#do you like it when I make renewable energy sexy.......
whoregaylorenzo · 2 years
tumblr is calling me out on all my crushes lately....
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😽 @andreagrimes
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shallowstories · 6 months
Looking for a proofreader for this next long one!
Not active yet, but here's what it looks like so far. The synopses and stuff need work, and I plan on reading two writing books before really gritting down and hyperfocusing, so I'll probably be doing this late spring and early summer!
EDIT: AJ might proof for me hallelujah and oh lord I cannot fuck this up ////
For your crimes against the most high
Multi POV: Drafted 6/13 chapters
"For you have made your worthless knowledge known to human consorts, and through this comes much evil on the earth: for you have taught them war mongering, domination, and murder."
Synopsis: When Sam and Dean offer themselves up to save the world, Chuck plays it cool, vetoing the idea of a Winchester Bowl. But when Dean mentions Castiel, Chuck flies into a rage, insisting that Cas was nothing more than a divine catfishing scheme.
Sam strikes back, charging that Chuck’s full of shit, and that his focus on familial sacrifice is the source of his God-powers. Chuck's answer? A forty-day flood.
Timeline: Supernatural post-15x18, mid 15x19 fic
Focus: Canon-typical misuse of world religions, Fantastical retelling of The Book of Enoch, References to child sacrifice, The root of Castiel's miraculous resurrections, Polytheism, Angels as lesser deities, Wherein praying to angels is a sin, Hunters are conceived as sacred executioners, Accidental angelolatry, Michael moves like the war lord he is, Lucifer and Nephilim back story, The Great Flood and its Consequences, The Princes of Hell and the Shedim, Azazel tries to use Jack to open the portal to the Shedim, Primordial eve, jealous gods, Chuck tries to convince you that angels are all just Him in Disguise and the Winchesters are his puppetted holy honey traps
Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean & Sam, Sam & Dean & Cas & Jack, Michael, Michael/Adam if you squint, Lucifer, Chuck Shurley, Azazel and the Special Children, Historical Nephilim
Content warning: Major character death (Castiel), gratuitous references to Deliverance, and mishmashing of world religions without much care to accuracy. Eventual happy ending.
Updates are somewhat irregular but am persistently writing this one, I promise!
Proofread by (TBD).
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Ch 01: If he even existed (~4000 words, ~16 minutes) - Sam POV Ramping up his existential torture, Chuck insists that Cas was nothing more than sexy self-insert. During the face-off, Sam wonders if Chuck’s focus on familial sacrifice is more than an obsession but where he gets his power.
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Ch 02: At sea (~6000 words, ~24 minutes) - Sam POV Team Free Will 3.0 flees to higher ground, and the weight of grief hangs heavy. Michael is bothered by Chuck's sudden disinterest in the idea of the Winchesters killing one another.
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Ch 03: Wish you were h- (~6000 words, ~24 minutes) - Dean POV Things will never be like they were with Jack, but for a moment, Dean gets to pretend. (Jack shares photos from one of his and Castiel's ghost cases, where they apparently got up-close-and-personal with wingsuit base jumping.)
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Ch 04: Make war to me (~7000 words, ~28 minutes) - Dean POV Processing Chuck's taunts, Dean has a vivid dream of Cas. He emerges with a renewed faith in the future.
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Ch 05: You have fixed nothing (~6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Jack POV Morale tanks. Jack's mood takes a turn for the worse. Michael returns bearing gifts.
The rest are still more heavily in work, and might change, but here's what it's lookin' like so you can see if it's something you might wanna proofread:
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(GRAPHIC STILL IN WORK, the bloody spearing of two fish) Ch 06: Someone special (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Michael tries his best to stabilize Jack's energy issues. On a supply run, Dean and Jack run afoul of the special children, and Azazel reveals he's been waiting for this to happen all along.
Tentative list of updates:
Ch 07: Psychic boy blues - Sam POV - TBD - When the door breaks down, the last person Sam expects to see is Jake Talley.
Ch 08: Careful, bridge may ice - Dean POV - TBD - And the worst part of it all is that Lucifer told Michael this would happen. Long ago.
Ch 09: The wilderness we call home - Sam POV - TBD
Ch 10: Bring on the Nephilim - Jack POV - TBD
Ch 11: Declarations of war - Dean or Cas POV? - TBD
Ch 12: Against my better judgment - Cas or Sam or Jack POV? - TBD
Ch 13: It ain't much (working title) - Dean POV - TBD
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britesparc · 6 months
Weekend Top Ten #630
Top Ten Chocolates
Well, there’s chocolate. And, there’s chocolate. But! Only Wonka makes your confidence sky-rock-a-let. So put your hand into your pock-a-let, grab yourself some Wonka chocolate!
The problem being, of course, that Wonka Chocolate doesn’t actually exist. Well, okay, there’s something called Wonka Chocolate, but let’s face it, it doesn’t make you fart hummingbirds or whatever. Sadly, proper Wonka Chocolate remains the province of tall tales and masterful musicals that shockingly didn’t even get nominated for a single Oscar, despite having several of the best songs of the year.
Yes, even better than I’m Just Ken.
Where was I?
Oh yes, Easter. A celebration of renewal, of springtime, and of course the inspiration for the classic film The Life of Brian. So in a moment of spiritual solemnity I’m going to focus on the true meaning of the season by writing a list about chocolate.
This is no hifalutin list of blends and flavours; oh no sir. I did consider that, but then I thought that sounded both like a lot of hard work and also a bit pretentious. No, this is just chocolate products that taste really nice. Not cakes or anything though; basically bars. Chocolate bars. And stuff.
And that’s all there is to it. Now let’s all eat like we’re in the Ironic Punishment Division.
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Dark Chocolate Orange: I like dark chocolate, I like orange-flavoured chocolate. There’s also something about the size and heft of the Chocolate Orange slices (segments?) that gives them a bit of gravitas; they’re small enough to have a few, if you feel like it, but also substantial enough to feel like a decent bit of chocolate on their own. Essentially, they tick all the boxes.
Dairy Milk: it’s classic, right? Now, generally speaking, I do prefer dark chocolate; I love those sexy Lindt bars and even a Bourneville. Those aren’t on this list though, but take it as read: they’re great. However, you really have to hand it to the simplicity and verisimilitude of Dairy Milk; it goes with everything. Snapping off a square from a big bar is one thing; but Easter eggs. Is there anything nicer than the shape and consistency of Dairy Milk Easter egg chocolate? I don’t care what comes with the egg, just give me several enormous Cadbury’s ones.
Starbar: going onto actual chocolate bars now, and I do like a bit of something in it. Starbars are great because they are soft but substantial; chewy, crunchy, and really jut have a lot going on. They feel light enough that you don’t get post-choc guilt attacks, but they also have their own bit of weight and substance regardless.
Cadbury’s Caramel: don’t give me any of that “Dairy Milk with Caramel” nonsense. This is its own beast. Dairy Milk chocolate, yes, but with really nice caramel within. Simply the best choc-and-caramel combo; sorry, Galaxy. And does anyone else miss the curiously sexy bunny?
Maltesers: I think I’ve become more and more drawn to the simple elegance of a Malteser as I’ve gotten older. The chocolate may not be Cadbury’s, but it’s sweet and light, and the soft, sugary sensation of dissolving one in your mouth borders on the sublime. I could probably eat a boxful if I allowed myself.
Peanut M&Ms: the connoisseur’s cinema snack of choice. There was a time when my wife and I could not be caught dead without a pack, either at the flicks or just in the car. However, they’re kinda expensive and very sweet and also the kids might have choked on them. But maybe they should make a comeback.
Crunchie: a thick, sturdy block of delightfully sweet honeycomb wrapped in a thin layer of chocolate. One of the most enjoyable chocs to eat due to its combination of subtlety and lightness and also it’s chonky boi energy. Can be soft, can be sharp, always tasty.
Boost: lower down the list than perhaps it really deserves. I really love a Boost, but they are superficially similar to the rather lighter and slightly more flavoursome Starbar. Their comparable heftiness can be what you’re after, and they are tasty. Plus – let’s not forget – they’re slightly rippled with a flat underside.
Reece’s Pieces: I struggled with how to rank these, because the actual Reece’s Pieces – the M&M-style things that Elliot feeds E.T. – aren’t that exciting and have that fake US chocolatey taste. But the other stuff they do – the bars and peanut butter cups and all that jazz – are amazing, probably the best synthesis of peanut butter and chocolate. So taken all together they rock. Despite being American.
Mint Aero: just pipping a Toffee Crisp at the post, because I couldn’t not have mint chocolate. I love mint chocolate, but it is something to be savoured, not an everyday delight. Whilst there are nicer chocolates and better incorporations of a minty flavour, there’s something about the softness and airiness of an Aero that makes it compelling.
Just bubbling under: Viscounts, Rolos, Munchies, and Kit Kats. And, of course, the aforementioned Toffee Crisp. Who’s hungry?
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alyjojo · 1 year
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June 🦜 2023 Monthly - Taurus
Whole of your energy: The World
Your meditation was fog, very heavy, gray, and “Lavender Haze” was playing in the background, which I’ve heard maybe twice so even that was a foggy hum because I don’t know the words. I assume that’s why. It sounded like l listening to it underwater, everything about this meditation was not clear. This seems to be a relationship you’ve ended. You show up as Queen of Wands, someone fiery, passionate, socially charming, attractive. You staying to yourself feels like 10 Swords to your person, you may have ended this connection painfully, or they’ve hurt you badly before, and now they’re coming back in for another chance that you’re not so quick to give them. 4 Pentacles is very closed off, guarded, holding tightly to your position on things, not willing to budge. They come up as your counterpart, King of Wands, also someone very passionate, confident, charismatic and attractive. You both could have fire in your chart, or just embody this energy together.
What’s going on in June:
4 Swords:
There is very little communication with this person, or it’s possibly one sided. They talk to you, but you don’t give them any inkling there may be a renewal, which is what they’re aiming for. You’re aware, and you’re nice enough or as much as you have to be, but mostly you’re in Hermit mode and tucked away from this person altogether. Healing. Searching yourself for answers. 10 Swords is very painful energy, and because you’re needing to heal, I assume this was something they’ve done to you to end it in the first place. Judgement comes next, but you’re not even talking about that, you’re just focused on healing.
This person is in 7 Pentacles, biding their time, waiting for you to heal and “get over it”. The ego is strong with them, they seem pretty clueless tbh, and both of you showing up as fire 🔥 here shows that neither of you take “no” for an answer. But that’s only a problem when it’s you rejecting them. They assume it’s all going to blow over, and you’ll have Ace of Cups again.
Ace of Cups:
This is a new beginning, a renewal and fresh start after something clearly very painful, that you’re working on healing but aren’t quite there. You’re still super resistant to this person, and I don’t think they get it. Either you’re defending your position on the commitment between you having ended, or they’re defending themselves against you because it’s ended. They want a new start, period. So do it already. In their mind. Yeesh…probably gonna have to side with you here, not really knowing ish about squat, but bc their energy is just cringe period 😬
10 Wands:
You’re heavily burdened. By this person. By what’s happened. By the position you’ve been put into and the hurt you still feel, along with any pressure they’ve put on you. Clearly a lot of pressure with 10 Wands, that’s the MAX amount of pressure one can be under. This is clarified by dreamy romanticism and possible love bombing in order to get you back. If so it’s massive amounts, they’re pulling out ALL the stops to get their way with you. They want this period to end so it can be done with and everything is peaches 🍑 But that’s not reality, Knight of Cups rev is looking through rose colored glasses, this person probably takes zero accountability for anything and literally runs on pure ego and passion. That’s it. Zero depth.
King of Wands:
Passionate, sexy, charming, yada yada. They’re aware. Your resistance to their charms is a heavy burden on them. Their pressure and illusory bs is a heavy burden on you. There’s no communication here, except defensiveness, complete silence, and Page energy. Nothing with any substance is going on with this person, and they’re not offering that to you. 9 Cups rev shows this person is not making you happy, this is not what you want, and they’re not going to get their way, which is Temperance - reconciliation. Because of this they may feel like you’ve put them in 10 Swords. Not the other way around. While you’re over here in Hermit mode, searching yourself for answers, they’re over there throwing a fit because they aren’t getting what they want from you. Nothing is ever their fault is it?
Side note: because of the song, which has just confused me up to this point, and 3 Cups, and Knight of Cups rev…it’s possible someone has a drinking/substance problem. Where your oracles show to withhold judgement, this is showing King of Wands possibly having quit whatever this was. The World, it’s done. In that case, signs are pointing to reconciliation. But also a lot of patience & time. No rush. Taurus doesn’t rush anything ever, and holds grudges for life, so best of luck to them, even if you do reconcile 🫡
Signs you may be dealing with:
Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo & Sagittarius
Oracles: ✨
12 Preparation
Luck comes most often to the person and the place where preparation, opportunity, and skill meet.
38 Limits
Know that limiting attitudes are often formed as protective reactions to past events. That’s definitely talking about your 4 Pentacles closed off energy.
18 It’s All Good 😌
Every experience you have in your lifetime has the potential to be a teaching tool. By remembering and embracing this idea, the situations you encounter become less fraught with unneeded emotion and drama. By not attaching labels or expectations for people and situations, you allow the pure divine energy to flow unimpeded. While you have little control over what happens to you at times, you always have control over how you react. Do you react on an impulse? Strike out at others when you feel hurt? Do you crawl into your safe place when the world seems mean and hurtful? Face this challenge in your life head on. Be thankful for the opportunity to experience whatever it is that is happening. Set yourself a goal of learning from every situation in your life. Find that silver lining. It’s there.
We enter into June as:
Sage 🧙🏼‍♂️
“Wisdom...is knowing the difference between risk, and stupidity.”
It is time to listen to what others are telling you. Is there some wise counsel that you have sought, only to ignore it? Are you trying to do things all by yourself? A solution to your problems may come from those more experienced than yourself. Trust that whomever you think to ask will be the right person. Sage can also indicate a time of surrendering what you have no control over. Wisdom only comes from experience, and we all have challenges because we need the lessons they provide. Remember to stay in today, no jumping ahead. This is an opportunity to start over and clean out the old, it’s the perfect time to do it. Rejoice! You are walking a path of Great Spirits 🍃
What is to be learned in June:
Ivory Tower 👨‍🎨 :
“They won’t use me.”
Ivory Tower reflects the way we function in a world with values that are different from our own. While we might not fit into the world as it is, we are aware of it and accept the differences, for those differences also benefit us on some level. If you are considering moving away from “the norm” you will not be unhappy. Like the artist that chooses to express himself with paint, you too must express yourself, even if it means “they” won’t use you. Rejection is Spirit’s way of protecting us. Whether or not you are accepted, you must do it anyway. This card can also represent a teacher or mentor being sent to you by Spirit, they may not be who you would’ve thought, or even picked, but they will teach you a lot. Hold your judgement.
Ivory may be a lucky color 🤍
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mantokusworld-blog · 1 year
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  Are you looking for information about Vancouver Washington solar prices? Is it important for you to get the right details about Vancouver Washington solar deals?
Do you want to get info about Vancouver Washington solar quotes? If you are looking to find the best Vancouver Washington Solar panels - you are off to a good start...
          Oh hey there, folks! It's your pal Brendan, here to talk about everyone's favorite topic: solar panels! That's right, we're gonna chat about how you and solar can have a beautiful relationship right here in Vancouver, Washington. And who should you choose to help make this relationship happen? Why, none other than the fine folks at Wirenutz Solar, of course! But enough about them, let's talk about why you should make the switch to solar.
Let's face it, solar panels may not be the sexiest thing in the world, but they sure are one of the smartest. If you're living in Vancouver, Washington, you know that electricity bills can add up quickly. And let's not forget the environmental impact of using non-renewable energy sources. So, what's a smart person like you to do? Get some damn solar panels installed, that's what. Now, I know what you're thinking. "But Brendan, I don't want my house to look like a damn spaceship." Well, I've got good news for you, my friend. Solar panels have come a long way since the days of clunky, eyesore installations. Nowadays, you can get panels that are sleek, modern, and dare I say it, even sexy (not the sexiest thing in the world, though. That's me). Not that I'm trying to seduce you or anything, but you catch my drift.
Now, let's talk about that sweet, sweet cash money. I know you love it, I love it, we all love it. And guess what? Solar panels can actually save you a ton of it. That's right, by harnessing the power of the sun, you can significantly reduce your monthly electricity bills. And who doesn't love saving money? It's like finding a $20 bill on the ground, only better, because you get to keep finding that money every month!
But wait, there's more! (I know, I sound like an infomercial. Just go with it, okay?) By using solar panels, you're also doing your part to help save the planet. Yeah, I know, it sounds cheesy, but it's true. Traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas release all sorts of nasty stuff into the air, which is super bad for the environment. But solar power is clean and renewable, meaning you're not contributing to all that pollution. So, not only are you saving money, you're also being a superhero and helping save the planet. That's a double win, my friends.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Brendan, that all sounds great and all, but what about those rainy days here in Vancouver?" Well, I've got news for you, friend. Solar panels can still work their magic even when it's cloudy or raining. Sure, they might not produce quite as much energy as they do on a sunny day, but they still work. And when those sunny days do come around (and trust me, they will), you'll be raking in the savings.
So, what's the catch? Well, there really isn't one. Sure, there's an upfront cost to installing solar panels, but think of it like an investment. You'll see the return on your investment in just a few years, and after that, it's all gravy. Plus, with all the incentives and tax credits available these days, you might be surprised at how affordable solar can be. And let's not forget, you're helping the environment and saving money in the long run. That's a win-win situation if I've ever heard one.
Now, you might be thinking, "Alright, Brendan, you've convinced me. But who should I choose to install these solar panels?" And that's where Wirenutz Solar comes in. These guys are the real deal, folks. They know their stuff when it comes to solar, and they'll work with you every step of the way to make sure you're getting exactly what you need. Plus, they're just a bunch of cool dudes (and dudettes) who genuinely care about their customers. You won't find any pushy salespeople here, just a team of experts who want to help you save money and save the planet. 
So there you have it, folks. Solar panels aren't just for Captain Planet wannabes and hippies anymore. They're for anyone who wants to save some dough, help the environment, and stick it to the man. And if you're in Vancouver, Washington, Wirenutz Solar is the company to choose for your solar panel needs. They'll hook you up with some panels, install them like pros, and help you join the green energy revolution.
          Common Questions About Solar panels
How long to solar panels last?
Generally speaking, most solar panel systems come with a warranty of around 25 years. That means you can expect your solar panels to produce power for at least that long.
But here's the thing, buddy. Just because your solar panels have a warranty doesn't mean they'll last forever. The quality of the panels, the installation, and how well you maintain them all play a role in how long they'll last. Some panels may last longer than 25 years, while others may need to be replaced before their warranty is up.
Now, before you start freaking out about having to replace your solar panels in a few decades, remember that solar technology is constantly improving. Who knows what kind of amazing breakthroughs we'll see in the coming years? Maybe they'll invent solar panels that last for a century, or ones that can generate electricity even in the dead of night.
In short, buddy, the lifespan of a solar panel system is a tricky thing to nail down. But if you take good care of your panels and stay on top of maintenance, you can expect them to last for a good long while. And who knows? Maybe by the time they do wear out, we'll have flying cars powered by solar energy. Now wouldn't that be something?
What kind of tax incentives can I get?
Ah, tax incentives! That's the kind of language I can get behind, my friend. Let me tell you, there are some sweet deals out there for people who want to go solar.
First and foremost, there's the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This little number can get you up to 30% off the cost of your solar panel system. That's like finding a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, except instead of candy, you get clean energy and lower bills.
But wait, there's more! Depending on where you live, you may also be eligible for state and local tax incentives. In some places, you can get property tax exemptions or credits just for having a solar panel system installed on your home. Plus, some utility companies offer rebates or other incentives for going solar. It's like they're practically begging you to make the switch.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Joe, this all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?" Well, my friend, there really isn't one. These tax incentives are just the government's way of encouraging people to switch to renewable energy sources. It's a win-win situation: you save money, and the planet gets a little bit cleaner.
So, if you're thinking about going solar, don't let the upfront cost scare you off. With all these tax incentives available, you could end up saving a lot of money in the long run. And who knows, maybe you'll even get a little kickback from your utility company. It's like they say, the early bird gets the worm, or in this case, the early adopter gets the tax incentives.
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vecnawrites · 3 years
Jaune had expected a lot for his own, Coming of age celebration and he wasn't disappointed, not by the food, quest and certainly not his presents. His own father had gotten him not one, but two slaves, for him and him alone, with the knowledge he would be undisturbed in his new chambers. Looking them over, they had everything; Perfect Dark Skin, Flowy green Hair, sexy See-through outfits and best of all, they were a mother and daughter Pair!
The Second Chapter of “Meeting The Mothers”! This one has an OC character, Esmeralda Sustrai, Emerald’s mother. I will have an art piece on my AO3 account of her when I cross-post. Don’t want to risk it getting flagged and this pulled.
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Slavery, Pleasure Slaves, Non-Descriptive Beatings (Nothing visible, but mentioned)
Jaune Arc, only son and Scion of the Noble House of Arc, was finally reaching his Coming of Age Celebration. He had been training from a young age to eventually take over the house and lead it to an even higher amount of greatness, learning a multitude of things, ranging from Swordplay, to Tactics, to Diplomacy. All of the family allies, Clan Ren, Nomad Tribe Valkyrie, Vassal Clan Zedong, and fellow Noble Family, the Warrior Family Nikos had come.
Their children were his closest friends, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie, who he was very sure would get “together-together” and bind their clans together, bringing the raw physical talent of the Valkyries and the guile and sneakiness of the Ren family.
May Zedong, one of his oldest and closest friends, large breasted and very timid but with a magnificent win record against their enemies. Her maroon locks covered her left eye, a scar from battle with a rival clan, the Branwen Tribe. She had lost it in a battle with Vernal, Raven Branwen’s second in command, but Vernal herself had lost far more, her life blood staining the Valean forest floor.
Next to her stood Pyrrha, his other closest friend, already a champion of gladiatorial combat and the strongest out of all of them in close quarters combat. He had no bitter feelings over that, none of them did. Pyrrha was a good friend, and just as human as the rest of them...even if she could beat all of them working together against her with ease.
The food was wonderful; the chefs of his family had gone out of their way to make sure that not only his favorites were there, but the favorites of his friends as well. It may have been his day, but he wanted them to enjoy it as well.
His presents had been grand, as well. A new set of Diplomatic robes for formal situations, some customized armor, both signifying his new station as upcoming head of house. His friends had given him great gifts as well.
Lie had given him a knife like one of his own, a wicked thing that was designed to slip through plates of armor to pierce skin. A fine groove along the blade led to the bolster where two minute holes were. It turned out that the butt of the handle unscrewed and liquid could be poured in, and with the depression of a small button underneath the finger guard, would flow out and coat the edge. A poison chamber. What one would expect from a family known for their assassins as much as their diplomats, really.
From Nora, he had received what looked like a shirt and pants, but he recognized the material. It was made out of Boarbatusk Leather, a very flexible, extremely durable, material that was highly resistant to cuts. He could tell from the make it was skintight and meant to go under his normal clothes. As he looked them over, he missed the bright cheeks of both Pyrrha and May, with Nora nudging them and winking.
From May, he had received a new custom sidearm, a heavy pistol that he knew was more was designed more around power, impact, and penetration than speed. He even saw on the grip their symbols, her Crosshairs and his Crescents, making him smile as he remembered them growing up together with the others, and all the trouble that they would get into.
From Pyrrha he received something similar, yet different. An arm bracer that expanded into a Xiphos Shield, much like her own, for when he used his sheath to turn Corcea Mors into a Broadsword. Etched into them were Pyrrha’s symbol of the Shield and Spear and the Arc Crescents.
As he was marveling over his gifts, he failed to see both Pyrrha and May being teased by not only Nora, but his sisters, both of them blushing brightly under the scrutiny.
The party continued well into the night, Jaune dancing with May, Pyrrha, Nora, and even Ren when Nora and his sister had shoved the two of them together as a joke, and the pair just went with it, much to the laughs and amusement of the others.
As the party wound down, and people began to retire to the guest bedrooms, his father gestured for him to follow. Jaune stood and began to follow, missing the saddened looks from Pyrrha and May, both knowing what was coming.
May and Pyrrha stared after the boy they had fallen for, had loved for years. They knew why his father was taking him away, and weren’t going to lie, it hurt knowing what was going to happen, what he was going to likely do.
Both turned as hands touched their shoulders. Seeing their mothers behind them, both with teasing smiles, the close friends felt heat creep up the back of their necks and into their cheeks at the knowing looks.
“No long faces, dears. You know that there is no competition, even if Jaune’s parents bought him a pair of slaves. They did the same for Alizaryn and Saphron, as well.” Athena Nikos murmured, patting her daughter’s cheek. Pyrrha tried to take comfort in those words, she truly did.
May, however, spoke what they were both feeling. Scowling off to the side, she muttered, “Yeah, but you have to remember, Saphron married and has a child with her slave...well, ex-slave now.” there was no heat in her tone. Terra Cotta, or Terra Cotta-Arc now, was the beloved wife of Saphron, the second child of the Arc clan, and everyone had been doting over the small baby boy that held a mix of Arc features and of Terra herself.
