#doctor's rebirth fanart
yuheeforlife · 9 months
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Little comic of yooho and cheonhee that i made
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coooldair · 12 days
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skelligaladan · 1 month
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The rebirth of Akhaten
Our prayers have been answered! The Sun God has risen again
That a cute baby sun god !!
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viv-jefferies-2002 · 2 years
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Old Art
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
life and death (steddie)
this one is inspired by this fanart by lazylittledragon of Steve and Eddie as Life and Death having dinner together at a restaurant good omens style that gave me so many brainworms I immediately went to go write the first half of this. That’s as far as the inspiration goes, though, I took the actual content in a very different direction
Eddie’s no linguist, but he’s pretty sure when people came up with the phrase “Life is a bitch,” this isn't what they meant.
Unfortunately, Life happens to be just that. A massive bitch.
(Perhaps even more unfortunately, he’s also an incredibly attractive one.)
He doesn’t remember being born.
It was at The Beginning Of All Things, so he thinks he can be forgiven for that. Frankly, with all the universes he has to travel daily, it’s a miracle he even remembers yesterday. Nancy would argue that he doesn’t, since yesterday is a useless concept to beings who exist outside of time and space, but what does she know?
He does remember meeting Life, though.
He’d looked him up and down, or as much as one could when they were simply a vague concept with no form or real identity yet. Eddie (who was not yet Eddie) had eyed him back just as warily.
“So,” Life said, “you’re the other guy?”
“Looks like.”
“Hmm.” He gave him a single dismissive look, before casting his eyes down on a universe that was still being formed. “Well, try not to fuck up my things too much.” And before Eddie could snap back that he would fuck up whatever he damn well pleased, he was gone.
It had set a precedent.
“Hello,” Eddie says, kneeling in front of a young woman. Too young, far too young for this, but that's the way it goes. “What’s your name?”
She blinks at him silently. Around them, doctors rush around, shouting instructions that get more frantic by the minute. They ignore his presence in the center of the room.
Finally, the woman licks her lips. “Cass,” she says. “My name is Cass.”
“Well, hello Cass.” He smiles comfortingly. “Do you know who I am?”
“Should I?”
“You tell me.” He straightens up and holds out a hand. After a moment's hesitation, she takes it. The doctors get even louder, but it doesn’t matter. A long, singular beep is lost among the chaos. 
She stumbles for a moment when she stands, but he holds her steady. She gasps when she turns around. 
“Ah, he says, “you’re getting it now.”
“So this is it then?” She asks, staring down at her own body in the hospital bed. 
“In a way,” he shrugs. “Your life as you know it is over, but there’s more to see.”
“Like Heaven?”
“Not quite. Think of it as…another round on the carousel.”
“There you go.” He squeezes her hand encouragingly. “Doesn’t sound so bad, does it?”
“I don’t know. Will it suck?”
“I don’t know,” he echoes. “You’ll have to tell me when we see each other again.”
She looks at him appraisingly. “You’re Death, then.”
He lets go of her hand to sweep into a bow. “At your service, my lady.”
“You know, I always assumed you’d be more of a dick.”
“People always do.”
“You’re still wearing black though.”
“What, you don’t think it suits me?” He grins when she laughs. It’s true, though. He thinks black looks a lot better on him than the other colors he’s worn. 
They chat a bit more. He’s always eager to know about the lives he takes, about the experiences and the jobs and the dreams they had. It makes him a bit sad, but he’s been doing this since before this earth was a speck of atoms and dust. He’s had a long time to come to terms with his job.
Besides, it’s not like it’s really the end. He’ll see her again, be it under a new name and new life. She’s excited about it too, even if she’s a tad bit wary. He understands that. 
“Wait,” she says, as they’re finally getting ready to go. “My baby. Will she be okay?”
Eddie looks up, and meets the eyes of one of the nurses. He’s in perfunctory yellow scrubs, hazel eyes peering over his mask. He raises an expectant eyebrow at Eddie before his attention goes back to the baby in his arms. A silent demand to move along. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, watching him, “she’ll be just fine.”
“Is the baby going to be okay?” Eddie asks, depositing a small, glowing marble into a tall vase filled with them. 
“Which baby?”
He frowns, even though it’s a fair question. There are a million babies he could be asking about. He gestures to the marble on top of the pile, a little too sarcastic even for him. 
