#dirty hobo wizard
oddthesungod · 1 year
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early wizardly mornings ✨💖
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livingmoth · 10 months
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"A wave of memories come flooding to you, and you feel your motions grow slow" - C2E7
I started watching c2 and immediately my Caleb obsession came back, so here's my first (and probably not last) dirty wizard fanart
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
Is the Sad Wizard Depicted in this Drawing Caleb Widogast or Anders Dragon Age: A Guide
Caleb Widogast and Anders Dragon Age are shockingly similar characters on paper and sometimes when you see fanart of them, it can be hard to tell who's who because of this. Here is a non-exhaustive list of their shared features you can find in fanart or just in general:
Both Caleb and Anders:
Are wizards
Really like cats
Have reddish-blonde hair
Have anywhere from a stubble to short cropped beard depending on fanart
Referred to as "wizard hobo" by fans
Have burned down their parents property in their backstories
Hopeless romantic
Are from their fantasy world's version of Germany
Chronically just look so tired
Deal with extreme self-loathing issues
Are sad
Are often drawn paired with a white-haired brooding magical elf
Lots of similarities BUT there are enough differences that it's relatively easy to tell them apart once you know what you're looking for
Here is what you're looking for
It is most likely Caleb if:
His cat is brownish-orange with black stripes
He has any dialogue with a phonetically spelled out accent consisting of lots of Zs
He's wearing book holsters
Has blue eyes
Hair is tied in a LOW pony-tail, usually a bun
He is wearing a simple BROWN coat
Is very dirty
Associated VERY STRONGLY with fire magic
Is glowing but it's from crystals in his skin
His white-haired brooding magical elf has grey/purple skin, a long flowing cloak, and is floating
It is most likely Anders if
His cat is VERY orange, light orange fur and darker orange stripes
Has any dialogue where the word "justice" is used a lot
He's carrying a staff
He has brown or gold eyes
Hair is tied in a HIGH pony-tail, usually a very short one that low-key reminds me of Sokka's "Warrior's wolf tail"
He is wearing a somewhat elaborate orange coat with green sleeves and feathers on his shoulders (note: sometimes the coat is black but the feathers on the shoulders do not go away)
Is not that dirty
Associated VERY STRONGLY with healing magic
Is glowing but it's from the spirit living inside him and often very focused around his eyes
His white-haired brooding magical elf has normal human colored skin, a really big sword, and would not be caught dead floating but is sometimes glowing
I hope this comes in handy and also a moment of silence for Dragon Age or Critical Role artists that have had their art tagged with the wrong character I have seen it happen so many times its unreal
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justcallmefox89 · 6 months
Submission: Chapter Three - Campfire Stories
Cal, Lia, and Rolan join Drakul and the others for a meal, the others learn more about Drakul than they bargained for.
TW: Drow being drow - fantasy racism, classism, murder-hobo tendencies.
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I watch Rolan stomp away from his siblings, grinning at the agitated lashing of his tail and admiring the shape of his firm, tight-
“Stop that,” Gale commands, flicking the tip of one of my ears.
“Ow!”  I swat his hand away with a scowl. 
“Serves you right,” he says primly, fixing me with a disapproving stare. 
“I didn’t do anything!” I protest.
“I know exactly what you’re thinking,” Gale lectures, sounding so much like my mother it’s uncanny.  “And you need to leave that boy alone.”
“If you had even the faintest idea what I’m currently thinking, you’d be blushing wizard,” I purr, running my thumb over my lower lip.
“You… you…” Gale stammers momentarily then snaps his mouth closed and settles for giving me a dirty look. 
Astarion saunters back to us, closely followed by Karlach.  “Oh… did you break the wizard again, Drakul?  I was hoping to watch this time.”
“Karlach, my darling!  Gale was being dreadfully horrible to me while you were gone,” I pout and dramatically gesture to the reddened tip of my ear.  “And he flicked me!”
She snickers and nudges me away with the butt of her battle-axe.  “I’m sure you deserved every second of it.”
“He most assuredly did,” Gale assures her.  “Honestly Drakul, you’re even older than Astarion and you act like a child.”
“Hey!” Astarion and I shout in unison, twin images of outrage.
“Is now a bad time?”
The four of us whirl around to see Cal and Lia watching us with faintly bemused smiles on their faces.
Gale recovers first.  “Is there something we can help you with?”
“Oh gods,” Astarion groans.  “Stop offering to help every person we meet.”
“Actually… we wanted to invite you to have dinner with us,” Cal answers.