May squeaked as her mother thumped her gently on the forehead. “None of that, dear daughter. Focus on the fact that you still have a chance. Both of you do. Neither of you were taught to give up, why start now?”
Both May and Pyrrha felt a burst of renewed energy. That’s right, they had years on the two new servants. They’d get their husband! Though it might take a bit of work...Jaune hadn’t noticed their feelings yet, but they also knew that it was partially their own fault as well.
Jaune walked with his father down the hallways of their home, heading towards his new bedroom, one that he had received for becoming an adult of the family, rather than a child in an adult’s body. The walk was silent, making him wonder what was happening.
Finally, his father spoke. “Jaune, as you know, there is an extra present that all members of the Arc family get upon their Coming of Age.” he said, getting a nod from the younger male. It had been tradition that all children had gotten slaves/servants upon their coming of age. His father had; Maria Calavera had been with them since his father had reached eighteen. Alizaryn, his eldest sister had her own, Elm Ederne, a powerfully built woman who was a warrior through and through.
Saphron, his other eldest sister, had her own slave as well, a lovely young woman named Terra Cotta...or Terra Cotta-Arc now. His sister had fallen for and married the woman, and even asked for him to donate so they could have a child of their own. So, he was no stranger to sex.
“You know what you were taught.” Jaune nodded, he had been trained in how they handled their slaves and servants. Kindness rather than cruelty. Compassion and understanding rather than an iron fist. It was why even if the slaves were released, they hardly ever wanted to leave the Arc Family.
“These two...they came from a bad place, son.” Jaune felt a bit of dread pool within his belly at his father’s words. “But, we knew you would treat them right.” his father’s hand rested on his shoulder. The moment was serious, before the elder Arc smirked. “And don’t worry, Maria and the others set them up on contraceptives~” he teased, bursting out into raucous laughter at his son’s sputtering.
Two green haired woman knelt on the floor, clad only in gauzy material that didn’t cover anything. Well it did, but the material was so sheer it was completely sheer, meaning nothing was truly covered. They were quiet, both fearing and wondering what was to come.
Esmeralda Sustrai, the older of the pair, glanced to see her daughter, Emerald, sitting deathly still. She understood why. Both of them had been through several masters at this point, and been returned each time. She longed to comfort her child, but didn’t know whether or not they were being watched. And even then, could she comfort her daughter?
She had known nothing but slavery her entire life, just like her. It was fortunate for both of them that in order to return them, their previous masters couldn’t cause a lot of damage to them...meaning, they had been slapped around and bruised, but nothing permanently scarring.
As it was, Emerald had been nursing an incredible black eye and split lip from their previous mistress for ‘looking haughty towards her’ when the Arcs had come, looking for servants for their son. Esmeralda had practically thrown herself forwards, regardless of the fact she could be punished later for acting out. She had grown up, all slaves had grown up, knowing of the Arc Family. It was a family any of them hoped to be purchased by.
She found that the rumors and stories that the slaves told one another weren’t just that. The mother had been quite upset that someone laid a hand on them-even healing them with her semblance!-before looking at her husband and nodding. They had been purchased only minutes later.
It had been a whirlwind of activity afterwards, the other servants of the family welcoming them, taking them to the baths to be cleaned, then having their new ownership marks applied (hers still tingled lightly against her skin) and dressed in the gauzy silks and golden jewelry they now were adorned with.
Part of Esmeralda marveled at what they wore, no matter how flimsy and barely there the material was, she had an eye for detail. These silk dancers outfits they wore were more expensive than anything they had ever worn before.
Glancing at her daughter again, she could see her face was stoic, but she was trembling. Finally giving in, she placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, making her eyes snap towards her. Esmeralda fought a wince. She could see the fear that her precious daughter was trying to hide.
“It will be okay, Emerald.” she whispered, her smoky voice easily heard in the silent room. “We won’t be hurt here.” she gently squeezed her shoulder, trying to give comfort, before pulling away as she heard the door click, bowing her head submissively towards her lap, Emerald doing the same next to her.
Jaune thought about his father’s words as he reached the door of his new bedchambers, thinking on how he was going to handle this.
“These two have had several ‘owners’ before, son.” the derisive tone of his father’s voice made Jaune squirm, even though he knew that the anger was directed at them. “Abusive louts, the lot of them! No care for human life!” His father shook his head, his slowly graying hair swaying. “Take care of them, son. They need your kindness and care.”
(Flashback End)
Jaune took a deep breath. He just needed to stay calm, keep a cool head, treat them like they were humans, even if they were his property. Grabbing the doorknob, he twisted it and stepped inside his room.
Emerald Sustrai never knew a life outside of ownership. But she did know that owners varied. A lot. She still was haunted by how their last one had treated them. Cinder Fall was not a pleasant mistress, or even a pleasant woman. Others hadn’t been too bad, but too often they were resold because their owners got ‘bored’ with them. Emerald was still surprised that she was pure, the male masters they had instead preferring her mother’s skills (even if she had been forced to watch), but knew that her luck wasn’t going to hold out.
After all, only one thing could happen when during their primping and preparation session they had been given contraceptives. Expensive, fast acting, contraceptives. The flimsy garments that hid nothing only added to her belief. After all, the thin silk didn’t hide the darkness of their nipples or the slits of their pussies from even themselves, never mind anyone else who looked at them.
But if her mother was right, and the Arcs were like how she had heard stories of, this couldn’t be too bad...even if a thrill of terror was running down her spine at the thought of being fucked for the first time. Part of it was honestly, how was she, a virgin, to please her and her mother’s new master? Her stomach roiled at the thought of them being sent away due to her inadequacy.
Now, the fact that she had managed to remain a virgin this long seemed to be a sword hanging above her neck rather than a relief.
As the door opened, she chanced a glance up, hoping that he master didn’t notice, she didn’t want to be punished on her first day here, and her mouth went dry. He was...handsome. He wasn’t a fat old man, nor some waif of a girl. Before her stood a warrior, born and bred.
Light colored hair, the color of the sun itself, covered his head, shining in the dim light of the room, mixed with blue eyes shining like precious stones, like the ones she had seen previous masters wear and flaunt. His face was handsome, no extra fat whatsoever, but not so thin as to appear gaunt.
His body...she fought to not fidget as she gazed over him. The outfit may have been simple, but her and her mother’s new master had an impressive body, one of strong, cut muscles that pressed against the thin shirt that he wore.
She immediately glanced down when he started to turn from closing the door behind her, trying desperately to calm the rapid pounding of her heart and the burning in her cheeks. She rubbed her thighs together gently, trying to ease the heat in her belly. She had never felt this before…
Jaune almost felt his mouth go dry. They were beautiful. Not in the same way as Pyrrha or May, but an exotic beauty all the same. Skin a few shades lighter than either Terra’s or Elm’s, matching the color of the chocolates that his sisters and female friends loved to snack on. Flowing mint green hair that barely fell to their chins. Eyes the color of rich rubies. Button noses, full lips.
Unbidden, his eyes fell further. Full breasts with hard dark nipples. Flat, toned bellies. Wide, flaring, birthing hips. Toned legs. And the family symbol tattooed directly over their wombs. All of this beauty, wrapped up in gauzy, see through dancers silks. He knew that Terra and Elm had a hand in this. Those two loved teasing him.
He could feel his cock growing and sliding down his inner thigh. Licking his lips, he spoke. “Hello, you two. Names?” he could be forgiven for not being the most literate, after all, Alizaryn and Saphron had both been speechless when presented with Elm and Terra.
Emerald did not swoon. Swooning was for the annoying waif girls that she and her mother had been forced to serve and attend to. She wasn’t one of those. However, she couldn’t deny that his voice did something to her. She swallowed, licking her lips. “E-Emerald Sustrai, Master.” she stumbled slightly over her own name, something that mortified her, but her new master didn’t notice the gaffe.
“Esmeralda Sustrai, Master.” she heard her mother purr next to her, making Emerald swallow. Her mother was definitely pulling out her tricks, like she had with their other male masters, likely hoping to draw attention onto herself rather than her...but Emerald realized two things. One, she likely wouldn’t get away from notice this time, even with her mother’s wiles, and two, she wasn’t sure she wanted to get away from his notice. The look that he was giving her wasn’t simply lust, it was...she couldn’t find a word for it.
Esmeralda easily slipped back into the simple mindset she had had since Emerald was born: Protect Your Daughter. It was very easy to do, no matter the gender of their master. For men, draw upon their lusts. For women, draw upon their lust, or ire, depending. Anything to protect her daughter. She could see the bulge growing in his pants, and despite her worry for what might be coming, found herself growing moist, arousal flowing through her body. It had been so long since she had been actually satisfied during sex, not since her she had been with the man who had given her her precious daughter.
But even still, she just needed to keep his attention on her, make him lust after her and her alone. Since they had been told that this was a ‘Coming of Age’ celebration, Esmeralda figured that their young master was a virgin, which meant he would be eager and have a lot of energy, but not have a lot of staying power.
...it also meant a likely lack of control once he got lost in the pleasure of a physical body. So, more reason to keep his attention on her.
But, seeing his well muscled and cared for body, Esmeralda couldn’t help but lick her lips. She couldn’t deny that he was much more appealing than any of her previous masters. Maybe...maybe this time wouldn’t be so bad…?
‘Firm hand, Jaune...firm, but gentle…’ the blond reminded himself. “What are your skills and talents? I know dancing is one of them.” he licked his lips again as the elder of the two, Esmeralda, shifted and raised her head to look at him, the daughter Emerald following suit. He didn’t miss the look of awe on Emerald’s face. It was something akin to how he saw both Terra and Saphron’s looks when they met.
“Yes, Master. Dancing was a skill taught to me when I was a girl, and I trained Emerald personally in the skill. As for other talents, I was trained extensively in the sexual arts, the skillset growing with every new master and mistress we’ve had. We have both also cared for ailing and children.” he could see a small bubble of dread fill her when she realized that dancing and sex were her two main skills, with some minor ability to care for the sick, and her own experience raising her own child being her other skills. But then, what other use was there for a pleasure slave?
He released a hum. “You said ‘I was trained extensively’, was Emerald not?” he saw her heart sank to her stomach, her skin loosing some of its color and taking on a more pallid look. He held up a hand to forestall any panic, turning to Emerald. “Emerald? Is this true?” he saw her tremble a bit, before weakly nodding her head. “Y-Yes, Master…”
He sighed softly, reaching out and gently cupping the girl’s, who couldn’t be older than him, face. Gently directing her face up, he gave her the gentlest smile he could. “It’s okay, there’s no shame in that. I’m surprised, certainly, you are quite beautiful.” he saw her smile weakly. “Thank you, Master.” she murmured, leaning into his palm.
Esmeralda watched in shock as their new master actually comforted Emerald. She had heard the Arcs were caring, but she never expected this! With any of their previous masters, weakness had been met with slaps and beatings! Not enough to scar, but enough to show them their place!
She was surprised that she hadn’t been stripped of her garments and thrown onto the expansive bed and fucked senseless already! Their last male master hadn’t even bothered doing this before attacking her body outright!
She looked up at her, their new master, as he gently pulled her daughter close like one would a lover, her precious gem curling up against him like an affectionate cat seeking attention. Normally, she would be horrified at the lack of decorum to their master, but he curled his arm around her and gently rubbed the bare skin between her dancer’s top and bottom. It was gentle, soothing, and surprisingly, non-sexual.
Emerald snuggled into her master’s chest, inhaling his scent, the spicy aroma of sandalwood as his hand roamed over her back, his fingers, strong with callused tips, rubbing against her skin, gently following the extremely thin, shallow scars a careless master had given her long ago. Ones given for ‘not showing proper respect’.
She knew she should feel more worried, but she found that she couldn’t. Her new master radiated kindness and comfort, something she was very unused to. She wanted, needed, more. Eventually, though, she heard her mother speak.
“Emerald, my dear, why don’t we give our new master a dance?” part of her wanted to whine, but she knew that she had likely pushed her luck further than she should with touching their master without his express permission. Nodding against his chest, Emerald slowly pulled back, a frown tugging at her lips as she left her master’s warm embrace.
Giving her master as soft a smile as she could manage, she moved back toward her mother. “Yes, mother, lets give our master a dance he won’t forget!” her voice was low, but not from fear, but rather, lust and desire.
Jaune swallowed as both exotic beauties stood smoothly and a set pace away from one another, no more than five steps he guessed, before they began to sway their bodies. Slowly starting, swinging their hips back and forth, the silks covering their intimates swaying, the gauzy fabric moving and giving him flashes of bare cocoa skinned lips, before being ‘covered’ again.
Breasts and hips swayed, arms moved and slowly roamed over their bodies, trailing over their torsos, cupping and squeezing and presenting their breasts to him, fingers circling their hard nipples.
The pair were obviously skilled at what they did, well practiced and a paired unit, perfectly in sync with one another. He swallowed hard as they spun slowly, the fabric that passed for a skirt fluttering, revealing the full and fat swells of their plump asses to him.
He licked his lips, his cock throbbing in his pants as he watched the pair spin again, arms behind their heads as they thrust their chests out towards him, their nipples almost pressing through the hyper thin material. Their hips rocked side to side like pendulums, both looking at him lustfully.
Jaune groaned, his dress pants almost tearing from how hard his cock was getting. Fuck, he needed relief! He knew that these two were his to do with how he wanted, but he wasn’t cruel. They may be his, but he wouldn’t force them. He was better than that.
Esmeralda knew that her master was aroused. She was sure that even Emerald knew; those slacks held his body well, and hid his manhood poorly. The swelling of flesh was making a distinct print along the inside of his leg. She felt herself getting moist between her thighs. It had been so long...and she could tell that her new master was caring. He would not mistreat her, or her daughter. Such kindness...needed to be rewarded.
She began to move, sauntering over, making sure to sashay her hips and subtly twist her shoulders, making her tits sway, her nipples aching as they rubbed against the thin silks she wore as she made her way towards their master, ready to use all of her talents to please their new owner.
Reaching him, she smoothly dropped to her knees before him, sitting her plump ass on her heels and placed her hands on his knees. “Allow this one to take care of your needs, master~” she purred, sliding her hands up his inner thighs, palming the thick cock and feeling the intense heat bleeding through the thin dress pants.
This close, she could already smell the musk of his body, a spicy aroma that was pleasing, nothing like the smell of her previous masters. Her hands crept up further to his belt, skillfully undoing it and reaching for his button, flicking it open to reveal...her mouth dropped open.
“…Wow…” Esmeralda turned to see her daughter had moved forwards, staring in unabashed awe at the large stalk of flesh that had snapped up and jutted out of his pants, straining hard and insistently, begging for any sort of attention.
Esmeralda smiled at her daughter. “Emerald, attend and learn.” she hummed, turning her eyes back to her master’s hard flesh. She didn’t need to turn to know that her daughter had sunk to her knees next to her obediently and was watching attentively.
Jaune bit the inside of his cheek, having two beautiful women kneeling between his thighs, both staring at his cock with unashamed awe. He was surprised, knowing that Esmeralda had likely had a long list of lovers, and Emerald had at least watched, so he couldn’t be the most impressive they had ever seen. But their looks also didn’t seem faked.
Even then, his cock was screaming for some sort of sensation, some sort of relief. He hadn’t ached this much in almost two years, not since the time Saphron had pulled him into her bedroom with a naked Terra and begged him (on bent knee, at that!) to give them a baby that would be considered a full-blooded Arc.
He inhaled sharply as slender hands moved and pulled his pants down more, his heavy balls falling free of his garment as Esmeralda worked his dress slacks down and off of his body, leaving him bare below the waist.
He swallowed as soft hands moved up and cupped his heavy balls. “See, my daughter?” he heard her purr, her fingers gently moving over the sensitive skin covering the fragile orbs. “This is a wonderful way to start off teasing a man…” he bit his lower lip as she bounced his aching balls in her hands.
Esmeralda smiled softly as she saw their master trembling already, but he hadn’t attempted for more yet. So, not a virgin, but also not used to sexual contact. She could work with that. Moving her right hand up, she gently grasped the thick stalk of flesh, shivering as the heat seeped into her hand. “Gently, Emerald...like petting a kitten.” she instructed, moving her hand up and down in a smooth motion, making their master moan and arch his hips. “That sound? That means you’re doing it right.”
Esmeralda made a few more pumps with her hand, the dribbling precum acting as lubricant, making the glide of her hand smoother and easier along his shaft. “You want to keep a moderate speed unless you’re teasing or want them to cum quickly.” Emerald likely already knew by watching her all these years, but sex lessons always bore repeating...especially since her daughter was likely going to lose her virginity today.
Glancing back at Emerald, she saw that she was staring intently at what she was doing, a red tint to her cheeks, making the mother smile. She didn’t know why this was making her blush, she had watched her do so much more...speaking of which…
Esmeralda leaned down and licked a stripe up the length of the thick cock before her, from the balls to the tip, making sure to maintain eye contact with her master, satisfaction filling her as she he groaned. His taste was clean, salty and savory, a pleasure for her palate.
Moving her tongue up more, she pressed the flat of it just underneath his head and swirled it slowly, lapping the drops of precum that oozed out of the slit and began to drip down. Moving closer, she felt someone touch her, and glancing to the side to see Emerald moving forward almost eagerly. Leaning to the side, she allowed her daughter to get between their master’s legs as well.
“Now, trail your tongue like this-” Esmeralda dragged her tongue up from their master’s balls again, from base to tip, then moved back and watched her daughter attempt, nervously sticking her tongue out and dragging it along the pillar of flesh.
Emerald was nervous, there was no other word for it! She had never done something like this before, despite her last mistress loving having her eat her out at all times. Her virginity may be hers in the strictest sense, but her mouth had certainly been used by her female owners. What if she was no good at it? She shook her head, casting her fear to the side and focusing on the tip, tasting the oddly sweet flavor on her tongue.
She knew she was wet, could feel her juices sliding down her inner thighs, and she knew that there was no way that she’d get away without losing her virginity today...but strangely, the thought didn’t bother her. Their new master hadn’t been rough at all with her mother...this...this would be worth it.
Jaune was close to cracking, these two women were driving him nuts with their beauty, their actions, the slow teasing of his cock. Esmeralda seemed to notice this, and smiled. “Master, there’s no need to be so high strung…” he watched with wide eyes as the elder of the two slipped behind her daughter, tugging the flimsy covering between her thighs to the side and revealing her soaked core, her other hand reaching down and spreading her lips, revealing bright pink insides, dripping with want, to him. “My daughter wishes to attend to your needs.”
Jaune swallowed hard, looking into the younger woman’s eyes, seeing lust and want in her ruby orbs. But he was raised better. He would make sure. “Are you sure, Emerald? There’s no going back.” he rasped.
Emerald’s anxiety left her, even though her heart sped up. Her master truly was kind to actually ask her if she was sure about this. But she wanted this. She actually wanted this. “Yes, master...please...take my purity as yours. All of me, all of my body, is yours. Please, claim me as yours.” she chanced a glance up, gasping as he cupped her cheek again.
She gasped again as her mother’s fingers rubbed her sensitive little core, swirling around her sensitive little button, making her pussy clench and drip. She felt her mother’s lips against her ear. “That’s it, baby...get nice and wet for our master…” Emerald’s hips bucked as she felt her mother tease that small bud with her longest finger, while her eyes locked on her master, seeing those deep blues filled with lust. All aimed at her.
Her lower lip shook, but she was no longer going to deny herself! “Please, master…” she whispered softly. She yelped as she was suddenly grabbed and pulled up, straddling her master’s thighs, his hard shaft pressing against her moist core; her eyes rolled up in her head as the thick stalk of flesh rubbed against her sensitive clit, making her shudder and shake on his lap. A large, strong hand clasped onto her rump, his fingers sinking into the soft, pliant flesh, making her whimper.
Slowly, she began to work her hips back and forth, up and down, spreading her slick fluids along the thick shaft pressed against her, gasping and shaking all the while. She...she never knew that sex was like this…
Esmeralda smiled softly as she watched her daughter rock her hips. There may be no penetration yet, but she knew that her daughter was in good hands. She just hoped that her master had enough in the tank to take care of her as well...she didn’t want to be left alone with her hands after this. But he was young; he was sure to be able to handle her virgin daughter and herself…
Jaune groaned as Emerald’s soaking core ground against his aching shaft, his hand sinking into the soft pillow of her ass. “Em...Emerald…” he fought from letting his voice be little more than a lustful growl, “I’m going to lift you up now…” he shifted his hands to her hips and began to lift her, toes curling as her slick cunt pressed down hard on his needy cock, her fluids dribbling down and running over his balls.
Positioning her above his cock, he shivered, feeling the head of his dick rubbing against almost criminally soft lips. “Emerald...you’re going to need to lower yourself...at your own pace, okay? Don’t go too fast, otherwise-!!” Jaune gasped as Emerald twisted her hips and shoved herself down, bottoming out as her bubbly ass smacked against his thighs.
He was forced to grab said rear and hold her against him as she shook and trembled on his lap, her eyes wide and unfocused, as her pussy squeezed, flexed, and rippled around his shaft. She was cumming just from being impaled on his cock. If that wasn’t an ego boost, he didn’t know what was.
Emerald’s eyes rolled up in her head as pleasure exploded through her body, starting at her core and moving its way up, through her belly, back, chest, legs, arms, and ending in her brain, fingers, and toes. She shook like she had touched a live wire, her core going wild around the beast that it held prison.
She inhaled and exhaled, breathing hard and fast, her breasts bouncing and nipples scraping against the thin silk she still wore, her toes curling as she shook on top of her master. Slowly coming back to herself, she looked at her master, before clenching down on the thick flesh within her. “Master~” she purred, the sound coming from her without any issue, so reminiscent of her mother, “Your pleasure slave is ready to fulfill all your desires...every. Last. One.”
For all her confidence, a squeak still escaped her as her master spun her around, and pressed her against the bed, making her whimper and her back go utterly limp as a cooked noodle on the comfortable bed. She reached up, clutching at him, her slim fingers digging into her master’s top as he began to thrust into her slowly, making her gasp and shake underneath him as he claimed her.
Was this what sex was like? Truly? Not the obviously faked stuff her mother did with their previous male masters, but being loved, cared for? Her eyes rolled up in her head again, her smooth legs, still partially covered in their silks, swinging around his hips and locking together, her toes curling as her master filled her with more pleasure than she had ever experienced. “MASTER~!!♥♥” she cried out, throwing her head back as she convulsed around him, arching up and trembling.
Her master kept moving through her orgasm, not stopping nor allowing her to catch her breath, making that crest of pleasure just rise and rise and rise, her pussy squeezing and flexing and rippling around him, trying to empty his body of his seed. She was going to go insane at this rate! Her master was going to turn her into a slut for his cock! Blackness creeping into her vision, she arched as she came for the third time in quick succession, passing out with a blissful smile on her face as her master groaned above her, going stiff and blistering heat filling her belly.
Jaune groaned in pleasure as he came, shooting jet after jet of thick cum into Emerald’s belly, watching her tremble and shake in her third orgasm, slumping with a wide, almost delirious smile on her face, her ruby eyes rolled up in her head.
Grunting, Jaune slowly pulled out, hating leaving Emerald’s warm and tight pussy, but not wanting to fuck her while she was unconscious. Fortunately, he had another person here to help slake his needs...turning, he licked his lips as he saw an eager looking Esmeralda licking her lips. “Esmeralda is ready to tend to your needs, master~” she purred.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! More, Master! More~♥♥♥!!” Esmeralda cried out, on all fours above her daughter, although she might as well be lying on top of her as their master pounded into her needy, leaking pussy, his hips slamming into her rear with loud claps, making the thick flesh ripple and shake. She groaned, her own ruby eyes clenching shut as a powerful orgasm flew through her body.
Her master was the most attentive lover she had ever had, and considering that some of their previous masters had passed her around like a party favor at parties, that was saying something! But she forced those memories from her mind, focusing instead on the thick cock slamming into her body and giving her pleasure that she had never felt before.
“MmmmmmmMaaaasssstteeerrrrr~♥♥♥♥!!” she wailed, arching as his hand came down on her cheek, not to spank, but to grab and sink his fingers into the fat swell as he plunged into her faster and harder, making her cum and cum and cum. The only thing keeping her from outright collapsing was the knowledge that her daughter was underneath her.
“Mmmm...M-mom?” ruby eyes shot open and she looked down, to see her precious daughter looking up at her with a lazy smile on her face. “Is master making you feel as good as he did me?...I can barely feel my legs…” she moaned.
Esmeralda opened her mouth to speak, only for an extremely slutty moan to leave it, her legs quivering as she came yet again, her own cum drooling down her inner thighs. She blinked as her daughter’s arms looped around her neck and pulled her down in a loose hug. “Master...mommy’s womb needs your wonderful cum...can’t you please fill it like you did mine?” Esmeralda’s eyes widened as their master moved even faster, slamming against her pillowy rear, an undignified yelp escaping her lips as a hand (her own daughter’s hand, at that!) crept between her thighs and played with her clit, while she smiled up at her with that naughty little smile she always shared when they played with one another for their master’s entertainment...but she couldn’t help but think that it was far different this time around.
But those ponderings were driven from her mind as she flew into another orgasm, waling out, her pussy going wild around her master’s dick, trying to coax out his seed. Her master did not disappoint.
