#divine sophia
maidenofsophia · 2 months
Just a PSA to say that for anyone looking to worship Sophia - you do not have to be a Christian (Esoteric, Gnostic or otherwise) to have Her as your goddess.
Sophia is not the "wife of God" or "bride of Christ". Sophia is great Goddess in Her own right. As Barbelo She is the Forethought of the All and the Mother of the Pleroma. She is the Creatrix of the cosmos, flaws and all. She birthed a Daughter, Zoe, without a male consort. Zoe is Life, She is the breath of holy wisdom in all living things. Sophia's supposed flaw in the Gnostic myth is that her desire to reproduce without a male resulted in the Demiurge, but I firstly don't believe in the Demiurge, and secondly reject the idea that Sophia's supposed lesson is Her conforming to joining with a male to be whole. As mentioned, She births Zoe on Her own, who is benevolent. And so the idea that She must be placed beside a male divinity feels wrong to me. The Gnostic texts were not supposed to be literal and were written in an extremely sexist and heteronormative time. There is no need to stick to that.
Sophia is Mother, Daughter and Absolute Mystery. Sophia can be worshipped as God (or Goddess) in Her own right and not as a consort or counterbalance to the masculine Christian deity.
Those who do worship Her that way, that's perfectly valid, I'm not knocking that at all.
I just wanted to state this because I struggled for years as a Sophian devotee but not wanting to involve Yeshua or the Christian Father God in my faith. But my heart still yearned for a masculine deity. I thought that could only work with someone linked to any of Sophia's mythos' but I just felt nothing for them. The Sophia I follow has many stories and poetry surrounding Her, some of that is Christian, some of it is Jewish, some is Plato, some is Filianist. She transcends any single religion or location.
My Lord, the Horned One, has no ties to Sophia. At a stretch, in his form as Lucifer he can be seen as a parallel to her. I also headcanon that Lucifer is the archon Sabaoth mentioned in the NHL texts. Sabaoth witnesses the glory of Zoe and, enamored by Her, disowns his false father and is risen up to sit at Her side. But there's mention of a romantic union between them. He is Her chosen steward but not Her equal, He is Her loving subordinate.
But I rarely interact with my Lord as Lucifer, He mostly comes to me as Pan or Cernonnus. His station is much the same, He is not this "great Father God" who sits on High - I believe Sophia needed none to help Her birth creation. He is however a fatherly god, his energies replenish the land and he helps it to thrive, He is also brother and friend.
Again no disrespect to anyone who does worship Sophia as the consort to the Christian Father God or Jesus. This is just for anyone like myself who fell in love with Sophia but didn't want to feel they had to then be a Christian of any sort.
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ghost-37 · 1 month
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bambi-eyes444 · 4 months
I love going on tumblr and seeing all the other girlblogger posts. Makes me feel like we’re all going insane together even if we don’t know each other xx
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p1nkgl1tterpr1ncess · 2 months
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ultrataintedviolence · 4 months
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♡ mine
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thedaintiestdoll · 20 days
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🍒♡𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂, 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶 𝓪𝓵𝓵~♡🍒
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bambi-doe · 4 days
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ettellessa · 1 month
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mashleverse · 11 months
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[#NEWS ] Mashle: Magic and Muscles unveils new Trailer, Key Visual and Voice Cast of Divine Visionaries for Season 2
OP Themesong: Bling-Bang-Bang-Born” by Creepy Nuts MASHLE: MAGIC AND MUSCLES Season 2 Scheduled for January 2024!
Divine Visionaries Voice Cast
Ryoh Grantz - CV: Suwabe Junichi Orter Mádl - CV: Ono Yuuki Kaldo Gehenna - CV: Shimazaki Nobunaga Sophina Biblia - CV: Hayami Saori Renatus Revol - CV: Taniyama Kishou Tsurara Halestone - CV: Kusunoki Tomori Agito Tyrone (No CV)
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maidenofsophia · 5 months
Faith Update
I'm going through something of a religious identity crisis at the moment and trying to decide exactly what I am. I still adore Filianism and align myself with most of the beliefs and teachings and concepts on Déa. But I don't know if I feel truly comfortable calling myself a Filianist anymore.
