#discord homies are nice
lav3nd3rfrog · 6 months
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I don’t know what I’d give at this rate to have someone to go home to to just hold me. Not just a hug but like being engulfed by their presence.
That’s fine I’ll just sit with the voices of the Discord peeps.
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paperbaghero · 9 months
I forgor I'm an artist with a blog to post art on her art Blog... 🥺
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friendshapedplant · 1 year
can I have some cute/silly images in my replies/ask box please qwq
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ayy-junipei · 2 months
On the subject of the degradation of fanfic communities, you guys need to fucking start commenting and engaging with fics positively again. I've been seeing a lot of fics, 200+ kudos only 3 comments. You survived all the way until the end and you won't even give compliments to the chef?
On the flip side, I saw a popular fic just straight up deleted because most the comments they got were update requests. The author got sick of it and ollied outied for their mental health.
Then I have homies in a fandom Discord sobbing my ear off because they put 10+ hours into a chapter of their robot yaoi epic, just to get a singular sparkle heart emoji. That's not engaging with it at all that's just proof you consumed buddy. Kudos 2 Electric Boogaloo.
It's EZPZ. Just say "Nice! I liked the part where __ did __ that was so __!" Badda bing badda boom that's a bonefide comment bone appetite.
Afraid someone's gonna point and laugh at you for admitting you read a Starscream x Megatron fuck or die fic? That's what the guest comment feature was built for, you plank. Get out there and start telling those cringe authors that you appreciate the quality of the slop.
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wikagirl · 8 months
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The last actual drawing the gang of the year: Winx season 2 electric bogaloo.
We've got five enchantix and one dark onyrix. I suffered a LOT for the details on the onyrix one with all the small beading and the little flowers and stuff but it really paid off a lot.
I think I could have done better with the wings on some of them? The green enchantix one was designes by the person on the pic herself and I think she did an amazing job. The wings of the red fairy also look really nice and I think, out of the ones I made, probably looks the most enchantix-y.
I think I also nailed the wings of the onyrix one, I was given the wings of a nightjar bird for reference and black/purple/silver as a colourscheme and over all I'm suuuper happy with how they look.
The pink/cherry blossom themed fairy I think turned out pretty well too but I feel like I made the wings too believix-y, like they are too wide and big and not butterfly enough to fit the enchantix vibe.
The purple and blue fairy have the same issue but instead of believix I feel like I made it more bloomix? but over all I like them a lot with all the little details.
This project took me very very long bc I started working fulltime and now only have time/energy on the weekends to draw so this will be my last drawing project for now until I get setteled into work properly and got out of the initial mega-exhaustion phase that is to be expected when you go from doing basicly nothing to doing a full time job of physical labour and being on your feet for 9hours a day (but i get to smell and eat bread and pastries so it's fine uwu)
I thank all my homies over on discord who participated in all my projects thus far for all the cool and creative ideas they let me draw and also for putting up with me sobbing when I draw on the wrong layer for 2 hours again without noticing.
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somnolentdipso · 3 months
They Call it An Intro?
You managed to find yourself @somnolentdipso page? Believe me it ain’t much special and it ain’t flashy like others but what it does have is well a Dipso.
Posted Content Includes:
Saké (Too bad 100% Goes to Me🍶)
My tipsy scribes of my whims
Concepts of A Variety of Kinks
Perhaps Chefs Inside View
Art I stare at while waiting for things
Good Vibes
My Likings/Interest(SFW Wise)
(⚠️⚠️If you ask me what I like in dms without reading this I shall present a 🎁. Saying is “Play stupid games and win stupid prizes🫢.” Warning has been dished and presented)
MMA(Mixed Martial Arts)👊🏾🥊
(11 Years total) Known Styles: Muy-Thai, Capoeira & Kickboxing
Been Doing this for a while like long while maybe 4-5 ish years now
Most definitely love discussing in-depth topics with people who are invested in the vast world we got for sure. Doesn’t matter how deranged and those with interesting jobs by all means let me know the experience!
My musical taste will definitely be something from everyone’s platters. But then again I would love to make a plate too so drop a song.
Probably gonna be most chats so let me get this one out the way. Yes I do game but not too often due to work. Just Slide DMs and ask what I am playing lately or even lmk what you maybe wanna run👀. Fortnite or Ow2 would be nice as of lately. Yes We mic’d up too🗣️
Yes I enjoy anime! perhaps pop in and remind me to continue my series or even suggest a new one. I swear I don’t mean to forget but I’ve been stuck on continuing a certain one for years 💀. But I am curious for those who can guess my fav…might be in for something wonderful.
Movies & Shows to me are simple. Big fan of horror movies though! I haven’t seen a lot of anything recently and that includes the classics. Discord watch homies and feedings per chance? Only a suggestion so don’t get salivating so soon.
