#dji action cam
uglyandtraveling · 2 years
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digitaltechreviews · 11 months
The battle of the tiny action cameras ⬆️
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mikeshouts · 1 year
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DJI Osmo Action 4 Action Camera: 65% Larger Sensor, Waterproof To 18 Meters, And A Lot More
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diamond-photos · 1 year
Drock Freestyle and DJI Action Cam 2 - La Chiesaccia
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punkxhazard · 15 days
The ocean holds you like the space between breaths. Anyway, I’ll see you on the next one.
Cams: Olympus EM-10 Mark IV, DJI Osmo Action 4 and DJI Osmo Pocket 3
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kollerbz · 2 years
Visit my website: http://www.koller.bz or Visit me on facebook: https://ift.tt/KYQcsW0 or Visit me on twitter: https://twitter.com/KOLLERbz or Visit me on instagram: https://ift.tt/0yL47AC Visit my Sponsors: https://cesar-shop.com Gun: CZ Shadow 2 OR Caliber: 9x19 Cam: dji Osmo Action by KOLLERbz
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mauriceodyssee · 11 months
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02.11.2023 (Chiang Mai Huen Jan Ban Hotel)
Chiang Mai, eine Stadt, die auf jeden Fall schöner ist als Bangkok. Ich muss mein Visum verlängern und war deswegen heute dreimal bei der Einwanderungsbehörde. Beim ersten Mal gab man mir drei Papiere und sagte mir, dass ich das Formular TM-30 von meinem Hotel noch brauche. Also ging ich ins Hotel, füllte alles aus und bekam das Formular TM-30.
Dann war ich wieder dort, und man sagte mir, ich bräuchte eine Kopie meines Reisepasses. Also ging ich schnell zu einem Druckershop, ließ eine Kopie anfertigen und kehrte zurück. Beim dritten Mal sagte man mir, dass das Datum, das auf dem Formular TM-30 steht (das ist das Datum des Check-Outs aus dem Hotel), nicht an dem Tag sein darf, an dem man das Visum verlängern möchte.
Also ging ich wieder zum Hotel und fragte, ob ich eine Nacht länger bleiben könnte. Das war leider nicht möglich, da alle Zimmer ausgebucht waren. Also eilte ich zu einem anderen Hotel und fragte, ob sie zwei Nächte für mich hätten. Sie hatten sie, und TM-30 bekomme ich morgen früh um 09:00.
Zurück im ersten Hotel bemerkte ich, dass das totaler Schwachsinn war, da ich ja das Datum von morgen auf übermorgen und nicht von heute auf morgen benötige. Gut, wer besitzt schon zwei Hotelzimmer für eine Person? Klar, ich. Kein Thema, 15 Euro hin oder her, habe heute sowieso zu viel Geld ausgegeben.
Irgendwie hat es mich in ein Einkaufszentrum verschlagen, und dort befand sich ein DJI Store (die Marke meiner Drohne und meiner Action Cam). Ich konnte natürlich nicht widerstehen und musste mir ein Funkmikrofon kaufen. Aber ihr werdet es bald merken, denn ab dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt benutze ich das Mikrofon bei beiden Kameras.
Also bin ich heute den ganzen Tag gefühlt hundertmal durch ganz Chiang Mai gefahren, habe Passbilder gemacht, Fotokopien angefertigt und so weiter. Ein ganz normaler Behördengangstag.
Nach dem ganzen Hin und Her war ich wieder in meinem Hotelzimmer im ersten Hotel und arbeitete noch etwas am Video. Morgen früh muss ich meine Sachen packen, zum zweiten Hotel gehen, das Formular TM-30 abholen, zur Einwanderungsbehörde, meinen Roller abgeben, den anderen Roller abholen, und dann kann es endlich losgehen. Was für eine Arbeit...
Gute Nacht.
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tecnowiz · 11 months
I droni più potenti per riprese aeree spettacolari
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I droni sono diventati strumenti indispensabili per realizzare riprese aeree mozzafiato. oggi esistono droni potenti in grado di trasportare fotocamere professionali e volare in condizioni estreme. Se sei interessato allora mettiti comodo e leggi i prossimi paragrafi di questa semplice guida-
Scopri i droni più potenti sul mercato e le loro incredibili funzionalità. Esplora le loro capacità di volo, la qualità delle immagini e la durata della batteria.
Grazie ai continui progressi nella tecnologia dei droni, è possibile ottenere immagini mozzafiato e video di alta qualità da prospettive uniche. In questo articolo, esploreremo i droni più potenti disponibili sul mercato, ideali per le riprese aeree spettacolari. Scopriremo le caratteristiche chiave di questi droni, le loro funzionalità avanzate e come possono migliorare la tua esperienza di ripresa.
Caratteristiche dei droni potenti
I droni definiti "potenti" presentano alcune caratteristiche chiave: - Batterie di lunga durata - possono volare per 20-30 minuti o più. - Propulsione potente - motori brushless ad alta coppia per volare con fotocamere pesanti. - Telaio solido - realizzato in fibra di carbonio o materiali resistenti. - Sistemi avanzati di stabilizzazione e controllo del volo - per riprese fluide e stabili. - Payload elevato - capacità di trasportare fotocamere DSLR, mirrorless e action cam di fascia alta.
