#do you grow out of the stress of knowing every bill your parents had to pay?
uldahstreetrat · 7 months
finally bought elden ring because i have some money coming in this week and im trying to convince myself into not having a panic attack about buying it aha
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messedupfan · 7 months
Chapter 13
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Summary: Rachel is being released from the hospital but with that comes the stress of the bills. What happens when Jean, Anna, Y/n can't stay home with her during her holiday break?
A/n: Hello!! Okay, so because this is the 13th chapter and I'm a Swiftie, Dr. Maccas has challenged me to make 13 references to my lord and savior T-Swizzle. So I have carefully made 13 intentional references to Taylor Swift. Let me know if you catch any of them! Like, comment, and most of all, enjoy!
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You yawn and stretch as you crack your back by bending your torso. You do not like sleeping on the cot that the hospital provided you when it was decided that you would be the parent responsible for Rachel during the night. 
“Good morning,” Rachel says sweetly as sets the remote to the TV on the table that stands beside her bed. 
“Good morning, sweetheart,” you say as you get close to her. “How are you feeling?” You ask as you gently smooth her hair back. 
“I feel okay,” she starts, “I’d feel better if you brushed your teeth.” Her little crack makes you snort and grin. 
“You are my kid,” you kiss the top of her head as you think about how she is the best thing that’s ever been yours and move to the restroom that is within the private hospital room. The nurse had already left two toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste for the two of you. When the news hit that Rachel was required to stay for observation for a couple of days, Derek insisted on getting her a private room. He told you and Jean that he would cover that bill because the two of you were adamant that he couldn't pay for all of Rachel's medical bills. According to your mom, he was too reckless with money so you have always made it a point to draw a line with the man. 
“Knock knock,” the nurse Ms. Temple, who has given permission to be addressed as Claire, says as she enters the room. “How's my favorite patient doing today?” She asks walking further into the room to start her routine check of vitals and function. 
You step out of the restroom to be present for the check. You wanted to hear and witness the good news every time. You hadn't been scared of losing Rachel since the night she was born. 
Jean had been stressed with working and studying for school plus taking extra care of herself and the fetus growing inside of her. You weren't there to witness it, but she ended up getting in a nasty fight with her parents. She was being berated because she had missed another day of school because she overslept. They weren't trying to upset her, they only wanted to make sure that she understood the severity of the responsibility that she was signing up for when she decided to keep the baby. They didn't want to see her fail. All they were trying to do was prepare her.
But they didn't know how to properly communicate that so it turned into a screaming match that went sideways. What you had been told of the story was that she was yelling at her parents until she clutched her stomach and later found blood on the way to the hospital. You were at work when you got the call and had to run out. The delivery was long and terrifying and you couldn't be in the room because you and Jean weren't married yet. Which influenced you to marry her the moment you got to. When she was born they immediately took her to the NICU and you couldn't see her for hours. Once you did you were startled by how tiny she looked. Before that day, you weren’t sure if you were ready to be a young parent. Laying your eyes on her with tubes connected to her in a plastic case, you swore to protect her forever. 
“Everything looks good,” Claire states with a comforting warmth in her tone. “Vitals are strong. Are you ready to start your walking lesson?” She asks Rachel with her hands in her pockets. 
Rachel laughs, “I know how to walk!” 
“I know you do. But we need to practice with the crutch, so you don’t hurt yourself more,” Claire explains. 
“Yeah, hon, it’s going to be tricky walking around with that cast and only one crutch,” I say as I move closer to help her out of the bed. She broke her right leg and her right wrist. Because of the way she fell on her wrist, it caused her shoulder to dislocate. Meaning half her body was heavily injured. You had no idea that she was so fragile and you asked the doctor if there was any health related reason to it, they promised to test her. But after an insurance investigation at the school to find out if they were liable, they found out that the stage is a foot higher than what is standard and the front of the stage is supposed to be carpet but instead is real hardwood for plays that require the band and/or orchestra. Because it’s a school, they want all of the students participating to be shown for the families in the audience. Typically there is supposed to be space under the stage for instruments so that they are heard and not seen. Bottom line, Rachel’s bones are stronger than previously thought since she is lucky to have survived that dangerous drop. 
Unfortunately for you, Jean, and Anna, you can’t sue the school for damages because of the airtight contract that the school has had many lawyers draw up to prevent a lawsuit if anything like this happened. Therefore, all medical bills are yours, Jean’s, and Anna’s responsibility to cover. 
“Why can’t I have the scooter? Teddy from down the hall has the scooter,” Rachel pouts as she struggles to stand with her crutch. Claire looks at you to see if you're able to come up with an answer and when she recognizes the helpless look on your face she answers. 
“Because your leg is not as hurt as his is. You have only one break in your leg and he has three breaks in his.” She explains and you mouth your gratitude, she nods and smiles. 
A couple of hours later, you and Rachel are watching a movie when her moms walk through the door with big smiles. The two women embrace their daughter where she sits on the hospital bed. You greet them each with a standing hug of your own when they finally do let your daughter breathe. 
“I can't stay long, I have to get to the store soon. But have you heard anything about when she can leave this place yet?” Jean asks you as she looks at Rachel from over her shoulder. 
You shake your head, “The doctor hasn't been by yet. Just Claire so far. To get Rachel's walk in.” 
Jean smirks, “Nurse Temple is Claire now?” 
You shake your head again. Jean didn't tell you or necessarily show it but you could tell that she was pretty happy about your breakup with Daisy. She never said it to you but she has made it clear to you that she didn’t like the two of you as a couple but she kept her opinions to herself like a good friend, co-parent, and ex-wife. “Yes, she has all of her longer term patients call her by her first name. You can ask your daughter. She talks with the other kids on this floor,” you gesture to Rachel and she can’t help but focus on your words and ignore the mom trying to have a conversation with her. 
“I’m just saying, you could do worse than a nurse. Especially one that is as pretty as she is,” Jean says encouragingly. “And you have,” she mutters and you open your mouth to defend Daisy when Rachel cuts into the conversation. 
“Baba doesn’t like-like Ms. Claire!” She bursts out. You are quick to quiet her down. You sigh as you share a look of concern with Jean. After the outrage she displayed when she found out about you and Daisy, you and Jean did some research on why she reacted the way she did. The two of you came to the conclusion that she didn’t want you to split your attention between her and a romantic partner. Rachel had gotten used to you being single and she didn’t know how to adjust to the change so she acted out. Or at least that’s what you thought was going on. But you thought when she started to warm up to Daisy. 
“Honey, mom is just teasing. She knows that,” you tell her softly. 
Rachel has a pout on her face and her arms crossed. “Well that’s bullying and you guys say it’s not nice to bully.” 
You shake your head and move some of her hair behind her ear, “Honey, I wasn’t being bullied.”
Jean takes the cue to join in when you tip your head in Rachel’s direction. “Yeah, I wasn’t bullying, Baba. I was being playful. You know how we are with each other.” She pets Rachel's hair bringing her hand down from the top as Anna moves out of the way to let Jean through. It was moments like these where she felt left out of the parenting loop. It reminds her that even though she has legally adopted Rachel and she is very involved and loves her, she still wasn’t her child. Rachel belongs to you and to her wife. She mentally curses herself for making the moment about herself in her own mind. Anna knows that she wasn’t part of the moment because she wasn’t the one being offensive or defended. 
“Well I didn’t like it!” Rachel repeats herself, breaking Anna out of her thoughts. 
Anna looks at her watch, “Oh shoot, babe. We have to get going if I’m going to drop you off at work.” 
This catches your attention and you crease your eyebrows. “Wait, you carpooled?”Jean sighs through her nose as she gives you a look that tells you that will be for a later discussion. You nod once to let her know that you understand. 
“I’m sorry that you didn’t like my joke sweetheart. I’ll come by with dinner,” she kisses her daughter on the forehead and kisses her good hand. You hug her goodbye as Anna says bye to Rachel, when Anna is done you hug her as well. 
Then it’s back to being only you and Rachel. You worry that she prefers it that way a bit too much. Around lunch time, she starts to get restless and Claire returns for another check in and a walk. Rachel isn’t as talkative since her mom put the image in her head that Claire and her Baba might like each other. It made her not like Claire. Her quietness concerned the nurse and she asked that you leave to grab a fresh meal for you and Rachel. She tended to separate a patient from their parent or parents whenever that child started to exhibit weird behavior. Just as a safety precaution. She had seen the video of Rachel’s fall so there is proof that these injuries weren’t a flag for physical abuse but she liked to be certain that her mental state was in good health and it’s difficult to get to the bottom of the truth if the parent is present. 
Besides, she liked you as a person and hoped that she wouldn’t have to be reporting you to child services. She is filled with relief when she finds out that Rachel’s behavior had nothing to do with abuse. Claire even has to hide her amusement when the little girl tells her that she doesn’t want Claire to be with her Baba. “Awe sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about that. Do you want to know why?” The woman asks in a soft tone that makes Rachel feel comforted. The little girl nods and Claire leans in. “I already have someone that I like-like,” she sweetly reveals. 
“Really?” Rachel lights up as Claire nods. The two turn around to start walking back to Rachel’s room.
“Sweetie, can I ask? Why were you so upset about someone like-liking your Baba?” Claire asks as she continues to walk beside the patient. It wasn’t unusual for kids to have certain attachments to single parents. Sometimes it was the hope that they might get back together with their other parent, but she’s seen the way she lights up around her moms. She doesn’t think that’s the case here. Sometimes kids pick up on the bad behavior from their single parent when they’ve had romantic partners and might think they are better off alone. 
Rachel looks around to make sure no one that will tell you this overhears. Especially cautious of spotting you nearby. “Can I trust you with a secret? You can’t tell no one. Especially not my Baba.” Rachel makes Claire swear and she does. “Okay. I don’t want just anyone to be with my Baba. I want Ms. Wanda to be with my Baba,” she reveals. 
“Oh,” Claire draws the word out, again in relief. “I see. And who is this Ms. Wanda? Is she a character in your favorite show or?”
Rachel giggles, “No silly, Ms. Wanda is my Baba’s friend. My Baba fixed her wall.” 
Claire nods with a smile, “So why do you want Ms. Wanda to be with your Baba and no one else.” 
“They’re enchanted to be together,” Rachel whispers, making Claire want to protect this little girl's innocence and purity. Then Rachel shrugs, “Plus I’ve always wanted big brothers and she’s got two of them! Only by a couple of months but that’s even better because we all go to the same school! Tommy is so cool, he protects me from bullies and he is so funny too. And Billy always helps me when I don’t understand something in class and we like a lot of the same stuff.” Rachel continues to go on and on about her fantasy family and Claire hangs onto every word with a smile. Happy to see how happy this little girl is to bring a family together. She knows that’s not how it works. But she doesn’t spoil that joy for the ten-year-old. The world is cruel enough. People tend to throw rocks at things that shine and she wasn’t going to be one of them. Claire is certain the girl will let go of the idea in a couple of years when hormones hit and she realizes that she wants a boyfriend more than she wants a brother. Or if she has a falling out with one or both of the boys. Even if none of those things occur, Claire isn’t going to be the reason Rachel has her dream killed. She’s going to leave that up to you.
After lunch, well into the mid afternoon, Wanda brings the boys to come and visit with Rachel and so that she can see how you’re holding up. You feel a little embarrassed to be around her because of what happened once everything seemed to have calmed down. She had driven you back to the school to pick up your truck. She parked in the space right next to your truck so that you didn’t have to walk far but you couldn’t get out. Wanda didn’t say a word as she shut her car off. Since you were finally away from your family, everyone that you had to put a brave face on for, every emotion from the night hit you all at once. You broke down in tears. Sobs burned your throat and attacked your body. She held you as you let it all out and she sat with you in silence when you stopped but were still too frozen to do anything. Since then, you’ve kept your distance. 
Wanda, however, hasn’t. She has been very aware that you tend to take care of everyone over yourself and no one really stops to check on you. So she has taken it upon herself to be that person for you. It’s only been a few days and she has been by every single one of them. Each time, finding a way to get the two of you to be alone for a few minutes. She doesn't pry, she's just there and it almost makes you break down every time. But you don't let it. Because you are fine. You're not the one in a cast. 
“Have you been able to discuss Rachel's release with the doctor yet?” Wanda asks as she sits close to you. 
“Um, no. We've only seen the nurse so far today. How was the Christmas celebration last night? Was it as bad as you were anticipating it to be?” You ask as you nudge her shoulder with your elbow. 
Even though Vision was out of town, his parents and brother still extended an invitation to Wanda and her boys to join them in their festivities. Wanda held no animosity against the Starks. They saw her as family regardless of the divorce. Maria and Howard made it very clear to Wanda last night that she will always be their daughter in their eyes and want to maintain a relationship with her and the twins. She has started to wonder how someone as cold as Vision could come from such warm and caring people. Until she remembers that they adopted him when he was ten years old. He hardly ever spoke about his childhood past the Starks adopting him but as far as Wanda knew, his birth parents should have never been allowed to have children. 
“It was actually a very healing experience and I had a lot of fun. My former brother-in-law, the playboy I told you about,” Wanda recalls one of the people that she has mentioned to you before. You nod in recognition so that she can continue. “He is actually engaged.” 
“Really?” You act surprised because of the way she has talked about him in the past. He didn’t sound like the settle down type. 
“Yeah, I got to meet his fiancee. Her name is also Virginia which was kind of triggering at first but she goes by Pepper. She is really nice, I think she is going to be what balances him out.” Wanda then goes on to tell you all about the night she had with her former in-laws. Midway through the stories she shakes her head at the term. “After last night it kind of feels rude to call them that.” She sighs as she looks up at the ceiling, then to the bathroom door across from her, then to the white board that states which nurse and doctor is assigned to Rachel. Wanda doesn’t really pay attention to the colorful names that are scribbled on the white background. Then she shrugs and looks back at you to continue the story. “What my family and I did next was,” and she felt more comfortable calling them that. They are her family and she is happy to have them back in her life. “How was your celebration?”
You take a deep breath as you mentally unpack the previous night. It had an awkward start since it had to be held in this small hospital room. But it got better as it went on. You grin at Wanda. “I think we had one of those ‘true meanings’ of Christmas experiences. You know, because it wasn’t about all of the presents. Those are still waiting at home. Well, except for the gifts I got for the family that doesn’t live around here and have already left. It wasn’t about the food, we just ordered chinese food because that’s what Rachel was craving. It was all about each other’s company. I got to see all of my parents be civil and even make one another laugh. That was a real miracle in itself.” You have a dazed expression as you remember the gift you were given to spend a night with your family that didn’t end in an argument. It’s not ideal to spend a holiday in the hospital, especially when it’s your child that is the one admitted, but there was something special about last night. “Kate couldn’t be here because until further notice, she isn’t allowed in this hospital unless she has a medical emergency. But my mom had her on a video call so that she could still spend the time with us. Jean and Anna stayed home with Anna’s parents and had their own thing.” 
Wanda puts a friendly hand on your thigh and smiles at you, “I’m glad that we both had great holidays.” 
“Thank you,” your gaze locks in with hers and you feel a warmth spread through your chest as you’re hypnotized by her freckles and bright eyes. The tingling from her touch makes you very aware of her presence, but you don’t feel the need to pull away. Neither of you says a word and neither of you notice that your children have stopped chatting. All three pairs of eyes were watching the two of you in anticipation. Hoping that the universe will finally pull the two of you together. 
“Knock, knock,” Claire taps her knuckle on the door, breaking the moment between you and Wanda. “Has the doctor been by yet?” You shake your head as you clear your throat to give her a verbal response. Clair checks her watch with a frown. “That’s weird. I was told he was supposed to drop by soon to discuss discharging you. I wonder what is holding him up today.” She checks Rachel’s vitals while she is here. “Everything is excellent,” she smiles at you. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I’ve met you yet,” she walks around the bed with her hand out. 
“I’m Wanda,” the woman next to you greets the nurse with the hand that’s not on your lap. 
Claire has a smirk as she looks between the two of you. “Ah you must be the Wanda I’ve heard so much about.” At this, Wanda removes her hand from you and gives you a funny look before asking Claire what she’s been told. “Nothing bad, I promise. Miss Rachel here thinks the world of you and your boys. I’m happy I got a chance to meet you.” 
“Same here,” Wanda says politely. 
“This will be the last time I get to check on you.” Claire moves about the room. “I better never see you in here again and I mean that in the best way possible.” She smiles with both hands in her pockets. Rachel waves goodbye to her favorite nurse before returning her attention to the twins' portable gaming console. You stand up and properly thank Clarie for taking care of your daughter before she goes. 
Wanda and the twins stay for dinner. You warn Jean and Anna that you have already ordered and paid for Chinese food and ask them to pick it up on the way. Which they do. The seven of you enjoy the meal together. Although something seems off with Jean and Anna , they don’t let it show too much. It’s not until Wanda is getting the boys ready to leave that the doctor comes in with the discharging papers. Wanda says that she will be in the waiting room and you hug her before she goes. The doctor goes over the care plan for Rachel and because of her limited mobility, he thinks it’s best that she stays with one parent that can take the time off to take care of her until school starts back up. The three of you thanked him and Jean took the papers to start signing them as you started to pack up everything that belongs to you and Rachel. 
As Jean signs the papers she stops when she sees the medical bill and she almost breaks down into tears. “Shit,” she curses in a whisper. You walk over to see what’s wrong and your eyes widen. It was not a good number. 
“That’s after insurance?” You ask and she nods. “Okay, let’s not panic. We’ve had to deal with something like this before,” you remind her. “It’s not nearly as bad as last time.” 
“Yeah, but last time we had our parents pay it and we paid them back over time. Right now,” Jean shakes her head. “My car broke down,” she admits as she stares at the bill. “I can’t afford to take it in to figure out what the problem is. I definitely can’t afford to fix it right now. Bills have been piling up since the wedding. I just,” she closes her eyes. “I can’t hear you say I told you so right now either so please save it.” 
You shake your head and crouch in front of Jean with a frown. “When have I ever said that to you?” She wanted to have a bigger wedding with Anna because she didn’t get to have it the first time. But this time, her parents couldn’t contribute and Anna’s parents could only contribute so much as they weren’t very smart when it came to their finances. You advised against a big party that neither of them could afford but when it came down to Jean’s happiness, you did what you could to contribute. “Look at me,” you say softly and repeat yourself until she finally does. “We can do this. Okay? There are three of us with three incomes. We can set up a payment plan with them and take care of it little by little. Besides, one of the bills we’re sending off to Derek. We’ll do the math after that and hopefully it will look a lot less scary.” 
Jean nods and closes her eyes again. Anna keeps Rachel distracted. Her and Jean had recently spent any alone time with each other arguing about their financial troubles. Anna might have developed some bad habits from her parents and Jean wasn’t like her. She didn’t see life as always somehow finding what you needed exactly when you needed it. She was a planner. If she needs something in a moment of crisis she should already have it. This month alone, they’ve had to cut off streaming subscriptions and watch the same collection of movies they did own, over and over again. The house was almost always dark to save on electricity, especially with the anticipation of the holiday with all of the lights for decorations and the responsibility of hosting. They never ate out. They were happy when Jean’s parents sent gifts for Rachel and Anna’s parents arrived with more because they were scared they would have to tell Rachel that she wasn’t getting gifts at all. At least, not from them. The way Anna sees it, things have been working out for them in the end. The way Jean sees it, she has been an irresponsible mother who should have planned better for something like this. It’s made her see her partner in a new light that she isn’t sure she can accept. 
You look at the numbers again, “What are we going to do about her care during the day? It looks like neither of us can afford vacation days right now. That’s only half a paycheck.” 
Jean shakes her head and reopens her eyes, “I don’t know. Do you think Kate could-” 
“She went with our parents to their home in New York to take her friend. Apparently, Yelena has never been so she wanted to show her around.” You reply as you mentally cycle through the people you know that might be able to help. 
“Are you guys ready?” Rachel smiles at you and Jean. 
“We have until the end of the night to figure it out, but I’d feel more comfortable if she’d stay with me until school starts,” you state as you stand up. “I can feel tension between you and Anna and it doesn’t feel good. You two should take the time to be together.” Jean bites her cheek as she tries to think of a reason to fight you but she can’t. Instead, she thanks you. 
You spot Wanda on the first level of the hospital in the waiting area. It’s a busier day so she has the boys sharing a chair while she stands in front of them. It makes you smile, knowing that she stayed when she didn’t have to.  Jean tells you that she and Anna will help Rachel get into your truck as she takes your keys from your hand. “Yeah, okay,” you say as you struggle to snap out of your daze. 
“Stop gawking and go talk to her,” Jean nudges you and that’s when you’re brought back to reality. You scowl at Jean. 
“I wasn’t gawking. I have a lot on my mind,” you retort. 
“Yeah, okay,” she deepens the tone of her voice in a mocking manner as she scoffs and walks away. You roll your eyes. It reminds you of being a kid growing up with her. Sometimes it’s like she never grew up, but you tend to respond the same way so you weren’t any better. 
You walk over to Wanda and touch her elbow as you come into her view. You hug her and thank her for being here for your family and she tries to play it off as nothing. But you have friends that you’ve known longer that never dropped by. They sent messages which you appreciated but they weren’t there like Wanda was. “So she’s okay to go home now?”  You nod and try to hide the stress of the situation but she can see right through you. Wanda narrows her eyes as she tries to read your expression. “What’s wrong?”
You sigh and look at the boys who are fighting sleep behind her. “You should get them home,” you deflect. Wanda looks back and agrees, they need to be tucked into bed. 
“Help me get them to the car?” Wanda asks, assuming that Rachel was already on her way home with her moms. You don’t tell her that everyone is waiting for you as you agree to walk her to her and the twins to her car. She manages to wake up Tommy but Billy is out cold so you pick him up and carry him to the car. When both boys are in the backseat of the vehicle Wanda stops you from walking away by catching your forearm. “What is happening with Rachel?” She demands with worry evident in her tone. 
Your eyes widen when you realize that your weird behavior might have made it look like the situation was worse than it is. “She’s going to be fine. That’s not… she isn’t…” you huff and clench your jaw, annoyed that you can’t get a straight thought out. “The problem is we don’t have someone who can stay with Rachel during the day while she’s on break. None of us can afford to take off work because that bill is,” you make noises close to laughing but not quite to express the exorbitant amount without stating the number. 
