stealingyourbones · 2 years
*places the fully articulated skeleton of a naked mole-rat on your desk*
Another Danny Phantom x Bat family fic, but Danny’s a massive Tolkien nerd. Danny winds up in Gotham (insert traumatic reason here) and keeps stumbling across the Bats and narrowly escaping them. As part of his witty banter, he starts tagging them with names from Tolkien’s legendarium. But not ones you would know from watching the Peter Jackson movies or even the Ralph Bakshi animations. I’m talking things like calling Nightwing “Thorondor” and Red Robin “Celebrimbor”. The Bat Fam are urgently messaging JL Dark for input on this to no avail. It all comes to a head when Jason (who has read _The Hobbit_, _The Lord of the Rings_, _The Silmarillion_, ALL of the appendices AND the entirety of _The History of Middle Earth_ multiple times) hears Damien grumbling about the new meta calling him “Mormegil” and what IS a mormegil anyway?
Jason: *choking as he remembers the story of Turin* He called you WHAT?!
Damien: And he keeps calling father “Mandos”.
not quite sure how much Jason would know about LotR references (I mean he knows of LotR but do the references stick?)
Bruce though, Bruce gets every single reference and is continuously internally debating if he should reply with an equally nerdy as fuck response
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
*looks up from finishing the latest chapter of "The Prince of Leaves and Deep Water" with tears in her eyes* Ray, you magnificent bastard! How dare you write something so sweet yet so painful!
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banrionceallach · 4 years
Speculation question about "Harry Omens". Adam's powers (or "magic") are of the same nature but far different degree than our Ineffable Husbands. Our Ineffable Husbands are able to interact with and "see" the Wizarding World with enough ease to easily pass for wizards themselves. So, how might Adam interact with the Wizarding World if he ever came in contact with it? I mean, since he's friends with both Harry AND Anathema, it seems likely he would at least find out about it.
Depends on whether you headcanon Adam still having his powers at the end of GO or follow the tv & book canon that at the end of GO he is just a normal boy. I haven’t entirely decided. 
But personally I’m not that fond of Adam keeping his reality-warping abilities. They seem to be too powerful for an eleven year old to handle responsibly and screw with his humanity which is why he gives them up in the first place as they interfere with his ability to relate to his friends and treat them like people. Adam just wants to be a normal kid. 
In HO he’s fond of Az & Crowley & Harry & Anathema but has very little interest in interacting with anyone else from the wizarding world. He’s aware of it, but he knows with concrete certainty that it’s not for him, Adam Young, completely normal son of Arthur Young and no longer related to any deadbeats devils who couldn’t be arsed to care about him for eleven years.
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I don’t think I’ve asked you this yet. What was your reaction to the first time you came across @spetey-man just hanging out on ceiling?
If i remember correctly, I was dancing walking down the hallway with my headphones on, jamming out, you know like I usually do and I turn the corner to find @spetey-man destroying everyone’s lives in smash (the old one on the wii) while on the ceiling. Soo honestly I was pretty awed to be in the prescience of a bug master.
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spetey-man · 5 years
... @rhodey-tinystankbestie @the-real-tonystark @askauntmay @therealantoniastark @doctormead
why are all of u talking about butts
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thedeliriumtennants · 6 years
doctormead reblogged your post and added: “OH MY GOD”
How do we see if our posts are flagged or not?
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*hands over a pair of femurs of questionable provenance* How about a little Billy Baston effect with our favorite ghost kid? Danny finally accepts the crown as the High King of the Infinite Realms, but, as the crown is placed on his head, something happens. It could be he’s surrounded by an energy cocoon, regressed to his core, but whatever it is, it freaks out everyone except Clockwork. CW is the only one who remembers the last coronation, and reassures everyone that the Crown is just optimizing the strengths and mitigating the weaknesses of the new king before letting him rule. When the Crown is done, Danny’s ghost form looks like a fully grown adult in his early 20’s. BUT, when he changes back to his human form, he still has the body of 14 (or 15 or 16) year old Danny Fenton. Confusion ensues!
this is so sick. Gotta love Danny having the physical body of Dan Phantom. That certainly doesn't mess with his psyche at all. none whatsoever. mhm. nothin.
