mrneighbourlove · 1 year
OC-Tober: Day 2. Their Immediate Family
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Revy has been incredibly fortunate to have a loving and supportive family, even if the first decade and a bit was a little rocky.
Born from the one night stand between Rat and Scarlet, the Gerudo pirate gave Rat their daughter to look after Revy as she still had strong ties to Adda, and felt she had to finish a war. Taking care of Revy, her father stayed in Hyrule only for a few years before adventuring out to the country of Uskar. It is here that he fell in love with the warrior Borghild, and that Revy gained both a teacher, a role model and a mother.
Rat and Borghild were instrumental in teaching Revy her values of adventure, kindness, and using strength in the service of helping others. When Scarlet first came back into Revy's life, Rat was unsure if Revy would be accepting; he was barely accepting after he felt he and his daughter were abandoned. For Revy, she could see the good heart that lied in Scarlet, and was the source that Scarlet needed to sever her connections with Adda and her crew.
With Scarlet deciding to live in Uskar, she made up for lost time quickly, dedicating herself to teaching Revy some Gerudo history, and her own skills as a warrior. It didn't take long for not only Rat to warm to Scarlet, but for Borghild to as well. The trio of parents found a love for one another, marrying into a poly marriage. For Revy, she counts herself lucky to have this strong bond of love that she's connected to. Art by https://twitter.com/s_kinnaly @s-kinnaly
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s-kinnaly · 5 years
You got art of Siegars siblings? I know you drew he youngest son, but I can’t recall if you drew the others.
Maybe I’ll doodle some more of Sigegar’s sibling if you guys want to know more about them ;3 I’m always reading comments and tags…. ;3
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karlaaqualight · 5 years
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It has been a freaking while since I had painted digitally, so cut me some slack ok?
1)Quick doodle of Ashia
2) Uhtred and Branwenn, two characters still in progress.
@ridersoftheapocalypse @s-kinnaly @mrneighbourlove
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
Legend of Zelda: A Direnor Story
I have finally decided to publish a fanfic that had been on my mind for a long time. It is based on the story “Legend of Zelda: Glacier’s Forge” of @ridersoftheapocalypse and the world of zelgan babies that she and @s-kinnaly have created (also inspired by the story of the amazing @figmentforms “A Tale of Two Rulers”).
Thank you for your fantastic stories, I love them and I have beem especially attracted to Direnors’ culture, as @ridersoftheapocalypse knows well (sorry again for the huge messages with questions and doubts XD).
I confess that I am a bit afraid to share this story because english is not my native language and I have certainly committed many spelling mistakes. I hope you can still read and understand my writting and, of course, you can enjoy it. (You can read the spanish version, it will be much better written).
I will upload small pieces of the story, little by little and maybe some drawing if I dare XD. I will do it in english and spanish in the same post, in that order.
Well, I better shut up now. I hope you like it and sorry again for the mistakes with the language  ^_^
There is just one thought filled her mind. Nothing else mattered at that moment.
Run away from the frost ones.
She was running at full speed, like a dark shadow between snow and ice, making her way through the thin leafless trees. Her breathing was hoarse and irregular, the muscles of her legs hurt terribly due to exhaustion but a primitive instinct urged her not to stop, boiling in the depths of her being.
She must survive not only for her but for her clan. For her companions, friends, family... and her father. Especially for him.
Her run stopped as she sank into the snow but with a superhuman effort she managed to get up and continue. The wound of her thigh burned like a hundred knives cutting through her skin, she could feel the blood flow and stain his fur. She had been and idiot and that distraction could cost her life. She hoped that the gods, Rotar and Handeh, would protect her because if she met the frost ones again, she would not be able to fight them.
A sudden whiplash of pain made her moan and stumble. Unable to keep her balance she fell forward, rolling down and embankment of several meters like a heavy sack until she stopped and was half buried by the snow.
For a few minutes there was only silence.
Everything around her was white. She tried to move but her body did not respond, she had no more strength. The transformation began to subside: her fur disappeared, showing her bare skin nibbled by the freezing cold of the snow.
It was over, she could not resist ir anymore. It was the end. She had failed her family and her clan.
She did not know how much time spent buried in the snow until she heard a distant sound. Footsteps of something big, not human for sure. Was she in the realm of dead? A scaly touch removed the snow from her body and a warm breath caressed her skin. With her last reserves of strength she managed to open her eyes.
A high figure was outlined against the sunlight, a huge and inmmense body with a long neck. His head twinkled in blue with horns, scales and wild eyer that stared at her.
It was a dragon.
The last thing she saw were his fangs approaching. Then the shadows swallowed her conscience.
(Spanish version)
Por fin me decidí a publicar este fanfic que tenía en mente desde hace tiempo. Está basado en la historia “Legend of Zelda: Glacier’s Forge” de @ridersoftheapocalypse y el mundo de los bebés zelgan que ella y @s-kinnaly han creado (también inspiradas en la historia “A Tale of Two Rulers” de la increíble @figmentforms).
Gracias por vuestras historias, me encantan y me siento especialmente atraída por la cultura de los direnors, cosa que @ridersoftheapocalypse sabe bien (siento los enormes mensajes con preguntas y dudas XD).
Confieso que me da un poco de miedo compartir esta historia ya que el inglés no es mi lengua nativa y de seguro habré cometido muchos errores ortográficos con ese idioma. Espero que aún así puedan entenderla y disfrutarla. Por suerte aquí está la versión en español, mucho mejor escrita seguro XD
Subiré pequeños fragmentos de la historia, poco a poco y tal vez algún dibujo si me atrevo XD. Lo haré en inglés y español en el mismo post, en ese orden.
Bueno, será mejor que me calle ya. Espero que os guste!
Un único pensamiento llenaba su cabeza. Nada más importaba en ese momento.
Huir de los Frost ones.
