#doanld duck
toon-tales · 1 year
"Donald is so overprotective"
"Donald has anger issues"
"He blamed Scrooge"
Can we acknowledge that Donald Duck literally lost his twin sister while these boys were in their eggs?
They were supposed to watch worriedly over Louie's egg when he took so long
They were supposed to shush Scrooge when he would come yelling it's time for adventure, because the boys are sleeping
They were supposed to fight over who will change the diapers while Scrooge hides so he doesn't get involved
They were supposed to open their arms for the boys, waiting for each one to take his first steps
They were supposed to be rushing around the mansion Della looking for a paper and a pencil, while Donald calls for Scrooge, waiting for the boys to say their first words
Della and the boys were supposed to run around the mansion while Donald said "Ready or not here i come!"
Della was supposed to shout "If anyone bothers you kick them!", while Donald said "Take care of yourselves" on their first day of school
They were supposed to sing the lullaby together, rocking the boys to sleep
Della was supposed to discover that the boys are sick and she wakes up Donald to help her
They were supposed to witness Huey becoming a junior woodchuck together, watching him earn every badge with pride
They were supposed to cheer for Dewey in his first tiny football match then attending him after
They were supposed to give Louie a talk about the importance of hard work, together
They were supposed to watch out for the boys on their first, real, adventure
They were supposed to be parents
But Donald ended up doing it all by himself
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boingodigitalart · 1 year
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I went drawing Maui Mallard plus Daisy, May, and June, now deciding to include Della as well. 
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bionicleactiontales · 2 years
bionicle actiontales anger make donald duck angry
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both of doanld ducks are angry at each others to blame each others, donald fauntleroy duck blame his emo nephew donald donna donnie duck for ruin his peaceful sleep, donald donna donnie duck blame his sailor uncle donald fauntleroy duck for ruin his new testing song music sing, well unlucky for toa tahnnie tahu, he was force to cover his own ears to never listen to the angry donald ducks’ rage anger voice yell,
donald fauntleroy duck: you supposed to never wake me up.
donald donna donnie duck: you supposed to never stop my new sing.
toa tahnnie tahu: (cover his own ears) ooohhh... i knew i should go faster to stay away form the two angry donald ducks.
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bobauthorman · 3 years
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duckversestories · 5 years
I need more h/c to donald from the cabelleros
My pal my dude my guy. Im all for it!
gonna assume you meant the ship:
Donald wants to spoil his lovers. he really does, beacuse they spoil him with their love and affection.
Donald is an easy blusher, they say anything, and he blushes like crazy
Donald sometimes cant help but wander away from the other two, he sometimes gets distracted.(not really, hes got agency jobs or superheroing to do.)
Donald has tried to tell them about Being PK but, in the end he has to give them A 
car can, because they worried over it too much.
Donald had a panic attack in front of these two, and scared them halfway to death. They know how to deal with it now.
hes spider man kissed jose, while in paperinik form.
hes a great swimer, and can sail, so when he plans dates, its out on the water.
He worries a lot for his lovers when their hangign out with them, he doesnt want his luck to rub off on them.
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alexisdrawstrash · 6 years
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just a quickie!
you know i think it would’ve been a bit cool if they based their armor designs off their cultural heritage but you know, what they got is pretty neat
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madmachaca · 7 years
I like the idea of The three Caballeros singing under Daisy´s window for Donald´s sake. But you know what idea I love? 
Panchito singing under Donald´s window half as a prank, half because he was so drunk he got inspired... And because that is something a compadre would definetly do. But he wouldn´t show up just with his guitar, I like to think he would hire a complete Mariachi Band (and Jose, who was got up the second the got a text that read “eyyy, going to Donal´s You coming?”)
Long story short, there is Panchito, at 3 am, with Jose and back up music, shouting at the top of his lungs for Donald to show himself.
He opens with this one.
Donald: What the...? Shhh! Panchito! You´re gonna wake the kids up!! Panchito: Te quiero un chingo, compadre
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frustratedpker · 4 years
My Ducktales knowledge
I finally admit that I have never watched Ducktales (I know, shame on me) so I ‘ll try to recap the show solely based on memes and posts I see on tumblr
Let’s do this!
