#pyro does ficlets
pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
*Knocks down the door* Hey there! Could you write a Yandere Wally x GN!reader where they go stargazing together?
Wally thinking that the reader is too naive, but in reality the reader has known since being there for week.
Hey, Anon, that's my door!! Now I gotta fix it!!
ヽ(`0´メ)ノ Well... okay, okay, since this is such a good prompt I'll do my best to make a good story out of it... Enjoy!!!
Way out there, and right here with me
We'd heard there was going to be a cloudless sky tonight, and perfect conditions to see the Milky Way and maybe even a shooting star or two.
It was the perfect end to a wonderful first week of being in the neighborhood, and I already loved it. I'd even gotten gifts from a few of the residents, though none were as memorable as a huge gift basket wrapped in a big bow, full of apples.
It had a little card in it signed by Wally, and in the short time I'd known him we'd gotten to spend a lot of time together, becoming freinds. Though there was something... off about him I couldn't quite place. He seemed... overeager to please me. Maybe he was like this with all his friends, and I just hadn't noticed, but he was definitely... clingy.
He'd asked me to come to his favorite skywatching spot, a secluded hilltop surrounded by trees so we could stagaze together.
I was headed that way now, with a picnic basket under my arms. I made it to the top, waving to Wally as I neared him.
He watched me the whole way up.
He'd already set out a nice big checkered blanket for us to sit or maybe lay on.
"You made it, y/n!" He exlaimed, already sitting down and patting the spot beside him. I put my basket down and sat next to him.
"What's with the basket? Did you bring goodies? You know you didn't have to do that... you're such a sweetheart!"
"Ha, yeah," I chuckled. "I got some cheese and crackers for us to share. Man, the sky sure is pretty tonight, isn't it?"
"It sure is," Wally said quietly, although he was looking at me.
I just kept my focus on the sky above, even as I could feel his eyes on me. I fidgeted with the fringes of the blanket absent-mindedly, a little nervous.
After a moment I could feel an arm drape around me, and his lips brushing against my ear.
"You look stunning in the moonlight," he whispered.
I had to supress a shiver from running up my back.
"You, um, really think so? That's... very nice of you to say," I muttered in response.
"I know so," he whispered back.
He pulled me close to him gently, so I was pressed against him. I just kept my eyes on the stars. I wouldn't move my head or my eyes, I couldn't tell you why, but I was terrified of meeting his gaze.
"Y/n"... he whispered. I didn't move.
"Come on. Look at me. I want to see your beautiful eyes..."
I felt the tips of his fingers on my cheek, pulling me to him. I could resist for only a moment before I complied.
"Ah. There you are."
We looked. We looked and looked and looked.
Not at the scene above us, so so far away, but right in front of our faces, we looked at each other.
I wasn't really sure how to end this, so I kinda just left it open to interpretation or maybe continuation!! This was fun to write, so I'll forgive you for my door, Anon... I look forward to writing more in the future!!! Much love!!!
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rayclubs · 4 months
For Writing: Medic and Pyro interacting? Maybe Pyro helping Medic take care of his birds?
Ficlet under the cut.
"You're not a bird person, are you?"
Pyro shrugged stiffly. The doves flocked to him like children to an ice-cream truck. He swatted them away gently but firmly, and kept his eyes on the exit door.
"They'll grow on you."
A curious pigeon sat on his shoulder and clicked its beak against his eyepiece. He poked its belly in return. Like its owner, it didn't seem to mind.
"You can give him a scratch if you like."
Reluctantly, he traced a few feathers with the tips of his fingers. Predictably, the pigeon bit him.
"Archimedes! No! Shoo!"
He watched it soar and wondered what it would taste like roasted. Horrible, his intuition supplied. Horrible, his stomach agreed, curling up into a knot.
"Socrates likes you."
He looked around, trying to guess which of the haphazard white smudges behind his goggles was Socrates, but they all looked the same, and one of them sat ontop of him like it owned the medbay. He shook his head roughly, if only to spook it.
"He does! Look at him snuggling up to you!"
Before the sugary overflow of undeservedly cutesy descriptors could continue, he stuck his fingers under the seam on around his neck and pulled his mask up to expose a part of his chin. Medic acknowledged it with a quick glance but, thankfully, didn't stare when he spoke out the side of his mouth: "How's that cage looking?"
"Eh, it's a bit more complicated than I thought," Medic admitted, not humorlessly, and pointedly raised two metal parts that very clearly did not go together.
Should have asked Engie.
"Herr Engineer offered some assistance," the doctor continued like reading a man's thoughts was a habitual kind of tease to him.
Pyro hummed. His voice was uncomfortable, like an unwieldy misshapen wrench. "Then why ask me?"
"I thought you'd enjoy it," Medic shrugged, taking no more offense than was intended - that is, none.
Pyro sighed and crouched next to him, causing the dove flock to disperce in a flashy white burst. "You're a bird person. You watch the birds. I'll try the cage."
Medic put the instruction manual down, swept the screws up and into a neat heap next to it, and straightened his back with obvious, long-wanted relief. "Thank you."
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debtdeath · 1 year
for the ship hcs ask game: flashfire (or just scout & pyro platonically) hcs? opinions? hotel?
(prompt: "Send me a ship + a word, and I’ll tell you the first headcanon that comes to mind!")
you absolutely sent me more material to work with than the prompt asked, which rocks. happy to talk about scout and pyro platonically and/or romantically tbh! for the sake of this being the first time i talk about them (i think) i'll keep it PG but feel free to follow up if you wanna hear NSFW stuff 👍
general opinion:
i think they're neat together! a lot of people are reluctant to ship them together romantically which is like, fair enough etc but it feels like that'd be overlooking their potential for both chaos for the sake of chaos (fun!) and true tenderness between two people who generally might feel pretty misunderstood and isolated from the rest of the team for various reasons (also fun!).
because theyre both on offensive roles i can see them interacting regularly On The Job as well which is always great to write imo.
i generally think scout and pyro are close friends even before becoming romantically involved or whatever...
i like the idea of scout being a bit scared of pyro at first because they're a big question mark, but because scout is this person who finds any challenge worth his time he takes it upon himself to be The First Who Befriends That Weirdo (affectionate).
he'll learn how to decipher pyro's mumbling and learn sign language (which also helps on the battlefield where it's often loud!).
scout is of course extremely curious about what's under the mask but he doesn't pry. none of his business. but if pyro ends up revealing themselves you know he'll be like 👀👀👀
pyro's just glad someone's willing to stick around with them! they don't mind being a loner but like, company is always nice.
they probably also feel pretty >:) about scout—this big talker jock and generally annoying dickhead—being actually nice to them. the power they hold over him... i reckon they feel pretty good about it.
scout strikes me as a romantic regardless of who he's paired up with, and pyro seems like a cuddler so i think their relationship as Lovers would be soooo sweet... inseparable and always goofing around and laughing and pulling (sometimes VERY dangerous) pranks on their teammates.
they're two fucked up little guys who somehow find each other in a weird fucked up world <3
now to specifically get to The Prompt from the ask LMFAO... hotel HUH...
i can imagine a scenario where they have to spend the night in some kind of motel for a duo contract or something and it's (gasp) a room with twin beds bc why would it be a double bed? fanfiction is contrived man (winks knowlingly at the person reading this)...
anyway scout checks in on his own bc he doesnt want pyro's Appearance to alarm the reception lady (little does he know that the lady would think absolutely NOTHING of it, she's seen worse, she's been workin this reception desk for 30 years you know), grabs the key and then gets both him and pyro in.
i think as soon as they get in they jump on the beds like trampolines because The Urge To Have Fun is too strong lmao.
i feel like they first sleep separately but then scout maybe notices pyro having bad dreams or tossing and turning so he just ends up snuggling up with pyro to comfort them :) or it could be the other way around if you want really, i think neither of them is truly free from insomnia, night terrors, and PTSD lol.
i feel like i could go on and just write a ficlet from just this idea but i'll stop here LOL thank you so much for indulging me!
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thetriggeredhappy · 2 years
do you have any controversial/super uncommon tf2 headcanons? :eyes:
uncommon*: latine (sometimes afro-latine) amab nb lesbian pyro, not that it comes up often. i generally don’t go to the trouble of explaining identities of characters, because it doesn’t come up organically in fic, and honestly, doesn’t come up in real life! maybe i just mind my own business a little too hard, but i don’t tend to ask questions so much as encourage people to share things freely, and so my characters don’t tend to interrogate without good cause. but assume that much of the time when i’m writing pyro, that’s how i imagine them, i just also imagine the other mercs to have like… manners.
controversial: asexual biromantic scout who wants kids and has a bit of a people pleasing complex and so hasn’t figured out that he doesn’t actually care about sex in the slightest and actually kind of feels annoyed by it, he just really likes literally every romance cliché and has a medium-high sex drive from how much exercise he does in his free time. gritting-his-teeth mildly-sex-repulsed but loves love stories scout. my problem is i also often write trans scout and those headcanons refuse to overlap for me (at least in part because consciously i tend to give trans!scout more confidence in all areas of his life, and the trope ‘uwu trans baby boy never dated before umu be nice pwease…’ makes me wanna scratch my eyes out, so…)
not necessarily gonna die on either of those hills, to be honest. pyro exists in fandom space as a character to have a lot of fun making very different headcanon for, and scout’s relationship with love and romance is, uh, kind of a touchy subject for some people who find him relatable and have romance as a touchy subject for themselves. but that’s where i’m at.
for the record i also tend to aspec my sniper, which leads to a lot of me writing scout and sniper as QPPs unintentionally when i’m not thinking about it. not apologizing, because honestly that relationship has a lot of chemistry and is fun to write and i only get made fun of by people who know me personally a little bit
*(ive actually been seeing a lot of latino pyro in recent years, which is cool, and trans pyro has been a dominant thought basically since they were invented. not sure how much of the recent resurgence is my fault for leaning into it super hard a few times now in different ficlets. personally i just headcanon them from northern mexico but i’ve seen a lot of cool variation, which is exciting. branching out, tf2 fandom, no worries, i see you! and i’m proud!)