Corría a toda velocidad, era una sombra oscura entre la nieve y el hielo, abriéndose paso entre los delgados árboles sin hojas. Jadeaba con fuerza de forma irregular, los músculos de sus patas le dolían terriblemente debido a la extenuación, pero un instinto primitivo la impulsaba a no detenerse, hirviendo en lo más profundo de su ser. La supervivencia.
Debía sobrevivir, no solo por ella, sino por su clan. Sus amigos, sus compañeros, su familia contaba con ella… su padre.
Su carrera se detuvo al hundirse en la nieve, pero con un esfuerzo sobrehumano consiguió ponerse en pie y continuar. La herida del muslo le dolía como cien cuchillos cortándola, podía notar la sangre fluir y manchar su pelaje. Había sido idiota, se había despistado y eso podía costarle muy caro. Esperaba que los dioses, Rotar y Handeh, la protegieran pues, de volver a encontrarse a sus enemigos, ya no podría luchar.
Un repentino latigazo de dolor la hizo gemir y tropezar. Fue incapaz de mantener el equilibrio y cayó hacia delante, rodando por un terraplén de varios metros como un saco pesado, hasta detenerse y quedar semi enterrada en la nieve.
Durante unos segundos nada se movió.
A su alrededor todo era blanco. Trató de moverse, pero su cuerpo no le respondía, ya no tenía más fuerzas. La transformación comenzó a remitir, su pelaje desapareció, mostrando su piel desnuda, mordisqueada por el frío gélido de la nieve.
Se acabó, no podía más. Era el fin para ella. Había fallado a su familia y a su clan.
No supo cuando tiempo pasó enterrada en la nieve hasta que escuchó un sonido lejano en la nieve. Eran pisadas de algo grande, no humanas, seguro. ¿Estaba en el más allá? Una caricia escamosa retiró la nieve de su cuerpo y un aliento cálido le acarició la piel. Con sus últimos estertores de fuerza, consiguió abrir los ojos.
Una gran figura se recortaba contra la luz del sol, un cuerpo voluminoso e inmenso, de largo cuello; su cabeza centelleaba en tonos azules, tenía cuernos, escamas y unos ojos salvajes que la miraban fijamente.
Era un dragón.
Lo último que alcanzó a ver fueron sus afilados colmillos acercándose a ella, antes de que las sombras se la tragaran.
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iamtrishski · 6 years
What Dreams May Come
This story is a one-shot fic that centers around my take on Prince Sigegar's first impression of Kanisa during the events of the Glacier's Forge arc by @ridersoftheapocalypse.
This is my FIRST-EVER attempt at writing any kind of fanfic, so I hope you enjoy it.
Warning: some of the events in this fic, including the explicit sexy times, are based on artwork by @s-kinnaly.
Characters in the story are the creation of the brilliant minds of @ridersoftheapocalypse, @mrneighbourlove, and @s-kinnaly.
Ever since Sigegar laid eyes on Kanisa, the eldest son of Uskar’s High King Torbjorn and his queen, Brigritta, could not stop thinking of her. From the very first time she had set foot in the Grand Hall, time seemed to stop all surrounding motion as he gazed at the lovely sight walking past the throng of guests before stopping to greet the High King and Queen.
As he witnessed their exchange of greetings, Sigegar could not help being captivated by the Hyrule princess’s beauty as she introduced her brother and sister-in-law to his parents.
When she spoke, her smile shone radiantly with every word her lips formed and though he couldn’t hear her speak, he imagined her voice to be sweet and gentle.
Kanisa was absolutely gorgeous. The mauve-colored dress she was wearing was plain but accentuated her supple figure perfectly, kissing the curves of her body and boasting a neckline low enough to reveal the swell of her breasts. Her long and wavy red hair looked soft enough to run his fingers through, and the way her hips swayed with every movement made him weak in the knees.
Kanisa stood at six-foot-five and was taller than most Direnor females by Uskarian standards. She's perfect, Sigegar’s mind whispered to him. The females he had dated were nothing compared to the Hyrule princess, whose red hair and skin color stood out amongst the sea of dark hair and pale blue skin.
Although Kanisa’s skin was a dark olive-brown – a stark contrast to his own – Sigegar still found her breathtaking, especially as her golden eyes marvelled at the beauty of the Grand Hall.
His train of thought, however, was interrupted for a brief second the moment Vidar walked in, arms crossed and looking upset as he moved to stand beside Kanisa.
While Kanisa looked cheerful, Vidar had a rather distant aire about him, a frown plastered on his normally-neutral face. He wondered what had caused the Hersir to display such a pitiful expression. Then again, he didn’t care why. He wasn’t particularly fond of Vidar, considering him inferior and perhaps even weak because he was not of royal blood.
“There you are,” Ragnvald mused to himself as he strode toward his elder brother.
Sigegar appeared to be deep in thought. He had not heard his brother approach but was startled as soon as Ragnvald slapped his shoulder.
“Hey, what was that for?” Sigegar asked, rubbing the area his younger brother had touched then turning to see him smiling.
“Nothing, really. I happened to spot you from across the Hall looking all googly-eyed as soon as Princess Kanisa entered the room."
"I do not make 'googly-eyes'," Sigegar retorted.
"Says you," Ragnvald chortled with a wink.
Sigegar rolled his eyes and snorted, his gaze wandering back to the red-headed beauty.
Ragnvald paused before continuing. "You are aware that she’s married, right?”
“Obviously, if that ring on her finger means anything. But that doesn’t mean I can’t look," Sigegar snapped in defense as he crossed his arms in annoyance and observed Kanisa introducing her brother and his wife to Bjarke, Jarl Brynjolf, and Angorn.
The second-born son of the High King and Queen only laughed at his brother’s response. “Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Ragnvald jested as he put his arm around his brother’s shoulders.
Sigegar glared at his brother. Ragnvald, still smiling, raised both hands in defeat as he chuckled. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. But don’t stare for too long. You know how aggressive animals can get when it comes to protecting their mates.”
Sigegar shrugged his shoulders knowing very well what his brother meant.
"Who said she needed any protecting? I'm not doing her any harm by just looking."
