#a lot of dialog to juggle
nanowrimo · 1 year
Writing Tips for Every Age and Mental State
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Not every piece of writing advice will apply to you —  and that’s okay! Sometimes, your writing strategies will change as you go through life or learn more about yourself. NaNo Participant Clara Ward shares writing advice that they've learned over time.
There’s no right way to write. Writing—like life—is about finding your best fit. What follows are tricks that worked for me. Please borrow what works best for you right now. (Then save a few ideas for future you!)
I wrote my first novel four decades ago, when I was thirteen. I’ve written while juggling three jobs or zero. I’ve written as a kid, a parent, and an empty-nester. I’ve learned from my own neurodiversity and mental health challenges along the way.
Each struggle taught me how to customize my writing practice. Here’s a list of what worked for me at different stages. Adapt as you see fit.
Stage 1: Meet Yourself Where You’re At
Outline - For my first novel, I sketched furtive notes on the back pages of a school notebook. I created headings for each page that became section or chapter titles later. Numbers helped me order the scenes and letters delineated details.
Note: Leave extra space for fun facts or snippets of overheard dialog. Years later, I heard a NaNoWriMo buddy joke, “Careful, or you’ll end up in my novel.” My apologies to my high school geometry teacher, who received no such warning.
Avoid Distractions - I needed a closed door to write at first. I couldn’t read other fiction during the week or two when I frantically converted my outline into a rough draft. Luckily, I wasn’t in charge of meals back then!
Stage 2: Find Your People
Give Yourself Permission - I first heard about NaNoWriMo in 2004, when I was parenting, working, and volunteering as if there were two extra days in each week. I hadn’t written a story, an outline, or notes in over a year, but I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I signed up for NaNoWriMo and opened a family meeting by showing the webpage to my spouse and kids. I explained how I’d budget four hours a week for writing in November.
Note: I didn’t complete 50,000 words that first November. But the next year, my kids enthusiastically joined the Young Writers Program!
Enlist Support - Eventually, my kids and I designated one hour each day for writing. There were many distractions, but it felt great! We attended NaNoWriMo write-ins at a donut shop to build community, and my kids each persuaded a friend to join. (Yes, donuts are a sometimes food, but at least they weren’t asking for coffee!). With support and determination—and for me, a bit of sleep debt—we all met our writing goals most years!
Stage 3: Embrace Your True Strengths
Emotion Mapping - In the last couple decades, as attitudes and terminology evolved, I’ve learned a lot about my own neurodivergence and mental health. Oddly enough, the self-knowledge I gained by masking and compensating before I knew those words, informed both my writing and the tips given above. As I became more honest with myself, I brought more emotion to my writing.
Note: Sometimes it helps to skip scenes I’m not in a good headspace to write. I jot down key plot and character points inside curly brackets and skip to a scene that suits my current feelings. Since I don’t used curly brackets anywhere else in my writing, they’re easy to search for when I’m ready to go back.
Fascinations - After years of being warned about “info dumps,” I realized that my own fascinations (neurodivergent or otherwise) were assets that could serve my writing. At the beginning of 2020 I did a deep dive into researching sea creatures and ways to protect our oceans. At the back of my research notebook, I gradually outlined my 2020 NaNoWriMo Novel, Be the Sea. Parts of that outline cross-referenced pages of ocean research or articles I’d saved online.
Note: The system above worked well enough for me that I now have a book deal for Be the Sea, which will be published by Atthis Arts in early 2024!
Seriously though, this isn’t a post about how to get published on a 40-year plan. By matching your writing practices to your ever-changing self, you give all your stories the chance to be told. I wish you and your stories that success!
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Clara Ward lives in Silicon Valley on the border between reality and speculative fiction. When not using words to teach or tell stories, Clara uses wood, fiber, and glass to make practical or completely impractical objects. Their short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Decoded Pride, The Arcanist, and as a postcard from Thinking Ink Press. Clara’s 2020 NaNoWriMo novel, Be the Sea, will be available from Atthis Arts in early 2024. For updates on this and other projects, follow Clara on their website. Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels
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mellancholy-morose · 6 months
@puppys-teeth You said you wanted Au's and silly thoughts in this post. I'm finally getting around to responding like I wanted to. I made it it's own post cause it got long and this is basically just gonna be a list of my WIP's with some general information and thoughts with some links to some snippets I've shared previously.
Knowing Spirit Albarn is a Drag Current WC about 14k
This is the current longfic I'm trying working on. Spirit ends up doing drag at chupa cabras, Stein comes looking for Spirit and finds out his secret and is thoroughly amused. Stein keeps coming back cause he finds it entertaining and is trying to understand why Spirit's doing it. But Spirit's double life takes a toll on him.
A few snippets I've posted so far:
Here, Here, Here, and Here
Graves/Fountains (a Wip title) Current WC about 3k (not counting notes that are just dialog spread around my note taking locations)
Stein and Spirit go on a mission and things go wrong, they're both left unable to resonate with anyone, as they're both ignored their problems for so long their souls have gone into what is basically a perpetual state of self defense, so LD puts them both on mandatory leave until they can fix their shit. They end up working at Deathbucks to pay the bills when its been a while with no progress and LD is like 'we can't keep paying you'. They eventually are going to have to go into each others mindscapes and help each other deal with all these things they've buried deep. The wip title is in reference to the imagery in their respective mindscapes.
Pacts Writ in Flesh and Blood Current WC about 27k
A resbang I was unable to finish, as it got a bit too depressing at the time. I will come back to it eventually, but it might yet be awhile. It's present stein/marie and past stein/spirit. It's a supernatural horror au, that started from the idea of Faustian deals, if you know 'the magnus archives' there's also some inspiration taken from there for this one. The promo from resbang will give you a better idea what it's about and has some excerpts:
P.I. AU Currently just notes
More like a very long fic. Its ensemble cast and its scope scares me, it'll probably be a while before I tackle this one, simply cause juggling an ensemble cast this large, and having to make sure the murder mystery makes sense is going to be a lot balls in the air. When it was first conceived it was intended to be Stein/Marie but I'm likely to pivot it slightly to make it still that to and extent but likely end game Stein/Spirit. Idk it's not currently very fleshed out besides some general beats I want to hit with things. Stein is Frank Stone (I think it's hilarious and this choice of mine will never stop amusing me) private investigator who's investigating his buddy Sid's death. also did I mention its the 1920's? cause its the 1920's.
none of these titles are finalized and are more just ways for me to tell them apart from each other
Carnival Currently just notes
Based off that one ending image of Stein making Spirit puke on the teacups, Spirit is there to chaperone the kids, and asks Stein to come a long. Marie upon learning this implies its a date, which worms its way into Stein's head, leading to something of a disappointing experience when they go.
GD Current WC 2.5k
(I don't want to say the title of this one as it gives away something small that I haven't decided if I want the reader to go into the fic knowing about yet)
Current oneshot I'm working on, after a mission Spirit convinces Stein to visit his parents when he learns they're in the area. It is a bit awkward for all involved but Spirit is learning things about Stein he never knew.
A snippet of this one can be found here and here.
Two fucked up little guys Current WC 1.6K
This one admittedly is almost done, but I haven't felt up for finishing it. Set after Stein and Spirit stopped being partners and after Maka is born, but before the anime. Neither have good coping mechanisms for their stress and end up instinctually reaching out for each others wavelengths, and connect while half way across the city. It's angsty, there's some hurt/comfort but it's not got a happy end coming for it. Though this one is also one that after I post it and people are interested I might end up coming back to and expanding the story on later (and giving it a happier ending most likely)
These are things that are minimally fleshed out and tend to be more prompts then actual Wips atm
Gay Pirates:
Spirit used to be steins first mate, now they both have their own crews, and spirit keeps boasting about his getting them into trouble. Maka mutinies her dad stranding him on an island but still kinda feels bad about it so sends Stein a letter addressed as if from Spirit for a duel to the death, and Stein ends up getting stranded on the island with him cause his crew get drove off while he's off board by the navy.
Road Trip:
Been sitting on this one for awhile, but @bcbdrums reminded me it was in my wips by mentioning her own road trip ideas on some posts. I was gonna work on this on the side of my long fic but it grew past oneshot territory and is likely gonna be a medium length fic so it went back on the backburner. It's normal world au and is a last road trip before Stein leaves for med school. But there's gonna be a time skip after the trip to after med school
Verbatim from my notes:
"You've got mail Au but with more dicks and its grindr, cause its 2022 my dude" (can you tell how long these idiots have been plaguing me? The ideas and wips are constantly stacking up)
Theater kids au:
Stein is a teacher, Spirit is parent who wont fucking go home
Some Stein/Spirit/Marie poly thing
Doesn't have much to it currently besides my thoughts about similarities between Marie and Spirit
Incubus Au
Likely to be a longish fic, Spirit is a incubus that's hanging around Stein for reasons (one of those not sure if i want readers to know going into it things) and Stein is a kind of John Constantine type
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benditozorrito · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts 3 Part 1
First part of my Kingdom Hearts 3 playthrough under the cut!
For probably the first time ever, this was the least confusing opening cutscene
Everyone says Sora has lost a great deal of power after KH:DDD shenanigans
Um this boy rocketing through the stratosphere and running up walls like he a damn hedgehog but go off I guess
FFS Sora and Donald can you pay attention and stop making Goofy think he is going crazy. He is the most sensible one and I cannot believe I am typing this sentence with my own hands
Ew its Xigbar
Hercules actually looks pretty good this time around?? I'm surprised because his animation is pretty styalised
Ah. Now I know why Maleficent bothers to keep Pete around. Manual labor
I am just Going to cry when we finally see Aqua again
Grabs square enix dev by the shoulders and whispers softly into their ear: I don't. Care. About. The gummi ship.
Why does anyone let Sora near technology
Okay Remmy is adorable
When you are about to get into a new world and then a Heartless boss ship drops in
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I have just entered the Toy Story world and I want to say that opening TV show cinamatic with vaguely KH looking characters was extremely disorienting never do that again
"Oh! I can run into stuff and it will pushed out of the way!"
Immediately runs into everything and scatters stuff all over the place
Collapses with laughter for 2 whole minutes watching a whimsical doll heartless sneak up on Buzz Lightyear in a sinister manner
I am playing a game in which it is possible for the character Goofy to sadly proclaim that Buzz Lightyear has disappeared into a corridor of darkness
The series main villain was just dragged by a wild west sherriff toy
The aliens are perhaps the best thing about this world
So uh...we really doing this huh? We're going to get Roxas a body to inhabit...idk why but having them talk about needing a body to stuff a heart in is the most off-putting thing
Laughs maniacaly while scattering objects off shelves
I don't have a lot to say of Rapunzel world, possibly because it followed the movie closely. Which I appreciate that Sora and his friends impacted that very little.
I love how she introduced Sora and co. to Maximus, and once she mentioned they had been helping her, he immediately nodded like "yes good"
Tbh, possibly because I never played KH:DDD, I am constantly forgetting flow motion is a thing now I just keep running on the ground like some sort of peasant
Also it cracks me up that the world map now very much resembles Mass Effect's
ALSO I stg Sora being like "lol your FACE"at Donald was the most accurate teenager dialog in this entire series
Okay Monsters inc. Sora's 3 mouth is the most adorable thing
AQUA ;_;
Goofy is actually the smartest one in this trio and he is a sweetheart I will fight you on this
OK but they totally should have called the Teeny Ships, Friend Ships instead
I'm going to be a bit disappointed if these treasure spheres are not a hint for a Treasure Planet world
Ew its Larxene
oh my god I forgot that Elsa's body guard was named Marshmallow that is the best thing ever
unpopular opinion?? I kind of hate that the Pirates of the Caribbean movies got added to the series. Yeah this time around they made more of an effort to blend Sora and co. in by neutralizing their colors and giving them pirate-y outfits, but they still REALLY stand out;;
plus nothing exemplifies the fact that PoC is the wrong tone for these games than the fact that we opened the world with "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)", but changed all the lyrics to talk about the plot so we don't have to mention drinking and murder
OR even the fact that Sora and co. were literally led off somewhere else while most of the murder and backstabbing was happening;
If they really wanted some pirates, they should have made it Treasure Planet, is what I am saying -is punched- Seriously though, would have hit the KH aesthetic more, plus Sora getting to solar sail?? damn missed opportunity there
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The KH experience is hearing the villains vague talking about their plot and you are:
"...Are they suggesting....OOOHHH MY GOOOO-no wait....is that possible....wait......"
I will give PoC world this tho, they added a zelda WW like explore the Caribbean set up, and this pleases me greatly. Now if only it wasn't fake-Caribbean and I could visit Puerto Rico LOL
Oh wow, with all that posturing and Sora adding in I thought we weren't going to stab Will at all but here we are lmaofhs didn't think you had it in you game
Ok but Goofy and Donald sadly sending Elizabeth off was so cute and sincere I'm crying???
You full of shit Vexen
Also it is vital to know that my along for my emotional roller coaster gf has dubbed him Kid Rock
How dare you hit me with these Roxas feels I was very unprepared
Okay but I cannot with Rikus new keyblade looking like a car key lmao
And Axel still needs so many hugs
Tbh the pairing of Kairi and Sora has always seemed extremely heteronormative to me but then again maybe its because Kairi is never around to see them interact ffs
I'M STILL REALLY SUSPICIOUS, but Vexen's interaction with Demyx was hilarious as fuck
Lmao omg the frame rate on this heartless/nobody/unversed army is so sad I'm dying
I mean I understand completely but LOL
I never thought I'd see a heartless tornado I could describe as a category five jesus fuck
This is an extremely trippy limbo
Xehanort: Blah blah darkness will win blah blah I'm so evil
Terra: Surprise bitch, thought you'd seen the last of me.
..shit this means I have 13 boss fights >_>
…plus whatever fuckery could happen last minute;;
I feel it is important to add that, in between the last couple days I have maybe spent 5 collective hours circle talking with myself on "wait is this really it?? Am I truly at the final battle??"
and its one part: jrpgs are never that simple and one part: but we still have like SEVEN unaddressed plot points going on game and heaven help me if you apply them all at once in the last hour
Xigbar if you actually believed that, you are the biggest fool of all of them
also Sora pls, they were assholes I know you are a kind boy and I squish your face but they do not deserve words of comfort
So wow….that was quite the ride… wow but wait what about the box and why are those people in the credits they weren't-
stinger cutscene plays
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hydrus · 2 years
Version 502
Qt5 zip
Qt6 zip
Qt6 exe
macOS (updated links, first version had boot trouble)
Qt5 app
Qt6 app
Qt5 tar.gz
Qt6 tar.gz
I had a good week fixing bugs and improving UI quality of life.
First off, the tag autocomplete dropdown has some important behind the scenes changes. The way it is stored and drawn is better, the same updates the popup toaster and media viewer hover windows have had recently. In general, it means a lot less flicker and jank. If you have set autocompletes to embed in normal search pages because of bugs, try letting them float under options->search this week!
Unfortunately, as a consequence of this change, I am disabling autocompletes floating in dialogs. Outside of normal search pages, they now always embed. There are hard technical reasons for this, and design ones too--I never liked how they overlapped apply/cancel--so if you were floating before and liked it, please bear with it for now and let me know if and where it is most inconvenient.
I put some work into the system:time edit predicate dialog. Rather than the confusing '<' and '~=' radiobox, it now says proper english 'since' and 'before' and so on. Some of the calculations behind this are also improved.
'sort files by import time' now works between files that were imported in the same second. If you had a some small-image manga you wanted to sort by import time because it lacked page tags, this now works properly.
I fixed some stupid mistakes that broke a part of the Client API (and Hydrus Web) in v501. Sorry for the trouble!
full list
autocomplete dropdown:
the floating version of the autocomplete dropdown gets the same backend treatment the media hovers and the popup toaster recently received--it is no longer its own window, but now a normal widget floating inside its parent. it should look pretty much the same, but a variety of bugs are eliminated. clients with many search pages open now only have one top level window, rather than potentially hundreds of hidden ones
if you have turned off floating a/c windows because of graphical bugs, please try turning them back on today. the checkbox is under _options->search_.
as an additional consequence, I have decided to no longer allow 'floating' autocomplete windows in dialogs. I never liked how this worked or looked, overlapping the apply/cancel buttons, and it is not technically possible to make this work with the new tech, so they are always embedded in dialogs now. the related checkbox in _options->search_ is gone as a result
if you ok or cancel on the 'OR' buttons, focus is now preserved back to the dropdown
a bunch of weird interwindow-focus-juggling and 'what happens if the user's window manager allows them to close a floating a/c dropdown'-style code is cleared out. with simpler logic, some flicker jank is simply eliminated
if you move the window around, any displaying floating a/c dropdowns now glide along with them; previously it updated at 10fps
the way the client swaps a new thumbnail grid in when results are loaded or dismissed is faster and more atomic. there is less focus-cludge, and as a result the autocomplete is better at retaining focus and staying displayed as changes to the search state occur
the way scroll events are caught is also improved, so the floating dropdown should fix its position on scroll more smoothly and capably
date system predicates:
_this affects system:import time; :modified time; and :last viewed_
updated the system:time UI for time delta so you are choosing 'before', 'since', and '+/- 15% of'
updated the system:time UI for calendar date so you are choosing 'before', 'since', 'the day of', and '+/- a month of' rather than the ugly and awkward '<' stuff
updated the calendar calculations with calendar time-based system predicates, so '~=' operator now does plus or minus one month to the same calendar day, no matter how many days were in that month (previously it did +/- 30 days)
the system predicate parser now reassigns the '=' in a given 'system:time_type = time_delta' to '~='
'sort files by import time' now sorts files correctly even when two files were imported in the same second. thanks to the user who thought of the solution here!
the 'recent' system predicates you see listed in the 'flesh out system pred' dialogs now have a 'X' button that lets you remove them from the recent/favourites
fixed the crash that I disabled some code for last week and reactivated the code. the collect-by dropdown is back to refreshing itself whenever you change the settings in _options->sort/collect_. furthermore, this guy now spams less behind the scenes, only reinitialising if there are actual changes to the sort/collect settings
brushed up some network content-range checking logic. this data is tracked better, and now any time a given 206 range response has insufficient data for what its header said, this is noted in the log. it doesn't raise an error, and the network job will still try to resume from the truncated point, but let's see how widespread this is. if a server delivers _more_ data than specified, this now does raise an error
fixed a tiny bit of logic in how the server calculates changes in sibling and parent petition counts. I am not sure if I fixed the miscount the janitors have seen
if a janitor asks for a petition and the current petition count for that type is miscounted, leading to a 404, the server now quickly recalculates that number for the next request
updated the system predicate parser to replace all underscores with whitespace, so it can accept system predicates that use_underscores_instead_of_whilespace. I don't _think_ this messes up any of the parsing except in an odd case where a file service might have an underscore'd name, but we'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it
added information about 'PRAGMA quick_check;' to 'help my db is broke.txt'
patched a unit test that would rarely fail because of random data (issue #1217)
client api:
fixed the recent bug where an empty tag input with 'search all' permission would raise an error. entering no search predicates now returns an empty list in all cases, no matter your permissions (issue #1250)
entering invalid tags now raises a 400 error
improved the tag permissions check. only non-wildcard tags are now tested against the filter
updated my unit tests to catch these cases
a unit test now explicitly tests that empty autocomplete input results in no tags
the Client API now responds with Access-Control-Max-Age=86400 on OPTIONS checks, which should reduce some CORS pre-flight spam
client api version is now 34
misc cleanup:
cleaned up the signalling code in the 'recent system predicate' buttons
shuffled some page widget and layout code to make the embedded a/c dropdown work
deleted a bunch of a/c event handling and forced layout and other garbage code
worked on some linter warnings
next week
I think I have caught up on the biggest Qt6 crashes and other emergencies. I regret the bumps that happened over the past couple of months, but we got there in the end. Next week will probably be the last with a Qt5 release, so there will be some updates to the help for that.
