#distractions are very welcome.
red-flagging · 4 months
26, what would you describe as ooc? For... Lewis, if you need a specific blorbo
(fic ask game!)
in every fandom for every character it's ALWAYS therapyspeak lmao. He Would Not Have The Emotional Intelligence To Say That is basically a universal truth but also i think even for characters who i would describe as relatively self-aware (your alex albons of the world, for instance) - just because you're aware of a feeling doesn't mean that you can articulate it to yourself, much less out loud to anyone else. so more than it even feeling OOC i think it annoys me because i think the way that people try to rationalize/explain away their feelings, or subliminate them into a different thing, or talk around them, is so much more interesting and reveals so much more about their character than saying (even in internal narration) "he felt X"
for lewis specifically: i think that we (collectively, myself included) need to write him bitchier and more insufferable lol. this is something that i get annoyed by for any driver (love and light to anyone who loves grid dad seb but.) but i think it's especially prevalent sometimes w lewis for many reasons, including the live laugh love public persona that he has actively cultivated in recent years lol. and i think: as w any person. putting someone on a pedestal can be as dehumanizing as the opposite! like. the universal human condition is to be so annoying and to bitch during video shoots about how everything is taking so long and and to be kind of toxic about how everyone else on the grid couldn't take the heat during qatar 2023 etc etc. and i think that fics that actively engage w him being whiny and stubborn and petty and a little immature are actually much more compassionate and nuanced and more interesting for it.
(this is also actually the number one thing that will make me back out of brocedes fic is like. if it's too sympathetic to lewis lmao/paints the toxicity in that relationship as purely one-sided. you cannot be like "this place is a freak show i don't respect either of you people" and then make one half of the pairing NOT an annoying freak. u know)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 days
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Sublime Equine.
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jazzzzzzhands · 7 months
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I was going to draw Dandy just sitting sweetly on a flower!! but then i noticed that there was just a liiiitle space next to them!! and Oopsie!! My hand slipped!! Pretend this @ is a big smooch!! @sketchy-tour
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koifsssh · 11 months
Can I have a limited edition purple thing 🙏🙏
of course you can! all you have to do is call Basil! He's certainly got a supply of those things!
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ehehe! here's a textless version as well!
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Draft folder my beloved, what would i do without you?? 🥺
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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noodleblade · 8 months
I’m pretty sure you have many takes on this, but how do you think BDKO met?
;__; oh the possibilities. [EDIT: Breakdown's perspective, a companion piece to these headcanons.]
One I fall back onto often or at least feels like a start point when writing more in-depth fics for them, is one-night stand.
Knock Out strikes me as a mech that never really thought of settling down. He wants to have a good time without feeling controlled or possessed. He doesn’t want to be told what to do or be a pretty little mech for someone else. He’s very independent and I think that makes him contort relationships into something that threatens that. He doesn’t want to be attached and dragged down.
So meeting Breakdown socially, he thinks “this will be one fun night” but Breakdown continuously breaks any and all expectations Knock Out has. Breakdown let’s him lead, isn’t demanding, isn’t possessive. If anything, he’s down right sweet on him to the point Knock Out is convinced it must all be a ruse. But he doesn’t know for sure. He has to find out.
Bitterly, Knock Out keeps coming back to Breakdown, waiting to see how long Breakdown can pretend to be the most Perfect Guy out there. He’s cynical and waiting to see that he was right the whole time. But it never really comes and before Knock Out can actually rationalize it himself, he’s come to expect Breakdown to be there. He’s grown…attached.
Attachments are dangerous (even before War Stuff). Attachments mean being vulnerable and open and sharing. It means caring for others but it also means allowing yourself to be cared for. Knock Out is horrified to find that he…likes that.
He likes the easy comfort. He likes having someone that laughs at his jokes and makes him laugh back. He likes their conversations. He likes that Breakdown never looks at him like a commodity and actually seems interested in his niche hobbies. He likes that Breakdown doesn’t let things get to him, that he’s so self assured that he stands tall in a society that hates him. He likes that Breakdown treats him sweetly and holds his hand and kisses his cheek without expecting anything in return. He likes that when he talks, Breakdown listens and never judges. He likes that Breakdown shares things with him, trusts him as an equal and a partner.
So uh yeah ;__; I kind of like that origin meeting for them.
