knithacker · 2 years
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Woman With Use of One Arm Learns to Knit With This Simple Trick: 👉 https://buff.ly/3njr4d9
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disabilityhorizons · 4 months
Discover tips for finding the ideal front-mounting wheelchair bag, including harness vests, modular setups, and adaptive brands like Trabasack.
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featherbrainfairy · 1 year
FeatherBrain Fairy - Hi!!
Hi! I’m Lauren, aka the FeatherBrain Fairy. I’ve decided to start this blog to share my journey and hopefully help others in a similar position to me to not feel so alone in the madness that is life, or maybe pick up some life hacks I’ve learned along the way. Learning never ends though really does it?
So what exactly IS your position you ask? Being a young mum with Multiple Sclerosis. With two young babes less than a year and a half apart, mumming is crazy-stupid-hard even at the best of times, and thats without having a pesky ‘incurable’ ailment blowing in and turning your life into even more of a poo flinging comedy of errors. But you know what they say, “Comedy is just Tragedy that landed on its head with its pants torn at the crotch”… or something like that? We all need a little comedy! 
My intention is to write about little ‘mum-life’ hacks that are “disability friendly”… wait I don’t really like that phrase… what about “talented, ‘why didn’t I think of that’, problem solver while often seated hacks”? Also I'll talk about treatments, alternatives and my attempt to balance eastern and western medicine! 
Lets see where this journey goes…
Stay Tuned!
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hollymarlow · 2 years
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This clever "upright" computer mouse is such an essential tool for me, I felt it deserved a shout-out. I'm so grateful that this mouse exists. The normal ones are so painful for me to use. I've mentioned before that I'm a #writer who can't really write. An #illustrator who can't really draw. I have #fibromyalgia and #hypermobilejoints, which mean I can't hold a pencil or use a normal mouse for more than a couple of minutes at a time, or my hand seizes up, and my elbow and shoulder pain goes from tolerable to horrendous. I really wanted to #illustrate my recent #fostercare #book "Room in the Nest," by myself, so I learned how to create backgrounds digitally (I love making clouds and rainbows 😍) and how to digitally edit pictures. So I don't need to draw very much at all. I draw the bare minimum, and use digital tools and this hero of a mouse to change the raw sketch into something pretty. #hypermobility #fibrowarrior #illustratorlife #disability #disabilityhack #disabilitytool #fibromyalgiaawareness #hypermobilityawareness #chronicpain #painwarrior #hypermobilejoints #ehlersdanlossyndrome #ehlersdanlos #fostering #fosteringstories #fostercarestory #fostermama #pflegemama #pflegemami #adopcion #cuidadodeniños #mamandaccueil #mamanadoptive #parentsadoptifs #pflegeeltern https://www.instagram.com/p/CikYagaMhOh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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msaliscia · 5 years
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What's your go-to easy meal when you don't feel great? For myself, I love a diced peach cup with a spoonful of cottage cheese, string cheese, or sugar free pudding made with protein shake instead of milk. If I'm making my family a meal, it's tacos or spaghetti. Super easy if you have the ground beef already cooked and in the freezer! #HESAonline #autoimmunediet #gastroparesis #gastricbypass #wlscommunity #wlscommunity #thyroidproblems #disabilityhack #sickandtired #sicknotugly #bariatricsurgery #babeswithmobilityaids #warrior #advocacy #Encephalitis #tbi #abi #spooniewarrior #ootd #whatiwore #michiganblogger #heds #autoimmunehealth #butyoudontlooksick #mobility #mobilityaids #walkingstick https://www.instagram.com/p/B9PPULAAt1-/?igshid=1qs06ypbw4674
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jemmabrown · 7 years
Someone was asking the other day how I load the washing machine if I have to wash something between seeing my carer who comes twice a week. Well today I have to wash my #guidedogsUK Tshirt because I spilt something down it yesterday and I need it clean and dry for first thing Tuesday morning when my carer comes on a Tuesday afternoon. So my problem with loading the washing machine like a 'normal' person is a good old combination of Ehlers Danlos and POTS. If I were to stand upright and bend over to load the washing that action can trigger a lot of back pain and because of #PoTS I quickly become dizzy so it's not really an option. Another option is to sit on my kitchen floor to load the washer but I need quite a lot of space to stand up again and for some reason I don't quite understand I find it really hard to get up off my kitchen floor once I'm down there I think it's maybe the type of Lino but in all honesty I have no idea. Then I have to take into account how my body is feeling am I going to pull something getting onto the floor or getting up and again if my PoTS is playing up the process of getting up off the floor could be quite risky. Third option is to use my faithful grabber but I find to use it to do this task takes a lot of strength to pick up the clothes and shove them in... it's a strange one but we are talking using both hands on the grabber and bending and odd angles to get items in it's pretty tough - today I've got a sore shoulder so that's not an option. So now we reach the method I have come up with it takes time and skill but putting the clothes I want to wash on the floor and holding on to my kitchen counter (normally with both hands hence I'm wobbling standing on one leg and the film is shaky) and then using my right foot to put them in the washing machine is probably the best method I've come up with to date yes it's hard work but it causes no #pain and just takes a little longer. #ehlersdanlossyndrome #occupationaltherapy #differentlynormal #disabilityhack #footpower #washing #disability #badbalanceprobs #hypermobility #disabilityawareness #livinglifedifferently #thereisalwaysaway #thinkoutofthebox #laundry #keepingitreal
