#disintegrated thru my fingers
boba-beom · 5 months
what do you mean taehyun’s gonna do a collab stage and the song is rewrite the stars. AND NO LIVESTREAM. it’s one of those ‘you just have to be there’ moments
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#sometimes i feel like my brain is disintegrating in my head. coming apart like a lump of paper in a pool of water#it comes with this weird feeling of vertigo. like i turn my head and my thoughts are spinning too fast. they keep going despite my standing#still. its also a but when you start drinking something and when u stop your thoughts r hazy and ur breathing is heavy#maybe thats not a universal experience. sometimes when i stop i realize ive slipped half out of my body#and now im stumbling from day to day trying desperately to remember all the things im supposed to be managing#but there are these big holes in my brain. like im missing chunks of grey matter. the bits that would let me stop and start things#i dunno. when im taking measurements i have this image of myself on my knees holding the fragrance pieces of my life together as they#crumble thru my fingers and my insides shrivle away from the walls that contain them. i go hollow like a gord#and ppl say oh ur so passionate abt what u do. and i go brittle bc it doesnt feel like passion it feels like the symptom of an illness#i dont care. im just trying to burn the hours away. make time vanish. and for what? what am i building toward? i have an answer that i give#interviewers but i dunno i never thought id make it this far. but here we r. unhappy and lacking in purpose. its just that this last year#was so weird bc about a year ago i burned out so hard that i never recovered and it just got worse and worse. i feel now that ive stopped#the bleeding at least but the bitterness is still there. still infecting my words and curving my spine around the injury#and in theory i understand the path to healing but its hard when im just so. i dont even kno. angry? im not mad but the word feels right#but i dunno what id be angry about. maybe im just sick of empty tasks and not caring. i used to have passion and enthusiasm now i just feel#fragile and hurt. bracing for pain. and that makes me so sad. i wish i could go out into the woods and wander. just breathe#but no. instead ill start another day identical to 100 others and hope to keep my head above the surface bc im sick of swallowing sea water#anyway. itll b fine. hopefully this week i can commit to a program. hopefully. another program halfway across the country. this time#vertically. landing me still 2 time zones from home. but hopefully there i can breathe a little. maybe. hopefully. well see#unrelated
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shrikeicee · 2 years
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oc guys !!!! i have new lore for both of them !
so rocky used to be a bandit with his partner in crime, marceline. well one day a train heist went Horribly Wrong, and rocky got shot off the train. he fell under the wheels and fucking died! so marceline was obviously like WHAT THE FUCK so she contacted some kind of god somehow idk ill get to that later and rocky was brought back!!!! except Very Wrong. so now hes the void guy youve all seen! he cant talk anymore, he can only parrot back what other people have said to him in a voice that give everyone an EXTREME uncanny valley sense, so he usually stays quiet. i drew him pre voidification cause i like his face. rocky is his nickname, he doesnt remember his real one. he got it cause this cunt climbs anything he can dig his grubby little fingers into. like u look away for like 2 minutes and surprise! hes on ur roof. if hes bored enough he’ll crawl under ur deck too
ive redone mr satellites story a little. so hes a bounty hunter, kind of set in the star wars universe??? idk. so before the whole bounty hunter thing he was a cargo pilot, he and his ship got sucked into a black hole but he lived! somehow!! and now his molecules are unstable!!!! basically he can pull a reaper overwatch and kind of Disintegrate, move his atoms around, and reform wherever. he uses this to get into weird spaces, thru doors n vents and all that. idk how he got into bounty hunting yet im workin on that. satellite hasnt like . talked to other human beings in a hot while so hes a little, how you say. batshit.
rockys voiceclaim is this song(Marceline by Vista Kicks) and satellites is this one(Typical Me by Kroh)
edit: my commissions r open
Rocky: Now it’s time for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Satellite: *loud, incomprehensible scream*
Rocky: Look, I’m not sure where to go with that.
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kosi-annec · 1 year
[BNHA] Season 4 episode 5
Bruh wtf?? The hell is this attack of titan shit lmao?? But damn they really amped up the budget for these 2 background villains, not even 5 seconds in
NEJIRE TO THE RESCUE! Lets go girl power! I actually forgot that tsu and uraraka worked under the same pro hero
Very useless thought here, but if shigaraki's hands are in his coat pockets, how come it hasn't disintegrated yet? Like all of his fingers are in so like..??
"I don't appreciate disrespect" pft- saying that while he has his foot on the table bruh lol
OH EW WTF?? I forgot what the short ass fucker's quirk is, but that big ass hand coming out of his neck(??) is disturbing
I wish i could have quirk where eating is literally one of the important aspects of it, I'd have an excuse to eat as much food i want
PFT- tamaki be a mood sometimes lol, my poor bby
OOP- ah yes the cause of a lot of smut HSKHSKSHS
Kiri being tamaki's hype man lmao
"he's totally cute too" agreed random background character!
AHH i remembered how freaked out i was when kirishima got shot in the head, thank god for his quirk
Kirishima got his priorities lol
Jeez, this guy really is pathetic as hell...
Aww kirishima truly has the heart of a hero, he ofc gonna fight back and arrest villains if they making trouble, but if they start being all vulnerable, he doesn't take advantage, he even tried comforting the guy
Pft- it wasn't even that bad of an insult, tamaki
"y'all have cool attacks and amped up speed, except kaminari" EY DON'T COME AT MY BOI LIKE THAT
AAAAA bakugo telling his kiri, his friend, he ain't fuckin weak, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BABY
God this guy is pathetic, kinda feel bad, anyway kiri go arrest him
Mah boy got a lot more hero training to go thru; take down villains first then you can talk to em
Awww he's got fans now!
Tamaki baby, pls accept some positivity in ur life ya need it
LETS GO THEY GETTING FAMOUS!! lol bakugo seething in the background
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Summary: While writing up his own resolutions, Crowley decides to helpfully write up a list for his husband. (1472 words)
Notes: Written for @drawlight's '31 Days of Ineffables' prompts 'glitter' and 'resolution'.
Read on AO3.
Walking through his shop, returning the daily herd of wandering books to their correct shelves, Aziraphale comes upon a sight he’s never witnessed.
Not in the flesh.
Not once.
And not one he ever thought he’d see no matter how long he lived.
Crowley writing – at Aziraphale’s desk, of all places.
Aziraphale has received notes from Crowley before: requests for an audience to discuss their Arrangement, reminders of the temptations Aziraphale agreed to perform, reports on the blessings Crowley had done, taunting letters during the times in between when Crowley simply felt like nagging him. Dirty limericks scrawled in a sloppy hand on oil-stained parchment would occasionally pop up out of nowhere in his pocket. Nowadays, notes from Crowley are mainly reminders to pick up more wine or chocolate biscuits when Aziraphale goes to the market.
Aziraphale has simply never seen Crowley in action.
He figured Crowley miracles up his memos the way he miracles up everything else. No need to actually set pen to paper when a simple snap of his fingers will do the trick.
Writing seems like too tedious a chore to be worthy of Crowley’s precious time.
Aziraphale smirks as he watches him, planted in his stiff, antique chair; the bottom half of his body rearranged in that liquid way Crowley sits, but still as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.
As if the desk is his which, even though they’re married and pretty much sharing everything they own at this point, kind of irks Aziraphale. Yes, Aziraphale lives at Crowley’s flat, sleeps in his bed, and eats at his kitchen table, but he would never presume to grab the keys to his Bentley and take it for a spin.
That would be unforgiveable.
Aziraphale ranks this the same.
But he takes a deep breath in and lets it go. He’s never told Crowley his feelings on the matter, never expressed any emotional connection to his desk. Crowley probably sees it as simply another piece of furniture in this “residence” that they share and therefore had no reservations about sitting at it.
Which is kind of nice when Aziraphale comes to think about it.
Nevertheless, he’ll set him right about the whole situation later.
“What has you so busy, my dear?” he asks since it sounds kinder and less confrontational than, ‘What the Heaven are you doing at my desk?’ A glance at the wall calendar adds a level to Aziraphale’s questioning. It’s December 31st. New Year’s Eve. “Working on your resolutions?”
“Sort of,” Crowley admits, the words coming out in a drawl as he says them over the sentence he’s writing. When he finishes, he picks up the page and hands it over.
Aziraphale takes it, curiosity piqued. “What is this?”
“I was writing a list of resolutions – just for fun, mind you. But then, something hit me, and I started this one … for you.”
Aziraphale’s left eyebrow crawls up his forehead towards his hairline as he reads. “You’ve written up a numbered list of my flaws?”
“No. I’ve written up a numbered list of things you think are your flaws, aided by a list you apparently started, and based off some horrible Post-Its from Gabriel I found in your top drawer while searching for a pen.” Crowley growls the end of it, an angry hiss consuming his s’s, a lick of fire warming the yellow of his eyes.
“Yes, well, we’re overdue to have a talk about boundaries, my dear,” Aziraphale sniffs, scanning through the list numerous times, his posture becoming more rigid with every read thru. “I don’t see anywhere on this list where it says fraternizing with a demon.”
