#disclaimer: this is a copypasta
smashhole · 27 days
People who think rap is ONLY about sex/wealth/violence have never stopped to consider that rap branches out into a hundred different subgenres. I basically solely listen to metal and "emo" music covers and anime/video game songs and let me tell you I absolutely still have rap in my playlists.
Give this a listen and tell me that rap isn't beautiful and inspiring. Your problem isn't with rap as a medium it's with a certain tone and you can very easily find an artist you actually vibe with. Don't read into the bad propaganda doled out by people who don't know better. It's like saying metal is ONLY about being angry and rock is ONLY about drugs and country is ONLY about loving America. It's only true if you go out of your way to be a music snob.
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waterparksdrama · 2 years
so awsten hates girls and he’s surrounded by hot beautiful men… giirrrl, he’s so fuckin gay 😜
you could put awsten in any situation and in five minutes flat he would have surrounded himself with attractive men.. it’s like he’s always ovulating - iz
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I'm DONE if I see someone liking Azul. THEYRE BLOCKED. hating Azul? BLOCKED, disliking him? BLOCKED, loving Azul? BLOCKED, you know about his existence? YOURE ALSO BLOCKED. IM THE ONLY AZUL LOVER, LIKER, DISLIKER, AND HATER! EVERYONE WHO LIKES HIM DNI
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
if the witcher books have a million fans i am one of them. if the witcher books have ten fans i am one of them. if the witcher books have no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if the witcher fandom is against the witcher books, i am against the witcher fandom.
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worldlydesiretemple · 11 months
yo it's me. the totally real incelby. definitely the real one. uHHHHHH.
Hello! I have been following your blog for the past two days, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have HLVRAI introjects on your island. They are my comfort characters and seeing them in an environment not meant for them brings me anxiety, so I will be expecting a reply to this ask when you have them in boxes and ready to relinquish them to someone who will treasure them like they deserve. - 🔥
unfortunately i will not be shipping coomer to you in a box hope that helps
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 3
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Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
We didn’t do hot Glenn summer for him to LOSE. Spoilers for his story but MORE PROPAGANDA FOR YOU:
Young hot rocker dilf
Loyal to his dead wife <3
Does in fact smoke weed
BARD!! HES A BARD. HE WAS LEAD GUITAR IN HIS BAND (that he was kicked out of)
His band was a Christmas cover band btw.
Literally the fandom had hot Glenn summer which consisted of drawing him being incredibly hot and sexy
Anti government (ofc)
Kind of cringefail (Disney adult) (was on dilfs of disneyland)
Young and sexy not your style? Then how about HIM AFTER YEARS LOCKED IN A TIME PRISON WITH A DAMN HANNIBAL MASK ??
Lost an eye and wears a fucking eyepatch
One incredibly buff arm
Has a pet rat named after his son <3
Immeasurable amounts of trauma in this man- becomes progressively more unhinged
Becomes a demon hunter for the rest of his existence
Also nonwhite !!! We are done with cringefail whiteboys !!!!!!!!!
I can’t put into words ok just know he is the best plz love him.
Listen, I don't know this other character but I've seem some good arguments for her However Consider Glenn Close winning through no effort of his own in a bullshit way despite being a dick is the most in character thing ever. He leveled up three times and got a crab mech, we GOT to give him this win, it's fitting
I haven't dedicated the last 2 months of my life drawing Glenn close for him to lose
Vote for Glenn Close or I will make you read the parody I did of the vaporeon copypasta
I don’t regulate if minors follow me or not bc I’m a pretty chill space but I hope the world is aware that’s the only reason I haven’t been downright nasty about Glenn close. I’m down bad. I’m NOT in the boat of ‘Glenn isn’t sexy but I want him to win bc it’s my fandom’. I would estimate I have 200+ drawings of Glenn on my phone that AREN’T safe for work. Way more that are. Where did they come from? That’s MY business. But I tell you this fact to assure you- Glenn IS sexy. I’m not voting to represent my fandom I’m voting out of TRUTH AND LOVE. IF YOU DON’T GET IT YOU DON’T GET IT!!! I just think my level of feral over this man is more powerful than y’all realize. If you don’t get his sex appeal that’s okay, but don’t doubt that this is my truth.
