#does music being such a universally important thing to be created not mean anything to you???
eladoobler · 2 years
horseshoe theory of the nihilist "nothing matters we all might as well die lol" and the religious "not believing in a god means you think nothing matters so we might as well die lol", does this even mean anything?
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cannoliparty · 4 months
talking about rustbloods
I LOVE RUSTBLOODS!!! im a fan of a lot of trolls and bloodcastes but the way rustblood characters are portrayed in the comic is just too cool for me to NOT call out!!! this post will be an overview/me prattling on about the rustbloods in homestuck, and even the caste as a whole!
quick overview on time! its an aspect connected to mechanics, inevitability, death and so on. it can even be connected with music, due to the timing in bars of songs or the progression of time as music plays.
furthermore, to talk about rustbloods as a whole, theyre connected to the original sgrub players of alternia, which would be aradia and the handmaid. its important to give explanations on these connections and thats exactly what ill be doing! i havent read hiveswap or played the friendsim so i will not be using those rustbloods as a reference to look at.
the beta troll rustblood is aradia, maid of time. she embodies the time in her session, and as a maid she keeps her aspect "tidy"! aradia was especially connected to the death in the time aspect. she had died, been trapped in a body not hers, been a sprite and so on. for a while, she WAS made of death and therefore that was a way of being made of time. but when they were at the universe gate and aradia sent out all her different aradiabots, that was her way of roleplaying as a witch of time (her ancestor!), as she manipulated previous timelines to CREATE (maid word!) more time for her friends to act! though maids are considered an active class, they "prepare others with their aspect" and otherwise tend to stay in the background always tending to their aspect themselves, helping the session grow. aradia did this in multiple ways. first was when she first died, and worked with the spirits to get her sgrub session started. and we all know death/the dead are very related to time.. then, after godtiering, she travelled to countless dream bubbles, keeping those memories and times afloat, doing the "housekeeping" a maid does with their aspect. and theres also aradias off-screen timeline travels, as at one point she says shes been through hundreds of years worth of doomed timelines! all of these actions are inextricably linked to time, and even sometimes the death in it, and further proves how aradia is made of time. in the end, aradia has always been maid/made of time, and the inevitability of time allowed her to accept her challenge of self-relying easily, and shes a solid character!!
so i believe how rustbloods connect to aradia is through that "made of time" play on words! this means rustbloods can be heavily related to any part of the time aspect whether its death/spirits, mechanics and routine, or just a sense of inevitability. its loose, but rustbloods take what aradias putting down, and relate to it how they can. they also carry the self-reliance of maids, and are usually very powerful in that same sense!
the rustblooded ancestor is the handmaid, one of the 2-3 ancestors who made it off alternia. shes also a witch of time! witches are naturally rebellious of their aspects rules, which brings about their nature-changing powers. the handmaid rebelled from the timeless inevitability of having to serve lord english, and tried to overcome it as hard as she could, but doc scratch unfortunately guaranteed her fate. its also of note that witches tend to have familiars (jade with bec, feferi with her lusus) and so the handmaids would be lord english!
the beforus counterpart of the handmaid is damara, also a witch of time! she embodies her classpect in a fuller manner, as she had some free will of her own. of course, she has the alpha troll curse (NOT GETTING ANY SCREENTIME...) T_T;.... but its obvious shes very rebellious against inevitability and instead does things her own way, which is not caring too much about anything!
this connects rustbloods to doing what they want with the sense of inevitability, death, etc... time is of the essence, and they inherited the witch's powers of doing whatever they want with that essence!
overall, i hope this makes sense!!! i know aradia has like 300 more words dedicated to her but she IS the one with the most screentime..... but damara & the handmaid are genuinely some of my favorites in homestuck and if they got more to themselves as characters i can guarantee itd be QUALITY stuff to talk about!!! as usual feel free to leave feedback or add on to rustbloods however youd like ^_^
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jowi8597 · 11 months
"Cap gesture" & "raised fist gesture" - my comment to the recent bjyx cpn theory
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One of the many reasons why mtjjs (Yibo's fans) dislike bjyx/yizhan cpfs so much is that they associate every little thing Yibo does with the other guy (xz), thus diminishing and depriving Yibo of his individuality and uniqueness. If it was just one thing every once in a while, I think most of us would just roll our eyes and let go, but when it happens every day, with every project, performance, commercial, etc., it's very hard to ignore. When you add to this our rational thinking and the knowledge that it's all a lie and that the theories these people create are made up out of thin air, irritation sets in.
Think about it, if you like someone a lot, you won't be able to calmly watch someone try to "erase" your favorite person by presenting them as someone else's shadow.
One of the mean ways to belittle individuality is to identify each little gesture with another person, especially if these are related to the personality and interests that define the essence, the core of this exact human being. Especially the gestures repeated since childhood, which are thus sweet memories, should be sacred.
Why am I writing about this now? I was frustrated to see cpfs trying to identify part of Yibo's dance at One and only promotional event with an unrelated person. It's about the „cap gesture".
The first thing is that this gesture is probably a natural part of the choreography and thanks to the video from another dancer, we can see the context.
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"Cap gestures” are quite characteristic for dance / music styles like hip-hop and krump, less for breakdance, but such a fusion of styles is not unusual. When we add Yibo's roots - he's a dancer who started as a b-boy to change his dance style to hip-hop later, we can clearly see the sense of incorporating such a gesture into the choreography.
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The "cap gesture” was also often used by Yibo in his childhood.
(here supercute video of 12yo Yibito 🥹)
Cpfs try to convince you that the gesture Yibo did during Ono dance is not a "cap gesture", but more like "finger glasses" (and thus imitating the xz’s gesture), but I don't think it resembles it at all.
We know that Yibo is a professional with a deep knowledge and understanding of streetdance, so to assume that he would incorporate a gesture that has little to do with streetdance into the choreography at such an important moment (promotion of his breakdance film) seems very unlikely.
The second thing I want to mention is another part of cpn. I mean the „raised fist gesture” that Yibo often uses in his performances, and which is also something that cpfs like to „link” to xz.
Well, my question is: was this gesture invented by xz and therefore is it completely unique for him? Answer: of course not! The gesture is a universal symbol of resistance and unity, the first appearance of which dates back to the mid-nineteenth century!
In addition, we also know that Yibo is an anime lover, and this gesture is characteristic of the popular anime "One piece" that Yibo likes.
(gesture from the anime versus Yibo's performances 😉)
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(Yibo as his fav character from One Piece anime - Zoro, in Shu Uemura OP campaign)
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To speculate that using this gesture would have anything to do with a former coworker is totally irrational. Please, be serious 😂
As for the fact that the „same” gestures appeared in the xz’s Doujin video a day later.. I don't feel like being attacked, so all I could say is that if you take the time and do some research, you'll quickly notice that the "Yibo first, xz later" "pattern” is repeated in 90% of cpn, be it issues of clothes, behavior, posting etc.. Draw your own conclusions! Jiayou! 😉
(Why do I comment on this? Cause I can 😉✌️)
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what would the premise of your dream Persona game be?
Well, let's see. What were the strong points of each game?
Persona 3 Portable: Girl Route. Team members have important relationships with each other instead of just orbiting the MC. Extremely strong theme. Structured in such a way that the player doesn't control what day they have a mandatory dungeon/plot event, making for better pacing. Best final boss. Best music. Greatest of the Best Friend guys. My favorite UX by far.
Persona 4 Golden: Best cast. Most interesting mystery. Was extremely queer, especially for the time. Most naturalistic writing. Best villain (not final boss). Easily the most polished script. Combat had the best balance of things to do and friction without being overcomplicated or simplistic.
Persona 5 Royal: Most interesting, sprawling location. Social link bonuses that matter. Jawdroppingly good bonus campaign. Best exploration. Only MC that fully feels like his own person. And I'll admit it, it has the best social links for NPCs.
So, the best Persona game would have:
A protagonist with as much personality as Joker but not gender locked. For the love of god just make a gender neutral protag.
Set it in another city that's based on a real place since it feels like real life designs better locations than Atlus does off the dome.
Honestly at this point I would love to see Persona do a game that doesn't take place in high school. I wanna see some young adults getting up to shit. If you absolutely need the school structure, then have it set in university/college. But the need for structure for the calendar can come from anything.
When everyone is cishet, the cast suffers. P5R proved it. (Okay, it's also because P5R literally has more teammates so no one gets properly developed but the cishetness does not help.) Lets get some queerness back in the cast, it does absolute wonders.
Morgana should be in it again. I don't know why or how, but I do know that carrying a cat around everywhere made Persona 5 was part of why I finished that fucking game.
I personally like the structure of having a central mystery with uncertain mechanics to solve, I think that's really engaging and helps with the episodic nature of Persona. However, once the mystery is solved, DO NOT ADD IN ANOTHER MASTERMIND CHARACTER WHO IS "REALLY" BEHIND IT ALL. JUST FUCKING STOP! GOD I HATE IT. Stop having a really cool set up and then deciding in the last 5 hours that a Mean God Did It All, I'm so DONE with that shit. Fuck Izanami and Fuck Yarblegarble.
While we're at it, if one more Persona game turns out to be a parable on how them kids are on their phones too much, I'm done.
Regarding music, either: A: Create multiple main battle themes so if they Fucking Suck again like in P4 it doesn't make your players want to scream by hour 30. B: Just use "Wiping All Out" again for the main battle theme. We're never going to surpass it, why not accept that.
LET THE PLAYER START A ROMANCE SEPARATE FROM SLINK RANKS. If I hit level 10 on someone and decide later I wanna date them, I should be able to do that. That way I can actually meet everyone, THEN decide who I wanna kiss.
Just gimme back Igor using shiny key of solomon shit to combine personae, fuck P5's edgelord bullshit. Also Margaret bc she was funny and also really hot and flirty.
