#does he not think i fuggin know that
blkwag · 1 year
working with controlling people my behated
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cosmic-ships · 8 months
Painful Welcome - Chp 1
So this meeting its different from my other ships. I don't belong in this universe at the start. I literally fell into the game! :D
Ship: I come to you in pieces (used to be if it means a lot to you;) Dante x Kaden
Words: 1139 (Wow I actually fuggin wrote something)
Warnings: None
Tag list at the bottom~!
A truck. It felt like a god damn truck at hit their entire body. They felt heavier and their back and shoulders felt hot with pain. Their eyes were tightly shut, they weren’t even sure if they were breathing. Nope definitely not breathing!
Kaden’s eyes widened and despite the pain that shot through them they sat up gasping for air, the long fall having knocked the wind completely out of them. Once that sharp intake of breath filled their lungs finally, they fell back down, arms and legs spread like a dehydrated starfish as they looked up at the big hole in the ceiling, no doubt where they came crashing down from. They lay there panting heavily.
“People are just falling from the sky now huh? That’s a new one” a disembodied voice rang out.
Kaden panted, eyes closing tightly shut. Where have I heard that voice before...?
“How long are you planning on writhing in pain on my floor?” The voice once again spoke.
Kaden refused to move but turned their head towards where the voice was coming from, their vision still wasn’t the best, they hit their head hard on the floor. Everything had a weird fuzzy blur to it. Am I …dreaming?
The person came over and squatted down beside Kaden. “Oh, shit you might actually need some help” Kaden looked up to see none other than Dante staring down at them. All they could think of was “I’m dreaming? Maybe I’m in a coma…fuck everything hurts-”
“Well, I seen you sit up so your back isn’t broken... Alright this might be uncomfortable, but I can’t have you dying on my floor.” Dante placed his arms underneath Kaden, one arm supported their neck and the other under their legs by the knee. He scooped them up into his arms and stood to his feet. “Bad for business ya know.” He said nonchalantly, as if people do crazy things in front of him all the time.
Kaden was groggy and wasn’t quite ready to speak, their eyes moved around the room, jukebox in the corner of the room….neon lights…pool table…bar…desk in the center of the room…stairs that lead to a second level…and weapons on display on the wall behind the desk… this looks very much like…
“There, you’ll be comfortable on the couch…well… as comfortable as one can be after crashing through a roof- I’ll call someone more professional in the medical field to come get you checked out.” He sighed as he looked down at Kaden. He shook his head and clicked his tongue, crossing his arms over his chest. “Why do things always have to happen in my shop of all places-”
Eventually Kaden’s vision returned to normal, their back was still hurting like hell, so they tried their best not to move so much. They turned their head towards the desk to see Dante reading a magazine. He had long since called for a doctor.
“This is trippy as fuck” Kaden finally spoke.
“Oh good!” Dante placed the magazine down and Kaden felt their heart jump into their throat “You aren’t a mute!”
“This seems so real… is this one of those vivid lucid dream things?” Kaden went to sit up but pain shot through their back. “Ah, fuck!! If this is a dream why the hell does it hurt so much!”
“Dream!? Babe, you dropped in through my ceiling!” He stood up and walked under the spot where Kaden came crashing down. “Look at the damage you did! My poor roof!”
Kaden looked up at the gaping hole, you could easily see the night sky and the odd cloud passing by. “But…how?” Kaden murmured.
“You know how much that’s going to cost!?” Dante sighed, his hands moving to his hips.
“How are you here? How is this place real!?” Kaden asked in a mixture of shock and horror. “T-This place only exists in video games!” Kaden’s voice got higher the more they spoke they were obviously completely shocked where they were, and they still didn’t believe it was real.
“Man, you really hit your head huh?” Dante whistled.
“No, shut up! I’m telling you, you’re not real!” Kaden hissed out in pain again as once again they tried to move.
Just at that moment the doctor had arrived to see Kaden, He determined that they had a concussion and that them spouting about the world not being real was due to them hitting their head even though Kaden had tried to protest many times. The doctor said it was a miracle that not a bone in their body was broken considering how high they fell but they’re going to be sore for a couple of days, maybe even a week due to the strain on there muscles.
“So- where do you live...?” Dante asked as he seen the doctor out.
“Not here”
“Obviously!” Dante growled a little in frustration. “Where is your house?”
“NOT HERE! I don’t have one here! In this world! God!” Kaden was still freaking out on the inside. Kaden knew this game; it was Devil May Cry but why were they INSIDE the game!? How is this even possible? How did it happen? They can’t remember! It was frustrating.
“You’re homeless?”
“I guess!” Kaden threw their arms up to shrug but then winced in pain. “Stupid fucking back!”
“Tch, well you can’t be on the streets in that condition, and you also owe me for blowing a hole through my roof with your entire body- Until your debt it paid you can stay here, I guess-” Dante grumbled. Even though he was annoyed by the sudden events he still somewhat had a heart. “Get better- Get money- give me the money- get lost” Dante sighed.
Ouch, that was a little mean. “Well, you don’t have to be such an asshole about it. What if I work, get money and bail because of your attitude?” Kaden snorted.
“Then I have no problems find you and getting my money.” Dante smirked.
“You’re the one who crashed through my roof and you’re calling me a jerk!?” Dante chuckled.
“Yes! J E R K” Kaden crossed their arms over their chest as they leaned back against the couch. Kaden didn’t really think about consequences considering they thought this was all a delusional dream anyways.
“Pft, the thanks I get for helping people...” Dante grumbled, turning on his heel towards the front door. “I’m going out. Don’t…set my place on fire while I’m gone.”
Kaden rolled their eyes “No promises, Dante” Kaden said his name like a kid trying to mock someone put heavy enphasis on his name.
Dante rolled his eyes and walked out the door, he got down the steps and stopped in his strides his face went from annoyed to a little confused. “We never introduced ourselves..”  
[To be continued]
Tag list: @heatobrienswife || @mahitoslittlebird || @ama-ships || @dragonsmooch || @kylars-princess Lemme know if you want to be added or removed from my tag list! :D
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So, let's talk about AGGRAVATION. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Mom decided to wait until this morning as my sister is getting ready for work to BRING UP that Mark told her on the phone that THEY'VE DECIDED TO GO IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION..The reason they're asking for the title to the car is so they can trade it in, which is legitimate. Sadly with a broken transmission they won't get very much but fine, it also will take twenty days to get a replacement for it because mom has no idea where the original is.
Here comes the SHADIEST SHIT EVER.
“We've decided to go in a different direction and in order to get the car, you need to get your cellphone back.” You mean the one she willingly handed over when she got caught being scammed out of $300 because she was lonely and needed someone to talk to who was MOST DEFINITELY posing as an actor that would not EVER ask for money? Something we told her she couldn't tell ANYONE about because of how they'd respond? Why on earth does anyone THINK this is a “bargaining chip”, why? And Mark, John does NOT “pay all the bills” — he just signs/fills out the rent checks that YOUR FATHER WILLINGLY DECIDED TO PAY. We use the SSI she gets ONCE A MONTH to pay the bills. Do you actually know that? No, ya fuggin’ don't. There's a LOT of shizz they DON'T KNOW because past experience says TELLING THEM WOULD BE A BAD IDEA. ( and why bring up the fact that she has blocked lisa and then say “I don't want to get in the middle of it”? )
Kelly was absolutely right to not trust Mark. He asked for insurance info and mom's license photos, didn't say a damn word at all about what he told mom over the phone. Again, the trade in part is legitimate because it shaves off money from the buying price but the rest of it? Nope, I'm sorry — in what universe is that ever okay? Because now she has to go without seeing any of them, like ever — and I have to HOPE that this CTRides thing pulls through or she might need to consider trying to get part time work down the street at DG or Dunkin. ( because her staying home with barely enough to keep her mind occupied isn't good, the combination of adhd with depression & anxiety is bad news bears — if you know, you know. ) And yes, if I had work experience or a college degree or references — I'd apply  for work but if you don't know this? Mom gets stress brain fog ( or from her cluster headaches not going away immediately ) — so I have to stay home and look after her. 
Mom also talked about contacting her employer and asking them to find her cases in town, because this cannot go on. Not like this it cannot, and I am ALREADY actively concerned about what the outcome of November will be like. Because of what *that one* wants to eliminate what my family relies on — that so many rely on. 