Glenn fuckers fought tooth and nail to get us here from like 38% dawg we DESERVE THIS. GLENN IS THE SEXIEST MAN!!! HE WAS THE FIRST FICTIONAL CHARACTER I FOUND HOT AND HE’S GONNA CONTINUE TO SWEEP!!! Your hot goat woman sounds sexy don’t get me wrong but I’m forever fighting for the man that changed my brain chemistry. Proud of our fandom tbh. I don’t think y’all understand the sheer amount of effort I have put in to get my boy where he is today but this placement feels well earned. TO GLENN SWEEP!!
Okay but Glenn made a minivan cum by talking to her so
Yalll better vote glenn i swear to god
Vote Glenn or else the bird gets it🐦🛸
HE HAS A BOOK THAT HE MARKS X’S AND CHECKS FOR EVERY DAY TO SEE IF THAT DAY WAS A SUCCESS OR NOT. TO SEE IF HE DID GOOD THAT DAY. ITS ALMOST ENTIRELY X’S. HE WAS CUCKED OUT OF A SON. AND A DEAD WIFE. HE DIDN’T EVEN GET TO KILL HIS DAD IN REVENGE. There’s absolutely nothing going for him except his sex appeal in his life. Nobody he loved remembers him. He lost his eye. All he has is a pet rat and friends who admit they don’t really like him that much. He was kicked out of his own band. The band was named after him. He was kicked out of the Glenn Close trio. All he could do was deez nuts the big bad and be sexy. If nothing else, then pity him. Look in his eyes. Look at his heart and soul. Do you think pickman needs this to feel good about herself? Can she not accept a loss for the sake of a pathetic father? Can she shake hands with the minivan fucker and his human gun and just take the L on this one? He did not do the BDSM episode for this I’ll tell you what. Do this for my his sake. Do it for Nick Jr, who needs the prize money to pay for his rat snacks. Do it for his son. For Morgan. Ganbatte.
Mod Note: While I will still take "bad dads are sexy" propaganda and "bad dads aren't sexy" anti-propaganda, I kindly request no more discussion on whether or not he was a bad father. This is a sexypoll, not a parentingpoll. If you see a post you strongly disagree with, you can just not reblog it.
Taako (The Adventure Zone: Balance):
A celebrity chef from another plane
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its-elvie-innit · 3 months
Dsmpblr stuff in one big archive post
The fake ranboo arg (run by a blog some people thought was ranboo or a kinnie. It never was, but instead was some sort of arg surrounding the ranboo lore. Multiple characters, like the Duke, duchess, and a discord server where people started translating the posts (which were all in ender, or minecraft galactic) (link to doc)
Minesonas, and then subsequently citizen memes. This was contained within three non-consecutive weeks, where people were discussing whether lmanburg had citizens or if it did, what would it be like?
People upset over ghostburs library being blown up. There were a lot of books in there important to a storyline, and some blogs were very upset they couldn't be archived
Mcytblr awards, which had a doc and everything (link)
DSMP sexyman!!!!! The competition one blog held to go over all the supposed sexymen in mcytblr, and if they were or not. The doc for this is here (link)
Dilfcourse (world sluttiest absent father) this went on prior to philza eventually finding out he was being called a dilf, and I think there may have been a poll (?) About who was the biggest dilf right after the one mcc with all new art of certain male ccs, but it also basically ended when philza got temporarily mad about tumblrites not wanting him on tumblr, and discovered dilfza. Then when he said he didn't like it, the entire "titty window" philza design disappeared and everyone stopped posting dilfza.
Philza nerfing a blog for an url (I think it turned out that tumblr did it? But it was still WEIRD) and EVERYONE got mad about it.
The one quackity kinnie blog? During this time, a ton of kinnie blogs popped up and the quackity one sticks in my head because it was kind of convincing
Drinnie. Another kinnie blog, I actually never knew if this one was real. It was more activ3 before I joined, but it was still a pretty large thing in small mcytblr.