List of Likings(Nsfw Wise):
Marking & Breeding (Together as it should be)
Shibari bondage
Sadistic acts & humiliating
Degrading & Praising(Either Needed)
Temperature play(hot or icy cold)
Knife play
Mirror play
Death feederism
Force feeding
Messy eaters
⚠️ Potentially shall add more got a lot to think on
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boyfriendofedgar · 3 months
Calling all 'friends of edgar', objectums, plushums, posic or allies, The Friends of Edgar discord server is now pretty fleshed out and has a good amount of people if anyone who was interested previous was waiting! The Friends of Edgar is an 18+ server all about and for us object lovers; platonic, romantic, or otherwise! if you've been looking to join a chill objectum server, maybe this will be the one for you? We're all about chilling and being as true to ourselves as we can be, as long as you're nice to others, you're welcome here! we have pronoun and color roles for you to choose as well, plus we have pluralkit for our plural homies! (we also take bot recs if theres a bot youd like to see in the server!) (also reminder that pedos/zoos/necros arent welcome and that its a space for adult discussion so no minors please! also we do not engage in any kind of ship discourse, bigotry, or bullying whatsoever!)
here the link to our disboard, if you're interested feel free to join us!
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Kingdoms and Empires is coming back!
So after a long ass hiatus, KaE is coming back! 
The plan is to release the damn thing sometime this month. Idk how big it’s gonna be, but IT WILL BE RELEASING THIS BLOODY MONTH.
I will be very active again in the social medias, and will be answering all of my asks in my inbox! Honestly im probably going to cut and paste alot of the wonderful people in there who sent me well wishes. Truly, it helped guys, thank you so much who did! yall really dont know how much that helped
So to pretty much celebrate the return of what is basically KaE, im going to be releasing artwork done for the game piece by piece!!!
Also, EVERYTHING WAS DRAWN BY THE CHADETTE @enspey  backup link​
Firstly though, im going to share with all of you the OC’s of some members of the Discord community!!!
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Here we have an MC with traditional leather armor, with mail arm sleeves, and a fur jacket. Homie looks warm!
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Another MC, but this time with plated armor worn by the nobility and knights of the Kingdom of Argent! Take notice of the wolf pieces protecting the armpits. Also notice the steeled knuckles ready to pound a face!
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This time it’s an OC and one of the RO’s, Lucina!  Both are prepped for the weather of Argent. Though while the male MC uses clothing he can move easily around in, Lucina as a noblewoman uninterested in combat dresses as pretty yet warmly as she can! Seriously look at the embroidery, it's so pretty! Plus a nice shout out to the Imperial pink silk shipments becoming more and more popular with Argent as the two countries participate in international trade.
Alot more will be shared through the coming days both on here and the CoG forums! (just remember youll have to make an account for the NSFW thread! The SFW thread is here!) 
Ill probably start answering my inbox in a few hours so as to not flood your tumblr feeds lol and let this lil announcement float around a bit!
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tyungelic · 5 months
★ txt lgbt headcanons from me, a lesbian who’s correct about everything always
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(based off of @elaichoi’s brilliant post about whether or not the members would take dick)
this post is made all in good fun and not to be taken seriously as a sexuality analysis these are based mostly off of me and my girlfriend yapping in discord all day
enjoy!! (or don’t idc)
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this is a straight cis man who watches anime
probably gets off to badly animated big anime titties that look like water balloons
would probably kiss a guy once and be like … nah that’s not my thing
the best guy to come out to bc he’ll just be like “oh cool congrats”
this guy loves kissing on his homies!!!!
male version of those straight girls who makeout with their girl friends at the club after two vodka sours
most likely straight with some gender wizardry going on
would probably clock you as gay before you even come out but will still be nice about it (he’ll text you about how he knew you were a fruit the moment you first met)
great person to go to pride events with
he’s literally on korean gay twitter what business would any straight cis man have on gay twitter cmon now
has probably been in a situationship with a guy that broke his heart and changed the trajectory of his life forever (gay canon event)
if you come out to beomgyu he’s gonna be like “really???” all sarcastically and make fun of you but then give you a big hug and say he’s proud of you
probably bisexual with a female lean
loves older women and men his age that he can throw around like a rag doll
found out what pride month was and immediately started doing extensive research (looking up am i gay quizzes and taking all of them)
yet another good person to come out to, he’d say he’s happy for you and then says he hopes you don’t get into a relationship before he does
another good person to go to pride events with he would pick up on voguing really quickly and start housing mfers
lord of the gender the most gender person to ever exist
would probably go by all pronouns
likes to experiment with labels
sexuality-wise i see him as demisexual and panromantic he just seems like he wouldn’t want sex with someone unless he was infatuated with them
good person to come out to i feel like he would be so kind and listen to you gush about your crush for hours (this is the talk and talk the night away he’s referring to in bfm txt version)
okay that’s it thanks for reading!! and remember…
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l-lend · 11 months
Do you think that, perhaps, the reason you are not as popular or payed attention to as you'd like to be is because of your response to not getting what you want?
Do you think sending your friends to attack people who reject your requests fosters a loving community?
Do you think calling people out for the smallest mistakes without properly looking at all the facts or trying to properly solve conflict makes you a saint?
Do you think giving unsolicited writing and characterization advice makes you superior and that you're really teaching anyone anything?
