sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Didn’t know androids had nightmares too…
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
“I’ll use my hands as my lips and my pen as my tongue because there are times where I just don’t know what to say or how to say it but I sure hell know how to show you.”
— the perks of being a writer | Patreon | Instagram 
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
The road is far... Far away...
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The worse the explanation, the better.
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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A Tale of Two Rulers- part 164
As I mentioned last week, the reason this comic and the previous one look a bit out of place is because I’m out of town and only have my phone and art supplies with me. I’ll update it to better match the rest of the comic digitally when I get home later this week. I will also be auctioning off the original paintings for DWB and will have more details on that later.
Thank you again for all your kind and friendly support of my work!
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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This is my role-playing character that I have with some friends. It is one of the first drawings I painted with the graphic tablet, it is also a "cover" of a drawing I did at least six years ago (no joking) and I don't remember why I did it XDD Her name is Kysha and she is an archer / ranger, as you can see in her ears and tail, she is a kind of half cat, a special breed that exists in the universe of this RPG. I have many sketches of scenes that we have played. The truth is that I'm in love with this little kitty. --- Este es mi personaje de una partida de rol que llevo con unos amigos. Es uno de los primeros dibujos que pinté con la tableta gráfica, además es una "cover" de un dibujo que hizo al menos hace seis años, sin bromear, ni siquiera recuerdo porqué lo había hecho XDD. Su nombre es Kysha y es una arquera / exploradora, como se ve en sus orejas y cola, es una especie de medio gata, una raza especial que existe dentro del universo de este juego de rol. Tengo muchos bocetos de escenas que hemos jugado, la verdad es que le he cogido mucho cariño a esta minina.
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Y aquí la dulce cantante del videojuego!! Tan bonita y perfecta... como un ángel. ¿O no? --- Videogame’ sweet singer!! So beautiful and perfect... like an angel. Or not?
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Frans is love, Frans is live :3
My sweet couple
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Tenía ganas de dibujar a este pequeño cabroncete desde hace tiempo y hoy me ha dado por hacerlo XDD Que angelical parece... ¬¬ --- I want to draw this little asshole long ago and today I did it. He seem so cute and lovely... ¬¬
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Late…you’re a mess like father XD
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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JustTale prologue: Page 27
Everyone had forgotten about poor Frisk. At least Sans treats her better than Chara … or so it seems. I swear I wanted to make a small prologue … XD Calculating what is left, I hope that the prologue will be between 30 and 35 pages.
If you like it, you can help me with a reblog! ^^
Next: Soon
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Understanding (Part 1 of 2) UnderLate comic 
 This comic has an argument based on a small idea. For those who have not read Broken Fate, Late!Sans and Late!Frisk have been in the void and have returned, apparently intact. But, what if this trip has caused some adverse effects? Like little flashbacks of things that have not happened in their universe. Gaster told them about these before their fight, Late! Sans is curious (although he does not want to know anything about them) and Frisk… Late! Frisk suffers the consequences. A little remember for clueless: Late!Sans has never died by a genocide route. Only suicide. There is another part that will take me a little longer.
If you like it, please reblog. You make me so happy!!
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
Legend of Zelda: A Direnor Story
I have finally decided to publish a fanfic that had been on my mind for a long time. It is based on the story “Legend of Zelda: Glacier’s Forge” of @ridersoftheapocalypse and the world of zelgan babies that she and @s-kinnaly have created (also inspired by the story of the amazing @figmentforms “A Tale of Two Rulers”).
Thank you for your fantastic stories, I love them and I have beem especially attracted to Direnors’ culture, as @ridersoftheapocalypse knows well (sorry again for the huge messages with questions and doubts XD).
I confess that I am a bit afraid to share this story because english is not my native language and I have certainly committed many spelling mistakes. I hope you can still read and understand my writting and, of course, you can enjoy it. (You can read the spanish version, it will be much better written).
I will upload small pieces of the story, little by little and maybe some drawing if I dare XD. I will do it in english and spanish in the same post, in that order.