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draw home throwing a tantrum because wally leaving again
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This is 100% true! I'm sure Home has had its days when it doesn't want to let Wally leave. Haha
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
. . .
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
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pinkishhologram · 20 days
time to find out if jacking it works as a hangover cure
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kingdomvel · 5 months
Vel I am days late on this but I did see your kisses ask post and I do have requests! Pulling your lover in by their tie for Welcome to Our Castle?
Sorry for taking so so long, but! here it is!
It’s a nice evening. Anakin is feeling pleasantly buzzed after a whole day of catching up with Aayla and his other friends, and now a couple of hours enjoying some pints at the pub. The only way for the evening to become better would be if Obi-Wan was there by his side, but Obi-Wan had had to go to a round of meetings. After all, he had a lot of catching up to do. They have just come back from their honeymoon and this is the first day they have been back at the castle – at their home – in two months (Anakin is still amazed that they can do that, leave for two months without worry about money, about responsibilities for the most part).
So Obi-Wan had dressed up and went to his meetings, while Anakin enjoyed one day of catching up with the others while he missed him terribly.
The door to the pub opens, and in enters the man Anakin loves.
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin calls, and Obi-Wan’s eyes fly instantly to him with a smile.
Anakin stands up to meet Obi-Wan in the middle. He greets him with a kiss, and when they separate, his hands rest on the black suit Obi-Wan had put on that morning.
“Hello to you too” Obi-Wan says, his hands coming to rest on Anakin’s hips.
A voice calls out from somewhere in the pub, “come on! Let him stay for a little longer! Haven’t you had enough of each other?”
“Never!” Anakin shouts back.
“Do you want to stay?” Obi-Wan asks quietly, “we can stay if you want.”
Anakin shakes his head. His hands moving to Obi-Wan’s tie, he tugs on it, “I’m getting ideas of what to do with this tie that can’t be done in public.”
Obi-Wan lifts his eyebrows.
Anakin continues with a whisper, “maybe his lordship can tie me up with his tie and punish me for being out drinking and not working.”
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan says, his voice now carrying over, “I need to take the new Count home now.”
Anakin’s breath catches, the new Count, it hadn’t really crossed Anakin’s mind that marrying Obi-Wan made him a count too. He only really cared about being with him.
Anakin tugs on Obi-Wan’s tie harder to bring him closer, until their faces are only inches apart and their breaths become one.
The moment their lips touch again a new voice calls out. “Take his royal consort home then and spare us the sight!”
A few people laugh, and Anakin stretches one of his hands to flip them off. He doesn’t hurry to step away from Obi-Wan though, and when he does, he continues tugging on the tie and Obi-Wan lets himself be tugged, be led out of the pub.
They head home together.
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The narrative didn't doom me, it just ditched me
Warning: There will be mentions of upsetting content like sexual abuse, bullying, xenophobia and manipulation. It won't get graphic and it won't be discussed in-depth but it will be mentioned.
I've been thinking a lot about my attachment to Jeyne Poole and I think I cracked the code or at least I’m cracking the code.
So, requirements to become a "The narrative didn't doom me, it just ditched me" character:
Involve some sort of metanarrative irony, can be intentional or accidental
Being archetypal to a secondary or tertiary character, but written with depth or relevance to the story
Becoming obsolete. Be it by an adaptation, the narrative, or the fandom's perception. This person doesn't matter.
I listed four examples under the readmore
Wakaba Shinohara
(look at me, a non-practicing pseudo-intellectual talking about RGU)
Mother of all mothers! She is the blueprint!
She is the only secondary character who doesn’t appear on the opening of the show. She is average looking to the point you could pass her as a background character compared to all the other prominent characters in the story, as a student she is average, she has no special abilities or talents and the nicest and most personal compliment she gets is Utena (Wakaba's best friend, but not a feeling that is reciprocated) telling her she'd make a good housewife.
She has an entire episode dedicated to the Angst of being a satellite character and even after that episode which shows the tragedy of her story being a sideline, she remains in that sideline.
Wakaba's only sense of self value comes from her being close to the people the narrative deems as more special and since Utena has been distancing herself a little from her because she is growing closer to Anthy, being suddenly able to keep bad boy renegade (actually cringe fail loser) Saionji dependant on her transforms her into a protagonist. Suddenly she is the one being called pretty by Utena, she is getting better grades, she is being above average. She has something that makes her special!