Do you think that just because you've surrounded yourself with people just as toxic as you that you are somehow valid in attacking anyone who upsets you with intent to hurt them?
Do you truly think that pretending to be so kind and sweet while spreading poison with your actions planted in envy and hate is contributing anything more than a growing number of people who see you as nothing more than the fandom-wide bully?
Because I have some news for you, if you do.
Alright Anon, let's talk about this point by point.
My response to not getting what I want. You're gonna have to be a bit more specific. If you're referring to my spirals during depressive episodes then yeah that's shitty behavior and I'm in therapy for that. Oddly enough, they're a lot less severe.
In regards to 'sending my friends to fight for my honor', I don't dispatch my friends like flying monkeys. They have the mental faculties about them to make their own decisions. If they act out it's on their own accord and I do not and have not condoned such behavior.
So onto the writing and characterization advice. I don't think it makes me superior, but sometimes it helps to have fresh eyes on a project. In fact I welcome constructive criticism in my own works. In addition, my advice can always be disregarded. That's the great part about advice: you can take it or leave it. If a writer wants to just see my reblog as just a happy little reblog and not read anything further than that, who am I to tell them no?
And onto *check notes* being toxic and the "toxic" company I keep. Look, if you and I have issues, we can talk. I don't need nor ask anyone to be a mouthpiece for me. I speak pretty decently on my own. As for my homies, I don't think they're toxic. They're pretty nice, but it's an opinion. Just like you think your homies are pretty swell, Anon. While we're here let's talk on the "intent to hurt". Now, for everyone seeing this I have it narrowed down to two people. I'll black out names and I can release the screenshots of the DMs where I've been shitty. I'm also happy to apologize for my behavior and attempt to move forward if the individuals so choose. But as for my judgement, people can draw their own conclusions. If I'm the one in the wrong here so be it.
Finally, the master mind fandom-wide bully comment. Just as with the last statement above, I'll let people draw their conclusions about me. If I'm this bully, so be it. However, if it's been deemed that I am innocent in this, are you and your friends going to apologize Anon? Getting an idea of your identity, I believe you and your cohorts also disapprove of sending anon hate, am I correct in that statement? In conclusion, I welcome anyone to pass their judgement on me, but I ask you get to know me first. It's only fair right?
I never claim to be flawless. I have my bad days just like anyone else, so Anon I hope you're not living in a glass house with all these stones you're throwing my way. I'm free to talk it out if you need to vent it out some more. Bring your friends too; I'll pass over my Discord handle and you all can take turns spitting on me and telling me how awful I am.
I hope this can help you and your friends heal and forgive, Anon. I'm not saying forget because I have acted shitty in the past and I need to remember that so I can be better than those times. But I hope you and your friends can move on to bigger, brighter, and better things. It's my hope for you at least.
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
What is up!!!!!!!!!!
aight, bro….
make the reader a gigachad with a sigma male grind set, he worships Andrew Tate, and Wally is able to turn this gigachad into a big softie…. Wally brings out the true gay out of this gigachad….
however………… have Wall-E (yes, the actual robot) try to fight for the gigachad’s love……..
Sigh... everyone... this is my friend, poo. They know nothing about Welcome Home but they read all my posts cus the homies gotta support each other. Okay poo, here's your wack ass ficlet. Enjoy.
Alpha Male Turned Gayass🍎🏳️‍🌈🎀
It was a day like any other, a day for posting on reddit and listening to alpha male podcasts. I was voice chatting with another dude on discord (not in a gay way though) about how terrible the new Mario movie was.
"Yeah it sucks they made Peach be all strong and stuff," I said.
"It's like, who wants a woman with any kind of agency? Next you're gonna be telling me she's a butch lesbian! If she met me I'd be able to set her straight. I bet her female brain would fall head over heels for an alpha like mys- oh, I just got a dm, hang on."
I checked the dm, from a user I'd never seen before. It said "I see you."
Then they sent a low quality and blurry picture of what looked like a pair of eyes, though it was almost too dark to tell. Couldn't even pay for nitro and send decent pictures, what a loser.
Just then, a pair of arms reached out of the screen and dragged me inside!
I didn't remember anything after that, and I woke up laying in the grass, which felt strange after not touching it for so long.
"Hello, y/n. Good to see you're awake. Sorry if you got hurt on the way here!"
I looked up to see who was talking, and saw what looked like a Jim Henson style puppet talking to me! Without anyone puppeteering!
He reached out a hand to me and grinned.
"Are you alright?"
I felt my face heat up, and his pompador-ish hair and almost sleepy grin and monotone voice awoke something inside me that I had mocked all my life.
"Yeah..." I said, taking his hand and standing.
"Where am I? Who are you?" I should've been scared, but for some reason his eye contact that he maintained with me had a weirdly calming effect. It was almost hypnotic...
"Oh, I do apologize," he said gently. "This must be a very abrupt change for you. Where are my manners? Welcome to the neighborhood." He outstretched his arm, gesturing to the array of colorful houses and buildings down the hill, which I was just now noticing.