“We heard how you helped Arabella and Mirkon and we just wanted to do something to thank you,” Lia adds.
We aided some common children and now I get an invitation to dine with Rolan?  Maybe there is something to this whole ‘helping’ nonsense Gale bathers on about…
I am struck by a brilliant idea.
“You should come dine with us at our camp instead,” I blurt out. 
Cal and Lia exchange hesitant glances.  “Are you sure?” she asks.
“Absolutely.”  I throw my arm around Gale’s shoulders and gift them with my most charming smile.  “The human loves to cook.  It will be no trouble at all.”
“Then we’ll see you at sundown.”
“See you then!” I call after them as they take their leave.
“A child…” Gale mutters.  “An overgrown, xenophobic, murderous child.”
True to their word Cal and Lia arrive at our camp right at sundown, a clearly reluctant Rolan trudging a few steps behind them.  Pleasantries are exchanged as Gale and Wyll put the finishing touches on the evening meal, and Scratch circulates through everyone, gathering scritches and pets as he goes.  Soon enough Gale begins to dish out bowls of stew and everyone starts to settle around the campfire to eat.
“Rolan,” I say, just loud enough to get his attention, and tap the space next to me with one finger.
He hesitates, turning to go sit next to his brother and sister.  I clear my throat and tap the spot again with a touch more force.  He waffles for only a second longer before relenting sitting down on the log next to me. 
“Thank you,” I whisper, pressing my shoulder against his. 
Rolan grunts irritably but leans into my touch, so I take advantage of the moment and turn my head to take quick whiff of his hair.  I inhale deeply, taking in the scents of old books, ink, and candlewax. 
Of course.
I’ve only known the wizard for a scant amount of time, but I’m not surprised that these are the scents that make up Rolan.
“What are you doing?” he hisses, pulling away from me.
I begin to reply but get distracted when I realize Gale has forgotten to dish up a bowl of stew for one of our party members.  “Wizard!”
Gale pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.  “Oh for the love of…”
“He’s hungry!” I insist.
“Do not indulge him,” Lae’zel orders.
“My minion demands food!”
“What the hells is going on?” Lia whispers to Karlach.
Gale dishes out one last small portion of stew and sets the bowl at my feet.  Appeased, my newest underling slinks out of my tent and pads over to the campfire.
“It’s a cat,” Rolan says, slightly stunned.
“His name is Varyyn,” I say proudly.  The cat lets out an indignant mrrp as I sweep him up into my arms to show him off to the tiefling siblings.  He’s a fat little thing with orange and white stripes, he drools when he sleeps, and one eye blinks slower than the other but I’ve decided to claim him anyway.
“Where on earth did you find that thing?” Rolan asks as Lia coos and scratches under Varyyn’s chin.
“He followed us back from that abandoned village,” I reply, nodding in a vaguely westerly direction.
Varyyn begins to yowl in earnest so I release him, and he immediately pounces on his portion of stew.
“Shadowheart says we can’t keep him when we move on -”
“We are not keeping the cat,” Shadowheart says, giving me a stern look.
“I’m keeping the cat,” I rebelliously whisper to Rolan, secretly thrilled when he gives me a small smile.
“Did you have many pets growing up, Drakul?” Lia asks.
I take a bite of stew, sucking thoughtfully on my spoon as I consider the question.  Rolan’s eyes track the motion of my lips, but he quickly looks away when I catch him watching.
“Mother allowed me a dire bat as a flying steed once I passed the Test of Lolth,” I answer.
“Truly?” Cal’s eyes are as wide as saucers.
“Fallon is a hideous, stubborn beast,” I say fondly, smiling at the thought of the giant bat.  “It took ages to get him accustomed to the bit and bridle… the trainer was going through two or three children a week for months.”
My smile fades as I notice that everyone – with the exception of Lae’zel and Astarion- has stopped eating.
“What?” I ask.  “What’s wrong?”
“You fed children to your dire bat?” Rolan looks positively green.
“Oh!  Of course not, silly.”  I pat his thigh reassuringly.  “They were the riders.  Fallon needed to get used to carrying someone and there are so very many commoner children in Menzoberranzen.  When one fell to his death the trainer would just pluck another from the masses.  I was never allowed a darthiir like my sisters were though…”
“I am almost afraid to ask,” Gale mumbles.  “A darthiir?”
“Yes,” I nod and gesture towards Astarion.  “You know… like him.  Darthiir.”
“People?” Lia squeaks.  “Your sisters kept people as pets?”
