#dishonored rulfio
void-damned · 6 months
Alright, speaking of Whalers, I need to hear people's HCs about the individuals or as a group so please send me asks to react to when I wake up ❤️
It would make me (and Light) very happy!
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geminison · 1 year
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when i used to tell you silly stories and you would laught"
...yeah, all this is probably just an excuse to draw Billie laughing (and try to visialize Rilfio, he's a tricky one)
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no-light-left-on · 1 year
short fic exploring one of my headcanons for the Whalers. takes place right after The Surge
“That should be all of them,” Rulfio mutters as he sets the last body in the line.
Thomas hums in acknowledgement. He’s removed the masks of the dead to identify the novices, though he is not sure of all of them. They’ll have to call in others for identification – most of these men were not his students, nor Rulfio’s. The dead masters are lined up close by.
“That’s about a quarter of our forces,” Thomas sighs. He stays by the bodies of the novices. Two of them are older than him by several years. Three never got to reach adulthood.
“Thomas?” Rulfio calls from where he’s kneeling by the body of a dead master assassin. He sheaths his knife when his friend turns to face him and he pockets the silver button he removed from the body. “You’re spacing out.”
“I’m sorry,” Thomas says. “I… I taught this kid.” He looks down at the face of the boy at his feet. He’s pressed his eyes in but a part of him hopes that he’ll open them again. “His name was Andrei. We were going to name him master next week.” He sighs and his breath shudders like wind against the broken windows of the refinery. “The silver buttons were finished just yesterday.”
Rulfio nods. His throat dried up as Thomas spoke and there is little comfort he can offer as Thomas stares at the young man. He couldn’t have been older than twenty.
“You should give them to Daud,” he offers instead. It’s the closest thing he can give to condolences. “I’m sure he will keep them.”
“Right,” Thomas breathes. He sniffles and wipes his eyes before tears can fall. “I’ll see to that.” He straightens his back, blinks a few times. If his mask was on, Rulfio wouldn’t be able to tell that he’s holding back tears. “You should report to Daud. I’ll see if I can get someone to identify the rest.”
“We have gathered the dead,” Rulfio announces with a fist pressed to his heart. He bows curtly and rests his hands behind his back, shoulders set.
Daud sits at his desk among the mess of torn curtains and Abbey symbols. The adornments lie on a pile of fabric and trash but the papers remain. Daud insists on examining them once the more important matters are dealt with. He looks up from the battle plans Overseer Hume left on his desk and meets Rulfio’s eyes.
“What are our losses?” His voice grates. He hasn’t slept since returning from Timsh’s. The Mark aches with shredded bonds.
“Seven novices and eight masters,” Rulfio states. He takes a deep breath to even his voice – he is to report numbers. Not dead friends. “Thirteen more masters are on bedrest unable to perform their duties, along with three novices. Eight more have sustained injuries light enough to be employed in cleaning the place or going on patrols. We have not seen a sign of Lurk since you exiled her.”
Daud takes a deep breath, nods. “Good,” he mutters. “That’s nearly half our forces down.” He leans back in his chair as he thinks. “We’ll draw further in,” he announces then. “Change the pathways wherever possible. Everyone is to stay within the heart of the district with only hard to reach outposts on the outside until we have more people available to patrol.” He taps his lips with a gloved thumb. “Have Thomas come see me so we can set up new patrol rotations. The men that worked through the night are to go and rest once they are done with their duties.”
Rulfio presses his fist to his chest and bows. “Sir.”
Daud does not dismiss him then. They both stay still as dust settles in the air, floating through the rays cascading through the tall windows, now bare and gaping into the world. Daud can see three master assassins throwing bodies into a fire from his desk.
“Rulfio,” he speaks with an exhausted resignation. They both know what has to come next. “Do you have the names?”
Rulfio nods and steps closer. He reaches into his pocket and the small silver bulbs ring as he pulls them out.
“These have been gathered from the waistcoats of the recovered bodies of the masters,” he announces. “Anthony. Leon. Geoff.” He takes each button with a careful hand and turns them over, tracing over every name with a gloved finger as he sets the silver buttons on the desk in front of Daud. “Sean. Nicholas. Finn.” His voice gets waterlogged, each name stickier and wetter than the one before, like the streets of the Flooded District. “Tynan. And Fergus.”
Daud stares at the collection of silver on his desk. Neither of them move, the finality of the silver buttons somewhat heavier than the sight of the actual bodies. Daud sighs and gathers the buttons in his hand.
“You’re dismissed.”