Whatever we had going on with piss. I think dream started the pissbaby thing and it stuck. That was so big for so long
The split between dteamblr and dsmpblr. Also the protectiveness we kind of handed off between them. Being such a closely related fandom in the publics eyes, dsmpblr and dteamblr would both get hate anons about Dream and I still recall going to bat for them sometimes. Also the discussed "gnf sickness". I don't want to mention him because he's a horrible man and deserves jailtime but it was a part of it.
Mcytboundaries. Does anyone else remember that blog? That thing was so important in the first seven months I was here.
The death of kinnies. When those few kinnie blogs that cropped up started getting really upset over getting tons of copypastas and took them seriously. I remember being so annoyed at them because if you make a kinnie blog (NOT a roleplay blog) thats the culture!!! You knew that was going to happen!!!! Put a disclaimer in your bio or something gosh.
Beacon lamps sudden ubiquitous posts. Similarly with 420technoblazeit, sometimes there would be a joke that just stuck around because it was them who posted it.
This one's more recent, but those sootblr bloggers who kept having almost e-sex in random peoples notes. Even bloggers outside of mcytblr. What was up with those guys
Not wanting ccs on tumblr. Not an event, just the overarching opinion that it would be a bad thing. It slowly died off as an opinion during late 22, something that made me and a few other og mcytblrs very sad or hesitant because people would start sharing tumblr posts with the ccs. I remember It felt like the final death of og mcytblr to me
Does anyone remember if there was that one dsmp citizen server and if it actually happened???? That might be a fake memory.
Tubbo tumblr!! This is multiple events, but he mentioned he had one in early dsmp, and it kind of overjoyed people. Then, months later, he started scrolling on stream and people made posts (INCLUDING myself) about being so genuinely scared of him being online. Out of all of the "dsmper makes a tumblr" instances, I think this was the one with the most positive reaction.
Fuck dream hoodie (instagram) and mcytblrs reaction. Went in a really funny direction
Youtooz stealing mcytblr artists fanart
Hermitblr theory stolen by matpats yt channel and no reply
KARL HATEPOSTING. When for a month in 2021 everyone just HATED him for no real reason, maybe because of tftsmp?. I think it stemmed from two blogs, and then got its start in og mcytblr circles. I remember my ex mutual squid got too into it, it was really crazy. Why did we even do that.
Love or hosts.....love or hosts and the liveblogs...
The like, Hermitcraft vs Dsmpblr sudden dichotomy. One day I remember all of a sudden there were hermit blogs, and a few dsmp blogs after them, that started getting really pissy over people referring to dsmpblr as "mcytblr" because it wasn't the whole of mcytblr. Gosh that was so stupid and funny.
Those days people posted about crying over lost vods. Whenever someone did, it would catch like a virus and EVERYONE would start talking about how sad it was.
Kroger anon...Hearty anon...my loves. Hearty Anon was like the darling of mcytblr. I didn't even know they were a real blog I just thought they were like Kroger Anon. Always wanted one of those.
Finding out wooteena was like 11. Not actually eleven, but seriously everyone thought they were like an adult person I don't know.
Subtle, but the mcytblr friendgroups and different parts having beef with each other. It was really lowkey, but I'm sorry metfell and conarcoin and their whole deal had some real haters. thats probably because they were kinda mean sometimes.
INNITER OPRESSION. gosh I remember how giddy I would get defending myself over the url and saying it was just the first thing I thought of. If you had a certain url you were a magnet for sections of mcytblr in the silliest of ways I loved it so much. little cultural pockets for every streamer.
Mcytblrs reaction to the mcytwt trending writer. I thought that was so funny.
THE TUMBLR PODCAST. Those guys on tumblr that talked about us once!!!! On a podcast!!!! Similarly, all those times we dominated not only the trending page when there was a stream, but also the fandom reports tumblr put out about which keywords and tags were most popular. Whenever someone dropped down or moved up it was really "campeao del Mundo" in the mcytblr tags. And the slow decline and us being really really sad when a spot went -15...