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themulattorose · 6 years
This is what it looks like when I “meal prep”. Today is a good day so my hands are feeling great (currently on a prednisone taper post flare up) but I still need to conserve spoons for our coast trip! These family trips are totally worth “spending spoons” so that I can get out of my little “bubble” (Tri-Cities) and see the “big picture” (our small corner of the world). Healthy eating and a good nights rest helps my body produce more spoons each day. And this trip is already going to be hard, so proper prep work is necessary. But I can’t stand for long before pain sets in and I spend WAY too many spoons standing, doing work, that I can do while sitting. So... I get creative! Sitting in a lawn chair, at a kids table, in the kitchen, prepping snacks and making lunch. #winning lol What are some ways you save “spoons” for long trips? #spoonielife #disabilityhacks #healthyeating #tripprep #mommieblog #disabledblogger #spondyloarthritis #DegenerativeDiscDisease #chronicpain #determinedtosucceed #onemomentatatime
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hollymarlow · 2 years
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Something you may not have known about me... I'm a #writer who can't really write. An #illustrator who can't really draw. I have #fibromyalgia and #hypermobilejoints, which mean I can't hold a pencil for more than a couple of minutes at a time, or my hand seizes up, and my elbow and shoulder pain goes from tolerable to horrendous. I have to take a break halfway through writing a gift tag, or the #pain is unbearable for weeks. #Writing is easy enough to avoid. I just use my computer (or a phone! Most of my first drafts have been written while cuddling a child with my other arm!). #Drawing is a bit trickier, but I so wanted to #illustrate my own book. And I realised when creating my first few books, that there's a way I can do this. I can create backgrounds digitally (I love making clouds and rainbows 😍) and I can digitally edit pictures. So I don't need to draw very much at all. These cute little half-bugs took me over an hour, as I needed to rest my hand a lot, but they are going to become several different bugs. I'll cut out the #ladybird, duplicate and flip her so that she's got two colourful and even sides, and I'll cut out the little black spot and place spots on her. I'll probably make two or three ladybirds with different spot patterns. Similarly, I'll use the #dragonfly wings to create wings for the other side, so that he can actually fly! And I can change his colours to create lots and lots of other dragonflies. I can also tweak the wing shape for variety. I may even move the segments around a bit and create some caterpillars from the body, and digitally add legs. These bugs will be flitting around in the background of "Room in the Nest," my next book about #fostercare, #kinshipcare, reunification and #adoption, coming in September. You can follow me on Amazon or subscribe on my website hollymarlow.com to be notified when it is released. #fibrowarrior #hypermobility #illustratorlife #authorlife #disability #disabilityhack #fibromyalgiaawareness #hypermobilityawareness #artist #digitalillustration #ladybug #author #illustration #fostering #fosteringstories #fostermama #pflegemama https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOxl1qsb8x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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msaliscia · 5 years
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So I thought spring was about to start? And here I am standing in over a foot of snow! 🤣🤷 What's your weather? And cane users don't forget to add a spiked cane tip to your cane! They work great on icy parking lots. They can be bought about anywhere (Amazon). I'm linking one from @neowalksticks. While you're there give her canes a look! Some LIGHT UP! 🤯 #braindisease #thyroiddisease #lupus #chronicillnesslife #babeswithmobilityaids #mobilityaids #caneuser #walkingsticks #differentaidsfordifferentdays #disabilityhack #disautonomia #distonia #ataxia #paralysis #tbi #abi #Encephalitis #encephalopathy #autoimmune #autoimmuneillness #AutoimmuneEncephilitis #autoimmunedisorder #spoonielife #michigan https://www.instagram.com/p/B9E4JDcAIf0/?igshid=1brqmewvb19l5
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msaliscia · 5 years
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I have an appointment with a new G.I doctor today. Eek! To prepare I make sure to have all their paperwork filled out beforehand. I try to have copies of my meds, and any test results pertaining to the appointment. Most hospitals have an app or website and it saves so much time to make sure your info is up to date and to check in online beforehand. I also keep a list of questions I'd like to ask my Dr and a running list of symptoms on a note app on my phone. It's so important because I tend to forget half my symptoms when I get into the room 🤦🤷‍♀️ What do you do to prepare for appointments? #ibs #gastroparesis #gastricbypass #nausea #sickgirl #chronicillnesslife #disabilityhack #sickandtired #sickandtiredofbeingsickandtired #autoimmune #professionalpatient #fibromyalgiawarrior #chronicfatigue #spoonielife #instablog #chronicillnessblogger #babeswithmobilityaids #sicknotugly #disautonomia #disabilitypride #butyoudontlooksick https://www.instagram.com/p/B73na1xAjt2/?igshid=os285yqam4hy