“Stay with me,” Wanda doesn’t miss a beat. You’re about to reject the offer when she pleads her case. “I’m off until a few days after the new year begins. You can go to work knowing she’s being taken care of. The boys would love to have her over. Come on,” she says but you still try to say no. “You don’t need another restless night. I bet you’re tired from this long hard week. And you’ve said it yourself, my guest bed is better than your mattress at home.” She makes a good point, you haven’t been sleeping much because the cot was brutal on your back. It would also help lower your bills a bit next month since you won’t be using anything at your apartment.
“Where is Rachel going to sleep if I’m taking the guest bed?” You ask. “It wouldn’t be fair to ask either of them to give up their beds.” You point to the boys that are asleep with their heads back and mouths open. 
Wanda bites her lip as she thinks, “They’ll probably fight over who gets to volunteer and not in the way you’re imagining. They love Rachel. But we do have a no ‘sleepover with girls’ rule that I think I should stick to. Besides, they’re sleeping now but the three of them might hype each other up enough that they don’t get the rest they need.” You nod as you agree. Rachel especially needs her rest. “You can have my bed and I can take the couch,” Wanda suggests. 
You shake your head, “Wanda that’s crazy. I’m not kicking you out of your bed, I can take the couch.” 
“No, it’s a horrible couch. I’ve been meaning to replace it actually,” Wanda shakes her head. 
“Then why would I let you take the couch?” You tilt your head to the side and Wanda sighs. She has never had to work so hard to convince someone to let her help them. You feel bad for resisting her generosity and you bite the inside of your cheek. “Why don’t we share the bed? Put up a pillow wall. I know you have more than enough,” you chuckle as you recall teasing her for her decorative pillows on her bed once. You said she had more pillows than she had space on the mattress. 
“Okay, that can work,” Wanda nods, wanting to ignore the excitement she has at the idea of sharing a bed with you for a few nights. But all she can feel in her stomach is butterflies, the beautiful kind. “I’ll meet you at the house in an hour or so then?” She plays it cool and you nod. As you try to tell yourself over and over that it’s nothing more than two mature adults sharing a bed to sleep. 
You hug her and confirm that you’ll see her after you’ve packed a bag for yourself and Rachel. Jean and Anna have to bite their tongues when you inform them that Wanda agreed to help with Rachel and invited the two of you to stay with her. But you can see a playful glint dance across their eyes as they smirk at each other. You choose to ignore them out of exhaustion and bid them a goodnight just before you climb into your truck. As you start the vehicle, a song comes on the radio and it puts Rachel in a good mood as she sings along. 
“Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking late tappin’ on your window,” Rachel sings happily and you love seeing her smile and sing. You’re glad to know that nothing has broken her spirit just yet. 
You leave her in the truck with it still running so that she still has her music and the heat because it would be too much of a hassle to bring her into the apartment just to take her back to the truck shortly after. You are quick to add more clothes to the ones you already had in the bags from the hospital stay. You rush back to the truck once you have your work gear packed, figuring that you could come back here tomorrow after work to grab more things if you need more. 
Wanda is waiting in the driveway to help with your bags as you carry your sleeping daughter into the house. She helps you make the bed cozy for Rachel and the two of you tuck the girl in together. Your heart jumped at putting your daughter to bed with someone once again. It never got to this point with Daisy. You clench your jaw at the thought of her. You can’t help but think that maybe the two of you got lost in translation. Maybe you asked for too much. But you think about how much you tried to push back and then stop yourself from the spiral. You didn’t need to go there. 
Together, you and Wanda set up her bed to make the pair of you comfortable with sharing it. When the wall is set up, you get changed in the bathroom in the hall and knock on her bedroom door before entering. Wanda is already laying on her side of the bed when you enter and you make sure to shut the door and turn the light off before joining her. You try to calm down once you’ve laid down but you are being enveloped by her scent and it causes your heart to race. 
“Thank you for this,” you whisper into the dark, unsure if she is even awake. The wall is pretty high. 
“Of course,” she half whispers, “you’re my friend and I know you would do the same for me and my boys if you could.” You smile to yourself because even with only being friends for a few months, both of you are already ready and willing to take care of each other. The pair of you go silent again but you can tell by the pattern of her breathing that she isn't asleep yet. 
“I called Daisy about Rachel being fine today when I had a moment to myself,” you admit with a bit of sadness to your tone. 
“Oh yeah?” Wanda says softly. “How did that go?” 
You frown with one hand resting on your stomach and the other set between your head and your pillow as you look up at the ceiling. “Not great,” you state. “Something seemed off but she wouldn't tell me,” you sigh. 
“I know you said that you weren't going to before but, do you think that you'll try to win her back?” Wanda is laying on her side, staring at the pillow wall. Imagining you on the other side. She wishes she could be closer to you. But she respects your space as you've taken the initiative to respect hers. 
“No,” you reply confidently, “we are never getting back together.” 
Wanda hums as she closes her eyes. She feels you shift on the bed and she hopes that you're facing the pillow wall the way she is. She wonders if you're thinking about her the way she is thinking about you. Wanda hasn't admitted before, not even to herself, but she was developing feelings that were more than friendly towards you. Her phone began to buzz and she felt embarrassed. Nights were usually when she would sext with potential hookups because she wasn't able to sleep. 
“Geez who's blowing up your phone this late?” You mumble the question and the way your voice carries, she can tell that the two of you are facing each other. She almost tears the wall apart just to look at your face. Then her phone buzzes again and it breaks the urge. 
“I don't know, could be any of the guys I've been talking to,” she admits and she can't believe how that sounds. She saw herself as a progressive woman. Her friends encouraged her to not see herself as a slut or any of the derogatory terms that were generally used to describe a woman exploring her sexuality. But right now, admitting her activities to you, she felt ashamed. 
“Oh,” you're unable to hide your shock and she takes that as judgment. Wanda gears herself up to defend herself. But she doesn't have to. “You can answer them if you need to. They seem very persistent for an answer,” you say as you move to face away from the wall. She can feel the movement and hear the way your voice travels. It breaks her heart to know that it's caused you to turn your back on her. Even though she can't see you. Knowing still hurts. 
Wanda doesn't say anything as she turns towards her nightstand to open her phone. This guy was one of the more annoying ones and she didn't want to give him the time of day anymore. She quickly typed out a polite rejection and blocked him as soon as she was met with a tantrum. Calling her a tease with comments about single mothers being the worst whores out there. He even claimed that she wasn't even hot, that he was only taking pity on her because she is a single mother. She rolled her eyes once he was blocked and deleted as she turned her phone on silent just in case and set it back on the nightstand. She kept her back to you as she closed her eyes and hoped that tomorrow would erase the tension that was created tonight. 
You are the first one to wake up in the morning. The pillow wall is scattered about. Pillows fell on top of you or to the ground and were mirrored on Wanda's side as well. One arm extends past the wall and her fingers rest against your shoulder. Each of you have a leg touching, hers resting on top of yours. She looks so peaceful in her slumber. Even with her hair covering most of her features, you can tell how relaxed she is. 
You don't get to enjoy the moment for long since you have to be at work in thirty minutes. You yawn and stretch, careful to not wake her as you do. The house is completely quiet as you leave for work and for a moment, you wish this wasn't just a temporary living situation.
As the morning sun peaks through the curtains, Wanda’s fingers stretch out seeking your warmth but she is only met with the cool bamboo sheets. She opens her eyes to find the bed empty. She doesn't expect the disappointment she feels at not being able to wake up next to you. She knew you had to be up earlier than her. The boys distract her from her conflicting emotions as they bang on the door and demand breakfast on behalf of their friend. 
Tommy was the one to wake up to Rachel calling out for help to the restroom and he woke up his brother. Both were surprised to find her in the guest room but they didn't get distracted with the emotion for long. The pair quickly helped Rachel out of the bed and into the restroom. They stood outside of the door and waited for her to come out. When she did, they were both prepared to walk her back to the bed but she refused and asked for her crutch instead. 
When she got herself situated on the bed, the boys joined her and the three of them chatted until Rachel's stomach growled. Tommy and Billy raced and pushed against one another to their mothers room to get her to help them make a special breakfast in bed for their friend. 
Wanda can't believe that such sweet boys came from her and Vision. She wonders what she did right when it came to them as the three of them head downstairs to make breakfast together. Once everything was ready, Billy made sure that the plates were perfect to present to Rachel on the tray before he and Tommy carefully walked it up to the girl. Wanda shakes her head as she sips her tea. Watching them walk up the stairs from the kitchen. She offered to help them carry the plates but they insisted. 
With whatever is left over, she serves herself and joins the three kids in the guest room to share the meal with them. As she watches them interact she starts to think that maybe things aren't meant to work out between you and her. Maybe the universe brought the two of you together for Rachel and Tommy. She has never seen him be so kind and attentive. When he says something out of line to Billy, Wanda doesn't even have to step in because Rachel is quick to put him in his place and make him apologize. 
As a mother, she always puts her children first. And if this was a sacrifice she was meant to make for Tommy's happiness. She was more than willing. Despite your wishes for your daughter to be repulsed by male attention. 
You don't come back until a little past dinner time. Pietro approved you for overtime so you took advantage of that and kept working a few hours longer. You made sure to stop by your apartment to pick up the things you didn’t have time to last night and you took a shower so that you didn’t show up reeking of sweat. When you walk in, Wanda and the kids are piled together on the couch watching a movie. You greet them all with a grin. You ruffle Rachel's hair as you pass her on the way to the stairs. “I'm going to put this stuff in the guest room for you, Rach,” you announce on your way up. Wanda follows you.
“I have a plate for you in the microwave,” she says, leaning on the door frame. 
“I appreciate that,” you thank her softly, “I don’t expect you to take care of me too. I can make myself something if I come back late like this again.” You know that you’re going to be working late nights until either Pietro cuts off your overtime or the bills get paid in full, whatever comes first. 
Wanda snorts, “And have you burn down my house? I think not.” She steps inside of the room and helps you re-fold Rachel’s clothes neatly and place them in the empty dresser. You were beginning to feel like a useless slob compared to her. “Besides, it’s not a big deal. The boys and I cook together every night and we typically make more than the three of us can eat anyway. I think this week will be the first week that we don’t have a leftovers night before they leave on Sunday.” 
You nod, “Fair enough,” comfortable silence falls between the two of you once again as you set up the room for Rachel so that she is comfortable during her stay in the next few days. Aware of the late hour, the two of you get the kids to their beds before you warm up your food.
Rachel is the first to be tucked in because Tommy and Billy wanted to properly wish her a goodnight. Then help the twins get settled in their beds. Wanda tucks in Tommy and you tuck in Billy. “I forgot to ask before, did you like my performance?” He asks with a hint of insecurity in his voice. 
“Are you kidding? I loved it!” You grin as you start to rave about his part in the holiday showcase. He grins as he thanks you and bids you a goodnight. You smile and start to walk away when Tommy tries to grab your attention. 
“What did you think about me? Was I a good tree?” Tommy worked hard in many other aspects to get the kind of praises that you just gave his twin. Especially from their father but he was slowly starting to realize that his dad was a tough man to please. 
“Tommy, you were the best tree I've ever seen in my life,” you state. “In all of my years of watching school plays, I have never seen a tree have as much personality as you had. The both of you might have potential for great acting careers,” you state encouragingly. Wanda smiles as you compliment her boys more than she's ever witnessed Vision do. They were always being admonished by him. They were always wrong in his eyes. But not in yours. 
Wanda tells you that she will meet you downstairs so she can finish saying goodnight to her kids on her own. You walk down and warm up the food she had waiting for you in the microwave. You find it incredibly considerate that she thought of you. That instead of packing away the food, or leaving it out for you to serve yourself, she had a plate made for you. Ready to be reheated. She joins you at the table with a glass of water and the two of you chat as you eat. She talks about the day she had with the kids and you talk about work. Part of you could envision a life like this. With her. But you don't want to dwell on the idea for too long. Her friendship is more than enough for you. 
When you're done, you insist on doing the dishes that are sitting in the sink. You could have easily rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher but it seems as though Wanda wants to be in your company, so you wash and she dries. As she stands next to you she listens to you rattling on and on about an idea you have for a business, she can’t get over how caught up she is in you. But you’re untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. When the sink is empty, and she hands you a dish towel, you can't help but look at her as you lean against the counter. 
Wanda takes the towel from you and folds it as she is aware of the strange look on your face. She is curious of what you're thinking, of what you might do, of what you might say. She can see it. There's something on the top of your tongue. “I think,” you start, then sigh as you almost say something that you think you shouldn't. “You're my best friend,” you state instead. 
She smiles in response as she sets the folded towel onto the counter. “Let's get to bed,” she says softly. You nod and follow her up to the room. Her room. 
The two of you climb in bed, this time the pillow wall is two layers instead of four. You make a joke and she laughs. She falls asleep first with her head on top of the wall. She has a hand on your arm to keep you close without breaking the rules of the wall. You lay your head close to hers and her steady breathing helps you follow shortly after. “Come here,” she whispered in your ear in your dream as you passed out.
Chapter 14
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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discotenny · 9 months
Bite sized bits - vol 1
Some quick short headcanons that couldn’t be made into a larger post! Some are yume, some are just character centric. Enjoy!
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Doppo and his buster bro?
Doppo has constant thoughts of not being a good role model for his younger brother. It’s never mentioned how old he is, but especially if he's school aged- I imagine he doesn't visit home often due to the concern of being a "disappointing" older brother.
Despite his concerns though, Doppo's sibling thinks he's the coolest person in the whole world.
Life360 but you're the parent
You’re on the Yamada bro’s family tracker LMAO. Ichiro says you don’t have to turn your location on, but he wanted you to be on it in case anything happened to Saburo or Jiro and he couldn’t be there.
Jiro unfortunately uses it to beg to bring home food whenever he sees that you and Ichi are at a restaurant together.
Grocery shopping with Sasara is a literal process
He keeps wandering off into different isles, always seemingly on the other side of the store. Use that ‘clip a balloon to your partner’ life hack thing cause it’s the only way you’re finding him on your own.
Whenever he does appear though, he’s always sneaking items into the cart, trying not to have you notice. And they’re always EXPENSIVE TOO !! He’s got that famous comedian salary so he excuses it by saying he can afford it- but this man is not cost efficient in the slightest.
Ichi's older brother
Ichiro used to call Samatoki in as a babysitter for Jiro and Saburo back in their TDD days. Whenever he had a client to go to, needed to run errands, or simply just wanted a day to chill- Samatoki was always on speed dial.
Nemu would also come along! The bros thought she was 100% cooler than Toki in every way LMAO
I will live and die with Ramuda basement Dice
Ramuda will never kick Dice out of his basement!! No matter the circumstances, whether you move in, bills start raising, or even if you and Dice don’t get along- he has a home with Ramuda as long as he needs it.
Honestly if you ask him to kick his friend out that might be a deal breaker for your relationship
Jakurai wants a HOMEE
You starting your relationship with Jakurai is what compels him to start looking for a house. He was perfectly fine with a small apartment when it was just him- but with you in the picture he feels it’s time to start planning for a more permanent and stable future.
Doppo needs to stop accidentally sending disses to his boss
Doppo uses your private messages as his personal notes app sometimes. He’ll write down a to do list, ideas for rap verses, or just type keysmash when things get a little too stressful.
He doesn’t expect you to respond to any of his messages but when you do, whether giving him feedback or encouragement, he always gets super flustered.
Jiro's scandal
Jiro thinks that nobody knows about his secret relationship with you- but literally everyone knows HAHAHAHA. Saburo saw him holding hands with you one day and he told Ichiro about it- who then fawned about his lil bro growing up to anyone who asked how they were doing- and well, news certainly spreads quickly when it’s about the golden boys of Ikebukuro.
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Thought of these while trying to draft up fic concepts LOL. Hope these bide time in between posts- thank u for reading !!
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daddy-bradley · 2 years
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(Not my gif!!! Credit to owner!!)
Summary: You and Bradley are having your first fight after your baby is born. How will you both come to a solution and learn to cope through this together?
Warning(s): Angst, cursing, mentions of parental insecurity, depression, anxiety, has a happy ending (Shout out to you hard-working mothers out there)
MESSAGE: (If you are someone who is dealing with depression, anxiety, etc. Please reach out for help. I know it may seem worthless, but I promise you, it'll help.)
A/N: Some songs I listened to for inspiration while writing this piece (Highly suggest you listen as you read!): He Deserves your Love - Sir, Selfish - Future ft. Rihanna, Glimpse of Us - Joji, Serendipity - BTS (Jimin)
"I don't have a say in when I get deployed. I don't know how many times I have to say this." the frustration in Bradley's voice was evident.
You had just been told that he was ordered for deployment and had to be shipped out for two months. Not even three months after your daughter had been born.
"I understand that when you are given orders you can't say no. I'm just upset that I'll be left here alone raising our daughter on my own." You stressed out to him as you tried your best to keep your voice quiet so your daughter would not wake up from her sleep.
"You won't be alone Y/N. You have Penny, your mom, the guys and Pete if you need help with anything. I can't do anything about this, so I don't understand why you're getting so upset." He was trying his best to hold back his frustration. He could feel his anger starting to appear, but he would never dare to lash out at you. At the end of the day you were his wife, and he was not going to mistreat you like that.
"Because you won't be here Bradley!" You finally revealed. The tears started to fall from your eyes, and you had decided to just let all your feelings become evident.
"You'll be gone at a place where I don't know if you'll make it back. Where I don't know if you'll be coming back to me and our daughter..." you hiccupped as you tried your best to calm yourself down.
As he was getting ready to respond to your concerns, you cut him off and proceeded to talk. He needed to know how you felt, or else he would never know what was bother you and make the situation worse later down the line.
"I know that this is your job. I know that this is something you love. But I also know that I cannot raise our daughter alone. I need you Bradley. Our daughter needs you. I don't want to have to face the day where she finally realizes you're not there and asks where you are and if you are coming home. Because I don't know when you will come home. I don't know if you will. You can promise me everything in the world, but at the end of the day, you and I both know that you not coming home is a possibility. And I don't want her to grow up without her father. I-I don't. Not, not like I-I did." the dam finally broke and this time you just let yourself cry, and cry, and cry.
It felt good to finally get this off your chest, it felt good to cry. But what you didn't feel good about was unintentionally making Bradley feel guilty about his career. You would never want him to regret dedicating his life to protecting this country. But, at the very least, he needed to know how you felt.
As you continued to cry with your hands covering your face, Bradley stood there and let your words sink in. He understands what you are feeling. He would never deny that him leaving you every time he had a deployment was hard. But he has a family now, and this time he would be leaving his wife and a child.
He knew that you being on your own without him can be lonely, but he also knew that would be the one taking care of the baby primarily on your own. Waking up multiple times throughout the night to feed and change her diaper, not get enough sleep, make sure to maintain the house, go to work, pay the bills, etc.
He watched you crumble in front of him. Your sadness causing a huge weight to your shoulders.Your gut wrenching sobs that you tried to control to not disturb your daughter. He knew the main reason why you were afraid to be on your own without him. you were afraid that you were going to have another depressive episode again.
After your daughter was born, he noticed after a couple of weeks that you weren't bonding with her as much as he was. The connection was not there. It wasn't until he came home one day to see you in bed, tears streaming, your hands in your hair, throat raw from crying as you curl up into a ball that he truly knew something was wrong.
He did everything he could to get you the help you need. To learn how to cope with your feelings. To build a better connection with your daughter. Overtime, massive improvement was seen and he was so proud of you. Your bond with daughter was now stronger than ever, and now everything she did consumed you.
Taking a step forward, Bradley pulls you into his chest. His arms are so tight around you, to the verge of almost suffocation. But you didn't even notice. Your arms instinctually wrapping around him as you cried in his neck.
"Everything is going to be okay baby." he soothed you as he kept you in his grip. He knew that you needed this, this type of security. It was one of the few things that made you feel safe.
"B-But what if-if it's not Bradley? W-What if I have an-another episode? I-I don't w-want that to-to happen?" you said brokenly as you thought about the past.
Pulling slightly away from you, he puts a finger under your chin to make you look at him. He needed you to listen and understand what he was going to say.
"Listen to me baby. You are strong, a very strong woman and a very good mother. I know you're scared of that happening again, but I know you are stronger than that." he started off as he gently wiped your continuous tears away.
"You gave birth to our daughter, you fought constant battles with your mind that affected your relationship with her, but in the end you won. You fought those demons, and now you are better than ever. " he leaned his forehead down to yours, your noses slightly touching.
"Its normal to feel sad every once in a while, and I know there is a chance that can happen while I'm gone, but you have to believe in yourself that you can overcome those moments and go back to being that strong woman that I know your capable of. Not for me, but for our daughter. Not having you both with me is going to be pure hell, I'm gonna have my moments too. But at the end of the day, I have reason to come home and that's you two. If I can do it, so can you. I believe in you, our daughter believes in you. And most of all, we both love you. You're strong baby, you just have to believe in it. "
And with that he gave you a long and hard kiss to your forehead, while keeping you in his arms. Your tears had stopped the river, but they were still there. You knew he was right. You knew that you could do this, you just had to make yourself believe that you can.
"I am strong." you whispered out as you kept your grip on him.
"You are." he replied back once he pulled away from your forehead.
"I am very strong." you said louder, although your voice was a bit wobbly.
"You are very strong." he praised you. He leaned down to give you a soft kiss in which you embraced whole-heartedly. Although you were still sad that he was leaving, you felt more prepared to look after your daughter when it was time for him to go.
"I'm a very good mother." you said, after the kiss.
"You're a wonderful mother." he said.
"I can do this." you stated firmly. This time, no hesitation, and no hint of stuttering in your voice.
"You can do this."
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kebriones · 5 months
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I get where you're going with this but they very much did have extreme stress back then. Usually about if they were going to have enough to eat
(summary of my ramblings at the bottom!) I apologise in advance for the essay, I might be in the wrong here, i'm not an anthropologist or a historian but I do have strong feelings about how all humans around me are stressed out of their damn minds to the point of being empty husks so here goes. i'm also posting this in case anyone has a different opinion/more knowledge. My grandmother was raised in the german occupation. Famously a period when people here starved to death. But it was mostly the people in Athens who did. My grandma didn't have proper food as a kid, but she ate weeds and slugs and fruit. And when the occupation ended, they were still dirt-poor, but there were legumes and chickens and bread to eat, even though our agriculture was obliterated by the war. I'm sure this differs from place to place, but for people in rural areas, living off of the land if they know how to grow a few crops is very much possible.
