#dmbj!shifter au
fixaidea · 2 years
Remember my pet plot bunny, the shifter AU?
Wu Xie - Dog shifter, who only found out he was one when a curse forcibly transformed him and locked him in dog form. It says something about his life that he was more vaguely concerned than fully freaked out about it.
Zhang Qiling - Black cat, duhh. The fact that he's a shifter is one of the few things he's been consistently able to retain no matter how many times he lost his memories.
Wang Pangzi - Normal human, also says something about HIS life that finding out both of his best friends were shifters only phased him because they were cursed and locked in their animal forms.
(The thing about Xiaoge... To normal humans and most shifters he seens cold, stoic and indifferent. Cat shifters, however, can only spend so much time around him before throwing their hands up, muttering about someone needing to get a room, on account of all the slow blinking directed at Wu Xie.)
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Chapters: 8/? Fandom: 老九门 | Old Nine Gates (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yan Sanxing & Er Yue Hong, Yan Sanxing & Zhang Qishan, Yan Sanxing and Zhang Rishan, others may apply later Characters: Yan Sanxing, Zhang Qishan, Zhang Rishan, Er Yue Hong Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Earn Your Happy Ending, redemption fic, Shifter!Verse, spiritual beasts and shifters are known but uncommon, fox shifters, weird science, and magic, cultivation exists as well, the Liu Chang Fox agenda Series: Part 1 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
When Er Yue Hong flees the knowledge of his father's sins, he leaves behind a seemingly dead body. One not quite as dead as one might expect.
In which Yan Sanxing survives.
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intheyellowandgreen · 2 years
said the mouse to the king , 
DMBJ. PingXie. Words: 28431. Established Relationship, Royalty AU, Shifter AU. 
Treat for @epicwalrus​ for the 2022 PingXie Exchange
check out Walrus’s amazing fics at: UtterlyClueless on AO3.
Shifts below:
Wu Xie: Harvest Mouse &  Xiao-Ge: Panther (melanistic jaguar)
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PangZi: Brown Bear, Xiao Hua: Lilac-breasted Roller & Xiu Xiu: Arctic Fox
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PanZi: Caracal & Hei XiaZi: Black Wolf
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Wu NaiNai: Maine Coon
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Wu YiQiong, Wu Erbai, Wu SanXing: Wolves
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Zhang HaiKe: not mentioned but, vulture:
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daydreamorama · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei
盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV)
沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV)
Bai Haotian/Li Cu/Liu Sang
Bai Haotian/Li Cu
Bai Haotian & Liu Sang
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space Alternate Universe - Magic Alternate Universe - Shifters Getting Together Hurt/Comfort Asexual Character maybe some aro vibing who knows anymore Liu Sang is definitely somewhere on the autistic spectrum Touch-Starved Touch-Averse Slow Burn fox!Liu Sang
Bai Haotian paused with her hand still on his face, then took it away like she had been burned. “Your hearing really helped. Last time it exploded right in my face! I was blowing sand out of my nose for weeks!”
“This... happens often?” Liu Sang asked. He didn’t know much about magic, the scripters on the station preferred to keep an air of mysticism about what they could and couldn’t do, and the little magic he had been able to afford was apparently crap. He was pretty sure though that they didn’t explode things regularly.
Liu Sang really had no clue what he had signed up for.
Liu Sang stepped onto the massive shipping docks and tried not to fidget with his hat at the noise. He had lived most of his life on this space station, at least all of it that he could remember. He had never even thought about leaving, so this was his first time in the transit area. He hadn’t expected it to be so loud. He was thankful for the extra sound muffling he had paid an exorbitant price to have spelled into his hat, and it normally brought his hearing down to what he thought was probably normal hearing. Now, it just wasn’t up to the chaotic noise of so many people and so many ships.
He questioned again why he had accepted this offer to leave the largest space station this side of the milky way for a small exploration ship. He had never even left the station and now he was planning on going where ‘no man has gone before’ and explore planets. He wondered why they had even accepted him with his complete lack of experience in exploration.