And dreaming, his mind added.
As the evening progressed, Sigegar grew bored from just watching Kanisa. However, fortune smiled upon him as she excused herself to get a drink at the bar. He took it upon himself to converse with her and made a bee line to where she was with Ragnvald right behind him.
As soon as Vidar caught sight of Sigegar walking toward his wife, he bristled in anger. Vidar was not fond of Sigegar either, recalling the time Angorn nearly drowned because Sigegar made no motion to save him.
Ragnvald, keen on emotion, sensed Vidar's rage as his brother attempted to speak to Kanisa. She turned her head in time to see the rather tall Direnor greet her.
"Hello, Princess Kanisa. It's been a while. How have you been?"
Before she could respond, Sigegar took her hand and kissed it. "It's a pleasure.. to meet you," he purred as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles before releasing her hand.
With a blush on her cheeks, Kanisa bowed to the two princes. "It's good to meet you as well, Sigegar. Yes, it has been a while, Ragnvald. Kerugan keeps me busy. Being the mother of a fussy infant can be demanding, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
A smile formed across Kanisa's face as she thought of her baby boy, who was currently at home in the care of Vidar's parents.
Noticing the kiss that Sigegar placed on his sister's hand, Covarog whispered something to his wife then walked over to join the trio.
A loud "ahem" snapped her out of her reverie as she turned to see Covarog standing next to her with one eyebrow raised.
"Oh! Forgive me. This is my elder brother, Covarog, King of Hyrule."
Covarog bowed then eyed both men up and down and expected them to cower, but the three of them were all practically the same height, save for Sigegar, who was three inches shorter.
King or not, Sigegar was the least bit intimidated by the Gerudo male standing in front of him.
Ragnvald extended his hand, and Covarog did the same, as both men exchanged pleasantries. Not wanting to appear rude, Sigegar took Covarog's hand and gripped it in a firm handshake.
Once he felt that neither man was a threat to his sister, Covarog walked back to Zarazu and resumed his mingling.
Kanisa breathed a sigh of relief after her brother left.
"My brother is very protective of me," she apologized as she looked at the brothers. "Moreso now that I no longer live in Hyrule."
"But you have your husband to protect you and your son," Ragnvald stated matter-of-factly.
Kanisa gave him a weak smile. "I suppose you are correct." Uncertainty filled her mind as she reflected on the argument she and Vidar had earlier that day.
Kanisa paused briefly before uttering another apology. "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. Kerugan has difficulty falling asleep when I'm not there."
With that, she bowed and bid the two brothers farewell.
As Sigegar watched her retreating form, he felt a twinge of disappointment.
As the night ended, Sigegar walked back to his home. Opening the door, he took off his furs and set them on an ottoman under the living room window. He took off his boots next, placed them by the foot of the stairs, and proceeded to walk up to his room. Once he entered, he divested himself of his clothes and stared at his reflection in the mirror, marveling at the various battle scars that adorned his arms and chest. With a smirk, he turned and strode toward his bed not bothering to put on any undergarments.
As he lay himself down, Sigegar couldn't help but reflect on the night's events, which he spent mostly watching Kanisa from afar. He recalled Ragnvald mentioning Vidar's name, followed by the slight uncertainty in her response. Then he remembered the expression on Vidar's face as he entered the Grand Hall and stood next to Kanisa.
"You are aware that she's married, right?"
His conscience reprimanded him, echoing the words his brother asked earlier.
He shot back.
"But that doesn't mean I can't look."
Satisfied with his mental response, Sigegar drifted off to sleep. Moments later, the prince tossed and turned, his head moving from side to side.
Though he did not wake, it appeared as if he was dreaming. Beads of sweat began forming on his forehead as the prince's body responded unconsciously to the events in the dream.
Kanisa was naked, a fur blanket obscuring her partially-covered bottom half but revealing her round and pert breasts. They were the perfect size, pliant yet large enough to fit in his hands. Her nipples and areolas were a bit darker than the rest of her skin but were just as enticing.
Standing in front of her, Sigegar made motion to remove his clothing slowly. As he worked on pulling his top off, Kanisa was mesmerized at the sight of his abdominal muscles contracting with every move of his body.
Following the bottom of his shirt, her glance moved up to his pecs, which flexed as his arms removed the last vestiges of his top.
Her cheeks reddened just like they did when she accidentally happened upon her eldest brother in the bath. Fortunately for him, she could only see his top half.
Noticing her flushed cheeks, Sigegar did the same with his trousers. Kanisa stared at him while he tantalizingly unbuttoned them, her eyes following the happy trail leading toward his nether region.
Once his trousers slid down his muscular legs, her eyes went wide, revelling at the sight of his now-hardened manhood.
Sigegar stepped out of his trousers and made his way to Kanisa, grabbing her face tenderly as he gave her lips a heated kiss.
The fur blanket dropped to the floor as they kissed each other with wanton desire, tongues dueling for dominance.
Amidst their steamy liplock, Kanisa grasped his hardened member and began to stroke it.
"Aaahh.. hmmm," Sigegar moaned in his sleep.
"Nngh.. Kanisa," he sighed.
Licking his lips, Sigegar thrashed his head to one side as the dream continued.
Feeling the heat course through his veins, Sigegar kissed Kanisa with more ferver, lifting her and carrying her bridal-style to his bed.
As he gently laid her on the bed, Sigegar began kissing her neck and making his way down her body while his hands fondled her breasts and teased the nipples into hardened peaks. He kissed the valley of her breasts before licking the nipple of one with the tip of his tongue then suckling it. Turning his attention to the other breast, he repeated the same action.
Kanisa moaned as he rained butterfly kisses down her taut body until he reached her womanhood, spreading her legs wide for what was about to happen.
Kneeling between her thighs, Sigegar wasted no time and laved her clit until he felt her legs shake. Using the tip of his tongue once more, he teased her swollen nub by drawing circles around it, repeating the motion several times until her hips began to buck.
