#dividend reinvestment explained
thinkandretire · 1 year
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Ko-Fi prompt from @kayasurin:
Just rant about the stock market, whatever you want to say about it!
'just rant' is such a prompt for uhhhh my distaste.
LEGALLY NECESSARY DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed financial advisor, and it is illegal for me to advise anyone on investment in securities like stocks. My commentary here is merely opinion, not financial advice, and I urge you to not make any decisions with regards to securities investments based on my opinions, or without consulting a licensed advisor.
So here are a few things:
1. Stocks are unreliable.
For the layperson, there is nothing that can be done about the direction a stock takes. Unless you are a majority shareholder, or one of several who can work in concert, you cannot affect the direction a company takes, which means you cannot affect the decisions that might cause a stock to increase or decrease in value. This is a rich man's game. The average investor is just along for the ride, god help them.
Between Random Walk Theory, the dart-throwing monkeys study, and the fact that mutual funds do not beat the market, there is just... it's a crapshoot. Anyone who tells you to invest to make a lot of money is drinking the Kool-Aid. You can invest to make a small return, to keep your money in a lot of places in case your bank gets digitally robbed or whatever your worries might be, diversification is good for safety nets, but for pity's sake, don't expect to become a millionaire, and be aware you can lose a lot, even listening to experts.
2. Stocks can be manipulated, and it's ridiculous and stupid and fucks over perfectly normal companies
Do you remember the GameStop reddit thing? I do. If you don't, please take a quick look at this record of the GameStop stock price.
See that spike in 2021? That was Reddit.
This post did a great job explaining it, but you told me to rant, and so I shall.
A large investment company had decided to make a lot of money for their clients by destroying GameStop. They did this by selling more shares than they actually owned (more than actually existed), force the market to absolutely tank the price, with plans to "buy back" the stock once it was dirt cheap, thereby making a profit for their company. This is a common form of stock manipulation called shortstelling, and investors had been doing it to GameStop for years, without the general public noticing.
Except Reddit did notice. And they decided to Fuck It Up, buying up stock at higher and higher prices, forcing the stock price to skyrocket, and the mutual/hedge funds still had to buy them back, but now it was at a massive loss, and it made headlines across the country because of how incredibly ridiculous it was.
The things to note here is that the market can be manipulated without any regard to the actual profits or health of the company, and that attempts to do so can backfire spectacularly.
3. Returns are minimal
There are two ways to earn money on stocks. The first is returns on capital investment; you buy the share at $10, sell it for $20, and you've thus received $10 profit. This is part of the incredibly unreliable bit I mentioned, because you cannot control the direction the stock takes, and generally can't predict it.
The other way is dividends, which like... profits made over the previous quarter (after paying employees, bank loans, rents, etc.) can be either reinvested to grow the company, or paid out to shareholders. But if you invest $150 in a single share of Walmart stock, your quarterly dividend is $2.25, which is $11/yr.
So unless you're investing hundreds of thousands of dollars, or get really lucky with what you choose to invest in, dividends aren't going to get you much of anything.
And when your stocks do give you healthy dividends, it's because there's money left for shareholders! Which, if you remember a few lines back, is left over after paying employees.
If an investor wants a return on their investment, and they can vote to change policy, and policy that pays employees dictates that they get a smaller dividend, do you think that the investors are going to vote to pay their employees fairly?
Yeah, didn't think so.
4. Rapid, Consumptive Growth
There was a really good post recently that described how and why the Chicago School of Economics, colloquially Reaganomics, has completely fucked over the entire US economy by encouraging the absolute worst state for the market to be in, which is seeking eternal parasitic growth. I urge you to read that one if you can, because the bloggers did a good job. Basically, screw Reagan and screw the Chicago school. The economy still would have been a capitalist hellscape without them, but they sure did hasten it!
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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exitrowiron · 1 year
Investing 101
Part 1 of ?
A Tumblr mutual has asked me to explain brokers and stocks; I'm not an investing expert but I will share what I know (or what I think I know). The investing subreddit is a great source for those who really want to know the details.
What are stocks? When you buy a company's stock you own a small portion of the company. If a company has issued 100 shares and you purchase 1 share, you own 1/100th of the company. Most companies start out as private enterprises (i.e. owned by one of more individuals) and if the company is successful it may want to sell shares (i.e. go public). Going public is a major milestone in the life of a company. The process of issuing shares, quarterly reports, etc. is highly regulated by the SEC and requires audits, the creation of a board of directors and regular financial reporting, all in an effort to protect investors. In light of this expense, it's fair to wonder why an owner would want to go through the hassle of going public and giving up control of some (or all) of their company.
Going public (i.e. selling shares/stock) is a way of generating capital for the company. Perhaps a company needs an infusion of cash to build a new factory or expand to a new market... new stock issuances often include statements from the company about how it intends to use the proceeds. Issuing public shares is also a way to reward owners and key employees by giving them a way to get cash out of the business. Imagine you started a business 20 years ago and always funneled the company's earnings back into the business to help it grow. You may have a valuable business, but you have all your eggs in that basket and don't have cash to invest in other ways, buy a yacht etc. Likewise, you may have promised key employees partial ownership of the business, this is a way for them to cash-in also.
Regardless of the motivation, companies issuing stocks can choose to sell partial or full ownership of the company. Successful entrepreneurs often choose to retain majority ownership in the business - shareholders may collectively only own 40% of the business, for example, and have the right to elect 2 of 5 directors to the board. This kind of strategy allows the founder to have his cake and eat it too (i.e. cash-out some of the value of the business while still retaining control). A company can also sell various types of shares, each with different benefits. For example, a company may sell Preferred Shares, which are guaranteed to receive a dividend before other shares. Or the company may issue voting and non-voting shares (this is another way for a founder to retain control). Most retail investors (individuals like you and me), purchase Common Shares which have voting rights and are eligible for dividends.
What is a dividend? If you own a part of a company, it is reasonable to expect that you receive your proportionate share of the earnings right? The distribution of a company's earnings to shareholders is called a dividend. Companies may distribute dividends quarterly, annually or in the case of start-up or fast growing companies, not at all. Netflix for example, which had $8.19B in revenue and $1.49B in earnings in 2022 HAS NEVER PAID A DIVIDEND. Likewise, TESLA has never paid a dividend.
Why would anyone want to own shares in companies which don't pay dividends? It isn't at all uncommon for early stage and/or high growth companies to not pay dividends. The thinking is that the growth prospects for the company are so attractive, the money is best spent by reinvesting in the business. Of course there's an expectation that at some point in the future the business will mature and begin paying dividends. This is what happened with Microsoft and Apple for example. As long as the company continues to show accelerating growth, investors will overlook the lack the dividends, betting that the overall value of the company (and intrinsic value of the shares) will grow as well. Again, Netflix and Tesla are good examples of that.
This leads to the conclusion that there are two ways to make money from stocks - dividends and increases in the share price. I may not be concerned if I own a stock with a share price which has been stuck at $100 for the last 5 years if that company is paying me a $10 dividend every year. I'm still earning a 10% return on that investment. Conversely, I may be equally happy owning a stock which has never paid a dividend but is now worth $150 dollars versus my original purchase price of $100.
Stocks whose value is primarily derived from their reliability for generating dividends are called Value stocks. Stocks whose value is primarily derived from the growth of the stock price are called Growth stocks - Netflix and Tesla are examples of Growth stocks; Microsoft and Ford are examples of Value stocks. Admittedly this can be confusing; I remember our first broker asking if we were Value or Growth investors. It seems like a silly question; can't we have both? In truth, older investors like me tend to be Value investors... we like the reliability (and cash flow) of stable companies that declare dividends every quarter. Growth stocks can be exciting, but the stock prices can be volatile and older investors have little tolerance for volatility. Value stocks tend to be stable companies in stable industries. Growth companies are all about the future; there is an opportunity for much greater rewards, but that comes with more risk. Over a longer investing horizon (>10 years), a broad portfolio Growth stocks will likely outperform an equally broad portfolio of Value stocks. Old people don't have a long investing horizon, but young people do and each group's investment portfolio should be biased accordingly.
Next Post - how to buy stocks.
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beardedmrbean · 5 hours
The recent amendments to the rules for obtaining a driver's license in Bulgaria have sparked mixed reactions among the public. According to new regulations published on September 10 in the State Gazette, which will take effect on December 10, 2024, prospective drivers will be allowed a maximum of four attempts at both the theoretical and practical tests.
Seven organizations involved in driver training have expressed strong opposition to the proposed changes, particularly concerning the introduction of electronic driving hour cards and limits on practical test attempts. Trendafil Marinov, the chairman of the Bulgarian Driving Instructor Union, confirmed plans for a protest scheduled for tomorrow, September 25.
Marinov voiced concerns during an interview with BNR, arguing that the new regulations do not align with existing educational standards. He criticized the push towards digitalization, labeling it "complete ambiguity" and questioning how the proposed changes would improve road safety.
He highlighted the additional financial burdens the new requirements would impose on driving schools, noting that each training vehicle would need to be equipped with specific devices that maintain a permanent Internet connection, necessitating contracts with mobile service providers.
Currently, the Automotive Administration employs inspectors who can effectively verify the validity of paper driving cards on the road, according to Marinov. He pointed out that these cards include essential identification information and photographs.
