#does GBF count too?
dollya-robinprotector · 9 months
Is almost every Asian artists I know in DoL fandom are also in FF fandom? Final fantasy? I don't know which part I just know it's FF
It's as if there's some "link" between them...
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floopers · 1 year
Series: gbf Pairing: Song/Silva Word count: 722 Rating: G Summary: "Hands look fine…" Silva is murmuring and after doing another check, she loosens her hold. She doesn't let go though, still holding one of Song's hand atop of hers. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't using too much magic in your hands."
some fluff to cope with gw burnout because hoo boy was light gw rough
Silva jogs over to her as soon as Song touches down on the ground. Her legs wobble slightly—Silva catches her, an arm around her back while she's got a hand on Song's arm. "Whoa! You good there?"
"Y-yeah, thank you," Song says, a little breathless. She'd been up in the sky for most of the morning, shooting her arrows against those primal beasts. The sun's set by now, stars twinkling down on them now. How many hours had it been since she touched down on the ground? Lunch? Even that feels like a long time ago. Being here on the ancient battlefield makes Song feel like she loses her sense of time; what feels like a few hours makes Song think she's been here for days even though that's clearly impossible.
Silva still holds onto her for a moment before letting go, certain that Song's steady now. "Good work out there," she says, a small smile on her face. "Didn't have to use up all my bullets this time."
"That's good, right?" Song knows that both her and Camieux spend about a week prepping all the bullets Silva uses when they're stuck on this... mission.
"Yeah, means we don't have to spend as much time and work refilling our stash. Easier for Camieux." Silva looks relieved about that.
"At least the others will come out tomorrow and we'll be able to get a break," Song says. It's hard to keep the worry out of her voice as she speaks. "Hope they won't be too tired though, we've still got two more days of this."
"I hope so too," Silva says with a grimace. They know how grueling being here on this island can be. How does Djeeta do this all the time? Not even Song has that stamina; at least in terms of hunting, it's more a test of being patient and waiting for an opportunity rather than nonstop constant battles.
Silva reaches down suddenly, grabbing Song's hand. She blinks, smiling in confusion as she watches Silva turn her hands all around, as if checking for something. "Silva? What's wrong?"
"Hands look fine..." Silva is murmuring and after doing another check, she loosens her hold. She doesn't let go though, still holding one of Song's hand atop of hers. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't using too much magic in your hands. You do tend to overdo it a little when we come here."
Song nearly gawks at her before looking down at their hands. Heat rises to her cheeks when she realizes what Silva had been checking, warmth swelling deep within her breast at Silva's concern. She threads their hands together, slowly looking back up at Silva, a shy smile on her lips.
"I'll be fine since you're here," she says, and for some reason, Silva looks embarrassed at that, her other hand scratching the back of her neck. She squeezes Song's hand back though.
"Just make sure not to overdo it, okay?" Silva says, her expression softening. "It's easy to do that while we're here."
"The same goes for you," Song returns although knowing that Silva's in the backlines than being on the frontlines... Song might be selfish to think that at least Silva is away from all the danger than being up here dealing with that strange zombie dragon that's been stomping around.
"So, um..." Song bites her lip for a moment before spilling out the rest of her words, "when we're done with this mission, do you want to grab dinner together? My treat."
"Oh?" Silva thinks to herself. "Yeah, that sounds good. Cucouroux and Camieux might like that."
"Ah, er, do you... mind if it was just the two of us?" Song asks, holding her breath because she knows how much Silva likes to include both her sisters. It makes Song feel guilty still when she asks this but sometimes, she just wants to spend time with Silva only.
And Silva does seem to get it then, eyes widening slightly. Song watches the color creep across her face when she realizes what Song is asking for, and she slowly nods.
"Yeah... yeah, just the two of us," Silva finally answers, offering her a lopsided smile. Song breathes easy now, more than glad she has something to look forward to at the end of this mission.
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icharchivist · 1 year
I'm really sorry to say this, I know Metera is doing her best to be Miss Fanservice in the Versus roster, but she doesn't impress me as much as Belial does
Maybe it's her personality, maybe it's because you see women with huge breasts everywhere in Anime but have to seriously look for a man like Belial who is more than happy to show off what he's got
Maybe I'm not bisexual enough for her
Another thing that bothers me is that her original sprite didn't actually have those big bahonkeroos she's sporting now, y'know
Meanwhile Belial has always been packing pecs
Idk I just wanted to complain 😕
i kinda understand. Metera kinda falls in this "try hard" to be horny that for me it doesn't work out. She does that mostly to have fun and not like, out of pure horny, and it can be fun as a result, but i don't really feel attracted to her either. (and i think i made it clear from raving about Miss Cathy that my problem isn't sexy women, it's just, how they're going about it)
And actually yeah i'm so upset about her boobs too. Like, in her original sprite she was sexy and everything but she did look like more "flat" than most of the women in the game, and i thought it was kinda interesting to have a woman being extremely sexy without relying on just giving her big boobs and leaving it at that. But then the more they went on with her arts the more they gave her and by the time of her summer units it's just, unrecognizable lmao.
i mean good for her for the boobjob i guess, but idk, i think she worked a lot better on her original art.
(tho i gotta say i do have a soft spot for her capped holiday look, since it doesn't focus much on her body and just on her mischief face, i find her cute)
I didn't read a lot of her stories, i've heard she's supposed to be a big sister, so perhaps her relationship with her sisters would eventually give me more insight on her. In the end i've only ever really seen it with her Holiday lines (bc one of my crewmate is HAUNTED by the way she sings Happy Birthday in a lewd way (and not the good kind of haunted) so a while back our crew made an app in which we all set up bday message for him, but all while Metera's bday voiceline plays in the back, and he was laughing so hard and touched while also cursing us, so now i just see Metera as a partner in crime), her quick appearance in Ferry Holiday's FE, and her appearance in the latest Lowain event. So to me it isn't enough to grasp most of her.
I'd say it's a bit difficult to compare her to Belial because ultimately, she is written to be fanservicy, in a very "male gaze" way. and Belial doesn't really come with this baggage, especially since his sexuality is more linked to characterization (and also an aspect of how you're supposed to be thrown off by it, though counting also on the people who would be turned on by it). (and just so we're clear I do think that some of the girl's sexuality can also be written as characterization over fanservice, imo this is the difference between Shalem and Fediel, who's sexuality is meant to be furthering their characters, and Hekate or Metera who has a much more fanservicy flare to it).
That said it's true that Belial is completely one of the kind, i don't really think most stories dare to go to these levels with their male characters, especially mobage. When you trace back the fan-reaction of most stuff gbf, for a long time, like a lot of gacha, the whole interest was mostly to keep the straight men's money. This is why for a long while we didn't have summer units for men. this is also why when they started to roll them it was only one a year, until they finally dared to do more later, compared to the amount of female summer units we get every year. I remember the turn about is supposed to have been Percival apparently, who, just after he joined the suptix pool, became the most suptixed character who brought them the most money at the time. And it was the turn around about how they realized they could actually do more to appeal to the male-attracted fanbase. Which is why he was the first Male Summer Unit also.
The thing is that it's really not usual for gacha like this to really bank a lot on what's considered to be the straight woman audience. Granblue has been the talk of a lot of mobage space for always being the "first" to really incorporate some male fanservice in their gacha where female fanservice is much more expected.
Belial probably wasn't expected to become the next step of that, but he really turned things around in a very unexpected way. Truly a man with a will on his own so much so that he changes the fanservice game all on his own. And i do think it may have cygames discuss what they can do to reproduce this success that has been bringing them even more money than any of the female fanservice stuff they've been releasing. Without the reaction to Belial i doubt we would have had anything like vday Wilnas for example.
anyway lots of ramblings but, yeah, Belial really is a beast of his own and really just, his sexuality kinda went off the rail in a sense which also makes it more raw and authentic. Metera is mostly just a safe fanservicy representation for example, but frankly i feel like the comparison doesn't even have much ground to exist due to the nature of how they came to be.
SO YEAH ramble ramble on my hand, sorry Metera your sexy spells don't work on us, i find her hilarious tho and it's all that matters to me o7
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thirdmagic · 5 years
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been spending too much time with major non gun classes recently so i decided it’s high time i reinforce my Brand
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banished-away · 7 years
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im going to hell for this
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retrospcts · 2 years
You can’t have my boyfriend.
I grew clingy and competitive after one year of togetherness. Whenever I would think of a non-existent somebody else, an innocent person who cannot even be capable of naming his pet fish when he was around eight, suddenly butting in our static bond we formed that I like to be exclusive only for the two of us— love tied by purity and genuineness that are encapsulated in the one year and counting I have been enchantingly sleeping next to him; in an instant I then get my head filled with unfavorable thoughts such as, “No! He’s my boyfriend which also makes him my bestfriend and only mine!”. So it crawls into my petty mind you can’t claim him as yours. As his favorite baby, girlfriend, GBF, and all in one… Admitting the truth, a part of me is most of the time threatened afraid to be replaced. Perhaps after reading this lengthy post you will get a glimpse as to why.
You can’t have my boyfriend.
But his gentleness speaks great volume no one could ever succeed in resisting no matter how they try to run away from it. The heart want what it wants. He is a kuya and a tropa anybody can lean on, a friend you would wish to hang out with because of how approachable he is, and not to mention his sense of humor is the cherry on top of that seamlessly baked cake. I recall my first impression of him back then. That he displays the mood-maker role of the group, the most reassuring person to the circle that no one would ever be left out. And I can affirm that with strong conviction when I started to be more around him– hearing his stories about his every day that often consists of how his quality time with his dear friends went and the similar. It melted my heart in ways words will never suffice, not even when a brand new letter was introduced to the alphabet. His love for his friends go beyond paragraphs. Endless.
You can’t have my boyfriend… but your bestfriend is yours to have.
I may sometimes be that pouty girlfriend who wants to be poured all the attention her boyfriend has, at least only in my mind I allow that selfish thought to occur. Nonetheless, forever, I am appreciative of the fact that he is everyone’s good friend. He has been so kind to those people whom he deeply treasures. My soul shouts in glee knowing that he is in good hands too because he is surrounded by people like them, I am well aware of that. Never a day does he forget to mention friends he is grateful for. And he deserves every inch of love he is getting from us— for he epitomizes what a true bestfriend is. Ivo would tirelessly tell me how lucky he is for having us. But little did he know it is actually the other way around.
He is such a great friend. Before becoming his girlfriend, I was also a friend anyway. But now I get the best of both worlds. I am the luckiest, for sure. He carries my heart with him, knowing since the beginning it is the most fragile part of me and no fractured bones can be compared— so I am in awe. His palm gently patting that virgin piece that has never been this appreciated plus never been touched. Not until one moment I woke up with a sudden hand trace lingerering on it for a lifetime. It made the decrepitude so safe and showed that in his sanctuary, there shall be no torment for the beating heart.
Happy National BFF Day, our Ivo!
We are all so grateful for you are our bestfriend, mahal. Palagi akong magpapasalamat sa’yo. My boyfriend na bestfriend, for a lifetime I wish to hold you in my arms and sing you endless lullabies. I, still being competitive at the end of the day, must say with full confidence gathered, that my love for you runs so deep through my veins.
I can’t afford to lose a gentle and true friend—my Godsent entity.
All the love,
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error04notfou · 5 years
Queer Representation- Why Can’t 2 Men Just Be Friends
All-fucking-right, folks. Let’s sit the fuck down and listen real close for a moment. Don’t worry! I won’t take up tooooo much of your time. I know how busy it is being accidentally an asshole. I’ve been there. I’m gonna be nice, I promise. I just swear a lot.
There are same sex friendships on TV that are healthy and loving. There are a wide variety of relationships that slide themselves along a range of healthfulness and lovingness involving people of similar or same sexes having friendships. If there weren’t, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because there would be no writers making stories that queers become interested in that do not wish to create queer representation.
See the wikipedia page for the following categories: Bromance, Womance, Platonic Love, Bromantic Comedy, Buddy Cop. Google Guy Love. You’ll love it.
Merlin. Sherlock. Supernatural. Star Trek. Scrubs. Boy Meets World. Literally Every Children’s Show Featuring Sentient Creatures.