“Ah, Cassandra Revis, age 32.” Steve picks up the soul, turning it consideringly in his hands. “I talked to her partner. She’ll be missed.” His eyes glow the same gold color as the marbles, and he says, “The baby’s name is Delilah. She lives a good life. You’ll collect her when she’s 78.”
Eddie nods. 78 is a good, long number for humans. One that doesn’t make his technically-nonexistent heart hurt. 
“Why couldn’t you do that yourself?”
“Oh, I could,” he answers cheerfully. “I just wanted to make you do it.”
He doesn’t say he can only see when they’re taken, not what kind of life they live. Steve already knows. 
Every so often, they fuck. 
It’s not a thing, unless you count the multiple instances where it has absolutely crossed the threshold from lapse of judgment to this is something that will happen again. It shouldn’t have even happened the first time, let alone the times after it. Or the times in the future, but Eddie tries not to think about that. 
In his defense, having sex with mortals kills them. Where else is he supposed to get his rocks off? There’s only a select few Beings he would fuck. Robin would rather die, Chrissy is nice, but usually a little too sweet for him. Nancy is always good, but not always what he’s looking for. And Jonathan and Argyle are fine, but they’re really too into each other to pay much attention to him. He loves being the center of attention. Thrives off it, even. And Steve, for all his faults, is excellent at pretending to have complete and utter focus on his partners. As if there’s not billions of different versions of them across this universe alone at that exact point, collecting and giving. As if the only thing that matters is them alone together. 
So, yeah. They fuck, and he’s not ashamed of it. He enjoys it, in fact! He’s not too proud to say that. Just…never where Steve can hear and get that stupidly sexy smug look on his face. The one that makes Eddie want to punch him. As if either of them can be harmed. 
The thing they don’t talk about. The thing Eddie avoids thinking about. One day, he’ll take them all. Dustin, Max, Lucas, El, Will, Mike, Erica. Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle, Robin, Chrissy. Steve. One by one, he’s going to have to collect them all, and then he’ll be alone in an empty universe. However short that time is, it terrifies him. He’s never been alone before. 
Steve will be the last to go. Maybe that’s why he can’t tear himself away. 
(“Is it weird that I’m kind of looking forward to it?” Steve asked once, quietly. They’d been naked, curled together in Steve’s bed. Or, more accurately, the bed Steve conjured for this purpose. His room was bright, in an unnatural way that reminded Eddie of a star. Not that it mattered. If they wanted to sleep all they had to do was close their eyes and will it.
“Looking forward to what?” Eddie asked. “Round four?”
He can feel the eye roll across dimensions. “Dying, numbskull. It’s basically the only thing I haven’t experienced. We know when it’s gonna happen, how it’ll happen, but everything after that is just…blank to me. I can’t see the next Creation.”
His throat feels tight. “That eager to get rid of me?”
“As if you’re not gonna be right there when we meet again,” he huffs. It’s true. Steve comes first, because you can’t have Death without Life. And at the end of Everything, once he’s taken Life, it’ll be the catalyst for a new Beginning. They know all the steps. It’s been ingrained into their very existence since they began. 
But they won’t remember this. They’ll be different iterations of themselves. No memories, no knowledge of what happened in the universe before. Just copies with the instructions downloaded into their brains. 
He’s been spending too much time on Earth. 
“It won’t be the same.”
That makes Steve pause. “No,” he acknowledges quietly. “It won’t be the same.”
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shanaraharlyah · 7 months
This is going to seem way out of the blue, but I just got to thinking about it and since this is a very fandom social media site I figured I would share.
I've been a fan of the Legacy of Kain series for a very long time. It's one of the first fandoms I ever participated in online. I roleplayed with a bunch of other artists. Made art of their OCs and canon characters for years (sound familiar?). Never wrote any fanfiction though. The Internet was wholly different at that time. My social media was DeviantArt and GameSpot. Other than those, we got most of our fandom stuff from fanmade websites.
Watching the Doctor Who episode The Giggle today, reminded me of Blood Omen's Elzevir the Dollmaker. While trying to find gameplay of that portion of the game I was reminded of the ridiculous crack story/videos Legacy of Turelzevir: Doll Reaver that were part of The Lost Worlds fansite (great site with game scripts, concept art, mods, information about cut content and more). And that lead me back to Nosgoth.net, where I first encountered LoK fanart and fanfiction, and some of the amazing and wonderful artists I befriended on DeviantArt. The fanfiction here is some of the first I ever read and some of them were super memorable and I still think about today. The great thing is these sites are still there with all the great content that was available then. If you are a fan of the series you should definitely check out these sites and I will recommend the two fics that were most memorable to me and have probably been a big influence on the way I write fic.