It’s the duckverse but they have square heads
They all live together at Scrooge’s gigantic mansion, idk where he keeps his money and there’s a super ripped housekeeper lady
Everyone is afraid of said lady
Donald is a tired, underpaid millenial and a mood who gets dragged around by his hyperactive uncle
There was a point where he got jinxed to speak coherently and the fandom freaked out so I guess that for the rest of the show he has his usual pwaphwaphawahpwapha speech
He raises his three nephews by himself because Della pulled a Dreamworks mascot and somehow accidentally ended up on the moon
There’s also a fourth kid whose name I think is Webby
WHERE. DID. SHE. COME. FROM?? Whose is this kid? Where are her parents? Is she Donald’s illegitimate daughter? Is she another niece? I have no idea! I think they just  f o u n d  her and decided to keep her. Is she’s kinda of a stray taggalong?
She looks cute but there’s a spark in her eye that says she could kill me
Della while on the moon gets adopted by an alien robot lady goddess and has a cool prosthetic. She’s not very mature for an adult but she’s badass
At some point there is a granite ripped centaur with Scrooge’s head? WHAT IS THIS THING? I ‘ve never seen it talk so I guess it’s some kind of supernatural entity who stalks the gang
Goldie is also there! But she is an ex-partner of Scrooge from Klondike and now lives with them in the mansion? For some reason whoever they encounter ends up living with them
They live together and are practically married but they still won’t admit their feelings
In the Klondike days they danced a tango in a lava cave and she may have been or may have been not trying to mug him at the same time
and then she knocked him out with a shovel and disappeared from his life
Goldie has big dick energy
Goldie and Louie are the bad bitches squad built on their mutual love for exploitation
I stopped seeing Hewey and Dewey after some while so I guess that they were suffocated by Louie’s distinct personality
Scrooge is like 200+ years old but looks 80, I wanna know his secret
There’s an ancient god, Beak-Hercules, who falls in love with Donald because he finds his grumpiness and tiny physique adorable. He wants to keep him with him forever to worship at his altar but Donald gets away
Speaking of relationships WHERE IS DAISY? Is she ok? Is she dead?? Is this the reason why Doanld looks so sad all the time? Boy, I don’t trust this series! Give the boy back his fiancee!
Gyro is a hipster and probably a coffee addict but his fashion sense is cool
Magica is also there with a killer eyeshadow and shadow voodoo powers kinda like Dr Facilier from Princess and the Frog. She went a little bit too hard for that No 1 dime
There’s an edgy teenager who does black magic? WHERE DO ALL THESE KIDS COME FROM? Don’t they have parents? Duckburg social services better explain themselves
There are also characters named Launchpad and Drake (?), I know them from another series, they’re a pilot and vigilante respectively
They’re also husbants and have a daughter
But I have no idea how they ‘re related with the gang. I ‘ll take a guess and I’ll say Donald’s pals from the pub he once ended up to at 4am after a Duck Avenger mission
In the latest episodes Donald became a merman and the main guru of an underwater hippie gang
He ran away because his past life was to much but his family like the selfish beings they are go to fetch him because they don’t respect his voyage of self discovery
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galactic-ducks · 4 years
Here’s a definitely-won’t-happen-but-hey-I-can-dream, post-hiatus episode:
The episode starts much like any other, with the Duck-McDuck family going on another world-trotting adventure. While on the plane to their new destination, Scrooge explains that he’s found another priceless artifact. This one is located in New Zealand, on land owned by the Maori. He’s spoken with them and they have agreed to their expedition on the condition that one of their own is present to watch over them and chronicle their adventure. Once the plane lands, Scrooge introduces them to their chaperone.
Enter Angus Fangus. 
Donald’s reaction is instant.
“Well isn’t this a treat? Still your uncle’s lackey eh sailor boy?”
“Still working on that Pulizter, Fangus?”
There’s a brief explanation of their hilarious sitcom-archnemesis style rivalry and lots of barbs and insults thrown around and the adventure continues on as normal. They explore New Zealand, find where the artifact is being kept, survive traps and do the normal adventure-stuff they typically do! The only change is that they now have a cantankerous guide who keeps wandering into dangerous situations that Donald has to save him from. It’s kind of like a filler episode but the dynamic that Angus brings makes it a little different and quite a bit funnier. It’s just a light and funny episode.