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
Best Revenge AU - Finally, Some Ford Content
Ford has been suspiciously absent from all of the ficlets I’ve posted thus far in this AU, and while I’ve talked a bit about his role, I haven’t gone too in depth.  So, here, for everyone craving some Best Revenge AU Ford, I’m here to satisfy that craving.  Finally, some Ford content.  Enjoy.
              Ford slowly woke up.
              Shit.  I stayed the night, didn’t I?  He sat up. The man he’d slept with the night before was already up and getting dressed.
              “Good morning,” Ford said hesitantly, realizing to his horror that he couldn’t remember the man’s name.  “Um…”
              “I can make ya some breakfast ‘fore I send ya on yer way,” his one-night-stand said.  “I’ve got to check in on my sister first; she’s startin’ a new job today. You can find yer way to the kitchen and make yourself some coffee while I’m talkin’ to her.”
              “…Okay,” Ford mumbled.  The man finished dressing and left the room.  Ford hesitated for a moment before dressing as well.  He exited the bedroom.
              Which way is the kitchen?  Ford chewed on the inside of his cheek and turned left. He followed the hallway down to a living room.  One corner of the room had a colored rug, baby toys, and a playpen.  He said that he lived with his sister, right? Maybe she has a child.  Ford wandered into the adjacent kitchen.  His jaw dropped.  There was someone sitting at the kitchen table.  Someone he recognized.
              “Holy shit, Stan?!” Ford said.  Stan looked up with a frown.
              “Hey, keep it down around Junior.”  His eyes widened.  “Ford?!”
              “I- you-”  Ford’s gaze landed on the infant in Stan’s arms, greedily drinking from a bottle of milk.  “Is- is that your child?”
              “Yeah.”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “…Sorta.”
              “What do you mean by-” Ford started.  He was interrupted by the arrival of his one-night-stand.
              “Oh, I see ya met my sister’s boyfriend,” he said. Stan groaned loudly.
              “Lute.  How dark was the nightclub where you found last night’s lay?”
              “Didn’t pick him up at a nightclub.  Found him at the library when I dropped off books fer Angie,” Lute said cheerfully.
              “Look at his face.”
              “Hmm?”  Lute looked at Ford.  He paled. “…Oh.”
              “You managed to hook up with my no-good twin,” Stan said.  The infant in his arms began to fuss.  “Aw, it’s okay Junior,” Stan cooed.  “I know, Uncle Ford is scary, especially his face.”  Ford crossed his arms.
              “We have the same face, Stanley.”
              “Since Lute didn’t realize we were related when he picked you up, I don’t agree,” Stan said tartly.  Ford sighed.  “You better get going before you make Junior even more upset.”
              “I’m not going anywhere until I find out what you’ve been up to and why you’re holding an infant that you said is ‘sort of’ yours,” Ford said firmly.  Stan scowled.
              “Lute, kick him out, will ya?”
              “I think it might be good fer the two of ya to reconnect,” Lute said.  “Don’t you think the lil bean would like an uncle from yer side?”
              “He won’t know what he’s missing.”
              “Okay, fine.”  Lute smirked.  “How do ya think Angie would want ya to act under this circumstance?”  Stan glared at him.  “You know full well that Angie would want ya to use this opportunity to reunite with yer twin.”
              “…Fine.”  Stan adjusted his hold on the infant.  “Why didn’t you come to the kitchen with Ford, Lute?”
              “I wanted to check in on Angie, but she’s still sleepin’.”
              “Yeah.  Since she’s starting her new job, I figured I’d feed Junior.”  Stan grinned down at the infant.  “He can’t be happy he’s getting his breakfast from a bottle instead of a boob.”  Lute rolled his eyes.
              “Crass, Stanley.”
              “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
              “You catch up with yer twin while I whip up some eggs,” Lute instructed, already opening the fridge.  Ford walked over to the table and sat in the chair next to Stan. He peered closely at the infant.
              “So…” Stan parroted.
              “What’s his name?”
              “Stanley Junior,” Stan said.  He frowned.  “Well, he’s not really a Junior, since he’s got his mom’s last name instead of mine. But he’s named after me, so we call him Junior.”
              “Ah.  And, um, how old is he?”
              “Four months.”
              “Four months?  Are babies supposed to be that small at four months?”
              “Doc says he’s definitely smaller than average, but that he can probably catch up pretty quick,” Stan answered.  He removed the now empty bottle from Junior’s mouth, then burped him.  “He’s a good kid.”
              “Is he yours?” Ford asked.  Stan set the empty bottle on the table.  “You said he ‘sort of’ was.”
              “If you were anyone else, I woulda left that part out,” Stan muttered.  “I hate your guts, but I’m not used to lying to you.”
              “Biologically, he’s not mine.  He’s my girlfriend’s ex-husband’s.  But with how bad things got between Angie and Max, she decided not to tell him about Junior.”
              That’s a strange coincidence.  Didn’t Max Hillcrest at work recently go through a divorce?  What was his wife’s name again?
              “I was dating Angie, so I stepped up,” Stan continued with a shrug.  “And Angie named her kid after me.  I’m the only dad this little bean’s ever known.  If things go well, I’ll be the only dad he ever knows.”
              “Little bean?”
              “That’s what Angie called him while she was pregnant with him.  It stuck.” Stan smiled fondly at Junior. “Isn’t that right, bud?”  Junior giggled.
              “You’re raising another man’s child as your own?” Ford asked, his brain desperately trying to catch up with all he’d been told.
              “I love Angie.  I love Junior.  Why wouldn’t I?” Stan asked, a hint of a bite to his tone.  Junior settled in his arms, smacking his lips happily.
              “Fair enough,” Ford said, deciding to back off. Some tension left Stan’s shoulders. “Other than dating pregnant women and taking in their children, what have you been doing since we last spoke?”
              “You mean, since Pops kicked me outta the house and you didn’t say anything or use your power to summon me in secret at any point for years,” Stan said flatly.  Ford opened and closed his mouth a few times.
              “…Yes.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “When we were younger, I remember you wanting to follow in Mom’s footsteps.  I haven’t seen any pyro heroes around here, though.”
              “Hold up, what?” Lute asked.  The brothers looked over.  Lute stared at Stan in shock.  “Stanley, you wanted to be a hero when you were a kid?”
              “Most supers do.  And like Ford said, our mom was a hero.  I looked up to her.”  Lute was still staring at Stan.  Stan sighed. “Obviously I didn’t do that, Gucket.”
              “Yer mom is a hero?”
              “Retired.  What’s with the third degree?”
              “You understand why that information is important in our line of work, right?” Lute prompted.  “Does Angie know?”
              “Why don’t I?”
              “‘Cause I’m not sleeping with you,” Stan snapped. “Even though I’m apparently your type.” Lute turned red.
              “Wait.”  Ford held up his hands.  “Wait. Stanley, am I reading between the lines properly?  Are you- are you a villain?”
              “Maybe I am.  Maybe I’m not,” Stan said.  He met Ford’s eyes.  “But whether I am or not, you know better than to snitch.”  Footsteps sounded.  Stan looked over.  An exuberant smile broke across his face.  “Look who it is!  The hot new professor!”  Ford looked as well.  A young woman stood in the doorway, wearing athletic shorts and a T-shirt she was practically swimming in.
              Presumably, it’s one of Stan’s.  The woman smiled at Stan.
              “I don’t mind it much when ya say it, but I sure hope no one at work calls me that.”
              “If any creepy coworkers do, let me know,” Stan said.  “I’ll handle it.”  The woman grinned viciously.
              “Oh, darlin’, ya know I’m fully capable of handlin’ it myself.”  Stan grinned back.
              “Good point.”  He held up Junior.  “Junior, say hi to your mama.”
              “Aw, he’s too young to talk yet,” the woman cooed. She walked over to Stan, took Junior from him, and sat at the table.  “And I don’t know if his first word ‘ll be ‘hi’.”  She began to lift her T-shirt.
              “Whoa, hey, uh, Ang, you don’t need to whip your boobs out,” Stan said quickly, glancing at Ford in distress.  “I fed him while you were sleeping.”
              “Also, we have a guest.”
              “Hmm?”  The woman lowered her shirt and looked up.  “Oh, my apologies.”  She smiled at Ford.  “My name is Angie McGucket.”  Ford felt himself pale.
              “Dr. Angie McGucket,” Stan corrected.  Angie chuckled.
              “Yes, I have a doctorate,” she said.  She cocked her head, her eyes boring into Ford. “I’m guessin’ yer Stan’s no-good twin I’ve heard so much about.”
              “I- uh-” Ford stammered, still reeling from hearing his ex’s last name dropped so casually.
              “Geez, you make it sound like all I do is talk about Ford,” Stan said, rolling his eyes.  “That’s wrong.  All I do is talk about you and Junior.”  Angie laughed.
              Angie and Lute do appear to have the same nose as Fiddleford.  How could I have been so blind?