Bring Maruki back just for funsies.
there we go, the perfect persona game
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angstics · 1 year
it's always been interesting to me that the only thing seemingly "separating" the transgender truthing from the homosexual truthing, in terms of legitimate proof that someone who only knows gerard way through interviews and stage performance could provide, is the history of open gnc-ness. which doesn't really correlate to any kind of transgender identity but obviously i know why people choose to interpret it that way. (even then, the offstage dude kissing could and usually does fill an identical role in other peoples interpretation of gerard as being secretly gay so. shrug). but this time TRUST ME his performance art in solidarity with an oppressed queer group is ACTUALLY him being secretly trans. i try not to engage with any mass discourse events and find the she/her pronoun usage distasteful and just personally uncomfortable, so i dont directly encounter many people who even orbit this kind of discussion lol. im curious what you think about this comparison! and i apologize if anything was worded unclearly :)
this is a big can o worms! i like hearing your thoughts. there’s sooo many different readings on his identity and how the outfits factor into that.
it’s invasive but it’s not the same ethics as theorizing about a friend. understanding an artist is important to people. it’s part of being an artist which is normal but heavily contested. im always reminded of siken’s response to the student who wanted to learn more about his life to understand his poetry lol (he wasnt nice). why would it matter? authenticity, connection, need to label? there’s no universal or moral answer
anyhow back to gerard. the shift from homosexual to transgender truthing is funny! people didnt give up, they just concluded he’s unlabelled gay 😭 not from the on/off stage kissing (which were all performative) but from the tweetsss. “when people try to define your sexuality [morrissey picture]” and “why would i hide it if i was a Homosexual”. the affair conspiracies and gay music themes and general stereotypes probably aided that. whether the assumption is true or false makes no difference. the reasons behind why ppl even make the assumption are so intriguing to think about… but this is already too long.
the “trans truthing” is complicated bc it’s more personal to ppl. im not gonna create a boogeyman. ive seen all of this, some i align with some i dont. putting them in a list cuz it’s easier to read
ppl in my corner of the fandom are comfortable with calling him queer, nb, trans — from most to least common. all as umbrella terms. all to mean not-cis. justification is good ol FLAGGING. like getting an undercut to tell girls yr a dyke without needing to come out. i can expand on this thought process if wanted. ive seen this kinda labeling for YEARS
a lot of ppl i follow stop at gnc because that is the only visibly obvious option. and it’s the term The Advocate used for him in 2018 (tho we gotta note that he didnt self-id — the writer used the same principal of gnc being about presentation over id). the term is treated as if it were between cis and trans. or more accurately, not-cis not-trans.
ive noticed that old/ex fans or outsiders under my 30k cheerleader gifset see the dress as a coming out…? people of 1 and 2 chalk it under that history of gender nonconformity. it’s surprising but makes sense. i think that’s the function of said history
all the egg talk ive seen is on twitter among transfem ppl and tumblr posts in the wild. i searched “gerard way trans” and got so many tweets referencing kurt cobain. that is transfem business, not mine 😭
all this to say that i havent seen anyone in these circles insinuate he was Secretly trans. it’s the same as the gay assumption. it isnt about proving what reality is. just whatever individuals accept as their truth. lots of 1 ppl have said that if he suddenly came out as cis, their perception wouldnt change. i take that to mean bc the performance itself is the person and the performance they see is transgender.
i dont see how art and artist can be separated in performance. what other version of the artist are you getting? i dont know if anyone round here is talking about the couch sitting gerard way. like why would we 😭 even if one does, it’s under the perception of the performance we know. if we werent talking about the performance, we wouldnt even be talking about it. you wouldnt imagine your loved one watching tv. youd sit next to them. look at them. talk to them. YOU KNOW? like this whole debate on whether it’s invasive goes NOWHERE. we arent talking about someone who could be known. we are barely talking about the real person.
and he knows this because anyone with a Name becomes this. the real life person doesnt need defending. he needs respect. to me that means not harassing him, not digging into his private life, not speaking for him. the rest is what feels ok for me. if the environment is uncomfortable, all i can do is share why. which is why talking about it is important.
ill say, im fine with she/her-ing him. i know those arent his defined pronouns. i know i use them as a term of endearment and character-dedication. i know when to avoid them. i personally dont believe in rigid pronoun use. i don’t believe in there being a handbook of rules of what is or isnt rude (not to say there arent general rules). you learn person to person.
goes back to the Pursuit of Universal Morality. god i remember last year getting so mad at the trans labelling id leave tumblr to complain on twitter. but ive changed my tune to seeing the non-cis ambiguity. not because of Evidence but because i found comfort in that connection. i wasnt wrong then, am not wrong now.
it isnt really about him, it’s about what he says and does. which IMO he’s likely to accept as an artist.
so yeah. TLDR: posts that are like “how can you say he’s [cis/trans] if X?!” are really just stating their own perception. even if they uncritically believe what theyre saying is reality, it’s THEIR reality. there is no difference btwn “his performance art in solidarity with an oppressed queer group” and “him being secretly trans”.
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clothes in Love in the air (BL)
So…I am into clothes and fashion, especially in series and movies, therefore I got really curious about the choices of clothing in certains dramas, especially BL thai. Because it is not something we talk about when It comes to BL. We tend to focus on acting, writing, music, but clothes are not the topic, and I do understand. Most BL Thai dramas take place in universities and they have uniforms so we don’t have much to explore outside of their hair and little details that they put to differentiate main characters from others. So, here is an approach that I decided to do, especially in my current obsession: Love in the air. This means is a personal interpretation, so does not need to be taken seriously. 
I will cover the main pairing first for obvious reasons but when PrapaiSky shows up I am definitely talking about them later on.
Love in the Air is a Thai BL show about two relationships, one between a senior architect and a junior, and the second is also about a student architect and a racer and businessman (we don’t know what Prapai does yet). The show focuses on how these two relationships between these very different people collide and become more than that. 
Our first character, Rain, is a bratty student who talks shit all the time and respects no one. He is in his first year of university and likes this college mate, Ple. From the start we only see Rain wearing the uniform that consists of a white shirt and black pants. Rain, however, wears his in a casual and informal way, with a colorful shirt under. Unlike Sky and Ple, who are seen put together, Rain looks like he doesn't care about rules and order that much. And then we also get this piece of information that I feel like has to do a lot with how Rain is: he does not know who Phayu is, and Phayu is the idol of everyone as well as a pretty respected senior. Everyone loves Phayu, except Rain.
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His hair is also an indication of his character. Ignoring the awful color and hairstyle, Rain is supposed to look inocent and dumb, which he is. He is cute, but he is also a child (keep in mind that he is 19 in the drama), so it makes sense that he wears comfortable clothes, but also colorful and shiny. 
When we are first introduced to his character we can also see how his clothes symbolize his nature: Rain does not follow the rules (he literally got into an illegal race), he don’t respect his elders (he yelled at Payu), he can’t keep boundaries (he kept following Ple even though she repeatedly said that she didn’t want to have anything with Rain) and he is irresponsible and unprofessional (does homework at the last minute, uses cell phone in class, leaves everything to the last minute).
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But, the moment that he starts getting his life together and dating Phayu he looks a lot more put together and his clothes are more visually pleasing. When this happens we can see a lot more blue in Rain’s clothings than before and where does blue appear too? Yes, in Phayu’s racer suit. 
The blue hue is associated with calm, intelligence, sincerity, and confidence. Blue is the color of the sky and ocean in nature. These create a sense of calm and security. A light version of blue contains both blue and white properties, making it a blend of both. For instance, white symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and openness (Rain is young and virgin). Lighter blues are a reflection of these properties. As a result, lighter blues become associated with peace, friendliness, approachability, youth, and loyalty.
Even thought I said before that Rain was really iresponsible and sometimes dumb, it is true that once he realize the importance of taking things serious and being more aware of his behaviour the choices of wearing blue fits a lot with him. Rain also feels safe with Phayu and looks for him when he needs security and comfort. That’s why I also think that the atmosphere of their scenes is always a mix of blues, greens and blacks. Because while the storm can be dangerous, it always gets calm afterwords and rain can be soothing and comforting (yes, i am talking about Episode 6 where Rain gets Phayu to stop growing) 
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Okay, so after trying to read more into Rain clothes, we can finally talk about my favorite boy and talk about how amazing his clothes are. This all started because I became obsessed with how they styled Phayu in every single scene and how I don't think this was unintentional and random.
Our second lead is Phayu. He is an architect for the day, and a mechanic in ilegal races for the night. This already tells us how dynamic and versatile he is as a person. He is professional and works hard to get things done right but also likes to have fun and is playful when it comes to things that he likes. He enjoys the bikes and the races, and he doesn’t like when people can't follow the rules. And I really like how important this is. Is it not that Phayu is obsessed with everyone following the schedule; on the contrary, he sees how important the order and the rules are because otherwise people are going to get hurt. He is responsible, organized and mature. So we clearly understand why he wears suits. But what I love the most about these types of outfits is that they are not a full suit. He wears jeans with it and he wears colorful jackets. This can be translated into the fun personality and youthful character that he is. While he does have a respectful job with older people, he still is young and jovial. Goes to drink with friends, helps people without them asking and is flirty. (Honestly, where the fuck can i get a Phayu? The more i write about him the more jealous and mad I am about the fact that he is fictional)  
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Phayu is also a mechanic and doesn't like when people insult their job. This can also add to his “bad boy vibe” because he does things at night that are not well known by a lot of people. The color black is a shade/color that comes off as mysterious, serious, prestigious, and powerful to most people. When worn, it is a symbol of class, business, elegance, and sexiness while also having an overbearing, even sometimes evil character to it. Is important to note that he does not wear black all the time. So we can say that he is not always this put-together and serious persona, especially when it comes to Rain. 
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So yeah, I love the color schemes of Phayu, because he can appear in outfits like this and makes completely sense for the character. Also, we, as society, don’t talk enough about this serve. This outfit. THAT 'S IT. I NEED HIM TO MAKE A COMEBACK. 
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I also feel like the hairstyle of Boss helps a lot with this characterization. At first it might look like the long hair is just to appear “bad, hot and sexy” and is obviously for that. But I feel like if the stylist also only styled him in dark colors and clothes, the aura wouldn’t be the same. Like, he is supposed to be an idol in his university so I feel like even though the bad vibe suits him, it wouldn’t work the same. 
But what i love the most about this is, unlike other shows from the same writer (and others shows, for that matter), Love in the air make the characters realistics, not only with other elements like friendships, work, college and sexuality; but with the way the style everything else (clothes, hair, scenarios, music, THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD FOR SOME REASON). Fiat and Leo from Don’t say no  for example look expensive because they have money and wear things that not many other people will wear, almost as if the clothes were made specifically for them, while Phayu and Rain wear clothes that everyone and anyone can wear: colorful jackets, jeans and shirts.  And they also used clothes to reflect their personalities.
Conclusion: Love in the air has really good stylists that know what fits the actors and the characters best. I hope that this keeps with the story of Prapai and Sky, because honestly I can already make connections with some of the colors I have seen. Like red signifies power, boldness, and confidence, it also symbolizes love, emotion, and passion, so we can already tell that this fits A LOT with the portrait of Prapai.  
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
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Time means something very different to Groot than to most animals in the universe. Plants simply don’t experience it the same way. When he considers the meaning of time, he has difficulty perceiving weeks, months, and years as anything more than a construct created by mammals, for mammals. For him and his ilk, time is more of a binary concept: Light and Dark. During Light, those are the moments to live in celebration of life as a phenomenon unto itself. A miracle. During Dark, that is when rest is proper. Conservation of energy, so that when it comes time to celebrate again, there will be rejuvenation readily available.
This is how Groot perceives time, and he’s had very little reason to change it throughout his existence. Were he on his own, he might give nary a thought to how others perceive it… but in his exile from his people and his world, he has surrounded himself with those who are far more preoccupied by the passage of time than he. People who perceive it as such a threat to their existence, it must be monitored down to the most infinitesimal degree. (What exactly is a “nanosecond”? Nothing any living creature can perceive, surely.)
Beth is not one of those people. In fact, if she were surrounded by bark, he would easily mistaken her for one of his kin. She seems to understand that the passage of time is not a thing to be feared… not even really a thing to be noticed if one wishes to avoid despair. Rather, it is a thing to be ignored altogether, in favor of living from one moment to the next. From Light to Dark, and back again to Light. These last months, they have enthused together in the Light of many worlds, peering flame-kissed horizons above trees and valleys and crag-laden wastelands and ice floes… and always with an arm around one another.
I am Groot, they say aloud.  But what is truly said, that is music played only for each other, even in the most crowded auditorium.
But for all his ruminations on the perception of time and how it melts away in the presence of this enigma of a being… a creature that is animal, vegetable, and mineral at her slightest whim… he knows that on the occasion of this Light, there is something different. Something important, of which she does not speak, in any language available to her. It bids her tongue to stillness, draws her eyes more steadily to the horizon, and then to the sky above. He senses a wistfulness within her. Not misery, precisely… perhaps it is more accurate to say he perceives her in a moment of quiet resignation.
