camposriscosaltos · 3 months
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ricardo92270 · 1 year
Rando Grand Morin, Brie d'excellence !
Vous l’avez échappé belle, j’aurais pu débuter cet article par “Esbly, j’en ai pour mon blé !” . Cette belle randonnée en Seine-et-Marne commence à la gare de L’Est par un cours voyage vers celle de Villiers Montbarbin avec un changement à Esbly. Nous sommes donc dans la Brie, une région très agricole avec de vastes plaines betteravières et céréalières . Téléchargez la trace de cette randonnée…
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usfp-the-blog · 1 month
Iris was always really close with her teachers, but there was one that stood out. In the second semester of her grade 10 year, she took two courses above her grade level, and with no classmates she felt she could connect to, she often ended up chatting about the material with her teachers. Her World Religions teacher, however, was always very kind to her. She marked her easily and helped her through a lot of stressful projects, which ultimately resulted in amazing marks. Iris only went back to school once after her mom died (as it was the day of her last exam), which was on exam review day. She was having trouble keeping it together, and when her religion teacher asked what was wrong, she broke down and told her everything. She consoled her, and after being told she was moving to Greece, she made her promise to stay in contact. Iris still sends her brief updates via email at least monthly (more if she needs advice), and on the rare occasion she gets to go back (usually to keep some papers in order), she always makes sure to pay a visit to her.
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haruhar-u · 8 months
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atypi-cals · 10 months
you know we hear a lot from the "high school was the worst time of my life. Im so glad im free and never have to go there again" crowd but where's the "fucckkkkk I miss going to high-school" crowd
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joshbruh10x · 1 year
Congrats on exams being done!
Thanks Restless!!! <3
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rockfact · 2 years
got my student picture back and it's so BAD when's retakes .
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reineyday · 2 years
why does being an artist so often mean accumulating stuff 🙃
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chhajedabrex · 2 years
ASTM A387 Grade 11 Class 2 Plates Stockists
Vandan Steel & Engg. co. is a A387 Grade 11 class 2 Steel Plate researchers and providers, passing on to the entire of the world.we are ISO 9001:2008 attested and supplies A387 Grade 11 class 2 Steel Plate to generally understood quality measures for applications A387 Grade 11 class 2 Steel Plate have mind blowing quality to totally fulfill client's fundamentals.
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Furthermore, being accessible from stock all A387 Grade 11 class 2 Steel Plate can be sliced to measure and shape as indicated by your creation and plan necessities and all work is overseen by our uninhibitedly recognize and dependably broke down quality systems.Our A387 Grade 11 class 2 Steel Plate are sourced from the most confounding quality steel makers on the planet and, similar to all of our providers, these makers have been checked and surveyed by our verifying social occasion.
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woso-lover · 1 year
Slow updates, 'cause I take ages the write, sorry
This is basicly all the players i (would) write for
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EF2 • Emily Fox
JB5 • Jen Beattie (denial)
LW6 • Leah Williamson
SC7 • Steph Catley
JN8 • Jordan Nobbs (even bigger denial)
KM10 • Kim Little
KM11 • Katie McCabe
LW13 • Lia Wälti
CF19 • Caitlin Foord
AR23 • Alessia Russo
KCC32 • Kyra Cooney-Cross
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MF1 • Merle Frohms
LW2 • Lynn Wilms
AP11 • Alex Popp
RX27 • Riola Xhemaili
JB29 • Jule Brand
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IP2 • Irene Paredes
ML4 • Mapi León
CP6 • Claudia Pina
SP7 • Salma Paralluelo
EP9 • Ewa Pajor
CGH10 • Caroline Graham Hansen
AP11 • Alexia Putellas
AB12 • Aitana Bonmati
FR16 • Fridolina Rolfö
KW21 • Keira Walsh
OB22 • Ona Batlle
IE23 • Ingrid Engen
Bayern München
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ME6 • Magdalena Erikson
GG7 • Giulia Gwinn
LO8 • Lena Oberdorf
LS7 • Lea Schüller
SL12 • Sydney Lohmann
KB17 • Klara Bühl
PH21 • Pernille Harder
GS31 • Gorgia Stanway
Eintracht Frankfurt
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LF10 • Laura Freigang
SD23 • Sara Doorsoun
Manchester City
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ER1 • Ellie Reobuck
KC2 • Kerstin Caspaij
VM6 • Vivianne Miedema
LH11 • Lauren Hemp
EM14 • Esme Morgan
JR20 • Jill Roord
AK33 • Alanna Kennedy
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MA18 • Mackenzie Arnold
KG19 • Katrina Gorry
EC21 • Ellie Carpenter
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ZM1 • Zecira Musovic
SN6• Sjoeke Nüsken
GR11 • Guro Reiten
SK20 • Sam Kerr
LB22 • Lucy Bronze
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MR1 • Misa Rodriguez
EDA5 • Elisa de Almeida
JH10 • Jenni Hermoso
LM11 • Lieke Martens
DVD17 • Danielle van de Donk
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camposriscosaltos · 4 months
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the-gayest-show · 10 months
as i near the end of highschool, i don't even know what i wanna be when i grow up like. i'm thinking about animating but that feels like a tool in my skillset most days than a career. but i love making. i love creating. these are things i wanna do forever. this is a fact.
and yet here i am. im in gr11 but im being essentially forced to pick a career. but i don't.... want one? i mean i gotta want one, but i just wanna sit and make my silly things and have other people enjoy them.
not like a youtuber but just. short film making, TV show making. i want the ideas to reach people, make them cry, laugh, feel things. I want people to make fandom around it. i love fandom as a phenomenon and i guess that's what i really wanna do.
i already love when i create something i think is "ok" and then people go "holy shit that looks awesome" and they start making their own interpretations.
i posted smth on reddit in r/twosentencehorror for funsies. im not a writing person but i cooked smth up bc i'd never posted a 2 sentence story before. the response was actually shocking. ppl were all like "this is smth we rarely see on here" "nice twist!" and they took to their own interpretations and people loved it! I dunno. That felt good, and honestly that's what I meant by having ppl enjoy them.