"I'm Wally Darling."
In the next few days I grew accustomed to the neighborhood, and learned its ways. I almost immediately dropped all my thoughts I'd carried with me about love, and friendship, and people in general.
I hadn't been an "alpha male." I'd been a duchebag. And I'd treated people like property. God, I felt horrible.
Wally had insisted I stay with him in his house, (which may or may not be alive...??) which I had no problem with. I wanted to get to know him as much as I could. He was... intriguing.
But there I was, under the covers of the bed, refusing to move, even though it was mid afternoon.
I heard a soft knock on the open door.
"Go away," I said without any real conviction.
I knew it wouldn't do anything, and this was confirmed when I heard footsteps and felt a presence beside me on the bed.
"What's wrong? You've been moping a lot lately. I can't help but be worried. Come on..." He said, putting his hand on me through the sheets.
I threw off the blanket and glared at him.
"Ever since you brought me here, it's been..." I searched for words, looking into Wally's eyes, who, of course, looked back with infinite patience and a gentle, kind smile.
"It's been wonderful."
"And what's wrong with that?"
"Everyone is honest with themselves, and is nice to each other just because. No one has to use any tactics or strategies to form or change a relationship, and it's just... I..."
I felt tears well in my eyes, and I looked away, embarrassed.
"And you're... the nicest," I whispered under my breath.
"Too nice. You've done something to me..."
I closed my eyes, but I felt fingers gently put themselves under my chin and pull me back. I met Wally's eyes, filled with understanding and kindness and something that made my heart pound until the sound of it filled my ears.
"Y/n... I don't want to be too forward with this, but I... I must come clean. I... I confess that I've developed romantic feelings for you, and I do hope you reciprocate them."
I couldn't do anything but listen to my own hearbeat for a moment, staring into his eyes, my mouth agape in disbelief.
Then, my mouth was on his. It was tender and gentle, slow and genuine. It was like birdsong and butterflies and a warm pastry. It was like sunlight in the morning and the sound of bells and the smell of chocolate.
I felt like everything was going to be okay.
(Epilog: Wall-E shows up and Wally and y/n decide to form a threesome or he just leaves or something)
There you go poo. Hope you're happy. Here's a drawing of you for the fans.
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sadcherri · 11 days
On discord or snap?
Discord is for the homies and snap is for the hoes 😗 but if I vibe with you and you ask nicely I'll give you either or
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ashipiko · 11 days
Ashiii I hope you don't mind me askin a question about twst ashi!
I know the people she's close to are in her profile, like epel, floyd, leona, but exactly how do they act around her and vice versa? And are there any other characters? I'm very curious!! (also i'm working on something rn)
Take your time to answer if you need!! And you don't need to go through every character, just the ones that seem the most important/significant to you :D
HI TARURU!!!!!! 🤔 tbh this question isn’t really that hard to answer so I’ll go in depth about leona/epel? floyd used to be listed as a close relation but EHHH. tho I HAVE written little things for every single chara so that’ll be under the cut!!! (wrote it on discord so the like? rhythm behind the words might be weird cuz I cut them out www) 👁️👁️ TY for the interesting ask tho. hope you have fun w whatever you do!!!!
EPEL: yo the besties EVERRRRR!!!! their dynamic is countryboy that knows how to do so many things and princess who knows how to do so many things BUT neither of them know what the other does. THEY LEARN A NEW SKILL LIKE EVERY DAY THEYRE SO FUNNY. epel acts like his yeehaw self around ashi cuz they’re really close and he loves to catch a break wherever he can 🙏 ashi is more feisty and speaks her mind w/o worry (most of the time) w epel because there’s just a certain level of trust between them?? like you can speak your mind and really form a true connection. ashi who was never really close to anyone and epel who never really had friends his age growing up…… WWW I CRY. like imagine two elementary school students who are best friends. THEM.