I'm not even completely sure I'm a Déanist.
Most of this has been due to my growing connection with the Horned God who has been coming to me a lot lately. I've been going through a lot of difficult times lately and while Sophia has been there for me and protected me, it's the Horned One - sometimes as Pan, sometimes as Cernonnus - who has come to give me comfort. It's strange because I was never drawn to him all that much in my Wiccan days but have found myself connecting with him more over the years.
There's always been this debate on whether someone can be a Dèanist or a Filianist if they believe in male gods alongside Dèa / The Goddess. I had this same dilemma back when I was a Gnostic and was determined to keep Jesus in my faith.
Reason I still consider myself Déanic is that my inclusion of the Horned God is not a Wiccan "God and Goddess" dualithic system. For me, Sophia is Déa. She is the Supreme, the Goddess. She is Mother, as Zoe She is Daughter and as Barbelo She is Déa Absolute. She has no equal or consort. The Horned God is not some Great Father, but he is a divine father figure to me. He's also a brother, a guide and just an all round positive masculine energy. Most of all, he's a friend. While I love and respect him, I wouldn't prostrate myself before him as I would my Lady and I don't feel he'd want me to (not that Sophia demands it either). I see the Horned God as one of many entities or aeons who were born of the Pleroma, the womb of Barbelo.
While I give the Horned One he/him pronouns most of the time. I'm currently reading James Mankey's book "The Horned God of the Witches" to try to get a better understanding of these different forms he or they can take and I'm looking forward to reading the chapter on Elen of the Ways. Does this mean any god or goddess with horns is part of the Horned God? I dunno. I guess it depends on their attributes, Cernonnus and Pan and Herne, as well as Lucifer in his horned depictions, all bring this similar energy. This feeling of freedom and harmony and mystery and playfulness but also guidance born from being in tune with life and nature. Despite wearing horns like "crowns", they're not judgemental or controlling or wrathful like angry kings. They don't rule beside or above Déa, but in Her name. More like a steward than a ruler.
I also never connected much to the Horned God before being an demisexual lesbian. There was always so much of a focus on the Horned One as a lustful deity that it put me off. But letting him come to me in meditations has weirdly helped me feel comfortable understanding my sexuality in a way that never felt right discussing with Sophia. Sophia connects more with that side of me, which does not feel almost any sexual desires, whereas The Horned One does in those rare moments where I do experience something or even just a romantic fixation. It's like the Horned One helps me manage my more base and material desires while Sophia is more about my spiritual and esoteric growth.
Dunno if any of this is making sense but as I'm no longer a Gnostic, I don't believe we need to forsake the material world entirely to become one with Spirit. There is a harmony to be found and I think with Sophia as my (supreme) Goddess and the Horned One as my (lesser) Lord, I've found that balance, and I've been looking a lot more into various open Pagan practices to help reconnect with the world outside rather than just praying at my altar with my rosary. Which also feels more like Paganism to me than Filianism.
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goddess-of-twilight · 1 month
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theophan-o · 1 year
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St Sophia (Divine Wisdom) Cathedral in Kyiv (Софійський собор, Софія Київська, Софіївський собор), built in the early 11th century, restored in the 17th century.
Bohun (together with B. Chmielnicki) could admire the cathedral right after its first great restoration, ordered by the Metropolitan of Kyiv, Petro Mohyla after 1633. Unfortunately, he could not see the huge baroque bell tower, because it was built after his death, during Hetman Ivan Mazepa rule (1687-1709).
Here some old postcard, I have bought during my first stay in Kyiv.
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bambi-eyes444 · 3 months
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mine ♡
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p1nkgl1tterpr1ncess · 2 months
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ultrataintedviolence · 5 months
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thedaintiestdoll · 3 months
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🍒♡𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓮, 𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓼𝓸 𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮♡🍒
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