I think Angus would be the perfect person to herald the PKNA universe in DT17 just because his introduction could cover some key concepts very quickly without bogging down the plot. How does Uncle Donald know Angus? Oh, Angus worked for a news station inside of a building that Scrooge owned. Donald worked as a superintendent there for a while. Ducklair Tower, Channel 00, Doanld being a superintendent could be established without getting into everything else. Like a nice foundation. And the rest of the PKNA universe could be dripfed slowly over the course of seasons. Those who have read the comics know exactly what’s going on without alienating people who have never heard of PK.
That plus I’d love to see Donald and Angus duke it out on screen. I’d cackle.
Ooh, and maybe Adventurer!Donald being competent and saving Angus (he’s done it before and just looks so done with it)
And someone making a “Donald was a super- (cue Donald with a panicked look in the BG) -intendent?” (Donald looking relieved) joke in there maybe. I love dumb jokes.
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How do you think Sora would react if he saw the different Donalds? Like we got magic!Doanld (Kingdom Hearts), Duck Avenger (PKNA), DoubleDuck (Donald Duck Pocket Books/Jumbobog) Star Wars!Donald Duck (Jumbobog (Don't know if there's an english one)) and the many other incarnations of Donald? Kinda like if Sora were to go "Into The Duck-Verse"? (Pun fully intended.)
like this
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Ducktales 2017: Gratitudes & First Dates (pt. 2)
“Sorry about the suit”
Fenton looked up from where he was working on the suit to give the sailor a look.
“What’s there to be sorry about?”
“Look at it,” Donald exclaimed gesturing to the pile of scraps on the side of the table, “it’s a wreck.”
Before Fenton could respond Donald pressed forward.
“I-I didn’t mean to destroy it,” the sailor looked down, “Now Duckburg’s out a superhero a-and it’s all my fault...”
Doanld finally looked up, eyes glossy and face remorseful.
“I’m so-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Don!”
Fenton was now standing, his work completely abandoned in order to address his friend.
“You saved Duckburg,” the superhero screamed punctuating how important that was with his arms outstretched, “you fought a shadow army by yourself, including the Gizmoduck in battle mode possessed by my evil magic shadow, and WON; while being electrocuted!”
“You’re Fantastic!”
The sailor couldn’t help but smile. He felt incredibly embarrassed, humbled, and so happy form Fenton’s words. His feathers were red, his eyes were sparkling, and Donald’s grin couldn’t get anymore bigger.
The sailor sniffed,
“What did I ever do to have a friend like you?”
The superhero flashed Donald smile, which he returned brightly.
“Because y-your Awsome,” Fenton responded with cheeks equally flushed, “th-that’s why.”
After the whole Tracker Orb incident Donald’s been coming down to the Money bin, specifically Gyro’s Lab more often.
Fenton has also been visiting Gyro more often, despite the scientist constantly reminding the duck,
“You don’t work here.”
The superhero in response splutters half-baked, barely believable excuses; such as ‘maintenance’. If Gyro’s counting correctly he’s used the ‘matinence’ excuse, about four times already.
Fenton, of course, helps around the lab. Taking Little Bub & Manny’s chores, much the their displeasure and works hard, but more scatter brained than usual.
On more then one occasion he’s caused a fire, and didn’t even notice.
Gyro can only tolerate Fenton’s clumsiness for so long.
Half an hour into the superhero’s visit and Gyro was ready to lose it. Luckily a certain sailor came padding through the elevator.
“Donald!” Fenton called almost instantly
The superhero ran over to greet the sailor with a tight hug.
“Geez, Fenton” said Donald,red faced, returning the Latino’s hug, “you saw me yesterday.”
“I-I know” Fenton replied stuttering, “it’s just really great to see you”
Gyro didn’t know why those two idiots were gawking and staring at eachother for a solid minute, but it was incredibly awkward for him and the interns.
“You hungry?” Donald asked the superhero
“Kinda,” he replied, “I’ll go see if Gyro will let me?”
“Hey Gyro-“
“YES!” he responde instantly,
“You didn’t kn-“
“Ok, calm down.”
Gyro didn’t what came over him but as soon as those two left he felt way better. Looking around the lab, he noticed Manny and Little bulb we relieved as well. What is wrong with those two? Gyro just can’t put his finger on it.
“By the way Don,”
Fenton began ice cream dribbbling off his face and garnering the sailor’s attention,
“2 weeks ago you came to the lab looking for someone, right?”
“Did you ever find him?”
Donald said matter-of-factly.