When he had heard his Idol was leading the ground crew, he had instantly applied. He had leaned heavily into how useful his hearing would be in exploration. At least he imagined it would be. His Idol, the great Zhang Qiling, was the only other shifter Liu Sang knew of that couldn’t consciously control their shift and was stuck with permanent shifter traits.
Continue reading on a03
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kholran · 3 years
For the 35 Questions for Fanfic Writers: 4, 5 10, 12, 16, 19, 27, 34
Oh wow so many! Thank you very much!
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Plenty! I'm constantly inspired by other writers in this (DMBJ) fandom. @xantissa and @merinnan and @alxina have such steamy scenes and excellent action plots, and gifted the fandom with not only PingXieSang but Fox!Sang. @foxofninetales has a way with words that I am constantly envious of. @wild-feather writes SO MUCH and is an excellent cheerleader. @hils79 can do slice of life one-shots like no one else. I could honestly heap praises on so so many people (do you write for this fandom? THEN I MEAN YOU), and I draw little bits of inspiration from everything I read.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I have a couple, for very different reasons. Pyre, for being the start of my very own pool noodle, and for being the first multi-chapter fic I ever actually finished. And Ordinary World, for being the longest fic I've ever written (to date) and for the world-building. I also wrote the entire thing in just over a month, which is a level of productivity that will probably never happen again.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
It's a toss-up between Canon Divergence and Fusion (characters from one thing put into the world/plot of another thing).
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
I started a RiSang Pretty Woman AU that I'm having a lot of fun writing so far. I'm going to try and sit on it until it's mostly done, so I don't feel guilty for not updating faster. But it's in the works!
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Answered here!
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
...Yes? LOL Ok not very specific. But I've gotten inspiration for all three of those things. Like Pyre is technically "canon-compliant" with Sha Hai apart from the obvious. The major events happening in the background don't change much from canon, save for some tweaking of the (very very wonky) timeline. While Ordinary World and a few of my WIPs are totally AU. I do tend to try and weave at least some of canon (or at least similar events) into my AUs though, so I guess most of them count as "something in-between".
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Oh gosh EVERY comment I get is enough to make my entire day! I've only (so far?) gotten one comment that wasn't nice. But maybe...if I absolutely had to choose...I'd say @crowbraiin's comments on Ordinary World as it was going up during the Rarepair Exchange. Seeing how happy they were about it made ME super happy too.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
I've mentioned Ordinary World a few times already, so here's a little bit of RiSang's first meeting in that fic:
Under a cut because I didn't realize how long it was in Tumblr format
“Is there no other way for you to prove your identity?” Zhang Rishan asks.
His head snaps back up, because yes! He can do that! “I know Wu Xie is still alive. He knows me. If you take me to him, he can prove it to you.”
Liu Sang doesn't get the reaction he's hoping for. Zhang Rishan goes completely, eerily still, in the way that only large predators can. “Take you to Wu Xie?” he repeats, and there's ice in his voice. “How do I know you're not a Wang assassin? Perhaps the other fox shifter is the real Liu Sang, and you're merely an impostor that followed him here. Or maybe the two of you are here together to better your chances. How can I be sure you're telling me the truth, and not just what I want to hear so that I'll let you get close enough to Wu Xie to finish him off?”
“What!? No! I'm not a Wang!” Liu Sang protests, cursing the fact that no, he doesn't have a single thing on him to prove that he's telling the truth. “I don't want to kill Wu Xie!” Well, he doesn't want to assassinate him. He's wanted to murder the man plenty, particularly for dropping him into what was supposed to be a well-paying, simple job that would look good on his resume, but what turned out to be some kind of convoluted horror story that involved him being haunted. By paint, of all goddamn things.
“Then prove it,” Zhang Rishan says again, and while his features are still hard and unforgiving, his tone says there is actually some way for Liu Sang to do that to his satisfaction.
“How? How can I do that?” he asks, and he internally cringes at how desperate he sounds. But he has the distinct impression that being unable to prove himself right here and now means he's not going to walk out of this room again. And if he dies here, he won't have any chance at all to tell Wu Xie that his plan as it stands now is going to get him, and everyone else involved, killed. “Tell me what I have to do.”