Well, I better shut up now. I hope you like it and sorry again for the mistakes with the language  ^_^
There is just one thought filled her mind. Nothing else mattered at that moment.
Run away from the frost ones.
She was running at full speed, like a dark shadow between snow and ice, making her way through the thin leafless trees. Her breathing was hoarse and irregular, the muscles of her legs hurt terribly due to exhaustion but a primitive instinct urged her not to stop, boiling in the depths of her being.
She must survive not only for her but for her clan. For her companions, friends, family... and her father. Especially for him.
Her run stopped as she sank into the snow but with a superhuman effort she managed to get up and continue. The wound of her thigh burned like a hundred knives cutting through her skin, she could feel the blood flow and stain his fur. She had been and idiot and that distraction could cost her life. She hoped that the gods, Rotar and Handeh, would protect her because if she met the frost ones again, she would not be able to fight them.
A sudden whiplash of pain made her moan and stumble. Unable to keep her balance she fell forward, rolling down and embankment of several meters like a heavy sack until she stopped and was half buried by the snow.
For a few minutes there was only silence.
Everything around her was white. She tried to move but her body did not respond, she had no more strength. The transformation began to subside: her fur disappeared, showing her bare skin nibbled by the freezing cold of the snow.
It was over, she could not resist ir anymore. It was the end. She had failed her family and her clan.
She did not know how much time spent buried in the snow until she heard a distant sound. Footsteps of something big, not human for sure. Was she in the realm of dead? A scaly touch removed the snow from her body and a warm breath caressed her skin. With her last reserves of strength she managed to open her eyes.
A high figure was outlined against the sunlight, a huge and inmmense body with a long neck. His head twinkled in blue with horns, scales and wild eyer that stared at her.
It was a dragon.
The last thing she saw were his fangs approaching. Then the shadows swallowed her conscience.
(Spanish version)
Por fin me decidí a publicar este fanfic que tenía en mente desde hace tiempo. Está basado en la historia “Legend of Zelda: Glacier’s Forge” de @ridersoftheapocalypse y el mundo de los bebés zelgan que ella y @s-kinnaly han creado (también inspiradas en la historia “A Tale of Two Rulers” de la increíble @figmentforms).
Gracias por vuestras historias, me encantan y me siento especialmente atraída por la cultura de los direnors, cosa que @ridersoftheapocalypse sabe bien (siento los enormes mensajes con preguntas y dudas XD).
Confieso que me da un poco de miedo compartir esta historia ya que el inglés no es mi lengua nativa y de seguro habré cometido muchos errores ortográficos con ese idioma. Espero que aún así puedan entenderla y disfrutarla. Por suerte aquí está la versión en español, mucho mejor escrita seguro XD
Subiré pequeños fragmentos de la historia, poco a poco y tal vez algún dibujo si me atrevo XD. Lo haré en inglés y español en el mismo post, en ese orden.
Bueno, será mejor que me calle ya. Espero que os guste!
Un único pensamiento llenaba su cabeza. Nada más importaba en ese momento.
Huir de los Frost ones.
Corría a toda velocidad, era una sombra oscura entre la nieve y el hielo, abriéndose paso entre los delgados árboles sin hojas. Jadeaba con fuerza de forma irregular, los músculos de sus patas le dolían terriblemente debido a la extenuación, pero un instinto primitivo la impulsaba a no detenerse, hirviendo en lo más profundo de su ser. La supervivencia.
Debía sobrevivir, no solo por ella, sino por su clan. Sus amigos, sus compañeros, su familia contaba con ella… su padre.
Su carrera se detuvo al hundirse en la nieve, pero con un esfuerzo sobrehumano consiguió ponerse en pie y continuar. La herida del muslo le dolía como cien cuchillos cortándola, podía notar la sangre fluir y manchar su pelaje. Había sido idiota, se había despistado y eso podía costarle muy caro. Esperaba que los dioses, Rotar y Handeh, la protegieran pues, de volver a encontrarse a sus enemigos, ya no podría luchar.