The saddest thing is that she had already been pivotal to Utena's narrative development. During episode 12 she is the one who triggers Utena into reclaiming her Princehood and duelling Touga, but she is not capable of seeing that as something she can call her own.
And then during the masterpiece that is "Wakaba Flourishing" we see her confronting those insecurities and feelings of inferiority once she realises Saionji will leave her too and discard her!
She duels Utena, intends to kill Anthy, who se believes is the one behind her losing Utena and Saionji's attentions, loses to the protagonist who loves her, but not enough to make her become special too...and then....
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Wakaba goes back to her dorm room, now empty of Saionji who no longer needs to live at her place, and we viewers are destroyed.
She returns to her cheery, poppy, apparently happy-go-lucky self, but we know what lurks inside her.
It's funny because the narrative likes playing with her. On the one hand she is special! She is the one who gets Utena out of her depression in episode 12 and she is the one who saves Utena & Anthy at their escape in the movie. But then again, there is only one episode centred on her, right? And that episode ends once Saionji leaves her. She loses the spotlight as soon as a more relevant character distances themselves from her.
The fact she hasn't appeared in any of the post-show/movie mangas, while other show-only characters have, is heartbreaking and hilarious.
Sorry Wakaba, you are lovely but you don't make the cut, go listen to some Penelope Scott, her lyrics are a bit curt, but still, it couldn't hurt.
Heather Matarazzo in her iconic role as Dawn Wiener
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Dawn Wiener is the main character of Todd Solondz “Welcome to the Dollhouse”, although if compared to most coming-of-age protagonists, she is quite depressing.
At school she is bullied, at home she is neglected, she has no friends, talents, or self esteem and the few times she stands up for herself things backfire. She is not always loveable either. Dawn feels dangerously envious to her little sister Missy, who is everything Dawn is not; beloved and beautiful.
As we see her grow up in the movie, we come to the realisation that, it doesn’t matter how much she tries, things won’t get better for her.
Dawn Wiener ends her introduction movie as a perpetual loser who has somewhat decided to conform to her place as an underdog who will never find acceptance among her family or peers, partially because of her looks, which are seen by most as ugly. It's more one of the first scenes in the movie has a young girl bullying Dawn in the bathroom and when Dawns asks her why, the girls responds "Because you are ugly."
In the spin off movie "Palindromes" it is revealed that her adulthood wasn't much more different. She went to college, gained weight and acne and killed herself after becoming pregnant by date rape.
The entire motif of Solondz cinema can be explained within the lines spoken by one of his characters at the end of the movie:
"No one ever changes. They think that they do, but they don't. If you are the depressed type now, that's the way you'll always be. If you're the mindless happy type now, that's the way you'll be when you grow up."
Surprisingly in another spin-off of "Welcome to the Dollhouse", "Wiener Dog", Dawn finds a happy ending. She has a stable and enjoyable job as a veterinary and is rekindling a relationship with her love interest from "Welcome to the Dollhouse", Brandon. Their last scene shows them happily talking about their future while holding hands.
So it probably sounds weird whenever I say this is a much sadder and depressing ending than the one where she commits suicide.
And I stand by that, because there is a fundamental change in "Wiener Dog".
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Dawn's actress, Heather Matarazzo, has been recast by a more conventional-looking actress who is much more fitting into the female ideas of beauty Dawn was told she could never become. If anything, her new actress looks more similar to Dawn's little sister.
The fact that Matarazzo wasn't informed of this, and only came to find out that her most iconic character was now being portrayed by conventionally attractive and successful Greta Gerwig through Twitter, while she was struggling to find roles that actually allowed her to act instead of just being cast as a insulting comedic archetype, like the abhorrent admirer, is the final gut punch. She felt deeply hurt.
Also, just wanna add, the entire movie (Welcome to the Dollhouse) is on YouTube for free but it’s a VERY upsetting movie. It’s hyperbolic in its dark comedy without being edgy, and it is uncomfortable because somehow it still manages to be cruelly realistic in its themes of bullying and abuse. I’ve only watched it two times and, now that my depression has gotten stronger than ever, I sure won’t watch it again.
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Jeyne Poole
♪ A terrible mistaaaaaaake was made... ♫ I love that song for her because it fits her in and outside the story.