I am due a 'medium size' job week, so I also want to get my teeth into something. I recently overhauled how tags in .txt files were imported/exported, and I would like to do more work there. It would be nice to have URLs and/or more than .txt file formats.
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laur-rants · 4 years
Fic Update: Blood Wolf
Chapter 5
Fandom: Dishonored Ship: Daud and the Whalers, some Daud/Outsider on the side
Rated: Mature to Explicit, Strong Violence and Gore Ahead!!
Synopsis: Werewolf!AU :: Daud-Centric Prequel to Wolfbann. Origin Story, pre-canon. Centers on how Daud turned, and his subsequent marking by the Outsider and his formulation of the Whalers.
Notes: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Daud goes back to where it began, spurred to action by the Outsider’s words.
AO3 link
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Month of Songs, 1820
He was running. He was running, throwing his surging body forward, every step pounding into the ground with the force of a full stampede. The scent of blood, of fear, was heavy in his nose; it drove his senses to a pinpoint, beckoning him onward. Weariness fled from him as his skin was shed, scars blazing and teeth shining with a manic light. He breathed and his body breathed with him, contracting and expanding, growing with every filled lung. He gulped air like a whale before the plunge; muscles rippled, launching, claws ready to rend, to tear, to savor.
He was a killer; he was born for this. His prey was fully unaware; fur flew and bone crushed and his jaws longed for the warmth of blood, the tender tear of flesh rending between his teeth. A limb was shorn from its body easily and his long nose plunged into the cavity left behind, rooting for soft, vulnerable organs. He closed his eyes and worshiped the entrails he found within. He was drunk on it, drowning in the life-giving red water, offering reverence to both god and devoured flesh. Somewhere far away, a whale keened; he bellowed his own song, body rippling with the sound as it morphed into a roar, then a scream. His voice dripped with Void but still the whales cried and burned; he could feel their dying songs reverberating in his ears, his whole body resonating with the call.
Daud lurched forward, gasping for air, returning to the surface of his dreams. His body was slick with sweat and smoke and his nose burned with the smell of burning oil. Whalesong mixed in his ears with another unearthly sound, a keening note that he realized, belatedly, was a sundering howl ripped from his own throat. He fell from the bed, all too aware of his teeth clashing, his claws ripping, his body shaking from an exertion he didn't know it was experiencing until now.
He tried to still his panicking mind but his body spasmed of its own accord, as if trying desperately to break free of it's human-shaped prison. He fought for lucidity against the instinctive desire to shift into something else. He bit down on his tongue, rolling it through too-long teeth, and clenched his left hand so painfully it bled. He tasted iron on his lips and gasped out, trying not to fall apart at the literal seams.
Human, human, you're still human , he reminded himself, trying desperately to convince whatever shift was happening to reverse itself. A dark part of his mind snarled back, telling him he was only lying to himself, that humanity was now beyond him--but he snuffed it out, shaking his head as the world swam with void and smoke. He clenched his fist even tighter; he snarled and his scars smoldered like they would sear his face right off, but he finally got his body to settle. Claws melted away, fur and ears and snout left on a non-existent breeze. His chest exhaled; with it, the beast succumbed, returning to rest in the coil of his ribcage. His limbs shook, his body was slick with sweat. He wanted to be sick.
When he pounded his fist into the flooring, the wood creaked, splinters biting into his skin.
A week. He'd had this Mark for a bloody week and still, everyday was a fight. A fight against a body that didn't want to be confined to skin, with claws that itched to grow, with teeth that begged to be bared. The Mark on his hand and the whispers of the Void that were supposed to help him maintain this mess seemed only to encourage the beast of him. His dreams were vivid bloodbaths coaxing the monster to burst from his skin. The Outsider had wondered how long Daud could control the beast; Daud wondered if he even had control to begin with.
His hand seized and he shook it, flexed it, then concentrated. His breathing returned to normal, his shivering stopped. He willed those claws to grow long and deadly before whispering them away again. He watched as the inky black fur broke apart and turned to ash, as if the fur wasn't made of hair, but actual voidstone, muttering secrets even as it dissipated away. Daud frowned, sat back on his legs, and closed his eyes.
This time, he felt for the Void. He searched for it with purpose, his hand the part of him that was allowed to plunge across the barrier. The chill was bone deep, the pain of it followed by a tingling pressure that begged him to stop-- but he found it. The tendril of magic he was searching for. He tugged on it like a spider testing its web, following the vibrations towards its intended goal.
Daud kept his eyes closed until he felt the cold burn up his arm, filling him with magic. When he opened his eyes, the world's colors were muted but her secrets lay bare; people far below him either still slept or paced paths around their beds. Scent trails wafted in front of him, the smells of whales, of oil, of burnt skin traveling through his apartment. When he blinked again his normal color vision returned, the murmur in his ear fled from him, and his mark faded from a bright screaming white back down to a faded black.
He drew breath and heavy air filled his lungs; a cold hand materialized on his scarred cheek and he stilled, blinking, until a smirking figure appeared before him fully. He swallowed, still very aware of his position on the floor, and lifted his gaze to meet endless black.
"My, learning something new today?" the Outsider asked calmly, stroking a thumb across Daud's cheek. The sensation of the touch across his scars sent a shivering jolt all the way down to his feet and he gasped at the sensation. He tried to regain composure, tried to scowl at the god.
"It's not like I've been given many instructions," Daud complained. "So I've had to learn to take what I can get when I find it."
"You have been quite busy seeking out my shrines," the Outsider noted. "But they are easier to listen for than to see. This new power will help you hear their songs. Once your ears hear it, you will know. And you will be drawn to them."
Thin fingers moved from his face to his hair, carding through the loose black strands and Daud's eyes slid closed, his body entranced under the touch. It was soothing and suffocating; he let himself be set adrift, the current pulling him where it wished. The Outsider smiled.
"A mother from Pandyssia, and the bastard father she murdered on her way to Serkonos. She was called a witch, people thought she worshipped me. But she didn't; you knew it was all slander. You didn't even believe I really existed." He drew his hand away and Daud whined, unbidden. Free of the trance, he stood up; the Outsider floated above the flooring, his shadow immeasurable.
"Why believe in a god that didn't pay attention to us, or the suffering of others? It was pointless."
"And yet, here I am. In truth, I'm glad you weren't devout. Would have made it so much less interesting to approach you." The Outsider turned away, though Daud felt as if his hungry dead eyes were still watching his every move.
"Tell me, Daud, did you ever hear the fables of whale-wolves in your youth?"
Daud blinked. "My mother mentioned them under a different name. Wolfbanner, those cursed as wolves. It was fanciful, like anything from Pandyssia. I didn't pay it much mind as I aged, when I had other things to worry about."
"Like murdering your abusive captors," the Outsider supplied. He turned back to Daud, studying him. "Not your first kill, and not your last." He disappeared, reappearing at Daud's side, facing the opposite direction. A hand hovered over Daud's arm, the sensation of promised contact prickling against his skin.
"You are by far the most bloodthirsty of my Marked, the first in a long time."
There was a sadness there, but also an interest, a hunger. Daud leaned away a little, trying to meet the Outsider's eye.
"How many have you Marked?"
"There are a few in every age. You are one of six, all scattered in the Isles. The last time I marked someone, you were still a babe in Serkonos. The last time one of my Marked died, it was here, under this very city, just over a year ago." His face fell serious, a terrible gaze that chilled Daud to the bone.
"The one Fink found," Daud surmised, and the Outsider's form flickered dangerously. He chose to dissipate, forming again to sit on Daud's bed, a foot resting over the opposite knee.
"My whale-wolves are not the playthings of men. They are individuals who make their own lives, their own paths, their own choices. According to legend, the original were whales that left the water to walk on land; they possessed humans, and their form changed to suit their bodies and their environment. It was not so easy on the humans; they eventually lost their minds to the whale's overwhelming presence, ravaging their villages and infecting their others, and were ultimately killed." The Outsider looked away, his gaze far off.
"But that was thousands of years ago, when whales were more powerful. My Mark gives humans a fighting chance, but it also changes them forever. You are now more than you ever were before, Daud."
"I was quite fine being human, you know," Daud snarled. "I didn't want to become some furred whale that walks on land." The Outsider gave him a sad look.
"Unfortunately, few get to choose this path. Those who have the option of choice are rarer and more powerful than you could ever imagine. You could have been one but…" the Outsider flicked over to him again, his hands and eyes fixated on the scars marring his face. Daud inhaled sharply, not expecting the touch.
"But you were attacked before that choice could be offered to you. I'm sorry. So please, do not take what I've given you to waste."
The god's voice was barely a whisper, but so loud within his ears, like rushing water. He turned toward the Outsider, unbidden. That slender face smiled.
"What would you see me do, then?" He asked, eyes dark and entranced again.
"Return to where you started," the Outsider offered. "And keep your friends close. You will need them, soon."
And then, just like that, Daud was alone again. He shivered, his body alight in a very different sense, limbs tingling with phantom pain. He breathed, trying to ease his mind, but it was no use. He settled instead for a cold shower but all it did was remind him of those icy hands, the rush of water in the Void, and the whales that kept crying from their death row in the slaughterhouses.
Rulfio was early to his meeting with Daud by approximately ten minutes and 45 seconds.
Apparently, so was Daud.
This wasn't completely unlike the other assassin, if Rulfio was being honest. What was unlike Daud, however, was his vulnerable position-- sitting against the chimney, his arms resting on his knees, his mouth nervously rolling a new cig. Daud didn't even look at Rulfio as he cleared the roof, swinging his legs over the edge before straightening up.
There was no mask, this time. A welcome return to normalcy -- until, of course, Daud turned his head towards Rulfio. Without thinking, Rulfio's eyes shot over to Daud's scars and he stilled. His beard pulled into a frown and he crossed his arms; Daud sighed. The younger assassin didn't stand up, just kept sitting there, too open and languid.
"Do I even want to know the trouble you've been into since the last time I saw you?" The words were rough but held no venom; Daud responded by looking down and away, the shadow of a smile twitching on his lips as he pulled at his cigarette. The smoke billowed up as he breathed out.
"Maybe not. If I had the option of not knowing, I would take it, to be honest."
There was something ruined there in those words that gave Rulfio a pause. He unfolded his arms, instead opting to set his hands into pockets.
"Well, did you get it done, then? It's been near two weeks."
Daud nodded. He then dug into the bandolier at his chest and pulled out a small pouch. He tossed it to Rulfio, who caught it easily. He noted the red velvet of the purse's fabric, opened it to gold coins, and laughed.
"Steal everything but the bathtub?"
"I burned the house. The whole family is dead. Except, well…"
Rulfio tossed the bag up, catching it easily as it fell. "Well?"
Daud sighed. He shot Rulfio a look. "There was a kid."
Of course there was. "And where's the kid now?"
"In the hands of a physician. She was hurt, but she'll live."
"Have you been stalking her?"
Daud's expression went deadly sharp. Rulfio blinked; a dark emotion hung in those edges that he had never seen on Daud's face before. But then it passed and Daud just grimaced, puffing on the cigarette in his mouth.
"I've been trying not to. I don't need to interfere with a kid who's life I ruined."
"And yet you pulled her from a burning building after killing her parents."
"I wasn't gonna let her die, Rulf."
Fair enough. He tossed the coin purse again, finding the clinking pleasant in his ear. "Did that physician fix your face up too?"
"No, that was…" his hand clenched, as if his wrist hurt. "It healed on its own."
Rulfio knew a lie when he heard one. He laughed, waving at a bug hovering too near his ear. "Daud you're a better liar than that. If you have a secret, you can just keep it, you know." Interestingly, Daud's jaw worked; the fly in his ear grew more insistent. Rulfio wasn't the twitchy type --having a steady hand and low jumpiness made him great at his job-- but when he swatted and nothing flew from his hand, he turned his head, looking around. The air was empty, but the sensation tickling at his nerves remained. He scowled, and then caught Daud watching him curiously.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Dunno," Rulfio confessed. "Thought it was a fly, or a mosquito. But there's nothing there."
Immediately the twinge on his nerves receded, but Daud remained far too impassive. Rulfio squinted at him, folding his arms in again.
It took a few ticks, but Daud finally twitched, his fingers moving back to his cigarette.
"What did you do?" Rulfio asked, like he was talking to a petulant child. Daud exhaled, the sound roughened with smoke.
"I need your help," he said, skirting the question. "It's not a contract, it's a… personal favor." His head tilted, his eyes softened. "I don't really have anyone else I can ask to come with me on this one."
Rulfio considered. If you asked him, he wasn't the superstitious type, but something wasn't right. Daud was acting strange. Void, how long did Rulfio think him dead? Long enough to come to terms with the fact that his partner was well and truly gone. Then he just reappeared, with that haunting face and those seeping, infected wounds, and things changed. To be honest, Rulfio isn't even sure if Daud was still real, or some phantom sent to haunt him.
"Sure, I'll help you out, Daud. I've owed you for a while, anyway." He settled down on the roof next to the scarred man, nudging his boot amicably. "What do you need to see to?"
Daud sighed, weary. He ran a hand over his hair.
"It's the Hound Pits. I have to go back there, look around. Something doesn't add up, like I missed something the first time around. I don't want to get my information crossed, but some of the papers I found in Fink's place allude to... unpleasant practices. " Daud pulled the papers he recovered and easily handed them to Rulfio. He took the proffered articles, smoothing his beard as he read. That insistence itched at the back of his skull, ringing like tinnitus.
Eyebrows up, Rulfio simply said aloud "do you mind?" while his eyes skimmed over the words, and was mildly surprised when the sensation obliged, backing off. The ache it left behind was dull, and Ruflio gave Daud a very pointed look.
Daud, to his credit, tried to remain neutral. Rulfio sniffed. Daud blinked innocently.
"Are you using some kind of magic on me, Daud?"
"Don't start with me, Rulf."
"Look I know you said your mom was from Pandyssia but--"
"Just read the damn articles," Daud growled out, "and maybe then I'll tell you."
Rulfio went back to the papers, smirking, but the smile fled as something dark settled into his chest. He read it, then read it again. He swallowed heavily and when he handed the papers back, he found his steady hand shaking.
"Jerome," he managed, "it says he changed? And that they were looking for assassins to…" he cast a nervous glance at Daud, who was watching him very carefully. Rulfio's gaze flicked to those gastly scars, the lines dragging over his face and across his jugular, and he could feel the sweat beading on his own forehead.
"What the fuck happened under the Hound Pits, Daud?"
Daud didn't blink, his expression dark.
"It's easier to show than tell on this one, Rulf."
The trip to the Hound Pits Pub took longer than Daud wanted it to. After a week, he was used to these powers taking him farther and faster than his own legs could, to the point where walking was an overt annoyance. However, he couldn't trust to show his powers to Rulfio, not yet, not until his fellow assassin fully understood why. So, by simple flesh and steel they both traversed the rooftops, knowing the routes through Dunwall better than anyone. Blessedly, Rulfio asked no questions on the way, letting Daud take the lead and direct Rulfio where they needed to go.
As they neared the establishment they settled down, carefully perching on a nearby apartment roof and simply observing. It was late afternoon, which meant the pub was getting ready for dinner and a long night of pleasantries. Someone in an upstairs apartment aired out some dirty laundry, getting spooked when she caught them lounging out of the corner of her eye. Daud grimaced, motioning to Rulfio; they hopped down after that, mingling with the streetside crowd.
"Go on inside," Daud suggested, as they eyeballed the front door of the Pub. "See if you can't distract the staff for a while. I'm going to scout around for where we need to go."
"And how will I know you're ready for me?"