LEONA: leona is his usual grumpy self and he doesn’t say it BUT he cares for ashi a lot. he’s not really a word person but more so an action type of guy? he’ll do things that’ll make her go “AWWWWWW” and stuff 🫶 ashi gets to be PEAK annoying and AGAIN doesn’t really worry about keeping up a front because she feels comfortable w leona. she’s the youngest at home after all!!! seems like they wouldn’t vibe at all but you’ll find em hanging out at the botanical garden together
RIDDLE: they’re pretty chills…… riddle likes ashi because she abides to the rules of heartslabyul (that she knows of) even if she’s not even a member of Heartslabyul herself <3 tho he does not understand what goes thru her head sometimes. “this slang is worse than cater sometimes and ACE??? ASHI YOU DESERVE BETTER YOURE TOO NICE FOR A RULEBREAKER LIKE HIM” vibes
ACE: do I need to even need to explain. I wrote 6K words about them and won’t shut up
DEUCE: THEY VIBE!!! NGL i do think that ashideuce have like sliiight similarities if you peek but deuce is more open and genuine than her 🤔 they’re very cute and I think Ashi wingmanning him could be cute <3 Ashi thinks he’s silly
CATER: people compare her to him sometimes and she’s like “……IMIG?” they would get along really well on paper but in reality they don’t interact all that often….. nothing special but I think they both know that they’ve got smth going on that’s not entirely the same
TREY: uhhhhh. TRULY JUST ACQUAINTANCES FRS <3 like he’ll ask her if she wants anything because she’s prefect and also cuz she’s like a regular at unbirthday parties but that’s bout it 😔
LEONA: accidental adoption at its finest. leona and ashi both have that bougie background even tho Ashi isn’t an ACTUAL princess so “out of pity” leona treats her 🙏 they have fun talks and ashi likes to draw w leona when she needs a break from ace or if he’s busy 🫶🫶 v chill……. leona could see right thru her act I think so he also likes to tease her and stuff. THEYRE FUN. i think they styled eachother’s hair to look like eachother once
RUGGIE: 😔 the person leona sends to do the dirty work to get food for Ashi…… they’re chill and they like to catch up!!!! ruggie tried to finesse her once and it almost worked 😭😭they talk sometimes when they both end up at Monstro lounge <3 homies!!! RUGGIE KINDA LEARNS TO ACCEPT HER AS A LITTLE SISTER TOO I THINK
JACK: truly just acquaintances pt 2 😔 it’s really hard to keep a convo going w these two and the only thing they’ve got in common is tsunderes. THE TYPE OF FRIENDS TO BE FRIENDS IN A GROUP but not 1 on 1
AZUL: she wants to punch him SO BAD. twstshi acts nice w him cuz he’s her boss and she’s very chill but she SWEARS everytime he opens his mouth she wants to sock him across the face. azul thinks they are great business partners HE MEANS FRIENDS. MAYBE
FLOYD: FLOYD LOOOVES ASHI he thinks she’s SO fun to rile up. will squeeze her very hard if he spots her at basketball matches and if crabby doesn’t point out that she can’t breathe 🫶 ashi likes him but she still finds him VERY scary. unreliable coworker 😔 tho I think wayy later on when Ashi feels more vulnerable their mood swings would be veeeeery uh. ruh oh
KALIM: they’re SO CUTE. ashi’s a foodie and so kalim invites her over to Scarabia a lot <3 slowly he helps her build up a spice tolerance…… slowly……….. both kinda naive but ashi’s more cautious than him I think
JAMIL: very skeptical of one another. vvvvvv sussy but ashi likes his food so. it’s okie <3
VIL: ADMIRES HIM SM vil’s very neato and espec after book 5 Ashi can’t even be MAD at vil’s overblot because she’s like damn fam 😔 i lowkey getchu. it’s okie <3 and she holds absolutely NO GRUDGE against him. there’s like nothing bad about him she can pinpoint and she thinks he’s really hypesies
ROOK: kinda scary but he’s fun so it works out 🫶🫶 rook is the type to joke and tease Ashi and make her laugh I think but give these one off lines and she’s like “???? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN.” they’re funsies
EPEL: BESTIES WHO LOOK SO CUTE BUT WOULD KICK YOU IN THE NUTS IF THEY COULD. ashi loves hearing about everything epel and is SO invested in his hometown. she also loves all the apple cider he brings over and thinks it’s SOOOOOOOO good 🙏 ashi’s walls naturally come down w epel and TBH he doesn’t really notice or make a big deal about it? so they act very cute and proper w others but you might catch these two on the roof of NRC one day
IDIA: ashi hates him so much. so many reasons and she wishes she could curse him with rabies.
ORTHO: thinks he is insane and was fine w him until he threatened to blow up the entirety of NRC and now she thinks that he’s terrifying but she can’t mess w him MORE SO THAN IDIA because 😔 child
MALLEUS: very scary. she gets so scared and yelps everytime she sees him. she’s like constantly shaking when she talks to him and malleus is like teehee <3 gargoyle
LILIA: KINDA FREAKY WHERE DOES HE COME FROM. lilia think she’s very fun and he likes to talk to her!! tho she cannot eat his food. holy moly my guy like WHAT
SILVER: ashi’s just awed by his existence NGL like damn fam. how are you just like perfection 😭😭 she doesn’t talk to him much tho. like that person you look at and think about but don’t talk to <3 silver thinks she is a very nice girl
SEBEK: one sided affection and ashi is very “😨 huh. stop yelling at me” 😔 she wouldn’t punch him but she will give him the silent treatment cuz she’s so annoyed <33 she laughs everytime Ace disses him
GRIM: IFS LIKE. WEIRD because I don’t think Ashi is ALWAYS putting on her front w him because they’re together literally 24/7 but they care for eachother a lot 😔😔 like Ashi will be moody w Grim but gives him discipline like a dog WITH JUSTIFIED REASONS so he can’t really get mad at her…… even if she is moody she still seems cheery so like. weird middle ground. Ashi still plays it safe but he still gets a good look at a wider range of emotions w her
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burninghorizon · 21 days
Hello hello! I'm Nico, I'm an adult and I use any pronouns. You've found my spiritual blog focused on astral projection and alterhumanity. My main blog is @birdwizardofficial.