              “So, Stanford, what brings ya here?” Angie asked.
              “I brought him home last night,” Lute said.
              “Hmm, that seems out of character fer ya,” Angie said to Ford.  She shrugged. “Just goin’ off the stick-in-the-mud that Stan described to me.”
              “Why do you keep insulting me?” Ford asked. “This is the first time we’ve met.”
              “Maybe, but I also feel like I know ya pretty well,” Angie replied.  She bounced Junior in her arms.  “Stan took a while to start tellin’ me ‘bout ya, but once he did, he had a lot to say.” She smiled.  “Most of it was negative, sure, but some of it was positive.”
              “Angie, shouldn’t ya be gettin’ ready fer work?” Lute asked.  Angie groaned.  “I’ll make ya some nice breakfast while ya dress ‘n whatnot.”
              “Ugh.  Fine.” Angie handed Junior back to Stan, kissed his cheek, and left the room.  Ford coughed politely.
              “I, um, I should probably leave,” he said. Lute looked over.
              “Ya don’t want to stay fer breakfast?”
              “Your sister isn’t the only one who has a shift starting soon.”
              “Shift, huh?” Stan said, raising an eyebrow.  “Where’s the big shot genius working?”
              “Well, uh…”  Ford rubbed the back of his neck.  “I have been working on my own personal research, but to pay the bills, I’m currently employed as an executive assistant.”  Stan snickered.
              “Isn’t ‘executive assistant’ just a fancy word for ‘secretary’?” he asked.  Ford flushed. “You better get going, then.  Whatever doctor’s office you work for definitely needs you manning the front desk.”
              “Stanley,” Lute scolded.  Ford swallowed his retort.
              He’s been remarkably civil, let him be childish for one moment.
              “…See you later?” he suggested.  Stan froze.  “I mean, the fact that we were able to talk without fighting is, I think, a good sign that we can bury the hatchet.”
              “Ford.”  Stan met Ford’s eyes.  “Junior was here the whole time.  That’s why I didn’t shout or knock your block off.”
              “…Oh,” Ford said softly.
              “But…”  Stan sighed. “I’m not against making up.  Just know that the next time you and I are in the same room, it’s open season if Junior’s not there.”
              “Fair enough.”  Ford managed a smirk.  “I think you’d be surprised by how well I can hold my own now.”  Stan rolled his eyes.  “Goodbye, Stanley.”  Ford leaned over to smile at Junior.  Junior stared at him with wide eyes.  “Goodbye, Junior.”  Junior giggled.
              “Bye,” Stan grunted.  Ford waved goodbye to Lute and walked out of the house.  Beeping sounded from his pager.  He pulled it out of his pocket with a sigh.  The message made him sigh again.
              I swear, I’m the only person who can fix the wifi at work.  Everyone else either doesn’t know how or isn’t willing to do one of the secretary’s responsibilities.  Ford shook his head.  He put his pager away and began the long walk to work.  A building full of superheroes and not one of them can unplug a router.
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""Were you expecting something more mystical? A bolt of cosmic enlightenment? A conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel, who would reveal the answers you seek?"
“I was expecting it to not be a waste of time,” Pyro slurred, leaning heavily on the table in front of him.  “I was expecting it to….to mean something.  Bloody pointless, it was!”  This was far more honest vulnerability than Pyro would ever want to show in front of Sebastian, but the absolute river of booze he’d drank had carried him too far to care.   He was floating along, free from inhibitions and common sense (not his strong suit in the first place) and dignity and pride.
“What was the point even?” He mumbled, his head drooping down low.  
“There is no point,” Sebastian said, sitting down to sip at the glass of wine he had poured.  “The sooner you understand  that, the sooner you will understand your place in the universe.  And perhaps start to act with some modicum of intelligence and maturity.  Although I’m not holding my breath.”
“I mean seriously, what was the fucking point? I tried to do a good thing for once, and the universe kicked me in the teeth!”  It had been a good thing, Pyro was fairly sure of that, even though his brain had been burning with Legacy-induced confusion and delirium at the time.  The newspapers seemed to think so, splashing that picture of Kelly holding his desiccated corpse all over the front page.  Even a few of the goody-two-shoes X-Men had told him privately that they admired his last act.  He’d thought originally that maybe that was why they brought him back early, as a kind of reward for his heroism.  Of course, that was too good to be true – he was really just an early test-case.  Gotta perfect the process on cannon-fodder before bringing back the mutants that really matter, right?
“The universe didn’t do anything, Allerdyce.  The universe does not exist as a sentient being, and operates according to scientific principles, not any fairy-tale of destiny or cosmic justice.  I’m not sure why you’re so upset, anyway.  You got your heroic death.  You got your moment in the spotlight.  Don’t pretend you give a damn about Kelly himself.”            
“Of course I care, I…I…..fuck off, Shaw!”  Pyro stammered.  
“You barely knew the man,” Sebastian continued. “I suspect he was nothing but a symbol, for you to either kill or save when you wanted to be a villain or a hero.”
“You think I’d be drunk off my ass like this if I didn’t care?”  Pyro argued. Shit, he was leaving himself wide open with that one, wasn’t he?  Pyro was drunk off his ass, along with Shinobi, every other weekend.  Luckily Shaw declined to take the low-hanging fruit.
“I think you care because your grand gesture was rendered meaningless.  I don’t think you care at all about Kelly himself.  You were a dying man who wanted a dramatic exit, and now you’re upset because you didn’t leave a big enough mark on the world.  That’s the trouble with the resurrection protocols, really. We all come back to see our own legacies, and it’s often disappointing.”
“I wanted….I wanted to make things better for mutants!” Pyro exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table.  Sebastian calmly lifted his wine glass until the banging stopped.  “I was sick of all the killing!  It never made a lick of difference!  I just wanted to….I wanted to….”  He trailed off.  He wasn’t even sure what he had wanted.  He’d just been so very tired at the time.  Tired of the endless battles that weren’t nearly so fun when you were wracked with pain and barely able to control your powers.  Tired of things only getting worse.  Tired of the timer hanging over his head.  
“You wanted to matter.”  Sebastian said, taking another sip of wine.  “That’s what you really wanted.”
“Fuck off,” Pyro snarled, flinging a beer bottle at Sebastian’s head.  Sebastian batted it aside easily without changing expression.
“You misunderstand, Allerdyce.  I’m not judging you.  Most people want to matter.  Most people don’t.  Those of us that do are the ones smart and strong and brave enough to take life into our own hands.  For what it’s worth, you did make some sort of impact.  You changed his mind.  You’ll probably wind up in American history books.  As a foot-note, no doubt, but still better than most of the nameless masses.”
“Yeah, bully for me,” Pyro said, letting his head sink down into his arms.  “I gave Kelly a whole extra month of life.”
“And if Kelly had been assassinated by a mutant instead of a human, we might have been plunged into the dark future that so many of the pre-cogs ramble on about.  Instead, you both died as martyrs that drummed up sympathy for the cause of mutant rights.  I think things might have been far worse if the Brotherhood had succeeded.”  
“You’re bein’ weirdly nice, Shaw.”  Pyro shifted to peer up at him, head still resting on his folded arms.  The way the room was spinning, it seemed best to leave his head right there.  “I didn’t expect you of all people to be givin’ me a pep talk.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, a comfortingly familiar sight.
“I am not nice, Allerdyce.  And I don’t care about you.  At all. I am just giving you credit where credit is deserved.”  
There was a long silence in which Sebastian sipped at his wine, and Pyro shut his eyes to try to make the spinning stop.  Then Sebastian spoke again.
“I knew him, you know.  Senator Kelly.  He did business with the Hellfire Club, and his wife was once employed as one of our maids.”  Shaw paused to chuckle.  “Didn’t that get a rise out of him, the poor repressed man. Or perhaps it’s better to say that it didn’t get a rise out of him, which made for a slightly disappointing evening.”
“Shaw, what are you talking about?”  Pyro was fairly sure that it wasn’t just drunkenness that was making this conversation hard to follow.
“I digress.  My point is, I knew the man.  I knew Kelly as a person, not as some symbol of mutant rights or mutant oppression.  He was…..”  Shaw paused.  “He was a man of principles.  I didn’t agree with all of his stances, but he was an honorable man.  I was sorry to see him killed.”  
“Uh huh….”  Pyro still wasn’t quite sure what the point was.
“What I’m saying is, you did a good thing, Allerdyce, with your dramatic little last-minute heroics.  Even if your motives were as shallow as I suspect, even if Kelly only got a short reprieve.  I believe actions matter more than motives, and in that moment, at that time…..you did the right thing.”  
Huh.  “Well, that’s right nice of ya to say,” Pryo conceded.  
Sebastian wrinkled his nose.  “I told you, I am not nice.  I just wanted to make sure you didn’t burn the ship down with your drunken tantrum.  And now I’m going to take my leave before you inevitably spew whiskey and stomach acid all over this table.”
(OOC: Here’s another ficlet where I am unsure of my Sebastian characterization.  Given what you’ve posted, I get the impression that Shaw kind of liked Kelly, or at least respected him.  So I figure Sebastian might actually appreciate Pyro saving Kelly’s life, even if he assumes it was just self-interest on Pyro’s part.)
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
More Alt-Marauders time! This time it’s Pyro and Claudine in “Left Untold”, Madelyne and Shinobi in “Motherly Instinct” and then a couple of untitled Haven and Sebastian snippets that didn’t evolve into full things. I hope you enjoy!