Daud worried his cheek and resisted the urge to push his thoughts towards Rulfio. It was an addictive side effect, one he didn't totally understand or have control over, but he knew Rulfio's mind now, had a bead on it, and it would be so easy to…
"I'll come in and grab a drink myself," he supplied, pushing down the ache to reconnect to Rulfio's mind. "I'll grab a whiskey if I'm ready to go, a wine if not. How does that sound?"
Rulfio nodded, good with the plan, and Daud relaxed. He nodded, then eased back against the wall, pulling out a cigarette to light. He lounged casually, wearing a loose shirt over his bandolier to conceal the majority of his weapons and equipment. He waited until Rulfio disappeared, nursing his cigarette between his lips.
Then, he pulled the spent butt from his mouth, flicked it to the floor, and disappeared.
He transversed through the Void, his body leaping to a new location, again and again, effortlessly. He had been practicing with the power, honing the feel of it over the last week, his confidence growing with each successful jump. He allowed the power to flow through him now, breathing in the ash it left behind, feeling his chest swell with unspoken exhalation. He circled the Pub, gathered a loose key from an upper room, and disappeared briefly into the sewers connected to the establishment.
There, he let himself take a breath. His hand itched with long claws, his black gloves melting into oily fur. Daud looked around and sniffed; the sewers still stank, but not of death. Perhaps the rats or the hagfish got to last month's massacre, tearing apart any remains. He carefully traversed the tunnels, found the door he had used when he was first here, and unlocked it with the stolen key.
Then, as silently as a spectre, he slipped into the main body of the Hound Pits Pub.
The place was bustling, the smell and sounds of the brewery and its customers hitting him full force. He staggered for a moment, nose curling, before making his way to the broad chested Tyvian. He knocked on the counter and Rulfio glanced at him, but said nothing else.
"Can I get a whiskey?" Daud asked gruffly. "Dunwall's finest." The barkeep nodded, sauntering off to get the drink. Next to him, Rulfio shifted.
"There is a door to the sewers in the--" he whispered, but just then, the rabble rose up, drowning his words. He glanced at Rulfio, who shook his head. Of course, he hadn't heard him.
Daud huffed. And, without thinking, he shut his mouth tight and reached his mind out to Rulfio's.
"Adjacent brewery has a door to the sewers in the back. It's unlocked. No guards. I'll meet you there."
Daud could feel Rulfio's mind flickering through confusion, realization, shock, and-- the emotions flashed by so fast Daud's head felt heavy but he drummed on the counter and cleared his throat. As the barkeep brought his drink and he dropped his pay, he chanced a glance at Rulfio.
His partner's face was a wall. He was looking at Daud, his eyes unblinking, and Daud could sense the disbelief. He frowned; he needed to get Rulfio moving, damnit.
"Is there a problem, sir?" Daud growled, lifting a dangerous lip. Across the weak connection he felt confusion, then understanding. Rulfio cleared his throat, then shook his head.
"No sir, just thought I recognized you from somewhere."
"With these scars? I doubt it. Now back off."
Rulfio nodded and behind them, someone laughed. Daud turned away and nursed the whiskey; when he looked back, Rulfio was gone.
He dropped a tip, downed the rest of his glass, then exited the way he entered.
When Daud next met up with his fellow assassin in the sewers, Rulfio was livid. He grabbed Daud by his too-loose shirt, shaking him roughly, and snarled in Daud's face.
"What black magic was that? Where is the bone charm? Who gave it to you? Damn it all, Daud!"
Daud let himself be handled before carefully prying Rulfio's fingers off his shirt. He then pulled the shirt off, storing it near the door, and then checked his equipment and adjusted his hood.
"It's not a bone charm, Rulfio," Daud said, hating how strained his voice sounded. It was easier to count his bolts and darts than look at the dark, angry eyes of his partner in crime. "It's just how I am now, Rulf."
"And what is that supposed to mean?" There was the sound of a blade unsheathing, and Daud started, not expecting the weapon now pointed on him. Not Rulfio. His stomach dropped with the realization that somewhere along the way, he'd made a deadly mistake. He whirled towards his partner, putting his hands up.
"Rulfio, wait--"
The tip of Rulfio's dao blade pressed into his stomach, silencing him. Daud's mouth snapped shut and he shook his head, unmoving.
"What were you doing in my head then? Are you like Jerome? In the note, how it said he could invade thoughts… is that what you're like now? Are you even Daud anymore?"
Daud licked his lips. He chose his words carefully; he really didn't think Rulfio wanted to see what would happen if he tried to spill his guts here and now. Daud didn't really want to see what would happen, either.
"Rulfio, I swear to you, I have not been body snatched, I'm not some weird animated corpse. I just need you to trust me--"
"Trust you, when you were coming in my head and talking to me? I didn't give you permission for that, Daud!"
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," he whispered lowly, his voice echoing against the water and the walls. Rulfio had no response to that, but the blade didn't move. Carefully Daud moved to take off his left glove. "I just want to show you, so that you don't make a terrible mistake, right here, right now."
"And why's that? You some witch now?" The sword pushed into his stomach.
"No, Rulfio-- fuck! I'm a Wolfbanner, I'm a cursed fucking whale-wolf!"
The silence at the declaration hung heavy between them. Rulfio then laughed, singular, in disbelief.
"Yeah, right. Those are just old wive's tales, Daud. There's…" but he trailed off, the look on Daud's face stony. Rulfio's eyes flicked to the scars. His hand shook.
"Let me show you, Rulfio." He tugged at his glove. Rulfio shook his head, but didn't take his eyes off the motion. "Just please, don't gut me, that's all I ask."
The glove slid off. The Outsider's Mark gleamed. In a swarm of ash, black claws grew.
The sword clattered loudly to the floor.
Daud's jaw clenched tight, working as Rulfio stared, fascinated at the action. Worry crept in, and Daud took a step back for distance.
"I didn't want this, Rulf, but I'm not lying, and by some god-given power, I haven't gone completely insane. I didn't think--I'm not here to-- I thought I could trust you with this because I hate lying to you, Rulf."
"And the mind tricks? What is that?"
"I…" Daud clammed up, and had the audacity to feel ashamed. "I don't know. I just realized that I could reach out to someone else's head, read their emotions, talk to them. I'm still learning this shit and I'm sorry, Rulfio. You couldn't hear me and I just acted without--"
The thwip was near silent. Daud didn't catch it soon enough; the punch in his leg caused him to buckle and grunt. He looked down; the bolt stuck from his thigh at an odd angle, but the blood poured from it all the same. He groaned again as the pain burned down his leg and up his spine.
"Rulfio, what the fuck--"
But it wasn't Rulfio. Daud's second stood, watching agape as a second bolt hit his right arm, in the bicep. Daud growled in annoyance, the sound guttural in his ears. He could feel his teeth growing heavy and he gnashed them together as he pulled the first bolt out of his leg with his free hand.
"Rulfio," Daud rasped, feeling his mark burning and begging to be used. He dodged; another bolt whizzed past his head. "I swear, if you're in on this--" He didn't mean to sound so rough and angry but someone was shooting at him and he'd been too distracted to notice. But Rulfio just shook his head, his face pale. He reached for his sword but another bolt nearly struck his hand and he pulled back, cursing.
It was enough to make Daud's blood boil over. His fist clenched; with a snarl he was rushing forward, ignoring the pain in his limbs. There was an exclamation, but he was already too far to make out the words. Ugly claws sprouted as the world greyed; a body to his left lit up and he sneered, teeth sharp. The individual was slim, hooded; they realized how close Daud suddenly was and they stumbled back, surprised. Or perhaps, terrified.
It didn't matter. Daud's fist clenched and he pounced; another bolt whizzed past him, the shot going wide as Daud collided with his assailant. He pulled his blade out immediately, pulling it to the throat of--
Daud cursed and the person under him shuddered from where his hand lay clasped around her throat. Because now he knew it was a she; the long brown hair tied back in her hood and those sharp blue eyes were sign enough. He sighed out a growl, keeping his blade on her neck.
"Jordan. You better have a good explanation for this." He heard a yelp from Rulfio in the distance, the call of his name. Jordan sneered and Daud was suddenly very aware of the steady drip of blood from the bolt still in his arm.
"Daud, what the shit was all that-- Jordan?!" Rulfio finally moved over to them, wet from the sewers, and he looked at her, equally baffled. He looked at Daud, then Jordan, and his face went severe. "Oh, you didn't… Seriously , Jordan?" He sounded like he was chiding a child which, to be honest, wouldn't be far off the mark. Jordan was even younger than Daud, fresh into her second decade, and sometimes her recklessness preceded her.
Jordan, for her part, at least knew better than to struggle against Daud's grip. Her eyes darted to Rulfio, then back to Daud; she put her hands up, swearing.
"Okay, okay, shit, you caught me. Now let me up you assholes."
"Not until you explain what you were thinking, shooting me in the fucking sewer," Daud growled out, his teeth grinding together in anger.
"There's… there's a hit on you, Daud."
It was Rulfio who responded. He sounded defeated, almost ashamed. Daud swore, nearly dropping his blade as he turned to Rulfio, livid.
"There's a hit on me and you didn't tell me? Since when?"
"It's that prick, Brimsley," Jordan supplied. "Said he was threatened by you, that you killed someone else and he wanted you gone. It's good pay, you know," she twitched, her eyes darting between the other two assassins. "15,000 coin, Daud. I thought it'd be easy enough, but he didn't say you were a heretic too."
"I'm not a heret--" he cut his own words off with a groan, finally pushing Jordan away in anger. His claws left no marks, for which he was grateful. She rubbed at her neck anyway, trying to ease the pain away, checking for blood. "Whatever. Fuck Brimsley. I'll kill him myself and collect my own bounty." With an annoyed grunt, he pulled the bolt from his arm, letting it clatter to the floor, unphased by the blood weeping from the wound.
"Does that even hurt?" Jordan asked, stupefied.
"Like a bloodfly sting," he responded. Jordan blanched.
"Yeah okay, fuck Brimsley, you're a scary man, Daud. 15,000 isn't even close enough to be worth it. 20,000 maybe. But Outsider's ass, you really ate two bolts like it was nothing."
"Yeah, well, at least you didn't try to kill me," he said, and his mind remembered that grey wolf's-- Jerome, his name was Jerome, he reminded himself, sickened--split neck, stitching itself back together. "There's a good chance it wouldn't have worked."
"I wager not," she said, her wide, nervous eyes trailing the scars on his face. "So what, you a fuckin' witch now? Give your soul to the Void so you can't ever die?"
"He's a whale-wolf now, Jordan." Rulfio said gruffly. Daud spared him a glance; Rulfio was watching him carefully, but there was no skepticism in his gaze. Daud savored the small amount of vindication that brought him, before turning towards Jordan's laughter.
"Yeah, right. Those are just fiction, Rulf. I know you love your conspiracy theories, but seriously? A whale-wolf? I'm supposed to just believe that?"
Rulfio flushed, the grip on his blade tightening with the creak of leather. "Did you not see what Daud just did? He disappeared and then reappeared like it was nothing. He's even Marked--or tattoo'd, depending on how you see it."
"Don't need to be a giant beast to use magic, Rulfio."
"Oh? You think those witches you see at night aren't also beasts too? You think Granny Rags isn't more than just an old crone?"
"You ever see Granny look like a giant monster? No? I didn't think so! But she still brews those concoctions and talks to rats and leaves carved bones lying about!"
"Just because you ain't seen it doesn't mean it's not true," Rulfio defended.
"Shut the fuck up, both of you," Daud finally snarled, his whole body bristling. Jordan and Rulfio both stilled, acquiesced, though Jordan's eyes still darted skeptically between them. "Rulfio isn't wrong, Jordan… I got attacked. In these very sewers, even. It's not something I really enjoy, but--
"Show me, then," Jordan bit out, stubbornness taking over as she steadied her crossbow at Daud, "or I'll turn you over to the Overseers. I bet they'll give me more coin for a marked heretic than Brimsley will for your head."
Daud sighed, aggravated. "You can't be serious."
"And if I am?" She tilted her head. "What, you suddenly shy or something, Daud?"
He snarled, the sound rumbling out from deep in his chest. Jordan faltered and Rulfio stepped back; around them, the air grew heavy. He stuck out his left hand; still gloveless, he clenched it and it burned, the smoke and ash giving away to fur and muscle. Jordan's eyes went wide and she lowered the crossbow as Daud's scars glowed hot, the smoke revealing fur and ears. His teeth clashed together as they lengthened in his jaws and became something other than human. Rulfio cursed, Jordan held a silent scream. His bones cracked unpleasantly but he willed the rest of his body to stay put, despite the heaving of his chest and creeping fur down his back. He felt his wounds steam away, the flesh knitting back together with his partial transformation.
Jordan gaped like a fish. Clearly, neither of them had expected -- this . Daud could hardly blame them. He sneered, his lip curling up, hating the looks on their faces. He let go of his magic; immediately, the fur dissipated, melting away like fog over water.
Nobody said anything. Daud could feel the anger rising in his chest and his left hand itched.
"Any other stupid questions?" He rasped out, his voice ruined after the transformation. Jordan just shook her head, the crossbow falling from her hands.
She ran.
Daud caught her before she took more than two steps. Rulfio's hand flew to his blade, anticipating a fight.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"I'm not sticking around so you can kill me like that!"
"Daud frowned. "I'm not going to kill you." His mouth twisted up into a nasty smile. "Unless you're off to snitch, that is. Then I might reconsider."
"Like anyone would believe me anyway!" She shrieked, her voice cracking up an octave. Then, she relaxed, though the sweat on her brow lingered. "What are you going to do with me then?"
Daud blinked, then looked at Rulfio, who shrugged.
"I think you'll just have to come along for the ride, now," he sneered, putting his blade back on his hip. "You followed us down here, after all. Aren't you curious as to why we're here under a dirty old dog fighting pub?"
Jordan looked skeptical, but Daud knew her curiosity would win out in the end. Her fingers twitched, and she licked her lips.
"It got to do with that hit you took for Brimsley?"
"The very one that fucked me up and almost killed me? Yes."
"Fine. Just don't kill me and leave me a mummy for someone to find in 200 years, alright? I got a lotta living still to do."
"We aren't going to kill you, girl," Rulfio sighed out, exasperated. That seemed to convince her; she wiggled out of Daud's limp grip and wiped herself off.
"Alright then. Where to, wolfman?"
Daud sighed and rolled his eyes; he was already regretting the decision to bring anyone along. But the Outsider had told him to keep his friends close, and maybe this was why.
"Give me a moment," he muttered, then waved his left hand again, burning through more magic. The Void laid bare the secrets of the world and in his ears, a faint ringing began. He frowned; the sound was like a tuning fork, resonating in his chest and limbs. It tugged him down, deeper under the tunnels, to where the dog fighting amphitheatre was. As his vision returned to normal, he started moving, motioning to the others.
"It's this way. Come on."
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
I want to compliment your writing, but I'm afraid it will come off like a dig at fanfic in general, especially other writers, and it's NOT meant that way! I used to write fanfic myself. Granted, mine was about NSYNC and Twilight (aging myself here), but aside from the subject matter, fanfic hasn't changed that much in the 25 years I've been reading/writing it.
I mean this in the most complimentary way possible: Your writing feels like I'm reading a best-selling novel, not fan-fiction. It's BETTER than many published novels I've read (again I refer to Twilight here 😂). Everything about your stories just feels so refined. From the layered and intricate story lines, to the well-rounded characters and hyper-realistic dialog, to the vocabulary and varied sentence structure, it's always such a pleasure to read.
In fact, I won't let myself get into your newer stories because I can't binge devour them yet! I like to wait for more of the chapters to be complete because it always feels like one chapter at a time is never enough. But major kudos to you, because I don't know how you juggle so many stories simultaneously while being so busy, and still maintain such an intense update schedule. You really amaze me, and I'm so very happy I stumbled upon Little Bean. I was honestly looking for a very specific type of story (virgin JK with a language barrier 🫣), but I found so many wonderful stories from you in genres I never thought I'd enjoy so much!
Thank you for the wonderful worlds you create and for giving me these little breaks from my own daily stresses. You are by far the best fanfic author I've read (and I've read a lot), and absolutely one of the best authors I've read in general. ❤️
This is so sweet and really melted me after a rotten two weeks as I've been trying to get back to my stories and struggling becaues I've been so depleted by IRL and doubting my ability with that energy gone. But your comment gave me such a reassurance and a boost, so thank you so so much!
I know what you mean about wanting to be sure praise for one person doesn't seem like a dig at anyone else, and I appreciate that! It's why I try to be so upfront that I have been writing for a loooong time (my first fanfics were Animorphs and Hanson! speaking of dating myself lmao! I still have a print out of the first fanfic I fell in love with like 23 years ago) and I'm still learning so many things --often from writers even younger than myself! Everyone has different talents and are at different places on their writing journey and it's so easy for writers to compare ourselves to each other when it's not good for our writer souls!
My update schedule may be slowing down to a more human speed now haha but we'll see! I've found that juggling multiple stories keeps me from hitting the wall creatively if I'm only working on one; can't make a chapter work? I can jump to something else and let that one simmer for a little bit.
"(virgin JK with a language barrier 🫣)" Yeah why do you think I started that story!!!! lmaooo it was one of if not the very first scene I wrote for the whole series 🤣🤣 If you found any other good ones, lemme know 😉
Anyway thank you again for such a long, kind note. It's helping me get back on track this week!
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theskeletongames · 4 years
While we are on the topic of The skeleton games, I would like to tell you how much of an inspiration you fic is for me. When I plan out the story and while writing it, your work is somewhere on my mind, reminding me of the things that make fanfiction enjoyable. I am out of the fandom for a few years now and I am still hyped for this masterpiece like it's the first time I read throught it. Thank you for creating it ❤️
Thanks, I learned a lot about story writing and what works and what doesn’t just working on it. It’s really helped me with comic writing and dialog. Some day I’d like to finish it, or at least get to a good stopping point, but the truth is, there’s still a lot more ideas I have on my idea list, and I’ve been a little burned out on writing...