Fenton paused. He was hoping the sailor would elaborate, so they could keep talking. He loved talking to Donald. The two of them have become really close over these last few weeks. And every day they’ve been together, not that they’re together-together, Fenton is getting more and more smitten.
“What’s he like?” The superhero inquired.
“Well...,” Donald began really drawing out that first syllable, “he’s smart.”
“Smart?” Fenton repeated, chest tighting. Why is it tightening? Was he jealous, pshhh, just because the greatest guy he’s ever known thinks some rando is smart doesn’t mean he’s jealous. Plus smart is like a generalized term, that’s like a surface level compliment.
“Really smart.” Donald replied slightly smirking and side-eyeing Fenton.
Why was he smirkin and why is it so cute. Does Donald like this guy? No, that would be absurd. But if didn’t like this guy then why would-No-it’s not the time to think like that.
With a nervous and shaken breath Fenton asked, “what else?”
“He’s strong”
Fenton’s strong too, you know. He’s a freakin superhero, and sure the suit gives him super strength but he works out. Granted, working out is counterbalanced by his terrible sleep schedule but science and superheroing are worth a few lost nights.
“Strong is he?”
“Yeah but you know what else?” Donald asked leaning in close as if he’s telling a secret.
“He is very very very...”
“Very, very what?!”
“I mean really, really, really...”
“Really, really what?!”
The sailor turned to meet Fenton’s piercing hazel eyes. The duck was obviously nervous his beak was lightly quivering, he was shaking, body contorted prepared to pounce, and his eyes were stinging with anticipation and a hint of fierce determination.
Donald leaned in close, even closer than before. Shifted his eyes left and then right, and whispered,
And before the superhero could even process the duck gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
Fenton (TM) has stopped work.
Face red and flushed Donald quickly turned around. He cleared his throat hoping to get the superhero’s attenntion, but Fenton was still too dumbstruck. The two of them were at the base of McDuck Manor
“Well Cabrera,” Donald said glancing slightly behind to make his words were registering with the Ex-Intern, “this is my stop.”
Fenton squeeked not quite finding his voice yet. However, he still managed to blink at the sailor head still reeling. He can’t quite fully emote, he’s brain is on overdrive and everything’s has gone to fast for him to properly process.
Donald, stepped forward, and for the first time initiated a hug. Cabrera was barely managing to squeeze him back.
“See you tomorrow, hero” The sailor whispered before he gave the Latino a playful wink, and disappeared behind the gates of the mansion.
Fenton sighed and fell to his knees feeling like a school girl who’s has just talked to his crush on Valentines’ Day and in a way he was. His face was red and slowly he raised his hand and brushed his cheek. Grinding like a fools and eyes twinkling like diamonds, Fenton stared at the mansion and contemplated “Donald” for nearly an hour.
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Across Another Dimension Ch. 49
It was a normal beautiful sunset afternoon, the people are driving, walking, laughing, and going to stores and stores. The children are playing in the wonderful playground in the park. The criminals are running the way from police.
It was a regular day in the city of Duckburg, nothing had gone wrong. Everything is normal, no evil, no monster, and nothing. Until…..
All of a sudden, meteor cannonballs were shot from an airship, knocking down one of the buildings in the city, catching the citizens by surprise!
Soon, more and more airships arrived, still shooting more meteor cannonballs at the city from the portal that’s right above the mansion. Then, the evil minions jump off the airship and began chasing the citizens. Everyone began to panic and did their best to dodge the meteors as they ran away from the attacker. Some were forced to get out of their home while other where dragging out of the building. They gather all of everyone to the center of the city.
The main airship stops right in front of the citizens, and the King and his son stand at its deck.
"Attention everyone of this dimension!" The King starts to speak to the people. "You courtly invited to the wonderful wedding of the year." A sinister laugh arose from the king. The people gasped at this, terrified.
“I cannot wait to get married the love of my life.”
Meanwhile back in the Mushroom Kingdom, the gang need to plan to get the portal machine. They were now sneaking up on the edge of tree, hiding behind a tree and bushes and saw two Beagles guarding the machine.
"The beagles..." Jose whimpered. "I hate them..." he then whispered to the other Jose. "So, what's your plan for getting' past those two?"
"Live bait." Panchito whispered back.
"Good idea," Jose smiled before realizing. "Hey..."
"Come on, Jose, you and the others Panchito have to create a diversion." Jose whispered.