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exalok · 1 year
i mean. i am like legally obligated to ask about the demon&priest au. tell me more or show off a snippet or both 👀
unfortunately this one is purely theoretical at the moment, so i have no snippets to show you x)))
originally it was very much based on rebelflet's demon corvo + priest daud art, but kinda grew a mind of its own once i started developing the demon lore behind it -- not your typical evil entity, though they're plenty dangerous and aren't fussed about you having a fun time
right now it's the bunch of scenes i came up with at first associated to a lot of worldbuilding, but more recently i decided i could maybe format it as a monster-of-the-week type thing, à la supernatural, and build chapters around that
anyway!!! the premise is that daud is a priest -- modern au of the dishonored world, overseers are a thing but i'm not sure where on the spectrum from military force to religious entity they are now given their beginnings -- and he deals in exorcisms, working with his longtime partner rulfio, and the most recent case -- involving a certain mister corvo attano's wife -- looks pretty cut and dry. he's done the initial investigating, the talks, the observation, and he's going to proceed to the actual exorcism... but then things start going Wrong
from that point on i don't really have a coherent narrative -- what's daud's relationship to the abbey? why is he with them? i very much planned for him to be solo most of the story, so why doesn't he seek their help? what exactly happens? -- but i know that the demon in question changes over the course of the story, and daud learns how little the abbey actually knows about them and how little he himself knows about the abbey's secrets, and of course he gets to Suffer some Feelings about it all
unfortunately my plans do include not-actually-a-man-pain involving the death/destruction of a cherished not-actually-a-woman so i'm playing into some old dumb tropes there, but at least we have emily and a lil bit of martin and i get my weird spirit creatures (ah them dishonored parallels..... they get me every time)
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dauduck · 3 years
Some unfinished thing
with m e m e s
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this one is in russian and it's "DUDE IF YOU FALL WE'RE ALL FUCKED" "Rulfio wouldn't mind"
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hiaennyddei · 3 years
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Fugue Feast morning after
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zilodak · 4 years
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Rulfio and Thomas doodles and one old Billie sketch I never finished
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Rulfio: Man, things are tense after Daud and Billie's little spat.
Thomas: Oh! I have an idea. I'll write a note to Daud, that says it's from Billie who wants to apologize. Daud will forgive her, and everything will be back to normal.
Rulfio: That's a genius idea!
Thomas: [Wirtes the letter, folds it into a paper airplane and throws it to Daud]
Daud: I know this is you, Thomas! Billie can't write! Uhg! You're all driving me crazy!
Rulfio: I can't believe we forgot Billie's illiterate...
Rulfio: Well, I guess plan B is writing a letter to Billie pretending it's from Daud.
Thomas: I think we're gonna run into a similar problem.
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laur-rants · 4 years
Fic Update: Blood Wolf
Chapter 5
Fandom: Dishonored Ship: Daud and the Whalers, some Daud/Outsider on the side
Rated: Mature to Explicit, Strong Violence and Gore Ahead!!
Synopsis: Werewolf!AU :: Daud-Centric Prequel to Wolfbann. Origin Story, pre-canon. Centers on how Daud turned, and his subsequent marking by the Outsider and his formulation of the Whalers.
Notes: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Daud goes back to where it began, spurred to action by the Outsider’s words.
AO3 link
Previous :: First :: Next
Month of Songs, 1820
He was running. He was running, throwing his surging body forward, every step pounding into the ground with the force of a full stampede. The scent of blood, of fear, was heavy in his nose; it drove his senses to a pinpoint, beckoning him onward. Weariness fled from him as his skin was shed, scars blazing and teeth shining with a manic light. He breathed and his body breathed with him, contracting and expanding, growing with every filled lung. He gulped air like a whale before the plunge; muscles rippled, launching, claws ready to rend, to tear, to savor.
He was a killer; he was born for this. His prey was fully unaware; fur flew and bone crushed and his jaws longed for the warmth of blood, the tender tear of flesh rending between his teeth. A limb was shorn from its body easily and his long nose plunged into the cavity left behind, rooting for soft, vulnerable organs. He closed his eyes and worshiped the entrails he found within. He was drunk on it, drowning in the life-giving red water, offering reverence to both god and devoured flesh. Somewhere far away, a whale keened; he bellowed his own song, body rippling with the sound as it morphed into a roar, then a scream. His voice dripped with Void but still the whales cried and burned; he could feel their dying songs reverberating in his ears, his whole body resonating with the call.
Daud lurched forward, gasping for air, returning to the surface of his dreams. His body was slick with sweat and smoke and his nose burned with the smell of burning oil. Whalesong mixed in his ears with another unearthly sound, a keening note that he realized, belatedly, was a sundering howl ripped from his own throat. He fell from the bed, all too aware of his teeth clashing, his claws ripping, his body shaking from an exertion he didn't know it was experiencing until now.
He tried to still his panicking mind but his body spasmed of its own accord, as if trying desperately to break free of it's human-shaped prison. He fought for lucidity against the instinctive desire to shift into something else. He bit down on his tongue, rolling it through too-long teeth, and clenched his left hand so painfully it bled. He tasted iron on his lips and gasped out, trying not to fall apart at the literal seams.
Human, human, you're still human , he reminded himself, trying desperately to convince whatever shift was happening to reverse itself. A dark part of his mind snarled back, telling him he was only lying to himself, that humanity was now beyond him--but he snuffed it out, shaking his head as the world swam with void and smoke. He clenched his fist even tighter; he snarled and his scars smoldered like they would sear his face right off, but he finally got his body to settle. Claws melted away, fur and ears and snout left on a non-existent breeze. His chest exhaled; with it, the beast succumbed, returning to rest in the coil of his ribcage. His limbs shook, his body was slick with sweat. He wanted to be sick.
When he pounded his fist into the flooring, the wood creaked, splinters biting into his skin.
A week. He'd had this Mark for a bloody week and still, everyday was a fight. A fight against a body that didn't want to be confined to skin, with claws that itched to grow, with teeth that begged to be bared. The Mark on his hand and the whispers of the Void that were supposed to help him maintain this mess seemed only to encourage the beast of him. His dreams were vivid bloodbaths coaxing the monster to burst from his skin. The Outsider had wondered how long Daud could control the beast; Daud wondered if he even had control to begin with.
