antiv3nom · 2 years
What is your favorite GGST ship?
hi anon, ty for the question!!! ooooooo ok this is tough, depending on what exactly the question you were asking is lmao
if youre talking gg ships in GENERAL, im a big fan of so many so its hard to pick a favorite tbh, but off the top of my head itd be sinbed (who istg i could write essays about), robovenom, and chipp/answer, altho i like so many different pairings and im sure theres some im not thinking about atm lol
but, and this is what i THINK you were asking, its different for ggst specifically. i think that honor would have to go to sol/jack-o', i find their arcs to be really sweet in strive and theyve really grown a lot on me. again, theres so much that happened within strive's story and i have yet to rewatch it so its distinctly possible im forgetting things lmao
anyways, ty again for the question!!! i havent gotten any asks in a while so this was a nice surprise :]
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Cegah Anemia Dengan Tablet Penambah Darah, Mahasiswa KKN UNG Gelar Sosialisasi di SDN 01 Lemito
Kabardaerah.or.id, Pohuwato – Dibawah bimbingan Apt. Dizky Ramadani Putri Papeo, M.S.Farm dan Ibu Lia Amalia S.KM., M.Kes, Puluhan mahasiswa KKN-PK UNG 2024 melaksanakan KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) di desa Lemito Utara, Kecamatan Lemito, Senin (11/7/2024). Kegiatan KKN-PK ini berlangsung selama 49 hari dari tanggal 01 Juli hingga 19 Agustus dan memiliki 6 program utama. Salah satunya edukasi…
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kaixo!! euskal herrira joango naiz abuztuan, eta oso urduri nago. barnetegira joateko aholkurik ba al duzu?
i've heard barnetegiak are really intensive and i'm pretty nervous but excited! any advice for the barnetegi or just places to visit in euskadi as a basque learner (who doesn't want to be a rude american tourist 😅)? i know a bit of language/basque-american culture as i've helped out at the boiseko museoa and graduated w basque studies minor, but looking for all the advice i can get :)
zure blog asko gustatzen zait!! eskerrik asko!
Aholkurik ez dugu barnetegira ez garelako inoiz joan, baina bai badaukagu zerrenda bat barnetegia aukeratzeko:
Zornotzako barnetegia
AEK barnetegiak
Maizpide barnetegia
Matxinbeltzenea barnetegia
Ulibarri euskaltegiaren udako ikastaroak
Bilbo Zaharra euskaltegiaren udako ikastaroak
Gabriel Aresti barnetegiak
Gainera, Etxepare Fundazioak urtero dirulaguntzak eta beste baliabide batzuk euskal ikasleei ematen dizkie, agian ondo legoke euren weborria bisitatzea.
Gure gomendioa: barnetegia aukeratu bai Gipuzkoan, bai Nafarroan - baina Gipuzkoatik ez urrundu. Zergatik? Ziurrenik barnetegi barruan batuaz arituko duzue, baina kanpoan jendeak bere euskalkiaz hitz egingo du eta leku horietako euskalkia batua antzekoa da (nahiko).
Barnetegietan super giro ona ohi dagoela entzunda daukagu, eta baita ere jarioa eta orotariko maila askoz hobetzen direla. Euskara ederra aritzen duzu, ziur gaude barnetegian ondo moldatuko zinatekela! ^_^
Galderik gehiago baldin baduzu, idatzi!! ^_~
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rex101111 · 5 years
Anbai and Dizky/Kydizzy?
Anbai: The reason I came back to GG, the reason I went any amount of indepth in GG at all. The dynamic is so up my alley it’s not even funny. Their personalities bounce off each other so naturally it’s crazy. They have shared history and you can tell they know each other very well, like you said in your answer, yeah, you kind of expect it to be there but there is just enough EXTRA (in both senses of the word) with them that it makes it a joy to see and (for me at least) write about. And I also have a soft spot for this ship this it kinda pulled me out of a writing slump I was in and these two just got me writing so much out of nowhere (even my first smut! and it turned out pretty good!) so I’ll be the first to admit I’m baised. :D Honestly the amount of stories you can write with these guys is ENDLESS. Angst, fluff, humor, tragedy they have it all! It’s the ship that keeps on giving and Daisuke BETTER have them both playable in the next game or i will have words.
Disky: It’s sweet. It really is. You know me, I love me some vanilla as all hell ships, so I’m inclined to like them to start with. Even if there really wasn’t much of them in the games at all. I mean, Dizzy’s arcade mode shed some light, and made their dynamic a bit interesting, Ky giving her the courage to see the world and not be afraid of herself, to trust herself more. THAT, has potential for a lot of cool stuff. But I kinda wish Daisuke did more with them, both separately and as individuals. Ky is noble and a workaholic, Dizzy is sweet but is genuinely afraid of herself if she loses control or hurts someone. There’s a lot you could do with that and GG just...doesn’t. I really hope they explore their relationship more, with sin too!, in the future. Like you said, it’s plain rice, but ya know what? Plain rice is good for you, AND it’s tasty, just a bit ordinary is all.
