#disclosure: I figured out the sixth sense while watching it
docholligay · 11 months
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It's so hard when a story comes at it with completely different assumptions than you. The story calls what's going on with Rue love, and true love, and says that's enough to have saved Mytho. I can respect that the story is about that, and understand that, but it feels so meaningless to me. We found out what, like 2 episodes ago. that Rue even knew him when she was little. So we've had no time in invest in what he might mean to her, we're just supposed to take it on faith.
Not for the first time, I worry that this story is so caught up in the idea of its 'reveals' that it forgets that we need to be emotionally invested in what it asks us to care about, I would say 80% of the time I would prefer time to work on an idea to the surprise of it. A surprise can be done with EXTREME skill, but that's not always or even often the case.
Please note I have never seen this and am watching spoiler-free! Please don’t confirm, deny, or explain anything, even if it’s historical or cultural! Thank you! There is a discussion discord here for all your spoilery needs!
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marveliciousfanfics · 5 years
What A Peach feat. Bucky Barnes (1/2)
Pairing: Bucky x OC (female)
warnings: slight mention of physical abuse
summary: Silvia never got to go prom, but she gets a chance to experience it and maybe even kiss her long time crush. But will she work up the courage to speak more than a word to him?
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It was one of those rare months where there wasn’t much to do at the compound. The world didn’t need saving and the bad guys were quiet. Silvia decided it was a good time to catch up on her shows, so she took over the theater room and started to watched Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. It was what made her go into law enforcement making her stand out in the academy, she was approached by Shield and the rest was history. So she had her snacks, hot Cheetos with lime and covered in hot sauce Valentina. 
She was half way through an episode when the door opened and Sam saw her. He stood at the door as he watched what she was watching and then took a seat next to her. He eyed her snack and grimaced.
“You’re gonna get a hole in your stomach with those things,” he told her.
“Well aware of it. Don’t care,” she muttered back and made sure to crunch louder so he would get it.
After one, the another started. This episode included a prom scene. Her stomach dropped at the sight of the young couple slow dancing. She released a long sigh.
“You good?” Sam asked beside her.
“Just sucks I never got to go to prom,” she shoved some cheetos into her mouth afterwards.
“Wow, really?” he shifted in his seat to face her. “Why not? Didn’t have a date?”
“Well…I was being abused physically and the foster parents refused to pay for the ticket,” she said nonchalantly.
Sam winced. “Shit, sorry.”
She shrugged. “Ancient history.” She lied to herself yet another time. She blinked away the tears and focused on the rest of the episode. After a couple more, she and Sam decided it was time to go to bed. Silvia never wanted anyone’s pity. She shouldn’t have let slip to Sam about her past.
On her way to the kitchen to throw away her cheeto bag, she saw Bucky. Her heart ached at the sight of him. He looked so casual with a bowl of cereal and a book in his hand. His hearing was so good he noticed her within seconds. She had merely stood there. She didn’t have much contact with him, but she still waved her hand. He waved back with his book. She walked over to his direction, but walked in front of him instead of behind. She threw away the bag and used the sink to wash her hands. Her right pointing finger and thumb were going to be stained for next couple of days.
She headed back towards her room once again passing in front of Bucky.
“Night,” she mumbled.
“Night,” he replied and she felt her heart do a flip at the sound of his voice—directed towards her.
Silvia sat at the very end of the table, away from everyone as Steve gave the briefing of the upcoming mission. Silvia is a pilot and her job was to drop them off and pick them up. She was great at it and they trusted her. Bucky was in this mission, so she did her best to keep her eyes to herself and not see if he was looking at her—he never looked at her. This time they were going over Saudi Arabia and she had to pick them up in Afghanistan—how that was going to work, she wasn’t sure.
“Any questions?” Steve asked as he finished.
“Saudi Arabia is aware of this mission?” Bucky asked. Silvia couldn’t help, but turn her eyes to him since everyone else did. She could see he didn’t like the attention even if it was because he asked something.
“Only certain government officials. Technically, we were never there and if we are caught, they will not vouch for us,” Steve’s tone told everything.
The entrance door opened and in walked Tony Stark. Sunglasses and all. He was supposed to be retired, so it was always nice to see him. She admired him for all he had been through.
“Wow, I am gone for one day and you’re all having fun without me,” he grinned. His eyes went to the screen where the plan was laid out. “Ooh, make sure to wear sunscreen guys.”
“Tony, always a pleasure,” Steve’s sarcasm was obvious. “What can we do for you?”
“If you insist to know, I’m throwing a party…the theme? 2000’s. So…suit up,” he winked at Silvia and she laughed knowing he was mocking Steve.
No one was surprised Tony was throwing yet another party. It had to be his sixth one this year and it was only April. She liked them. She could relax and listen to some good music because Tony had great taste in music. They even had some in common. So she knew she was going to have a good time. And 2000’s were hard times for her, but she could get past it.
“Got it,” Steve muttered. “Everyone…suit up.”
Silvia stifled a laugh and Tony winked at her again. Her eyes automatically went to Bucky—she always checked on him—and for the first time, she met his gaze. She immediately dropped her smile. She didn’t expect to meet his ocean eyes. She gathered her things and went to suit up.
The mission went a little rougher than expected. Sam was wounded, but Silvia flew them back in record time, to make sure he got patched up. She went to visit him when it was cleared. He groaned when he woke up. She stood beside him.
“Sucks not having fast healing abilities,” he muttered. He smacked his lips, and she was well aware he had to be thirsty because of the oxygen. She immediately gave him the cup of water she had already poured. She had her fair share of hospital stays while she was younger.
‘Slipping down the stairs’,’running into doors’ and all those lame excuses.
“Thanks,” he drank it.
“Glad you’re okay. Who else is gonna help me finish SVU?”
He chuckled, but then winced in pain. “Shit. I know you’ve seen it already.”
She laughed. “Yeah, plenty of times.”
“Wait, shouldn’t you be getting ready for Tony’s party?” he watched the clock across from his bed on the wall.
She shrugged. “Didn’t wanna leave you alone.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be fine. Plus, you might get the courage to mutter more than one word to Barnes.”
Silvia widened her eyes and shook her head. “WHAT?” she said a little to loud.
“Wow, you just gave yourself away. I mean, I had a suspicion, but you’re usually good at hiding things, but this…totally confirmed it.”