Esmeralda inhaled sharply as Emerald leaned up and pressed her lips to her own, soft and sweet, full of love and emotion. Part of her wanted to jerk back, but instead, she just leaned forwards and pressed her lips against her daughter’s just a bit firmer. Her eyes drifted shut once more. Whatever this was, she could worry about it later. For now, she was just going to enjoy what they were experiencing.
Jaune growled as he slammed himself to the base inside Esmeralda, her fat ass cheeks rippling as his balls snapped taut, erupting and spitting out every drop of cum still inside him into her womb. Focusing on the pleasure, he watched as Emerald leaned up and kissed her mother, gently and sweetly, making him smile.
Saphron was correct; the Coming Of Age Celebration really was the best birthday ever.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
Can you write something like bathtub sex with Gray plss🥰🥰
He’s already laying back in the tub, thick arms resting on the sides and eyes closed when you slip into the bathroom with a pleased smirk. Your eyes soak in the image of his bare chest peeking above the clouds of bubbles, the sinews in his neck perfectly exposed and ready for you to lick and suck and nibble.
Grayson opens one eye when he hears the door click shut behind you, and his lips quirk. “I started without you.”
“How dare you?” you reply with a soft but dramatic tone and a playful eye roll.
“I couldn’t resist,” he says, head lolled back as he watches you start unbuttoning your shorts. “It’ll be even better with you in it, though. Hurry up.”
“You just wanna see titties,” you tease, stepping out of your shorts and pulling your shirt over your head to expose said titties, still trapped in the plain t-shirt bra you had worn that day.
“Not just,” Grayson defends, smirk of his own widening as you reach back and in unclasp the bra with ease. “But I mean, you do have amazing titties.”
You step into the opposite end of the oversized tub, sighing contentedly as the warm water slowly encapsulates your tired body. You dip your head back to wet your hair before crawling towards your boyfriend, who looks so sexy in this bath it should be illegal.
Straddling his lap, you take his face in your hands, scratching your nails against his beard as you trail your thumbs over his mustache, down to the corners of his lips, pushing them up to make his smile for real.
“Such a romantic,” you murmur as you dip down to kiss him, slow and reacquainting after a long day apart. You shift against him to get more comfy, and something becomes apparent that makes you giggle and pull away. “Are you seriously hard already?”
Grayson pouts. “I told you, you have great tits.” He reaches back to mirror the way your hands are still resting on his own face. “And I love you. I was hard the minute you walked in the door.”
You shake your head but let him coax your lips back together. The two of you make out like that for a few minutes, and you’re lost in him as the comfort of his arms wrapped around you and the scent of the bubbles and the sweet heat of the water fully seeps into your whole being. Your arms shift to wrap around his broad shoulders, and you drag your nails across his firm, damp skin as you break the seal of your lips.
A string of spit snaps between your mouths, and you smile softly. You keep his eye contact as you reach down to grasp his hard length in your hand, giving him a few wordless strokes before lifting on your knees and sinking down on his dick.
You moan softly, your eyes glued to his handsome face as it melts into pure pleasure. His jaw drops some, then clenches tightly as he breathes out harshly through his nose, until he finally lets out that low, gruff “fuuuck” when he bottoms out.
“So full,” you whisper. You kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose, his lips, and then start grinding against him. It feels too good to do anything else but keep him tucked inside while you acclimate to the stretch, letting the head of his dick hit that perfect spot so deep in you.
Grayson’s hands squeeze your ass and pull you closer, his mouth dropping to your neck. You sigh at the added sensation of his plump lips on your sensitive skin, tipping your head back so he can trail his kisses down and across your throat, up the other side of your neck until he’s at your ear. His breath is wet and hot when he whispers, “Fuck me, please.”
You shiver at both the tangible sensation of his words tickling your ear and the request he made with them — oh so sweetly, you might add.
The fingers of one of your hands crawl across his shoulder and chest, then up to his throat where they squeeze gently for the briefest second; just enough to get his attention and his pretty hazel eyes back on yours so that you can watch his face again when you start dragging your hips up and down on his cock.
Grayson moans and swallows hard. You can see it in the way he has his head tipped back some to look up at you, can feel it where you’ve still got your palm resting on the side of his neck. Nothing is hotter than seeing this big, burly man turn to putty in your manicured fingers; the thought makes you squeeze purposefully around him, and you revel in the way it makes his eyes roll back for a moment.
You keep going like that with a steady, even pace that’s almost maddeningly slow but still so good. The bathroom is quiet other than each of your breathy moans and gasps, and the water sloshing precariously in the tub. You and Grayson both have a penchant for rampant dirty talk when you fuck, but it seems wholly unnecessary right now. The intense, emotional eye contact and intimate closeness say more than words ever could in this moment.
And even more now — you just have to kiss him. The pleasure is building and building behind your belly as you inevitably speed up, and you think if you don’t have his lips on yours and his wet, skillful tongue in your mouth the moment you cum on his dick, you might cry.
“Oh... fuck, Gray.. baby...” you sob with a pretty whimper into his mouth when you start spasming around him with your orgasm. Your hips still other than the sudden thrust with each wave that courses through your body. You dig your fingers into the long hair at the back of his head, keeping him close as you ride it out.
“Keep going, please,” he huffs desperately once you’re pussy calms around him and you’ve all but sunk into his chest from being so satisfied. “‘M so close. So close to cumming hard in this pussy, baby.”
You lift your head from where it had fallen to his collarbone, feeling a renewed surge of energy revive you enough to make your man feel just as good as you do.
“Please cum for me Gray,” you beg quietly, your voice pitchy as you start to bounce on him. You’re high enough out of the water for your tits to jiggle right in his face now, and you bite your lip through a smile when he zeroes in on the perky, fleshy mounds.
Grayson can’t resist, it seems, leaning down to suck one of your nipples into his hot, wet mouth. He tugs on it with his teeth just enough to make you gasp and moan while his fingers toy with the other, until finally he’s leaning back again and watching your face.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he growls out, and the hitch in your breath those words elicits must do something to him as well, because he’s suddenly hooking his hand behind your neck and dragging you down for a sweet, desperate, sloppy kiss as he says, “fuck, I’m gonna cum...I’m gonna cum...”
“Yeah,” you encourage, humming at the feel of his hot cum shooting inside you as his face scrunches and his jaw drops open with a rough groan.
His breaths are still coming in heavy pants when you lift up enough for him to slip out, and you snuggle into his chest as you wait for him to come down. You play with his chest hair and trace the half-moon tattoos on his sternum until he’s dragging his fingers against your scalp comfortingly, pressing a warm kiss to your temple as he wraps those huge arms around you completely.
“So..” you start slyly, “just tell me straight up: did my boobs make you cum?”
Grayson chuckles, and you feel it more than you hear it. “Honestly? Yeah.”
You giggle and pinch his nipple playfully, laughing harder when he flinched and snatches you’re hand in his with a gasp. “Yours aren’t so bad either babe.”
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Soulmates Actually Pt 5 (of 6)
(Read Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4)
Loki drags their hands up Mobius’s front, palms flat against his chest, pressing wrinkles into his white shirt. At Mobius’s shoulders, Loki slides their fingers under Mobius’s suit jacket and eases down Mobius’s arms. Mobius straightens his elbows, and the jacket falls unceremoniously to the floor, a dark mark on the beige carpeting. The green tie quickly follows.
Mobius watches Loki with a hooded, passion-filled gaze as their deft fingers open the buttons of his shirt, one after the next, before it too falls down to the floor.
When Loki’s hands finally touch bare skin, they are desperate for it. They follow the path made when Mobius was clothed, up his chest, over his shoulders.
“Loki,” Mobius says, voice caught somewhere between a whisper and a moan.
Loki wraps their arms around Mobius’s waist and pulls him closer. Loki is wearing their silk sleep-shirt, but the fabric is so thin they can still feel the heat of Mobius’s skin against their own.
Loki drops a kiss to Mobius’s bare shoulder, a line across his clavicle, and then up the side of his neck. Mobius tilts his head away, giving Loki more access.
Mobius’s fingers dance up the length of Loki’s arms. He clutches Loki’s shoulders a moment, bunching the nightshirt as Loki bites gently at the soft spot behind Mobius’s ear.
“I want to do this right,” Mobius says. “It’s right for me, but is it right for you?”
Loki hums, trailing a path of kisses to Mobius’s lips before claiming them. Loki pulls away too soon, and smiles when Mobius leans forward, following them. “You are doing perfectly.”
Another kiss. Two. “Not too fast?”
Loki pulls away again, only so far as to look Mobius in the eye so he will know the depth of their feeling as they say, “If I do not have you this moment, I will burst.”
Mobius laughs, and Loki’s heart swells with new, unknown feeling - pride, happiness, unconditional affection. Mobius has won startled laughs from Loki many times but never the other way around. Mobius’s eyes sparkle with delight, with interest and joy and some pride of his own.
Loki wonders if this is what love feels like.
“Not too fast then.” Mobius’s smile lingers.
“Good,” Mobius says, and gives Loki a shove.
Loki, caught unawares, falls back onto the bed. “Mobius!” Immediate they are on their elbows, watching Mobius step closer, up to the bed, in the open space between Loki’s legs.
Heart racing at the potential, blissful implications, Loki attempts to keep cool and lifts one lone brow. “My soulmate is feeling bold, I see.”
As Mobius’s hands reach for the waistband of Loki’s sleep-pants, Loki gathers all of their willpower not to whimper out, please. Despite their efforts, it still erupts from their throat, a cut off, strangled sound of desperation that makes Mobius’s smile grow into a shark-like grin.
“Your soulmate,” he says, dropping to his knees, “intends to worship their mischievous god.”
Loki has been in many sexy situations across the centuries, but never in their very long life have they ever felt this much longing, this much lust -
No, more than lust. Desire coupled with affection, wrapped up in...
At the first whispered touch, Loki’s thoughts frizzle out, and they do not return for a long, long time.
The apartment’s dark, lit only from the dim starlight peeking through the sheer curtains and the flashing clock on the microwave that neither of them set properly.
Loki’s cheek is pressed to Mobius’s bare chest, their ear over Mobius’s heart, listening to the strong, steady rhythm. Mobius’s breath is slow and deep; he fell asleep hours ago. But Loki, even with their body pleasantly exhausted and their desire temporarily sated, lies awake.
They count Mobius’s heartbeats, but hold their breath for the space between them. Humans are fragile things with such short lifespans. Fifty seems so young, but for Mobius, that is already over half his life.
“I think I should retire,” Mobius said earlier, over dinner. “I’ve worked since I was sixteen. Saved and saved. I’ve got enough investments to see us through for a good long while.”
“You love your work,” Loki said, half-hoping they hid the hope in their voice successfully enough to appear supportive.
Mobius laughed, happy and fond, which perhaps was a reveal all its own. “If I dropped dead right now, they would replace me tomorrow.” He stabbed his fork through a green bean, but he might as well stabbed Loki through the heart. His gaze on the food, he didn’t appear to notice. “It’s not personal. It’s a good company. They’ve treated me well over the years. But... that’s just how jobs work. I don’t know. I have more to live for now than just that. And we can afford it.” He laughed again, softer and sadder. “I want to at least have a few years where I can keep up with you.”
“I won’t leave you behind,” Loki said, and they could hear their own desperation.
Mobius finally looked up at Loki, and even though he smiled, he could not hide the gentle heartache in his eyes. “I’m no spring chicken, Loki. Eventually -”
“Do not finish that thought, Mobius M. Mobius.”
“I’m just saying that -”
“I know what you are ‘just saying’ and I will not hear it. I will not leave you behind, and that is the end of the discussion.”
Mobius’s brows lifted high, and Loki expected further argument. But per usual, Mobius subverted all expectations and laughed again, as happy and fond as before.
“If anyone can figure out a way to cheat death, it’s you,” he said then.
He snores a little now. His arms clutch Loki closer, even in sleep. And Loki renews their vow, quiet in the dark.
“Nothing will take you from me.”
Mobius puts in his two week notice the next day.
The photo of his office building that he kept on the dresser gets replaced with one of he and Loki together - much of the wall space in their apartment does too. Their smiling faces greet them at every turn.
Perhaps it’s narcissistic, Loki wonders, to have that many pictures of them in their own home, but Loki is so unaccustomed to their own happiness, it is like looking at a stranger.
When they tell Mobius, Mobius smiles and kisses them. He doesn’t reply with words, but he does get that far away look in his eye, the one that appears when his joints are too stiff in the morning, or when he wakes up from having fallen asleep on the recliner without having meant to, or when he looks in the mirror at his gray hair and promises Loki, “I used to be blond.”
And though he never says, I want you to have something to remember me by, Loki can hear the words as loudly as if he shouted them.
Mobius taps his finger on the top of the dresser, near the framed photo of his parents. “You know, I only have this one picture of them. Forty years with them in my life, of phone calls and Christmas cards, too few visits. All of it down to one picture and a bunch of fuzzy memories.”
Loki stands beside him, glancing briefly at the photo before staring at Mobius, at the far away look, and the rare-sadness tilting down his mouth. Yet before they can think of something that would bring some measure of comfort, Mobius turns to Loki and says, “Let’s go on vacation.”
Surprise replaces worry, and Loki glances at the smiling photo of Mobius on his jetski. “A lovely idea,” Loki says, and offers a small grin. “I believe I was promised a trip to the ocean as recompense for surrendering dominion over this realm.”
Mobius wide smile returns, and Loki’s grows in victory.
“A man should keep his promises,” Mobius says, and they start making plans.
Two weeks pass, and Mobius's last day at work comes and goes.
“You’ll be sick of me in a week,” Mobius says the first day off, but after a week, and then two after that, Loki cannot get enough of their time together.
During the day, he and Loki talk and go for walks and watch the soap operas Loki pretends to only like ironically but secretly loves.
“Is that Georgina or Regina?” Mobius asks.
Loki, an expert after weeks of indulgence, can easily identify one twin from another. “That’s Georgina. Regina has the beauty mark above her lip.”
During the night (and sometimes during the day too), they lose themselves in each other. Without draining himself at work all day, Mobius has more energy to properly worship his mischievous god, and though Loki will never admit it aloud, they do some worshiping too, of their foolhardy mortal.
Their precious, fragile human.
The longer they are together, the more perfectly matched they seem. And Loki, who has never been in love before, begins to allow himself a moment of soft wonder.
Loki remembers their first touch, the spliced visions of their future, and the way Mobius said, I love you. Again and again, a thousand times in one moment. Loki begins to wish for that... to crave it.
Sometimes they wonder what Mobius saw during the vision. Did Loki say it to him?
They have no idea how to ask without giving themself away.
The night before their trip to California, Mobius and Loki pack clothes into a pair of suitcases. At first they had attempted to share a single suitcase, but quickly deemed that an unwise decision.
“I don’t understand why you need so many clothes,” Mobius said, as his ‘half’ of the suitcase shrank down a considerable margin. “Can’t you just magic your outfit whenever you want?”
“You always wear that same drab suit, despite all the others we procured for you, despite no longer being required to wear it for work,” Loki replied. “Surely that portion of the suitcase is enough for one suit.”
Mobius looked down at the brown suit he currently wore, and though his smile remained, a small line formed between his brow. Loki knew instantly they had pushed too far.
So they cleared their throat and said, “Or perhaps I am doing my best to ensure you spend most of the trip naked.”
Mobius laughed and his brow smoothed out. “Alright, alright. I’ll get another suitcase,” he said, without further prompting.
Now, Mobius carefully folds yet another white shirt as he lowers it down onto the perfectly aligned pile of five exact copies. “I’ve been thinking.”
“A dangerous prospect,” Loki says, tossing a few shirts into their own suitcase. “One that usually ends in anxiety for me.” They say it as a joke. They do not expect Mobius’s quiet in return.
Worried there might still be lingering hurt from the suit remark, Loki shifts all attention to Mobius, and finds him a tangle of tension and uncertainty.
“Maybe it’s not a good idea.” He unfolds and refolds the same shirt. Twice. “Forget I said anything.”
Loki reaches out, takes the shirt from Mobius hands, and lowers it. Then they take Mobius’s hands and turn him toward them. When Mobius’s gaze drifts off toward the kitchen, Loki laces their fingers together and squeezes his hands gently.
“Good or not, I should hear your idea,” Loki says. “I enjoy knowing all of your thoughts.”
Mobius shifts his glance briefly to the photo of his parents on the dresser. “Even if it’s something that might cause you anxiety?”
Loki traces their thumb over Mobius’s. “I believe not knowing would be substantially worse.”
Finally, Mobius looks at them. “Yeah, okay.” He presses his lips hard together as he studies Loki’s face.
The longer the silence lasts, the more worry coils around Loki’s chest until they  feels as if they might explode just from anticipation of -
“I think we should invite your family to our vacation.”
Loki blinks. Waits for the punchline.
For surely Mobius is jesting.
Instead, Mobius winces. “Now that’s a look.”
“You... aren’t jesting.” Loki tries to imagine Odin standing on a sandy Californian beach, but the image is so outrageous, their mind cannot conjure it.
“Look, I know it’s a bad idea. And we can go ahead and never talk about it after this, but...” He glances again at the photo of his parents, and the heartbroken look returns to his eyes. “Too few visits.”
Only one picture.
There are no pictures of Loki’s family. Mobius offered to print a fuzzy photo of Thor from the internet but Loki refused.
“I’m not saying we invite your dad, I know that’s...” Mobius gives Loki’s hands a gentle, supportive squeeze. “But what about Thor? I promised him a jetski ride.” A pause, then softer, “What about your mom?”
Loki can imagine Thor acting a buffoon on a sandy beach - building a sand-Asgard (or attempting to - Loki’s would be infinitely better), racing Mobius on jetskis, swimming out too far and having to use Mjolnir to fly back to safety.
Oddly, Loki can also imagine Frigga, perched on a lounge chair under an umbrella, flipping through pages of a book. She would be the judge of their theoretical sand-Asgard competition and would undoubtedly deem them equal, regardless of actual merit.
“There’s that smile,” Mobius says, drawing Loki back to the now, away from the beach and to their small apartment in Dubuque. “Maybe not such a bad idea after all?”
Hope burns hot in Loki’s chest, even as they say, “They’d never agree, even if we could find a way to invite them.”
“I don’t believe that,” Mobius says, and his confidence further brightens Loki’s hope. He tilts his head. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. I’d never complain about having you all to myself.” He surely aims for a smile, and he gets one. “But... would it be okay if we tried?”
They’ll say no, Loki knows. They’ll never show. But blind hope has them nod their head, just once.
“Great.” Mobius lifts one of Loki’s hands and kisses the back of it. Then he releases them both and steps into the middle of the apartment.
“What are you doing?” Loki asks.
Mobius winks, then lifts his gaze to the ceiling. “Um, hi?” He furrows his brow and glances at Loki. “What was his name again? The guy who’s always watching? Helmdell?”
“Heimdall,” Loki says, “But I’m not sure he’ll appreciate playing messenger for such a silly request.”
“Come on,” Mobius says. “Guy is probably up there all day dealing with huge crises. He might appreciate something lighter for a change. Plus, if anything goes wrong, we can just blame the ignorant human.” He points his thumb to himself.
That this silly human man is so casually willing to bother a god with a party invitation has Loki want to hide their own face in embarrassment and also cover Mobius’s in kisses.
What an impossible fool.
“Mister Heimdall, sir?” Mobius says to the ceiling. “I’m sorry to bother you, I know you're busy. But if you could please let Loki’s mom and brother know that they are invited to come to our vacation in Malibu tomorrow? For a week? If they want to? I’d appreciate it. Uh, thank you.” He lowers his head, frowns, and lifts it again. “You can come too.”
“Mobius,” Loki hisses.
“He can come,” Mobius tells them as he returns to their side. In a whisper, he says, “We can’t be rude.”
Only the most extreme level of willpower keeps Loki from rolling their eyes. “If you were worried about rudeness, you should have invited my... the All-Father.”
Mobius’s smile slips. “No.”
It’s such a sudden turnabout that Loki’s brain goes quiet a moment.
“I’m sorry, Loki. If you want him there, of course, we can invite him, but listening to you talk about him. Even right now, did you hear yourself? You called him ‘All-Father,’ not Dad or Pops or even Odin. So formal. And look at you.” He grabs Loki by the elbows and jostles them a bit, and Loki realizes how tense they’ve been. “Coiled up like a spring about to pop. If this is what just mentioning him does to you, I don’t want that guy anywhere near you.”
Loki loosens as Mobius trails his hands to their shoulders.
“He may be displeased at not being invited,” Loki says.
“We’ll deal with that rainbow bridge when we cross it.”
Mobius rubs Loki’s shoulders, and Loki closes their eyes, putty in his hands.
“You cause infinite trouble for me, soulmate,” Loki says.
Mobius chuckles. “Yeah, but you like trouble. Keeps things interesting.” Mobius’s fingers dig into tight muscle, and Loki lets out a soft, relaxed sigh. “That’s why Regina’s your favorite.”
Loki’s eyes snap open. “She is not.”
“She’s the mischief-maker.”
“No, I assure you, she is far from my favorite. Her plans are so poorly executed that even Claudio, besotted as he constantly is over Georgina, catches wise of her almost instantly. She insults the name of mischief.”
“Maybe. But they wouldn’t have a show without her. She’s the only one who does anything.”
“No, you simply have not watched enough episodes...” Loki stops themself short and stands suddenly taller. “I know what you're doing.”
“You are attempting to distract me.”
Mobius hums, and his little smile turns 100% smug. “It worked too, didn’t it?”
It did, and Loki is both infuriated and endeared at once. “How do you do this to me?”
Mobius shrugs. “You’re pretty easy to rile up.”
“That’s not what I mean, I -” They stop themself again, realizing they were about to admit to... feelings. Dangerous feelings. They swallow down the words they want to say, and say instead, “You infuriate me, Mobius.”
“Yeah,” Mobius says, “But you like that too.”
Loki does. All powers in the cosmos help them, they absolutely do.
They are as besotted with Mobius as Claudio is with Georgina. No, more so.
Mobius is so earnest and good and kind, and cares so much about Loki and Loki’s happiness, that even though Loki is annoyed, they still lean forward and kiss Mobius quick on the mouth.
Mobius closes his eyes for the kiss, then takes his time opening them again. He looks at Loki like they’re the brightest star in the sky, and Loki, chest swollen with an unfamiliar emotion that washes away all annoyance, even the faked kind, pulls Mobius into their arms and kisses him again, more properly.
Overwhelmed with warmth, Loki swoops Mobius up into their arms, mouth pressed against Mobius’s laugh, and carries him to the bed.
In the end, both suitcases end up on the floor, overturned, contents spread out all over, Mobius’s many shirts no longer perfectly folded. The one he was wearing will need some serious mending, buttons all ripped off. The pants are too torn to be salvageable.
Mobius holds Loki close and places soft kiss after soft kiss along their hairline. The space between one and the next lengthens until eventually they stop altogether.
With Mobius’s breath slow and steady in sleep, Loki leans to Mobius’s ear and whispers, “I think that I... I love you.”
“They aren’t going to come,” Loki says in the taxi cab to the airport.
“They surely have other matters to attend to,” Loki says at 30,000 feet.
“I cannot imagine them meeting us,” Loki says on the Californian tarmac,  even as they do imagine it - the four of them with multi-color drinks topped with sliced fruit, curly straws, and tiny umbrellas.
Mobius has not released their hand the entire voyage. “You never know. Stranger things have happened.”
“Stranger than two gods vacationing with their delinquent adopted relative?”
“Sure,” Mobius says with a shrug. “You hear the one about the gorgeous god who found their soulmate in a folksy dope of a human?”
A small measure of Loki’s anxiety melts away. “You are referring to when the realm’s bravest human opened their heart to a broken god?”
“Not broken,” Mobius says, suddenly serious. “Never broken.”
“Mobius,” Loki starts, but in a flash, Mobius easy smile returns.
“Come on. Let’s hit the beach.”
Loki bounces their leg the entire taxi drive to their beach-front hotel. Their suite is large, upgraded last minute at surely no small expense, to a set of three rooms, just in case Thor and Frigga decided to arrive. They change into swim trunks and descend the staircase off their balcony down to the sand. The hotel arranged a series of lounge chairs and umbrellas that Loki is eager to claim, but Mobius pulls them down to the water first.
“We’ve been in Iowa too long. We have to at least touch the ocean.”
Loki accommodates him enough to step into the water, ankle-deep. Mobius splashes in all the way. He dips below the surface, then reappears, drawing closer, soaking wet.
“Do not even think of -” Loki says, knowing what’s coming. Mobius allots them plenty of time to move if they wish, but they do not. Though they do groan in dismay as Mobius wraps them in a damp hug.
“Kiss me,” Mobius says, bright as the sunshine and laughing. “I taste like the ocean.”
Loki does not bother to stop their rolling eyes, even as they indulge him with a kiss. Hm, he does taste a bit salty. But it’s still Mobius underneath.
“Perhaps you are part fish,” Loki offers, teasing.
Mobius’s eyes light up. “Do you think mermaids are real? Mermen?”
Loki, watching Mobius’s youthful glee, has no desire to quash his joy, even slightly. “Perhaps?”
“Oh, man. How great would that be?” Mobius says and releasing Loki, flops back into the water.
Loki can’t help their smile. And they don’t want to either. Mobius makes them feel young again too, full of hope and possibilities. Like they could accomplish anything.
Like defying death.