Pain of Rebirth - A story covering the resurrection of the Sarafan as vampires
The Premature Gift - A what if story that takes place just before the events of Soul Reaver and creates an alternate timeline
If you guys check them out, I hope you enjoy!
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haniax-pl-fr · 4 years
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Ok, so i made Brawl Stars and materu songs fanart at the same time. 
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
I think oscar should get a suit that has something like a jet pack on it that use
gravity dust and and could help him fly and jump faster ,they had oscar training with jnr and team fnky it be cool if neon had show
oscar how to roller blade ,it would help him keep up when the other are running a head of him ,it all so be cool if he had a long
range weapon that shorts out magic an dust like a staff or a lantern staff that shoots fire and magic
…Uhh I’m not so sure about the jet pack anon-chan ^^); While a jet pack powered by gravity dust does sound like an awesome concept for a type of battle equipment, I’m not so sure about it suiting Oscar. At least in my opinion. However I do dig the concept of Oscar upgrading the Long Memory and incorporating gravity dust (and perhaps other types of dust) into its upgraded design.
I think it could actually be really fitting if the Long Memory went through another transformation with Oscar. 
When we first glimpsed this ancient weapon, it appeared as a mystical staff wielded by the great and powerful Ozma as a physical conduit through which he conjured and manipulated his own magical abilities as opposed to using it freehand like other magi from his era, inclusive of Salem.
The next time we saw the Long Memory changed was during Ozma’s lifetime with Henkle (a.k.a Dadpin 2.0) and it was this Wizard of Light who altered the design of the weapon into its more familiar cane form which Ozma had retained for several other lifetimes including Ozpin’s.
That being said, I would’ve loved to have seen the Long Memory change again with Oscar. I’d like to think that the appearance of the Long Memory is significant of important periods in the Ozma lineage. Ozma’s time with Henkle marked the period where he not only overcame his grief and depression over his past with Salem as a failed demi god of Remnant but it also marked the point when Ozma started learning to coexist and live in harmony with the men he was paired with---becoming a part of them as opposed to him completely taking over as we saw him do in his first reincarnated life with Diggs.
Bottom-line, what I’m mainly trying to say is that I feel as if Oscar will be another significant life for Ozma. Even now I still really, really like my Pinehead headcanon of Oscar being the true reincarnation of Ozma as the embodiment of his original form reborn in Modern Remnant, thus representing the last life for him to live to finally put an end to the cycle of rebirth. But even if that doesn’t come to pass in the canon, I’d still like to see the overall look of the Long Memory change with Oscar.
Who knows? Imagine if…the Long Memory is broken or destroyed forcing Oscar no choice but to rebuild it, changing the mystical staffs form to something that more represents who he is as a person. And perhaps this is where Oscar can embellish the new Long Memory with his own set of ‘tricks’ inclusive of dust upgrades. Maybe Oscar could even enlist the help of his closest confidant and true rose Ruby to aid him with the change to the Long Memory considering that Ruby did build her own weapon from scratch.
Or…maybe, just maybe---as a much cooler possibility, what if… the Long Memory does get destroyed and rather than rebuild it, Oscar instead choses to ditch the cane and start wielding his magic more freehand so that his fighting style resembles something akin to sorcerers from Marvel’s Doctor Strange or rather alchemists from the Fullmetal Alchemists.
Picture…Oscar  performingfeats of magic with just his bare hands. I think that would be neat and it would definitely set him apart from Ozma, Ozpin and the other Wizards who’ve mostly used the cane. We saw an example of Oscar doing this in the V7 finale episode where he conjured his magical bubble shield without wielding the cane. So if Oscar can perform magic without the Long Memory then let that be his preferred style of combat.
Then again, this is just me tossing out more ideas for the table of possibilities.
On another note, I think Neon showing Oscar how to rollerblade is a cute idea for a fanart. While I doubt it would be practical for Oscar to use that in his fighting style (since, much like the jetpack idea, it doesn’t really fit his more magical little prince/ wizard-y aesthetic that the show’s got going for him), it is cute as an idea for recreation. Like picture RWBY and JNPR 2.0 hanging out with FNKY in cooler times with the FNKI crowd taking them out rollerblading for fun.