Additionally, Marinov raised issues regarding the limited number of examiners available to provide practical driving tests, leading to potentially long waiting periods. He questioned the rationale behind limiting attempts to four and the six-month timeframe for testing, calling for a collaborative working group with industry representatives to address these concerns.
Concerns about potential corruption have also emerged, with Marinov asking why a single company should develop the required software instead of promoting competition through multiple software solutions.
The protest is set to take place in front of the presidency, with activities planned from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Krasimir Georgiev, manager of the Association for the Qualification of Motorists in Bulgaria, offered a contrasting perspective during a discussion on the national radio. He argued that the new regulations will effectively eliminate corrupt practices, which he claims opponents are afraid of.
Georgiev emphasized that the exam should serve as a test to assess knowledge gained during training, rather than as part of the training itself. He suggested that driving schools fearing the new requirement of four exams within six months indicate they are not adequately preparing their students.
He noted that after years of stagnation, reform is finally underway. "If the existing requirements were followed, there wouldn’t be so many driving schools. Many only had a classroom to obtain permits, while their actual operation occurred in their cars, which often served as family vehicles."
He further explained the prevalent practice of maintaining two sets of training cards: one for the instructor and student, and another that reflects the full 30 hours of required instruction, often fabricated to satisfy inspections by the traffic police.
Georgiev dismissed concerns regarding the financial burdens that driving schools would face, arguing that they often do not invest or reinvest profits, and are unfamiliar with tax concepts such as "Profit" or "Dividends."
He also mentioned that some civil servants work as driving instructors, asserting that there are sufficient examiners available.
Georgiev announced plans for a procession to support the reforms, scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Alexander Battenberg Square. He noted that over 12 NGOs focused on road safety are backing the rally, which will culminate in a declaration supporting the reforms to the Ministry of Transport leadership.
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zelda-larsson · 8 days
The Benefits of Dividend Investing
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Dividend investing has long been favored by those seeking a steady income stream from their portfolios. Companies that pay dividends typically distribute a portion of their earnings to shareholders, providing investors with regular payouts. However, like any investment strategy, dividend investing comes with both advantages and risks.
The Appeal of Dividend Investing.
Dividend stocks can offer consistent income, making them attractive for long-term investors, retirees, or those who prefer a more stable approach to building wealth. Michael Shvartsman, an expert in investments, highlights the appeal of this strategy: “Dividend investing can provide investors with the ability to earn returns without relying entirely on the appreciation of stock prices. It offers a balance between income generation and growth potential.”
Benefits of Dividend Investing.
Regular Income Stream
One of the primary reasons investors turn to dividend stocks is the promise of a regular income. Dividends are typically paid quarterly, offering investors a predictable cash flow. This can be especially appealing during periods of market volatility when stock prices fluctuate, but dividends continue to be paid.
Michael Shvartsman explains the importance of dividends for certain types of investors. “For those who prioritize steady income, dividend investing can be a key component of their strategy. It provides a reliable return regardless of market movements, which can be useful during uncertain times.”
Compounding Growth
When dividends are reinvested, they allow investors to buy more shares of stock, leading to compounding growth over time. This strategy helps increase the overall value of the portfolio as the number of shares — and, consequently, the dividend payouts — grows.
Michael Shvartsman notes that compounding is one of the strongest advantages of dividend investing: “Reinvesting dividends can accelerate portfolio growth significantly over the long term. The ability to consistently grow one’s holdings through reinvestment is a powerful tool.”
Lower Volatility
Dividend-paying stocks are often considered less volatile than non-dividend-paying stocks. This is because these companies are typically established, with steady earnings and predictable business models. While they are not immune to market downturns, the regular income from dividends can offset some of the volatility in stock prices.
Dividend investing offers clear benefits, including a steady income stream, compounding growth, and potentially lower volatility. However, it also carries risks like dividend cuts, limited growth, and the impact of inflation. Michael Shvartsman’s expert insights suggest that while dividend investing can play an important role in a portfolio, it’s essential to balance this strategy with other investments to achieve long-term success. By carefully selecting dividend-paying companies and maintaining a diversified portfolio, investors can take advantage of the benefits while managing the risks.
Read more:
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ibmarketer · 3 months
Zylvie Review: Revolutionizing Digital Sales with Zero Commission and Lifetime Access
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In the ever-evolving digital marketplace, creators and entrepreneurs are constantly seeking platforms that not only showcase their products but also maximize their earnings. Enter Zylvie, a game-changing solution that has set the stage for a new era in digital sales. This Zylvie review delves into a platform that promises zero commission, high-conversion funnels, and a suite of tools designed to empower small creators. With an Appsumo lifetime deal that's turning heads, Zylvie is not just another e-commerce tool—it's a potential cornerstone for sustainable online businesses. Let's explore how this visitor tracking review reveals Zylvie's capacity to transform the way digital products are sold, all while keeping profits where they belong: in the pockets of those who create.
The Dawn of Commission-Free Sales: Zylvie's Core Promise
Understanding the Zero-Commission Model
At the heart of Zylvie's appeal is its bold stance on commissions—or rather, the lack thereof. In an industry where platforms often take a significant cut of each sale, Zylvie's 0% commission policy is nothing short of revolutionary. This model is particularly crucial for small creators and startups, where every dollar counts towards growth and sustainability.
The Impact on Creator Earnings
Traditional e-commerce platforms and marketplaces can charge anywhere from 5% to 30% per transaction. For a digital product priced at $100, this could mean losing up to $30 on each sale. Zylvie eliminates this financial burden, allowing creators to price their products more competitively or pocket the difference as pure profit. Over time, this can translate into thousands of dollars saved—funds that can be reinvested into product development, marketing, or simply improving one's quality of life.
Lifetime Access: A One-Time Investment
Zylvie's lifetime access offer through Appsumo complements the zero-commission model. This isn't just about avoiding recurring monthly fees; it's about making a single investment that pays dividends for years to come. For creators who plan to be in the game for the long haul, this proposition is incredibly attractive. It provides peace of mind and predictability in expenses, which is invaluable when scaling a business.
High-Converting Sales Funnels: The Zylvie Edge
While keeping 100% of sales is a strong start, Zylvie understands that creators need more than just favourable terms—they need the tools to drive those sales in the first place.
WYSIWYG Editor: Crafting Persuasive Landing Pages
Zylvie's What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editor demystifies the process of building sales pages. Users can drag and drop elements, insert media, and even embed custom code without touching a line of HTML. This accessibility is a boon for creators who may not have web design skills but understand the importance of a compelling sales pitch.
Conversion-Boosting Elements
A high-converting funnel is more than just an attractive layout. Zylvie enables creators to integrate elements proven to drive conversions:
Video content that explains product benefits vividly
Testimonials that provide social proof and build trust
Product samples or sneak peeks that give customers a taste of what they're buying
Long-form sales letters that address pain points and showcase solutions in depth
Templates and Layouts: Starting with a Winning Formula
For those who prefer not to start from scratch, Zylvie offers pre-designed, high-converting layouts. These templates are based on proven sales page structures, taking the guesswork out of design and allowing creators to focus on their unique value proposition.
Scarcity and Urgency: Psychological Triggers for Sales
Zylvie harnesses powerful psychological principles to motivate purchases, all without resorting to manipulative tactics.
Flash Sales and Seasonal Promotions
The platform makes it easy to schedule limited-time offers that coincide with shopping peaks like Black Friday, Christmas, or industry-specific events. These flash sales create a sense of occasion and prompt customers to act quickly to avoid missing out.
Countdown Timers and Stock Indicators
Visual cues like countdown clocks and "only X left in stock" messages tap into the scarcity principle. When customers see that time or quantity is limited, the perceived value of the offer increases, often leading to faster decision-making and higher conversion rates.
Exclusive Deals for Brand Advocates
Loyalty should be rewarded, and Zylvie facilitates this through the ability to create special offers for existing customers. This not only encourages repeat business but also turns satisfied buyers into brand ambassadors.
Affiliate Marketing Made Simple
Expanding reach is critical for digital product sales, and Zylvie's built-in affiliate system provides a scalable solution.
Unlimited Affiliates with Custom Commissions
Unlike some platforms that cap the number of affiliates or offer one-size-fits-all commission structures, Zylvie allows for unlimited partners. More impressively, creators can set individual commission rates, providing the flexibility to incentivize top performers or accommodate different partnership arrangements.
Automated Tracking and Payouts
The administrative headache often associated with affiliate programs is alleviated by Zylvie's automatic referral tracking and on-platform payout handling. This reduces the risk of errors and frees up creators to focus on product development and relationship building.
Upsells and Cross-Sells: Maximizing Average Order Value
Acquiring a customer is often the hardest part; Zylvie ensures that once you have their attention, you can maximize the transaction value.
One-Click Upsells with Urgency
After the initial purchase, customers are presented with relevant additional offers they can add to their order with a single click. Zylvie enhances these upsells with time-sensitive discounts, adding a layer of urgency that can significantly boost take-up rates.
Strategic Upsell Placement
Creators can choose where upsells appear in the customer journey:
As a pop-up on the checkout page for last-minute additions
On a separate page before checkout, creating a multi-step funnel
Within a discreet on-page div that doesn't interrupt the flow
Each option has its merits, and Zylvie gives creators the power to test and optimize for their audience.