I know this post is ALL over the place, but I am so ANGRY right now. Mom even just said that she's not even sure Mark would believe her that it'd take 20 days to get a replacement car title ( 20 days and $25 dollars, and even getting an appointment might not guarantee her walking out with it — don't actually know but it's a thought. ) like if that's what the legitimate DMV SITE even told Kelly, the fugg? 
… … … … … for reference, we did find mom a phone she could afford to have. A flip phone, yes they still make those and we'd pick a plan with no internet access / data use for her safety. But WHY does that need to be a "bargaining chip", and who the H E L L thinks this kind of tactics is okay?!
Due to my overall anger at this situation that was going a LITTLE TOO GOOD … phone's on DND mode. I … this post fully expresses everything I'm feeling and what we've learned, thank you for just listening.
Sincerely hope no one else has "family" who treats them ( my mother is the eldest sibling, and while she has health issues - that doesn't give anyone the right to treat her this way or even think it would be okay ) like this.
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
No pressure but like. If you wanted an excuse to talk more about your ocs' (hypothetical) Pokémon (teams). This is it oooo ooo
(<- would really like to hear more if you have ideas for what mons your ocs would have bc I seem to now be so in love with the concept) (but no pressure)
Oh Beetle, you know me all too well and you just know I will absolutely talk more about random Pokémon on this blog. Here we have the Solar Years guys and their mons !
BALTAZAR (They don't have a main type because they're just a farmer, but back in their elite 5 days they were probably grass/dragon)
- Torterra [It's just a big fuggin lad !!!! A huge guy !!! It's nice and steady and good for a guy who's lived in a farm for most of their life. I like to think they would let kids ride it around too :]]
- Tangrowth [Its a huge guy with crazy hair. I just can see Balt with a Pokemon like this so clearly its insane. I love this Pokémon too so ofc im giving it to my favorite little guy !!!]
- Salamence [Probably was the symbol of his old elite 5 team, but once that crashed and burned.... yeah, they don't like talking too much about it. This guy brings back bitter memories, but Balt does his best to separate them from the team itself. Its better for both of them.]
- Haxorous (shiny) [Same as salamence, but even more so. It makes Balt feel bad that he ever put these poor guys in harm's way by battling with them as hard as he did, but he already apologized like a thousand times for it so they already forgiven him don't worry. Honestly probably a huge baby, given Hax was given to him when he was young <3 they grew up together !!]
- Leavanny [I just think Baltazar deserves a buddy okay !!! Its a silly little lady !!! Also Sewaddle is adorable and I love the idea of Balt finding a grub in their garden and taking care of it instead of throwing it out okay. Grab that Grub]
LUIS (ice/fighting or ice/dark. Are you surprised that the angry ice guy is angry and ice. Probably training to be elite 5, and getting pretty fucking close to it)
- Walrein [This is Luis' starter simply because I just think the Vibes are fit. Probably just picked up a spheal in his youngin days and it stayed with him forever !... this sounds a lot sadder now, huh..]
- Sneasel -> Weaville [Angry and competitive little fellow with a fondness for stealing ? Why, that's just exactly like Luis !! He didn't even have to try to catch this guy, it just showed up one day and then stuck around because Luis kept giving it bacon bits. Now they're the bestest smuggest buddies...together ♡]
- Annihalape [No surprise here huh. This Pokémon follows literally the same premise as Luis' whole story: Got so fucking mad it dies and comes back wrong. Luis saw this Pokémon for the first time and is like you just like me fr (takes good care of it to project)]
- Krookodile [It has cool ass sunglasses and it kicks a whole lot of ass on the battlefield. Luis gets it primarily for aesthetics but secondarily for its sheer power. More than happy to kill for any of his mons but especially this guy]
ANDROMEDA (Fairy/Fire gym trainer !)
- Volcarona [That's her starter right here. It slays cunt and its also a gorgeous little thing !! Just like xem fr fr !!]
- Flareon [Matches with Sylveon because they were from the same litter ! Evolved to keep Andromeda safe because this fuckin idiot keeps getting himself in situations and shit. Extremely defensive of everything but mainly because of the first thing- just a really well trained guard dog that forgot how to have fun. Still very soft and silly]
- Sylveon [Matches with Flareon because they're from the same litter ! LOVES Andromeda to death and it is absolutely mutual ! Most spoiled ever !!! Also insanely brutal. don't worry about it though 🙏]
- Alcremie [Just a sweet lil thang. I like to think this one is mostly for aesthetics but its still really well cared for]
- Quilava [Starter Pokémon. I think the angry looking and explosive personality just sold it to him. He wants to evolve it SO bad but they're both still working on it.]
- Houndour [Its a fire ouppy... he has to have the fire ouppy. They're both young and growing up together but they'll both be the most destructive hounds ever just you fuckin' wait <3]
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famina · 1 year
Hello, random anon here and i'd like to claim Yomi as my son and this came with an idea
What if Yomi's town was cursed by something thus making the people lives there unable to get out and y/n keeps thinking about this, does some research and goes back to try and solve the problem //insert classic hero protag ost
I also think this may be a great chance for the viewer to feel like an actual y/n in the story since the choice they make matters, like for example in the place there's like a security or something and the reader have to vote what they're going to do as y/n
And the story should be done shortly since Yomi did mentioned it's best if y/n knows less about the city
Sorry if this is asking for too much but Yomi is my son, idc how old he is, he is my baby and i'd like to take him home and cares for him and feed him even though this counts as a kidnapping but idc, #YomiProtectionSquad
And also to make my Y/N meme with Yomi and Y/N's friend of
"He don't bite" -Y/N
"YES HE DO-" -Y/n's buddy being bit by Yomi
I'm so glad Yomi has fans ! and I think he sould use a parent even if he's an adult ! and it doesn't have to be a kidnapping ! If you promise food, he'll follow you !
I do have plans to continue his story with (Y/N) ! It's true that I make my (Y/N) characters more on the passive side since it's easier to include a majority of readers that way, but I could try a more active one !
I like that meme a lot !
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booze-hats · 6 months
Where's That Door Go? (2/4)
"But he fucked it up for bothuv us, 'ey? I hate ta be pissed off at Tracey, but it was stupid. Dumb. Coulda got us both killed."
"Did he know that?" Eleven snuffed out his cigar in the ashtray. Fin's cue struck the ball. Sunk four.
He could've saved that entire operation for Fin just by being there. He could save any operation by being there. For his part, Fin seemed to be right miffed about it, too.
"Yeah! 'E knew it! 'E fuggin' tried ta take the shit outta the big guy's hands!"
"Which big guy?"
"Fucked if I know! Sonuvabitch grabbed 'im and --"
"Does Crowbar know which big guy it was?"
"What? Hell would he know for?"
Matchsticks heaved a sigh. Five was a nice guy. Polite. Good company. He'd be better off with a smarter partner, though. It was a shame those were so few and far between out here. Smoke ceased to curl out of the ashtray next to him at last. Things had a habit of burning much too slow sometimes. Really, it was a shame. His conversation with Fin, fleeting as it had been so far, was starting to feel like it was burning too long.
"Sounds like you got caught. Didja tell him?"
"Of course, I told him. Tracey got knifed, he'd find out one way or another." Here, Fin paused to take another shot. Nothing sunk. He moved around the table and grabbed the cue. Spent a second looking at it. It's not hard to wonder what he was looking for in the thing. Fin was remarkable for his godawful regular sight and his incredible foresight. That's why he could use someone with a working brain instead of hindsight but hey, what did Eleven know. Crowbar could leave the two paired off and cry about it over his drinks later.
Matchsticks nodded. "Do you think you'll get caught?"
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re-ikrmso · 1 year
Ikari doodles #2
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random trivia facts about them for now!:
-the far right is a decent fullbody but. bro :sob: not le best. 
-does this imply they have a scarf that’s skin colored? maybe. maybe...
-they dont snore when they sleep. but they do drool OHOHOHOO
-about thier eyes. yea i was having an idea of post-death thier eyes be different and that idea is in these doodles.