Neon did make a comment back in V3 about trying rollerblading since according to her, it’s super fun. Sure she was just saying that to antagonize Yang however I do think it’d be a cute idea for like a fanfic or fan-comic or piece of fanart where FNKI takes our heroes rollerblading and happy fun time shenanigans ensue X3
Not sure if this actually answers you anon-chan but I hope it does since it’s how I see it XD
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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yuheeforlife · 9 months
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This is them frfr
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oldtvandcomics · 3 years
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I posted 401 times in 2021
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I added 367 tags in 2021
#super turbo mega hell - 72 posts
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Longest Tag: 134 characters
#i had a lot of likes and they were from all kinds of different blogs with nothing in common with one another or the subject of my blog
My Top Posts in 2021
So, random and absolutely not original idea of the day:
A well-meaning time traveler who does the “takes an artist to the future so they can see how much their art will be appreciated forever” thing that Doctor Who did with Van Gogh and El Ministerio del Tiempo with Cervantes, and it is set up the same beautiful and touching way
but said artist in question is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and when he sees that in a 150 years people not only still read Sherlock Holmes, it is what he is remembered for, he just. Freaks out. Starts screaming in the middle of the street about nobody in the future having any taste whatsoever.
47 notes • Posted 2021-04-10 22:47:24 GMT
So I sent @yourfaveisgoingtosuperhell​ a bunch of Poets of the Fall song titles to send to Gay Super Hell (for some reason they also send songs?), but then I realized that I could actually save them the trouble and do it myself AND talk a bit about some of my favorite songs, so here we go. I tried to pick out six based on how beautifully romantic they are / how much they remind me of a fictional ship.
Dreaming Wide Awake
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and Rebirth
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both have strong Destiel vibes. Because duh.
The Sweet Escape
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Ineffable Husbands. Also it is one of the most romantic things imaginable. And there is a French version for some reason. It’s a good translation and the singer is completely comprehensible.
Dancing on Broken Glass
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no particular ship, but it is once again one of the most romantic things I have ever heard.
Moonlight Kissed
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always makes me think of BBC Merlin for some reason. Probably because it has this quiet fear / paranoia undertones.
Which is the point where I reached five from my planned six songs and realized that I can only pick one more. So before we get there, shout-out to All the Way 4 You for also being one of the most romantic things I’ve ever heard, 15 min Fame which for some reason always makes me think of the Iliad and Achilles in particular, don’t ask me why (probably because it is about seeking fame no matter the cost), and Choice Millionaire for giving us the rebel against an oppressive system vibes. Which, by the way, is also a recurring subject in the songs of Poets of the Fall. And Given and Denied, because singing it is one of my favorite verbal stims.
And so I went for the most obvious choice I could:
Carnival of Rust
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Which is their big classic. And also has an amazing music video. Not my favorite Poets of the Fall song, but I still love it very much and if I have to pick only one, this is a good choice.
TL;DR: Poets of the Fall is AWESOME and has INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL SONGS, seriously go listen to them.
52 notes • Posted 2021-07-03 21:19:30 GMT
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And then it never is addressed again.
55 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 07:41:36 GMT
I found this AMAZING blog called @yourfaveisgoingtosuperhell, dedicated to listing fictional characters who are going to Gay Superhell. It’s really nice, now I am imagining this big party with lots and lots of queer characters just chilling together. Castiel has caught up with his good friends the Doctor and Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock version), and is currently getting to know all the other disaster angels and demons across pop culture. Every single superhero is there. There is a gathering of cultivators that mostly consists of the more quiet ones trying to keep their chaotic partners in check. It’s not really working. Lil Nas X is ruling over it all and has hooked up with multiple versions of the Devil already. Everyone is happy and nothing hurts.
75 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 20:31:44 GMT
So, while I personally am very firmly in the “Supernatural and Good Omens are too different to be compared in any way whatsoever”-camp, I must say, I LOVE how exact opposite the two Queer Disaster Angels are.
Castiel is this very conflicted and highly tortured character, dealing with his loss of faith and trying to find a new purpose in humanity and the human man he loves, for whom he just keeps sacrificing everything over and over again.
Meanwhile Aziraphale has lied God straight to the face, is proud of this, spent 6000 years doing anything but his actual job, and eloped with a demon.