I migliori droni potenti per riprese aeree
Se state cercando dei droni in grado di registrare riprese mozzafiato dal cielo, vi suggerisco di prendere in considerazione i modelli più potenti attualmente sul mercato. Grazie alle loro caratteristiche tecniche avanzate, questi velivoli consentono di realizzare riprese aeree davvero spettacolari. Vediamo quali sono: DJI Inspire 2
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Il DJI Inspire 2 è un drone professionale dalle altissime prestazioni, tra i preferiti da videomaker e fotografi. Le sue caratteristiche principali: È un drone potente in grado di realizzare video 5K e scattare foto da 20 megapixel. La sua versatilità e qualità lo rendono perfetto per documentari, pubblicità e produzioni cinematografiche. - Autonomia di volo fino a 27 minuti. - Videocamera Zenmuse X5S con sensore Micro 4/3. - Sistema di stabilizzazione su 3 assi. - Velocità massima di 108 km/h. DJI Phantom 4 Pro
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Il DJI Phantom 4 Pro è uno dei droni più potenti e popolari per le riprese aeree. Dotato di una fotocamera da 20 megapixel e un sensore CMOS da 1 pollice, questo drone offre immagini di altissima qualità e video 4K nitidi. La sua avanzata tecnologia di stabilizzazione dell'immagine consente riprese fluide e stabili, anche in condizioni di vento. Inoltre, il sistema di evitamento degli ostacoli a 5 direzioni assicura un volo sicuro e senza problemi. - Fotocamera da 20 MP con sensore CMOS da 1 pollice - Video 4K a 60fps - Sistema di evitamento degli ostacoli a 5 direzioni - Stabilizzazione dell'immagine avanzata DJI Mavic 2 Pro
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Il Mavic 2 Pro è un drone compatto ma potente. Punti di forza: Nonostante le dimensioni ridotte, grazie alla fotocamera di qualità e alla durata del volo, il Mavic 2 Pro permette di catturare video aerei professionali. - Fotocamera Hasselblad da 1" con zoom ottico 3x. - 31 minuti di autonomia. - Tecnologia di trasmissione OcuSync 2.0 per video 1080p in HD. - Sensore di ostacoli omnidirezionale. Yuneec Typhoon H3
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Il Typhoon H3 è un drone esacottero progettato per la fotografia aerea. Include: La presenza di 6 rotori lo rende un drone potente e stabile. La fotocamera di qualità professionale consente di realizzare video aerei mozzafiato in 4K. - Videocamera con sensore CGO3+ da 1/2.3". - Sistema di stabilizzazione su 3 assi. - Autonomia fino a 30 minuti. - Radiocomando con display touch da 7". Yuneec Typhoon H Pro
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Il Yuneec Typhoon H Pro è un drone potente che offre una vasta gamma di funzionalità per le riprese aeree spettacolari. Questo drone è dotato di una fotocamera da 12 megapixel e un gimbal a 3 assi che garantisce riprese stabili e prive di vibrazioni. La sua modalità di volo intelligente consente di programmare il drone per eseguire automaticamente determinati movimenti e riprese, consentendo di ottenere risultati professionali senza sforzo. Inoltre, il Typhoon H Pro è dotato di un sistema di evitamento degli ostacoli a 6 direzioni per garantire un volo sicuro. - Fotocamera da 12 MP con gimbal a 3 assi - Modalità di volo intelligente - Sistema di evitamento degli ostacoli a 6 direzioni - Design pieghevole per un facile trasporto Autel Robotics Evo II
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L'Autel Robotics Evo II è un altro drone potente che offre prestazioni eccezionali per le riprese aeree spettacolari. Questo drone è dotato di una fotocamera da 48 megapixel e un sensore CMOS da 1/2 pollice, consentendo di catturare immagini ad altissima risoluzione e video 8K. La sua batteria ad alta capacità offre un'autonomia di volo fino a 40 minuti, consentendo di effettuare riprese estese senza dover interrompere il volo per la ricarica. - Fotocamera da 48 MP con sensore CMOS da 1/2 pollice - Video 8K - Batteria ad alta capacità con un'autonomia di volo fino a 40 minuti - Design pieghevole per un facile trasporto PowerVision PowerEgg X
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Il PowerVision PowerEgg X è un drone versatile che offre una combinazione unica di funzionalità per le riprese aeree. Questo drone può essere convertito in una fotocamera portatile, consentendo di catturare immagini e video di alta qualità sia in aria che a terra. Dotato di una fotocamera da 12 megapixel e un gimbal a 3 assi, il PowerEgg X offre riprese stabili e immersive. Inoltre, il drone è resistente all'acqua e può essere utilizzato anche in condizioni meteorologiche avverse. - Fotocamera da 12 MP con gimbal a 3 assi - Conversione in fotocamera portatile - Resistente all'acqua - Design compatto e leggero Freefly Alta 6
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Il Freefly Alta 6è un drone professionale progettato specificamente per le riprese aeree spettacolari. Questo drone è dotato di una piattaforma di volo a 6 eliche che offre una maggiore stabilità e controllo durante il volo. La sua capacità di sollevare e trasportare carichi pesanti permette di utilizzare fotocamere di alta qualità e attrezzature di ripresa avanzate. Inoltre, il Freefly Alta 6 è dotato di un sistema di controllo di volo avanzato e offre una vasta gamma di opzioni di personalizzazione per adattarsi alle esigenze specifiche di ripresa. - Piattaforma di volo a 6 eliche per maggiore stabilità - Capacità di sollevare e trasportare carichi pesanti - Sistema di controllo di volo avanzato - Ampia personalizzazione per adattarsi alle esigenze di ripresa
Accessori ed equipaggiamento extra
Per sfruttare appieno le potenzialità dei droni più performanti, è consigliabile dotarsi di: - Batterie aggiuntive, così da allungare notevolmente i tempi di volo. - Stazione di ricarica rapida per non perdere tempo prezioso a ricaricare le batterie. - Controller video WiFi/HDMI che permette di visualizzare live le riprese sullo schermo dello smartphone o tablet. - Gimbal esterni che fissati sotto il drone consentono di ottenere riprese dal punto di vista inferiori ancora più spettacolari. - Hard case protettivi per il trasporto sicuro di tutta l'attrezzatura nei vari luoghi di riprese. Scegliendo i modelli di drone più potenti sul mercato e dotandosi degli accessori giusti, sarete in grado di catturare filmati aerei mozzafiato con risultati professionali.