Something in Zhang Rishan's expression shifts. Just slightly, almost imperceptibly, but for just a moment, it feels more like he's being regarded with appraisal than accusation. As if the fact that Liu Sang doesn't already know what he needs to do means something. “Turn around and take off the robe,” Zhang Rishan says after a moment.
Liu Sang chokes on nothing, and gapes at him. He can't be serious. How is that going to prove anything? “Wh—what?” he stammers, tugging the robe a little more securely around himself. He wants to gain Zhang Rishan's trust but that's...
Zhang Rishan gives him A Look, and sighs. “The mark of the Wang clan is a tattoo. A phoenix on the right shoulder,” he explains. “Show me you have no tattoo, and I will take you to Wu Xie.”
“Oh,” he echoes aloud, but any relief he might have felt is short-lived. Not because he has any kind of tattoo. He definitely doesn't. But his back isn't without its marks, and showing them to anyone, much less a complete stranger, is asking a lot. He glances over his shoulder, and realizes belatedly it's a highly suspicious thing to do when he looks back and finds the accusatory expression has returned to Zhang Rishan's face.
Reluctantly, Liu Sang turns. It's the only way. He recognizes and accepts that, but it's a part of himself he doesn't like to think about, and certainly doesn't like to make visible. Pulling his hair away from the nape of his neck, Liu Sang lets the collar of the robe gape open, and shrugs it off his shoulders, though he does not let it fall all the way. Zhang Rishan hasn't earned that show from him yet. His shoulders hunch as he feels the cool underground air brush the sensitive burn scars that cover his upper back, and hears the sharply drawn breath Zhang Rishan takes at the sight of them. It makes him bristle despite his fear. He doesn't want anyone's pity.
What he's not expecting is the sure touch of a broad hand coming to rest flat against his shoulder. He'd been so preoccupied with his own anxiety that, for the second time in less than an hour, he's caught off-guard. He hadn't even heard Zhang Rishan move. Liu Sang jumps, startled, but Zhang Rishan's other hand comes to rest on his opposite shoulder, holding him steady, and not letting him dart away.
“The tattoos are only visible when the skin is heated,” Zhang Rishan says softly, his breath wafting against the shell of Liu Sang's ear, and his voice is so close, and so suddenly gentle. There's almost an unspoken apology in it. Liu Sang shudders, and he's honestly not sure if it's a result of exposing his scars to Zhang Rishan, or because he's instinctively responding to the soothing tone in his voice. Like the purring of a cat, it somehow eases some of his tension.
Zhang Rishan's hand seems to burn against his skin. The heat of it seeps down into his bones, spreading warmth through his veins despite the residual chill of the underground air. Liu Sang shivers again when he feels Zhang Rishan lean in to breathe warm air onto his skin, presumably in an attempt to speed the process along. He's a little taken aback by the intimacy of the gesture, and his response to it. Because he's very abruptly reminded of the way Zhang Rishan's teeth had clamped onto the back of his neck and held firm, and he can't help the intrusive and completely inappropriate thought that maybe he wouldn't mind if it happened again.
But then the hand and the breath are gone, and the moment with them, and Liu Sang is left a little breathless himself at how bereft and cold he feels without them.
Which is absurd. His life is at risk if he can't make Zhang Rishan trust him. He shouldn't be having feelings about being put through a test that will determine whether he lives or dies.
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DMBJ Fic Goals 2022:
Timed Goals:
Rehab/Domestic - complete chapter 2 (mid/end January)✅  Mermay Jiaorenjune - Chuchu post-reboot Jiaoren AU ⛔ Femtober - Ladies Rescue Op. post UN (Lost tomb but it’s lesbians now) 🥲 KanSang Week 2022 😅1/7
Participate: one (1) fic exchange  ✅
DMBJ Rarepairs 2022 - Due Nov ✅
Untimed Goals:
Fox in the Tomb - Kansang smut attempt In Darkness, In Silence - pre-reboot Chuchu (mild psych horror) adventure Fox’s Mirage - Liu Sang ‘animal transformation’ Tomb Adventure AntiStalking - ChuHeiHua investigation/misunderstanding AU Chuccoon - Shifter AU, ChuHei adventure (”he’s got little bandit eyes” possible title) Honey Fox - Wang Can/Li Cu, Wang Can was the Honey Pot AU
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fixaidea · 2 years
My brain is currently mush, so I shall unload some more Shifter AU nonsense on you:
(We’re going with the version where Xiaoge is an aye-aye because I really like the connection of the special fingers, and really, every second shifter is a cat, surely a Zhang would be something more special.)