We wouldn’t have stories written that continuously hint at queer stories without providing actual representation. I’m sure none of you want to hear the term queer baiting right now but I promise ye, us queers don’t want to see it either. Fucken. SHIT, my dudes. Unless you are looking for queer representation- unless you have that reflexive search for queerness in life and in media- queer baiting is something you can miss or misinterpret as friendliness. It has to do with framing, lighting, the scoring, the word choice. There’s a lot of flags a writer can throw up that Hint at possible queerness without being explicit enough to sound any alarms for people not keyed to look for queer representation in media. 
Hannibal is Not A Good Example because their goal was to redefine intimacy and it is Gay AS FUCK.
Teen Wolf. Sherlock. Supernatural. 
Go to youtube. Type in queerbaiting. There’s lots of videos with info on it. Rowen Ellis has some shit. Sarah Z, The Fucking QueerTUBE CHANNEL EQUIVALENT OF DOES THE DOG DIE, Aretheygay, HAS A VIDEO ON IT. Somewhere in Hbomberguy’s FEATURELENGTH FILM on why Sherlock is garbage, he touches on queerbaiting. 
Because they got to eat their cake and have it too, shows, movies, and books keep doing the fucken thing. Continuously throwing out flags of possible queerness for main characters while simultaneously being offended at queer audiences for believing them and then asking where the queer representation was. As well, they get to have continuously running jokes about how haha it’s funny that these two men show affection for each other because that’s gay and they’re not they’re just guys being dudes! (Scrubs. Look. You do a great job, I’m not coming for you but I am coming for Every Film of Michael Bay’s featuring two men who are friends. Pain and Gain? Anyone?)
See Teen Wolf banning the signing of ship fan art. Literally any scene in Sherlock where John Watson no homos so hard he accidentally wraps back around to yes homo.
Here’s the skinny, my dudes. My most righteously dudely dudes. The reason why queers ask for queer representation in media is because they Actually Don’t Have Much representation. It is exceedingly rare to find queer representation. And to find queer representation that doesn’t have a tragic end? Even more difficult. Despite the rustled jimmies of people finding a singular queer in their straight salad and exclaiming about the infestation of queers in this restaurant (the health department aught to be called! Think Of The Children!) it IS rare- unlike same sex friendships in films. 
This is a capitalistic system. I know right? When is that going to stop being pointed out? Supply and demand is the basic tenant- or so I was taught in high school economics. I, as a fellow queer, will simply feel grateful that I live in a time where we can be considered a consumer base with a loud enough voice to be seen as providing pressure on an industry that has yet to supply for our demand. Especially since it is difficult for me to forget that it was not so long ago that our voices were considered an inconvenience for demanding the right to be able to live.  
What you’ve done above is simplify an incredibly complex issue into its most reductive and unhelpful parts. No one can argue that it’s good for people to be able to have friendships on TV or anywhere else. The problem comes in in that this argument ignores the part where Everyone is Arguing That It’s Not OK To Have QUEER Relationships On TV and that These Relationships are Unhealthy. That is the tacit argument here. That’s the dog-whistle you’re accidentally blowing when you say that. 
It’s similar to people who say things like: What about the children? How am I going to explain THIS to them? I’m OK with gays but do they have to shove it in my face like this? Gay marriage is alright by me but I don’t want to see them kiss! Why can’t two men just be good friends! They’re just gals being pals. Queers make up less than 4 percent of the population, why do they have to be in everything I watch? I’m not homophobic, I just don’t want to be inconvenienced. I’m all for queer representation but does it have to be in the shows I like? Why can’t they (the queers) be happy with the representation they do have? Like Brokeback (dead gay) and The Imitation Game (Historical dead gay) or Jack from Will and Grace (Gay Stereotype), or like a shit ton of Alfred Hitchcock’s villains (The Evil Queers (Dibs on that as a band name BTW))? Or the Sassy Gay Accessory Friend like in Riverdale, GBF, that weird alien dude from American Dad? 
These are dog whistles. They are silencing tactics. They are manipulation. They are used to implicitly say that queerness is not OK. 
So no. No one is going to say it’s bad to see two dudes being friends and expressing that closeness in any media. I can understand the feeling like your views and relationships are under attack. I can understand why people feel afraid to express affection. I feel afraid, too. The difference is when straight people say they’re afraid of seeming gay, what they’re saying is they’re afraid they might be mistaken for me. As if that’s somehow embarrassing or dangerous or immoral. 
The part you’re missing when you talk about how frustrating it is that queers see queerness in relationships depicted on TV that you like is that you’re afraid they might be just like you. And a part of your brain associates queerness only with sexual acts. That’s why we’re inappropriate. YOU’RE not queer so you don’t like queer sex! Why would you want to see queer sex on TV? You don’t want to see queer kissing! Queer hand holding! You’re not queer! 
That’s why it’s difficult for people to consider explaining it to their kids. That’s why it’s difficult to Accept that there are queer children. That’s why I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry is PG 13 despite its r*pe jokes, half naked women, and continuous references to sex, but had they included a same sex kiss as they had initially intended it, the MPAA would have made it rated R (Literally just google it. trufax.) Because these are all facets of homophobia. It’s ingrained and sometimes unconscious. You don’t have to actively hate queers to accidentally help those who do silencing them. 
So yeah. Long fucking story short. It would be cool for queers not to have to grasp at any same sex relationship on TV for hints of themselves. I agree. I’m getting fucking tired as all hell having to Read Between The Straight Lines to see the gay subtext. I’d like some straight up gay text. We’ll stop having to come for your platonic friendships when Hollywood finally gets around to inventing actual queer people in its media. And no fucking blink and you’ll miss it Le Fou doesn’t count. Neither does well-they-said-in-a-tweet Dumbledoor. 
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cinnbar-bun · 6 years
Oh~ Match-ups? Count me in! Can I ask for GBF? So... I’m a short girl (5’) with long, black hair, pale skin and dark eyes. People always think I’m scowling, but this is actually my normal face! Irony and sarcasm are my closest friends (and bad puns too), but those are those are actually hiding my insecure and nervous personality. A bad habit I have is not confronting problems, always letting them get worse (A consequence of my insecurity). If possible, can I ask for a male lover?
Okay my friend! 
I match you with Percival!
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Percival understands being intimidating and sometimes unapproachable towards others. He doesn’t really care for it on himself, he just does his job and moves on with life. 
He reads you like an open book. After learning to be a better leader, he knows how people react to certain things, and he understands right away you are insecure. It doesn’t make him think any less of you, in fact, he wishes to help you in any way he can. 
He is a lover who will overdo it if it means pleasing you. You feel down? Bam, flowers, compliments, perhaps your favorite treat. The guy just hands you gifts like it’s air. 
He finds your sarcasm and bad puns hilarious (he won’t tell you outright though). It kinda took him a while to realize you were making jokes and not making a statement.
“Hey Percival, you’re on fire!” “What? Where is the flame? Help me put it out!”  “W-what?? N-no you’re not actually-ugh just forget it.” 
“Percival, you’re really hot!” “Hm? Actually I’m quite fine, I’ve gotten accustomed to the heat in my armor.” “HOOOOOO MY GOD.”
Sometimes he tries to make some for you. They’re awful. 
He is someone who likes to take action, and seeing you run away from your problems makes him act more assertive. Whether it’s physical or not, he encourages (or sometimes outright forces) you to step up and face the challenge head on. He is there every step of the way for you, and doesn’t care how long it takes for you to solve the problem. As long as you try, that’s all that matters to him!
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ontheotherside524 · 7 years
sexy erune backs and all that
Temptation | Wayward | Noise
“Here we go again.”
Rating: T (no actual r18 stuff but it’s like r15, so??)
Pairing: Akakuro
Word Count: 1k (?)
Summary: Akashi is not so famous that he has a large crew to his name, but for those who do join his crew, they find themselves compelled by his leadership. In his crew, there is, however, an Erune that always captures his attention...
Warnings: None
Seijuurou has not been a captain of a crew for long, and he has few crew members at the moment, but they make do with what they have. He ends up turning down most applications into his crew; he has high standards, and most of the time, the applicants don’t meet them. He demands only the best out of his crew, and he does his best to guide them wisely in return.
His crew does get out of hand often, though.
Their helmsman, Aomine Daiki, is a lazy Draph who is as proud of his airship as he is his horns. The resident medical specialist is a human man named Midorima Shintarou, and he also serves as Seijuurou’s acting vice-captain. Kise Ryouta, an irritatingly energetic Erune, does nothing, but he is skilled at fighting and hunting for treasure, so Seijuurou keeps him. Murasakibara Atsushi, a giant Draph, is their cook, and enjoys eating almost, or more, than cooking. Momoi Satsuki, an incredibly thrifty Harvin, specializes in handling the trading  of the things they loot.
Seijuurou himself is a human, born and raised on a busy island named Port Breeze. And rounding out their crew is...
“Kurokocchi!” A loud voice shouts, and Seijuurou looks up as Kise starts running at another Erune on the other side of the deck. Kuroko’s expression briefly contorts in disgust as he turns around and disappears behind a stack of crates. Kise soon arrives at the crates, but his whine tells Seijuurou that Kuroko is already gone.
Kuroko Tetsuya is an Erune like Kise, but he is infinitely smarter and quieter. Kuroko is an excellent tracker for monster bounty jobs, and he always somehow surpasses what Seijuurou expects out of him. He gets along well with the rest of the crew, but he normally keeps to himself, reading books while sunbathing or just being holed up in his room because everyone else is too noisy.
Kuroko is Seijuurou’s favorite crew member; although, he won’t say that aloud.
Seijuurou glances over his shoulder and sees Kuroko crouched on the ground behind him, probably having looped around from the crates, around the entire ship, and then crept behind him since he is standing in front of the entrance to the stairs leading down into the ship. Kuroko is on his knees, arms resting on the crate Seijuurou has been recording the contents of, and Seijuurou tries not to let his eyes stray to how perfectly angled Kuroko is, showing off his bare back at a very alluring angle.
Since Kuroko has joined the crew, Seijuurou has found all the rumors about Erune having the most attractive backs to be true.
“What is it, Kuroko?” Seijuurou asks, successfully avoiding staring at Kuroko’s back and turning back to his notes. He picks up where he left off easily, even though there is a distraction sitting right behind him.
“Are there any new shipments of books at Valtz?” Kuroko asks, flicking his light blue ears at a butterfly passing by. Seijuurou tries not to smile in amusement; of course Kuroko has come to ask him about book shipments.
Seijuurou shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Kuroko, but I haven’t heard anything about new book shipments on Valtz,” he tells him, watching as Kuroko frowns slightly in disappointment. Though their next stop is on Valtz, perhaps Seijuurou will be able to take him somewhere he can find new books after that. He doesn’t tell him that, though, not wanting to get his hopes up.
“I see... Thank you for informing me, Akashi-kun.” Kuroko stands up to leave, dusting off his pants. His daggers dangle at his sides in their sheaths, waiting to be used again. Kuroko is the only one who uses daggers in their crew; Seijuurou himself prefers swords.
Kuroko sometimes wears a mantle, covering his bare back, but since it’s so warm today, he isn’t wearing it. He always wears a top that covers his chest but leaves his back bare, and pants tucked into knee-high boots. He only puts on his armor when they’re sure they’re going to fight, but Seijuurou thinks his armor is interesting, because it was made specifically for him by a friend of his on his home island. It seems to have engravings of symbols used on the island.
Seijuurou will admit that Kuroko is the one he pays the most attention to; although he was the latest to join the crew, Seijuurou has thought him interesting since the day they met. Kuroko was looking to get away from his home, having decided that he wanted to join a crew, and Seijuurou was the first one to accept his application. Although Kuroko may not be so skilled that he would be accepted over talented people, he does have his own strengths, and Seijuurou isn’t sure why no one noticed that.
But he’s fine with that. If the other crews hadn’t rejected him, Seijuurou very well may have never met Kuroko.
“Kuroko,” Seijuurou calls before the Erune leaves. Kuroko turns to him, blinking. Seijuurou makes sure none of the others are around before he leans in and whispers, “Can I see you tonight?”