I frown.  “No, not people.  Elves.”
“So they were slaves then.”  Karlach scowls at me.
“Oh no, my sisters’ darthiir were treated much better than our slaves,” I assure her.
“My gods.”  Rolan nearly chokes on his bite of stew.
“Darling, if you keep talking I will kill you,” Astarion says, eyeing me calmy from across the campfire.
I smirk.  “You would try,” I retort, already reaching for the dagger hidden at the small of my back.
“Alright boys, you’re both pretty.”  Karlach glares at both of us.  “Now pull your claws back in.”
“I would kill him,” I whisper reassuringly to Rolan.
“Of course you would.”
I turn, ready to reprimand him for his patronizing tone, but stay silent when I notice the tiny smile on his lips. 
“You mentioned you had sisters, Drakul?” Cal asks, trying to fill the awkward silence.
I nod, finishing my list bite of stew.  “Seven sisters; six younger and my twin, K’tarai.”
Cal nudges Lia with his elbow and laughs.  “If they’re anything like this one I don’t envy you,” he jokes.
“I doubt they are,” I muse, pondering my sisters’ personalities.  “K’tarai ordered her first execution at the age of six, and Catriona attempted to assassinate our mother when she was just fourteen.  Mother survived though!” I reassure my companions, noticing their shocked looks.
“New rule!” Gale announces, clapping his hands.  “No more asking Drakul about his life.”
I frown at the others’ ready agreement.  “But I am fascinating.”
Rolan smothers a giggle behind his hand, and I don’t have the heart to be cross with him.
“Take a walk with me,” I murmur in his ear, gently stroking my hand up and down his spine.
He shivers under my touch.  “I don’t think -”
“Walk with me, my wizard,” I repeat.  “I’m selfish… allow me to steal you away from the others for just a short while.”
Rolan nods shyly in agreement and sets aside his empty bowl.  I stand first and offer him my hand, helping him to his feet.  We sneak away while the others are absorbed in conversation, and are almost to freedom when Gale catches the sleeve of my tunic. 
He tugs, urging me to bend low, and whispers in my ear.  “Step carefully, Drakul.  That lad doesn’t understand the game you are playing.”
I glance over at Rolan as he waits for me, anxiously twisting the fabric of his robes in his hands.  I don’t know what it is about this antagonistic and guarded tiefling, but for the first time in my life the cruel and manipulative games of my home hold no appeal.  I only feel the urge to cosset... to cherish... to protect.... to make him delirious with pleasure.
“As you say, Gale,” I assure him.
I quickly rejoin Rolan and offer him my arm, as if I am still in Menzoberranzen and he is a potential suitor.  He flushes a deep burgundy and hesitates, but soon enough his fingers wrap around my forearm, sending a thrill shooting through me.
“Shall we?”
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herrscherofmagic · 4 months
a thought has occurred to me: the Seven Shus in HI3rd Part 2 would make a perfect D&D group!
In both ways too: the Seven Shus as characters in a D&D campaign, but also the Seven Shus just chilling at Thelema's mansion or smth playing D&D (as unlikely as it would be in canon, I imagine it'd make for a killer fanfic lol)
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i was thinking about this because of the recent Thelema web event, and this morning I watched a video talking about fantasy taverns (largely in a historical context, then swtiching to a D&D context). and one of the things the guy was talking about was how nobles might be invested in supporting a local adventuring party, in exchange for being able to use them for special tasks.
and it hit me: Thelema is like, a perfect example of that. Not only is she a cunning noble with the skill to navigate upper society, she also has the willingness (and the power) to get down and dirty with matters.
Thelema would be such an interesting D&D character because she's superficially treated as a hedonist but in reality she's really pragmatic and thoughtful, so there's plenty of room for both fun and serious shenanigans. As for personal motives, she's totally capable of evil, but she doesn't senselessly cause harm (so she wouldn't be a murder hobo type). So she'd be very capable of doing questionable things, but she'd also perfectly willing to save the world if such a thing was in her interests.
While I haven't drawn up a complete character sheet for her, I at least have these ideas in mind:
I imagine she'd probably be a rogue with a noble background. The noble background is obvious; as for her being a rogue, I think her combat style in HI3rd gives off some of those vibes what with her chain-sword being used almost like a pair of daggers, just with a lot of extra pizzazz.