With one last lick, Sigegar darted his tongue into her womanhood and wiggled it. When his tongue wasn't inside her, he kept the momentum going by alternating between sucking and licking her clit, feeling his bearded chin drenched in her juices with each strafe of his tongue. He then inserted his middle and ring fingers and crooked them both upward, applying pressure to her G-spot as he moved his hand in and out with a quick and steady motion.
Kanisa moaned loudly, her mouth forming an 'O' as she palmed and squeezed her breasts.
Hearing her moans made Sigegar hard with lust. He stopped what he was doing for a quick moment, stood up, and exchanged places with Kanisa. As he lay on the bed, he motioned for them to assume a sixty-nine position.
Grasping her ass cheeks, he resumed licking her pussy while teasing and sucking her clit. Catching on quickly, Kanisa grabbed his shaft and began to stroke it. Once she put her mouth on his tip and started sucking, Sigegar hissed and inhaled sharply. He tried to continue his ministrations, but her talented mouth assaulted his member sinfully, licking up and down the shaft with the flat of her tongue before laving the sensitive ridges of the engorged mushroom-shaped head.
Kanisa was so focused on what she was doing that Sigegar almost forgot to breathe, grabbing the sheets with his hands and bunching them in his fists. With his heart pounding, he squeezed his eyes shut and cursed under his breath, feeling like he was about to explode.
Before he could do so, he moved out from under Kanisa quickly and knelt behind her. Using one hand, he guided his still-hardened member to her glory hole and rammed himself into her sopping wet entrance. She was very tight and felt amazing as her vaginal walls contracted with every hard thrust.
Sigegar could feel and hear his heavy sac slapping against her womanhood as he concentrated on bringing them both pleasure.
Turning Kanisa on her back, Sigegar re-entered her delicious pussy and continued to thrust into her. As he did, he stared down at the woman currently in the throes of pleasure, her hair fanned around her flushed face.
"Aaah.. ohhh.. hmmm," Kanisa moaned as she raised her hips to meet his thrusts. Grasping her hips tightly, Sigegar pounded into her pussy, slamming into her heavenly sheath repeatedly with brute force.
"Aaahh.." Sigegar groaned. Still asleep, his mind continued to fan his lust with images of Kanisa writhing beneath him.
Gods, she was so damn beautiful.
He was so close to cumming that he sped up his movements until his hips jerked. With one last look at her and a final thrust, he let out a long and loud groan..
Panting heavily, Sigegar snapped open his eyes. He looked around the empty room to find no trace of Kanisa. Frustrated, he rubbed his face with both hands and realized it was all a dream. However, a rather large problem made itself known as it protested against the confines of the fur blanket. Looking down, Sigegar let out a heavy sigh.
"Great, now I have to take care of this," he muttered under his breath.
Sliding the blanket down, he exposed his manhood and ran his hand over his balls then moved his fingers upward to feel the veins covering his shaft.
Once he reached the swollen head, his finger rubbed over the slit, feeling a bead of slippery liquid escape. He closed his eyes then grasped his shaft and started jerking himself slowly.
As images of Kanisa flooded his mind once more, he sped up his movements and concentrated on her face, her eyes boring into his in a lustful daze.
Sigegar began panting as he envisioned himself kissing the nape of her neck, one hand fondling a breast and the other in between her legs. He imagined her moaning relentlessly as she moved her arm backward to grab at his hair.
He could feel the impending explosion as his toes tingled, working its way upward to the base of his spine.
As it neared, Sigegar furiously pumped his manhood, seeking release. The moment he felt it, he heaved his chest upward as warm, white ejaculate sprayed all over his abdomen.
"Nnnghh.. aaarghh!" Sigegar almost yelled. Slowing down his pumps, two more spurts of ejaculate landed on his chest.
Panting very heavily, heart stammering in his chest, Sigegar was drained. He could barely move a muscle, let alone lift a finger.
Looking up at the ceiling, he whispered, "Shit.." into the night air.
He summoned whatever energy he had left to grab a towel and wipe himself clean before falling into a restful slumber.
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blukrown · 5 years
Not Meant To Be - Chapter 1
Also available on AO3
An Old Friend
Tebanam Dragmire would rather anything else than participating in council meetings. Climb the desert dunes in the scorching midday sun, swim the rapids in a typhoon or try to keep warm on a mountain during a blizzard. All painful but surely not as mindfully draining as listening to a group of elderly Hylians complain, argue and never decide on anything. But, seeing as he was visiting his family he had been reluctantly convinced to help. As his parents were finalising their retirement from the throne, there was still a lot to be done. And the work was too much for the crown prince, Covarog, to handle alone.
Tebanam had tried to be optimistic about it, attempting to see behind the drilling monotonous talk that took up most of the meeting. After being away from royal life, maybe his mind had exaggerated the times his father had invited him into the chambers to watch. Perhaps there was at least some interesting aspect to be had. After all, this was the epicentre of the nation, where trades, treaties and policies were struck and broken. But he had been sorely mistaken.
For over three hours, the ancient Hylian men disputed the significance of minimising the trade of silks from a country on the southern border and did not get anywhere closer to a conclusion. The only thing that kept Tebanam from practically going insane in that room was the fact that Faris, his lover, was just outside those doors. So he listened and tried not to fall asleep, imagining how fun it would be to show Faris the rest of the castle, as they had only just arrived yesterday evening.
Finally, after what felt like hours, the council was disbanded. Tebanam was going to be the first one to the door but he was stopped by a call.
"Tebanam, wait one moment."
The prince frowned, it was rather impolite to call him just by his name alone. Although it did not bother him too much, he turned to the voice with an unimpressed look. But that was wiped away with surprise by who it was.
There had been a young Hylian man at the meeting. Mature, yet still not aged and war-worn like the rest. Tebanam had thought he looked familiar but all of the council members were old family acquaintances so he had brushed it aside at the time. But now he got a closer look, it all came flooding back.