Kuroko stares at him for a long moment, as if thinking, and then he sighs quietly. “After midnight,” he reminds him, turning around to head to the bow of the ship. Seijuurou watches him go, admiring the smooth muscles of his back as he reaches up to ruffle his hair.
Kuroko indulges him too much.
Seijuurou pads through the hallways quietly, already used to doing this. As he passes by his crewmates’ rooms, he pauses to listen, and he hears them breathing or snoring inside, already asleep. Seijuurou continues on until he reaches the door at the end of the hall, which he politely knocks on.
“Come in.”
Seijuurou opens the door and steps inside, gaze trailing over the interior slowly. Moonlight is flooding in through the round window on the wall, and everything inside the room is arranged in a neat, orderly fashion. Finally, his gaze lands on Kuroko, who is lying against his covers, only wearing his top from earlier and his underwear. Seijuurou, no matter how many times he does this with Kuroko, will never get tired of this sight.
Kuroko sets down the book he was reading as Seijuurou closes and locks the door behind him. Kuroko waits patiently as Seijuurou discards his coat and boots and approaches the bed. “Is there something bothering you?” Kuroko asks, tilting his head. Seijuurou smiles softly, kneeling next to the bed and resting his arms on top of the covers. Kuroko immediately reaches over to run his hands through his hair; Seijuurou doesn’t understand Kuroko’s odd attraction to his hair, considering it’s so plain.
“Nothing you need to worry about,” Seijuurou assures him. Kuroko frowns instantly, brow creasing. Seijuurou chuckles, reaching out to smooth the skin over. “Really, Kuroko. It’s nothing.”
“If it’s nothing, why won’t you tell me?” Kuroko presses, shifting his weight onto his elbow so that he can stare at Seijuurou. Seijuurou notices that his ears are drooping slightly in disappointment, and he feels apologetic for not wanting to tell Kuroko, but he refuses to.
Seijuurou doesn’t want to tell Kuroko that he’s worried about the Empire’s presence on Valtz, but he knows he will have to talk to his crew about it later. The Empire doesn’t respect its citizens, and whenever Empire soldiers show up, trouble always follows. He knows that they could easily get into trouble with the Empire because of Aomine and Kise’s idiocy, so he’ll be warning them tomorrow.
But he doesn’t want to think about that.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow, with the others,” Seijuurou says, trying to appease Kuroko. Kuroko still seems uneasy, but he sighs and nods, accepting Seijuurou’s answer. Smiling, Seijuurou reaches up to brush his thumb over Kuroko’s cheek, admiring the beautiful color of his eyes in the moonlight. ”You look as beautiful as ever.”
Kuroko looks down, embarrassed, so Seijuurou rises to his feet and then climbs onto the bed, hovering over Kuroko. Kuroko looks up at him, expression conflicted. “Why do you keep coming back to me? I’m sure there are plenty of other people who would be more than willing to share a bed with you for the night...” Kuroko trails off, gaze falling to the side. Seijuurou blinks, unsure of how to answer that question.
Why does he keep coming back to Kuroko?
He knows that Kuroko is attractive, and that he’s attracted to him. He knows that he enjoys talking to Kuroko, whether they’re discussing where to head next or talking about the latest book Kuroko has read. He knows that he has never felt more satisfied than after he spends a night with Kuroko.
But he and Kuroko aren’t in a relationship; they view each other as a captain and a crew member.
However...Seijuurou enjoys spending the night with Kuroko, on occasions when he’s thinking about something else too much and needs to take his mind off of it.
It’s unhealthy, and Seijuurou has told Kuroko that he doesn’t need to do this, but Kuroko says yes, every time.
He doesn’t deserve him at all.
“...I don’t know,” Seijuurou answers, truthfully. Kuroko seems disappointed with his answer, so he goes on, leaning down toward Kuroko. “But I do know that I very much enjoy spending the night with you, and I would like to continue to do so. Is that alright?”
Kuroko stares into his eyes for a long moment. On the battlefield, they can easily communicate actions to each other with just a glance; but here, Seijuurou only has ideas about what Kuroko is thinking, and while they’re almost always right, sometimes he gets it wrong. He wonders if there will come a day where he will always get it right.
Kuroko closes his eyes, wrapping his arms around Seijuurou’s neck and tugging him downward. “It’s alright,” he murmurs against Seijuurou’s lips, relaxing into the bed. Seijuurou gazes at him for a moment longer, gazes at the patient expression on his face, and then he closes his eyes as well.
Kuroko is addicting. Seijuurou discovered that the first time that he kissed him, and found that he never wanted to stop. He loves the feeling of Kuroko running his hands through his hair, tugging on it when he gets impatient with the pace, and he especially loves the taste of Kuroko and he’s never able to get enough. He’s addicted to touching Kuroko, wherever he can get his hands on him, and he gets an indescribable feeling in his chest when Kuroko smiles into their kisses, pulling him in for more and more and more.
Sometimes, he thinks he wants this every night.
He tries not to think about what that means.
When they have to separate for air, Seijuurou immediately gets to work, flipping Kuroko over and leaning down to bite his neck. Kuroko groans quietly, arching his back under Seijuurou, and that draws Seijuuou’s attention to it. He begins to press kisses down Kuroko’s spine, feeling the other man tremble beneath him. Seijuurou smiles, knowing that Kuroko can feel it, and Kuroko sighs, whether in exasperation or pleasure, Seijuurou isn’t sure. “You really love my back,” Kuroko murmurs, hiding his face in the pillow. Seijuurou presses one last kiss to the skin above his waistband and then moves back upward, running his hands up Kuroko’s sides and feeling him tremble.
“Maybe. But I adore every other part of you as well,” he whispers into Kuroko’s ear, making the other man slap his arm half-heartedly. Seijuurou chuckles, nosing the column of Kuroko’s neck. “I really do mean it, Kuroko. You’re breathtaking.”
Before Kuroko can open his mouth to protest, Seijuurou bites Kuroko’s neck, and Kuroko gasps, arcing upward into Seijuurou. Seijuurou groans softly at the feeling of Kuroko’s body pressing against his at all points, and he makes sure he leaves a bruise on Kuroko’s neck as his mark. “Someone’s going to ask about that,” Kuroko reminds him, breathless, and Seijuurou laughs, flipping him back over so that he can see his face. Kuroko’s face is flushed, and he’s dazed, but it’s not enough. Not yet.
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something,” Seijuurou smirks as he sits back on the bed. Kuroko sits up, glaring at him slightly, so Seijuurou smiles, reaching over and grabbing him by the waist. He drags him onto his lap, resisting the urge to snort at how Kuroko still looks upset even as he settles comfortably on top of Seijuurou. Seijuurou squeezes Kuroko’s waist, leaning up to kiss his forehead. “I don’t think this works if you’re upset with me,” Seijuurou notes, amused. Kuroko sighs, pressing his lips to Seijuurou’s jaw.
“I’m not upset. You’re just difficult sometimes,” he replies, bluntly. Seijuurou chuckles; he can’t argue with that. He moves down so that he can kiss Kuroko again, enjoying the slow, simple pace that they’re going at. 
But he wants to indulge more.
He breaks away from Kuroko, urging him to lie on his back again. Kuroko follows his lead, leaning back, but Seijuurou holds onto his legs, keeping his left leg at his right side but lifting up his right leg with his hands. Kuroko, realizing what he’s going to do, covers his eyes with his arm. “...You know that I’m sensitive there,” he mumbles. Seijuurou smirks against his ankle, enjoying the feeling of Kuroko’s soft skin.
“And you know that I think your thighs are the most bitable parts of you, yes?”
Kuroko doesn’t answer, too embarrassed. Seijuurou kisses his ankle before trailing his lip up his calf, feeling his leg tremble. Seijuurou hasn’t even reached his thighs yet. He smiles as he reaches his knee, tilting his head and biting the junction under his knee softly. Kuroko jumps, groaning softly at the unexpected intrusion. Seijuurou is satisfied with that reaction, moving upward to the main attraction.
He takes a moment to find where he wants to bite Kuroko, and he finally settles on a spot about mid-thigh. Licking his lips, he dives back down, biting Kuroko’s thigh with no mercy. Kuroko yelps, but the sound pitches off into a moan as his other leg presses against Seijuurou, keeping him in the position he’s in. Seijuurou is amused, but he continues, moving off of the spot and marking Kuroko’s thighs until they’re both almost entirely covered in bites and marks. He does it so reverently, as if he’s worshiping them. Well, he wasn’t lying when he said that he adores all parts of Kuroko, but his thighs are by far his favorite. When he pulls away, Kuroko is breathing heavily, refusing to look at Seijuurou, so Seijuurou lifts his legs, pulling him more toward him. Kuroko’s arm drops onto the bed as he looks at Seijuurou in surprise. Seijuurou is satisfied at the hazy, lust-filled gaze that is directed at him, and he shows it by leaning in and kissing Kuroko’s collarbone.
Squeezing Kuroko’s already abused thighs, Seijuurou smiles into Kuroko’s skin.
“Shall we move onto the main event?”
Seijuurou can no longer picture himself being this intimate with anyone other than Kuroko, but...
He won’t think about that, even as he loses himself in the other.
Later, when they’re both exhausted and satiated, Kuroko rolls over, gazing at Akashi tiredly.
“What are we, Akashi-kun?”
Seijuurou doesn’t know the answer to this, either.
He strokes Kuroko’s hair, brushing some of his bangs out of the way of his eyes. “I don’t know,” he says, simply. “Does it matter?”
Kuroko thinks about it for a long moment.
When Seijuurou thinks he’ll fall asleep before answering, he answers by moving forward and letting Seijuurou wrap his arms around him. Seijuurou is secretly relieved, and he closes his eyes.
That question is for another day.
knowledge about gbf is not required, but in case you’re wondering, erune are humanoid but have fox-like ears on their head. also it’s uh. pretty well-known in gbf that erune charm points are their backs, bc most erune have backless tops, even some of the guys (main ref i’d say for a backless top male erune is quatre/feowor, who i love, btw, he’s so gorgeous)
uhh i can’t rlly write r18 bc im just. a potato but i can write akashi worshiping kuroko’s body, tbh. sorry i know my like, softcore smut or whatever you want to call it is Terrible but im learning
like i said, i wanted to be rlly self-indulgent on day6 (thank u chii for encouraging me with that reply to my post ww) and this is. my idea of being self-indulgent.
sorry if u thought there was going to actually be like, fucking
one more day
also i was late im so
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Survey #53
“easy to be sleazy when you’ve got a filthy mind.”