On a meta-level, I think she is the most tragic because it's accidental. The two former examples were written and portrayed with the intention of making us feel their tragedy. This is not poor Jeyne Poole's case. I genuinely get anxious when thinking about her or how she is treated by fandom because her case is real. She is one of those things that make me worry Solondz might be right in his cynical views of the world.
She is a book character so I can't put pictures of her without stealing art but also this entire thing is about characters being treated like shit by the narrative in order to drive a point, so hahah Jeyne! You don't get a picture! (But you get links because I love some people's art (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) and I'd feel too bad about being mean to her)
The show played a lot with my hopes involving her. She appears in one episode only and has no lines. Later on she is mentioned by name by Sansa Stark, a main/POV character who is a friend of hers and who she considers to be more beautiful. After that we never hear of her again.
This could have worked, had the show stayed loyal to the source material.
In the fifth book of the series, it is revealed to the readers that she is being passed off as the daughter of an important House, Arya Stark, so she can marry the future lord Paramount who is a sadistic monster. Her new husband abuses her terribly and while there are a few political factions opposing her husband, who intend on liberating her, this is only because they think she is Arya Stark, since no one would care for her misfortune if they knew who she truly is.
Jeyne Poole, a character who is deemed as "not important of risking your life for" gets someone to risk his life and, more importantly, his skin in order to save her! Not Arya, Jeyne! Theon, former childhood co-habitant now turned into co-victim co-perpetrator, saves her. The show adaptation decided she was not important enough to appear in the story, and replaced her with Sansa Stark, a main character the audience already felt attached to, who was from a nobler house and considered to be more beautiful. Jeyne's plot was given to the girl she sees herself as inferior to in the books. Her plot was deemed important, her impact was deemed important, but Jeyne herself was not.
She is tragic, there is a reason she is here too, but at least in the story she still has a chance at happiness. In the fandom though...yeah, she lost the war, even worst there wasn't a war. Look at the number of fanworks tagged as ASOIAF involving the Sansa-Theon-Ramsay constellation, compare it to the number of fanworks tagged as ASOIAF involving the Jeyne-Theon-Ramsay constellation and you'll find evidence to that. It gets even funnier when the show constellation and plot line stays intact in fanfics, but she is still added in order to transform her back into Sansa's token best friend with no political relevance and no connection to Theon or Ramsay.
The books' author, GRRM, spoke about being upset by the change done on the show, but in truth I don't have many hopes for Jeyne Poole and considering how he is a slow writer and I am very ill person, I doubt I'll get to witness Jeyne P managing to escape this list.
Sorry Jeyne, you weren't doomed, just ditched. Sucks to be you I guess.
The least tragic in story and development, but still someone who (sadly) deserves to be here.
She is a book character and given how this book doesn't have much of a fandom there isn't any official art of her, but I like these: (1) (2)
Similarly to Jeyne, she suffered in the adaptation, but then again, who doesn't?
Her book counterpart was given a more in depth characterisation. She was an immigrant, came from a poor background, spoke with a strong accent and was described in a manner resembling someone of African ancestry (dark skin, box braids). In the movie it is implied she might be from another country or ethnia, she is played by an Indian actress, but her accent is gone, her hair is straight and we don't get any characterisation or background on her. Her friendship with Ella is downplayed and Ella only starts her quest after being forced to tell her she can't be friends with her anymore and making a xenophobic comment. In the book, Ella parts on her quest so as not to have to obey and break their friendship and that conversation doesn't take place. In the books, Areida's pain matters and it is Ella's unwillingness to hurt her that sends her to search for Lucinda, the fairy who gave her the gift of obedience, so she can remove the curse and won't be forced to ruin her friendship with Areida and cause her more distress. She runs away from finishing school before she can break Areida's heart. And even after their separation, Ella still thinks of Areida with an endearing fondness and tells her future love interest, Prince Char, about her.
In the movie, there is an emphasis in showing Ella's pain and their reconciliation isn't shown, but we are supposed to assume they did have a reconciliation because Areida is seen at Ella and Char's wedding. Areida is reduced to become an unconditional sidekick whose feelings aren't important in the grand scheme of things. We don't see her break down crying after hearing her supposed best friend make a xenophobic comment about her, not how lonely she must have felt afterwards, nor how their conversation once reunited went. She is only Ella's friend, not her own character.