LEFT UNTOLD “Man, family drama, eh?” Pyro said, stepping into the kitchen where Claudine was fixing a drink. There was...a lot going on, at the moment. Shaw and his son. Haven and her brother. Madelyne and her....er, was the teenage Cable the same Cable that was her son? Pyro wasn’t clear and he wasn’t getting close enough to that mess to find out. “Mm,” Claudine replied, eyes not leaving the bottle she was pouring from. “Glad I don’t have one,” Pyro added. “Is this the part where I’m supposed to tell you whether I do or not?” “Well, it’d make conversation. But uh, not DYING to know either.” It was true, Pyro was not usually into that kind of thing, getting close with folks needlessly. But lately, he wasn’t opposed to it either, if only because everyone here seemed to have a real interesting story. If he had to listen to somebody’s personal tragedy, it should at least be intriguing and unique, and this crew had that in SPADES. “Suppose I’m just a little curious about you, since I know a bit about everyone else now,” he admitted. She looked at him now, glass in hand, smiling in that damnable Cheshire Cat way she had that he was SURE she did deliberately for the purpose of driving other people nuts, “Does it worry you? Not knowing? Or are you curious for another reason?” “I’m a writer, love---a journalist, once,” he put his hands on his body waist and stuck out his slim chest a bit,  “I follow leads, follow stories, figure things out. Just instinct. If I feel like there’s a story...I want to know it. And you got one, I’m sure---from before that old ghost got his hooks in you. But you ain’t all THAT important to me either, so don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t digging, just asking.” Claudine smirked a bit, “Yes, I do have a story. I have a “me” from before Sinister. But I like having it to myself. I don’t have much to myself anymore, you know.” “Yeah---I understand that. “ He did. He understood all to deeply wanting to keep some kind of control, when things were out of your control, your body turned against you into the weapon killing you, yeah, he understood that. He understood it painfully well. “Well, it’s getting so I could choke on the tension in there, what say you and I go out and not talk about ourselves at all?” “Sounds like a time, St. John,” she put down the drink, “I’ll put on my dancing shoes.” They went out to Bangok that night, and then a few hip Eastern European clubs, and they didn’t talk a word about themselves all night. *** MOTHERLY INSTINCT “I can’t believe this,” Shinobi was near panicking, “Of all the times not to have Haven on board!” “Excuse me?” Madelyne turned a look of irritation towards Shinobi, and then picked up one of the infants. There was at least a dozen, all visibly mutation. This one was a lovely sea-green color with upward-curving little horns. Madelyne held it perfectly. “She’s not the only one with motherly instincts around here, you know.” Shinobi, in fact, did not know. He was completely surprised by this information. Madelyne didn’t have mom vibes, not even MILF vibes---well, hot step-MILF, maybe---she wore a black leather keyhole top and stiletto heels and she was totally kickass and he LOVED that! But she wasn’t all...nice. She wasn’t mean, until she got tired with his attempts at flirtation, but she was...well she was the most normal person on here, he supposed, her and Pyro. But a mom? That did work out well for him though, because... “Oh, uh, well, you’ve got it well in hand then,” he said, and started to leave, only to have Madelyne telekinetically pull him back by the velvet color of his sparkly satin purple blazer. “Not so fast, pal,” she said sternly, “There’s a LOT of kids here, and even telekinesis won’t let me watch them all at once.” She could use her telepathy to put them all to sleep, but she damn well WASN’T going to do that. It seemed to be common for telepaths to have issues around consent, for even the best and most benevolent of them to use their powers in ethically dubious ways at times, but in Madelyne’s case, one could understand why agency, even for infants, would be something she’d be defensive of, to say the least. “But I don’t know anything about them!” Shinobi whimpered. He couldn’t take care of babies, HE WAS BABY! Madelyne was unmoved, “Well you’re gonna learn!” A few hours later, they were seated on the floor crosslegged, each one bottle-feeding one of the little shit machines. Shinobi was still kind of weirded out by the whole thing but, after many disasters, had been deemed by Maddie to be ‘doing alright’ at last. “So uh, how’d you learn all this, huh?” Shinobi asked “You used to baby sit?” He could SO see her as a hot babysitter. Seducing the dad...or the mom...oh man... “I had a son,” she said flatly, in a hostile tone that got through to even Shinobi that she didn’t want to talk about it. “Oh,” Shinobi said, and assumed the kid must have died. Then, in the true fashion of the idiot that he was, asked   “With Cyclops or my dad?” “Cyclops!” Madelyne exclaimed, in shock at very idea of other suggestion, so much so distracted her from even being mad that he’d pried, “God, Shinobi, I wouldn’t----look there are some things your father is good for but that is NOT one of them!” Shinobi laughed, “Ha! You think he’s sterile? Oh boy did he pull the wool over your---” “No! I mean---being a father---or a mother---isn’t just about getting someone pregnant, you know.” That made her think though...that really was all the “mother” she’d been to Nathan. She’d only gotten to actually care for him for less than a year before...before he was taken. Before she died. Before she tried to...to kill him. And he was left to be raised by the man who had walked out on him, and the witch he had walked out for. She’d reunited with him years later, when he was older than she was, she had cast Sebastian aside to help him...ad he’d rejected her. He’d known what she did, he’d thrown it in her face. She couldn’t blame him---how could he know the full story, that it was out of her control? All he would have heard from his “parents” was that she was the evil witch, the babykiller, the Goblyn Queen, not his real mother, not really. And when she’d run into Nate Grey, drawn to him without knowing why, the version of Nathan from another world, it turned out he’d just wanted Jean too, that wanting Jean in this world was why he’d brought Maddie back from the dead, to be HIS Jean. Everyone always thought that Scott’s rejection was all that mattered to Madelyne, that she was just the Crazy Evil Ex, that she was only bitter over that, over him. No one ever considered how much more it hurt her to have her SON push her away. For god’s sakes Scott’s ship had sailed, but her CHILD...and she’d heard he was a teenager again, on Krakoa? He’d been a grizzled old man when she met him, all the years they should have had together taken away by time travel...could she maybe, now...no, they’d never let her. But that was fine. No one “let” Madelyne Pryor do things. She just DID them. Made her own path. Always had, til she’d found it had already been laid out for her from the start. And still, she’d forked the road---Sinister sure hadn’t planned on Inferno! “So uh, you know all the stuff then,” Shinobi said, snapping her out of it, “Yyou should definitely change the diapers, then.” She realized he was holding out the baby he had been feeding. Holding it VERY far from his body. “Cuz you know how to best. Wouldn’t want them to have a crappy diaper change. I mean that’s why you’re changing it!” Ugh. “Fine,” she said, “Give him here.” She didn’t trust Shinobi not to botch a diaper change anyway. She passed the baby in her arms to him, then got to work with this one, much to Shinobi’s disgust. “That’s kind of cool though, that you were a mom,” he said, once she’d finished up. She looked at him, wondered for a moment if-- “It makes you a total MILF, literally.” Nevermind. *** SMALL HAVEN/SHAW SCENES THAT NEVER EVOLVED INTO FULL FICLETS “I’m telling you, I can’t,” Haven said plaintively. It was a firm statement of fact, and a pained one. Not emotionally pained as was her whiny usual, but physically. And for good reason---her entire right foot was crushed, the bones shattered inside it by the rocks of the terrain they were trapped upon for the moment. But that was really no excuse for giving up and slowing him down, and Sebastian Shaw was not about to let her make it one. “And I am telling you,” he said, looking down at her contemptuously, his tone and expression completely devoid of any sympathy, “That you have to. We must reach the portal. Once there, we can get you a healer. Whinge all you want, woman, but get up!” “Let me lean on you, Mr. Shaw, if you will. I cannot walk on my own, but I may limp that way.” Sebastian furrowed his brows, and crouched down so that he was on eye to eye level with her. Then, with one hand, he struck her across the face in irritation, and then, with the opposite arm, immediately scooped her up and hauled her over one shoulder. It would be much quicker this way than a limping pace.“I want you to know, I would dearly like to leave you, Ms. Dastoor,” he growled, “But I expect Charles would count that in violation of the rules he set regarding your preservation.” *** Neither Madelyne nor Claudine had been able to reverse the bodyswap, so for the time being it looked as though Haven and Shaw had to live in each other, rather than simply with each other. It irritated Sebastian tremendously. It unnerved Haven. “I shall endeavor not to take your clothes off, but understand that this might not be feasible depending how long we’re stuck like this,” he grumped from her mouth, “I already had to use the washroom once. It was an...experience.” “I did as well,” Haven said, from his face. The new gentleness behind its eyes was terrifying to look at for anyone who was familiar with him; Shinobi couldn’t be in the same room with her like this. “Did you look?” Sebastian smirked, an expression her mouth had likely never made before. “Certainly not! I assure you, I am granting you the same privacy that---” “Go ahead next time. There’s a full-length mirror in my bedroom. Take it all in. I expect you’ll see some things you never have before. It would explain a lot about you, Ms. Dastoor.”