Crowley grins. “That’s because I know, deep down, you don’t see that as a flaw.”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes but he doesn’t contradict. “So, what am I supposed to do with this, hmm? Are these the things you want me to work on in the coming New Year?”
“Nope. Not a whit. I’m not asking you to change a thing about yourself.”
“Then what do I do with this?”
“You tear it into tiny pieces and set it on fire.”
Aziraphale frowns. “I may be wrong, but I don’t think that’s how New Year’s resolutions are supposed to work.”
“You do know New Year’s resolutions are shit, don’t you?” Crowley asks. “They’re completely unnecessary, especially considering that time itself is a made-up construct. I mean, you do remember when we had ten months in a year and not twelve, right?”
Aziraphale bounces his head left and right, agreeing more in spirit than in word.
“There’s nothing about the so-called beginning of the year that warrants beating yourself up over stuff you didn’t accomplish the last time the Earth revolved around the sun. Besides, I think Hastur came up with the concept.”
“It was Gabriel actually.”
Crowley nods. “Makes sense. Seems like the sort of plague his uptight, micro-managing ass would inflict upon the world.”
Aziraphale doesn’t comment, but silently, he agrees.
“So whaddya say? Tear it up? Rid yourself of the bullshit? You know you want to …” Crowley mimics ripping the page in the air in front of him on the off chance Aziraphale may not be familiar with the concept.
Aziraphale looks over the list, reading through the items he’d started writing, bleeding into the ones Crowley added.
Well, Gabriel added. They were simply copied in Crowley’s handwriting.
Un-angelic consumption of mortal food resulting in a slovenly appearance and an unseemly gut.
Slovenly. Aziraphale grimaces. So maybe he carries a few more pounds around the middle than most angels. But that doesn’t make him slovenly.
Un-angelic obsession with mortal material possessions.
Aziraphale scoffs. Hypocrite.
Un-angelic collection of defiled copies of the Holy Bible.
Un-angelic consumption of alcohol to the point of drunkenness.
Un-angelic this …
Un-angelic that …
Un-angelic bull pucky!
And Aziraphale knows that somewhere in his mess of Post-Its, Gabriel commented on the company Aziraphale keeps, specifically mentioning his un-angelic association with an ex-anti-Christ, a witch, a medium, and a demon, but Crowley either didn’t find it or chose not to include it.
Every criticism Gabriel has about Aziraphale begins with the modifier un-angelic. Which means Heaven – or at the very least Gabriel – considers Aziraphale un-angelic.
A pathetic excuse for an angel.
If Aziraphale were a demon, would this be seen as a list of flaws?
Would they matter at all?
Perhaps there wouldn’t even be a list if these are the only things “wrong” with him.
That’s definitely something Aziraphale may want to consider.
He glances at his husband grinning up at him with excitement. Every opportunity Aziraphale has to triumph over Heaven excites Crowley. But Aziraphale has paused so long, worry has started to settle in the corners of Crowley’s eyes. Aziraphale has been pushed down so far by Heaven, sometimes Crowley fears he won’t find the strength to stand again.
But he does.
Always has.
Stands back up and keeps on keeping on, still doing the things he loves, which makes it all the better.
Aziraphale doesn’t need Heaven and their insults.
He has Crowley’s love.
Aziraphale turns the list on its side, pinches it at the edge, and tears it down the middle.
Crowley whisper-chants, “Go! Go! Go! Go!” when Aziraphale slows down, encouraging him to continue.
And continue he does – tearing and turning and tearing and turning – until small squares of torn paper fill his cupped hands, the list unreadable except for a few individual words.
“There.” Crowley glows proudly at his husband. “How did that feel?”
“Good,” Aziraphale admits. “But this is going to feel better.” He tosses the scraps in the air. He doesn’t set them alight. He doesn’t want to trigger his sweet, supportive husband. Instead, with a snap, he turns them into glitter – harmless specks of gold and silver falling through the air and disintegrating where they touch.
“Beautiful,” Crowley says, slow clapping. He puts a gentle hand on his husband’s elbow and pulls him into his lap. “Positively gorgeous.”
“Thank you, my dear.” Aziraphale rests an arm on his demon’s shoulders. “I try my best. By the way, what did your list of resolutions have on it?”
“Oh.” Crowley reaches for the breast pocket of his jacket, but before his hand slips inside, he miracles the page into his grasp. “Read it for yourself.”
Aziraphale snatches it, more eager to read Crowley’s list of perceived flaws than his own. Except … “Darling?”
Aziraphale flips the page front to back. “There’s nothing on this.”
“Of course there’s nothing on it! Can’t much improve on perfection, can you?”
Aziraphale studies the smug expression on Crowley’s face, his eyebrows bouncing over his yellow eyes, challenging Aziraphale to disagree.
Aziraphale shakes his head and leans in to give his ridiculous serpent a kiss on the cheek.
“Whatever you say, dear.”
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werewolfin · 7 years
Flame Headcanons
@i-w-p-chan​ asked me to explain some xover thoughts between Katekyo Hitman Reborn flames & Boku no Hero Academia characters, so buckle up ‘cuz it’s a long post under the read more! Headcanon, ho!
To explain my numbers, I gotta explain a buncha other shit too, lmao.
So basically I got some inspo from micronecro way back when (the post here on my tumblr if you're curious) that Earth Flames & whatnot were all combination Flames. Swamp is Storm+Sun, Forest Sun+Lightning, Mountain Lightning+Rain, Desert Rain+Mist, Glacier Mist+Cloud, & that last mysterious flame being named Geyser for Cloud+Storm.
I also wanted a third part of Flames for the water aspect (Earth is obvs earth, Sky is a combo of fire & air for skies themselves), so I also came up with Ocean Flames & that entire set. The feeling was only reinforced by an offhand comment by nordiamus over on FFN in their Game On xover, really.
So if Sky is the most purely Flame set & Earth is combo, shouldn't Ocean also be some sort of combo? But if the Sky is so common & Earth heard of but not really heard of, then wouldn't Ocean be even more rare?
I eventually settled on a natural 3:4:5 ratio, but to have a ratio I needed to have numbers, so I had to math shit out & also needed to have shorthand symbols so I didn't inevitably confuse myself while making sure they actually showed up in both Notepad & Excel, colors for much the same, & characteristics for the Flames themselves too. Took a long while, but I got everything settled out.
I chose 108 for the point system because it's already a trope, lol. I also made use of Umei-no Mai's Black Sky's headcanon that you actually needed around 5% of each Flame to develop properly, though I had to use it as 6% b/c the math would've become bad math otherwise. This means any singular Flame can only be a value between 6 to 76 out of 108 (6-70%), b/c there’s gotta be at least 6 points (6%) on everything. Here’s a handy chart:
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Yellow is where I folded percentages together, red is the tens on the point side, with green the tens on the percent side. A general guideline I use is that you need at least 18% to produce a visible Flame. You can do it with smaller percentages down to 10%, but it requires exceptional control & possibly small reserves (which can also be called depth). (this scenario would also produce a functional sky but it’d be a fairly weak one since it was both not activated as such and not a full state of being for them).
Dying Will Flames of the Sky: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed) (the link has interesting info), type of resolve (HC from Gokurdera being able to light 5 Flames but not all at once); appearance
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STORM: #EB1C23 brilliant red, disintegration, ♋ (looks like hurricane cell; I'm aware it's actually the symbol for Cancer), to take down; low-heat smoldering, smokey upcurls & tongues
SKY: #FFA719 vivid gamboge, harmony, at least 10% (11/108) on all, ☰ (this the trigram symbol for heaven you see), to keep/stay; most like fire w/ flares, wisps, & overall more ethereal movement
SUN: #FFC70F amber, activation, ☀, to improve; like starlight in that it’s constant jetting outwards, more a shining than a straight-up fire
LIGHTNING/THUNDER: #23B04B malachite, hardening, ϟ (this is the only lightning-shaped symbol to show up tbh, it's technically the lowercase Greek letter for Q), to defend; electricity w/ small arcs between branches
RAIN: #99D8E8 cerulean, tranquility, ☂, to slow down; pool water with refraction in slow-motion, more round & globular than a fire except it gives off (what it’s user thinks of as ‘relaxing’) heat
MIST: #3F49CC phthalo blue, construction, ♒ (I couldn't find anything that was explicitly 'fog' or whatever, so I had to make do with whatever worked; it's the symbol for Aquarius, though it also symbolizes wind which is the next best, since mist is a groundbound cloud anyways), to confuse; wispy, almost entirely see through, with off center diffusion of color, the palest of the Flames
CLOUD: #A249A3 moderate magenta, propagation, ☁, to overtake; like puffs of smoke with a natural reach of twice the length of everything else in the Sky set (whole hand length minimum)
Dying Will Flames of the Ocean/Sea: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed); appearance. Funfact: this set has the most desaturated colors as though it’s deeper in the sea, though if you go for max 240-value saturation they’re still discernible from the other sets.