-also i have no fuggin idea why but i sometimes associate this song with Ikari the lyrics have like almost nothing to do with thier lore wtf maybe it’s the energy???? man I ;_; (https://youtu.be/G4qrof4RtuA) [Maybe it’s cause of that  like “yea you right but i still want what i want” kind of deal for them???? like AUGH THEY HATE INITMACY!!! kinda. they want le hugs and comfort and shit from certain people. like thier one really close friend.) THEY HATE SEX!!! WHY DO I ASSOOCIATRE THIS SONG WITH THEM IS IT CAUSe WHEN I DRew THEM AND RAMABLED ABOUT THEM I WAS LISTENING TO THIS??: WH]
-yea some of this is lore-based. i talked aobut the coffin thing before i think but. yea the mini shitty poem thing i made is relatively based on ikari’s pov on Eleven’s “death” and thier own (shortly followed) death (it’s continued underneath) but if you have trouble reading it here’s the grey text:
“Your grave was in the field, a place unrevealed; but it turned out you turned traitor too, living concealed, did it appeal?; gone in a spark, once nonexsitent feelings swarm me like sharks, COFFINS FOR THE BOTH OF US BUT THEY’RE STILL EMPTY.”
Okay poem meaning time causeAAAAAAAAUGH
Your grave was in the field, a place unrevealed: c!ikari often hangs out in a field either because something is actively happening in lore or otherwise. but most the time, it’s a “safe” ish place for ikari. not many know about that place and it’s special to them because they often go there to just think about things. they end up burying thier friends multple times in said field, and this was the first.
but it turned out you turned traitor too, living concealed, did it appeal?;: ikari feels betrayed after the fact that Eleven had simply pretended to be dead/dissapeared. the traitor part comes in part with them associating thier friendship as nothing to Eleven, espiaclly after Eleven kills them shortly after they reunite. more context in the next section
; gone in a spark, once nonexsitent feelings swarm me like sharks, : the last ikari saw of Eleven before assuming them dead was a large spark...going, going, and gone. they didn’t understand what quite happened but 1. they’re pretty sure asuka just tried to kill them 2. there’s no body 3. why would he dissapear on us unless hes not and he’s fuckin dead. so kari assumes him dead and holds a funeral for him in thier field as a sign of respect. however, this also refers to ikari’s own emapthy/sympathy for him as (again FUCKING KILLED AND STRANGLED AND PUNCHED ) yea. however, they feel betrayed and hurt, and they hate that eleven has made them feel all those emotions that had came before: grief, sadness, a mourning and a sort of loss. they hate that eleven has made them that way, and they hate that those feelings came out for someone who was ultimately unwilling to listen to them. they feel like eleven used them.
COFFINS FOR THE BOTH OF US BUT THEY’RE STILL EMPTY: ikari buried an empty coffin for Eleven. Eleven left Ikari’s body to rot in a warehouse. also, ikari has a sort of vengance/grudge that now builds up from season to season. if ikari was supposed to stay dead, be dead then they’re going to make sure eleven stays in one too.
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thebuggiest · 2 years
Saw some Malevolent on my dash, so I thought I'd talk about the mixed feelings I have about it now.
Like... that first season was really fuggin good, you know? I loved the acting and editing, I loved the mystery, I loved the "choose your own adventure" schtick. It had tons of little threads in it to latch onto and spin theories about, as I am wont to do.
The thing is, all those little threads ended up being references to old games the creator ran-- which is cool and fine, except that meant the clues I'd been reading into were really just easter eggs. Season 2 came, the mystery element evaporated (a p big letdown after the strong season 1 finale), and the main characters wandered around in a new environment with almost no links back to the mysteries I'd gotten excited about in season 1. That's when the bigger problems got harder for me to ignore. Character interactions started to feel repetitive: Arthur and John were getting along, then they had a fight, then they cooperated to get through a crisis and just like that the conflict from before was ignored. Disconnected encounters I'd handwaved as a product of the poll-driven story fell into the same pattern without anything solid besides "we need to get out of the Dreamlands" driving them forward.
Then I found out what the big thing Arthur felt bad about concerning his daughter was and well... idk. I got the sense that the creator wanted me to feel bad for Arthur because his neglect killed his kid (no idea how that works btw, since there's a part in Season 3 where he's remembering teaching her how to play piano. How the fuck does an able-bodied old-enough-to-play-piano kid drown in a bathtub?). The reveal just fell flat for me, but hey at least Arthur didn't want sympathy for what he'd done in-universe.
I'd hoped that when they got out of the Dreamlands we'd see a return to form and we could experience more mystery-solving stuff, but instead we got a completely new place, none of the characters we'd met before, and a confused understanding of what amnesia is. Idc what Arthur thinks, John and Yellow are the same fucking person, and the mental gymnastics he does to hate one and love the other don't make any sense for a person with any amount of empathy-- ahem. Anyways.
I stopped listening maybe halfway through season 3 when I got tired of Arthur and John fighting and realized their ouroboros of a character arc wasn't going to change anytime soon. There are other things I could talk about with fridging female characters, villains with mental illness, etc etc, but I don't want to get into it too hard. The real frustrations I've had have been with character consistency and how little Malevolent seemed like a whole-ass story by the time I'd dropped off. Stories aren't necklaces: you can't just string a lot of pretty disconnected scenes together and call it a day.
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thorne1435 · 2 years
Hey the songs I mentioned to you earlier are both by Lilli Furfaro, they're called Checks and Balances and Pain and Pleasure (bolded each one because there's lots of "and"s in there), and as it turns out they are apparently about characters from hit D&D podcast Critical Role which I found out as I was looking them up to make sure they were on YouTube while writing this ask. They slap though
Checks and Balances: Folksy! This vibes heavily. I don't give a fuck that it's a D&D character song, fuck'em. It sounds artsy enough to have a uniquely high level of deniability. Like, I guess I wouldn't know, but this feels like it has a very low number of diegetic lyrics, and I sort of wish that typical showtune and "fandom-folk" (as im going to call it) would do that more often. It always feels like they want to tell the story in solid, surface-level ideas and not gripping-but-vague, symbolically-significant details. This song does a pretty good job, though. Nothing strikes me as being cringe or on-the-nose. It's good. Well written.
Remember this thing I found a while ago? I hope you didn't listen to it when I did. You should listen to it now, because it's sort of the same vibe as this.
Pain and Pleasure: Also folksy! I think this one is a bit more on-the-nose than the other, which is still a hunch, of course, but IDK, I'm pretty confident. The ending being so abrupt is interesting to me, because it makes this track loopable. The final line being "With eyes that never close" ties really well with that design choice. The beginning doesn't really work with it though, which might imply something else, but still, edit in the first "He eats life!" chorus and the instrumental bridge, then start it back up from the first verse and you got yourself an unending song. Hell, don't even edit in the chorus, just edit in the start of the song at about 0:03 (more like 0:02.9) and that would be enough.
This would be easier to analyze if I knew literally anything about Critical Role beyond the fact that God-VA, PCMaleNorn, Matthew Mercer is the DM.
recommendation...uhhhhhh...idunno fuggin...take this i guess??
I got both of those recommendations from the Aradon Playlist, for the record. That's where all of the rogue-folk goes.
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happymediumclub · 2 years
By Dom & Hannah
(Originally seen in Happy Medium Club Volume 7 on Substack.)
Dom and Hannah Discuss Midnights
By Dom & Hannah
Dom is a late-in-life Swiftie. He’s always been an admirer of Taylor Swift but didn’t become a pathological fan until the Reputation Era. 
Hannah is an early adopter. She’s been on board since the debut album. 
Dom and Hannah have a lot in common (they love crystals, they love each other, and they love their friend David). They also have a lot of differences (Hannah doesn’t like Lavender Haze, and Dom thinks she’s foolish and [redacted] for not liking Lavender Haze. 
They hashed out their differences (below) and tried to find some common ground. It went okay! But they still have work to do. 
Lavender Haze
Hannah: This song gives off 80s synth pop vibes, which usually I’d be here for, but I’m not a big fan. The lyrics are catchy, and I find myself singing along when I listen to the song, but it’s not a song I’ll go out of my way to play, especially when a song like Maroon follows up behind it.
Rank: #10
Dom: I’m baffled that this isn’t in your Top 5, Hannah! This is one of my favorite songs of 2022. I love the theme of the song--finding an oasis in someone when life gets fuggin stressful. It’s equal parts a love ballad and a song about burnout. Relatable as fluck. And the bridge. Get it off my desk!!! It’s good.