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smol-gay-enby · 5 years
OK, this is a little ficlet that gives a bit of an explanation. You sit in your camper, grumbling. Eons of being alone in space, eons of honing your godlike power, eons of searching for life to bring to your world and make immortal so you'll never be alone, and you're suddenly brought down to their level when you come to collect. Usually, you have to fight to keep your power in check. Among them, you have to fight to get them out. What happened, you ask yourself? Who pulled you from your pedestal? You decide to do a little research, wandering the base to see who it was that shut down your powers. Scout is obviously not the one. You do a freaking light show with stars, galaxies, and nebulae in his room, and he just keeps snoring. Demoman is too drunk to notice your sudden change in shape. Spy, for all his skill, doesn't notice you slinking in and out of his room as a shadow. Pyro scares you still as you don't know what they are except possibly fire incarnate, but they can't turn off your abilities. Heavy and Medic... You leave as quickly as possible, doing a quick power check to make sure it isn't them. Engineer welcomes you into his workspace, dragging you to hold tools for him while he tries to fix an invention of his. You roll your eyes, glad his back is turned, and repair it with a thought. That leaves one mercenary. One mercenary out of nine, the one with the loudest voice and the brightest spirit. The one crazy enough to hit himself with a shovel and shoot the ground near his feet with a rocket. It can't be Soldier, right? Yep, it can. The minute you step into his quarters, you're hit with a cold darkness that takes your breath away. Invisible chains grasp your wrists and neck, weighing you down. You fight it all, both the darkness and the chains, putting all your power into forcing something out, and your hand lets off a rather pathetic flicker of light. You stare incredulously. How in the world can Soldier hold you back? What power does he have that can make you weak? You touch him, barely, and darkness reaches out and grasps your hand. You pull back, and the darkness forms a word above Soldier: "Restraint." You gasp. The Restraint is a force only whispered about among the Higher creatures, said to be able to make any of them as weak as a human. Humans are said to have used it to being down Zeus, Surtur, and others. All that was said by other Higher creatures who also said you were crazy for wanting to have other life on your world as "playthings," so you never took it seriously. But here, lying in bed, deep in slumber, the Restraint lives. The Soldier represents a force that can bring down a god. And that should scare you. But it doesn't. It excites you, honestly. He's going to be a challenge to capture, especially if he finds out your intentions. Perhaps less of one if he doesn't know about his nature (which you're 95% sure of). But you're sure you can do it. You can bring him down. And when you do, he and both of the teams in this insignificant war will be right where they belong: with you.
This is amazing, wonderful writing. :D this is so cool I love it
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
…hi there! I love your writing style neighbor! I was wondering if you could write a welcome home fic for me!! Wally x a gn reader that Uses music to express emotion, like they always have headphones on and communicate with signals and when others don’t understand they get frustrated? Maybe Wally witnesses them and the reader FINALLY takes off their headphones and talks?
-⭐️star anon ⭐️
This is such a cute idea star anon!! Thanks for saying you like my style!! I wouldn't say I have them on quite to this degree, but I do have my headphones in pretty often!! I know at least one person (*cough cough* mother-) that would consider it a genuine problem, heh. I hope I can use my experience to write this fic for you!! Enjoy!!
Sing me to Sleep🍎🎧🎵
It was such a nice day out, I just had to have the perfect music to match. Something cheery and bouncy, that made me want to swing my legs on the park bench I was sitting on.
I took a deep breath in and tasted the fresh air, clean and sweet. The picture perfect day with the perfect soundtrack. I wondered if I took off my headphones if I'd hear birdsong.
But before I could entertain that thought any further, I spotted a figure on the sidewalk opposite me.
It was Julie in front of her house, practicing jump rope. I hopped off the bench and made my way over. She waved as I approached, smiling, and I waved back.
"What's the game today, y/n?" She asked.
I didn't respond, but I picked up a spare jump rope off the ground.
"Oh, sure, we can jump together! Bet you can't beat my best score! 47," she said smugly as she started jumping.
I jumped too, keeping in time with the beat of my music. I jumped until the song was over, and the next and the next...
I hadn't even realized until she was shouting and shaking my shoulder a bit that Julie was trying to talk to me. I turned around to see two hula-hoops in her arm.
After a moment of attempted communication I understood that she was offering me a hoop, and I took it. We hooped for a while, me with my eyes closed.
Eventually the weather turned sour somehow while I wasn't looking, because I felt a raindrop on my arm. I looked up, and sure enough there were clouds covering the sky. Julie was picking up her things and putting them away, and after I helped her get everything out of the rain I waved goodbye and started for my house.
I thought to myself that I could've helped her better. I knew it wasn't her fault, but if she could've understood that I would've stopped what I was doing to help her...
The rain had picked up to a drizzle, and I hoped I could make it. The song playing seemed to spur me on, with its fast tempo urging my feet to speed from a walk to a jog.
I heard something that wasn't my music, though. I slowed and turned my head to see one of my neighbors, Wally, struggling with a painter's easel in his front yard. He heard me approaching, apparently, because he turned to face me.
"Oh, y/n. You wouldn't mind kindly helping me get my masterpiece out of the rain, would you? It's not finished, and it would be such a shame if it got spoiled now..." He turned to face it and put his hand on his chin.
"I don't think I can carry it inside on my own and not smudge the paint. The canvas is just too big."
I put my hands on one side and looked across at him, and he turned to me and looked me in the eyes. I smiled at him, and he seemed to understand.
"Okay, I'll lift this side, and you get that one. Ready?"
We picked it up effortlessly, perfectly in sync. We took his painting inside and then all his supplies, and though we managed to save his artwork, his hairdo which he had clearly worked so hard to maintain had fallen from its pompador-like shape into something floppy and sad, covering over half his face.
"Well," he sighed. "I do very much appreciate it, neighbor. Thanks a lot for your help. Say," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"You're probably cold and wet. Would you like to come inside and I could make warm drinks?"
I nodded, and we headed inside to do just that. When I was seated at the table with my mug in my hand and Wally at the other end of the table, he smiled and thanked me again for helping him.
"How's your... oh, well, I suppose you're not one for conversation, are you y/n..."
I slid my headphones off my head, leaving them around my neck.
"It's delicious. Thank you very much."
Wally looked dumbfounded, his mouth open wide.
"Why... why, y/n! I'm very glad you like it! But... if you don't mind me asking... what made you decide to finally take those off?"
"I like the sound of the rain."
"And... if I may say, you have a very lovely voice."
"As do you, Wally."
I smiled.
Here it is, star anon!! I was a bit stuck at the beginning but I think I found it at the end!! I think it turned out pretty cute, at least with Wally and the reader!! I tried to show that he was able to connect with them right away! I hope you liked it, I'd like to say thanks for requesting it!! I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Hiiii! Would it be cool if you could make a Wally x reader? I would greatly appreciate so much :)
Have a great day uwu
Thanks so much doubledaredevil! Since you didn't give me any prompts to go off of I'll just do a ficlet of Wally and the reader going to get a sundae at Howdy's!! Enjoy!!
Wally x Reader Ficlet🍎🍨
It'd been getting warmer and warmer every day, and in a month or two the sidewalk would be almost too hot to touch. I held Wally's hand as we walked together down the street, passing the houses of our friends.
"Boy, it's been heating up lately, eh Wally?" I asked.
"You can say that again, y/n. Maybe we should find some way to cool off?"
I thought for a moment. Since we were already headed in that general direction I suggested...
"How about we go see if Howdy's has anything we could cool off with? Maybe some fun paper fans or something?"
"Ooh, great idea. And unless we get a visit from a cloud friend to cover the sun, we'll have to go inside anyway," said Wally, looking up and shielding his eyes.
"Nothing but brilliant blue as far as the eye can see," he sighed. "It kinda makes me wish I had some paint with that color."
We turned the corner and walked into the bugdega, the little bell jingling.
"Maybe we can draw with sidewalk chalk some time," I said. "I bet you'd be good at that. I'd love to see what you'd make."
Howdy waved to us with one of his four arms, greeting his customers with a pleasant smile.
"Well hey there! What can I get for you, Wally and y/n? Rubber bands? Candy? Some other snack-a-roos?"
"We'd like something to help us cool off, Howdy. You got anything that could help us with that?"
"Why, I've got just the thing, y/n! I'll whip up a tasty frozen treat for you and your boyfriend to enjoy!" Said Howdy, clasping a pair of hands together, while the other pair started messing around behind the counter, bringing up a glass that could only be used for...
"A sundae! What a great idea!" Exlaimed Wally, looking at me in excitement. I grinned back at him.
We sat down at a little table by the window, and Howdy brought us a vanilla sundae with hot fudge. I ate with the spoon, and Wally would go from staring at the ice cream to staring at me.
It was a wonderful treat, and it was made even better that I got to share it with the one and only Wally Darling.
He really was the most.
Sorry if this got kinda long, I think I got sidetracked in the intro... oh well! Again, thanks for requesting this, and I look forward to doing more of these in the future!!
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
How would you feel about writing a Wally Darling x GN reader first kiss fic. I think it could be cute.
Such a simple but such a potential filled prompt, goldenwarefox... Honestly, I think it might just be a bit too open if anything!! So many ways it could go!! I'll sure as heck do my best to make a nice little story!! Enjoy!!
Honeycrisp Blossoms🍎🌸
The ground was soft underfoot as I walked hand in hand and side by side with my fairly new boyfriend and neighbor, Wally Darling.
There were trees that stretched out in every direction all around us, but they were spaced out evenly so that there was about three or so feet between them.
It was almost like a sprinkling of snow on the ground, if snow had a soft pink tint to it. The apple blossom petals lay on the grass, not minding a bit as we stepped on them.
I closed my eyes and stretched up my face to feel the warm sunlight filtering in through the leaves and dappling the ground.
"I can see why you like coming here," I sighed, the sweet springtime air welcoming itself politely to me, smelling like joy and life.
"I'm so very glad you like it, y/n," Wally replied.