A Hylian man, wearing a traditional nobleman garb, with tanned skin, soft eyes and small beauty spot under his right eye which moved when he smiled. He was tall, for a Hylian that is. But compared to Tebanam he was more than a head shorter. He had mousey brown hair, hanging down to his chin with a matching trim beard. He was handsome, that was the first thing Tebanam thought before his memory kicked in.
"Jazoh?" Tebanam asked, shocked he even had the chance to say that name.
The man, Jazoh Spegeil, was pleased the prince recognised him, "The one and only."
Tebanam did not know what to think. How many years has it been? Six? Seven? Clearly long enough that they were almost unfamiliar to each other by a glance.
Tebanam let out a laugh, opening his arms and the shorter man embraced in a friendly hug. "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to-"
"Be on some far off farm? Yes but when my uncle passed recently, I was the seen as the one most suitable to take his place." Jazoh elaborated, giving the man a tight squeeze before pulling away.
Tebanam was speechless. Jazoh, here in the flesh and not looking too worse for wears. He felt a great sense of relief, although guilt still twinged somewhere deep down.
"Listen, I- . . . I'm sorry I never stopped them. You didn't deserve to be sent off just for what happened."
Jazoh shook his head. "It's fine. There was nothing you could do to stop my father from sending me away."
Tebanam looked over the man with worry, trying to find any evidence he was mistreated but only saw a considerably fit, happy man. "What were you doing while away?"
"Helping my great grandmother. She owns a farm in the northwest near the coast, most of the Spegeil men get sent up there from time to time to help. It was tough, she was cruel at first but once I convinced her I had 'changed', she softened."
"I just hope you were treated well," Tebanam said reluctantly. He could only take Jazoh's word but knowing how monstrous his father was, goddesses knew what the man's other family were like.
Following the stragglers, as they left the room, Tebanam wanted to know all that happened to him. "What were you doing there?"
"I was doing almost as much work as the peasants. Out in the fields farming, in the forests hunting. I was practically a glorified farm hand." Jazoh recounted, giving a look of visible loathing. "Except I was hit for looking at any of the male workers, I couldn't even breathe without her being at my throat."
"It must have been awful then," Tebanam could only sympathise, still feeling some sort of regret.
"But I am a Spegeil, although they tried, I am as ignorant as my father. There would be no way I would be forced to change to satisfy their pride." Jazoh voiced, almost like he was proud. "No one could change the way I feel about y-"
"Tebanam," A low voice came from nearby, which Tebanam recognised instantly.
Faris, dark, scarred and handsome, warmed Tebanam's heart when his eyes first laid eyes on him. Coming to his side, the prince wanted to just complain and whine to him. But he knew, with eyes surrounding them, he would keep it professional. So he took his partner in his arms in an embrace.
"Faris," Tebanam said happily, letting the embrace linger as he enjoyed the feeling of his lover's embrace. Kissing his cheek as they parted, his hands held at the bodyguard's arms as if not too partial to detaching just yet. "I'm sorry it took so long. I hope I didn't keep you."
Faris shook his head, "No, it's fine." He said curtly, the slightest of smiles being all Teb needed to know all was well.
Tebanam must have gotten a bit distracted, as he almost forgot Jazoh was there until he heard a cough. "Tebanam, are you going to introduce me?" The nobleman asked, a bit confused but not too bothered by the newcomer.
"Oh!" Tebanam said, pulling his arms away from Faris while he let out a awkward laugh, "Sorry, Jazoh." Gesturing to Faris he then introduced him, "This is Faris, my bodyguard and lover." Doing the opposite he gestured to Jazoh, "This, Faris, is Jazoh Spegiel, my-"
"Ex-lover," Jazoh interrupted, giving a smile that crinkled his eyes. He took a step forward, his right hand out to shake the other man's hand. Looking Faris up and down almost sizing him up and perhaps it was just Tebanam's imagination but he could have sworn the man straightened, as if to make up the just over one inch height difference between the them. "It's my pleasure, Faris."
"Y-Yeah," Faris said, almost surprised. He took the shorter man's hand and shook it, "It's nice to meet you."
Tebanam and Faris had separated from Jazoh soon after, the prince saying they had things to do. Promising he would talk to the man further in the next few days. As all of the court members were to stay in the castle as work was needed to be done.
When Tebanam had said 'things to do', Faris had thought there was actually errands he needed to complete. Instead, as promised, Faris' partner toured him around the castle and its grounds. Recounting memories and stories as they walked the elaborate halls, beautiful garden and high castle walls. Although without becoming preoccupied with the occasional kiss behind a pillar or tree. As even after two years of being together, the two men could not quite keep their hands off each other.
There was stories of late nights in the library, of sparring with siblings and his father, pranks and games which had terrorised the staff of the castle for over two decades. They all sounded wonderful and made Tebanam smile as he reminisced them which would make Faris follow in turn.
Tebanam did not talk much about his childhood as the third prince of Hyrule before coming here. Although he talked about his family, he never much recounted his life. That's why Faris was rather surprised by the appearance of a previous partner. Sure, the prince had talked of his sexuality, of when he knew and so forth. But talk on ex-partners had either been never spoken of or avoided. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Faris himself could only count one person as being considered a lover and even then one would put an asterisk under it, as it was Lord Siek of the Nara. An abusive and cruel man who paid for Faris' nights away from the Colosseum.
Faris had let it be, however, as surely bringing up possibly sad memories would surely ruin the great afternoon he and Tebanam were having.
Dinner was a pleasant affair, Faris sat with the royal family, or at least with who was in the castle at the time. Gannon's conversations with him were short but he was clearly impressed with Faris' strength both when he was a gladiator and as a bodyguard for his son. Zelda, although giving him a doubtful look, was kind and kept offering him more food, clearly having a doting side. Covarog reminded Faris very much of Tebanam if he was only much bigger and much more mature. From what Faris knew about the role, he could definitely see why the crown prince suited the role as king. Zarazu, Covarog's wife and mother of his two infant children, had been warm and very much welcoming. Whenever she saw him that day she always asked if he was settling in well. She surely understood the discomfort that came with the elaborate life of Hylian royalty. Cass, was kind but quite energetic for a woman heavily pregnant. Who was happy to recount stories to anyone who would listen, mainly the eldest sister Orana. The eldest princess was very much an adventurous spirit who almost interrogated Faris on his life in the desert, so much so Tebanam had to distract her to free the poor man.