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msaliscia · 5 years
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#IVIg day! What do you do to prepare for infusion treatments? I try to get mine at the beginning of the week so hopefully the worst of the side effects are over by the weekend. There are several things I do too lessen side effects and the chance of an allergic reaction. I drink as much fluids as possible for several days previous. I receive IV Benadryl right before and get the rate as slowly as time will allow. I take a pain reliever, nausea and migraine meds before to lessen migraine.. We also run a large bag of saline with the immunoglobulin. And I try to rest as much as possible during and the week following. All this helps combat the flu like symptoms, migraine, and/or aseptic meningitis. Sadly I've never been able to to completely avoid side effects even though I've received them for over 6 years! Today is my 220 infusion 🙌 Even with side effects I am grateful for the treatments and credit them for saving my life and slowing the progression of my #AutoimmuneEncephilitis ! #HESAonline #HashimotosEncephalopathy #Dazzle4Rare #GCEA #WorldEncephilitisDay #medicalresearch #raredisease #chronicillness #patientadvocacy #neuropsychiatry #neuroscience #togetherstronger #autoimmunedisorder #autoimmune #disabilityhack #Encephalitis #dementia #Braininjury #braindisorder #Braininjuryawareness #brainonfire #braininflammation #autoimmuneencephalopathy #migraine #spoonie https://www.instagram.com/p/B7laku1Ap-E/?igshid=fmza7qx6fgwt
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disabilityhorizons · 2 years
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Shopping at @daylesfordfarm with a #trabasack. #disabilityhacks #gardening4pleasure #farmshopsuk #accessallareas #accessiblegardening #disabilitygadgets #disabilitylife (at Daylesford Organic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfPEMWIokMn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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msaliscia · 5 years
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"I've fallen and I can't get up!" Remember that commercial? I laughed then but now it's my reality! Ok I still laugh 😂 Do you have a game plan for if you fall? Did you know you can say "Google call "emergency person"? Or Alexa call"whomever"? If your phone, Google home, Alexa device, Siri or Bixby is within hearing distance it'll work. They also can call 911. I suggest practicing calling friends or family that way so you know how it works if there is ever an emergency. There are also phone cases that have lanyards that can be worn aroud your neck. Not only will it keep your phone close in an emergency but it saves it from drops! Share your emergency game plans! I'd love to hear them! #HESAonline #AutoimmuneEncephilitis #HashimotosEncephalopathy #Dazzle4Rare #raredisease #chronicillness #patientadvocacy #togetherstronger#disabilityawareness #dementia #autoimmuneencephalopathy #autoimmunedisease #narcolepsy #migraine #muscleneuropathy #muscledisease #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatiguesyndrome #ataxia  #disabledandcute #spoonie #pots #spoonie #invisibleillness #butyoudontlooksick #braindisease #babeswithmobilityaids #disabilityhack #disabled https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Rq4UkAnrM/?igshid=vumykfnsp0wj
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msaliscia · 5 years
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Today I had a lower abdomen ct-scan. One thing I've learned the hard way is to wear easy clothes to any tests! (EMG,EKG,MRI, ultrasound, etc) and no metal including under garments. (A lace bralette or sports bra is perfect) stretchy shorts or pants are also good! (Yoga pants, joggers, leggings, basketball shorts) and loose top. I seem to be cold during most tests so I like an oversized sweater or sweatshirt and sometimes a soft cardigan to throw over me. I also like something to pull my hair up because crazy curls or long hair like to get in the way 🤣 As much as I like dresses, they're not the best choice... One hot summer I wore a dress to an EMG and they give you a hospital gown if you're not dressed appropriately which is great... Except they needed to roll me over in different directions to put needles in my legs so I'm pretty sure everyone saw everything and even if they didn't I was uncomfortable and had anxiety that they would lol🤦🤦 please learn from my many many mistakes 🤣! I wish I'd worn some stretchy shorts under my dress! (It's also a great idea if you fall alot, which sometimes I do but it was HOT! 🥵) What do you wear to tests? Have you had any wardrobe malfunctions? #HESAonline #AutoimmuneEncephilitis #HashimotosEncephalopathy #Dazzle4Rare #GCEA #WorldEncephilitisDay #medicalresearch #raredisease #chronicillness #patientadvocacy #neuropsychiatry #neuroscience #togetherstronger #kidney #kidneydisease #ctscan #emg #ekg #ultrasound #chronic #autoimmunedisease #disabilityhack #whatiwore #disabledfashion #ootd #fashionover40 #michiganblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PZCLaApe9/?igshid=15hq00g7p0wa6
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