My parents are working all day at jobs that demand them to be mentally there at all times and behave a certain way, they often work during their free time at home, and they're still stressed about how to afford groceries and rent and bills, and they owe thousands to the bank. My great-grandmother had time to weave, take care of her garden and animals, go to church as much as she wanted, get a full night's sleep and have friends. She couldn't read or write but she didn't have debts to anyone nor any bills to pay (because that village got electricity only in the 80s). the pace of life and the amount of responsibilties we have to keep track of now is a constant source of stress that never ever stops. Not to mention the constant influx of information about everything, which we are not made to handle. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that we're always aware of what's going on in the entire world, I think it will bring about necessary social changes one way or another, but it has to get evened out and reduced at some point. There is always, constantly, many things to worry about. How many people have the luxury of letting their mind wander during their work hours? how many people have the luxury of saying, I am not feeling well today and it's raining, I'll just nibble on some bread and veggies and stay inside and not work? I absolutely wouldn't want to live back then because I do like running water and toothpaste and modern medicine and electricity, but specifically for the stress and anxiety, I believe we're at a very bad place right now.
This is why I mentioned other animals. They might struggle to find food and go hungry often in the wild, but if you put them in a limited space with constant interaction not on their own terms or crowded conditions or lack of peace and quiet or disrupt their natural day-to-day cycle they will 100% be miserable and die faster than they would in the wild, especially "smarter" animals.
TLDR: occasionally going hungry isn't the same as living your every day full of comparatively milder stress without breaks ever. our lives are way too full of responsibilities and keeping track of things now.
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childabusesurvivor · 2 years
Sharing - Here's why you should make a habit of having more fun
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2023/02/09/sharing-heres-why-you-should-make-a-habit-of-having-more-fun/
Sharing - Here's why you should make a habit of having more fun
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I think this is something we forget too often, and I’ll give you an example.
“But the antidote may be hiding in plain sight. Two recent books argue that making room for more fun in your life could counteract both the stress and the tendency to escape it by zoning out online. “
When I recovered from my physical illness and started working again, I was still in therapy and managed to get myself into some not-insignificant debt. I was doing my best to pay off accumulated bills, living with my parents to minimize expenses, etc. I also had the opportunity to play some adult recreational league roller hockey. The fees for playing weren’t much, but it was money. In my mind, it was wasting money that was owed, and time I could be working on myself.
In chatting with my therapist, she was a little dumbfounded that I would look at it that way. She explained that there was nothing wrong with doing something just because it was fun for me. I was almost 30 years old. That was the first time in my adult life that I felt I had permission to do something “just for fun.” It’s a little shocking to me to look back at my 20s and realize that I spent that whole decade making decisions that took no account of my pleasure in doing something. Every activity had been decided based on what was a good learning experience, how I could grow or help others grow, how it built a relationship or furthered the goals of work or church, etc. I never took time to have fun for its own sake.
Now that I’m in my 50s, it can sometimes still be a struggle. I know it is for a lot of other people as well. They evaluate how they spend their time based on how this activity will help their career or further their kid’s education and well-being, connect them to the right people, etc. Rarely is it just because it’s fun. But that is enough of a reason to do something. Having some fun in our lives is healthy and has many positive benefits. Those hockey games were my refuge during a difficult time in my life. They turned out to be a place to get exercise, connect with other people, and increase my overall physical and mental health. It was also lovely to do something I enjoyed for that only that reason.
In Louisiana, we are headed into the heart of Mardi Gras season. This is the time to do things just for fun. It might be tradition or about being connected to your krewe, but it’s mostly about fun. Life is too short not to make some time for having fun. With all the negative things out there, it might be imperative that we find that time in our current world. Without it, we are all fairly miserable. We can take a break from “all of this” and have fun. It’s what makes putting up with the rest of it worthwhile.
#Humor, #MentalHealth
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sa7abnews · 1 month
I went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris rally. It's given me a platform to inform people about issues I'm passionate about, like Social Security.
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/i-went-viral-for-dancing-at-a-kamala-harris-rally-its-given-me-a-platform-to-inform-people-about-issues-im-passionate-about-like-social-security-2/
I went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris rally. It's given me a platform to inform people about issues I'm passionate about, like Social Security.
Parker Short (right) went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris (left) rally.Courtesy of Parker Short; Julia Beverly/Getty Images; Alyssa Powell/BIParker Short went viral for dancing to a song at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris.Short is passionate about politics since he's benefited from policies like Social Security.He wants to use his virality to spotlight the changes he'd like to see in his home state of Georgia.This as-told-to essay is based on an interview with Parker Short, an incoming graduate student at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University and president of the Young Democrats of Georgia, a youth organization that's part of the Democratic Party of Georgia and the Young Democrats of America. Short, who is 22 and lives in Dunwoody, Georgia — a northern suburb of Atlanta — went viral on July 30 when he was filmed dancing to a Kendrick Lamar song at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris. The following has been edited for length and clarity.When "Not Like Us" came on, one of my best friends, Royce — he's right next to me in the viral video — looked at me because he knew how much I loved this song and how well I knew every word.I just started to do what I would have done in the car alone. I sang every word, and I got real excited. I had so much energy that day.We all went out to a bar after, and my friends said, "Parker, you're all over the internet." I went home and slept, and when I woke up, I had 10,000 more Instagram followers.I've been organizing for the Young Democrats of Georgia since I was 15. And when I went viral, I said, "Okay, I need to do the most with this. I need to tell people to vote and keep doing the work that I've been doing for years."Your vote is the most powerful non-violent tool you have, as the late Rep. John Lewis said.Parker Short, left, with the late Rep. John Lewis, at a Jon Ossoff rally in 2017.Courtesy of Parker ShortWe live with that responsibility of being in Georgia, the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, the birthplace of Jimmy Carter — and we need to continue to live those values.I got involved in politics at 15 years old. Right after Trump got elected, I went to the Women's March with my mom. Growing up with a single mom, it really matters how you're raised, and my mama raised me right.'I will always invest in America'I lost my dad when I was a little kid. I was four years old, and he died of lung cancer. The doctors told him he had three months to live — he lived for 18 months.It was really tough on my family. I didn't really get to know my dad too well because I was just a little kid. My dad was an artist. He was the art director for "Remember the Titans," and a set consultant for "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" which is my favorite movie of all time.When my family lost him, it was me, my mom, and my little brother. I had to grow up, and I had to get tough real quick. Paying bills is tough. I understood the stress that my mom was under.Social Security is what made a huge impact on my life. There's something called survivor Social Security, and when you lose a parent, you're able to receive that benefit. That kept my family afloat.Social Security allowed me to have a roof over my head, allowed me to go to school, allowed me to invest in myself, and give back to my community. I view this as America investing in me, and I will always invest in America.When Jon Ossoff ran for Congress in my congressional district in 2017, I was 15 years old. And that was my first job as an intern.Parker Short, second from right, with Sen. Jon Ossoff during his failed 2017 bid for Congress.Courtesy of Parker ShortSince then, I've been working in politics and public policy. I've worked for the state, local, and federal government, and a variety of different elected officials, nonprofit organizations, and lobbying organizations.I'm lucky to be a Pell Grant recipient and graduate from the University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy, debt-free. I've felt and seen the benefits of positive, progressive public policy.'We are stronger when we help each other'After I went viral, my congressman, Rep. Hank Johnson, came to my town. My state senator also came over to my house and affirmed her support for the Young Democrats of Georgia. It's been great to talk about these issues and the work I've been doing for years and to have a larger platform.Looking to the future, I'm going to spend my life in Georgia policy-making, trying to fix this state. The truth is, there's so much work to be done.I don't have any immediate plans to run for office. Honestly, I just want to be an asset to progress in Georgia, and I know my impact could be more profound if I continue to educate myself.Growing up in red Dunwoody, Georgia, people would be like, 'Oh, you're the Democrat kid, aren't you?'And I would tell them why, and tell them my story and how Social Security impacted me, and what Medicaid was, what Medicare was, and why we needed to elect Democrats.I think we have a country that, in many ways, has forgotten the working class. I think work is so valuable. There's so much dignity in going to work, whatever your job is, because it's hard, and everyone who works deserves the ability to make a living.Sometimes things don't always go right. Sometimes, your dad dies when you're a four-year-old kid, and your mom is left with two toddlers that she's got to deal with. And that's when those social safety net programs, like Social Security, that neighborliness of our country, that joy, that communal care, comes in because we should help each other. We are stronger when we help each other, not when we tear each other down.Let me level with you because I like to say the quiet part out loud. I'm not a bullshitter. Everybody who knows me knows one thing about me: I am blunt, I try to be real, and I don't have time to mess around.We have work to do. And I have a platform, so I'm going to use it. I'm not going to be quiet.
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elyannadelrey · 3 months
Almost all “sacrifices” I received, was (most of the time) given out of my will.
Growing up in a household where “utang na loob” is taught, I learned how to value my parents’ hardships, even though it also meant to repress my own emotions. In my idle moments, like eating in a restaurant, I like to observe kids with complete families. It was as if my eyes had their own mind to automatically stare at children with a loving and affectionate father. Bitterness filled my system, but it wasn’t due to the food; it was the growing envy that I tried not to consume but failed to do so. This growing envy of mine was one of the first reasons why I was angry at the world and somehow at my father. I can’t even remember the last graduation, birthday, or any event of mine that he was able to attend. Before, I would try to reason out the external factors he couldn’t control to ease my anger. We have bills to pay. It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t go home. Even though his congratulatory messages and calls were always present, somehow it wasn’t enough. Was it the fact that he wasn’t there physically? Or the lack of sincerity? Or maybe I’m reminded of the time I was first eminently insulted by how he called me bobo for not keeping up with his way of tutoring me? A crying elementary version of me always pops up as I silence myself from his high-pitched remarks and curses, with my lola stopping him from hitting me out of anger. Our house turns into a rage room whenever he goes home. I am always at war.
Can you really call yourself a parent if your child is not safe and secured with you?
My last straw was him cheating, honestly. I wasn’t that shocked when I found out, since I expected it already from someone as disgusting as him. Deep down, I always knew it was going to happen. Unfortunately, it took him more than a decade to cheat, which wasted years of my mom’s life. Actually, I’m not quite sure if it took him a decade to cheat or a decade to get caught. I have blurry memories of seeing sweet messages from another woman on his phone back when I was an only child. However, my fear for him was greater than my curiosity, so I decided not to read everything. This incident also triggered something in me to forget negative memories. The stress of having to go through what happened pains me so much that I try to trick my brain to downplay whatever happened. Which is also the reason why I sometimes can’t go on with full details about every single argument I had with him (or with anyone).
That’s just some behaviors I got from the situations I’ve been in with him. Sadly, the more that I hated my father, the more I mastered some of his traits. Maybe I’m far worse than him.
The hard truth is: you don’t hold the same power over someone who has greatly influenced your life. No matter how pure my intentions are, I can’t change the way my father thinks, like how he affected my thought process. His decisions are his. And I can’t do anything about it. I sometimes wish I could change him for the better, but then that wouldn’t be him.
With this, I’ve been asking myself lately. Is being unfair to someone you love a shortcoming or a choice?
Does my dad ever regret the things he did and said? Did I ever receive the apology I dreamed of in his silent reflections? Or was it all just a random day for him “disciplining” me since he knows “na para ‘to sa ikabubuti ko”?
I might know. I might never know. But one thing I really learned from him is to let people be. If someone wants to be somebody else, let them be. If they want to leave, let them be. Honestly, just let it be. I wish for better things, but I can’t control everything.
To my father, how can I ever thank you for your sacrifices? You're too far away now. I don't even know you anymore. Your voice didn't reach me in a long time, but the words still linger.
When will I able to greet you a father's day without it feeling like a task to accomplish? I don't know.
[an open letter to my father]
breakdown while writing the intro at 12am tapos 5:53 am na natapos lawl im js a thought daughter fr
0 notes
falcqns · 3 years
You’re Worth It
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x College Student!Reader
Summary: You visit Bucky’s apartment for the first time, and assure him that he's worth so much more than he thinks. 
Warnings: SMUT! age gap but its legal, very insecure Bucky, oral (f receiving).
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
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You stood outside Bucky’s apartment door, watching your boyfriend dig his keys out of his skinny jeans, his other hand on a bag of groceries that contained your soon-to-be dinner. He pulled them out and located the door key, before turning to you. “Are you sure you want to stay here tonight, doll? I’m more than okay staying at your apartment.” He said, his eyes not leaving the ground in front of him.
You smiled, and placed your backpack on the ground beside you before turning and grabbing his stubbly face in your hands. “Baby. I want to stay here with you. I don’t care what it looks like. Whether it’s dirty or clean, the cutest apartment in the world, or the ugliest. It’s yours, and I want to see it.” You said, and he smiled before nodding. “Okay.” He said. He put the key in the door, and unlocked it. You followed him into the small apartment, and was immediately surrounded by the smell that was undeniably Bucky. 
You loved the way he smelled, you always had. He smelled like a field of lavender flowers on a beach, with a hint of salt water. He dropped his keys on the table, and turned around to face you. You placed your backpack on the floor again, this time by the table and looked around. There wasn't much, but he had a small chair and a side table, and a small tv stand where his tv sat. There was a chair in the corner by the kitchen island, and that was it. Your eyes ran over the pile of blankets on the floor, and you could feel your heart break.
He slept on the floor. 
He chuckled as you looked around. “Sad, huh?” He said, walking into the kitchen with the food in hand. “No.” You said, and followed him to the kitchen. “Like I said outside. It's you. You are building a life after a lot of suffering. Nothing about this is sad.” He shook his head as he took out the carrots and potatoes from the bag. 
“I couldn't even afford a full couch.” He said. You dropped your phone on the counter gently, and wrapped your arms around his waist. You rested your head in between his shoulder blades, and inhaled his smell. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You were gone for 5 years. So was half the world. Before that, you were living in Wakanda, where you didn't have to deal with the stresses of regular life. And, before that, you were trapped within someone who wasn't you. Don’t blame yourself for any of this. I love you for who you are.” You said, and Bucky turned around, his arms circling your waist. 
“How did I get so lucky?” he mumbled into your hair. You giggled, and lifted your head. “By saving my life,” You said, before pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed back immediately, and pulled you closer. 
You pulled away when the need for oxygen became dire, and you smiled at them again. “All I did was pull you out of the way of a car that was out of control, doll.” He said, and ran his hand down your arm as you pulled out of the hug. “I would’ve gotten hit if you didn't. I’m not a super soldier like you are, its highly unlikely I would have survived if it weren't for my hero,” You mentioned, as you walked over to your backpack and pulling out your laptop.
Bucky chuckled, and watched as you sat down in the chair across from the tv. You tucked your feet under yourself, and sat your laptop on the arm before powering it on.
Bucky began to move about the kitchen and make the two of you dinner. No matter what you said, he couldn't stop feeling guilty about the state of his apartment. He could have at least bought a blow up mattress for you to sleep on, so you wouldn't be stuck sleeping on the hard wood floor with him. Better yet, he could have bought a bed. He had a bedroom, but he didn't feel comfortable in there. He glanced over at you while he washed the carrots in the sink and saw how you stretched your back before returning to your homework.
It wasn't an unusual occurrence for him to hang out with you while you do homework. He actually enjoyed watching you do school work. he could barely remember school, and he never got to go to college. Between working and taking care of Steve, he both didn't have time and couldn't afford it. Then the war started, and he thought about going after, but his capture by HYDRA kinda ruined that one. During his time in Wakanda, he had thought about going to college, but at that point he was still a wanted criminal and that was out of the question. He had been thinking about it more recently, and had decided to wait until he was finished making his amends to enrol somewhere. 
Mainly, he was just happy that you were getting an education. He planned on staying with you forever, marrying you, having kids with you, and growing old(er) with you, and he knew your future children would benefit from at least one of their parents having up-to-date school education. And, by up to date school education, he meant a curriculum that was developed this century.
He stirred the potatoes in the pot and smiled as he heard your fingers tapping on the keyboard. God, he loved you. You loved him for who he was, you didn't judge him, and most importantly, you didn't blame him for anything that happened. He hadn't been expecting to be so open with you about his past when he asked you out on a date, but you knew who he was instantly, and thanked him for saving your life. He may have physically saved your life that day, but he felt that you saved his life in every other way by just being yourself. 
He continued to listen to you tapping on the keyboard, the clicking of your knuckles as you cracked them, and the slow but rhythmic breathing as you focused on your work. 
Dinner was finished a few minutes later, and you closed your laptop just as Bucky was plating the veggies. You placed your laptop back in the bag, and joined Bucky on the ground to eat. 
“Did you finish your homework?” He asked, and you nodded. You swallowed before speaking. “Yeah. I can't submit it yet, but it’s finished and ready to go,” You said. 
The two of you continued making small talk throughout the night, and Bucky tried to find a way to convince you that the two of you should sleep at your apartment instead, but he knew that it wouldn't work. He tried to bite back the tears while you were in the showers and he laid out the blankets and pillows on the floor for the night. They almost fell again when he walked out of the bathroom from having his shower and saw you snuggled up on the ground, scrolling on TikTok. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he got a cup of water for himself and for you. He thought he had a handle on his emotions by the time he had settled next to you, but the dam broke when he laid down and your had found its way to your chest as it usually did. 
Your head shot up when you heard his shaky breathing and his sniffling, and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck. “What’s wrong, Buck?” you whispered, and his arms wrapped themselves around your waist before he answered. 
“You deserve to be sleeping on a bed.” he whispered, and you shook your head. 
“No. Don’t do that to yourself. I know how weird it is for you to sleep in a bed, and that's okay. I’ve been camping before, and I’m perfectly fine with sleeping on the ground. I’m fine, baby.” You whispered, but Bucky still shook his head. 
“I should be able to afford a bed,” He said, and you sat up. “Stop. Don’t think that. You’re doing the best you can with what you have. You can barely afford the bills you have already because of what the government is paying you, which is way less than you should be. You’re doing great with what you have.” You reminded him, and he nodded.
“I know. But, I probably should have spent the little money I did have on a bed rather than a TV, but if I don't have the TV on, my mind runs to places I don't want it to. I know that’s not healthy, but neither is reliving everything I did for those years. I wasn't really thinking about having anyone to share my nights with during that time, so a bed didn't seem important. But, I should have bought a mattress when we started dating. Everything is just way too expensive compared to when I was growing up.” He said, a slight chuckle in his voice. You smiled, and pushed him back by the chest. 
He smiled suggestively when you straddled his waist, his hands coming to rest on your hips. “Lets not talk about it anymore, okay? Maybe me riding you will help you forget it.” You said, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips that were red and slightly swollen from his tears. He didn't say anything in return, but kissed you back while running your hands up your back and under your sleep shirt. He moaned when he felt that you weren't wearing a bra. 
“Naughty girl, not wearing a bra,” He whispered, as you kissed down his neck. He grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, leaving you in only your underwear. You moaned at his husky voice and ground your hips down on him. He moaned, and grasped your hips in his hands. 
He let you grind on him a little more, thoroughly enjoying it, before flipping you over. He trailed his hands down to your underwear, hooking his thumbs into the straps, before pulling them down your legs. 
He moaned when you were completely exposed to him. You looked at him with lust filled eyes, as he spread your legs, and settled himself on his stomach in between them.
He lifted your legs over his shoulders, and pressed kisses up your slit, making eye contact with you. “Fuckin’ beautiful.” he said, before diving into you. 
He swiped his tongue over your clit a few times, before attaching his mouth to it and sucking. You jolted slightly when you felt the cold metal of his pointer finger slowly push inside of you. He pushed it to the hilt, and then arched up to rub up against your g spot. 
You cried out suddenly and tangled your hands in his hair when his finger started vibrating right up against your g spot, causing you to fall over the edge into orgasm almost instantly. 
Bucky pulled off of you with a pop, and grinned, still moving his finger in and out while you rode out your orgasm. Once your breathing slowed, he pulled his finger out, and put it into his mouth, sucking your juices off of it. He laid on his back, and guided you with his hands until you were on top again. 
You began to shimmy down his body, but Bucky shook his head, and pulled you back up. “No. If you do that, I won't last, and I want to cum in your pussy not your mouth,” He said, and you bit your lip, and nodded.
His hands gripped your hips while you reached down for his now leaking cock, and gave it a few firm strokes, before lining it up at your entrance. You leaned forward and gripped your hands on his shoulder, before sliding down on him slowly.
“Fuck, doll. Always feels so damn good,” Bucky moaned, his hands tightening on your hips. You threw your head back and moaned as you began to move your hips, with Bucky’s help.
“Love seein’ you like this, babydoll.” Bucky rasped out, hit hips thrusting up to meet your movements. “Love how needy you get when you’re on top.” His words made you clench around him, and Bucky grasped your hips tighter to pull you down on his cock harder and faster each time. 
You could feel the pressure building in your abdomen, and you knew Bucky was close as well based on the movements of his hips. You ground your hips into his before continuing to bounce on him.
“F-fuck,” Bucky grunted as he was used over the edge, and released inside of you. You threw your head back as you felt Bucky’s cum smash against your walls, which sent you over the edge, and you shook as you came. 
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A few minutes later, Bucky has cleaned both you and him up, and was coming back from tossing the wash cloth in the laundry hamper when he saw you sound asleep on the ground where he left you. He smiled slightly and carried you into the bedroom, along with the blankets and pillows. 
He laid you down and straightened out the blankets, and put your pillow under your head, before laying down next to you, and pulling you into his arms. He drifted off to sleep seconds later with the plan on looking for a second hand bed in the morning. You deserved to sleep on a bed, and so did he, he realized. 
At least the plush carpeting is softer than the hard wood. 
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heatabove-heatbelow · 3 years
Kairosclerosis Chapter 3
My birthday gift to you all, here's chapter 3 at last!
Kairosclerosis - The moment you realize that you are currently happy
Summary: You’re sent to Garden’s Gate Academy where you fall in love with Sam Kiszka. Since your family doesn’t approve you start fake dating your friend Danny to get his and your family off your backs, but your feelings for Danny start to grow into more than just friendship.