DOES anyone else remember the triad. Mcyt reddit, Twitter, and tumblr. How Twitter thought we had a rivals to lovers thing but actually we just hated their guts. There was fanart and everything
When the Twitter refugees came over and the first wave was semi hate and semi welcoming. Everyone came around for the second wave, but the first exodus was 85% hesitant welcome and 15% vitriol and fear.
The discourse about calling them Twitter refugees??? Because refugees are "an actual thing" we couldn't call them that anymore. I just thought it was a little stupid.
Not a specific "event" but more a shift from analysis posts and liveblogs to art and headcanon posting. There was a time in the beginning where everyone theorized about anything and everything. As the dsmp aged and mcytblr grew it became so much more isolated, I still don't understand why people stopped using liveblog tags. Bring them back!!!!! Aurghh!!!!!!
When mcytblr (like nine people out of it) started going after some dude? I forget. But there was a harassment campaign, and death threats allegedly and some big blogs made a whole deal out of it and started saying how mcytblr was no different or better than mcytwt and I don't remember if it was justified or stupid. It was for sure after the first Twitter migration and possibly after the second.
Mcytblr crafting stuff. Such an awesome group of people. I think there's an archive for mcytblr crafts, btw, it's @mcytcrafts
Just about everything I remember, besides the discourse about tommy/others getting rid of the dsmp monuments or builds that had been there a really long time like the Wal-Mart and it being really heated for a while. By the time jack and tubbo started planting potatoes everyone was cool about the whole thing.
I don't want to write anymore :( I think like two of these are kind of my-circle specific but I'm unsure so I included them anyway. Hope it's useful!
Edit; Tapeworm post.
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fatass-angel-adam · 2 months
Dumbass Adam Playlist for the Blog or Whatever:
Just a bunch of misc. TUNES that make me think of him, think of my Adam specifically, fit one or more of my verses, or just have a certain VIBE lol...
DISCLAIMER: Much like Adam himself these songs contain PROBLEMATIC THEMES so...warning I guess???
ALSO they're not in any particular order either tbh
Hell Is Forever Extended Remix (Guitar Soloed) - Hazbin Hotel OST
Witness - Mindless Self Indulgence (main theme)
Three Point One Four - Bloodhound Gang
Problematic - EURINGER
Stroke Me (Lance Herbstrong Remix) - Lance Herbstrong
Everywhere I Go (Castle Renholdёr Mix) - Hollywood Undead
My Dick - Mickey Avalon
Navy Seal Copypasta (The Musical) - Unknown?? (you just know he fuckin WOULD)
Personal Jesus - Mindless Self Indulgence
I.D.G.a.F. - Blood on the Dance Floor
Bitches (Kid Rock's Cock Rock Remix) - Mindless Self Indulgence
Mixed Messages - Tom Cardy
Do You Kiss Your Mama with That Mouth? - EURINGER
Jesus He Knows Me - Ghost
My Bullshit Pontiac - gONNA gET gOT vs. Mindless Self Indulgence
My Dad Says That's For Pussies - Bloodhound Gang
Go To Hell - Alice Cooper (Fallen!Adam verse)
Eat Those Words - Mindless Self Indulgence
Ready To Die - Andrew W.K. (EXTERMINATION DAY BABY!!)
Give The Kid A Break - Alice Cooper (Fallen!Adam verse)
Salvation (Mindless Self Indulgence Remix) - KMFDM
Sexting - Blood on the Dance Floor
DEAD! - My Chemical Romance (sort of Fallen!Adam verse??)
This Hurts - Mindless Self Indulgence (Fallen!Adam verse main theme)
House of Wolves - My Chemical Romance (Fallen!Adam verse)
Kill Vs. Maim - Grimes
Like A Prayer - Madonna (don't @ me just let me have this okay Fallen!Adam verse nonsense lol)
Hell Is Forever NIGHTCORE - Unknown??
Fuck Machine - Mindless Self Indulgence (semi Porn Star AU verse??)