Subscription Models: Building Recurring Revenue
For sustainable growth, recurring revenue is king, and Zylvie caters to this with robust subscription functionality.
Flexible Billing Options
Whether it's a membership site, ongoing coaching program, or SaaS product, Zylvie supports various billing intervals. Creators can charge monthly, quarterly, annually, or at custom frequencies that suit their offering.
 Free Trials to Reduce Friction
To lower the barrier to entry and increase long-term subscriptions, Zylvie allows the inclusion of free trial periods. This try-before-you-buy approach can dramatically improve conversion rates for subscription products.
Advanced Analytics: Data-Driven Decision Making
In the digital products space, flying blind is not an option. Zylvie provides comprehensive analytics that go beyond basic sales figures.
 Funnel Visibility
Track visitors through each stage of your sales funnel to identify drop-off points and optimization opportunities. Understanding where potential customers hesitate or lose interest is the first step in refining your approach.
 Lead and Conversion Tracking
Zylvie doesn't just show you sales; it helps you understand the journey from visitor to lead to customer. This insight is invaluable for tweaking marketing messages, page designs, and product offerings.
 Real-Time Data
The platform offers up-to-the-minute information, allowing creators to react swiftly to trends, troubleshoot issues, or capitalize on unexpected traction.
Integrations and Customizations: A Flexible Ecosystem
No two businesses are identical, and Zylvie recognizes this with a range of integration options and customization capabilities.
 Email Service Provider (ESP) Connections
Building and nurturing an email list is critical for long-term success. Zylvie integrates seamlessly with popular ESPs like ConvertKit, Mailerlite, Sendfox, AWeber, and GetResponse, ensuring that customer data flows effortlessly into your chosen marketing tool.
 Personalized Branding
From the store layout to transactional emails, Zylvie allows creators to infuse their unique brand identity. This consistency builds trust and reinforces brand recall, both of which contribute to customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.
 Webhooks and API Access
For the tech-savvy or those with specific workflow needs, Zylvie offers webhooks and API methods. This opens up possibilities for custom integrations, automated tasks, and connections with other business tools in a creator's stack.
Ease of Use Meets Sophistication
A platform is only as good as its usability, and Zylvie strikes a balance between powerful features and intuitive design.
 Quick Deployment
Time is money, especially for small creators. Zylvie's promise of "minutes to market" isn't just marketing speak—it's a commitment to removing technical barriers that often delay product launches.
 Logical Workflows
From setting up a new product to configuring an affiliate program, Zylvie guides users through processes with clear steps and helpful prompts. This reduces the learning curve and minimizes the chance of overlooking important settings.
Security and Compliance: Trust as a Feature
In an age of data breaches and privacy concerns, Zylvie takes security seriously—not just for creators, but for their customers too.
 GDPR Compliance
All stores on the Zylvie platform are built with GDPR compliance in mind. This isn't just about avoiding fines; it's about respecting customer data and building trust with a global audience.
 Secure Payments and Tax Handling
Zylvie automatically collects appropriate taxes based on customer location, simplifying one of the most complex aspects of international sales. Furthermore, the platform ensures that all transactions are processed securely, protecting sensitive financial information.
The Appsumo Lifetime Deal: An Unbeatable Offer
While Zylvie's features are impressive on their own, the Appsumo lifetime deal takes the platform from a smart choice to a no-brainer for many creators.
 One-Time Payment, Eternal Access
The concept is simple yet powerful: pay once, use forever. This model eliminates the anxiety of rising costs as a business scales and provides a clear, upfront understanding of expenses.
 ROI Potential
With no recurring platform fees to factor in, the return on investment for Zylvie through Appsumo can be remarkably swift. A handful of sales can recoup the initial outlay, after which every transaction contributes directly to profit.
 Future-Proofing Your Business
As Zylvie continues to evolve and add features, lifetime deal holders stand to benefit without additional cost. This forward-looking aspect of the deal adds significant value, essentially allowing users to lock in tomorrow's improvements at today's prices.
FAQ: Your Burning Questions Answered
Before we wrap up this Zylvie review, let's address some frequently asked questions to ensure you have all the information needed to make an informed decision.
H4: Is Zylvie suitable for physical product sales?
While Zylvie specializes in digital products and services, it's not designed for physical goods that require shipping and inventory management. Its strengths lie in instant delivery and scalable distribution of digital assets.
H4: Can I migrate my existing products and customers to Zylvie?
Zylvie does not currently offer an automated migration tool. However, recreating products on the platform is straightforward, and you can manually import customer data where necessary.
H4: What happens if Zylvie ceases operations in the future?
This is a valid concern with any lifetime deal. While Zylvie is positioning itself for long-term success, they recommend that users regularly back up critical data such as customer information and sales records as a best practice.
H4: Are there any transaction fees with Zylvie?
Zylvie itself does not charge transaction fees. However, payment processors like PayPal or Stripe will have their standard fees, which are separate from Zylvie's services.
H4: Can I use my own domain name with Zylvie?
Yes, Zylvie allows you to use a custom domain, which is crucial for brand consistency and SEO. This feature ensures that your Zylvie store appears as a seamless part of your existing web presence.
H4: What kind of customer support does Zylvie offer?
Zylvie provides email support to all users. Response times and access to additional support channels may vary based on the plan level or special promotions like the Appsumo deal.
H4: Is there a limit to how many products I can sell on Zylvie?
No, there are no arbitrary limits on the number of products you can list. Whether you have a single flagship course or a extensive library of ebooks, Zylvie can accommodate your catalog.
Conclusion: The Verdict on Zylvie
As we conclude this visitor tracking review, it's clear that Zylvie is more than just another e-commerce platform—it's a paradigm shift for digital creators. By eliminating commissions, providing high-converting tools, and offering lifetime access through Appsumo, Zylvie positions itself as a true partner in the success of its users.
The zero-commission model alone is a compelling reason to consider Zylvie, but it's the combination of this with advanced features like customizable funnels, affiliate management, and one-click upsells that makes the platform shine. For solopreneurs, coaches, course creators, and digital product vendors of all stripes, Zylvie removes many of the traditional barriers to profitability.
However, no platform is without its considerations. Zylvie's focus on digital goods means those in physical product spaces will need to look elsewhere. And while the lifetime deal offers incredible value, it's important for users to have a backup plan for their data, as with any online service.
That said, for its target market, Zylvie's pros far outweigh its cons. The platform's commitment to putting more money in creators' pockets while providing the tools to generate those funds is admirable. Its user-friendly interface doesn't sacrifice depth of functionality, and the potential for truly passive income through evergreen digital products and subscriptions is tantalizing.
In a world where platforms often seem to take more than they give, Zylvie is a refreshing counter-example. It embodies the idea that when creators thrive, so does the marketplace that supports them. For anyone looking to launch or scale a digital product business without the ongoing overhead of commissions and fees, Zylvie warrants serious consideration.
The Appsumo lifetime deal makes the proposition even sweeter, offering a low-risk entry point to a potentially game-changing tool. As the digital economy continues to grow, platforms like Zylvie that align their success with that of their users are likely to play an increasingly important role.
In summary, this Zylvie review finds the platform to be a robust, creator-friendly solution that lives up to its promises. It's not just about selling products; it's about building sustainable online businesses where hard work and creativity are rewarded fairly. For many, Zylvie may well be the missing piece in the puzzle of digital entrepreneurship—a place where great ideas can flourish, unencumbered by excessive fees or technical limitations.
To know more, Click 👉👉Access Here 
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extracreditedcredit · 4 months
How Do Credit Union Loans Work?
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My previous blog posts have explained how credit unions are a better option than traditional banks. They offer the same services but also have much better benefits as well. Now that you want to go with a credit union, it is time for you to apply for a loan.
But applying for credit union loans UK is never simple. It will be a long process and involve several steps. It can be made easier, however, when you are aware of how they work so that you know what to expect and can stay one step ahead.
So How do Credit Union Loans Work?
Firstly you will need a membership if you have not got one already. Membership involves meeting certain eligibility criteria based on factors like your employer, geographical loaction, or association membership.
Once you can get a credit union loan, you will then need to decide what type of loan to get. Here is a list of what types of loans you can get from a credit union, such as Blues and Twos:
Personal loans
Auto loans
Home loans (mortgages)
Home equity loans
Student loans
Credit card loans
Small business loans
You will then have to send in an application, usually by filling out a form. You will need to provide information about your income, employment credit history, and the purpose of the loan.
The credit union will then perform a credit check to assess your creditworthiness. But because credit unions are more member-focused, they might be more willing to work with members who have less-than-perfect credit than banks.
If your application is approved, then the union will offer loan terms, including the interest rate, repayment schedule, and any fees. These aspects will be more flexible than what a bank offers, as unions care about their members. For secured loans, you may need to provide collateral.
Once the loan is disbursed, you will start making regular payments according to the agreed schedule. Payments typically include both principal and interest. During repayment, some unions may also offer support for members in order to maintain their financial wellbeing.
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Other Possibilities...
If the union generates a profit, then it will be reinvested back into the organisation, potentialy leading to lower rates, better services, and dividends for members.
If your financial situation improves or if interest rates drop, you may have the chance to refinance your loan with the credit union so that you can obtain even better terms!
To Simply Put...
Credit union loans are designed to be member-friendly, with competitive rates, lower fees, and a focus on supporting the financial well-being of their members.