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Reader, Danny Wagner x Reader (Reader is gender neutral but AFAB)
Warnings: Dysfunctional and judgmental families, future 18+ explicit content - MINORS DNI
Taglist: @theweightofstardust @joshkiszkas @thecoldwind @gretavanhoney @bypeapod
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You’re not sure how you would have survived this summer if it weren’t for Danny. As your senior year gets closer and closer your parent’s expectations get higher and higher. They constantly nag you about where you’re going to college and what your plan is after high school. They hound you with colleges they want you to go to and professions they want you to become.
“This school has a great medical program, we can send you there and you can be a surgeon-”
“I don’t want to be a surgeon,” you sighed as you shoved their phone away from your face.
“Why not?”
“It wouldn’t make me happy.”
“But the money definitely would.”
It’s all about money to them. Money and making the family look good, keeping up a reputation you had never cared about in the first place. As you’ve gotten older you’ve come to realize the truth about your parents, even though they try to hide it. They’re miserable all the time, there’s no passion or love in their lives. Their lives solely focus on what others think of the family and how much money they make while doing it. It was what your great-grandparents did, your grandparents, and now your parents. You swear to yourself you’ll never be like them.
But a part of you worries that maybe you willI end up like them no matter how hard you try. You find yourself worrying about money sometimes, how Sam’s future band will pay the rent and bills. You tell yourself money isn’t everything and as long as you have the Kiskas and Danny by your side you’ll be happy and loved, and that’s all you need.
You express these concerns to Danny and Sam one day and they both give you reassuring smiles. “Sometimes I worry about that, too,” Sam admits. “But I know we’ll be okay because we’ll have each other. Besides, you believe in us, right?”
“Of course I do,” you answer quickly.
“Then we’ll make it. Talent and music is only part of what will make this work. We’ll need passion, too, and we have plenty of that,” Danny says as he rubs your back to comfort you. The familiar and soft touch instantly makes you relax and you smile at him and nod.
You are passionate about this still unformed band. The moment Sam brought up the idea to you you had told him you’d be there every step of the way and help in any way you can. You’ll always be there by his side, just like how he will always be by yours.
Even with Sam and Danny’s constant support you’re still stressed as your senior year approaches. Your parents' nagging only gets worse and more frequent, even sometimes interrupting you when you hang out with Danny and are on call Sam. You’re never going to be enough for your parents if you live the way you want to, but if you live the way they want you to then you’ll be letting down Sam and Danny and yourself; you’d be miserable.
Your best friends notice your stress and do their best to help soothe you. Every time Sam sees your leg bounce or fingers twitch nervously he gently calls your name to ground you and reassures you, giving you that beautiful smile that still gives you butterflies after almost a year of dating. Danny will rub comforting circles on your back or massage your shoulders, reassuring you that everything will be okay. He happily holds you whenever you ask him to and the steady sound of his beating heart calms you enough to lull you to sleep sometimes. You’ve started falling asleep in Danny’s arms regularly this past week and the two talk quietly together as to not wake you.
If only you could hear them while you’re sleeping, then you’d know they talk about you. It always starts with Sam commenting how peaceful you look when you’re sleeping, and Danny saying it’s what you need after all the stress your family puts you through. Sam then asks Danny how he’s dealing with the stress his own family puts him through and he says you’re the one helping him through it and he’s grateful. They talk about how much they love you and care for you. How grateful they are that you’re in their lives. You’ve changed both of them for the better and neither feel they can ever truly express their gratefulness and love for you.
On one particular night, only a week before school starts again, you find yourself unable to sleep due to the stress. You pace around your room, trying to take deep breaths. Sam arrived home from vacation about a week ago and you don’t want to bother him, he needs to rest since school is starting soon, and you would feel guilty to call Danny at this hour of the night. You know damn well that neither would be bothered by you calling, in fact you know that they’ll be upset with you if they find out you didn’t, but you can’t help it. Your parents treat you as a burden and you feel like one, even though Sam and Danny have constantly reassured you otherwise.
Your phone vibrates and you check it. You’re surprised to see a text from Danny and you’re even more surprised when it reads look out your window.
You look out your window and Danny is at the side of your house, waving up at you and smiling while holding a ladder. You quickly open your window and lean out a little bit. “What the hell are you doing?” You do your best to whisper while still being loud enough for him to hear you. You can’t risk getting caught by your parents, they would never let this go. They would probably lock you up in your room like Rapunzel for the rest of your life.
“I knew you’d be awake,” Danny whispers back as he sets the ladder up by your window. “Come down, I want one last taste of true freedom before school starts again. I’ve never snuck out before.”
You don’t correct him that he’d snuck out plenty of times at school because this is different. Neither of you have snuck out from your parents, doing so would get you in so much trouble, but that’s the fun. “Well let me get dressed,” you hiss quietly before getting away from the window. You change out of your pajamas before going back to the window, and Danny is still waiting for you by the ladder. He holds it steady and gestures for you to come down. Hesitantly you climb out of your window. You can’t believe you’re actually doing this. Once you’re finally put your feet on the ground you look at Danny and he beams at you.
“Are you as nervous as I am?” You whisper and he nods.
“Definitely. Now c’mon, let's go before either of us back out.” He grabs your hand and pulls you to his car, leaving the ladder under your window.
“Where are we going?” You ask as he pulls out of your driveway.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Are you seriously not going to tell me?”
“Are we gonna call Sam?”
“I want him to sleep.”
“That’s fair.”
Both of you are silent for a few moments as you take in what you’ve both just done. You’ve actually just snuck out of your house, if you get caught your parents most definitely will kill you, and yet neither of you find yourselves caring. All you care about right now is this moment, with the other by your side. Danny opens the windows to the car, the wind blowing your hair in crazy directions as he zooms down the highway going who knows how fast. You find a CD that Sam had given Danny and you start to play it and soon both of you are screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs. This moment feels so free, so careless, and in this moment you know you want this for the rest of your life, not what your parents want. You look over to Danny, beaming as he sings along and speeds down the highway, and your heart feels full.
The ride ends almost too quickly for your liking, if you could you would like to live in that moment forever with the only change being that Sam was there with you, but eventually Danny turns the music down and stops the car.
“Why are we in the middle of nowhere?” You ask Danny as he starts to unbuckle.
“You’ll see. Now c’mon.” Danny hops out of the car and grabs a blanket from the backseat. You roll your eyes at his refusal to answer you but you also get out of the car and follow him. He sets the blanket down on the ground and lays on it. He looks at you expectantly and you lay down next to him. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
“I’ve always liked looking up at the stars. They’re so pretty and make me feel so small. Like I’m insignificant in this universe” You tell him. Danny starts to protest, insisting that you are not insignificant, so you keep going. “Insignificant in the grand scheme of it all, in the grand scheme of the universe. The universe doesn’t care if I go to college or support my best friend’s band… to the universe my worries are less important than the specks of dust floating in space that will one day become planets.”
You feel him reach for your hand and you let him take it. “But your worries are not insignificant to you, or me, or Sam,” he says quietly and turns his head to look at you. “How do you feel?”
You’re silent before finally confessing what’s been on your mind. “Should I go to college anyway? I could get a nice paying job like my parents want which means I could support you guys while your band gets started and we-”
“Is that what you want?” Danny asks. There’s such a seriousness to his tone that it catches you off guard.
“What I want is for us to be happy and comfortable and-”
“Y/n, between Josh, Jake, Sam, you, and me, we’ll be able to get by just fine. I don’t want to watch you go off to college and be away from us again and be miserable. Seeing you miserable with your family, seeing you miserable at school, and knowing I can’t fix it, it breaks me, it breaks Sam. I don’t want you to be miserable any longer. I don’t want you working at a job you hate just because of us.”
You sit up on the blanket, looking down at him. “Danny… you and Sam are worth being miserable for. Supporting you is what will make me happy.”
Danny sits up so that he can be eye level with you. He squeezes your hands gently and takes a deep breath before answering. “Sam and I have talked about this before… he’s told me what you say about feeling insignificant. But you’re not, never to us. To the universe you may feel like a mere speck of dust but to Sam and I you are a whole constellation, or a supernova of colors dominating the night sky. Sam and I cannot be happy knowing that you are unhappy, and your problems are our problems, too. You help me with mine so let me help you with yours. Now tell me, what would make you most happy?”
“Being with you. Being with Sam. I don’t care where else I am in the world or what I’m doing but as long as I can be myself with you guys I’ll be the happiest person in the world.”
Danny smiles. “Then it’s settled. Once we graduate we’ll both move in with Sam, get whatever odd jobs we need to support ourselves, and start this band.”
You smile back and nod. “Yeah… yeah I like the sound of that.”
Danny lays back down on the blanket and you do the same. His right hand is still holding your left. You two lay in comfortable silence, and the silence feels as though it says more in this moment than words could. You two are content with each other, and you don’t need words to express it. You can’t help but focus on his hand holding yours and how your hand fits within his. It feels different from holding Sam’s hand, but at the same time it feels right.
“Why does this feel so different from when we used to do this on the roof at school?” Danny breaks the silence, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“I don’t know,” you answer quietly. He turns his head to look at you and you look at him. Your faces are so close together as you lay side by side, and you quickly turn your head back to the sky above you. Your mind races back to junior year on the roof of the school, Sam confessing his love to you and you in turn confessing yours to him. You shake the thoughts out of your head and focus on the stars again.
“Look, a shooting star, y/n make a wish!” Danny says excitedly as he points to the sky. You try to think of a wish, what you truly want right now, and your mind goes to the greenhouse at Garden’s Gate, sitting next to Danny and Sam, chewing on mint leaves. You open your eyes and look at the sky, the star is gone, and you look to Danny.
“I don’t need a wish. As long as I have you and Sammy I have everything I need,” you admit.
Danny turns to you and gives you an understanding smile. “Me, too, y/n.”
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secret Lives (Part 3)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: You and JJ never got along so your friends trap the two of you on a boat in the middle of the marsh to work it out. Only it doesn’t go as planned. 
Note: Hey guys! Remember this little series I wrote? A lot of people asked for a part three and I truly had no plans to write one, but I came up with one for you if you if guys are even still interested, who knows. I don’t know how I feel about it. Kinda seems dramatic of me, but oh well. Its been in my drafts for forever so I’m finally posting it. Let me know!! If I tagged you, its because you were tagged in part 2 or asked to be tagged in part 3! 
Word count: 6k
Warnings: mentions of abuse, drugs, violence, and death
 Part 1   Part 2    Masterlist
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The relationship you and JJ had transpired into something no one saw coming. Your friends thought your friendship was unsalvageable after what happened when they trapped you in the middle of the marsh with one another. You had reached your breaking point and they didn’t think you’d ever come back to them. But you did. Not only did you come back to them, but you came back to JJ. 
The two of you, once closed off around each other, were now inseparable. You spent almost every day together. You followed him around his work schedule and he snuck through your window any chance he got because he didn’t want to spend one night without you. Your family was surprisingly very accepting of JJ. Your mother was first worried, knowing how men on the Cut can grow into something/someone no parent would want for their daughter. And Andrew knew of Luke Maybank from word of mouth and was afraid JJ might be just like him. But the first night you invited him to dinner at your house, your parents welcomed him into your family. He was polite, mature, and personable throughout the whole meal. You remembered that night well. The morning of, he  called you panicking because he didn’t know what to wear. You told him to wear whatever he wanted, but he was afraid the Kildare County T shirt and cargo shorts wouldn’t send the right message. So you took him shopping on the mainland. Together you took the ferry and made him play dress up in stores you knew he couldn’t afford. He felt bad that you were paying for his new wardrobe, but you promised it was something you wanted to do because you would do anything to make him feel better about this night. That night he came to your door with a bouquet of flowers for your mother and a bottle of Scotch he told Andrew his dad bought for him for that night. Your little sister absolutely adored him, barely giving him enough time to kiss you hello or goodbye. 
You and JJ were more alike than either of you could even imagine. Your temper wasn’t as short as JJ’s, but you weren’t afraid of a fight when it presented itself to you. Your mother always said that’s what happens when you grow up on the Cut. You learn to fight for what you want and need. Most of the time JJ liked that about you. Seeing you standing up for yourself was a huge turn on to him and he felt prideful when onlookers would watch impressed because they didn’t expect a girl from Figure Eight to fight like that. He never let it get physical though even though he always thought it would be hot to see you in a cat fight with some rich bitch from your school. He cared too much about you to let you get hurt. 
You and JJ have another similarity no one outside of the Pogues know about. Although you hate it more than anything, you and JJ live through the trauma of having an abusive father. As if dealing with your father alone wasn’t stressful enough, he created a few fights between you and your boyfriend. JJ was constantly on your case when you were hiding a new bruise or silently frustrated from a previous conversation with your father. You tried not to find it overbearing because JJ was just concerned. You promised you’d stop seeing your father. It was easier for you than for JJ because you had another family to fall back on. A loving mother, a generous step father, and a boisterous little sister. The perfect family. Which is why you felt so guilty that they didn’t seem like enough. ‘Cause it didn’t matter how much money Andrew had, or if he said he loved you like his own, or that he promised you he would never hurt your mother on the day he proposed. He wasn’t your real dad. Your real dad was out there, living in filth and drugs. Without a second income, he couldn’t pay his bills or own a car to drive himself to work every day. He blamed that on you and your mother and you fell for his pity party every single time. 
JJ knew when you were lying. You’d wearing more clothes on the days you were hiding your skin and quieter on the days when you were thinking back to the hateful things your father yelled at you the day before. He hated that there was someone out there laying their hands on you and there was nothing he could do about it. JJ knew the kind of damage that could happen if he tried to physically intervene and it didn’t work. Every time he brought it up, it would only start a heated argument. You would bring up his own father and how JJ wouldn’t let you say anything to Luke, even on the days you two were face to face at Barry’s home with your own father. You hated that JJ thought he could come between you and your father, but you couldn’t do the same. It was hard to believe you two were using your own father’s against each other to prove a point.
Today was no different. It was sunny, cloudless day in the middle of the summer. Which meant the perfect boat day for you and your Pogues. John B was excited to fish, JJ and Pope were excited to swim, Kie to tan. And you? Well you weren’t excited all at. Because last night was a particularly bad night between you and your dad. 
He had taken you out to Barry’s again, forcing you to come inside so he could show you off like his own personal wallet. He drained you of another four hundred dollars after Barry threatened to shoot your father in the head if he didn’t get his money. And you hesitated. Not because you wanted your father to die, but because you had never had a gun pointed at another person in your vicinity. Ever. But that’s not how your dad took it. When you dropped him off, he had you come inside so he could give you his unpaid utility bills. When you least expected it, your dad shoved you hard into the countertop, the corner of it jabbing into your side. Even when you fell to the floor, your father didn’t stop kicking you in your stomach. He called you ungrateful and disloyal. He told you he wished you had never been born - how you ruin everything. You cried into the tiled floors until your dad tired himself out, grabbed a beer, and went to bed.
Your torso was covered in blue and purple bruises when you woke up. Even the warm water from you shower this morning felt like a million little needles pricking your skin.  You contemplated texting the Pogues, telling them you felt sick and that you couldn’t go today. But when you looked out the window and saw the perfect day, you didn’t want to miss out on the sun or a day out with your friends. Your father’s taken a lot from you, but you wouldn’t let him take this.
You wore a one piece bathing suit you had no intention of showing anyone today. JJ greeted you first when the Pogue pulled up to your dock. His arm wrapped around your waist, his hand lightly squeezing your side. You inevitably flinched but forced out a giggle to make it look like JJ had only tickled you. Not hurt you. No one thought anything of it. No one but JJ. He watched you with a narrowed gaze as you said your hellos to the others and popped a squat next to Kie and Sarah.
When John B docked the boat, everyone immediately undressed to get into the cool water.
“C’mon, babe. You’re my partner for Chicken,” JJ walked up to you, the two of you the only ones on the boat.
You looked up and admired his shirtless, toned body. His tan skin glowed against the North Carolina sun and you couldn’t understand how you got so lucky to call him yours.
Then you remembered your predicament and looked out towards your friends to avoid his stare. “I’m not feeling that great today, J.”
“What’s wrong?” JJ asked but he didn’t need to. He already knew what was wrong. He just wanted to see if you would lie about it again.
“Just nauseous,” you said, “I think I ate some bad eggs this morning or something.”
“Some bad eggs, huh?” JJ scoffed.
“JJ...” you sighed. You knew he didn’t buy your lame excuse. You wouldn’t either if it was the other way around.
“You went to see him again, didn’t you?” It wasn’t a question it was a statement.
“Can we not do this here? Please.” You practically begged. You knew this argument could get heated. It usually always did. Neither of you meant to get mad at one another. In the end, it was your dad who was in the wrong. But you guys didn’t like seeing the other one hurt. It was both frustrating and exhausting.
JJ rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He dove into the water head first and swam out towards his friends.
You dropped your head on the boat’s steering wheel, your forehead thumping against it. You wished cutting ties with your dad was as it easy as it sounds. But now you know that Barry would kill your dad if you didn’t show up for him with the money he owed. And you couldn’t let that happen. It would feel like murdering your own father.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
A week later, you found yourself at another boneyard party with your friends. You tried your best to enjoy the night despite your boyfriend giving you the cold shoulder. He was still mad about the incident on the boat. The two of you fought about it when you got back to the Chateau. He knew you were holding something back from him. And you were. You never mentioned Barry or the drugs or the gun to him. As far as JJ knew, you paid your dad’s bills and took him out to lunch every once in a while. And you wanted to keep it this way - afraid of what he might think knowing you were spending time with not only a notorious drug dealer, but his own father.
“I’m gonna get another drink,” you tell Kie as the two of you watched JJ and John B play beer pong against two Tourons.
She nodded and kept her eyes trained on the winning Pogues.
Before you reached the keg, a hand wrapped around your wrist and pulled you away from the crowd, towards the water. When you looked up at who it was, you ripped your hand away and glared at the blonde Kook.
“Y/N -“
“What the hell do you want, Rafe?” You could tell he was high. His eyes wouldn’t stop flickering back between yours, his balance was off, and his pupils were dilated.
“I - I screwed up. I don’t have the money - I didn’t make enough money for Barry’s blow. He’s gonna kill me.”
“Hey, hey. Calm down,” you looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
“You need to help me. You need to sell this -“ he tried shoving small baggies into your hands but you pulled yourself away like he was offering your a lit flame.
“Are you out of your mind. Put that away!”
“I wasn’t - wasn’t keeping track of how many people were using my shit. And then there was this girl -“
“Rafe, I can’t do this.”
“JJ can help. Yeah? His dad -“
“JJ stays out of this,” you took another step towards him so you were face to face with the Kook and he could see how serious you were, even through his high state of mind. “You hear me? JJ’s nothing like his dad and I swear to god I’ll kill you first if you say anything to him.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Rafe raised his voice, frustrated that he couldn’t come up with any other ideas of how he was supposed to get his money back.
“Hey!” You froze when another voice broke you and Rafe apart. JJ walked up from behind you and pointed his finger at the Kook. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get away from her.”
You let JJ pull you behind him but kept your eyes on Rafe, trying to warn him from saying anything to your already fired up boyfriend.
Rafe sniffled and took a step back. “Nothing, dude. Relax. Okay?”
“Didn’t look like nothing.”
“Rafe was just leaving,” you said and kept your eyes on Rafe.
“Y/N, you don’t understand. Barry -“
JJ’s head snapped in your direction and his brows furrowed in confusion. He knew that name. His dad’s mentioned that name before. It’s usually followed by coke prices.
Rafe just glared at you. “If I die, it’s on you.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked down at the sand as Rafe walked away. JJ slowly turned to look at you as his brain scrambled to put the pieces together.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” You said quickly.
“How do you know Barry?” JJ pushed. He didn’t care if you didn’t want to talk about it. He was tired of letting you push him away.
“He’s my dad’s dealer, J. We’ve been over this.” You tried walking away from him but he grabbed your wrist to make you look at him.
“You been to his house?” JJ asked. When you didn’t answer, he took a step back and looked at you incredulously. “You work for him now?”
You glared at him. “Of course not!”
“Then -“
“My dad makes me pay for his shit, okay? And I can’t stop or else Barry will kill him.” You snapped. Tears pricked at your waterline and threatened to fall.
“Barry won’t kill -“
“He pointed a gun at his head the other day! I was there! I had to scoff up hundreds of dollars to save his life.” You shook your head. “And that still wasn’t enough to save myself from a stupid beating. So please stop telling me how much easier it is for me to escape him. Stop telling me how lucky I am to have such a great family to rely on. Because I don’t! If I don’t help my dad out, I might as well sign his death warrant myself.”
JJ’s heart physically cracked in his chest at the sight of you. You were falling apart. Here at a boneyard party, where you should be having fun and forgetting about your problems. But instead he pushed you too far, and although he was relieved to finally hear the truth from you, he wished it had been in the privacy of your home or the Chateau. When he looked over your shoulder, he saw the worried looks of the Pogues looking at them. He didn’t know if he heard them, but he hoped they hadn’t. He still needed time to process this without the pestering questions from his friends. Even if they meant well.
“Okay,” JJ said softly. “Okay. I won’t say anything. I’m sorry. Can we just - “ he sighed. “Can we just go back to the Chateau? I just wanna hold you.”
You sniffled and meekly nodded your head. You were angry and frustrated. But not at him. At Rafe. At your own father. At the world. And you just wanted your boyfriend too.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
That night, you fell asleep pretty fast. From your sore body, to the sleepless nights thinking about Barry and his threats, and the warmth of JJ’s body held against you, your exhausted state quickly took over you. You felt like you could sleep for hours.
JJ, however, did not. He stared up at the blank ceiling with his forearm tucked under his head as his other arm stayed wrapped around you. He couldn’t stop picturing you at Barry’s home with a bunch of old low lifes, scared and innocent. He wondered if his dad was ever there - if he ever said anything to you.
He hated that there wasn’t anything he could do for you unless your dad was gone.
And idea popped into his head like someone flicked a light switch on in his brain. He turned his head, back and forth, looking for your phone. When he found it charging on his night stand, he stretched his arm out for it, careful not to wake up your sleeping figure.
He secretly knew your passcode after subtly watching you type it in a couple weeks ago.
His fingers tapped against your screen until he found the app he was looking for. Glancing down at you one last time, he shared your location with his phone.