Rank: #4
Hannah: This song sits at number 3 for me for the album. It gives me Red album vibes, and that was one of my favorite Swift eras. The way she sings about a failed relationship but makes it something beautiful is just the epitome of Taylor Swift. “And I wake with your memory over me. That’s a real fuckin’ legacy to leave.” The chills I get when I hear this line. It makes me reminisce on my past relationships and smile at what they brought to my life, no matter how dark they ended.
Rank: #3
Dom: Lyrically, this is an S-Tier song. So good. Storytelling at its finest. Musically, it’s not as seamless as a fit for me. It feels a little dated (reminds me of 2014 for some reason). But I can get past that. The lyrics are wonderful. And the hook is friggin catchy.
Rank: #6
Hannah: Everything about this song is a “yes.” The lyrics, the tune, the theme. We’re all the problem at some point in our life, so it’s immensely relatable, and this is the shining star of the album. “When my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room.” A lot of us fight with some form of mental illness, and I think this is an anthem for us. And let’s talk about the snake hiss she heavily leans in on in the post-chorus…what a shout-out to all of the tabloids calling her a snake.
Rank: #1
Dom: So freaking good. Basically, every lyric functions as a standalone one-liner (Instagram Caption, tattoo, email signature). But at that the same time, it’s so cohesive. It feels like it fits so perfectly in the album, the era, and my literal LIFE. So good. I want to give it a #1 ranking, but there are some other songs that literally broke my bones. So I’m going to give her a #5. 
Rank: #5
Snow On the Beach (Ft. Lana Del Rey)
Hannah: Y’all are going to hate me for this one. Where’s Lana? There seems to be a trend where female guest artists on Taylor’s albums don’t get their own time to shine as a male artist does. Perfect examples would be No Body, No Crime and Breathe, where HAIM and Colbie Calliet are simply an accent to the song. Then you have songs like Everything Has Changed or Exile, where Ed Sheeran and Bon Ivor have their own moment. The song is beautiful, I just wish I would have heard more from Lana. This leaves this song in the middle of the pack for me. It’s not bad but it’s not amazing.
Rank: #7
Dom: Yeah, Hannah, I do hate you for this! I know Taylor gets a lot of flack for giving boring-ass men full verses (Gary Lightbody had a verse but HAIM got background vocals???). But in this case, I think Lana’s and Taylor’s voices literally mesh into one eerie and melancholy, and beautiful voice. And it makes me feel better that they wrote it together. I will say I think this song would’ve worked well as a Lana solo track, but I’m not sure Taylor could’ve pulled it off by herself. I love this song so much. The sentiment. The serendipity.
Rank: #3
You're On Your Own, Kid 
Hannah: You’re On Your Own, Kid is one of those songs that I think can have various meanings. When I sat and listened to it for the first time at 12am, I was brought to tears. It reminded me of my constant feeling of loneliness. For this reason, YOYOK solidifies its spot at number 2 for me with this album.
Rank: #2
Dom: Famously—and traditionally—Taylor reserves Track 5 on each album for the most gut-wrenching or emotionally vulnerable song. On Folkore, we’ve got My Tears Richochet. On Red, we’ve got All Too Well. I was surprised to see YOYOK as Track 5. It’s a great song—like every song on this album. And I agree with Hannah about the themes… this is the definitive anthem for loneliness. Closely followed by Akon’s Mr. Lonely. BUT, I have high expectations for Track 5. And with songs like Would’ve, Should’ve, Could’ve and Bigger Than the Whole Sky on the album, I’m a little (ONLY A LITTLE) underwhelmed.
Rank: #10
Midnight Rain 
Hannah: I’m gonna love any song that’s about Tom Hiddleston. It’s guaranteed. Getaway Car? Art. Midnight Rain, it’s little sister. There’s something so beautiful about TS realizing she did someone dirty and owning up to the mistakes. “He wanted a bride. I was making my own name.” We’ve all had those moments of being in a situation that we know better than to be in. I’d rank this one higher up in the middle of the songs.
Rank: #8
Dom: I love how Taylor has written at least 139 versions of this song, including Archer (“I've been the archer. I've been the prey”), Getaway Car (“I left you in a motel bar.”), and Back to December (“This is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night.”) The latest rendition of “I Broke the Heart of a Nice Young Man” is good! But not my favorite.
Rank: #18
Hannah: It’s giving Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s relationship from an outside perspective. I don’t really have much to say about it. It’s not a bad song, but I feel like we’ve heard it before, ya know?
Rank: #12
Dom: I love this song, and I like this song. I wrote it in my Enneagram/Midnights analysis and dubbed this as a song for Enneagram Nines (folks who strive to maintain peace and have trouble saying what they want). Relatable as fluck. Also, I love cute little sound effects in songs. I get a cute little serotonin boost when the crowd yells after Taylor kisses her twin flame in the bar. This is a cute little song that I cute little like.
Rank: #7
Vigilante Shit 
Hannah: It’s like Reputation Vol. 2, but the initial bad bitch feeling is gone? That opening line, though…”Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man”…absolute chills. There’s no denying Miss Swift is brilliant when it comes to her lyrics, this song just didn’t hit like I wish it would have.
Rank: #13
Dom: The best song of all time. I went on a $300 shopping spree after I heard this song. So I, too, could dress for revenge. But I don’t have a good fashion sense, so I bought a couple of dad hats. One of them has flowers on it. I wish I was a vengeful vigilante, but I am a cotton ball. 
Rank: #1
Hannah: Bejeweled is a track that didn’t click with me during the initial listening of the Midnights. But as I listened to the album over and over again, I tolerate it now. It’s not in my top songs by any means, but I wouldn’t skip it if the album was on shuffle.
Rank: #19
Dom: Fun. Incredible. Very pop. It’s giving Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Sagittarius rising. Also, I’ve said this one, and I’ll say it 13 more times: give Laura Dern an EGOT for her cameo in the music video. Do it now!
Rank: #8
Hannah: People who don’t rank Labyrinth high, and I’m just gonna say it, have absolutely no taste. She captures the stages we go through when we realize a person has bewitched our heart and soul with three simple lines. Uh oh, I’m falling in love (Fear)Oh no, I’m falling in love again (Reluctance)Oh, I’m falling in love (Serendipity)
It’s truly genius. It was hard to rank it this low on the list but I can’t place it any higher.
Rank: #5
Dom: I agree with Hannah! If you don’t like this song, you have bad taste! Sorry!
Rank: #9
Hannah: This is “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” chiller little sister. I will say I love the chorus here, emphasizing all of her GOOD karma that many of the news outlets didn’t think she would have, as they constantly criticized her. This is supported in the following lyrics. “Ask me what I learned from all those years. Ask me what I earned from all those tears. Ask me why so many fade, but I’m still here.” The most polite way to tell people to STFU if you ask me.
Rank: #17
Dom: Some people say this song is cringe. They are right. I too am cringe. I love this song. I love the one-liners that make people roll their eyes: “Karma is a cat purring in my lap because it loves me.” I don’t like cats. But I like this song.
Rank: #17
Sweet Nothing 
Hannah: I personally love a good love song about Mr. William Bowery, AKA, Joe Alwyn. It has a sweet little nursery rhyme vibe which I think is super cute, because nursery rhymes tend to help children relax, calm down, and sleep, so it’s adorable that she’s comparing her relationship with Alwyn to this sort of nostalgic comfort we all experienced as a child.
Rank: #14
Dom: This is one of my favorite songs of the year. I listen to it while I’m walking around my cute little neighborhood, romanticizing my quiet life. Something about, “on the way home, I wrote a poem. You said, ‘what a mind.’” Ah, it makes me gush.
Rank: #2
Hannah: Mastermind wasn’t one of my favorites when I first sat down, but it grew on me in a way that I didn’t think was possible. As I sat and actually soaked in the lyrics I was SHOOK. Like, are you kidding? Let’s talk about the bridge. “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless.” Listen Taylor, if you wanted to hurt me, you could have just stabbed me instead. Holy cow this song is magic.
Rank: #6
Dom: It’s great! I don’t have much else to say! I like it a lot!