I droni elencati rappresentano le migliori soluzioni disponibili oggi per realizzare video e foto aeree spettacolari. Investendo in un drone potente dotato di fotocamera professionale è possibile catturare immagini mozzafiato da prospettive uniche e impossibili da ottenere altrimenti.
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida. I droni più potenti per riprese aeree spettacolari Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, Per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e Tumblr, per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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rjhreview · 1 year
Comparing the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo and DJI Osmo Action: Review
DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo Hey there! Looking to capture your fishing expeditions in high-quality, action-packed footage? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to dive into two awesome products from DJI that are specifically designed for this purpose. Get ready to take your videos to the next level with the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo and the DJI Osmo Action! Action cameras have come a long way in recent years, revolutionizing the way we capture our adventures. These small yet powerful devices are built to withstand the elements and deliver stunning footage in even the toughest conditions. Whether you're fishing, surfing, mountain biking, or simply exploring, an action camera is a must-have for any adrenaline junkie or outdoor enthusiast. Now let's take a closer look at the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo. With its ability to shoot in 4K at an impressive 120 frames per second, this waterproof camera allows you to capture every thrilling moment in incredible detail and smoothness. The 155º ultra-wide field of view ensures you don't miss a thing, while the long-lasting battery provides up to 160 minutes of continuous recording. Plus, with features like 10-bit D-Log M for enhanced color grading options and a hanging neck mount for a unique first-person perspective, this combo is a fishing enthusiast's dream come true. DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo Comparison of DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo and DJI Osmo ActionImage Quality ConclusionDJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo - Waterproof Action Camera On the other hand, the DJI Osmo Action offers similar impressive features in a slightly more compact package. With 4K video capabilities, a 12-megapixel camera, and a waterproof design that allows you to dive up to 36 feet underwater, this action cam is a versatile and powerful tool. The dual displays, including a front-facing screen for easy selfie recordings, provide added convenience and flexibility. Whether you're capturing stunning underwater footage or shooting HDR videos with its built-in WiFi capabilities, the DJI Osmo Action is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and high-quality action camera. So, whether you opt for the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo with its specialized features or the more compact DJI Osmo Action, both cameras are sure to elevate your fishing adventures to new heights. Now, let's dive deeper into the details and features of each camera to help you make an informed decision. If you love fishing and capturing your adventures on camera, then the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is the perfect accessory for you. This waterproof action camera is specifically designed to enhance your fishing experience by providing stunning image quality and a range of innovative features. With its 4K/120fps capability and ultra-wide field of view, you can capture every exhilarating moment in stunning detail. The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo has truly impressed us with its impeccable image quality and unparalleled low-light performance. Its large 1/1.3-inch sensor ensures that every adventure is captured in breathtaking detail, whether it's during the day or night. The camera's ability to capture vivid, true-to-life colors with 10-bit and D-Log M Color Performance adds a level of brilliance to your footage that will surely impress your audience. Furthermore, the long-lasting power of the DJI Osmo Action 4 is a standout feature. It can withstand extremely cold temperatures of up to -20°C (-4°F) and record non-stop for up to 150 minutes. This reliability ensures that you never miss a thrilling moment, even in the harshest conditions. The purpose of the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is to provide anglers with a high-quality action camera that can withstand the rigors of fishing and deliver stunning footage. The camera's key features include: - Impeccable Image Quality: With its large sensor, the DJI Osmo Action 4 captures stunning images with incredible clarity, even in low-light conditions. - Vivid, True-to-Life Colors: The camera's 10-bit and D-Log M Color Performance elevate your footage, capturing dazzling effects in golden sunrises and vibrant sunsets. - Long-Lasting Power: This action camera can record continuously for up to 150 minutes, even in extreme cold temperatures. - Impressive 4K/120fps & 155º Ultra-Wide FOV: Experience high-resolution, ultra-wide field of view footage that immerses you in the action. Whether you're riding epic waves or showcasing your skate skills, the DJI Osmo Action 4 captures captivating slow-motion shots. - Switch Perspectives in Seconds: The Magnetic Quick Release feature enables seamless transitions between horizontal and vertical shots, unlocking unprecedented creative freedom. - Say Goodbye to Shaky Footage: With 3 stabilization modes, this camera provides steady footage, whether you're conquering rugged terrains or executing daring stunts. - Includes Osmo Action Hanging Neck Mount: This combo comes with a convenient neck mount that allows you to shoot first-person view videos, providing hands-free 4K action camera footage while you enjoy fishing and relaxing. SHOP AT AMAZON The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo demonstrates excellent overall quality. From its impeccable image clarity to its impressive battery life, this action camera is built to perform in even the most demanding situations. The camera's sturdy construction and waterproof design make it a reliable companion for fishing enthusiasts. It is clear that DJI has put considerable effort into creating a product that meets the needs of anglers and delivers exceptional results. - Impeccable image quality, even in low-light conditions. - Vivid, true-to-life colors with 10-bit and D-Log M Color Performance. - Long-lasting battery life, even in extreme cold temperatures. - Impressive 4K/120fps capability and ultra-wide field of view for captivating shots. - Quick and easy switching between horizontal and vertical shots. - Multiple stabilization modes for steady footage. - Includes Osmo Action Hanging Neck Mount for hands-free shooting. - The high-quality features come with a higher price tag compared to other action cameras on the market. - Some users may find the camera's interface and controls slightly complicated initially. However, with a little practice, it becomes intuitive to navigate. The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is