Silvia rolled her eyes the same way he had done. “Shut up. My life is not a book where at the dance I’ll work up the courage to ask my crush to dance. This is real life.”
“Go for me, then,” he took her hand. “Have some fun.”
“Okay, for you, Wilson.”
Silvia found a box outside of her room with her name on top. She took the box inside. Giddy cause she always loved to get presents. Something that always lacked in her childhood. She opened the box and found a dress. It was a light peach color. There another note inside with Tony’s handwriting.
‘Pepper insisted this was meant for you. Please do not disappoint her and wear it’
Of course she couldn’t disappoint Pepper. But the dress was not 2000’s, but she figured it was okay since it was approved.
She took it out of the box and audibly gasped. It was so beautiful. Feeling inspired by her dress, she did her hair and makeup. When she was done, she examined herself in the mirror. She definitely looked like a whole another person. She couldn’t remember the last time she wore a dress. Probably the last time she was forced to go to church in high school.
Silvia shook away the bad memories. She got her clutch she had filled with her things to touch up her makeup and then headed out. The party wasn’t in the compound, so she had to drive herself to Tony’s home.
On her way, she listened to her 80’s music playlist. She got to Tony’s home in record time the traffic wasn’t as bad. She saw that she was the first one to arrive. She didn’t see any other cars parked outside. She was always on time to things. She got out of her car and headed inside. The front door was already open and she was shocked to see Bucky waiting in the foyer.
She stopped in her tracks to admire him in a suit. It was a little too tight around his arms. His hair was pulled back in the low ponytail. The navy suit looked really good and she couldn’t help but let her eyes wonder. He was facing away from her with his hands in his pockets, but he quickly sensed her and turned around.
Silvia’s body tensed. For a moment, he didn’t seem to recognize her, then his eyes bulged out of his eye sockets. The shock expression was the first one she had seen on him. He recovered quickly and he turned his down in shame.
“Hi,” he murmured, “Tony told me to wait here.”
“Di-did you drive?” she pointed outside because she didn’t see another car.
“Steve dropped me off. He said he forgot something and headed back,” he sighed. “You look…great.”
Silvia swears her heart stopped for that compliment. Her breathing hitched, but she recovered. “Thank you…and you…look…good.”
He shifted uncomfortably whether by her compliment or because the suit was too tight, she wasn’t sure.
“Is it just you?” she asked.
He nodded his head.
“Sil,” Tony’s voice came from her right. He was dressed in a suit. “Manchurian candidate,” he muttered to Bucky. “Would you guys take a picture with me?”
Silvia looked around the foyer. “Here?”
“Nah, inside, duh,” he walked past them and they figured they should follow. Bucky half bowed a signal for her to go first. Always a gentleman, she thought. She followed Tony and felt Bucky behind her.
Tony led them to his living room, but it was all changed up to look like…a prom? There was a big banner that said ‘A night under the stars’, a ballon arch where there was a photographer set up with a background of the stars.
“I thought the theme was 2000’s,” she told Tony.
“Uh, well, full disclosure,” Tony turned around and stopped next to the photographer. “Wilson told me about how you missed your prom.”
Silvia clenched her fists. “That bastard.”
“Look, I am one of the few who know about your past, so I knew why. He just said he felt bad you missed prom.”
“Prom?” Bucky asked behind her.
“It’s a dance for graduating high schoolers. A rite passage,” Tony waved his hand. “And little miss Silvia missed it, so…Pepper and I thought we were already going to throw a party…might as well make it for you.”
Silvia’s throat felt ten times thicker and her eyes burned. Her stomach had dropped and her heart was accelerated. She never knew they cared this much. Sure, she talked to most of them, but she was only close to Tony, Pepper and Sam. The others she just talked to about work.
“Are you going to cry?” Tony grimaced. “I’ve literally never seen you cry…not even when we watched Up.”
“I’m not crying,” she blinked then away, but her cracked voice gave her away. “That’s really sweet of you guys, thank you, but I’m still killing Sam.”
“Won’t hold you back…but…come on…we fooled you,” Tony grinned. “So pictures? Manchurian candidate wanna be her date?”
Silvia immediately spoke up for Bucky turning to him. “You don’t have to do that,” she told him. “I can take a pictur—“
“It’d be my pleasure,” he didn’t let her finish and walked over to her and offered his hand. She gave him a small smile and placed her hand on top of his.
“Great, give her this,” Tony manifested a corsage that matched her dress and handed it to Bucky. “It’s tradition. Around her wrist.”
Bucky didn’t argue or questioned it. He took it from Tony, took it out of the plastic box and placed it around her left wrist. She thanked him quietly. Then Tony shoved them in front of a camera, like a father would. She had imagined this when she was younger. She couldn’t believe these people cared enough for her to give her an experience she never thought she would get and with someone she really liked.
Silvia had a family all this time and she didn’t even know it. Tony took his own pictures with his phone. She couldn’t help but laugh and she covered her face with her left hand. She turned to Bucky.
“I’m sorry he dragged you into this.”
Bucky smiled, genuinely smiled at her. It made her heart stop at the sight of it. God, was she in love? She was doomed if she was.
“I know a thing or two about missing out on things. Just glad you get the chance to experience this. Glad I’m here for you.”
His eyes said a lot of things, but she wasn’t sure if she was reading him correctly. The last thing she wanted to assume was that Bucky Barnes had feelings for her as well. They hardly talked.
“What else do you do at prom?” he asked when the photographs were over.
Silvia shrugged. “I didn’t go to mine, remember?”
“Right…damn…forgot. Sorry.”
“Well, mine was filled with dirty dancing and alcohol,” Tony told them. “But the others are coming, so it won’t be so awkward.” He pointed between them.
She was thankful to Tony, but she might kill him too.
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marauders70s · 7 years
Wow! I didn't know you write Harmione ones! I love them! Title: We Shouldn't, But I Really Want To Summary: Harry announces that he loves Hermione in front of everyone in the great hall by accident, and they kiss.
okay, full disclosure, i’m not a harmione fan, but i will do my best for you @hermione-who​ because a good writer can write a challenge and i think it’s super important for everyone to feel like their otp is welcome and supported 
Sixth Year - Lightning Era
Title: We Shouldn’t, But I Really Want ToPairing: Harry Potter & Hermione GrangerSummary: It hit him like a thunderclap at breakfast while she buttered his toast.