When you squirmed in his embrace, JJ quickly put the phone back where he found it and pretended to be asleep in case you peeked an eye open at him. He hoped you didn’t feel his heart racing against his rib cage or his uneven breaths. He knew if you found out what he was doing, you’d be pissed. But before he fell asleep, he promised he was going to do anything necessary to keep you safe.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On the day JJ knew you were going to be busy all day babysitting your neighbor’s kids, he rode his bike to Kildare County’s police station. He stared at the entrance for a long couple of seconds, hating every second of being in near proximity to this place. Basically going against every natural instinct he had to stay away and not trust the police.
But he was doing this for you.
He walked in, ignoring the couple of looks from officers he’s encountered over the years. They were mostly surprised he wasn’t being forced through the doors with his hands cuffed behind his back.
“I need to see Sheriff Peterkin, please.” JJ says politely.
The older woman looked JJ up and down. “Do you have an appointment?”
“It’s the fucking police station. Since when do you have to make appointments? You assume people are just gonna know when an emergency is going to happen?”
“Look kid -“
“JJ.” JJ turned and relief washed over him when he saw Sheriff Peterkin in the hallway looking at him confused but also concerned.
“I need your help.” JJ admitted. He hated cops. Probably always will. But he trusted Sheriff Peterkin. She’s always tried to help John B through his DCS struggles. She actually cared about what he wanted and never took the easy way out just to make her work load lighter. She remembered why she took the oath every day.
Peterkin never really liked the Maybank kid in particular, but she was able to see something in him pretty much every cop couldn’t. She saw the loyalty and the determination his friends saw. She could tell he didn’t want to grow up to be like his father.
She led him into her office and shut the door behind them for privacy. She gestured towards the seat in front of her desk and asked him to explain what was going on.
JJ’s mouth moved a hundred miles per minute. He told her how your mother didn’t know you would sneak out to see your dad despite the custody agreement. He mentioned the bills he made you pay and the bruises he would leave you despite your efforts to help him. He teared up when he mentioned his own dad - and how his father and your father had the same dealer. How your dad would make you go inside Barry’s home and use you like a a community bank account. He even told her about the gun Barry threatened to use on your dad right in front of you.
“Why are you tell me all of this?” Peterkin says slowly. She studied the boy in front of her who was slowly falling apart and felt sympathetic for the young blonde. It didn’t take a genius to know why JJ was telling her this.
“Because...y/n... she has a heart of gold,” JJ sniffled. “She won’t leave her dad behind to be homeless or killed because that man is her blood. It doesn’t matter if he beats her black and blue. She always goes back because she thinks she owes him.” He sighs. “I want him gone. I don’t care what you do to him. Arrest him, kill him. I don’t really care. Although the second choice sounds more strategic -“
“JJ -“
“And I don’t want her getting in any sort of legal trouble because it’s not her fault. She doesn’t do drugs or deal them or anything like that. She just stands there and watches her dad blow his money on coke and who knows what else. And her mom? Her mom has no clue what’s going on but it’s not her fault. Y/n is really good at hiding her pain. She forces a smile every day and -“ JJ’s breath hitched in his throat when he thought about how you faked your happiness every single day and how a girl like you should never feel as worthless as you do. “Her mom’s a good mom. And I don’t want people blaming her or taking Y/n away from her because they think she can’t control her -“
“Hey, look at me,” Peterkin says softly. She wanted to reach over the desk and squeeze his hand to comfort him. “I understand.”
“You do?”
“Yes. I remember having to visit their home when Mrs. Y/L/N was still married to him. Y/N mother’s a good woman. I wouldn’t let anyone come between them.”
“What about her dad? I tried convincing her to never see him again but she won’t do it. She’s afraid Barry will kill him.”
“I can’t bust into Barry’s home without probable cause -“
JJ stood up. “That’s bullshit! You know -“
“Without probable cause or evidence that proves Barry is holding drugs or being violent, I can’t barge into that home.”
“That’s -“
“Here,” Peterkin writes her number down on a post it note and hands it to JJ. “Without probable cause, I can’t arrest Barry and the men who work or buy from him.” She stared at JJ, hoping the boy will understand her hidden message. She points at the post it in JJ’s hands. “Now. If you need anything from me. Call that number and I will find you.”
JJ looked down at the number and slowly nodded his head, understanding what he would have to do.
“And JJ -“ the blonde turned. “Be aware of where your father is when you call me. I dont want you ending up in the same situation as your friend John B if that’s not where you want to be.”
JJ nodded. “Thank you Sheriff Peterkin.”
Peterkin nodded and walked him out of the station.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Three days later, JJ met his friends at the Wreck for lunch. He slowed his pace when he noticed the seat next to Pope wasn’t occupied and neither was the one next to Kie. 
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked them.
Kie looked at the others with furrowed brows. They all got the same text. The one where Y/N apologetically told them that something came up and wouldn’t be able to hang out today. They thought JJ would have known that. 
“She said she couldn’t make it,” Kie says. “We thought you knew.”
“Did she say why?” 
Pope shrugged. “Just that something came up.”
JJ ripped his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through his messages with you. You didn’t text him - you didn’t even answer his good morning text. He knew what this meant. You didn’t like to lie, so you’re way of dodging questions you didn’t want to answer honestly is to make sure no one can ask you them. By avoiding them all together. JJ knew that. It made sense to him. 
“JJ, what’s going on?” John B asked his friends, recognizing the look on his best friend’s face. He was furious but also anxious. His leg hasn’t stopped bouncing up and down since he asked where you were. 
JJ clicked on the app that showed your location and saw you were deep into the south side of the Cut. He recognized the area of his father’s drug dealer. 
“We gotta go,” JJ stood up and motioned for his friends to follow. “Now. JB, you bring the Twinkie?”
“Yeah, but...” John B stuttered as he grabbed his stuff off the table. “What’s going on?”
“We're saving my girl from that douche bag she calls a father,” JJ says. “For good.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
John B pulled the Twinkie to the curb outside of Barry’s house, making sure to use the trees to hide his vehicle. The Pogues immediately recognized your car parked in Barry’s driveway. Confusion bubbled through their heads, but rage ignited in JJ’s.
“Why is she here?” Kie asked. 
JJ didn’t answer. He picked up his phone and clicked on Peterkin’s name. “It’s JJ.” The Pogues paused as they listened to JJ to talk to the Sheriff. “I -” He stopped when the sound of a gun shot being fired silenced all of them into panic. 
“JJ -” Peterkin called for him but JJ didn’t answer. He dropped the phone so fast and sprinted out of the van, towards the house. He didn’t care what kind of danger he was running into. He just knew he had to get you out of it. 
JJ ignored the calls from his best friends behind him as he ripped open the screen door. He stopped, looking left, right, up, down - anywhere for you.
He heard the commotion coming from Barry’s living room along with shouting and glass smashing. The first person he saw was Barry holding a gun up to the ceiling, pointed at the hole he left above him only seconds ago. He was glaring in the direction of you and your father, barely taking notice of the new kid in his home. Luke Maybank was the first to notice his son and narrowed his eyes in his direction. JJ gulped nervously - he didn’t know if it was because he was afraid of the guy with the gun or his dad. But what he feared the most was you not being okay.
Your eyes grew wide with fear when you saw the new face. You looked between JJ and Barry nervously, not knowing how Barry would react to the new member in his house. He was already pissed as it is, threatening to shoot you in front of your dad because neither of you could fork over the money your dad owed Barry. He was getting tired of the same old bullshit, and Rafe didn’t help. He stood silently in the corner with his fingers racked through his hair.
“Who the fuck are you?” Barry pointed the gun at JJ when he finally noticed him. 
“Hey, hey, hey, he’s good!” Luke came closer to Barry and said, “That’s my son.”
“What the fuck is he doing here?” Barry asked him. 
Luke looked past Barry at JJ for an answer he couldn’t give him. JJ glanced from Barry, to his dad, to you and gulped again as he tried to come up with answer. That’s when you understood what was going on. He was following you. 
You didn’t know if you should be mad or not. All you could focus on was the gun in Barry’s hand that’s still pointed in JJ’s direction. 
“Look, kid,” Your dad said to Barry, gaining his attention all over again. “I’ll make it up to you.” He put his hand on your shoulder and shoved you slightly forward. “You want to have her for the night? She’s all yours.”
Your head snapped in your father’s direction with your mouth open agape. Did your dad seriously just try to pimp you out? You felt betrayed, vile, used, and worthless. This isn’t something you do when you love your kid.
JJ seethed and clenched his hands in fists, ready to rock the shit out of your dad. “You son of a bitch -”
Luke, however, caught him in time, holding him by the arm and pulling him away from your dad. JJ tried fighting him off to get to your dad or you - to get you out of this entire home. He saw the scared look on your face and it made him want to set the entire house on fire. He’d do anything to protect you - to keep you safe. And right now, he thought he was failing. 
Then, red and blue lights flashed through the open windows, followed by loud sirens. Barry crossed the room to stand next to you and your father and looked out the window. When he saw the cops, he immediately swiveled around to point his gun at your boyfriend. 
“You called the fucking cops?” Barry sneered. 
“Stop!” You yelled to try and get Barry’s attention and away from JJ. 
You dad tried to use Barry’s distraction to his advantage and snuck up behind him to try and reach for the gun. Barry spun around and tried pulling his wrist away from your dad’s grip. As they fought for the gun and an upper hand, you ran across the room for JJ who immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed the top of your head and motioned for the front door, mumbling about leaving.
You nodded and grasped his hand in yours. When he turned to lead you out of there, another shot rang out and you flinched closer to JJ as he ducked and pulled your head down with his arms and shields your body with his. 
You heard a thump and the floor vibrated under your feet. 
“Shit -”
“Fuck -”
“What did you do that for -”
“Jerry? Hey! Jerry!”
Everything kind of moved in slow motion after that. You turned around to see what had happened and that’s when you saw your dad laying on the floor with a puddle of blood growing around his body. Your feet moved faster than your brain did to get to your dad. 
JJ tried reaching for you but you swiveled out of his grip and dropped to your knees in front of your dad’s body. His eyes were closed and his mouth open. You placed your hands on top of the wound in his stomach to get it to stop bleeding. You cried. You didn’t know why you were crying but you did. Hard and heavy, barely able to get your own breaths in. You didn’t pay attention to Rafe fleeing from the backyard, or Barry being stopped by the cops who stormed into the house with guns raised. You barely felt JJ place his hands on your shoulders to try and coax you up. All you saw and could feel was your dad’s dead body and his blood on your hands. 
“Honey,” You felt another set of hands touch your back as they knelt down next to you. You didn’t look at her but recognized the familiar voice. “He’s gone. It’s over.”
“No -” You voice was barely above a whisper. 
“I’m sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up. Okay?” 
Sheriff Peterkin nodded at JJ to help you up and lead you out of the house. He was  finally able to pull you up from your knees and placed a comforting hand on your lower back. 
Your friends watched from the barricade the police set up around the house. When they saw you, all of them either started to panic or cry. They thought your were hurt until JJ nodded at them to tell them you were okay. But they could see in your face you were anything but okay.
Another cop lead you to the back of an ambulance. You don’t even look at Luke being handcuffed next to Barry or Rafe disappearing in the trees. All you can think about is your dad. 
The EMT did a quick check up on you after realizing the blood on your hands was in fact not yours. Then they took a quick look at JJ and asked if there was someone they could call for you.
“My mom -” You whispered. 
The EMT nodded. “Do you have a number?”
You told the EMT her number and waited patiently as she walked away to call her. When the two of you were alone, JJ turned to look at you and reached out for your hands and held them in his lap. He rubbed his thumb up and down over the back of your hand and waited for you to say something. He didn’t know if any words could make this right. He didn’t know how to comfort you after you just witnessed your dad died. It didn’t matter if you hated him or not. You literally watched him take his last breath. Your own flesh and blood. That shit’s traumatizing. 
“I’m sorry,” JJ said when he realized you were not going to say anything. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I just - I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“This is my fault.”
“No,” JJ shook his head. “No. It’s not your fault. It’s Barry’s. He was the one with the gun -”
“I should’ve walked away. From my dad. From all of this.” A single tear rolled down your cheek. “I enabled him. I allowed it to get this far.”
“You were doing what you thought was best for your dad.”
“I got him killed -”
“He did this to himself, Y/N. You were more than the perfect daughter. You literally couldn't be more perfect if you tried.” JJ wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer into his side and kissed the top of your head. “He didn’t deserve you. There’s nothing you could have done to prevent this.”
You cried into his shoulder, letting the sobs wrack through your body and your heart tear into millions of pieces. JJ held you tightly against him and whispered comforting words in your ears. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
JJ stood by you through your grieving process - through the good and the bad. He’s took your harsh words with a grain a salt when he noticed you were just trying to pick a fight, he held you when you cried into your pillow in the middle of the night, he was by your side for a hand to hold when you told your mother what happened and why you were at Barrys for the millionth time, and he was there to tell you he will always be there for you when you think he’s just going to up and leave like your dad did.
After your dad’s funeral, you stood in front of his tombstone with a solemn expression. Your dad was a piece of shit and didn’t deserve your love, money, and attention. You wished you could go back and time and never give it to him. At least that way you wouldn’t feel all these complicated emotions that made no sense. Love, hate, grief, relief. You didn’t know how to feel. 
Coming up behind you was JJ. He weaved his fingers with yours and kissed your temple. You couldn’t believe there was ever a day where JJ Maybank was your enemy. You didn’t think you’d be able to get through this without him.
“JJ,” You said and looked up at him. “Thank you.”
JJ nodded. “I love you.” He would never admit this, but he was glad you dad was dead. Because now he knew you were safe. 
“I love you more.”
JJ shook his head. “Impossible.”
Tag List: @allycat449-blog​ @zarahsloves​ @redknight9​
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threeletterslife · 3 years
The Time Traveler’s Playbook
→ summary: Time travelers have all the time in the world. Well, at least theoretically. To Taehyung, however, it seems like time is always chasing him, haunting him, mocking him. He must travel against the current, beat the odds in order to save your life—to stop you from dying for the 389th time. Trial and error can’t even begin to explain his turbulent journey.
→ pairing/rating: taehyung x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 78% angst, 22% fluff | time traveler!au
→ warnings: profanity, death (like... over and over again), depictions of an auto accident
→ wordcount: 6.5k
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Children most often inherit their intellect from their parents. Regardless of whether that may be a coveted outcome or an undesirable one; it's really a matter of luck and is simply an occurrence that is entirely out of the child's hands. Of course, more fortunate children inherit their parents' towering wealth. The less fortunate inherit their endless debt. But Kim Taehyung inherits something far greater than analytical intellect and trust funds. He inherits his father's ability to time travel.
It's an ability that has been passed on by his father's side of the family for years. A special lineage that Taehyung is now a part of. An ability, a trait, a curse, a blessing—every time traveler has his different views of their special skill. But Taehyung is someone who thinks it is a miracle.
He wants to know everything. Future college acceptances, first kiss, first girlfriend, the hardest classes at university (so he can drop them)... and last but not least, his future wife. Against his father's judgment, Taehyung loves to travel to the future to meet her. She's the loveliest woman he's ever met in his whole life. Funny, smart, caring—all the traits cumulate to make up her beautiful looks—even including the strange scar across her forehead.
"I'm back, Tae!" you cry, shoving open the front door of your cozy apartment room to greet your husband with open arms.
Taehyung—who'd just traveled six years into the future—is waiting on the couch, his fingers scratching at his stubble. He's been working to grow out a beard back in his present but to no avail. But it makes him extremely happy to know that it is possible for him to grow legitimate facial hair in the future. "Y/N??" Taehyung calls, a smile spreading across his lips. "So, how was therapy?"
You just glance at your shoulder and smile. "It went great! You shouldn't worry, babe."
"All right, all right," Taehyung says. But he still worries. You don't really like to talk about your accident. You hate it when Taehyung mentions your scar. You even hate it when he tries to ask you about your physical therapy, something you're getting four years after the incident. At least your recent rotator cuff surgery had gone fairly well. Even so, Taehyung worries.
"Do you want me to fix up lunch?" you ask. You begin to head to the kitchen but gasp when you realize that Taehyung had already ordered takeout. "Tae! We need to save up—"
The man just shrugs. "I didn't want you moving around too much to cook," he confesses. "We took years saving up for the surgery. I don't think it'd be a good idea for you to put stress on your arm again."
You can't say anything else because he's right. It's the little ways in which you know that Taehyung cares a lot about you. The thought makes you smile to yourself. You've married the right man.
Meanwhile, Taehyung decides it's time to jump ahead at least three more years into the future. Maybe three years after your marriage you would be willing to tell him the details of your accident. When you finally divulge him of the incident, he can go back in time and fix it; Taehyung's seen how much the moment has put a toll on your physical and mental health. He wants you to be happy—wants you to be free of financial worries of hospital bills.
Taehyung lands in the same house as before, his fingers habitually flying to his chin to find an actual beard. A grin stretches his lips. "Y/N??" he calls your name.
"I'm here!" you call from the bedroom.
Taehyung finds you stretched across a king-sized bed—that definitely wasn't there before—flipping through your wedding photos. You insisted a flowery circlet be placed on your head the whole day, effectively concealing the scar on your forehead. When you look up to glance at your husband, Taehyung sees that you've barely aged. In fact, you look even more beautiful than before—your eyes look deeper, holding more weight in them (wisdom, maybe?), and you absolutely glow with happiness.
"Back from work?" you say, absentmindedly flipping another page of the photo book.
"Mhm," Taehyung says, sitting down on the bed. Instantly, you lean into your husband for support, giggling when he fondly kisses your cheek.
"That beard of yours is startling to tickle me every time you kiss me," you mumble. "I like it."
Taehyung laughs, nuzzling your face to prove your point. "Looking back at our wedding?"
"Mhm. I loved the moment too much," you say dreamily. You gingerly run your fingers across one particular laminated photo. The one where you're in your pink wedding gown and Taehyung's in his snazzy suit with a pink tie. The one where your flower circlet becomes askew from Taehyung insisting he holds you in his arms, bridal style.
"Your scar is beautiful, you know," Taehyung whispers.
Your cheeks heat up, fingers reaching up to skim the scarred skin. "I never did tell you about how I got this..."
Taehyung's eyes sparkle. This is it. This is the moment he's been waiting for. The moment he skipped years and years to find.
"It was a car accident," you say, shaking your head. "It's just... it's a little hard for me to talk about. I shouldn't have survived it. I mean, I was barely alive when they got me in the ambulance. I... um, I can't really... I just... I didn't mean to hit her."
"A car accident?" Taehyung wants to know more details. When it happened. How. But he notices you struggling to come up with more words to say.
"I can't believe it was seven years ago," you say, laughing to yourself. "Remember that long road next to that seriously fancy restaurant and the really steep hill?"
Taehyung knows exactly what you're talking about, and his hands shake at the thought. The news had reported three deaths that day. The accident had left the car behind yours to swerve off the road, tumbling down the steep hill at rapid speed, killing the innocent couple inside. It'd also left the pedestrian who had tried to cross the busy road at the wrong time dead on the scene. There must've been legal trouble. One where you're trying to recover from your severe injuries all the while battling the pedestrian's family in court. The guilt must've inundated you.
"That was you??" Taehyung gawks. "Oh, Y/N..."
You shake your head, laughing nervously. "Yeah... That was me. I just figured I should tell you now, you know? When I'm finally ready." Looking down at the photo book, you smile sadly, fingers encircling your revealed scar pasted on the page. "Now you know."
Indeed he does. Taehyung's enlightened inside. Yes. Yes, this is it! Now he can go back in time, guide you in the right direction so you never get in the accident in the first place! He can finally help you, his one true love, get rid of everything that has hurt you in the past.
"But I wouldn't have changed this experience for the world," you say in a small voice.
"I know, I know," you sigh. "It sounds crazy. But then I wouldn't have met you, you know?"
Ah, right. The first meeting. How could Taehyung forget? You'd been wandering around after your hospital discharge, taking in the fresh air and the vastness of the city. After spending so much time in an enclosed, white-walled room, the bustling crowds had confused you, scared you. You'd felt lost. But that's how you'd bumped into Taehyung. A man who helped you find your way. Literally. He'd kindly directed you back to the address in which you were to meet your friends. A relationship had blossomed from there.
Taehyung's first meeting with you is a moment he'd ingrained in his mind—it runs terribly vividly through his head. Like a motion picture film. Like it had already happened in Taehyung's timeline. Except it didn't yet. You and he meet at age 23. But Taehyung's 21 now, posing as a mature thirty-year-old man.
"You're right," Taehyung smiles. He'd forgotten how much the world can shift with one little change in the past. The butterfly effect. He'd been stupid to even conjure up the idea to prevent your accident from happening. Such an amateur time traveler mistake. "We wouldn't even have fallen in love."
"I don't want to thank my accident," you sniff. Taehyung notices your emotional distress and wraps you in his arms. "But I felt so... so helpless afterward. And you're the one who helped me find my purpose again. I wouldn't have needed your help if I was never hurt. ...Wait, that sounded so goddamn awful," you sigh. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be saying these things. That accident was serious. I'm lucky that I even made it out alive..."
"It's okay. I get what you mean, Y/N," Taehyung says. He carefully pulls your head down to kiss the scar on your forehead. "You don't have to feel sorry. Thank you for telling me, all right?"
You nod, trying to hold in your tears. "Tae," you whisper as the man pesters you with soft kisses all over your face.
"You're tickling me," you breathe out weakly. "I don't want to laugh. Not right now."
Taehyung quickly pulls away, pressing his warm palm against your cheek. He marvels at your beauty, your resilience. You lean in his hand, staring at him with softened eyes from under your lashes. Taehyung doesn't think he can wait to meet you in the correct timeline.
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Two years go by too slowly for a time traveler. Taehyung counts down the days until he can meet you officially. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time he's seen you, but it would technically be your first time seeing him. He's nervous—even concerned—that he won't make the right impression. From the stories you've told him, though, Taehyung knows that he has to act kindly, warmly and most of all helpfully.
He'd visited you just last night on your wedding day to calm down his jittery nerves. You'd told him over the white cake and red wine that your love for him is unconditional—that you won't doubt for a second that if you ever lost all memory of your relationship with him, you'd still miraculously find your way into his heart. It's a moment that helps Taehyung get through his nervosity.
Now, it's today. The special day. There's a phantom throbbing in his right leg, forcing Taehyung to limp around the bustling city, waiting for you. He feels faint, nearly woozy—like he's going to collapse any second. For years he'd examined his relationship with you in the future. He'd been by your side knowing that you were already together. Already madly in love. But this would be different. This would be your first impression of him, and this would be Taehyung's only chance to catch your eye. Of course, if things went horribly wrong, he could always travel back in time... Yet as every wise time traveler acknowledges, time-traveling to the future is simple and has little to no consequence. Time-traveling to the past, however, is much too simple for the atrocities it can cause.