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WHIRLPOOL: #DE7C66 light scarlet, combustion (rapid burning), ☁/♋/☀, ♓ (Pisces symbol, yes, but fish live in pools; also what the fuck, I see literal fish as the symbol everywhere else but this fucking site); elongated fingers of flame that seem to spin or spiral their entire length rather than just the tips like Storm does, like screws or a helix
OCEAN: #FF7700 vivid orange, encompass, 12% (13/108) on all with remainder divided, ☵ (the trigram for water yo; easily distinguishable from both Sky & Earth, even has a mini horizon on there to make a "between the Earth & the Heavens" metaphor); heavy fire, somewhat similar to a tri-pronged crown or W that flutters like it's in the wind
VOLCANO: #C2AC1D moderate gold, acidification (pH cycling), ♋/☀/ϟ, ☈ (the symbol for thunderstorms which I find appropriate, b/c volcanoes can actually spawn these); smokey & partially see thru w/ green halo edging, fuzzy-looking around the edges, tho for a better visual of what I mean, look up fire opals
CURRENT: #85B357 moderate chartreuse, magnetism, ☀/ϟ/☂, ☄ (actually symbolizes comets, but it's theorized comets brought water to Earth anyway); clumps together, lengths loop each other to form a field, look at your hand in the process of turning into a fist, it’s like that
WATERFALL: #306D78 arctic blue, binding, ϟ/☂/♒, ♆ (fuck yeah, the symbol for Neptune sure, but rivers were his children &/or domain as all rivers lead to the ocean); elastic & flexible with no purely set expression beyond naturally long reach (the longest Flame overall)
MOON: #9999CC deep periwinkle, reflection, ☂/♒/☁, ☾ (obvious); moves like a shadow where there’s three or more overlapping areas w/ a natural wave pattern, if you’ve ever seen the sun during a heatwave it’s like where it wobbles due to the thermal air currents so the sun itself doesn’t look like a full disc
TIDE: #CFA7C3 light fuchsia, expansion, ♒/☁/♋, ♎ (the symbol for Libra & the alchemical symbol for the subliminal; also looks like the moon rising from the sea); light, aggressively more magenta when hyper-layered, leaves afterimages like when staring into a bright light, strangely behaves like a less intense Sun Flame where it’s an overall but softer & rounder glow rather than jetting out
Dying Will Flames of the Earth/Soil: NAME: hex code, attribute, symbol (reason if needed); appearance
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SWAMP: #FFB482 tangelo, fermentation (living things), 28% (30) ♋/☀ each, ☣ (biohazard was a perfect fit); almost flat but highly agitated w/ irregular flares & flickers, highest temp behind Earth in this set, technically shortest Flame at half a finger height (knuckle to first joint)
EARTH: #BD3900 vermillion, gravity, 14% (15) all, ☷ (trigram for earth); dense & exceptionally rounded fire, appearing like a split V flame that doesn’t move about as much as an actual fire, more pulled together
FOREST: #A6DE5D electric lime, growth, 23% (25) ☀/ϟ each, ♣ (club suit b/c it looks like a little tree); thin, finely branched & erratic fire, with unpredictable sparks
MOUNTAIN: #62BD8E spring green, compression, 28% (30) ϟ/☂ each, ▲ (it's a triangle, but it doubles as a mountain symbol on maps); almost opaque, w/ a fat bottom and narrow top (shaped like a deflated balloon if such a thing floated in your palm) & slow sinuous motion (the widest Flame at the base at around twice the width of the palm holding it, picture lava lamp wax)
DESERT: #1C6BFF cobalt, emergence (big patterns that appear b/c of small things, ex. ripples in sand from wind movement pushing grains around, or the uniqueness of snowflakes) (also influenced by InsaneScriptist's One Piece/KHR xover fic Xanxus' Adventures in Parenthood Piracy where Desert flames are many illusions stacked onto each other), 32% (35) ☂/♒ each, ✿ (black florette b/c I can't really see the white one, & desert flowers are very pretty); perfectly transparent but for a tint, warps the coloring immediately around it into the blue spectrum, a place where it’s just inexplicably blue above where it’s being held, like staring into a mirror reflecting itself greener and greener, but if made visible to others it might give an appearance of sand because it’s also not a very “even” or “smooth” Flame
GLACIER: #C68CFF light violet, fortification taking the form of crystals as it’s just that intense, 37% (40) ♒/☁ each, ♦ (diamond suit b/c that's a basic crystal shape, also to not leave Forest as a card by itself); upside down kite shape w/ barbed &  jagged edges like frost, not see through like you almost expect tho it’s the whitest one in general w/ bright vivid color at the edge
GEYSER: #99007D red plum, extension, 32% (35) ☁/♋ each, ♨ (hot springs are close enough to geysers for me to the connection); like heated water complete w/ dense steaming, and the leading edge even redder
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Have a handy little mnemonic pic to remember how to get what.
And just who can forget Night Flames either? I headcanon that Night was one of the 3 human Flames before the Earthlings like Kawahira were forced to pass the other 3 sets onto humans to sustain life; Snow, Void, & Night were all buried under and/or split between the newer sets, which is why no one ever pulls them forth until Bermuda has his Flames torn out by his Pacifier being taken by Checkerface.
SNOW: silvery-white, absorption (base reason for why humans can become all sorts of creatures, but never back), prevalent ☀ &/or ☂ &/or ☁, ☊ (ascending node, alchemical symbol for sublimation). Appearance: aerogel if it was fire shaped, glowing around the edges like a halo, pale silver-ish, a defined or captured mist spray.
VOID: (perfect) gray, preservation, ☰ &/or ☵ &/or ☷, ⊕ (alchemical symbol for verdigris, symbol for Earth the planet). This was basically the first version of Skies, Oceans, & Earths for humans. Appearance: a blooming iridescence, like summoning a faint rainbow upon a slick surface but in petaled flower silhouette (inherent control of it’s user imparts the number of petals).
NIGHT: black*, perpetuity (grim determination to do this ONE thing & damn the consequences, to carry on), prevalent ♋ &/or ϟ &/or ♒, ☋ (descending node, alchemical symbol for purification). Appearance: invisible unless moving, black & heavy looking when it does almost like a smear or smudge, with a type of simmering heat to it, an absence of light (resulting in a clear pacifier). *You know the video game thing/unresolvable YouTube video error where it’s supposed to be dark but it’s actually just a dark grey that feels creepy to look at too long? That color.
(I got a lot, seriously a bunch of other shit attributed to each Flame too, but this thing is already long enough. If I get interest, I’ll just make another post).
This has Earth-set Flames absurdly specialist but still very possible by accident, while leaving the Ocean-set harder to achieve any other way but naturally feeling the resolve for each separate component Flame. It also makes Oceans & Earths fundamentally Skies, just denser or even-keeled if you can get that. (compare phases of matter as gas [always chaotic], liquid [clumping together but still fairly energetic], and solid [at least mostly rigid in state]).
You also don’t need to be part of the same set to be considered an element, either... folding down anyway. A fully realized Earth could only truly bond w/ only Earth-set Flames, an Ocean could bond w/ Ocean-set Flames, but a Sky could bond w/ anyone by latching onto just one Flame, disregarding if it’s part of a composite Flame. Earth and/or Ocean Flames might identify more as a Sky than their ‘proper’ label as a matter of self-preservation as their elements are so rare, so would feel more at home pulling in Sky elements rather than Ocean or Earth elements. (not that it’d stop them if given the choice).
This all neatly dovetails into headcanon Flames for Class 1A for BNHA, arranged by set then seat.
From the Sky-set, you got:
Asui Tsuyu: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 37=34%; ϟ: 11=10%; ☂: 37=34%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 11=10%; (☀, ☂). You can’t tell me she talks with that huge tongue without having to Actively shoot it, right? Rain because she’s just so naturally calm.
Mashirao Ojiro (6): ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 9=8%; ϟ: 9=8%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 72=66%; (☁). Because he seems kinda distant to me like most of KHR Clouds seem to be in theory, idk why. I do think he’s cool tho.
Kaminari Denki: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 36=33%; ϟ: 24=22%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 30=28%; (☀, ϟ, ☁). Sun b/c his lightning is actually yellow so I theorize he’s actually Propagating his natural Activated bioelectricity via Cloud, but there’s enough Lightning to leave him intact doing so and lend his bioelectricity it’s more elongated shape. A further headcanon is that his family’s lightning quirks all effectively have different colors.
Kirishima Eijirou: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 13=12%; ϟ: 48=44%; ☂: 17=16%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 16=15%; (ϟ). That’s some classic Lightning right there.
Jiro Kyouka: ♋: 9=8%; ☀: 18=17%; ϟ: 18=17%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 40=37%; (☁). To make the sound of her heartbeat exponentially louder like a boss. Also introduces sensitivity problems.