a top-tier action camera that exceeds expectations in terms of image quality, durability, and innovative features. Its ability to withstand extreme conditions and deliver stunning footage makes it the perfect companion for fishing enthusiasts. If you're looking to capture your fishing adventures in brilliant detail, this waterproof action camera should be at the top of your shopping list. The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is a powerful action camera designed specifically for fishing enthusiasts. It is equipped with advanced technology and features that make it the ideal companion for capturing all your fishing adventures. Whether you are reeling in a big catch or exploring new fishing spots, this camera is built to deliver stunning visuals and immersive footage. - Dual Screens: One of the standout features of the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is its dual screens. With a vivid front screen and a crystal-clear back screen, you can easily frame yourself and capture the perfect shot in any fishing setting. The front screen also allows for effortless selfie shots, ensuring that you don't miss out on capturing your fishing triumphs. - RockSteady Technology: Another reason why we love this product is its RockSteady technology. This feature combines Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) with complex algorithms, providing you with shake-free footage even in the midst of intense fishing action. No matter how rough the waters get or how much movement is involved, you can rely on the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo to deliver stable and smooth videos. - 4K HDR Videos: The camera's 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor and wide-angle 145° lens allow you to shoot stunning 4K HDR videos. This means you can capture every detail of your fishing experience with jaw-dropping clarity and vivid colors. Whether you are filming your casts, underwater exploration, or the excitement of landing a fish, the high-resolution capabilities of this camera will bring your footage to life. - 8x Slow Motion: With the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo, you can capture epic fishing moves in slow motion. It offers 8x slow motion with 1080p resolution and 240fps, allowing you to showcase the intricate details of your angling skills. From the precise flick of your wrist to the gentle ripples on the water's surface, slow motion footage adds a dramatic and cinematic touch to your fishing videos. - Time-lapse: The camera also features a time-lapse function that enables you to condense time and movement into stunning visual sequences. Whether you want to capture the changing sky, the movement of the water, or the mesmerizing motion of casting and retrieving, the time-lapse feature allows you to create captivating and easy-to-achieve results. SHOP AT AMAZON The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is specifically designed for fishing enthusiasts who want to document their fishing adventures in the highest possible quality. It boasts a range of key features that make it stand out in the action camera market. First and foremost, the camera's dual screens provide unparalleled convenience and flexibility. The front screen allows you to easily frame yourself in the shot, ensuring that you're always in the frame when capturing your fishing triumphs. The back screen delivers a crystal-clear display, allowing you to review your footage and make adjustments with ease. The inclusion of RockSteady technology sets this camera apart from its competitors. By combining EIS with complex algorithms, the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo eliminates shake and delivers stable footage even in the most action-packed fishing scenarios. This feature is especially beneficial when fishing in rough waters or when you're on the move, ensuring that your footage is smooth and professional-looking. The camera's 4K HDR video capability is another standout feature. With its 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor and wide-angle 145° lens, you'll be able to capture your fishing experiences in stunning detail and vivid colors. Whether you're filming underwater or capturing the excitement of landing a fish, the camera's high-resolution capabilities will bring your footage to life. In addition, the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo offers 8x slow motion with 1080p resolution and 240fps. This feature allows you to showcase your fishing moves in incredible detail, adding a dynamic and cinematic touch to your videos. With slow motion, you can highlight the skill and precision involved in various fishing techniques, making your footage truly captivating. The camera also includes a time-lapse function, allowing you to condense time and movement into visually stunning sequences. Whether you want to capture the changing environment or showcase the mesmerizing motion of casting and retrieving, the time-lapse feature adds an artistic element to your fishing videos. The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is a versatile and feature-rich camera that is purpose-built for fishing enthusiasts. With its advanced technology and high-quality video capabilities, it allows you to capture and share your fishing adventures like never before. The overall quality of the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is exceptional. The camera is built with durability in mind, making it suitable for use in various fishing environments. Its waterproof capability, with a depth rating of up to 11 meters, ensures that it can withstand the rigors of underwater filming. Additionally, the hydrophobic coating on the back touchscreen prevents water droplets from interfering with the camera's performance. The camera's construction is solid and resilient, providing peace of mind during rugged fishing expeditions. It is also built to withstand extreme cold temperatures, with the batteries performing well even in environments as low as -10℃. This feature makes the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo a reliable and versatile camera, capable of capturing your fishing adventures in any weather condition. The video quality of the camera is exceptional, thanks to its 4K HDR capability. The 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor and wide-angle 145° lens allow you to capture footage with stunning detail and vibrant colors. Whether you're documenting underwater exploration or the excitement of landing a fish, the camera's high-resolution capabilities ensure that your videos look professional and captivating. The addition of RockSteady technology enhances the overall quality of the camera. By providing stable and shake-free footage, even in challenging fishing conditions, this feature ensures that your videos are of the highest standard. The camera's EIS and complex algorithms work together to deliver smooth and professional-looking footage, no matter how intense the fishing action gets. - Dual screens for easy framing and selfie shots. - RockSteady technology for stable and shake-free footage. - 4K HDR video capability for stunning visual quality. - 8x slow motion with 1080p resolution and 240fps for epic fishing moves. - Time-lapse function for creative and captivating footage. - Excellent overall quality