Their smile slips, but they struggle to hold onto it, not wanting to ruin Mobius’s fun.
But even this trip carries the weight of Mobius’s unsaid wish, I want you to have something to remember me by.
“We will remember together,” Loki says under his breath, as Mobius jumps into a wave.
Then, like a boom of thunder across the beach, roars a voice, “Brother!”
Loki turns to see Thor in bright-colored shorts and a too-small white tank top walking toward him. Large sunglasses hide his eyes, and a swipe of white sunscreen streaks his nose, but his wide smile leaves no argument to his expression. And beside him...
Frigga wears a long, floral sundress and a wide-brimmed hat. Where Thor barrels forward, oaf-like, she moves like the water itself, each step on the sand fluid and careful.
Reality flashes through Loki, stealing his breath. When last she saw them, they were... not...
They have no idea what their relationship could be now.
This was a mistake.
Loki has to run.
They look at the water, but Mobius is too far out.
For Loki to run, they would have to leave Mobius.
Indecision roots them. To stay or to go.
But no, Frigga would not wear a sundress if she had meant only to renounce them. She would not dress as though she intends to stay.
And Mobius...
Loki steels their resolve. How tightly had Mobius held Loki after they fought about his job and he thought Loki gone forever? How many whispered promises had he made since then, of their staying together?
No. Mobius would not leave them. 
Loki will not abandon him either.
Thor reaches them first. “Good to see you again, Loki. Heimdall sends his regards, and his regrets. He could not get away.”
“Oh... uh, of course.”
“Where’s... oh!” Thor looks out at the water. “Mobius! My brother! Stay there, I will join you!” Then he trudges into the water, each step a large splash.
In his place, stands Frigga. Loki stands tall, bracing themself for perhaps-deserved condemnation.
But then their mother lifts a hand and places it softly to their cheek.
“My beautiful child,” she says, and it is enough. It is everything.
Loki falls into open arms, feeling much like a youth again, safe and protected in their mother’s embrace.
“Thank you for inviting us,” she says as she cards her fingers through their hair. “It was a most pleasant and unexpected surprise.”
“It was Mobius’s idea,” Loki admits.
“Your soulmate knows your heart well,” she says, kindness warm in her voice. “It brings this mother peace to see her child so happy. Especially after such a long period of distress.”
Loki closes their eyes and bites back their bubbling emotion. To have their pain acknowledge is almost too much. As to, is having the reaffirmation that they are her child, even now, even after everything.
Loki realizes too late that they are still wet from Mobius’s hug, and pulls away sharply. But Frigga keeps her arms on their shoulders, her smile ever-soft, ever-patient. She holds no harm for them, only kindness. Only joy.
Mobius approaches slowly, kicking gently through the water, creating only minimal disturbance to the water’s surface.
He looks first to Loki, as if studying their face. Loki knows he is searching for distress, that Mobius will rise to their defense with nary a moment’s notice. But he mustn’t see that, because a smile breaks wide on his face as he turns it toward Frigga.
He holds out his hand, dripping wet with saltwater. Frigga glances at his hand, then ignores it and pulls him into a hug, too.
“Thank you,” she says, voice nearly lost among the shift of the waves and the loud beating of Loki’s own heart.
“You don’t have to thank me.” Mobius’s voice is much stronger. “You’re always welcome to... oh.”
She says something else, something Loki cannot hear, something that makes Mobius’s smile soften and his eyes search out Loki’s over her shoulder.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, either,” Mobius says. “Loving them is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Loki’s whole world goes very still.
The sun shines. The waves continue to pound the sand. Somewhere, Thor calls out for them to join him. Mobius looks away from them, back to Frigga.
Loki just stands there, a single word, echoing loud in their head.
Mobius’s voice. Mobius’s word.
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matbarzyy · 4 years
To Love Is To Let Go [A.B.]
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How can the heart and mind find a balance when love and yearning are mixed up with distance and responsibilities?
A/N: I’m so excited for you guys to finally read this! Another conversation about Tito with @itrocksmysocks​ made us create this story and I ended up writing it, so I hope you’ll like it!
Word count: 12219
Warning: A tiny bit of smut
“If you don’t go get that man I swear!” Adeline’s friend, Maya, exclaimed as she gave her shoulder a push.
They were out to celebrate together in Montreal because a month had now passed since Adaline moved there for her internship assisting a book editor, and it had to be memorable.
“Okay okay! I’m doing it!” The brunette adjusted her skirt, fixed a strand of her hair, and took a deep breath. “I’m going,” she said more for herself than anyone else.
            The man across the bar had finally gotten up from the table he was at with his friends to order a drink, and that was the perfect opportunity for Adeline to go up to him. She might not get another chance during the night, so with an extra push from her friend, she found herself walking over to where he was.
“Hi,” she greeted him shyly, making him turn his attention to her. Her voice felt a little weak and looking straight into his blue eyes was more destabilizing than she thought it would be.
“Hi,” he replied as he waited, his tone suggesting she had to continue quickly if she didn’t want to lose his attention.
“I, uh,” Adeline struggled before getting a hold of herself again. She wasn’t a fifteen years old high school girl admitting her crush to a boy, she was a confident woman in a bar, and she was going to act like one. “I saw you sitting with your friends earlier and I figured now was a good time to come ask if I could get you a drink.” She let the sentence out without a hitch, and a little sense of pride filled her until his lack of reaction made her deflate. “Or not, it’s fine if not.”
“No, no,” he reassured her as a smile spread on his face. “I mean, yeah, you can get me a drink, if I can get your name,”
“Adeline,” she told him without hesitation.
“Adeline,” he repeated before nodding. “That’s pretty, I’m Anthony, but most of my friends call me Tito.”
            With the introductions over, Adeline leaned against the bar beside him and the bartender came over to them. One drink soon turned into two, the alcohol was going down fast to erase the nervousness, but their conversation was flowing surprisingly easily. Nevertheless, three drinks were all it took for Adeline and Maya to be reunited in the bathroom.
“So?” She grilled her for the details while Adeline pressed her palms over her cheeks, trying to get herself to cool down.
“I really like him,” she admitted to Maya and shushed out her excitement immediately after. “But he could still be a weirdo, he’s too nice to be true.”
“Honey, he’s not a weirdo, he’s a professional hockey player,” Maya chuckled as she revealed everything she knew. “Why do you think he’s so hot?”
“How do you know?” A frown settled on the brunette’s face as she pieced everything together.
“He’s a NHL player, how do you not know?” Her friend countered and reached up to remove a small piece of fluff from her hair.
“Oh my god,” Adeline breathed out. “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“It was sweet you didn’t know,” Maya shrugged. “Now go back out there and make him swoon.”
            When they returned, Anthony was sitting at a small table by himself, and she didn’t hesitate to join. Maya was friends with one of the bartenders there, so it wasn’t like she minded being left alone.
“I figured it’d be more comfortable,” he explained as she took a seat. “Especially if we keep on going at that pace,”
“You figured right,” Adeline, put her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand. “My friend told me something interesting about you,”
“Should I start worrying?” He exhaled a nervous chuckle, but she shook her head almost imperceptibly.
“You play hockey?” She looked into his eyes to gauge his reaction. Maybe the alcohol was hindering her perceptiveness, but if she was right it looked like the question made him sad.
“Ah,” Tito’s nervousness settled but a sense of disappointment replaced it. “I kinda suspected you knew already,”
“I had no clue until five minutes ago, figured it was only fair to tell you,” Adeline told him the truth because she knew instantly that the kind of attention he got from being a professional athlete wasn’t necessarily the kind of attention he wanted. “Was it better when I didn’t know?”
“Yes and no,” he replied honestly. “Yes, because it meant you just liked me and not for shitty reasons. No because I wasn’t going to hide it anyway, and you didn’t know for the past hour, so I feel like we’re good,”
“Good,” she smiled. “Feel like having another drink?”
            Tito wasn’t one to turn the offer down, and the two spilled things to each other that they would have never considered sharing with a stranger before. It was freeing to talk without boundaries, to be able to say anything on any subject and listen to someone else’s perspective of the world. Adeline thought he was interesting for someone so different. He was down to earth and witty, constantly making her laugh with the dumbest jokes, and maybe it was because she was drunk, but deep down she knew the butterflies and giddiness she felt weren’t from the alcohol.
“You’re so damn adorable,” Tito blurted out in the middle of one of her sentences, and silence fell onto their conversation.
            Adeline stared at him while a smile spread on her face, but the cuteness of the moment was cut off by both of them bursting out laughing for no apparent reason. It was a fit of uncontrolled giggles at first, followed by an outburst of deep laughs that they thought would never stop.
“We’re so fucking drunk,” Adeline managed to squeak out through shakes of her chest.
“Yeah, you might wanna let go of this,” Tito reached to gently push her drink a few inches away from her hand, but his inhibitions were low and he underestimated his strength, sending the glass sliding all the way to the edge of the table.
            Their eyes widened in shock when it stopped just before falling to the floor, and with that another fit of unstoppable laughter began.
            It was something neither of them ever experienced that strongly, that connection with a stranger that made them feel like they had known each other their own lives. In the middle of their busy, messy lives, they had found a bubble of happiness and oxygen within each other.
            It took several minutes for them to calm down, and when a relatively normal conversation resumed, Maya walked over to them to ask if she should leave on her own or wait for Adeline. Time had flown by and it was past one in the morning already.
“Five minutes?” The brunette barely looked away from Tito, and Maya took the hint.
“Well, before you go,” He waited until she had walked away to continue. “Can I ask for your number or do you have to be the one taking all the first steps?”
“You can have my number.”
            Getting into the uber with Maya was a blur, all that Adeline knew was that she was feeling like a kid on Christmas eve after her night with Tito. She wasn’t drunk enough that she couldn’t make a sentence or walk, but definitely drunk enough to zone out and say everything on her mind no matter how stupid or embarrassing.
“Oh my god, he’s already texting?” Maya took the phone from her inebriated friend’s hands after it buzzed multiple times. “Damn,” she looked over the few messages they had started to exchange.
            Adaline didn’t respond, only giggling drunkenly before getting her phone back and focusing on the screen to type another reply. Everything was a little bit blurry, especially in the moving car, but once it stopped in front of her building she sobered up a little.
“Drink some water before bed, yeah?” Her friend told her as she opened the door.
“Yep! Text when you’re home!” Adeline gave her friend a loud kiss on the cheek before getting out and somehow walking to the door without stumbling.
T: Fries would be sooooo good right now
            The text came just as she kicked her shoes off while the door fell shut behind her. She groaned out loud at the idea, heading to her bedroom with her phone in hand.
A: Don’t talk to me about food I’m starving now
T: Make food?
A: I can barely hold my phone
            Adeline struggled to take her clothes off and sighed in relief once she was finally naked.
T: What if I come over with fries?
A: Omg you would?
T: Address?
“Well shit,” she laughed to herself as she grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants, pairing them with a comfy t-shirt because she was too drunk and tired to put in an effort with sexy pajamas. She was pretty sure sex wasn’t an option for tonight anyway, they were both too drunk, it wouldn’t get anywhere.
            Adeline sat on her living room floor to stay awake as she waited, her head lolling from side to side as she scrolled through social media, laughing and snorting out loud in ways she’d never do sober. It only took ten minutes for Tito to text he was there, and she jumped back up with renewed energy at the idea of food.
“My savior!” She exclaimed as she opened the door for him and saw the paper bag in his hands.
“Shh, your neighbors!” Tito laughed at her, letting himself in and giving her the bag before following her to the living room.
“Fuck Tito,” Adeline took in the smell of the fries as she opened one of the boxes and handed it to him. “I owe you big time,”
“They’re just fries,” he sat on the carpet with her. “But I’d take some ketchup,”
“Oh, yeah!” She crawled over to the fridge that was easily accessible since she had an open kitchen. The apartment wasn’t huge, but since the kitchen and living room were merged the living space was big enough.
“Mph,” Tito groaned as he stuffed fries in his mouth. “Best decision ever,”
“And does this look like a good decision?” She said to catch his attention, a bottle of tequila in hand.
“It looks like a terrible decision and I’m so down for it.”
            Adeline sat on the floor with him, food, condiment, and bottle of tequila all within reach. She took the first gulp, big enough that it was worth more than a shot, and Tito followed her lead.
            The rest of the night was erased from both of their memories.
            When she woke up, Adeline felt her body ache in ways it rarely had before. She was still on the floor and there was a bad taste in her mouth as she opened her eyes. The paper bag that Tito brought over was on the floor along with two empty boxes that once held the fries. Tito himself was on the floor too, and his position looked more than uncomfortable, but his mouth was slightly parted, and his chest was rising and falling at a steady rhythm.
“Hey,” Adeline rasped out, nudging him with her foot. “You alive?” She asked as he stirred awake.
            An unconvinced grunt reached her in response, and Tito brought his hands up to rub his face.
“Time?” He groaned, counting on her to have her eyes open.
“Eleven,” she pushed herself up and grabbed the counter while a wave of nausea washed over her. “Advil?”
“Fuck yes,”
            Tito managed to get up too and downed two glasses of water with the pills Adeline handed him. They were both silent as they sat on the couch and took some time to really wake up. The apartment was on a low floor, and for the first time since she moved in, Adeline was glad for the lack of light that came from outside.
“I’m gonna make pancakes.” She eventually said, deciding breakfast was the only way her stomach would settle.
“Oh, so you’re going to beat me to every nice gesture?” Tito teased although he was glad he was about to eat. She gave him a look and he only smiled, leaning back more comfortably on the couch. “Jokes aside, this was the best night I’ve had in forever.”
“Me too,” Adeline hummed, already pouring milk into the rest of her ingredients and stirring. She cooked breakfast so often she could make pancakes with her eyes closed. “It was a lot more fun than any stupid party I’ve gone to lately,”
            The conversation shifted to small talk after that, something to keep themselves busy as they got lost in thoughts. There was some unspoken communication going on, they obviously had chemistry, but they had only known each other for one night and they were already being so domestic it was scary for both of them.
It was clear they could build something together if they gave it a try, but Tito didn’t live in Montreal, and why the hell was Adeline even thinking so far ahead already? She tried her best to focus on cooking to get all of the ideas out of her head and stacked the pancakes in plates before bringing them over to the table.
“I want to eat these every morning for the rest of my life,” Tito almost moaned when he took the first bite of his food.
            Adeline always kept maple syrup around, and this morning she even had some chocolate spread and strawberries left from this week’s grocery shopping. It made for an amazing breakfast.
“Thanks, I cook a lot,” she explained as she dug into her own food. “The cleaning up is the not fun part.”
“I hate dishes,” Tito nodded his agreement.
“A nice guest would offer to do them after I just cooked,” she pointed out to see what’d he’d say, and he put on his best angel face.
“Mmh, but a nice host would politely refuse that kind of offer,” he tried to serve his half ass excuse with a smile.
“Do you want more pancakes, or do you want to get kicked out?” Adeline gave him a murderous look in response, and Tito forgot to chew as he swallowed his next bite.
“Pancakes, definitely the pancakes. Promise I’ll do the dishes.”
            When the Sunday ended, Tito went home and Adeline spent hours in a bath trying to set her mind straight. She liked him a lot, there was no denying that, but would they ever be able to make anything work? He was an amazing person and they had a great night together, but it didn’t mean he’d let himself fall for her too, especially since he lived in New York most of the time.
            A sigh fell from her lips in the steam-filled bathroom, and she let her body slide down for her head to be submerged. The world turned silent and dark for a few seconds, it helped her empty her mind of all thoughts. When she pushed herself up with her feet and oxygen filled her lungs again, Adeline felt a little better.
            Little did she know that Tito was dealing with the same dilemma in his own shower. He had tried to work out to sweat the hangover off, but seeing that the twenty minutes of running only worsened his headache, he didn’t take it further than that. It wasn’t really the hangover that was bothering him, it was the feelings he was catching for a woman he had known for less than twenty-four hours.
            Was that what love at first sight was supposed to be like? Sure, it wasn’t exactly at first sight, Tito had only felt a connection with her the second she opened her mouth, not the second he saw her, but what even was the difference at this point? How could he even think of the word love? It was a crush at first sight at best.
            No matter what they told themselves, Tito and Adeline couldn’t stop thinking about each other. Their constant texting the following days didn’t help either. The conversation was never boring enough to die, and when one of them fell asleep they picked up where they left off as soon as they were up in the morning. Sometimes, Adeline found herself giggling out loud because he reminded her of something he just remembered they laughed about when drinking tequila on her living room floor.
            It was Wednesday when Adeline found herself in her bed wishing she could talk to him like they did a few nights prior. There weren’t many boundaries with Tito, they were obviously flirting and open about it, so she didn’t hesitate to tell him she missed seeing him. His name flashed on her screen a second later with a cute picture of his drunk face she didn’t remember taking Saturday night. He was smiling like an idiot, obviously still half laughing, and his blue eyes were sparkling with joy. Adeline hadn’t seen it, but she knew he had one of her too.
“Hello,” she said a little shyly when she saw her face on the screen. She looked like a bit of a mess.
“Hi beautiful,” Tito grinned from his bed, his short hair somehow messed up from the pillow.
“Shut up,” Adeline covered her face with her hand, but he only laughed on the other hand of the line.
“You know, it’s not fair if you get to see me and I don’t,” he reminded her to make her drop her hand. “I missed seeing you too.”
“Mmh, so when are we having a repeat of Saturday night?” She asked him because he had vaguely mentioned making plans during the day.
“Never,” he rolled his eyes. “That headache was killing me. We could do something else, maybe dinner?”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Beauvillier?” Adeline teased, hiding the way her heart jumped in her chest.
“Yeah, how do you feel about it?” His smile was as big as hers when he replied, confident she’d say yes based on the look on her face.
“I feel like I’m free tomorrow night and I’d love to go out.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven?” Tito thought of a restaurant to bring her to immediately, and he made a mental note to call for a reservation in the morning.
“It’s a date.”
            Hugging Tito when he came to pick her up felt natural to Adeline. Butterflies erupted in her stomach the second he knocked, and her heart was ready to beat out of her chest when his arms closed around her.
“Hi you,” he kissed her cheek and she just about melted against him.
“Hi,” Adeline greeted him and let go before she made things awkward. “You look nice.” She complimented as she took notice of the navy shirt he was wearing. It matched the blouse she wore tucked in her tweed skirt. August wasn’t too cold in Montreal and she knew she’d be okay with tights.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “You look great too, I like your hair like that.” Tito had to stop himself from reaching up and touching it “Are you ready to go?”
            Adeline murmured a quick thanks and nodded while her cheeks burned. She wasn’t easily intimidated but something about the prospect of a date with Tito was making her nervous. What if they didn’t click now that they were sober and seeing each other in person?
“Hey, everything okay?” Tito asked once they were both sitting in his car and Adeline still hadn’t said a word.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m just…” She coughed a little to clear her throat and he finished the sentence for her.
“Kind of.”
“Me too,” he admitted and glanced at her for a second, keeping his main focus on the road. “That night was great, I just want everything to live up to those expectations now,”
“I feel the same,” Adeline told him, her nerves settling now that she knew he could relate. “But if we can get along when we’re drunk and stupid we can handle a first date, right?”
“Right, as long as you don’t make me sleep on your living room floor tonight, we’re good,” Tito joked, he could still feel the ache in his back.
“First of all, you passed out on said floor, I didn’t make you. Second, bold of you to assume you’re getting invited in again.” She laughed at him. Thoughts of how the night would end had filled her mind all day long despite all the work she had to get done, but none of the scenarios involved him sleeping at her place yet. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it, but it was far too early for something like that. She didn’t want to risk ruining whatever was between them by rushing in.
“What if I bring fries?” He pushed his luck, but it was all playful, and Adeline shook her head again.
“Nice try, but you’re feeding me before we get home this time,”
“Mmh, I’m sure I’ll figure something out.” He rested his hand on her knee, and she moved a little closer to him until the end of the drive.
            Tito didn’t get invited in that night, and he was okay with it. He would have been okay with anything after the way she kissed him in front of her door. Maybe it was stupid, but he’d never gotten a kiss like that after a date that didn’t end up leading to something more too fast. There was something more between him and Adeline, and this was easily the best kiss of his life.
“Is that too soon?” She had hesitated, her hand on his cheeks and lips less than an inch away from his.
“No,” Tito replied, anything else he might have wanted to say cut off by her kiss. His body melted against hers, his hand pulling her waist closer as they moved their lips slowly, exchanging a passionate yet sweet kiss.
            He replayed the moment in his mind the whole ride home, grinning stupidly and humming along to songs on the radio with renewed cheerfulness. For a while he thought they’d keep kissing in front of her door forever, but noise from a door slamming upstairs reminded them they were still in a corridor. With a few nervous chuckles and one last kiss, Tito had left, and now nothing could ruin his good mood.
            That date was followed by another the next week, and another a few days later, until they were so attached to each other they spent every free second they had together. Tito sometimes showed up to her place in the morning with coffee and a bagel from her favorite café so that he could drive her to work. When it was time for her lunch break he’d pick her up and they’d eat out somewhere.
            Since it was the off season he didn’t have many obligations, and while Adeline insisted he didn’t have to drive her everywhere, Tito just really wanted to. He usually spent the morning in the gym to stay in shape, and he used the afternoon to see some friends and his family. Every other moment was reserved for Adeline only.
            Her internship kept her busy outside of working hours too, but she always managed to make him fit in her schedule and doubled her efforts on some nights to be free during others. It was tough but Adeline’s motivation had never been higher, there was so much happiness in her life that no task seemed too big to accomplish.
            Before meeting him, she’d spend all her free time outside or writing poems, which Tito often said she should still do without him. He didn’t want to take away from her personal space and habits, but she simply shook her head and shut him up with a kiss every time. She had never been more inspired than she was when he was around, and her poems gained in quality and length even with less time spent working on them. They weren’t the work of her brain, but of her heart.
“You got me flowers?” Adeline beamed one evening when he picked her up and she spotted the bouquet in the car.
“I should have hidden it in the back,” Tito sighed at the ruined surprise. “But yeah, I haven’t done that for you before. Do you like them?”
“I love pink gerberas,” she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”
            The rest of the drive was quiet, and when they reached her apartment, Tito got to come inside with her for the first time since they were drunk together. Adeline placed the flowers in a vase at the center of her dinner table and smiled to herself. They matched her coasters; it was her favorite color when it came to flowers. It was only a lucky guess, but Tito really had a way to make her swoon with every little gesture.
“It’s not very big, but let me show you around properly this time,” Adeline had cleaned the previous day and made sure to make her bed in the morning so that she could show him.
            They spent the end of the day together, Adeline cooking for both of them and Tito doing dishes as she cooked to help out. It was nice and comfortable, but they were both more than happy when they could finally crash on the couch together.
“Wanna watch something?” She asked, cuddled against his chest. She could have stayed like that forever, just listening to his heartbeat, but she didn’t want him to get bored.
“Mmh, what are you thinking?” Tito rested a hand in the middle of her back, relaxing into her warmth and the soft comforting smell of her place.
“You pick,” Adeline turned the TV on, picked Netflix and handed him the remote so that he could scroll through what was available.
“TV show or movie?” He took note of the things she was currently watching as he scrolled down, and she shrugged against him.
“Movie?” She decided randomly. Her only thought was that she didn’t want him to leave after just one episode of a TV show.
            It was clear they were attracted to each other, but everything had been so perfect in their relationship so far that neither pushed for dates to end with more than a kiss. Adeline’s work was a lot to handle on some days, and she was exhausted on most nights, so Tito never felt like insisting he should come in, even just to spend the night cuddling. He knew he’d keep her up forever because they could rarely stop talking once they started.
            He picked a movie that looked half decent with her approval, oblivious to the fact that neither of them was planning on watching it anyway. Adeline only wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms like that, and he couldn’t care less about anything in the world as long as he could feel her against him.
“You ever think of how crazy it is that we started getting along so well so fast?” She eventually whispered, wondering if he was one to talk during movies or if he liked watching them without interruption.
            The usual answer would have been without interruption, but Tito was much more interested in Adeline than in the movie that night.
“I do, yeah,” he rubbed motions with his thumb on her back. “And it just makes me glad I found you,”
“I feel good around you,” Adeline lifted her head so that she could look at him for a second, she was met with a soft smile, followed by an even softer kiss.
“Should we…” He panted as she kissed back with a little more purpose. “Should we maybe ditch the movie?” Her lips moved to his cheek and down his jaw, making him bite back a groan until she was leaving kisses on his neck and he couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“Yes,” she didn’t hesitate in her answer, lifting herself off him.
            Tito got up after her and pulled her back to him for a passionate kiss, both of them stumbling as she tried to step back towards her bedroom. They chuckled against each other before parting long enough to make it there, and the heaviness of the moment settled on them when they finally sat on the bed.
            Adeline got a condom out of her bedside drawer and placed it on the bed so that they wouldn’t have to worry about it later, and as soon as that was done Tito’s lips were back on hers. Feeling him close to her helped her relax, so she followed his guiding hands until she was straddling him and sitting back on his thighs.
            There was no rush to their movements, they made out slowly and let their hands wander to begin exploring each other, over their clothes at first, and then slipping underneath the fabrics. Their shirts were first to go, and the sight of their bodies like that was enough for them both to need a moment to just breathe. When their lips joined and they found themselves chest to chest again, the desire and heat of the kiss grew stronger.