Un repentino latigazo de dolor la hizo gemir y tropezar. Fue incapaz de mantener el equilibrio y cayó hacia delante, rodando por un terraplén de varios metros como un saco pesado, hasta detenerse y quedar semi enterrada en la nieve.
Durante unos segundos nada se movió.
A su alrededor todo era blanco. Trató de moverse, pero su cuerpo no le respondía, ya no tenía más fuerzas. La transformación comenzó a remitir, su pelaje desapareció, mostrando su piel desnuda, mordisqueada por el frío gélido de la nieve.
Se acabó, no podía más. Era el fin para ella. Había fallado a su familia y a su clan.
No supo cuando tiempo pasó enterrada en la nieve hasta que escuchó un sonido lejano en la nieve. Eran pisadas de algo grande, no humanas, seguro. ¿Estaba en el más allá? Una caricia escamosa retiró la nieve de su cuerpo y un aliento cálido le acarició la piel. Con sus últimos estertores de fuerza, consiguió abrir los ojos.
Una gran figura se recortaba contra la luz del sol, un cuerpo voluminoso e inmenso, de largo cuello; su cabeza centelleaba en tonos azules, tenía cuernos, escamas y unos ojos salvajes que la miraban fijamente.
Era un dragón.
Lo último que alcanzó a ver fueron sus afilados colmillos acercándose a ella, antes de que las sombras se la tragaran.
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
Zelda es como los científicos ateos/agnósticos de hoy en día, me he reído un montón con la diferencia de opiniones con Ganon. --- Zelda is like the atheist / agnostic scientists of today, I have laughed a lot with the difference of opinions with Ganon.
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Part 155 of  “A Tale of Two Rulers” (April- 2nd- 2018)
—★ New comic comes out every Monday! (and if you’re a Patreon supporter you can see it a little sooner on my Patreon page* - here)
Thanks so much to all my amazing supporters that help make this fan-comic happen! ♥ (If is wasn’t for you it would be a lot harder for me to have time to work on this and keep up with the bills so I’m super grateful.)
—★Archive below
Pages     1  -   2   -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6   -  7   -  8   -  9   -  10   -  11  -   12   -  13  -   14  -   15   -   16   -   17   -  18   -   19   -   20  -   21   -    22   -   23   -   24   -    25   -   26   -   27   -   28   -   29   -   30    -    31   -    32     -    33    -     34  -  35  -  36  -  37  -  38   -  39   -   40  -     41    -   42  -  43   -   44   -   45  -   46   -   47   -    48   -    49   -   50   -    51  -  52   -    53    -   54   -   55  -   56  -   57  -   58    -   59  -   60   -  61  -  62    -   63  -   64   -   65  -  66  -   67  -   68  -   69  -   70  -   71    -   72  -   73   -   74  -   75  -  76  -   77   -  78   -    79   -  80   -    81  -  82   -   83   -   84    -   85   -   86    -  87  -   88  -    89   -     90   -    91   -   92   -    93    -    94   -    95   -   96  -   97   -   98   -   99   -  100  -   101  -  102  -  103    -   104 -   105  -  106  -  107   -  108  -  109   - 110   -   111  -  112    - 113  -   114   -  115  -  116  -   117  -  118   -   119  -  120  -  121  -  122  -  123  - 124   -   125  -  126  -   127  -  128 -  129  -  130  -  131  -  132   -  133  -  134  - 135  -   136   -  137  -   138   -  139 -   140  - 141  -  142  -  143  - 144 -  145  - 146 - 147 -  148  -  149 -  150  - 151 -  152  -  153  -  154
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sakura-atsue · 6 years
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Happy early Easter!! <33 
I wish you a wonderful weekend ><
some dlots shenanigans 
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sakura-atsue · 7 years
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JustTale Sans is more asshole that I expected….I love it!!
If you like it, you make me happy! And if you reblog, you make make more happy!! 
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sakura-atsue · 7 years
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JustTale Sans is more asshole that I expected….I love it!!
If you like it, you make me happy! And if you reblog, you make make more happy!! 
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sakura-atsue · 7 years
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Gift for my best friend musky, they are her characters from her Undertale AU. I hope you like it.
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