1265 notes • Posted 2021-09-15 05:14:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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originaljediinjeans · 7 years
A year and about three months since Civil War. we are finally starting to get some details for Infinity War. So now Bucky going back under kind of makes sense...I only say kind of because we have yet to see if there was a good reason to keep him in that broken, emotionally vulnerable state for when Thanos comes knocking, when he could have spent the last two years doing therapy or something helpful...but it makes sense in the context of the story. Captain America: Civil War was the end of Steve’s time as Captain America--the clean-cut soldier with strong values who championed freedom and justice.  The Steve Rogers being teased for Infinity War is not Captain America. He’s Nomad. He’s got scraggly hair and a beard. He wears a mostly-black uniform. He fights for no one. he has nothing. He is the vigilante that Secretary Ross labeled him--the very thing that governments trying to control superhumans fear. 
Like if you remember Steve’s face in that mid-credit scene in Civil War. And then he walks to the window afterward. Yes, he acknowledges that T’challa is helping them, but there’s a painful edge to that moment for Steve. Not just ME, but STEVE. but during the movie Peggy DIED, he dropped the shield, the Avengers were destroyed, Steve became an outlaw, Steve has lost EVERYTHING. Everything he did to build a new life for himself after getting iced? Gone. The people who helped him need to be busted out of prison, and after that they have nowhere to go. (there was a fanart I found once on Pinterest that illustrates this point perfectly but I can’t find it rn)
Bucky has every right to take care of himself--but for Steve it’s just one more loss. And I think we’re supposed to see it from Steve’s perspective. True, the alternative is being around when Bucky has to work through a lot of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain and getting caught up in it. No, maybe Steve should keep his distance for a bit.
It was kind of a symbolic death for Bucky (as painful as it is to write). He’s in a “better place.”  It’s closure. The best friend that Captain America gave everything to rescue is safe. For Steve Rogers--for the fans of Captain America--it’s a kind of closure. But we are led to believe that it will be temporary. So while Bucky rests and Wakanda’s doctors work to find a way to undo the Winter SOldier’s programming (which lbr as much as I want the Black Panther movie to be about T’challa protecting his country for his country’s sake they BETTER be working on, they BETTER have a solution that it took them all of two freaking years to work on, golly I am bitter)--so while all this is happening, Steve is with his other superhero friends being a vigilante. Not Captain America--not a perfect soldier--but the Nomad, a man who does what he thinks should be done to keep people save--but a good man. The Steve Rogers he used to be is tied up somewhere in Bucky’s broken memories. He became Captain America--not Captain America the chorus girl and mascot, but Captain America the hero--for Bucky. And he relinquished that title for Bucky. Is Steve ever going to go back to being Captain America? I really doubt it at this point. But what could be interesting--and the Russos have teased this, so there’s a chance--that he is able to reconnect with some lost part of himself when Bucky comes back.
And Bucky going under being a symbolic death? Suppose him coming back is a rebirth--a rebirth for him and for Steve? A new life...?
Steve and Bucky finally getting to be friends again, that’s all i ask.
As relieved as I am to hear that Bucky is coming back for Infinity War, I’ll believe it when I see it. There’s a part of my brain that is convinced that marvel would like to fridge him permanently or that he won’t get a fair ending--this is why I got my medication adjusted today just fyi.
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sweettsubaki · 8 years
yaoijaesuschrist a réagi à votre billet “I know I should be ashamed of agreeing with a Nozaki ™ idea, but this...”
I think this is a super cool idea! personally though I hope Tim has some sort of revelation from pre52 and then him and pre52 Tim merge and he finds Kon and Bart merged with their past selves too. also DC can't even handle so many batkids already and two Tims? might be asking too much from these guys... anyways i think Steph should be not just 'Tims girlfriend' let her do her own thing with Cass and the other girls and grow as a character before a romantic interest.