            Tito’s hands were on her waist, caressing softly before trailing up her back and finding the clasp of her bra. He murmured a question between kisses, and the breathy yes he got in response encouraged him to undo the clasp and remove the material from her body.
            His touches were gentle, pulling quiet gasps out of her as soon as he left her lips to kiss over her neck, looking for the tender spots that made her hips roll so close to his. Adeline’s hands were on his chest, discovering every muscle and the way they clenched when he moved to gently push her back on the mattress. She resisted the urge to hide herself from him, and Tito was nothing but loving as he found the spots that made her breathing hitch with the tips of his fingers.
            Her jeans were next to go, her underwear following a second after while she tugged at Tito’s clothes to get him to remove them too. She used the opportunity to get him on his back and kissed her way down his chest, earning a quiet moan that turned her on so much she almost moaned back just from the noise.
“Baby,” Tito breathed out when her lips pressed over the bulge in his boxers. “Not tonight, please,” his chest was rising and falling faster.
“Okay,” she listened and lifted her head to kiss his stomach again instead, but he could still see the silent question in her eyes.
“You’re going to kill me if you do this right now.” He explained as he reversed the position, adjusting her until she was comfortably resting on a pillow.
“That’s why it’s so fun,” Adeline grinned, and he laughed before their lips met again.
            The kiss was a little messier because of how hard it was for them to stop smiling, but everything intensified when Tito’s fingers found a spot high up on her inner thigh that made her whimper into his mouth.
“That okay?” He whispered close to her ear, kissing the spot just underneath it as she gasped her affirmation.
            He didn’t waste another second before slowly sliding two of his fingers against her and rubbing gentle circles over her clit. Adeline clutched his back in response, moaning softly and moving her hips up for more contact. She was overwhelmed by everything about him, from the light scratch of his beard against her skin when he nibbled at her jaw, the warmth of his almost-naked body close to hers, to the incredible feeling of his fingers rubbing against her perfectly.
            Tito held back moans that threatened to come out just from feeling her dripping for him. He kissed her deeply as he slowly slid his fingers further down and inside of her, his thumb replacing them over her clit. The noises she made into his mouth made him roll his hips against the mattress for some relief, and his chest swelled with pride every time he felt her body react to his touch.
            There had been so much anticipation between them, such a long build up and so many kisses that lingered as they both ached for more, that it didn’t take long for Adeline to feel herself get close to the edge. She clutched Tito’s back harder, holding onto him for dear life as she tried to keep her legs still to let him keep going.
            Her moans and gasps sped up when he let go of her lips and opted for kissing her neck instead to let her breathe, and it all encouraged him to pick up his pace, curling his fingers into her sweet spot until he could feel her body trembling. Adeline’s jaw dropped as she came, her legs closing over Tito’s hand, but it didn’t stop him from moving his fingers slowly to ride her through it.
            He was slow to pull his hand away when her body finally relaxed again, peppering kisses over her face. She wanted to bask in the feeling forever, but the second Tito pulled away from her to shuffle his boxers off, a new kind of hunger overtook her. She didn’t give him time to come back on top of her, pushing herself up and straddling him again instead.
            Tito made quick work of the condom before her lips could latch back onto his and they found themselves chest to chest with no barrier between them. Adeline’s legs wrapped around his waist as he grabbed her ass to pull her to him. They stared into each other’s eyes, resting their foreheads together and sometimes letting their noses brush before Tito reached between their bodies and finally placed his tip at her entrance.
            He didn’t break eye contact for a second as he filled her slowly, tightening his grip around her until they were as close as they could get to each other. The kiss they shared let them swallow each other’s moans and groans as they began rocking together, barely pulling away from each other before making their bodies meet again.
            The temperature rose fast in the room, and a thin layer of sweat covered their skin as they clung to each other. Adeline had never felt this close to someone before, and she had to bury her face in his neck to escape the overwhelming intensity of her feelings when she looked into his eyes.
            Tito pulled her even closer at that, grinding against her and softly moaning every time she clenched around him. He was right on the edge, trying to hold back to get her to come one last time, but everything about her felt like heaven to him. His lips found her shoulder, leaving a few kisses there as he felt himself lose control, his thighs clenching hard while his teeth lightly dug into her skin.
            His pleasured groan got Adeline to fall apart right after him, her body tightening beautifully in his arms as the noises leaving her lips echoed his. They breathed heavily against each other, remaining still for a few minutes and just letting themselves enjoy the afterglow close together.
            Tito pulled away first, carefully letting her down on the bed and kissing her one last time before heading to her bathroom to dispose of the condom. She took a turn in there to clean up right after him, and as soon as she was back in bed, she cuddled close to his chest again.
“Was that okay?” He kissed the top of her head, and her chest shook with a chuckle.
“That wasn’t okay,” Adeline shuffled up so that they could be face to face. “It was amazing,”
“Yeah?” He beamed and she nodded, angling her head to ask for another kiss.
            Tito gave in easily, humming against her lips while she guided him onto his back and rested her forearms on his torso to look at him.
“I’m falling in love with you,” she breathed out without hesitation, looking straight into his eyes and watching them widen as soon as he processed the words.
“I’m falling in love with you too,” he managed to answer even with the breath knocked out of his lungs. “I’m falling so hard.”
            Their honeymoon phase lasted as long as Tito’s time in Montreal did.
She even met his parents one weekend, and a few of his friends through the weeks. It was all too perfect until his last week before having to get back to New York came along.
“What’s going to happen when you’re in New York?” Adeline addressed it as they walked in a park together on his last Monday in Montreal, her hand in his. It was late and a little cold, but the darkness was calm.
“I’m not sure,” Tito swallowed heavily, looking straight ahead because there was no good solution. “I just… I want whatever’s best for you,”
“You’re what’s best for me, I don’t want to lose you.” Her hand slipped from his as they stopped walking and turned to face each other.
            Adeline searched his eyes for an answer, but her fears kept growing with every passing moment. The feelings she had for Tito were unlike anything she ever experienced before, and she was terrified of seeing their relationship end. It was the last thing she could ever want, but he had to make the best decision for his career.
“Then I’m yours,” he reached out and grasped both of her hands in his, bringing them up to kiss her knuckles. “I know not everyone can handle long distance but… but we can’t know until we try, right?”
“Right,” she exhaled her relief and squeezed his hands tighter.
“And New York isn’t the other side of the world, we can see each other on weekends,” Tito continued, trying to work things out in his head and reassure her as well as he could.
“Weekends work,” Adeline nodded, biting back a wave of tears, but her eyes watered anyway.
“Baby, please don’t,” he cupped her face with both hands and ran his thumbs over her cheeks while she wrapped her arms around him. “I know work will make it hard for you to travel, but I’ll come up as often as I can, okay?”
“Yeah,” she hid her face into his chest and took a deep breath to calm down. Nothing soothed her better than being close to him.
“We’ll make it work. I promise.” He rocked her gently from side to side in his arms. “I love you too much to ever let you go.”
“I really- I didn’t think it was possible for me to fall in love like that.” Adeline kissed over his heart, making him tighten his arms around her.
“Me neither, and I know it won’t be easy every day, but it’s all going to be worth it, yeah?” Tito tilted her face up so that their noses brushed.
“Loving you makes it all worth it.” She whispered, closing her eyes and falling for him harder with every press of his lips against hers.
            The first month was easy.
They had just spent so much time together that it didn’t feel like the distance would ever be an issue, Tito came up to Montreal for three days, and despite all her work Adeline managed to visit one weekend too.
            Sweet attentions helped them push through too, Adeline sent him letters with handwritten poems in them, things he inspired and she thought were worth sharing. Tito sent her flowers and so many loving good morning texts that there was no way she’d ever wake up and start her day without feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.
            Their time together was a little hectic, a mix of dates to spend quality time together and just staying in bed without letting go of each other unless it was for a few hours of sleep in between. The rhythm was tiring, no matter how close New York and Montreal were, travelling was exhausting. It meant waking up early to go to the airport and have enough time to get through security, and it also meant getting home late at the end of the trip with an early morning start right after.
            Still, they were in love and they made it work.
When Christmas came around they felt like they were pros at handling their relationship. Adeline took days off to come spend time in New York so that she could see more of Tito’s world and finally meet Mat, and he came back to Canada for Christmas with his family.
            They didn’t spend the holidays together per say, but they saw each other so often that it felt like they did anyway. Every important moment was spent together, Adeline came over to his house on Christmas morning to open gifts and have lunch with his parents, and Tito spent New Year’s Eve at a party her friends organized. They got to exchange a sickeningly sweet kiss just as the year started and whispered their promise to love each other forever.
            When hockey became a priority again and Tito had to leave, everything felt bittersweet. The moments they had together felt like they were stolen, something they had to work for because nothing fit in their lives unless they forced it to. There was never a weekend when they could both be free unless Adeline managed to figure out a way to get a break from work, and even when she had things to do, Tito still flew up to see her during the moments she had to spare over two days. His games were getting more important, and the team was already dealing with injuries, so he was having a hard time handling everything without letting anyone down.
            Their relationship was strong, but when March rolled around neither of them was truly happy.
“You’re exhausted,” Adeline pointed out something she had been noticing more and more every time he visited. Now, the dark circles under his eyes were visible even through the shitty quality of their call.
“I’m alright,” Tito lied again to stop her from worrying and gave her a weak smile. “You think you’ll be free next weekend?”
“There’s no way you’re travelling again next weekend,” she shook her head, refusing to ask him to put so much effort in again when he clearly needed the rest.
“Well can you come down?” He broke it down to what he thought was simple. If she could move, she’d come visit him. If she couldn’t, he’d come visit her.
“No, I’m stuck this month, I told you,” Adeline sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. Her internship was getting closer to its end and the prospect of a job was real, so she was being drowned in extra work so that she could prove she deserved to stay. As much as she wanted to see Tito to be able to relax in his arms, she knew his training was even more intense than what she had to do.
“Then I’m coming to you,” he insisted again, so Adeline sharpened her tone.
“The hell you are.” She gave him the glare he had received many times before. It was the one that told him ‘I love you but you’re being an idiot,’ and if things were normal, Tito would have laughed and agreed with whatever she wanted.
“So you don’t want to see me now?” He got offended instead, unable to understand why she wouldn’t want him to come. He was doing everything he could to make things work, no matter what.
“Not in that state!” She shot back, feeling tears brimming in her eyes. She was calmer as she spoke her next words. “Tito please, just get some rest… I miss you like hell all the time, but this… it’s not worth it. I’d rather see you a little less and in better shape, okay? We can facetime every night this week or something to make up for it if you want,”
“It’s not the same as holding you,” Tito’s emotions settled too, as defeated as he felt, she was right.
“I know champ, but you’ve got to take care of yourself. Get some rest, okay?”
She made him promise he’d slow down, but Tito didn’t last long. He figured that if he trained extra hard by going to the gym earlier and spent more time on the ice then he’d deserve to spend his days off with her.
Everything was going in the opposite direction of what she asked, but he couldn’t let himself rest if it meant he wouldn’t see her.
“Wake the fuck up!” Anders slammed into him on the ice and sent him stumbling a few feet away. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” Tito gritted his teeth, anger clear in his features.
            The captain muttered something under his breath as he skated away, hoping this would be enough to get him to concentrate until the end of the practice at least. It was the third time in a row he missed a pass to Mat, something that almost never happened. The two best friends had chemistry even on the ice, they worked well together, but Anthony was fucking everything up lately and the team wouldn’t take it for much longer.
“Alright,” Anders stood in front of him in the locker room once everyone else was gone and crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing,”
“Beau,” His captain gave him a look. “You’re a good player, but you haven’t played right in two weeks at practice. Thank fuck you’re still alright when we have games, but how long is that gonna last, uh?”
“I’m not going to let the team down.” Anthony promised, and the other man sighed.
“I know you don’t want to, so get your shit together. It’d be a waste to have you sitting on a bench during every game, especially because of some girl,” Anders made his point and watched him get offended, his voice rising as he spoke again.
“Adeline is-”
“I don’t care what Adeline is.” Anders snapped to cut him off. “Adeline is not here, and she’s not worth ruining a career over. If you don’t start showing some proper skills you won’t be playing next time there’s an important game. I need to know I can count on you to be part of the team.”
“You can count on me.” Tito’s jaw was clenched, he was angry, but now was not a good time to lash out. He knew the threat was real, and Anders was probably doing him a favor having this talk with him now rather than letting him get ripped apart by coaches.
“Then start by getting some sleep. You look like shit.” His captain concluded, dropping his arms by his side and walking out of the room, leaving Anthony alone with his thoughts.
            Tito tried his best to fix himself over the next week. He got a smile from Anders when things finally went right at practice, and everyone on the team felt relief when they realized they were getting their player back. Everyone thought things were fine except Mat.
            He could see past the fake smiles; he could see the hurt in his friend’s eyes when he came to hang out with the team on Saturday nights instead of flying to Montreal to be with the woman he so desperately loved. It wasn’t healthy.
            Even when Mat tried to start a conversation he got shut out, Tito wasn’t sharing much with anyone anymore. He was the shell of the player and friend he used to be, so lost in his love for Adeline that he didn’t even realize he was forgetting parts of himself.
“Adeline?” Mat eventually ended up on the phone with her, half of his brain screaming this was the stupidest thing to do and the other half saying it was the only solution. He didn’t want to get in his best friend’s business, but he at least needed to know what was going on on her end.
“Yeah, what’s up Mat?” She took a break from the chapter of the novel she was editing and pushed her chair away from her desk.
“I’m just- I’m sorry I’m calling, I know it’s fucked, but Tito isn’t talking to me and I’m wondering if you’ve heard a lot from him the past few days?”
“Yeah, he’s always texting or calling. Did you guys have a fight or something?” Adeline frowned. Not talking to Mat wasn’t normal, ever since she met Tito she’d been hearing all about his best friend and how well they got along. She also would have expected Tito to mention it to her if something happened.
“No, I mean, yeah. Sort of. He’s been playing like shit at practice, so Anders tried to knock some sense into him, and not very kindly,” Mat explained with a sigh, which only made her worry more.
“Oh. What does that have to do with you?” She asked so that she could finally connect the dots, and the response she got was not what she had expected.
“Well Anders said something about how he shouldn’t let some girl fuck up a whole career, and, uh, it was a shitty thing to say, so I tried to put it more nicely, and he didn’t like it.”
“Right,” she looked down at her lap and fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Was that how the team felt about her? Like she was some girl messing with one of their best players? And if so, wasn’t it her responsibility to make sure she didn’t interfere with his career?
“You’re not fucking up anything, it’s not what I meant,” he quickly caught himself. “But Tito’s just… he’s not himself lately. He’s pretending he’s okay but the travelling back and forth is seriously getting to him, he’s not sleeping, he’s just a mess. It’s bad for the team, and he’s my best friend, I’m worried about him,” Mat was quiet as he spoke the end of his sentence, and she was glad he couldn’t see her.
“I just… I’m not sure what I can do about that Mat,” Adeline felt the tears brimming in her eyes, because she knew.
There was only one way to fix this, and she had been avoiding it for weeks already. The day Tito left Montreal they promised each other they’d do anything to make things work, that they’d never stop trying, but was this promise more important than his health?
“Can you try to talk to him, please? Just make him rest for one weekend,” Mat brought her back to earth as he asked, as if that was all Anthony needed. It would be a start, but it was far from enough. He was already staying in New York most of the time, and it was barely helping.
“I keep telling him to stay home,” she reminded him while pressing her palms over her eyes.
“So he’s not listening to you either?” Mat’s heart deflated at that. He knew his best friend was stubborn, but he didn’t think he’d turn away every attempt you all made to get him to take care of himself.
“No… I’d come if I could, but work doesn’t really allow it right now. I’ll try to get him to stay in New York for the next two weeks, hopefully I’ll get somewhere by talking to him,” Adeline promised herself to make more efforts, to give it one more try in case that was all they needed to make things work again.
“Okay,” he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, hoping that by the end of those two weeks things would look a bit better.
“Are you thinking of anything else?” She prompted him after he turned quiet, and Mat sighed.
“No, you’re… you were really good for him at the start, you know?” He delved into the part he probably shouldn’t be saying out loud, but he needed her to understand how bad things were. “It made him so happy, and I know you guys are still happy together, but with the way things are right now, he’s messing himself up. Badly. It’s not your fault, I just hope you guys can find a balance that works for you both again.”
“I’ll figure it out, have a nice day Mat,” Adeline put an end to the conversation, and he rubbed his hand over his face as he sighed.
“Yeah, you too.”
            When Tito called her less than twenty minutes later, he couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to talk. Adeline declined his call after the second ring and told him she’d call later even though they had planned on talking to each other at that time. Her lack of texts and explanations made him overthink everything, so when Mat and a few other guys showed up to his place an hour later, he wasn’t in the mood to hang out anymore.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Mat told him when he expressed his concern. “Just have a beer and chill out,”
“You can’t be sure she’s fine,” Tito argued as he grabbed the beer and took three long gulps.
“I talked to her for a bit today, so she’s fine. She’ll probably call you tomorrow, yeah?” Mat let the information slip because he figured it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Adeline was bound to tell him at some point anyway.
“You talked to her?” Tito frowned, the information not sitting well with him. Mat barely knew Adeline; they hadn’t gotten many chances to hang out because Tito always hogged her attention whenever she was around.
“Uh, yeah,” Mat was suddenly more than uncomfortable. He didn’t want to lie to his friend, but with the way he was reacting he felt like he would have been much better off keeping his mouth shut.
“And now she’s not picking up my calls.” Anthony grew suspicious, and the look on Mat’s face didn’t reassure him in the least. “What the fuck did you say to her?”
“I just told her I’m worried about you, you’re not yourself lately.” He admitted, feeling like being honest was the best option.
Tito didn’t lose his cool easily, but somehow this made him angry.
“Can’t you all stop with that? I’m fine.” He replied harshly, and Mat kept his mouth shut.
He thought for a second looking at the wall ahead of him and nodding. Mat was done fighting, he had offered his help, he was there to listen, but he wasn’t going to sit and let Anthony get mad at him when he was only trying to show he cared.
“Yeah, right.” Mat got up and headed out of the room, abandoning him to his thoughts.
            Tito sighed and checked his phone to distract himself, knowing he had to get out there and apologize in a minute or two. A text from Adeline caught his attention, and his mood lifted instantly.
I’ll be in New York tomorrow
            He almost screamed right there, but he bit his lip and contained his smile instead as he typed back.
For real?? What time am I picking you up?
            He had been feeling so off, he couldn’t wait to hold her. It had been too long since he got to see her and it was hard for him to hide his excitement.
I’ll just meet you at your place
            The response Tito received made his heart deflate. Something was wrong. He always picked her up from the airport, he’d done it every single time, so why shouldn’t he do it tomorrow? Between his conversation with Mat and that, the uneasiness he had felt since the declined call only increased.
“You okay?” Brassard asked as he walked out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, I’m just not in the mood tonight,” he walked past everyone and went straight for his bedroom, closing the door and locking it so no one could come bother him.
            It wasn’t fair to shut his friends out like that, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Nothing mattered anymore, he was in a constant state of numbness when he was in New York. Playing hockey helped, the games put him in the right mindset, but as soon as he stepped off the ice his world fell apart all over again.
            Adeline was the only thing keeping him together, but she was also the reason he was being torn apart. She had watched it happen too, she saw the way it started, his sudden disinterest for anything that wasn’t hockey or her, the sadness she caused and tried to fix so hard. She thought that with more time together their time apart would be easier, but nothing she did helped Tito work it out. Their relationship had been rushed, they fell in love and their feelings for each other became an obsession, one Anthony couldn’t manage anymore.
            He was only happy when she was with him, but even then parts of himself were missing.
            Mat and the other guys left soon after he disappeared, giving up for the night and deciding they’d try to spend time with him another day. Anthony was too stubborn, there was no point in them staying. He didn’t care about what was going on that night, he couldn’t think of anything except Adeline.
            Just one night of sleep, one day of work and she’d be in his arms.
            Tito was in his head and time flew by, so when he made it home the next night he was constantly checking his phone to know where she was. She texted when she landed, so he was waiting close to the door when he knew she was about to arrive.
            The front door was open before she was even out of the elevator.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Tito let her walk in and pulled her into a hug to take in the sweet scent of her perfume. His eyes fell shut as he finally felt his body relax. Adeline was the remedy to everything in his life, nothing felt better than having her close.
“Tito,” she pulled away a little as she spoke, trying to put some distance between them.
“Mmh?” He kept his hands on her waist, tugging her against him because he wasn’t ready to part from the hug just yet.
“Anthony, stop,” she pushed on his shoulders and took a step back. “I’m here because I need to talk to you.”
“What’s going on?” Tito frowned at the use of his full name. Deep down, he had known for days that something was coming, but now that he had to face it he didn’t feel prepared enough at all.
            A heaviness settled over the room, the usual playful and happy atmosphere of their reunions nowhere to be found.
“I don’t think we should be doing this anymore.” Adeline said, her hands linked together in front of her.
            The words hung in the air for several seconds. There was an apologetic look in her eyes as she waited for Tito to react, his expression going from shock, to panic, and to confusion all within a few seconds. He had expected her to want to talk, to ask for a break from things at worst.
This was something he had never considered.
“What?” He whispered, unable to form a word any louder than that.
“I know you don’t want to hear it, but you’re not happy like this,” she felt her heart break as he stammered to start a sentence. He looked exhausted, there were dark circles under his eyes, and now his features were twisted in pain.
“Adeline, don’t. You- you don’t know what you’re saying, I’m fine, and-” Tito struggled to say anything coherent, he spoke too fast, but he was scared that if he didn’t say anything she’d vanish.
“You’re not fine. You’re not in the right headspace to train because you’re always thinking of how to get away from New York, you’re not focusing on what should matter to you the most and you’re making yourself sick because you’re not sleeping,” Adeline shook her head, looking down to avoid crying. She couldn’t take the look in his eyes, they used to be so full of joy, but now the blue was dulled by tears that blurred his vision.
“I am sleeping,” he croaked weakly and reached for her.
“That’s not the point!” She stepped back to dodge his touch. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him on this for long, he held too much power over her, she’d cave in no time if she let him touch her. “This was never the point. You were right, not everyone can do long distance and we couldn’t know unless we tried. Now we know, it’s not working out.” She swallowed back her sob and took a shaky breath in to calm down.
“Adeline, please,” Tito shook his head, teardrops rolling down his cheeks already. “No, please,” he didn’t know what else to do but beg.
“I’m sorry,” she looked up. As hard as it was, he deserved at least that, but the broken look in his eyes made her fall apart.
“No! You’re the love of my life, I can’t just let you go,” he refused to go down without a fight, not when she was the only woman he had ever loved. He saw his entire life with her, they could have everything together, and he couldn’t let it go so easily.
“You have to. I’m asking you to.” Adeline wiped her thumbs underneath her eyes to catch her tears. She knew he’d respect her decision, no matter how much he hated it, because he always respected boundaries. She just had to tell him she didn’t want him anymore, and that was the hardest part, having to lie to protect him. “This isn’t healthy for you, and frankly, it’s not healthy for me either. I’m always on my phone, I can barely focus on work because I’m wondering when you’ll be free to call, I’m going to sleep so fucking late every time we call and I just… I just can’t keep doing this any longer knowing it’s hurting you.” She explained, and he used that time to settle his breathing.
“We can work through a rough patch,” his voice was a little raspy, but he pushed through. “I’ll… I’ll stay in New York for longer periods, and we can schedule calls so that it’s not as messy,” Tito brought up every solution he could think of, but she already knew they were pointless.
“You’re making this so hard,” Adeline sniffled quietly, glancing down at her feet again. “I’m sorry, but I’m not changing my mind.”
“So that’s just… it?” He felt like he’d just received a punch to the stomach. Adeline looked up as he took a step back, shaking his head a little and looking completely lost.
“I guess,” she whispered, her lower lip trembling.
“I’m in love with you, isn’t that worth trying a little bit harder?” Tito couldn’t believe the feelings settling inside his chest. He was slowly processing every word she had said, and there were so many things wrong with this conversation. What happened to their promise?
“You think I haven’t tried hard enough? You think I haven’t tried my fucking hardest?” Adeline let the tears flow down her cheeks, and her chest shook with a sob, but she fought to keep her voice steady.
“Well you’re the one giving up now!” He clenched his jaw, sniffling loudly and tugging at his hair in despair. The hurt had kicked in, and he was angry now.
“Because you’re not okay! And I had to find out from your best friend because you keep lying to me and you’re not taking care of yourself!” She raised her voice to his level, and he scoffed, pacing around his living room.
“Mat doesn’t fucking know what I’m doing, if I’m saying I can handle it, then I can handle it!” Tito was sick of everyone around him telling him how to feel and what to do. Focus, train harder, take a break, sleep, travel, don’t travel, call me, don’t call me, spend time with friends, call your family. It was all too much, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Mat just asked me to check up on you, and he was right, you’re not fine, and I’m the reason you keep getting worse. I just can’t do this anymore,” Adeline’s voice softened to hide the way it cracked halfway through, but he caught it anyway.
“Fucking great.” He bit his cheek to stop himself from breaking down. Watching her like this, the woman he loved more than anything in the world, was destroying him. She felt the pain too, and he was causing it.