Tokoyami Fumikage: ♋: 22=20%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 26=24%; ♒: 40=37%; ☁: 8=7%; (♋, ☂, ♒). Mist to materialize Dark Shadow, Rain to be dense enough to interact w/ which when paired w/ Storm fucks w/ him when Dark Shadow gets too powerful (ie overwhelming him & largely destructive).
fuck Mineta, let’s replace him
I can’t believe I have shamed myself into including him
Mineta Minoru: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 30=28%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 26=24%; ☁: 33=30%; (☀, ♒, ☁). While he can inherently multiply what’s essentially wads of his hair, Mist is what imparts it’s special properties (otherwise he’d stick to his pillows & his clothes would catch on when he gets dressed), & Sun lets him naturally produce more. This is where overuse comes into play; too much Sun Flame in too short a time frame splits the skin, though thankfully the bloodflow washes out anything that might’ve evolved into cancer cells before it begins healing. I figure if he trains more & CAREFULLY, he might start using Sun to more enhance Cloud allowing him more stamina w/ his quirk.
From the Ocean-set, you get:
Ashido Mina: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 20=19%; ϟ: 25=23%; ☂: 10=9%; ♒: 15=14%; ☁: 8=7%; (♋, ☀, ϟ) / (☈): she adjusts pH to get what she wants. It’s fair chance she was born with near-Sky values.
Iida Tenya: ♋: 19=18%; ☀: 21=19%; ϟ: 19=18%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 22=20%; ☁: 20=19%; (♋, ☀, ϟ, ♒, ☁) / (♓, ♎w). Combustion engine, baby! He’s exploding things to go faster. His family’s been cultivating this particular quirk so long his line is close to producing Skies!
Uraraka Ochako: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 22=20%; ϟ: 23=21%; ☂: 24=22%; ♒: 19=18%; ☁: 14=13%; (☀, ϟ, ☂, ♒) / (☄, ♆w, ☾). Manipulating magnetism to cancel out a lot of the gravity by making it attracted to itself & only itself so repelling everything not itself, & reflection to drop them back into gravity by touching her own fingertips. Her Cloud attribute isn’t actually able to manifest outside of her body b/c it lacks outward-manifesting strength; it makes up for this in being able to apply Moon w/ extra depth & precision. The depth part is what makes her nauseous. She’s actually got a hidden attribute in Waterfall/binding! She might be able to functionally (seek a) target where she drops stuff later on if she discovers it.
Mezou Shouji: ♋: 22=20%; ☀: 12=11%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 28=26%; ☁: 34=31%; (♋, ♒, ☁) / (♎). Expansion materializes new body parts with the help of Mist, Cloud to shorthand remember bodyparts he’s already got, & Storm to reabsorb them when they’re no longer needed.
Hagakure Tooru: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 36=33%; ♒: 30=28%; ☁: 24=22%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / (☾). She’s just straight up reflecting most if not all light that hits her body, which is why you can see her clothing but not her. HC she’s got excellent night vision; you might see a bit of eyeshine even!
Hmmm... for funsies, how about:
Shinsou Hitoshi: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 36=33%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 24=22%; ☁: 6=6%; (ϟ, ☂, ♒) / (♆). He takes control by binding his will on top of yours, like puppet strings. He reroutes your actions to his command w/ a combination of redirecting your natural electrical signals in your brain (which is why getting jarred will return your action to you) & Mist enabling him to do it in ways that won’t get detected until he does it. He’d be unstoppable if he ever worked out how to do it without the invitation; though as it’s partly psychological he might stop himself from ever overcoming that limitation.
And lastly from the Earth-set, you have:
Aoyama Yuuga: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 29=27%; ϟ: 28=26%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 7=6%; (♋, ☀, ϟ) / (☈) / (☣). He’s fermenting the bacteria in his stomach by changing the acidity of his stomach acids whenever he shoots his laser. Boy’s gotta eat if he wants it to recharge.
Kouda Kouji: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 37=34%; ϟ: 37=34%; ☂: 11=10%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 6=6%; (☀, ϟ) / x / (♣). He can communicate w/ living things b/c he’s basically making them recognize him as a friend (not that he doesn’t make friends with them anyway, tho).
Satou Rikidou: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 22=20%; ϟ: 32=30%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 7=6%; (☀, ϟ, ☂) / ☄w / (▲). He compresses sugar to allow his body to process it quicker without it having to be digested first.
Sero Hanta: ♋: 35=32%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 6=6%; ☁: 48=44%; (♋, ☁) / x / (♨). He produces something sticky then extends it very far.
Yaoyorozu Momo: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 7=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 35=32%; ♒: 35=32%; ☁: 19=18%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / ☾w / (✿). This is obvious, but I will say she gives whatever she makes true form because she’s using both knowledge to give it form & real energy derived from her body to give it material, which is why nothing dissolves away once she turns away from it.
You might have noticed a few missing. Here’s Todoroki w/ some calculations for his family members! Yeah!
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor: ♋: 49=45%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 25=23%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 13=12%; (♋, ☂). Storm because fire (named Hellfire because it curls strangely & the fact it could burn everything), Rain for upping temperature by effecting density (meaning a thinner stream of fire).
Touya/Dabi: ♋: 37=34%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 17=16%; ♒: 9=8%; ☁: 33=30%; (♋, ☁), Storm has the lowest energy & temperature imo, and Cloud’s b/c he can make a LOT of fire; I HC it’s more than Dumpster Fire could manage (that guy’s more of a precision over power kinda guy Flame wise, even if still pretty powerful). This Todoroki bro is just that good with his quirk, to produce blue fire by pure willpower.
Fuyumi: ♋: 13=12%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 34=31%; ♒: 29=27%; ☁: 19=18%; (☂, ♒, ☁) / ♎w, ☾w. She’s totally a Rain, you can fight me on this. Her quirk’s gotta be something Asshole would consider useless for Hero work, so I’ll venture it might be Chill: temperature manipulation with a leaning towards cooler temps. If she ever became truly aware of the possibilities she could conjure, she’d obliterate him. Have fun sparking fire when everything refuses to heat up, bitch, lmao.
Natsuo: ♋: 8=7%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 13=12%; ☂: 16=15%; ♒: 49=45%; ☁: 16=15%; (♒). Mostly so every single Todoroki has their own major element, though it’s still an entirely possible outcome from his parents. I don’t think he’s publicly quirkless because if that was a possibility his father would’ve gotten a new wife/brood mare b/c he’s THAT asshole. However, his Mist is strong enough that even if he was, he could’ve become an Active Flame user at a young age, and Mist’s pale blue color and gaseous form (if seen) might’ve made him seem like another temperature manipulator, thus also useless for his father’s ambitions. If he’s the type, he might be using it as a more physical support for himself, such as running longer or lifting more without injury than should be possible for someone who doesn’t exercise, that kind of thing.
Shouto: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 42=38%; ☁: 42=38%; (♒, ☁) / x / (♦). He’s the ultimate ice maker, & the fire side is just genetics making a general fire. If he ever became able to use Flames instead of fire, the fire would instead be a violet color rather than the yellowish one that it is now. Mist & Cloud are higher than his mother’s due to some very mild combination with his father’s values. It also makes his ice & consequently his fire VERY strong, considering every scrap not needed by the others is fed into his ice.
Rei: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 7=6%; ☂: 9=8%; ♒: 40=37%; ☁: 40=37%; (♒, ☁) / x / (♦). Ice, but a bit more spread out for variety. I’ve given her a common surname Yukimura, 雪村 "snow village" that alludes to her ice quirk, Flame, & the fact she seems to have had little support over the years.
Here’s Bakugou & Izuku!
Bakugou Katsuki: ♋: 30=28%; ☀: 30=28%; ϟ: 13=12%; ☂: 13=12%; ♒: 11=10%; ☁: 11=10%; ☰, (♋, ☀) / x / (☣). A first generation Sky. Fermentation applies to various bacteria that’s present in his sweat b/c they live on his skin, with Storm killing them & Sun activating whatever is left behind. He doesn’t always use Storm, which just leaves Sun sparking his palms, a holdover from his father also being a Swamp user.
Midoriya Izuku: ♋: 18=17%; ☀: 14=13%; ϟ: 26=24%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 14=13%; ☁: 22=20%; ☰, (ϟ, ☁) / ☵, (♓, ♎). A legacy Sky from his mother’s side (she’s an Earth as is most of the family on that half of his tree), though it’s completely chance he managed to be an Ocean b/c the values his father had lowered just the right higher Earth stats his mother had. Lightning & Cloud have high values enough to be secondaries, which actually shows up whenever he uses One for All which is naturally propagating to begin with. He’s got the proper Lightning appearing & everything. Whirlpool & Tide are an accident of numbers but also greatly appreciated by enabling better control? allocation? of One for All’s power.
Here’s everyone else who didn’t fit anything else above, like teachers & secondary characters!
Midoriya Inko: ♋: 18=17%; ☀: 15=14%; ϟ: 15=14%; ☂: 18=17%; ♒: 21=19%; ☁: 21=19%; ☰, (♒, ☁) / ☵, (♓, ♆) / ☷. She pulls things like gravity, ‘nuff said.