The pain in Taehyung's leg grows stronger. Perhaps it's indicative of his growing anxiousness?
You're supposed to be here by now. So where are you??
Taehyung glances at his old watch, looking almost frantically around the vicinity. Did he miss you? Did you walk straight past him? Is the future going to change now? Where are you? Did your hospital discharge take longer than he'd anticipated? A thousand thoughts fly through Taehyung's head. He wanders aimlessly around the location, feeling lost and fearful at the same time. When the pain in his leg becomes almost unbearable, Taehyung decides to make a time jump into the future.
Maybe he got the details wrong. Maybe this wasn't the place you and he first met.
He moves through time, shifting past glimpses of memories and moments to find what he is looking for. He's really looking for you. He searches for the wedding night, the one-year wedding anniversary, the first kiss you two had shared in front of your doorstep... But it's gone. You're gone. In each moment that Taehyung swears he spent with you, he's the only one there. Alone. Taehyung grips his pained leg, opting to do a more meticulous search through the timeline. You have to be somewhere. You can't just... cease to exist like this. He tries not to panic, but his leg is absolutely killing him, and he remembers his father telling him that time-traveling, unfortunately, amplifies pain. With you missing, and his leg throbbing along with his whirling head, Taehyung collapses.
The world stills. And when Taehyung finally looks up, he realizes he's in a cemetery. His shaking eyes settle on the tombstone in front of him. A morbid gasp leaves his lips when he reads the name etched on the rock.
"Y/N??" he shrieks, scrambling closer to the tombstone. "What... What on earth??"
Taehyung's blood runs cold. So you're dead. You have been dead. For years. And he didn't even know.
Chills run down his spine. What the hell had happened?? Why did you die on the day of your car crash? You were supposed to survive that. What wasn't adding up?
Taehyung pulls out his phone from his pocket with shaking hands; it threatens to slip out from the sweat accumulating on his fingers, but he persists to look up the crash in the news. An incoherent string of curses leaves his mouth when the headline of the article reads, "Four people dead from a motor vehicle accident."
Four?? It was supposed to be three.
He doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Why are you dead? What had happened that hadn't happened before? You were supposed to survive this... You were supposed to meet him, fall in love, be with him.
No. Taehyung grits his teeth. He'll have to do the unthinkable. He's traveling to the past to save you.
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A time traveler has the greatest advantage any man could have in the universe. He has the ability to withhold surprises, spoiling them for himself by directly walking into the future. He may also be the master of the past. What others forget, he can easily relive with just a simple visit back in time. A time traveler can sit on his imaginary throne and pretend he rules over the world with his special ability. A time traveler should never feel nervous, never deal with the uncomfortable twisting of his stomach or the unsettling feeling creeping into his gut. But it seems that Taehyung is the anomaly.
Your death had taken him by surprise. And now, even with his special ability, he feels anxious. Scared. Uncertain. Which is something not many time travelers tend to experience.
Taehyung believes that he must be vigilant. He must quickly observe the scene first before taking action, for any change to the past can quite largely affect the future. The young time traveler lands on the road right across from the restaurant. It's so strange how everything feels so calm. No one in this timeline knows yet that a disastrous car crash is just a few seconds shy from happening.
His watch ticks. Then, it strikes 4:43 p.m.
A pedestrian darts off the street, completely ignoring the gleaming red signaling device for the crosswalk. Taehyung's eyes widen in horror as he sees a red car—your car—speed by. You didn't do anything wrong—just pressed your foot on the gas as any normal vehicle driver would do if the traffic signal glowed green. But the next thing he knows, your car hits the pedestrian. There's a loud thud, a scream, a crack. The car behind yours swerves, trying to avoid the calamitous incident, but it flings violently to the side and crashes down the hill.
Taehyung's watch reads 4:44 p.m. And by that time, all four people are dead on the scene. Just like it said on the news. There's thick, red blood oozing across the asphalt, and your airbag is concealing most of your face in the car, but Taehyung can see that your neck has been displaced in the most inhumane position. He has to look away.
Anger settles in, accompanied by horrification and grief. You were supposed to survive that. There were only supposed to be three casualties.
Taehyung grits his teeth. But now that he knows what has taken place, he can effectively fix it. He just has to turn back time.
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It seems like these days, everyone's in a rush. Time travelers, of course, can bend time at their own will—they see no need to hurry, to go about their days in haste. They can afford to take the scenic route, walk through the flowering pasture of daisies, enjoying life and the little moments that cherish their hours here on Earth. But not everyone is a time traveler. And not everyone has this privilege of rewinding time for the pure enjoyment of smelling the roses.
Taehyung understands that. So when he sees the pedestrian, rocking on the balls of her feet, glancing at her watch every few seconds while glaring at the red pedestrian light, he feels a bit of pity. He understands. She must be one of those people. Those who hate wasting time. Those who hate to dilly-dally on the trivial moments, opting to snatch away the best parts without experiencing the minute details. But her life is on the line and so is yours.
"Excuse me?" he calls.
The pedestrian jerks her head towards him. She looks at him strangely, as if to wonder why the hell a stranger would want to talk to her. Almost as if to say, 'Can't you see I have places to be? Things to do??'
"Um," Taehyung stammers. "Can you... You should try to walk safely."
The woman gives him another strange look. "Sorry... But I'm um, I'm a little busy. My fiancé, I mean, my boyfriend... I think he's going to propose tonight... God, I can't be late."
Everyone has a story—a backstory—a reason that guides their following actions. And right now, Taehyung can see her's. A fast-paced, efficient woman who is in love and anticipating a proposal. A woman who has no idea that fate has different plans for her. He wants to stop her. For her sake and yours. But before he can do anything, she leaps forward.
"Wait!!!" Taehyung shrieks, nearly stepping out onto the road to follow after her. It's too late.
There's that deafening noise again. There's screaming, people getting out of their cars to witness the scene. Just like clockwork, too easily, it'd happened again.
You're dead.
For the second time, indistinguishable emotions rush through the time traveler's head. He'll just try harder. Convince the pedestrian. Do something more. With a deep breath, Taehyung rewinds back in time again.
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Some things just aren't meant to be. Like chasing after a career pathway that one has absolutely no drop of talent in. Or chasing after a lover who will never ever love the other back. Or maybe even pursuing a fantasy dream life all the while living in unpleasant reality. Most people give up fairly quickly when they recognize that they will inevitably never get what they want. Slightly more resilient people will attempt to push over the hedges and the obstacles that plague their track; yet, even they will quit when their loved ones coax them that their arduous journey isn't worth their precious time. But time travelers have all the time in the whole goddamn world.
When Taehyung lands in his present, he collapses on his bed, wearied. Feeling defeated. He'd tried everything he could possibly think of. He spent over fifty times trying to reason with the pedestrian. He'd bribed her, begged her, even threatened her at one point not to cross that street. He'd tried different intonations, different ways to greet her. But maybe it was meant to be. Because every time, she ignores Taehyung and his best wishes and walks straight into your car, killing you both.
So Taehyung had come up with new strategies. Ones that involved false traffic cones, trying to get you to take a long-winded detour. He tried making street signs. Tried even closing up the whole street. But the police hadn't been quite amused about that. He attempted every scenario more than thirty times, for even the slightest change in a single traffic cone placement could alter everything. It could save your life. Or at least he hoped it would. However, all of his attempts proved futile.
Taehyung did everything that he could think of. But it came down to nothing because you always, always die in the end.
An exhausted sigh escapes his lips. He must've spent something like a week's worth of time continuously rewinding and attempting to prevent your death. But Taehyung knows he can't give up now. He forces his tired, heavy body to sit up, and his head lolls to the side, his eyes threatening to close.
That's when it hits him.
Taehyung's eyes double in size, and he scrambles up from his bed to grab a random, black leather notebook. Opening up to the first page and scouring his desk to find a working pen, Taehyung begins to write furiously.
Initially, he was dead set against any sort of contact with you. He had feared ripping a hole in the space-time continuum or whatever the fuck sci-fi film scripts tend to say these days. Taehyung's definitely not an expert on science and the theory of time, but he is astute enough to know that seeing people in the past that he isn't supposed to meet until later can be detrimental in one way or another. It's not like him to mess around with what was destined to be. Yet... Yet the recent turn of events leaves him no choice. He's going to have to talk to you to save you.
Taehyung leans back in his chair, slightly breathless. He stares at the eight steps he'd scribbled onto the lined paper bound to the journal. All he has to do is use it to convince you to not get in your car.
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Step one. Tell her to stop whatever she's doing.
You gasp, nearly falling over at the intensity of Taehyung's voice. "Stop??" you ask, eyes wide and hands tightly gripping the door of your open car.
"You have to stop!"
Taehyung's heart breaks when you slowly back into the driver's seat, eyes squinted and hands reaching back for support. "Um... I uh... actually have somewhere to go..." You look nervous, scared even. It suddenly occurs to Taehyung that he's a stranger to you. That you have every right not to stop if your subconscious tells you to be vigilant.
He lets you go that time. He'll get it right the next.
Step two. Tell her to listen to what the time traveler has to say.
"Please, you have to listen to me," Taehyung pleads. The notebook tucked under his arm fuels just a little bit of his confidence.
You turn your head to look at the man, already a bit peeved that he's interfering with your plans. "Listen? Can I ask listen to what?"
"Hold up, don't get in that car," Taehyung says, warily eyeing the red vehicle.
Your eyebrows narrow in subsequent suspicion.
Step three. Gauge her reaction. Refusal? Tell her again. Acceptance?... Don't know. Never gotten that far.
"Okay," you repeat, crossing your arms over your chest. "I'll wait if you have anything interesting to say."
This had been the 389th time Taehyung had restarted to get past the third step. Maybe a single strand of misplaced hair on his head made him look more attractive than before—enough for you to give him a chance. Or maybe it was the intonation in which he spoke his lines. Maybe it was pleading enough for you to feel pity and listen. But Taehyung doesn't have ample time to analyze what he'd done differently for you to answer this way. All he can do is move on. There's not even a second to waste.
Step four. Make her trust you. (Don't get right into business. Ease into it.)
"Okay... Well,” Taehyung starts awkwardly, scratching his head. He looks around frantically to come up with a talking point—anything to divert your attention from how jittery he really is. “Well,” he says again, “um, to start, you have a nice ride.” He gestures over to your sparkling red car.
"Huh,” you say, raising your eyebrows. “Thanks," you grin, shrugging. "It was actually a graduation gift from my parents. Always wanted one of these since I was young." You pat the top of your car affectionately before turning to face the man in front of you. "Did you want to go around on a spin?" you ask boldly, eyebrow arching in question.
When Taehyung struggles to invent an answer that doesn't sound borderline creepy or stalker-like, you laugh.
"Don't worry. I was just joking. But you wouldn't be the first guy who's asked me about my car. What do you want? A date?" you giggle. "I'm really sorry but I've promised to meet my friends so I have to get going. If you want my number or something—"
Step five. Don't let her leave your sight. (She might do something that you'll regret.)
"It's not really your number that I want," Taehyung quickly interrupts. If he could close his eyes, he could practically see his own handwriting, scrawled on the now wrinkled pages of his notebook. He's so close. Practically halfway through.
You pause, your body midway into the driver's seat. "It's not? Then what do you want, mysterious stranger?" You smile, raising your eyebrows as if to challenge the peculiar man.
If the circumstances weren't so dire, Taehyung would've gone right along with your mischievous tone. "Your company," he replies quickly. "Your immediate company."
"Oh, so you're asking me to ditch my friends?" you laugh. "Sorry, stranger, but not today." And there you go, seating yourself in your car and just about the slam the door shut.
Step six. Tell her to stop again.
"Stop!" Taehyung cries.
You ignore him, shutting the door anyways. But the windows are rolled down and you can still see the unfiltered looks on Taehyung's face. A flash of confusion washes over your face before you train your eyes to the front, your hand settling over the button to start the engine.
Step seven. If she never listens, tell her you love her.
"Wait, stop! I love you!" Taehyung cries desperately. "Y/N, please!"
You're completely frozen. Taehyung wonders if he'd made a big mistake. Then, slowly, so painfully slowly, you turn your head to gaze at the man. "What did you say?"
"I love you..." Taehyung whispers. "Don't leave, Y/N. You'll regret it. I'll regret it."
"How the hell do you know my name?" You're frowning, two hands tightly gripping the wheel of your car.
Taehyung isn't blessed with mind-reading—though he thinks that some people out there must be—but he can sense exactly what you're thinking about him now. You think he's a creep. A stalker. A serial killer, perhaps?
He has no other choice.
Step seven. Tell Y/N her future.
"I'm from the future."
You scoff, slapping your hand on the wheel. "Oh yeah? And I'm the President of Neverland."
"No, Y/N, really. I'm from the future." Taehyung grips the precious notebook in his hands. "You have to listen to me. You're going to die if you get in that car to meet your friends. There's going to be a huge car accident, and you're going to be killed. But you can't. You know why, Y/N? Because I'm your future husband."
"You're... You're delusional!" you exclaim, shaking your head. "That... I mean, you... I can't... I can't possibly—I don't even know you!"
"Of course you don't," Taehyung says. He takes a step closer to you and your car. "We aren't supposed to meet this early in this particular timeline. But I had to save your life, Y/N."
"Why? Because for some goddamn reason you think that I'm your future wife??"
"I don't think that, Y/N. I know it! We had a wedding! In the fifth grade, you promised your best friend that you'd wear a pink wedding dress and have matching pastel rose gowns for your bridesmaids. It came true, Y/N—"
"How the hell did you...?"
"You told me this in the future," Taehyung says. "I wouldn't be standing here trying to save your life if I didn't truly love you."
"But... But I just..." You can't seem to finish your sentences. "You can always find another wife. Do I, I mean, did I matter to you that much?"
Taehyung doesn't understand. You'd told him that you'd love him unconditionally. In whatever circumstance that life happened to throw at the two of you. Had that all just been simple love talk?
"Of course you matter to me..." he says, eyes softening. "I didn't spend 389 times turning back time to save you for nothing, you know."
You shake your head. "But see? 389 times... Maybe I'm just meant to die."
The hair on Taehyung's neck stands straight, and he can barely control his tone as he spits out rapidly, "How can you say that?? Y/N, you were alive before. I saw you. In my future. Please... Just get out of that car... Or stay there, I don't care. Just please don't drive away. You can sacrifice meeting your friends to save your life, right?"
You're biting your lip, fingers drumming on the wheel of your car as you think. Finally, you look up to meet Taehyung's eyes. "Can you come closer?"
His breath hitches. "Why?"
"I just wanna see if I've seen you somewhere," you hum thoughtfully. "Maybe you're right. Maybe you are from the future. Maybe I'll have to save your face into my memory," you laugh. "Hmm..." Your eyes meet Taehyung's large, warm ones, and you visibly relax behind your wheel. "You know, you're not exactly supposed to tell me about my future. What have the time-traveling movies taught you?"
Taehyung turns away to scoff lightly. He'd been proud of himself for that last step. And no matter how stupid you think it is, it's saving your life now.
"I do think it'd be a waste to die right now," you say. "I am pretty young... But my friends have been expecting to meet up for half a year. Hmph. You owe me! But fine. I won't go. I'm a little pissed, but I won't go. I'll drive home. I promise."
There has never been a happier happiness in Taehyung's life. "You promise, okay? You promised! You can't go, all right?"
"I won't," you say definitively. "Look, I'll even shake your hand to seal the deal." Through your rolled-down windows, you jut out your hand. After staring a bit, Taehyung takes your hand and gives it a firm shake. "Well, that's it, right?" you say. "We're going to meet again in the future?"
"Yeah. I guess this is it."
There's this mischievous grin plastered on your face. The mischief is what Taehyung notices must've gone away after being involved in such a tragic accident. He wonders what life would've been like if you were still this playful. But it also looks like he'll find out in a few minutes.
"Then I guess I'll see you later, future husband." You wink at him. And all too soon, you're driving away, leaving no evidence behind that you were ever here. It feels like a fever dream.
Taehyung's hands shake as he brings his notebook to his chest, embracing it. There are happy tears welling in his eyes. He'll be able to see you now. The you who loves him dearly.
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Time travelers come in all different shapes, sizes and characters. There exist some who are cynical of their talents, those who rarely use it for the fear of touching something that wasn't meant to be touched. Then, there are others who use their abilities moderately. Those who might rewind time a little to get in a bit of extra sleep or study for a big final. Then, there are those time travelers who wield time so frequently, so fervently that they are rarely ever in their correct timeline.
Taehyung is one of these time travelers.
After spending weeks in the past, he doesn't travel to the present. Instead, he visits farther into the future, hoping to see you. Hoping to be able to flip through your wedding photos with you again and marvel at your beauty as you bask in his compliments. He hopes that you don't have your scar anymore—not that he never liked it. But you always thought you'd looked better without it. And he wants you to be happy.
"Y/N!" Taehyung calls, shaking with excitement as he lands feet first on new ground, seven years later. "Y/N!! Where are you?"
But the apartment in front of him is unrecognizable. It should have pulled up a red flag in Taehyung's mind, yet he ignores it. The butterfly effect. Somehow, since your accident hadn't taken place, the sequence of events had shifted and led to you suggesting to buy another apartment. It's quite conceivable.
Taehyung carefully rounds the corner of the living room, navigating his way through the foreign apartment. Not once does he see you or anything that would've belonged to you. The world becomes much darker again when he realizes that in the future, you and he aren't together.
The time traveler slips his phone out of his pocket—the latest model of a device that has yet to come out yet in his timeline—and he searches through his contacts. It's a possibility that you and he are still friends. Maybe the fact that he'd told you the two of you would wed in the future prevented the two of you from getting into a serious relationship. Yet after scouring his whole phone for hours, Taehyung finds no traces of you.
There is little hope left in his heart when he searches up the date of the cursed automobile accident. And the last of the light from his eyes dim when he sees, "Four dead from a tragic car crash."
His head spins with thoughts and weighs heavily with frustration. Only one question circles through his mind: why? He'd done everything in his power to help you. He'd had to watch you die more than three hundred consecutive times. He'd had the same goddamn conversation with you to try to convince you out of your own demise. But why hadn't it worked? Taehyung thought that the 389th time would do it. What had gone wrong?
A deep, empty pit settles in his stomach. Maybe you're right. Maybe you are supposed to die.
Taehyung scoffs, glaring at his little black journal. "You're fucking useless," he tells it, spite dripping in his every word. The eight steps he'd created one day out of pure inspiration are completely worthless to him now.
He wants to get rid of it. He wants to give up. Never see your face again. Maybe if he stops thinking about you now, it'll be easier on him in the future.
Taehyung doesn't think. He just leaps, traveling alongside time, closing his eyes and landing just where he subconsciously desires. Taehyung glances at his watch.
4:43 p.m.
He notices the busy pedestrian just seconds away from her walk of death, his own feet hanging dangerously off the sidewalk. But instead of falling back to safety, he jumps—straight into the traffic—even before the pedestrian can move. Taehyung sees the familiar red car speeding up to him, and instinctively, he hurls his notebook straight at your windshield. It lands right at your line of vision with a loud thump! and he can hear your scream as you crash your foot on the brakes. Your head slams against your car wheel, blood trickling down your face, but you're not dead. The car behind you, however, swerves to avoid hitting you, tumbling down the hill for the 390th time. Strangely, they never survive; it must be their ill-fated destiny. Or maybe in some parallel universe, they fare much better. Either way, Taehyung can't save everyone, which makes sense because he's by no means a hero. He just wants things to turn back to normal.
But you. Unlike the couple behind your car, your destiny is not death from an unfortunate auto accident. You should've never died in the first place. Finally, you've been given the justice you deserve. You're alive.
Still, Taehyung has little to no time to celebrate. He needs to bolt out of the scene, for he doesn't want you to see him at all. Doesn't want you to recognize him in fear that things won't be the same—not as he's used to. So, he runs. Bystanders are starting to gather around the scene, and Taehyung panics inwardly, scrambling away so hastily that he trips over a curve. His ankle twists uncomfortably but he has no time to dwell on the sudden shoot of pain traveling up his leg. The adrenaline rush allows him to run. His head reels and he feels like he's going to pass out. But Taehyung pushes on. He wanders through time, searching to return back to his timeline. Wanting anything to finally see your face.
He lands right on his feet, though much more wobbly than before. The city is bustling, crowds of people moving left and right, up and down. Taehyung's leg is killing him. It might as well be a sprain, and the pain of it had been amplified through time travel. The world is spinning. Taehyung can barely catch his breath.
That's when he inadvertently bumps into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorr—" He freezes.
It's you.
It's really you.
Taehyung's eyes enlarge as he looks over your face in shock, awe, happiness—whatever emotions that flood through him. A little scar sits upon your forehead. Unlike other times, you haven't covered it up with concealer. His world becomes bright again.
Your eyes light up when you see his face. And to Taehyung's utmost surprise, you smile at him. He stares, falling back. The pain in his leg is gone in this moment—he'd forgotten it completely—too entranced by your presence to care. He doesn't know if you know him... if you'd caught a glimpse of him throwing his playbook at you... if you remember him at all.
But that's when his eyes trail down and catch a glimpse of you holding something tightly in your hands. It's small, heavily tattered, textured, black and almost looks... run over. Taehyung's lips part as he looks up to your face. Your smile shines brightly, and you look like you have so much to say just at the tip of your tongue. With your eyes glittering and your lips spread into a brilliant grin, you look positively radiant.
You're finally here, with him. Not in the future. Not stuck in the past either. But in the present.
Taehyung smiles. "Hello. I believe you have something of mine?"
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groovyzombiellama · 3 years
The Golden/Stylish Trio
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Title: The Golden/Stylish Trio
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You are an actress and shoot a project with Alex and Bill and the two of them have a crush on you.
Word count: 1617
Ever since you were a child, you knew that you wanted to be an actress, and it didn’t matter how many people told you that you shouldn’t dream so high and that you were gonna fail, that just made you want to work more just to prove them wrong. You were constantly told that you wouldn’t have enough work, and that being an actress is stressful and difficult. Of course you knew that, in their own way every job is difficult, but you didn’t mind it because you knew that you would have difficult moments, but you were ready for whatever that world had to throw at you, because at least  that way, you would be doing something you love. You had the support of your immediate family, like your parents in the first place, and so you decided to take a chance and start your path towards making your dreams come true.