His hand seized and he shook it, flexed it, then concentrated. His breathing returned to normal, his shivering stopped. He willed those claws to grow long and deadly before whispering them away again. He watched as the inky black fur broke apart and turned to ash, as if the fur wasn't made of hair, but actual voidstone, muttering secrets even as it dissipated away. Daud frowned, sat back on his legs, and closed his eyes.
This time, he felt for the Void. He searched for it with purpose, his hand the part of him that was allowed to plunge across the barrier. The chill was bone deep, the pain of it followed by a tingling pressure that begged him to stop-- but he found it. The tendril of magic he was searching for. He tugged on it like a spider testing its web, following the vibrations towards its intended goal.
Daud kept his eyes closed until he felt the cold burn up his arm, filling him with magic. When he opened his eyes, the world's colors were muted but her secrets lay bare; people far below him either still slept or paced paths around their beds. Scent trails wafted in front of him, the smells of whales, of oil, of burnt skin traveling through his apartment. When he blinked again his normal color vision returned, the murmur in his ear fled from him, and his mark faded from a bright screaming white back down to a faded black.
He drew breath and heavy air filled his lungs; a cold hand materialized on his scarred cheek and he stilled, blinking, until a smirking figure appeared before him fully. He swallowed, still very aware of his position on the floor, and lifted his gaze to meet endless black.
"My, learning something new today?" the Outsider asked calmly, stroking a thumb across Daud's cheek. The sensation of the touch across his scars sent a shivering jolt all the way down to his feet and he gasped at the sensation. He tried to regain composure, tried to scowl at the god.
"It's not like I've been given many instructions," Daud complained. "So I've had to learn to take what I can get when I find it."
"You have been quite busy seeking out my shrines," the Outsider noted. "But they are easier to listen for than to see. This new power will help you hear their songs. Once your ears hear it, you will know. And you will be drawn to them."
Thin fingers moved from his face to his hair, carding through the loose black strands and Daud's eyes slid closed, his body entranced under the touch. It was soothing and suffocating; he let himself be set adrift, the current pulling him where it wished. The Outsider smiled.
"A mother from Pandyssia, and the bastard father she murdered on her way to Serkonos. She was called a witch, people thought she worshipped me. But she didn't; you knew it was all slander. You didn't even believe I really existed." He drew his hand away and Daud whined, unbidden. Free of the trance, he stood up; the Outsider floated above the flooring, his shadow immeasurable.
"Why believe in a god that didn't pay attention to us, or the suffering of others? It was pointless."
"And yet, here I am. In truth, I'm glad you weren't devout. Would have made it so much less interesting to approach you." The Outsider turned away, though Daud felt as if his hungry dead eyes were still watching his every move.
"Tell me, Daud, did you ever hear the fables of whale-wolves in your youth?"
Daud blinked. "My mother mentioned them under a different name. Wolfbanner, those cursed as wolves. It was fanciful, like anything from Pandyssia. I didn't pay it much mind as I aged, when I had other things to worry about."
"Like murdering your abusive captors," the Outsider supplied. He turned back to Daud, studying him. "Not your first kill, and not your last." He disappeared, reappearing at Daud's side, facing the opposite direction. A hand hovered over Daud's arm, the sensation of promised contact prickling against his skin.
"You are by far the most bloodthirsty of my Marked, the first in a long time."
There was a sadness there, but also an interest, a hunger. Daud leaned away a little, trying to meet the Outsider's eye.
"How many have you Marked?"
"There are a few in every age. You are one of six, all scattered in the Isles. The last time I marked someone, you were still a babe in Serkonos. The last time one of my Marked died, it was here, under this very city, just over a year ago." His face fell serious, a terrible gaze that chilled Daud to the bone.
"The one Fink found," Daud surmised, and the Outsider's form flickered dangerously. He chose to dissipate, forming again to sit on Daud's bed, a foot resting over the opposite knee.
"My whale-wolves are not the playthings of men. They are individuals who make their own lives, their own paths, their own choices. According to legend, the original were whales that left the water to walk on land; they possessed humans, and their form changed to suit their bodies and their environment. It was not so easy on the humans; they eventually lost their minds to the whale's overwhelming presence, ravaging their villages and infecting their others, and were ultimately killed." The Outsider looked away, his gaze far off.
"But that was thousands of years ago, when whales were more powerful. My Mark gives humans a fighting chance, but it also changes them forever. You are now more than you ever were before, Daud."
"I was quite fine being human, you know," Daud snarled. "I didn't want to become some furred whale that walks on land." The Outsider gave him a sad look.
"Unfortunately, few get to choose this path. Those who have the option of choice are rarer and more powerful than you could ever imagine. You could have been one but…" the Outsider flicked over to him again, his hands and eyes fixated on the scars marring his face. Daud inhaled sharply, not expecting the touch.
"But you were attacked before that choice could be offered to you. I'm sorry. So please, do not take what I've given you to waste."
The god's voice was barely a whisper, but so loud within his ears, like rushing water. He turned toward the Outsider, unbidden. That slender face smiled.
"What would you see me do, then?" He asked, eyes dark and entranced again.
"Return to where you started," the Outsider offered. "And keep your friends close. You will need them, soon."
And then, just like that, Daud was alone again. He shivered, his body alight in a very different sense, limbs tingling with phantom pain. He breathed, trying to ease his mind, but it was no use. He settled instead for a cold shower but all it did was remind him of those icy hands, the rush of water in the Void, and the whales that kept crying from their death row in the slaughterhouses.