"What do you want me to do?" Jose replied incredulously. "Dress up in drag and do the hula?"
Everyone smirked as if that's what they all had in mind.
"Oh, this is going to be very entertaining." Dewey smirked.
The guards were protecting the machine and then, hear the drum beating, they turn their head to see where that drum coming. they saw a green parrot dress in the hula costume.
If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy here because he is a treat!
Panchito hid his eyes with both his hands. He looked at his embarrassed green Brazil’s parrot and to himself back and forth.
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line
Are ya achin'?
Panchito popped his head up.
Yup yup yup!
For some bacon?
Yup yup yup!
He's a big pig!
Yup yup yup!
You can be a big pig too!
OY! Jose's cheeks turned slightly pink. Then, they started to run away as the guards began chasing after them leaving their post.
The gang ran toward the machine, Professor Gyro turn off the machine and the portal in the sky close.
“Well, the portal is gone but we still age to save Donald and the other Donald!” Scrooge exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, we will save them. But first, we need to take the portal somewhere else!” Professor Gyro told everyone as he ordered Storkules to carry the heavy machine and take it somewhere else so the guards won’t follow them.
“Quickly! We must hide inside the castle!”
Back in Duckburg, the people were pushing inside the chapel by force. Inside the chapel. The chapel was decorated with beautiful white roses, the people were seated in the seat.
Five guards are guards the chapel entrance to make sure no one will ever escape.
In the white airship. King Zeus and Doofus was getting ready for the wedding. His servants were helping adjusting the entire of the white suit, cleaning the dust off of it, and polishing his white shoes.
King Zeus fixed his big bow as he looked at the tall mirror. “Am I handsome or what?” He smirks.
Then, one of the servants rushed in the chamber with a frightened look on his face. “King Zeus, King Zeus!!!”
King Zeus let out annoying sigh as he turned to face him. “What is it?” He rowl.
“It’s the ducks!” He address the king. “They’re hysterical!!!”
“What!!!” Gasped the King.
In the boy bride chamber, a bunch of pretty objects were thrown at them, they were hit by them and ran out of the crazy sight.
Two ducks thrown whatever they could possibly find to hit at them.
“You’re highness! You must calm down!” One of the servants try to calm the situation. But was hit by a bottle of hairspray.
“We will NOT marrying a MANIACAL, FIEND, like KING ZEUS!!!” Boy Princess Donald reply.
“Fiend? Where?” The sound of the heartbroken voice came from the chamber entrance. Two duck know who that voice belongs too.
They turn to face to the King of Darkness.
“You!” Donald exclaimed, “I will simply will NOT marry you!” He barks at the King.
“Come now, my precious!” King Zeus smiled and took his hand, placing a kiss to the back of it as he looked straight to Donald, it. “You’ll learn to love me!”
Donald snapped his hand out as he wipes it. “Don’t touch me!!!”
Donald and Boy Princess Donald both look at them angrily. They will not married him. King Zeus groan at them. And hate that they are forced to wear a wedding dress.
Boy Princess Donald was wearing a wedding dress. The top was going straight across his chest with champagne lining on the top going around. There are white poofs on the side at the waist with champagne lining, champagne lining trim along above the hemline. A white ribbon wrap around his waist and make into a beautiful white bow.
On both of his arms was a long white opera gloves with champagne lining around on the top of the glove.
On his head was a tiara, it looks a lot like his original crown except the tiara one have oval shape on the top and it sparkly with glitter. A beautiful two tier of waltz timeless veil made of soft and sheer soft tulle with pearls shatter around and trimmed all around in ribbon edge.
And around his neck, was a white ribbon choker with glittering royal blue cabochon pendant meant to look like Boy Princess Donald’s pendant.
Donald was also wearing a wedding dress too. A sweetheart neckline bodice with attached champagne ribbon band (fully boned) is one piece with huge bow on the back while the tulle ivory Underskirt is a fully gathered six yards. There is a three-tiered layered tulle petticoat underneath supported by a five row crinoline (hoopskirt.)es. On his chest was a bodice jewel.
Just like the boy Princess, both of his arms was a long white opera gloves with champagne lining around on the top of the glove.
In his head was a crown, unlikely Boy Princess Donald wedding tiara, this crown is basically a same crown that Boy Princess Doanld wore on his head, except that this crown have beauty small sticker crystals and pearls around the crown and behind the crown is a beautiful one tier of wedding veil. This wedding veil is made of soft illusion tulle and has a raw cut straight bottom edge with rounded corners.