Anyway, here’s people’s reaction when they find out:
Pangzi: Lost it. On the floor, rolling around. Despite being a normal human he’s doing an excellent impression of a wolf with the way he’s currently howling.
Xie Yuchen: Much more discreet about it, trying to hide his smile, but definitely amused.
Xiuxiu: Open squeeing, probably the first time she paid any special attention to Xiaoge.
Hei Xiazi: Is taking pictures. Nominally for blackmail purposes, even though he knows Xiaoge doesn’t give enough of a shit for them to be all that useful.
Wu Xie: Was a bit surprised but five minutes later he’s already rattling off all the cool lemur facts and did you know how aye-ayes hunt? And how their calls sound like the wails of the dead and they are basically cryptids and how cool is that, really Xiaoge is awesome in every form he takes.
Liu Sang... I haven’t met him yet, but based on everything I’ve heard about him, well, he didn’t know he was the president of the International Lemur Conservation Society, but now he’s the president of the International Lemur Conservation Society.
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fixaidea · 1 year
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The Iron Triangle as animals (either for the Shifter AU or just 'cause), this time with photographic evidence.
Wu Xie - Labradoodle
Wang Pangzi - Asiatic black bear
Zhang Qiling - Aye-aye
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Chapters: 7/? Fandom: 老九门 | Old Nine Gates (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yan Sanxing & Er Yue Hong, Yan Sanxing & Zhang Qishan, Yan Sanxing and Zhang Rishan, others may apply later Characters: Yan Sanxing, Zhang Qishan, Zhang Rishan, Er Yue Hong Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Earn Your Happy Ending, redemption fic, Shifter!Verse, spiritual beasts and shifters are known but uncommon, fox shifters, weird science, and magic, cultivation exists as well, the Liu Chang Fox agenda Series: Part 1 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
When Er Yue Hong flees the knowledge of his father's sins, he leaves behind a seemingly dead body. One not quite as dead as one might expect.
In which Yan Sanxing survives.
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"I have to ask. Just what are you doing?"
"It's your birthday. You need a birthday cake."
"Am I still your doctor?"
"Of course!"
"And have I or have I not strictly forbidden you to spend more than half an hour at a time standing in the kitchen cooking?"
"Yes, but...."
"Do. Not. Yes. But. Me, young lady."
"A-Xing, I'm fifty-nine years old. I'll be sixty soon enough!"
"And I expect you to make it there and further. So what are you doing, making me a cake that obviously, obviously, took hours to bake and decorate?"
"I had help. Lots of help. I just told Er-ye what to do. Mostly."
"I didn't let her stand up longer than ten minutes, I promise you. You know I wouldn't."
A sigh. "Ouxiang...."
"You like it, don't you?"
Another sigh, a bit softer. More forgiving. "May I ask why The Little Prince?"
"You love the book. Your copy's all tattered from as many times as you've read it. And it has a fox!"
"Don't you like it?"
"I... I like it, Yatou-furen. I just... was very surprised."
"Oh good! I was worried. Here. Let's cut it. You should get the first slice."
As Er Yue Hong and his wife set to sharing out the bright blue sphere of Western inspired sugar, Yan Sanxing carefully doesn't mention why he reads The Little Prince so often and loves it so much.
They don't need to know that - for him - Yatou is the rose, delicate, pretty and in need of special care. The Little Prince, naturally, is Er Yue Hong, who one day will lose his rose and likely fade afterwards.
And he? He's the fox, tamed and loved and ultimately left behind with the wheat and the sunset and the memories that he would grieve for but never regret.