I think it’s harder to write when there’s more story and character history you have to juggle than a fresh story where you don’t have to keep track of everything that’s been established. 
But I also think you can get into some really great repeating jokes when you have chapters of things to build off of...
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
Bleach Cosmology 3/4
Keeping the ball rolling in this series...  (these are actually turning out a lot shorter than i expected, which is kind of nice.)
I guess first we need to address Kubo’s linguistic juggling act. (I did already do this series of posts on the Arrancar’s Resurreccion btw: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8])  I’ve explained it before but here’s the short short version:
Japanese uses Kanji, which come with specific meaning, and kana, which are purely phonetic. (but often writers will use kana where common words have clearly understood meaning and kanji aren’t necessary) And for younger readers furigana include kana along side more complex or less common kanji to assist learning readers.
Kubo has repurposed the furigana system to craft his terminology in Bleach.
When he makes a term like Arrancar he actually writes out the kanji [破面] meaning “Tear”+“Mask” in Japanese, but includes the furigana (アランカル) indicating that the word is meant to pronounced “A-ra-n’-ka-ru,” which is the Japanese phonetic approximation of the Spanish Arrancar, which is the infinitive form of the verb “to tear.”
This makes translating Kubo’s Spanish and German tricky, because it often means a single term has multiple translations, from different languages, and that’s not exactly smooth or easy to clarify mid-dialog.  
Anyway, since we’re looking at Hueco Mundo and hollow/arrancar adjacent terms now, that’s what going on here...
Hueco Mundo(ウェコムンド) “We-ko-mu-n'-do,” using the Spanish for “Hollow World” and written in Japanese as [虚圏] “Hollow* Region.”  That of course being contingent on the fact that Kubo writes Hollow(ホロウ) “Ho-ro-u,” with the kanji [虚] meaning, “Emptiness” or “Void.”  So alternatively, Hueco Mundo also reads literally as “Empty Region” or “Void Region.”
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The main method in and out of Hueco Mundo is the Garganta(ガルガンタ) “Ga-ru-ga-n'-ta,” meaning “throat” or “gorge” and written in Japanese as [黒腔] meaning “Black Cavity.”  It’s not especially tricky as far as names go.  The teeth-like shape of the gateways the Arrancar make suggest the name should read “throat” specifically.
Speaking of which, the Arrancar technique for opening a Garganta has its own name:  Descorrer(デスコレール) “De-su-ko-ree-ru,” meaning “to drawback” or “slide open” like curtains. (which is ironically not the way the Descorrer actually opens: up and down, rather than from the side.)  The kanji for it means [解空] “Unfasten (the) Void.”
And it’s actually briefly mentioned early on, that the less refined method that Gillians use to open rifts between the realms is called Kuu-mon[空門] meaning “Void Gate” and it’s just written and spoken in Japanese, rather than Spanish. (double irony, this one does work like pulling back a curtain, although the Decorrer doesn’t...)  Note that the two terms share the kanji [空] for “void” and that it parallels the use of [虚] also readable as “Void.”
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[空] Actually has a few different ways it can read, and Kubo uses them a lot.  Apart from the Kuu used for “Void" (although, broadly speaking, they’re all related terms) Sora[空] means “Sky,” and is a homonym with Sora[昊] also meaning “Sky” which was the name of Orihime’s brother.  It is also of course the same Kuu[空] in Kuukaku Shiba’s name, and the kanji she has tattooed on her arm, in her case also referencing “sky” as part of the Land/Sea/Sky trio with her brothers, which is her domain as a fireworks artisan.  It is also synonymous in her case with “(the) heavens” as the space and direction her cannon occupies.  It is also the [空] “empty” in Karakura town as I mentioned before.
On the one hand, I interpret these Hollow adjacent terms as “Void” specifically because of the connotations of what the Hollow and Hueco Mundo are thematically, and the obvious synonyms in the words “Void” and “Hollow.” But it’s entirely possible that Kubo wanted these different terms to all kind of blend together into a big muddled uncertainty; Maybe there isn’t actually a difference between using [空] to talk about the dark void of Hueco Mundo and the heaven(s) where the King of Soul Society resides... Maybe Heaven and The Void were always supposed to be the same thing in Bleach.
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There’s actually not a whole lot to unpack with the rest of Hueco Mundo.  Aizen’s fortress, which he built on the ruins of Barragan’s open air “palace” is named Las Noches(ラス・ノーチェス) “Ra-su Noo-che-su,”  “The Nights.”  And it’s written with the kanji, [虚夜宮] meaning “Hollow Night(s) Palace,” or again “Empty/Void Night(s) Palace.”
It takes on some ironic wordplay in that Aizen creates his dome with its illusory daylight to house the Espada under, making an alternate reading of the kanji, “Devoid-(of)-Nights Palace” as there is literally no night sky under his roof.
Hueco Mundo didn’t actually get many distinct locales, and the rest are all pretty straight forward:
Tres Cifras(トレス・シフラス) “To-re-su Shi-fu-ra-su” was written as [三桁の巣] meaning “3-Digit's Den.”  It’s where the Privaron Espada lived and they were distinct for their appended 3rd digit to denote former Espada status.
And the Menos-no-Mori[メノスの森] Kubo designed for the anime isn’t even fully in Spanish.  It just means “Forest of Menos” with Menos being written out phonetically.  It’s Spanish for Minus, which was part of Menos Grande, meaning “Big Minus” and written [大虚] meaning “Big Hollow,” which was itself a play on the fact that back in chapter 1, Rukia labels the good souls as “Plus” and the bad souls as “Hollow.”
sorry these feel awkward to write so they must be just as clunky to read.  I didn’t really have a point I was getting at with any, I kind of just made a checklist of terms and worked my way through them to see if anything interesting jumped out.  Karakura was a fun little surprise, but as i draft the rest of these out they’re looking a little sparse...  Still, I’ll finish out with the last arc in the next post.
Bleach Cosmology posts: [Karakura] [SoulSociety] [Hueco Mundo] [Wahrwelt] [Hell/Naraka(allusions)] [Animal Realm(?)] [Preta Realm(?)]
36 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 4 years
Hobbit Soulmate Pt 27
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“Gimli!” Straight out of the gate your head turned finding Sean there already waiting at the car from his own spot on the plane way up in the front sending him out much sooner than the pair of you. Warmly he wrapped you in a hug and nodded to Joe behind you who grinned doing the same while people who had cameras stole the chance to take pictures if the star and his mostly unknown friends. Only, most of the staff here had at least an idea of who you were having seen you in ample press pictures with the rest of the wider known cast. “Fly alright? You look a bit beat.”
Shaking your head you replied, “Flight was good. Glad to be back, nothing but rain back in New  York past few days.” Sean smirked making you giggle, “It’s different here. Little drizzles, that was buckets and my feet are sore from having to walk after the subway flooded twice. 37 blocks, both ways.”
“Ow,” he chuckled smoothing his hand over your back saying, “I’m guessing you don’t have a car.”
“Nope, and everything on my block is no parking, other than a garage three streets over that is twelve bucks a day. No thank you.”
He chuckled again easing his arm around your back to kiss the top of your head asking, “No Richard this time?”
“He had some auditions. But he’s pretty happy with his walk on bits he did get last year.”
“No doubt he’ll miss you terribly.”
You smirked up at him saying, “Well we’re doing Holidays again in England, got asked to go to Oxford for a story they’re writing on recent alumni.”
Sean, “Oh that’s good.”
Joe nodded, “One of the few from the Arts division chosen, most are academics, scientists and a couple musicians that got hired by exclusive orchestras.”
“Mainly a hopeful bit for mine, what I could do I think. Guesses on how my next premier will go.”
Sean smiled, “Do we get invited?”
Smiling back at him you said, “I did have the chance to name the closest 20 on these films to come see it, if you can. At least for the one in London, the premier in America I had to leave a spot for Jennifer Lopez, she’s been asking about it. No doubt Jennifer Garner and Colin Farrell will want in on the fun after sneaking from their film sets to mine a few times.”
In a hum he replied, “Well I look forward to it.” Turning his head to your father who eyed the familiar driver huffing to calm himself after his late arrival.
Shaking his head he approached saying, “I am so sorry. Some bozo thought he could park on the bridge halfway here and it is just crawling.”
“It’s okay,” you three said and you added, “We knew you wouldn’t be late unless there was some foolishness about. If it helps my driver in Canada got deterred by a moose.” Causing his smile to creep out and his hand to extend claiming your bag to carry back to the car waiting for you he put in the trunk along with the others.  “Thank you.”
Already with their keys most of the cast had let themselves into their usual rooms in the shared cottages on the compound and while you were unloading your bags Ian came up behind you saying, “Now you absolutely have to tell me what this delightful film is going to be about.”
Without turning you started to giggle and hoisted your duffel bag to your shoulder, “How big is the press for this? Everyone keeps asking me about it.”
Ian smiled saying, “Merely because my Dear, you have neglected to share just what the film is about. Suspense is everything.”
Sean, “I haven’t gotten an answer yet either.” Hoisting his bag out.
“That is because it sort of sounds ridiculous when I describe the film.”
Ian simply replied, “Try me.”
You sighed saying, “I am a ballet dancing Selki in a traveling show. There’s an obsessed Inspector who’s a monster hunter who thinks I’m a succubus. Tons of murders and Rich is in it too, an injured former dancer, rescues me and it turns out he’s a fish monster.”
Where you expected laughter a glimmer of something flashed in his eyes close to both intrigue and adoration and Ian replied, “Wow,”
Sean, “I love fantasy films, and you mix murder mysteries and I am in heaven.”
Ian, “My Dear, that sounds fantastic.”
Sean, “All the better she’s added us to the lists for the London premier.”
Ian’s smile grew, “I shall dust off my best suit for it. I cannot wait. I can never resist a good fantasy. Even that film where the children find fairies in their garden can’t resist watching it every time it plays.”
Sean said as you thanked the driver again who closed the trunk readying to head off again nodding his head to you in return, “No worries, we won’t spoil it for the others.” Flashing you a wink on his way to his cottage.
Up to yours your father unlocked for you both Ian joined you as you asked, “How big is the press?”
At your worry he said, “Just as it should be, though for an international film it has quite the reach, both the UK and States are talking about it and even Liv on her vacation in France heard about it there. Is it in English?”
“Mostly, yes, but I have a bit in Russian and Richard speaks some French with a French accent. I believe there is an Italian opera singer who’s a mermaid. They said it will have subtitles for those parts depending on the country it is shown in.”
“Do not worry about the press, you have performed admirably to promote this film without even going on a talk show building a hype that others are whispering about it far beyond what they had planned no doubt. Not to mention the fact you missed one big budget premier to finish filming it.”
“Still feel terrible about that. I thought my part would be smaller and they wouldn’t need me. I was his fourth love interest for heaven’s sake, his films it’s always a blip and you’re gone. Only filmed a week.”
“Very well done for a week alone. I could not have told that it was on such a small schedule by the look of it. Any more stops planned?”
“There’s two more films premiering in December. Then I do have some press lined up through Europe in January, producers lined everything up for me.”
Ian sat down on the bed beside you saying through a pat of his hand on your thigh, “This is your first time leading a cast in a big budget film. You will adjust to it.”
“Not a very big budget film compared to this, and it’s a lot like Sleeping Beauty,” His eyes looked over your face, “Aurora has arguably the least time of all the Disney Princesses in a film centered around her.”
“It still counts. The new year is not far off, just let it brew up some more and see how it settles. For now however, Peter called and he is on his way, now if you were guessing on who is up to something it would be him.” Making you smirk again standing as he did to help your dad order something to eat from the nearby takeout places.
Familiar confusion on which cottage to go to was broken by the trio of delivery guys who split up taking what was ordered to those waiting outside their cabins with cash in hand. While unloading your bag of trays Peter arrived finally at the door he knocked on once it opened and you replied, “Dining room.” When he came into view you smirked seeing the director now almost half of what he used to weigh, “Every time I see you a chunk of you is gone. Keep it up and you’ll be invisible.”
He chuckled moving closer with arms extended to hug you tightly, “I missed you Gimli, and, I have wonderful news.” His eyes shifted to the newspaper on the table and he said pulling a binder from the bag resting at his hip, “I see you have heard part of the news.”
“Yes, King Kong, well done. I know you’ve been wanting it for a long while now.”
“Yes, now, this is a bit of a scuffle, however, I would love for you to be our double for Ann Darrow.”
“Really?” You asked with a grin turning to fetch the juice from the fridge you bought on the way here while your father brought glasses out for you both and a spare for Peter. “Is it too physical for Naomi?”
Peter let out a sigh drawing your eye from the glass you were pouring, “Partly, though the main reason is, there’s going to be wire work and we need to flail her about while Kong juggles her from hand to hand in a Trex fight.”
Joe, “Whoa.”
Peter chuckled, “Yes, there will be dinosaurs in this and a good chunk of the time on Skull Island Ann will be very physical, running, sliding down hills, being thrown about in fields and in green screen studios. I need someone with endurance.”
Smirking at him you replied, “More like you need a rag doll.”
Peter chuckled out, “In not so graceful terms, yes. I need someone who can have the muscle control to be flailed about but not be violently whipping themselves around to hurt themselves and those they work with. Which is why I would also like to ask you Joe if you would join as well. In the wire work when she is flailed you would be a great height to hold the harness she is dangling from to act as the hand holding her while we have another double from these films also who will catch her when you toss her back and forth. Andy will be performing in a cg suit playing Kong camera wise but you have the height needed to give her someone big to work against in her bits when she’s alone with Kong instead of just another tennis ball on a stick.”
Joe nodded feeling more secure on your safety with that plan on using him and another as your bases, “Sounds good. My schedule is open.”
Peter looked to you inches from begging and you grinned saying, “You really think I would turn down King Kong? Come on.”
Making him laugh and open the binder saying as he flipped through it. “Now, we’ve been compiling information on New York from the Depression Era, cars, clothes, dialog coaches and of course information on films and live shows what to expect from that and I think we have a good idea where to start. We were hoping to have your ideas on things, especially the outfits for Ann. Not to mention, Vaudeville shows for Ann.”
Through the following week the use of your time in New York and the feel for it and studies on the history of the city for several projects had you the perfect one to help. One mock up in particular in a sketch board had you saying, “You’re missing two buildings.”
The artist said, “No, the maps have that marked as a garden.”
“Well now, but there was a fire in ‘37 that ruined them. Had to tear them down, and it wasn’t till WWII was over that they built this garden.” From your notepad you passed them a sketch you had made the night before with a note of the book you knew to have a photograph of the buildings that was tacked up and later that day the images were confirmed and the sketch for that one was replaced with the proper buildings.
From fabrics, shoes, hair and makeup every detail was scrutinized along with possible choreography for the Vaudeville and live musical shows the film could hint to. Down to the final feather with just the detail scrutiny you combed through everything supplied to you the next two months had his producers more confident with what mock ups and changes he had brought to confirm that they were right in giving him room to film and produce it all in New Zealand.
There wasn’t much to your days on set. Blips in the background once again granting you ample time to delve more into the history of the Depression era to add even more details. David was there to play Faramir leaving to recover Osgiliath with you in the crowds. Days later you were in a forest as an Elf atop Misty to escort Arwen off to the Grey Havens.
Days of combing through their collected footage for the small musical shows were fully delved into with sketches and possible choreography drafted out by you and one of the movement coaches on the trilogy until the actual choreographer would be arriving the following year to work with the cast and extras. Plays from the era were gathered as well and compiled with the best to send off to the lead male interest for his role as a playwright. All the while Sean Austin between his own scenes directed a short film entitled The Long and Short of It. And the final bit you hid in the back of was flashbacks containing Boromir, Faramir and Denethor, including the day Denethor ordered his son to Rivendell.
Dedicated didn’t come close and as the Weta crew tasked to begin on the Kong wardrobe, props and models they absolutely cherished having your help in all of this. Each fully realizing how you had just bled out all this knowledge you had from the era, including tidbits you had learned from Mrs Henderson while you lived down the hall from one another. All the flaws and beauty of the time conquering such terrible times just exuded from the sketches and printouts you gave as references easing their path into setting the stage.
When it came to the boat however you were lost and let your father take control as he’d been on ships like the one from the film and knew docks and that aspect better than you. Down to comments or lines on navigation or the weather how it works around the center of an ocean. The island however was still a huge mystery and while you built the world Andy continued to build up his own investigation into apes and their whole world including having planned a trip to observe actual gorillas outside of a zoo setting. All the same you soaked up all you could while nursing your wounded pride at not being big enough to have earned a chance to audition for King Kong at all.
“Sorry,” Howard’s eyes shifted to you with a smirk from your bashful detraction of your hand. After mornings of working with WETA you found your afternoons here working with him again in scoring and the oh so sad song for Gollum and his back story.
Peter however chuckled from his seat where he was scribbling a few notes on things to tweak in the footage playing to the demo score for this scene you were tweaking, both of which Howard rolled back. “You know you have free reign for tips here, Dear.”
In a huff you said, “Sorry, just feel like no time has skipped since the sound board at Texas.”
Peter asked, “Soundboard? You worked on scoring in Texas?”
“Not just on it I was Howard for them when they drove off the other guy.”
Peter, “What? They made you score the film?” Almost sounding ready to pummel the director and management in charge of adding to your weight of the first starring role you had fully explaining why you were so relieved to be back here from those sets.