Kanisa, the youngest daughter, had a permanent residence up north with the Direnors where she raised her son with her husband. She was missing from the table but she was on her way right as they spoke, sailing down to aid her family. As for Rinku, although the adopted eldest said a few words when they arrived yesterday, she was soon off on a mission requested by her father. Something about a foreign beast coming over the border and terrorizing a town.
The biggest surprise for Faris, as it turned out to be, was how well he got along with Ralnor. Although he was a prince, he seemed very aware of Faris' feelings and thoughts. Easily giving him the most ease apart from Tebanam himself. The second prince listened closely to when Faris talked and was very much interested in his version of the couple's adventures. Faris hoped this would continue, as he actually enjoyed the conversations they had.
Once dinner was complete, the family scattered, all happy to go straight to their bedchambers as a full stomach made one easily susceptible to sleep.
In their chambers, Faris was still not used to the extremely soft bed and silk fabrics. Even Tabanam himself was fiddling with the mattress, even saying, "I got used to just blankets on the ground."
They changed into sleeping clothes and Faris felt discomforted in changing into the clothes provided. As they were made of the purest of whites and almost felt uncomfortable on his body. The only saving grace being Tebanam's praises that it suited him. His dark skin and matching dreadlocks very much alluring as they contrasted with the pristine fabric.
Both were too tired to indulge in any night activities but it did not stop them from laying together and talking. Faris had his back to Tebanam's chest, fingers and legs intertwined and the prince's head resting on his bodyguard's shoulder. All while shrouded in the darkness of the night apart from the lowly lingering flames in the fireplace.
"Did you have fun today?" Tebanam asked, "I hope my family didn't interrogate you too much."
Faris shook his head, "No, they were all very nice. I understand if they're cautious."
Tebanam hummed, his fingers leaving Faris' hand and opting to play with the man's hair, his fingers combing between each dread as they fell down his shoulders.
Jazoh's face and the self-introduced title came to the front of the shorter man's mind, bothering him very much even after he promised himself it wouldn't. He almost didn't want to. Perhaps it was too invasive or even rude to assume something was amiss. But he couldn't help it.
With a deep breath, he asked, "Who . . . Who is Jazoh?"
Tebanam tilted his head to try to look to Faris' face, or at least what he could see from where he lay. "An ex-lover. We knew each other before I left."
"How did you meet?" Faris inquired, trying to sound unperturbed.
Either Tebanam was fooled or was untroubled by it and elaborated, "We met at a fencing competition. I think I was  . . . seventeen?" His tone like it was a question as he tried to remember accurately. "The prize was a decently large amount of money and the chance to have a private dinner with the royal family. It was an annual event my Papa started in an effort to get along with the people of Hyrule. Jazoh had told me his father had seen it as an opportunity to get close to us and rise up the ranks in the court, so he made him join. He was lucky enough that Jazoh was a master of swordsmanship from such a young age. He was really good from what I remember, I think Papa was almost impressed by how quick some of his matches ended." Tebanam paused, either to recount or to think then continuing, "I was . . . Attracted to him nearly instantly. He was really clever and was impressive when he fought, not to mention he was . . . very handsome. I wanted an excuse to get to now him so I asked him to teach me to fence. I was awful at it compared to him but it gave me alone time with him. Jazoh treated me like everyone else, not a rich prince or son of the 'Demon King'. But I held those feelings back at first, after all, Hyrule did not much like homosexuality." Faris could very much understand that, as whispers had followed them throughout the day as people watch two men hold hands. "Sure, my mother and father were progressive enough, but their image would be ruined if I tried anything. I was then very surprised to see it was mutual." Tebanam's arm around him tightened, as if to make sure Faris would not to leave. "We kind of . . . I think we went too fast. We were kids, I think I was just excited to have my feelings reciprocated for once. But . . . six months in and we were caught. Next thing I knew, Jazoh was sent off. I wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye."
Faris was not sure whether to be thankful or annoyed by how detailed he spoke of his feelings. He was honest to a fault in some ways. Both men were silent for a while and Faris could only think it all over.
Tabanam clearly did not much like Faris being unresponsive, as he said soon enough, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was troubled for sometime after I left home . . . But once I knew Jazoh was alive and safe from what I knew and there was nothing I could do I just . . . moved on." There was pain in his voice at this, so much so Faris' hand squeezed the prince's. "There was so much I wanted to do, I didn't really want to keep on worrying about Jazoh . . . I hate to say it but I ended up forgetting him soon enough."
Faris rolled onto his other side, now face to face with his lover. He could see Tabanam felt a very strong sense of blame. His bright eyes not even looking to his as he lowered his head in shame.
"Clearly I did not feel as strongly about him as I thought." Tebanam muttered, wringing both of his lips through his teeth. "It shows how desperate I was to find something."
Faris felt nothing but empathy for him. There was no feeling of betrayal or hurt towards him. Tebanam suffered, Faris' lover suffered. And knowing another innocent man was punished, perhaps even more strictly, for a crime that should not even be seen as such only made it worse. And to see the boisterous man Faris had fallen in love with almost crumbling under the weight of this made Faris want to hold him tight until all that pain disappeared.
So that's what he did.
Embracing him in a tight hug, he let his right arm hold the back of Tebanam's head. Letting his fingers comb through the long orange locks in an effort to comfort him.
"It's not your fault," Faris whispered, kissing the prince's head. "Thank you for telling me, Tebanam."
Faris was never the best shoulder to cry on but he knew this was what Tebanam would want. He did not need any elaborate words to convey that he did not hold anything against him. Tebanam nuzzled into the nape of Faris' neck, sighing as he seemed to loosen. His muscles being relieved of any stress as he welcomed the hold.