what's the last movie you watched on your own?   i couldn't tell you.  i don't watch movies on my own, it's boring. what about the last movie you watched with another person?   chelsea and i had "gbf" on netflix, but we didn't really watch it. what about the last movie you saw at the cinema? was it good?   colleen, chelsea, and i saw "trolls" for a buck.  it was SOOOO cute. do you attend school, college, or uni?   an art university, yeah. what do you study, wherever you study?   digital photography. kisses on the cheek or the neck?   cheek if you wanna be casual, but neck kisses if you want me to rip your fucking clothes off lmao. how do you earn your keep?   i don't work.  i'm ashamed of it, but i don't and can't work like a "normal" human being.  i'm trying to find a job with my very limiting criteria, but it's not easy, at all.  i doubt i'll ever have a proper job until i can be a freelance photographer. if you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be?   GERMAN, latin, and ummm... i mean i guess spanish, because it'd be most convenient to me. who do you usually text the most?   my mom or my best friend colleen. shaved legs or shaved arms?   legs.  i don't shave my arms. fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs?   i like scrambled and cheesy eggs. have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed?   no.  it'd be nice at least once. have you always got good grades?   from elementary all the way through high school, yeah.  i'm struggling in college... list four things about your facial appearance:   i have blue eyes, glasses, no freckles, and a piercing on the right side of my nose. list four things about your general appearance:   i'm overweight because fuck heartbreak, i'm white, i have no ass, and i have large breasts. list four things you like about yourself:   i'm passionate as fuck, i honestly think i have good morals, i'm loyal, and very understanding. list four things you dislike about yourself:   i'd kill for one man, i'm jealous to the point of hatred, i overreact to literally everything, i can't socialize, you want me to go on? this quiz is pretty different to others, right?   lmao you ruined it cats or dogs?   while i personally find felines to be more interesting as animals, i prefer dogs as pets. are you hungry right now?   no.  my appetite pill is actually working. what do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo?   lmao i was one of those people, i love it!  document your story!  it's beautiful! can you work the washing machine?   ... no.  embarrassing, right.  idk what settings to put it on. do you like your photo being taken?   NO.  other people don't know how to flatter my face. do you like taking photos of yourself?   i mean, i'm a photographer, so every now and again. next gig you're going to?   who knows?  i'd like to go to the carolina rebellion this year, BADLY, but money is such an issue in my family. favorite color?   maroon, baby. when do you plan on moving out?   when i'm with a significant other.  i used to believe i could live on my own in an apartment or something, but no.  depression would consume me entirely. is there someone in your life you wish you never met?   of course there is.  jabari, who tried raping my sister right in front of me, for one.  dustin, ashley's ex, who did nothing but break her heart and abuse her.  there are more.  i personally don't believe everyone comes into one's life for a reason. who/what is your favorite cartoon character?   i don't really know.  i like garfield.  and courage the cowardly dog. what do you think of your mother?   she's very supportive, loving, funny, rational, and serves as my rock.  i'd be lost as fuck if i didn't have my mom.  just sometimes, she thinks she knows more than she does about me. your father?   i love him so much and i live in constant regret about hating him for so many years.  i wish i'd burned that letter i wrote him in opposition of actually sending that shit, because i wonder all the time if he still thinks about what i told him.  he'd do anything for me, and i hope i can repay him for that one day. your siblings (if there are any)?   tiffany: i don't know you, but i wish i did.  misty: you're great, and i miss you.  katie: you confuse me, but i still love you and hope you're okay.  bobby: hey now, you're an all-star.  seeing you with christian lights up my whole world.  i hope i'm half the parent you are some day.  ashley: we're too much alike in an odd way.  you've been through so much, yet you've come so far as a person.  i mean jesus christ, you're a radiologist!  and to know you were once suicidal, that's so inspirational to me.  you have a husband who loves you, even after, like me, believing you could never love another.  you have two beautiful children who love you so much, but i wonder if they can ever love you like i do.  nicole: i worry about you.  you need to leave that damn boy, he's not good enough for you, and he is going to drag you down.  you're too big and bold a person to be chained.  i worry about your happiness quotient as long as he's around, but regardless, i know you're going to go pretty damn far. how many hours do you spend online a day?   i don't really know, but i can't say i care too much.  i don't get why people treat the internet like it's so horrible.  like, let's think about it.  most people, when they have nothing better to do, what do they do?  they watch television.  i sit on the computer instead.  at least i'm engaging my brain. explain your current feelings for your last ex bf/gf:   i'm entirely aware i'm more than in love with him, i'm obsessed with him.  you ain't truly been in love until it gets that far, hunny. how do you feel about teen relationships?   they're fine?  they can lead to a forever relationship. who’s room of the opposite sex were you in last? when?   uhhh.  my dad's and his wife's when i was passing through to go take a shower. what are your views on homosexuals in general?   they're just as human as a heterosexual, if not more open-minded as half the heterosexual populace has issue with them. do you and any of your friends have a "song?"   ha ha ha, yeah.  colleen and i say our "song" is that country piece called "friends" by ummm... blake shelton, i think?  it's such a cutesy song, and when she first showed it to me, she said it made her think of us.  i hate country, yet i still jam out with her every time we hear it. (: which is more important to you - friends or family?   family.  who says some friends can't be family? which is worse - smoking, drinking, or drugs?   drugs.  easily.  allow me to also clarify, alcohol is a drug, so drinking is pretty equal?  nicotine is a drug too, right? is there one person you would seriously kill if you could get away with it?   um.  only if i wouldn't feel guilty.  which i would. what is the last scary movie that actually scared you?   the only scary movie to ever scare me is "the rite."  only because it played with an irrational fear of mine: being impregnated by satan or a demon in general.  i'm afraid of pregnancy period, but the idea of it being the devil's child and it ripping out of your fucking stomach like can you not what are you listening to?   "gospel" by panic! at the disco.  i love his voice in this song so fucking much.  them high notes in the chorus, tho. what is something you and your significant other do that may seem weird to others?   i'm single. how long have you liked the person you like right now?   five years how many shots can you take?   i've never taken a shot before, and truly, i don't really want to.  i mean i'm sure i will at some point, i just don't have the desire to because i hate the taste of alcohol, and shots are so concentrated. what's a fact about the last person you kissed?   he just turned 23. do you think you're old?   no, shame i feel it, though. are you a jealous person?   in general?  actually, no.  i only get jealous when it comes to jason. when is the next time you will kiss someone?   you tell me. has anybody ever accused you of doing drugs?   i don't think so. do you have a passion for anything?   meerkats!!  photography!!  silent hill and gaming in general!!  rhett and link/gmm!!  heavy metal!! are you a romantic person?   i honestly think i am. what do you think of when i say "lumberjack?"   lmao omg the first thing that came to mind was rhett singing and dancing to the song he made up on the high-heeled lumberjack challenge on gmm. how many children do you want?   one-three.  one if childbirth/pregnancy was way too much, two is most likely, three is a big maybe. do you like mexican food?   nope. do you have a favorite author?   not really. do you have an ex who still talks to you? do they want to be with you again?   if juan even counts, yeah, we talk like what, less than even once a month.  he's made it apparent he wants to be with me again, but pretty sure he's a player, so. do your legs get really itchy after shaving them?   christ, yeah.  my left leg got so itchy once after shaving that i have a large scar going up my shin from scratching it so badly.  even putting lotion on didn't help. do you wear a ring on your finger?   yeah, a ruby/garnet/whatever ring on my right ring finger.  i just put it on permanently the other day.  i got it for christmas. have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?   it is pierced.  i've thought of taking it out in favor of getting the septum pierced though, but i changed my mind. have you kissed anyone with a tattoo before?   no, but a guy with a tattoo has kissed me. which berry is your favorite?   strawberries, definitely. have you ever tried to learn a foreign language?   i took four semesters of german. would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?   lake. do you love seeing frost hanging off leaves in the winter?   omg yaaass would you ever like to own a chandelier?   hell yeah.  i'm big on those creepy octopus chandeliers. when is the last time you went to a carnival?   oh fuck me.  last time i went to a carnival/festival one night was over a year ago with jason and dillon.  i went on a ride i was terrified of (jason was a bit iffy too; he doesn't like heights), and dillon made a self-mutilation joke that nearly ruined the whole night. how many notebooks do you own? are they all filled?   oh jeez.  LOADS.  i have a drawer filled with 'em... i wanna throw them out though.  really old, embarrassing writings. have you ever lived on a university campus?   no. what’s your favorite alcoholic beverage?   mike's hard, i guess.  not like i've tried many. when was the last time you saw a photo of your ex?   long-ish time ago.  i have a picture from our prom beside my bed, but it's buried beneath papers.  so probably the last time i checked his facebook months ago. do you “binge-watch” tv shows?   haven't done that since "sherlock" with jason. do you play any games on your phone?   not anymore.  i had pokemon go, but i had to get rid of it after i ran out of room on my phone, despite having deleted every other app but pinterest and my period tracker.  not like it's really a fun game for rural players, anyway.  you never have pokeballs because pokestops don't exist. have you ever shaved your face?   no.  i mean i've waxed my eyebrows and lip and plucked stray hairs on my chin, but never shaved it. what was the last vaccination you got?   no idea.  probably for an std, y'know, those shots you get as a teenager. how long does it usually take you to get over a break up?   lmao been a year and a handfull of months, still not over it. do you get motion sickness?   nope. do you often forget what you were just about to say?   always.  makes me feel stupid. how many blue-eyed people have you kissed?   none. do you have a friend named holly?   i knew a holly in elementary school, but she was never my friend. what are your parents' middle names?   marie and john. does frequent use of swear words offend or upset you?   not at all, because i don't believe in our definition of "profanity."  who honestly gives a valid fuck about whether a word is "bad" or not.  what makes a word "bad," anyway?  however, i do believe in harmful words that i don't like hearing.  like, calling someone a bitch, to me, is just as bad as calling someone a mean person.  because they mean the same thing.  what makes "bitch" worse?  also, i hate derogatory terms to certain groups, like "the 'n' word" for black people.  otherwise, "swear" all you want, i really don't care. when/where did you meet your first love?   well, to be technical, facebook.  i thought he was a jason i did know, so i accepted his friend request.  thank god i did.  he wanted to be my friend to begin with because he saw me in the hallway at school and, according to him, he thought immediately, "that girl's going to save me."  he remembers exactly what I was wearing, everything.  how he found my facebook, i guess i should probably wonder, lol.  it's so funny, how he claims i was going to save him.  and now i'm the one who needs him.  funny shit. how many facebook friends do you have?   uhhhh 126, i think? which one of your relatives are you most likely to argue/disagree with?   MY GRANDMA HOLY FUCK have your parents met the person you're currently interested in?   yes, they have. who was your first major crush?   i'm not entirely sure.  maybe this kid named dylan? do you still talk to that person?   haven't in well over a decade.  lmao wait, did i ever even talk to him?  i just thought he was super cute. is there anything you need to do, that you're trying to avoid doing?   yeah.  i hate late homework. do you have any drinking cups with disney characters on them?   we haven't for years.  well, wait.  we may still have some. will you be moving anytime soon?   probably.  we were supposed to get evicted because mom can't afford the rent, yet we're still here.  but our landlord won't be merciful forever; mom still can't pay for it. have you ever written a book? perhaps you are writing one right now?   never finished any... oh yeah!  but one from when i was younger. favorite flavored milk shake?   vanilla do you or your best friend play in a band?   nah. can two living souls become one?   figuratively, sure, literally, no. last song you listened to and what does it mean to you?   i'm listening to "ready to go" by panic! at the disco.  first time listening to it; i'm on a panic! streak.  it just started, so no opinion yet. have you seen the entire harry potter series?   no.  jason and i watched a couple of the movies, but i could never get into it. have you ever been put to sleep for surgery?   i actually don't know.  i had tubes put in my ears as a baby, but i don't remember it at all. have you ever had a pregnancy scare?   okay this is funny.  despite never having sex, my anxiety made me believe by some miracle dry-humping had gotten me pregnant because i missed my period.  like i was so panicked i was even talking about it with jason.  god bless that man, i can only IMAGINE what he must've thought. when was the last time you went bowling?   some months ago with colleen, bradley, and girt. are you expected to help fix thanksgiving dinner?   no. have you ever lost anyone close to cancer?   no, thank god. do you personally know anyone who is transgender?   i don't think so. what’s your favorite flavor of potato chip?   original is the shit. what’s your favorite type of juice?   i really like mango. what was the hardest language you’ve ever tried to learn?   dude, fuck latin. do you know anyone named amity?   no, but that's a cool name! what do you think of people who always wear make-up?   i really try not to have an opinion because that's really not my business at all, but i can't help but feel a bit sad.  like... i dunno, i just think you should be more comfortable with your own skin instead of always feeling like you've gotta cover it.  my older sister was like that for years, and it always made me sad, because she's so beautiful.  she wouldn't go out without it or take pictures if she didn't have some on. is there a smell that gives you headaches?   gasoline. what’s your least favorite thing about summer?   everything?  can i say everything??? have you ever wanted to vlog?   not really.  i lead a boring life and i am WAY too shy and awkward. do you have any of the guitar heroes/rock bands?   plenty.  original, ac/dc, metallica, green day, van halen, greatest hits, and i'm positive i'm missing some. have you ever worn flip flops in the snow?   lmao yes. do you ever wonder what your ex or most recent “thing” is up to?   of course i do. have you ever moved to a different state?   nope.  been in nc my whole life. have you ever been to germany?   no, but i'd REALLY like to go! what decade do you think is the best musically?   hm.  '80s. have you ever written poetry or fiction?   yup.  some cringy stuff lmao. have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?   yes.  we lived with another couple, who were our friends. how do you feel about your relationship status?   it's boring and lonely. how many relationships have you been in?   one legitimate one.  one puppy-love.  one misunderstanding that lasted less than a day. what’s something you do that really frustrates people who are closest to you?   i can be VERY passive and submissive.  like, ask me what i wanna do?  "i don't care."  wanna do this, brittany?  "if you want to."  is this fine for dinner, brittany?  "sure, if you feel like making it."  colleen HATES this about me. do you care what people think?   sometimes.  sometimes not at all.  sometimes way too much. is there anyone in your life that knows right away something’s wrong with you?   not anymore.  jason was like that.  it was supernatural. do you like the color yellow?   no, actually. what was your favorite game when you were a child?   the spyro games. when was the last time you had blood drawn?   last time i was at the er for mental reasons.  they always take your blood to ensure you're not on drugs. have you ever hated someone but felt pity for them at the same time?   honestly?  no. what eyeshadow color suits you best?   black, baby. in regards to kissing, full on making-out or will a peck suffice?   depends on where we are and how passionate we're feeling. are you a ke$ha fan?   no. how short is too short for shorts/skirts?   please at least keep your full ass covered. have you even swam in a lake? did you freak out about the germs, afterwards?   i have, and not particularly. have you ever snuck-out to see a guy?   nope. does your cell-phone take decent pictures?   NO.  i actually still have my old phone just to take my selfies lmao. have you ever sexted?   it's my biggest regret. have you ever posed topless with a friend?   i have not. do you shed hair everywhere you go?   ha ha yeah. where do you part your hair?   to the far left do you talk with your hands?   absolutely.  jason used to make fun of me for it, then he started to do it. do guy's adams apple's gross you out?   no. lil' wayne, hopsin, kanye west, or kid cudi?   i don't particularly like any of them, but there is a song by hopsin that makes me laugh. have you ever questioned your mental health?   i'm not questioning it, i've accepted it. when you go to the beach, are you swimming, tanning, playing, or searching for shells?   swimming and looking for shells! do you wash your hair every day?   no, that's bad for you. do you have long eyelashes?   my old english teacher stopped class just to point out they were once lmao.