Rank: #14
The Great War
Hannah: The Great War is one of Taylor’s best songs she’s ever written. Between the snare drum that was used in actual battles, and the story she sings about the battles you face with relationships, ah, it gives me actual chills. The bridge is my favorite part of this song because she really lays into emphasizing the snare drum and dials back on the use of other instruments and it really makes you feel like you’re going through the battle she’s singing about.
Rank: #4
Dom: I love when Taylor goes FULL metaphor. Take a shot every time blondie drops a reference to warfare in this song. You’ll blackout! And I didn’t notice the snare drum until Hannah pointed it out. Seriously, love that. This song has so many layers and if you don’t like it, listen again!
Rank: #13
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
Hannah: This song makes me ache in my bones. It’s that one relationship that was so perfect for you, but it wasn’t perfect in the other person’s eyes so they leave. That loss is absolutely KILLER and I think Swift is able to capture that pretty perfectly when she describes that this person in her life was “bigger than the whole sky,” essentially implying this person was their world, and now she has to go through and figure out how to live without the person she thought was the end game for her. It’s immensely relatable. I’ve ranked it low on the list only because there are other songs that I reach for first.
Rank: #15
Dom: Yeah, this song gives me a lump in my throat. It should’ve (would’ve, could’ve) been Track 5. It’s an example of Taylor’s ability to distill complex experiences into songs that are digestible and accessible while creating space for listeners to prescribe whatever meaning resonates for them. Nicely done.
Rank: #12
Hannah: Paris is a difficult one for me to figure out how I feel about it. It’s not really relatable for me, so I think that’s what makes it hard for me to connect to the song. The beat is fun and the flow of her lyrics naturally puts a smile on your face while you listen, but this one…it’s gonna be last for me.
Rank: #20
Dom: I forgot this song was on the album until I started writing this sentence. 😊
Rank: #20
High Infidelity
Hannah: I mean, this one is fine. But there are stronger tracks that I like. “You know there are many different ways that you can kill the one you love…the slowest way is never loving them enough”...OOF. Those lyrics though. An absolute stab to the heart. But I feel like I would have liked it more if it was paired with a different music track. There’s just something about the tune that makes me go “Ehh.”
Rank: #18
Dom: I can’t help but compare this song to Illicit Affairs from Folklore, since they both explore varying levels of infidelity. Illicit Affairs is an incredible and complicated song. High Infidelity song is fine! I maintain there are no skips on this album. And I’m sure this song will rise in the ranks after I’ve overplayed Vigilante Shit in a few weeks.
Rank: #19
Hannah: I really like the relaxing vibes to this song but that’s about it if I’m being honest. Like, I’d listen to this song as I sit beachside soaking in some Vitamin D. This is a song I don’t listen to for the lyrics, because I think she has some songs with stronger lyrics, but this song gets the job done for what I need it to do.
Rank: #16
Dom: I love this song!!! It’s so cute. It’s vibey. It’s good cute little song. And, like Hannah said, it’s the perfect song for a relaxing evening Under the Tuscan Sun. Boring movie, btw.
Rank: #15
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
Hannah: Dear John Mayer, you sir, are the gunk on the bottom of my shoe. Need I say more? Probably not, but I’m going to. Instead of focusing on the lyrics, as tragically deep as Demi Lovato’s “29”, I wanna focus on some of her vocal choices on certain lines and words, example - when she sings “Give me back my girlhood”. I’ll wait while you go listen to that part…did you go listen to it? Did you hear the slight teeny bopper whine she adds to it, almost signifying that she was only a young teenager. It’s brilliant. There’s a desperate plea to her voice in this whole song as well, which really tugs at my heart strings and wants me to form Dallas’s chapter for the John Mayer hate club. It’s ranked a little lower only because I can’t put it past Dear John. That remains a classic.
Rank: #11
Dom: There’s nothing I can say that Hannah didn’t already say.
Rank: #11
Dear Reader
Hannah: I love when artists talk to their fans through their music and Dear Reader scratches that satisfying itch. And there’s something even more satisfying about her telling us to hit the pavement running to find ourselves, but then doubling back by saying we shouldn’t take advice from someone who’s falling apart, implying that the only person you should look to for when it comes to fixing yourself is who you see staring back at you in the mirror. My favorite line. “No one sees when you lose when you’re playing solitaire.” This goes out to all of us who constantly feel alone and know that we only have ourselves. I’d rank it higher if I could.
Rank: #9
Dom: Perfect closing clack for the album. It’s a great follow-up to the last song Taylor wrote, directly addressing her listeners: Long Live. On that song, she celebrated how far she and her fans had come “Long live the walls we crashed through, how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you,” she sings. This time around, on “Dear Reader,” she’s all like… thanks for sticking with me for all these years, but you should know I have no idea what I’m doing. Same, Taylor. Same!!!
Rank: #16
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wrrinkl · 3 years
Wen ZhuLiu’s sabotage
Remember this scene when Jiang WanYin and Lan WangJi are chasing after Wen Chao?
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[Jiang WanYin saying “Why did Wen Chao go to YunMeng instead of going back to QiShan?”]  YEA, NO? This added info changes the entire way Wen ZhuLiu is written as a character, because:
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[Wen Chao asking Wen Zhuliu when they will be in QiShan and Wen ZhuLiu answering that they might be there in two days.]
Wen Chao believes that they are on their way to QiShan and Wen RuoHan ordered him to return to BuYeTian immediately.  With that added scene though we know now that they are evidently on their way to FUGGIN YUNMENG. You know, the LAST PLACE Wen Chao should be when he is haunted by someone from Yunmeng. 
Wen ZhuLiu’s betrayal is subtle but THERE. 
If you rewatch the series, pay attention to how often Wen ZhuLiu omits information or even lies to Wen Chao. Like not telling him the wine is poisoned, or that Wei WuXian has no golden core anymore, or like here:
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[Wen ZhuLiu saying “It’s just the sound of the wind.” when there is clearly a flute playing in the background] I think he knows he will die protecting Wen Chao and thereby repaying his debt to Wen RuoHan, but it is very clear that he has his own moral standpoint about what the Wen clan does and he sabotages them in his own way, without breaking his promise.
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AU idea
Fack, I can't stop making AU's can I- But I got another AU, an Eddsworld one specifically, a superhero one specifically
I just love superheros alright-
It's one where the neighbors (including Todd) and the main boys, (including Tord) would be super heros, they have side rivalry's but they all have one goal, take down the big main villain
Edd: We all know Poweredd, no need to introduce him, but he also has telekinesis in this AU because it's funny to think about, and because I said so, he's the leader of his crew as always to stop Numero Uno and his team
Tom: He's basically the same- But he now uses his monster form to save people I guess??? IDK He does not really NEED much change for a super hero AU
Tord: He would probably have a wrestler-like name that sounds like it belongs to a villain to "sound cool" or whatever, like "The red destroyer" or "Skull smasher" or somth, but he has no powers of his own, his "power" is his giant robot which also counts as his suit, his robot's now dressed like an anime-magical-girl magical-girl wand and everything, you can STILL recognize it as "Tordbot" it's just dressed like an anime magical girl- Like just picture the Tordbot wearing something like this:
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/j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j /j
(The image is not mine I found it in the wiki's gallery)
Nah I have a proper concept for him for this AU,
So he'd be called "Mirror Man" or "Mirror Justice" or- something to do with mirrors-
He now lives in like a "mirror world", how it works is like picture a gigantic invisible bubble in the real world, and it follows Matt everywhere and he lives in it, Matt is the only one in the mirror world who can touch and interact with things in the real world, he can also be seen unlike everything/everyone else who enters the mirror world but he can chose not to, if your in the mirror world you cannot directly be seen, you can only be seen in reflective surfaces like an actual mirror or a puddle or a shiny object, etc. etc. this applys to objects too and Matt can chose if this applies to him or not as well at anytime he wishes, you also cannot touch anything unless it is in the mirror world, say there is a book, you can see it but you wont be able to touch it unless Matt brings it into the mirror world but once it's in the mirror world everyone in the real world cannot see it or touch it, unless your Matt
I hope that was not confusing- That's the best I can describe it-
For his suit I'm thinking like a purple full body suit with maybe dress like features and it's purple and teal and has these mirrors on it, not a shit ton but a few here and there like maybe 3-4 on the whole suit and they're small mirrors
Eduardo: Again, we already know Numero Uno, no need to introduce him but just like PowerEdd he also has Telekinesis because I said so
He's just Danny Phantom now/hj
So Jon died, not by Tord by some other cause and while dead he figured out how to turn human so now he's like part human part ghost somehow?