The irony, Ella's quest being triggered by Areida's feelings is turned into Ella's quest being triggered by Ella's feelings because neither the audience, nor the narrative, nor the people making the movie care about Areida's feelings, something the novel has been trying to portray as wrong multiple times.
The adaptation of Ella Enchanted (which I only watched two days ago because of curiosity and oh god why did they whitewash Char??? WHY IS LUCINDA A RACIAL STEREOTYPE???? No wonder my parents didn't let me watch Disney movies! they suck!) was so different from the book that talking about them as one almost feels wrong. Had they gone to claim the book was the inspiration behind this movie, that would have been alright, but as an adaptation, it's quite horrendous. I can understand why they made the changes they made, but given how the movie has overshadowed the book in popular culture, and thus it is Movie!Areida who people might remember, I still have to let her stay here.
So, yeah...I think this is it. It's the irony and the pain behind the irony. Yeah...
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jazzzzzzhands · 4 months
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So anyways i was gonna wait for like a HUGE ref to put together
BUT im impatient and i have a short attention span!!
Here's me! Here is Jazz!! Puppetsona!!
Just a head shot for NOW!
ReDesigning her! And honestly if she isnt kinda different everytime i draw her, i probably died, cause i'm the MOST inconsistent person there is!! And she is too!!
She is a bear!!
She is so so Hyper and Happy!!
and she's silly! and she's doting!
and she's yearning! and shes fussy! and overBearing! (ahahaha)
and she struggles sometimes to process new things but she's figuring that out too!
She is WHIMSICAL and she's loving!
and she looks at the world with wide and sparkling eyes!!
and she believes in Magic!!
She is simply! a Collector!! She collects everything that makes her Happy! Toys, Art, Stones, Flowers, Coins, Teapots, Clown dolls, Art supplies,Memories, Dreams, and any little random thing!!
You will probably see me doodle her and change her hair, her colors, her clothing,her height, ect, but here is a taste of the sort of things she wears!!
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She Doesn't wear shoes!!
and she IS! a little bit magical
Those pockets are deeper than they should be!
and Things simply seem to happen around her!!
She has a Hugtime Bracelet! Yes, from Trolls!!
Because i said she can!!
Feel free to ask me Any questions about her!!
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heythereneighbor · 2 months
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Wally! Stop doodling on the promo graphic!!
Indie Wally Darling RP blog and art ask blog with no focus on the horror elements. Established March 2023. Crossover and OC friendly. Sideblog of @dreamingofmuses
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So Frank was able to come over? Did he like 9 to 5?
(I’m assuming this from the tags of the previous post, apologies if I misunderstood)
Yes he was! Frank thought it was nice, catchy even, but if you ask me I think he was more happy to see Eddie smiling
They're in their own world on the couch rn, Frank's telling Eddie about his day and what all Eddie missed. and judging Kent on his mail delivering lol (he did alright)
,,,Eddie needed this.
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dummerjan · 7 months
Question Tag Game Thingy
I was tagged by @die-schwanenkoenigin - thank you for always tagging me. Current book I’m reading: Technically Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann, it's been the same answer for almost two years now. Very much enjoying it (though I have no clue why), but also very much not actually reading it 99% of the time. However, my laptop needs to be repaired during which I will have to make do with a desktop computer which does not go well with me spending most of my time home in bed. So I should really dedicate that time to non-digital media and make some progress with the book.
Last song I listened to: Придёт вода - Yanka Dyagileva
Currently watching: Nothing really. I finished the new hbomberguy video this morning. I got halfway through Love at the End of the World on GagaOOLala last month and I really should pick it up again before my subscription runs out.
Current fic I’m reading: Just the new chapters for fics I am subscribed to. This morning I was up way too early, so I could read the latest insert cash or select payment type chapter.
Next on my watchlist: Cherry Magic - I am so excited for Saturday!
Current obsession: No active media obsession right now. Well, I suppose we can count Jeff Satur, that fucking menace. And real life stuff, lots of exhausting, not-fun obsessing on that front. I'd much rather it be about a silly gay show though. tagging: @imminentinertia @hummingbooks @scarefox @sorry-bonebag @lady-guts @ilovetextingandscones
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