My issue with this is that Pre-N52!Tim and N52!Tim are such different characters, it would never work, it’s like mixing Franky and Nami from One Piece or Anya and Willow in Buffy, or Hermione and Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter or Peter Parker and Nick Fury in Marvel. That’s why I’m not in favor of this theory. It’s the same for Bart and Kon, except they’re both officially different characters (”Bar Torr” through his backstory was pretty much said to not be the same while Geoff Johns said in an interview N52!Kon was a different clone). I still don’t know why they hold onto the idea that they shouldn’t admit that this Tim Drake is different (I mean they did it for Wally ? How hard can it be to admit it honestly)...Well it used to be official (kinda) through Tim’s first Backstory in Teen Titans #0 (at least it was suggested) but they retconed it -_-... Honestly if they had admitted it was a different Tim I could move on easily, why be such hypocrites about it ? (I mean I’d still think they’re badly written but I wouldn’t compare them to “when they were well written”). It’s not so much handling 2 Tims as allowing Robot!Tim and Steph to retire (I’m afraid they’re gonna destroy her too, at least if she retires she won’t suffer anymore). ...Kinda like Tentoo and Rose in Doctor Who (if Rose had been with Tentoo since the beginning). Also I remember hijacking this fanart about this.
Starting with Tim and Steph together as a couple WAS a mistake because the problem is that they seem to only write her through Tim. And unless they give her to a good writer and/or make sure she and Tim don’t speak to each other for a while and/or break up, she’s ALWAYS gonna be Tim’s girlfriend (you just need to read the current ‘Tec to see that. “an arc about Steph” yeah right). They made the mistake to give Tim, Cass and Steph to a person who shipped TimSteph and decided to ignore the rest. Otherwise he’d have realized that Tim and Steph both had a stronger and deeper relationship with Cass than with each other. 
Honestly Detective Comics Rebirth just feels like a very OOC TimSteph AU fanfiction (I mean N52 in general is a badly done AU, but it seems to follow Tim through everything)
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Kris #Kristofferson #model #cool #eyemakeup #fanart #instaart #lifestyle #maccosmetics #magazinecover #musically #photoshoot
A former U.S. Army captain who turned to songwriting and helped rejuvenate the country-and-western scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s with songs like “Sunworking day Mornin’ Comin’ Down,” “Help Me Make It Through the Night” and “Me and Bobby McGee,” Kris Kristofferson made the rare successful segue into films. Making his acting debut as a singer in Dennis Hopper’s “The Last Movie” (1971), Kristofferson temporarily gained stature as an actor with “Cisco Pike” (1972), “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymuch more” (1974) and “A Star is Born” (1976). Though years of alcoholism and later triple-bypass heart surgery slowed down the momentum throughout his career, Kristofferson routinely bounced back better than before, establishing himself as a grizzled veteran performer and bona fide music legend.
Kristofferson was born on June 22, 1936 in Brownsville, TX. His father, Henry, was a major general in the Air Force, whose frequent relocations eventually brought the family to San Mateo, CA where Kristofferson attended high school and became a Golden Gloves boxer. After studying creative writing at Pomona College, in 1958, Kristofferson won a Rhodes scholarship and attended the University of Oxford, earning a masterâ€s degree in English Literature and developing a flavor for poetry – particularly William Blake – which informed his lifelong desire to write songs. But instead of pursuing that passion right away, Kristofferson instead joined the Army and flew helicopters. He was planning on starting a teverying job at West Point, but after a few weeks spent in Nashville with musicians and songwriters, his lifeâ€s goal changed forever. “It was like my salvation,” he later said to NPRâ€s Terry Gross. After developing a thriving music career – which included Janis Joplinâ€s heart-wrenching take on “Me and Bobby McGee” – Kristofferson made the transition into acting.
Kristofferson made his first big acting splash with a strong performance in Sam Peckinpahâ€s “Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid” (1973), playing the famed outlaw who ignores the advice of his old comrade-turned-lawman (James Coburn) to flee to Mexico, choosing instead to meet his fate on his own terms. It grew apparent with each role, that the actor’s weathered good appears inflamed the hidden longings of women with his romantic roles opposite Ellen Burstyn (“Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”), Sarah Miles (“The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with The Sea”) and Barbra Streisand (“A Star Is Born”), but his rugged vulnerability appealed to men as well. Meanwhile, he seemed headed for a big film career, but instead, had the misfortune of starring in Michael Cimino’s disastrous “Heaven’s Gate” (1980), which seemed to put an end to his onscreen career. Kristofferson did rebound with two pictures for director Alan Rudolph (“Song Writer” 1984; “Trouble in Mind” 1985), but he located more substantive roles on television during the 1980s.