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At first you had it quite difficult, not really being what the casting agent was looking for, both in terms of character and in your lack of experience. You had sleepless nights thinking about how you were supposed to gather experience when nobody wanted to give you a chance to gain any of it. And you expected this, so it wasn’t a surprise to you, and it just motivated you to do better and go to some classes and stuff, but that doesn’t mean getting rejected so many times didn’t hurt you. There were times where you would feel like the people who told you that you wouldn’t be able to make it were right and that you should just give up and go back home. Your family was alright with you coming back and going to college for something else, but just like your friends, they believed that you could do it and that every beginning is hard, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t succeed. And indeed, with patience, it started happening, you started getting cast.
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Of course, you wouldn’t be able to get a lead role right off the bat, but you were getting work as eather a background character, or a very minor character that maybe had one or two lines. And even though it was something small and didn’t mean a lot of camera time, you were still extatic and extremly grateful and happy to even be getting any work at all. Your portfolio was growing, your list of work experience was becoming longer and longer, and a lot of casting agents saw your passion and dedication to acting, to the point where you even got cast as a supporting character in a movie, the so called “best friend trope”, and your lines consisted of pep talks and you were honestly just there to lift up the lead character. But it was the longest time you had spent in front of the camera so far and the most speaking lines you had gotten, so to say you were grateful and excited would be understatements.
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You had no idea where all of this was gonna take you, but you were so proud of yourself for not giving up on your dreams. You even sent tickets for that movie to your cousins who didn’t believe you could make it and some of the people who bullied you and said you would never amount to nothing. It wasn’t to spite them, not too much anyway, because you never were a person to hold a grudge or feel good if others are feeling down. You just wanted to tell them that hard work will always pay off and that hard work can beat talent if talent doesn’t work hard. You were getting recognized and it was blowing your mind to be walking down the street and hear people talking about you as you pass them, guessing if you were the girl they had seen in that movie. And it made you smile every time. Eventually you ended up getting an e-mail that changed your life in a drastic way. A huge gig, bigger than any you have had before, with actors that you admired.
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You had known Bill Skarsgård from his role as Roman Godfrey in Hemlock Groove, and as the iconic clown, Pennywise, in the most recent IT movies. And when your agent told you that he was gonna be one of your costars, you had to sit down, as your legs felt like they were gonna give out. He always seemed like a truly pleasant person to be around and an actor who really cares about the craft. And his good looks were just a bonus to a very amazing person. And that was the case for your other costar who once again gave you that feeling that you were gonna collapse if you keep standing. The Ivar the Boneless from Vikings, Victor from Outsiders, Alex Høgh Andersen. Alex always had the appeal as a literal ray of sunshine to you and it made your head feel dizzy to be working with them at all, and even when you met them, you couldn’t believe it was true.
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Both Bill and Alex found you adorable as you tried not to fangirl around them, and be your cool self, or at least what you thought was cool. Bill had known about you as he had watched one of the movies you were in and he admired the way you put everything you had into your character, so he already knew some things about you, but even with that, you had managed to amaze him beyong belief. To Alex. meeting you was completely new territory, but he was enjoying every second of it, seeing the way every part of you contained the character you were supposed to potray. Even your eyes would show the emotion your character was supposed to be feeling that both men were dangerously close to apologising to you the moment they looked into your eyes as you were filming a scene where you were supposed to have a disagreement or fight.
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Both Alex and Bill felt like they were learning a lot from you, as much as you were learning from them. And your vibrant personality, combined with that smile of yours were enough for them to develp crushes on you. It amazed them that neither one of them was able to say anything to you, that when it came to you, they would feel nervous or get tongue tied. When the two of them were talking and you came up, the shock on both of their faces, wide eyed expressions were almost comical as they realised the second they started talking about you that they had crushes on you. They didn’t want to make this a rivalry between them and try to win you over from one or the other. They were gonna leave the choice to you if you ever developped feelings for one of them and the other was gonna support you both. But that didn’t stop them from admiring you constantly and gushing about you in interviews and to each other.
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As more time passed, the more the three of you started getting closer, so much so that they put up with the silly nicknames that you gave them and even though Billy and Lexie weren’t their favorite, and they honestly prefered some of your more creative nicknames, or standard “love” or “hun” that you loved calling people who were important to you, they cared about you enough to accept you just the way you were, which meant the world to you. Bill’s brother Gustaf was really glad that his costar from Vikings was friends with his brother, because the cast of the show had become like his second family in a way, and now you were a very dear friend to all of them.
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Every interview that you did with these boys was a blast, you would always have fun and if they even sensed that you were feeling uncomfortable with a question or something, the both of them would create a diversion, as you woke up in them the feeling to be protective over you, but not too much that you feel suffocated, but just enough for people to know that you were not someone to mess with, both because of you being a strong and independent woman, and also because you had the two of them who had your back as much you had theirs. You three were truly a great trio, and your friendship was one that you were sure was for the books and that it was gonna last.
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Regardless of the fact that their crushes were growing by the day and often times they had to stop themselves from spending entire interviews talking about you, they never forced you into anything, or tried to convince you that one of them was better for you than the other. And their biggest pet peeve was when you didn’t believe in yourself and always claimed that “people were just too kind to you” whenever someone complimented you, because they just wanted you to know that to them you were absolutely amazing and to so many people who were fans of you. But they appreciated that you were kinda using that to keep your humble nature, worried that if you started giving yourself that much credit, you would become vain and too self absorbed. They were thankful that they met you and hoped your friendship lasted a long time, even if nothing more developped from it. You were the Golden Trio, named by the entertainement industry, or the Stylish Trio as fans started calling you after Alex’s post, and you were happy with it.
SURPRISE @walkxthexmoon !! You wanted either one of aus that I do, but you were always sweet to me and kind, that you get all of it, written, gif and social media au :D <3 I truly hope you like it :)
I appreciate all of you guys and thank you all for your follows, likes, reblogs, I’ll never be able to thank you all enough. Every time I get an e-mail telling me someone followed me, it makes my entire week better and keeps me motivated! So thank you to all of you, I love you all so much, and if people are nice to me I do my damnest to be 10x nicer, because you deserve it back, so this fic took a lot longer to make than I thought, and hopefully it’s a good one and you guys like it, and just once again, I appreaciate all of you <3
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obeymeluv · 4 years
The Bros as Dads
PSA: The boys would be very attractive dads (emotionally and physically). That is all.
Note: the headcanon also includes genders for the kids. I can see some of them having sons, and others having daughters. And, obviously, everyone is older (20′s-ish).
Takes a while to process the news. It’s kind of a big thing. His love life was something of a roller coaster (or nonexistent) until you. The ‘L’ word was a hurdle, now there’s a B word and a P word?!
When his brain realizes what you’ve said or if you show him some proof, the pride takes over FULL SWING (you can feel it explode in him, like his aura) and he purrs
You are truly his stars, his moon, and the heavens he so dearly misses
There’s this raw, vulnerable love in Lucifer’s eyes and it pretty much awes everyone because he’s usually so proper and reserved
The memories are old and dusty but Lucifer’s parenting instincts are strong
A type-A, fussy person. You may have 7 months left before you give birth, but the house will be spotless and perfectly proofed before you hit bed rest
Piles of parenting books suddenly sprout around the house. No one’s sure where they came from or how there’s even that many WRITTEN about parenting.
You and the child become his world. You’re his kryptonite, the only thing to convince him away from long hours or break him out of sour moods
Lucifer is very stressed, more than he thought he’d be, because you’re carrying his child and he worries for your health.
He’s with you every step of the way, from appointments to birth
He’d absolutely drop everything to tend to your needs, or appoint one of the brothers if he couldn’t.
Likes to busy himself with making a nursery and is actually good at themes/interior decorating
Has a tiny desk built in his study. The child won’t be able to join him for a while, but the idea of his tiny joy working on something beside him warms his heart
Hunts down obscure herbs and items from folklore that are supposed to bless pregnancies or benefit the unborn. Turns out he’s really nervous and superstitious.
Lucifer is the worst when it comes to shopping because his pride outweighs his logical restraint. If he convinces himself IN THE SLIGHTEST that his child would look good in something or the nursery could really use an item, it’s coming to the House of Lamentation
He ugly cries when he realizes you’re having a girl because he feels like Lilith has been given back to him.
Refuses to name his child Lilith because of everything that happened. Can’t settle for anything close to her name or any nicknames they gave her.
Makes you a sleeping space in his study. Loves to take breaks to watch you sleep. Unintentionally takes a break to kiss your stomach and talk to the baby.
Firm believer in ‘in the belly’ enrichment so you’ll have music playing and Lucifer will read to them all the time.
If the baby’s not with you, she’s with him. Lucifer has definitely shown up to a meeting with Lord Diavolo with his baby in a chest carrier. The meeting went flat because Diavolo wanted to play with the baby.
He’s the type of dad that demands total silence when the baby’s sleeping. Might have tied up some of his brothers to achieve it.
He’s not a total hard-ass (this kid has made a sucker out of him, okay?) but his kid will definitely have manners and knows to help clean up.
The type to take naps with his kid. He’ll get up at 2 in the morning and climb into their crib if they’re fussy.
Lucifer spent so much of his life being the primary caretaker for his bros that he forgets he’s not alone this time. When you push him back down so he can sleep, and tend to your daughter, his heart almost bursts with love.
On the fence about another child. The kid’s going to have pride in spades and he thinks a sibling will humble them (and make them less lonely). He’s also afraid of that prideful wrath and doesn’t want two prideful little demons always fighting
Isn’t the best with dressing up his kid but likes to give them fancy shoes. The shoes are always on point even if the rest of the outfit is a disaster.
Is 100% ready to receive any and everything “#1 Dad” because he IS, DAMN IT. He’ll use it regularly, too.
He’s freaking out hardcore (”You sure? Really, really sure? Maybe you just have gas or something. Y-yeah!”)
Doesn’t believe it until he sees a test. Promptly faints. Dead-ass faints as soon as he sees it.
Kind of remembers it when he wakes up, and you have to remind him again.
This time he’s pretty excited because THE GREAT MAMMON will be having a child. WHAT A GIFT, RIGHT? THE BEST GIFT!
All the magazines are snapping up this gossip and, for once in his life, he puts the earnings away. Kid has a nice fund going before they’re even born.
His schedule is 50% work, 50% family because YOUR MAIN MAN HAS TO BE THERE. Work just pays the bills and pads the nursery account, okay?
The Devildom has something similar to a baby shower and Mammon puts all KINDS of high-dollar shit on there. His baby’s going to be stylin’, okay?
Some crying in front of others, but an entirely different kind of crying behind closed doors. Vulnerable, grateful crying about being loved and having a tiny someone who will love him, too
Pays someone to explain baby stuff to him. How to change them, feed them, what type of breathing you should be doing. It surprised his bros because Lucifer could just give him that info. The fact that Mammon paid for it means he’s pretty serious about learning.
Gets tons of free maternity photos because all his magazines want the scoop. He gets to pamper you and see you all dressed up and beautiful and EVERY magazine has a shot of him crying like a proud sap.
Mammon hoards all of those pictures. Has a pile of them in his room, totally separate from everything else.
Has a lot of nervous energy and can get frustrated with all the baby books, so he distracts himself with scrap-booking. Surprisingly good at it.
Mammon thinks you’re just the most beautiful thing ever. He loves taking pictures of you. Wants the kid to have no doubts about how much he loves them and their parent.
He’s so lovesick. When you sleep or hug your belly or just touch it he melts.
Stacks Grimm on your belly when you sleep. Thinks it’s fun. Likes to record how big the towers get.
Not the best at getting up for your random-hour cravings and has definitely made you cry with his bluntness. When he’s more awake he’ll apologize and you guys will work it out.
When he finds out he’s having a little boy, the bros throw a party. Mammon gets semi-drunk and has a huge, ass-chewing lecture about how the bros made him feel for centuries and how they better not say ANYTHING like that to his kid.
You shot down any and all attempts to name the kid anything money related.
Almost passed out when you had the baby.
Cried when he first held him. Calls him Mamm-mini.
Totally planning the baby’s first photo shoot. Has people on standby to make matching outfits.
He now has a partner in crime and the kid can charm the pants off of anyone!
Mammon is 100% devoted to this kid and he secretly hopes he’s the favorite parent.
Lives for any second of bonding he can get. NEEDS IT TO LIVE. 100% a sappy dad.
The most supportive dad, always saying nice things because he knows people didn’t always say nice things about him.
Brain stops working. You almost think you’ve given him a heart attack
Levi feels you take the controller from his hand and instantly has to fill it with something else, taking yours. He looks at you and asks you again if you’re sure.
He can see it in your eyes and he just crows. He doesn’t know if he’s excited or scared but he made the noise.
Worries A LOT about the idea of becoming a father. Can gross otakus be good fathers? How does he dad?
Gets pre-stressed about social interactions. Kids have to go to school and have play-dates and Levi’s going to have to talk to people...ugh! Gross!
Definitely has a few break-downs (feelings of inadequacy, etc.) before Lucifer or Satan comfort him. He’s better than he thinks, just insecure. Everyone learns as they go. They have classes (”They’re like cheat codes, Levi.”) and it makes him feel better
His gaming friends send their congratulations and he gets lots of themed blankets and onesies.
Wants you to have a water birth because the water is his child’s calling. Really attached to the idea.
He’s constantly looking up guides to baby-proofing, double- and triple-checking safety specs of anything before buying it.
Spends HOURS scouring Akuzon, comparing brands, and reading reviews for everything.
Akuzon noticed he was buying lots of baby books and looking at baby-related things so they sent him a onesie.
You get a lovely beach/water-themed maternity shoot and Levi is so love-struck he gets a nosebleed. Once he’s cleaned up it makes a darling photo shoot.  
Has already made lists of anime for the kid to watch. Some are his favorite, some are for the lessons and moments that stuck with him
Asmo messaged TSL on the down-low and Levi got some quality kid-sized merch.
Tries to get you to name the baby Henry if it’s a boy. When he finds out it’s a girl, he pushes for Henrietta.
Reads TSL to the baby and plays ocean sounds.
As you get further along in your pregnancy, he buys a fridge for his room and stocks it with your favorite cold stuff. Any snack foods are just added to his stash.
You are absolutely worshipped. Craving something? Akuzon has it and the fastest pig is on it’s way. Your feet hurt? Try a water bath!
You’re his Player 2 now and forever (always have been), and he’s keeping you in perfect health.
Probably keeps a video journal for the kid or of the two of you during your pregnancy. Big on preserving stuff digitally.
Probably makes a game for his kid just because. They’ll be able to play it when they’re older.
Bought a ton of Magical Girl-style hairbows and things for when their hair grows in. His daughter’s a fucking princess, okay?
Belphegor bought the baby a goldfish onesie and Levi loves it to pieces.
Bought the baby a seashell bassinet and rocks them to sleep with his tail.
Levi has a bad sleep schedule and wakes easily, so he’s usually the first one to get up and handle the baby.
He has this complex about being a good dad. People can call him a weird, gross otaku but they’re ALSO going to mention how good of a dad he is!
Super affectionate with his kid in a quiet, whispering, mumbling way. Just thinks they’re the best thing.
Having a daughter really makes him rethink some of the ways he viewed anime characters and made him super critical. If his daughter ends up liking anime he’ll make it very clear what he thinks and how she shouldn’t let other people treat her like an object. 
His demon form gets triggered REALLY EASILY if his bros hold her for too long. THAT’S HIS BABY, THANK YOU!
Secretly hoped to be a father one day. Wanted to prove so badly that he could be one, and move past the constant fear of his temper looming over him. He didn’t want wrath to be his only legacy.
Can’t manage more than a genuine smile and a lilting laugh when you tell him, but he’s literally almost sick with joy. He’s just not the type to jump from the rooftops or anything
Asmodeus and Mammon convince him into drinking because he needs to let loose and really show it!
Satan ends up drunk-stumbling to Lucifer and plunking his head into his chest and crying. He’s crying because he’s happy and mumbling something about ‘granddad’. When his tears dry he’s happy as can be, smugly calls Lucifer an ‘old fuck’ and promptly throws up.
They’re past most of their bad blood but even Lucifer wasn’t surprised Satan never got EVERYTHING out of his system. A lot of his childhood memories are tainted with pure wrath instead of coming into his cardinal sin through some other mean. Or naturally, like puberty.
Between his personal research and Lucifer’s expertise, the baby-proofing is totally covered.
His book binges are strictly about pregnancies, suspicions, rituals, parenting, and anything he can think of that has to do with kids.
He’s big on teas and brews that are supposed to help with pregnancies and pains. Uses his many connections to get ingredients for said teas
Reads the classics and big epics to his unborn child.
Buys you some Hellcats for protection. They’re fiercely loyal, so he’ll know you’re safe.
He’d be the type to nag you about your diet, but not to be mean. He’d support it with this absolute WALL of evidence that turns into a lecture that could last for hours.
Has to fight the Hellcats to sit next to you or touch your belly a lot more than he thought he would. He’d never say it out loud, but he’s starting to hate the cats (he doesn’t mean it though).
Starts cleaning up his book piles a lot more. The baby would get hurt if the stacks fell on them. His room becomes virtually spotless.
You pick books to read together. You end up reading Satan to sleep, too. He keeps a hand on your belly.
Gets nervous about you wanting to go out, and basically tries to keep you in the House of Lamentation. Relents a little because hormones make you scary. He was basically afraid of nothing because the walks were fine.
You like to sit in the Devildom gardens and he thinks you look picturesque and wonderful. It takes his breath away.
Asmodeus is your personal photographer because Satan doesn’t think anyone else will do you justice.
Finds out you’re having boy-girl twins and totally shuts down. What does he say? How does he respond? BELPHIE OR BEEL WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TWINS! WHY HIM?!
Lucifer is BEYOND amused. This is definitely payback for everything Satan did in his childhood (so the saying goes).
It doesn’t bother him as much when he starts buying smart little cardigans, button-ups, ribbons, and bowties. He’s actually quite happy.
The Hellcats act weird and tip him off to your contractions before your water breaks. Satan gets you to the hospital and helps you give birth. The twins grow to look more like him than you, but if someone mistakes you for the nanny or says something derogatory, he’s pulling two ferocious kids off an idiot
Satan was afraid he’d be a short fuse, but he becomes the parent that explains everything to death (for better or worse). The kids will get a lecture when they’re bad, when the ask ‘why’ to something, he’ll explain why he gave the punishment he did, and be very clear with anything.
Quickly falls in love with the idea of you being pregnant. It’s the best! Proof of his truest love, the thing that makes his heart beat!
He loved you to pieces before you were pregnant, and loves you even more now (if that’s possible).
Always wants to be with you, smothering your belly with kisses and touches and looking at it like it’s the next greatest love of his life
Takes names very seriously. “My child is a gift unto this world. People will know their name, so it has to be a good one!”
Gets really wrapped up in decor and aesthetic. He’d be a one-man force for all of it if you didn’t tell him to stop and breathe! Asmodeus just has lots of ideas, okay?
Has a really hard time understanding the value of baby-proofing until Satan smushes a few of his lipsticks in his hand and knocks around some finishing powder (”Now imagine that. All the time. With anything you love.”). 
Hires someone to baby-proof the room because that’s just not his thing. He’ll handle securing the valuables, okay?
Constantly reading about beauty rituals and things to do for his pregnant wife. She’s doing something really hard and deserves to be pampered!
You’ll constantly be pampered or trying ‘this and that’ because he read it was good for the baby. Good for beauty, good for health, etc.
Has a pretty decent diet, himself, and keeps you on yours.
You definitely have pregnancy sex a few times. Anything he can do to help you out, you know?
Asmodeus ADORES watching you grow round with his child and LIVES for helping you take care of yourself. He’ll let you lounge in his fantastic tub and has no issues sitting on the floor and doing your toes
Picks out all your outfits. Wants you to look your best! Don’t worry, you’ll be comfy!
When he finds out you’re having a girl he cries. A lot.
SO MANY BABY UPDATE BROADCASTS ON DEVILGRAM! There is an official ‘baby watch’. It’s trending more than you thought it would.
Takes TONS of videos.
His baby is easily the most fashionable child in all of Devildom.
Takes really candid, private photos that have a lot of sentimental value. A lot of your pregnancy photos are you looking comfy in bed or sitting at a vanity in breezy clothes as he does your makeup.
The type of dad to sit down in the middle of the store to play with toys (are they good enough for his kid? Like, really?). Must feel everything before he buys it. If he doesn’t like how it feels, he won’t buy it.
You end up giving birth earlier than planned and Asmo almost throws up because birth doesn’t look like he thought it would
Super nervous during your pregnancy because you’re in pain and there’s lots of noises.
Busies himself doing your makeup because that’s the only way he can handle the situation. You’re holding his tail and he SWEARS you’re going to break it off!
The bros help deliver his little angel and Asmo is SMITTEN. ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN.
Holding his baby 24/7.
Loses sleep just because he watches them sleep. Sometimes he loses sleep for real because DAMN, babies don’t sleep a lot, do they?
It’s really hard to adjust to and he’s surprised his skin isn’t god-awful.
Doesn’t regret a thing, fawning over their tiny nails and little curls, and OMG EVERYTHING! Cries a lot because they’re just perfect
His wardrobe reflects his dad status but he still looks like a DILF. You can give him the most classic dad attire and it just looks good on him.
He’s excited about your pregnancy. Boy honestly tried for it, you know? Studied positions and everything.
Beelzebub has so much love and the idea of holding a tiny someone just warms his heart
Everything kid-related is totally foreign to him except for how to act with them. He and Belphie were the youngest so he was used to being taken care of until he got old enough to climb and eat on his own.
The type of guy to need explicit, step-by-step instructions on EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have a brain for it like Satan or Lucifer, so he needs help
Seriously. Give him a checklist for baby-proofing and he’ll get it done.
Gets pretty down about not being able to cuddle and snuggle like normal, but he’ll look into safe ways to do so.
Has special snuggles with the baby. Kisses your belly and rubs it. Talks to your baby like the little demon it is (even if it doesn’t have a name yet).
Lives for the times you talk to the baby, talk yourself out of bed, or how you absently talk to your belly throughout the day.