“I just don’t get it,” Harry said as they descended the main staircase to the Great Hall. “They never even talked to each other. They can’t like each other. They’re too different. She doesn’t…I mean she - “
“Harry,” and Hermione said his name in her familiar, exasperated way. “You’ll hear it all from Lupin himself, but he and Tonks really are dating.”
“I don’t understand,” said Harry blankly. “They hardly say five words to each other.”
“When we’re around, Harry. It’s not like you go flirting with girls when you’ve got people watching you.”
Personally, Harry didn’t feel as if he could flirt with girls even without people watching him. Ever since the disastrous single date with Cho Chang - and the slight fact that everyone thought he was cursed or something spending all his time closeted with Dumbledore - 
“And besides,” said Hermione, spooning yogurt into a golden goblet before adding fresh strawberries and cream. “What does it matter to you if he loves her?”
“It doesn’t,” and Harry couldn’t exactly explain his surprise and…malaise about it. He had thought… Remus had been devastated when Sirius had died. He had…
“And you’ve seen how miserable she is. She’s been pining after him for months. He only got up the nerve to ask her because she’s been saying how much she likes him in little ways.”
“What do you mean?” asked Harry, as Hermione pulled a few slices of toast towards her, wheat for her and white for Harry.
“Well, I don’t know,” and she laughed self-consciously. “Like she would always save him a plate after order missions. Or offer to team up with him. Or make him a cup of tea if she was having some.”
“But that’s not loving someone,” said Harry, bewildered, and accepting his toast from Hermione. “That’s just being a good person.”
“And when have you done that for anyone?” and Hermione’s voice had taken on a waspish tone that made Harry flush with embarrassment. She was right. He was crap at relationships, thoughtfulness being his worst quality. 
“But-” and he didn’t know why he felt the need to argue the point. Hermione was almost always right about the feelings and things but he couldn’t help but point out: “You and I do those things. You’ve given me toast.”
“We’re at breakfast,” and Hermione’s voice was still testy. 
“But you always butter my toast,” said Harry, something niggling imperceptibly in the back of his mind. “And you let me look at your homework. You hate when Ron copies your homework.”
“Well at least you make an effort,” said Hermione briskly, scraping her spoon against the sides of the scraped yogurt dish and savoring the last bite. “And speaking of, did you finish that essay for Flitwick due this morning?”
But Harry wasn’t listening. He was continuing tallying Hermione’s small acts of kindness he had never really noticed before, and now was embarrassed that he hadn’t. How she always brought tea over in the cold library, or made sure she brought sweets back from Honeydukes, the kind he especially liked, if he didn’t feel up to braving the gawking crowds. And she had been the one to organize the DA for him, who believed in him…the one who had stayed up all night to practice the summoning charm for the dragon. Ron wouldn’t have done that. Ron might have tried, but he would have fallen asleep over the books around three or so and snored while Harry panicked.
And Hermione did little everyday things too, things Harry had to think about: she carried extra quills in her bag for him, in case his broke. He had gotten a headache from that perfume Ron had bought her for Christmas, and she had never worn it again, at least not around him. She had done things for other people too - Hagrid’s lesson planning, and hunting for Scabbers - but not so much as she did for Harry. Like making sure he had a Christmas gift, though they had only been friends for a few weeks his first year. Getting him a broom kit while Ron - supposedly his best friend - got him sweets. Loaning him books she thought he would like such as Quidditch Through the Ages; whispering directions in potions in years previous; never complaining that he paired up in every class with Ron, and she was always left with Neville.
“Harry,” and Hermione was nudging his arm with hers as she riffled through her bookbag. “I’ve forgotten my Ancient Runes textbook upstairs. I’m running up to get it. Can I grab you anything?”
Harry gaped at her. It had honestly never occurred to him how incredibly self-centered and absent-minded he was. Had he forgotten a book upstairs, he would have nipped off to get it without announcing it to anyone, much less offer to grab something for Hermione. Yet this was just like Hermione, doing small things for him in a way he didn’t even realize. Yet without her his life would be absolutely miserable.
“Harry? Anything?” and her voice was annoyed that he wasn’t answering her. Her bushy hair was stuck under the strap of her bag, and Harry felt it was outstandingly important that he help untangle it for her. He bolted to his feet, shoving back the bench, and grabbed her hair. 
She went stock still as he tried to get it out. “What are you doing?” she asked, astonished. 
“Helping,” said Harry, a little helplessly. “Or, trying.”
Hermione adjusted the strap of her bag, her brown eyes wide and taken aback. “Thank you,” she said finally. 
“I’ve just realized that you do stuff like that all the time,” said Harry, but he could hear his voice as if someone else was using it, and he was on the line, a silent third party listener. 
Hermione looked a little abashed, and blushed, not sure where to look as she extricated herself from the bench. “Oh, it’s nothing,” she said, quickly straightening up their dirty plates to make the house elves’ cleanup easier. 
“You said - “ said Harry’s voice, and his inner self began to sense danger. “That Tonks does all those things for Lupin because she loves him.”
“Yes, of course she does,” said Hermione, still adjusting her skirt where the bag was riding it up through her robes.
“But you do that stuff for me all the time.”
“Well of course I love you, silly,” she said lightly, glancing around at the Hufflepuffs nearest them staring in interest, and the other Gryffindors snickering behind their hands. “We’re like family.”
“We’re not,” and the voice on the line kept speaking, and Harry began to back away from himself in horror. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t say that. He was crossing a line. There was no going back if - 
“Harry-” the familiar two syllable plea for patience.
“I love you too,” and the part of Harry that was still very much awkward, sixteen year old Harry was balling up in rage and anger and humiliation, howling at the stunned looks on the audience’s faces. But his body just stood there, arms stiff at his sides, staring down at Hermione’s face. 
“But I didn’t mean - “ said Hermione, trying to diffuse the tension with a laugh.
“Yes, you did,” said the Harry-automotan. A strange, braver mannequin Harry not at all ruled by his cowardice. “You’ve meant it for years. I was just too blind to see it.”
“Harry,” and his name was a mortified whisper, glancing at all the people around them.
“Tell me it’s a lie,” commanded false-Harry, and for some reason his shame and fleeting rage and embarrassed self crept closer; he felt wholer, more real. 