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floopers · 2 years
Fires Within
series: gbf pairing: none word count: 1916 rating: G summary: Perhaps somehow even now, when Michael is no longer bound to her element the same way Wilnas is, they continue to affect each other.
wanted to just write something between wilnas and michael
The smell of char and smoke isn't unknown to Michael but it's all she's smelled for the past hour or so. Even standing outside Uriel's restaurant, the air is thick with it. Michael wrinkles her nose, wishing she had Gabriel's wisdom to have taken the first chance to run, or gone with her under pretense to pick up drinks for them all.
Somehow though, the smell inexplicably grows stronger, and Michael's question is answered just as Wilnas bursts out of the entrance of the restaurant, the chime at the top rattling loudly from the force. The smoke seems to engulf him like a blanket, billowing out behind him but now that he's outside, it all dissipates outward... in Michael's direction. Her nose wrinkles. She glances inside, just in time to see Raphael placing a box down to keep the door open. Their gazes meet, and he subtly shifts the winds to blow the smoke away from the restaurant. She gives him a nod of thanks and turns her attention back to her current companion.
The grin on Wilnas' face can only be described as cheerfully positive even with all the char and smoke on him. Despite all his failures, he's still shining, still bright, maybe a little too bright for Michael.
"There you are, Michael! I was wondering where you had gotten up to!" he says, his voice loud as always.
"It was... a bit too stuffy for me inside."
"Ah! I apologize for all the smoke!" His grin seems to grow bigger. "Cooking is such a new interest for me that I might have grown too enthusiastic for it! I swear to replace Uriel's tools once I finish practicing! His guidance has been very helpful! Thank you for introducing him to me!"
"I am glad to hear that," she answers, wincing slightly inside. It is partly true; she had intended mainly for the crew to come here to Uriel's restaurant to eat up and relax after their days-long mission of fighting on what the others call the ancient battlefield. The history of it is not lost on Michael, faintly aware of the War even when she'd been acting as primarch. It feels strange now to be on that same battlefield though.
"How many attempts does that make that now?" she asks. Uriel and he have been at it for what feel like hours now. Michael had been sitting inside at first with the rest of the crew but left to excuse herself for a bit. She had meant to come back in but Gabriel had come from her studio to join her. She'd taken one look inside the restaurant and shut the door, turning back around to stand next to Michael instead. Gabriel had left after a while, saying she would pick up drinks for them, and Michael waited for her outside, but it's been quite some time now since Gabriel has disappeared.
Wilnas holds up one of his mighty hands, counting off. Then he holds up his other one. "Uh, too many to count!" he concludes with a laugh.
"How do you do it?"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
Michael halts. She hadn't meant to speak that aloud. "Forgive me for speaking so frankly, but you have failed several times and yet, you're able to laugh it off and continue. Does that not sting your pride?"
"Yes!" Wilnas pumps a fist. "As I am the very embodiment of fire itself, my fires burn hotter than anything else in the skies! And yet, even with this strength, I cannot use it to do something so simple as cooking! Not even something so easy as raw meat can be spared from the fate of cinders!" And despite his words, he laughs without a care in the world.
"And yet, you still continue."
"Because I must! How else will I get better if I do not?" His expression turns oddly grave for one such as him. "You understand it, as a being who will also live for along time, that our perspective of time in this world is... much different than a mortal's. A decade will go by in the blink of an eye for us but for a mortal, that is a significant fraction of their life. In my journey to master this art of cooking, it may take me decades, centuries, or perhaps even millennia! I am afforded this time but a mortal is not. And they know all too well, that their time here is limited and devote themselves to their craft, unknowing of what their future might bring. The fire inside of them will either become snuffed out, or it may grow into a wildfire!"
Michael listens to him ramble on. What he speaks is true, yes. She thinks of Falsch and the decades he'd spent wallowing by himself while his friends moved on without him. To Michael, twenty years is... merely a drop in the ocean. To a mortal, twenty years is... nearly a quarter of their life gone. And still yet, despite all the shortcomings, the fire inside of him continued to burn and led to giving Michael an incredible experience. It is this passion that makes mortals so different from primal beasts, those created with roles and purposes in mind.
"You know, when I manifested in this world, I nearly destroyed a whole town. I had burned most of their fields and they lost much of their crop. They needed food and nourishment, and I could not provide that for them no matter how much I wished. Thus, my wish to learn this art of cooking became born." He holds out his hand, an ember flickering within his palm. She's standing next to him but she can feel the sheer heat radiating from it. Michael can tell how different this flame feels from hers, as if the world has borne this one instead rather than conjured. To her though, it is a mild warmth; to anyone else, the heat would no doubt lick at their skin in uncomfortable heat.
"Fire is known for being ferocious and unkind, yet still the mortals have sought to tame our wild infernos. In this, they even create their own flames and they've advanced their lives to today!" The grin comes back to his face, his eyes sparkling with unbridled curiosity. It reminds Michael of the time she had taken her job with children, how curious their eyes had looked. Perhaps that might be the perfect comparison, given Wilnas' only recent manifestation and his fascination with everything in the skies at this current moment.
"I believe cooking is one of the most impressive feats that the mortals have done, do you not think so?" He turns to her suddenly. Michael expects him to continue but she realizes he's waiting for an answer. She ruminates on it.
"I suppose it is because... to eat something delicious is one way to feel alive," she says. It makes her think of Azrael's obsession with bean cake—ah, could it truly have been something so simple? Gabriel often tells her how much she thinks too much on a subject and that is more than true right now. "We do not need to food to have any particular taste to derive sustenance from it, but when you share food with those you cherish, it is... a wonderful feeling."
Wilnas dwells on her answer before he nods furiously. "Yes, that's exactly it. When you toil through the act of preparing the food, you think of those that would taste it. When it is those you cherish, you prepare the food according to their tastes. To spend all that work and seeing others enjoy your hard work is also a reward in its own right!" He clenches his fist, the ember disappearing in a puff of smoke. "It is not needed to be done, and yet the mortals continue to evolve this aspect of their lives. And to them, even the simplest flavor can bring such joy to the mortals! It fascinates me!"
"To be able to eat delicious food everyday is a luxury to some mortals," Michael murmurs. Wilnas nods in agreement, his somber look returning to him.
Perhaps it had been through him the reason she feels this way. Perhaps somehow even now, when she is no longer bound to her element the same way Wilnas is, they continue to affect one another. It feels strange to think so when compared to him, the time she has spent in her role is a mere fraction compared to his. She is certain though, that they both feel that same fire, that same desire that burns inside of them that tells them... how fascinating the passions of mortals are... so fascinating that they both cannot help but want to chase after it for their own reasons.
"It sounds like they've gotten the situation under control now." Wilnas turns his head toward the inside of the restaurant. Michael wonders what's even happened inside, for them to push Wilnas outside while Uriel and Raphael took care of... whatever it'd been. She hopes that nothing has happened to Uriel's kitchen. "Perhaps by the end of the night, I will be able to have an edible meal!"
"I wish you all the luck in the world," Michael tells him. "But please take care not to burn down the restaurant. I also reside here as well."
"Oh? You should have thought to mention that! I will do my utmost to protect your home!"
Somehow, even with his assurance, Michael doesn't feel relieved. It's Uriel's restaurant she's more worried about, in any case. She hopes Gabriel will hurry back so if anything does happen, she can at least douse the entire building if need be. Michael gives him a nod and sends him on his way, leaning back against the wall once more with her arms crossed. She can hear Uriel inside again and it isn't long before Wilnas' hearty laughter joins in.
Michael sighs and looks up at the sky. To continue to fail and keep going... it is still something she needs to learn to do, to remain persistent. Setbacks sting her pride far more than she likes to admit. Sometimes, being in battle itself is easier than... everything she's had to deal with.
Seeing Wilnas persist though... it gives her inspiration too. She had meant to take a break for a day after their grueling mission but now she's feeling inspired to pick up her acting books tomorrow, return back to the theater as soon as possible to learn from the teachers there. The fire inside of her has been lit again.
"Mika, I'm back—oh? What are you smiling about?" Gabriel comes into view then, that teasing smile on her face as always. "Did seeing me put you in a good mood?"
Leave it to Gabriel to pick the perfect moments to come back. Or... perhaps, she'd been watching them, she wouldn't put it past her as well. As much as Gabriel trusts in her to find her own way, she also knows Gabriel does worry for her too. Michael only sighs before letting out a small smile.
"I've just had... a productive conversation. I feel motivated again," Michael says. "You've got those drinks you said you'd get, right?"
"Right here," Gabriel says, lifting up a bag. She watches Michael for a moment though, and her eyes crinkle. "I'm happy for you," she says afterward, and Michael lets her own smile grow in response.
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icharchivist · 3 years
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you had to have me hear SuzuKen especially talk about adding the balls to that canon, you had to make me hear it, you had to. you had to. 
and showing that tO VYRN AND LYRIA ON TOP OF THAT i’m going to cry
Somewhere in the universe, Belial is laughing maniacally at this, i know he is. 