“You’re angry, and I get it,” Adeline took a deep breath in and dropped her hands by her sides, wondering when he’d snap. She was the one giving up, so she was ready to take it. “I’m so sorry, this isn’t how I pictured things going between us... I’ll just go… I’m really sorry.” She turned around, ready to walk out so that she could break down somewhere he wouldn’t see her.
            It was better if he was mad at her, his anger was much easier to handle than the look he first gave her.
“Adeline wait,” Tito crossed the room in two long strides and wrapped his hand around her arm before she could reach the door.
“What are you-” Adeline turned around to face him and he released her arm to hold her waist instead.
“Just one more.” He murmured with his lips so close to hers she could already feel how soft they were through a brush. “Please, just one last night,”
            He kissed her to stop her from replying, to stop her from thinking rationally, and to fucking beg her to give him this last thing. Adeline wasn’t strong enough to pull away. Instead, she melted into his touch and responded to the kiss with a passion fueled by her heart falling into pieces.
            Just one last time, she told herself as she kept on kissing him, blindly letting him walk back to his bedroom.
            They could taste the saltiness of their tears as they moved their lips together, tangled in each other with her straddling him and her legs around his waist, just like they had been the first night they were together like that. They didn’t exchange any words, kissing and hiding their faces whenever they had to so that they wouldn’t see the other breaking inside.
It was all too much and not enough, so when Tito kept her tight against his chest to lay in bed, Adeline didn’t fight him. She closed her eyes and bit back tears, pretending she wasn’t about to leave so that he would let himself fall asleep.
Tito was safe with her so close, his grip was tight, he wasn’t ever letting her go. It was what he told himself as he drifted off to sleep, telling himself they’d talk in the morning, that he’d find a way to convince her they could still fix things.
            Adeline felt like her heart was being torn apart when she crawled out of his arms in the early hours of the morning. She hadn’t slept for a second, but she couldn’t bring herself to get up. For a moment, she even thought she should stay. What if Tito was right? What if he could stay in New York for more time? They could schedule the calls like he said to make things easier.
The idea disappeared from her mind with every moment she spent looking at him, fast asleep in his bed when he used to always wake up whenever she moved. There were dark circles under his eyes, he was exhausted, and she was only making it worse. Leaving was the only way.
Adeline grabbed as much of her things as she could carry and got dressed in the living room as quietly as possible, but with how hard she was crying she was surprised none of her sobs had woken Tito up yet. A few of her things were still in his room, but it was nothing she desperately needed back, and if she woke him up she’d never be able to leave. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from going into his bedroom to look at him one more time.
He was so beautiful when he slept, so peaceful and relaxed. Adeline wished she could see him smile one more time, just to be able to admire the spark in his eyes whenever he did. She knew that if he woke up they’d only be filled with sadness and fear, all because of her, so she took a deep breath and scribbled one last thing on a post it note, placing it on her pillow before leaving his apartment silently.
            An hour later the sun was up, and Tito was shaking as he woke up. He sat up immediately to grab the cold bed sheets on her side of the bed. It all felt like a nightmare. The bedroom was silent apart from his heavy breathing, and he turned his light on before looking around for any sign she was still here.
            After they held each other so tightly during the night, the way they loved each other, how could she have left? Tears stung in his eyes as he took notice of everything in his room. Her clothes were gone from the floor, her notebook wasn’t on the nightstand, and he could see his closet cracked open with two empty shelves. Her shelves.
            Tito’s heart tightened in his chest as the reality of the situation hit him. His body was tense but he couldn’t move. His whole world was falling apart, he was completely lost, scrambling for something, anything he could hold onto.
He found it in a single blue post-it note on his pillow, her pretty cursive handwriting recognizable easily.
I’m sorry,
Please reblog and let me know what you thought!! Writing is a lot of time and effort, I appreciate all comments, asks and reblogs more than you know <3
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Max Philips and Werewolf Wife hcs
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@honestlystop @corrupt-fvcker @captainsamwlsn @thesadvampire @humanransome-note @biharryjames @max--phillips​
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Alright so let me start this by saying max philips is a combination of an absolute perfect husband and father but also a goddamn M E N  A C E
He’s loving and attentive, but mf will grope you in public, not to be a dick but because his internal monolouge is like “my wife is so cool and sexy all the time i love her so much” and then he grabs your ass while youre in a whole foods. 
Often times he’ll do that cliche “honey, im home!” bit when he comes home because he KNOWS it annoys the living hell out of you and he’s been doing it since yall got married. 
He is def one of those dads who will take any moment to boast about his kids. Some employees miss when he first started working there because now if you talk about sports he’ll bring up his son’s soccer team and you’ll be stuck there for the next thirty minutes as he shows you pictures of the boys at their last game. 
That obnoxious proud dad. If one of his kids does theatre? He’s whooping and cheering their name and you have to pull him down into his seat with a sharp hiss of “sit the fuck down”
Probably has started fights with the refs at soccer games when they miss a CLEAR foul or is somebody pushes his kid?? and they don't do a goddamn thing?? Vamp dad is shouting at the ref to get their head out of their ass before he does it for them. 
Because of this Max is no longer asked to bring orange slices for the boy’s soccer team. 
You have two kids. Both boys and both elementary school age. (idk their names yet tho) and they are your babies. Pride and joy. Light of your life.
They are also tiny agents of chaos that run you both ragged. 
When it comes to allergies, theirs coincide with being werewolves+vamps. 
Your vampire son is allergic to garlic and your werewolf son is allergic to wolfsbane. Luckily the extent to this allergy is just sneezing and breaking out into hives, not, ya know, death. 
But max still has to race downstairs at three a.m. because he can hear munching and now has to wrestle garlic bread out of his son’s mouth as he has an allergic reaction while still eating it because “WE CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS ALEX” 
Meanwhile you’ll go to the park with your son and see him sneezing with every step while picking wolfsbane because “It’s just so pretty mommy.” 
Safe to say you guys are constantly exhausted.  
Now lets be real here. You're just as fiery and protective of your family if not more and goddamn he does love it. 
He takes off every full moon, drives you and the family up to the cabin where you and your son can shift in peace. He thinks its a great bonding moment for you all. Your son is just barely a pup that trots after you, and more often than not you're just making sure he doesn’t get lost, start playing in mud, or eats trash (he has done this multiple times)
Your son shifts into a lil wolf pup and it’s adorable. 
But at the same time he has that puppy energy so he’s all over the place. Running after rabbits and play biting you, you take it all in stride of course but once he tries to get back to the house covered in mud Max brings out the hose. 
“Does this count as child abuse?”
“I don’t think so, look how much fun he’s having!” *cut to your son jumping and trying to eat the water as mas sprays him down with the hose*
                                 (A few nsfw headcanons as well)
You've got that mama bear strength combined with werewolf strength that max finds insanely hot to the point that anytime you tell off some bitchy mom for making a snooty comment about your kids he has half a mind to find a closet nearby and pull you in for a quickie. 
speaking of strength, the sex? World changing. More often than not yall have to resolve to quick screws in the morning before the kids wake up and he has to go to work. But when the boys are at a sleepover or their grandparents house for the weekend? You might as well warn the neighbors cause they won’t be getting any sleep with ya’ll fucking all night lmao. 
Max doesn’t feel pain much since he’s turned, but with your strength? the feeling of your nails raking down his back just teeters on the edge of painful and he fucking lives for it. 
Any time you visit him at the office? Office sex. He’ll have that look of like barely contained excitement as he asks about your day and shows you off to his employees but he is literally shaking to get you ontop of his desk. 
you take heat suppressants because nobody has time for that shit. But when yall were first dating and you forgot to renew your prescription?? 
Max literally broke like three traffic laws driving to your place. 
You basically called him and said “im in a horny frenzy and im gonna want to fuck you stupid for the next week.”
Homeboy was like “say no more” and left his job with zero explanation to his boss before getting to his car and driving like a mad man
Max is vv touchy. Not always in a sexual way. Sometimes he just wants to lay with his head on your lap or on your chest because he’s naturally cold so he loves feeling close to you cause youre all nice and warm. Sometimes hell just hug you and grab your ass. 
“You having fun there?”
“Shhhh honey im coping with a hard day at work.”
“By holding my ass?”
“It’s a magical ass, what can I say?”
Fang pals. Idk what else to say for that one but yeah. 
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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rhetorical-ink · 4 years
Haikyuu!! SPOILERS: THE BIG 400
Y’all, this series has all been building to this match up.
Kageyama vs. Hinata at the top of their game.
Surrounded by their favorite monsters. 
If any chapter was the build the tension and ramp up the action to the climax of any game, it was this one. There’s just so much in 19 pages:
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Right from the start, we establish Hinata is finally mentally on par with Kageyama, at least in terms of realizing what he’s going to do.
I also want to give a shout out to Shion Inunaki, who is like, “Who cares about you young whippersnappers?! My generation is boss, too!” Leave it to a Libero...
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Love that we get Tsuki and Futakuchi giving a little grin at the block on Bokuto, with Aone recognizing and Bokuto’s teammates feeling his pain. 
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Also, Suga holding BOTH the Black Jackals and Adlers noise-makers?! ADORABLE! He is a representative of all of us! Picking sides is HARD!
Oh, and Sakusa looking glorious and a callback to how he can’t be disgusted on the volleyball court, where he’s most happy --
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When the Banners started showing up (Hoshiumi was the foreshadowing of that last chapter, but it’s on full-force here), I started feeling the emotions rising...
ALSO, a nice little Ushijima x Sakusa moment here, to feed the shippers.
Then we have Bokuto -- Bokuto’s determined face! Akaashi’s callback to their Nationals matches! TASK FOCUS!
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 I love that Atusmu gives him a chance to make up for being stuffed in the last play! Let it not be said that Atsumu is only petty -- friendship is magic, y’all!
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Protagonists of the World, INDEED. This part hit me so hard. 
I also resonate strongly with the Black Jackals “Chaos Trio” here -- Ushijima can be just too strong, can’t he? 
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But let’s be real, y’all! 
THIS is where the chapter just ramps up to 1000%. 
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The “Limbo King” does it again, and I want to take a moment to call back to Atsumu lamenting during their match at Nationals how Hinata just DEMANDED the ball and Kageyama had to set it to him -- only for him to taste that same demand now. Soooo many callbacks to the Inarizaki match in this game, and I am HERE for it, especially with the anime to still show it to us...
The page of Atsumu setting, and the last page of this chapter, may be one of my favorites, but in terms of favorite expressions of the chapter....it’s this page.
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Atsumu’s questioning look and then his tiny little smile in the bottom corner is just adorable, but the tension between Hinata and Kageyama here at the bottom?! Hinata looking like a straight-up demon, and Kageyama looking about as sexy tense and in the game as he’s ever looked...
...and then the next page, where you can see Kageyama spots Hoshiumi’s bump might turn into a match point for the Jackals, so he tries to rebound it back to Romero, which under anyone else, in any other game, might have just done the trick -- 
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-- but this is NINJA SHOYO we’re talking about.
I really hope that Hinata goes down as “Ninja Shoyo” and not “The Greatest Decoy” or “the Little Giant” Since that’s clearly Hoshiumi’s title at this point. Ninja Shoyo fits him so well as an all-rounder now.
I like to think that the line “I’ll take you on as many times as it takes” is both Hinata and Kageyama’s line -- as they’ve built this entire series up to facing one another on the court. 
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But in the end, as we get this massive cliffhanger and see their high school banner above them...it’s clear what my hope is:
I want Shoyo to score this point and win the match for the Black Jackals.
Not that I don’t want to continue this match, GOD I DO, but him scoring this point would be so symbolic and meaningful:
- Showing Shoyo is no longer “dependent” on Kageyama to win.
- Capping off the reveal of his growth as a man this entire match has built.
- Setting the stage for Shoyo’s entrance to the Olympic team.
Of course, Furudate could just wipe all of that in our faces, have Shoyo’s spike not go past Kageyama and continue to stamp on our hearts. Who knows at this point.
This chapter was masterful, as this whole game has been, and gearing up for the final chapters of this series, I just want a few things clarified/ended on:
* The whereabouts of Nekoma’s missing players -- specifically Lev, Yaku, Toro, and Kuroo (who I’m convinced at this point is either on Argentina’s team with Oikawa I have my reasons for thinking this, or is a chemist working to turn the fandom’s tears into a renewable energy source)
* The picks for Japan’s Olympic team in 2020 (This is the real timeline, not the Covid timeline) so we at least see which players are going to be on the team
* The series at least ending with the Olympic match about to begin -- as much as I want Oikawa to be on Japan’s Olympic team, would it not just be fitting for Ushijima, Kageyama, and Hinata to face him in the last chapter of the series? 
After all...Oikawa did say he was going to “Beat Everyone...including Hinata...” 
These next few weeks are going to be rough.
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sensualyerotic · 3 years
Shekhar was sitting in his office typing the findings on his latest research about medicinal fungi when he felt a bit tired and took a break. He called for his office peon Tek Chand Nautiyal and asked him to bring a cup of coffee. He has little idea that while he was in his office his lovely wife was lying naked in the woods rubbing away his pussy.
He was a meritorious student throughout his life and was very shy around girls, so during his school and college he never had a girlfriend. He was more occupied with his studies to flirt with girls and after graduation he went on to do his Phd and then joined ministry of forestry as a scientist. He thought about his beautiful wife and wondered that if this arranged marriage thing was not there he would never have won such a lovely and lively girl.
Varsha was everything to him now, she was his friend, lover, caretaker and a whore in bed. Even after eight years of marriage he never felt that their sex life has diminished rather it has improved during last three years. It was a bit low when Rini was born but ever since she started to go to school he has found a renewed energy in their sex life.
Varsha has maintained her figure by regular exercise on one hand and on other she was experimental in bed. Every other night she will have something new to do, she would do a strip tease for him or dress up as a school girl. She will wear sexy lingerie and would make a show taking them off, she will do something or the other to spice up the things in bed and the result is sex, almost five times a week. Shekhar was often surprised at her energy and the enthusiasm she shows. He was a bit skeptical initially that he was nine years older to her but the age difference never proved to be a problem nor did the average cock size that he has, proved to be a problem.
He knew that she was a virgin at the time of marriage as she howled with pain even with the average size cock he had and she learned everything about sex gradually with him. Although he was also a novice but the two explored each other. Shekhar always found her an innocent little girl and he had no idea of her fetish, even when he witnessed a salesman having a peek of her creamy boobs.
They were out shopping and happened to be in a shoe store. Varsha was trying a sandal and Shekhar was busy with his daughter who was running around the shop. He was at some distance and saw his wife sitting on the stool bending forward adjusting the sandal and the salesman sitting on the floor in front of her. Suddenly he saw the 'pallu' of her saree fall down and through the deep neck blouse her boobs were visible to great depths. Even though he was at some distance but he can also clearly see the cleavage deep down. He looked at the salesman and found him staring at the site before him in an awe.
'Oh my god' he was rooted to his place and watched Varsha who oblivious to everything, was busy fiddling with the sandal. It looked like she was presenting her delicious globs on platter to the salesman. Shekhar was mesmerized and his first thought was for the salesman 'lucky bastard' then he thought of warning Varsha. But before he could act he saw her straightening and pulling back the saree on her breasts. Shekhar looked around to see if anyone else was watching but found none as the only other shopper, a lady and was facing away.
He found that his heartbeat increased and he was feeling aroused. He was distracted when Rini pulled her hand and took him to a rack to point out at a shoe she wanted. For some time he was busy with her and when he looked again at Varsha he found that she was busy with yet another shoe. He was able to see her back from this point and he found that her 'pallu' again slipped from her breasts. From the look of the salesman he was sure that he is getting a delicious view.
Varsha kept on trying different sandals and shoes and continued to expose her boobs to the ogling eyes of salesman. Shekhar wanted to warn Varsha but he was feeling aroused watching his innocent wife unknowingly expose herself in front of this man. The salesman was happily bringing shoes for her to try and enjoyed the view.
Shekhar never mention this to her as he felt ashamed of himself that he knowingly allowed to continue the show. Later in the night he was excited beyond control and mauled her tits, it gives him added pleasure that the salesman could only drool over them while he can have them.
"Saab," his train of thoughts were broken as the peon Tek Chand entered with his coffee, "your coffee."
"Yeah... keep it on the table."
"Saab I want seven days leave."
"Why where are you going?"
"Going to our village I have found a suitable boy for my daughter, so going to meet his parents to finalize her marriage," he replied.
"Ohh, ok no problem."
"My son Chandu would be around he will maintain your garden and if you need he can do other chores for you too."
"That would not be required, gardening would be enough."
Tek Chand nodded and exited his office.
Varsha returned from her 'walk' in the woods, it was almost quarter past one in the afternoon and Rini was due to be back from school at two O' clock.
"How was your day dear," she enquired as Rini got down from the school bus.
Rini excitedly started narrating whatever happened at school and continued during the lunch also. After the lunch Varsha put her to bed for the afternoon nap and she too slept for two hours with her.
Shekhar returned around seven and Rini immediately jumped in his lap and animatedly started telling about her day. Varsha was busy in the kitchen preparing the dinner.
"Hey don't bother your daddy let him relax," Varsha peeped from the kitchen and scolded Rini.
"No... no... I will play with daddy," she shouted.
"Let her play I am not tired," Shekhar replied.
"I don't want you to get tired now," Varsha spoke meaningfully and Shekhar felt a tingling sensation as he understood what she was hinting about.
Later in the night when Shekhar came to bedroom after putting Rini to bed he found Varsha was wearing a flimsy nighty which was reaching just below her knees. The material was so thin that he could clearly make out every curve on her body and can also see the bra and panty she was wearing. He looked at her admiringly while Varsha has a mischievous smile on her face.
"This arrived today," she pointed towards the nighty, "and also what I am wearing inside."
Shekhar remembered that they ordered a set of fancy bra and panty few days ago and she must be wearing the same under the nighty. Varsha pushed him on the bed and stood beside with a naughty smile.
"You want to see," she asked. Shekhar nodded eagerly feeling his blood rushing to his crotch. Varsha stepped back a bit untying her hairs and shook her head seductively letting the shoulder length hairs fall on her back. She put on some light music and turned on the night bulb then sensually started to sway her hips. Shekhar watched in dim light the little show she put up and felt his cock getting hard. Varsha slowly pulled up the nighty to give him a peek at her creamy thighs and the purple panty, then quickly pulled it back. She teased him until she saw a tent building in his pajamas. She pulled the nighty all the way up and out of her head and stood before him in the purple bra and panty.
Shekhar rubbed his crotch and saw that the material was so transparent that he could see the tout nipples and the fluffy pussy lips. Varsha swayed and turned a full round displaying her body.
"You want more," she whispered, "then show me your hard cock."
Shekhar quickly peeled his clothes off and rubbed the erect cock.
"Mmmm... lovely," she approached him and planted a kiss on his throbbing penis.
Varsha continued the teasing by showing glimpses of her body and in between playing with his cock with her tongue until Shekhar could take it no more and pulled her onto the bed. Varsha moaned loudly as he quickly mounted her. The room was filled with the noises of lovemaking.
After sending off her husband and daughter, Varsha relaxed in the verandah enjoying the weather and a hot cup of coffee. The weather was romantic with clouds in the sky and she was feeling naughty, she thought of going to shopping mall and have some fun with the salesmen. Last time, she remembered the salesman got a deep look at her cleavage, today she thought of wearing a skirt and can let him have some view down her thighs. The thought sent shivers down her spine and she felt the familiar sensation building inside her. Then she thought of her tailor with whom she was so generous that she allowed him to have a feel of her boobs while taking measurement. She remembers that his hands were trembling and a big bulge was visible in his pants. She finished the coffee but was still not able to decide where to go.
Finally, it was late and she decided to have a walk in the forest. Wearing a jean and a top she locked the house. Chandu was as usual working in the lawn and she enquired about his family etc., then she walked towards the woods.
The sky was partially filled with clouds and the sun was playing hide and seek in the clouds. Varsha reached her usual spot and started to slowly undress, the cold breeze make her nipples stood erect. After keeping all her clothes below a tree, she walked naked on the grass slowly playing with her pussy and nipples.
She was lost in her fantasies, eyes closed, legs spread wide and two fingers buried deep in her pussy when she heard rustling sound close to her. She opened her eyes and saw a large snake was coiled between her spread out legs. Her eyes spread out in fear as she saw him brandish his tongue.
"Mummmmy...." She screamed on top of her lunges as her body trembled and she was unable to move. Her eyes were fixated on the creature which appeared to be looking at her cunt believing it to be the opening of his pit.
"Oh God help me... please go away," the creature was so close to her that she feared even to move a muscle.
Suddenly from nowhere a man appeared beside her, he was holding a stick with which he scooped the snake and sent him flying into the bushes.
"Oh God... Oh God," she was still trembling.
"He is gone," he spoke. Varsha looked at him for the first time and her heart sank as she recognizes Chandu.
"O my god... O my god," she trembled and tried to cover her boobs and pussy with her hand while he looked on at the naked wife.
"My clothes," she was barely able to say these words.
"I'll bring them," he said and ran towards where she has kept her clothes.
Varsha was feeling numb and her mind was not working, 'he has been watching me,' was all that he could think.
Chandu was quickly back with her clothes, but sitting naked in the woods it felt like eternity for Varsha. She quickly got up and started to dress. In the haste she tripped while putting the panty on and fell face forward. Chandu was standing in good position and he didn't let her fall on the ground and held her in his arms.
"Leave me..." she spoke in a wobbly voice as she felt his hands on her naked shoulders and waist. Chandu let her balance herself and watched as she quickly dressed and rushed towards home.
Varsha almost ran to her home. She was looking behind to see if Chandu was following her but he was not to be seen. By the time she reached home she was able to regain some of her composure.
"O God... O God," she was shaking as she locked the door, "What was he doing there... of all the people... this Gardner... Chandu... how could I ever face him again."
She sat on the couch and tried to catch her breath. The more she thought about it, the more foolish she felt and she cursed herself for being such a stupid ass. Now the whole idea of getting naked in the jungle seems so absurd, she always thought that she would know if someone is approaching and could hide or something, but she never expected what happened today.
Varsha spent the afternoon locked in the house and thinking about the incident. 'He came forward when she shouted for help, it means he was watching me masturbating all this time,' she helplessly crushed the cushion in her hand. She shivered at the thought that Chandu must be boasting about this to his friends and that he has touched her naked body almost hugged her. She was lost in her thoughts and almost forgot to pick up her daughter from bus stop.
Rini was chirping as usual as she walked her home, however Varsha was quiet and was looking around as if everyone around knows her dark secret. Everything was normal and she gained some confidence, 'even if he tells no one will believe him,' she consoled herself.
By evening she was restless again. It was time for Rini to go out in the park and play with her friends and Varsha usually accompany her. While Rini played, she uses to chat with other ladies in the park. But today she was not interested in chatting, her eyes were looking for Chandu. She knew he must be working in some other bungalow. She casually walked on looking into the lawns of other bungalows for any sign of Chandu.
Then she spotted him cleaning a flower bed. Walking close to the fence she hoped he will look at her so that she can signal him, but he was busy and didn't raise his head.
"Chandu," she called him after mustering enough courage.
"Yes Madam," he saw her and quickly came to the edge of the fence.
"I need to have a word with you."
"Sure madam," he looked on.
"Not here," she looked around, "over there," she pointed towards a deserted lane and walked on. After sometime she heard hurried footsteps behind her.
"What were you doing in the forest," she spoke as he came beside her. She cannot look him into eyes and continued to walk.
"I... I... was there," he stammered.
"I know you were there... but why?"
"I use to follow you."
"You mean earlier also you have followed me," she was terrified, "Why?"
"I saw you going into the woods and I was worried because it is not safe, we have often seen Leopards coming to these parts of the jungle... so I followed you... in case..."
'O God,' he has been watching her all the time and she has no idea.
"You mean you would have saved me if Leopard attacked," she giggled nervously.
"Yes sure... I would have," he replied confidently showing a machete hidden in his pants.
Varsha didn't know what to say, she nervously fidgeted and kept on walking without realizing that they have walked into bamboo bushes which were hidden from the road.
"I never wanted to spy on you... I just followed you to warn you... but... but... when I saw you... I didn't... I don't want to interrupt," he spoke slowly while Varsha looked at the ground.
"I hope you have not told this to anybody," she spoke.
"No madam... I can never do that," he quickly replied.
Varsha relaxed feeling the sincerity in his voice and also that he was behaving respectfully as he used to. Not a cheap glance or a sleazy comment, as Varsha was dreading.
"Thanks a lot... please don't tell anyone," she spoke meekly.
"I would never do that."
"You are so sweet... Madam," he spoke getting closer to her.
Varsha first time looked at him closely and found him to be just about her height, a bit shorter for a man, but was sturdy built. He had strong arms and legs and the facial feature were of southeast Asian with short eyes and flat nose, looked sweet and innocent to her. His ancestors migrated from Bhutan long time back. The manual work he did showed in his physic and as she glanced down she saw a bulge in his pant.
'Is he having a boner,' she thought and realized that just couple of hours back she was totally nude before him and probably he has never seen another woman naked. The thought made her feel ashamed as well as aroused.
Chandu was so close to her that he can smell her scent, he can feel the heat emanating from her body and he was not able to control himself. He moved one hand on her back and pulled her in his strong embrace.