And then he recalls what she had asked him, several Darks previous. About the life cycle of his kin. If they grow the same as trees on Earth or Xandar or Hala, or so many others. If they are ‘born’ sentient, or if they gradually grow into it. It had been a topic of some interest to her, and he had indulged without asking why, as he so often does.
She had asked him more questions the next Dark. And he had indulged her then, too. The subject of birth, or sprouting as an analogue, had been the topic. He’d shared with her how he’d been raised from a minute sprig with tenderness and loving care – and also the occasional whack to the head when he tried to eat inedible things. How he hadn’t known at all what he was doing, barely even the words he was speaking sometimes… but he can remember all of it, every moment of struggling to accept the world around himself and his role in it.
The vibration within her breath now, and the slight shine in her eyes, and the contemplative stare at the sunrise… it tells Groot that there is something deeply important at work here. And he suspects now what it must be.
The next time he sees her flip her wrist over to monitor her timekeeping device, he lifts his hand up and breathes bloom into it. A vine tendril with a pod of blue climbs from the tip of his finger, and before her, the pod bursts open to reveal a flower with all the shimmering splendor of a summer sky. He offers it to her.
“I… am Groot.”
<Elikapeka… for without you, this life would be far more difficult to bear.>>
The magic that all men know, the one thing science and magick both agree that flows in variance with the observer, that it is hardly the constant that it initially appears as. Esoteric doctrines claim it is an illusion. But it is like the sea, with eddies, currents. Branching paths far more manifold and mutable than anyone could ever guess. Those who study it agree that the world is full of unexpected whorls and vortices of temporal disturbance. It contracts around some places, dilates at others, though the regimentation of scientific time means that such phenomena are not as common as they once were. In unusual circumstances, time may loop back on itself, makes jumps and rifts to the past or future, or diverge in multiple streams.
On one hand, Beth knows it to be a theme revered during Beltane. She knows it symbolises the Eternal Moment, in which life is conceived and new seeds are sown. But Beth cannot perceive it to any extraordinary degree; she knows it makes up a portion of reality, yet she can only perceive it as sleepers do; through the waxing and waning of the celestial bodies, periods of Light and Dark compartmentalised as years, days, hours, seconds. Recorded in calendars and rituals, accepted across all humans in some sort of global conspiracy.
On another, she knows it as ke kilona, the Chant of Signs. The mystical chant of the gods, and therefore has to have a rhythm and a rhyme. She cannot hear it, though she sees its echoes. Her hanai-sister uses it both as a weapon and a balm. She knows that she lives within the song but only partially. Beth will forever be hapa, an in-betweener. Neither wholly human nor Rokea. An empowered person who is not an alien, a mutant, nor truly a sorcerer, but all of them to some degree.
The only thing Beth knows for certain is that she will live for longer than she might ever wish, baring accident or injury or loss of all hope. Living in the moment, drifting from one echo of life to the next, is the only way to stave off existential ennui. To not drown in preemptive despair which could come so easy if she allowed it.
She is thirty-three today, if she can prescribe diurnal motivations to the wide sea of stars above and around them. She knows depending on the light, the circumstance she can appear older or younger but that Time has not caressed her with a heavy hand in over a decade. She doesn't feel different. And perhaps the thing she has taken away from all these long months with her dearest companion is that it doesn't really matter much, either. That pondering the nature of a single solar year will give her no more insight into the course of her existence. That it is no more important than eating a malasada and cup of coffee on a favourite rock on the beach on any other given day.
So she doesn't understand why at this very moment, exactly twelve hours before she'd taken her first breath on earth those three decades before, should hold such a weight to them. What makes this sunrise just a little more vivid. Why there is an ache in her heart that she cannot express.
Or why she keeps checking her watch.
It contains no fragment of the Tapestry, her own or anyone else's. Although maybe, subconsciously, it reminds her that even she is not wholly immune to the weaving of Clotho, the measure of Lachesis who she believes is biased, or the sharply amoral snipping of Atropos.
His breath breaks her introspection and reminds her that the moment is passing by and she shakes herself of her reverie before glancing toward him.
She watches as the single seedling stalk grows from the whorls of his bark, awash with a sense of wonder that he can do so. This is the truest magick, the oldest ever known. Creation. Life. It is a small if intricate thing. A beautiful bloom born of his desire and affection, a token of himself being gifted to her. It is beautiful in a way she cannot put it to words.
She takes it with all the reverence and gratitude as he has ever shown her. At the same time she wraps his voice around her, the warmth of his tone, the depth of it. She takes hold of his wrist with a certain kind of delicacy and turns it over. She brushes her lips against what would be his knuckles, a kiss that encompasses her enamourment as well as her innate sense of tenderness. She doesn't know if it feels the same to him as it does her.
"Mahalo, Lehua." Two simple words. Yet each of them carry a hundred thousand meanings, conveying more than simple pleasure and appreciation, though that is part of it. She breathes on the bloom, enchanting it with her desire for it to remain alive despite lack of roots, despite it having been plucked from him. Once the spell is cast, she weaves its stem through her dark braid before settling in at his side, an arm around his waist.
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saymoretv · 8 months
I'm reading a book right now by a guy called David Marx about the universal human desire for status, and how it organises and informs the greater part of our identities - way beyond the obvious, conscious decisions we make about the clothes we wear, or the music we listen to. His assertion is that this drive for status, or the anxiety about losing or maintaining it, underpins wider class structures and in this way is key to understanding so much of human behaviours and motivations.
Marx explains that sociological phenomena of counter-cultures, subcultures or alternative cultures, generally come about as a way of smaller groups, often people shut out or unable to gain high or normal 'global status' (i.e. wealth, social capital), creating their own forms of cultural capital, often in direct opposition to the the global status values, and thus achieving a degree of 'local status' within their own communities and cultures. When he uses Punk as an example, his mentions of Jonny Rotten and the like aren't the most flattering, but it's hard to disagree with his overall thesis. More often than not choosing to be into something like Punk is less about truly being an individual, and more about finding a scene or community where what you say, think and do has value or esteem. Sometimes that means breaking rules and conventions, but more often than not, it means ascribing to more status markers than those you're able to bend or break in order to gain status and esteem. That's not to say the ideology of Punk as an act of questioning or rejection of certain norms, values, aesthetics, norms, isn't valid or important, and that this line of questioning should just as easily be focused on the hypocrisies of external wider cultures, as much as the internal culture of Punk. However, I do think it tells us something more about the wider sociology of Punk and Alternative music scenes or subcultures; you're membership of this smaller tribe makes you more of an 'individual' in relation to the 'global social order' but you're 'just another' Punk / Grunger / Metalhead / Goth / Skater within the context of your own community culture.
That's a very long, not to mention largely unnecessary and unrelated, preamble to this music video by Title Fight. This is a band I've been hesitant to post about, despite the fact they probably are one of my favourite bands of all time. I've never said that to anyone, and honestly, I feel kind of embarrassed even writing that down. And being the solipsistic type of fella I am, I thought I'd indulge in a bit of self-reflection as to why I should feel shame or any strong feelings when it comes to posting about a band from 10 years on a Tumblr with 2 followers, so here we are...🤷‍♂️
There is no status to be gained by admitting you like Title Fight, if anything it's probably a status killer. On a global, normie level their brand of Pop-ish, post-hardcore-ish, emo-ish, Punk is simply angsty guitar music for teens ('grow up'!) and on a local level, i.e. within Punk / Hardcore circles, they're popularity and notoriety make them mall punk / emo adjacent ('grow up'!), or at the very least, not a deep cut band for punk-hardcore heads, anyhow.
I guess what I'm describing are the mechanics behind the idea of 'guilty pleasures', i.e. cultural objects that by their association don't earn you any social or cultural clout, and in fact may even damage your credibility or status. What's useful about guilty pleasures is that they tell you when you really, authentically like something, and needless to say, we shouldn't really care about credibility when it comes to things that bring joy into your life. And this song, album and video brings a lot of joy into mine still. I've probably aged more into Hyperview than Shed (see I can be age appropriate at times!) but these song still does the business. I didn't actually realise how many of their music videos I'd missed, but this definitely captures the melancholy autumnal adolescent vibes of the first album well. I'm glad it's shot on a sort of 16mm / VHS film stock, making it feel more timeless and less 2010s. That said, looking at what the band are wearing reminds me of how much Polo Ralph Lauren there was in punk and, particularly, hardcore back then. Good times.
Anyhow, I don't earn cool points by liking this band or music video, but I guess neither do I earn them by being into Punk and Hardcore at my big age. At this point, globally, locally, or however you cut it, there's very little status to be gained by a guy in his late thirties listening to music that's ostensibly by and for angry adolescents. In fact as a I get older a lot of this latent status anxiety seems to ebb away, for the most part anyhow, which hopefully means less concern about clout, or fear of guilt and shame around choices and association. More joy, less guilt. Punk is pleasure.
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whorofasia2 · 10 months
South Asian Women (Do not abandon the importance of educations such as STEM)
It is my current opinion that one thing South Asian women do best is a focus on education (especially STEM education) which stems from South Asian culture.
Our ancestors and migrants had to work hard and keep their head down even in the midst of discrimination for what we have now. Look at China and how much progress it has made (Can few say that all Asians can do is copy the west when there are things like Genshin Impact, 5G and AMD/Ryzen (Leave the India (South Asian) and Oriental Asian split aside). Although the textile and agriculture industry comes a lot in part from India.
This imo (In my opinion) was not born out of PTSD (Pointless tiresome spiritual drama) and constant arguing back and forth with your parents, wrecking shit when angry and spending money when angry. (Cool down, put some headphones on to avoid conversation but do not do things that you regret in the long run)
Due to the laws of the universe not changing a STEM education can never be taken from you even though there might be an over-supply (Disagree with me if you want). In contrast, the whims of culture and art can change here and there from time to time and in reality imo (in my opinion) most people only need to get involved superficially.
A STEM education cannot be taken from you so it is good for you very often. Yes, sometimes you feel the pressure to do more education to fit in with others but it can be worth it. You do not need to have an art degree to create dam art (Porn, normal art or photography or some other shit) (Degenerate or otherwise).
In this regard do not waste money when you are young which can be done by watching let's plays instead of videogames (Remember video games can be very expensive) and by watching let's plays you keep in touch with the plot of video games without the stuff like getting XP and grinding.
Similarly, some people may want to go to music festivals when young and may have parents on the authoritative side and wish (WHY CAN I NOT DO STUFF THE OTHER PEOPLE DO) but when you get your own money (visiting one or two) may be okay and after a while you do not feel like you are missing out on anything.
Remember that unless your parents take you there you literally have to pack food, check petrol and fill up petrol, drive by yourself on the motorway and then come back (hoping that there is no congestion, wait or traffic) and other stuff. Earning money is another thing since many white folks (I am not anti-white and white people are beautiful as well although I think that white privilege exists) and non-immigrant kids work early but that is because they have to.
Many Asians (IMO – In my opinion) take the gamble and work and tell their children to sometimes not work so that their children can maximize their time spent studying. I am not sure about this because I do not encompass the entirety of South Asian culture, viewpoints or perspectives although this may not mean that studying is all that you do because in many cases this pays off and being a part of a forum or culture may only take a few minutes a day.
How effing fking long does it take to make a tik-tok video mate; at the very least you are putting yourself out of your comfort zone. I have even heard of people role-playing to improve their pretend communication and mask-play (leave that for another time). Maybe not go overboard one a day is enough since occupation and money is a limiter for many creative types.