I could feel his grip on my hand and my grin became a little wider, my feet a little lighter.
And oddly enough, my stomach became a little tighter.
I stopped walking.
"Let's sit for a while and watch the petals fall," I said, opening my eyes and looking at Wally.
As I expected, he was looking right back at me, and he nodded. Keeping my hand in his, he sat down on the grass, his back against one of my many apple trees, and I followed.
"I do believe I could sit here forever and not get up," he said in that slow monotonous voice of his, that somehow dripped with sweetness.
"Especially if you're here with me," he smiled, making my face warm.
I looked away, hoping he didn't notice. My brain raced to come up with a response, and I eventually was able to mutter out "uh... thanks. You too."
Oh nice going, y/n. I'm sure he thought that one was real intelligent.
He laughed his adorable halting laugh, and I tried to keep from getting any stupider. I turned my attention to the beautiful scene spread out before me.
Taking a deep breath in to both steady myself and because it was hard not to when the situation seemed so dream like, I leaned against Wally's shoulder, and he put his head on mine.
I put my head down on top, completing our sickly-sweet sandwich.
I could just barf, we were so cute.
Instead of doing that, though, I just enjoyed the flowers and the silent company of my partner.
I couldn't tell you how long it'd been, but after a while I picked my head up. I didn't know why.
Wally picked up his own head off my shoulder, turning to face me.
"What is it, my y/n?"
"I... I don't know."
I really didn't.
I wanted something, but I didn't know how to articulate it into words. I didn't even know what I wanted. Instead of saying anything else I just stared at him like a dumbass.
He stared back in that dopey way he always did, seemingly content to just do that.
And I started leaning forward, closing my eyes...
Wow wow wow.
His lips were soft and yielding, and I could feel the smile he held them in.
I put my hand on his cheek, then the other, and he put his on top of mine, leaning back a little and giving me full control.
We sat there for a moment, though it felt like a million years. But when I finally pulled back I realized it'd been far far too short.
I opened my eyes wide in surprise.
"Crap... did... did I just do that?"
Wally's smile widened in playfulness, and he laughed again.
"Why yes, y/n. I would say you did," he chuckled.
I just stared at him stupidly.
"You wouldn't, perchance, care to do it again, would you?"
"Um... no, I think I'd like that."
And I did. I did like it.
This turned out pretty cute, I think! Like I said, there were so many possibilities, so I was a bit stuck on the story, but I tried to focus mostly on the scenery, and I think that worked. Thanks again for requesting this, goldenwarefox!! I had fun writing this, and I look forward to more in the future!! Much love!!
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Well, I keep imagining the reader before being taken by Yandere wally to his world, had a date with someone had a crush on the reader at her house, but imagine the reader and the guy on the date kissing and going to some more spicy places TV or computer out of nowhere turned on and had Wally looking not too happy about it… What would happen?
Such a good idea, anon... I really like yandere and generally threatening Wally, so this is gonna be fun to write. >:) I will say that this'll be a gn reader, since you mentioned them as she. Just letting you know!! I also separated the story this time, since it ended up being extra long and I decided to write with my laptop this time instead of my phone!! Enjoy!!
Eyes Glued to the Screen🍎📺
(some spicy themes ahead, reader be aware!!!)
Aspen was using the bathroom, and I sat on my phone scrolling tumblr as I waited for him in our booth. The waiter had already taken our bill, and I was just waiting for my date to get back so we could go.
I decided to check up on that website about the hunt for that lost media show for updates, but no luck. When I'd first heard about it awhile ago, I was immediately enamored. The characters were so charming, and they reminded me so much of the Muppets. I really hoped they'd be able to find some of the actual show soon. So far all they'd found was some old merch and some scripts.
My favorite was a little yellow puppet with a fancy blue hairstyle that supposedly talked to the viewer, Wally Darling. He was just so classy. It was adorable!
I was just finishing putting the tags on a reblog of some fanart when Aspen walked back to our table.
"Ready to go?" He smiled.
"Yep," I replied, shoving my phone in my pocket and standing up after I hit "post".
I took his hand and we left the restaurant, stepping into the chilly evening air just as the sun was going down. We started walking down to my apartment, stopping at a little general store on the way when it started raining. It had already been drizzling, which neither of us minded, but the raindrops were big and fat now, and we didn't have an umbrella.
We tried to wait it out, but after fifteen minuets we just gave up and bought an umbrella to share.
"Dammit, I'm sorry about this," I said as we walked back to my apartment. "I looked at the weather before our date and I thought it'd be over by the time we were done. I-"
"Hey, hey," said Aspen. "You don't gotta put yourself down like that. I didn't bring an umbrella, did I?" He chuckled sweetly, and it really did make me feel better. He was such a little sweetheart.
I should get him some flowers sometime.
We got to my apartment and shed our wet coats, leaving them on hooks. The rain was really coming down now, picking up even more. I wondered vaguely if that was thunder that I heard just now.
We left our shoes on a towel by the door, and I went to go change from my jeans to my sweatpants.
"I'll be back in just a minute~" I called over my shoulder. "Go ahead and start the movie."
I disappeared into my room and undid my belt. I was just putting it away when I heard my phone vibrate on the table. I picked it up to see a text from a number I didn't recognize.
"You didn't forget me, did you?"
I shook my head, assuming it was a wrong number. I had my pants off and was folding them up when I got another text. This time, it was an image. It was hard to tell because it was so dark, but it looked like the vague shape of a face, but the eyes were easiest to make out. It was hard to miss, actually, since they seemed to be able to actually see me.
I was tying up my sweatpants when I got the third text. My curiosity got the best of me, and I opened up the audio message. There was an odd monotone voice speaking to me from... somewhere. The audio quality was... poor.
"Why... why don't you answer me? I can see you. Can't you see me anymore? Just leave him alone. Just leave him. Don't look at him... just look at me... y/n."
It was hard to hear because of the bad audio and because it was whispered, but the voice knew my name somehow. It knew me. It wasn't a wrong number. I could feel the hair rising on my neck...
I jumped almost ten feet in the air when the thunder and lightning crashed outside, stopping myself from shrieking just in time.
I blocked the number and headed outside.
"Hey," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "Has the Doc showed him the Delorian yet?"
"Nope, but he's about to," said Aspen, scooting over. "Come sit. I got a nice blanket for us to cuddle in."
I sat next to him in the blanket, and after a while he started leaning on me, and I put my arm around him. I slid my hand down his back and casually made my way under his shirt, and he scooted closer.
Before we could get any more intimate, a roll of thunder crashed outside and a flash of lightning lit up the room in a blinding bright white.
When it was over, all the lamps we had on before were off, and the tv was too.
"Looks like the storm hit the power," I sighed. I got up to go check the tv, and Aspen pulled the blanket close to him.
"I hope it doesn't get too cold in here with the heater not working," he muttered.
I could think of one or two ways we could warm up.
As I bent down to the tv to see if I could do anything with it, it turned on again, displaying nothing but static and some loud static sounds. I tried fiddling with it, but I couldn't get that noise to turn down.
But... were those words in the static? Or was I just hearing things? I bent down as close as I could to hear, and I could've sworn I saw those same eyes that I saw in the text.
"Y/n... you see me now, don't you? Oh, good. We can see each other again."
I froze in fear at hearing that ominous voice again, this time from the tv. It was so quiet, I was certain Aspen couldn't hear.
The eyes became clearer too.
"My, my... I do think I'll just have to take you back with me. Won't that be wonderful, my dear?"
The static seemed to part like a curtain and he pulled himself through, grabbing me by the shoulders.
"Let's go, sweetheart!"
The last thing I heard was Aspen's scream as I was pulled through to the other side.
Ooooh, spooky, isn't it?? Ha, Wally is such a little weirdo. I love him sm!! Sorry if this took a bit of time, anon. I hope you liked it, and thanks for requesting this!! It was fun to write, and I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Hi 😊 Hope you're having a lovely day. Could you maybe do a quick ficlet of Wally helping a blind x reader pick out pretty clothes and put of makeup, please? Thank you.
Yes yes yes anon!! I'm so sorry this took a while... I'm at the end of my last year of high school currently (I have dual enrollment college classes to worry about UGH) and my mental health took a nosedive... but here it is!! A Wally x blind!reader ficlet!! For you!! Yay!! Enjoy!!
I Feel You All Around Me🍎👁👁
I bounced up and down excitedly on a fluffy little stool as I waited for my lovely boyfriend, Wally, to help me out with my makeup. I heard him opening and closing drawers in the vanity desk I sat in front of, pulling out different little bottles and things and setting them down.
He chuckled and put his hand gently on my shoulder.
"Hold on there, cowboy. We don't want that poor stool to break, now, do we?"
I stopped bouncing and giggled, eager for him to bestow his (apparently immaculate, from what I'd heard) style sense on me.
"Sorry," I said. "I'm just excited! You're gonna make me look great."
I swiveled my head in his direction, and I could sense him leaning over me. He chuckled, and he got another stool to put beside me for himself to sit on.
"Okay," he said patiently. "This might tickle. You ready?"
He started with foundation, and it did feel kinda unlike anything else. I'd never had anyone to help me do my face before, and I could tell he knew what he was doing. I bet his own face looked stunning. And now I was gonna look great too!
When he was all done with foundation, concealer, and powder, he moved on to what he called the "fun" part. Blush, eyeshadow, mascara, and lips!
The blush brush (try saying that five times fast) felt like feathers on my face, and the eyeshadow was kinda the same way. The mascara was definitely the hardest, since I kept giggling and pulling away. It really did feel funny!