“Of course I love you, Harry,” said Hermione, still placating, still trying to put him off. “Just like I love Ron and-” she gulped when he walked a measured pace forward. 
He could hear a few girls gasp. “But I love you,” he said steadily. “I think I always have. I was just too stupid to figure it out.”
“You’re not stupid,” and her voice was a thready whisper again. “I never wanted to make it -”
“I know,” said Harry, taking the last step and gripping her shoulder with one hand. “You said it your own way.”
And in a thunderclap, he realized he wanted to kiss her. And the brave Harry that had been on the phone fled into the ether and all that was left was awkward, scared, too-sweaty Harry, staring down - when had he grown taller? - at her familiar face, his hand gripping her trembling arm. All he had to do was - 
Hermione, as was her custom, did most of the work for him. She came forward more than halfway, and then Harry felt himself moving, willing his chicken heart and cold face to bend towards her and they were kissing. And it was easy. It was everything it wasn’t with Cho. It felt like they had always done it. Like it had felt when she had hugged him hard before he went to face Quirrell alone.
You’re a great wizard, Harry, she had told him.
He felt his other arm pressing her back, and he squeezed even tighter as he finally closed his eyes. Because you made me that way, he told her. But he didn’t tell it with words.
Send me a made up AO3 title and i’ll write you a drabble based off of it!
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blxckbyrd-blog · 7 years
“do it. i dare you.” (from tumblr user stonesmelody!)
five word prompts | selectively accepting
[ okay full disclosure, i didn’t know whether to write this as light or dramatic so you get a two-for-one deal for pieces that aren’t actually related, whoops. enjoy! ]
Admittedly, the two of them didn’t get too much one-on-one time. Despite the towering size of their home, it always seemed like another Titan was a few seconds off. And god forbid you order pizza; these teens had a sixth sense about the stuff, and even Robin could sometimes be lured from his work by the smell.So they’d ordered Chinese instead when Cyborg had found the movie, his triumph short-lived as he realized it was only him and Raven in the tower. And god help her, for some reason, she’d offered to watch it with him.It came lauded by critics for its special effects, which should have been her first warning that the movie was heavier on the action than the plot, but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant to watch the flashing lights. And Cyborg’s surprised smile certainly wasn’t a bad incentive either.When the food came, it looked like a feast for kings. Noodles, egg rolls, the whole shebang spread out over the table as they loaded their paper plates. Cyborg’s eyes were glued to the screen, not missing a second. Raven figured she could look away for a few minutes and not be wanting for understanding. She reached over for a few items, including the last dumpling that sat abandoned in the cardboard container, when —“Are you taking the last dumpling?” Cyborg, without looking over, had caught her mid-reach. Her chopsticks hovered in the air for a moment as they locked eyes, dramatic music building in the background of the movie as if paired for the moment.“Do it. I dare you.” His tone was deathly serious but the grin was impossible to hide.Not breaking eye contact, she lifted the dumpling and bit down, cheeks bulging.“Well, alright then!” He laughed, leaning back against the couch. Raven was still working on chewing the damn thing.“You look hilarious by the way.”Somehow, she didn’t mind.
—————Cyborg’s temper was radiating off of him, buffeting anyone who came near, empath or not. The echoes of Robin’s displeasure still hung in the air almost an hour after he’d stormed out, but Cyborg’s upset hadn’t lost any strength. Both of them could hold onto their tempers for long after the disagreement had begun, though this one was bound to sting for a while.“What do you want.”Raven’s expression darkened as she fought to keep her emotions steady. Yelling wouldn’t solve anything, and he probably knew his role in what had happened anyhow. But it didn’t mean any less — Raven had been working with Starfire in the infirmary for the last hour to get her back to normal again. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t understand where he was coming from — Cyborg did have leadership potential in him, and he’d asked Robin several times to incorporate his proposed maneuver into their combat repertoire. But the uncertainty between Cyborg’s and Robin’s commands to break formation and to hold steady had cost them.“What you did was extremely irresponsible. Trying to take charge in the middle of a battle put everyone at risk.”“You siding with him, too? Everyone else has.”Raven bit her lip. Clearly talking it out was doing nothing but giving Cyborg another face to be angry at.“Do it. I dare you.”She turned sharply on her heel and let the door slide closed behind her.
0 notes
nickdelo · 7 years
A Film Discussion: Favorite Movie for Every Year of Our Lives
Full disclosure, I flat-out stole this idea from the A.V. Club.  I called upon my old pal John Iatesta to compare and discuss our lists. Enjoy.
Nick’s List
1987: The Brave Little Toaster 1988: Rain Man 1989: Do the Right Thing 1990: Goodfellas 1991: Barton Fink 1992: Wayne’s World 1993: Groundhog Day 1994: Pulp Fiction 1995: Before Sunrise 1996: A Summer’s Tale 1997: Good Will Hunting 1998: The Big Lebowski 1999: Dogma 2000: In the Mood for Love 2001: Y Tu Mama También 2002: Catch Me If You Can 2003: 21 Grams 2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2005: The 40-Year-Old Virgin 2006: Children of Men 2007: There Will Be Blood 2008: In Bruges 2009: Moon 2010: The Social Network 2011: The Muppets 2012: The Master 2013: Inside Llewyn Davis 2014: Boyhood 2015: Ex Machina 2016: Hell or High Water 2017: Get Out
Honorable Mentions: Before Midnight (2013), Mud (2013), Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012), Dazed and Confused (1993), Say Anything... (1989)
John’s List
1992: Wayne's World 1993: Jurassic Park 1994: Dumb and Dumber 1995: Casino 1996: Fargo 1997: Jackie Brown 1998: The Big Lebowski 1999: Big Daddy 2000: Gladiator 2001: Training Day 2002: Adaptation 2003: Old School 2004: Anchorman 2005: The Weatherman 2006: Stranger than Fiction 2007: Hot Fuzz 2008: Burn After Reading 2009: Inglorious Basterds 2010: Shutter Island 2011: Paul 2012: Django Unchained 2013: Inside Llewyn Davis 2014: Birdman 2015: Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 2016: The Nice Guys 2017: John Wick 2
Honorable Mentions: Sicario (2015), No Country for Old Men (2007), Inside Man (2006), Billy Madison (1995), My Cousin Vinny (1992)
ND: I think what stands out most is the specific gaps in our resumes, mostly in the early years. So it's easy to latch onto sentimental favorites (The Brave Little Toaster, Wayne's World, Dogma) and "prestigious" films I haven't seen in years and probably haven’t age well (Rain Man, Good Will Hunting). My movie-watching intake has gone up considerably as I’ve gotten older, allowing me to explore some classics well after the fact to up my credibility ever so slightly.