Music and art helps with cognitive dissonance and stuff but there is always a sense of longing in human existence and you can keep going with infinite art sometimes and not plug it up but it does sometimes improve self-confidence even when you do it once.
There is no one transcendent pyramid point, but one of the reasons for this is that human beings are like a paradox machine. We make rational proposals about how to survive in our at times irrational existence in our world that is comfortable compared to ancient times. (Challenge me on this if you want.)
Remember money is important (Mii) and the great game of culture is always ongoing.
A lot of people want to be pop stars or rappers but sometimes it is best to make a song randomly on YouTube (even if it's sht and get it over and done with.) A lot of people do this and then this kind of stuff loses it's appeal after a while (Look up the term wonderlust). At the end of the day a crisis is a terrible thing to waste and even the shit art increases Asian or South Asian visibility.
 If you wanna make art even if you make like a brown south asian stick figure in 1 minute and post it on a site then that is increasing visibility. My example is degenerate as pornography ruins lives IMO (In My Opinion) (although I won’t judge you for it) but visibility is still often visibility. If you want to play it safe you could take pictures of anything (a flower or hindu statue (I do not know if this is often allowed) and put it up as a royalty and copyright free image online) that some activist or incidental creative could use in the future while you sleep.  Who know’s when.
If you really feel that strong about an issue maybe donate back home to India, or an Asian company or something. Though it may be good to check whether it is grassroots or artificial.
Please feel free to challenge me or comment.
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hiitssumbody · 1 year
Women's Power in Song
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As we know, feminism is one of the main topics that people discuss, and there are many instances where feminist topics are still being applied today, like girls still play with dolls or anything that women do has to be something women-related (meaning a task that is only for men). As media is becoming more advanced, one of the ways where people represent feminist topics is by song.
Feminism in music discusses (preferably) woman singers expressing their emotions about woman empowerment and gender equality through a song. These songs have messages that tell women that they can be anyone they want to be today, or they can do things that men can do. According to an essay from Cedarville University, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” (Reitsma 5). There are female singers such as Beyonce, Lesley Gore, Gloria Gaynor, and others that express their feelings about women empowerment gender equality.
Music back then would show an artist's life story, and this can also be misjudged as just being entertainment rather than a message to certain people. With feminism back then talking about how men can only do men stuff, and women can only do women things, music was one of the ways to show that this rule does not exist. An article researching the relationship between two famous women music groups talks about how each group has their share on singing their opinions on girl power, where the interviewer of this article states "I wish to privilege the voices of the women who shared their childhood, teenage, and young adult experiences with the variant feminist discourses of girl power." (Hains 11).
While music plays an important part in media, this trend of women empowerment still happens today. According to authors of Disruptive Divas, Burns and Lafrance, "The listener is confronted with the musicians and the problems of producing music in a very ‘immediate’ way, such that we cannot simply treat this as musical entertainment" (Burns and Lafrance 3). Today, known music that talks about feminist topics are being seen as more of a message instead of something to listen to.
More popular songs we hear today expresses the singer's emotions about past experiences they have or just singing with an upbeat tune. We also have some popular women artists who want to discuss their own views of society, and while some people just hear this as something they find catchy, others who listen closely can hear the message the singer is trying to convey. A study from SUNY (a university in New York, where the actual location is unspecified) shows us how different female listeners have listened to songs based on gender and sexuality for women, where one listener says the following: "Thus, a libertarian critique would show support for Rihanna and her music, making the argument that each woman’s desires are her own and that every woman has the right to perform her gender and sexuality any way she chooses." (Glantz 15).
Throughout the years, these hidden messages in music has came across others to feel that they are included in the song as they are likely experiencing the same issue. A quote I found that also relates to how every women has a right to choose how they represent gender and sexuality is this: "At first glance, this may seem less oppressive than the traditional logic of gender identification: instead of judging what you look like, which you don’t have a lot of control over, these algorithms judge your behavior, something over which you have purportedly complete control." (James 13). When we see marginalized groups being judged based on being who they are, then it sets the mood for themselves on how they act, but this can change by showing that not every person is like this.
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Beyoncé - Run the World (Girls)
We have a couple of songs from Beyoncé that talk about women, this being one of them. In the chorus, we hear "Who run the world? Girls (girls)", which sets the mood for who this song is direct to, and that is...well, girls. While this may sound threatening to men, it does not as in the lyrics, Beyonce states "Boy, I'm just playing Come here, baby Hope you still like me, F you, pay me", which implies that she wants men to respect her for being herself.
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Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - Bad Reputation
Here is another song that represents feminism. The singer, Joan Jett, has had a reputation of having a "bad girl" image, which caused her to be ignored by music labels. She proceeded to write this song to tell people who experience this to live life to the fullest, and she "don't give a damn 'bout her reputation" (one of her lyrics in her song).
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Ariana Grande - God Is A Woman
In this song, we see that Ariana Grande depicting religious beliefs, and giving the message that "God is a woman". This would give the idea for someone on how they view God, and many interpretations have been brought up, one of them discussing God's gender. If we think about Ariana Grande's perspective, she wants to let the world know what she things of God, and this will make others question their own beliefs, though it is not subject to change how they view God in the first place.
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Disney Channel Stars - Legendary
Our last example comes from the Disney Channel Stars, where some of the women from the network sing this song. The chorus lyric, "We can be legendary", tells us how females can make their mark from participating in sports, events, etc. In the music video, we see one person playing basketball, and another in a science fair. What I like about this video is that it shows how they win and how they lose, where even though they did lose, they can still keep trying because you cannot win all the time. A line that stands out during the bridge is, "Make history into her-story", which shows that women can and will put their names in the books.
SO, why is this a problem, you may ask? When it comes to popular media, feminism became one of the most important topics around the world, and the reason it has become popular is because many people online share their experiences regarding this topic. Women were only told that they only do stuff based on stereotypes, and one of the ways that views were changed was through music. Women singers share their experiences about feminism and lets the message spread towards people who have the same experience. Another reason this is a problem is because women did not have the opportunity to really share their stories, and did not have much confidence in telling it, so women empowerment in music has changed this.
So, what was the point of this post you may ask? There are many cases where feminism is still a trending topic, and to show that women are capable of doing things that men do, Many celebrities share a message through song that women should not give up and do the things that they like. Do not let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do, but to give yourself confidence and keep going, even if you lose. There are many other songs that are known as "female anthems" today, and it does not hurt to listen to them if you need some confidence boost.
Thank you for reading!
Burns, L & Lafrance M (2002). Disruptive Divas: Feminism, Identity, and Popular Music. University of California Press. Accessed April 17, 2023.
Reitsma, K (2014). A New Approach: The Feminist Musicology Studies of Susan McClary and Marcia J. Citron. Cedarville University. Accessed April 16, 2023. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=music_and_worship_student_presentations
Glantz, J (2011). Women in Popular Music Media: Empowered or Exploited? SUNY. Accessed April 17, 2023.
James, R (2020). Music and Feminism in the 21st Century. Music Research Annual. Accessed April 17, 2023.
Hains, R. C. (2014). The Significance of Chronology in Commodity Feminism: Audience Interpretations of Girl Power Music. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group. Accessed April 18, 2023.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
jimin will be just fine i think, the same people who would have bought his album will as far as the already bts fans go...it's what they are going to do about engaging new people that has me worried. I love jimin I do, I think he is cute in any form he comes in, but that mullet bang hair cut will do him NO favors in the usa. people wonder why radios/new fans/ the public in general don't care for bts....it's because butter, dna, ptd are not songs that are going to be popular nor do any of them deserve a grammy. I would not have been a fan if i had not come around in 2016 and found them. those songs man, the world they created...i wish they could have performed songs in the usa on radio charts now what they did from 2016 to 2017. the world missed out if they aren't willing to look pass the superficial packaging we got with these newer songs that were the only ones to really grace the radios globally.
I also believe that being on the cute side won't really catch much people's attention if we're talking about the US. There can totally be a generally objective conversation about it, and acknowledging facts does in no way mean anything about Jimin. The US music industry is very much sex oriented, most things that blow up (that aren't Taylor Swift) are very sexual. And even Taylor had a really long phase of her career where people talked about her dating life more than they talked about her music. The amount of female rappers like Cardi or Megan that have driven the music industry for the past years... it all has a reason. It's either sex or drama. Even with kpop or when it comes to BTS members themselves, people do flock more eagerly towards something/someone sexy. So, yeah I agree that mullet and bangs and a cute sweet attitude don't really go a long way when it comes to "first impressions" outside of Korea. This doesn't mean anything particular about Jimin himself as an artist or person, it just talks about what people are more easily attracted to. If I think about Jimin's brighest moments, those that "will go down in history" (as far as people's memories go) it's always been colored hair or a sophisticated hairstyle, and really just quite different from mullet and bangs. It's not even about the hairstyle itself tbh because JK rocks it a very different way. I think it might actually be one of JK's best haircuts yet. But on Jimin it really does make him look so much younger ahahsjhfsjd
That, as a general commentary. None of that opinion actually speaks about the music or his performances. That hasn't happened yet, and I'm sure everyone will be discussing that in due time. Maybe he won't have black hair or a mullet and bangs for when he gets to post-release schedules. I don't know. I personally hope he won't, especially if he'll do promo in the US. As someone brought up in a different ask, his hair was blonde for some time in December.
On the other hand, I think here's where what you said comes into play "the world missed out if they aren't willing to look pass the superficial packaging we got with these newer songs that were the only ones to really grace the radios globally." So, like even if Jimin does promo with a vest and bangs, maybe someone will look pass the superficial packaging and check out his music. I think also that it's just brilliant that he already has a reputation of being an amazing performer and having great music, because just as first impressions are important, reputation also has a lot of weight when people decide to check out a new song or not. If you've liked someone's work once, you will come back for more and that is a universal truth, no matter how differente we all are, we're all the same in that matter.
DNA... that's mother, I'm sorry. I still feel a rush of dopamine when I hear the whistle at the beginning. I wholeheartedly agree about PTD and butter, to my own personal taste; but I'm fairly sure that BS&T for example wouldn't have blown up because it wasn't an english song. It's fair to acknowledge that they got so much more "out there" in the USA after dynamite and butter, even if the songs aren't of the greatest quality. It was huge for BTS career. And that's one example of how talking about certain facts doesn't change other things. It was their greatest moment in terms of success and achievements, but personally they were all struggling and really just feeling done with the group.
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ecenvs3000w23 · 1 year
The Art of Interpretation
Art is something that I am unfamiliar with. When you are a science major, the most “art” one does is usually poster creation. However, I have come to realize I do have the urge to create “art”, mainly for entertainment purposes (although I possess zero arts skills). Recently, for example, I have drawn a combination of a meme and a character from a video game I play for fun and to make others in the community laugh. 
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My poorly drawn interpretation of if Hilde (from Counterside) was the salad cat meme.
From such experiences and the readings, as a person that has passion from nature, art can be a great means to spread such passion and experience, especially to those that may not be as passionate. Think of it this way, for a person that is living in a grey urban world, a painting of the untouched nature may captivate and invoke many inspirations and themes. 
The overall goal of interpretation is to reach out to people and enrich their experiences while inspiring and captivating them (Beck et al., 2019). Art can do very well. It helps the person to absorb a thing rather than to learn and people absorb what they enjoy (Beck et al., 2019). In essence, as a natural interpreter, art is an important tool to achieve the goals of interpretation. 