Hisashi Midoriya: ♋: 19=18%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 31=29%; ☂: 7=6%; ♒: 22=20%; ☁: 23=21%; (♋, ϟ, ♒, ☁) / ♎w. Aways from being a Sky, but any potential offspring have a fairly good chance of being one with the right spouse/Inko. His ϟ deals with plasma, ☁ gives some projection so he doesn’t light himself on fire, ♒ a bit of fireproofing to the body parts & organs involved in fire-beathing, & ♋ some true (excuse the pun) fire power to what he can disintergrate w/ the fire produced. End result is a whitish-yellow flame between 2,200 °F (1,200 °C) & 2,400 °F (1,300 °C). I HC that he doesn’t have a very far reach with his fire-breath, about an arm length maybe unless he’s so emotional he lights some Cloud so it’s a full body length or longer. I also HC he took his wife’s name when they married, so I use Teiko (醍醐 "Good liquor, fine wine; clarified butter, ghee," w/ a pun of 大悟 "enlightenment") as his previous surname.
Aizawa Shouta: ♋: 20=19%; ☀: 7=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 29=27%; ♒: 25=23%; ☁: 21=19%; (♋, ☂, ♒, ☁) / (☾). He’s sending a cancellation wave (the reverse reflection, no?) but the pale color of Moon is overpowered by his visible Storm which gives his eyes a visage of red & makes them dry af. He releases it in waves w/ Rain being the largest component meaning it floats his hair & gives the appearance of being underwater. Doubly powerful in that Rain, Mist, & Cloud are divisible by both points and percentage.
Camie: ♋: 7=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 21=19%; ☂: 30=28%; ♒: 38=35%; ☁: 6=6%; (ϟ, ☂, ♒) / ♆w / (✿). I made her a Desert rather than just a regular Mist because I had another calculation, tbh. I also figure Desert would be more fitting since while dramatic she’s also fairly chill and likes a good laugh, & Mist always seemed like a “effect self” more than “effect others” kind of utilization (not that it’s not possible or anything, obvs). Waterfall is for when she finally gets that little niggle in her technique that will allow her to greatly expand the range she currently has, as in “will hold until she lets it drop” kinda range.
Hawks: ♋: 6=6%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 49=45%; ☂: 14=13%; ♒: 26=24%; ☁: 7=6%; (ϟ, ♒). His wings can do and handle some crazy shit because they are made of reinforced (ϟ) crazy shit (♒), and that’s just how he is.
All For One: ♋: 11=10%; ☀: 19=18%; ϟ: 20=19%; ☂: 12=11%; ♒: 35=32%; ☁: 11=10%; ☰, (☀, ϟ, ♒). Mist for it being a mostly mental power for all that it effects his body, Sun to pull up the right genetics configuration FOR the quirks he’s taken, Lightning so his actual DNA is protected or lets him revert back to his own.
Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko: ♋: 71=65%; ☀: 6=6%; ϟ: 6=6%; ☂: 6=6%; ♒: 8=7%; ☁: 11=10%; (♋). Simple. Got deep reserves & relatively high quirk stamina from Nana's side thru his father.
Since it’s a common headcanon that Skies will vie for elements until they got a full arc & put themselves against other Skies in order to get the ones they want, Bakugou & Izuku were put into an instinctive conflict when Bakugou got access to his quirk. Oceans Encompass so Izuku seriously just did want to be friends for a good while for all he wasn’t Active, but Bakugou doesn’t or didn’t get that because he saw Izuku as a potential or possibly actual disruption to his own Harmony.
And since to have Flames the Earthlings need to have existed, I’m proposing that the Trinisette was disrupted by whatever, such as a mission for potential Arcobaleno resulting in all of them dying with/without ever bonding to the Pacifiers or Kawahira dying either before Bermuda could come into being/Bermuda got a lucky shot in before abruptly staying dead from backlash, & quirks are what appeared from Flames spiraling out of control. Flame distribution is fairly unique even among close family members, resulting in equally unique is similar quirks.
BNHA-verse has gotta prepare for a big storm, is what I’m saying.
+edit: Maybe All for One was one of the first Quirked people to be born to that first disruption wave & discovered he could take Quirks, went out of his way to get powerful ‘Quirks’ first (or what he thought of as Quirks/super powers, but might have been Flame abilities specialized or not), resulting in a shortage of any potential emergency Arcobaleno if Kawahira didn’t die off suddenly.
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megamikethomson · 5 years
Day two of boxing day check at mcg updates
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england has enjoyed its first-rate day of this ashes collection to take manipulate of the fourth test in melbourne. England has taken manipulate of the boxing day check after a day of excessive drama in melbourne. Alastair cook dinner plundered his first century towards australia because the 2010-eleven ashes series in absurd circumstances to steer england to 2/192 at stumps. Cook dinner (104 not out) and captain joe root (49 not out) combined for an unbeaten stand of 112 runs as england recovered from 2/eighty to be in a sturdy role heading into the 1/3 day of play. The day was all about cook dinner and his dramatic very last-over-of-play hundred. The out of shape opener and out-of-sorts stuart large have virtually observed their mojo. Cook was 104 now not out at the give up of play, posting the thirty second ton of his test profession after taking 11 runs off the final over — added with the aid of steve smith. England path by using 135 runs. Broad snared four-fifty one, his great figures in extra than a 12 months, as australia suffered a disintegrate of 7-sixty seven and had been bowled out for 327 on wednesday. Wide and cook dinner have been among the vacationers’ worst performers within the establishing three exams, during which the hosts banked large wins to assert an unassailable 3-0 lead inside the collection. Prepare dinner offered a sharp hazard on sixty six but it changed into put down by means of smith, normally the most secure pair of fingers in the crew, at the beginning slip. Tim paine was up to the stumps at some stage in mitch marsh’s 2d over. Smith reacted sharply to the low part then snatched at the ball because it bounced out of his palms. Blended with pat cummins’ belly trojan horse, which confined the express paceman to eleven overs, and a flat pitch it gave the skipper masses to reflect onconsideration on. Smith, paine and mitch marsh all chopped on all through the morning session, underlining the dangers worried with looking to up the run-fee on this kind of slow deck. Smith lashed at a extensive transport on seventy six, reducing the skipper’s take a look at common at the venue to 119 and handing debutant tom curran his maiden scalp. Wide, having been spared the axe after logging the worst figures of his take a look at profession in perth, eliminated cummins and jackson hen to assist his facet easy up the tail speedy. Australia turned into rocked by using a amazing crumble of 7/sixty seven to show the fourth test on its head. The aussie were cruising at three/260 earlier than smith’s chop-on brought about a weak disintegrate from the center order. Australia become sooner or later brushed off for 327 early after lunch. England 2/192 from fifty eight overs. Cook dinner 104, root forty nine
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australia 327 from 119 overs (warner 103, smith seventy six)
smith’s absurd present to cook
steve smith absurdly brought himself directly to bowl the very last over of the day to present ashes rival alastair cook dinner a fairytale “steve waugh moment”. Needing seven runs from the final over of the day, cook bashed some short-pitch pies from the aussie captain to attain his milestone with  balls left within the day. Smith’s first thee balls of his over went for 10 runs, including  barriers. It gave cook his first take a look at century towards australia in 35 ashes innings, his first century in opposition to australia for the reason that january 2011. The bbc defined smith’s abnormal over as “dreadful”.
“another atrocious long hop from smith permits prepare dinner to choose up a unmarried from the final ball of the day,” bbc reporter jack skelton wrote.
“smith brought himself on to try to tempt prepare dinner into doing some thing stupid, however it became a dreadful over and simply allowed the england opener to relaxed a extremely good century.”
it became the best over smith bowled for the day and he completed with 0/11 from his six deliveries. Smith changed pat cummins (who become nursing a crook guts) at one end. Cummins’ previous over went for one run. Smith also dropped prepare dinner while the previous england captain was sixty six not out. The century has actually stored prepare dinner’s position in the english check group. Five. 55pm
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root and prepare dinner carry up hundred stand
joe root and alastair prepare dinner delivered up a crucial one hundred-run parntership to steer england to two/180. The pair came collectively with england at 2/80 earlier than they combined to put england beforehand within the fourth test for the primary time. Alastair prepare dinner was on 92 runs at the time — just 8 runs type of his first take a look at ton against australia because the 2011 new years check in sydney. The bbc reports prepare dinner has played 35 ashes innings in between check centuries going returned to the 2010-11 collection in australia. Four. 30pm
smith drops a soda
steve smith has proficient alastair cook a existence after dropping a law seize in the beginning slip. Prepare dinner driven at an ungainly duration ball that climbed and hit the out of doors aspect high on cook’s blade off the bowling of mitchell marsh. Smith needed to pass quickly low all the way down to his proper toward keeper tim paine, however had penty of time to get his palms in function as he fell to the turf. The kookaburra slipped out of his fingers, however the aussie captain had the reflexes to flick it up because it fell and had two greater desperate snatches at the falling ball before it — and smith — crashed to the deck in an ugly heap. Cook dinner was 66 not out on the time. 4. 10pm
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cook hits first fifty
alastair cook dinner brought up his first half of-century of the collection as england made a confident start in their first innings. Cook delivered up his fifty with a neat flick out to the leg side which raced to the rope. It's far cook dinner’s first fifty in australia since the 2013 boxing day test and his first check fifty since august — ending a run of 10 innings in which he had failed to reach fifty. 3. 40pm
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vince falls after internal side kerfuffle
james vince fell to josh hazlewood in the second over after the tea ruin in a moment of excessive drama. Vince turned into given out falling ahead to an amazing duration shipping from hazlewood, ending his innings on 17 runs from 37 balls via what seemed to be a clear lbw dismissal. Vince had a communique with alastair cook at the non-striker’s give up approximately reviewing the umpire’s decision to give him out earlier than he turned and stormed off the ground without tough the on-area choice. Replays on channel 9 confirmed vince had were given an inside aspect onto the kookaburra before it hit his front pad nicely below the knee roll. The new spot technology additionally showed a clean mark on vince’s bat as the ball went past. Aussie take a look at legend michael slater said vince most effective has himself to blame.