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cielospeaks · 7 years
another meme w si’s
o- probably to keep cro safe, as much as she loves saving him she would rather he be safe
t- gets up begrudgingly early to practice and/or study and lives off tea and the somewhat chance to see senpai’s bedhead sometimes cro’s words of encouragement when he’s up that early too
r- all the good people in the musical company, maizono’s words of encouragement, when loki shows up and is more fun than a threat, senpai’s smile and cute voice and face, cro’s laughter that gives her the butterflies
s- an endless list of 80s ish original quintet songs, canonically transylvanian lullaby but all of em would count
p- probably cro or pluffle, maybe hans’ bros? id like to think space fantasy erlend is the one they all talk to so he can nerd about composers to tsun tsun
a- why does there need to be one? definitely an adult lol but no specified age
c- most of the time i feel like space would shitpost at 2am or just midday shitposts
e- cr probably? or pluffle later in the show lol
k- lmao would she? maybe one of her baes in the 15 au perhaps? it would have to be a gentle one for this softboy troubadour
a- probably early 20s? maybe 20 when the stuff went down in 14 and 21 or 22 in 15
s- probably a song she loved from where she lived in the past, it was one that calmed her down and was for her friends and/or lovers as well
u- idk how fantasy panties work, probably grey? lmao but w swirls of red and purple in it bc fancyyyy ~jazz hands~ its not sexy per se, like bloomers or pumpkin pants, more cute than anything
m- if she had one she wouldnt reveal it ;D
i- “im crying right now” it depends, probably at the last battle at someone’s injury
h- probably the same as me lmao ;v; henshin’s backstory isnt too far off w irl me
e- the tamashii friends for sure, maybe cro in season 2 but definitely the tamashii. which is weird bc whats the chances of feeling more comfortable sharing ur feelings w the ghosts of ur fave histfigs than w rl ppl lol
n- only child like me lmao
s- don j and moz caught her humming la ci darem and decided to play wingmen, much to her embarassment
i- lmao whoops..... at least 3 ppl. girl is a homewrecker as one of em is kinda sorta engaged? but his fiance is a jerk and probably at the end of s1 she breaks it off, but thats not even mentioning the hot bug alien duo that are totally cuties
k- oooh but who would let her kiss them? id say kiss on the hand (either given or recieved) from gareth, kiss on the hair (like a gentle up to interpretation why one) to marie (rerun when), and kiss on each cheek by sturm and drang bc thats cute as heck
i- whooo boy yes w like everyone? shes got a very loidliszt view on love- “its ai yo~” and as such isnt too much of an edgelord as everyone else to not view her relationships as being in love. mostly sturm and drang but to a lesser extent marie and gareth. dang why does granbloop have such cute ladies
s- probably something basic to teach to the kids, or something elta and the other musicians are all doing that she ended up joining in for (as conductor? or would ran/djeeta be conductor? lmao)
u- the cutest panties!!! pastel colored, gbf has like regular pantsu so yea, theyd probably have lace around them and the whole lingere is like pastel dom bc thats her
m- idk if shed even have one as most of the gbf characters go by just one name
o- that the whole cast can be happy. shes the original “i ship everyone w happiness” that and that they wont hate her when she reveals her true job but she thinks thats basicaly impossible lol
t- depending on the day, sometimes she gets up w the sunrise and goes out to the garden, sometimes bringing music and sometimes a watering can to help out kanae w the housework. other times she sleeps like a rock until her alarm goes off
m- also idk if she reveals it its treble tho lol
e- surprisingly enough the cryptid gremlin, somehow he tends to know whats up and hes so outgoing and somehow it puts her at ease. though shes got best kouhai to thank for putting the dirty tiger cage thoughts in her mind lol. honestly she loves all the loids + sousuke and kanae, even mitsuru who she may or may not work for
also the crew too bc whyyyynot
m- idkkkk? swordgirl? saniwachan? the boys try to guess to no avail
i- idk if she really has feelings for anyone? definitely a senpaicrush in bygone days for arisato
s- the udon song! sing it again hasebe!
a- 20, but probably 21 now
k- omgggg all the smuttttttt idk maybe shed give mouth to mouth to one of the boys? or they get hurt and she gives a kiss on the bandage to make it better
t- he rarely sleeps on the nights of night battles or expeditions, but besides that he is usually awoken by one of the girls and her kind words
a- 20 boiiiii tho technically hes prolly 21 by now
n- technically 2, an older sibling and his twin sis misaki, though the older one is a half sibling
j- his luxury is days off spent w shipgirls, when he can afford the time to he likes to just go down to the beach/docks and get all broody- tho then one of them drags him off to go swimming and his mood is uplifted
i- he doesnt really think much of love, and can’t help the flush at the mention of tadeo, though he feels so guilty of his obliviousness
r- the shipgirls, his new friends, and the knowledge that somewhere maybe his twin and bestie are happy and safe
o- he thinks its greedy but to see misaki and tadeo again, that they can return to this world
t- he gets up whenever, and after going to the world of spirits usually w a cute girl snuggled up to him, he’ll get great delight in brushing a hand to her hair if shes ok with it and waking her with gentle kisses to her brow
a- a yr older than the twins, hes 21
d- idk what he drinks, i like to think its like pj verse and the drink is whatever he wants it to be, so he makes it something he remembers drinking w tanjiro, the poor angst boy
e- probably furitia or his self appointed sister rukoa, furitia is the first girl/starter and is so kind and well meaning and hot/cute af. the starter trio of kuura, rauisu, and ogu are also his confidantes
o- he wants the world of the spirits to be safe and them all to be happy- and for misaki to be yknow, not dead.
a- she’s possibly tadeo’s age, possibly a year/half a year older, so 21 or 22
r- that theres still possibilities, even when things looked bleak, and that all the author boys are so kind and not as she expected
i- probably mizaki shiroi not gonna lie,,,,,
s- probably humming along to the music from the library, maybe even making up silly words. “hei-chan, you arent the best at this are you?” one of the boys probably
t- shes a bit of a late riser, sometimes gets up to the bos and has a habit of falling asleep in the comfy chairs of the library
o- to find shiori and the appliance girls, and that somehow they and her new author boy friends will get along and they can all live together
c- idk for me its nearly 2am lol ;v; chihay would latenight blog and just do shitposts about pineapple and how much he loves his friends and family
h- idk maybe half? -le makes everyone half- or full japanese but im kinda in it for half chihay
i- depends on verse. in fef hes defs in love w someone (who exactly idk yet) and in es verse he loves everyone. romantically, as a friend, and as a hecking partner. hes very good w aftercare and gives the best snuggles. he loves all chests and vagoos equally, is like don g but actually genuine. hes got nice things to say about everyone
a- probably 19? feverse probably 19 or 20 ish?
y- he loves anything made with love, good cooking is a plus but not necessary, he’ll even eat terrible cooking if someone he likes makes it. maybe takoyaki  trademark krghost fave food
r- that shes somehow survived all this against all odds, and as long as shes alive shehas a future
i- idkkk if shes in love per se, but do i ship her w sidlieri? absohecking lutely
l- probably when she had to leave monstri, if before then when she first arrived, eyes still wet and teardrops icy from the cold of the strange land she left
a- probably 18/19? idk? not younger defs
n- idk? if shes a rin expy she might have a lil sis whos a saku expy
0 notes
adhdvane · 3 years
Anon back again, don't worry about delay in answer! I'm not expecting you to reply in a matter of seconds and I'm patient anyway! (●'◡'●) (and yeah, tumblr's notification system kinda suck so really, not your fault haha)
I understand your struggle with fics all too well lol I'm sure a time will come when it just clicks and you can write the good stuff ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ And no need to feel bad if you haven't posted a lot on ao3! You don't have to have 1000 fics or 200k word-long fics for your works to be enjoyable!! Even little ficlets and drabbles are good to have around ♥
It's good of you to have taken time for yourself if you needed it ♥ And yeah, completely understandable to hesitate and come back to fandom in general with the current state of things (a couple years ago I made an IE/Go sideblog and I'm still terrified that someone is going to come up and yell at me for shipping the characters lmao And that's without counting the Problematic™ fics I wrote when I was 16 lmao)
Regarding your tags, I'm just sitting there like starry-eyed because YES TenKyou. I'm DELIGHTED to know that's your preference because that's mine too for the ship asklhjkh
As for Todd and Prof Mirror, that's a tough and personal question, so good luck! (I'm thinking Todd topping's nice but does it make the prof kink better or not is the question!! ALSO in the french version, I know there's a line from Todd going like "Mirror was already being called Professor before he was a professor" so maybe he's not the only one with a prof kink, just from a different angle, hah)
(you say sorry for rambling, but joke's on you, I ramble too! Sorry for clustering your blog though woops Have a good day! (´・ω・`) )
rip, okay, once again i apologize about this one being even later, mostly bc i saw it early, but i haven't been able to sit down and respond to it. this week was the last week of the month so i actually had a lot to do at work and was able to go in every day (as opposed to 1 - 2 days bc business is still so slow). but at the end of the month i do invoicing for inventory charges for that month for each customer. though i was able to actually get a lot of it done sooner than usual (bc i actually started the process on tuesday instead of thursday), there were still three big ones i couldn't even do until thursday bc they had several orders in production that didn't get shipped until thursday. I was going to finally get to this ask on friday when i got home (we only work half days on friday and close at noon)… but the new gbf event had started… and uhg… a sho centric event. g od.
rest of the word vomit under the cut
before i just—IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT THIS GBF RAMBLING FEEL FREE TO SKIP BELOW TO THE END THE GBF OF RAMBLE—this event askjdsjkdfslkdjsdjg talk about giving the antag his redemption art event. the emotional growth in sho. so many new assets to save… there are fricking 6 different versions of his character labeled _painful (_painful, _painful2, etc.), and like so many zoom in's that basically every one of his images has an _up version (the battle ones ((the ones of him on his gearcycle)) also have a bunch of _up2 versions that are zoomed in between the default and _up close up) anyways these in particular kill me.
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sho "i'm-not-going-to-cry-or-show-expresions-of-gratitude" awkwardly smiling and crying in this event (while also repeatedly getting the shit kicked out of him/getting hurt. having a moment of breaking down from exhaustion and pain, in the rain, before deciding he has to swallow his pride. every single english word that comes out of his mouth, cv: taniyama kishou is a gift (on a side note i can't believe he fucking played alpha in chronostone. like thats fucking hilarious a va and voicalist capable of such range and drama voicing alpha and his serious monotone ass). Sho (@tsubasa): You showed me the light before—[…] Tsubasa: Wait, what? Whaddya mean I showed you the light? ((you mean when he punched you in the fucking face at the end of the previous event of this series?))). I mean I already shipped bc of the their last event, how can you not ship the guy screaming he's going to kill the protag w/the protag esp after getting punched in the face by the protag at the end makes him calm down and be like fine i guess you win i'm not going to try to kill you know and our gangs don't have to fight. also they're both like 16 (or at least tsubasa is canon 16 (a yeas totally looks like a 16 year old) and sho is at least still in school and at least confirmed to be a minor (not age of majority, which idk what that is exactly in universe, could be 18, could be 20, bc it is fantasy, but it's also japanese, thoguh japan's age of majority is actually lowering from 20 to 18 next april (2022), drinking/smoking/gambling age will still be 20, and the comment in this event was about we're still minors save the smoking for when you're an adult). sho could arguably be 18 or 19 and still believably in school and be considered a minor legally (if in universe gbf follows japanese laws) considering the time he spent in juvie he could easily have been held back. gbf will probably just make him tsubasa's age if a canon age is release. but thinking about sho being 19 and tsubasa being 16 would make some ppl upset and that brings me joy. (also just how funny it could be thinking about (bc everyone is perpetually the same age) how later when sho a year older and legally being able to drink, and tsubasa not, and despite the fact sho being like i will break the laws about physically assaulting a guy but underage drinking, smoking, and drugs is a no-no is fucking hilarious. (the app is rated t so i guess there's only so much you can do…) (oh and one last note, a character in the event asking if sho enjoys the pain and is a masochist, to have other character be like dude you can't just ask someone that. sho saying no he doesn't enjoy the pain. only for later when they are escaping, a character noting "You look rather happy about all this. Now I'm sure youre a masochist." gbf first crushing my sho masochist headcanon and then building it back up in this event, thank u gbf). anways, rip that was a lot and not even everything, as you can see i have been… distracted by this event. apologies
oh god worry about ppl like that in ina like, there really people out there who don't want you shipping ficitional children?????? and the main ina cast is roughly between 12-15. and got i started watching ina in 2013 when i was 19. which apparently for some people is like bad uwu because it's a show for young teenagers (like lol too bad i'm 27 and even though i haven't kept up with aries i still love ina and all the little babies and wont stop shipping). i didn't even know there was people out there who get UPSET AT AGING UP??? like wtf???? sorry i want them to be old enough to marry, adopt children, have a job, and also f.uck. the dpk au is my lifeblood (and has a lot of Problematic™ content that's never even been posted online anywhere bc it used to be an rp. my favorite is that out of all the relationships in the au, tenma and kyousuke's is probably the most unhealthy bc of kyousuke's mental health. some very bad things happened to fei (per request of my rp partner) (part of vanfeny and garsha's revenge on saru as they were sent to megun while saru walks around ''free'' (what exactly is free is a whole other lore mess in itself that i wrote up about post chrono stone future). and that just lead to more bad things fei then did to himself. problematic™ content 9492347 in the dpk au, shipping ozrock and lalaya. (even worse, bc of lore planning i did for the au and decided how their species worked, lalaya is about 6.5 cycles (faram obius years) or roughly 130 earth years and biologically similar to 13 year earth years, and ozrock is about 48 Ixal years roughly 48 earth years and biologically similar to 24 earth years. so like even a worse ship. i mean just ignore cultural norms would be different on an alien planet and also she's royalty and has an obligation to be wed even younger and is probably socially more mature than a human 13 year old. rip sorry i just like alien stuff. a lot of this was also because wouldn't it be great for lalaya to have a really long lifespan so the human friends she makes get older faster and also die way before her :) ina's gunna hurt me with the bug aliens then i'm going to… continue to hurt myself with more alien life span stuff.)