So now that you know how a credit union loan works, you can apply for one with confidence, with the knowledge that you know exactly what to expect!
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louishawkins671 · 7 months
From Cash Value to Coverage: Explaining Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance is a versatile financial tool that offers both protection and investment benefits. Unlike term life insurance, which provides coverage for a specific period, whole life insurance offers lifetime coverage along with a cash value component that grows over time. Understanding the mechanics of whole life insurance can help individuals make informed decisions about their financial future.
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The Basics of Whole Life Insurance
At its core, whole life insurance explained is a type of permanent life insurance that provides coverage for the insured's entire life, as long as premiums are paid. Premiums for whole life insurance policies are typically fixed and remain constant throughout the policy's duration, providing stability and predictability for policyholders.
One of the distinguishing features of whole life insurance is its cash value component. A portion of each premium payment is allocated towards building cash value, which accumulates over time on a tax-deferred basis. This cash value serves as a financial asset that policyholders can access through loans or withdrawals, providing liquidity and flexibility in times of need.
Building Cash Value: How It Works
The mechanism behind the cash value accumulation involves the insurer investing a portion of the premiums in various instruments such as bonds, stocks, or money market funds. The returns generated from these investments contribute to the growth of the cash value over time. Additionally, the cash value benefits from compounding, as earnings are reinvested to generate further returns.
It's important to note that the growth of cash value is subject to certain factors, including the performance of the underlying investments, policy expenses, and the insurer's dividend payments (for participating whole life policies). Policyholders should review their policy illustrations regularly to track the performance of their cash value and ensure it aligns with their long-term financial goals.
Coverage and Guarantees
Whole life insurance provides a death benefit that remains intact regardless of economic conditions, providing financial protection for beneficiaries. This death benefit ensures that loved ones are taken care of in the event of the insured's passing, serving as a legacy for future generations.
Moreover, whole life insurance guarantees the cash value growth, providing a level of stability and predictability in an uncertain financial landscape. Policyholders can take comfort in knowing that their cash value will continue to accumulate over time, offering a reliable source of funds for future needs.
Tax Advantages
Whole life insurance offers several tax advantages that enhance its efficiency as a financial planning tool. The cash value growth is tax-deferred, meaning policyholders are not required to pay taxes on the earnings until they make withdrawals or surrender the policy. Additionally, policy loans are generally not taxable as long as the policy remains in force. These tax advantages make whole life insurance an attractive option for individuals looking to minimize their tax burden while building long-term wealth.
Flexibility and Customization
Whole life insurance policies offer a level of flexibility and customization to meet individual needs and preferences. Policyholders can choose the death benefit amount, premium payment schedule, and riders to enhance coverage. Common riders include accelerated death benefit, which allows policyholders to access a portion of the death benefit in case of terminal illness, and waiver of premium, which waives premiums in the event of disability.
Furthermore, policyholders have the option to tailor their premium payment schedule according to their financial situation. While traditional whole life policies require premiums to be paid for life, limited payment and single premium options are available, allowing policyholders to fully pay premiums within a specified period.
In conclusion, whole life insurance offers a unique blend of protection and investment benefits that make it a valuable tool for long-term financial planning. With its guaranteed coverage, cash value accumulation, tax advantages, and flexibility, whole life insurance provides a solid foundation for individuals and families to secure their financial future.
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blimmo · 10 months
Instead of panicking about the effects of inflation, people need to get busy. In part 2 of this episode, Brian explains how you can hedge against inflation and come out on top by investing in your business, yourself and your assets.   YOU WILL LEARN:•How people...
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Passive Income Hacks Making Money Online with Minimal Effort
Welcome to the world of financial freedom, where it’s easy to make money and your dreams of not having to work for a living come true. We’re going to take an exciting trip into the world of passive income and find out the secrets that can help you make your dreams come true.
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Imagine having money come into your bank account while you sleep, travel, or just enjoy the good things in life. It’s not a dream; it’s a real option. We’ll help you find your way through “Passive Income Hacks: Making Money Online with Minimal Effort.” Come with us as we look at the different ways you can make money with little work on your part and learn how to protect your financial future.
To sum up, becoming financially free through passive income is not just a pipe dream; it’s a real possibility that you can reach. Getting your money in different places, managing your risk, and keeping up to date can help you build a strong and long-lasting source of income. Every day, your passive income streams can slowly grow. This will give you the freedom and money you need to live the life you’ve always wanted. Thanks to passive income, you can enjoy the trip and start making more money in the future.
What Is Passive Income?
Passive income is earned without effort. It’s like a well that supplies water without pumping. Most of us earn active income through work, where we sell time and abilities for money. Passive income lets you create money while sleeping, traveling, or enjoying life. Rental income, stock dividends, and creative royalties are passive income examples. It doesn’t need your continual presence or direct engagement. It’s like growing money trees from seeds.
The Appeal of Passive Income
Why does passive income hold such allure? Well, who wouldn’t want to escape the never-ending cycle of work and bills? Passive income offers financial security and the freedom to pursue your passions. It’s a ticket to explore life without being tied to a 9-to-5 job. No wonder it’s often referred to as the “holy grail” of personal finance.
Types of Passive Income Streams
There are various avenues for generating passive income, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Here are some of the most popular options:
Stock Market Investments: Dividends and Capital Gains
Real Estate Rental Income
Creating an Online Business
Royalties and Licensing: Earning from Creativity
Automating Investments with Robo-Advisors
Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms
Passive Income through Cryptocurrencies
Managing Risk and Taxes
Building a Diverse Passive Income Portfolio
In the following sections, we’ll delve into each of these options, explaining how they work and providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions on your path to passive income.
Stock Market Investments: Dividends and Capital Gains
Investing in the stock market is a tried and tested way to generate passive income. Two primary avenues within this strategy are dividends and capital gains. Let’s break them down.
How to Invest in Dividend Stocks
Investing in dividend stocks means putting your money into shares of companies that distribute a portion of their earnings to shareholders in the form of dividends. It’s like receiving a paycheck from your investments. Here’s how you can get started:
Research and Select Dividend-Paying Companies: Look for established companies with a history of consistent dividend payouts. Companies in sectors like utilities, consumer goods, and healthcare often offer attractive dividends.
Open a Brokerage Account: You’ll need a brokerage account to buy and hold stocks. Choose a reputable online brokerage that suits your needs.
Diversify Your Portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments across different sectors to spread risk.
Reinvest Dividends: Many dividend-paying stocks allow you to reinvest your earnings, which can accelerate your passive income growth over time.
Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on your investments and adapt to changing market conditions. Reevaluate your portfolio periodically.
Capitalizing on Capital Gains
Capital gains occur when you sell an investment for a profit. While not strictly passive income, it’s an essential aspect of stock market investing. Here’s how to maximize capital gains:
Long-Term vs. Short-Term: Capital gains are taxed differently based on how long you hold your investments. Long-term gains often receive more favorable tax treatment.
Holding for Growth: Invest in companies with strong growth potential. The longer you hold, the greater the potential for significant capital gains.
Use Tax-Efficient Strategies: Consider strategies like tax-loss harvesting to minimize your tax liability.
Stay Informed: Keep up with market trends and news that might affect your investments.
Risks and Rewards
While investing in the stock market can be a rewarding way to earn passive income, it’s not without risks. Stock prices can be volatile, and there’s always the possibility of losing money. It’s crucial to do your research, diversify your portfolio, and consider consulting with a financial advisor to manage these risks effectively.
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Real Estate Rental Income
Investing in real estate, whether through traditional long-term rentals or modern Airbnb hosting, is another path to passive income. Let’s explore the basics.
Becoming a Landlord
Becoming a landlord involves purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out to tenants. Here’s how to get started:
Property Selection: Choose properties in desirable locations with good potential for rental income.
Property Management: Decide whether to manage the property yourself or hire a property management company.
Pricing Strategy: Set competitive rental rates to attract tenants while ensuring profitability.
Legal Considerations: Understand landlord-tenant laws in your area and draft comprehensive lease agreements.
Maintenance and Repairs: Budget for maintenance and be prepared to handle repairs promptly.
Airbnb Hosting: A Modern Twist
Airbnb hosting has transformed the rental market. It allows you to rent out your home or spare rooms on a short-term basis. Here’s how to succeed as an Airbnb host:
Create an Appealing Listing: High-quality photos and detailed descriptions attract guests.
Pricing and Availability: Adjust your rates based on demand and local events. Keep your calendar updated.
Provide Outstanding Service: Offer a clean and comfortable space, and be responsive to guest inquiries.
Guest Reviews: Encourage positive reviews, as they can significantly impact your bookings.
Comply with Local Regulations: Ensure you’re aware of and follow local laws and regulations governing short-term rentals.
Location Matters
Whether you’re a traditional landlord or an Airbnb host, the location of your property plays a significant role in your passive income. Properties in popular, high-demand areas are more likely to generate consistent rental income.
Investing in real estate requires a significant upfront investment and ongoing management, but it can provide a stable source of passive income.
Creating an Online Business
In the digital age, creating an online business is a popular way to generate passive income. Let’s explore a few strategies within this domain.
Dropshipping: A Low-Risk E-Commerce Venture
Dropshipping is an e-commerce model where you sell products to customers without holding any inventory. Here’s how it works:
Choose Your Niche: Select a niche or product category that interests you and has market demand.