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esponjakberbetan · 2 years
Kaixo irakasle maitatuak! Gaurko saioan “Quiero mi comida” izeneko liburuaren audioa entzun eta horrekin lotuta jolas bat egingo dugu.
Behin ipuina entzunda, interesgarria da ikasgelan ipuinaren edukia lantzea. Horregatik, hurrengo jarduera aurrera eramango dugu. Izan ere, beharrezkoa iruditzen zaigu ikasleei esker onekoak izaten eta gauzak modu zuzen batean eskatzen irakastea. Nola hobe jolas baten bitartean izaten bada!
Ariketa honetan, haur batek aztiaren papera hartuko du, eta gainontzeko ikasleek aztiaren nahiak bete behar izango dituzte, beti ere hitz magikoak esaten baditu; hau da, "mesedez" eta "eskerrik asko" hitzekin.
Jolasa egiteko haurrak musikaren, instrumentu baten edo txaloen erritmoa jarraituz espazioan aske mugituko dira. Eta irakasleak musika gelditzen duenean, mundu guztia estatua batean bihurtuko dira.
Aztiak, makilatxo magiko batekin, estatuak ukituko ditu eta "mesedez" eskatuko die berak nahi duen animalia edo objektu bihur daitezela. Horretarako, noski, beharrezkoa da hitz magikoak esatea. Aztiak ez baditu hitz magikoak zuzen esaten, jolasa bertan bera geratuko da eta beste haur batek aztiaren papera hartuko du.
Baina ondo esaten baditu estatuek, aztiaren nahia behar bezala bete behar dute. Ondoren, aztiak eskerrak emango dizkie guztiei eta espazioan libreki mugitu ahal izango dira lehen markatutako erritmoan. Bukatzeko, aztiak makilatxo magikoa ematen dio bere desioa ongien bete duen pertsonari, eta berriro hasten da jolasa.
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lampung7com · 3 years
Longsor Jati Mulyo, Warga Pasar Liwa : Pemkab Lambar Jangan Cuma Janji Aja
Longsor Jati Mulyo, Warga Pasar Liwa : Pemkab Lambar Jangan Cuma Janji Aja
LAMPUNG7COM | Penanganan longsor di Lingkungan Jatimulyo, Kelurahan Pasar Liwa, Kecamatan Balik Bukit, Kabupaten Lampung Barat (Lambar) terkesan Lambat dikeluhkan warga. Dizky warga setempat mengatakan, sejak kejadian tanah longsor Kamis (20/1/2022) lalu, belum ada penanganan dari Pemkab Lambar. “Kami sejak kejadian sudah melaporkan longsor ini ke lurah hingga ke Badan Penanggulangan Bencana…
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aitordeza · 4 years
GR11: Andorran galduta
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Goizeko 6:00ak dira. Zabor bilketako kamioiak Arinsaleko Sant Andreu ermitaren aurrean azken kontenedorak biltzen ditu. Ez dakit elizak estatu egoitzak izango ote diren Andorran, baina hala bada, horietako baten aterpean lo egin dudala esan dezaket. Egia esan, mugako herri bat izateak onura asko ekarri dizkie Andorratarrei. Estatu propio bat eta diru mordoa, zehazki. 
Mendi zati hau Espainia eta Frantziaren arteko eztabaidan egon da beti, baina Andorratarrek, alboko estatuak eta elizak, puntu berdin batean ados egotea lortu zuten. Horregatik gaur egun, bi lehendakari dituzte: Frantziako errepublikaren lehendakaria eta Seu de Urgelleko artzapezpikua. Burujabetasun eskuratu eta gero, izugarrizko garapen kapitalista heldu zen Andorrara, eta horrekin batera, eski estazioak, hotelak, autopistak eta turistak entretenitzeko aparatu guztia. Gu, zorionez, oharkabe pasatuko gara nahaste honetatik.
Gaurko etapak Valira ibaiaren besoak gurutzatzen ditu, Arinsaletik hasita, Encampera iristeko. Ondo armozauta, Unai, Pepín eta hirurok bidera bueltatzen gara. Lehenengo kilometroek Cases lepoara garamatzate, Arans herrira jeisteko. Kafe bat bertan eta aurrera. Ordino hirira iritsi baino lehen, ekialderantz desbideratzen gara, izen berberako lepoa igotzeko. Azken metrotan Encampeko errepidegaz egiten dugu topo. Goien, 2000 metrotara, aparkalekuen ondoko behatokian, hogei bat pertsona daude argazkiak eta selfiak ateratzen. Beste leku batean arraro samar izango litzatekeena, Andorran da normalena.