It was not long before they were soon fast asleep. In spite of both of them being troubled by the events of that day, they could only look ahead to when the sun rose again.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
This fic is based on the Zelgan au by @figmentforms including Rinku and Cass
The Zelgan babies, as well as Faris and Jozah, are created by @s-kinnaly
And special thanks to @ridersoftheapocalypse  for writing the main fanfic about Tebanam and Faris, which inspired this fic 
I highly recommend you look at their content on this to have a better understanding of the story
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osanecif · 7 years
Ao fim de vinte anos, ainda há talentos para galardoar
Uns à primeira, outros à terceira e até à quarta nomeação. Houve um pouco de tudo na gala de entrega dos galardões ‘A Nossa Terra’, que decorreu anteontem à noite no Theatro Circo, por iniciativa da ‘Direnor’. Na música,...
Ao fim de vinte anos, ainda há talentos para galardoar
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mrneighbourlove · 10 months
Was leere ever in the running to rule hyrule and if so how would she have done has the ruler of hyrule
Despite being the oldest by age, Leere was never going to be in the running to rule Hyrule due to a number of various factors. As an adopted child that wasn't even of Hyrule, the opposition of the religious and noble factions would have been fierce against the royal family. Secondly, despite being loved by her father, Ganondorf would never put her on the throne before his own first born, and if anything happened to Covarog, Ralnor would have taken his place, and so on and so forth. Finally, the idea of ruling just never appeased Leere. The pressure of being charge of a kingdom of various cultures of people is something she'd never want for herself, not to mention the feeling that the unlucky tragedies that followed her would somehow bubble up to effect all of Hyrule.
Despite these circumstances, Leere did learn the education required to rule just like any of her siblings to lead not just from throne, but as a princess in general. She did have responsibilities that she took on for the betterment of Hyrule, and if anything tragic would have befallen her parents while the rest of her siblings would have been too young to rule, Leere would have taken the throne with great humility until her siblings were ready themselves.
Now if Leere was crowned the leading monarch, I imagine her rule would have been a hard road ahead of her. The most realistic conditions to be made Queen would have had to come from incredibly tragic circumstances by losing her family. For this example lets use the War of Fire with the Kikai Empire and lets say the end of the war was far more costly then how it would have ended normally. Zannah's kidnapping of Kanisa was instead a successful assassination of the entire royal line of children. This would have lead both Zelda and Ganondorf to be far more ferocious in their response, but also more reckless. The end result of the war is a final conflict that results in the fatalities of the entire Hasai race, Queen Zelda, and King Ganondorf. As the flames of conflict come to an end, Leere is left with a scarred kingdom and a broken home.
As the last family she has left and being less of a princess than even Leere, Rinku would help her adoptive sister in ruling where she could. Leere would take the throne and title of Queen, burning a fire under the asses of any who would object to the title without her being married. For the Necromancer, she would insist that what Hyrule needed was to project any image of strength they could, and her being labeled Queen would go a long way to do so. Next, would be allocating resources to rebuild the damage to the kingdom, both physically and spiritually.
Leere would create a policy of the living respecting the dead to a further degree then Hyrule already does. Pacts would be called upon that the dead would serve the living in a time of crisis, and in return the dead would receive constant tribute of respect and love. Heavy crimes would be punished with swift severity, and brutal examples would be made to anyone who would harm children.
Whose to say how key events like the conflicts with Vul'kar, the Frost King, or Chaos would go isn't exactly black and white. Leere would have an interesting fight on her hand as Queen with Vul'kar, but being allies with the Lorliedians could turn the tide. She might even be able to stop the Abyssians from being unleashed from the trench before they were ever released in the first place. The Frost King would either win outright with the Direnor's not wanting the help of another Necromantic ruler, or Leere would have in engage in very brutal and very even conflict with the Frost King. By the time of the rise of Chaos, unless a different host for Balance were to rise, it would most likely be the end of Hyrule under Leere's rule.
As far as succession would be concerned, Leere might be the first ruler of Hyrule in a long time to either A. Not be married. Or B. Have many, many concubines. To the disappoint of many nobles of the old era, most of these concubines would be women. Unless Leere learned the techniques to shapeshift her form, she would not be able to sire royal children of her own bloodline, not that wouldn't stop her from adoption if need be. Although unlikely, there is a possibility of Bonegrinder or Sunny being found and married in this timeline could happen. With Zannah dead, the smartest choice Leere could make politically would be to offer marriage to Queen Annuciata of Danjur for a union of their kingdoms.
From the outside looking in, and even with many of her own people, Leere's popularity would be low, especially with her openly supporting the dark arts and the spirit realm. The only true friends she'd be able to count on would be the likes of Rinku and the Skull Kid, with the likes of Ghirahim and Vaati being dangerous but powerful advisors, the former having little reason to follow her lead with Ganondorf dead outside of a curiosity at how his King's protegee would last, and the latter constantly being given favours to stay and give his help. Despite this, Queen Leere would give her all for the kingdom, even if there may be little happiness for herself, or thanks received.
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Art by @lunaartgallery. One excellent representation of what Leere may have dressed as Queen.
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mrneighbourlove · 1 year
OC-Tober: Day 13. Love Life
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Revy had never been much for love in a romantic sense. Liz found love with Prince Halvar, and Lex was always content in physical intimacy. But Revy never could make an emotional connection with the people of Glacier's Forge. Plenty made advancements on her, but she either saw through obvious attempts of seduction, or would quickly drop dates when she realized she lacked the commitment from lack of the connection she was looking for. Any times that Revy almost got intimate, she would break it off.
It was then one dark, cold night that as Revy stumbled drunk down the streets, she bumped into the woman who would win her heart. Seija is a Direnor, and while she is a little taller than Revy, she is rather petite for a Direnor. Able to transform into an owl, Seija has piercing yellow eyes and owl feathers that pultrude from her hair. Running an orphanage, Seija won over Revy's heart not with might, but with kindness.