Rulfio was early to his meeting with Daud by approximately ten minutes and 45 seconds.
Apparently, so was Daud.
This wasn't completely unlike the other assassin, if Rulfio was being honest. What was unlike Daud, however, was his vulnerable position-- sitting against the chimney, his arms resting on his knees, his mouth nervously rolling a new cig. Daud didn't even look at Rulfio as he cleared the roof, swinging his legs over the edge before straightening up.
There was no mask, this time. A welcome return to normalcy -- until, of course, Daud turned his head towards Rulfio. Without thinking, Rulfio's eyes shot over to Daud's scars and he stilled. His beard pulled into a frown and he crossed his arms; Daud sighed. The younger assassin didn't stand up, just kept sitting there, too open and languid.
"Do I even want to know the trouble you've been into since the last time I saw you?" The words were rough but held no venom; Daud responded by looking down and away, the shadow of a smile twitching on his lips as he pulled at his cigarette. The smoke billowed up as he breathed out.
"Maybe not. If I had the option of not knowing, I would take it, to be honest."
There was something ruined there in those words that gave Rulfio a pause. He unfolded his arms, instead opting to set his hands into pockets.
"Well, did you get it done, then? It's been near two weeks."
Daud nodded. He then dug into the bandolier at his chest and pulled out a small pouch. He tossed it to Rulfio, who caught it easily. He noted the red velvet of the purse's fabric, opened it to gold coins, and laughed.
"Steal everything but the bathtub?"
"I burned the house. The whole family is dead. Except, well…"
Rulfio tossed the bag up, catching it easily as it fell. "Well?"
Daud sighed. He shot Rulfio a look. "There was a kid."
Of course there was. "And where's the kid now?"
"In the hands of a physician. She was hurt, but she'll live."
"Have you been stalking her?"
Daud's expression went deadly sharp. Rulfio blinked; a dark emotion hung in those edges that he had never seen on Daud's face before. But then it passed and Daud just grimaced, puffing on the cigarette in his mouth.
"I've been trying not to. I don't need to interfere with a kid who's life I ruined."
"And yet you pulled her from a burning building after killing her parents."
"I wasn't gonna let her die, Rulf."
Fair enough. He tossed the coin purse again, finding the clinking pleasant in his ear. "Did that physician fix your face up too?"
"No, that was…" his hand clenched, as if his wrist hurt. "It healed on its own."
Rulfio knew a lie when he heard one. He laughed, waving at a bug hovering too near his ear. "Daud you're a better liar than that. If you have a secret, you can just keep it, you know." Interestingly, Daud's jaw worked; the fly in his ear grew more insistent. Rulfio wasn't the twitchy type --having a steady hand and low jumpiness made him great at his job-- but when he swatted and nothing flew from his hand, he turned his head, looking around. The air was empty, but the sensation tickling at his nerves remained. He scowled, and then caught Daud watching him curiously.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Dunno," Rulfio confessed. "Thought it was a fly, or a mosquito. But there's nothing there."
Immediately the twinge on his nerves receded, but Daud remained far too impassive. Rulfio squinted at him, folding his arms in again.
It took a few ticks, but Daud finally twitched, his fingers moving back to his cigarette.
"What did you do?" Rulfio asked, like he was talking to a petulant child. Daud exhaled, the sound roughened with smoke.
"I need your help," he said, skirting the question. "It's not a contract, it's a… personal favor." His head tilted, his eyes softened. "I don't really have anyone else I can ask to come with me on this one."
Rulfio considered. If you asked him, he wasn't the superstitious type, but something wasn't right. Daud was acting strange. Void, how long did Rulfio think him dead? Long enough to come to terms with the fact that his partner was well and truly gone. Then he just reappeared, with that haunting face and those seeping, infected wounds, and things changed. To be honest, Rulfio isn't even sure if Daud was still real, or some phantom sent to haunt him.
"Sure, I'll help you out, Daud. I've owed you for a while, anyway." He settled down on the roof next to the scarred man, nudging his boot amicably. "What do you need to see to?"
Daud sighed, weary. He ran a hand over his hair.
"It's the Hound Pits. I have to go back there, look around. Something doesn't add up, like I missed something the first time around. I don't want to get my information crossed, but some of the papers I found in Fink's place allude to... unpleasant practices. " Daud pulled the papers he recovered and easily handed them to Rulfio. He took the proffered articles, smoothing his beard as he read. That insistence itched at the back of his skull, ringing like tinnitus.
Eyebrows up, Rulfio simply said aloud "do you mind?" while his eyes skimmed over the words, and was mildly surprised when the sensation obliged, backing off. The ache it left behind was dull, and Ruflio gave Daud a very pointed look.
Daud, to his credit, tried to remain neutral. Rulfio sniffed. Daud blinked innocently.
"Are you using some kind of magic on me, Daud?"
"Don't start with me, Rulf."
"Look I know you said your mom was from Pandyssia but--"
"Just read the damn articles," Daud growled out, "and maybe then I'll tell you."
Rulfio went back to the papers, smirking, but the smile fled as something dark settled into his chest. He read it, then read it again. He swallowed heavily and when he handed the papers back, he found his steady hand shaking.
"Jerome," he managed, "it says he changed? And that they were looking for assassins to…" he cast a nervous glance at Daud, who was watching him very carefully. Rulfio's gaze flicked to those gastly scars, the lines dragging over his face and across his jugular, and he could feel the sweat beading on his own forehead.