I'm a mod for an alterhuman discord server! Come check us out:
I'll get the important stuff out of the way first:
Although some posts here have a humorous tone, all of this is serious metaphysical work. None of this is LARPing or imaginary.
Reality shifters DNI if you don't want to have a bad time.
Minors DNI please, I talk about adult stuff here.
Godkins/Deitykins who demand they be worshipped will be blocked.
Alterhumans who think all of humanity is bad or evil will be blocked.
Spiritual bigots(eg: people who hate demons) will be blocked.
If all of that is cool with you, please feel free to ask about or comment on what I do. I don't bite.
I talk a lot about my soul family here, I'll introduce them!
Mother: Hekate
The Goddess Hekate had a hand in creating my soul, and she's married to my father. She's stern, but gentle, and most of the magic I do was learned from her.
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Father: Dante
My father is a demon whose recorded name won't be shared here, he goes by the name and face of Dante from DMC for privacy reasons, and their personalities are practically the same. I am so happy to be reunited with him, he makes me feel so happy and loved. He's the best dad ever.
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Uncle: Vergil
My uncle is my father's twin, he's also a recorded demon but we're calling him Vergil. He used to scare the crap out of me due to his resting bitch face but he's actually nice. Recently he's become my teacher in the art of shmoozing- I mean, socializing, with spirits specifically. Has an excellent sense of fashion and a good taste for teas.
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Cousin: Aerith
My cousin through paternal bonds, Aerith is the best chaos homie anyone could ask for. They're responsible for reuniting me with the family so I'll always be grateful. Damn, don't cry now Nico... anyway, their blog is @lotuscrownedcetra and you should follow them because they're cool as hell.
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Me: Nico
Since Nico and I have the shared goal of being master weaponsmiths I've taken the name. I'm still figuring out a lot about myself but I know I'll do anything for my family.
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jenshinfvckeralt · 2 years
Ayato x F!reader
Summary: You're best friends with Childe and YELAN, it wasn't all too bad til collage, then you met the love of your life.. Ayato <3
It cant be that bad, right?
Warning: some suggestive content
Mostly Fluff
+nickname(s), Princess & love.
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Childe and Yelan are your rich childhood friends, you don't remember a single happy moment without them, until college. When you met the love of you're life. Ayato , since child and ayato both have hydro visions you thought they'd get along nicely, well, ya thought wrong. As soon as childe found out u liked Ayato he i me thought you were replacing him, yelan had to drag his ass. Literally, his pants almost fell off 💀.
Ayato was actually glad you liked him back but the problem was, his sister and his best friend, Ayaka and Thoma. You got along with Ayaka just fine, but Thoma was just furious. Ya would've thought he'd be fine with you being Ayato's girlfriend but ya thought wrong, my dude was straight up tryna sabotage you because he thought Ayato would replace him. (poor baby😨)
In the end Yelan and Ayaka become best friends and Thoma and Childe made an alliance called, " Replaced "
After awhile Thoma got used to you guys hanging out as couples so he didn't feel replaced anymore
Childe still felt replaced til u insured him that he was your #1 best friend. (DONT TELL YELAN)
{;```☕ ```;}
Join my discord server!!
(please note that my discord server is a WIP, be sure to read the rules and always be kind to other members)
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wikagirl · 3 months
artwork and some cool little stories about skyrim inspired tabletop a friend is hosting for me and my friends below the cut cuz zhis is kinda long
Okay so I have mentioned this thing before a couple times on my blog but now I actually have all the character art done so let me actually tell you something about The Company Of Dragons or TCOD as we called the discord channel for it.
My homie Emmet wanted to once again host a tabletop after not having done one in quite a bit and all of us are reeaaaaaalllllyyyyyy into skyrim, like it wa sliterally my first actual big game title I have ever played and even his friggen stepmom played it after his dad just wouldn't shut up about it after he convinced him to play it so he took the story of the game and modified it into a tabletop cambaing based off of the system of the german The Dark Eye tabletop.
He basicly wrote a skyrim AU where we still more or less play through the game but with quite a lot of changes so it is multi-player friendly and he also made it so the big guild questlines would be shaped into something of a little character questline since we somehow managed to nicely distribute our characters in such a way that we only ever really had one per big guild (like the mages, thieves, dark brotherhood and so on) and I thought it would be a cool idea to draw our characters in their "final form" so to speak at the end of their own arc where they get to be the main story focus and now I'll introduce you to all of them and some notable reappearing npcs that were played by friends and family who liked to listen in on our sessions.
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Starting off with Myrkviar Valourheart which is a "written as you hear it" version of Myrkviðr which is the old norse word for darkwood or black forest and he is played by the literal dad of the DM and the metaphorical dad of our friend group, Yuri.