“Well it just started with us needing some music to dance to, as they have us a metronome to rehearse with while the original guy started his war with the director. So it was some violin and piano, no biggie. Nice and simple, then the role had singing as part of it as well as the dancing but the original songs he promised were nothing but titles so that was a Gaelic, French, Russian and English one, some lullabies, some with a bit operatic in it. Then by the time it gets to the end scene he wants a love song for the big finale so Rich helps me out with that on his cello and then they hear the demos and how I just blended the film perfectly, and then I end up scoring it too.”
Howard sighed then asked, “Please tell me it didn’t have to do with us naming you as part of the crew for the past one.”
“Not entirely, no, I studied at Oxford, and Juilliard. Performed on Broadway, won a Tony for that. And then I got the first film as my first role and got to work with you. So I must be an expert.” A moment you sighed and smoothed a hand over your face, “Sometimes I wish my grandparents didn’t brag so much about me.”
The pair chuckled and Peter asked, “I almost hate to ask about Daredevil.”
“Oh,” you said with a sarcastic chuckle, “I loved the Selkie film, I was exhausted beyond belief but at least I had my family and Rich out there to help with the scoring and choir to go with the orchestra. No, no, Daredevil, is no longer Daredevil,” that had their brows arching up in confusion, “It’s now Daredevil and Elektra, two films dwindling my role in the first to nothing. So instead of letting me keep my nap time the Director decides I can play a stewardess too! So I got that my cafe blip, a second of a glance in a party scene and I was wrapped. Got to meet Colin Farrell but other than that, Daredevil was a dud and I have never met anyone like that Director before. Almost tore my leg muscle by his telling the wire guy and not me he was changing the moves while I was mid freaking air! Another guy had his collar bone fractured! You don’t do that to stunt people to ‘make it cooler’ by adding a wall slam mid fight!”
Peter, “I’m so glad you weren’t hurt.”
“I’m glad it’s over. And I highly doubt I will work with marvel again if he’s at the helm. If ever. But it was fine, but hectic, but fine. Glad to be back here to see what you’ve been hiding behind your lenses.”
Peter smirked and Howard asked, “If I can ask, how do you think you did? Scoring?”
Softly you sighed, “Well, if they don’t touch anything I did past a few trimming of edges, and I do mean edges, there was this bird that just kept dangling into the set scenes on side shots. Cuz they just had some scenery shots out in Russia and Switzerland, and then we did the rest on sets in Texas, so it should be easy to finish it off. If they don’t touch anything else then it should be pristine. I think it’s amazing, it’s not a multi million dollar budget thing, but I think I did good. Film is on my shoulders if it isn’t seems like, so fingers crossed my family and Rich weren’t lying at how they loved it. But the producers are getting a glimpse and I should hear back from them soon before they finish off prepping to green light the theater tours and release.”
Howard, “I am certain it will be wonderful, you have a great ear and natural sense for this. Are they at least paying you for it?”
You nodded, “400 grand after renegotiations of my contract. Grandparents lawyers talked them up to that much somehow.”
Peter, “You are more than worth it.”
Unable to help it a grin eased across your lips and you said, “I’m gonna have 400 grand. I could buy a house!”
The guys chuckled at your excited giggle and glance back to the screen and Howard said, “Ah, yes, we are muffling the majesty of Gollum muttering.” Easing a knob a bit to the left to lower the music just a tad to not clash with Andy’s raspy voice in a whisper battle.
September into October was the layout for the trip to New Zealand and with a few calls of plans laid in stone you received the all clear from the upper guys on your Selkie film that they green lit it and were planning theaters now for the January release date hoping to hit the market when there would be a lull for fantasy and thriller films in the packed year with ample to entertain the public hastening things along. About a Boy answered your role with a check and as Enough had left theaters and gone to disk and vhs you got that money too. With a promise of three more film checks to come not just helping to pay off the rest of next years rent and grant you more savings to dip into for travels and possible roles and events that might pop up in your ever changing life.
Home again to your chilly apartment you went, while your Dad went south to get some more months on the ranch before the flight to England for the Holidays again. First he had tried to wiggle out to give you time alone but Richard had already called him and tried to plan a surprise for you in means of an exploration trip of a new spot from his childhood he’d yet to show off to you he knew you both would love to see this time of year booked solid the year prior. Catching up with some old friends from school you kept yourself busy with a movie trip for two films you’d yet to see before heading to some museums and the remodeled aquarium simply falling back into an easy pattern to your days on your own. An odd thing to have missed, just these solitary lazy days where you were free to do as you willed yourself to before heading home to get some sleep. Found rabbit ears had helped you to get a few static to clear channels to browse through after you had finished sorting through all your backed up junk mail, as anything important was sent ahead by your landlord to where you were staying through the year.
Lee however in his usual fashion swooped back in post trip to Canada to go and spoil your peaceful solitude flying back to share his trip with an irritated plop onto the bed after you had let him inside. Apparently just a day before the table reads he joined the rest of the cast groaning at the loss of the lead female in the show only meaning auditions would have to be held again while the others hey had lined up as back ups were already booked on other gigs. Puppy dog eyes ensued and what you thought might be a longer vacation for yourself was being threatened by his hazel eyed self close to pouting and begging if he had to so this role could not be lost and his best friend could work with him on it possibly rooming together as well.
Though thankfully for you jet lag kicked in post take out stop and went to his apartment downstairs to get some well needed sleep with a promise to be back up in the morning for the flight out to California for the premier of The Ring. Excited to share his own news Richard took up most of your night spilling all on how he had prepped for his latest role before regrettably apologizing for keeping you up so late at his own yawn warning him of the time. Giggled off the remorse faded and with a few moments of a grin he readied for bed as you laid out and tried to get some sleep before the flight with a promise to call you after you had seen the film to spill on how it all went.
“Where the hell,” watching the luggage drop onto the turning rack you muttered not seeing your bag after Lee had hurried around the conveyer to grab his own he had missed thanks to a group of Hockey players diving between you. Shaking that off you got back to scouring for your bag only to turn your head seeing Lee with your bag and his in his hands, “Hey.”
Chuckling your way once he’d blown his hair away from his eyes he said, “It was tucked under mine.”
“Aww, well it gets lonely I guess.” Making him chuckle and tilt his head as you shouldered your bag.
“Let’s see if we can find a cab.”
A few steps later you said, “Thanks, for coming with me.”
“Hey, I promised I would.”
“Just, I know you’ve been trying to research for your new show.”
That had his grin split out and he said, “Speaking of which, I hear they are having to look for a new female lead.”
“Oh come on you would be perfect, and we get to act together. You get to be my sister who talks to inanimate objects making me reconsider everything I stand for.”
“Seriously, first the Selkie then that, I might get a reputation.”
“For having an incredible imagination, yes.” His glance out to the line of taxi’s had his head swiveling until you heard your name being called.
“Miss Pear! Oh, over here!” A grin spread across your lips seeing the familiar taxi driver you’d gotten the last time you had come to town to visit Lee. His hand reached out to swat the hand away of another driver trying to hold up a sign for his own cab, “Stop it, I know her, you leech.”
Lee glanced at you and you said, “I’ve ridden with him before.” Crossing the walkway you approached him saying, “Morning Aarush.”
His smile split wider, “You remembered my name!”
“How could I forget? You were so kind to me.”
Chuckling to himself he led you to the back to open his trunk, muttering, “A celebrity knows my name.” You smirked and he hurried to close the trunk and hurry to his seat to take you to your hotel. A signature from you and Lee on the back of the Polaroid you pulled from your bag hid him just about glowing taking your tip and hurrying off promising to call his family about the celebrity couple he had picked up from the airport.
Exhaling sharply your held grin deflated and you rubbed your cheek making Lee chuckle and hum out, “I think you made his year.”
“Oh come on Casanova, let’s get to our room so I can eat something before we get shuttled around again.”
Inside the doors of the not so luxurious but oh so expensive hotel you had been booked into by the production team he answered on the way to the desk, “Do you have press for this?”
“No, there’s another interview at the after party for another magazine but other than that I’m not huge in this. Besides the other teens are bigger names than I am. They have been doing all the rounds on shows and such.”
Once at the front desk the man eyed Lee and then you smiling as he recognized your face clearly from the portfolio of actors coming to stay here for the premier. “Miss Pear, we were not certain when to expect you. There are storms blocking travel from a couple of actors flying from England so a number have been delayed.”
“Well it’s all clear from New York.”
“Wonderful,” he said with a grin and assembled your card keys and said, “All the information for room service and the tv is all up in your room, simply take the elevator on the left up to the fifth floor.”
You nodded saying, “Thank you.” Stepping aside with a glance to the front door seeing Naomi Watts entering with her boyfriend Leif, after a huff in lowering her bag onto a cart brought over for her she smiled and waved your way gaining a wave in return as you passed into the hall out of her sight. Lee hit the button and you came to a stop beside him, “I think I want a burger.”
“Burger sounds really good right now.” In a glance down at you he smirked adding, “You remember Tracie Tohms?”
“Ya, she was in a few of my classes.”
“She’s on the show. You’d get to play best friends.”
“You are shameless.”
“Oh come on, at least come out and look at my rental there. Say hi, come see the Niagra set with me.”
One glance at your phone and your math said that Richard was still in his last audition and could be home afterwards to hear about the film and possibly Lee’s offer. Knowing which room you were in the burgers were rushed up to the room and at the table you listened to the cartoon film playing on the tv between muttered bits of conversation on what your part was in this horror flick mainly to let him know how terrified he would be to sleep in the bed beside yours tonight. A notion you giggled away saying you were chilling but not out to throttle him in his sleep, brushed teeth however followed easing the dishes on the cart outside the door joining others from fellow actors wishing to snack before the evening ahead.
Back in your indigo short sleeved velvet dress and black tights you secured your black booties tied with the decorative indigo laces. Just a moment Lee lingered in the doorway admiring your look as you fluffed out your hair in the mirror aimed at the beds once on your feet confirming in the dimmer room that your makeup was suitable under bright and dim lighting. Turned around you grinned looking over the tall date you had smoothing his hand anxiously over his navy tie to go with his charcoal suit. “Look at you trying to steal my thunder,” That had him chuckle and glance to the door at the knock from your assigned aid to get you all into the right cars and you grabbed your clutch.
At your side he went down and with his hand on your back he took notice of Liev and Naomi’s curious murmurs and inspection of your unknown date you had brought with you. To the cars the line of actors went and all in a row each of the cars emptied onto the carpet with more smiles spreading at noticing you had arrived before gazes shifted to Lee who was clearly not how you described your Mate. All the same with his hand still on your back he walked with you trying to not seem so bewildered towards what was going on around him.
Amber was the first one you reached and into a hug she tugged you then pulled back, “You look amazing,” you muttered into her hair.
“Thank you, so do you,” she said when she pulled back again and looked to Lee, smiling again shifting her fingers against the purple skirt of her dress, “And you would be?”
“Lee, Lee Pace.” He answered with a flinch of a grin.
“We went to Julliard together, my best friend.” You said bumping your hip into his making him chuckle at his absurdly skyrocketing nerves.
That widened her smile, “Well welcome, welcome. Let’s introduce you to the guys,” she said reaching out for your hands to show you both to the group of teens from the film greeting you fondly and Lee as well once Amber shared who he was.
Naomi came next in their interviews with Liev at her side, both in black, “There you are, you brought your friend today?” She asked in a brief hug.
“Yes, Rich isn’t the best without a cushion for horror films,”
Making Liev chuckle then lowly mutter, “Aren’t we all in need of a cushion.”
“This is Lee, best friend from Julliard.”
Liev hummed out, “Drama, dance or music?”
Lee, “Drama.”
Naomi, “Ooh, have you been in anything we might have seen?”
Lee nodded, “Yes, I had a part on Law and Order: SVU, and I have a film coming out soon.”
Liev teased, “Let me guess, something with sports?”
Lee chuckled and shook his head causing Liev’s brow to tick up, “Burlesque dancer, actually.”
Naomi’s brows shot up and you bit the inside of your lip not to laugh, “Do they have male burlesque dancers in the States?” Asking her boyfriend who was smirking.
“Only Tranny’s and Drag Queens, brave choice.” He rumbled back to Lee.
Lee, “I was lucky to get it, and Jaqi helped me with the dances and movement a great deal. Owe a lot of it to her really.”
“Could have paid me back with those thigh high boots if your feet weren’t so damn big.” Making Lee chuckle and rub a hand over the back of his neck as Liev chuckled knowing the difficulties of playing a transsexual from one of his prior roles.
Naomi smirked looking to you asking, “Any new roles coming up?”
“Other than playing your stunt double,” making her lips part, “Not really, congrats by the way, Ann Darrow, is a phenomenal character to land.”
“Yes,” she said, “They did confirm I was cast the lead. I met Peter, he’s quite, intense on his vision, right?”
“Um, I wouldn’t say intense, determined, might be closer. Did he say something?”
“Well no, just, I got this amazing audition for this part I have been dying to hear is close to production.”
“Oh?” the guys around you caught your flinch of a betrayed expression you masked at Lee’s poke to your back in her excited glance upwards in search of the right words.
“I can’t say much about it but I know you’ve been here, so many jobs to pick from and you just want to do them all, but with oceans in between it just isn’t possible.”
Lee grinned stopping you from speaking in a squeeze of his arm around your back pulling you into his side, “Exactly, Jaqi’s a bit torn on accepting a show we’d work together on. Bit last minute back up in Canada.”
Naomi, “You should just take it! I know how much you said you loved Canada.” Her name got called and she grinned saying, “See you inside.” And led Liev off who nodded to your forced nod.
Under your breath when you were alone you whispered, “Intense on his vision?”
“Look, I know you love Peter, but hey you have to look at the golden lining.”
“Which would be?”
“She drops out they audition again, right?”
“Great, so I can be skipped over twice.”
“Oh stop,” he said turning you at your name being called for your round at pictures and a few questions on the way inside. Under his arm again he hummed by your ear on the way inside, “You got Gimli, don’t forget that. Peter has been showing you off,”
“That doesn’t-,”
“And, if the role is empty close enough they will be desperate.”
“Thanks,” you replied sarcastically.
“You know what I mean. You will blow the big boys out of the water.”
Inside up closer than you had sat before, your seats were claimed and with his hand fixed in yours Lee settled down only to loop his arms around yours within just the first production logos for his nerves. The difference from your opening scenes just talking with Amber to your asylum scene had his jaw dropping and leaning in when Naomi’s character left you heard him whisper, “Good gracious woman,” behind your lifted hand you giggled making Naomi and Amber a few seats over having caught that giggle too. Tiny jumps and squirms closer to your side echoed of reactions around the audience until your hand covered your mouth to not make a shriek like others when Martin’s character was turned and revealed to have a warped face. On your other side Martin chuckled patting your other hand to comfort himself after his own hard flinch unsettled by the expression as Amber had for hers earlier.
The party after had him nearly fixed by your side choosing not to schmooze and catch up with you until his interview turn came up and he sighed freeing the seat beside you for a short time at least if he had his way. Another sip for you was halted by a flinch at Liev’s voice by your side, “She wants to work with you, you do know that?” That had your eyes on him fully, “Because it’s not avoiding working with you again, she loves working with you. Perhaps even better on less terrifying terms this time around. It truly is a project she’s talked about for decades.”
“Oh no, guessed it’d have to be big, must be, to pass on King Kong.”
That had his grin creeping wider, “Exactly.”
In his glance over to her distant laugh had Lee saying, “It’s Peter’s dream film,” making Liev look at him again, “Waited for decades to get to film it, he doesn’t mean to be intense, just wants it to all fit his dream picture, from what I hear.”
Liev smirked at you saying, “I know you like him, worked with him before, you talked about him like it, it was something like magic what he pulled out of his hat, that’s why she wanted to give his film a chance to get a hint of that magic. You don’t find that often, if at all. She’s taking all the options in stride, and maybe she can line it all up how you are able to. I just didn’t want you to think it might be you she would be avoiding by possibly choosing against it.”
“No I get that, really, it would be great to work with her on something. I don’t know, guess I’ve never been on the other side, seeing someone choose against a project like I have before.”
“No,” he chuckled out, “It is new, and often there’s no explanation afterwards. Been there.” You pointed subtly and his eyes shifted to her again with brows raised and he grinned seeing her grin and nod over making him chuckle out, “Being paged, see you later.”
Lee chuckled to himself when he was out of earshot and murmured to you, “Peter does more than magic and so do you. Stars’ll line up, and I will bet you on that.”
You smirked at him, “And just what do you have on you to bet right now besides your dad’s borrowed tie?”
Deepening his grin, “Ouch, I may be penniless but I have my perks.” That had you giggling and shaking your head to his chuckles only to turn it seeing the first of the interviewers approaching the pair of you he noticed was not like the other actors in a steady loop around the room, more preferably stationary to encourage a more proper interview with a good writing surface. Of course with smiles to welcome each fully once they had tired of the others.
Pt 28
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea ​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm (Hobbit x oc)
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
X Lee P - @tigereyesf
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howtofightwrite · 5 years
Q&A: Constructed Languages
Random question: is there any languages that kinda look like elf languages, for example Welsh? Idk, I’m creating a new language for worldbuilding, and I thought.
That depends on your definition of “elf.”
Okay, so, we live in the aftermath of J.R.R. Tolkien’s rampage across fantasy literature. I don’t have much against Lord of the Rings, it’s very well written, and my reservations are more political. However, Lord of the Rings casts a very long shadow over the genre to the point that when you ask about elves, you’re probably asking about some variant of Tolkein’s elves.
Tolkein based his Elvish languages off of Finnish grammar, with elements pulled from other languages. Ironically, he did use Welsh, but it that was for the languages of Man.
So, is this right or wrong? It doesn’t matter. If you want to use Gaelic and say, “this is the language of the elves in my setting,” you’re not wrong. Just like if you wanted to use any other language that’s an option. You may wish to be a little sensitive when picking languages. Remember, these are real cultures and simply rebranding it can have some unfortunate connotations.