I'm not sure on his super name, maybe Jonny Phantom(/j) but I don't think he needs one cause he's a more "Help and fight from the shadows" hero
And I don't think he needs a suit since he's invisible to the naked eye in ghost form
You know the show Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts?
So in the series Kipo is like half mega mute well that's kind of my Todd in this AU
So like Kipo, Todd can turn his hands into these giant jaguar paws, he can gain the jaguar ears and listen with them he can just straight up turn into a fuggin godzilla sized jaguar with three tails and six legs and all that
So basically in a nutshell he steals her powers in this AU without "Stealing them" technically, like he has the same powers Kipo does
Todd just, does not use an alt identity, he wears his alt outfit he wears when adventuring (Literally the same outfit but he took his dress shirt off leaving only his tanktop under it-) but that's it- The others claim this is risky but Todd is like "Dude I can just crush the threat with my Jaguar paws it's fine"
His is a little wonky-
So Mark is one of those night heros that only appear at night, he's a werewolf and uses his wolf form as a super form leading to him to only show up at nights there is a full moon
his hero name could have something to do with wolfs or somth
And for his super suit/form just picture a buff ass blond wolf man in a ripped royal purple super suit :P
And thats it!
You REALLY thought I was done?
There's a little more!
Paul's a superhero too,
So he's like an angry fairy dude, he's human sized but a fairy, like just picture Paul in a ballerina outfit and with the fluffy fairy wings
Paul has a magic wand but it's not really magic, he just beats people with it instead lmao, and his preferred magic wand is a gun :)
He also has fairy powers but he mostly only just uses the wings while instead shooting bad guys and beating them with the wand
I'll also talk about the big main villain, I won't say who he is but I'll let y'all just assume since-
Just take one look at my current pfp-
So the main villain has powers of darkness and destruction, he can kill you with a simple spell and is heavily insane- He also has the ability to turn anyone into his little "Puppets" and pull the strings and make you do as he wishes easy he also hides in the shadows like a snake and plays this little "game" of his seeing the heros as his "puppets" on his quest for more power
I like this AU I just made :D
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ellavi-a03 · 2 years
Ok some scenarios of the pacifist (no sh*tty stuff happenin) au:
(Nora Wells)
Nora is 31 years old, single, and a psychology professor at a university.
She gets attacked by cancer again, last time was when she was 22.
Sir Talbot is her doctor (again). He still has a good reputation but she does wonder why he isn't promoted (like be assigned on a more high tech hospital or smth)
Sir Talbot is 40, and single. Abby broke up with him 5 years prior. (Not the other way around)
Nora gets some check ups and is thankfully not on er again. When interacting with the doctor, she's kinda relieved that those stares and looks she gets from him aren't there anymore. (She brushed off the feeling before, but its nowhere now)
They talk bout stuff, and prescribe medicine and stuff. She asks him on why he still works at the same hospital, he states that he decided to stay there.
Weeks later, Talbot asks her out for coffee. She thinks its odd since they're doctor and patient, but hey, they going out as friends and they both adults too.
(Isaak Talbot)
Isaak is 40, single, a doctor. The best doctor in the hospital he's currently working on.
He didn't kill Dana (the victim that Nora saw him kill), Cuz he noticed Nora wake up before he had a chance to enter. (So no stupid crap happening. Oh, and he completely ignored his lust for Nora)
Dana is alive in this au, she miraculously survived and he kinda shocked since he thought there was no chance for her to live. Same for the patients he was about to target (well, he does kill them by euthanizing, right?). Because of some stuff like this happenin, he doesn't do non-consensual euthanasia anymore.
Abby broke up with him, cuz despite him being "nice" and stuff, she just drifted away from him.
Isaak took this break-up hard. Not because he loved her, cuz his pride broke. Like a sudden punch to the stomach.
Months after the breakup, he got a therapist. He did more or less "confess" his sins (More of a what if, and well you know how he manipulates) to the therapist. And well, atleast the therapist explains to him in detail the difference between lust and love, and givin him some life advice cuz he had a sh*tty childhood and stuff. (How ironic to be a doctor that gets treated by another doctor)
Then well, he is doing better now. He's still working on it. He does get the opportunity to work on a more advanced hospital but he says no.
Years later, he has Nora as her patient again. But that fire (lust) doesn't return. Yes, he admits that she became more beautiful throughout the years, but not like when he was 32 (he is a damn fuggin simp back then, but he still is now. Just he has self control, and doesn't force the sh*t out of things).
Interact, doctor-patient things.
Then he asks her out for coffee.
They have a good time. And they become friends.
Then cue the slowburn romance and stuff.
(Other characters)
Aiden is alive and well. Isaak is his superior.
Mr and Mrs. Wells are proud of their kids.
When Nora and Isaak start dating (prolly after 100+ dates in the span of 1.5 years), Mr and Mrs. Wells takes time to approve knowing the age gap. While Aiden is supportive of Nora's decision. (And hey, he's the secret wingman here)
And Isaak murders is not exposed. Yet.
Dana is alive, and well has a job and stuff. She still hangout with Nora, despite knowing Nora's busy schedule.
Basically everyones happy here
Also They will have Mina when Nora's 35. (Got married at 33, while Isaak is 42)
How funny is it that while reading this I had the jokey thought of Nora’s students all going “Oh, she’s seeing someone. She’s DEFINITELY dating someone” and once she announces she’s going on vacation for her honeymoon SO MUCH MONEY GETS PASSED AROUND THAT DAY.
Thank you SO MUCH for this ask, I definitely need to write this. I need some fluff and humor in my life after having completed TSOH and started Mortuary.
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Ooh you're lookin for requests? Ok imma hit u up. How bout reacting to reader having a wardrobe malfunction and immediately grabbing them to cover up? (Foe example, if their shirt comes off, they hug them tightly to avoid anyone else seeing but now theres a half naked reader clinging to them 😂) You can write for whoever you want! I'd love to see some CaeJose, Pol, and Mista especially 🥰
Are Caesar and Joseph together for this? Yes? No? Im doing both anyways because I want to. I originally was going to add other characters but I had an allergic reaction when I went to the gas station today and I had to take benedryl so I'm tired. 
Another PSA, theres no limit to amount of characters or how many requests you send in. I’ll write it all.
Also, I’m currently reading Jojolion so as soon as I finish that, I’ll let you guys know so you can send in requests but i s2g dont ever make me write for Joshu i fuggin hate him.
Im also assuming it’s an AFAB reader because of the situation, I’m going to use they them pronouns though but BLEASE if I am wrong PLEASE tell me and I will edit the whole thing no problem.
Okay so Caesar was my favorite Jobro for the longest time until Bucciarati came in and then Bucciarati was my favorite until Gyro and literally Gyro is the greatest character ever in anything but anyways
-Your shirt snags on the back of your chair, or a pole when you’re walking. And rips off. (Or someone else rips it off) 
-You immediately grab him and press into him, trying to cover up. He notices, looks down to see your shirt in tatters, and B L U S H. His face gets so red. 
-He immediately takes his jacket off and covers you with it, making sure you’re decent. 
-”Oh, what happened, Cara?” His voice S h a k e s it’s actually cute.
-Your face is also flushed in embarrassment, so it doesn’t matter what you were in the middle of. He gets you home soooo fast, blushing the whole while, so that you can get a change of clothes. 
-At this point it doesn’t matter anymore, so you invite him back to your room and just change in front of him, telling him “Well I guess now’s a good of a time as ever to let you see, huh?” 
-You don’t even get a chance to pull the new shirt over your head as he’s pressing you against the wall, kissing you with a heat you’ve never seen from him before. 
-You had plans? Not anymore. 👀
-Oh surprise hug? 
-He will tease you but only because you’re embarrassed and because you are h a l f n a k e y and pressed up against him. His heart is pounding. 
-”Well if you wanted this kind of attention you should have asked!” 