and durability, suitable for various fishing environments. - Waterproof up to 11 meters and resistant to extreme cold temperatures. - High-resolution visuals, thanks to the 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor and wide-angle 145° lens - Limited compatibility with certain devices (check compatibility list). - Requires the DJI Mimo App, which may limit functionality for some users. - Battery life could be improved for extended fishing sessions. SHOP AT AMAZON The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is a highly recommended investment for fishing enthusiasts who want to capture their adventures with top-of-the-line video quality. Its dual screens, RockSteady technology, and 4K HDR video capability make it a standout action camera in the fishing market. While there are a few minor drawbacks, such as limited device compatibility and battery life, the overall quality and features of the camera make it a worthwhile purchase for any angler looking to document their fishing experiences. Comparison of DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo and DJI Osmo Action Image Quality - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo features a large 1/1.3-inch sensor, providing impeccable image clarity and low-light performance. - The DJI Osmo Action has a 1/2.3" CMOS Sensor, ensuring good image quality. Color Performance - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo offers 10-bit & D-Log M Color Performance for capturing vivid and true-to-life colors, especially in golden sunrises and vibrant sunsets. - The DJI Osmo Action does not mention any specific color performance features. Power and Battery Life - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo can record up to 150 minutes continuously in extreme cold temperatures of -20°C (-4°F), ensuring every thrilling moment is captured. - The DJI Osmo Action does not provide specific information about its battery life or performance in extreme temperatures. Video Resolution and FOV - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo can capture stunning 4K/120fps video and offers a 155º ultra-wide field of view, immersing you in the action. - The DJI Osmo Action can shoot 4K HDR videos with a wide-angle 145° field of view. Stabilization - Both cameras feature stabilization modes to provide steady footage in rugged terrains or while executing daring stunts. The level of stability provided by each camera is not mentioned. Mounting Options - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo comes with the Osmo Action Hanging Neck Mount, allowing for first-person view videos and hands-free action camera footage while fishing or relaxing. - The DJI Osmo Action does not mention any specific mounting options. Dual Screens - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo does not mention dual screens. - The DJI Osmo Action features dual screens, with a vivid front screen for easy framing and a crystal-clear, hyper-responsive back screen. Slow Motion and Time-lapse - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo does not mention slow motion or time-lapse capabilities. - The DJI Osmo Action offers 8x slow motion with 1080p resolution and 240fps, allowing you to capture epic moves with jaw-dropping clarity. It also has time-lapse capabilities. Waterproof and Temperature Resistant - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo does not mention specific water resistance or temperature resistance. - The DJI Osmo Action is waterproof up to 11 meters and has a hydrophobic coating on the back touchscreen. It is also temperature resistant down to -10℃. Compatibility - The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo does not mention compatibility with specific devices. - The DJI Osmo Action is compatible with various devices, including iPhone models, Samsung Galaxy models, Huawei models, Honor models, Vivo NEX, Xiaomi Mi models, OnePlus models, and Google Pixel models. - Comparison Table SpecificationDJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo (Product 1)DJI Osmo Action (Product 2)Image QualityImpeccable image clarity and low-light performanceGood image qualityColor Performance10-bit & D-Log M Color PerformanceNot specifiedPower and Battery LifeRecord up to 150 minutes in extreme cold temperaturesNot specifiedVideo Resolution and FOV4K/120fps & 155º ultra-wide FOV4K HDR videos, 145° angleStabilization3 stabilization modesNot specifiedMounting OptionsOsmo Action Hanging Neck Mount includedNot specifiedDual ScreensNot specifiedDual screensSlow Motion and Time-lapseNot specified8x slow motion, time-lapseWaterproof and Temperature ResistantNot specifiedWaterproof up to 11 meters, temperature resistant down to -10℃CompatibilityNot specifiedCompatibility with various devices Conclusion Overall, both the DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo and the DJI Osmo Action are impressive action cameras with a range of features that will appeal to outdoor enthusiasts and adventure seekers. However, there are some drawbacks to consider before making your purchase. DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo - Waterproof Action Camera The DJI Osmo Action 4 Fishing Combo is a fantastic choice for fishing enthusiasts who want to capture their fishing adventures in stunning detail. With its 4K/120fps video resolution and 155º ultra-wide field of view, you can record high-quality footage that showcases every moment of your fishing experience. One of the standout features of this camera is its long-lasting battery life, which allows for up to 160 minutes of continuous recording. This is particularly advantageous for those long fishing trips where you don't want to worry about running out of battery power. Additionally, the camera's 10-bit D-Log M feature ensures that your footage will have excellent color accuracy and detail, making your fishing videos truly captivating. However, one drawback of this combo is that it comes with a hanging neck mount for first-person view video, which may not be suitable for everyone. Some users may prefer other mounting options such as a chest mount or a tripod mount. It would have been great if the combo offered more versatility in terms of mounting options. DJI Osmo Action - 4K Action Cam If you're looking for a versatile action camera that performs exceptionally well in various outdoor activities, the DJI Osmo Action is a great choice. Its 4K video resolution and 12MP camera allow you to capture stunning footage and photos with ease. The camera's dual displays, with one on the front and one on the back, provide a convenient way to frame your shots and review your footage immediately. Read the full article
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elitevisers · 1 year
Surprise GoPro Hero 12 Black leaks suggest DJI could steal its action-cam crown
Surprise GoPro Hero 12 Black leaks suggest DJI could steal its action-cam crown
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The GoPro Hero 12 Black is expected to arrive soon to take on the new DJI Osmo Action 4, but…
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techreviewhub · 1 year
DJI Osmo Action 4: Specs, Price & Key Features (2023 Review)
Explore DJI Osmo Action 4: 4K powerhouse with dual touchscreens & top-notch stabilization. Is it the ultimate action cam for you? Find out now!