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Bideak pinuartean jarraitzen du. Urruntasunean, Encamp entzuten dugu. Kotxeen eta kamioien hotsa batez ere, biaduktuetatik: “trak-trak, trak-trak”. Basoa bukatzerakoan, hiria ikusten dugu bere osotasunean. Hirigunean, apartamentu eta hotelez inguratuta, bulego-dorre erraldoi baten antzeko eraikin bat dago. Encampeko parrokiaren egoitza distiratsua da. Bai, zuzen nago: Encampeko parrokia. Zazpi parrokiatan edo “comuns” antolatzen da Andorra. Lau, herrialdearen goiko aldean, eta hiru behekoan. Erakunde hauek funtzio zibil eta erlijiosoak dauzkate eta Andorrako Kontseilu Nagusiaren ordezkarien erdiak izendatzen dituzte. Beste erdia hauteskundeetan hautatzen dira Andorrako Legebiltzarra osatuz.
Andorrako erakundeen nahasteak gosea eman digu. Unai eta biok ogia erostera goaz Pepin herriko plazan itxaroten duen bitartean. Bueltan, oinutsik topatzen dugu gizona.
- Horrela ezin dut jarraitu. Bota berriak behar ditut. -esaten digu bota-zoru zati bat zintzilik erakusten-. 
- Behintzat hemen apurtu dira. Dendatxoren bat topatuko dugu pare berri bat erosteko. -erantzuten dio Unaiek-.
Handik ordu batzuetara, hiri osoan zabalik dagoen kiroldenda bakarretik ateratzen gara. Pepinek harro-harro erakusten ditu bota berriak. Urratuak egingo ote dizkioten galdetzen diodanean, halaxe erantzuten dit: 
- Mendizale beteranoak ez gara botara ohitu behar, bizitako abenturek oinak gogortu dizkigute jada. Adinaren abantailak!
Zibilizazioaren jaleoak ez gaitu asko erakartzen, beraz, gaua Engolasters lakuaren inguruan pasatzea nahiago dugu. Berandu da baina Encampetik bi kilometrora baino ez dago. Kotxeak pista luze batetik igotzen dira, baina guk biderik zuzenena aukeratu dugu. Goien turista despistaturen bat dago oraindik. Lakuaren ondoko estalpe batean gaua pasatzea erabakitzen dugu. Hiritik gertu, baina Andorrako zibilizazio frenetikotik pausu bat urrunago.
→ Arans - Encamp travesiapieranaica.com
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dizkie-blog · 4 years
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New normal begin. Your Best Tour & Transport Solution in Bali...!!! We know as well what you need. - Open daily tour, activity's ( include driver, petrol & parking ) - Available big car's for couple, group or family needed. - Hotel / airport transfer. - Ready all car's type & choice what you need and want. - Available ticket to Gilli's, Penida/Lembongan also. - Join us & feel the different, feel more joy cause we serve excellent 😁🙏 - We also offer cooperation with guide's or agency's who want join us. - More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie #honeymooninbali #fun #europe #snorkling #malaysia #indiahoneymoon #raffting #swimmingpool #allaboutbali #bali #cheapbalitransport #paraglidingactivity #travelblogger #indiacouple #happyholliday #happyvacation #adventureofbali #balitrip #beautifulofbali #ubudmarket #baliactivitys #aussy #explorebali #india #hollidaytime #aussytravelling #explorebali #watersportactivity #holliday #balitransportrecommended What you waitingfor, book now and get your experience...!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4UKOlj6vR/?igshid=1g8yvlka86c5j
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kantitu · 7 years
Hasi garenetik orain arte asko aurreratu dugu. Istoria jadanik eginda daukagu eta bakoitzak bere txontxongiloari nahi dizkion apaingarriak jarri dizkie, oso politak geratzen hari dira. Ea horrela jarraitzen dugun eta dena ondo joaten den.