"What the fuck happened under the Hound Pits, Daud?"
Daud didn't blink, his expression dark.
"It's easier to show than tell on this one, Rulf."
The trip to the Hound Pits Pub took longer than Daud wanted it to. After a week, he was used to these powers taking him farther and faster than his own legs could, to the point where walking was an overt annoyance. However, he couldn't trust to show his powers to Rulfio, not yet, not until his fellow assassin fully understood why. So, by simple flesh and steel they both traversed the rooftops, knowing the routes through Dunwall better than anyone. Blessedly, Rulfio asked no questions on the way, letting Daud take the lead and direct Rulfio where they needed to go.
As they neared the establishment they settled down, carefully perching on a nearby apartment roof and simply observing. It was late afternoon, which meant the pub was getting ready for dinner and a long night of pleasantries. Someone in an upstairs apartment aired out some dirty laundry, getting spooked when she caught them lounging out of the corner of her eye. Daud grimaced, motioning to Rulfio; they hopped down after that, mingling with the streetside crowd.
"Go on inside," Daud suggested, as they eyeballed the front door of the Pub. "See if you can't distract the staff for a while. I'm going to scout around for where we need to go."
"And how will I know you're ready for me?"
Daud worried his cheek and resisted the urge to push his thoughts towards Rulfio. It was an addictive side effect, one he didn't totally understand or have control over, but he knew Rulfio's mind now, had a bead on it, and it would be so easy to…
"I'll come in and grab a drink myself," he supplied, pushing down the ache to reconnect to Rulfio's mind. "I'll grab a whiskey if I'm ready to go, a wine if not. How does that sound?"
Rulfio nodded, good with the plan, and Daud relaxed. He nodded, then eased back against the wall, pulling out a cigarette to light. He lounged casually, wearing a loose shirt over his bandolier to conceal the majority of his weapons and equipment. He waited until Rulfio disappeared, nursing his cigarette between his lips.
Then, he pulled the spent butt from his mouth, flicked it to the floor, and disappeared.
He transversed through the Void, his body leaping to a new location, again and again, effortlessly. He had been practicing with the power, honing the feel of it over the last week, his confidence growing with each successful jump. He allowed the power to flow through him now, breathing in the ash it left behind, feeling his chest swell with unspoken exhalation. He circled the Pub, gathered a loose key from an upper room, and disappeared briefly into the sewers connected to the establishment.
There, he let himself take a breath. His hand itched with long claws, his black gloves melting into oily fur. Daud looked around and sniffed; the sewers still stank, but not of death. Perhaps the rats or the hagfish got to last month's massacre, tearing apart any remains. He carefully traversed the tunnels, found the door he had used when he was first here, and unlocked it with the stolen key.
Then, as silently as a spectre, he slipped into the main body of the Hound Pits Pub.
The place was bustling, the smell and sounds of the brewery and its customers hitting him full force. He staggered for a moment, nose curling, before making his way to the broad chested Tyvian. He knocked on the counter and Rulfio glanced at him, but said nothing else.
"Can I get a whiskey?" Daud asked gruffly. "Dunwall's finest." The barkeep nodded, sauntering off to get the drink. Next to him, Rulfio shifted.
"There is a door to the sewers in the--" he whispered, but just then, the rabble rose up, drowning his words. He glanced at Rulfio, who shook his head. Of course, he hadn't heard him.
Daud huffed. And, without thinking, he shut his mouth tight and reached his mind out to Rulfio's.
"Adjacent brewery has a door to the sewers in the back. It's unlocked. No guards. I'll meet you there."
Daud could feel Rulfio's mind flickering through confusion, realization, shock, and-- the emotions flashed by so fast Daud's head felt heavy but he drummed on the counter and cleared his throat. As the barkeep brought his drink and he dropped his pay, he chanced a glance at Rulfio.
His partner's face was a wall. He was looking at Daud, his eyes unblinking, and Daud could sense the disbelief. He frowned; he needed to get Rulfio moving, damnit.
"Is there a problem, sir?" Daud growled, lifting a dangerous lip. Across the weak connection he felt confusion, then understanding. Rulfio cleared his throat, then shook his head.
"No sir, just thought I recognized you from somewhere."
"With these scars? I doubt it. Now back off."
Rulfio nodded and behind them, someone laughed. Daud turned away and nursed the whiskey; when he looked back, Rulfio was gone.
He dropped a tip, downed the rest of his glass, then exited the way he entered.
When Daud next met up with his fellow assassin in the sewers, Rulfio was livid. He grabbed Daud by his too-loose shirt, shaking him roughly, and snarled in Daud's face.
"What black magic was that? Where is the bone charm? Who gave it to you? Damn it all, Daud!"
Daud let himself be handled before carefully prying Rulfio's fingers off his shirt. He then pulled the shirt off, storing it near the door, and then checked his equipment and adjusted his hood.
"It's not a bone charm, Rulfio," Daud said, hating how strained his voice sounded. It was easier to count his bolts and darts than look at the dark, angry eyes of his partner in crime. "It's just how I am now, Rulf."
"And what is that supposed to mean?" There was the sound of a blade unsheathing, and Daud started, not expecting the weapon now pointed on him. Not Rulfio. His stomach dropped with the realization that somewhere along the way, he'd made a deadly mistake. He whirled towards his partner, putting his hands up.
"Rulfio, wait--"
The tip of Rulfio's dao blade pressed into his stomach, silencing him. Daud's mouth snapped shut and he shook his head, unmoving.