Anyways, With TenKyou, idk I think it's easy to paint tenma as the innocent ~pure baby~ and kyousuke as ~bad boy~ bc of the first inago… and seed kyousuke was a little bastard man (affectionate). which would idk explain the default to kyouten. but like kyousuke chills the hell out in chrono stone and galaxy. and just bc tenma is a dumbass with a heart of gold obsessed with soccer doesn't necessarily mean he's has to be ~innocent baby 受け~ trope. (not that these are the only tropes that decide) (maybe it's bc i sort of like messing with what it must be like to be the main protagonists best friend and watch him continue to overcome everything and be in the spot light and how everyone praises him. kyousuke with self-esteem issues, looking back at all the problems he's caused, tenma has flaws but they're either negligible or something to love about him and mine have only hurt others. disregarding his own goddamn plot armor in the past. complex, emotional, suffering kyousuke is how i like my kyousuke. need we even get into how god eden was canonically revealed to be physically/mentally abusing seeds and that whole can of worms) (also just "nervous baby i don't know how to approach tenma" kyousuke, "cheeky little shit doesn't have any regards to personal space and boundries" tenma) at least if anyone starts giving me shit about an ina ship or problematic fictional ina content, i can always respond with something i drew back in 2015.
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back to the matter of new snap though… that line is so familiar (im pretty sure it's in the eng txt, i have it set to jpn audio tho). i recently started keeping a log of the messages that pop up on the camp, lab, and map screens (but haven't saved too many bc i get distracted or at least i know i'm missing quite a few i have vague memories of). (also idk why my first thought to that line was mirror responding with "That was because you were the one calling me that.") there actually were a couple messages i saved initially that would be useful for fic writing:
Todd: "The professor used to be kinda reckless back in the day. I suppose after 10 year he must've calmed down a bit."
Mirror: "Todd's calmed down since I last saw him. Or maybe he's just acting mature because you kids are around…"
possible implications from these that I'm deciding to consider for headcanons:
both reckless and wild in their early 20's but that's not unusual, so they were acting like reckless young adults when they were 20. makes sense.
because mirror mentions the last time i saw him (which is definitely implied not 10 years ago since todd had a research team pin so obviously he's been around a bit since the lab was established) meaning todd is potentially still a chaotic bastard but is just trying to act like an adult in front of the kids. beautiful.
and on that note another wonderful Tood message:
Todd: "I never invited Phil to be my pupil—he just declared himself my "number one student" and started tagging along! But honestly…I was kind of flattered."
the possibility that when todd showed up in game, after that cutscene he went to talk to mirror like "this 10 year old just started following me and wont go away, pls help. what do i do?????"
this unsupervised 10 year old just followed a ~30 year old man into the wilderness and somehow just declares todd is mentor (and took the research team pin from todd to ''borrow''). this is a hostage situation. todd is the hostage.
the idea that perhaps todd just got back from a long expedition and was glad to be back and spend time with mirror, except this kid started following him around and wont leave him alone or go away, and then when he got to the lab there were two more kids there. how the fuck am i supposed to get it on with mirror when we have little alone time and when we finally do we're constantly at risk of being interrupted and/or walked-in on. (that last part was mainly the premise of the fic i wanted to write. "these kids are a handful how are we supposed to have intimate time. especially bc they're all so young and have child energy levels and when they go to bed i am already fucking exhausted." i'm thinking it might work better as like a drabble collection, that way i don't have to adhere to a plot line and can pick and choose scenarios to write because i keep winding up with more scenario ideas that i can nearly piece together into a coherent timeline anymore.)
(also a bit that rita becomes suspicious that they are 100% fu.cking even though all that happened was mirror wasn't asleep up in his bed above the lab and fell asleep in one of the bungalows w/todd and then tried to cover it up like haha what no, i was checking on todd he's not feeling well uh… what? where are my pants? oh. oh i can't believe i just totally got out of bed and left the lab without my pants haha.) (todd and mirror just trying to keep their relationship a secrete out of fear of rumors spreading and it affecting the lab's funding, even though rumors definitely started ages ago but neither of them realize). (also todd doesn't trust phil to keep his mouth shut and doesn't like the optics of the random 10 year old who started following him (UNSUPERVISED) just blabbing to his parents about how his cool mentor is dating the professor at the lab like yikes that could end badly worst case scenario.)
(i like the idea of mirror playing along with todd's ki.nk, albeit a little awkward sometimes (not very good at being intentionally 'sexy' about it, but that's not what todd wants anyways bc it's already inherenty sexy for him). Phill has a message "I barely get half the stuff the professor talks about. Do you?" and i can only image if he said that to todd
todd: (人*´∀`)i know it's hot
phil: what)
anyways i hope you don't mind me rambling even more on your asks like this. last time i totally just cut chunks out to be smaller but this time… i'm going to leave things in rip.
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floopers · 2 years
Dawning Flame
series: gbf pairing: Gabriel/Michael word count: 2150 rating: M summary: These times where Gabriel stokes the fires leisurely instead of igniting all the sparks at once also feel welcome to Michael.
kicking off the first fic of the year with some borderline smut because gabu before gw destroys me
Michael wakes not to her usual routine of rising before the dawn but to someone stroking her face. There's no mistaking who that hand belongs to, especially when she hears the low sigh next to her ear, and that there is only one other being that Michael would allow to be so intimate with her.
"Gabriel," Michael says, except all that comes out is a warble like she's trying to imitate speech. Gabriel giggle, her hand moving to brush back the bangs on Michael's face.
"Awake, Michael?" Gabriel murmurs. Her voice is still laden with sleep; she must have only woken just moments earlier. Michael's earlier attempt at speech had failed so all she can do is sigh instead. Once, she had pretended to be asleep and of course Gabriel had seen right through her. She'd been teased for it the rest of the day, and Michael does not feel keen on living through that embarrassment again even for Gabriel's delight.
Michael peeks open her eyes and squeezes them shut, groaning afterward as she covers her eyes with a hand. Going out drinking with Gabriel is always an exercise in futility, a lesson that Michael learns every time. No, it isn't that she learns, it's more that she should know better by now. She doesn't often go along with these trips as Gabriel's unusually high tolerance is... a bit too much for her, but Gabriel had tugged on her arm and pouted at her and said that they hadn't spent much time together lately and not even Michael can find herself able to refuse when Gabriel had looked like that.
Too bad it makes her regret waking up the next day.
"There, there." Gabriel is murmuring, gently prying Michael's hand away. Fingers brush against Michael's forehead and Gabriel's fingers, warm with body heart, are now cool to the touch. The sensation of healing magic washes over Michael, clearing some but not all of the fog. "Feeling better now?" she asks, and Michael doesn't need to look at her to hear the smile in her voice.
"... yes. Thank you, Gabriel," Michael says, her voice still hoarse with sleep. She must have drank more than she intended, which, considering her company, doesn't surprise her. It feels entirely unfair that Gabriel can drink so much and yet feel so little of it the next day.
Michael opens her eyes again. Gabriel had returned to stroking her face as she had been doing but not Michael can feel her fingers trailing lower, running a thumb over her lips. Michael turns her head—and rapidly when she sees how close Gabriel is to her, how close her face is that they can feel their breaths puffing past each other.
"Good morning, Mika," Gabriel says, and makes no further movement to even rise or move her hand. They stare at each other, waiting, until Gabriel finally reacts, her eyes crinkling as she smiles.
"Good morning, Gabriel," Michael returns. It is a bit hard to speak, especially when Gabriel still has her thumb near her mouth. Gabriel leans in and pulls her closer to kiss her, a soft press of her lips against Michael's. It is markedly different from the hungry and impatience ones of last night.
Michael allows herself to indulge in several more, relishing in the sounds of contentment she draws from Gabriel. It is pleasure of a different magnitude than the one they've enjoyed last night, one that feels closer to the flame inside a hearth than a raging inferno. Gabriel often likes to tease and rile her, add fuel to the flames that it feels as if Michael will explode with all her provocation. These times though, where Gabriel stokes the fires leisurely instead of igniting all the sparks at once, also feel welcome to Michael. No matter how many times they join together though, in what way or form, Michael enjoys it all and she hopes Gabriel does too.
Gabriel shifts closer, letting their legs tangle together as she lets her hands wander over Michael's body, enjoying the hard and taut muscles that Gabriel has praised her for. Michael wraps her arms around her and though Gabriel's warm against her, it feels like she can slip away like water. Gabriel's touch is cool but Michael can both feel it, the slow fire stirring inside them again.
"We should get up," Michael says, trying to work through the haze slowly settling inside her mind. It's a much different and more comfortable fog than the one she had when waking up, but she knows Gabriel's habits will rub off on her soon long enough.
"But your job today isn't in the morning, is it?"
Michael blinks. While yes, Gabriel is correct in saying that, she does not remember telling Gabriel her schedule.
"You only agree to go out with me at night when you don't have anything else in the morning," Gabriel points out, almost as if she's reading her mind. "You've always been responsible like that."
Michael turns to look at Gabriel with a frown, who only smiles lazily at her. Perhaps it is because she knows that this happens every time she goes out with Gabriel, and how Gabriel can be very persuasive in keeping her in bed.
"Fine, just for a little longer," Michael acquiesces, as if she's had a choice in the matter. Michael is too dutiful to abandon her responsibilities and Gabriel would truly let her go, and so Michael allows herself to stay. The pleased hum from Gabriel tells her that she likes that decision too.
"What's your job later, anyway?"
"I am helping Raphael"—Michael sucks in a breath because Gabriel has decided right in that very moment to brush against the swell of her breast—"with his farm." Gabriel is doing this on purpose, she knows it.
"That means Uriel's stew will be even more delicious later," Gabriel murmurs against her skin as the tips of her fingers tease the underside of her breast now, "I'll bring us some drinks for the four of us."
"That would be"—Gabriel is ghosting her fingers down her side now—"nice," she manages to finish in an impressively steady voice. It is not fair that Gabriel is doing all of this to her though so Michael runs a hand down the curve of Gabriel's back. Gabriel arches into her, and Michael continues downward, cupping Gabriel's bottom. Despite herself, Michael is embarrassed, slight warmth rising to her cheeks; she's not usually this emboldened unless Gabriel has pushed her, and without a few drinks in her as well.
Gabriel doesn't mind, making a sound that reminds Michael of a cat purring. Their hands wander, touching and dragging across any bit of skin but there is no hurry to them. Gabriel enjoys physicality, always eager to get her hands on Michael. Perhaps it is a moth being attracted to a flame but unlike a moth, Gabriel has the power to pull Michael under the waves, pull her along to her current.
Arms abruptly wrap around Michael and she blinks suddenly, and now she's the one looking down at Gabriel, who bats her lashes up at her innocently. "Can't wait to be on top of me again, hm?" Gabriel says as the corners of her lips twitch, holding back the coy smile always present on her lips.
"What—you were the one that pulled me up here," Michael grumbles though rather halfheartedly. She still does not move away even after claiming that, and Gabriel laughs at her.They should be getting out of bed—she should be getting out of bed, Gabriel does often enjoy lounging in the mornings, but Gabriel pulls her down again, almost as if to dissuade her of that thought. Perhaps she had been able to tell what Michael had been thinking; Gabriel has always seemed to figure her out so easily.