Find Reliable Suppliers: Partner with suppliers who offer dropshipping services.
Create an Online Store: Build an e-commerce website to showcase and sell products.
Market Your Store: Use digital marketing techniques to attract customers.
Order Fulfillment: When customers place orders, your suppliers ship the products directly to them.
Dropshipping minimizes the risks associated with holding inventory but requires effective marketing and customer service.
Blogging and Affiliate Marketing
Blogging is a fantastic way to share your passion and knowledge with the world while earning passive income. Here’s how to get started:
Choose Your Niche: Select a niche or topic you’re passionate about and knowledgeable in.
Create Quality Content: Write informative, engaging, and valuable blog posts.
Monetize with Affiliate Marketing: Promote products related to your blog’s niche and earn commissions on sales.
Build an Audience: Attract and retain readers through your content and engagement.
Optimize for SEO: Enhance your blog’s visibility in search engines to attract more visitors.
Blogging can take time to gain traction, but with persistence, it can become a lucrative source of passive income.
The Power of Webinars and Online Courses
Webinars and online courses are becoming increasingly popular for sharing expertise and earning passive income. Here’s how to go about it:
Select Your Topic: Choose a subject you’re knowledgeable and passionate about.
Create Quality Content: Develop engaging presentations or course materials.
Choose a Platform: Select a platform to host your webinars or courses.
Market Your Offerings: Promote your webinars or courses through social media and email marketing.
Engage with Your Audience: Provide valuable content and interact with your participants.
Webinars and online courses can generate significant income while helping others learn valuable skills or knowledge.
In the next sections, we’ll continue to explore more passive income strategies, so stay tuned for a wealth of information to help you on your journey to financial freedom.
Royalties and Licensing: Earning from Creativity
If you have a creative side, there are multiple ways to earn passive income through royalties and licensing. Let’s uncover these opportunities.
Writing and Publishing Books
If you have a talent for writing, you can publish books and earn royalties on sales. Here’s how to get started:
Write a Book: Create a compelling manuscript and consider self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher.
Publish Your Work: Choose a publishing platform and format your book for e-readers and print.
Promote Your Book: Market your book through social media, author websites, and book signings.
Earn Royalties: Receive a percentage of each sale, and royalties from e-book sales can add up over time.
Music and Art Licensing
Musicians and visual artists can earn passive income through licensing their work. Here’s what you need to know:
Protect Your Work: Copyright your music or art to safeguard your creations.
License Your Work: Partner with licensing agencies or platforms to make your work available for commercial use.
Receive Royalties: When others use your work, you earn royalties, whether it’s in films, advertisements, or other media.
Promote Your Portfolio: Showcase your work on personal websites and social media to attract potential licensees.
The Digital Revolution
The rise of the internet and digital media has made it easier than ever for creators to earn royalties and license their work. Whether you’re an author, musician, or visual artist, the digital world offers countless opportunities to showcase your creativity and generate passive income.
In the following sections, we’ll continue our exploration of passive income strategies and dive into subjects like automated investing, peer-to-peer lending, and cryptocurrencies. Keep reading to uncover more financial gems.
Automating Investments with Robo-Advisors
The world of investing has evolved with the introduction of robo-advisors, automated platforms that manage your investments. Let’s dive into this innovative approach.
What Are Robo-Advisors?
Robo-advisors are online platforms that use algorithms and computer programs to create and manage a diversified investment portfolio for you. Here’s how they work:
Assessment: You provide information about your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon.
Portfolio Creation: The robo-advisor uses this data to create a portfolio of ETFs and other assets tailored to your needs.
Automated Management: The platform continually monitors your investments and makes adjustments as necessary to stay aligned with your goals.
Cost-Efficient: Robo-advisors often have lower fees compared to traditional financial advisors.
Benefits of Robo-Advisors
Robo-advisors offer several advantages for those seeking passive income:
Diversification: They spread your investments across different assets, reducing risk.
Convenience: You don’t need extensive financial knowledge or time to manage your investments.
Cost Savings: Lower fees mean you keep more of your returns.
Automatic Rebalancing: The platform handles portfolio adjustments.
Risks to Consider
While robo-advisors provide an easy way to invest, they aren’t without risks:
Lack of Human Touch: You won’t have a personal advisor to consult.
Market Volatility: Your investments are still subject to market fluctuations.
Risk Assessment: The algorithm’s risk assessment may not be perfect for everyone.
Before diving into the world of robo-advisors, make sure to understand how they work and whether they align with your financial goals.
Leveraging Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms
Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms have revolutionized the way people borrow and invest money. These platforms connect borrowers with individual lenders. Let’s explore how they work.
How Peer-to-Peer Lending Works
P2P lending platforms facilitate loans to individuals and small businesses. Here’s an overview of the process:
Borrower Application: Individuals or businesses seeking a loan submit applications on P2P lending platforms.
Lender Selection: Investors review borrower profiles and choose loans to fund.
Loan Funding: Once funded, the borrower receives the loan from the collective group of lenders.
Repayment: The borrower repays the loan with interest, which is distributed to the lenders.
Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification is a key strategy when investing through P2P lending:
Spread Your Risk: Avoid concentrating your investments in a single loan or borrower.
Invest in Multiple Loans: Diversify your portfolio by lending to multiple borrowers.
Assess Borrower Profiles: Review borrower profiles, credit scores, and loan purposes to make informed choices.
Loan Grades: P2P lending platforms often assign loan grades to indicate risk levels.
Personal Loans vs. Business Loans
P2P lending platforms offer both personal and business loans. Personal loans may be unsecured and have shorter terms, while business loans may have longer terms and require collateral. Consider your risk tolerance and preferences when choosing which loans to fund.
In the next section, we’ll explore the potential of earning passive income through cryptocurrencies, a relatively new but rapidly evolving investment opportunity.
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Passive Income through Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have gained widespread attention, and many are exploring ways to earn passive income within the crypto space. Let’s delve into some strategies.
Cryptocurrency Staking
Staking is a method used by some blockchain networks to secure transactions. It involves locking up a certain amount of a cryptocurrency to support network operations. In return, you receive staking rewards. Here’s how it works:
Choose a Staking Coin: Select a cryptocurrency that offers staking rewards, such as Cardano or Ethereum.
Wallet Setup: Set up a compatible wallet and transfer your staking coins.
Delegate or Self-Stake: You can either stake the coins yourself or delegate them to a staking pool.
Earn Staking Rewards: Over time, you’ll receive rewards in the form of additional cryptocurrency.
Risks and Considerations: Staking involves some risk, including potential loss of staked coins.
Yield Farming: The Risks and Rewards
Yield farming is a more advanced strategy that involves providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols in exchange for high yields. Here’s how it works:
Select a DeFi Platform: Choose a DeFi platform or project that offers yield farming opportunities.
Provide Liquidity: Deposit cryptocurrency or assets into the DeFi platform to be used in various DeFi applications.
Earn Rewards: You’ll earn rewards in the form of fees or tokens, often with high annual percentage yields (APY).
Impermanent Loss: Understand the concept of impermanent loss, which can affect your overall returns.
NFTs and Digital Collectibles
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have gained significant attention in the world of digital art and collectibles. Some individuals have made substantial passive income by creating and selling NFTs. Here’s how it works:
Create NFTs: Develop unique digital art or collectibles and tokenize them as NFTs.
Market Your NFTs: Use NFT marketplaces to sell your creations to potential buyers.
Royalties: Many NFTs provide creators with a percentage of future sales, creating potential ongoing income.
Copyright and Ownership: Understand the legal aspects of NFT creation and sales.
As with any investment, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and understand the risks associated with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.
Managing Risk and Taxes
While passive income can be incredibly rewarding, it’s not without its challenges. Let’s explore some strategies for managing risk and understanding the tax implications.
Risk Mitigation Strategies
Managing risk is crucial to safeguard your passive income investments. Here are some strategies:
Diversification: Spread your investments across various income streams and asset classes.
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.
Continuous Learning: Stay informed and updated on your investments and markets.
Professional Advice: Consult with a financial advisor or tax professional for personalized guidance.
Tax Implications of Passive Income
Taxes can significantly impact your passive income earnings. Here’s what you need to consider:
Tax on Dividends and Capital Gains: Understand the tax rates applicable to your passive income sources.
Tax-Efficient Investments: Explore tax-efficient investment options and accounts.
Reporting and Compliance: Ensure you report your passive income accurately and comply with tax laws.
Tax Deductions: Identify deductions and credits that can reduce your tax liability.
State and Local Taxes: Be aware of regional tax regulations that may apply.
The Role of a Financial Advisor
If you’re new to passive income strategies or have a complex financial situation, consider seeking advice from a financial advisor. They can help you make informed decisions, manage risk, and optimize your tax situation.
Building a Diverse Passive Income Portfolio
The path to financial freedom often involves building a diverse portfolio of passive income streams. Here’s how to create a well-rounded strategy.
The Power of Diversification
Diversification means spreading your investments across different assets, industries, and income streams. Benefits of diversification include:
Risk Reduction: Spreading investments can mitigate the impact of underperforming assets.
Steady Income: Diverse income sources provide stability.
Adaptability: Diversification helps you adapt to changing market conditions.