"What were you doing in my head then? Are you like Jerome? In the note, how it said he could invade thoughts… is that what you're like now? Are you even Daud anymore?"
Daud licked his lips. He chose his words carefully; he really didn't think Rulfio wanted to see what would happen if he tried to spill his guts here and now. Daud didn't really want to see what would happen, either.
"Rulfio, I swear to you, I have not been body snatched, I'm not some weird animated corpse. I just need you to trust me--"
"Trust you, when you were coming in my head and talking to me? I didn't give you permission for that, Daud!"
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," he whispered lowly, his voice echoing against the water and the walls. Rulfio had no response to that, but the blade didn't move. Carefully Daud moved to take off his left glove. "I just want to show you, so that you don't make a terrible mistake, right here, right now."
"And why's that? You some witch now?" The sword pushed into his stomach.
"No, Rulfio-- fuck! I'm a Wolfbanner, I'm a cursed fucking whale-wolf!"
The silence at the declaration hung heavy between them. Rulfio then laughed, singular, in disbelief.
"Yeah, right. Those are just old wive's tales, Daud. There's…" but he trailed off, the look on Daud's face stony. Rulfio's eyes flicked to the scars. His hand shook.
"Let me show you, Rulfio." He tugged at his glove. Rulfio shook his head, but didn't take his eyes off the motion. "Just please, don't gut me, that's all I ask."
The glove slid off. The Outsider's Mark gleamed. In a swarm of ash, black claws grew.
The sword clattered loudly to the floor.
Daud's jaw clenched tight, working as Rulfio stared, fascinated at the action. Worry crept in, and Daud took a step back for distance.
"I didn't want this, Rulf, but I'm not lying, and by some god-given power, I haven't gone completely insane. I didn't think--I'm not here to-- I thought I could trust you with this because I hate lying to you, Rulf."
"And the mind tricks? What is that?"
"I…" Daud clammed up, and had the audacity to feel ashamed. "I don't know. I just realized that I could reach out to someone else's head, read their emotions, talk to them. I'm still learning this shit and I'm sorry, Rulfio. You couldn't hear me and I just acted without--"
The thwip was near silent. Daud didn't catch it soon enough; the punch in his leg caused him to buckle and grunt. He looked down; the bolt stuck from his thigh at an odd angle, but the blood poured from it all the same. He groaned again as the pain burned down his leg and up his spine.
"Rulfio, what the fuck--"
But it wasn't Rulfio. Daud's second stood, watching agape as a second bolt hit his right arm, in the bicep. Daud growled in annoyance, the sound guttural in his ears. He could feel his teeth growing heavy and he gnashed them together as he pulled the first bolt out of his leg with his free hand.
"Rulfio," Daud rasped, feeling his mark burning and begging to be used. He dodged; another bolt whizzed past his head. "I swear, if you're in on this--" He didn't mean to sound so rough and angry but someone was shooting at him and he'd been too distracted to notice. But Rulfio just shook his head, his face pale. He reached for his sword but another bolt nearly struck his hand and he pulled back, cursing.
It was enough to make Daud's blood boil over. His fist clenched; with a snarl he was rushing forward, ignoring the pain in his limbs. There was an exclamation, but he was already too far to make out the words. Ugly claws sprouted as the world greyed; a body to his left lit up and he sneered, teeth sharp. The individual was slim, hooded; they realized how close Daud suddenly was and they stumbled back, surprised. Or perhaps, terrified.
It didn't matter. Daud's fist clenched and he pounced; another bolt whizzed past him, the shot going wide as Daud collided with his assailant. He pulled his blade out immediately, pulling it to the throat of--
Daud cursed and the person under him shuddered from where his hand lay clasped around her throat. Because now he knew it was a she; the long brown hair tied back in her hood and those sharp blue eyes were sign enough. He sighed out a growl, keeping his blade on her neck.
"Jordan. You better have a good explanation for this." He heard a yelp from Rulfio in the distance, the call of his name. Jordan sneered and Daud was suddenly very aware of the steady drip of blood from the bolt still in his arm.
"Daud, what the shit was all that-- Jordan?!" Rulfio finally moved over to them, wet from the sewers, and he looked at her, equally baffled. He looked at Daud, then Jordan, and his face went severe. "Oh, you didn't… Seriously , Jordan?" He sounded like he was chiding a child which, to be honest, wouldn't be far off the mark. Jordan was even younger than Daud, fresh into her second decade, and sometimes her recklessness preceded her.
Jordan, for her part, at least knew better than to struggle against Daud's grip. Her eyes darted to Rulfio, then back to Daud; she put her hands up, swearing.
"Okay, okay, shit, you caught me. Now let me up you assholes."
"Not until you explain what you were thinking, shooting me in the fucking sewer," Daud growled out, his teeth grinding together in anger.
"There's… there's a hit on you, Daud."
It was Rulfio who responded. He sounded defeated, almost ashamed. Daud swore, nearly dropping his blade as he turned to Rulfio, livid.
"There's a hit on me and you didn't tell me? Since when?"
"It's that prick, Brimsley," Jordan supplied. "Said he was threatened by you, that you killed someone else and he wanted you gone. It's good pay, you know," she twitched, her eyes darting between the other two assassins. "15,000 coin, Daud. I thought it'd be easy enough, but he didn't say you were a heretic too."