"What... what," she was taken aback.
Chandu had one hand on her ass and pulled her sharply into him. Varsha felt his hard cock on her thigh and before she could react she felt his other hand on the back of her head.
"No... no... what are you doing," she squealed and shook her head left and right as he tried to kiss her lips. Her boobs pressed flat onto his chest.
"What do you think you are doing," Varsha shouted and pushed him hard.
"Madam... Madam," he was in a frenzy and managed to kiss her cheeks.
"Let me go immediately," she started hitting him on chest.
Chandu was startled and his grip on her ass loosened. Varsha quickly pushed him back and looked fiercely in his eyes.
"How dare you!!!" she shouted.
"Madam..." he tried to speak but she cut him off.
"What do you think!!! If you have seen me naked, you have the right to fuck me?" she was panting in anger while Chandu looked on like a scared puppy.
"No madam," he looked down.
"I will kill you if you ever touch me," and she stomped back towards her bungalow.
"Today lot of school children visited FRI and I showed them the museum," Shekhar was telling about his day but Varsha's mind was still occupied by the thoughts of the day's events. She absentmindedly nodded to whatever he was saying.
'He must be thinking that I am some kind of cheap woman who will be willing to take any cock that comes her way or else he would not have dared to touch me,' she thought and continued to cook the dinner.
Varsha went to bed after finishing dinner while Shekhar was with Rini telling her some bedtime story. By now her anger was subsided and her mind was working differently, 'he has been watching me doing all those nasty things for so many days, OMG, I have masturbated several times,' she felt ashamed, 'he had a hard on and I was staring at it no wonder he thought I wanted him.'
When Shekhar joined her in bed she was imagining Chandu watching her hidden in the bushes and was getting excited. When Shekhar put a hand on her back she snuggled close to him. He didn't have to ask twice for she was already wet. She put her face on the pillow and went prone asking Shekhar to fuck her doggy style. At the peak of copulation, she felt as if Chandu has a grip on her ass and when she had orgasm his face was in her mind.
They cuddled together after the satisfying sex when Shekhar spoke, "You know my peon Tek Chand, he will be on leave from tomorrow, he is going to his village to fix his daughter's marriage."
"Then... I have to run the household errands, he was a good help."
"Ohh... Ok."
"Although he offered that his son Chandu can do the chores but I don't like this boy so I refused."
"Why? Chandu seems to be a nice boy, why you hate him," she spoke cautiously.
"I don't hate him, but I have heard that he is not a nice guy, its only because of his father that I allowed the gardening job so that it will help him financially for the marriage of his daughter," he spoke.
"What have you heard," Varsha was curious.
"I don't know if it's true or not but some of the staff said that he was involved with the wife of one of the FRI's officer and he even got her pregnant. It seems that the husband was not having good number of sperms to father a child and her getting pregnant made the husband aware of her relationship."
"Ohh... then."
"Then this officer got himself transferred to another place and I don't know what happened, but many neighbors got the whiff of the things before they left."
"Humm," that made Varsha a bit nervous.
"I am not sure if it is true but people in staff swore... anyway I don't like his overall appearance either, so just want to have as little as possible connection with him."
Varsha nodded but she lay awake for a long time and finally when she slept she had dreams of Chandu impregnating her.
Next three days went uneventful. Chandu came for work as usual and stuck to his work only and didn't tried to come near to Varsha or talk to her. Varsha was apprehensive initially and was thinking of the ways to handle him if he tried to come onto her, but her fears proved wrong and Chandu didn't tried anything. During this period she remained at home and saw him working in the garden.
She was very much relaxed now and felt that whatever her husband said about him must be rumors only, he looks so innocent. Although she has seen him checking her out whenever she was in the garden, but this didn't annoy her rather she felt proud.
On fourth day Chandu was working in the backyard and collecting the home-grown tomatoes while Varsha watched him working from the kitchen window. He collected basketful of tomatoes and knocked on the kitchen door to give it to her.
She opened the door, "put it in the refrigerator."
"I am sorry madam," he spoke putting the tomatoes in the fridge.
"Sorry for what."
"The way I behaved the other day," he spoke looking down.
"It's ok," Varsha felt happy that he was behaving like a gentleman.
"Would you like to have some tea," she spoke happily as she felt a burden lifted from her chest.
"No... no... Madam, please don't bother," he spoke hesitantly and got up to leave.
"Sit down," she ordered, "it's no trouble I was going to make for myself."
"Thank you, Madam," he looked elated.
"Remember to always behave like a good boy... Ok."
He nodded and both of them continued to make small talks until the tea was boiled.
"Here," she handed him a cup.
"Madam can I ask you a question if you promise not to get mad," he spoke.
"What," she was a bit skeptical.
"Why you stopped going to jungle."
"Are you mad," she was furious, "after I know you will follow me, you think I am stupid to go there."
"Please madam don't get angry, I will not follow you."
"No need to be so generous," she scorned, "I am not going there."
Chandu nodded quietly and sipped the tea. Varsha was furious, ashamed as well as aroused all at once.
"You had fun watching me, didn't you?"
Chandu kept quiet. Suddenly Varsha had an idea.
"Ok now it's your turn to get naked."
"Yeah, you heard me... get your clothes off... it is quite fair that as you have peeped on me now it's my turn to watch you."
"No Madam," he looked nervous.
"What no? Now get up and close that door," she pointed towards the kitchen door.
He looked unbelievably towards her but found she was serious. After Varsha shouted at him he quickly closed the door. She made him follow her to the guest bedroom.
"Now off with your clothes," she spoke and sat on a recliner. Chandu stood there looking at her sheepishly while Varsha enjoyed his nervousness.
After Varsha persuaded him couple of times he took his shirt off and his hairless strong chest came into view. She looked at the broad shoulders and fair smooth skin and was surprised that it looked good.
Next, he unhooked the pant and let it fall on the floor, inside he was wearing a home stitched long underwear. Varsha smiled looking at the underwear and felt happy that he was embarrassed. He stood there motionless.
"Now take that thing off," Varsha scolded. She was feeling like having a revenge of short, in shaming him.
He undoes the cord of the underwear and it fell on the floor.
"Ahh hum," she looked at the impressive cock and was speechless for a moment. The semi erect cock hung between his legs and it was thick. It looked like the rest of his body, strong and sturdy and was hanging between his legs, coming out of thick bush of black hairs with the big balls hanging behind. Varsha was surprised to see his cock as she expected it to be boyish. She moved her gaze to his face as she felt embarrassed that she was staring at his cock. The idea was to make fun of him and not the other way around.
"What is this with the bush... can't you keep it clean," she taunted finding nothing else to say.
He nodded still looking at the floor. Varsha's gaze returned to his cock, it was not erect but still looked impressive. She has not seen a cock other than her hubby except some in porn movies. She could not help but compare it with Shekhar, 'It must be even bigger when erect,' she thought and immediately felt ashamed. What next, she had no idea what to do now. 'Must ask him to dress and leave,' she thought but didn't speak and kept on staring at his nude body.
Chandu felt ashamed initially to be naked like this but slowly he lost his inhibition. He saw Varsha looking at his cock intently and felt happy. He slowly caressed it and pulled the foreskin back.
"Ahem," she cleared her throat, "what are you doing."
He kept quiet but slowly stroked his cock looking at the hot wife in front of him.
"Is this what you do when you saw me in the jungle," she giggled.
"Yes Madam," he spoke in a low voice.
"Do it... make it big," she wanted to see the erect cock.
"Madam in jungle I saw you nude but now you are fully clothed, this won't get hard."
"Shut up.... Do you think I will get naked for you?"
"Please Madam... I want to see your lovely body.... You are so hot," his voice was hoarse imagining her naked.
"Shut up," she wanted to sound angry but was barely able to speak. Getting nude for an audience was her thing, a kink which leads her to do unthinkable.
"You will not try to touch or I will kill you," she speaks making up her mind.
Chandu quickly nodded not believing his good luck.
Varsha's heartbeat increased as she fidgeted with her long skirt. What is she doing? or why is she doing? she had no answer, all she could think of was, how hard this will make him. As she lifted her skirt above her knees she could feel the piercing eyes of Chandu on her body and she felt very ashamed of herself.
Chandu stroked his cock which was rapidly inflating as those two smooth pillar of thighs were exposed. He has never see another woman who has such an amazing body. Varsha naturally has less body hairs and on top of it she also uses to have a bikini wax regularly.
She arched her body on the recliner and felt like a cheap whore and the look of pure lust on the face of Chandu made her groan in pleasure. She wanted that her audience is aroused by her body. This is much better than doing alone in the jungle. She remembers the last time she deliberately exposed in front of a man in the train and he tried to rape her but today she is in control.
She looked at his fully erect penis. It was large and thick, like a log in between his legs. She cannot help but compare it with her husband's cock, while she never felt that Shekhar's cock was small but looking at this large phallus she shivered imagining it stretching her tight pussy. While Shekhar's cock was dark in color this one was white with pink bulbous head. The skin looked smooth and tight, the length must be an inch longer than Shekhar but the most amazing part is the girth which must be double the size of Shekhar.
"You want more," she groaned.
"Yess... yes madam."
She bunched her skirt at her waist and spread her legs wide, "Remember you cannot touch me," she repeated her warning.
Chandu nodded, his face was a mix of pleasure and torture. He has looked at her nude body many times in the jungles but it was nothing in comparison to this, when this goddess of a women knowingly exposing herself to him. He wanted to take advantage of whatever she is willing to give and not to jeopardize his chances by acting against her will.
His gaze was fixed at the lovely mound between her legs covered by a red panty. He saw a letter 'S' engraved in the middle of the panty and just below the letter he could visualize the thick pussy lips. Precum oozed out of the tip of his cock as he stroked it.
She hooked both her legs on the arm rest of the recliner and spread wide. Chandu noticed the damp spot on his panty,
"Take it out," he moaned.
Varsha looked at him with her half-closed eyes and nodded. She caressed her pussy mound and then put both her thumbs in the waist band of his panty. She lifted her ass a bit and slide down the panty out of her legs and threw it on the floor.
Chandu soaked in the sight of the beautiful and hairless pussy. The thick lips were sticking together hiding the labia within. Varsha moved her fingers over the lips and parted them.
"Did you masturbated when you saw me in jungle."
"Then do it now," she asked and watched him as he increased his pace of stroking. She herself inserted one finger and then the second, inside her pussy and started to play with herself.
Both of them watched each other pleasuring themselves and got more and more excited. Varsha was pleased to watch the carnal desire on the face of this boy. The room was slowly filled with moans of Varsha while he wanked without noise.
"Ahh... ssss...ouuu," Chandu moaned softly as the first jet of cum landed on the floor. Varsha also reached her peak watching him spurting cum and closed her eyes in ecstasy.
When she opened her eyes, she saw Chandu standing with his cock in his hand and cum splashed over the floor. He was unsure of her reaction and looked sheepishly towards her.
Varsha gave him a reassuring smile, "go and fetch the tissue box from kitchen."
She put back her panty and watched Chandu get dressed. He looked very happy, like he has climbed Mount Everest.
To Be Continued….
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading ⛲️- September 2022 - Cancer
Overall energy: Queen of Wands
How you will meet: 5 Pentacles & The Hermit
How they will treat you: King of Wands
Long-term Potential: 4 Pentacles
You’ve got a twin flame coming in, and it’s going to change your life (as they do). Not everyone, but a powerful connection regardless. Queen of Wands is clarified by The Star, and both King and Queen of Wands is here, this is a fiery, passionate, INTENSE, & sexual bond that transcends normal relationships, there’s a major soul link between you. Going by the potential, and the mirrored Wand energy, I’d assume it’s a twin. The Star can show that too, with this kind of heat. They come in at a time when you’re alone, abandoned, feeling sad and questioning your entire life, and they’re everything you’ve ever dreamed of. You could know this person is your soulmate the moment you meet them, or at least you know it’s a twin or soul connection, you can feel it immediately. They probably do too.
How they treat you is incredibly passionate, they’re your match in every way, the bedroom is on fire 🔥, but eventually they give up, they’re holding back, they aren’t giving you their all for some reason. It could be that the passion starts to die down and they start to lose interest, they could be very immature and have a mind that’s set on one thing only. You know there’s more to this connection, so they’re the idiot twin. And you’re the one that’s going to have to deal with the pain…😓 Long term potential is you trying to hang on for dear life when the inevitable Tower falls, because that’s what it’s supposed to do in order for you to find your separate independence & growth in this connection, it’s the right thing, though painful. If not a twin, the intimate flame could have burned out, they could’ve left for that reason, indicating they’re very shallow, and it’s still the best thing for you, they go. I’m still getting that this is your perfect match, but maybe somewhere down the line. For now, they’re just the idiot twin. This reading could simply be confirmation for you, you’re not crazy & you know there’s more to this ❤️
Messages -
Their side:
- I just don’t know what to say.
Your side:
- Sexy
- I’ve never felt this way with anyone else.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Leo & Aries
Overall energy: Ace of Swords
Current: Ace of Pentacles
Challenge: The Emperor rev
Potential: The Hermit
Ace of Swords indicates a lot of communication and clarity in regards to work, King of Pentacles is attached and the Queen is here as well showing a divine pair. You could simply be talking more about work this month, both of you. If there’s a business opportunity between you, then one of you has the idea & would do the work, and the other has the practical input and details covered. One of you may be trying to work at home, and these are the main options you’re focusing on, you feel that would balance your life in the best way. The challenge is possibly your spouse, or your boss, acting like a bossy demanding tyrant and overstepping their authority by leaps and bounds. They’re messaging “how things have to be”, which does not coincide with your own definition of how things “should be”. It’s causing you intense stress and anxiety. The potential is staying to yourself, questioning your current situation and what feels right to you, what makes you happy. Ultimately, that’s what’s most important, you being happy. Your messages could be directed towards your person, or the topic at hand, either one.
Messages -
Their side:
- Lust
- If I could I would
Your side:
- I’ve moved on
- I just want to be alone
- Karmic Connection
Oracles -
Their side: Love yourself and all the good things in you. Then others will feel it and love you too.
Your side:
Depression comes from being trapped. Spring the trap and change your life.
Light a candle, put on some music, and take a bath. Doing so will renew your body and soul.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Taurus & Capricorn
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sweetwritertanya · 4 years
Dressed Up For Halloween (Yoongi)
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Summary: You go out with your friends for Halloween dressed up as Cat Woman. When you come back home, Yoongi’s reaction to your leather suit takes you pleasantly by surprise.
Warnings: SMUT! Be prepared for: swearing, erotic body touching, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex (be smarter than this, guys!), doggy-style position, multiple orgasms (female receiving), overstimulating (female receiving) (just a bit), kitten/master play, kind of a leather kink.
Word Count: 3662
You weren’t much for Halloween, you really weren’t. You weren’t much for parties either or dressing up, and yet here you were, currently struggling to fit your oversized body into a very difficult fabric to put on – leather. You were honestly second guessing your decision to go with your friends to this party, even if they begged you to go and complete their quintuplet of ‘female badass characters’ as they put it. As if turns out, you were assigned to go as Cat Woman.
It took a while, much too longer than you wanted to admit, but eventually you did manage to get the suit on your body and could now focus on your hair and make-up, as well as the accessories. Knee-high boots on and not forgetting to put on the cat ears, you take one last look in the mirror.
“Hum, not bad” you say to yourself with a proud smile.
You did look hot in the costume, more than you thought you would. In your head the outfit would only enhance your bumps, cling in to the crevices of your rolls, but instead it smoothed them all out and created this nice line of your silhouette you were not expecting. Pleasantly surprised, you take that bit of confidence out with you to your friend’s house, where all the girls were to meet before going together to the party.
Not only was your boyfriend busy anyway to go out with you and your friends, Yoongi wasn’t much of a party person either. Knowing that, you didn’t even ask him to go, you just told him not to wait up for you since you didn’t know at what time you would be back. You were half-expecting him to end up staying all night in the studio, working until morning. Instead, when you return home at barely one o’clock in the morning, you notice his sneakers by the doorway as you enter the house and the light from the bedroom illuminated the hallway.
“Yoongi?” you call out as you take your coat off and hang your purse alongside it.
Forgetting to take your heels off, they clatter on the hardwood floor as you make your way to the bright room of the house.
“I’m here” he answers back, and you can tell he is yelling from the bedroom’s private bathroom. “Home so early?”
“Yeah, I got tired” you confess, sighing with relief as you throw yourself to the middle of the bed and close your eyes for a minute. “Couldn’t keep up with them. I’m sure they went out for another club or something, but I just wanted to come home.”
“It’s understandable, pumpkin. I don’t know why you keep going out with… them…”
You slowly open your eyes as Yoongi’s voice grows closer and suddenly fades away as he seemingly loses his train of thought. Standing in the doorway between the bedroom and the bathroom, was Yoongi, wearing an old red stripped long sleeved tee and some loose black pajama trousers, one towel around his neck that he was probably using to dry his wet hair. His light brown sugar skin was a lot more pinkish from the hot shower, his small lips plump red, short hair dripping droplets of water to his hands and the fluffy towel. He stood with lips slightly open, sharp eyes wider than usual.
“Are you done, baby?” you ask, sitting up on the bed with effort. “I should go and take a shower too, get out of this outfit and into my pajamas.”
You force yourself to jump up to your feet and walk towards the bathroom, intending on kissing Yoongi on the cheek as you walk by. But as you lean in, he rotates his body your way, one arm coming to stop you in your tracks as it curves around your waist and your lips land instead on his. He presses his warm lips softly on yours in a sweet smooch.
“Changing so quick? I’ve barely even appreciated the costume you’re wearing” he complains, keeping his hand at your hips so you can’t move away.
“Hum? Oh, yeah, I went as Cat Woman. What do you think?”
You give him a twirl so he sees the full effect of the outfit, kitty tail and all. He smiles and bites his bottom lip as he looks up and down, a coy stare once his eyes reach yours again.
“I quite like it. You look sexy in it. Is this real leather?”
His hands busy themselves at your sides, rubbing the material up and down, creating unintentionally – or maybe not – a fiery trail underneath your skin.
“No, it’s faux leather. The whole costume was only about fifty bucks, if I recall.” You can’t help but notice how his fingers are resistant to drop from the material in question, eyes glued to where his hands were. It makes you wonder. “Why? Are you a fan of leather by any chance?”
“I didn’t think I was. Maybe it’s just the way it looks on you.”
He says the last sentence peering at your eyes, the ebony irises in his getting slightly swallowed by the dark pupil. Your heart flips at that suggestion and you smile bashfully at the ground for a moment, puling your hair behind your ear.
“I can keep it on for a while longer, if you’d like” you propose, clasping your hand behind your back innocently.
“I would like that very much so” he agrees, leaning in as his hands circle around your sides to pull your back towards him, bodies flushed together as he joins his lips on yours again.
As his mouth distracts you with heart-warming caresses and butterfly-inducing nibbling, he slowly guides you backwards to the bed and it takes your back coming in contact with the mattress to even notice it. Hoovering above you, Yoongi kisses at your lips and jaw and neck a few more times before settling besides you on his side, one arm folded under his head and the other hand magnetized to the curve of your covered hip, brushing up and down the leather material with contentment.
“Tell me about your night out. Had fun before you grew tired?” he asks, curious eyes set on yours as you roll to your side too to face him.
“Yeah, it was fun. I haven’t seen my friends in a while, so it’s always a blast when we get all together like this. They just have a lot more energy than me for partying and stuff.”
The greedy hand moves up from your waist to your protruding stomach, drawing lines across the fabric until his hand rests just beneath the swell of your breasts. You wonder if he can feel your racing heart even with the clothing and your skin in between.
“Looking like this, I bet a lot of guys had their eyes on you” he whispers darkly, a tone sounding like something in between anger and regret. “I should have gone with you.”
“Babe, I didn’t even ask because I know you don’t like this stuff. I don’t really either, but I went because they’re my friends. And if anyone was looking, I certainly didn’t notice. I only have eyes for you, Yoongi.” You place a reassuring hand cradling his cute round face, thumb brushing his puffy cheek. Gosh, this man was just as adorable as he was sexy.
“I know, kitten. Still, don’t be afraid of asking me to do something just because you know I won’t like it. I do stuff all the time for the members that I don’t particularly care about, but I do it for them. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I don’t do the same for my girlfriend?” he explains.
The teasing hand had brushed just barely over your left breast and moved down your back until it landed on your clothed butt cheek, apparently focusing on cupping the lower flesh, those wonderful fingers just inches away from your sensitive center. You gulped and tried to fight back the surge of heat creeping in your cheeks.
“Okay, babe. But what was that you called me? ‘Kitten’? That’s new” you notice, smirking.
“Sounds fitted right now” he declared, eyes looking up at your cat ears and the hand at your rump grabs the leather tail and pulls on it, making you gasp at the sudden tug. “Why? Do you not like it?”
Yoongi moves from his laying position to come and hoover above your body with his upper weight supported by his arms. Lips pulled into a conceited smirk, hair still damp framing around his face, eyes looking lovingly into yours.
“I actually don’t really mind it at all” you confess, rolling to your back and pulling him in by his neck for a much-awaited kiss.
The insides of your lower belly tightened and waves of arousal coursed down your spine as his lips engaged fervently with yours in a sensual encounter. He was reverent and passionate, moving his head further to the right in order to kiss you deeper, teeth scrapping your lips in the process. You moan into his mouth and your fingers pull the fabric of his t-shirt up until you can feel his smooth skin of his back against the palm of your hands. You are still wearing your leather gloves, with only the fingertips bare, and Yoongi shudders at your touch. He moves up just enough for him to remove his shirt the rest of the way out, leaving him in his naked torso in a captivating view. Coming down to reattach his lips with the skin of your jaw and neck, your nails claw down his spine and leave red stripes behind, making him grunt against your ear.
“My kitten has some sharp claws” he murmurs. “Careful now, you don’t want to hurt your Master, do you?”
Oh, that brings a swooping feeling in your stomach and you can almost feel the pooling happening between your legs. Your dark eyes with barely any colour left that hadn’t been eaten away by the enlarged pupil search for his, veiled with absolute lust.
“Never, Master. I’ll be good” you promise. You witness Yoongi’s lips smirk further and a renews tinkle in his sharp eyes.
“Is that so?” he nibbles at the exposed skin on your neck and you meowl. “You’ll be my good, obedient kitten?”
“Yes” you breath out, shakily.
He stops all of his doings and pinches your sides just enough to get your attention.
“Yes, what?” he demands, in an overbearing tone.
“Y-Yes, Master” you rectify, much to his pleasure.
“Better. Now, shall we remove this entrapping clothing from my sweet kitten?”
You couldn’t have been more eager to do so. Your skin was sweating with anticipation, body overheating due to his kisses, womb drenched and dripping. As much as Yoongi seemed to appreciate the leather costume, you wanted nothing more than to get rid of it since it stood between you and his skin.
It took a while and thankfully Yoongi helped you without you even having to ask for it, dragging the big zipper down and slowly revealing your bare skin underneath, kissing it as it showed up. You were only half-undressed, trying to pull the fabric out of your thick legs, when he undid the hooks of your bra. You gasped, followed by a moan, when you felt his hands come from behind and squeeze at your tits, palming your erect nipples at first before purposely pulling and tweaking at them between his fingers. Your back arches and breath hitch on your throat.
“M-Master…!” you whine, clutching your legs together in search of some relief.
“Be a good kitten and take off the rest of the clothes. But leave the ears” he orders, hot breath against your ear that he proceeds to lick before stepping back and letting you do as he asks.
Boots gone and tight fabric forced off your skin, you stand now in front of him in nothing but black silky panties and your cat ears. Like he had done before, Yoongi takes his time to look you up and down as he licks his lips hungrily. The dark pajamas pants were tenting at his crotch and your fingers itched to reach for him. But he had other plans.
“Take your underwear off” he commands.
Biting your lip, you hook your thumbs on the sides of the panties and push them down your legs, noticing the large stain they already had at the center. You look back at Yoongi with a mixture f nervousness and pure excitement.
“On all fours in the middle of the bed. And I want your pussy soundly presented to me.”
You gulp in dry, goosebumps originating at the back of your neck and up your arms. Obeying, you face the headboard and stand in all fours, curving your back enough so that your ass is up in the air and you feel the coldness against your singing core. Your heart hammers against your ribcage strongly as you await his next move.
Two rough hands suddenly come in contact with your ass cheeks, making you gasp, and the thumbs spread you open for his pleasuring view.
“My kitten has such a pretty wet pussy” he praises, to which you can’t really respond other than hiding your face in the pillows and moaning.
“That’s it. Don’t fight back those beautiful sounds you make, do you hear me, kitten?” he encourages you.
Before you can even nod, not trusting your voice at the moment, you feel Yoongi’s lips and tongue sucking and slurping at your fleshy rear, leaving out trails of saliva on your warm skin that rapidly grow cold at the room’s air. His hands are grabbing you by the spot where your botty meets your upper thighs, kneading at the malleable skin while his mouth remains attached to your meaty bum.
Of course, that only turns your already drenched cunt basically dripping between your thighs, his actions building a bonfire inside your womb so wild that you worry it will burn your mind permanently. And then his expert tongue slips in between your puffy lower lips abruptly. You are sure the sounds that left your mouth were never made before and if your mind wasn’t gone before, it would be completely shattered now.