“it’s his own fault,” slater told channel nine.
“i don’t assume there’s any doubt, it’s hit the interior of the bat and he didn’t in reality sense it.
“it’s great that he didn’t feel that or listen that because i heard it in my ear. We became the results mic up, that’s wherein we heard the two noises.
“i'm able to’t believe you don’t ship that up because there has been enough doubt. It might were that cook dinner at the opposite end stated, ‘mate i didn’t hear two noises’.
“now he’s in the dressing room searching up going, ‘i have to nevertheless be accessible’ — and it’s his very own fault.”
the plot thickened whilst the bbc stated replays from the television telecast in england confirmed cook telling vince to assignment the umpire choice — leaving vince with no one accountable however himself for the pricey mistake. It left england 2/80. 2. 45pm
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cummins returns after injury scare
pat cummins sent a fright thru the aussie crew after being forced to return off the field after bowling just three overs in england’s first innings. He returned after only a few overs with cricket australia officers revealing the aussie quick is battling an ongoing dissatisfied stomach. 2. 30pm
lyon takes a ripper
nathan lyon got the step forward australia changed into determined for while he clunked a freakish one-passed trap at complete stretch straight over his head to push aside mark stoneman off his very own bowling. Lyon got stoneman to come ahead and push at a very good period ball that chipped up and regarded to be floating over the spinner’s head earlier than he slung his proper hand into the air and were given the kookaburra to stick. Stoneman fell for 15 runs to go away england 1/35. Aussie cricket icon bill lawry couldn’t preserve it collectively whilst commentating the instant for channel nine.
“what a trap. He’s taken some other ripper,” he stated.
“it’s a bif one-hander and he gets the leap forward. High-quality piece of vowling. Exact flight. That’s a massive one.”
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1. 35pm
australia skittled for 327
nathan lyon gave james anderson his third pole of the innings as australia collapsed with 7/67 in a horror display to begin day two. Steve smith’s dismissal for seventy six early on day  precipitated a huge disintegrate as england turned the contest on its head as the mcg pitch deteriorated into a slow deck delivering some uneven bounce. Lyon turned into the closing to fall for a globe, as australia was sooner or later brushed off for 327. Anderson become once more a standout for england with 3/61 from 29 overs, even as stuart extensive lower back to form with 4/fifty one from 28 overs. 1. 15pm
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cummins falls in 2d ball of play
pat cummins changed into dismissed with the second one transport after the lunch wreck when stuart large were given him pushing at a great line and period ball. Cummins’ not anything shot accrued a excessive outdoor area that sailed low to alastair prepare dinner in the beginning slip. Cummins fell for simply 4 runs as australia’s center order collapse deteriorated to 7/66 when they had been flying at 3/260. Cook’s low-capture become reviewed by using the on-subject umpires, despite cummins selecting to stroll back to the pavilion. Replays showed prepare dinner stuck the ball nicely above the grass and had time to wrap his arms under the ball earlier than touching down on the mcg turf. 12. 30pm
australia in collapse as fourth and fifth poles fall
tim paine and jackson chook fell in a big one- sucker-punch moments earlier than the lunch damage. A 3rd chop-on in the first session of play cost aussie keeper paine his wicket. Paine tried to drag a short and extensive ball from jimmy anderson, but an inner edge cut again into his personal stumps, finishing his innings on 24 runs from 36 balls. His dismissal supposed australia fell from 3/260 to 7/318 — a center order crumble of four/58. It changed into additionally a fourth wicket to fall inside the area of 16 overs — from whilst steve smith changed into the primary wicket to fall on day two for seventy six in the 97th over of the innings.
“another one’s long past,” aussie legend bill lawry said in statement for channel 9.
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“this game is turning. England lower back in the hunt.”
australia misplaced its 5th wicket of the morning simply 10 deliveries later while stuart extensive trapped jackson hen in the front for his third wicket of the innings. Bird changed into caught on his again pad after stepping onto the back foot to attempt to defend an awesome-duration ball that struck bird right in the front of his stumps. It took australia’s middle order collapse to 5/sixty five. 12. 05pm
marsh long gone after drs undertaking
shaun marsh was trapped in front for 61 in the first session of play, giving england a 3rd scalp for the session. Marsh turned into trapped in the front leaning into an amazing period delivery from stuart wide that needed a drs referral from england captain joe root to prove it turned into on target to hit the stumps. The original selection from on-discipline umpire sundaram ravi was no longer-out, however the drs ball tracker showed extra than 1/2 the ball was going onto hit the pinnacle of marsh’s off stump. Wide’s leap forward approach australia had misplaced three/fifty four because steve smith have become the fourth wicket to fall at 3/260. Eleven. 30am
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england goes bang-bang
mitch marsh became the second one aussie batsman to cut on a lifeless shortish wide ball on the morning of day  while he got himself out for just 9 runs. Marsh gave england  wickets in 4 overs while he despatched an inside area crashing into his pegs off the bowling of chris woakes. With both marsh and steve smith being disregarded thru unsightly chop-ons, it confirmed the mcg deck has softened and slowed in a single day with batsman struggling to examine the conditions with some balls staying decrease than anticipated. It left australia five/278. Eleven. 15am
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bill’s lawry’s freakish prophecy comes real
aussie cricket icon invoice lawry has shown he’s nonetheless one of the great readers of cricket on this planet with a freakish prediction surrounding the dying of aussie captain steve smith. Lawry cautioned before the begin of play that england must be given defeat while bowling to the crimson-hot aussie skipper and try to set-up a trap for smith to get himself out. Lawry, speaking in statement for channel nine, stated england ought to install the same defeatist method of bowling brief engaging balls which can be there to be hit that proved to be the undoing of sir donald bradman.
“maybe they ought to do what they did to bradman, the half of-tracker,” lawry stated.
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“he dragged it directly to the stumps. Plan b.”
that’s precisely how smith despatched himself again to the pavilion — slashing at a huge, short pie nicely out of doors his off stump. Smith fell for 76 runs from 156 balls — giving tom, curran his first wicket in test cricket. 4 overs later the same style of dismissal — a shortish ball out of doors off-stump also proved to be mitch marsh’s dying, while he also chopped onto his stumps. Former england batsman ed smith additionally stated the half-track pies are certainly the manner to bowl to the australian skipper.
“that’s the way to get steve smith out,” smith informed the bbc.
“dangle it out short and huge and get him to chop on.”
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11. 05am
smith long gone from absolute pie
steve smith fell for seventy six in only the 8 over of play on day two while he chopped on an unsightly shortish ball nicely extensive of off stump. Smith tried to cut a short ball from tom curran, but his flash thumped the kookaburra lower back onto his middle stump. Earlier smith had long gone identical with david boon because the first player considering that 1993 to reap lower back-to-lower back ashes series with ratings of greater than 500 runs. Smith additionally have become curran’s first test wicket. It left australia 4/260. 10am
‘lazy’ khawaja on thin ice
usman khawaja’s failure to make a critical influence within the series has seen his function come underneath renewed strain. Test splendid ian healy described the primary drop’s manner as a “bit lazy” in the course of an innings of 17 that never were given happening day one.
“the power degrees — we have been hopeful he became going to come out with exact intensity tiers and hustle the day before today, however he didn’t,” healy instructed sen. “he strolls out and is a laidback person.
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“he wasn’t finding the middle of the bat or the gaps, and he didn’t do anything about it. He just fought hard and tried to have it flick for him and it didn’t show up.
“he wishes to get going and get his profession kick-commenced once more. He needs to bust the door open or he will get in a larger hollow.”
healy wishes a exchange in body language and initiative from here on out. “australian cricket is at its great whilst we're hustling and threatening to take brief singles,” he stated. “(khawaja) is to this point from that it’s no longer funny in the interim.”
shane warne echoed the sentiment on channel 9. “he is a good player, he has were given all the skills in the world,” stated warne of khawaja, whose check common has dropped to the low 40s. “we've got visible him through the years play extraordinary innings, however unluckily he hasn’t performed it often sufficient.
“we understand he has were given the talent, it’s greater his body language and intensity while he comes to the crease. Have a presence. To me i suppose he's lacking that at the moment. Perhaps it’s a touch little bit of form, however i assume he is lacking extreme presence at no. 3.”