Rather than going for a kiss as Michael had expected, Gabriel simply brings her close and holds her. Michael blinks before she takes the invitation, burying her face into Gabriel's neck. The blaze that had been steadily growing inside dwindles, a low kindling now.
Many things trouble Michael but when Gabriel holds her like this, they all feel... not necessarily insignificant, but... manageable. Jobs, potential dangers to the skies, her guilt over the angels of instructions—things will be better. Gabriel murmurs something but Michael does not catch it and before she can ask Gabriel to repeat her words, Gabriel cards through her hair and a soft sigh leaves Michael instead, her eyes slowly closing.
They remain like that for a time, Michael finding herself slowly dozing off even despite not being one to sleep in; Gabriel just always seems to make her indulge in behaviors she wouldn't otherwise. Or perhaps it is still the influence of all the alcohol from last night.
"Say, Mika, can you stay like this by yourself for longer? You make a fine model like this."
Michael snaps open her eyes and grabs the blanket to cover herself. Gabriel is still underneath her but she's giggling behind her hand now. "Oh, I've never seen you move so fast!"
"Do not joke about that." Michael frowns as she glances away. "I... do not feel comfortable with my likeliness being displayed like that for others."
Something in Gabriel's eyes seem to to flash and when Michael blinks, she's the one with her back to the bed now, Gabriel straddling her as she looms over her.
"I never said anything about showing to the others," Gabriel says, her voice purposefully low, "it'll be for my eyes only." Her hand traces down the line of Michael's body like a canvas, her touch turning colder. Michael gasps as she tries to flinch away but Gabriel manages to hold her down.
Gabriel's wings suddenly unfurl from her back, blocking out the rest of the morning sun as it curls toward them. Michael wants to scold her for releasing her wings so brazenly, should scold her—but Gabriel fits a knee between her legs and pushes up against the apex of her legs. Michael hisses in surprise. She doesn't know whether it's from Gabriel's leg, or the way Gabriel has also laid her entire hand, now even colder, on her abdomen. In just several seconds, Michael finds herself at the mercy of Gabriel.
Water is fire's greatest weakness, after all.
"Just a little longer, Mika," Gabriel murmurs as her hands, still so cold, move lower. Michael gasps and rocks her hips once more, like a repeat performance of last night. Gabriel laughs and murmurs teases to her and although she moves slowly at first, she knows how to steadily push her higher and higher, setting Michael aflame and blazing even hotter than before.
When Michael crashes down, she's aware of Gabriel pulling her close and patting her head. The wings are gone now, Gabriel hiding them from sight once more. For as much as Michael had wanted to scold her for displaying earlier, she... does not dislike the sight of seeing them. It reminds her of simpler times, easier times—but that is neither the thought for here and now. For as much as Gabriel can see right through her, she still does not want to burden Gabriel with her troubles. Better to be safe and not let her mind wander too far in Gabriel's presence.
Michael pulls Gabriel close to her as well. Her body is cool to the touch; Michael does not want to know how hot she runs right now but Gabriel doesn't move away or make any effort to. Though the flame inside of her flickers, all it takes is a simple rekindling for her to burn again, something she knows Gabriel is aware of.
"Now may we get out of bed?" Michael loosens her hold, finally regaining her wits to her. She sits up despite Gabriel's weight on her. "I confess to feeling a bit hungry now."
"Hungry?" Gabriel smiles at her in a way that Michael knows is danger. She grounds her hips down against Michael, intention more than clear. "Your breakfast is just down here—"
Michael groans, her face burning hot. The way Gabriel can say such crude things so plainly will be her undoing one day. Gabriel laughs and loops her arms around Michael's neck, that cheeky smile on her face far too tickled to Michael's liking. She tries to rise once more—a cold hand on her neck makes her flinch and Michael is on her back yet again, a theme she thinks will be common for the next several minutes. Gabriel is above her again, now with her knees on both sides of Michael's head. Gabriel's eyes twinkle with mischief—well, that is all Michael can see before Gabriel lowers herself.
As much as water can be vast and expansive, Michael knows that it still cannot match Gabriel's hunger.
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floopers · 2 years
In Red Skies
series: gbf pairing: Athena/Medusa word count: 1772 rating: T summary: "Do you ever think there might be a day where the skies will become blue again?"
spoilers for latest MSQ update
That's all Athena sees as she looks out over the horizon. There had been a clear boundary between the clouds below and the clouds above... now that separation is gone, the red of the once unknown horizon below seeping upward, taking with it the blue of the sky. It all happened so quickly that Athena knows not much time has passed and yet, it feels as if it's almost been centuries since she'd last seen the everlasting blue she'd never thought she'd taken for granted.
One of her legs begins to throb, the ache ever persistent even with her regeneration. She knows now that it is the blades and claws of the Otherworldly Beings to blame, cutting and tearing even at the inherent makings of her being. She can heal this but very slowly; a strange essense seems to burn at her wounds, halting the speed of her blessed regeneration. If it weren't for Medusa's encounters with the Otherworldly Beings before, then Athena might have foolishly continued her battle and succumbed to them in her very first encounter.
Athena sits down, the ache in her leg too painful to ignore now. She had prioritized her regeneration to focus on her arms first though she knows proper footwork in battle is just as important, if not more. It had just been... this particular ache in her leg has lasted longer than any of her injuries; it had been unfortunately been caught in the sharp fangs of an Otherworldly beast as she attempted to shield a skydweller. The pain had been immense in the beginning but now it's dulled to a throb. She wonders if it will ever regenerate.
Athena doesn't know how long she sits there, staring out over the horizon. It is a depressing sight; off in the distance, she can see that grotesque Otherworldly structure that seemingly sprang from out of nowhere, destroying whole islands the moment it appeared. Other than that... there's nothing else. There are no more airships that fly through the sky anymore, no more birds, nothing. The skies are vast and open... and there is nothing now in that yawning emptiness. Her thoughts wander, and none of them are good.
"There you are."
Before Athena can turn around, Medusa is already at her side, hands on her hips as she looks down at her out of the corners of her eyes.
"Medusa, hello," Athena greets, blinking. She hadn't heard Medusa approach... had she been more lost in her thoughts than she realized? That isn't good, she'll need to stay vigilant. "Are the fortifications done?"
"Getting there," Medusa answers, shrugging. "Didn't see the need to stick around if the skydwellers are finishing up. Nezha and the others are helping them anyway." She mutters something else under her breath that Athena doesn't hear but Athena does not prod her further. Medusa's moods tend to be a little volatile when she's injured.
Athena nods as Medusa joins her, sitting down next to her. The wounds on Medusa are healing slowly as well. One of her arms still has a discolored spot where one of the Otherworldly Beings had cracked through her armor. The cuts on her face haven't fully healed either, faded scars running along her face. She also knows that for as much as Medusa is putting on a brave front, she hasn't completely recovered from the trap laid by them the other day, when several Otherworld Beings converged on her and attempted to trap her inside a mass of writhing flesh. It had only been Athena and Nezha combining their flames to burn through the mass that forced the mass to let her go, and she had been so severely weakened that all of them feared she would retreat back into her core. Fortunately she hadn't, but the dread and fear Athena had felt then... she doesn't want to feel that again.
Medusa pulls her knees to her chest, hiding her face behind them as she stares out toward the horizon. Athena watches her for a moment before scooting closer, allowing the warmth rolling off of her to flow onto Medusa. She's not sure if it truly helps but Medusa leans against her arm, sighing softly.
Athena returns to staring back out over the horizon, trying but failing from keeping her thoughts going into a dark direction. Everyone... all of them, both skydweller and primal beasts... they're being broken down by the Otherworldly Beings. For as many of them she strikes down, three or five more soldiers seemingly take its place... and they only get stronger with each life they claim. Almost like a near limitless army... how does one cut down something like that? Even Athena doesn't know.
While she's no stranger to being on the losing side of battles and war, can this really be called losing? Athena knows that they're being toyed with at this point, being prodded and poked to their breaking point. She can hear the whispers of the skydwllers, the ones on the verge of despair, who stand dangerously close at the edges of the island, one step away.
Athena had tried to stop them in the beginning but she no longer has any heart to do so. If this is the only way out of their desperation... then how can Athena fault them for taking it when even she can see no possible end to this war? She had been created as a defender of the weak and yet, how can she accomplish that when even she can feel the fangs of despair slowly sinking into her as well?
"That's a long sigh coming from you," Medusa says.
Athena blinks. "My apologies, did I do that?"
"Yeah." Medusa pokes at her arm. "What are you overthinking in that head of yours?"
It would be easy to answer nothing, but Athena finds it harder and harder to engage in light banter nowadays. Something she had once taken for granted... she never thought that day would come. Instead, all she can do is let out another sigh, still looking off at the desolate horizon before them.
"Do you ever think there might be a day where the skies will become blue again?" she asks.
Medusa frowns and pulls her knees tighter to her. She doesn't say anything right away, but Athena can see the reluctant lashing of her tail.
"... I don't know," Medusa finally says, her voice quiet. "I... I really don't know." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the cores of her sisters, looking at them now. "I wanted them to wake up, but if the skies aren't going to be blue... it might just be better for them to be asleep. Better than to wake up to this nightmare."
Nightmare... an apt way to describe their situation. Athena had remained optimistic in the beginning but with the news of the Captain's death and the rest of the crew of the Grandcypher scattered and even the elements being disrupted... Athena finds it very hard to find hope nowadays.
"You should escape from here, Medusa," Athena murmurs. "I don't know how much longer I can hold this island but I can certainly buy you—ah!" Medusa had grabbed her arm, the tips of her claws digging into her skin.
"Don't you say that to me," Medusa hisses. "Don't even say that again. I've had enough of being told to run away!" They stare at each other, until Medusa releases her grip on Athena, crossing her arms. Her tail is lashing furiously against the dirt now. "And where can we even escape to at this point? If those tentacle freaks can appear anywhere, then running is already useless! There's just... no other place to go..."
Athena lets out a low hum. Medusa is correct; as much as either of them wish for it to not be so, the entirety of the skies may already be doomed. Neither of them have seen any airships flying through the skies lately. The banner of Istavion had been a common sight back then but even the airships carrying the armies of the True King have lessened... and lessened... until none no longer fly through the skies now. Athena wonders what the situation must be in the other skydoms but the lack of airships must surely mean that it must be dire in the other skies. If only there were some way to know. She doesn't even know if there are any other survivors on the other islands.
How much longer can they hold out? The primal beasts here including Athena haven't been able to recover fully, and there's very few fighters among the skydwellers left as well. Their rations and spare materials continue to dwindle with none of them able to scavenge lest the Otherworldly Beings take advantage with their ability to appear. The dead need to be quickly disposed of as well. Their ability to appear at any moment is the real cause for distress. This isn't the first time Athena has had to deal with a foe that could move quickly and teleport but to continue to do so on a scale like this, even she's at a loss as to what to do now.
"How are you feeling now?" Medusa asks suddenly. "Your leg still giving you trouble?"
"Ah... yes, unfortunately," Athena confesses, a bit reluctantly. She does not want to admit this but she knows Medusa will be upset with her if she tries to pretend, and it isn't as if Medusa can't already see through her anyway. Medusa nods and moves her knees away from her chest, stretching her legs out for a moment before scooting down and massaging her bad leg. "Ah, Medusa?"
"I've seen the skydwellers doing this for each other when their aches get bad, and it sounds like it helps. Is it helping?" Medusa is looking at her now but there's a frown on her face, looking skeptical, and there it is, the coloring of her cheeks that Athena almost misses because of the redness of the sky. It makes Athena laugh softly and nod her head before Medusa gets the wrong idea.
"It feels nice, thank you." She isn't lying; the pressure Medusa is applying truly relieves the aching of both her leg and her heart.
Medusa huffs but her tail swishes against the dirt in a way that Athena knows she's pleased. Athena only wishes that they could enjoy this moment under better circumstances. She closes her eyes, and perhaps if she were so inclined, she might even imagine that the skies they sit under are as blue as they once used to be.
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