Stepping back from this for a second, Tolkien created his fantasy languages because that was his hobby. While it’s probably important to remember your fantasy characters aren’t speaking English (or whatever your native language is), your audience will be reading them in English.
Something really important happens here, if your character speaks both languages, they’ll be able to translate what the elves are saying. For that to be useful information for the audience, it needs to be restated in English. So, you can either write the same line twice, or skip the foreign language entirely.
In general, I’m not a fan of “Bilingual Bonuses,” unless the author is being clever about it. If you’re supposed to be going through the experiences of a character, either they know both languages, or they don’t. If they don’t, then as the audience, you shouldn’t have access to information they couldn’t use. Now, having said that, I’ll chalk this up to my aversion to metagaming in RPGs, so this isn’t the final word, but it is my bias on the subject.
When juggling alternate characters, you can get into situations where some are familiar with both languages, and others are not. It can be a little daunting to manage who can follow what parts of the conversation, and the dialog can become very messy, as characters bounce information back and forth, translating for one another. I wouldn’t, normally, recommend a scene like this, but it is an option.
Another option is to never provide a direct translation of what the elves are saying. So, instead of writing dialog you tell the audience what they’re talking about. I actually did this for a short back in college, where all of the dialog was described rather than written, and surprisingly, it kinda works. It feels weird after awhile, but if you’re using that to distinguish between two languages, it will keep them separate for the audience. It will also permanently separate your character from that language, and can allow you to articulate the experience of hitting a word or conjugation you don’t remember. Anyone who’s ever tried to use a foreign language they’re not fluent in, can relate.
Unless, like Tolkien, you’re really into the entire idea of creating your own language, this isn’t something I’d really recommend for world building. You probably want to have a grasp of how the language works, and if there are any weird omissions that tell you about that culture. However, actually sitting down and cooking up a full language is overkill unless you’re going to be using this for decades. You may want to create a few words or phrases that are left untranslated, but anything beyond that and you’re investing a lot of time into something you don’t need and probably won’t use.
Then again, I write up full setting bibles, so it’s not I’ve any room to judge what is, or is not, an efficient use of your time.
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Q&A: Constructed Languages was originally published on How to Fight Write.
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Being Comfy in Your Writer Skin
I recently used the phrase “comfy in your writer skin” in response to a post by @the960writers. Being comfy in your writing skin is extremely important in your career as a writer and it’s something that you learn over time. In a nutshell, I was trying to convey being comfy in your writing skin is an author who is secure about themselves and their writing. Someone who is confident and willing to work on their writing, learn, and improve rather than someone who is arrogant.
If you’re comfy in your writer skin you know your craft and know that your craft is in a constant state of improvement. Each book/story is a new learning experience with new problems and new techniques to tackle. If you know your craft, you know the general guidelines, and which ones you can break, and which ones that you need to stick to because no one likes that holy batman where is the back button. (Passive voice, I’m looking at you. Grammar, I’m looking at you. Decent formatting, I’m looking at you.)
And if you know your guidelines and rules, you most likely know your audience. You know what the readers of your type of books like to read. And you know that not every reader is going to be down with what you’ve written and that’s okay. You might not know how to find the readers you need and want, but you know they’re out there somewhere. (Marketing is a different skill.)
I know that I’m looking most likely for a female reader who loves science fiction and fantasy, is into fan fiction, enjoys comic books and action movies that revolve around the characters rather than aliens invading or being attacked by zombies. (This is by the way called upmarket book club style fiction.)
This means, you don’t talk down about readers in general. You don’t whine and moan about ‘where are they’ and concurrently do no marketing. If your books aren’t selling, you don’t moan about ‘maybe this isn’t for me.’ You, as an author, realize there are things that are simply out of your control. You can’t make readers read your story, click the AO3 link, buy your book. You can’t force them to write a review or leave likes and kudos. All you can do is put it out there, do as much marketing as you can afford, and pray it find the right person at the right time. It’s a lot of luck.
And yeah, there will be down days where you feel like you’re a hack and you want what you think every other author is getting. You don’t know what the other authors are actually getting in sales. You only see what you perceive what they’re getting as sales unless they’re broadcasting each one. (Some do. Most don’t.) So, your perception might be wrong!
It’s okay to feel down. As long as you don’t wallow and keep on writing. Because the only way to gain an audience is to keep going.
Because not everyone is going to like your work, you’re going to receive criticism. If you’re comfy in your writer skin, you’ll be able to parse out the good criticism from the bad. It may sting. But you aren’t going to throw a tantrum over it. There might be reader biases at play. Or, you may need to improve.
Writing is difficult work juggling a lot of different pieces like dialog, characterization, world building, tenses, description, plot structure, and giving people valid grievances (aka conflict and stakes.) And you’re trying to put these together to make the Eiffel Tower and sometimes you end up with the leaning tower of Jenga and that happens. That’s what editing is for! And if you publish your book too soon, there are people who are going to tell other readers “if you don’t like passive voice, this book isn’t for you.”  Etc. So on. So forth.
As a reader, passive voice and no compelling characters with conflicts within the first chapter are the most common issues I see when reading indie books. (Indie books aren’t fanfic. I’m not invested in these characters. I need to be invested quickly. I give five chapters. Many readers give less.)
If you’re comfy in your writer skin and you keep getting rejections or bad reviews of your books, you’re willing to google or go to youtube and do the research on why you might be getting rejections and bad reviews! It may not actually be your writing or writing style. It might be that your genre is dead on arrival to the publishing world. It might be that your story concept is overdone and the agent is tired of it. It might be that your book is simply not marketable as written. Agents are readers too. And the reasons agents stop reading your books are the same reasons why readers stop reading your books.
(Having written a dead on arrival genre and queried it, this is frustrating beyond all reason because they just won’t tell you that. No. It’s “This isn’t for me.” I’d rather have like 3 form letters. “This genre is dead on arrival.” “This book is too long.” And “this book is not for me.”)
I get ‘bad’ reviews. (I try not to read them really. That’s why I have a best friend writer bestie to read them for me and tell me the highlights.) I get criticism in ‘good’ reviews. (I also try not to read them.) These reviews aren’t for me, the author. They’re for other readers. I can’t/won’t change the book that is published when I can and am writing the next book! (It is very easy to get stuck in a perfectionist writer loop.)
If you’re comfy in your writer skin, you will sit down with traditionally published books and figure out their voice (always active,) and how they write blurbs, look at the composition of book covers, and analyze the plot structure, and why are these characters relatable. (There is a certain alchemy to this that takes practice.) While there’s no shame in asking questions if you can’t find the information on your own, being comfy in your writing skin means you go looking for it on your own first.
Because you want to know, you’re driving yourself to improve and are willing to put in the work without prompting. It is no one else’s job to teach you, unless you’re at Uni and they’re being paid to do so. Don’t expect anyone to teach you for free.
Read the first chapters/openings of your favorite books. Look for what they have in common. Emulate!
There are plenty of kind people out there that are willing to help and have written (often contradictory) guidelines. Find the guidelines that work for you. Those are your readers/agents. If you sit down with books you love and book covers you love and really look at them and analyze why you love them, you’re going to be two steps ahead of everyone else.
The same can be said of books you don’t like or genres you’re tired of. Why are you tired of it? What can be done to make you less tired of it? What do you want to see in that genre? Are you capable of writing it? And so on and so forth. (I wrote my werewolf urban fantasy style books as a response to everything I didn’t like about werewolves and what I was tired of seeing in published urban fantasy books. Petty, maybe. Fun. Yes.)
Things outside your control are going to constantly give you reasons to feel insecure about your writing. And the only way to beat those things out of your control internally is to learn your craft, know your audience, and continue to write. As well as having low expectations, there are thousands of stories I can read for free on AO3, so your book better be the most polished and stellar thing if you want me to read and more importantly to review it.
People simply do not have time/emotional energy to waste.
Being comfy in your writing skin, being secure as a writer takes time and exposure to the writing community at large (fanfiction or original, doesn’t really matter.) While you need to know what other people are doing, you can’t let it affect what you’re doing in the long run. (You read other people‘s fanfics to know the trends. Same in for books. How can you follow/buck/subvert the trends/tropes of your genre if you don’t know it to begin with?) And if you’re thinking, “This sounds a lot like self-awareness and psychoanalysis” then, you’re not entirely wrong.
Outside validation is nice and often very needed. However, it’s never going to be enough to make you feel secure. The only way you’ll feel secure and comfy is if have a solid foundation on the inside of knowing your craft and being willing to listen and learn.
Once you’re comfy in your writing skin, lots of things will become easier and open up for you. You’ll be able to work with editors and other writers. You won’t worry about credit or having control of every detail. You know what you do well and you’ll be able to focus on doing that rather than having to micromanage the entire process. Criticism, or other people with similar ideas won’t call for emotional investment because there’s enough room for everyone!
Okay, this has gotten long. I hope it helps someone. Happy writing!
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dbhtychou · 5 years
Keep Me Warm
This is theoretically part of the “Deviant City” universe, the true sequel to “Chicago”. I just wanted to experiment with a scene that had both the Chicago Connor and Detroit Connor in the same room, and see how it would work juggling two characters with the same name.
Extra heavy on the Hot Android side with this one.
Connor felt the soft body stir before Samantha sat herself up in bed. It was still the middle of the night: fully dark outside. She soundlessly walked out, but Connor didn't follow. Normally, she would be in the bathroom for a few moments and then come right back to bed. He would wait for her return. Usually it earned him a good snuggle before she dozed off again.
This time, after a trip to the bathroom, he heard Samantha wander off down the hall. Connor still remained where he was. Over a year of sharing the same spaces together, he knew she didn't need or even like him to constantly trail her. She'd come back to bed eventually.
Samantha wandered out to the main living area. She kept the lights off; she always did. Haunting the night like a silent specter. She wandered the open space trying to figure out why she felt so off. A little feverish maybe? A little shivery. Her stomach kinda hurt. It could be her medication. It had made her not feel well in the middle of the night before. She walked to the kitchen, the fridge spraying the area with light for a moment as she poured herself a glass of milk and drank, hoping that would set her right.
She went back to wandering when she heard the front door unlock. In came Connor. Not her bodyguard. Not the one that was probably still in bed. The Connor they met when they came to Detroit.  The other RK800 that had become just as much a part in her life as the Connor she had known from Chicago. When the two identical androids were together, their friends called them Connor D. (Detroit) and Connor C. (Chicago) to differentiate the two. Here at home, they were both just Connor to Samantha.
The Connor from Detroit was the stray cat of the family. He had a key to let himself in, but he came and went as he pleased at all hours. This wasn't the only place he considered home, but he was always welcome there.
“Hey,” Samantha greeted quietly, as if there were people still sleeping. “So great to see you.”
Connor's expression softened at the sight of her, the side of his mouth pulling up into a smile. She always looked happy to see him, her face brightened, no matter how little or how much time it had been since their last greeting. It always made him feel warm to bask in her presence. He was aware he was slowly becoming addicted.
“You are up late. In the dark,” Connor observed. The only source of light was the glow from the band on his jacket and his LED.
“Woke up feeling a little weird. Just walking it off.”
He looked concerned and she knew he was going to ask why she was in the dark alone. But the other RK800 was already walking up the hall toward them. He was a shadow in the night in dark sweats and a t-shirt, no LED. It had taken a lot of work on Samantha's part to get the Connor from Chicago to be comfortable in casual wear. If it were up to him, he'd wear a three-piece suit 24/7. But comfy clothes were better for snuggling in bed.
“You're still up,” said Connor in casual. He pressed his fingers to the side of her neck. “You feel a little warm.”
“I actually feel kind of chilly.”
Connor the detective took his turn to touch her forehead. “A few degrees higher than normal,” he confirmed.
Both RK800s were now were touching parts of her skin, commenting on her temperature. Samantha took it with quiet tolerance, eyes closed. Sometimes, when the identical models were too close, their thoughts too much alike, they went into mimic mode: copying dialog and gestures from each other. Lieutenant Anderson said it was like watching two Furbies talk to each other, and twice as creepy. The two androids were never quite aware when they were doing it.
In the middle of the feedback loop, Samantha's stomach churned. She walked away and back to the bathroom. The androids, immediately silenced, followed. They found her sitting on the side of the tub, shivering. She tried to smile when they came in, but wasn't entirely appreciative of them following her around.
“You guys can go hang out. I'm just letting my tummy settle, then I'll go back to sleep.”
The two RK800s looked at each other. They were having a conversation she couldn't hear, she was sure of it. The two talked like that all the time, not realizing it. They were too synced. Two systems from the same network that joined far too easily.
She was about to press again that they should go do something else when her stomach clenched. She threw herself down by the toilet, just managing to get her hair out of the way before she threw up. A few more heaves and she fell back against the tub, panting. When one of the androids reached for her, she brushed him away and forced herself up to the sink. After rinsing her mouth, she moved past them, announcing she was going back to bed. They heard her body flop onto the mattress in the dark bedroom across the hall. Then all was still.
I feel like she's mad, Connor D. said over their link.
She's not. But she likes to take care of herself. She doesn't like to be overly doted on or babied. Connor's LED flickered as his brow furrowed. Then...what should we do?
Connor C. looked at the bedroom doorway and then down the hall. Let's go out for a while. I think she'll like if we leave her alone.
Clearly, Connor D. didn't agree, but he followed the older RK800 down the hall and watched as he put on a pair of sneakers. When they left the house and Connor C. locked the door, Connor D. spoke aloud this time.
“You are sure we should leave her if she's not well?”
“I can tell when she gets to that point where she wants her own space.” Connor C. started down the pathway to the sidewalk. “We'll let her sleep for a while and come back at dawn. She'll probably be feeling better by then. And Samantha likes it when we spend time together.”
Connor D. looked at him with a brow raised.
“She thinks of the two of us as family. Brothers, I suppose.”
Connor D.'s mouth turned down slightly. He was still grasping this concept of family, but the Other Connor didn't feel like a family member to him. More like they were two parts of the same network; a hive mind, working independently, but ultimately as one.
Connor C. gave him a quirked smile. Let's just humor Samantha for now.
Dawn was peering over the horizon when the androids returned. Inside, they entered to the sound of retching down the hall. They found Samantha practically hugging the toilet as she continued to heave into the bowl.
“Sam?” Connor C. asked as she spat out the last of the bile.
With low coordination, she managed to flush and turned in their direction. There was no color to her face. “Okay, I think I'm sick,” she admitted with a dry throat.
The androids looked at each other. Hopefully she was done having her own space now and ready to accept some help.
Connor C. stooped to offer her a hand, but she waved it away.
“No, I'm going to stay here. I don't think I'm done with the barfing yet.”
If he still had his LED, it would have been flickering in the yellow. “Then what can I do?”
“Get me a blanket and some water please?”
He left with his task. Connor D. remained, carefully sitting on the bathroom floor beside her. She still knelt in front of the toilet, arms folded on the seat, waiting for another wave.
“That looks like it hurts,” he said sympathetically.
“Weirdly, there's a part of it that feels good. Your stomach hurts so bad, you would give anything to get rid of it. Then you have that one moment of relief when you've puked it all out. Tummy's okay again. But then it starts all over.”
A blanket dropped over her shoulders and Connor C. handed her a cold glass of water. She sipped it gingerly, then groaned when her stomach roiled again.
“What else can I do?” Connor asked, hovering.
“Nothing. I've got a stomach bug. There's nothing to be done but ride it out.”
He kept hovering. He touched her shoulders. “Just let me--”
“I don't need your help puking my guts out,” she cut him off with a cranky tone. “I just need to be left alone. Go do something else for a while.”
She motioned to Connor D. as well to get himself out of her bathroom and the RK800s grudgingly left. It was another twenty minutes of dry heaves and retching out the water she drank before Samantha decided it was safe enough to leave the toilet for a while. Directly outside the bathroom, an identical android sat on either side of the door.
“For the love of crap,” she grouched at them. “I promise, you two can go do something else. I'm just going to stay in bed--” She paused as she suddenly felt light-headed and her vision flickered black for just a second.
Both androids were on their feet as she swayed, catching her between them. For a moment, the three of them hung there. Two firm, strong bodies pressed against her, holding her up. Another time, if this happened when she wasn't so sick, something like this would have sent her heart racing, a healthy flush to her cheeks. Instead, she felt the thud of their thirium pumps. They were worried about her.
She let out a heavy sigh. “Please put me to bed. I'm going to rest.”
Happy to have a task, Connor C. picked her up as gently as he could and set her under he blankets. Samantha then told them both to leave her alone so she could sleep.
The disgruntled androids hovered in the hall, not at all satisfied with their situation.
She is not being very cooperative, Connor D. complained.
I know, his counterpart agreed with a frown. She's acting like she doesn't trust us to know what to do.
She's right. We really don't know anything about taking care of sick humans.
Connor C. looked thoughtful. What if we contacted someone who does? Who do we know that knows more about humans than anyone else?
The two androids thought hard about all the different individuals they knew.
There was a soft knock at the door. It was opened to reveal the blonde countenance of a PL600. He looked less than thrilled to be there.
“Alright, where's the patient?” Simon asked.
The two Connors pointed him down toward the bedroom, but were hesitant to follow him inside. Simon stepped in brazenly. The little human didn't hold the same sway over him.
She groaned and raised her head. “Oh my God. Did they call you?”
“I'm afraid so.”
“Don't you have more experience taking care of children?”
“In my experience, all humans are children when they're sick.”
She huffed at the implication as he walked over to her.
“Why did those two call you of all people?”
He smirked. “Because you and I both know they are idiots when it comes to things like this.” She snorted as he sat on the bed next to her. “But they're your idiots and they care about you very much. That's why I came.”
She sighed. “There's still nothing you can do.”