Despite the fallout from Cimino’s bomb, he continued to act in films that were smaller in scope. In addition to starring as Willie Nelson’s friend in Rudolph’s “Songwriter,” he also received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song Score, losing out to Prince’s Purple Rain. In a recycled plot that had already made the rounds on large and small screens, he flopped with “Welcome Home” (1989), playing a presumed dead Air Force officer back after 17 years in Cambodia. He costarred in the little-seen Civil War drama “Pharaoh’s Army” (1995), before demonstrating his range in playing bad guys as a racist sheriff in John Sayles’ “Lone Star” (1996), rejuvenating an A-record career nearly two decades in abeyance.
Having appeared on television since the early 1970s in music specials, Kristofferson made his TV acting debut alongside Muhammad Ali in the 1979 NBC miniseries “Freedom Road;” also appearing in two more acclaimed miniseries, “Blood and Orchids” (CBS, 1986) and “Amerika” (ABC, 1987) – the latter proposing a world in which the Nazis won World War II. He acted with friends Nelson and Johnny Cash in ABC’s “The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James,” and joined them and Waylon Jennings for the CBS remake of “Stagecoach” (both 1986), executive-designed by Nelson who would executive produce (and act in) two more CBS vehicles, “Pair of Aces” (1990) and its sequel “Another Pair of Aces: Three of a Kind” (1991). He worked steadily throughout the early 1990s in fare like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s TV-directing debut, “Christmas in Connecticut” (TNT, 1992), Showtime’s “Sodbusters” (1994), and the Family Channel’s “Tad” (1995), playing Abraham Lincoln in a tale of his presidency told from the point-of-view of his youngest son.
Kristofferson, who had flourished since “Lone Star,” was just warming up with the features “Fire Down Below” and “Girls Night” (both 1997), as well as a TNT movie “Two for Texas” (1998). He appeared in two pictures that opened on the same day in 1998 – “Blade,” as an obdurate vampire hunter, and “Dance With Me,” as the lone and remote owner of a dance studio. But even these were just mere preludes for perhaps his finest work ever, playing a character based on novelist James Jones in the Merchant-Ivory vehicle, “A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries,” adapted from the novel by Jones’ daughter Kaylie. In the deft hands of the Merchant-Ivory team (including screenwriter Ruth Prawer Jhabvala), Kristofferson soared earlier mentioned his “sensitive man” typecasting to deliver a multidimensional portrait of an assured but vulnerable patriarch; a role that fit the father of eight like a glove. In 1998, he wrapped an additional four projects; two for television – the ABC miniseries “Tom Clancy’s Netforce” and the CBS movie “Outlaw Justice” – and two for the big screen – DreamWorks’ “The Joyriders” and “Limbo,” reuniting him with the agent of his rebirth, director John Sayles.
As narrator for “Journey Inside Tibet” (1999), Kristofferson described the journey of flutist Paul Horn to Tibet to become the first Western musician to record inside the sacred temple of Potala Palace. In “The Ballad of Ramblin†Jack” (2000), he appeared as himself in this intimate portrait of folk music hero Ramblin†Jack Elliott. Kristofferson then made a rare foray into mainstream Hollywood fare with “Planet of the Apes” (2001), playing the captive human, Karubi, a forgettable role in a remake that turned off fans of the original. He later revived the character of Whistler, mentor to half-human, half-vampire Blade (Wesley Snipes), in “Blade II” (2002). In “Chelsea Walls” (2002), an art house film by first-time director Ethan Hawke, he displayed his acting chops as a middle-aged novelist struggling with his latest novel and an alcohol problem. Meanwhile, his collaboration with Sayles continued in “Silver City” (2004), a satire about politics and murder in the “new west” of Colorado.
Kristofferson once again played Whistler in “Blade: Trilogy” (2004) – the third installment of the horror trilogy that played more like a videogame than a movie – before appearing as a mental institution doctor in the thriller, “The Jacket” (2005) opposite Adrien Brody. Meanwhile, Kristofferson was rewarded for his outstanding music career, earning an induction into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2004 and receiving the Johnny Mercer Award from the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2006. He continued racking up acting credits, taking supporting roles in “Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story” (2005), “Fast Food Nation” (2006) and “The Wendell Baker Story” (2007).
Name Kris Kristofferson Height 5' 11″ Naionality American Date of Birth 22 June 1936 Place of Birth Brownsville, Texas, USA Famous for
The post Kris Kristofferson Biography Photographs Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/kris-kristofferson-biography-photographs-wallpapers/
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