I'm as surprised as anyone to see the Coen Brothers as the most represented on my list with three films (as well as yours with four), edging out Richard Linklater, Alfonso Cuaron and Paul Thomas Anderson with two apiece. I routinely try to knock Coens down a peg, but when they hit, they are masters. Inside Llewyn Davis is their crowning achievement if you ask me, melding the best of their darkest and lightest, with a powerhouse performance from Oscar Isaac to boot -- and the songs! I could watch that movie every day.
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ND: Inside Llewyn Davis is so good that it managed to come out on top in my most contested year, 2013. Before Midnight and Mud are two of my all-time favorites. The former was easier to leave off with Before Sunrise's inclusion -- it's my least favorite of the trilogy, but 1995 had a clearer path than 2013 or 2004 (Before Sunset). Mud's exclusion was even more painful, leaving my list McConaughey-less
JI: I thank you for my Inside Llewyn Davis inclusion. You raved about that movie during our time at The Sports Network and it pushed me to watch it much sooner than I probably would have before. I agree with you to an extent about the Coens. I don't think they're overrated but when they miss its like Ryan Howard in the 2010 NLCS*, see: The Ladykillers and Hail, Caesar!.
*(Editor’s Note: I believe you mean the 2011 NLDS loss to the Cardinals, where Howard went 2-for-19 (.105) and ended the series with a blown-out Achilles tendon aka the downfall of the Philadelphia Phillies dynasty.)
ND: Our lists aren't so different. You have even more black comedies than me, with the four Coens, a handful of Tarantino, even Casino, Adaptation, Birdman and The Nice Guys would qualify with their mix of light and dark. I think it's important to bring levity to most dramas (though my selections of Children of Men, 21 Grams, and the works of PT Anderson run contrary), and you seem to agree. Enlighten me on your process, good man.
JI: I definitely agree with your first point in there being gaps in knowledge, but for me it’s more spotty than just one era. I found myself sometimes in the mid-2000s not having a real standout, but you aren't wrong about some movies having very strong sentimental value. Wayne's World still holds up though! 
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JI: Like you, my "good" movie intake has gone up as I've gotten older. I’ve developed my own taste for movies and can now afford to go see what I want. I recently saw Rain Man for the first time and while it wasn't bad, I'd agree it doesn't really hold up.
Brief aside, can we talk about Jim Carrey's 1994? Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber and The Mask. Dude was an absolute fireball that year.
ND: Jim Carrey was as integral part of my childhood as well. My brother and I used to recite Dumb and Dumber dialogue on car rides to the shore (I was Harry more often than not). But 1994 was never not going to be Pulp Fiction. It's become a cliche at this point -- film people clinging to Pulp Fiction like gospel -- but it's no exaggeration so say that discovering it changed my cinema-going outlook forever.
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JI: My process was to not just choose the best in terms of critical acclaim to trumpet myself up and say "look how well versed in film I am,” but to choose movies I could actually defend as being one of my favorites. I also excluded children's or Disney movies because they lean too heavily on sentimentality and felt like they'd be a crutch. This is why a movie like Billy Madison is on my Honorable Mention list. I can recite that movie nearly line-for-line. 
ND: So no to Billy Madison, but yes to Big Daddy?
JI: 1999 was just one of those years that had a bigger gap than 1995. I got halfway through Fight Club and was bored to tears, and I love Ed Norton (your long-lost brother) and Brad Pitt but I just didn't see what everyone else does. I've only seen The Matrix once and same with The Insider.  And probably the two biggest omissions from that year are The Sixth Sense and The Hurricane. All those factors considered, I couldn't in good faith put a movie I've only seen once above one I've seen two dozen times. Also, I'm semi acquaintances with Peter Dante now that I'm an LA hot shot (I gagged just typing that) and his "They're not scrawny, they're nice," line gets me every time.
Maybe the hardest part for me was not finding space for a PT Anderson movie, with There Will be Blood losing a close 2007 race to Hot Fuzz, or a true Philip Seymour Hoffman movie, (The Big Lebowski doesn't count). He’s likely my favorite actor of all time. I don't think I've seen a bad performance out of him and not being able to squeeze him in any year stings.
Only one Scorsese movie from you (Goodfellas) -- probably his second best behind Raging Bull -- and only two from me (Casino, Shutter Island). He’s long been considered my favorite director but most of his best came out prior to my birth. Is this a similar issue for you, or do you not hold him in such high regard?
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ND: Maybe the biggest catch with this project is the year arguably plays an even bigger role than the films themselves. So yes, I would never hesitate to put Scorsese in my top 3 favorite directors of all time, but I definitely prefer his pre-Goodfellas work (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Mean Streets) to his more recent films. Although The Departed gave Children of Men a run for its money in 2006, and The Wolf of Wall Street and Hugo made my top 10 lists in their respective years. I consider Casino to be B/B- material for Marty, though De Niro's suits suit game is elite.
I'm glad you made special mention of Philip Seymour Hoffman. We've really bonded over our love for him and I was surprised to see him shut out of your list. He's the primary reason why The Master outlasted a great 2012 field. It's a tough pill to swallow, but it gets even better as the years go on and will live on in the zeitgeist for decades. If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world. 
JI: Along Came Polly was a consideration for me solely for PSH as the unforgettable Sandy Lyle.
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ND: Long live PSH.
I think we both did a good job managing our sentimentality. I only have a few notable asterisks. It's been 25 years since I've watched The Brave Little Toaster, but all this time later, when I saw it listed among the 1987 films, I smiled. And in an otherwise terrible year for film (I know it's beyond your jurisdiction, youngin, but take a gander), that shit mattered the most to me. I will never apologize for 2011's The Muppets. There is preciously little in this world as important to me as the Muppets. I am forever indebted to Jason Segel for keeping their legacy alive in the spirit of Jim Henson's vision.