“There's some things I can do. First we're going to set you up on the couch. It will be harder to sleep tonight if you've been in the bed all day.”
With great effort, Samantha pulled herself out of bed, draping one of the blankets over her shoulders. She shuffled out and began to sway as she entered the hall. Simon was there, an arm around her shoulder to steady her.
“You've got it pretty bad.”
“I've never been this sick. I've only had it this morning and it's already knocked me out this much.”
The RK800s comically kept their distance as Simon set her up in the living room. They seemed afraid of earning the human's wrath after calling for reinforcements and waited for him to approach them after he was finished.
“So what can we do?” Connor C. asked.
“I have a whole list of things you can do. To start, one of you can clean the kitchen while the other goes out for groceries.”
Both Connors frowned at him.
“That's not what I meant.”
Simon raised a challenging brow. “You're saying you expect her to clean this house after she recovers? And when she's able to keep food down again, she should do her own shopping before she can eat? You two make terrible boyfriends.”
Connor C. looked offended. Connor D. was surprised. Yes, he was over all the time, her cared about her—about them both—a great deal. But...boyfriend? He wasn't like that to her...was he?
“I'll stay here and clean,” Connor C. said with a dark glare. Of course he would stay. Those bodyguard protocols wouldn't allow him to go too far when Samantha was vulnerable and weak. Even they were out walk earlier, thinking Samantha would be fine, the two RK800s just kept circling the block. “Connor will do the shopping.”
He didn't even have to ask Connor D. if he agreed to it. There were things the two RK800s just knew about each other through their shared network. Connor D. nodded to confirm.
Samantha woke from her dozing when she heard the front door shut. Connor D. walked past them, grocery bags in hand. At some time while she slept, he had removed his android jacket and tie. Only his pressed white shirt remained, the top buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to the elbows. It was a good look for him.
“Did you send him to the store?” she asked.
Simon was on the couch with her while she snoozed. He picked a movie and then allowed Samantha to set a pillow on his lap so they could both fit.
“Yes, I put them to work,” Simon said proudly. “To keep them out of both our hair.”
“Where's the other Connor?”
“He angrily cleaned the kitchen and now I can hear him angrily cleaning the bathroom.”
Even from the living room, they could hear Connor furiously scrubbing the tub down the hall. Samantha found it amusing. She had never seen Connor clean before. Her philosophy is if you make the mess, you clean it up. She was the one who used the bathroom and kitchen. She never expected someone else to clean up after her.
“Why is he so mad?”
“Probably because I'm here with you and he's cleaning.”
She snorted, but gently. Her head was pounding something fierce.
“You should let them help you,” Simon suggested.
“I don't like Connor treating me like I need his help and protection every minute of the day. He's got that stupid bodyguard program in him and it makes him too obsessed. I don't want his entire life to just evolve around me. I want him to be able to go out and make friends, do things on his own.”
“He can still have all that and take care of you while you're sick. You're obsessive, too. You have to stop trying to protect him from what you imagine is bad for him. Let him make his own decisions.”
She sighed.
“I'm going to let them take care of you,” Simon said as he eased himself from under her.
“Must you?” she whispered as she saw Connor D. lurking in the doorway.
“I will leave them with instructions. It will be fine,” Simon said. “Call me when you feel better.”
Samantha dozed for a minute, then Connor D. in his pressed shirt came in. He set down a tray table with saltines and ginger ale, informing her to eat a little at a time when she felt like she could hold something down. Samantha ignored it. She had never felt this sick in her life. Death was preferable to feeling like this.
Connor then tried to finagle himself into Simon's old spot. Samantha closed her eyes, praying for patience as he lifted her and then set her head in his lap. She didn't feel like being moved or touched, but she also didn't want to get cross with him. He was trying. Then, when her head was settled, he began running his fingers through her hair and she forgave everything. This was the only thing that felt good on this day of misery. She was soon fast asleep.
She woke up later to Connor still where he was, the TV still going. Connor C. was there now, too. Sitting on the floor, his back against the couch. He turned his head when she touched his hair.
“How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” she croaked.
He looked so lost. “How can I help you?”
She caressed his check. “My soft android.”
“You should try to eat something,” he responded sternly.
She sighed. He wasn't going to stop trying. And she loved him. More than anything else in the world. So she forced herself to sit up and nibble on some crackers. Soon after, she stumbled weakly to the bathroom and threw up again. She returned to the couch and pointedly turned her back on them and fell asleep.
Later that evening, she tried eating again under the androids' watchful eyes. This time, it stayed down, so she allowed them to warm some broth for her.
When when it was time for bed, the androids insisted she take a hot bath. Simon's orders, no doubt. Samantha didn't have the fight left in her and they took full advantage of her weakness. Standing in the pristinely cleaned bathroom, one RK helped her undress while the other ran the bathwater. She was so out of it, she wasn't even paying attention to which one was which. Sometimes, it seemed they were both just Connor.
Even though it was warm in the bathroom, she shivered violently when her skin was exposed. Her head still pounded. Android arms pulled her into a warm body. It felt nice, even though her whole body ached. And she knew both those silly androids would climb into the bath with her—fully clothed—if she let them. So she insisted she could get in herself.
The bath was deliciously hot and scared away all her tremors after a moment. She tried to shoo the androids away, but they didn't go far. Samantha closed her eyes for a while, and then opened them to find Connor D. sitting on the toilet lid reading a book. Connor C. sat like a silent guardian against the side of the tub. She ran her finger behind the shell of his ear and he looked her way.
“I'm sorry I am being difficult today,” she whispered.
“I'm difficult everyday, so I'll allow it,” he replied with gentle humor. Then he turned and dipped his fingers in the water. “It's cooling down, you should get out.”
She tried not to sigh at the newest order. “A little longer. I don't think I have it in me to get up yet.”
“You don't have to do anything. We'll do it for you.” He promptly pulled the plug and she shivered as the water receded.
“Just put in more hot water.”
“You need to get dry and go to bed. Being wet for too long is not healthy.”
She didn't say anything. Samantha decided to give them this. She could practically see the two RK800s go into Tandem Mode. Connor D. was the one to step up and brazenly lift her nude body out of the water.
“You're getting yourself soaked,” she pointed out.
“It's fine,” he assured her. “Clothes dry.”
Connor C. wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bedroom where she was placed on the bed and quickly dried. As she began to shiver again, Connor D. returned with a large, plush sweater.
“I put this in the dryer for you,” he announced proudly.
“That's my sweater,” Connor C. protested.
Trust me, Connor D. transmitted as he tugged the overly-large material over her head.
Samantha instantly snuggled into it. “It's like a warm, fluffy cloud,” she crooned. It was the best mood they had seen from her all day. She stayed in sweeter spirits as they dressed her in warm socks and plush sleep pants. Connor C. had to concede that it had been a good idea.
She was promptly put to bed, the lights turned out. It was a bit before her bedtime, but Samantha was ready to go. Still dressed in the T-shirt and sweats from the night before, Connor C. slid under the covers with her. There was finality in his actions. He would abide no discussion on this. Samantha had no argument left. She was silently quite satisfied with cuddling up to his warm body for the night.
Behind her, the second body slipped under the covers. His shirt and pants were missing.
“My clothes were wet,” Connor D. said at her questioning look. “Is that alright? I can put something on.”
“You do what makes you comfortable,” she replied. Something she had told their stray cat of an android many a time. He was allowed to be a part of their lives in whichever way suited him best.
In the dark, the two bodies caged her in, limbs draped all around her. Samantha was too exhausted and out of it to really process it all. But it was comfortable and warm. Her head still hurt, but she managed to drift off.
In the middle of the night she awoke, hot and sweating. The two androids were practically smothering her and she squirmed between them with a whine. When they figured out what she was trying to do, there were helping hands removing the sweater and pants.
“Won't you be cold?” one of the androids asked.
“Keep me warm,” she murmured, snuggling in.
She was already dozing off again as she felt hands check the temperature of her face and neck. Then the two forms settled in around her once again. She sighed, skin to skin was always better. Even more than fuzzy boyfriend sweaters. She fell asleep to the gentle thrumming of two RK800 thirium pumps pressed against her.
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gamex2020 · 4 years
Saturn Games
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12 Sega Saturn Games All Gamers Should Play
After the 16-bit console war between Sega and Nintendo, Sega started to noticeably lag behind. However, just because consoles like the Saturn and the Dreamcast weren’t extremely successful in sales doesn’t mean their library was lacking in awesome and weird genre-bending titles.
Not every franchise got to “graduate” from the fifth-generation of consoles, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fantastic. Modern gamers might not know much about these, but these are truly memorable Games From Sega’s console-exclusive heyday. Get your hands on these games however you can; they’re really unique experiences on a very distinctive console.
Guardian Heroes
Before Castle Crashers showed off how fun a beat-em-up can be with RPG mechanics and simple combos, there was Guardian Heroes. This game was well-received when it originally came out on the Saturn, but now, it’s largely forgotten. The series has a spinoff on the GBA and a port to Xbox 360/Xbox One, but other than that, there’s been no word of a sequel or revival–not even a rumor.
The game controls like a fighting game with juggle combos, aerials, special moves, and a mana bar. There are only six characters playable in the story mode (two unlockable), but there are fun multiplayer versus modes to mess around with. After defeating a character in the story mode, they’re unlocked for use in multiplayer, and the combos can get pretty crazy with six concurrent players.
Dragon Force
Dragon Force is from an era where “RTS/Tactics RPG” wasn’t that unique of a genre. Nowadays, we have Fire Emblem, but Dragon Force was smack-dab in the middle of a golden age of Langrisser, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy Tactics, and many other SRPG hits.
Something that sets Dragon Force apart from its peers is that it focuses on large-scale battles instead of small-scale ones. The fights aren’t duels like in Fire Emblem; generals can collide with 100 troops on each side, duking it out in skirmishes. Time passes in “weeks,” which lets the plot advance while you make out-of-battle decisions.
The game sold well at the time, but its sequel (also on the Saturn) never left Japan. No one spoke much about this game after the Sega Saturn kicked the bucket, which is a real shame; Dragon Force is a true diamond in the rough.
Action platformers were falling out of vogue by the time the Sega Saturn hit the stores. Astal, however, came out early in the system’s lifespan, and was still able to capitalize on the craze. The titular character Astal can grab and throw objects or enemies. He can also slam the ground and blow big gusts of air. On top of that, he has a super meter that commands his bird companion to bounce around, knocking out all enemies on screen.
This is a fun asymmetric co-op game, too. The second player plays as Astal’s bird companion, instead of just a palette-swapped version of Astal. The bird has his own unique set of attacks, making this game worth checking out with a friend.
Astal is short, but has challenging gameplay backed up by a unique hand-drawn aesthetic. Many indie games nowadays use hand-drawn graphics as a selling point, but it was really rare during the fifth console generation. The main character has had cameos in other Sega games since, but there’s no word of a sequel, revival, or crossover with another franchise.
Mr. Bones
At its core, Mr. Bones is an action platformer about a reanimated skeleton that can lose and regain limbs instead of using health or lives. That’s not totally accurate, though; certain levels were based on non-platforming genres, with rhythm game elements, Breakout-style gameplay, or perspective changes. It’s more like Lawnmower Man on the SNES rather than Castlevania.
The first run-through of the game is extremely silly and fun, especially going in blind. Getting used to the “skeletism” meter to replace the traditional health meter takes some getting used to, but it creates a fun sub-game of trying to hang onto all your bones. It really sucks not having your legs and being unable to jump in a platformer. Mega Man wouldn’t be as fun if he had to climb on the ground with his arms–but that’s part of what makes Mr. Bones so hilarious.
Mr. Bones had a very polarized reception, with some critics praising how much variety there was in gameplay while some others would have just preferred a normal platformer. This isn’t the greatest platformer of all time, but sometimes it’s just worth playing a game where the developers threw caution to the wind and put in every single gameplay function they felt like.
Before Hideo Kojima made Metal Gear Solid, he was making story-focused adventure games for a variety of platforms. After finishing the cult cyberpunk game Snatcher, he set to work on Policenauts, a sci-fi story about astronauts that are also law enforcement officials. It came to the PlayStation, the PC-9821, the 3DO, and of course, the Saturn.
Policenauts is like a cross between a point-and-click adventure game and a visual novel. It’s interactive, and requires the player to be a good detective and figure out the right dialog options to select and the right items to interact with. The Saturn version is also considered superior to other ports because it has first-person light gun segments not seen elsewhere.
There is an unofficial translation patch available for the Saturn, which uses dialog from an earlier fan translation for the PlayStation. If you want to see where Kojima honed his writing chops, play Policenauts. You’ll be the cool person that’s already played it once it gets an HD remaster.
Note that this came was never released in the U.S. and can only be played on Japanese Sega Saturn Consoles!
Princess Crown
Do you like classic beat-em-ups? How about collectible armor and items? Do you like a cutesy anime style backed up by serious gameplay? What about classic RPG enemies and locations with high-quality pixel art? If you answered yes to any of these, pick up Princess Crown.
Princess Crown is the brainchild of Capcom veteran George Kamitani. Because it was released near the end of the Saturn’s lifespan, it was a commercial failure, which led to Kamitani getting blacklisted in the games industry. He later went on to found Vanillaware, which re-established him as a developer.
Princess Crown’s core gameplay went on to spawn many spiritual successors, such as Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and Dragon’s Crown, all made by Kamitani. It’s great for the industry to have specialists like him.
Note that this came was never released in the U.S. and can only be played on Japanese Sega Saturn Consoles!
Mystaria: The Realms of Lore/Blazing Heroes
If you’re a fan of classic grid-based tactics RPGs, give Mystaria a try. The graphical limitations of the Saturn give it a unique, blocky, and vibrant aesthetic. There’s twelve special characters for you to get, and the story changes depending on who you want to recruit first. The story is not that complex, but being non-linear is a huge plus for keeping gamers engaged.
The menu system for navigating combat is cumbersome at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s fluid and fast. Plus, there’s a first-person camera mode, which is novel and weird. Try to play it in that mode, because you can’t get that in many other tactics RPGs.
Take a look at Mystaria if you feel like seeing what was once considered “next generation.” The game might seem archaic or underdeveloped now, but when it was released, Mystaria heralded what RPGs were going to look like, with 3D spells and effects backed up by camera changes to create cinematic fights.
Mystaria was released in North America as Blaze Heroes; they are the same game!
Crusader: No Remorse
There aren’t many games by Western developers on this list, but Crusader: No Remorse has definitely earned its entry. It uses pre-rendered graphics with an isometric perspective, much like the original Fallout or Diablo games. The gameplay, however, focuses on shooting, action, and interactable environments rather than RPG mechanics.
The environment destruction and playability is really where this game shines. There are alarm switches, non-combatants, puzzles, and a perspective that supports tactical gameplay rather than run-and-gun shooting. Most of the objects you see can either be destroyed or turned on your enemies in creative ways. If there’s a trap set for you, you can set it for somebody else.
There’s a sequel titled Crusader: No Regret, but it is only on MS-DOS. The first Crusader is actually recognized as an inspiration to the Fallout team. If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic Western games, No Remorse is worth playing alone just for its contribution to the genre.
Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka
Die Hard Arcade isn’t extremely faithful to the movie it’s based on, but the liberties it takes are genius. To start with, it’s a beat ‘em up that focuses on fighting game-style combos and improvised weapons. It also uses texture mapping that gives it a realistic feel, not unlike the sports games of the era.
Beat ‘em ups were falling out of favor at the time (much like tournament fighters and 2D platformers), but Die Hard Arcade kept things fresh. It’s got classic mainstays of the genre, like end-level bosses and two-player co-op, and the game brings with it a simple 3D setting and a boatload of attack options.
It’s short, but you’ll be happy to play it again and again, using new weapons and trying new combos. It’s really hard to beat crime bosses on the head with a broomstick. (Plus, Dynamite Cop on the Dreamcast is a great sequel, even though the setting is obviously different.)
Last Bronx
Last Bronx is, in many ways, a distinctly Japanese game. The setting is an alternate-future Tokyo where gangs and criminals rule. It’s a 3D fighting game that plays a lot like Virtua Fighter, but without ringouts. All of the characters and locations are unmistakably Japanese, with little room for the “worldwide fighting” variety the genre usually features.
Even though gamers in North America didn’t give the game too much attention, it was an instant classic in Japan. Casual gamers loved the variety of modes, the weapon-based gameplay, and the fluid animation. The graphics are better on the arcade, but the Saturn version is no slouch.
If you end up liking the game, there’s comics, a novel, radio dramas, and even movies to go along with it. Don’t bother watching the movie if you’re not a fan of the game, though…it’s pretty rough.
Magic Carpet
Peter Molyneux is popular these days for two things: over-promising on series like Fable, and getting mistaken for Stefan Molyneux. In his heyday, he was the king of making solid games with innovative aspects, like Black and White. Even before that, though, he worked on Bullfrog’s Magic Carpet.
The title describes it pretty perfectly. It’s a 3D flying game where you control–you guessed it–a magic carpet. The goal is to destroy monsters, collect their magic mana, and use it to build up a castle in each level.
The game is subtle, smooth, and some pretty simple fun. It’s great for zoning out with the lights off, flying around in the early-polygonal 3D environments and enjoying the sprites and spells. It probably won’t end up being your new favorite game of all time, but it’s a unique experience for the Saturn.
Theme Park
No one needs to be told that Roller Coaster Tycoon is a great series, and they’re undoubtedly some of the greatest games of all time. Before there was RCT, there was a game simply titled Theme Park, developed by Peter Molyneux and his crew at Bullfrog Productions.
The gameplay is self-explanatory for anyone familiar with the sim genre. Set up your rides and manage the logistics of the park. Try your best to keep it clean, keep it profitable, and most importantly, keep yourself from getting addicted. There are some elements in this game that aren’t seen often in other sim games, like managing the park’s financial stocks and negotiating business deals. Once you’ve made enough money on one park, you can auction it off and make another on a new plot of land.
