended up in a place that seems like it came right out of Jeff Goldblum’s head. I mean friendly dinosaurs, really?” She says with a light side bobble of her head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they weren’t out here busting into bathrooms to eat us but I also want to know what kind of sedatives they were on. Could maybe use one of later if can’t find a way back to my goddamn kingdom.” @hiddenstarters
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cheste7 · 10 months
Day 12 (28/11/23)🌟
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thank you kim mingyu for literally existing
today was a reset day i guess??? obvioulsy i didn't sleep well due to the storm and the wind that literally made my balcony's doors tremble. moreover, my headphones broke so I couldn't cover the loud noises with music or something it was very stressful and I slept only three hours??? then I got up ate breakfast with my roommates and slept again for other two hours.
this morning I tried to drink milk again after few months without it and I can confirm i am lactose intolerant rip🐄🥛
then I did my skincare morning routine (even if i cried a lot during the day)🧚‍♀️, dressed up (even if it was a home-stay day) and I worked on my orthopedics assignment🦴
there's a funny thing about today: i found out my infectious diseases exam is four days before the date i remembered so im basically screwed so my anxiety took over and my brain got STUCK i couldn't even focus on the pages i had in front of me im just so confused and I fear i will postpone the examination for the millionth time 🦠
I don't think I'll be able to study foreign languages till the exam day I will just practice some japanese vocab with apps and apply my usual "immersive" routine for korean (kpop content and journaling. writing is really helping me a lot both with the language and the fact that it makes me reorganize ideas in my mind, i can understand more my feelings,... then i check my sentences with the speaking mode in papago.)🇰🇷🇯🇵
외국어를 공부할 수 없을 것 같아. 시험이 12월에 있지만 저는 아직 공부를 안 끝났어요. 요즘에는 일본어와 중국어를 공부한 시작했어서 제 한국어 연습이 조금 어려워. 가끔 단어고 문법을 기억지 않아요. 아무것도 이해할 수 없는 것 같아. 언어 세 개를 다 잘 하고 싶어서 열심히 연습해야 돼요. 내일부터 공부와 셀프케어에 지중하고 (to focus) 싶어: 운동하기, 스킨케어 하기, 건강에 좋은 밥을 먹기, 더 마시기, 방을 청소하기.
i think im slowly improving my posture but one of my resolution for next year is to improve my flexibility and exercising a lot more. i really want to feel more lively🏃‍♀️
also I should drink a lot more even if it means to force myself sometimes💧
so for tomorrow i'm planning to start repeating out loud several topics for my exam i don't know yet if by myself or with my uni friends and i'd like to do a light workout.
p.s. YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO ME WHY MINGYU HAS TO LOOK EXTRA FINE EVERY SINGLE TIME i mean grey sweats the Italia cap... he's doing it for me
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hauxicrook · 1 year
Guys guys guys
Today was the last day of my car driving class
And finally, it's done
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takohebi · 1 year
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🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal
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cupcakes-are-ours · 2 years
void knight: who ate the last of that fucked up and evil pizza???
slyther: it's called GERRYMANDERING. i can cough up a piece if you want
void knight: no thank you
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Powers out at my house
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mrdinomaiz · 1 year
You know what's awesome of having free official spanish dub of Kuuga? I now CAN watch it as background noise while I draw < 3
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thelingodingo · 5 months
The Significance of Woozi's First Love Story
I find this particular clip to be a great example showing how ages in Korea are so deeply a part of the culture (in both good and bad ways). With this clip, it really reminded me of one of the more positive aspects of the Korean age hierarchy.
You may already know about how the word "oppa" has certain romantic connotations to it with its popularity and how common it is (especially in the West by Koreaboos..) since usually in hetero romantic relationships the man is older.
So when you think of the word "oppa" you might imagine a generic teenage girl fangirling over a hot older guy or something (something that is pretty much seen all over the world).
But on the other hand, the roles can also be reversed in Korea (young males fanboying over older noonas). Which is why in the video when Woozi mentions that his first love was with a "noona" the rest of the members absolutely lose their shit being like "OMG IT WAS A NOONA!!!!!" and it's just so funny since Mingyu even says something along the lines of how there's no way his first love story can ever beat Woozi's first love story as soon as he mentioned it was with a "noona" (not translated in the video's subtitles).
There's much more to delve into when it comes to Korean age dynamics but I just thought that this example from Seventeen was hilarious.
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cursedchildofchaos · 2 years
More things that you must read at your own risk
My face is flush and my heart races. I can't believe I'm doing this. I had to be a big chicken about it.
I like that I can take free classes at Tumblr University since I'm a teacher here…but let's be real. The only reason I'm taking this class is to be closer to Professor T Rex. 
I know nothing about "Dinoing." I had never been interested before meeting him. I'm gonna embarrass myself, aren't I?
My thoughts have been spiraling so much that it appears I'm already at the door. Oh, I hate this. I hesitantly open it. 
There he is. He's trying desperately to write something on the chalkboard, but his little arms won't reach.
I walk over, setting an apple on his desk as I do. I put out my hand.
"I can help. What would you like me to write?" I look at him with a reassuring grin.
"Oh, hey, Op. I was so excited you were taking this class. And just write my name and the class title, " he answers.
He holds the chalk out to me. His hand is so calloused, but smooth. I let my own linger a little long over his.
"Is something wrong?" he asks. 
My head shoots up. He's looking at me with that giant and sharp smile. 
"No, no, no…I just thought more people would be here by now," I turn to the chalkboard and write.
"About that," he begins. "Apparently, a lot of people began dropping the class this morning because the Onceler was offering a class on business that they were more interested in," he explains.
I sharply turn to him.
"Wait, really?"
"I suppose you might consider dropping as well?"
"No, I just can't fathom why anyone would drop your class for him! You're a way better teacher!"
"Thanks," he smiles, but it turns into a frown. "I'm not too worried since I have that job at that amusement park, but I was really looking forward to teaching this class. And now, it might be canceled.*
"Canceled?" I question.
"Yeah, I hope you're not too disappointed."
"I…I am. I was excited about this class, too. I even got you an apple!"
He turns and sees the apple.
"You did, didn't you?" he smiles and grabs it off the desk with his teeth. He crunches it. "It's delicious." 
His face is messy from the apple, so, I walk over and wipe it off with my sleeve.  We stare at each other for a moment. He looks a little sad.
"T Rex…I must confess that there's another reason I took this class besides wanting to learn to dino…" I began, suddenly feeling courageous, but I freeze before I can finish the rest of it. 
"I thought about taking one of your classes for the same reason I think…" he softly smirks. 
"Then, why beat around the bush? If the class gets canceled, let's meat next week at the same time for a date," I suggest, my bravery back.
He smiles and nods his giant ass head.
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mmikmmik2 · 1 year
Okay, I have to assume that most other people missed that the Collector wasn’t demanding pizza bagels for himself, but instructing Odalia to make pizza bagels for the Owl Beast. Because I cannot be the only person who is way too amused by the mental image of King or Lilith curtly accepting “kiddy”/junk food meal service from Odalia. The insult upon injury for poor Eda and Lilith that the only hot meals they get are like, pizza bagels and dinosaur chicken nuggets and Happy Meals. Please someone help them, they’ve already suffered enough
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dino-anarchy · 1 year
j'ai faire le français à l'école depuis deux ans et je souvenis très peu. aujourd'hui va être.... être.... comment dit-on "difficult" en français?
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