Part of the Doctor Yan Sanxing Fox!Shifter series, where Yan Sanxing survives and becomes a doctor so he can atone as much as possible for his sins. Yatou survives because of him, though she makes it damned difficult sometimes with her insistence on doing things that make his job harder.
Yet another trace of Liu Chang to colorize into a Doctor Yan Sanxing pic. Someday I'll have to make a template for the jaw tattoo, as well as work out how to draw the upper half. And someday I won't need to trace. But for now, here we are.
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"Where did you get this?"
Captain Zhou has never been comfortable with the owner and operator of Hong Hua pharmacy. Maybe it's his laid-back, perpetually amused, air. Maybe it's the jaw tattoo; tribal, primitive, violent. Maybe it's the way Doctor Yan seems to recognize lies as if he can smell them.
Or maybe it's the name, the same name as a long dead murderer, worn without shame as if the man didn't care what people thought.
He was, however, the best at what he did. Traditional medicine or modern, he was an expert and he knew things most older pharmacists had long since forgotten.
"Part of a raid on a drug factory. I obviously can't give you the details."
Grey eyes consider the bottle thoughtfully. Fiddle with the pills inside. Slide them back in. "An old recipe, supposed to extend your lifespan. Dangerous. Take it and you'll go mad after a while." He tosses the bottle back. "Suggest you burn any samples you find. Don't play with them."
"That's all?"
Doctor Yan leans back lazily in his chair and turns his music back on. As the strains of a local favorite opera fill the small pharmacy again, Captain Zhou knows he's gotten all he's going to get for now and leaves.
Only when he's gone does Doctor Yan pick up his phone and dial. "Hey, Shanshan. Got some bad news. Someone's making those pills again. Check with the local police department." He plays with the things he's stolen from the bottle thoughtfully, adding, "And better have someone come pick up this set. They're close to hatching and I don't feel like fighting shibie again."
"Love you too, Shanshan."
Part of an AU where Yan Sanxing survives and becomes a useful member of society as a physician and occasional rescue worker.
Done in Clip Studio and blatantly traced from that gorgeous shot of Liu Chang in the record store. Someday I may have the skills to do something like this without tracing but here we are.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Li Cu/Wang Can (DMBJ Series) Characters: Li Cu (DMBJ Series), Wang Can (DMBJ Series), Shen Qiong (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, alternate universe - shifters are real, li cu has a mission, wang can didn't expect to be part of it, wang family's top child-rearing skills, Child Soldiers, if wang can were set to seduce li cu Series: Part 2 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
Taken in by the Wang to be retrained and brainwashed, Li Cu expects them to use Wang Xiaoyuan (Shen Qiong) to control him. It's an obvious choice for the Wang, after all. He grew up with her and as far as they know, he's just as in love with her as Su Wan.
Too bad for them he doesn't bend that way.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 老九门 | Old Nine Gates (TV), 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yan Sanxing & Er Yue Hong, Yan Sanxing & Zhang Qishan, Yan Sanxing and Zhang Rishan, others may apply later Characters: Yan Sanxing, Zhang Qishan, Zhang Rishan, Er Yue Hong Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Earn Your Happy Ending, redemption fic, Shifter!Verse, spiritual beasts and shifters are known but uncommon, fox shifters, weird science, and magic, cultivation exists as well, the Liu Chang Fox agenda Series: Part 1 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
When Er Yue Hong flees the knowledge of his father's sins, he leaves behind a seemingly dead body. One not quite as dead as one might expect.
In which Yan Sanxing survives.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 盗墓笔记重启 | The Lost Tomb Reboot (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Liu Sang/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling Characters: Zhang Qiling, Liu Sang (DMBJ Series), Wang Pangzi, Wu Xie Additional Tags: Lost Tomb with Real Magic, summoning old gods is tricky, annoying old gods is not a good idea, Shifter!Verse, borrowed idea from PotC and Ragetti, can't worship a god if you don't really believe in the god Series: Part 3 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
Captured by a self-defined scholar with delusions, Zhang Qiling is forced to participate in a ceremony to protect Liu Sang. Sometimes these things go better than you'd expect.