"Oh, y/n, work with me here," laughed Wally. "I'm almost done, I promise."
He finished with that part and put color in my lips, and I heard him close it with a sharp snap.
"All done! You look great!"
I reached out and gave him a hug, and he almost fell over backwards!
"Woah, careful. I did a good job, don't smudge it!"
"Sorry," I giggled.
"Okay," he said, as I heard him standing up.
"I've got an outfit all picked out that I think will really compliment your figure. I think the only thing you might need help with is the zipper in the back since that's hard to reach. I'll come back in a few minutes when you call me to help with that, alright?"
After he stepped out of the room I put on the outfit. It sure did feel right, with a comfortable fabric and fitting my body just the way I liked. I trusted Wally so much that I looked good.
"Okay, you can come in and help me!"
He stepped back in and I heard him gasp a little.
"What?" I said, worried.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No... no, it's just... you look great."
He helped me with the zipper and for the rest of the day I walked around outside, holding his hand and taking in the complements on my look.
I really didn't deserve my amazing boyfriend! He really was the most!
There you go anon! Again sorry it took a while. I also know basically nothing about makeup and am a seeing person, but did my best!! I think it turned out not half bad!! I hope you liked it, and I thank you for requesting this!! It was real fun, and I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
What is up!!!!!!!!!!
aight, bro….
make the reader a gigachad with a sigma male grind set, he worships Andrew Tate, and Wally is able to turn this gigachad into a big softie…. Wally brings out the true gay out of this gigachad….
however………… have Wall-E (yes, the actual robot) try to fight for the gigachad’s love……..
Sigh... everyone... this is my friend, poo. They know nothing about Welcome Home but they read all my posts cus the homies gotta support each other. Okay poo, here's your wack ass ficlet. Enjoy.
Alpha Male Turned Gayass🍎🏳️‍🌈🎀
It was a day like any other, a day for posting on reddit and listening to alpha male podcasts. I was voice chatting with another dude on discord (not in a gay way though) about how terrible the new Mario movie was.
"Yeah it sucks they made Peach be all strong and stuff," I said.
"It's like, who wants a woman with any kind of agency? Next you're gonna be telling me she's a butch lesbian! If she met me I'd be able to set her straight. I bet her female brain would fall head over heels for an alpha like mys- oh, I just got a dm, hang on."
I checked the dm, from a user I'd never seen before. It said "I see you."
Then they sent a low quality and blurry picture of what looked like a pair of eyes, though it was almost too dark to tell. Couldn't even pay for nitro and send decent pictures, what a loser.
Just then, a pair of arms reached out of the screen and dragged me inside!
I didn't remember anything after that, and I woke up laying in the grass, which felt strange after not touching it for so long.
"Hello, y/n. Good to see you're awake. Sorry if you got hurt on the way here!"
I looked up to see who was talking, and saw what looked like a Jim Henson style puppet talking to me! Without anyone puppeteering!
He reached out a hand to me and grinned.
"Are you alright?"
I felt my face heat up, and his pompador-ish hair and almost sleepy grin and monotone voice awoke something inside me that I had mocked all my life.
"Yeah..." I said, taking his hand and standing.
"Where am I? Who are you?" I should've been scared, but for some reason his eye contact that he maintained with me had a weirdly calming effect. It was almost hypnotic...
"Oh, I do apologize," he said gently. "This must be a very abrupt change for you. Where are my manners? Welcome to the neighborhood." He outstretched his arm, gesturing to the array of colorful houses and buildings down the hill, which I was just now noticing.
"I'm Wally Darling."
In the next few days I grew accustomed to the neighborhood, and learned its ways. I almost immediately dropped all my thoughts I'd carried with me about love, and friendship, and people in general.
I hadn't been an "alpha male." I'd been a duchebag. And I'd treated people like property. God, I felt horrible.
Wally had insisted I stay with him in his house, (which may or may not be alive...??) which I had no problem with. I wanted to get to know him as much as I could. He was... intriguing.
But there I was, under the covers of the bed, refusing to move, even though it was mid afternoon.
I heard a soft knock on the open door.
"Go away," I said without any real conviction.
I knew it wouldn't do anything, and this was confirmed when I heard footsteps and felt a presence beside me on the bed.
"What's wrong? You've been moping a lot lately. I can't help but be worried. Come on..." He said, putting his hand on me through the sheets.
I threw off the blanket and glared at him.
"Ever since you brought me here, it's been..." I searched for words, looking into Wally's eyes, who, of course, looked back with infinite patience and a gentle, kind smile.
"It's been wonderful."
"And what's wrong with that?"
"Everyone is honest with themselves, and is nice to each other just because. No one has to use any tactics or strategies to form or change a relationship, and it's just... I..."
I felt tears well in my eyes, and I looked away, embarrassed.
"And you're... the nicest," I whispered under my breath.
"Too nice. You've done something to me..."
I closed my eyes, but I felt fingers gently put themselves under my chin and pull me back. I met Wally's eyes, filled with understanding and kindness and something that made my heart pound until the sound of it filled my ears.
"Y/n... I don't want to be too forward with this, but I... I must come clean. I... I confess that I've developed romantic feelings for you, and I do hope you reciprocate them."
I couldn't do anything but listen to my own hearbeat for a moment, staring into his eyes, my mouth agape in disbelief.
Then, my mouth was on his. It was tender and gentle, slow and genuine. It was like birdsong and butterflies and a warm pastry. It was like sunlight in the morning and the sound of bells and the smell of chocolate.
I felt like everything was going to be okay.
(Epilog: Wall-E shows up and Wally and y/n decide to form a threesome or he just leaves or something)
There you go poo. Hope you're happy. Here's a drawing of you for the fans.
Tumblr media
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
Hello I was wondering if I could request a crossover for your ao3. The crossover is Phineas and Ferb and invader Zim. It doesn't have to be too plot heavy. Though it should take place before Phineas and Ferb s ending and could take place before or after entering the florpus. It can even be a one shot unless you get inspiration to do more. All I request is a situation where all the main characters meet; Phineas, Ferb and their friends ( oh and perry the platypus and dr. doof should be involved in some way that is canon) and invader Zim, dib and gaz. I would like them to remain in character please. Thank you for reading this.
That's quite the tall order, opallyrie!! I don't think I could fit quite all that in there, but I could give it a start! I'm not doing ao3 requests, at least not right now, so I'm gonna post it here. I know it's not really what you wanted, but I had to keep it really basic. Just Phineas, Ferb, Zim and Gir. (Candace shows up too but she doesn't interact with Zim or Gir.) Maybe I'll do something with it on my ao3 if this gets notes, who knows. Anyway I hope you like what I wrote. Enjoy!!
A Simple Night of Stargazing (of DOOM!!!)🔧🚀
"I can't wait until we can do this every night," said Phineas. His brother, Ferb, nodded beside him, focused on looking at the starry sky above through their telescope. It was late spring, and soon they wouldn't have to worry about staying up too late on a school night to watch the stars. 
Their older sister, Candace, opened the back screen door behind them and put her hands on her hips. 
"You guys better not be scheming. I can feel the energy you guys are putting out, and it's very… bustable."
Phineas laughed. 
"You don't wanna come look at the constellations with us, Candace? I think you'd like em. Maybe we'll even be able to see Mars. We could send a message to the people there, tell them their queen says hi!"
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen, dork." Candace turned her back on the boys to go back inside.
"Okay, g'night."
Stargazing resumed as normal, peaceful and quiet. Until Ferb tapped his brother's shoulder, wanting him to look at something.
"What is it, dude?" Said Phineas, taking a turn putting his eye up to the eyepiece.
"Woah," he said after a moment. He could see something moving out there. Fast. Not just that, it seemed to be coming towards them.
Phineas moved away, and by that point he could see the thing, a purple blur, speeding towards the Earth.
They were able to quickly move their stargazing equipment out of the way, but didn't have time to do anything else as the ufo collided with the ground in their backyard.
A smoking round spaceship was nestled in the dirt, and its door opened with a hiss, releasing more plumes.
A silhouette took form in the swirls, a short humanoid figure, who stepped out of the ship, followed by an even smaller figure behind it.
"Come, Gir," the taller figure said. It was a green skinned boy with slick black hair and an odd backpack who looked to be about early middle school age. A small green dog followed him, walking on its hind legs.
The stranger pulled out a large piece of paper and the boys gawked at the sight from behind the tree where they had taken cover.
"Hmm, surely this isn't the place? I pictured something…" the boy looked up from the paper to the brothers' house. "A little more impressive."
"I think it's cool!" Said the little dog, surprisingly, sounding like it had an odd filtered metallic speech.
Phineas stepped out from behind the tree.
"Hi," he said, waving. "Are you an alien? We saw you come from the sky. Maybe you've met our friend Meep! I'm Phineas, and this is my brother Ferb," he said, motioning to the green haired brit who had also emerged from hiding.
"What!?" The alien, or whatever it was, sounded incredulous. 
"Of course I'm not an alien! What are you, braindead? I was told this was the place I could request the construction of a device I could use to brainwash humanity into becoming my pathetic slaves, but I guess not." He huffed and turned, his arms crossed as he pouted. His silly little dog thing copied his movements.
Phineas looked to Ferb then back at the boy.
"Oh, um, I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have assumed. We can totally do that for you, if you really want us too. I didn't catch your name. What was it?"
The boy's mouth turned upwards in a sly grin before he turned around and stuck out his hand for Phineas to shake.