Seija was created by @ridersoftheapocalypse
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mrneighbourlove · 1 year
OC-Tober: Day 12. Fighting/Combat Style
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Revy was raised in a mixed style taught to her by Borghild, Rat, and later Scarlet. This comes out as a unique blend of Direnor Hunting with the tactics of a pirate. Rat and Scarlet would teach Revy their own techniques on how pirates operated, with what they each learned on the high seas as well as being a gladiator and bodyguard respectively, but it was Revy's step mother that really cemented the Gerudo's fighting style. Borghild taught Revy how to be patient, and, if the opportunity presented itself, to ambush prey/enemies with a fierce ferocity. That fear, surprise, and intimidation are powerful tools to a warrior. It's with this philosophy in mind that Revy fights like a wolverine, slashing her way with great force and mobility.
Wearing light padding with leather clothing, Revy prefers to be able to be nimble than heavily armoured. With her battle axe, she parries with her hilt when need be, sometimes picking up a shield if a situation calls for it. With the mobility afforded to her, Revy has practiced to twist her wrists to have great flexibility to repositioning where the swing of her axe will go to try and cleave limbs or cripple targets. Along with her use of her single long reaching axe, Revy has had training in the use of duel wielding hatchets and short swords to perform quick strikes that maximize a furious offensive or defense. If Revy finds herself without a weapon, she's more than comfortable with using her fists to go all out in a brawl.
Finally, after finding and unlocking the magical potential within herself to use lightning magic, Revy has learned how to stream magic into her weapon, often performing shockwaves of electrical energy to deal a great deal of damage to a singular or group of targets.
Outside of her chosen style of combat, Revy has knowledge in archery, pistol firearms, booby traps, how to perform in Iron Knuckle armour like her mother, and training in aquatic and snowy environmental combat and warfare.
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Art by @tartulhouse
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mrneighbourlove · 1 year
OC-Tober: Day 5. OC as a Child
Revy was always a child full of wonder and excitement at almost any given situation she could get herself into. Her earliest years in Hyrule didn't influence her much, outside of the stories she was told of the great hero Link and all the various legends that surrounded his heroics.
When Revy moved to Glacier's Forge in Uskar, she was always keen to help her father and mother when not attending school. Once she was educated on the basics of life, she was quick to learn about sailing from her father and hunting from her step mother. Hunting, however, wouldn't be taken far until she was ready for the dangers that lurked in the frozen tundra.
When it came to interacting with other kids, Revy had a very extroverted personality. It didn't take too long for Direnor children to warm up to her, but Revy sometimes held some jealousy that she lacked their ability to shapeshift into animals. To make up for this ability, Revy was no stranger to trying to prove her own capabilities as a person. This often lead to her showing off whatever she could excel at, but she was taught to never devalue others as a result.
When she turned to her teenage years and the introduction of her mother came into her life, Revy trained her body and mind for the day she would face down Captain Adda to track down and rescue Seer. It was in her teenage years that she would also face some of her first real challenges. Fighting Frost Ones, keeping Liz and Lex's spirits up, and puberty.
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mrneighbourlove · 11 months
OC-Tober: Day 26. Royal AU/Dirt Poor AU
If Revy were to be in a dirt poor AU, she'd would honestly thrive, being a hunter/gatherer that lived off the harsh environment that Uskar threw at her.
A Royal AU is where it could get more interesting. Having gotten his wish, Sigegar chanced an encounter with Scarlet when Adda and her pirate crew arrived to Glacier's Forge to trade supplies. The pirates found themselves trapped in Uskar when a magical blizzard set upon by the Frost King froze their boat to the docks for almost a year. Within that time, Sigegar had an affair with Scarlet, resulting in the birth of Revy. Unfortunately, the Revy wouldn't have the chance to know her mother in this continuity, as Scarlet was killed in a raid of Frost Ones. Begrudgingly, Sigegar would raise his daughter as a bastard heir to the throne.
Growing up, Revy would fight for respect amongst the houses, and gain the love of her family. As a Princess, she would have had her powers concealed and hidden away due to the stigma of magic in Direnor culture at the time, at least until a situation would provide itself for her to show her true capabilities. Perhaps if given the chance, she could lead all her people to greatness.
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s-kinnaly · 6 years
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Dag is an old coot who is nearly the same age as Kustaa. He’s animal is a Mammoth so that’s why he lives as long as Kustaa. He is also gifted with the Sight to see the future.
Dag and Kustaa tend to bicker with each other and they also jump onto poor guard’s back unexpectedly when they need to get somewhere, especially when they want to see Na’seema in Vidar and Kanisa’s house.
Dag was inspired by Merlin from Disney XD
The Mages in Uskar are branded on the forehead to limit their magic powers only heal, and are forbidden to learn any other spells that could be useuful, but the Direnors are paranoid since the Frost King.
If you guys want to read the story, click HERE, created by the lovely @ridersoftheapocalypse
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s-kinnaly · 6 years
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Doodles I have finished so far, among the million unfinished sketches TwT
Also I have a thing for centaurs XD At the beginning I thought about making Vidar a centaur but then I kept thinking about the bedroom activities XD So I just doodled a centaur AU
Developed these characters with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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s-kinnaly · 6 years
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1st image is a scene from this scene by @ridersoftheapocalypse 
2nd image is just Ba’puu being a hungry baby, asking fish from mama Zarazu\
3rd, working on a new character named Ukrit. Vidar’s cousin. Will develop him later 
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s-kinnaly · 6 years
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Update on the High King family~! And the origins of the Frost King before he turned. If you guys are curious of the story, here it is :3 @ridersoftheapocalypse is awesome, please check it out and support her :3
And here is the list of characters , made by the lovely @ridersoftheapocalypse
It took so long cause it didn’t feel perfect, yeesh, it took way longer than I would have liked, but I’m happy with the results :3
Now I’m going to hibernate, so worth staying up till 5 am....Zzzzzzz
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