Checking the online D&D wiki I also see there's a "soul knife" rogue archetype which might fight Thelema's domination skills. Though, she also fits two other archetypes, Inquisitive & Mastermind, quite well. So idk which I'd pick if I had to choose just one since she has both psychic talent and incredible people/diplomatic/manipulative skills, lol
I could also see her being a sorcerer with Shadow Magic, but that might also be a better fit for a different Shu.
I haven't put enough thought into the rest of the Shus to give this same in-depth analysis but I at least wanted to get these ideas for Thelema out there!
However, I do have some preliminary thoughts for the classes of some of the other Shus:
Songque would probably be something to do with Illusion magic- following the book strictly she'd probably be a Wizard, but I imagine if the DM was a bit loose with the rules then she could be the Shadow Sorcer instead of Thelema; that also fits quite well with how we meet her in HI3rd!
Lantern could be a Ranger in the Hunter Conclave. It'd also be really funny if she refused to use any of the spells she learns, since we know she's adamant about her abilities being her own skill & training instead of being related to the shadows.
Litost gives Oathbreaker Paladin vibes, but idk enough about him or Oathbreaker Paladins to say for sure x-x
Ajita would be an Artificer, duh.
Serapeum could be a Druid (Dreams circle) or Wizard (Enchantment school), both seem fairly fitting for her powers of unity.
Baiji would be none other than the Dungeon Master! he gives DM vibes ngl, and it'd be really funny if the rest of the Shus were actual characters but Baiji was just a disembodied voice speaking at the rest of the gang
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crazylazyandstupid · 11 months
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Its Thursday Night! 🎲🐉⚔️
"I'm a dirty hobo and I reek of yesterday's garbage." 🐱🔥
This dirty wizard deserves all the love!
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onnabox · 2 years
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Quick mini sketch of my favorite dirty hobo wizard
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wtfforged · 6 hours
well im feeling awfully wizardacious rn so ill post n talk about my inspiration list for aescwynn, how about that.
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see, the funny thing is, actually going into his campaign the first session, i had NO idea what aescwynns personality/character would be like. i just winged it. i tend to do that. so technically these are all like, post-inspirations. he existed and then changed after his conception. except for mando. for obvious reasons of helmetry business. but aside from that, for his design i just saw the trait in the reborn race description about phantasmal limbs replacing your missing ones and whipped up the entire design based on that. so these are all character based mostly. explanations under read more
(i swear to god i didnt forget about doing these asks its just that i realized that ive Never Actually talked about my ocs before without doodle assistance unless under extreme torture or you are my DM. these are not mutually exclusive. im shy)
mandalorian: again, obviously the helmetfreak part. antisocial, overly serious, overly quiet and very traditional/sticks to the books. however, hes a bit of a softie.
larry doompatrol: the biggest insp for his personality. like i think i unconsciously completely copied him, i just recently started slowly rewatching doom patrol after a couple years and my eyes boggled at the fact that every time this guy was on screen i was like "sighh hes so aescwynn core. they copied my stupid wizard and made him green". i have like 8 clips saved over only the first couple episodes just to look at and go god aescwynn is real they put him on tv. anyways. to put it simply, he inherited his pushover-y-ness and sopping wet personality.
olruggio wha: kind of gruff but a sweetie. modest and easily flustered. please take a nap
vash trigun: i only watched the first few episodes of 98 and stampede so i didnt know what he was ACTUALLY like. but i liked the Cowardly Acrobatic Pacifist that is actually really cool when he wants to be bit he had going. also he inspired his outfit somewhat.
caleb cr2: the least inspirational tbh but i noticed similarities in my recent attempted rewatch. shared guilty-dirty-and-sad-hobo-wizard-ness. you get the idea. so i shoved him in there
nott cr2: alcholic scaredy klepto with a terrible coping mechanism. body dysphoria. etc
extra not-really-an-insp but i realized i now draw aesc the same as i draw sanji, or like, the way i draw him is definitely inspired by oda's art, specifically the way he draws sanji and sanji's poses. theyre both just Lines and Legs at their very core. just stickbugs. living actionlines
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breakfastenthusiast · 2 years
For the Mighty Nein show, do you think Caleb is gonna just be absolutely filthy for the beginning, like shit on his face most of the time, dirty hobo wizard, or like, is he gonna be as clean as everyone else but the rest of the group just randomly calls him dirty all the time
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deancasbigbang · 2 years
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Title: Nothing Much to Lose
Author: marchember
Artist: Jojo
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Length: 85000
Warnings: undefined
Tags: #Howl’s Moving Castle fusion/AU #more movie than book #characters from the HMC universe #Hatter Dean #Wizard Cas #adventure #bickering #enemies to friends to lovers
Posting Date: October 27, 2022
Summary: Dean’s life as a Hatter is predictable and well-worn, his days filled with taking care the Family Business in the small town where everyone knows him by name. It doesn’t leave much space for adventure or excitement, and that’s fine. He has his job, taking care of his mother’s legacy, his friends, and his genius little brother going places.  All signs points to this being all that the Fate has in store for Dean - until an unexpected nighttime meeting with a mysterious wizard on a run from the law leaves him suddenly involved with precisely the kind of shady magical dealings he’d avoided all his life.  Struggling with an ineffable curse, his familiar life turned suddenly upside down, the search for a remedy leads him straight back to the person who started it all - and who unfortunately seems to be a bit of a dick. And since when things like that even happen to older brothers?