If you’re on the hunt for a dynamic and high-powered action camera that’s a pro at snagging those jaw-dropping 4K videos and snapshots, you’re in for a treat with the DJI Osmo Action 4. This little wonder is the freshest release from DJI, the heavyweight champ in drones and cameras, and it’s packing some seriously impressive bells and whistles that’ll blow the competition out of the water. In…
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gadgetsboy · 1 year
Insta360's Newest Action Camera is its Smallest One Yet
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When it comes to portable action cameras, most people tend to think of companies like DJI and GoPro, two of the most well-known brands for both professional and consumer-grade video equipment. with that in mind however, Insta360's growing range of imaging and video hardware has proven to be some of the best on the market as well, and the new Insta360 Go 3 is no exception. Announced earlier today, the Insta360 Go 3 comes with a nice set of features for folks after a reliable action cam to take with them on trips and video projects. But what exactly does it come with? Let's take a look! Hardware & Design At 35 grams, the Insta360 Go 3 is one of the most compact action cameras on the market, with a very minimalist style to boot - gone are the days of blocky and rectangular cameras, and instead the Go 3 features a pill-shaped design, which remains mostly inconspicuous aside from the protruding camera lens. There's a button in front to allow users to instantly record footage, reducing the amount of time needed to access menus and whatnot. Additionally, there are two built-in mics that capture audio while recording. The camera also integrates a magnetic design, allowing it to easily clip onto compatible mounts. There's also a magnet pendant which allows users to wear the Go 3 like a necklace, allowing for more freedom while recording. Insta360 does offer an optional Action Pod, which clips onto the camera and increases battery life for up to 170 minutes worth of video recording, compared to the 45 minutes on the camera alone. It also comes with IPX8 water resistance for up to 16 feet of submersion. Camera & Features The Go 3's lens features f2.2 aperture, with a focal length of 11.24mm. Users can shoot INSP and DNG photos in several resolutions including 2560x1440 (16:9), 2560x2560 (1:1), 1440x2560 (9:16), and 2936x1088 (2.7:1). There's also support for several video resolutions including 2720x1536 at 24/25/30fps, 2560x1440 at 24/25/30/50fps, and 1920x1080 at 24/25/30/50fps, which are recorded in an MP4 format. There's also built-in video stabilization courtesy of a 6-axis gyroscope inside. Additionally, the Insta360 Go 3 comes in 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB storage options. There's a rechargeable battery inside which is sized at 310 mAh, although users can use the additional Action Pod which comes with a larger 1270 mAh battery to increase recording time, as mentioned earlier. The Insta360 will have compatibility with the official Insta360 app for iOS and Android devices for on-the-go editing, with wireless connectivity options including Bluetooth 5.0 and 5GHz Wifi. Pricing and Availability You can order the Go 3 on Insta360's official website now, which will cost you $379.99 for the camera alone. Users looking to get a bundled version with hardware add-ons can get the Go 3 Action Kit for $414, Travel Kit for $429, Water Sports Kit for $453, Bike Kit for $469, and the Creator Kit for $444. Read the full article
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digitaltechreviews · 3 months
Should you consider the Insta360 Ace Pro for your next action camera?
Check out my full in-depth review video I made to help you decide!
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abrigamer · 1 year
Top Action Cameras in India (May 2023)
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The term "action cameras" which has gained significant traction in other markets, is now a top pick among millennials. Everyone should adore these useful cameras. Even so, their small size, excellent picture quality, tough build, and mounting capabilities are some of the most popular justifications. These contemporary cameras are capable of recording amazing footage at resolutions up to and even beyond 4K. You may take these incredibly lightweight cameras with you wherever you go and capture your adventure. We have compiled a list of some of the top action cameras available in India today. So let's move on to the first camera on our list, which is from the eponymous company GoPro, without wasting any more time.
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These are the top action cameras available for purchase right now in India.