"I need a hypnotist…" All of the sudden, a tall black beagle dog dress in the blue wizard attire suddenly appears. "Did somebody say Hypnotist?" he said.
"Ah, Black Art Beagle." The King said to him.
"My dear lord." Black Art Beagle bow his head. King Zeus give him a creepy smile. "Do your thing, and I will pay you."
“Yes my lord, as you wish.” Black Art Beagle step forward to two boy brides as Donald stood in front of Boy Princess to protect whatever that magical guy is going to do. They look at the wizard as he waved his magic golden wand.
"ABRACADABRA!" A dusty flew into their as they feel strange as the magic hit him. Suddenly their eyes color change to green.
"King Zeus, my love. I worship the ground you walk on. I love you. From the bottom of my heart." said a Both hypnotic Donald and Boy Princess Donald as the King pay the Black Art Beagle with a golden coins.
"Excellent work! Now, my dear, the ceremony is about to start, shall we?" King Zeus snap his figure and suddenly in both of their hands was a beautiful bouquet.
In Boy Princess Donald hand was a beautiful small cascade wedding bouquet which is made of silk flowers: blue and Ivory rose buds, of white accent flowers and greenery. The handle is wrapped and decorated with ivory satin ribbon. A beautiful huge blue bow completes the design.
While in Donald hand was a beautiful small cascade wedding bouquet about the same size as Boy Princess Donald bouquet. A baby pink and cream/ivory brides teardrop bouquet is made with quality artificial roses, greenery, crystal stems and gypsophila. The handle is wrapped and decorated with ivory satin ribbon. A beautiful huge pink bow completes the design.
"We may," Both of them took his hand as they exited the room and head to the chapel where the ceremony is held at.
Back the Mushroom World, Professor Gyro try so hard to find their dimensional home.
“Come on, come on!!!” He groans.
“Well you hurry up!” Scrooge became inpatients already, they need to save them and stop King Zeus.
Panchito and Jose came back from running by the guards. “Well?” The red Mexican rooster ask.
“No luck.” Princess Della sigh.
Finally, the portal open to the ground of Scrooge McDuck.
“Great! Come on everyone! Let go crash that wedding!” The Super Caballeros jump in followed by everyone else expect Professor Gyro and his interns. The machine suddenly blow up as everyone managed to get inside.
“Good luck everyone!!!” Professor Gyro wished them the best of luck.
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bionicleactiontales · 2 years
bionicle actiontales tahu's biggest worst trouble time
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toa tahnnie tahu: (he is getting ready to train himself to become a better toa warrior) finally, my babysitter job is now over, now i am going to starting my training workout time, (he see donald fauntleroy duck who carry the giant air hole bag & daisy dee duck who look disappointed standing on the opening door) hey mister doanld duck, hey miss daisy duck, what going on.
donald fauntleroy duck: (anger) oh, i will tell you what going on, you force the kids to go outside, as you take them out to the wild park, did you know why the kids are refuse to go outside, because it will be super dangerous for them.
daisy dee duck: (anger) yeah, no thanks to you big idiot toa, you were here on the brigade to throw the the giant air hole bag on the top of me without looking down at me, as you left off to go back your home, now you are going to pay for this time.
toa tahnnie tahu: (confuse) oh i see it, okay, okay, i am really sorry, just don't mad at me, i just trying my best as the toa warrior, not the abuser toa warrior, just look at me, i am no abuser toa warrior.
della dumbella thelma duck: (anger) toa tahnnie tahu, how many time i told you not forcing my kids to go outside.
dewey dewford duck: (anger) i am very disappointed in you for ruin my kids, you just the worst toa warrior, just like your worst father.
huey hubert duck: (anger) scout master woodchuck guidebook rule to never force the kids go to the dangerous path.
louie llewellyn duck: (anger) i am not going to pay you a dime for what you done to the kids with your bad behavior.
toa tahnnie tahu: (worry) i know it, okay, i said i was sorry, but just look at the kids, they still alive, thanks to the giant air hole bag, when they can breathe air, (he look at the kids) hey kids, just said something to your family, that you kids are alright.
webby webbigail vanderquack: (she is sleeping dreaming) ooohhh.... my giant doll, now take me to the dangerous wild jungle land.