Balancing Risk and Reward
Every investment involves a trade-off between risk and reward. Consider the following when building your passive income portfolio:
Risk Tolerance: Understand your risk tolerance and align investments with your comfort level.
Investment Horizon: Consider your short-term and long-term financial goals.
Asset Allocation: Determine how much of your portfolio to allocate to different assets.
Regular Review: Periodically assess and adjust your portfolio to stay on track.
Stay Informed: Keep up with market trends and developments.
Tracking Your Passive Income
To gauge the success of your passive income strategy, you should track your earnings regularly. Here’s how:
Record Income Sources: Maintain a record of each passive income source and its performance.
Monitor Expenses: Keep track of any associated costs or fees.
Evaluate Growth: Assess how your passive income is growing over time.
Set Goals: Establish specific financial goals for your passive income portfolio.
Review and Adjust: Periodically review your strategy and make adjustments as necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the minimum amount of money required to start earning passive income?
The amount required to start earning passive income varies depending on the chosen income stream. For stock market investments, you can start with as little as a few hundred dollars, while real estate and cryptocurrency investments may require more significant capital.
2. Is passive income truly “effortless,” or does it require some initial work?
While passive income streams may require less active effort than traditional jobs, they often involve some initial work, such as research, investment, or content creation. However, the goal is to generate income with minimal ongoing effort once the initial setup is complete.
3. Are there any tax benefits associated with passive income?
Tax benefits for passive income can vary based on your location and the type of income. Some passive income sources may qualify for tax deductions or lower tax rates. It’s essential to consult with a tax professional to understand the specific tax implications of your passive income.
4. Can I rely solely on passive income for financial security?
While passive income can be a significant contributor to your financial security, it’s advisable not to rely solely on it. Maintaining a balance between active and passive income sources can provide a more stable financial foundation.
5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when pursuing passive income?
Common mistakes include not conducting adequate research, failing to diversify your income streams, and underestimating the importance of risk management. Additionally, not staying informed about market trends and regulations can lead to financial setbacks.
In conclusion, using passive income to become financially free is not just a pipe dream; it’s a real possibility that you can reach. You can build a strong and long-lasting source of income by spreading out your finances, controlling risk, and staying up to date. You can make your passive income streams slowly grow every day, giving you the freedom and financial security to live the life you’ve always wanted. With the help of passive income, you can enjoy the trip and open the doors to a better financial future.
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Source : Passive Income Hacks Making Money Online with Minimal Effort
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earaercircular · 1 year
Patagonia: circular fashion and commitment to the environment
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The outdoor clothing brand founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973 maintains a business scheme, where profits that are not reinvested are paid as dividends for actions and measures in favour of the planet.[1]
The fast fashion phenomenon has experienced an unprecedented boom in recent decades, transforming the fashion industry in Chile and around the world. Although this trend has revolutionised the way we consume fashion, it has also brought with it a series of consequences for the environment. However, brands like Patagonia are changing the way we make fashion and care for the environment.
In Chile and the world, the industrialisation of clothing has left its mark. Access to affordable, on-trend clothing has increased, allowing a broader audience to purchase the latest collections. However, this “democratisation” of fashion has also led to a culture of unbridled consumption, where clothing is considered disposable and quickly discarded.
Globally, fast fashion has contributed significantly to the environmental and social crisis. The mass production of clothing generates a huge amount of textile waste and an unsustainable demand for natural resources, such as water and energy. Additionally, the rapid turnover of collections encourages trend sell-out and overproduction, exacerbating the problem. All of the above, hand in hand with a business model that promotes overproduction and overconsumption.
“The most documented consequences are the intensive use of water and its contamination in the dyeing and finishing process; the large emission of greenhouse gases as a result of the type of energy used in the production process and also the raw materials; soil degradation due to the use of pesticides and chemicals; and from the social sphere, we must also add precarious and even slave work in supply chains,” says the journalist and author of the book El Nuevo Vestir, Sofía Calvo[2].
As Calvo mentions, in terms of labour rights, this industry often operates in developing countries with lax labour regulations. Workers are subjected to precarious conditions and low salaries. This labour exploitation has led to calls for action from human rights advocates.
“The ‘elephant in the room’ in this discussion is the decrease in production, because the last thing needed in the world is clothing. According to data from McKinsey and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 150 billion items of clothing are manufactured each year. That is, 62 million tons of clothing and app accessories. Considering that there are 8 billion inhabitants in the world, we could say that each person on this planet could have a closet of almost 19 items of clothing just with what is produced in one year (what already exists is not considered), and I dare say that this figure is conservative,” explains the journalist.
To lower the carbon footprint, according to Calvo, we must start by changing the way in which clothing is being produced and stop doing so under the principles of planned and perceived obsolescence (programming the end of the useful life of a product), which is the key to the fast fashion business. “Change the energy matrix of production and introduce the principles of the circular and regenerative economy to the system. To this end, citizen awareness must be generated to stop overconsumption, which represents a cultural change that makes many people uncomfortable, because they believe that their 'freedom of choice' is being violated. The key is to refuse and reduce,” says the expert.
On the other hand, zero-waste designers believe that product design should be inspired by nature, where materials are recycled in a circular flow. But so much is made today that it is fabricated to be used and then discarded.
A life cycle for the world
In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, fashion brands are taking an active role in reducing the negative impact of fast fashion and promoting more sustainable practices in the industry. Openly and detailed transparency about where and how its products are manufactured, the use of sustainable materials, durable and timeless design, recycling and reuse initiatives, reducing carbon emissions and promoting the circular economy are some of the changes that some clothing brands are making.
A good example today is the Patagonia brand, which through its Worn Wear program[3] took the initiative to take charge of a used clothing sales program. “With all the responsibility that comes with the order, cleanliness and quality of the clothing, which logically highlights the outdoor brand. Democratising access to the same quality, at a lower price, is the main objective of being able to reach different audiences,” says Pascale Potin, digital marketing director of Patagonia Chile.
To take care of this serious problem, Patagonia also enabled its Program in Chile: “Instead of accumulating, Exchange.”[4] What does it consist of? Anyone who has a brand garment that they no longer use for various reasons, but that is in good condition, can take it to any Patagonia store or send it by parcel, even exchange it without the need to buy another product.
“It seems to me that it is an excellent way to 'change the verb' and create a new relationship with clothing from the culture of what is already worn. Furthermore, this is directly in line with what was pointed out in the latest study by Trove and Worldly[5], which says that: 'resale is an important decarbonization strategy: particularly for premium clothing and outdoor brands, resale can result in a 15-16% reduction in annual carbon emissions in 2040. These brands can achieve annual revenue growth and simultaneously reduce the need for new production by 23-35% annually,” shares Sofía Calvo .
“This Chilean cyber day[6] is a frenzy of deep discounts, limited-time offers and last-minute sales that pressure you to buy. We are not going to do that. That's why we're committed to repairing what we already have, making it easy to buy used to keep gear out of landfills, or—when you really need something new—buying clothing and gear designed to last for years to come,” concludes Pascale Potin.