In which Liu Sang knows what to do.
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merinnan · 3 years
Rating: Mature (subject to change)
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Liu Sang/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling, Wang Panzi & Wu Xie & Zhang Qiling
Characters: Liu Sang, Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Wang Pangzi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Liu Sang Needs A Hug, fox shifter liu sang, established relationship (pingxie), First Meetings, Identity Porn, Alternate universe - Mafia, Additional Tags to Be Added, Humor, iron triangle sleeping arrangements
Summary: After weeks of being on the run from the people who’d  been experimenting on him, Liu Sang was cold, hungry, and still hiding  as a fox. When he came across a live capture trap in a large garden,  baited with good, good food, he decided it was worth the risk. Then kept  coming back again. And again.
Wu Xie just wanted to catch and  socialise a feral cat into a pet. He hadn’t planned on a fox deciding  the trap he’d put out was a convenient and consistent source of food.
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Of course he’d come back. He didn’t actually want to leave, really - the food was excellent, it was warm and dry and comfortable, the humans here were nice and had demonstrated that he could trust them. And it was safe, both the house and the people. But that was one reason why he had to leave for a bit, to make sure that they stayed safe, that the people after him didn’t decide that offending someone with as much money as Wu Xie obviously had would be worth it to get Liu Sang back. Didn’t decide that hurting these people who’d been looking after him, and who he’d become quite fond of, would be worth getting him back.
The other reason was that he absolutely did not want Wu Xie to decide that he was now a pet fox. He was not anyone’s pet, since he wasn’t actually an animal, wild or not. Wu Xie trying to keep him as a pet would just be a whole other set of problems that Liu Sang really did not need.
Finally, after food, and more pats, and another nap because he overate even though he didn’t mean to, since his fox instincts knew that food might be hard to come by in the next few days and overrode his human instincts in order to stock up on food, he finally got to go downstairs. Or, rather, Wu Xie carried him downstairs, which Liu Sang strongly suspected was just an excuse for more cuddles and pets before finally putting him down in the middle of the garden, near the gazebo that Liu Sang had almost sheltered in that first night, before he’d smelled the meat in the trap.
How different would it all be now, he wondered, if he hadn’t smelled that meat and had just hidden in the gazebo overnight before going his way the next morning?
Once on the ground, Liu Sang stretched out, digging his claws into the grass and soil. It felt so good to have that beneath his paws again, properly now, not just in the small patches between the paved areas of the courtyard that held the pond and the murder-monster masquerading as a fish. He rolled over onto his back, wriggling on the ground and letting out some delighted yips at how good it felt. Wu Xie stood there watching him, actually smiling now that he saw how happy Liu Sang was to be out here, enjoying the grass and, more importantly, the freedom.
“You be careful now, okay?” Wu Xie said anxiously. “And make sure to come back.”
“It’s not like he can understand you,” Pangzi said, and Wu Xie sighed.
“I know,” he said, “but it makes me feel better to say it.”
Pangzi clapped him on the shoulder, steering him back towards the house while Liu Sang continued to wriggle around on the ground, getting his back properly scratched. Human fingers and hands were good, of course, but sometimes you just needed some good old-fashioned grass.
Read the rest on AO3
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 盗墓笔记 - 南派三叔 | The Grave Robbers' Chronicles - Xu Lei, 沙海 | Tomb of the Sea (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Li Cu/Wang Can (DMBJ Series) Characters: Li Cu (DMBJ Series), Wang Can (DMBJ Series), Shen Qiong (DMBJ Series) Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, alternate universe - shifters are real, li cu has a mission, wang can didn't expect to be part of it, wang family's top child-rearing skills, Child Soldiers, if wang can were set to seduce li cu Series: Part 2 of Shifter!Verse Summary:
Taken in by the Wang to be retrained and brainwashed, Li Cu expects them to use Wang Xiaoyuan (Shen Qiong) to control him. It's an obvious choice for the Wang, after all. He grew up with her and as far as they know, he's just as in love with her as Su Wan.
Too bad for them he doesn't bend that way.
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