- GoPro HERO10 Black Waterproof Action Camera - GoPro HERO9 Digital Action Camera - DJI Action 2 Power Combo-12MP Action Camera - DJI OSMO Action Camera - insta360 GO2 – Small Action Camera
1. GoPro HERO10 Black Waterproof Action Camera
BrandVisit the GoPro StorePrice₹46,499M.R.P.₹51,000BuyBuy on Amazon GoPro is a company that is mostly recognised for its reliable action cameras in every country in the world. Since they have dominated the market for action cameras for more than ten years, no list of action cameras would be complete without them. One of the most recent cameras from the company, the GoPro Hero 10, was introduced in September of this year and immediately shot to the top of the rankings, just like its predecessors. Verdict Like its predecessors, the GoPro Hero 10 consistently ranks at the top of the list of the best action cameras on the market. With the steadiness of HyperSmooth 4.0, this camera can produce stunning 5K videos. Design The GoPros are well known for their little, boxy shape, which has a significant impact on the action camera industry as a whole. It has a hard plastic shell and two buttons—one on the left for switching modes and the other for recording—on the top. The battery compartment can be seen by opening a flap on the right. The new arrangement features a front-facing 1.4-inch LCD panel and a 2.27-inch primary LCD touchscreen. The new system is portable because it only weighs 153 grammes. Features & Camera A 23MP CMOS camera sensor within the GoPro Hero 10 can capture films at a maximum quality of 5.3K at 60 frames per second. The HyperSmooth 4.0 feature on the camera aids with video stabilisation. Because it can capture 1080P films at a frame rate of 270 FPS, it also produces excellent slow-motion videos. A unique coating on the camera lens prevents any water traces from adhering to it after it comes into touch with water. With the help of features like Hindsight, TimeWarp 3.0, and 3D noise reduction, the GoPro Hero 10 can capture stunning images. Battery 1720 mAh battery within the GoPro Hero 10 allows it to record 4K footage at 60 frames per second for up to an hour. Although keeping the flap on the right side open to charge the camera may be a hassle, you may keep extra charged batteries that you can swap out as needed.
2. GoPro HERO9 Digital Action Camera
BrandVisit the GoPro StorePrice₹42,900M.R.P.₹47,600BuyBuy on Amazon Every year, GoPro launches new Hero models that are updated and enhanced with new capabilities. One of the cameras from the same range, the GoPro Hero 9, was released in 2020 with some significant updates. Design The GoPro Hero 9 has a similar design to the previous models in the Hero family, although it is heavier and thicker overall. With a 2.27-inch main touchscreen panel and a 1.4-inch front-facing display, it has a dual-display setup. Even though it just weighs 158 grammes, it is still light enough to carry around. The camera is also capable of taking underwater photos up to a depth of 10 metres.v Features & Camera After a long time, GoPro has upgraded the GoPro Hero 9's camera to a 23.6 MP camera, which had previously been the standard 12 MP camera since the GoPro Hero 3. With this new camera sensor, it can easily record 5K films at 30 frames per second. HyperSmooth 3.0, which Hero 9 also debuted, does a fantastic job at stabilising the videos. In addition, the Hero 9 has TimeWarp 3.0 and can produce amazing slow-motion videos. Additionally, the camera has night photo options and an HDR Photo mode. It records your audio using three built-in microphones, considerably reducing wind noise. Battery 1720 mAh battery is included with the GoPro Hero 9, which is an upgrade over the 1220 mAh battery in the model before it. Pulling off the lid on the camera's right side reveals the compartment where the battery is located, which charges using a USB Type-C interface. Verdict One of the top action cameras available today, the GoPro Hero 9 produces high-quality photos and movies and can be purchased simply for less money than their most recent model, the GoPro Hero 10.
3. DJI Action 2 Power Combo-12MP Action Camera
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BrandVisit the DJI StorePrice₹37,820M.R.P.₹44,990BuyBuy on Amazon On our list, DJI is another Chinese company well-known for its camera-equipped drones that facilitate aerial photography and videography. Gimbals, action cameras, and other devices are among the goods that DJI trades with. Another action camera with a modular body is the DJI Action 2. With one of the smallest bodies on the market and a weight of only 56 grammes, this camera is incredibly portable. Design The DJI Action 2 boasts a design that is both cutting-edge and portable. The modular body design of the cube-shaped Action 2 camera elevates it to a new level because it may function independently of any other modules. With a 32 GB internal storage capacity, a 580 mAh battery, and a 1.7-inch OLED display, the main camera module may function independently of any additional devices. The touch screen or the power module must be attached to the main camera module, which lacks ports, in order to charge it; all of these components are magnetically coupled by two clips to keep them in place. Features & Camera A 12MP camera sensor on the Action 2 can capture 4K footage at 120 frames per second. It employs Rocksteady 2.0, which stabilises the videos admirably. Such functions as Time Lapse, Slow Motion, and Horizon Steady are available on the camera. The camera has voice controls and built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for networking. The main camera module is waterproof up to 10 metres, however, if you wish to use it with the other accessories, you will need a waterproof case. Battery The Action 2 is powered by an internal battery pack with a capacity of 580 mAh, which is sufficient to keep it running for roughly 70 minutes at 1080P @ 30FPS with stabilisation disabled. An additional 1300 mAh battery pack can be added to the power or front-facing display modules to extend battery life. Verdict In comparison to other action cameras on the market, the DJI Action 2 is another modular camera with a significantly smaller design. It is more enjoyable to use because it has several magnetic attachments.