Can we talk about 2005, please? The consensus best pic is Brokeback Mountain, though I've regretfully never seen it. We both went with curveball selections: You with The Weatherman and me with The 40-Year-Old-Virgin. It's not my favorite Apatow production from that era (Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story stand tall above the rest), but its only real competition from 2005 was from Batman Begin and (yes, really) The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
JI: 2005 was really rough. I'm a big Nic Cage fan and The Weatherman was kind of my default favorite. Coming off of a John Wick 2 high, I recently watched Constantine for the first time and considered selecting it just because of recency bias and it wasn't even very good. Batman Begins is really good but as time goes on, I feel like the Nolan Batman trilogy has become less rewatchable for some reason, and Batman is basically the only superhero movie I like. Keaton is a personal favorite for me so I can always watch his two Batman movies.
ND: I tend to agree with you about Nolan's Batman, though I think their lack of rewatchability is in no small part due to the superhero saturation of the past decade. The tropes and cliches that are getting beat into the ground now were created in Batman Begins, so it deserves a lot of credit for that. Anyway, neither of us picked a Batman film, so back to 2005 -- I remember liking The Weatherman! No one's had a more interesting career than Nic Cage. And he's still got the goods (see David Gordon Green's Joe).
JI: Cage definitely can still bring it, the problem is he's become such a joke to most people it feels like he can't break that persona even when he does get a really good role/performance like Joe. 
ND: I'm ready for a Cage Renaissance. We can call it the CageWakening. Not as catchy as the McConaissance, I admit.
JI: I’m dying for it.
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JI: Along with you, I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain, nor sadly have I seen Capote -- huge PSH gap for me -- so I was just kind of stuck on my choice. The 40-Year-Old Virgin, while good, just drags on too long, which I guess has become a common complaint against Apatow projects.
Fun note about the Muppets, when I was a little kid my mom took me to Muppet Treasure Island and we had to leave halfway through because it scared me too much. I was probably three at the time, so I feel this shouldn't be a ding against me here.
ND: Muppet Treasure Island is a trash movie anyway. Barely canon.
JI: What method did you use to find all the movies from each year? I went through Wikipedia Year in Film for each year and it led to some fun surprises along the way. It made me look at someone like Chris Evans and wonder where his career would be now without Captain America? I mean he had to the two Fantastic Four flops, The Perfect Score (Scar Jo and Darius Miles!) and Cellular, a movie I didn’t even know existed.
ND: Don't forget the other Chris Evans' classic, 2009's Push, whose biggest claim to fame is getting Liongate to actually title a film Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire to avoid confusion.
JI: I didn't know Push existed either. Man, he better be thanking Marvel every single day. 
ND: I too used good ole Wikipedia as my aid, though for my all-time favorites (Eternal Sunshine, In Bruges, Goodfellas), I plugged them in an left them there -- no use looking for anyone to dethrone them. I also looked at the lists of film critics I trust to maybe jog my memory on things I might have glossed over, which was the case for Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood For Love, one of my favorite recent discoveries that just happened to be released in a very weak year. And that got me thinking of other foreign films I love that might have been omitted on Wikipedia, like Eric Rohmer's A Summer's Tale. I’m the first to admit that these are my token pretentious picks, but they are both lovely little talky films that find relatable drama in human emotional, which is my cinematic wheelhouse (see: Linklater).
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ND: I need to hear the Paul story. A Pegg/Frost movie without Edgar Wright? I saw it and remember liking it fine but forgot all about it the minute I left the theater.
JI: Paul is a mix of a connection I have due to seeing a free early screening of it at Temple with our mutual friend Jason "Ball is Life" Quint and winning a poster at said screening and that 2011 is kind of a weak year. The year of The Artist! Also, I just really liked Paul's cast, Frost and Pegg are always great together along with Jason Bateman and Bill Hader and it just hit a lot of the right notes for me in an exceptionally weak year for truly outstanding movies. 
ND: I mean, I picked The Muppets for 2011, so I can't knock an unconventional selection.
JI: Since its early into 2017, did you have any other real contenders for this year's movies or was it hands down Get Out? It was a very close race for me between Get Out and John Wick 2 but ultimately went John Wick 2 because its so rewatchable. I saw it opening weekend twice, back-to-back nights. Only other movie I've seen from this year is Kong: Skull Island, which was good but not close to the level of those two for me.
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ND: I originally wasn't going to pick a 2017 movie for the same reason you mentioned: the sample size just isn't big enough yet. It's unlikely Get Out will be my favorite of the year when it's all said and done, but it definitely stands out in a typically weak January-March. Logan got some consideration; it plays more like a western than a superhero movie, and any departure from the comic book formula is welcomed. I enjoyed Kong just fine but it's still a ways off from "best." I have yet to hop aboard the John Wick bandwagon. I'm sure I'll enjoy the ride once I'm there.
You're successive screening of John Wick 2 reminded me of a similar experience from my childhood, coincidentally with another Keanu movie. I saw a matinee of Hardball with my grandfather one Saturday afternoon, only to find out afterwards that my friends were going to see it that night. I didn't even like it that much, but I didn't want to be left out either. I can't recall if I've ever gone for a rewatch on back-to-back nights, though the odds are strong it happened during one of my four theater viewings of the first Spider-Man. I was a strange teen.
JI: John Wick is a thrill ride you won't want to end. My situation with that was similar to yours with Hardball. Made plans for the Saturday showing with a friend but Friday afternoon another friend texted me wanting to go so I didn't want to flake on either and went twice. Did not regret my decision.
I got you beat! I saw the Spider-Man five times in theaters, which thinking about it now I don't know why I saw it that many times. I also saw Men in Black II five times in theaters thanks to my dad wanting to go that many times. Two very odd movies to see that many times.
ND: Who knew we had so many uber-specific things in common. I can feel our friendship growing by the minute.
JI: As we're winding down on our actual lists, what movies are you most looking forward to for the rest of the year? For me right now Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and The Last Jedi are at the top for me. Dunkirk could be interesting but its tough to get hyped over a movie with a tone like that, especially during July rather than the expected December release. The Dark Tower should be good especially with Elba and McConaughey, but I didn't read the books so I don't have a built in excitement for it like others likely will. A few other interesting ones should be the next Kingsman movie, I thought the first one was really fun and the new IT. I loved the TV miniseries as a kid and am interested to see how they can possibly top Tim Curry as Pennywise. And of course there's the usual slate of sequels coming this year. Did you know that Bad Moms is not only getting a sequel but a spin-off as well with Bad Dads, both coming out in 2017?