Excerpt: Dean realised his mistake the second the words left his mouth, but it was too late. He saw the soldier’s eyes widen, and his face contort further in a maddened scowl, lips drawn, showing ugly, yellowed teeth. He watched, transfixed, as the guy raised his fist, and managed to think that “drunk, pummelled to death by assholes” was definitely not how he wanted to go, when a low, gravelly voice cut through. “Thats enough.” The soldier stopped mid-motion, frozen. Dean blinked a few times, before taking his eyes off the fist suspended in front of his face. He might’ve had gotten a little cross-eyed.  Quick survey of the scene told him that the other soldier was immobilised as well. Behind him, the tramp stood with his left arm outstretched. He somehow looked decidedly less scrawny and grimy, even despite the dirty longcoat and general unkemptness. His blue eyes almost seemed to glow.  He made a shooing motion and mumbled something unintelligible, causing the soldiers to turn and walk away in complete silence, their moves weirdly stiff and unnatural, then sighed deeply.  “You just had to insert yourself into this situation, didn’t you?” he asked Dean, a displeased scowl on his face. “Typical. Every day in this country there is a thousand injustices and nobody bats an eye, but when I need to be left alone suddenly there are wannabe heroes falling from the sky.” He looked derisively at the staircase behind Dean. “I can’t depend even on human callousness.” “Hey!” Dean reddened, rapidly growing to regret his decision to stand up for the guy. “I could swear ‘thanks’ is the customary phrase when somebody bravely comes to your rescue like that.“ “‘Thanks’?” Dean goggled as the weirdo actually gesticulated the air quotes. “You come in, you interfere with my… activities, pointlessly run your mouth and force me to save you, ruining my plan, and you expect to be thanked?”  “Well, excuse me for wanting to help a down-and-out like you getting the crap beaten out of him-” “It’s a disguise,” he hissed, waving his hand up and down, and huh. If Dean had had any doubts about the guy being a wizard (not that he had any, after the puppeteer show with the soldiers), they’d dissipate right then. With every pass of his hand, the man seemed to wipe off the hobo persona. His clothes got clean and less wrinkly, although the terrible coat remained shapeless, sagging from his shoulders. His dark hair was no longer matted with sweat and grime - now it looked messy, like the guy was carding his hands through it just a minute ago. Dirt and the grubby beard disappeared from his face, leaving behind only a slight five o’clock shadow and a pissed off expression. He even seemed to grow a couple inches. “Not bad,” Dean praised. “I’d lose the coat, though.”
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aequinoctiale · 5 years
at the level caleb would get True Polymorph, though, he could also get Wish, which could make a permanent version for her that would revert her back to her old body rather than transforming her current one? Or Matt laid the foundation for caleb just making his own spell to perma-Polymorph her somehow.
very valid point but i feel that with the character true polymorph might make for sense for him to get first? also with liam being the dramatic man he is he'd probably want caleb to learn wish from a scroll that he'd worked hard/sacrificed much for. also if caleb did get wish i feel he'd probably not want to use it to help nott as he knows the risks of losing wish and would probably want to use it for his parents instead. idk i just really like the idea of nott turning back at some point that could lead to some very interesting character development
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theartingace · 6 years
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You can see we’re getting to tangentially related flowers.
But also I just like drawing sunflowers.
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livingmoth · 8 months
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"You're not the problem here. You're the solution" - C3E48
my part of the 3 artists 1 base collab i did with my oomfies @anviliam and @spoofi
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shy-fairy-levele3 · 7 years
Someone should draw Clean Caleb but it happening as a Magical Girl Transformation Sequence in an anime or manga
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lemonbrows · 4 years
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every anime needs a beach episode
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Beard Caleb is back! Scruffy man!
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