He is avid and determined, tongue trashing up and down your slit, circling your throbbing entrance, finding your clit and sucking on it between his lips. Your face is buried against the mattress and you feel like you can’t breathe, something building up and up and up deep inside you. In a merciful move, that warm slick tongue slides easily in your aching tunnel and swirls at your lavish inner walls in the most delectable way.
Your juices runs down his chin as he slurps your essence, his tongue never resting as it fucks you and when he takes his thumb to wiggle at your hard nub at the same time his tongue continues the maddening work, your break down crying into the sheets, hips writhing against his face, legs twitching before almost giving out, only continuing on your knees due to his hands holding your waist.
“Good kitten, let me hear you” he says as he takes one hand to clean his face, watching you go through your orgasm. “Ready for the real thing?”
You gasp and almost choke as your feel his rock-hard cock suddenly rubbing against your still very much tender center, his hands on your waist bringing your pelvis back a bit as he kneels behind you to find his position.
“M-Master, it’s too soon! I-I’m too sensitive, Master!” you squeal, clawing at the sheets beneath you and looking back at your boyfriend in a plea.
“I know, kitten. I’ll use it as an advantage. Are you thinking of starting to disobey me now?”
“N-No, of course not, Master” you abide, pressing your lips together and closing your eyes as he continues rubbing himself between your legs.
“Good. Now be a good kitten and let me use this pussy of yours.”
With that he shoves himself in, out of nowhere entering your carnal tunnel and stretching your sensitive inner walls just right. Again, you meowl loudly as you take him all in, feeling him hot and stiff inside, your walls pulsating around him at the frenzied beating of your heart.
The strokes start out lazy, in and out slowly, Yoongi’s slim hips receding back until only the head was still inside only to plunge back in deep. Your head feels like it’s about to explode and yet it’s like you are not close enough to actually do so, not when he kept the pace like so. It was a different kind of torture you were not used to, being already on the bridge of another release so soon after the last and staying there without the necessary stimulation to reach it.
“Master, please!...” you beg, your hips starting to wiggle on their own, hoping to quicken the rhythm.
“Please what, kitten?” he asks, his torso bending down so he can start kissing up your spine, to your shoulder blades and the back of your neck.
“Fa… Ahh!” you were about to respond when his hands found your hanging tits and tease the erect nubs with rough pinches and pulls. You whimper before fighting to gather your thoughts. “F-Faster, Master. Please!”
“Anything for such a well behaves kitten” he whispers in your ear hotly.
His hands come to rest at your shoulders, hankering himself as he continued bend down with his torso against your back, but his hips moving faster now. He is also breathing raggedly against the skin of the juncture between your neck and shoulder, his hair tingling your skin, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the bedroom completely. His staff drags against the walls of your womb at a magnificent speed and they graze at that spongy spot that makes you see stars behind your eyes, making you wetter than before.
“Fuck!” Yoongi curses when he slips out accidently, a frustrated whimper leaving your lips at the loss of him. But he just takes himself in hand and slams back in, continuing the pace as if nothing had ever happened.
Your face starts twisting and insides start throbbing as his cock continues his assault on your cunt, his thrusts now so short but powerful that not only is your inner g-spot being stimulated, his ball sack also starts hitting at your engorged little pearl repeatedly and a few more plunges after that is all it takes.
That delicious feeling at the bottom of your stomach erupts, the sparks of your second orgasm eradiating from your core, the languid relief of release making you lose your voice as you try to scream. All the muscles of your body start twitching at the spread of bliss, your womb fluttering around Yoongi’s cock like a vice.
Unable to control himself any longer, Yoongi’s thrusts grow sloppier and frenzied until his own abdomen contracted and his cock twitched, filling you with his hot white seed in stuttered strokes. He grunts almost painfully and he came, holding on to you for dear life and your were sure there would be imprints of his fingers around your shoulders the next day. You couldn’t really care less.
Both spent and sweaty, you fall into the bed, Yoongi on his side and you on your belly. Your cat ears were still on but barely hanging on your head. After catching his breath, he notices how they were pulling the hairs at the top of your head and, with immense care, slowly takes them out without pulling at one single strand.
“Good thing I dressed up for Halloween, don’t you think?” you ask drowsily with a lazy smile, your face barely visible from in between the pillows.
“Maybe you should dress up in leather more often. Not just for Halloween” he suggests, leaning in to kiss your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Better than okay. I’m great” you assure, eyes falling closed.
“Don’t fall asleep just yet, pumpkin. We still need to shower” he warns, and you feel him getting up from bed.
“We?” you repeat, eyes still shut.
“Yeah, I think I’m in need of another rinse” he states just before you hear the water starting to run in the bathroom. “C’mon baby, let me help you up.”
Yoongi helps you up the bed as well as cleaning your skin, washing your hair and even putting on your clothes. He snuggles with you until you fall asleep, already thinking of what other leather products you could buy that he would appreciate in the future.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #236: “I Want to Be an Avenger!”
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October, 1983
Spider-Man -- An Avenger -- ?
Y’know, march of time and all that but this doesn’t seem as surprising as it once did.
Not much to say about this cover. It doesn’t have a lot to say about the issue other than ‘SPIDER-MAN INSIDE’ but boy does it say it.
But, oh, the logo changed and its snazzy! I quite like it!
So recent going-onses for the Avengers. Thor and Iron Man quit the team for personal business. Hawkeye broke his leg and is on medical forced-to-leave. Scarlet Witch and Vision were called in as reservists and Vision immediately got damaged by a crossover and has been in a robot-coma ever since. Starfox joined the team.
But in more positive news, they totally kicked the Wizard’s ass last issue and it cheered everyone up.
So the issue starts on a lazy summer day.
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Scarlet Witch is on monitor duty, scanning for any ‘this looks like a job for the Avengers’ type calls. And multi-tasking by also thinking of her tubed husband.
Captain America takes his turn standing watch over the comatose synthezoid.
And for some reason, Cap leaning on the tube like that cracks me up.
Starfox spends his downtime trying to hit on Wasp.
His pickup line is so bad.
Wasp finds it charming in its misapprehension although it could also be the sexy beams Starfox emits from his brain.
And She-Hulk is taking a bath in a large barrel in the Avengers’ rec center, which they have. Maybe its the super hot bath?
She(-Hulk)’s also multi-tasking by looking up apartment listings while she soaks but finds that everything on the NY listings is either too small or too ritzy.
It be like that sometimes.
Jarvis comes into the rec center barrel bath area with iced tea for She-Hulk, trying to politely avert his eyes. But the intruder alarm goes off and she(-Hulk) tells Jarvis to hand her a towel and runs off to his flusterment.
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Between Tigra and She-Hulk, I think poor Jarvis is getting overwhelmed with rad ladies on the Avengers.
The Avengers assemble in the main foyer and found that someone just barged in the front door and disabled the security tentacles with some sort of odd, artificial webbing.
Who could it be?
Who could possibly break into Avengers Mansion under the mistaken impression that its actually a cool way to impress them while asking for a job, showing that he’s learned nothing in years?
Could it be the person who expressed interest in joining in the previous issue? And who is also on the cover of this issue??
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Honestly, though, what an amazing splash page!
Also, spectacular and no-adjective.
Spider-Man knows how to make an impression.
Not a good one, certainly. But the Avengers aren’t going to forget the time he was casually chilling above the dining table.
And Pete isn’t going to forget it either. He’s going to wake up in a cold sweat years later still mortified at himself.
I also love it when the title of the issue is something someone said but since it has to be emphasized to make it clear its the title, they suddenly start yelling in the middle of a conversation.
She-Hulk has no patience for Spider-Man’s nonsense and grabs him off his web hammock to yell at him for barging in.
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Spider-Man: “Well, I’m not exactly uninvited! Your buddy Thor asked me to join the club just a few months ago. Sure, I’m a little slow in replying, but I’ve had a busy season!”
And then he snarks about She-Hulk just wearing a towel because Spider-Man loves low hanging fruit.
SURELY, Spidey knows that offers usually expire, right? A few months ago is forever in comic time and Thor himself isn’t even on the Avengers right now.
I guess, in fairness, he has his reasons.
Besides his usual perpetual poverty liking the sound of a thousand bucks a week.
As he later muses to himself, Black Cat has been hospitalized because she tried to help him and he feels obligated to pay for her not-cheap medical bills. And he’s already quit grad school to spend more time earning but his freelance paychecks are nothing compared to an Avengers salary.
He’s being an incredibly presumptuous dick... but for a good cause.
And its just like Spidey that he has a good reason for being a jerk that he’d never mention leaving everyone to think he’s just a rude goofus.
What a shame.
Anyway, back at the present, Spider-Man asks where he enlists but Cap tells them that unfortunately their roster is full up. The sixth spot is being held open for Hawkeye when his leg stops being broken (and you think he was moany about being sidelined while his leg was broken, imagine him learning that he was replaced, eesh).
Cap does suggest that Spider-Man could join Starfox in the trainee program but Spidey throws a fit.
Spider-Man: “Trainee program?!? Hey, I’m Spider-Man, remember? I was sticking to walls when you guys were still looking for a clubhouse. I’m no green rookie!”
Starfox: “Green -- ? I take offense at your tone, Spider-Man!”
She-Hulk: “There’s nothing wrong with being green.”
As an actual rookie who is physically green, She-Hulk doesn’t care for that phrase, maybe.
She-Hulk and Starfox possibly beating up or more likely being embarrassed by Spider “will punk the entire X-Men in the not too distant future” Man is interrupted by a priority alert that goes ARROOOOOOOO
... Is it the Nixon alarm?
Why haven’t the Avengers fought Nixon’s head on a war mech yet??
Spider-Man offers to give them a hand if their priorities are being alerted but with this particular alarm, Wasp decides its best if they stick to the rules.
And then She-Hulk chases Spidey out by throwing a chair at him.
Spider-Man: Well, that was certainly a wash-out! Maybe I shouldn’t have come on as such a wise guy... Maybe I should have come to the door all humble and contrite. Nah, they wouldn’t have believed it was me!
.... Hah.
But he sees the third-floor of Avenger’s mansion opening up to launch the Quinjet and fount of good decision making that he is, he decides to jump onto the Quinjet as it launches.
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Spider-Man: Whew! This baby is really starting to pick up speed! I feel like I’m in a wind tunnel. My sticky fingers can hold onto just about anything under normal circumstances... boy, I wish these were normal circumstances! I wonder if this was such a good idea.
No, Pete, it wasn’t.
But your inner monologues do add a bit more joy to this issue so I forgive you.
Inside the Quinjet, She-Hulk notes that the controls handled a bit sluggish right after take-off but eh whatever the problem disappeared after they went supersonic.
Huh. I wonder if Pete is ok.
Anyway, Captain America, She-Hulk, and Starfox are headed towards Project Pegasus.
Since it hasn’t come up in Avengers yet, Project Pegasus is a government research facility that seeks out new types and sources of energy. And Cap helped organize their security force back in Marvel Two-in-One #42.
The priority alert wasn’t the highest priority. Just a code-five, indicating a low-grade emergency. But it didn’t come with any details so Cap is vexed.
Three Avengers should be enough for a code-five but problems at Project Pegasus tend to balloon into worse problems.
You wouldn’t think a research facility would attract so much negative attention but as Cap points out, there’s a lot of people who have a vested interested in making sure energy stays scarce, expensive, and presumably non-renewable.
And considering that the oil companies like Roxxon are EVEN MORE BLATANTLY EVIL in the Marvel U, yeah, uh, bad shit is going to occur.
Also, Project Pegasus doubles as a place to jail supervillains so their powers can be studied.
So, yeah, Pegasus having a priority alert probably means a headache.
So these three Avengers are going in but Wasp and Scarlet Witch are on stand-by just in case.
The visit to the super secure research station goes off to a bad start when guards rush the Quinjet when it lands because a foreign object was detected on the undercarriage.
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Of course it’s Spider-Man.
But before he can be arrested for breaking into a secure facility, his spider-sense buzzed.
It’d be a bit confusing if it wasn’t buzzing before though. He has a bunch of rattled guards pointing guns at him right after some unexplained emergency has happened.
That doesn’t set off the Peter Tingle at all??
Anyway, since the buzz is pretty intense, he figures that its warning him of something “a lot more dangerous than the lecture Cap’s going to give me!”
He doesn’t manage to warn anyone before a tremor knocks (almost) everyone off their feet with a THROOM
Spider-Man is still standing because he loves Elton John forewarned is forewarned and he can stick to things. And to his surprise, Cap manages to stay on his feet.
Cap: “It’s just a matter of knowing how to react and how to brace yourself, Spider-Man.”
That’s So Cap.
Spider-Man asks if he realio trulio can’t give Cap a hand with this situation. Y’know, since his spider-sense probably will come in handy. Cap isn’t sure because of the question of security but Spider-Man has an idea there.
See, he’s been here before!
In Marvel Team-Up Annual #5 he helped save the dang place! They can ask chief of security Wendell Vaughn (who is also known as Quasar but probably not to all the people in this scene?).
Unfortunately, Vaughn quit a couple months back. Oops.
But since Cap vouches for him the guard driving them to the lower levels is like ‘eh whatever.’
The power of a Cap vouch is not to be underestimate and never to be used for evil.
They’re headed to the thermal research dome because its the last known location of new security chief O’Brien. And where he sent the alert from. AND where the recent quake came from.
That’s good multitasking.
They reach the blast doors sealing off the entire level.
Because yes, not only did O’Brien send an alert, he also sealed off the entire level and now something’s jammed the lock.
They have no idea what could be locked behind there but they do have a Spider-Man and Starfox asks him if he’s getting a bad feeling about anything.
Spider-Man isn’t getting any bad vibes, deeming it safe to go inside.
Y’know, this is an amazing way to use Spider-Sense that they could do more with. I always love it when Spidey basically exploits the sense for things other than combat dodging.
Like when trying to figure out how to turn off a device he didn’t understand in Avengers EMH, he just went around almost yanking wires until he found one that didn’t set off the ‘OH MY GOD YOU’LL DEFINITELY EXPLODE IF YOU DO THAT’ buzz.
Anyway, it being probably safe, Cap tells She-Hulk and Starfox to open the door.
Which they do, with gusto.
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Inside the ruins of the thermal research dome, a bunch of semi-conscious technicians lie about in heaps.
Some Project Pegasus security personnel fan out to do administer first aid while the Avengers look for O’Brien.
Makes sense. The nameless extras help the nameless extras so we don’t go ‘hey are the Avengers dicks for only talking to people with names?’
O’Brien is pinned under an arc of steaming rock which Cap starts chipping in half with his shield while She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox - all people who could lift that rock - just stand and watch.
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Or heck, maybe its not supposed to be a random rock arc. Maybe its attached to the floor. Still though, She-Hulk, Spider-Man, and Starfox could probably break it more easily than Cap does.
Teamwork makes the dream work, guys and She-Hulk.
Spider-Man recognizes O’Brien’s green and also green Not-Iron Man armor from newspapers and realizes that he’s the Guardsman.
That just makes O’Brien sad.
Guardsman: “Aye, I am... or I was. The state this armor’s in, no one’ll ever be callin’ himself the Guardsman again! As of now, I’m just plain Michael O’Brien.”
The Michael Formerly Known as Guardsman starts to Explain It All.
He had come down to the thermal dome to watch the thermal dome researchers sink a new magma tap.
But molten rock came shooting up from the tap hole, which is a thing that’s definitely not supposed to happen.
Oh, and some molten men (but not Molten Man) climbed out of the hole and started trashing the joint.
Plain Michael O’Brien realized pretty quickly that he was the only one who could stand up to these hot men so he signaled for help, hit the evacuation alarm, and sealed off the level from the rest of the project so the problem was contained.
And then he got mobbed by the hot men and got his ass kicked. Turns out that his armor was pretty useless against lava men.
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Oh, yeah, Cap recognizes them as lava men from his description.
Spider-Man: “Lava men? You have to be kidding, Cap! Lava men? I don’t believe in lava men!”
Cap: “Belay that, mister! I’ve been up against lava men -- and they’re nothing to joke about! You’d better thank your stars that they left -- !”
You might also remember that Cap has been up against lava men allllllll the way back in Avengers #5. Technically the first adventure he had with the Avengers after officially joining them.
It was also the issue where Thor stoically sank into lava without changing his expression from his default vaguely annoyed one.
Anyway, O’Brien tells the Avengers that the lava men battered their way into the maintenance section since they couldn’t escape to the rest of the facility.
It’s a real good news bad news situation because there’s no one for them to hurt in there and also its a straight shot into the nuclear research dome.
And we don’t want any kind of meltdown there.
Cap decides that this looks like a job for AVENGERS to ASSEMBLE towards. And more than the three plus special guest star they already have.
MEANWHILE, over in New Orleans at an important meeting that definitely would be bad to interrupt, Monica Rambeau (secretly the Avenger known as Captain Marvel but not the dead guy version, true believers) is applying for a small business loan.
And then she gets a bzzt on her radio watch for an Avengers emergency.
Oh no, what of her small business loan!
And also: what small business is she starting? I think I heard at one point that she ran a fishing business with her father?
But what of her small business loan!
Well, Monica agrees with her bank guy Mr. Hillbee that its an alarm watch and that its reminding her of another pressing engagement so hey is there a lot more that they have to do here?
Luckily, all that’s left is for her to sign the documents.
Phew, I’m very used to superhero stuff interrupting a superhero’s civilian life and then them angsting about it. It’s actually a relief that Monica was able to finish up at the bank before dashing off to a phone booth to take a radio watch call with Scarlet Witch.
Wanda tells Monica that they just received a call from Cap(tain America) telling them to get to Project Pegasus. Wanda tells Monica that they’re in transit now and asks if she can join them.
And then the line goes dead before Wanda can give coordinates.
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Because Monica just followed the radio signal back to the Quinjet.
She apologizes that it took her so long (!!) because she had to stop at home first to pick up her costume.
Wanda marvels captainly “And I thought my brother, Pietro, was fast!”
Ha ha amazing.
I love Captain Monica Marvel’s ridiculous powerset.
She’s even talking right into their radio so she can communicate from outside the Quinjet.
Wasp, Scarlet Witch, and Captain Marvel arrive at Project Pegasus where they’re briefed of the lava men situation by some of the security staff.
Captain Marvel nyooms ahead lightspeed dash style while Wasp and Scarlet Witch lag behind by taking a high-speed railcar.
Dang, Project Pegasus is big.
I just flipped ahead pages to see how long it takes Captain Marvel to join Cap(tain America)’s group and its a bit.
I guess maybe there’s some overlapped time going on though.
Meanwhile, two technicians in research dome D-2 (called the Compound for some dang reason) ignore all the various alarms and such that have been happening because they’re super into their project. And are possibly mad scientists.
They have the intensity.
But they’re working on... Dr. Croit’s stabilizer? And apparently its vibratory pitch was changed by the tremor that happened? Unbeknowst to them, Captain Marvel just nyoomed by outside and the proximity of her energy form activates the device and the silhouette of some guy leaps out proclaiming FREE!!
Back at the Avengers side of the plot, Cap(tain America)’s group has encountered some lava men.
Spider-Man: “Hey, Cap... I take it all back! I do believe in lava men! I really do!”
The lava men are between the Avengers and the nuclear dome so Cap starts thinking of ways to flank them so they can keep them away from it.
She-Hulk starts trying to plow a hole through their forces and... uh.... ok. Cap has Starfox just fly around and annoy the lava men because they’ve never seen a flying man before and its just freaking them out.
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Cap asks Spider-Man to use his webbing to throw up some barriers in the lava men’s path.
Spider-Man: “Heck, I can do better than that, Cappy! Just a couple spritzes of webbing, and these little hotheads won’t be going anywhere for hours!”
Cap: “No, you young fool! Don’t you see what you’ve done!”
Throwing web on the lava men makes them panic because it seems like there’s a lot of stuff that they’re not familiar with and all of it alarms them. When they’re alarmed, their body temperature raises and can get up thousands of degrees.
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So they just melt loose of the webbing and now they’ve learned not to be afraid of the webbing at all and they can’t use it to corral them.
Spider-Man: “Would it help if I said I’m sorry?”
Cap: “It would help if you’d follow orders! The Avengers is a team! If you want to be part of the team, act like it! Otherwise, stay out of our way!”
Yeahhhhh. I mean, most of the time. You have your fair share of idiots doing their own thing in the Avengers because all of these guys have egos you wouldn’t believe. But generally they can agree to work as a team.
And Spider-Man, of this era, isn’t much of a team player. Not like Wolverine or Batman ‘i work best alone, bub’ type of not a team player where they’re lying about not being good at teamwork because they like being surly and dour because they think it makes them more interesting. But Spider-Man mostly works alone and is used to just doing whatever he thinks the best idea is. And he has the proportionate speed and reflexes of a spider so he can do whatever he thinks the best idea is way before you can tell him its a bad idea.
That’s why Spider-Man makes so many bad decisions, because he can make them faster than good sense can catch up [citation needed].
Anyway, as he is NOW, he’s not a good fit for the Avengers.
Then again, neither was Hawkeye and they let him join. Makes ya think.
Back over at surprise man out of a box lab, the surprise man was Blackout.
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He looks like he’d be an electricity themed villain but apparently his element is darkness. Annd he debuted in Nova annnd this is his second appearance?
At the end of his debut story Nova #19, Blackout was apparently sucked into the Darkforce dimension, a fate that Dr. Croit’s stabilizer had been invented to prevent.
So I guesss.... the stabilizer’s settings were altered by an earthquake and then it was powered by ambient energy from Captain Marvel zipping past and it managed to stabilize Blackout, yanking him free of the Darkforce dimension?
I guess??
As far as villain returns go, its not the most ridiculous but it is a bit contrived.
Blackout has no idea where he is and rants about how he’ll level the place if that’s what it takes to find his way out and in a more acceptable contrivance, he happens to be passing Moonstone’s cell when he says this out loud to nobody in particular and she likes the cut of his jib.
Moonstone: “Sounds like you’re a man after my own heart!”
Moonstone tells Blackout that she’s been locked up here so Project Pegasus could study her powers and that they want to use her the way they would have used Blackout but hey what if they join forces and get some comeuppance.
Blackout: I don’t know if I should trust her... But something about her voice is so reassuring.
Yeah, that’s what we call a red flag, you dingus.
Are we back to the days where some dudes will just villain because a lady bats her eyes?
Anyway, the locking mechanism is too complicated to figure out so Blackout just squeezes it until it explodes.
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Um. Okay.
-checks wiki-
The wiki says he’s only supposed to have normal human strength but Blackout himself claims that his body is a living generator of black star energies.
Which apparently means he can squeeze an electronic lock to death. I dunno.
Freed from her cell, Moonstone leads Blackout to what they can do next.
Meanwhile, the Avengers are still struggling with the lava men two levels below. And the fracas has reached the corridor to the nuclear dome. Its now or never but the numbers are too overwhelming even for She-Hulk.
Spider-Man manages to leap above the fray and get forgotten in the confusion but doesn’t find that he can do much. He tries webbing the door to the nuclear dome shut but the lava men don’t even bother opening it when they can melt through.
Hmmmmm not a good showing for a guest starring so far...
When the lava men succeed in melting through the door, a blinding light shines through and the lava men kneel down and start bowing to it.
Ohhhhhh, I get it! They’re not trying to cause a meltdown! They just want to worship nuclear light!
... No? I don’t got it? Okay.
The bright light is actually Captain Marvel who took a shortcut to the nuclear dome to reach the Avengers.
And the lava men are really enamored with her, proclaiming her the lady of light foretold in legends.
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Captain Marvel just kinda rolls with this and asks them whats the deal with all the rampaging and destroying.
Lava man: “We did but strike back, radiant one! Our village, deep beneath the Earth, knew peace -- until the surface men bored into our midst with their machines. We could not allow this attack to go unanswered. We only used our powers to stop the invasion!”
Wait, isn’t this the plot of the Jetsons movie?
Cap(tain America) smoothly slides in, diplomatically, to announce that then the surface people beg forgiveness and that this has all been an unfortunate misunderstanding that he pledges shall be put right.
And like how Cap’s clout got Spider-Man into this story, Cap borrows Captain Marvel’s clout to back up his diplomacy roll, saying “The Lady-of-Light will tell you that I speak the truth!”
It’s a good thing that Monica wouldn’t go mad with power.
Also, Scarlet Witch and Wasp show up, while Spider-Man snarks that they “missed the end of the movie.”
But since we can’t have pat resolutions given the subplot that was happening while the Avengers were distracted elsewhere, in the Compound, it turns out that Blackout and Moonstone have freed Electro and Rhino. And Moonstone has a Big Evil Plan.
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Blackout: “Pay them back? Yes... yes, we must. But how?”
Moonstone: “In the best way possible! We’re going to bring this place to its knees -- by seizing the nuclear research dome!”
But that’s where the Avengers are! Silly villains, you’ve double booked!
Also, I wonder if the universe cosmically influenced Moonstone to get two Spider-villains involved on the one day that Spider-Man was tagging along.
I also wonder what Moonstone is thinking. She’s the ‘know when to fold ‘em’ villain.
Hmmm... Putting Electro and Blackout side by side makes Blackout look like Electro’s grumpy younger brother.
All kinds of good decisions have been made!
Follow @essential-avengers​ for more thoughts on villain couture. Also like and reblog so I can feel like I did a good job.
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