-Will cover you up though pretty much immediately, securing his jacket around you, getting you home in no time at all. 
-Joseph is not respectful. He will watch you change clothes because it’s hot. 
-You tease him a little too, just to get back at him. 
-”Well if this is the show you wanted to see we should have just stayed home in the first place, Jojo.” 
-When he gets up, you shake your head at him, your eyebrows shooting up. 
-”No sir, no touching. You just sit there and watch.” 
-”Baaaabeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.” His voice is whiny at first, but keep teasing and he’ll change his tune.
-”You’re so needy, aren’t you, Jojo? This is probably a dream come true for you.” You go to slip the new shirt over your head, and he’s on top of you in a moment, leaning close, pressing You into the wall. 
-”Keep running your mouth and I’ll show you exactly what I want from you.” 
-The moment it happens you grab whoever’s closest and shield yourself with their body, flushing with embarrassment. 
-The other one will probably threaten or beat up the perpetrator, depending on who it is that you’re not holding on to. 
-They’ll cover you up and get you home so that you can change, but god help you because they’ll tease the hell out of you. This situation caught all of you off guard.
-”You didn’t tell us how attractive you are, Cara.” Caesar eyes you, a smile playing on his lips. Joseph will run his hands up your sides while Caesar talks, kissing the back of your neck. 
-”Well if you wanted to see you should have just asked, tesoros”  you make it a p o i n t to use Caesars mother tongue, making a big show about picking out a new shirt, discarding the ripped, tattered one.
-Rip to you honestly because you're teasing 2 men who are probably twice your size. You won't win this round. 
-Caesar's eyebrow quirks up when you use the italian phrase, and Joseph will grab you and set you on the former's lap. Unfortunately for you, Caesar's arms will wrap around your waist and lock you into place while joseph leans in close, his face centimeters from yours.
-You're in for one hell of a night with them if you're down. (If you aren't, they'll let you get dressed and sit with you at home playing cards or something) 
-Will be a blushing BLUSHING mess the moment you hug him out of nowhere. 
-His sould will proceed to leave his body when he sees that your shirt has, uh, 
-"Oh, jesus christ, mon ange, Let's get you home?"
-He'll help you cover up as soon as you can, glaring Daggers at anyone who just so happens to even glance in your direction. 
-Will make it more obvious in an attempt to make it less obvious. 
-Literally shouting "Oi, oi, oi, don't look at them! Look away!" While covering your chest. Cut him some slack. He means well. 
-Once you're home, getting re-dressed, you tease him to no end. 
-"Jean-Pierre, you seemed to really enjoy yourself today." You flash a grin at him, relishing in the heat that rises on his cheeks. 
-He can't help but stare as you pull the shirt over your head and down your body, clearly finding the words he wants to say. You grin at him, fully dressed, and plop yourself in his lap. His arms find their way around you, securing you in place, and he presses a kiss to your nose, a lopsided grin on his face. 
-"If you're up to it later, maybe I'll let you see me some more." You're obviously embarrassed at what happened, and you want to crawl into a hole and hide from the public eye for at least 10 years, but he's being so cute that you can't help but joke around. 
-His arms tighten around you, and he presses a kiss to your cheek, grinning. 
-"Maybe let me see more now?" 
-He knows the feeling of skin, so when you press against him, he immediately recognizes the skin on skin contact. (He wears a crop top ffs) 
-Speaking of the crop top, it's off in a heartbeat when he sees your situation. He'll walk around shirtless, he doesn't mind. At the very least, you can wear that until you two can get home so that you can change. 
-"Oh, no, Zabaione!" (Rips shirt off of his body and yanks it down over yours, keeping you covered the whole time.) "Here, wear this." 
-He does not stink despite what Trish says. You know how some people have a distinct smell? He smells like gunpowder. 
-What's more embarrassing? Having your chest accidentally exposed, or wearing your boyfriend's shirt while he walks around half naked with a gun sticking out of his pants right above his crotch. 
-Your face is pretty red, but he's honestly living for this. 
-"Oh my god, Bombolone, you look so cute in my shirt. You should wear it more often." 
-"Yeah? And what are you gonna wear?"
-"What, you think I don't have other clothes?" He snakes an arm around your waist, leaning in close, murmuring in your ear. "Do you mind seeing me exposed like this?" 
-He'll laugh good naturedly, getting you home and putting a shirt on himself, preventing you from changing yours because he continues to insist how absolutely adorable you look in his shirt. 
-Indulge him BLEASE he's so cute when he's flirty.
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Ok, so I've just finished reading through Gakuen Alice, the whole finale and everything, and I kinda feel like it was either rushed, or missing something. There were just weird elements to it, and stuff that doesn't make sense to me.
(massive spoilers for a lot of the series below, just an fyi)
So, in the finale, Mikan's been taken away from Alice Academy, and has been away from it for a couple years. She has no memory of anything from that time, though she sometimes still gets hit by intense emotions unexpectedly, most likely parts of her memory trying to get through. She's a high school student, she's 16 years old, and apparently there's recently been an incident of kidnappings in the area that seem to specifically target girls around her age.
So when she goes down to the beach with her two friends, simply called Sa-chan and Shi-chan, and a bunch of shit starts going down, there's reason to panic, right? Ahh, there's a bunch of men here that I don't know that are going to kidnap me!!! But then, another group of men that she doesn't know show up and beat them up! Whoa! Then, randomly, for some reason, one of her friends just smooshes up her face and suddenly she's an entirely different person. But that's not all. All these new strange men seem to know her, and they have crazy powers! There's one guy who just made all the kidnappers pass out with a wave of his hand! Another guy seemed to just make fire spring out of nowhere! What the fuck??
I just,, the way that Narumi and Tsubasa and Natsume and Tonouchi and fuckin,,, everyone else just seems to think it's so funny and wacky that Mikan, who does not remember any of them, is freaking out and thinking they are going to kidnap her, it bothers me. Like, imagine just going through your day, then a bunch of weird men who act like they know you surround you completely, then just laugh at you when you freak out. What the hell.
I just generally have gripes about how the characters act, basically. It's just fucking weird to me, idk. Could it be due to the fact that I read all of this within the span of maybe three days? Sure. But still.
Starting off, I just have to talk about how Natsume,,, acted? behaved? responded? something,, to Mikan. He fecking grabbed her wrist (and uh, again, she hasn't remembered who any of these people are yet) and just fuggin stares at her. Sure, that does trigger something in Mikan's memory, and she's starting to vaguely re-remember stuff, but then he just??? grabs her chest????? What????? WHy?? Would??? you??? do?? that????? I just,,, I know that he did do shit like that earlier in the series, constantly making comments about how flat her chest was (YOUR HONOR SHE'S FECKING TEN YEARS OLD WHAT'S YOUR DEFENSE) and looking down her shirt or whatever, but,, from around the first Christmas party onwards, he never pulled any of that shit. He never made comments about any of that weird shit, none of that. I (foolishly, apparently) thought that he had,, I dunno,, kinda moved on from that whole,,,, assault,,, thing,,, but no. Guess not.
And like, at this point, idk how old he would be, but probably around 17 ish years old. Wh-- why?? What,, what-- WHY DID HE DO THAT??? WHY DID HE THINK THAT WAS A CORRECT THING TO DO??? It was bad enough when they were younger and actually knew each other, it's fucking gross and uncomfortable now that they're both older and SHE DOESN'T FUCKING REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK HE IS. To her, he's just some random creep who groped her? Ah, teenage romance, what a dream~~
After that.... incident, a few other things happen, but he just fucking grabs her (she still hasn't fully realized what is going on or who any of these random men are) and fukkin yells at her for leaving the school before he woke up, all those years ago. Dude, buddy, pal, friendo, she didn't have any control over any of that shit. She wasn't the reason that Nodacchi brought him back a week or so after Mikan left, she didn't know any of that!! She was waiting that whole time, but she didn't have any control over when Nodacchi would bring back Natsume, I just,,, why. It annoys me immensely.
(i'm rereading through the whole interaction again and uh,, yeah that one panel where he's holding her and just starts talking about shit that she doesn't remember or understand and then fuggin says "You are mine"??? UH,, DUDE?? NO. STOP. Props to Mikan for not losing her shit bc I definitely would. I'd be having a panic attack or something, this is an intensely stressful situation and I just,,, The sighs that I am sighing are so intense. Disappointment is accompanying every exhale, I stg.)