Redacción, Patagonia: moda circular y compromiso con el medioambiente, in: El País, 4-10-2023, -
[1] Patagonia is a designer of outdoor clothing and gear for the silent sports: climbing, surfing, skiing and snowboarding, fly fishing, and trail running. They are known for their sustainable practices and commitment to environmental activism. https://eu.patagonia.com/be/en/home/?msclkid=7bf3fe8557e013ebe52b9b9bb5050a14&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BE%20%7C%20NL%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20Category-G808855632&utm_term=patagonia%20clothing&utm_content=BE%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20Clothing%20%7C%20EX%2FMB&msclkid=7bf3fe8557e013ebe52b9b9bb5050a14&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BE%20%7C%20NL%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20Category-G808855632&utm_term=patagonia%20clothing&utm_content=BE%20%7C%20Brand%20%7C%20Clothing%20%7C%20EX%2FMB&gclid=CODv_NGo34EDFTJeHQkdowYDkA&gclsrc=ds
[2] Sofía Calvo Foxley is a Chilean designer and writer. She is the author of several books, including “Relatos de Moda” (2013), “El Nuevo Vestir” (2016), “La Revolución de los Cuerpos” (2019) y “Cambiar el Verbo” (2022). “El Nuevo Vestir” is a book that reflects on fashion and consumption in the 21st century, and how these affect society and the environment. It is also the name of a web series and a podcast created by Sofía Calvo, where topics are discussed. related to fashion and sustainability
[3] Worn Wear allows you to trade in and buy used Patagonia® gear. 85% of clothing ends up in landfills or gets incinerated.* One of the best things we can do for the planet is keep stuff in use longer and reduce our overall consumption. That means buying less, repairing more and trading in gear when you no longer need it. https://wornwear.patagonia.com/
[4] En vez de acumular, intercambia. Instead of accumulating, exchange. Trade in your Patagonia products when you no longer need them and get credit for something you need. https://cl.patagonia.com/pages/intercambia
[5] In a groundbreaking study released today, Trove, the leader in branded resale, and Worldly, the most comprehensive impact intelligence platform for the apparel industry, reveal where and how circular models play an important role for brands working to reduce their emissions when combined with upstream supply chain interventions. This comprehensive study, titled "Where Are Circular Models Effective Sustainability Strategies for Fashion Brands?", models the impact of resale in addition to supply chain interventions. By understanding the carbon implications of circular models across different types of products, brands can focus their efforts on generating the best possible outcomes. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/study-trove-worldly-circular-strategies-143500083.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmJlLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKaOu0VRlGOiLdvdJDHvDcQNhwNu6jP9na6P_2xILsaUiimt1mpFcyzGdXJTnpYwXDbevJcjinZCT0Vl26_hxNLyh6vpPuoXqpNF3DyVb0UftOYJVW1_EqSAg4T6t384PYJ_1tk-FveXi9sGaDwLxxOJTayg_NtMvMyK5F0k-AaD
[6] https://cyber.cl/
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familyfire2025 · 1 year
Achieving Financial Independence: Essential Tips & Benefits Explained | Family Fire 2025 #shorts
Achieving Financial Independence: Essential Tips & Benefits Explained | Family Fire 2025 #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IWN7hh1bsc Step into the essentials of financial independence with us! Learn what it truly means, its numerous benefits, and actionable steps to attain it. Stay tuned as we update with the freshest trends and advice on this vital topic. Video Title: Achieving Financial Independence: Essential Tips & Benefits Explained | Family Fire 2025 #shorts This video is about Achieving Financial Independence: Essential Tips & Benefits Explained! But It also covers the following topics: Financial Independence Explained Benefits Of Financial Freedom Steps To Achieve Financial Independence ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 🔔Ready to achieve Financial Independence by 2025? Click 'Subscribe' and embark on a transformative journey with us: https://www.youtube.com/@family.fire.by.2025 ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉 Financial Independence Facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSsqUU0UnJ8&list=PLFbNQzXkUGyw0P-rfVrdiC4-ph8ky3uL_&pp=iAQB 👉 Financial Independence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG-32QwZ1T0&list=PLFbNQzXkUGyytYLW5TZHFg_Kxdd-bEOfU&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Overcoming Money Setbacks Road to Financial Freedom!💰 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5avpEXdIbE8 👉 Supercharge Your F.I.R.E Journey: Unleashing the Power of Dividend Reinvestment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jq-nmMxplU 👉 Stop Losing Money! How Lifestyle Inflation Erodes Your Financial Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uRVmjuZyWU 👉 A Surprising Way to Retire Early & Keep Your Luxury Life! Financial Independence Retire Early https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0GfswvQmrI 👉 Location is the Key to Financial Freedom--But How? Financial Independence Retire Early https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbGOvfoTptE ============================= ✅ About Family FIRE 2025. Welcome to "Family Fire 2025"! Join our Singaporean family's quest for Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E) by 2025. Our channel is your ultimate guide to understanding the F.I.R.E movement, achieving financial freedom, and exploring effective investment strategies, personal finance, budgeting, stock market investing, real estate, saving techniques, and essential financial tools. We're on a mission to educate and inspire you by sharing our family's journey toward financial independence and demonstrating how smart money habits can lead to a life free from financial stress. We believe everyone can achieve F.I.R.E. with dedication and the right knowledge. Subscribe to our channel, and let's ignite the F.I.R.E within you together! Let us embark on this transformative journey, empowering you to take control of your financial destiny and attain the freedom you've always desired. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔From real estate to stock markets, discover the roadmap to financial freedom with us. Hit that subscribe button: https://www.youtube.com/@family.fire.by.2025 ================================= #financialindependence #financialfreedom #achievingwealth #moneytips #financialsecurity #shorts Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Family FIRE 2025. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Family FIRE 2025 via Family FIRE 2025 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUbT9IupjUO551P-H-NAH1g October 03, 2023 at 01:00AM
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dubiousduskwight · 1 year
40-Year Training Montage 4
Taking unreasonable amounts of responsibility for canonical lore events.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Offices of the East Aldenard Desert Development Project, Ul’dah
Ten Years Later
“As far as your role in construction, development, and future management, you’ll be acting in a silent role.” Cotter went over the contract line by line, giving as quick a summary as he could while leaving no room for doubt. Verad had never been much for contracts, and part of the reason Corwin’s payments had been delayed so long was Verad’s own tendency to leave just one detail missing that allowed purchasers and employees to request more coin. This fellow was good, though, he had to admit. He could have used, and never would have been able to afford, such a man.
Nevertheless, he knew everything he was being told, and his attention wandered around the office. Project Development Management sounded impressive, and he certainly had an office in a taller building of the city to show for it, but Verad wasn’t sure if a tall office was the same as a high one in this case. But the room was richly appointed, with desks and chairs of wood sourced from the Near East; shelving bearing bric-a-brac from lands far afield of Eorzea, some from as far as Othard; a rug the head of the Weaver’s Guild must have overseen personally; a good window with a clear view of the Ul’dahn rooftops and night sky; and a portrait of a young woman Verad assumed to be a relative or spouse, looking down beatifically upon both of them as Cotter explained exactly Verad’s situation.
He couldn’t recall ever having been so comfortable while being told exactly where he’d gone horribly wrong.
“Of course, once construction is complete, the harbor is opened, and we start receiving dividends – which, I assure you, will be substantial based on the company’s estimated rate of returns, you will be able to disburse those funds as you see fit. Without your statement otherwise, we will continue to reinvest them into your original stake, which I would personally recommend for at least another year, to ensure a higher return.” Cotter spoke with a matter-of-fact tone as he offered his advice, perhaps unaware of the implications. No, that was unlikely, thought Verad. How could he manage it without knowing it? “And, to be clear,” Verad said before Cotter could move on, “The estimated initial construction time is two years?” “Barring any delays. Lord Lolorito has no patience for craftsmen who dally and soak up coin, and this project has his personal interest, so it may even be completed ahead of schedule by a few moons.” Cotter paused, regarding Verad with mild brown eyes and an expression both cautious and reassuring, as if to say the trap was not that bad. “It won’t be wasted, I promise.”
“Good to hear. Verad leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. “What will the company do in the event they come under budget?” He felt it was a doomed question, but it was his last hope.
“I can’t speak beyond a passing guess,” said Cotter, “But based on the estimates we’ve received from stonemasons and carpenters so far, likely we would put that into improving docking mechanisms at the new harbor. Everything would be done to ensure an attractive location for larger ships. More ships, more revenue – for the company and yourself.” “And the donors,” Verad muttered, his voice hollow.
“And, eventually, the donors,” Cotter agreed. He sighed, and turned the next piece of the contract. “I am sorry, Mister Bellveil, but it’s not feasible. Certainly not with what we might have if we are under budget.”
Verad said nothing. There was no point. They’d been over it at length, but only once the money was donated, of course. The Silver Bazaar was fundamentally a poor fit for a complete refitting and renovation. It was high on a cliff face, and the waters leading up to its docks were shallow. While money could be spent carving out new paths up and down the cliff to haul incoming cargo, the effort needed to deepen the natural harbor was beyond any reasonable expense, even a great one. Far better to use the location at Vesper Bay, where the elevation was lower and the harbor was deeper.
He hadn’t known that at the time, of course. Not when he’d gone house-to-house at the Bazaar, hat in his hand, head bowed. Few had wanted to speak with him, for all felt that when his uncle had surrendered himself to the Brass Blades, that Verad should have taken the punishment that was rightly his. Relations were tense even when he was working to pay off Corwin’s debt. Now that he had passed, and so too Esmond eight years prior, the little Duskwight one of their own had brought out of the Shroud might as well have never existed. There was only an ingrate and a layabout.
It hadn’t mattered. Verad had borne the chilling looks and slammed doors and refused to relent until they listened: he could bring trade back to the Bazaar. He could make them all wealthy again. There was a project to improve the harbor, and he’d been contacted with an opportunity. He could put in most of the costs, which were not cheap, but if they could offer the remainder then all their fortunes would improve.
And somehow, whether because they saw his plea in earnest, or longing for better times, when the buildings in the Bazaar weren’t in constant need of repair, the docks always empty, and the stalls filled with vendors and customers, he’d gotten through. They’d scraped together emergency savings, sold treasured tokens, and worked themselves to the bone. For any merchant of even moderate wealth it wasn’t the greatest sum, but it meant they’d invested, paying in coin and hope alike.
And then Verad had handed it over and been given a clearer understanding of the nature of the harbor to be improved. It was all very clear, very much endorsed by the Sacrarium. If he’d read it more carefully, or given it to someone who could, perhaps he could have seen the trap, the inability to back out, but he had never been very good with contracts.
Only a sennight had passed since he learned the truth. He hadn’t yet told the residents yet. They’d been patient, assuming matters still needed to be negotiated, but every time he spoke to them he could see their anticipation, and it only grew. Soon, he’d have to cut it down.
