janearts · 3 years
@distraughtlesbian replied to your post:
the drow term for albinos, can actually have fangs—they’re listed as a potential birth defect as szarkai have a higher chance of being born with deformities, along with things like hairlessness and gnarled/clawed hands—but they’re specified to be *small* fangs and of course astarion has noticeable TEEF, so you’d just have to roll the dice and hope mr. gandrel the gur has never met another fanged drow
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This was so very informative! I didn’t realise that albino drow could have fangs. I think that would also be a persuasion roll to try to make. (Memo to self: have the gang try to pass him off as szarkai in Baldur’s Gate.) Thank you for the educational comment. :>
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cloudmancy · 2 years
my god……..keradin/calroy carrot cake. your mind
okay I promise everyone that keraroy a) makes sense but b) understanding calmethar and kerapin is so crucial to understanding keraroy. it's a dynamic the way kerapin is a dynamic. it's NOT a ship but it IS very very funny. what if we were both having a breakdown in castle candy post coup bc we both killed someone important to our core identity and we are having separate breakdowns about it AND we both hated each other and we were both boys 😳
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jacksallys · 3 years
hey u rb’ed my post just now and said in the tags u wanted to go get water for ur headache. figured id encourage u to go get water bestie <3
thank u bestie <3 i might go get some in a sec tbh
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neechees · 4 years
hey! i know you've mentioned before that you're in the process of learning cree, and i was wondering where it was that you were having lessons? i've been trying really hard to reconnect as best i can, but i live in a very white community with my white mother, so actually reconnecting has been, how do you say, A Bitch! anyway, my point is, i would really appreciate it if you could give me some pointers! thanks and have a good day!
I signed up for classes at a nearby university, but because of covid, we’re doing everything online. But I think there’s some other sites that offer it for free, of the sort of duolingo type (but not duolingo itself, I don’t think)? You’d just have to find them. I think my first point for you would to be to learn the sound system first. Find what dialect you wanna learn and are from (Plains Cree? Woods Cree? Atikamikw? Naskapi?) and then learn the sounds from that specific dialect, it’ll make pronouncing actual words a lot easier later. I think it wasn’t AS hard for me to learn the sound system even though I didn’t technically do that first because I’ve been surrounded by Cree speakers my whole life, I hear my Kohkum speak Cree regularly, so I have her for reference and for a guide if I’m having trouble. There’s language apps and sites that will have voice recordings for you to use for this exact purpose, so that’ll help, you just gotta find them!
Secondly, listen to people speak Cree, specifically your dialect should be good, but even then Cree sounds familiar even to different dialects, so it might still help. One thing I like listening to is Wapos Bay, a Cree tv show from APTN, which also has a Cree dubbed version! There’s entire episodes of Cree Wapos Bay, (there’s an episode example in the bolded link), and just hearing words and listening to how they say it, the speed, seeing if you can pick up words etc will help, it gets you more familiarized. So, 1. Learn the Sound system, 2. download a language app in your dialect just to have a dictionary on hand, and 3. listen to people speak Cree. That should get you started at least!
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drsobemoji · 5 years
distraughtlesbian replied to your photoset
cant wait for the realistic and deeply emotional conversation with luz about how much we love her and her dad and how we don't want to replace soledad by any means but we do want to be a family
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i want it so bad :( 
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helenaklein · 5 years
i really dont trust this “game of thrones but PG” angle i feel like theyre gonna lean into
everything i know about game of thrones i learned against my will so i don’t know what this is supposed to mean tbh
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dorindameddler · 5 years
liam’s very sweet already but i adore sappy drunk liam. he sees a painting of two birds in the palace gallery and bursts into tears.
even when he’s being sweet he’s very reigned in so i can see sappy drunk liam
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rukatski · 5 years
vibe check! (hits kaname over the head with a baseball bat)
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hushedsong · 7 years
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So I was scrolling through my dash and this happened
[above image is text post from distraughtlesbian that reads “It’s all fun and gay until you get a crush on her,” followed by a fanart from bloomingcnidarians of Isabela and Josephine playing cards]
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your life is filled with beauty. you must be dreaming still.
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incorrectbnhaquotes · 7 years
Jirou: It’s all fun and gay until you get a crush on her
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cloudmancy · 3 years
hiiii just thought id let you know that the url keradin-deeproot is up for grabs
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oh this is SO fucked up and evil. what gives
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Saki: It’s all fun and gay until you get a crush on her
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v4mpyrsp1t · 3 years
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@distraughtlesbian is the funniest fucking person alive i'm on the verge of tears i'm having a mental breakdown
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nahara-nation · 4 years
It’s like you helenaklein viviennetang distraughtlesbian etc... so funny because it’s like you’ve all personaly attacked them
@helenaklein @vivienneetang @distraughtlesbian QUEENS OF MEAN!!
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annabelleswife · 4 years
@distraughtlesbian: “used to having total control” jail time. we HAVE to be bonded to this man because fuck wlw haha
that is very true. it is definitely going to be yet another PB classic of having romance “options” yet narratively being pushed towards the main male LI, though in this particular case I am pleased that at least our MC is ALSO bonded to a female character!! (the werewolf hunter, I believe her name will be Morgan.)
 like the narrative will basically be all about this love triangle between the two LI’s and while I understand that’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, I am excited that at least it will not be a gender customizable LI where you can take away all the female options out of the book like you could in Platinum for example. regardless of whatever else, the plot WILL be all about your MC’s very important bond with both a male AND female LI, so that’s why I’m tentatively excited.
BUT like I said above I do understand where you’re coming from here. no book should FORCE you to basically pseudo-romance any male LI if you do not want to, the app’s supposed to be about having choices.
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