He is our dragonborn and actually did not start out as someone that is supposed to go to the block in helgen. He is a trusted guard from Falkreath and former captain of the helgen guards before the civil war broke out and the Jarl let the impirial soldiers take over the fortress and he basicly stuck around in helgen to serve as joint of communication between the impirials and falkreath itself. He lost his wife and one of his sons to the dragon attack and took it upon himself to slay the beast for the safety of the people he swore to protect when he joined the guards and to avenge his lost family members.
He stems from a long bloodline of werewolves, it doesn't really have much to do with the story we actually play through it's just a running joke that everyone in my friendgroup besides me goes were beast so they also made their characters were beasts in our tabletop.
His final kit is the nordic armor with nordic hammer and he wears the blueish sash that normally comes with the falkreath hold armor over it as a sign of his dedication to his duty and the people of his home.
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Raggi Valourheart was originally supposed to be called Ragnar but his mother kept calling him Raggi as a nickname and now he is forever stuck with a name meaning something like "a tuft" or "shagginess" and he is played by our DMs brother Dwoshak.
Like his father he lost part of his family in helgen where he had lived all his life and was working as a smiths apprentice with the dream to forge a sword that could cut mountains.
After helgen he went with his father to whiterun where he would stay for most of the main story (mainly because dowshak didn't have a lot of time to play with us at that time and din't wanna hold us back by making us wait) where he just kind of existed in a state of shock for a while. Even though the wolfblood runs deep in his family (for previously mentioned in-joke reasons) he never managed to turn even after consuming werewolves blood but the trauma eventually broke what ever held the dam, leading to him more or less involunteerily getting dragged into the companions questline through some roundabout shenanigans and helping him past his trauma with the power of found extended family. He only takes on the mantle of Herold of the companions for about a year before passing it on to vilkas and resuming his passion as a smith under eorlung grey mane at the skyforge where he has just kinda been chillin for most of the sotry but he joins in every one in a while for some adventure.
He is wearing the ancient nord armor which usually doesn't come with any under clothing except for the leather bits that the plate is attached to but he is wearing his shirt and pants that he usually wears to work underneath because why the hell not also he has just accepted that his face and hands will never be clean of soot ever again.
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Kåre Dahlson is a cousin to the Valourheart clan and likes to cosplay as a priest of mara to cover up his sithis worshipping and man murdering tendencies and just like his player, my friend André, he likes to tell some tall tales about the scars on his face when in reality they are just leftover of some poorly healed infected scratches from when his mothers rooster got to his face as a kid when he annoyed the bird a bit too much.
We haven't gotten around for his time to be the main character yet but he does get some time to shine on our characters first trip to solstheim where he aquires his werebear self and joint the ranks fo the injoke club.
He is wearing standart monk robes over top of the standart dark brotherhood assassins gear together with an amulet of mara. I drew him with allready having astrids dagger because.....reasons and don't let me saying that he "cosplays" as a monk of mara fool ye, he is quite proficient in the more....physical aspects of worshiping the goddess of love and he is very very lucky that our DM is not like me and does not make him flip a cin every time to see if he got an std or not.
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last one on the werecreature club is our local thiev and honorary member of the girls club, M'lady who insists his name is pronounced Muh-La-Dee but that would not be funny now would it?
He is actually the one to be carted into helgen at the beginning and b makes it out with just a little bit of furr scorched off the top of his head. He has been a pick pocket for a long time but felt the need to leave the country after getting attacked by sinding when he was unfortunately in the area when the guy went into his murder frenzy which is how he ended up getting caught at the border.
Tumblr doesn't have enough space to actually even just describe this shit this guy gets up to when noone is looking but he does restore the thieves guild to its former glory and he also does do the sinding quest where, instead of accepting the saviours hide or the ring, he strikes a deal with hircine to please just make him a cat in wereform too.
some honorble mentions of the shit he has done are:
sneak into haelgas house to lace her horker tooth that she most definetly uses for kinky stuff with "foreign spice oils" after she got on his nerves too much one time.
Periodicly sneak into the house of maven blackbriar and move certain things just a little bit more to the left every time he does.
And once he got the nightingale armor he would put it on an stand stare at maul from the distance at night or through his window, standing juuuuuuust far enough in the shadows to have his form be obscurred but still have the blue glowing eyes the armor gives you visible because the idiot needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. M'lady did that for over three weeks until maul got paranoid and almost killed someone out of anxiety.
M'lady actually hates the nightingale armor because it tugs and squeeses at his fur so he wears a modified guildmasters armor. The glassdagger is kinda shitty in stats but he likes it because oooohhh shiny and the golden coin in his mane has the face markings of his mother engraved in it.
Also funfact the M' prefix for khajiit means something like "inexperienced" "apprentice" and sometimes also "virgin"
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now the last major character is meeeee, and I was very creative because her name is literally just Vika... Vika Aldervel, her mother was a nord which is how she got the pasty bitch look but her father is a darkelf which is how she got the last name and her affinity for magic as well as the short queen genes for nord standart.
The whole point of this character was just to see how crazy the DM would let me get with it and how op he would let me go until he would slap me on the wrist....it was surpsiringly far because he actually used a lot of the chaos I created against me a lot of times.