ND: As far as blockbusters go, Guardians and The Last Jedi shouldn't disappoint. I didn't love Rogue One but very much enjoyed The Force Awakens, and I trust Rian Johnson even more than J.J. Abrams to carry the torch. Blade Runner 2049 looks incredible -- Villeneuve can do no wrong. Dunkirk looks good, though I've been lukewarm on Nolan's recent efforts. I'm tempering my expectations for The Dark Tower, considering how rocky preproduction has been. It would be a shame to waste such a great cast. Despite Bad Moms earning me some valuable points in last summer's Fantasy Box Office League, I will not be indulging in their further money grabs.
Digging a little deeper, the trailer for Martin McDonagh's latest, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, just dropped and looks like a blast.It's been five years since our last McDonagh, and I'm hopeful this is more In Bruges than Seven Psychopaths (which I still liked). 
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ND: We're getting another Alex Garland/Oscar Isaac collaboration in Annihilation, and if it's anywhere near as good as Ex Machina, I'm all-in. Destin Daneil Cretton is releasing his long-awaited follow-up to 2012's outstanding Short Term 12 with The Glass Castle, also starring Brie Larson. And don't look now, but it looks like we're getting a Paul Thomas Anderson/Daniel Day-Lewis reunion next Oscar season. Huzzah.
JI: Ahh yes PTA and DDL reuniting for a movie about 50's era London fashion. I know it won't disappoint but so oddly specific.
ND: Is there anything else we need to discuss before wrapping up? Has this inspired you to catch up on any older flicks? I've got Brokeback Mountain and You Can Count on Me (Kenneth Lonergan's debut) queued up. 
JI: It’s definitely made me want to go back and fill in a bunch of holes. Possibly starting with rounding out my PSH gaps with Magnolia and Capote.
One final note from me, Jackie Brown is criminally underrated and my favorite QT movie. He says anyone of this mindset doesn't really like his movies because he didn't write and to that I say, you don't determine my taste, Quentin.
ND: Jackie Brown was on my 1997 shortlist for sure. Under-the-radar-great.
Thanks for indulging me, John. I'm happy to get out of my head every now and then when it comes to my writing. Things like this are a ton of fun. 
JI: This was fun. Hopefully we can collaborate again for another discussion. Maybe a post summer look back at surprise hits, biggest flops and how I managed to win the box office pool two years in a row (hopefully).  
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workreveal-blog · 8 years
Are Intel pc processors any good?
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Are Intel pc processors any good?
This year’s Customer Electronics Show in Las Vegas showcased 110-inch curved Tv sets, watches that screen your vital signs and symptoms, self-riding automobiles … and the technology industry’s efforts to shrink violence in the conflict-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo.Though Intel PC processors came a long way.
The one’s efforts are being led via Intel, the massive (annual sales of $52bn) maker of microprocessors for laptop, tablets and cell phones, among other things, and its new CEO, Brian Krzanich.
Near the give up of an excessive-profile keynote address wherein he tested “bright earbuds”, three-D printing, advances in video gaming and an embedded processor designed to allow “wearable computing,” Krzanich paused and stated:
“Okay. I’m going to replace gears for a minute now. … This isn’t an issue we’d commonly communicate approximately at CES. However, it’s miles an problem this is paramount and personal to me. That problem is battle minerals.” After he confirmed a somber video about the devastation within the Congo, where greater than five million humans have died on account that 1994 – many killed by way of armed organizations the use of income from the mining of four minerals, tantalum, tungsten, tin, and gold – Krzanich promised that each Intel microprocessor would henceforth be warfare-free. The arena’s first battle-unfastened processors might be established as no longer containing minerals sourced from mines that finance preventing inside the Congo, he said.
However, not all businesses have joined the unorthodox anti-battle campaign. While Intel and its NGO companion within the Congo, the Enough Challenge, were marking what the activists referred to as a “massive step forward to defend the warlords”, numerous powerful change institutions – the us Chamber of Commerce, the Enterprise Roundtable and the National Association of Manufacturers – have been asking a panel of federal judges to overturn a provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank regulation that calls for businesses to disclose their use of minerals from Africa.
Those other associations (Intel is a member of all three) argue that requiring groups to file any source minerals from the Congo quantities to an abuse of government power.
In the Congo, should companies live or go?
As we’ve got said earlier than at Dad, or mom Sustainable Business, the warfare-free minerals difficulty is a thorny one for large Enterprise. An enormously straightforward option for companies would be to avoid the Congo absolutely – there are sufficient sources of the minerals someplace else – but that could set back the economic system of this desperately contrary kingdom. The venture for NGOs and companies that want to do the right aspect for the DRC is to locate methods to do Commercial enterprise with the area without helping rebel groups.
Electronics industry leaders inclusive of Intel and HP are operating each on their very own and with coalitions together with the Electronics enterprise Citizenship Coalition (EICC), which need to transport the DRC from a wartime to a peacetime financial system, to do simply that.
It is a frightening assignment. Supply chains lack transparency. It is tough to affirm that minerals shipped out of place are war-free. Meanwhile, others who use the metals, inclusive of the jewellery, aviation, and car industries, have remained on the sidelines.
“The solution is not clean,” Krzanich said, “but not anything worthwhile ever is.”
Of the four minerals, tantalum is the one on which the electronics industry may have the greatest effect, so that has been the industry’s pinnacle awareness. The process of untangling Supply chains for precious metals has been painstaking, as I discovered in Las Vegas, wherein I moderated a panel with Krzanich, Sasha Lezhnev of the Enough Mission and the actor and activist Robin Wright, who has visited the Congo. (Complete disclosure: Intel paid me to moderate the panel.)
How agencies rank on warfare minerals
Krzanich, who have become Intel’s CEO closing Might also, previously ran the organization’s Manufacturing and Supply chain operations, so he changed into correctly positioned to manipulate the issue. In contrast to, say, Apple or Dell, which outsource maximum or all of their production, Intel makes its personal silicon chips and takes pleasure within the environmental excellence of its “fans” within the US and some place else.