“I’m not...unsympathetic to their situation,” Cotter said, trying to fill the silence where Verad had only sat, slumped forward. He mimicked the Duskwight’s pose, resting elbows on his desk, fingers folded together under fine velveteen gloves. “It’s as the contract says: once the returns come in, the dividends can be used freely. If you were to disburse them -” “They don’t want charity.” Verad’s neck lowered, getting a good look at his knees, and the pattern of the rug beneath his feet. It was a very lovely design, but he couldn’t assess its quality well. “They were almost all born in Thanalan, and they were raised in it. They want to make prosperity with their own hands, not have it doled out to them every moon.” “There will be ample opportunities for employment at the harbor once it reopens, of course,” said Cotter, his tone mollifying. “You want a town’s worth of independent merchants and craftsmen to take a wage? From Lolorito? It’s as I just said: wealth from their own hands. And more than that, they want the Bazaar as it was, full of people. Working elsewhere won’t give them that. And you’re not going to bring that back, are you?” Cotter sighed, pushed himself into an upright sitting position, and pinched the bridge of his nose as if to clear his head. “No, but I do understand. We all want to see our loved ones as they were, after they die. But resurrection is beyond us. Mister Bellveil, the contract is set, and the Company is being as kind as it can afford. If they have a lean two or three years, they are used to it, and if they hate it when you give them coin from their investment, I have no doubt they will still take it.” “I’m dubious of that.” He glanced out the window. It was a fine evening, and Menphina hung high and clear in the night, her loyal hound trailing behind. Dalamud seemed strangely crimson in hue this evening, but Verad paid it no further mind. Some trick of the weather.
“You know,” he said, each word spoken slowly, but with no real care, “I had thought, tonight, that if I couldn’t negotiate this a little more favorably, I might kill you.” He had expected Cotter to panic, or be angry, or look confused. But it seemed being in Project Development Management required a cool head. “Did you now?”
“Mm. I thought, perhaps, that taking matters into my own hands and slaying one of the project heads might bring everything under greater scrutiny. Maybe they’d get their own money back, if nothing else.” Facing Cotter, his gaze was flat and even, no real spark left in bright green eyes. “Would they?”
Cotter thought for a moment, placing one hand under his chin, and looking up at the portrait on the wall. “I don’t think so. Your own part in the contract would be void, of course, and since the contributions are all under your name, I suspect the Order would transfer your investment to the Company’s care as a penalty. They wouldn’t see even half a gil. And your own life would be forfeit, of course.”
“That doesn’t really mean much, anymore,” said Verad, smiling ruefully.
“Perhaps not,” Cotter admitted with a shrug. “Do you still want to do it?”
It was still possible. He’d been disarmed before he entered the office, perhaps because Cotter had suspected something, but he still had his bare hands, and the window was wide enough that a person could be thrown from it. Verad was not a strong man, but he was fast, and hard enough from all his time on the road, and he suspected Cotter wasn’t any stronger.
He looked away from the desk and up at the portrait. The woman, whomever it was, seemed very kind. She had a nice smile. “No, I don’t think so. What do I need to sign?”
Cotter turned to the last page and pushed an inkwell and quill towards Verad. “There you are. Would you like some advice, first?” Verad didn’t respond as he took the quill in hand and looked over the last page of the contract. It was nothing more than a formalization of a commitment he was already doomed to make, as far as he was concerned. When he remained silent, Cotter pressed on.
“Go ahead and be their villain,” he said. “The town’s trade is dried up, with or without the project. Give them someone to blame that isn’t them. Vesper Bay will be built one way or another, but at least they can console themselves in a little profit, as long as they can blame you for tricking them.
“They already think ill enough of me,” Verad scratched out his name on the last line of the contract. Cotter took it up in both hands to review it. “Perhaps, but they’re not sure, yet. Or they’d have given you nothing. Now you can make them sure. It’ll be better to hate you than to curse themselves, don’t you think?” Finding everything to his satisfaction, he put the papers down again. His smile was not unkind. “Go back to your caravan, and go to greener pastures. The Shroud, or Vylbrand. Try to force open the gates of Ishgard again, if you like. Let them learn the bad news from somewhere else.
“In a few years, you can return, and then they’ll get your returns, and we can see how they feel about it. But you’re a merchant, and you’ll always be somebody’s enemy. Why not them?” It was appealing. It also absolved East Aldenard of blame from at least some of the Bazaar residents if Verad took it for them by his absence. He was being offered a very convenient villainy. He shrugged, saying nothing more, and left. Scorpion Crossing wasn’t too far along with his wagon, and if he took a route through Black Brush, he could avoid running into anyone who might ask any more of him.
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notebooknebula · 1 year
Infinite Banking Concept Funds Your Deal With Jay Conner & Richard Canfield
Key Takeaways:
Richard’s early lessons on saving money
Talking about Become Your Own Banker and how it caught Richard’s attention.
You can and should be the banker in your life.
Everyone should be in two businesses – one where you earn your living and one that finances everything you do for a living.
Infinite Banking Concept: Accumulating a pile of capital in an efficient location that is constantly growing
Utilize contracts to build a reservoir of capital.
Life Insurance: Your Personal Monetary System
Cash Value Insurance: The massive untapped resource of private money
You can have more control over your money.
In this episode of Raising Private Money, we delve into the fascinating topic of the Infinite Banking Concept. 
Richard Canfield joins Jay Conner and together they explore how this concept can fund your real estate deals and provide unparalleled control over your money. 
Richard also shares his experience of filming a documentary capturing Nelson's knowledge and stories, now available at
The importance of control in the infinite banking space is emphasized. The concept allows individuals to amplify their control over money and pass on a legacy to their families. 
They also discuss the untapped potential resource of private money available through cash value insurance. Jay and Richard explain how individuals working with real estate deals can tap into this resource by asking if people have cash value insurance they would like to put to work for more profits. 
A concept called infinite leverage is introduced. Jay and Richard explain how they can borrow against their whole life insurance contract and loan that money to someone else, earning interest on the loaned money. 
They emphasize that they are using the insurance company's money and pocketing the spread, resulting in an infinite rate of return. Jay and Richard discuss how owning a whole life insurance policy allows someone to co-own the insurance company and access its capital. 
As participating owners, the insurance company must grow profits for the policy owner and share dividends. Reinvesting the dividend increases the tax-free death benefit, leading to more cash accumulation. 
The power of controlling and managing your own reservoir of cash value potential is highlighted, enabling unrestricted access to equity for various purposes. 
The episode concludes with the belief that everyone should be in two businesses: the one they earn their living from, and the one that finances everything they do for a living. 
The importance of being your own banker and controlling your own banking function is reiterated.
0:01 – Raising Private Money with Jay Conner
0:58 – Today’s Guest: Richard Canfield
2:42 – How To Have More Money Around You
7:20 – Becoming Your Own Banker
12:53 – The Infinite Banking Concept
18:06 – The Infinite Leverage
20:51 – Documentary Of Nelson Nash: https://www.NelsonNashFilm.com
22:39 – 3 Magic Words In The Infinite Banking Space
24:51 – Massive Untapped Resource Of Private Money: Cash Value Insurance
26:34 – “Cash Follows The Leader, Uninterrupted Daily Growth with High Cash Value Life Insurance” – https://www.CashFollows.com
32:49 – “We Want To Help People Understand That They Have More Control Over Money” – Richard Canfield
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reinforcefinance · 1 year
Grow your money with power of compounding
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The concept of compounding can be explained as the process of reinvesting earnings, dividends, or interest back into an investment vehicle, allowing them to generate further returns. As time passes, these reinvested earnings produce additional gains, creating a snowball effect that accelerates wealth...Read More
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aabofficial · 1 year
what is dividend,stock split, bonus share,right issue and buyback of share ?
A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's profits to its shareholders. When a company earns profits, it can choose to reinvest those profits back into the business or distribute them to shareholders in the form of dividends. Dividends are typically paid in cash, but they can also be issued as additional shares of stock. They are usually declared by the company's board of directors and paid on a regular basis, such as quarterly or annually. Dividends serve as a way for companies to reward their shareholders and provide them with a return on their investment in the company's stock.
Stock split
A stock split is a corporate action where a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares. This process does not change the overall value of the company or an investor's ownership stake. For example, in a 2-for-1 stock split, shareholders receive two shares for every one share they own, effectively halving the price per share. The primary purpose of a stock split is to make the shares more affordable and increase liquidity by attracting a larger pool of potential investors. Stock splits are often implemented by companies whose stock prices have risen significantly, making it more accessible to a broader range of investors.
Bonus share
A bonus share, also known as a stock dividend, is an additional share of a company's stock given to existing shareholders at no cost. Instead of distributing cash dividends, the company issues bonus shares to its shareholders as a way to distribute its accumulated profits or reserves. The number of bonus shares received is determined by a predetermined ratio, such as 1:1 (one bonus share for every existing share held). Bonus shares increase the total number of shares held by shareholders without affecting their proportional ownership in the company. This allows shareholders to benefit from the company's growth while maintaining their relative stake in the business.
Right issue
A rights issue in the stock market is a mechanism used by companies to raise additional capital from existing shareholders. It involves offering shareholders the opportunity to purchase additional shares at a predetermined price and within a specified time frame. By issuing rights, companies aim to generate funds for various purposes such as expansion, debt reduction, or acquisitions. Shareholders are given the choice to exercise their rights by subscribing to the new shares based on the number of shares they already own. This allows them to maintain their proportional ownership in the company and potentially benefit from any future growth.
Buyback of share
A share buyback, also known as a stock repurchase, is a corporate action where a company buys back its own shares from existing shareholders. This process involves the company using its available funds to purchase shares on the open market or directly from shareholders. The goal of a share buyback is to reduce the number of outstanding shares, which can lead to various benefits. By decreasing the number of shares, a company can increase its earnings per share and improve financial ratios. Share buybacks can also signal to investors that the company believes its shares are undervalued. However, it's important for companies to carefully consider the financial implications and potential impact on shareholders before initiating a buyback program.
More details:Dividend, bonus, splits,right issue and buyback of stock explained
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