Burn In Hell - Dimmu Borgir (Fallen!Adam verse)
Sister Sara - Alice Cooper (him being owned by Luci like-)
Spank - Kenny Wayne Shepherd (ft. Kid Rock) (THIS ONE GOES OUT TO @dreamerlucifer LMAO)
Dust To Dust - Misfits (Adam's death song lol)
Seven Minutes In Heaven - Mindless Self Indulgence
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men (mainly just for one little part tbh and it's him dying in front of Lute BUT I'M INCLUDING IT ANYWAY-)
Emperor's New Clothes - Panic! At The Disco (kind of an AU I had in mind where Adam tries to taken over Hell from Luci?? IT'S NOT OFFICIAL-)
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general-kalani · 9 months
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"Crazy? I was fuckin' crazy once! They locked me in a room, a shitty rubber room, a shitty fuckin' rubber room with rats. Rats make me fuckin' crazy!"
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"I actually counted the rats too. There was fuckin' twenty-five of 'em."
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"Crazy? I was fuckin' crazy once! They locked me in a room, a shitty rubber room, a shitty fuckin' rubber room with rats. Rats make me FUCKIN' CRAZY!"
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jamesvowles · 3 months
okay i think i processed mostly everything in a good healthy way i think sorry for everyone i accidentally caps locked in my state. i was just confused at the situation at hand. and i don't think i'll answer the asks but know i appreciate and love my mutuals very much and thank you for the kind words. i genuinely mean it. but can't express it right now bc i think im still processing...erm that. not to be dramatic or anything.
the person sent me an apology and deactivated and i hope they didn't get hate or anything back. i obviously would not want anyone to go through the emotions of confusion and absurdity i just went through and if i knew about anything like that i wouldve...put a disclaimer or something. im hoping maybe they just jumped blogs or something or did something for their mental health etc. etc.
that being said i am....kind of baffled at the way people treated me in the situation even if it was not that deep.........the fact i had no fucking idea what the hell was going on until someone actually messaged me the other post was kinda lame to be honest and also how people jumped at some sort of hypocrisy towards me made me feel awful. ABOUT A COPYPASTA. as one of my mutuals mentioned the post that was circulated was a part of a bigger ramble id been doing all morning about theft and stuff and i thought i'd end off on a nicer note.
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(don't search out this person/send things etc.) to be honest i did not find it funny. but it wasn't my post and if they wanted to have a laugh with some of their mutuals/followers at the expense of me and my character i cannot do anything about that. to them it probably wasn't that big of a deal and i am responsible for myself etc. etc. etc. anyways. i really don't remember how i was going to end this post but yeah erm. ^_^ peace and love
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Fanfic No. 35: The Girl who saw Monsters
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Type of fic: Canon compliant, 1.2k words and 2 chapters, incomplete, took one month to write, rated K+
“This is about the third book of the series. It is about the girl in the third book and why she can see mythical creatures in Greek Mythology.”
November 14 2007
Characters: Rachel Elizabeth Dare and Kronos
Length and format: This was a very short fic, this definitely could have been one chapter instead of two. There was also very little ground covered in these two chapters, they felt more like a prologue. 
Content: The plot was very bare bones because, as said before, this feels a lot like a prologue. The reader is given more exposition than plot, this was clearly the set up for a story that didn’t come. The story also could have benefitted from more detail and insight into Rachel rather than just describing what she was doing. There is also a POV switch in the middle of chapter one which is distracting.
Characterization: There was very little characterization for Rachel, the plot followed what she was doing more than what she was thinking. This could be due to the fact that she was just introduced and we haven’t seen more of her in canon just yet.
Reception: There are 8 reviews that are mixed. Some praise the author and others give constructive or just rude criticism. There is also 1 follow. 
Author: Author 2lala welcome back to the archive! 2lala has a brief list of things they enjoy followed by some copypasta on their account bio. In ANs they give the typical disclaimer, asks for feedback, and apologies for the late update, which is not that late at all. Account has been inactive since 2008 so we can only wish them the best. 
Impact: Our first Rachel-centric fic! I think if this had continued on it would have become more interesting but instead we are left with very little material. 