Humanity has used the arts as a way to store culture and identity, ultimately connecting groups of people (Beck et al., 2019). As the textbook mentions, there is a Native American saying that if the “songs are not sung” and the “stories are not told”, you will end up with a dead land (Beck et al., 2019). Thus, art is a fairly universal concept and so I believe everyone has the right to interpret anything through art. 
When it comes to art, there is theatre, paintings, photos, music, story-telling, and much more. All of this can be related back to nature interpretation. For example, I thought it was genius and kind of sad in a way how the Glacier National Park, where climate change is so evident with the glaciers, used poetry. They used poetry to connect the tangibles affected by climate change (like the glaciers) to themes (intangibles) like change, loss, hope, and time which I thought was very powerful (Beck et al., 2019). 
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My photo of the New Years fireworks. This photo invokes (at least for me) emotions and themes of change, coming of age, time, and family.
As interpreters, one must be able to target all sensories of the human being in order to target a diverse audience (Beck et al., 2019). The arts allows this and targeting a diverse set of audience is only a good thing, especially for conservation as it draws attention to the environmental issues of today to many people (Beck et al., 2019). 
This all ties into the idea of “the gift of beauty”, in that interpretation should leave someone with the ability and desire to experience and sense the beauty in their surroundings (Beck et al., 2019). Art helps invoke many emotions and through all senses, in a fun, intellectual, and meaningful way. Art can help people see the beauty and the values of their surroundings in a way that is uncaptured by language and eventually leading to finding fulfillment and inspiration from their surroundings (van Boeckel, 2015) (Beck et al., 2019).   
In conclusion, as a human and a student of “Natural Interpretation”, I must make use of art, respectfully, to help people better connect with nature and their surroundings (“gift of beauty”), in ways that cannot be described by words. By invoking emotions through all senses, it can bring awareness to key environmental issues to a diverse audience.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2019). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. Sagamore Publishing.
van Boeckel, J. (2015). At the heart of art and earth: an exploration of practices in arts-based environmental education. Environmental Education Research, 21(5), 801–802. 
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suh4n · 2 years
The textbook definition of value is:
"The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something." (Google Dictionary, OxfordLanguages)
When we think of value in terms of objects, we can find examples of objects that may have special meanings or personal values for us. Not because of the objects worth in a capitalist aspect but because of the connection we have with it or the emotional value it might carry. Talking about who we are; we could actually say that not only our characteristics or where we come from form our identity, but also the things we value play a significant role in what makes us, us. In fact, it does not necessarily have to be a physical being to value something. As physiologically proven, we tend to hold onto things, sometimes a feeling even, although it does not affect us in a good way anymore, just because it is the only connection we have left to that thing or someone that it resembles to us.
This album was gifted to me years ago by my best friend, who I am no longer in contact with. She knew I liked Chopin, thus she got me this album. This was one of the last things that she ever gave me before I left the country. I did not have the chance to take a lot of stuff with me while coming here, however I still wanted to carry this with me because of the meaning it had. I even brought it here while starting university, it is still there on my shelf even now. I do not own a CD player so I am not able to physically get this album to serve its purpose, but the value it has for me is not about anything physical.
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What is knolling?
"Knolling is simply the process of arranging objects so they are parallel or at 90-degree angles. It helps keep everything organised and when photographed creates clean, noticeable images. The objects snapped are grouped together for a reason, they could all be related to a fashion look or share a colour palette, for example." (Blend Studios, 2021)
Objects That Represent Me
Objects we often use in daily life, things we can not leave the house without or the things we always keep around us could make a good example of a visual representation of who we are. This could be related to how we dress as our fashion sense is also a way of expressing ourselves, could be related to our profession or major, or things we simply enjoy and love having around. When all these are combined, it might already give someone an idea of what kind of person we are, because objects we value can tell a lot about us as discussed above.
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In my knolling image shown below, I tried to show the objects that I think represent me as they are the objects I usually carry with me or use the most which already could tell someone about my hobbies or interests, or the way I look even. Those being: a PS5 controller I use to connect to my iPad to play games, a brush pen, a pencil set (these three could already give someone an idea about my major), black nail polish, a spiky belt/bracelet (represents my fashion sense), and a guitar pick and headphones (which could give an idea about my other interests such as music).
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calumxkisses · 3 years
Us | c.h.
pairing: calum hood x f!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
summary: Michael and Crystal take you and Calum along to visit their wedding hall and it's the perfect location for a dance full of love.
a/n: am i obsessed with the idea of dancing with Calum? yes. let me know if you liked it. i'm still not really good at writing fluff imagines but i'm learning and i'll hopefully do better in the future.
you should read this imagine while listening to: us
“So, this is the wedding hall?” Calum asks as he enters looking around the room. The structure is huge, there is still a lot to do but some decorations have already been fixed.
“Yeah, there are a few things we would like to change but it’s pretty much gonna be like this.” Michael responds, walking inside the room and looking around.
“It's lovely, guys. It's like being in a fairy tale.” You whisper while looking around the room. Your fingers are barely intertwined with Calum's as you look at the room, admiring the ceiling and the windows overlooking the sea.
You turn to Crystal and notice a tear running down her face as she admires the room. A smile forms on your face as you see your best friend so happy, her dream is coming true and you couldn't feel more proud of her.
This marriage has overcome the strangest obstacles, the biggest certainly was having to be postponed due to a pandemic, but their love has never stopped in front of these, it has grown more and more and to be able to be among the witnesses of their love is among the things you are most grateful for.
The room is very large, has an oval shape and is surrounded by windows overlooking the sea. Some tables have already been set up and embellished, they are also circular in shape and have floral decorations in the center. The tablecloth is embroidered in lace, it is pearl white but the different colored decorations, which accompany the flowers in the center, make the table look wonderful and original, recalling Crystal's passion for plants.
The chairs that surround them, simple but still elegant, have ribbons that decorate them. They’re gold and white, yet their simple design makes them look gorgeous.
“We are going to talk to the wedding planner to fix some things, in the meantime you can stay here and see if there is something else that we should change.” Crystal's voice grabs your attention, as she approaches Michael and takes his hand in hers. The wedding planner is at the entrance, smilingly waits for the couple and, for a moment, you think that there can’t be a more beautiful job than being able to make the dreams of couples come true.
“Calum, can you check that the stereo is working? They told me they fixed it but I haven't been able to check it yet, you'd be doing me a big favor.” Michael asks as he leaves the room grinning and not leaving time to Calum to reply.
“Gotcha.” Your boyfriend replies, shaking his head in amusement and smiling.
As Calum approaches the speakers, you take another moment to admire the room.
Looking up, your breath locks in your chest as Crystal's gorgeous decorations leave you in awe. The ceiling, which was previously simply white and wooden, is decorated with strips of tulle hanging like waves, giving life to a sense of peace and softness. The stripes extend all over the ceiling, giving the impression of being in the middle of the clouds.
In addition to the tulle, in a delicate way, some threads of small lights descend from the ceiling, romantically illuminating the room and creating an intimate and unobtrusive atmosphere.
A small elegant chandelier hangs in the center of the room, it is gold and its light is not as strong as someone might think, it is ideal to keep the room more illuminated in the most important moments, but its presence is more scenic than functional.
Some leaves and some flowers come down intertwined along the edges of the windows, hiding the window frame and making the atmosphere of the room even more simple and elegant.
The main theme is certainly white and gold, but Crystal and Michael made sure to add a few more hints of color as well, in order to make the room less monotonous and more fairytale.
The light inside the room disappears, leaving only the small lights that descend from the ceiling on. You open your mouth to ask what happened, but the words do not come out as your gaze rests on the sea outside the room, calm as in the best days, while a wonderful sunset is reflecting on the clear water. The sky is painted orange and pink, some clouds are scattered in the sky and you no longer have any doubts on why your friends have chosen this location.
There is a sense of peace in the air and you feel like you are in a different world, in a world of calm and joy, while the land where you have lived in these difficult months seems a distant memory.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Calum whispers in your ear as his hands rest on your hips from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and looking outside.
“If it's a dream, please don't wake me up.” You whisper, closing your eyes and letting the sea air coming in through the window on your left, caress your face.
“I could never do that, you are too beautiful when you sleep.” You can see him smile as he whispers those words and, as every time he smiles, you smile too. There is something contagious about his joyful expressions, they warm your heart and you can't help but share them with him.
“Does the stereo system work?” You ask after a few minutes of silence, turning around to face him and leaving a quick kiss on his lips.
“Do you want to try it with me?” he asks with a smile, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and pressing a couple of buttons on the screen.
“What do you mean?” A confused expression forms on your face. The long lilac summer dress moves with every blow of the wind but the summer temperature makes sure that you don't feel cold.
Calum puts the phone back in his pocket and, after a few seconds, the first notes of your favorite love song can be heard throughout the room.
While you smile, your boyfriend clears his throat and, reaching out his hand, asks you: “May I have this dance?”
Your cheeks turn red and the muscles of your face stretch into an even bigger smile as you nod and grab his hand. Calum walks you to the center of the room and holds your hips, bringing you closer to him.
And, as the first words of one of the most beautiful love songs echo in the room, you rest your head on his chest and close your eyes as your feet move to the sweet rhythm of the music.
Sometimes I'm beaten
Sometimes I'm broken
'Cause sometimes this is nothing but smoke
Is there a secret?
Is there a code?
Can we make it better?
'Cause I'm losing hope
Calum had never loved dancing, at least not this much. His footsteps were limited to a few twirls and jumps on stage or some weird movement on the dance floor, when the alcohol level in his body was way too high to be ashamed of anything he was doing. He had always seen dancing as something that did not belong to him, an activity that stressed him more than it should, and he had never imagined that he could love it so much.
But after you arrived in his life, one of the moments he loves the most is to dance with you, at two in the morning, in the kitchen, to the notes of any love song you are obsessed with in that moment, in the peace of the silence and of the sleepless night, while Duke looks at you confused and waits for the right moment to come ask for cuddles.
The way you let him hold you, the way you let yourself be vulnerable in front of him, away from judging eyes, and the way he feels like protecting you, in the darkness of the room, makes him feel a sense of calm that he hasn' t felt for a long time before your presence in his life.
And even if he was the universe's worst dancer and the whole world was watching him, he’d still dance with you.
Tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how could I believe in something
I believe in us
Calum squeezes your hand tightly as, observing you with eyes full of love, he spins you in front of him. The sunlight lights up your face and the man in front of you is sure he has never seen anything more beautiful. You look like a Greek goddess, the kind you hear in stories and in history books, the goddesses who saved the bravest soldiers and helped them in the toughest feats.
This is how he feels, ever since he saw in you a friend - and then a girlfriend - more than an enemy, he saw his little world in fractions being put back into place, with delicacy and love, and he is ready to sacrifice his most important assets to always have you on his side.
The sun is slowly setting, making room for the moon and all its stars. Yet, with him holding you tight, it seems to you that the world has stopped.
After the wreckage
After the dust
I still hear the howling, I still feel the rush
Over the riots, above all the noise
Through all the worry, I still hear your voice
Calum would be able to describe every single moment he walked into the dark and you led his way out with your light. Whenever he had writer's block, whenever anxiety kept him from getting through his day, whenever his thoughts got too dark and the demons took over, you were there.
Your delicate hands caressing his face or the sweet melody of your voice whispering comforting words, Calum remembers every one of these moments, every single one.
When the world becomes too heavy and distressing, he knows that you will be by his side and that you will help him carry the heavy weight.
And when the insecurities make their way into him, you will always be ready to remind him that he deserves to be loved.
So, tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us
Tell me when the light goes out
That even in the dark we will find a way out
Tell me now 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us
Between dance steps, Calum lulls you slowly, the song continues to echo in your ears, and even your jaw relaxes. It’s so calming to not feel the weight of the world and the speed of time but to be able to enjoy this moment with a light heart and a head empty of all worries. In a society that runs fast and demands perfection from everything, having the opportunity to be able to stop and be left alone in love and peace is a luxury that cannot always be granted. Especially when your boyfriend is in an internationally famous band and you are trying to make your smaller, yet still of great value, dreams come true.
There is no worry about having to say the right words, having to wear the best clothes or just being yourself and praying to be accepted by millions of people who don't know you but who judge you as being part of your life.
‘She's not good enough for him’ or ‘He deserves someone more beautiful, with a perfect body, with a good mental health’ or even ‘She doesn't really love him, she does it for the money’ And there are also those gorgeous people he meets often, who work in some radio or who know mutual friends, and immediately those words written under your photos get inside you and make every certainty collapse.
You look at yourself into the mirror and you think they're right, that you're not perfect and that he really deserves one of those cover girls or someone who won't make him worry if you don't answer the phone. Insecurities that, however, under the sheets of a now familiar home, Calum makes you forget about.
And the words he whispers to you every day, the way he looks at you as if you were the most beautiful person in the world, the consideration he has of you, the notes he leaves on the table when he goes out or all those details that he pays attention to, they convince you that he doesn't care what size you are, the color of your skin or the negative thoughts that cross your mind, he loves you for your intelligence, for the kindness you carry in your heart and the delicacy with which you treat him, for the funny sound of your laugh and the way you make him feel in heaven, while reminding him to always keep his feet on the ground. And those comments, those ideas, disappear in the blink of an eye.
And now, like every time you’re with him, with your head on his chest and with his arms holding you, with the sea in the background and the lights that illuminate that corner of paradise that Crystal created, everything seems to be in the right place.
Used to be kids living just for kicks
In cinema seats, learning how to kiss
Running through streets that were painted gold
We never believed we'd grow up like this
Calum had never had good words to describe his love life. He had had love stories he was not proud of, toxic or in which he hadn't really felt strong feelings, and of the only good stories he had had, he didn’t like to tell about them because he was ashamed of how he had lived them. He believed that he hadn’t committed enough or that he hadn’t loved in the right ways.
So, he had decided not to try anymore, to put aside that desire to want to create something with someone and the more the people around him fell in love with and the more he thought about the effort he should have made, and all that stress made him forget the meaning to love. He didn’t want to meet anyone anymore, his life was good as it was.
And when you showed up awkwardly, in ruined makeup and wet clothes, Calum had thought of a thousand reasons why he didn't want to deal with you. Who shows up at an event dressed like this? What kind of girls does Crystal meet? And the way you talked about how your umbrella broke halfway and how you were about to be hit by a car didn't interest him. Calum just wanted to eat at that restaurant, pulled there by his best friends after a day spent in the studio.
And when the party moved to a friend’s house, it only bothered him how carefully you made sure you didn't spill your drink as you moved between dancing bodies and wagging dogs. He couldn't stand how you talked about life to Ashton, the love you put into describing the people who were part of it.
And when he saw you a few weeks later, he hated the way you greeted him and the way you worried about how he was doing. All too cheesy, too filmy and unrealistic.
But then, without realizing it, between one hateful look and another, Calum listened with interest to the way you talked about your passions and hobbies, how you described the places you had visited and the cities you dreamed of seeing. He laughed at you dancing and smiled when you paid attention to what people were saying around you, mentally marking down all the information to make sure to always ask the right questions.
And he found himself wanting the same attention from you, to see the smile you gave to others, dedicated to him. And so his answers to you became less and less cold and he had become less good at hiding his sweet eyes from you.
And even though every cell of his body was asking otherwise, to not feel another broken heart, Calum had decided to kiss you in the backstage of the iHeartRadio 2018, while you were wearing his leather jacket and moving his hair from the front of his eyes.
And the rest is history.
So, tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us
Tell me when the light goes out
That even in the dark we will find a way out
Tell me now 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us
And like when Emily Bronte said ‘Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same’, as in the case of your love, there isn't much to do. You cannot go against fate if two hearts are meant to spend the rest of eternity together.
There are no arguments, reasons or strong enough excuses to separate those who are connected by much more than just love. And that’s what makes you this close, that in the darkness of the world, in the hell of fear and anger, that strong feeling resists, and fighting together is always better than doing it alone.
It’s a strong love, ready to defeat everything that tries to divide it, ready to sacrifice the absolute good of one, in order to spend the rest of life in misery together.
Like the rebellious angels, who preferred an earthly love to the eternal glory of God, so you are bound to laugh and cry together, and there is nothing that can make you happier than that.
Calum turns you around one last time, whispering a compliment in your ear and making your laughter echo across the room. The sun has now set and the stars are taking its place, the lights that descend from the ceiling look like little fairies that got lost admiring your love and the room has taken the shape of a magical forest.
Your friends are at the door of the entrance, with eyes full of love they look at the two of you laughing together and their hearts melt to see you so in love and they can’t help but imagine themselves in your place, in a few weeks, ready to dance and share the same love that you and Calum are sharing.
Breaking the peace of that dream, with pride and a grin on his face, is Michael, clapping and laughing at the way your boyfriend is completely in love with you but also feeling happy to see him so positively changed. He takes a few steps toward you and you don't need to hear him speak to imagine the comments he's thinking, making you and Calum shake your heads smiling.
“Just so you know, I expect to see you dance like that at our wedding too.” Your best friend's sweet voice says as she points at you by moving her finger between you and your boyfriend.
You run toward Crystal, her pink hair is tied up in a low ponytail, with a few tufts running down her face. Her smile is big on her face, lighting up her joyful expression. You have a billion questions to ask her, most of them are about the choices they made for the final decorations and your heart is so full at thinking about your best friends getting married.
You’re too caught up in your happiness to notice Calum, just a dozen steps behind you, smiling to his bandmate while whispering: “I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“Well, you know what to do.” Michael responds by nodding with his head and looking proudly at his best friend.
“Will you help me organize the proposal?”
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vindelllas · 3 years
the beauty of shatabhisha ✨⭕️
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✨elizabeth berkley: shatabisha chandra
*A MAJOR TW FOR JUST ABOUT ANYTHING!! please put your mental health first and understand that nothing online is more important than your mental state love*
please also read my post on the mythology of rahu and ketu prior to reading this. it will allow you to better understand the nature of shatabhisha:
👄 shatabhisha lies in the heart of the aquarius rashi. aquarius, being ruled by shani, creates a beautiful juxtaposition of exotic and hypnotizing features that garner the attention of the masses. in general, they could have basic features, but it is almost as if a magnetic film adorns their body to attract the attention of others. their facial structure is typically quite chiseled. shani is said to govern the bones, so they will particularly have great bodily structure overall, especially since aquarius is said to rule the legs (particularly the lower part of the legs). they prefer to have very prominent brows, depending on their time frame, their eyebrows are either very thin (1940s-60s, 90s-00s) or quite bushy (70s, 2010s-). rahu rules the mouth, lips, and teeth. you will notice that many shatabhisha natives will have famous scenes that involve the use of their mouth. such as, sarah michelle-geller’s famous kissing scene in “cruel intentions”, alicia silverstone’s famous chewing gum scene in “clueless”, winona ryder chewing licorice in “heathers”, etc.. even shatabhisha native cindy crawford was known for her pouty lips and has her own lipstick campaign. thanks to the suggestion of the lovely @/vediclover8 on twitter, popular model khawlah al anezi, shatabhisha chandra, has very prominent lips and often takes close-up pictures with her lips being the vocal point of the photograph. according to the bible, the lips denote the interior things of a person, their internal worship, from which is adoration, it is even used to represent a prophet. in the given passage below, the prophet’s lips were touched, and, thus, his iniquity was taken away and his sin expiated. this action is representative of our interior being signified by the lips, denoting charity and its doctrine.
💋Jehovah shall smite the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked (Isa. 11:4).
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✨khawlah al anezi: shatabisha chandra
💄 there is great abundance within the lips. some cultures even believe the lips of a person to be the karaka of their soul. you may tell a great deal of a person based on their lips. hence, why shatabhishas (and other rahu natives) typically obtain larger lips, or other dramatic facial features in general. they wish to transcend cosmic perfection and embody the surreal beauty that almost hurts to look at. they want to be a dream-like being. it’s not unusual for them to favor dramatic facial features, as shani bestows this naturally to his nakshatra natives. however, rahu adds this insatiable and vain desire to obtain his wishes. this insatiable need to embody the collective desire influences them to work hard to obtain what they view to be perfection. they are no stranger to plastic surgery, intense work out routines (they typically have a good respiratory system for this, as rahu is the karaka of the lungs), and makeup and skincare. think of the shatabhisha natives like rihanna who owns tu the multimillion fenty skincare and makeup company or kesha who owns kesha rose, a new makeup line.
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✨alicia silverstone: shatabhisha surya
🐉 however, shatabhisha does not want to embody the male fantasy or the status quo. unlike ardra, who wants to devote themselves to their partners, and swati, who naturally embodies the male fantasy. shatabhishas attract high levels of sexual attention because they cater to their own fantasy. this is because shatabhisha is the veil that separates us from the physical and astral plane. this veil subconsciously draws in the adoration and favor of the masses. recall prince, frank sinatra, and elvis presley—who are all shatabhisha natives. they have this highly transcendental nature that transports you to a time of simplicity and deep love. the masses view shatabhishas as this ideal being, this causes many of these natives to feel a great deal of pressure and have many cyclical patterns in their shadow state. what once gave them freedom becomes an entrapment ⭕️. this is why we see these natives reach a level of despair or destruction in their lives. their rahuvian fantasy they created becomes adopted by the masses and popularized. due to the grossing popularity of the traits that once brought individuality to the shatabhisha native, it loses it’s appeal after awhile and people are left continuously craving more from them. examine the undertone shifts of shatabhisha’s music below. you will notice this freshness and unique quality to their earlier music and a dull sense of finality in their later works:
🐎 elvis presley (shatabhisha chandra): “jailhouse rock” (1957) and “blue eyes crying in the rain” (1976)
🐎 prince (shatabhisha chandra): “raspberry beret” (1985) and somebody’s somebody (1996)
🐎 THE MOST SHATABHISHA ARTIST - johnny cash (shatabhisha surya and buddha): “i walk the line” (1957) and “hurt” (2002)
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✨alice pagani: shatabhisha surya
⭕️ as discussed earlier, shatabhisha is the cosmic circle. they either have the choice of remaining in this cyclical state or transcending the confines of repetition. because shatabhisha is the height of rahu, the planet of obsessions, they fall prey to many behaviors and tools that rely on addiction and fiendish behaviors. the undoing and unraveling of these natives will be because of their craving for escape from being the middle man between the astral and physical planes. this escape typically comes in the form of addiction to drugs. drugs give these natives the false illusion of breaking the cosmic cycle and finding expansion in imprisonment. prince was addicted to percocets; michael jackson (shatabisha lagna) was addicted to opioids; johnny cash was addicted to cocaine; elvis presley was addicted to opiates and codeine; even the first men to have written about the scientific usages of cocaine, amerigo vespucci had shatabhisha ketu and karl koller had shatabhisha surya and shukra. the most famous drug lord billionaire pablo escobar had shatabhisha lagna. you will also find the primary reasoning for shatabhisha’s death is drug-related. this correlates to the meaning of ouroboros.