4. DJI OSMO Action Camera
BrandVisit the DJI StorePrice₹72,261M.R.P.₹97,261BuyBuy on Amazon Do you want to get an action camera that resembles a GoPro but is significantly less expensive and has good picture quality? Don't worry; DJI has got you covered. The DJI Osmo Action is an action camera with a dual-display layout, GoPro-like aesthetics, and DJI's take on Hypersmooth image stabilisation called Rocksteady. Design At first glance, the DJI Osmo Action camera can be mistaken for a GoPro. A rubbery band that runs along the top of the camera and provides a better grip is part of its dual-toned construction. Two buttons and an LED indicator on the top also provide information about the recording state. A 1.4-inch square screen that may be used when the camera is in selfie mode is situated directly next to the camera lens on the front. The camera's 2.25-inch touchscreen is located on the rear. By releasing two latches on the camera's bottom sides, the battery pack at the bottom may be seen. A covering on the left side covers all the camera ports and renders the device waterproof up to 11 metres. Features & Camera A 12MP CMOS camera sensor on the DJI Osmo Action can capture 4K footage at 60 frames per second. With this camera, DJI has also included its proprietary Rocksteady image stabilisation, which performs a remarkable job at stabilising the movies. The camera can also capture 1080P films in slow motion at a frame rate of 240 FPS. The Osmo Action offers a 145-degree field of vision and a tonne of functions, including HDR and Hyperlapse modes. In the options, you can also change the field of vision. There are two internal microphones for audio recording, however, an external microphone can also be plugged in. Battery 1300 mAh battery is located at the bottom of the Osmo Action. When filming 1080P films at 30 frames per second with the stabilisation off, this battery pack needs roughly 90 minutes to fully charge and can provide a backup of about 135 minutes. Verdict Excellent GoPro-like camera that is similar to the DJI Osmo Action. It is simple to record 4K videos, and it stabilises them remarkably well. Additionally, it is simple to mount this camera to any GoPro mount.
5. insta360 GO2 – Small Action Camera
BrandVisit the Insta360 StorePrice₹31,189M.R.P.₹36,990BuyBuy on Amazon The second iteration of Insta360's smallest action camera series is the Insta360 Go 2. A compact action camera that can be conveniently worn on clothing is the Insta360 Go 2. Design The Insta360 Go 2 is a little gadget that resembles a bent capsule and is no larger than a typical USB Pendrive. It also includes a magnetic pendant that you may wear inside of your shirt to make it easier for you to cling it to your clothes. The Go 2 is incredibly lightweight thanks to its well-constructed plastic body, which weighs only 26.5 grammes. The little plastic casing contains an LED light, a front lens, and a button to start or stop recording videos. It has a charging case that resembles the TWS earbud charging cases that are commonplace in modern society. The camera is not the only thing the case charges. It functions as a small tripod platform as well as a camera controller. Additionally, this cover contains a tiny monochrome display that may be used to access settings, change modes, and more. Features & Camera The Insta360 Go has two housing, a 1/2.3 inch camera sensor, and is capable of recording 1440P films at 30 frames per second. It is certainly impressive for a camera of this size, even though it does not compare favourably to the other cameras on our list. Additionally, it has a maximum image resolution of 9MP. It contains helpful modes including Slow Motion, Timeshift, Pro Video, Photo, HDR Video, and Video Modes like Video and Pro Video. There are no external memory slots, hence the camera has 32GB of internal storage. Battery Although the Insta360 Go 2's battery life in video mode is quite short compared to the other cameras on the list, you cannot anticipate a large battery life from a camera of this size. You may still plug it into the case, and it will still provide you with a backup for around 150 minutes. Verdict The Insta360 Go 2 is arguably the smallest action camera on the market, making it the ideal choice if you want a little action camera that you can easily take with you wherever you go. It can nonetheless record high-quality 1080P footage despite lacking 4K video recording capabilities and having a somewhat shorter battery life than the other cameras on the list. Our list of the top action cameras available in India will now come to an end. I hope this list was sufficient to assist you in locating the greatest action camera for your requirements. Please feel free to leave any questions or comments in the section below, and we will respond to you as soon as we can.
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otticafotobenzi · 1 year
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Cason -Tripod For Action Camera 3-Way Monopod Grip Tripod Foldable Selfie Stick The Folding arm makes it easy to capture selfie without the mount appearing in the shot, use the arm plus grip like a pole mount for immersive POV or follow-cam footage. PREMIUM UPGRADED QUALITY - With an upgraded aluminum alloy tripod mount adapter, it has strong stability ,smooth folding and unfolding at modes .WATER-PROOF DESIGN - Waterproof design, and you can use it on water-relative activities. SPECIAL 3-IN 1 DESIGN -Tripod For Action Camera Combines camera with grip, extension arm, tripod Could suit for kinds of shots need & With handgrip to make sure you record without worries. WATER-PROOF DESIGN - Foldable Selfie Stick for action camera has Waterproof design, and you can use it on water-relative activities. FOLDABLE & PORTABLE -3-Way Monopod Grip Tripod with Foldable Selfie Stick has folding arm is perfect for POV or follow-cam footage, and makes it easy to capture selfies without the mount .Compact and portable, it is 6.5 inches (16.5 cm) when folded and up to 24.5 inch (62.2 cm) when fully extended. SUPER COMPATIBLITY - Tripod Foldable Selfie Stick, Stabilizer Mount for CASON ACTION CAMERA CN10,CS6, GoPro HERO , Go Pro 11/0/9/8,DJI OSMO, Insta 360,SJCAM and Other ACTION CAMERA [ad_2]
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