"I'm not a heret--" he cut his own words off with a groan, finally pushing Jordan away in anger. His claws left no marks, for which he was grateful. She rubbed at her neck anyway, trying to ease the pain away, checking for blood. "Whatever. Fuck Brimsley. I'll kill him myself and collect my own bounty." With an annoyed grunt, he pulled the bolt from his arm, letting it clatter to the floor, unphased by the blood weeping from the wound.
"Does that even hurt?" Jordan asked, stupefied.
"Like a bloodfly sting," he responded. Jordan blanched.
"Yeah okay, fuck Brimsley, you're a scary man, Daud. 15,000 isn't even close enough to be worth it. 20,000 maybe. But Outsider's ass, you really ate two bolts like it was nothing."
"Yeah, well, at least you didn't try to kill me," he said, and his mind remembered that grey wolf's-- Jerome, his name was Jerome, he reminded himself, sickened--split neck, stitching itself back together. "There's a good chance it wouldn't have worked."
"I wager not," she said, her wide, nervous eyes trailing the scars on his face. "So what, you a fuckin' witch now? Give your soul to the Void so you can't ever die?"
"He's a whale-wolf now, Jordan." Rulfio said gruffly. Daud spared him a glance; Rulfio was watching him carefully, but there was no skepticism in his gaze. Daud savored the small amount of vindication that brought him, before turning towards Jordan's laughter.
"Yeah, right. Those are just fiction, Rulf. I know you love your conspiracy theories, but seriously? A whale-wolf? I'm supposed to just believe that?"
Rulfio flushed, the grip on his blade tightening with the creak of leather. "Did you not see what Daud just did? He disappeared and then reappeared like it was nothing. He's even Marked--or tattoo'd, depending on how you see it."
"Don't need to be a giant beast to use magic, Rulfio."
"Oh? You think those witches you see at night aren't also beasts too? You think Granny Rags isn't more than just an old crone?"
"You ever see Granny look like a giant monster? No? I didn't think so! But she still brews those concoctions and talks to rats and leaves carved bones lying about!"
"Just because you ain't seen it doesn't mean it's not true," Rulfio defended.
"Shut the fuck up, both of you," Daud finally snarled, his whole body bristling. Jordan and Rulfio both stilled, acquiesced, though Jordan's eyes still darted skeptically between them. "Rulfio isn't wrong, Jordan… I got attacked. In these very sewers, even. It's not something I really enjoy, but--
"Show me, then," Jordan bit out, stubbornness taking over as she steadied her crossbow at Daud, "or I'll turn you over to the Overseers. I bet they'll give me more coin for a marked heretic than Brimsley will for your head."
Daud sighed, aggravated. "You can't be serious."
"And if I am?" She tilted her head. "What, you suddenly shy or something, Daud?"
He snarled, the sound rumbling out from deep in his chest. Jordan faltered and Rulfio stepped back; around them, the air grew heavy. He stuck out his left hand; still gloveless, he clenched it and it burned, the smoke and ash giving away to fur and muscle. Jordan's eyes went wide and she lowered the crossbow as Daud's scars glowed hot, the smoke revealing fur and ears. His teeth clashed together as they lengthened in his jaws and became something other than human. Rulfio cursed, Jordan held a silent scream. His bones cracked unpleasantly but he willed the rest of his body to stay put, despite the heaving of his chest and creeping fur down his back. He felt his wounds steam away, the flesh knitting back together with his partial transformation.
Jordan gaped like a fish. Clearly, neither of them had expected -- this . Daud could hardly blame them. He sneered, his lip curling up, hating the looks on their faces. He let go of his magic; immediately, the fur dissipated, melting away like fog over water.
Nobody said anything. Daud could feel the anger rising in his chest and his left hand itched.
"Any other stupid questions?" He rasped out, his voice ruined after the transformation. Jordan just shook her head, the crossbow falling from her hands.
She ran.
Daud caught her before she took more than two steps. Rulfio's hand flew to his blade, anticipating a fight.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"I'm not sticking around so you can kill me like that!"
"Daud frowned. "I'm not going to kill you." His mouth twisted up into a nasty smile. "Unless you're off to snitch, that is. Then I might reconsider."
"Like anyone would believe me anyway!" She shrieked, her voice cracking up an octave. Then, she relaxed, though the sweat on her brow lingered. "What are you going to do with me then?"
Daud blinked, then looked at Rulfio, who shrugged.
"I think you'll just have to come along for the ride, now," he sneered, putting his blade back on his hip. "You followed us down here, after all. Aren't you curious as to why we're here under a dirty old dog fighting pub?"
Jordan looked skeptical, but Daud knew her curiosity would win out in the end. Her fingers twitched, and she licked her lips.
"It got to do with that hit you took for Brimsley?"
"The very one that fucked me up and almost killed me? Yes."
"Fine. Just don't kill me and leave me a mummy for someone to find in 200 years, alright? I got a lotta living still to do."
"We aren't going to kill you, girl," Rulfio sighed out, exasperated. That seemed to convince her; she wiggled out of Daud's limp grip and wiped herself off.
"Alright then. Where to, wolfman?"
Daud sighed and rolled his eyes; he was already regretting the decision to bring anyone along. But the Outsider had told him to keep his friends close, and maybe this was why.
"Give me a moment," he muttered, then waved his left hand again, burning through more magic. The Void laid bare the secrets of the world and in his ears, a faint ringing began. He frowned; the sound was like a tuning fork, resonating in his chest and limbs. It tugged him down, deeper under the tunnels, to where the dog fighting amphitheatre was. As his vision returned to normal, he started moving, motioning to the others.