Theme Park saw high critical acclaim upon release. Even though there were plenty of sim games sprouting during the fifth generation, Theme Park had a playful aesthetic and wasn’t as serious as Sim City or other competitors. Like many other sim games, it was developed with PC gaming in mind, but the console ports (including the Saturn) are just as smooth.
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mintchocolatemoose · 6 years
Actually, as long as I’m talking about games, time for a ramble
The project that sent me into ventposting territory yesterday is another voltron game that I’ve been beating my head against for like a month? Basically, an urban fantasy au with a switching pov that uncovers a couple of mysteries, with different plots you can explore based on your choices. Allura lives, Lotor gets a redemption arc, the team actually comes off as friends that support each other. Maybe it doesn’t have QUITE the appeal that a canonverse story would, but it’s adopted from a fic that I tried to write a bit before the desert keith game swooped in and monopolized my time/energy.
But an entire month in I’m realizing... the program I used on Desert Keith is REALLY ill-suited for the game I’m trying to make. IF is good for mysteries, but NOT dialogue and large groups of people. There was definitely an ooc reason Keith didn’t talk to anyone besides wildlife. In the program I was using before, the player gets to type in anything they want, and then I had to wrangle 20 variations of "Ask Keith _" "Ask Keith about _" "Keith, _?" or just "__?" into a way the program would understand, knowing that SOMEONE is going to come up with a weird way to say it and confuse the program despite my best attempts
And then, because they can ask anything, that means I need a response for anything. So there's a dozen lines of: 
If they ask about wolves/wolf/werewolf/werewolves/pack/transformation/full moon/new moon/moon cycle/moon, say "Idk man, I'm definitely not a werewolf so I can't tell you" 
If they ask about your tragic backstory/past/history/family/story/childhood/mom/dad/mother/father/parent/parents, say "I have amnesia, fuck off" 
If they ask about music/song/songs/favorite song/bop/banger, say "How is this relevant, why do yall care to know. Leave me in peace"
It's so many variables and so many options and SOMEONE is going to be a smartass anyway and talk to a character about 2014 meme culture or something that OFC I didn't think of 
After typing that out, I realize I have a lot of aggression against the entire concept.
So! As much as I actually liked writing IF games for literally anything else, it’s terrible for a story where warm, pre-scripted conversations give people the warm fuzzies. Plus, because it dumps all the text it has every turn, allowing a conversation to unfold isn’t an option, because people’s eyes will glaze over if they see 20 paragraphs of conversation they have to scroll back up through. Plus, with diverging storylines, I’d need to juggle a lot of variables, so a character doesn’t mention an event that didn’t happen bc of the player’s choices.
Allura: So how about that death we witnessed, huh? You know, when Ulaz died to save us? Shiro: what??? Ulaz, standing right next to them: what?!?!
Anyway, a new kind of game, that’s better suited to a dialog heavy story with a big cast and diverging plotlines? Plus, a little more familiar to our generation?
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Visual novel seems like the ticket, and I’ve figured out how to embed it in a webpage already, so no download needed on this one either. The language isn’t something I’m really familiar with, but I didn’t know how to write IF when I started desert Keith either, so I think I could pick it up really quickly.
Three downsides tho: 
1) Less chance for me to write out atmosphere. What’s even the point of me writing if I can’t spend 3 paragraphs talking about how the weather makes people feel? (actually, this may be a pro)
2) Lots of images will make it a much heavier burden on people’s internet speed and available memory, and limit how much they can use it on mobile. I was able to have several different tabs of the keith game open on mobile without slowing down my very cheap and very old phone. Even someone on desktop may have to wait for a VN to load.
3)I can’t fucking draw
Like, at all. 
So that leaves me with either
A) Learning to draw??? yeah, I’ll get right on that
B) Photoshop, screenshots and stock images. It’s a passible idea, although I’ll have difficulty finding shots I need? Plus, means I probably have to cut the alien characters out? Lotor and Allura could be shopped to look human, but Kolivan and Sendak not as much
C) Going on character creation websites and getting as close as I can? Easy to humanize the aliens, hard to get any sort of personality into the characters. Plus, forces everyone into the same kind of skinny anime twink body type? Valid for like Keith and Lance, not so much for Hunk or Shiro
D) Having an actual artist draw everything. I’ve had two very talented girls who volunteered, but I do feel bad asking for a huge commitment from very busy artists who I definitely can’t pay for their time and skill. 
The other game in the works is a small and simple (we’ll see if that lasts) game about Shiro as a companion piece to the Keith one
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hydrus · 6 years
Version 316
os x
I had an excellent week. I was able to cleanly 'do' the big gallery overhaul, resulting in many changes. This is an important release for anyone who does a lot of downloading.
gallery update
So, the meat of the gallery overhaul is complete! Where available, subscriptions, the gallery downloader, and the url downloader will now use the new parsing system to parse 'thumbnail pages'. The new pipeline has numerous improvements behind-the-scenes and is another important step in allowing users to create and share their own downloaders for new sites.
I won't go into all the details here, but anyone who has poked around the new parsing system's advanced dialogs will now see that gallery pages are now featured.
The important change for most users is that the main gallery downloader page is now a 'multi-gallery' page. It looks much like the multi-watcher for thread-watching, where the one page manages multiple queues simultaneously. Gallery download pages now list every query you enter separately and work on them simultaneously, reducing overall ui load significantly and making it much easier to pause one query without affecting others, spot queries that return 0 results, avoid big chokes and delays caused by larger queues, and manage the results you finally get as different pools. The old single-download page can no longer be created--your existing gallery pages will be updated to multi-pages on update (your existing queues will survive as generic 'updated from' entries, but everything will start paused, so you'll want to go through them, verify it all looks good, and then unpause when you are ready).
And like the multi-watcher, gallery pages can have a 'highlighted query'. Double-clicking on a list entry will show its current thumbnails in the media panel and show its full details in a panel below the main list. This new panel is very similar to the old gallery page's ui and lets you see downloads as they happen and inspect the file import queue and gallery log and so on in more detail.
Gallery download pages are now also downloader-agnostic. You open them just as 'gallery' from the F9 new page popup (there's also a new shortcut for them, under the 'main_gui' set), and they have a new 'gallery selector' button that lets you change the source for the next queries you enter. The gallery selector means that one gallery page can handle queries for multiple sites simultaneously! This new button will always default as 'deviant art' for now, but when I do the last stage of this downloader overhaul--the 'searcher' step--I will be able to add some reasonable 'favourite' options here.
Subscriptions can also use the new gallery parser, and they have the neater 'gallery selector' as well. You shouldn't notice any difference with how they operate--they should just run as before. But after some thought, I have reduced subscriptions' maximum 'first time' and 'regular' file limits to 1000 and written some help on the edit panel to explain this change. tl;dr is: use download pages to do big one-time syncs, use subs to keep up with new stuff. If this 1000 change affects you, please check out the help and feel free to ask me about it.
URL downloader pages also support parsable gallery urls. They only do the single page you add (i.e. they don't start a whole new multi-page search, but this capability will come), but they'll suck up any drag and drop for any working parser. For this week, I've written gallery parsers for danbooru, gelbooru (0.2.0 and 0.2.5), and e621 to get us started. Like with 'file pages', I will roll out more gallery parsers over the coming weeks until all default downloaders are using the new system.
A lot has changed. I have done a whole bunch of testing here and I am overall happy with it, but if you encounter problems with an unusual query or site or anything else, please let me know. If you are the sort of user with 200k items waiting to download in your current session, I strongly recommend you ensure you have a good backup before you update. This multi-gallery page also makes it easier than ever to create a session with lots and lots of files, but I will reiterate that the client tends to get laggy at 50k+ items, so take it easy and make a schedule for big stuff if you can!
There is a little more work to do here to support some unusual situations like tumblr, but the big hump of the downloader overhaul is now done. The 'searcher' change will be much simpler (it is basically just converting samus_aran -> http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=samus_aran and some ui to manage it) and then it'll just be ui cleanup and figuring out an easy-mode share object, and redoing some help, and then we can talk about what we want out of a login manager (including whether it should be put off for something else).
The multi-watcher also has a new 'highlight' panel just below its list. In a similar way, it has similar ui to the old single-page watcher and lets you inspect the file list and gallery (thread) log. Single watcher pages are removed this week, so all existing single watchers will be updated to multi-watchers. A variety of related single-watcher 'page naming' options and so on are also removed. Rather than be redundantly complicated, hydrus now just has 'url downloader', 'watcher', 'gallery', and 'simple downloader'.
full list
gallery url classes can now be linked to parsers!
if parsers are linked, gallery pagewalk can now work on the new parsing system. gallery import pipeline has been significantly updated to reflect this
gallery import objects are now 'multiple' gallery imports, much like the multi-watcher, with each separate query having its own entry in a list (they also run in parallel!)
the multi-gallery list will show file/gallery pause status in slender columns, and will show a 'stop' character when gallery parsing is done
wrote a 'gallery selector' button and added it to the new multi-gallery page, so you can spawn queries for ~different sites~ on the same import page! it always defaults to 'deviant art' for now, but when the next 'searcher' overhaul step is done, this will be customisable
the new page selector and related 'pages' menu is now simpler--with the new selector, you just select 'gallery'
added 'new_gallery_downloader_page' shortcut action to the 'main gui' set to allow quick opening of this new page type
wrote a 'gallery import panel', which reviews a single gallery import stream, and added it to the multi-gallery page to show the current highlighted query
as all gallery imports now run in parallel and work on the new system, the now almost-useless 'cancel' gallery pagewalk button is now removed
with the wider availability of the new gallery log for file count and error reports, shifted around and smoothed out some gallery status text presentation
improved the auto url_class->parser linking 'try to fill in gaps' logic to work with gallery urls (this was surprisingly complicated)
fixed a misc stupid waste of time in auto url_class->parser linking
many misc updates to gallery pipeline
wrote a new gallery pagewalk pipeline for subscriptions, which still does oldest-to-newest url addition and obeys file limits and so on
numerous subscription pipeline and error handling tweaks and improvements, particularly in regards to the new code
subscriptions now have max initial and periodic file limits of 1000. existing subs with >1000 or infinite will be cut to 1000. there is a help button on the edit sub panel to explain why you should do large syncs with the manual downloader and not subs
the ugly and dangerous-if-you-scroll-in-the-wrong-place gallery selector mismash control in the edit subscription panel is now replaced with the new gallery selector button
fixed an issue where the edit subs panels could sometimes say '48 years ago' (i.e. displaying a literal time delta since 0, 1970) on initial timestamps
juggled some 'periodic limit' reporting logic to skip an unusual false positive that affect hentai foundry subs for now and more in future
the url downloader now accepts gallery urls and will receive drag-and-dropped gallery urls. at the moment, it only parses the one page (i.e. it doesn't start a new 'searching' pagewalk) and sends the parsed links to its file queue
finished 'watcher panel', which reviews a watcher, and added it to the multi-watcher page to show the current highlighted watcher
the single watcher page is completely removed--it is only the multiple watcher now. all singles will be converted to multiples on update
some single-watcher options (like watchers naming their own page tabs and the [404]-style page name prefixes) are removed
multiple watcher panel now lists file/checking pause status and has separate buttons to control these paused statuses
fixed some misc watcher highlight code--highlighted watchers should correctly publish to the page from the start of session load now
improved some 'repage' logic in how highlighted threads get removed
discovered a scroll-setup parameter that stops janky scroll-to-click-focus behaviour on all the new scrolling panels, thank the LORD
improved some 'can't parse' error handling for post url parsing
reworked how all importers present their network jobs to the ui, including fast response if the switch happens during a job
in prep for searcher switchover where all downloader sources will be harmonised into one system, booru identifiers now present in several ui locations as 'name', not 'booru: name'
updated the danbooru parser to deal with the new 'next page' markup they use
wrote a gelbooru gallery parser that works with 0.2.0 and 0.2.5 gelb sites--an ancillary issue where gelb-related downloaders could sometimes not accurately figure out the magic '42' next-page offset is hence now fixed
wrote an e621 gallery page parser
these sites hence now support single-page gallery drag-and-drop
added url classes for artstation gallery url and its api counterpart, but didn't go further yet--we aren't quite there with api pagewalking just yet
updated deviant art gallery url classes
added an e621 'search initialisation' gallery url class to improve some future drag-and-drop stuff
url normalisation no longer cuts off 'www.'-style prefixes
url comparison is more careful to test 'www.'-style prefixes, so a file import cache should recognise that 'http://www.blah.com/blah' is the same as 'https://blah.com/blah'
did a bunch of refactoring to further split up the bloated ClientImporting.py
fixed some misc downloader layout that may have been hiding some texts previously
some multi-watcher and multi-gallery events like add/pause query should be a bit snappier
in the parsing ui, url and title priorities are now 50 by default
prepped a little subscription unit test code for when searcher object is done
misc downloader layout improvements
misc listctrl refactoring
next week
A lot of stuff I overconfidently said "I will check this this week" about has been left in the dust of this unexpectedly large job. I want to spend a week focusing on this smaller stuff and catch up back to regular schedule.
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metalgearkong · 6 years
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - Review (PS4)
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Developed by Level-5 / Bandai Namco Entertainment
Throughout the generations in gaming, the traditional turn-based JRPG has either all but disappeared, or doesn’t see wide releases on consoles as big tent pole products. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (2013) was a diamond in the rough in terms of traditional JRPGs among a sea of the now more popular action-RPG, or outright action games with RPG elements tacked in. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (released 3/23/18) is the long awaited sequel to that first game. While the charming cel-shaded aesthetics, incredible score by Joe Hashishni, and sprawling old school RPG feel and mechanics have returned for this sequel, Ni no Kuni II isn’t quite as good of a final product, suffering from story and balancing issues, but remains a commendable game that JRPG lovers should still play. 
Surprisingly, Ni no Kuni II has virtually nothing to do with the story of the first Ni no Kuni. The game claims to take place long after the events of Oliver & company rescuing the great sage to resurrect his mother, but nearly nothing ties this game to the last. Sure, Ding Dong Dell and other locations may be present, but no affects of the events prior affect anything here. We initially play as Roland, a president of an unspecified country who is whisked away to this other world just as an enormous explosion demolishes a city. Roland finds himself transported to a castle while a rebellion has been sparked, and the king has been killed. Roland teams up with the price named Evan, and the two escape and decide to establish a new kingdom of their own. Much of the game is about building your kingdom, constantly upgrading it, and uniting the surrounding nations under one banner.
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On the plus side, Ni no Kuni II is absolutely packed with content and stuff to do--to the level of being overwhelming. This is a highly ambitious game that will take dozens upon dozens of hours to finish the story, and achieve all the optional material if desired. Every step of the way, the game is alive with a brilliant musical score and cartoon-like visuals everywhere you go. This game’s audio/visual presentation is absolutely off the charts, a feast for the eyes and ears throughout. Although I wish there was a lot more actual voice portrayal during dialog (especially during key or emotional moments), this is the only hazy aspect of an otherwise deliciously looking and sounding game.
The other best aspects of the game are its combat mechanics. Unlike the first Ni no Kuni, this game doesn’t emphasize the use of captured creatures, which we turn into loyal Familiars. I used to describe the first game as A Hayo Miyazaki game with Pokemon combat. Here, Familiars are totally done away with, and the characters do most of the fighting themselves. Combat plays out much like a hack n’ slash game, with a strong and quick attack button, as well as ranged abilities, magic, and special abilities. The game runs at 60fps which adds to the smoothness of any encounter. Hacking at enemies in free form live combat is as fun as a game from an action genre. Spells can be put in quick slots, and upgraded over time. As new equipment is found, it can be used, as some elemental attacks are better on different kinds of enemies.
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I did find Ni no Kuni II overall to be easier than the first game. Ironic, as I found Ni no Kuni 1 to be a little too challenging, even for a life long gamer. It looks like Level-5 overcompensated a bit, and swung to far the other way. My party never died during combat, or big boss fights. Where the challenge does lye is in the optional “corrupted” enemies which can be approached on the world map and fought. These enemies are usually much higher level than your party, and have to be approached later down the road when you are much more powerful. Otherwise, the combat is flashy, but not as engaging as the first game. Aside from exploring other nations, fighting enemies, and collecting new items & weapons, a large portion of time is spent recruiting citizens to your kingdom, assigning them jobs, upgrading facilities, and juggling the well being of the entire kingdom. This is a big aspect of the game, but something I think bogs down the pacing and story, as if feels more like tedium rather than integral to the core story.
If the game didn’t have enough to do already, we also have to defend out kingdom from attacking tribes and clans by utilizing factions we’ve recruited. This leads to a simple RTS-style mode where we bash our forced through enemy forces. Certainly some strategy has to be used, but I felt it was more about what level you were, more so than battle tactics. This entire mode feels like the hay that tips the scale into being too much. These were my least favorite aspects of Ni no Kuni II and I dreaded having to level up my RTS factions and do rock-paper-scissors style battles. 
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But this game’s biggest failing is its lack of attention on a good story and character development--something the RPG genre has been iconic for. We learn nothing special about Roland back in his real life, and he seems to have little concern for being in this fairy tale new world. No one is very developed outside of their initial personalities. No one is outright bad, but no one is developed beyond major archetypes. I can recall literally one significant moment where we get some insight into Roland’s character, and its found in an off the trail side quest which is entirely possible to miss. Ni no Kuni II is ambitious and beautiful, but it doesn’t have some core qualities key to this genre and franchise. If the auxillery tasks and game types were dropped in favor on focusing on the main story, that would have made for a better finished product. As it stands, I still enjoyed my journey with this game and do recommend it to those who enjoyed the first.
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