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shrimplovercat · 1 year
Hi there 👋🏼! Just wanted to let you know that the aita h@rry p0tt£r wedding post seems to be fake. When I was abt to reblog it from you, I looked it up & it's actually a copypasta from r/copypasta, not r/aita. Seems like only a few in the notes caught on. Anyways, good luck with college! Maayong Gabii 🌌🌺💕!!
aww boo. ill leave up my reblog since i think its a funny story but ill put a disclaimer on it, salamat!
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Server storytime: Memories of Bronze, and also boats
[February 13-14, 2023]
What's the Forbidden 9th badge in Bronze? :tppS:
yeah, what's this about dummied out kanto in bronze?
so i can't explain this very well because i wasn't uhhhh There for a lot of the run and i have very bad memory, but basically bronze was a gold hack and Pieces of kanto were still accessible which we abused to go fight sabrina
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i dont remember HOW we got into kanto but pieces of it got very fucked up
i believe you still could casually enter it but most gyms were purposefully blocked
and going in some areas would result in softlocks
saffron was pretty normal but here's vermilion for example. and we went on the anne Multiple times which was a softlock and made my glitch brain very happy. depicted: talking to our evil twin (?) and going to hell (??).
(disclaimer of Video Contains A Couple People Who Are Banned For Various Reasons lol. tpp)
...i see poor fifer was misgendered
also while this missingno is an official fakemon it was pretty cool that the kid with a glitch friend went spelunking in glitch worl
bronze was a short run (like, it could even keep up with modern standards) and i'm sad i missed lots of it but i loved this part it was so cool to me
enter the boat
die with the boat
this is where liji died the first time
i love that TPP's Very Bad Luck With Going To Hell On Boats was an established thing years before the meme. anicrys -> this -> trihard emerald -> THEN dewfon becomes a thing. ⛴
Yes :Jebaited:
Also looking at my poorly made summary we always had access to Kanto just not the full map
Had to go to Oak's lab to get the Pokedex because we're a new Trainer and that's just what Trainers do
I think legit we could go as far as Cerulean and then the game was supposed to block us off?? But tiles didn't line right so we slipped by anyway and got to explore wrecked Kanto iirc
Which of course is where we find hell ship
you can expand that list further actually
don't forget Burning Red
where we found the TM Case crash on the SS Anne
burning red 💖
TPP really just has a bad history with boats huh :Kappa:
when you think about it the fact the whole joke around Dewfon was the fact that nothing bad was ever going to happen
maybe Dewfon was the redemption arc :Kappa:
...when it's all laid out like this, why on earth didn't something like dewfon become a thing earlier
the thing with Dewfon is that it happened because of a very weird user who was only around for basically just Sirius
it wasn't actual wide-spread paranoia of a softlock, it was one continuous typo turned copypasta turned ascended meme
I think TPP's first boat incident was in FireRed where we joked about Alice going on the 'nice boat' with our at-the-time arch-nemesis Bill
Oh that's right!
So in Fire Red and Leaf Green, the early Sevii Islands are optional. Bill shows up at Cinnabar Island and asks for help, which you can no to. If you say yes though, I think you're stuck out there until you complete the first three island quest.
And iirc just like with elevators, chat kept A spamming the sailor at the dock so it was like "Now One Island, no Three Island, now Two Island, wait Three Island" without ever making it out of the port. :tppLUL:
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neomedievalist · 2 years
Honestly being a secret law route fan feels like being in the closet, if I were to out myself i'd experience as much oppression and hatred as the LGBTQIA+ Community (Or even more).
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ranvwoop · 2 years
I don't give a [] about influencer streams, okay? i don't give a [] about anything actually! I care about your gamer streams. I care MORE about your gamer streams than YOU do. thats the only thing I care about on twitch actually
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taumoeba · 3 years
My Dearest Makoshark,
God ye good e'en! The passing of one Prince Philip at only 99 short years hath given me an epiphany of sorts; I am afraid I hath never kept it 💯 with thy. He died as one prince and I, your humblest friend, find myself dying to make they my queen among peasants!
God rest the Queen,
亲爱的 Howelljenkins,
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