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desperate answer for ‘insane’ smith
jimmy anderson is but to crack the steve smith code, admitting it's going to take either an unplayable delivery or uncharacteristic mistakes to disregard the world’s satisfactory batsman — but indian spinner ravi ashwin has another concept. Ashwin, ranked fourth behind global number one test bowler anderson, had a unique idea after smith persevered his 3-yr reign without being dismissed on the mcg on day one. Smith, who will resume on 65 when day  of the fourth ashes check starts offevolved, keeps to build a case he's australia’s first-class batsman due to the fact don bradman. At stumps on boxing day, smith had scored 434 check runs on the mcg considering his maximum current dismissal at the venue. The skipper went to sleep on tuesday needing 9 extra runs to make it 500 for the series, for the duration of which he’s averaged 163. 66 and peeled off two guy-of-the-fit centuries. The document for most centuries in an ashes collection — together held by means of bradman with englishmen wally hammond and herbert sutcliffe — is 4. It would be no marvel if smith joins them at some point in the next fortnight. Anderson, england’s all-time main wicket-taker who trapped smith lbw to stop his profession-satisfactory knock of 239 on the waca, admits bowling to the world’s best batsman has been tough work.
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“while a person is in that kind of shape you need to hope for a mistake or desire you bowl a ball that’s suitable enough to put off him,” anderson said. “it felt like, in particular with the brand new ball, i beat the bat and notion ‘here we cross’.
“then the subsequent 11 balls i bowled he performed fairly without problems. He’s manifestly in a actually hot streak and as a bowler it could be hard developing in opposition to a person like that. However it’s our process to provide you with approaches of getting him out.”
all of us desire we were half of the batter steve smith is at the moment. He’s seeing the ball like a watermelon and making it appearance so easy,” warner said after scoring 103 on boxing day. Anderson and stuart large both sledged smith at adelaide oval. The proper-hander turned into disregarded for 40 and 6 at some stage in the day-night test but england have for the reason that been reluctant to pepper smith with verbals.
“we've mentioned a few various things we can attempt for smith. We have attempted plenty,” england skipper joe root stated on the eve of the fourth test. “we were given on top of him in adelaide.” smith is ready to complete the world’s leading run-scorer in 2017, having helped himself to 1192 runs at seventy four. 5.
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— aap
8. 30am
anderson: boxing day changed into dull
an mcg pitch labelled the flattest in australia is proving actual to form within the boxing day take a look at, with jimmy anderson asserting it unworthy of the long-lasting conflict. England’s hopes of restoring some pride after surrendering the ashes urn took a major hit on tuesday morning while steve smith gained his first toss of the collection and elected to bat. Australia raced to 0-102 at lunch, with centurion david warner taking complete gain of a street of a pitch that changed into speedy derided inside the cricketing fraternity. The sport slowed to a grind in a center consultation with australia adding simply 43 runs earlier than attaining 3-244 at stumps. Each aspects were watching for a flat deck however england paceman anderson said it turned into a long way from perfect for the gang of 88,172.
“human beings want to peer wonderful cricket, in particular in an iconic test healthy like the boxing day take a look at fit at the mcg,” he said.
“i realize it wasn’t interesting to watch. It wasn’t interesting to play in, to be sincere, when it’s that attritional. But there’s not loads we are able to do about it from here.”
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take a look at exquisite shane warne earlier stated the pitch became as flat as he’d seen at the mcg, whilst ed cowan joked the groundsman “idea there has been a bbl game occurring”. The mcg’s current history suggests england’s torment is probable to preserve, specially with offspinner moeen ali out of shape. Australia published big totals in blowout victories over pakistan and the west indies in the past  boxing day exams and performed out a high-scoring draw with india in 2014. All three sheffield shield video games performed on the mcg so far this season have did not produce a result. Josh hazlewood closing week described the wicket because the flattest in australia. “it’s quite flippantly paced, there’s no actual sideways motion, no actual swing and it doesn’t spin lots,” the australian seamer stated. Performing mcg curator michael salvatore defended the drop-in wicket earlier than the take a look at, pronouncing he was assured a end result would be produced.
“we’ve had drop-ins here for 19 years and we’ve best had one draw ... We’ve got no issues approximately that in any respect,” he stated.
— aap
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liveonlinematches · 7 years
Shane Warne lobs one up. Arjuna Ranatunga steps out and smacks it instantly. Warne readies himself for a caught-and-bowled dismissal, however the ball by means of now has bulleted previous him for a boundary. The following ball a chest-high complete toss and Ranatuga pulls it off entrance foot for a six. Those had been unforgettable attractions from the 1996 International Cup ultimate. His enthusiasts nonetheless recall that second as ‘Ranatunga owns Warne’.
Ranatunga completed with a 37-ball 47 no longer out as he was the primary cricketer to attain the profitable run in a International Cup ultimate (given the former WC ultimate victories had been scripting by means of a staff protecting a ranking). Over time, Warne and Ranatunga went directly to scale their rivalries. They continuously were given private, and didn’t hang themselves again from having a pass at each and every different.
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In 1999, Warne made his emotions clearer. He advised Instances, “There’s numerous animosity between Arjuna and myself. I don’t like him, and I’m no longer in a membership of 1.” Six years later, Ranatunga brazenly known as him an “overvalued bowler” who may “by no means be a task type”.
Warne rated Ranatunga as his 93rd favorite cricketer in his guide Shane Warne’s Century: My Best 100 Take a look at Cricketers.
Excerpts from the guide will throw extra mild on their no longer so cordial courting. In the usage of ‘no so cordial’, I’m being type to the cricketers who constitute the gentleman’s recreation.
“Thru gritted enamel, I’ve put Arjuna Ranatunga in my 100, as a result of everyone is aware of I don’t like Ranatunga… if there used to be any manner I may knock him all the way down to quantity 101 for the needs of this guide, I’d be overjoyed to take action.
“The elemental downside I had with Ranatunga used to be his angle in opposition to the sport. He didn’t play cricket in the precise spirit and attempted to control the rules and rules with out in reality breaking them.
“I will consider events when he led his staff off the sphere as a result of he used to be unsatisfied with an umpiring determination, ordered an umpire the place to face at the back of the wicket, known as for a runner by means of faking harm to hide his personal health – he seemed as despite the fact that he’d swallowed a sheep – and advised his teammates to not shake our fingers after a fit.
“He used to be described as somewhat Napoleon early in his captaincy profession and I believe he took it as reward, he used to be so frustrating. I’ve no longer heard a excellent phrase for him from a unmarried world participant out of doors Sri Lanka.”
The background
The day ahead of the beginning of the 2003 International Cup, Warne used to be despatched house after a drug check carried out (for a banned diuretic) all over an ODI sequence in Australia resulted sure. Warne claimed that it used to be a prescribed ‘fluid pill’ given to him by means of his mom to give a boost to his look — to do away with his double chin to be exact.
A upset South African fan all over the International Cup (Symbol courtesy: Getty)
In the meantime, he gained give a boost to from enthusiasts from Australia (Symbol courtesy: Getty)
A tearful Warne left the Australian facet stunned as he then served a 12 months ban.
“I admitted to the listening to that I had taken a pill in early December. I used to be doing a large number of wine promotions. I’d had a pair too many bottles of wine and had a couple of past due nights. I took a fluid pill then. It used to be to do away with a double chin. The December check confirmed small strains of the similar factor. That used to be ahead of my [shoulder] operation. That proves I didn’t take the fluid pill to masks anything else,” Warne clarified in Melbourne.
If Ranatunga used to be fats (like he swallowed a sheep), Warne all over his enjoying days wasn’t the leanest guy. He grabbed headlines for his mastery, chubbiness and off-field antics. Then again, each those males didn’t permit their vastness to come back in the best way in their greatness.
Warne, the bully
Warne used to be a grasp at sledging. Daryll Cullinan needed to see a psychologist because of Warne’s mastery with the ball and the artwork of ‘psychological disintegration’ because the Australians would put it. Even for as soon as, he controlled to get the simpler of the good blokes corresponding to Sourav Ganguly and Nasser Hussain via sledging.
Shane Warne had made lifestyles depressing for Daryll Cullianan, so depressing that the latter to discuss with a psychologist (Symbol courtesy: Getty)
However Ranatunga wouldn’t digest any grime thrown at him. He generally is a Napoleon with phrases too.
Warne had it in 2004, after he returned to world cricket submit the ban. Australia had been traveling Sri Lanka. The sequence used to be rightly billed as Warne vs Muralitharan.
Shane Warne and Muttiah Muralitharan are considered two of the best spin bowlers ever (Symbol courtesy: AFP)
It have been 4 years since Ranatunga had retired from world area; he additionally had gained a seat within the Sri Lankan Parliament within the 2001 elections. Warne used to be requested in a press convention if he would meet his previous foe. Warne spent no time mincing with phrases and poked a laugh, “Arjuna, he’s most probably slotting himself round at 150 pounds these days, is he? Swallowed a sheep or one thing like that.”
Ranatunga isn’t the one that in most cases swallows barbs. He spoke to AP from his house.
Shane Warne by no means overlooked a chance to take a dig at Arjuna Ranatunga (Symbol courtesy: Getty)
“If I swallow a lamb or a goat, it’s none of his trade. However I should inform him that I don’t swallow the ones drugs and blame my mom for it,” Arjuna lived as much as his title and hit the bull’s eye. He persevered, “I’m high-quality and are compatible at 95 kilograms. It’s higher to swallow a sheep or a goat than swallow what he has been swallowing.