I wanna be good at everything. Jack of all trades for art, but people love specializing. I don't. I like all forms. I think if you mix them up you get something cool. Like what Jack Stauber does, I think it's genuinely the most coolest shit ever. But going into post-secondary will hard because if I choose to do one thing, i'll feel really bad for not doing other stuff and only learning that one thing. Because like I said, I love mixing stuff up and creating something special.
im just confused but i got so little time....
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chososcamgirl · 6 days
chat is it normal for a gr11 boy to come up to you but youre literally in gr9 and say he has feelings for you but even tho we haven’t met before?
i’m p sure he was serious about it too..
i think that is definitely creepy and rlly weird😭 not only abt the grade difference (i know it’s 2 years and that’s like fine but it’s about the mindset difference like esp being like 14 and like 16/17)
if he was being serious i think he needs to do something else with his life than professing his love to ppl he doesn’t even know LMFAO
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haruhar-u · 8 months
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tuxedokit · 5 months
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
weve been mulling this over like all day but we have so many good ones from this lifetime its hard to decide. im gonna ask around and we'll compile the best ones here - [AR] Autopilot 💾
last summer on our familys annual beach vacation we did shrooms and saw through the fabric of the universe and befriended The Horrors. that was pretty cool. id like to relive being high off my gourd stargazing in a place with such little light pollution - Starlight 🌌
im gonna say when we were in tennessee like almost 2 years ago. we had flown out to visit our friend (now qpp & partner system) seepy and heart's so small they're shorter than us and i dunno it was the first time doing something like that and she was so small in my arms and i could honestly have just held him forever. i love you seeps ◇ - Carpet ✨️
yesterday for our friend bears birthday we went to an enchanted forest escape room and it was so well put together and ethereal and it was the best 40 minutes of my life in this physical realm ive never felt so at home. there were puzzles and mushrooms and music and gnomes and my bestest friends were right there too!!! oh it was so wonderful - Sayakura 🧚‍♀️
confessing to luci. nuff said. but i wanna say more so im gonna: it was me realizing i was in love at the same time as confessing cause i kinda just asked for advice in a group server w them fdsgjsksl. we were already qpps and apparently my family thought we were already dating (i mean we called beem our soulmate like - ✨️) but like i wound up spending the whole afternoon just thinking about them and being giddy. it was nice - Luna 🌙
mine's gotta be the first time we climbed that abandoned water tower past the ravine. we had spraycans and i wrote trans rights on the side of it. the wind gave us such a thrill, it was incredible. and the view was definitely worth it - Waks 📹
im claiming that time in grade 11 when our gr9 science teacher + gr11-12 bio teacher mr coulter approached me and asked if i wanted to go on a field trip to the science centre that was intended for the grade 12 kids. i didnt know anyone but i didnt care bc mr coulter was there and i wore my new animaniacs shirt and i got to run around the science centre itself during the lunch break and play with genetics stuff (i was such a nerd about punett squares and all that its no wonder he asked me specifically). i think the best part was the feeling i had when i was sitting next to mr coulter on the bus ride there and back. he let me take a selfie with him.... mr coulter was like a father to me, so it meant a lot. - Quinn ✉️
i wanna relive when we were playing with shanny and teagsi and we climbed the big tree near the ice rink by our school. i used to read up there too :) - Little One 👾
the body's nanna flew us out to grenada in march... i would like to relive swimming at that beach, on that little island in carriacou. the water was clear and a such beautiful blue, the air was just a little too warm and humid, and sitting on that beach reminded me of my old home - Riku/Shore ⚔️
mine's gotta be the second year we went to camp mini yo we! specifically, reading the letters mom wrote me for each day of the week. she wrote a little story about me; i was the doctor's daughter but i didnt know it, and i had powers that warped me through space and time seemingly at random. she wrote that i found a place and led a revolution against tyrannical oppressive overlords. not single-handedly taking down the villains, but helping empower the people so they could fight for themselves. by the end of the week we had found a crowd of invested listeners in the other girls at camp. it was nice... i think about those letters a lot - Secret 🧩
we were bodily sitting alone in the grass at a local park, it was right as we were discovering our plurality. i could see all of us all over the park, as if we were all there. the kids were playing tag, some were poking around in the forest right there, quinn was in that big tree we like to sit under... scrooge and quinslap were off smoking a joint, sitting on a tree trunk that had grown a little horizontal before it remembered to grow up. it wasnt in our view but we know the path and it was in the area enough that they could be there while our body simply sat in the grass. it was a fascinating and beautiful feeling. like a family picnic, but with only one person present. - [AR] Autopilot 💾
might add more later
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sweetashoneyhoney · 5 months
#winning. On the last day of my teaching prac my gr11 students gave me this
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