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✨samantha robinson: shatabhisha chandra
🐍 the insatiable head of rahu and the cyclical expanse of the cosmic circle itself is reminiscent of ouroboros. ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating it’s own tail. this symbol originated in ancient egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition by greek traditions and became a prominent symbol for gnosticism, alchemy, and hermeticism. the term ouroboros derives from the greek term οὐροβόρος, οὐρά means 'tail' and βορός means'-eating'. it is a symbol often interpreted as the eternal cyclic renewal or the cycle of life, death, and rebirth (themes of shatabhisha). it’s symbolism has been used to describe the kundalini. the yoga-kundalini upanishad, defines this correlation as “the divine power, kundalini, shines like the stem of a young lotus; like a snake, coiled round upon herself she holds her tail in her mouth and lies resting half asleep as the base of the body”. the shedding of a snake’s skin also symbolizes the renewal of self, the snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol in some religions, and the tail of the snake is a phallic symbol, the mouth is a yonic or womb-like symbol. which correlates to rahu being symbolized by the mouth; shatabhisha being of the most feminine and expansive yoni: the horse yoni; and rahu’s mahavidya, chinnamasta.
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✨samara weaving: shatabhisha chandra
🩸 according to the panchatantra grantha, once parvati went with her friends, dakini and varnini, to take a bath in the mandakini river. parvati was elated and enveloped with love, causing her complexion to darken. her friends became hungry and asked parvati to give them some food. parvati asked them to wait and said that she would feed them soon and began walking. soon, her friends once again asked her for food and told her that she was the mother of the universe and the children. they used this reasoning to demand that their hunger be satiated immediately. the lovely parvati laughed and with her fingernail slit her own head. the blood immediately spurted into three directions. her two friends drank the blood from two of the directions and parvati herself drank the blood from the third direction. because parvati cut off her own head, she is known as the tantric mahavidya chinnamasta. chinnamasta is said to symbolize the courageous efforts needed to make the most inconceivable sacrifice for those you love. parvati’s severed head symbolizes the liberation of shatabhisha. as a person’s individual identity is a state of conditioning or limitation, dependent on qualities, think of shatabhisha natives’ susceptibility to illusions and narcotics. the action of decapitation reveals the true maternal being of the feminine yoni that is shatabhisha. which is unconditioned, infinite, and boundlessly free. this symbolism of freedom is reinforced by the aquarius rashi (the natural eleventh house of limitless gains) and chinnamasta’s nudity. her nudity symbolizes that she cannot be covered or contained by any garment, due to her finding abundance in infinity and self-government. to chinnamasta’s left, dakini is black and, to her right, varnini is red. chinnamasta herself is white. these three colors, black, red, and white, represent the three gunas. all three gunas belong to prakriti, the principle of materiality of all nature itself. it denotes that nothing exists or is birthed without the mother (parvati). it is she who is responsible for the limitless abundance of earth and satiates her children with her warm blood, like the milk of a mother or prana.
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✨winona ryder: shatabhisha chandra
*i understand that many of you do not follow me on twitter so i want to include a revised thread on shatabhisha i made recently*
🌌 shatabhisha is the nakshatra of limitless possibilities. it is symbolized by the empty circle and a thousand stars/flowers. the deity of shatabhisha is varuna, the deity of the cosmic and terrestrial water, the sky and earth. he is the mystical healer and the lord of maya (illusion). shatabhisha is the final vimshottari nakshatra of rahu. it is here, rahu is calmed by shani, as shatabhisha lies in the aquarius rashi. aquarius is the natural auspicious eleventh house of the zodiac, the house of gains and strong income. it is the house of one’s aspirations and desires. indastro says the the eleventh house is the 5th from the 7th house, which represents our desires, thus, it refers to the fulfillment or the defiance of desires, which is why it is called the house of gains. the eleventh house is also representative of your social environment. this is why shatabishas, which lies in the heart of aquarius, naturally are aware of the desires of others and help you realize what you wish to do in your lifetime. friendship is important to them and likely comes easy to them, almost to the point of obsession.
💐 in the netflix show “baby”, shatabhisha surya native alice pagani plays an underage pr*stitute who ends up befriending an “innocent” and seemingly kind girl (chiara). alice lives a life of not caring about the consequences of her actions, failing school, drinking alcohol, and being an esc*rt. chiara lives a life of craving perfection, great grades, and promise. alice’s character exposes chiara to her world of sugaring. although reluctant to the lifestyle at first, chiara begins to become obsessed with the sugar lifestyle and it becomes the only thing she wants. alice’s character starts to slowly feel trapped by that lifestyle and no longer wants to participate in those behaviors. in the movie “une fille facile”, sofia (played by shatabisha surya native zahia dehar) plays an esc*rt who stays with her innocent cousin in the summer. sofia is promiscuous, care-free, and marches to the beat of her own drum. whereas, her cousin is depicted as a nervous, intelligent, and “pure” person. sofia enjoys taunting older men and enjoying the luxuries of sugaring. her cousin idolizes her lifestyle and wants to be exactly like her, copying her style and even getting her exact same tattoo. chiara and alice pagani’s characters get matching tattoos as well (more on rahu’s tattoo symbolism below). sofia’s cousin becomes obsessed with sofia and, due to amounting circumstances, sofia can no longer take her wanton lifestyle and up and leaves her cousin.
⛓ in “baby”, we saw shatabhisha native alice exposing her friend to the world of sugaring. in “une fille facile”, sofia, another underage esc*rt, exposes her innocent cousin to the world of sugaring. in both storylines, the innocent friend becomes entrenched by the enamoring powers of such a dangerous and expansive lifestyle of shatabhisha and becomes obsessed with both them and their lifestyle. whereas, the shatabhisha natives eventually wake up and realize that the life they are living is what they no longer want. however, their friends are now completely obsessed with their newfound taste of freedom and take issue with leaving their the shatabhisha old friend’s lifestyle. the shatabhisha native ends up feeling trapped and reaches a breaking point and leaves. this is because rahu is the planet of obsession and desires. he is quickly fueled by the magnetic popularity he receives in the eleventh house, but these natives quickly feel trapped and restricted by what they once regarded as their friends.
🪞see, varuna reminds me of the esoteric meaning of the mirror, i know the mirror is said to be inherently venusian, but there is power in the vibrations of your reflection. mirrors are directly linked to the astral plane and are a neutral, but illusionary, device as well. it is all about the vibrations you put into the mirror, because you will receive it directly back. the obsession of one’s appearance and outer reflection is here in shatabhisha. until, eventually, they either embrace the ouroboros and kundalini powers of maya or snap. the limitless expansion within themselves creates this unnerving attraction and causes many individuals to crave to see the shatabhisha native they so wholeheartedly desire staring back at themselves in their reflection. it is like the expansive nature of shatabhisha causes those around them to become consumed and reborn by the shatabhisha native’s ether. it is literally like they give life (whether it is positive or negative) to people. people will resent their unbelievable beauty and carefree nature and people will then walk all over them for it. how the shatabhisha native reacts to this is entirely up to them.
🔪 some other examples of this is are shatabhisha chandra native alice silverstone as ‘cher’ in “clueless” (as suggested by @/vanillemercure on twitter). cher is depicted as a popular and upbeat teenager who has a special penchant for fashion. cher decides to makeover the new girl in school: tai. she tries to make tai into a popular, more fashionable girl. tai was originally quite impressionable and looked up to the opinions of cher. once she was made over, people began to notice her more and fawn over her beauty. this eventually goes over her head and causes her to start to neglect cher and not care about her. due to cher and tai’s fight over a boy, cher reaches a breaking point and realizes the life she truly wants to live and the love she longs for. in “cruel intentions”, shatabhisha chandra sarah michelle-gellar plays kathryn. kathryn seems like your stereotypical shallow rich girl with dark tendencies. she does not care for following the rules and lives as she pleases. she makes a seductive deal with her frenemie sebastian to see if he can take the v*rginity of the new headmaster’s daughter. only, once sebastian starts to get to the know the headmaster’s daughter, he realizes the cruelty of their wager. kathryn is outted for her terrible and harsh past and habits. her reputation (illusion/maya) is completely shattered and destroyed. winona ryder (shatabisha chandra) played ‘veronica’ in the film “heathers”. veronica is a part of the most popular clique at her high school, but she disapproves of the other girls' cruel behavior. when veronica and her new boyfriend, j.d., confront the leader of the popular clique and accidentally poison her, they make it appear a suicide. veronica realizes that j.d. is intentionally killing students he does not like. eventually, she too reaches a breaking point, after stopping j.d. from killing the whole school. she stops trying to fit in with popular clique and realizes life truly has both none and infinite meanings. the same applies to her character in the movie “girl, interrupted”. shatabisha chandra samara weaving plays ‘grace’ in “ready or not”. grace could not be happier after she marries the man of her dreams at his family's luxurious estate. however, she must hide from midnight until dawn while her new in-laws hunt her down with guns, crossbows and other weapons. grace desperately tries to survive the night and continuous comes up with clever ways to save her life. once grace survives the night, her in-laws still continue to try to kill her. however, they are unsuccessful and all attempts are ceased when they start to blow up in front of her. she laughs at their attempts, while she is covered in their blood. she has broken free from her in-laws heinous acts (the cyclical force) against her and embodied the devil himself (prying the veil between the physical and astral plane). shatabhisha is all about you reap what you sow. they are the expansive reality of maya. they are fully aware of the presence of the divine collective and the power of consciousness. they do not care about what is inherently evil or divine, as they know that life is essentially both. it transcends the need for labels. shatabhisha is rebirth and renewal. it’s obsession and transcendence. once they pass the defining stage of their life, they realize that most of the people in this world are just hollow shells bending to the will of the divine collective.
🌠 recall that the aforementioned characters are known for their independence, exactly like chinnamasta. people look to these natives and wish for them to behave as parvati, the cosmic mother. they want these shatabhisha natives to pour their essence into them to feed their uncontrollable longings. like dakini and varnini, their friends and the masses will continuously remind them of their needs and wants (recalling the eleventh house) and feel as if the shatabhisha native owes them happiness and fulfillment.
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✨sarah michelle-geller: shatabhisha chandra
💉 rahu is also associated with tattoos, especially the ardra nakshatra. as ardra is the planetary intermingling of the energies of rahu and buddha. buddha, who is also known for bestowing a love for tattoos, is a friend of rahu. rahu is illusionary in nature so the natives of rahu pay great attention to their appearance. in ardra, we see the use of tattoos to simply express who they are. like ardra native margot robbie who has stated many times she enjoys tattooing smiley faces on the toes of her friends. in swati, we see them using tattoos to help reinforce their image. think of swati native adriana lima who has a curved, sharp tattoo on her left ankle. she reportedly got this tattoo during her “rebellious” years and wanted something to commemorate it. in shatabhisha, we see these natives want to adorn themselves with something that is unique and conveys who they truly are. think of erykah badu (shatabhisha surya) who infamously got “allah” tattooed in arabic on her bare shoulders. rihanna (shatabhisha surya) who got the egyptian goddess isis under her breasts to pay tribute to her grandmother and matching star tattoos on the back of her neck to match her ex. this matching tattoo phenomena is a theme of shatabhisha. remember the matching tattoos in “baby” and “une fille facile”. victoria beckham (shatabhisha shukra and brihaspati) and david beckham got the same quote tattooed for their sixth anniversary. sophie turner (shatabhisha surya and mars) and joe jonas have several matching tattoos. macaulay caulkin (shatabhisha chandra) and paris jackson (shatabhisha brihaspati) got matching spoon tattoos. this all correlates to aquarius being the house of great friendship and rahu’s inclination for foreign bodily adornment and niche subcultures, birthing a significant need for finding themselves in hidden meanings (like tattoos, ouroboros, or other occultic topics).