"It's this way. Come on."
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solemnlysneezes · 4 years
Thomas: dick pic is not a proper way to say I'm sorry
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prettywhalerboy · 3 years
More updates. Feeling inspired. Or, lots of self care needed that comes in the form of fiction.
More Thomas&Rinaldo!
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lucidlikesthings · 5 years
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After rereading ‘call of the running tides’ on AO3, the idea of werewolf whalers wouldnt leave me alone lmao
It started off as a more serious AU idea and then swiftly devolved
How Daud funded his escape from Dunwall
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exalok · 2 years
Hello i am a separate person who is also very interested in your detective Daud investigator Corvo au. Does the void and outsider exist in this au and powers and stuff? How are the whalers? Is Corvo's position as the royal protector incorporated in some way or nah? (i am looking)
hello!!! very glad to know you are interested :000
the void exists i think as a parallel plane that will change you if you're snapped up into it -- there are invisible pockets that lead to it throughout the world, and occasionally when someone disappears it's because they've fallen into one of those. i'm not sure how it works yet, but i think standing near or even in the pocket isn't quite enough for it to open and swallow someone. possibly the void has a consciousness and chooses who it takes? possibly the void is also the outsider, but neither of them are really present in the story as far as i know beyond the void being a decisive force in corvo's past as a result, the powers you see in the dishonored games don't exist either -- corvo does have unusual abilities but they're more passively present than active (i have an idea of what they are but i want to leave it ambiguous and unexplained for the story, the void and its consequences are meant to remain something on the fringe, not really understood)
the whalers work under daud in his specialist department!!! you can find the usual cast of professionals and idiots. some of them unwittingly participate in daud using police resources for his and corvo's personal search. some of them will most probably figure it out and decide to help, being the sneaky busybodies they are. i don't have all of the middle details yet :'D i CAN say that daud and his team tend to tread the line between following procedure and bending slash skirting around slash breaking the rules -- this is why he was promoted, as he got results without the how getting into the papers too much. remember that all cops are bastards OH!! two whalers who aren't present in the department but are part of daud's inner circle are rulfio and billie, for ex-queerplatonic partner and estranged adopted daughter reasons; they do show up in the story
corvo's position is sort of integrated but also sort of isn't -- he's not part of an official hierarchy, he doesn't have a title, he isn't nobility by birth or association, he isn't a bodyguard, but jess is part of the corvo-beatrici team and corvo will go to great lengths to protect/assist them. he's killed to do so and will again if the necessity arises, without regrets. he tends to prefer sneaking and stealing things though, which is good, because beatrici loves a good heist (yes they all do crimes, this is a be gay do crimes story)
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exultedshores · 5 years
“I deserved that.”
“You deserve worse,” Corvo spits. His knuckles sting, and fuck, fuck, he just gave away his element of surprise, showed Daud his powers, and he didn’t even manage to break the bastard’s nose.
“Yes,” Daud agrees easily. He fishes an off-white handkerchief from his jacket pocket and begins to clean the blood off his face as best he can. “But you didn’t come here for justice.”
He raises his left hand, the Mark of the Outsider glowing brightly even through the thick leather of his gloves, and Corvo instinctively recoils – he will not be caught by Daud’s tethering magic again – but that’s not what Daud aims to do. When the glow of his Mark dims, three Whalers appear before their Master in a rush of the Void.
Two in grey, masked, one in blue, unmasked. It seems to be the hierarchical structure here.
The blue-clad Whaler is an older man, Serkonan, streaks of grey in his thick dark hair. His sharp eyes flick from Daud, his nose still bleeding, to Corvo, Lizzy hanging on his arm, then to Thomas, who has yet to sheathe his blade, and he sighs. “Clusterfuck of the day, boss?”
“Something like that,” Daud says. “I need the three of you to pay a visit to Pendleton Manor. See if Emily Kaldwin is being kept there.”
“Understood,” the Whaler says. “Should we bring her back here, if we find her?”
“No,” Corvo cuts in immediately. “I don’t want any of you laying a hand on her again.”
The Whaler raises an eyebrow at Daud, who nods. “You heard him, Rulfio. No retrieval. And be quick about it.”
“Aren’t we always?” Rulfio grins, but he salutes Daud nevertheless, and with another rush of the Void, he and his two masked colleagues vanish into the shadows.
“They won’t be long,” Daud says to Corvo, as though he’s just sent out his kids to fetch him the newspaper. “The Estate District isn’t far.”
Corvo crosses his arms. “What if they’re not keeping her there?”
“Then I’ll send more men into the city to find her,” Daud makes a surprisingly helpful offer. “With the full force of the Whalers, finding someone in Dunwall never takes more than a day or two.”
“Even when the head of state is doing everything in his power to keep them hidden?”
Daud smirks. “Especially when the head of state is doing everything in his power to keep them hidden.”
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dauduck · 4 years
Billie: Come on, everyone knows Delilah wants to fuck Daud. Delilah: yeah Rinaldo: PPFERFFFT WHAT Delilah: you literally were the person who joked about it more than anyone else Rinaldo: I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS ACTUALLY TRUE, I MEAN- Galia: Who on Earth would want to fuck Daud? Thomas: Well- Rulfio: HONESTLY-
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zilodak · 4 years
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One of the dumbest things I’ve ever drawn I think
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