Works out to deal with stress and nerves, but also because he wants to be a good, strong dad
The doctors give him a list of exercises you can do and he does them with you
Can’t really take the nutrition advice seriously. He eats pretty much everything and you probably will, too.
When people ask him about your pregnancy, he uses very inclusive language (”We’re expecting, etc.”)
You make mini-dates out of your late-night cravings. Beel is totally in love with it.
Beelzebub becomes your food finder. There’s been times where you look at him so cutely, so imploringly, and all you can manage is ‘spicy and crunchy’. He’ll find you something, don’t worry! He’s an expert!
Big on massages and cuddling. Likes to cup his hands over your belly and trace it.
The type of dad to gain weight with you as your pregnancy moves along. Becomes soft, strong dad.
Finds out you’re having twin boys and has the happiest crying session ever. Belphie is the first to know and all Beel can say is ‘Just like us!’ as he nearly crushes his twin to death.
Likes to dress them in cute and comfy clothes. Animal onesies? Yes!
At some point yours twins are going to look like hotdogs and hamburgers. There’s no shortage of food costumes thanks to Levi, Asmo, and Beel.
Suspicious about baby food, bugs Satan about how nutritious it is, and tries all of it just to be sure.
Some of their teething toys look like real food. Beelzebub ate one on accident.
Is a perfect gentle giant. Afraid of hurting them, for they are tiny and precious, but gets over that pretty quickly.
Always wants to cuddle and hold them. You have to make him leave them alone to sleep. Gets kind of sad when they’re napping because he can’t make faces at them or hear them laugh. Right back to his usual self when they wake up, though.
You best believe they learn their alphabet by studying food. Beelzebub will stand in the kitchen and dig through the pantry until he finds things that match the letters of the alphabet 
He’s kind of surprised you ended up pregnant because the sex is usually lazy and casual. Yes, he has the moments where it’s pretty hardcore, but...wow. For some reason, he just didn’t see you getting pregnant.
Secretly hopes you have more than one kid. Something in him would just be happy if there’s more than one kid. You think it comes from the time he spent alone in the attic but never say it.
Sleeps a lot more. Not out of avoidance or anything, but because naps will be rare in the future. He likes to think he’s stockpiling sleep.
Makes sure you’re comfy at all times.
Would love for you to sleep and be cozy but apparently that’s not healthy for humans, so he takes easy walks around the house and keeps you semi-active.
He’ll give you his cow pillow to use as a back pillow. It’s his way of letting the baby use it until he can share it with them.
Listens to a lot of audiotapes about parenting. Looks at books, too, but does better with audio. 
Reads a new bedtime story to your kid every night.
Sometimes you guys sleep in the star room so he can talk to them about constellations. They can’t see anything, of course, but he still goes into detail.
Isn’t much of a picture person and doesn’t see the point in taking maternity pictures. It’s actually because Belphie has a photographic memory so he remembers everything.
The bros force him into taking maternity pictures.
The type to journal everything. He writes a big-ass, super-detailed diary for the baby.
Is kind of worried about his temperament, so he’ll take some classes on how to handle stress and stuff before the babies arrive
Becomes King of Lists. There’s lists for everything. Lists help. Lists are good.
When he finds out you’re having triplets (a boy and two girls), he doesn’t know how to react. You saw him smile though. It doesn’t sink in until you’re hugging him. “I’m never sleeping again,” he realizes with absolute terror.
Beelzebub is super excited. “That’s twins plus a bonus!”
Very snobby about the nursery decor. Also very tactile like Asmodeus. If it doesn’t feel good, it’s not going in the nursery.
Wants a barn-themed nursery (to include as many cow-related things as possible)
You get the comfiest PJs.
With three kids, he lives by embroidery. He has to have a way to tell them apart, after all (the girls, at least).
Can’t hoard the babies but wants to. Hates that he doesn’t have enough arms to hold them all at the same time.
Is very interested by their tendency to hold each other and nap together. Finds it super adorable.
Makes a super-sized crib he can climb in and sleep with them. It’s basically a Belphie-sized bed with little attachments his kids sleep in. Separates them all just enough so he doesn’t worry about hurting them, but there’s still contact
Thanks whatever god exists that they mostly stay on a schedule together. Makes it stressful for changing diapers, but very fun to feed them.
Almost dies laughing when Lucifer holds them for the first time because one vomited on him, the other sneezed in his face, and one pooped so much it got on his pants leg.
Lulls them to sleep with his happy purr, and gets woken up from a dead sleep by pure love when they make the sound back. Suddenly there’s three chirpy purrs rolling against him and he’s in love.
Proud they love their mama so much (to the point of being TOTAL mama’s kids), but also kind of relieved he can breathe.
The three trade off occasionally when they realize he’s free real estate and come to him for snuggles. They all love him so he doesn’t mind.
This house supports cuddle piles! Belphie got them hooked on group naps for a young age and they sleep together now. 
Hope you liked it :)
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sa7abnews · 1 month
I went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris rally. It's given me a platform to inform people about issues I'm passionate about, like Social Security.
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/11/i-went-viral-for-dancing-at-a-kamala-harris-rally-its-given-me-a-platform-to-inform-people-about-issues-im-passionate-about-like-social-security/
I went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris rally. It's given me a platform to inform people about issues I'm passionate about, like Social Security.
Parker Short (right) went viral for dancing at a Kamala Harris (left) rally.Courtesy of Parker Short; Julia Beverly/Getty Images; Alyssa Powell/BIParker Short went viral for dancing to a song at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris.Short is passionate about politics since he's benefited from policies like Social Security.He wants to use his virality to spotlight the changes he'd like to see in his home state of Georgia.This as-told-to essay is based on an interview with Parker Short, an incoming graduate student at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University and president of the Young Democrats of Georgia, a youth organization that's part of the Democratic Party of Georgia and the Young Democrats of America. Short, who is 22 and lives in Dunwoody, Georgia — a northern suburb of Atlanta — went viral on July 30 when he was filmed dancing to a Kendrick Lamar song at a rally for Vice President Kamala Harris. The following has been edited for length and clarity.When "Not Like Us" came on, one of my best friends, Royce — he's right next to me in the viral video — looked at me because he knew how much I loved this song and how well I knew every word.I just started to do what I would have done in the car alone. I sang every word, and I got real excited. I had so much energy that day.We all went out to a bar after, and my friends said, "Parker, you're all over the internet." I went home and slept, and when I woke up, I had 10,000 more Instagram followers.I've been organizing for the Young Democrats of Georgia since I was 15. And when I went viral, I said, "Okay, I need to do the most with this. I need to tell people to vote and keep doing the work that I've been doing for years."Your vote is the most powerful non-violent tool you have, as the late Rep. John Lewis said.Parker Short, left, with the late Rep. John Lewis, at a Jon Ossoff rally in 2017.Courtesy of Parker ShortWe live with that responsibility of being in Georgia, the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement, the birthplace of Jimmy Carter — and we need to continue to live those values.I got involved in politics at 15 years old. Right after Trump got elected, I went to the Women's March with my mom. Growing up with a single mom, it really matters how you're raised, and my mama raised me right.'I will always invest in America'I lost my dad when I was a little kid. I was four years old, and he died of lung cancer. The doctors told him he had three months to live — he lived for 18 months.It was really tough on my family. I didn't really get to know my dad too well because I was just a little kid. My dad was an artist. He was the art director for "Remember the Titans," and a set consultant for "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" which is my favorite movie of all time.When my family lost him, it was me, my mom, and my little brother. I had to grow up, and I had to get tough real quick. Paying bills is tough. I understood the stress that my mom was under.Social Security is what made a huge impact on my life. There's something called survivor Social Security, and when you lose a parent, you're able to receive that benefit. That kept my family afloat.Social Security allowed me to have a roof over my head, allowed me to go to school, allowed me to invest in myself, and give back to my community. I view this as America investing in me, and I will always invest in America.When Jon Ossoff ran for Congress in my congressional district in 2017, I was 15 years old. And that was my first job as an intern.Parker Short, second from right, with Sen. Jon Ossoff during his failed 2017 bid for Congress.Courtesy of Parker ShortSince then, I've been working in politics and public policy. I've worked for the state, local, and federal government, and a variety of different elected officials, nonprofit organizations, and lobbying organizations.I'm lucky to be a Pell Grant recipient and graduate from the University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy, debt-free. I've felt and seen the benefits of positive, progressive public policy.'We are stronger when we help each other'After I went viral, my congressman, Rep. Hank Johnson, came to my town. My state senator also came over to my house and affirmed her support for the Young Democrats of Georgia. It's been great to talk about these issues and the work I've been doing for years and to have a larger platform.Looking to the future, I'm going to spend my life in Georgia policy-making, trying to fix this state. The truth is, there's so much work to be done.I don't have any immediate plans to run for office. Honestly, I just want to be an asset to progress in Georgia, and I know my impact could be more profound if I continue to educate myself.Growing up in red Dunwoody, Georgia, people would be like, 'Oh, you're the Democrat kid, aren't you?'And I would tell them why, and tell them my story and how Social Security impacted me, and what Medicaid was, what Medicare was, and why we needed to elect Democrats.I think we have a country that, in many ways, has forgotten the working class. I think work is so valuable. There's so much dignity in going to work, whatever your job is, because it's hard, and everyone who works deserves the ability to make a living.Sometimes things don't always go right. Sometimes, your dad dies when you're a four-year-old kid, and your mom is left with two toddlers that she's got to deal with. And that's when those social safety net programs, like Social Security, that neighborliness of our country, that joy, that communal care, comes in because we should help each other. We are stronger when we help each other, not when we tear each other down.Let me level with you because I like to say the quiet part out loud. I'm not a bullshitter. Everybody who knows me knows one thing about me: I am blunt, I try to be real, and I don't have time to mess around.We have work to do. And I have a platform, so I'm going to use it. I'm not going to be quiet.
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slutdery · 4 years
Never take a break, u’r always working overtime.
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make a wish series.
A series (for each member of the unit) about their lines in make a wish (english version).
pairing | xiaojun x fem!reader
genre | smut, fluff
words | 2.5k
warning | overstimulation, vibrator (using on f), degradation, softdom!xiaojun, mature content.
author’s note | my native language isn’t english, so if there’s something wrong with anything i wrote tell me and i’ll edit.
It was one of those chilly mornings. People running desperately through the sidewalk and lots of cars on the streets, typical mornings in Seoul. You on the other side was just walking with a cup of coffee on your hand, your phone ringing nonstop as you kept strolling, you knew it was Xiaojun, but you were too focused on looking at the boy who was walking in front of you. He was tall and very thin, his hair had an pretty blue color that was almost fading and his roots were already growing. Xiaojun didn’t stop even for a second, he wanted to talk to you so much. You sighed and finally accepted his calls.
“You’re such a burden, you know that?”
“Uhm, yeah. A burden of hotness.” He laughed while finishing his sentence which made you roll your eyes at his stupidity. “You’re so stressed these last weeks, needing to relax a bit.” He chuckled, making you let a sight out.
“I have to work, bye.” You ended the call not waiting for a response, receiving tones of messages from him minutes after, it was actually pissing you off. You sighed again as you lost the cute boy that was in front of you. Xiaojun was your best friend since high school, you two always bullied each other in a friendly way, but it the last months he has changed so much. Every time you see him he starts talking about personal things ‘Sex.’ you thought. And it was so odd, cause you’ve never talked about this with him. It isn’t a strange subject to talk about, it’s such a normal thing, but with him? Made you so shy. Thank god you wasn’t seeing him often, your work and college was taking all of your time. Of course you missed him, but you had to pay for your bills and you weren’t spoiled as Xiaojun to have what you wanted from your parents. Sometimes you just wished you were him. Finally getting out of your thoughts, you returned to walking, almost late for your shift. As you kept ambling, a sudden droplets ran down your face, seconds lates followed by many of them. ‘Shit, i didn’t bring an umbrella.’ Running to the closest covered place, you got your phone out of your pocket. Already calling the emergency number, it wasn’t such a surprise that it were Xiaojun’s number. Quickly calling him and waiting for a response, since he was the only friend you had and plus he had a car. He didn’t made you wait much, answering the call right away.
“What’s up? Felt sorry for treating me rudely?” He made a cry voice as he talked.
“Yeah, sure. I need you... Like now. Can you pick me up? I’m scared to take an Uber alone and i don’t have money. Pleaseee.”
“Now you need me, huh?” He giggled, after a few seconds you heard the keys and sighed in relief, knowing that he’ll actually pick you up.
“Where are you?” You heard a door banging and quickly sent him a location to where you were through Imessage. He ended the call without saying a thing, just like you did before ‘Such a vengeful bitch.’ You laughed while leaning against the wall behind you. Looking around you recognized where you were, surprisingly it was next to Xiaojun’s house, so it wouldn’t take long for him to arrive. The rain just intensified with the time, making you got a little bit scared of the thunders, it seemed like was falling so close to you. Minutes passed and he didn’t appeared yet, you started to worrie since it wasn’t so far away, but you managed to calm down as you saw the traffic, it had so many cars, so you thought that may be the reason why he’s taking so long. When Xiaojun popped in your head, you suddenly felt butterfly in your stomach, hands sweating even with the coldness and your whole body nervously waiting to just see him. You didn’t understood why you were so nervous about, you couldn’t deny that he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen in your entire life, but liking him? That’s a no, no! He’s your best friend, there’s no way you’re in love with him. Your thoughts were vanished away by a horn, as you looked at where the sound came you spotted a smiling Xiaojun inside of his car. You quickly walked to his car and entered in it as soon as possible, getting a little wet on the way there.
The ride was quiet, he didn’t said a word and neither did you, but he kept jamming his fingers on the wheel with a song that you couldn’t recognize. As soon as you entered in his house he started screaming the song that he was jamming before, you laughed looking at him doing an highnote on his way to the kitchen.
“I have to call my boss, could you shut up?” You threw yourself on the couch and started looking for your bosses number on your list, finding it not much time later, you brought the phone next to your ear after calling him. Xiaojun came back with two mugs. “Hot chocolate?” you whispered, receiving a nod and a lovely smile of his, returning the smile as you got one of the mug. Your boss didn’t answered your calls so instead you sent him a message explaining why you couldn’t go today and hopefully he would understand your side and wouldn’t fier you.
“I missed you.” Xiaojun threw himself next to the spot you were, quickly wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, resting his head on your chest, which made your eyes wide at the closeness. His mouth was so close to your nipples that you thought he would suck it through the fabric, sighing in relief as you noticed he just laid there. “Yeah?” You moved your hand to reach his hair, caressing it with your fingers while drinking the hot chocolate with the free hand.
“Yes. You’re always busy with work and when i call you to go out and relax a bit you start being rude.” He moved his head so he could face you, making a sad puppy face while looking at your eyes. You could swear it seemed like he were going to cry, but he quickly looked away. “I don’t have parents like yours, i actually have to work so i can live. You know that right?” He nodded, biting his lower lips as his eyes got down to your chest, making you surprised by the strange action. His eyes studying your breast turned you on more than you thought and now you may be slightly wet on the thought of him sucking it.
“What are you looking at?” You moved your hands to reach his chin, tilting it so he could look at your face. As his eyes met yours, you raised an eyebrow, still surprised by the lip biting.
“I think you need to relax. You’re too stressed, what do you think?” His straight line mouth turned into a sexy smirk, making your thoughts go wild.
“What do you mean?” His face got closer, lips almost touching and his eyes were already closed. It took you a few seconds to understand the situation, just when you felt his lips touching yours you pulled away with a disgusted look on your face. “What the fuck you think you’re doing?”
“Fuck. Sorry y/n, i thought you wanted too. Please just forget about this.”  He got back to the place he was before, laying his head on the couch while facepalming. You could see he was frustrated and that made you a bit sad, you wouldn’t have turned him down if he asked, he just caught you off guard. “Don’t need to be sorry Dejun, you just caught me off guard.” You smiled trying to comfort him, receiving a giant smile back, seemed like he gained a free pass to do it again, and he didn’t hesitated. It happened so quickly that you got lost, his hands found your neck pulling you closer to his face, meeting your lips not much time later. The kiss was full of lust, hungrier than all the ones you’ve had before, so warm that made you want to spend the rest of your life kissing him. Your hands moved to his waist trying to pull him closer, you needed him just for you. It was indeed the kiss you felt more safe, his body felt like home as you hugged him, such a comfortable position to stay. You tightened your arms around his waist to the point he groaned from the slight of pain, pulling away from the kiss while smiling. “Slow down there.” He laughed being followed by you.
“I have to tell you something.” His gaze pierced in your eyes with a thoughtful expression, you changed yours to an worried one as you noticed the seriousness in his tone.
“What? What happened?” He straightened himself, ready to say something but closed his mouth again. After a few seconds he finally said. “Uhm... I love you.” You saw his ears turning into a red tone and couldn’t hold your laugh back, he was the cutest person alive and you always thought that. “Awww, i love you too cutie pie.” His eyes widened and a contagious smile appeared on his lips, such a pleasant thing to see, this will be always on your mind.
He got up from the couch, grabbing your hand to help you get up as well, putting the mug on the tiny desk after getting up. He guided you to his bedroom, with his hand still wrapped on yours. When you two entered on the room he lead the way to his bed, pushing you there as you got closer, making you fall on the soft sheets and lots of pillows.
“You trust me, right?” He walked until it reached his wardrobe, opening one of the drawers and grabbing something that you couldn’t see yet, after a few seconds he moved to face you. Your face turned into a shocked one as you saw the vibrator on one of his hands and a rope on the other. “Yes... i actually do.” Your smile gave him confidence to do what he wanted from the start. He made his way to the bed, spreading your legs in a butterfly position and sitting in the middle of them. He passed his hands through your body until it reached your arms, putting the two of them together and tying it up with the rope. He didn’t make a tight knot, cause he was afraid it could hurt you and surely he didn’t wanted the experience to be uncomfortable. His hands moved to the hemline of your skirt, pulling them down without thinking twice, your underwear was gone within seconds too. He licked his lips as he saw your pussy soaking wet, he wanted to fuck you like this so bad, but he wanted you to beg for that.
“You’re so wet babe, you always wanted this, right whore? Now if you feel like it’s too much say ‘Bunny’” You nodded at him, making him finally get the vibrator on his hand. He got it closer to your cunt, making you flinch as you felt the coldness of the object, a few seconds after he placed it on your clit. You were already preparing yourself for the sensation it would send your whole body when starts the vibration. A deep breath left you as he turned it on, it started with the lowest level, it was amazing but you still needed more.
“You want more, what a naughty bitch.” He smiled and moved his hand back to the vibrator, clicking on the ‘+’ button lots of time, getting in the highest level, making your whole body feels the wave of pleasure that the vibrations were sending.
“That’s better, right slut?” Your moans were so loud that you barely heard what he said, the pleasant feeling taking control of your body, it was placed directly against your clit which made you almost cry from the heavenly stimulation. Your fingers curled and your legs started trembling, it was amazing the way the vibrator sent you so much pleasure, your belly warmed in anticipation you were already going to reach your orgasm.
“Daddy, i’m gonna cum.” He looked surprised at you, but you didn’t pay much attention to what you said, closing your eyes as you felt the orgasm hitting you. Loud moans leaving your mouth and the sensation of the vibrator still on your clit, making tears form in your eyes. “Daddy, huh?” You opened your eyes and tears were all over it, the overstimulation was too much, you wanted it to stop but didn’t at the same time.
“Stop, stop, stop. MAKE IT STOP, XIAOJUN. PLEASE, please... too much” You mew at him while tryng to close your legs attempting to make it just stop, he pinned your thighs with his feet and moved the vibrator up and down so it would send you even more pleasure.
“I want to see you crying as you cum again, do it for Daddy.” He didn’t have to say much, your orgasm was already being built in your stomach, crying moans being followed by you screaming his name. Your orgasm happened again, tears running down your cheeks and your sensitive clit still feeling the vibrations. You knew he wouldn’t stop unless you said the ‘Safe word’ you wanted to last more on this but it was too much for you to handle, all the vibrations sending more pleasure to your body while your legs wouldn’t stop trembling.
“BUNNY. STOP, PLEASE. T-TOO MUCH.” He quickly moved his fingers to turn it off, looking at you with an worried face while removing the vibrator. You sighed in relief hoping that the discomfort finally ended.
“I didn’t finished yet.” Xiaojun passed his index finger on your cunt, making you flinch from the touch. He leaned his head so it could reach your pussy, your hands were still tied so you couldn’t stop him from doing what he was trying to do. As you felt his tongue kitty licking your sensitive clit you couldn’t hold your moans back, it was still too much for you to handle. After two orgasms you didn’t know if you could handle a third one for now, but that wouldn’t stop Xiaojun from doing what he wanted, unless you tell him to stop. He kept eating you like it was his last meal, kissing your clit and teasing your hole with his tongue, but most of the time he focused on your clit so he could make you cum again.
The moment he sucked your clit you felt a giant wave of pleasure, your body reacted without anticipating for it, you came without even knowing you would’ve, your eyes closed and stars appearing on your head. It was fascinating, such a pleasant feeling, all of your body relaxed as the liquid kept coming out. You thought you pissed on him and was ready to apologize, but after opening your eyes and looking directly at him you couldn’t belive what just happened.
“That was hot as fuck, do it again.” Both of you started laughing while he cleaned his face from the jet of your squirt, you didn’t wanted to agree but it was really hot seeing his face covered with the nectar of your pussy.
He untied the knot of the rope and threw it somewhere while making his way to lay next to you. “Sorry babe... for not stopping.” He wrapped his arms on your waist, tightly hugging you while leaving lots of pecks on your cheeks.
“Baby?” You moved your head so you could see his face, he smiled at you and left a peck on your mouth before answering. “What?” His expression was full of confusion as you started to laugh your lungs off, he had an ‘?’ on his face while you couldn’t stop laughing.
“You came in your pants, idiot.” His cheeks got a pink tone and an awkward smile set on his lips, following your laugh while facepalming.
“Yeah. You were hot as fuck, you would came if you saw your face too.” He buried his face on your neck, still laughing, you had goosebumps as you felt the tip of his nose touching your supple skin. You closed your eyes from the tiredness, after two orgasm you were already exhausted and not counting you woke up early to ‘Work’ so it didn’t took you long to sleep. And after all of this you could finally say that you were, indeed, in love with Xiao Dejun.
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