“I’m without a doubt going to fulfill him. I can even invite him to wait certainly one of my marketing campaign conferences. Although I do know I would possibly chance shedding some votes.”
Then again, Ranatunga confirmed some recognize for his mythical foe when he concluded, “I, alternatively, recognize Warne as a participant. He’s nice.”
Warne completed with 26 wickets from Three Exams, 2 at the back of Murali. Then again, Warne averaged 20, Three issues higher than Murali’s 23. Each had an economic system charge of three.10. Warne struck each 38 balls in comparison to Murali’s 44. Warne’s heroics helped Australia sweep that sequence Three-Zero. He ended his profession nearly Three years later with 708 wickets and the tag of ‘arguably the best spinner ever’.
Suvajit Mustafi consumes cricket for lunch, fiction for dinner and munches a lot of different snacks all the way through the day. Sure, a jack of a number of trades, all Suvajit dreamt of used to be being India’s International Cup profitable skipper however ended up being a sports activities author, creator, screenwriter, director, copywriter, graphic fashion designer, sports activities marketer, strategist, entrepreneur, thinker and traveller. Donning such a lot of hats, it’s cricket which supplies him without equal excessive and the place he reveals solace. He will also be adopted at @RibsGully [Twitter] and rivu7 [Facebook].
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/north-korea-take-a-look-at-fires-ballistic-missile-in-global/
North Korea take a look at-fires ballistic missile in global
North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile on Saturday, the South Korean and U.S. Militaries stated, defying warnings from America and the reclusive country’s major ally, China, which have tried for years to rein in its fingers packages.
The check, from a place north of the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, seemed to have failed, U.S. And South Korean officers said, in what might be North Korea’s fourth successive unsuccessful missile take a look at due to the fact March.
The check came as U.S. Secretary of kingdom Rex Tillerson warned the U.N. Security Council that failure to slash North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile packages could lead to “catastrophic results”.ballistic weapon
U.S. officers, talking on condition of anonymity, stated the missile become possibly a medium variety weapon referred to as a KN-17 and looks to have broken up inside minutes of setting out.
South Korea stated the North was gambling with fire and warned it of tougher U.N. Sanctions.
The South Korean navy stated the missile, fired from the Pukchang location in a northeasterly route, reached an altitude of seventy-one km (forty-four miles) before disintegrating a couple of minutes into the flight. It stated the release turned into a clear violation of U.N. Resolutions and warned the North not to act rashly.
The North has been carrying out missile and nuclear weapons associated sports at an exceptional charge considering that the beginning of the year and is believed to have made a few progress in developing intermediate-range and submarine-launched missiles.
U.S. President Donald Trump, who instructed Reuters in an interview on Thursday North Korea became his biggest worldwide challenge, said the launch was an affront to China.
“North Korea disrespected the desires of China & its notably reputable President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today. Terrible!,” Trump stated in a submit on Twitter after the launch.
America has been hoping North Korea’s sole essential best friend, China, can convey pressure to endure. But China says us must now not over-estimate the impact it has over its neighbor.
Just before the missile take a look at, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi informed the U.N. Protection Council on meeting on North Korea it became not most effective as much as China to remedy the North Korean trouble.
“The key to fixing the nuclear difficulty on the peninsula does no longer lie in the palms of the Chinese aspect,” Wang stated.
Each China and Russia rebuked a U.S. threat of military force.
There has been no immediately reaction to the release from China. Japan condemned it as unacceptable.
Trump, in his interview with Reuters, said he had praised Chinese language leader Xi Jinping for “trying very difficult” on North Korea, even though Trump warned a “fundamental, main conflict” between the USA and North Korea became feasible.
Anxiety on the Korean peninsula has been high for weeks over fears the North might also conduct a protracted-variety missile check, or its 6th nuclear check, across the time of the April 15 anniversary of its state founder’s delivery, or the day marking the founding of its army this week.
In a display of force, we are sending the U.S.A.Carl Vinson aircraft carrier group to waters off the Korean peninsula, where it will join the U.S.Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea on Tuesday.
With North Korea performing in defiance of the pressure, the united states could conduct new naval drills and deploy more ships and plane inside the region, a U.S. official instructed Reuters.
‘Complex TIMING’
The timing of the release counseled a complicated North Korean message to the global, said Kim Dong-Yun, an expert at Kyungnam University’s Institute for Far Eastern Studies in Seoul.global warming debunked scientifically.97% scientists climate change debunked
“It turned into planned at a Complicated timing around the quiet of the South Korea-U.S. Joint military drills, the use talking approximately military options and the announcement of North Korea regulations and the safety Council assembly,” Kim stated.
South Korean and U.S. Forces were accomplishing annual navy drills when you consider that the beginning of March that conclude on the quiet of April.
Kim said North Korea might have were given the information it wanted with the missile’s brief flight, then blown it up in a bid to restrict the anger of China, which disapproves of the North’s weapons applications and has warned it in opposition to further provocation.
North Korea rattled international powers in February while it correctly released a new intermediate-range ballistic missile that it stated should carry a nuclear weapon. It additionally efficaciously tested ballistic missiles on March 6. It is not clear what has brought about the series of failed missile exams because then.
The Trump administration should respond to the test via rushing up its plans for brand spanking new U.S. Sanctions, including viable measures against precise North Korean and Chinese entities, said the U.S. official, who declined to be recognized.
“Something it truly is prepared to head could be taken from the larger package and expedited,” stated the legit.
The U.N. Safety Council is probably to begin discussing an assertion to sentence the missile launch, stated diplomats, adding that it become not going to be issued on Friday. the safety Council historically condemns all missile launches by means of Pyongyang.us nuclear missile locations
“It could have happened today precisely due to the fact we had the meeting,” Italian U.N. Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi, chair of the safety Council’s North Korean sanctions committee, told reporters.
“It’s illegal, it must no longer be finished, It is any other provocative motion with the aid of North Korea.”
However such recurring condemnation and a chain of sanctions resolutions since 2006, while North Korea performed its first nuclear take a look at, have achieved little to obstruct its push for ballistic missiles and nuclear palms.america nuclear missile locations
The South Korean baby-kisser predicted to win a may additionally 9 presidential elections, Moon Jae-in, who has encouraged a greater moderate coverage at the North, known as the test an “exercise in futility”.
“We urge once more the Kim Jong Un regime to right now prevent reckless provocative acts and pick the route to cooperate with the global community which includes giving up its nuclear application,” Park Kwang-on, a spokesman for Moon, said in an announcement, relating to the North Korean chief.global connections travel club scam.global vacation membership page
Moon has been important for the deployment of a sophisticated U.S. Missile protection gadget within the South meant to counter North Korea’s missile hazard, which China additionally strongly gadgets too.
(Additional reporting via Soyoung Kim in Seoul, Idrees Ali, David Brunnstrom in Washington, Malcolm Foster in Tokyo and Michelle Nichols and Lesley Wroughton at the United Nations; Enhancing Lincoln Dinner party, Robert Birsel
Anti-Deliver Swarm Missile Defense Device and Fragmentation Internet Pattern Dispersion Strategy
America Military is the most powerful and maximum superior Army on this planet. There honestly is not even a 2d vicinity, no one comes close. Even though China now does have extra ships than us Army, our firepower, structures, and gadget just about blows the entirety else out of the water. Nonetheless, as other countries build anti-Ship missiles, we ought to have methods to protect our ships from the incoming ordinance.
  Now then, we do have all types of splendid systems to shoot down incoming missiles, and shortly our ships may be geared up with laser anti-Ship missile Protection structures. One of the neatest systems that I’ve visible is referred to as Steel Typhoon. Mix that with the brand new Aegis radar guided structures and you’ve got something which can protect your feet. But what if the enemy sends big swarms of missiles toward one in every of your most valuable assets? What if they try this towards a US plane provider?
It’s far my belief that we want to design a new Machine to take out swarms of incoming missiles. What we need is proximity fuses on the Protection Machine for each individual bullet or projectile. This way the projectile can explode into an entire bunch of different pieces in the front of the incoming missiles swarm. All of those portions will also hit all the other incoming missiles. And this needs to manifest far enough away so you could have a three or four tiered technique, pulling down the swarm in a grid Pattern.
Consequently, hitting the missiles that are closest first, and sending projectile portions sideways, so that the other missiles will run into them and also explode. There are lots of talks approximately how Metallic Typhoon sends out a wall of lead, But we need the wall to be perpendicular to all those missiles, now not only a blob traveling closer to them. In other words, they need to get to a positive factor and unfold out sideways, developing a fragmentation Net Pattern, through a specific dispersion Method using physics and arithmetic to ensure that no missile gets through.
And then we want to do this 3 instances, in case some missiles take place to get thru, they will now not continue to get through. After which on the very last boat we can use the ordinary Deliver’s Device to take out the few missiles which can be left, without overwhelming our structures. Certainly, I hope you’ll please consider all this and suppose on it. It is critical to protecting our Navy fleet.
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