Leire Enrique
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mikeluriguen · 7 years
Mikel Uriguen - June 25, 2017 at 09:51AM
Denon probetxurako trukea... - 55 euroan alokatzeko etxebizitzak eskaini dizkie Bilboko Udalak ikasleei | EiTB | Trukean, Bilboko auzoetako komunitate proiektuetan parte hartu behar dute gazteek. http://ift.tt/2t96bsA
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azkoitia-noticias · 8 years
Fuente: Ayuntamiento de Azkoitia
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dizkie-blog · 4 years
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Another pick up... 😊🙏🏻 Your Best Tour & Transport Solution in Bali...!!! We know as well what you need. - Open daily tour, activity's ( include driver, petrol & parking ) - Available big car's for couple, group or family needed. - Hotel / airport transfer. - Ready all car's type & choice what you need and want. - Available ticket to Gilli's, Penida/Lembongan also. - Join us & feel the different, feel more joy cause we serve excellent 😁🙏 - We also offer cooperation with guide's or agency's who want join us. - More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie #honeymooninbali #fun #europe #snorkling #malaysia #indiahoneymoon #raffting #swimmingpool #allaboutbali #bali #cheapbalitransport #paraglidingactivity #travelblogger #indiacouple #happyholliday #happyvacation #adventureofbali #balitrip #beautifulofbali #ubudmarket #baliactivitys #aussy #explorebali #india #hollidaytime #aussytravelling #explorebali #watersportactivity #holliday #balitransportrecommended What you waitingfor, book now and get your experience...!! (di Ngurah Rai International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_E2wwAjp0J/?igshid=ro8tt5puq6hq
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dizkie-blog · 4 years
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On duty... 😊🙏🏻 Your Best Tour & Transport Solution in Bali...!!! We know as well what you need. - Open daily tour, activity's ( include driver, petrol & parking ) - Available big car's for couple, group or family needed. - Hotel / airport transfer. - Ready all car's type & choice what you need and want. - Available ticket to Gilli's, Penida/Lembongan also. - Join us & feel the different, feel more joy cause we serve excellent 😁🙏 - We also offer cooperation with guide's or agency's who want join us. - More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie #honeymooninbali #fun #europe #snorkling #malaysia #indiahoneymoon #raffting #swimmingpool #allaboutbali #bali #cheapbalitransport #paraglidingactivity #travelblogger #indiacouple #happyholliday #happyvacation #adventureofbali #balitrip #beautifulofbali #ubudmarket #baliactivitys #aussy #explorebali #india #hollidaytime #aussytravelling #explorebali #watersportactivity #holliday #balitransportrecommended What you waitingfor, book now and get your experience...!! (di Ngurah Rai International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_EAlFNDJT1/?igshid=1gcd1sc41zo2p
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dizkie-blog · 5 years
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Your Best Tour & Transport Solution in Bali...!!! We know as well what you need. - Open daily tour, activity's ( include driver, petrol & parking ) - Available big car's for couple, group or family needed. - Hotel / airport transfer. - Ready all car's type & choice what you need and want. - Available ticket to Gilli's, Penida/Lembongan also. - Join us & feel the different, feel more joy cause we serve excellent 😁🙏 - We also offer cooperation with guide's or agency's who want join us. - More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie #honeymooninbali #fun #europe #snorkling #malaysia #indiahoneymoon #raffting #swimmingpool #allaboutbali #bali #cheapbalitransport #paraglidingactivity #travelblogger #indiacouple #happyholliday #happyvacation #adventureofbali #balitrip #beautifulofbali #ubudmarket #baliactivitys #aussy #explorebali #india #hollidaytime #aussytravelling #explorebali #watersportactivity #holliday #balitransportrecommended What you waitingfor, book now and get your experience...!! (di J4 Hotels Legian) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9yDBnnJPgV/?igshid=xdfz2blqgwap
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dizkie-blog · 5 years
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More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie (di Bali Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9vSil4JR6U/?igshid=1rhloebngntdm
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dizkie-blog · 5 years
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Your Best Tour & Transport Solution in Bali...!!! We know as well what you need. - Open daily tour, activity's ( include driver, petrol & parking ) - Available big car's for couple, group or family needed. - Hotel / airport transfer. - Ready all car's type & choice what you need and want. - Available ticket to Gilli's, Penida/Lembongan also. - Join us & feel the different, feel more joy cause we serve excellent 😁🙏 - We also offer cooperation with guide's or agency's who want join us. - More information : - instagram : @dizkie_aditya - Whatsapp : +6287823577500 - Email : [email protected] - Facebook : @dizkieadityabalitransport - Tumblr : @dizkie #honeymooninbali #fun #europe #snorkling #malaysia #indiahoneymoon #raffting #swimmingpool #allaboutbali #bali #cheapbalitransport #paraglidingactivity #travelblogger #indiacouple #happyholliday #happyvacation #adventureofbali #balitrip #beautifulofbali #ubudmarket #baliactivitys #aussy #explorebali #india #hollidaytime #aussytravelling #explorebali #watersportactivity #holliday #balitransportrecommended What you waitingfor, book now and get your experience...!! (di Tebing Kembar Melasti Bali) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9tJEhhJv_Y/?igshid=spocld3mix6a
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