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✨drew barrymore: shatabhisha surya
👁 in shatabhisha, you either free yourself from the demands of others and the cyclical nature of life (chinnamasta) or drown in illusion (varuna). i want to close with exploring more of the meanings of ouroboros. in norse mythology, the ouroboros appears as the serpent, named jörmungandr, one of the three children of loki and angrboda. jörmungdar grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth. according to the legends of ragnar lodbrok, the geatish king herraud offers a small lindworm as a gift to his daughter, рora town-hart, the lindworm grows into a large serpent which encircles his daughter’s bedroom and bites itself in the tail. the serpent is then slain by ragnar lodbrok who marries the daughter. ragnar later has a son with another woman named kráka. his son is born with the image of a white snake in one eye. the snake encircled his iris and bit itself in the tail, and, thus, the son was named sigurd snake-in-the-eye. amongst the indigenous people of south america, they believe that the waters at the edge of the disc-shaped world are encircled by a snake, particularly an anaconda, biting its own tail. even in the book of leviathan, the leviathan is a singular creature with no mating partners, whose “tail is placed in its mouth". the phenomena of ouroboros even goes back as far as the poems of kalir (a hebrew poet who wrote classical verses) in the 6th-7th centuries CE. the indigenous people of south america’s emphasis of the circulation of an anaconda around the earth is reminiscent of varuna (the deity of shatabhisha). varuna is the god of the oceans like the anaconda snake who theoretically encapsulates the ocean. varuna’s vehicle is the makara (the crocodile) like the movie “lake placid vs. anaconda”, starring yancy butler (shatabhisha ketu). it is a cheesy film about a town sheriff who has to find a way to kill a gigantic crocodile and anaconda before they kill and destroy the whole town. this is the essence of the uncontrollable nature of varuna. he is a deity that believes in the equilibrium harmony between the “good” and “bad”. these descriptive adjectives do not even exist to varuna, as he is the fluidic being of ether and water. he will allow you to reach your fullest potential and guide you through your earthly desires. hence, sigurd snake-in-the-eye who was born of the earthly desire of his father to move onto another woman. the child received a snake in his eye, both symbolizing the circulatory nature of shatabhisha and rahu’s bestowment of mesmerizing and maya-like (illusionary) eyes. this is due to the eyes being reportedly a “window to the soul”. the more captivating and mesmerizing your eyes are, the more intoxicating and beautiful your soul may seem.
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✨cindy crawford: shatabhisha surya
as always, i am open to any constructive criticism! i tried to touch on the appearances, manifestations, and symbolism of shatabhisha and i hope i did these hypnotizing natives justice! shatabhisha is genuinely such an expansive, captivating, and transcendental nakshatra ⭕️🐍 these natives seem to always give off a completely otherworldly presence via their exotic features and them being the cosmic veil. if you are looking for more information about shatabhisha, get to know the overrulers and supreme deities of saturn, yama (god of death) and prajapati (the creator) and rahu, durga (the goddess of power) and the serpent god. also—and i cannot stress this enough—familiarize yourself with the deity of this nakshatra: varuna. if any of my placements or information are incorrect please feel free to let me know! also, i am fully aware of the origins of vedic astrology and if i was in anyway disrespectful to hindu culture, i will take down this post immediately xx
**all of these placements were found using astrotheme/.com and/or astro-charts/.com. it is important to note that some chandra (moon) placements may be off by up to 6 degrees and lagnas (risings) as well, due to the fact that many websites do not have 100% accurate birth times for the given celebrities.
**i take absolutely no credit for the invention of vedic astrology-based appearance profiles. please watch claire nakti on youtube or look into @/cn0bles, @/lovejustlied, @/dh4nishta, and @/vanillemercure on twitter for more in-depth analysis on vedic astrology xx
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On Lesbianism
I’ll state it at the top here, because many have not understood my stance. The purpose of this essay is not to say that Lesbian cannot mean “Female homosexual.” Rather, my objective is to show that Lesbian means more than that single definition suggests. Female Homosexuals are lesbians, unless they personally do not want to use that label. Now, on with the show: Lesbianism is not about gatekeeping, and I don’t want to have to keep convincing people that the movement popularized by someone who wrote a book full of lies and hate speech then immediately worked with Ronald Reagan is a bad movement. In the early ’70s, groups of what would now be called “gender critical” feminists threatened violence against many trans women who dared exist in women’s and lesbian spaces. For example, trans woman Beth Elliott, who was at the 1973 West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference to perform with her lesbian band, was ridiculed onstage and had her existence protested. In 1979, radical feminist Janice Raymond, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, wrote the defining work of the TERF movement, “Transsexual Empire: The Making of the Shemale,” in which she argued that “transsexualism” should be “morally mandating it out of existence”—mainly by restricting access to transition care (a political position shared by the Trump administration). Soon after she wrote another paper, published for the government-funded, National Center for Healthcare Technology — and the Reagan administration cut off Medicare and private health insurance coverage for transition-related care.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism is a fundamentally unsustainable ideology. Lesbianism is a fundamentally sustainable existence.
There used to be a lesbian bar or queer bar or gay bar in practically every small town — sometimes one of each. After surviving constant police raids, these queer spaces began closing even Before the AIDS epidemic. Because TERFs would take them over, kick out transfems and their friends. Suddenly, there weren’t enough local patrons to keep the bars open, because the majority had been kicked out. With America’s lack of public transportation, not enough people were coming from out of town either.
TERFs, even beyond that, were a fundamental part of the state apparatus that let AIDS kill millions.
For those who don’t know, Lesbian, from the time of Sappho of Lesbos to the about 1970′s, referred to someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. It was not only a sexuality, but almost akin to a gender spectrum.
That changed in the 1970′s when TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, working with Ronald fucking Reagan to ban insurance for trans healthcare.
TERFs took over the narrative, the bars, the movement, and changed Lesbian from the most revolutionary and integral queer communal identity of 2 fucking THOUSAND years, from “Someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy” to “A woman with a vagina who’s sexually attracted to other women with vaginas”
How does this fit into the bi lesbian debate? As I said, Lesbian is more of a Gender Spectrum than anything else, it was used much in the same way that we use queer or genderqueer today.
And it’s intersectional too.
See, if you were to try to ascribe a rigid, biological, or localized model of an identity across multiple cultures, it will fail. It will exclude people who should not be excluded. ESPECIALLY Intersex people. That’s why “Two Spirit” isn’t something rigid- it is an umbrella term for the identities within over a dozen different cultures. In the next two sections, I have excerpts on Two-Spirit and Butch identity, to give a better idea of the linguistics of queer culture: This section on Two-Spirit comes from wikipedia, as it has the most links to further sources, I have linked all sources directly, though you can also access them from the Wikipedia page’s bibliography: Two-Spirit is a pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people who fulfill a traditional ceremonial and social role that does not correlate to the western binary. [1] [2] [3] Created at the 1990 Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering in Winnipeg, it was "specifically chosen to distinguish and distance Native American/First Nations people from non-Native peoples." [4] Criticism of Two-Spirit arises from 2 major points, 1. That it can exasperate the erasure of the traditional terms and identities of specific cultures.           a. Notice how this parallels criticisms of Gay being used as the umbrella           term for queer culture in general. 2. That it implies adherence to the Western binary; that Natives believe these individuals are "both male and female" [4]          a. Again, you’ll notice that this parallels my criticisms of the TERF definition of Lesbian, that tying LGBT+ identities to a rigid western gender binary does a disservice to LGBT+ people,—especially across cultures. “Two Spirit" wasn’t intended to be interchangeable with "LGBT Native American" or "Gay Indian"; [2] nor was it meant to replace traditional terms in Indigenous languages.  Rather, it was created to serve as a pan-Indian unifier. [1] [2] [4] —The term and identity of two-spirit "does not make sense" unless it is contextualized within a Native American or First Nations framework and traditional cultural understanding. [3] [10] [11] The ceremonial roles intended to be under the modern umbrella of two-spirit can vary widely, even among the Indigenous people who accept the English-language term. No one Native American/First Nations' culture's gender or sexuality categories apply to all, or even a majority of, these cultures. [4] [8] Butch: At the turn of the 20th century, the word “butch” meant “tough kid” or referred to a men’s haircut. It surfaced as a term used among women who identified as lesbians in the 1940s, but historians and scholars have struggled to identify exactly how or when it entered the queer lexicon. However it happened, "Butch” has come to mean a “lesbian of masculine appearance or behavior.” (I have heard that, though the words originate from French, Femme & Butch came into Lesbian culture from Latina lesbian culture, and if I find a good source for that I will share. If I had to guess, there may be some wonderful history to find of it in New Orleans—or somewhere similar.) Before “butch” became a term used by lesbians, there were other terms in the 1920s that described masculinity among queer women. According to the historian Lillian Faderman,“bull dagger” and “bull dyke” came out of the Black lesbian subculture of Harlem, where there were “mama” and “papa” relationships that looked like butch-femme partnerships. Performer Gladys Bentley epitomized this style with her men’s hats, ties and jackets. Women in same-sex relationships at this time didn’t yet use the word “lesbian” to describe themselves. Prison slang introduced the terms “daddy,” “husband,” and “top sargeant” into the working class lesbian subculture of the 1930s.  This lesbian history happened alongside Trans history, and often intersected, just as the Harlem renaissance had music at the forefront of black and lesbian (and trans!) culture, so too can trans musicians, actresses, and more be found all across history, and all across the US. Some of the earliest known trans musicians are Billy Tipton and Willmer “Little Ax” Broadnax—Both transmasculine musicians who hold an important place in not just queer history, but music history.
Lesbian isn’t rigid & biological, it’s social and personal, built up of community and self-determination.
And it has been for millennia.
So when people say that nonbinary lesbians aren’t lesbian, or asexual lesboromantics aren’t lesbian, or bisexual lesbians aren’t lesbian, it’s not if those things are technically true within the framework — It’s that those statements are working off a fundamentally claustrophobic, regressive, reductionist, Incorrect definition You’ll notice that whilst I have been able to give citations for TERFs, for Butch, and especially for Two-Spirit, there is little to say for Lesbianism. The chief reason for this is that lesbian history has been quite effectively erased-but it is not forgotten, and the anthropological work to recover what was lost is still ongoing. One of the primary issues is that so many who know or remember the history have so much trauma connected to "Lesbian” that they feel unable to reclaim it. Despite this trauma, just like the anthropological work, reclamation is ongoing.
Since Sappho, lesbian was someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. For centuries, esbian wasn’t just a sexuality, it was intersectional community, kin to a gender spectrum, like today’s “queer”. When TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, they redefined Lesbian to “woman w/ a vag attracted to other women w/ vags”. So when you say “bi lesbians aren’t lesbian” it’s not whether that’s true within the framework, it’s that you’re working off a claustrophobic, regressive, and reductionist definition.
I want Feminism, Queerness, Lesbianism, to be fucking sustainable.
I wanna see happy trans and lesbian and queer kids in a green and blue fucking world some day.
I want them to be able to grow old in a world we made good.
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