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
*hands over the skull of a small horse*
Clockwork yanks Danny out of bed with an urgent summons. Someone (insert preferred villain here) has found a means to time travel (possibly accidentally) and is now back in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s. If they are not stopped, they will completely screw up the timeline by killing one person. CW sends Danny back in time to stop this…which he does. The person he saves? It’s none other than Fred Rogers of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”. While Danny is happy to be done and head back to his own time, Fred and Joanne Rogers aren’t about to let this glowey kid go without at least feeding him.
ok I am too young to have watched this show so I don't know the full implications of this post but this is just too sweet not to share
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*lays a wreath made of wired together bird bones on the table* I don't know if you're familiar with the Welsh Christmas custom of the Mari Lywd, but it's their version of caroling. They put a horse skull on a pole, articulate its jaw to open and close, cover with sheets to hide the operator, decorate the heck out of it and follow it from door to door demanding beer and cheese in a kind of Welsh rap battle. I'll link pics in the reblog if you want. Imagine Danny, who canonically hates Christmas, running across say...the spirit of the ideal of the Mari Lywd. A ghostly skeleton horse out for shenanigans as well as holiday cheer. Could this be a kind of Christmas celebration Danny can finally get in to?
I have never heard of this tradition before but this sounds like the coolest thing known to man. Danny absolutely does this type of stuff as a way to keep his (heh) spirits up during Christmas.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*tosses a handful of ribs to the table*
Any fandom or combination thereof. Any character/characters. Three words: Emotional Support Nemesis.
*plays the ribs like a xylophone*
ok I gotchu.
Simply: The Flash.
Have you SEEN how he interacts with his villains?!
The man will just go to a bar with his rogues' gallery and just talk. There's an entire comic called Rogues Revenge?! These bitches are more family centered than all of the Fast and the Furious movies combined. All of them are emotional support nemesis (besides the evil speedsters. those aren't really rogues. They're just assholes.)
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
*places a coyote skull on the table* Soooo here’s a prompt for a Jason xJazz fic. Our lovebirds are getting serious to the point of discussing marriage. When Dick finds out, he immediately gets one of those mail-order ordinations and insists of officiating at the wedding. Shenanigans ensue!
As someone who isnt even able to drink yet, none of my friends have had weddings yet and I know jack shit about weddings and how they work. I shall throw this prompt to the rest of y’all because this is adorable and just incredible. I’d love to see how people run with this idea
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
Re. astronomy classes in HP: First year in the books is in 1991, right? That's one year after the launch of the Hubble Telescope. Imagine some astronomy-obsessed muggleborn trudging to Hogwarts with their cherished printouts of REALLY DEEP SPACE IMAGES from Hubble and being SO disappointed over the limited scope (and even more limited tech) of the Wizarding World's version of astronomy. Also imagine Professor Sinistra's reaction to such images if the poor student pulls them out to complain.
Ohhh man yes!!
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banrionceallach · 5 years
You know...I'm pretty sure from the way you've structured "Harry Omens" so far, it would be impossible to do this in the main story. But, would you possibly consider a series of spin-off stories focusing on Aziraphale taking Harry out to try new foods? Particularly if the angel takes our little wizard to restaurants of famous (or infamous) chefs like Gordon Ramsey or having them cross paths with famous foodies.
Unlikely for a couple reasons. The main one being that I’m not at all familiar with famous foodies/chefs (even my knowledge of Ramsay is very limited). Secondarily, it would require very good descriptions/ familiarity with a variety of foods which I don’t have.
I could research I suppose, but the truth is that the subject of posh food doesn’t really hold appeal for me. I have sensory and texture issues which limits my own diet to a small selection of ‘safe’ foods. I literally cannot make myself eat something not on the short list of foods that I won’t instinctively spit out like an oversized toddler, so while I understand Aziraphale’s interest in food I can’t actually empathise properly with it.
I heartily endorse anyone else who wants to write about this idea, because it does sound really great. I’m just not the right person for it.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Just recently discovered your MCU fic and tumblr (Salt! All the SALT! Gimme all the SALT!). Noticing your lovely ficlets in response to prompts. Do you have any particular rules about prompts, because I'd love to throw you a few.
I’m glad you found me and like my stuff!
I don’t really have any real rules expect be patient maybe?  Like I do commissions and my other fics so prompts in my inbox can sometimes linger for a while before they get answered.
That being said I can’t promise an epic answer for each one because it honestly depends on if the prompt speaks to me.
If you’re cool with that then feel free to hit me with what you got!
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