Vika is the granddaughter of my oblivion character and if you have played the shivering isles dlc you know that your character literally becomes sheogorath, the daedric prince of madness, who you can also meet in skyrim. Vika traveled to skyrim to study the falmer and their ancient magics, the rest of the crew just kinda run into her in a random ass cave at some point while she is looking for anything falmer related and she just kinda tags a long from there on serving as the healer of the group and also money management. As you can tell by the art her plot is mostly the plot of the dawnguard dlc mixed in with sheogorath popping in every one in a while to cause chaos for his little darling granddaughter who is honestly more like a fun object to rotate to him but ey it makes for good plot moments.
Her gear is a modified version of the fur trimmed cloak to have a hood that protects from the sun. Her eye makeup is a direct rip from the swirly pattern of nocturnals robe decoration since, as someone raised by a dark elf, she mostly worships azura who often has nocturnal credited as her sister so she worships them as a duo but msotly still focusin on azura. Due to her amassing great power and devoting herself to azura even after taking the vampire form (which is a Molag Bal thing) the daedric prince of dusk blessed her with keeping her true face even in the normally hideous vampire form so that Vika may show the duskmothers true grace and beauty even when fighting in her most powerfull form (this took a several sessions long quest to beg for azuras forgiveness tho)
and now that we are done with the main squad, on to some lesser reoccuring characters, starting off with the spouses
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So first of we have Moira (yes the hagraven you get married to in the sanguine quest) and Elmora.
Moira is an npc played by our DM and becomes part of Vikas quest to redeem herself in the eyes of azura after the whole crew takes a celibratory drink with sanguine after helping Elmora become the new headmaster of the mages college. All the other characters got one part ofn the Sanguine quest and Vika got the getting married to a hagraven part.
Azura promised Vika her favour back if she could turn the hagraven to worship her fully and wholeheartedly, and since azuras worship includes loving not only yourself and the goddess but also those who are around you and close to you fully and with your whole self, Vika got a bit over dedicated and her to her friendy dismay and the daedric princes surprise actually ended up falling in love with the hagraven and in turn turning her to azuras worship. Upon their (proper) marriage under azuras blessing the hagraven had her youthfull breauty given back to her. (your beauty is one of the things you sacrifice when you become a hagraven, also now is probably a good point to mention that azura is not only the dogges of magic, dusk and the stars but also of beauty and vanity and I did not pick those glow ups, the DM decided that that would be an azura thing to do)
Elmora or Elmo for short is played by Yuris IRL wife Anastasia and a high elf with high expectations of herself and those arund her. She initially starts out as a thalmor under Ancano at the college of winterhold, incredibly racist and classist and just generally a stuck up bitch but she recieves a reality check when the she gets sent to observe what ever the mages were up to in the saarthal digsite and gets locked in there, barely making it out alive.
We streched this questlien out over the course of the whole story so she kinda goes through a bit of a behind the scenes arc of actually wanting to learn more about magic and the college and, after finishing off Ancarno, ends up sticking with the group because she fears retaliation from her own former affiliates. Anastasia didn't play with us often but Elmo, mostly through exposure to our stupidity, warms up to the skyrim kind of life and accepts the position of headmaster og the guild after initially turning it down. Since we streched out the whole story from what feels like just a few days in game to the course of over a whole year in game she first develops a one sided infatuation for our dragonborn which eventually becomes equal once the guy gets over his grief and accepts that he needs to move on and is allowed to have good things in life too. They never actually end up getting married but they sure do act like they are.
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and lastly Kena and Dra'meri
Kena means "scholar" in the dark elven language and is a name given to the falmer by Vika after finding her locked up in a cage badly bruised in a bandits cave. Falmer are blind and live underground so not knowing what to do in the unfamiliar ouside worls the falmer juds kind of followed the group around and eventually integrated similiar to the folks you can have in camp but not in your parts in bg3. The group eventually manages to help her find her home but she shows up every onve in a while to teach Vika the current falmer languge which is very different from the one of the ancients. She lets her hair grow longer as a sign of sisterhood with all the other women in our party who have longer hair and she is the first falmer since before the nords arrived to brave the valley of winds (the valley where whiterun is located, in the lore the falmer feared the place and the ancient nords didn't know why but since the skyforge was there and the place is associated with kynareth there are theories that it is basicly kynareths domain and she does not like the elves a lot iirc). She is played by our DM
Dra'meri is M'ladys elder sister and a mage. She was part of a one shot fun adventure that our DM wrote for us and she is played by our DMs little sister. The prefix Dra' can mean a lot of things, in this case it means wise woman. Dra'meri came to skyrim to drag her runaway brother back home by the scruff...which doesn't really work when you are only a tenth his size. She's mostly just a joke character who lives in whiterun but we love her a lot and if anything happens to her I will kill everyone in this room and then myself also I designed her outfit myself do you like it?
Anyways that is the main cast of our homebrew The Company Of Dragons....a bunch of idiots who like to travel in the company of dragons...and also fight the ones who don't wanna be their friend and eat their souls sometimes too. hope you had fun and no i did not checkread any of that.
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