"You, earthling, shall address me as Zim."
I think it turned out pretty good!! Again, I'm sorry it's not exactly what you wanted, but I did my best. Quality over quantity! I hope you liked it, and I wanna thank you for requesting it! It was fun to write, and I look forward to doing more in the future!! Much love!!
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Superhero/villain AU - Superbabs!
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
I’m very slowly trying to finish up NaNoWriMo, and lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the Superhero/villain AU, so here’s yet another Superhero/villain AU ficlet.  This one features the Stangie babs getting their powers!
Word count: 1452
              Stan grabbed a box out of the pantry.  He squinted at it.
              Did Angie buy this?  I don’t recognize it.  Maybe her mom bought it and gave it to her.
              “Stan!” Lute shouted, clearly irritated.  Stan groaned and put the box back.
              “Look, you can stick around if you want to play with the girls, but you know Angie and I have a no yelling rule.”
              “Yeah, well, you got back from work half an hour ago and since then, I’ve had to put out four fires.  Cut it out.” Stan marched into the living room, where Lute was playing with Danny and Daisy.  At the moment, Daisy was sitting in Lute’s lap while Danny chewed on a toy in the girls’ playpen.  Stan crossed his arms.
              “Lute, two things.  First, I know not to set fires in the house.  I had that drilled into me pretty hard by everyone I’ve ever lived with. Second, I don’t set fires by accident. I’m not some…kid…”  Stan trailed off, remembering what Angie’s doctor had said about elemental abilities being highly heritable.  He stared at Daisy.  Daisy’s wispy brown hair burst into flames.
              “Holy-!” Lute shouted.  A glass of water resting on a bedside table exploded.  The water from the glass flew over and doused Daisy’s hair.  “What the- how?”
              “She’s a pyro,” Stan said.  Daisy giggled, her hair now steaming.  “She’s a pyro!”  The block in Daisy’s hand caught fire.
              “I’m out of water, take her!”  Lute shoved Daisy into Stan’s arms.
              “Your parents aren’t rich, kiddo,” Stan said calmly.  He grabbed the block and extinguished it.  Daisy sniffed loudly.  “Aw, sweetie, don’t get upset just ‘cause I wouldn’t let you destroy your toy,” Stan cooed.  He ruffled Daisy’s hair.  “You did good today.  You’re a pyro, just like your dad!”  Daisy pouted at him.  “Here, here!” Stan held out his hand. Concentrating, he created a burst of white and yellow fire in the shape of a flower.  “Look!  It’s you. It’s a daisy.”  Daisy’s eyes widened.  She grabbed at the fire playfully.  Her hands passed through the flames unharmed, but her onesie caught fire. “Shit.”  Stan grabbed the flaming sleeve, putting it out with his hand.
              “Y’know, pyros make great villains,” Lute said.
              “Nah, this little lady’s gonna be a hero like me.  I can tell.”  Stan nuzzled Daisy’s large nose.  “Isn’t that right, Miss Daisy?”  Daisy giggled.  The front door opened.
              “Hello, hello!” a voice called.
              “Angie, Stan’s tryin’ to get Daisy to be a hero!” Lute shouted.
              “Huh?”  Angie walked into the living room.  She was still in her villainy duds, the spandex splattered with what Stan hoped was not her blood.  “What’s goin’ on?”
              “Lute’s being a tattletale,” Stan said, glaring at his brother-in-law.  “Making him a bad role model for his nieces, by the way.”  Lute rolled his eyes.  “I was just saying that Daisy would be a good hero, because she’s a pyro.”
              “Stan, we don’t know fer sure that-” Angie started.  Daisy burst into flames.  Her eyes widened.  “Oh. That’s- yep.  Daisy’s definitely a pyro.  Could- would ya put her out, darlin’?”
              “Got it.”  Stan stifled the flames covering his daughter.  She grinned at him, her clothes in tatters.  “Uh, I’ll call my mom.  I think she still has the fireproof clothes from when I was a kid.”
              “Sounds like a plan.”  Angie strode over to Stan.  She stroked Daisy’s hair.  “Baby girl, yer like yer daddy, huh?”  Daisy grabbed at Angie’s nose with flaming fingers.
              “Careful,” Stan said.  Angie poked Daisy’s nose.
              “I’m fine.  I’ll set up some breezes ‘round myself to put out any fires ‘fore they can burn me.” She grimaced.  “The crib she’s in is a bit…flammable, though.  Yer mom wouldn’t happen to have any fireproof bedcovers or somethin’, would she?”
              “I’ll ask what she did when I was a kid and setting things on fire every other minutes.”  Stan frowned. “I remember Shermie using a fire extinguisher on me a lot.”
              “That sounds like a good investment,” Lute piped up.  “What with two pyros in yer house and all.”  Angie rolled her eyes.  “Hey, do ya think Ma still has the power dampeners she used on us when we were kids?”
              “Oh!  She prob’ly does.  I’ll call.”
              “Hang on, you guys had power dampeners?” Stan asked.  Angie and Lute nodded.  “Did your siblings have to use them?”
              “Nah.  Just us,” Angie said.  She grinned. “There were two of us, developing strong elemental powers at the same time.  Ma actually had to quit villainy to keep an eye on us after we made a tornado.”
              “Didn’t yer mom have to deal with the same sort of sit’ation?” Lute asked.
              “Ford’s powers didn’t manifest until we were teenagers.  I was the only one with powers as a toddler.”  Stan’s eyes widened.  “Shit.  We’re gonna have two superpowered toddlers.  One of them sets things on fire.”
              “Yep.”  Lute patted Stan on the back.  He headed toward the front door, whistling merrily.  “Enjoy.”
              A cry came over the baby monitor.  Angie let out a wordless grumble.
              “Don’t worry, babe, I’m on it,” Stan said, his voice barely less bleary than hers.  Angie smiled as he kissed her forehead.  After he got out of bed, she sprawled across the rest of the mattress, relishing the residual warmth from his body heat.  She had just begun to doze off again when the peace was shattered by a shout from downstairs.
              “Ouch!  Fuck! Goddamm- what the hell?”  Angie jumped out of bed and literally flew downstairs, enlisting breezes to keep her aloft.  She stopped at the doorway of the nursery.  Her jaw dropped.
              “What in tarnation?” she breathed.  The nursery was coated in a thin layer of frost.  Stan sat on the floor, rubbing himself ruefully.  Angie helped him up.
              “Careful,” he said.  “Somehow the floor turned into a damn ice rink.”  Angie knelt to examine the wooden floor.  Like Stan had said, it was covered in ice.  “Who did this?  Was it one of your brothers?”
              “Nah.  The only one who could is Harper, and he’s in Los Angeles.”  Angie frowned.  “Hang on. Which one was crying?”
              “Uh, I think it was Daisy.”  Stan glanced over at Daisy’s crib.  Daisy was still fast asleep.  “Nope. Not her.  So it had to have been Danny.”
              “Yes, by process of elimination,” Angie said dryly.  Stan walked over to Danny’s crib, his bare feet melting the ice on the floor.  “Careful not to burn the wood, darlin’.”
              “I know.  Aw, shit.” Stan picked Danny out of her crib. “Princess, you okay?”
              “What’s wrong?”  Angie joined Stan by Danny’s crib, floating an inch off the floor to avoid slipping and falling.
              “She’s covered in ice,” Stan said.  Angie gasped softly.  Snowflakes stuck to Danny’s eyelashes and eyebrows, while her caramel-colored hair was full of icicles.  Stan ran his fingers through her hair, melting the ice.
              “Danica, baby,” Angie cooed, stroking her daughter’s cheek.  She frowned.  “She’s not actin’ upset.”
              “She was crying earlier.”
              “She’s not cryin’ now.  And she’s been clingy lately.  She might have just wanted attention,” Angie said.  Stan stared at Angie.
              “What are you saying?”
              “Maybe it wasn’t Harper who did this to the nursery.  Maybe it was Danny.  I mean, my grannie used to make it snow on Christmas.”
              “Goddammit,” Stan muttered.  “A hydro. Lute’s gonna be so smug about it.”
              “No, my grannie wasn’t hydrokinetic.  She had cryokinesis.  Controllin’ ice and snow and cold.”  Angie stroked Danny’s cheek again.  “It’s a pretty rare power.  Ya almost never see it outside of specific families.”
              “Well, I knew she was special,” Stan said.  Angie chuckled.
              “Yer right ‘bout that.”  She sighed. “Dang it, I was really hopin’ Danny would get my powers, since Daisy got yours.”
              “Next time.”
              “Next time?”  Angie raised an eyebrow at Stan.  “Darlin’, the girls ain’t even two.  We just got married a couple months ago.”
              “Hey, I need a son.”
              “Uh-huh.  Sure.”
              “I need to name someone Stan Jr.”
              “Uh-huh.  Whatever ya say.”  Angie kissed Danny’s forehead.  “I’m goin’ to go back to sleep.”  She kissed Stan on the cheek and glided out of the room.
              “That’s not a no!” Stan called after her.  He turned back to Danny.  “That wasn’t a no.  You and Daisy will end up with a little brother, I promise.”  Danny grinned.  She patted his face.  Stan let out a small gasp as frost built up on his skin.  “Damn, kid, you’re really giving new meaning to the term ‘cold hands’, huh.”  He let his skin warm up.  Danny began to cry.  “Shit.” He bounced her, but the crying didn’t die down.  “All right, all right.  Let’s go get something for you to freeze.  Something that isn’t my face.”
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