della dello delly firework duck: (she is sleeping dreaming) yyyaaayyy... i can fly with my wing, now i am the flyer pilot.
donald donna donnie storm duck: (he is sleeping dreaming) you can't tell me what to do this life, everyone, because i coolest than you all.
huey redy jet duck: (he is sleeping dreaming) scout master woodchuck guidebook rule to trust the woodchuck scout master.
dewey bluey turbo duck: (he is sleeping dreaming) mom, dad, can you two read me your adventure story book.
louie greeny rebel duck: (he is sleeping dreaming) uncle donald, uncle huey, uncle louie, just tell me about all the whole money.
toa tahnnie tahu: (smile) see, i told you all, your kids are now unharmed, thanks to the giant air hole bag, i hope you all not grounded me, just forgive me, before i go outside to training myself to become the better toa warrior, okay, i am going outside for now, before you all change your mind.
donald fauntleroy duck & della dumbella thelma duck & dewey dewford duck & huey hubert duck & louie llewellyn duck & daisy dee duck: (they are looking at the kids are unharmed, then they looking at toa tahnnie tahu in their anger mood) TOA TAHNNIE TAHU! YOU ARE GROUNDED! NO MORE OUTSIDE WORKOUT!
toa tahnnie tahu: (super worry) wait! what! no more outside workout for me! nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
donald fauntleroy duck & della dumbella thelma duck & dewey dewford duck & huey hubert duck & louie llewellyn duck & daisy dee duck: (anger) just shut up idiot toa! now go back to work to babysitting the kids now!
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redhatmeg · 7 years
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@adamarinayu , first off, for the longest time Daisy was for me an epitome of an abusive girlfriend. The evidence for that was not only Seven (Minus For) Caballeros, but also the fact that:
- she isn’t very supportive of Donald’s ideas for career (vide - that comic when Donald decided to become a barber)
- she demands to be taken on expensive dates even though he’s chronically unemployed and has three kids to take care of
- one time during The Orb Saga, Daisy and Minnie had to fight off people wanting to take one of the eponyimous orbs from them. At some point Minnie comments on Daisy’s fighting skills by saying: “Now, I know how you keep Donald in line.”, which Daisy laughs off (but still it left a bad taste in my mouth).
Now, when I was reminded that in some stories she’s actually decent and Donald acts like a dick (and crazy boyfriend), I’m not as hard on her, but still think they shouldn’t be together. This is just another couple that writers want desperately to be OTP... but it’s clear both parties aren’t good for each other.
Now, onto the rest of your statement - if we think about it deeper, we can name couple of characters that are openly nice to Donald and doesn’t hide the fact they care about him.
First there are triplets (but not in early stories; Duckverse is full of comics and movies where Donald and his nephews are dicks to each other).
Then there’s Grandma Duck. This woman basically raised Donald and was always happy to see him and boys.
My favorite character, Gyro Gearloose, often uses Donald as his test pilot/guinea pig, but they are on friendly terms most of the time.
Feathry seems to have Donald in high regard (from what I’ve heard; I didn’t read much comics with him).
And, of course, there are the other two Caballeros for whom Doanld is a companion - not a sidekick and hired muscle (like Scrooge seems to look at him), but an actual companion, equal to them.
Now, you’ve mentioned depression. And it got me thinking - Donald is considered a war veteran. So alongside with his everyday financial struggles and the way he is treated by almost everyone, in some incarnations he also can suffer from WW2 flashbacks. Did we hit the angst jackpot already?
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maraskywalkers · 7 years
not sure if this counts as a headcanon or a writing prompt but: huey dewey and louie on halloween either trick or treating with doanld or doing a haunted house or something
(thank you
Donald Duck in a haunted house sounds really amusing to me though I can’t decide what his reaction would be. Because he’s been on all of these adventures, right? 
But like, okay so. In real serious danger, he holds his own pretty well but I feel like in a haunted house, he probably would be more easily caught off guard? esp bc like he’s got the boys?? I don’t know! 
also what do you think they would dress up as?? themed costumes?? Huey would definitely be down for themed costumes, don’t you think? But I feel like Dewey and Louie might be more they’re own thing. Maybe when they were younger? Imagining the four of them trick-or-treating is so delightful, it warms my heart,
Oh, Costume Party! Like now that they’re older and they’ve gone on adventures and live in a mansion, they’d want to throw a costume party. 
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