It is only after Mikan absorbs that fragment of her first Alice stone that she even starts to remember stuff and I just,, I do not like it.
Moving on from that, Ruka. What's up with him. What's he been doing this whole time. Idk. He just feels weird to me. Maybe it's the fact that everyone's all grown up and all seem to be experiencing a particularly nasty case of same-face-syndrome, but he just seems so,,, bland? Empty? There's something off about it, I don't get it. I mean, at least Ruka doesn't try to do something to Mikan when she hasn't remembered who tf he is, so he has that going for him.
At least he has a purpose beyond just standing there: it's to give Mikan those earbuds that Hotaru made, and they allow for Mikan to hear Hotaru's voice which spurs her to become determined to find her. (Also apparently whenever this is all taking place, that is actually Mikan's birthday. Some point in the summer, I think? I can't say for sure without checking the wiki.) (ok so I looked at the wiki and it says her birthday is May 17th, so, yeah.)
But yeah I just,, after Mikan remembers everything and agrees that she wants to find Hotaru, the entire Class B from when Mikan was in the Alice Academy is suddenly transported there, and among the things that I saw, I saw that Nobara and Persona,,, had a kid??? What??? I'm confused. Never mind the fact that he's probably like twice her age, easily, but like,,, where tf did that come from? I don't get why that happened. It's weird. Why? Why was that a thing? I'm confused.
I'm not sure that I'm just underwhelmed, I think I'm also kinda disappointed, honestly. The series had been picking up so much steam, there were so many things going on, feelings were developing and growing, and I was completely caught up in it. But after the scene where Hotaru and Subaru sacrifice themselves so that Mikan can be with Natsume in the future I just,, wasn't really feeling it? I mean, I was crying all the way through to when Mikan was being taken out of Alice Academy, that was sad and stuff, but then the last few chapters just felt so rushed. So many things (but it also felt like too few things) were just piled on top of each other, one thing after another, I didn't feel anything. I was expecting to be elated once Mikan and Natsume were reunited, after all, that was the whole reason why Hotaru sacrificed herself. I fuckin watched him die, and I was screaming and rocking around in my chair and hyperventilating, I was caught up in all of that. But when Mikan did remember everything and stuff, I was fine. "Oh, cool. That's nice." I don't even know why, honestly.
I think, really, that (and this sounds questionable) I preferred everyone as kids. Because up to this point, they've all been kids. The way that they act are the ways that kids act (more or less, no kid should be through a fraction of what these kids were through), and I became familiar with them. But now everyone's grown up, they're almost adults, but since this is the finale, there isn't time to show how people have changed, and so they just feel one-dimensional. Like, I think one of the main reasons why Natsume's actions threw me off so much was that, like I said, it seemed like he had dropped that behavior (of um, groping, assaulting, harassment, stuff like that) kinda early on in the story. From at least the first Christmas party and onward, he never made weird comments, he just didn't do weird shit, and that's why it's so weird that that's what he decided to do. "Hey, how I can jog the memory of the girl that I fell in love with all those years ago? Well, I suppose I can grab her chest and comment on how it's bigger. That seems like a solid plan." Dude, what? No.
This whole encounter, of finding Mikan, was a thing that was thought about, almost certainly planned, for who knows how long, but it just kinda feels like they (the entire group) had like, a week, to come up with a plan to find Mikan, try to get her memories back, and then ???? something???
It's weird, I'm tired, and kinda disappointed. Which is really sad, because I really liked the story up until the finale. I almost feel like there's something else, to the story. That chapter 180 isn't the end, but that's as far as I could read it, so that's all I could get from it.
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inu-jiru · 3 years
Why Orion is the most unfairly treated dog in Ginga (both in-universe and by the fandom) and why Rigel is actually kind of a cunt when you think about it
So recent chapters of the nightmare that is Ginga Densetsu Noah have me thinking real fuckin’ hard. Rigel’s now been named Supreme Commander, and I have some serious fuckin’ problems with that considering the literal first thing he did when given the chance to do something leader-y was nearly hand over all of Ohu (right after the Monsoon battle, mind you) to the cunt who captured and nearly crippled his dad, like sure yeah Weed’s a cuntrag and deserves it but Rigel should actually give a shit about him, yet he does this shit anyway. And yeah, maybe this was a trick to go and get reinforcements later but one, I highly fuggin doubt Yip Yip was just gonna be like “Ok cool yall can leave then” when, again, look at what happened to Weed and the Nokizaru, and two, he could’ve brought that shit up with Ohu they were literally right there next to him he could’ve whispered some shit and then pretended like they were consulting it’s not like Yip Yip and the Akashit Squad are all that smart. But that’s besides the point. I bring up Rigel because people are real fuckin’ quick to act like he’s the good brother and Orion’s not worth shit, huh. Orion’s been done real dirty since GDWO and I’ll tell you why.
First of all, no one actually fucking tells Orion calmly when he’s doing something wrong, not even in the beginning of GDWO, they all just fucking screech at him about how he’s a little shit which ofc is gonna make him wanna act out out of spite, and it’s never his parents that do anything, no it’s always other adults who SAY they oughta do something but don’t do it. You could say that maybe they tried being more patient before but we don’t see that and they only ever do this with Orion and not Rigel, who also does crazy shit like that. You’d think Kyoushiro of all fucking dogs would see that Orion’s a tough guy like him and take him under his wing but I guess not because Orion is everything Weed isn’t and Jyoushiro’s quarter of a braincell can’t handle that apparently
Then there’s the fuckin ending of GDWO when Weed isn’t even subtle about how much he worships Sirius’s little baby dick for looking and acting just like him, taking him off to battle and not idk the fucking puppy who’s actually killed two guys because he’s had fighting experience but go off, and then there’s that shit Gin did like yeah punish Orion for not wanting to leave the rest of the army (when he really should not give a fuck about them because clearly they don’t value him). And double fuck you to this fake ass Ohu Army for just standing there and watching Orion get beat for doing something none of them have the balls to fucking try and do, even Izou like wtf man u were more of a dad to Orion in this whole manga why tf are you standing there man
Now Rigel started off like Orion and was a spicy boi who swore and picked on Bella but he had character development with Terumune and learned to be more chill which is cool there’s nothing wrong with that. You know what is wrong with that tho? Rigel’s weird ass behavior of acting like he and Orion weren’t them bois cutting up together in GTLW and GDN, like I know Rigel mostly just fucks off and hangs out in the background but he really acts like he doesn’t know his own brother when he opens his mouth like for example that scene where Rigel just runs the fuck off like a bitch when Orion is pouring his heart out to him
Let’s back up a bit and talk about that for a moment, Gin and Akame really set Orion to fail by being hella cryptic, whether it was Akame seeing that Orion was trying his hardest to try and answer his questions correctly and then WHISPERING SHIT TO SIRIUS LIKE UM DO YOU NOT SEE THAT ORION ALREADY HAS ANXIETY AND IS TRYING TO DO WHAT YOU WANT? and then fucking Gin with his whole “If you move, Paradise will fall and everyone’s gonna fuckin die” like gee thanks Gin why not some actually helpful shit like “Hey, make sure everyone recovers and is doing alright before we plan a new attack” no just scare the piss out of Orion so he’s constantly second guessing himself and has to jump off a cliff to calm down because talking to someone won’t fuckin’ help, so with that in mind, why the FUCK is Rigel acting like Orion’s the selfish one for wanting to go with his friends and protect them from whatever stupid bullshit Sirius and Monsoon are doing??? Rigel doesn’t even apologize or even just stops to talk things over with what should be his closest brother, but nah just bring Chibi’s worthless token good bear ass back and act like everything’s cool, great plan Mr. Supposedly Best Leader Material
I already brought up GDN and why Rigel’s stupid ass decisions make him even worse of a choice for leader than Sirius, but you know what would be a good idea? if Gin had just never fucking retired in the first place, or better yet, actually fucking give Orion the advice he needs and not be weird and act like he’s the problem when you shitasses are just standing around waiting for him to fail
This rant got a little rambly and I apologize but if you managed to get through to the end then that’s hot that’s hot
So uh yeah that’s a load of my chest see ya
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