When Krzanich first found out approximately war minerals, he knew that he didn’t want Intel engulfed in a problem that had the potential to undo decades of proper work around smooth production and company obligation. “I want to be loved,” he joked. “We had to get ahead of the difficulty.”
Through evaluation, Apple initially ignored overtures from the Enough Venture, Lezhnev stated. While the organization couldn’t get a meeting with Apple, college students protested at the outlet of a brand new store in the tony Georgetown neighborhood of Washington DC in 2010. Now not lengthy after, a cell phone rang in Enough’s DC office: Steve Jobs was on the road, asking what the fuss was about.
The usage of a tactic called “rank ’em and spank ’em,” Enough on account that then has rated tech companies on their struggle-minerals policies. Intel and HP lead the ratings, with Apple, Dell, and Microsoft no longer some distance behind. Laggards consist of Nintendo, KTC and Sharp.
You also ought to look past the branding, due to the fact these PC days’ Core chips are distinctive from closing yr’s. Intel usually brings out a new era of processors every 12-18 months, and the Middle range is now in its seventh generation.
  Technology game
Every generation of Middle chips has its code call, inclusive of Sandy Bridge, Haswell, and Skylake. The cutting-edge is Kaby Lake. Every technology brings more desirable functions, and a few mark a shift to a new production era, measured in nanometres. Smaller is higher. Center iX chips have long gone from 32nm to 22nm to nowadays’s 14nm. Shrinking the transistors permits Intel to place greater of them on Each chip, and consequently add new capabilities.Intel i7 processor pricre is 1200$ now. And building Intel desktop computers isn’t easy on a budget. Even intel i7 laptops. Hp intel laptops are pricey too!
The technology is proven through the first wide variety after the sprint in Each Middle chip’s name. As an example, a Core i7-3770 is a 3rd generation chip, While the Center i7-7770 is the 7th era version of the same CPU. Intel says the rest of the variety – in this case, 770 – is its SKU (stock-maintaining unit) designation. Better numbers typically suggest higher performance and different capabilities; however, I don’t have room for all the information you may discover online.
All Intel’s processors now include a photographs co-processor. That is also given a technology quantity. However, it’s one step in the back of. For instance, 7th technology Middle i7 chips have HD photographs 620 or something, While sixth-gen chips have HD images 520. The satisfactory photographs chips get Iris branding.
Velocity vs. strength consumption
People who want overall performance, which include game enthusiasts, frequently bitch that processors aren’t getting faster each 12 months like they used to. They may be getting a touch quicker, but mostly they’re getting smaller and consuming much less power. The key point, stated above, is
“performance per watt.”
Chips that use less electricity generate much less warmness, so they don’t want as tons cooling. This enables Producers to make thinner laptops with higher battery life, that is what most people want.
Development is now indicated primarily using the fall in TDP (Thermal Layout power) rankings. The second-gen Core i5-2500 in my 2011-vintage computing device Laptop is still quicker than most cutting-edge Intel chips. However, it runs at 95W. It’s barely slower than a present day Center i7-7600U. However, that runs at handiest 15W.
In other words, you could now position the same processing energy in an extremely skinny PC that used to need a tower machine with large cooling lovers.
Of course, chips with a Higher TDP will commonly run quicker, different matters being identical. In Intel’s current line-up, the small quad-Core chips with HQ after their names run at 45W or 47W, While the U chips are 15W or 28W designs. The Y chips eat simplest four.5W: see under.
Beneath the Center
Intel turned into able to out-Design and out-manufacture competitors including AMD but confronted a harder venture While ARM processors started to dominate the markets for phones, smartphones, and capsules. Intel’s chips were massive. Electricity-Hungry and steeply-priced; ARM chips were small, phenomenally energy-efficient, cheap, and speedy Sufficient.
Intel bought ARM chips for some time before figuring out to create its personal range of small, cheap and energy-efficient Atom processors to compete in this booming marketplace. Atoms, In contrast to ARM chips, could execute the x86 commands had to run Microsoft Home windows software.
Atom chips didn’t penetrate the phone and pill markets in sizeable numbers. However, they were successful in powering standard, small-display Home windows “netbooks” just like the Asus Eee Pc and Samsung NC10.
These first Atom chips had been as an alternative gradual. While designs became fast Enough for standard-cause use; Intel started branding them with well-known names – Pentium and Celeron – that had more prestige. These two strains dominate nowadays’s entry-degree Computer marketplace.
Unluckily, there doesn’t appear to be any common sense to Intel’s numbering device, past the fact that X7 Atoms are quicker than X5 Atoms, which might be better than X3 Atoms. Pentium-Atoms ought to additionally be more rapid than Celeron-Atoms. However, you’d have to run benchmarks to make sure.
Why Y?
In 2014, Intel introduced a new family of processors, which it referred to as Middle M. It stated that Middle chips had been for Folks that wished energy, and Atom chips had been for Those who wanted battery life, but Core M might bridge the two.
The Core M wasn’t a fulfillment within the Windows computer market, though Apple used it in the MacBook – the version satisfactory regarded as having a single USB-C port. That can be why the M range has survived. (Digital Fashion’s headline positioned it brutally: No person desires Intel’s Center M processor, and Computex proves it.)
Unluckily, with Kaby Lake, Intel modified its naming device via placing a Y in some chip numbers. The Core m5 became the Center i5-7Y54, and the Center m7 became the Center i7-7Y75. People who might imagine They’re getting a Full-power 15W Core chip will, in reality, be getting a slower four.5W Core M. Caveat emptor.
When buying a new Computer, you can take a look at the CPU’s call to get its age and relative performance level. The blurb also has to inform you the clock Pace and whether or not it’s a twin Core or quad-Middle chip. Greater GHz and more cores are usually better, even though a twin-Core chip can still be faster than a quad-Core.
After that, you may search for benchmark comparisons, in particular, if the benchmarks measure the types of things you commonly do – maths processing, video rendering, gaming or whatever. The hassle is that there are dozens of criteria and it could be hard to locate outcomes for new Pcs.
However, you could discover benchmarks for maximum processors(Intel & AMD mainly) at websites along with PassMark, Geekbench, and AnandTech. You can additionally examine PCs head-to-head at CPU Boss, CPU World, and AnandTech.but, for now, Intel processors revolutionised Pc gaming
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